Auspicious days for seedlings of cabbage in April. We determine the timing of planting cabbage for seedlings

Cabbage is grown in all regions of the Russian Federation. The vegetable is used fresh for the preparation of delicious, vitamin salads, side dishes are prepared from it, salted for the winter. To grow healthy cabbages on time, you need to know the intricacies of agricultural technology and the time of planting the plant on the site. Planting cabbage in open ground with seedlings lunar calendar has its own characteristics.

Information about the culture, varieties

Cabbage grows throughout Russia. The vegetable belongs to the cruciferous family. Cabbage leaves are wrinkled or smooth, with distinct veins. The root system of the plant is powerful, the roots are branched.

Cabbage has earned its popularity due to the high content of useful trace elements and vitamins of almost all groups. It is considered a low-calorie but nutritious vegetable, 100 g of cabbage contains 26 kcal. People who monitor weight can safely introduce it into their diet.

Today cabbage is used:

  • in cooking;
  • In folk medicine;
  • In cosmetology.

The use of cabbage contributes to:

  • Strengthening the immune system;
  • Normalization of the activity of the cardiovascular system;
  • Restoration of metabolism;
  • Decrease in body weight with excess weight;
  • Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, spleen;
  • Removal of excess fluid from the body.

On a note. Carotene, which is part of cabbage, has a rejuvenating effect on the body. The vegetable is an excellent antioxidant, removes excess substances and free radicals from the body.

cabbage in open ground

Cabbage varieties:

  • Leaf varieties (Beijing) - leaves of an elongated head of cabbage are used;
  • Broccoli is early ripening and cold-resistant, demanding for watering. It is cooked fresh or frozen for long-term storage;
  • Cauliflower is similar to broccoli - cabbage with very branched flowering shoots, which are used to prepare various first and second courses, ideal for freezing or preservation;
  • Headed (white, red, Savoy) - a vegetable with overgrown apical buds, which are used in cooking;
  • Kohlrabi is an early ripening variety, seeds can be sown until July, cabbage with a thickened stem. It is eaten;
  • Brussels sprout - a plant with small heads that form on the leaves, suitable for freezing.

Types of cabbage

To provide yourself with fresh cabbage all year round, it is recommended to grow varieties with different ripening periods:

  • Early varieties - planted several times per season, seeds are sown gradually, 2 times a week, you can leave a gap of 4 days;
  • Medium-late - landing is carried out 1 time in 2 months;
  • Late - landing is done in the middle of spring.

Early varieties of cabbage ripen by the end of June. In the third decade of July, you can harvest medium-late varieties, and in the middle of autumn, late varieties are harvested for the winter.

Planting cabbage according to the lunar calendar

Experienced gardeners, choosing the time for sowing seeds and planting seedlings in open ground, are guided by the lunar calendar. The influence of the moon on the growth and development of plants has been noticed for a very long time. Centuries of experience proves that there is a connection between the phase of the moon and plants. There are 8 lunar phases, but gardeners use quarters, which they call:

  • New moon;
  • Waxing Crescent;
  • Full moon;
  • Waning moon.

The moon, passing from one phase to another, can favorably or negatively affect one or another part of the plant (surface part, roots).

planting cabbage

Analyzing and systematizing all observations, a lunar calendar was compiled. On the waning moon, it is good to plant root crops, and on the growing moon, plants whose fruits are on the surface of the earth. If you focus on the lunar calendar when planting plants, you can get a rich harvest. The calendar takes into account the phase of the moon, the fertility of the sign and the time of the new moon and full moon.

General rules for planting cabbage according to the lunar calendar in open ground:

  • On the growing moon, seeds are sown and planted in open ground - this is a favorable time for land work;
  • If the moon is in the sign of Leo or Aquarius, then these days it is not recommended to work with seeds, seedlings, seedlings;
  • During eclipses (lunar, solar) it is undesirable to work in the garden.

The fertile signs of the zodiac are:

  • Fish;
  • Scorpion.

The signs that will provide an average harvest include: Capricorn, Taurus, Sagittarius.

Barren signs are: Aries, Aquarius, Gemini, Leo, Virgo.

fertile zodiac signs

auspicious days when to plant cabbage folk omens in 2018:

  • February - 5, 6, 7, 8, 19, 20, 21, 22;
  • March - 7, 8, 18, 20, 21;
  • April - 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 20, 21, 22, 23;
  • May - 8, 12, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24.

Unfavorable dates for sowing seeds, diving, transplanting seedlings into open ground in 2018:

  • February - 14, 15, 16;
  • March - 1, 2, 3, 16, 30;
  • April - 15, 16, 17, 29, 30;
  • May - 14, 15, 16, 28, 29, 30.

On a note. In the southern regions, you can plant seeds immediately in open ground. In the northern regions (Siberia), only the seedling method is suitable for planting on a garden plot.

Sowing dates according to the lunar calendar

Early dates for sowing seeds are suitable for the southern regions. If you sow cabbage in February, then in late March - early April, the seedlings will be ready for planting in open ground under a film.

cabbage seedling

In central Russia, early ripening varieties are sown starting from mid-March, late varieties are sown throughout April. sowing time for different types cabbage:

  • From mid-March to the end of May, you can sow broccoli and cauliflower;
  • Brussels sprouts are sown from the 20th of April;
  • From mid-March to the end of June, kohlrabi seeds are planted;
  • From March 10 to March 30, the ideal time for planting early varieties of Savoy cabbage, late varieties are sown at the end of March and until the second decade of April.

On a note. Seedlings are ready for planting in open ground 30-50 days after germination. Late varieties grow more slowly. The gardener, by the appearance of the seedlings, must determine the readiness for planting in the garden. If the seedlings outgrow, but the weather conditions do not allow landing on the site, then to slow down the development of the plant, you can lower the temperature regime or carefully pinch the tip of the seedling root, the plant will give all its strength to the root part, the ground will not grow so actively.

Sowing cabbage seeds for seedlings

Cabbage seeds should be laid out on a white plate and everything with cracks and damage should be removed. The second step in checking planting material is to sort out unsuitable seeds. To do this, add a spoonful of salt to 1 liter of water, stir the water, pour the previously selected seeds into it. The unviable seed will float to the surface of the water, while the good seed will sink. The floating seeds are carefully drained with water, the remaining ones must be transferred to a bag of gauze and rinsed under running water.

For disinfection of seeds, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is used. They are placed in a pink solution for half an hour, then washed in clean water. After the disinfection procedure, the seeds must be germinated to determine the percentage of germination of the future crop. Seeds are laid out on a damp cloth, kept moist for several days. It is important at this stage to prevent the emergence of too long seedlings, as this will create difficulties during sowing.

Cabbage seeds in potassium permanganate

For different varieties of cabbage, you need to select separate containers or pots. It is best to use peat cups or "snail" pots for seedlings of cabbage, so there will be no need to plant seedlings. If a common container or pot was used for planting, then the seedlings will need to dive. Planting soil can be purchased at garden stores or prepared at home.

The soil should be loose and fertile. To independently prepare the soil for cabbage seedlings, you need to take garden soil, humus or compost and peat in a ratio of 2: 1: 1, mix everything well. The soil should be light, breathable and nutritious. As an organic top dressing, you can additionally add wood ash (200 g per 5 kg of soil) to improve the quality of the soil.

Land for seedlings can be disinfected in several ways:

  • Treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • Pour boiling water;
  • Heat treatment in the oven.

On a note. After treatment, it is desirable to introduce biofungicides (Fitosporin) or bioinsecticides (Baikal-EM1), the preparations will restore the soil microflora and fill it with beneficial bacteria.

It is recommended to deepen the seeds into the ground by 0.5-1 cm, then pour from the spray bottle. The optimal temperature regime for seedlings is + 20-22 degrees. Germinated seeds give the first shoots after 2 days, the appearance of the first seedlings from unsprouted seed must be expected up to 5 days.

After the emergence of seedlings, the temperature is reduced to +15 degrees. Cabbage should be exposed to the sun or light for at least 14-16 hours a day. If the seedlings are on a shaded balcony, then a fluorescent lamp is used for lighting.

On a note. It is necessary to prepare a site for a cabbage bed in the fall. The earth is well dug up, cleaned of weeds. It is necessary to loosen the earth in the spring, before planting seedlings.

When to plant seedlings in open ground

The yield of cabbage depends, first of all, on the quality of planting material and timely planting on the site. Seedlings are considered ready for planting in open ground if the sprout has a strong trunk 10-15 cm in height and there are at least 3 pairs of true leaves.

Too tall and overgrown seedlings take root more difficult, often get sick. Approximately seedlings are planted, starting from the end of April, and at the beginning of May. The exact time of planting depends on the variety and weather conditions.

If the weather is sunny and warm during the day, in the morning there are slight frosts down to -3 degrees, then healthy seedlings under a film cover will not suffer. But in cold spring, long cloudy days, it is recommended to postpone plant transplantation.

Planting cabbage according to the lunar calendar will allow you to grow good harvest healthy heads of cabbage. Knowing when to sow cabbage folk calendar, favorable and unfavorable days for working with seeds, seedlings, many problems can be avoided when growing a vegetable. The use of the lunar calendar by experienced gardeners in practice proves that the phases of the moon affect the growth and development of plants.

Cabbage is considered one of the most popular garden crops. This plant has a significant growing season, so gardeners practice pre-growing seedlings to get a good harvest of vegetables. It is also necessary to choose the optimal days for planting this crop. Let's figure out which days are favorable for sowing cabbage in 2018, and which ones are best avoided. Experienced gardeners say that the time for sowing seeds will depend on the region of crop development and the variety chosen. From the moment of sowing the grains to moving the plants into open ground, 45-55 days should pass.

Favorable days for planting cabbage seedlings in 2018 according to the lunar calendar

When starting to sow cabbage, it is necessary to take into account some features:

  • early ripe varieties of vegetables must be sown from the last decade of February to the first days of March;
  • mid-ripening white cabbage is sown from mid-March to early May;
  • The recommended sowing time for late varieties is the first and second decade of the month of April.

The indicated dates of sowing seed material are indicative. Each gardener must take into account the characteristics of the selected variety, the ripening time of the crop, temperature and light conditions. Particular attention should be paid to the growing season of cabbage. So the harvest of early ripe varieties of vegetables can be harvested already after 3-4 months from the moment the first shoots appear, for medium-ripening crops this period increases to 5-6 months, for late cabbages - about 6 months.


by the most auspicious days February for sowing seedlings of all types of cabbage is considered from 5 to 18, as well as from 19 to 22 of the month.


When sowing crop seeds in March, you need to focus on the following dates: 7; 8 and 18, as well as numbers from 21 to 22.


Favorable dates for sowing cabbage seeds for seedlings in the middle of spring are the numbers from 4 to 6, from 8 to 10, as well as the period from April 20 to 23.

Unfavorable days for landing

People have long noticed the influence of the phases of the moon on the yield of garden crops. When planting plants on unfavorable days, the quantity and quality of fruits drops, so every gardener should know such dates. In 2018, it is not recommended to plant cabbage for seedlings or in open ground on the following dates:

  • February - 14, 15, and also the 16th;
  • March - from 1 to 3, as well as 16 and 30 days of the month;
  • April - from 15 to 17; 29th and 30th;
  • May - from the 14th to the 16th, as well as from the 28th to the 30th day of the month;
  • Cabbage cannot be planted in July from 12 to 14, as well as on the 29th;
  • Unfavorable days for July - from 12 to 14, 28.

seedling care

Cabbage seeds are sown in a shallow container with a drainage layer of eggshell or expanded clay and a nutrient substrate. The grains are placed in shallow furrows every centimeter, the distance between rows is within 3-4 centimeters. After sowing, the seeds are sprinkled with a thin layer of soil and moistened with a spray bottle. To accelerate the emergence of seedlings, the container is covered with a transparent film and placed in a room with a temperature regime of 18-20 degrees.

The emergence of seedlings can be seen already 5 days after sowing. Now you need to remove the shelter and start hardening the seedlings. To do this, young plants are transferred to a room with a temperature in the range of 8-10 degrees. A decrease in temperature prevents cabbage from stretching, but after a week the cultures are returned to the previous room. The temperature here is reduced to 14-16 degrees during the daytime and up to 9 degrees at night or in the presence of cloudy weather.

After the first true leaf appears in the plants, they dive into separate containers, for example, plastic cups or a special seedling box according to the 5 * 5 cm scheme. To prevent the appearance of a black leg, it is recommended to soak the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate Pink colour. The cabbage is again transferred to a room with a temperature regime of 18-20 degrees, which will contribute to better rooting. Two days later, the seedlings are hardened by reducing the temperature in the daytime to 12-14 degrees and to 9-10 degrees at night.

When growing seedlings in February or March, daylight hours are short, but crops need to receive 12 to 15 hours of light for normal development. In this regard, cultures are illuminated with phytolamps in the morning and evening two hours before sunrise and for the next two hours after sunset.

For normal development, seedlings must receive required amount nutrients from the soil. The first top dressing is applied after 8-10 days from the moment of germination, then every two weeks. It is best to use special preparations for this according to the instructions on the package.

Auspicious days for planting cabbage seedlings in 2018

Cabbage seedlings are transferred to open ground at 45-55 days of age. This process is preceded by hardening of seedlings, which begins two weeks before the expected date of transplanting crops to the garden or greenhouse. The first time the plants are taken out to the balcony or open air in the presence of warm weather for 15-20 minutes. Every day, the time spent by plants on the street is gradually increased, up to a day on the last day.

To the greenhouse

In a heated greenhouse, seedlings can be grown in accordance with the terms for ordinary premises. Cabbage is transplanted into an unheated greenhouse in April from 4 to 6, from 8 to 10, as well as from April 20 to 23. In any case, you need to focus on the long-term weather forecast.

In open ground

Cabbage seedlings are moved to the garden when stable warm weather is established and the threat of a return of spring frosts has passed. Usually this time comes from the middle of May. The most favorable period is from the 19th to the 24th.

Cabbage care after planting

Immediately after transplanting crops into open ground, plantings are recommended to be covered with agrofiber or spunbond. Such a shelter will protect the cabbage from possible frosts or the scorching rays of the sun. The non-woven material is removed after about a week, when the air temperature rises to +18 degrees. Further care of the culture consists in performing several simple operations:

  • watering plants with warm water;
  • fertilizing;
  • loosening row spacing;
  • protection of plants from diseases and pests.

Cabbage is considered a moisture-loving vegetable, in the presence of hot weather it is watered every two days. If the weather is cloudy - every 5 days. To prevent the formation of a dense soil crust the next day after watering, it is recommended to loosen the soil around the crop.

Advice! Laying mulch between rows will trap moisture and discourage weed growth.

After 12-15 days from the moment of transplantation, the plants are fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, for example, with a solution of saltpeter (5 grams of this substance per 10 liters of water). Consumption rate - 1 liter per bush. Instead, you can use organic matter, mullein infusion in a ratio of 1 to 5 with water or bird droppings - 1 to 10, respectively.

The second top dressing of cabbage is carried out during the formation of heads. At this time, crops especially need nutrients such as phosphorus and potassium. To prepare fertilizer in a bucket of warm water, mix 8-10 grams of potassium sulfate, 5 grams of urea and double superphosphate.

Recommended for pest and disease control folk methods, for example, plant garlic or marigolds between the rows. A good effect can be achieved when plantings are dusted with wood ash. The cabbage butterfly caterpillar can be destroyed by spraying the culture with infusion onion peel(200 grams of such a substance is poured into 2 liters of boiling water and insisted for 2 days). For better adhesion to cabbage leaves, 5-10 grams of liquid soap is added to the solution.

One of the gardeners' favorite vegetable crops is white cabbage. It is used for cooking delicious summer salads, for pickling and simply added to soups. It is not difficult to get a good harvest of cabbage: the main thing is to plant it on favorable days, properly care for the plants and remove the heads of cabbage for storage in time. Read more about the timing of sowing seeds in this article. So.

What date to plant cabbage for seedlings in May 2019

You can calculate the date of sowing seeds for seedlings according to the following scheme: date of planting in open ground - 25 days (seedling age) - 5 days (germination period). Usually, in the Urals, seedlings are planted in a garden bed in early June, when the threat of night frosts is minimal. That is, seeds are sown for seedlings in early May.

Secrets of a Big Cabbage Harvest

At first glance, there is nothing complicated in growing cabbage. It is enough just to plant seedlings in open ground and harvest in early autumn. But if you follow certain rules, then the yield increases significantly.

Now you know how to grow white cabbage outdoors. Have a good harvest this year.

Good day to all! We continue to continue to engage in our garden, or rather seedlings for it. This time we will talk about cabbage, about when and how to plant it, so that in the end it will please us with its rich harvest. After all, we can’t do without it, because without it you can’t cook delicious cabbage soup or.

Agree that this truly green vegetable has nothing to do with us. last place in our kitchen, because cabbage is very useful, and it is also well used in traditional medicine.

And if you have not planted others yet, then I remind you that this will need to be done in the near future, otherwise it will be too late. Use my tips and tricks and you will succeed.

After all, the main thing is still to correctly determine the timing of planting, but of course you will learn about this further, always focus on your region of residence and on favorable days according to the sowing calendar.

Of course, the first thing you will need to decide on the days of sowing seedlings of this culture. Let's start with this.

Important! Do not plant seedlings in January, it is very early, there is no need for such things!

It is worth remembering once and for all the estimated date. Here is such a sowing formula: early varieties should be sown in early March and before 25, 26.27, 28.

Plant medium varieties from March 24 to April 26. But cabbage of late varieties needs to be planted, that is, its seeds in the ground are definitely at the beginning of April and you can sow the whole of April. Remember only that it is from the time of sowing the seeds and until the moment the first shoots appear that about 10 days should pass.

But from germination to planting, there are still about 55 days. Based on this, we can conclude that cabbage should be sown for seedlings 60 days before planting in the ground.

And so that you can easily decide on the variety that you have, see these tips, it shows exactly the number of days that must pass to plant seedlings in open ground.

Now take a look at the table, which is compiled taking into account the Lunar calendar for 2019. If you don't have a full copy yet, you can download it for free here.

You can still remember such dates, they have been identified for approximately all regions of our Russia, as if indicative and without taking into account the calendar and phases of the moon. Plant early varieties in open ground from April 25 to May 5, medium varieties from May 10 to May 20, and late varieties from May 20 to May 31.

Based on this, for residents Moscow region keep the landmark for March, Krasnodar region and southern regions - February, and finally Siberia and North- end of March.

How to sow cabbage seeds for seedlings? Growing rules and care

In order to remove an excellent and rich crop of cabbage in the fall, you need to know the nuances and secrets of planting. First you should decide on the type of cabbage, because it happens early, which everyone loves to use in salads. Or you want to use it for sourdough, i.e. for long-term winter storage.

Keep in mind that the quality of the seedlings will largely depend on the quality of the seeds. This is such magic, and hence the cabbage crop itself.

Therefore, the key to a large and good harvest is high-quality and selected seed.

First of all, let's first stop at the stages of work? which we have to do.

Soil selection

The soil mixture for this plant should be nutritious, for this mix one part of peat and humus, plus add a little ash, about one tablespoon per 1 kg of soil.

The ash will be used as a source of micro and macro elements, but also as an excellent antiseptic. It's great, isn't it? Which will prevent the appearance of a black leg on cabbage seedlings.

The main rule that you need to understand is that the earth must be breathable and fertile.

seed processing

Should not hope for a chance with cabbage seeds, be sure to process them before sowing? to exclude all dangerous diseases. This means that you can grow healthy and strong beautiful seedlings.

In order for the cabbage to be long and stocky, it should be grown with a pick, only in this case its volume at the root will be large, and the sprouts themselves will grow more dense and strong. Yes, and it will be easier to transfer the transplant to a permanent place.

Landing Rules

Let's figure out how to sow the seeds correctly, in what way? The seeds of early cabbage must be placed in a tray, before sowing, be sure to pour the soil from the watering can, and so that it is always slightly moistened until the first handsome sprouts appear.

When shoots appear, they will need to be threaded, this is very an exciting activity, leaving a feeding area of ​​approximately 2x2 cm.


It will take literally 2 weeks and the seedlings will grow up, they will need to dive, planting according to the 3x3 cm pattern. And after three months, the senets will have to be transplanted again, but already in pots, their size should be 5x5 cm.

Solution treatment

Do not forget also about picking, but before that you have an unusual job to do, this is watering with blue vitriol, which will help to avoid fungal misfortunes. You can not do picking at all and immediately take a pot and plant each achene separately from each other in different pots.

Additional lighting

It is also very important to make additional lighting for seedlings, that is, to illuminate it so that the sprouts grow very strong and stocky. To do this, it is not enough just to plant it correctly, be sure to provide it with additional light, and soon it will thank you).

After all, ordinary daylight in the apartment will not be enough for her.


Water the plant as needed, but make sure that the soil does not dry out and does not get too wet. It is very important not to overdo it with watering and for this purpose loosen the ground more often.

Remember one more condition, you need to monitor the air temperature, the most optimum temperature it will be up to 20 degrees before the appearance of sprouts. But then, when you see the first handsome men, then by all means lower the temperature to 12 degrees, and at night you can make it up to 10 degrees. But, you need to remember that this applies only to white cabbage, and not to other types of it.

But, as for seedlings for cauliflower, keep in mind that she does not like when the temperature is lowered, this will destroy her immediately, she will not tolerate such cold temperature conditions.

top dressing

You should also never forget about this matter, because it is the correct and timely planting that will help the sprouts to receive good nutrition, and most importantly, a balanced one.

The first top dressing is carried out eight days after picking. To do this, in half a liter of clean drinking water dissolve 1 g of potash fertilizers, but take 2 g of superphosphate.

This resulting magic solution is enough to feed about 30 roots.

Important! Do not forget that this is such advice, which I think everyone knows, before feeding, you must first water it with water, and then water it with top dressing, if you do the opposite, it will lead to trouble. You will burn the roots of the plant.

Do the second top dressing when about 2 weeks have passed after the first, with the same nutrient solution as for the first top dressing. The only thing you can do is double the amount per 0.5 liters of water. Do not forget about the third dressing either, make it a few days before you plant it in open ground.


Do not forget about hardening, because this is also very important, do it about 10 days before transplanting the sprouts outside. Moreover, this must be done gradually and slowly, you first open the window in the apartment, and then gradually begin to put the pots on the balcony so that the sun's rays hit the seedlings very well.

After six days of hardening, then begin to reduce watering, but at the same time you should see that the earth has not dried up. In general, then the seedlings can be stored on the balcony for permanent residence.

Planting in open ground on the beds

Before planting in the ground, cabbage seedlings should be strong and have 4-5 leaves, keep this in mind. Water the sprouts before planting.

Early varieties can be planted from April 25 to May 5, medium varieties from May 10 to 20, and late varieties from May 20 to 31. The last date for landing in the ground is, of course, June 1.

Interesting! According to popular beliefs, cabbage should be planted when the bird cherry has faded.

The first step is to choose a place in an open and well-lit area, while keeping in mind that cruciferous plants have not grown in this place for four years. It is good to plant cabbage where there were legumes, pumpkin or nightshade crops in front of it.

Having chosen a suitable site, take measurements of the holes in the garden.

The width between the rows of early-ripening varieties should be 40-50 cm and also in a checkerboard pattern, taking into account the fact that cabbage does not like cramped conditions at all and is very demanding on the sun, and the distance between green shoots should be 25 cm.

At the same time, cabbage itself is a very companionable culture, which can perfectly be friends with spices, salads and

It is also worth noting that seedlings should not be watered on the day of planting, so that the stem does not become soft and more fragile, but about 1 hour before planting, it is worth watering to thereby moisten the soil.

Important! It is best to plant seedlings on cloudy and not sunny days, in the late afternoon or night, while deepening it to the level of the first true leaves.

Dig a hole 10 centimeters deep and pour half a liter of water into it. But first, put a handful of such magic in each hole: two handfuls of humus, a handful of sand and a handful of peat. Also 50 g of wood ash. Mix all this mass and pour plenty of water.

After that, remove the seedlings from the box, trying not to harm the roots, hold with one hand, and compact the ground with your palms with the other so that the roots get to the right place, and most importantly, that there is no void around them. Trace a circle around the sprout and pour heavily again.

At the same time, you need to pour water so as not to get on the plant itself, the water itself will get where it is needed, that is, to the roots. Then add dry earth to avoid soil crust.

In the first two or three days, seedlings should be darkened.

Take a plastic bottle for this work, which will help protect the sprouts from the winds and will serve as a mini-greenhouse. Just do not forget to remove the caps from the bottles, and pour very carefully through the watering can directly into the neck.

And when you see that your seedlings began to produce new leaves, this means that they have already taken root, so you can remove the containers.

Make care like this, that is, it will include such work: watering, fertilizing, weeding, row spacing and pest and disease control.

The first two weeks, the plants are carefully watered every two to three days, then watering is done once a week. But careful watering should be done when the swings are tied.

Top dressing should be done when the fifth or sixth leaf is released, use organic top dressing from herbal infusion. At the same time, remember that the closer to the formation of heads, the less cabbage needs nitrogen and, on the contrary, it needs more phosphorus and potassium.

Make sure that the cabbage leaves do not wither from a lack of soil moisture, because this will lead to the death of the roots.


As for such work, hilling should be carried out after the first 20 days after planting, and then again every 10 days. Hilling itself should be done directly on wet ground, as this activates the formation of additional roots and increases resistance to lodging.

Interesting! And one more piece of advice, so that no one touches cabbage from insects, plant marigolds in the garden with it. Cabbage will stand proud and beautiful until the first frost.

How to grow a good crop of cabbage?

Has it ever happened to you that your seedlings did not start to tie into a head? What is the reason for this interesting phenomenon. Perhaps you made a mistake in planting and landed at the wrong time, because early varieties should be planted no later than March 10, or you purchased low-quality seeds. Remember also that if you cross the seeds with his brothers in the family, you will get a hybrid from which cabbage will grow, which will not be tied into heads.

So be careful when buying seeds. The presence of a beautiful picture on the package is certainly not an indicator of high quality.

Another reason may be the lack of sun, then the leaves tend to the sky, and do not tie heads. Of course, you can’t already dig it up and move it to another place, but you can trim the beds so that it is not crowded. Well, next time, take the choice of place more wisely.

It is also possible that your cabbage lacks macro and microelements, if you want to get a good and successful harvest, then remember that vegetables need nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and microelements in large quantities. Remember that plants can only absorb them dissolved.

But, also do not overdo it, because if you do this very often, then this can provoke a huge growth of tops, and the heads themselves will not form.

If the air temperature is too high, then a lot of water comes out of the leaves, and in this way the vegetables cool themselves and save themselves from death, and therefore the heading process slows down.

Another tip, for every 10 square meters of the garden you need to pour up to 35 liters of water by sprinkling. And on hot days, water more often. Well, if you are preparing cabbage for storage for the winter, then limit watering in early autumn.

In conclusion, I would like to say that, subject to these simple rules you will really grow a bunch of cabbage, and also repay your forces for a joyful and cool harvest. All successful landing and good mood! Write your feedback and wishes. Bye!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova

About when to plant cabbage for seedlings and when to plant it in open ground, many summer residents are already thinking in winter. In order for seedlings to grow and develop well, it is necessary to choose the right time for planting cabbage and know all the nuances of caring for cabbage seedlings. In this article, you can study the Lunar Cabbage Planting Calendar for 2019, learn how to grow cabbage seedlings at home and when to plant vegetables in the garden in spring or summer.

When to plant cabbage for seedlings in 2019

The timing of planting a healthy vegetable depends on the type of cabbage and its variety. Therefore, before studying the Lunar cabbage planting calendar, you should find out how many days the seedlings should grow at home. Before landing in open ground, the following must pass:

  1. Hybrids and early white cabbage - from 45 to 60 days.
  2. Mid-season white-headed - from 35 to 45 days.
  3. White-headed late varieties - from 30 to 35 days.
  4. Kohlrabi - from 30 to 45 days.
  5. Broccoli - from 35 to 45 days.
  6. Brussels and color varietal - from 45 to 60 days.
  7. Savoy - from 35 to 50 days.

Now you can look at the table of the Lunar calendar and, based on the climate of the region, choose suitable dates that are suitable for all types of cabbage:

In no case should you sow and plant on the days of the New Moon and Full Moon. In 2019, these days are: February 5 and 19, March 6 and 21, April 5, 19, May 5, 19, June 3, 17.

  • in February - from the 3rd to the 5th, 19, 20;
  • in March it is the 5th, 6th, 21st and 31st;
  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 4, 5, 19, 20 ..

Sowing cabbage by region

When sowing cabbage seeds for seedlings, one should focus not only on the lunar calendar, but also on the types and varieties of vegetables:

early white From 10 to 25 March
Mid-season and late-ripening white Not later than April 15, starting from April 10
Cauliflower and broccoli It is recommended to do sowing twice, starting from March 15 and ending last numbers May. Between crops should take a break of 14 days.
Brussels During the month of April
Kohlrabi Planting dates depend on the desired timing of the harvest. You can plant from March 1 to early June.
Savoy: early ripe March 10-30
Krasnokochannaya In March and April - in the southern regions.

From April to June - in Siberia and other regions with cold winters.

Having studied the timing of planting cabbage by variety and knowing how many days should pass from sowing to planting in the ground, you can determine the sowing dates for a particular region and choose the best one according to the lunar calendar.

In the Krasnodar Territory and other southern regions cabbage begins to be planted for seedlings in February.

In the Leningrad region, Moscow region, in the Urals and in central Russia Sowing has been done since March.

In Siberia and more northern regions planting cabbage for seedlings can be started from the end of March.

Cabbage seedlings: growing at home

Before sowing seeds, you should take care of the soil and planting material in advance, which must be processed.

Seeds in the form of rather large balls must be processed before planting:

  1. Wrap in gauze or bandage folded in three layers and place in hot water with temperatures up to 50 degrees for 15 minutes. So that the water does not cool down, it is best to pour it into a thermos. Such a warming procedure will destroy viruses and bacteria that can infect the planting material.
  2. After heating, the seeds are kept in cold water for 2 minutes to harden them.
  3. Soak the seeds for 2 hours in a solution of Epin or another growth stimulator so that the planting material hatches faster and the seedlings grow better.
  4. Soak the seeds in warm water, and hold for a day indoors and a day in the vegetable section of the refrigerator.
  5. Dry planting material.

Attention! Not all seeds go through this treatment! Often, stores sell planting material that has already been processed and can be planted immediately. Therefore, before sowing, you should read the information on the package with seeds.

Soil preparation

For cabbage, ready-made soil for seedlings, which is sold in a specialized store, is suitable, or you can prepare the soil mixture yourself. For any type of cabbage, any of the following mixtures will work.

Blend #1:

  • humus - 1 part;
  • sod land - 1 part;
  • some wood ash;
  • for 1 kg of soil - 1 tablespoon of mineral fertilizer.

Blend #2:

  • sod land - 1 part;
  • compost or humus - 1 part;
  • peat - 1 part;
  • some sand.

Blend #3:

  • peat - 75%;
  • sod land - 20%;
  • sand - 5%.

Attention! Soil preparation should be done two weeks before sowing cabbage, since it must first be sterilized and then kept in a closed container for two weeks. During this time, beneficial bacteria are formed and multiply in the substrate, which are not found in sterilized soil.

You can sterilize the soil for 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees in the oven or 5 minutes at full power in the microwave.

Sowing cabbage seeds

Cabbage can be planted on seedlings in common boxes, small individual cups or peat tablets.

Seedling boxes should have a depth of about 5 cm, and pots - about 7-8 cm. The containers are filled with prepared soil, which is recommended to be shed with an antifungal and antibacterial solution prepared according to the instructions with Alirin-B or Gamair. If the earth is watered with such a solution, crops in it should be carried out in two days.

Seeds should be sown in grooves one centimeter deep. Between the grooves, the distance should be three centimeters, and between the seeds - one and a half centimeters. If planting is done in separate pots, then two seeds are placed in each.

Landings are sprinkled with earth, sprayed with warm water using a spray gun and put in a bright place where the air temperature is within +20 degrees.

After about five days, shoots will begin to appear, and when they grow a little, the weakest of the two in a separate pot should be pinched. Pulling seedlings is not recommended, as you can damage the roots of a nearby growing plant.

Planting cabbage in peat tablets

Tablets with a diameter of 4 cm or more must be pre-soaked so that they swell and increase in volume by about eight times. Excess water is drained from the finished tablets and two seeds are planted in them, which are sprinkled with peat. Tablets are placed in a container that is placed on the windowsill. When the senets sprout and grow up, they need to be thinned out by removing the excess.

While the seedlings have not yet appeared, it is necessary to ensure that the soil does not dry out. As soon as the top layer of soil begins to dry out, it must be sprayed.

Caring for cabbage seedlings

Growing seedlings of cabbage involves the following procedures:

  • backlight (if crops were made in February or March);
  • watering;
  • top dressing;
  • pick.


As soon as the seedlings appear, they are placed on the lightest windowsill or loggia, where it is light and cool. So that the seedlings do not stretch out, during the first 7 days they need a lot of light and a temperature within +12 degrees, and then the temperature can be raised to +15 degrees.

In February and March, daylight hours are still short, therefore, with the help of phytolamps or fluorescent lamps, plants are provided with additional lighting, extending daylight hours up to 12-15 hours a day. Lamps above seedlings are installed with a distance of about 25 cm.

Watering cabbage

Seedlings should be watered regularly, but so that there is no stagnation of water in the soil. Dry soil will cause young plants to dry out, and all the time too wet soil will cause the appearance of a "black leg" and the death of seedlings. Therefore, seedlings are watered with settled water at room temperature only after the top layer of the substrate dries. It is best to do this with a spray bottle so as not to wash the plants that are not yet strong.

Picking seedlings of cabbage

Approximately 10-14 days after germination, cabbage is planted in separate pots. At this time, the seedlings should have one or two true leaves.

Before picking, seedlings are watered abundantly. Each bush is taken out together with a clod of earth, the main root is pinched a third of the length and planted in a new, separate container filled with soil, deepening to the cotyledons.

To protect cabbage from diseases, after transplantation, it is watered with a solution prepared from a Gamair or Alirin-B tablet (1 tablet must be dissolved in 10 liters of water).

The first three days after picking, cabbage seedlings are kept at a temperature within +18 degrees, and after adaptation, the temperature is lowered to +14 degrees. If possible, but at night the plants are provided with even cooler conditions with a temperature of +12 degrees.

Seedling feeding

Cabbage at home should be fed three times:

  1. 7 days after picking with a solution that consists of 1 liter of water, 4 grams of superphosphate, 1 gram of potash fertilizer and 2 grams of ammonium nitrate.
  2. 3 weeks after picking, the plants are fed with the same solution as the first time, only twice as much fertilizer is diluted in 1 liter of water.
  3. Hardening top dressing is done a day before planting cabbage in open ground. For this, the same solution is used as for the first feeding, only potash fertilizers should be taken 6 grams. A large dose of potassium is explained by the fact that this element will help plants adapt faster in a garden bed.

Seedling diseases


The most dangerous enemy of any seedling is the fungal disease "black leg". Fungi begin to multiply and lead to rotting of the plant stem at high humidity and high acidity of the substrate, as well as if there is a lot of nitrogen in the soil.

Sick seedlings can no longer be cured, so they are removed, and the remaining ones are watered with a strong solution of potassium permanganate (0.4 g per 1 liter of water) and then they are not watered for about a week.

Cabbage seedlings turn yellow

The main reason is the lack of any nutrient in the substrate:

  • the leaves turn yellow completely - there is not enough iron;
  • only the tips of the leaves turn yellow - a lack of potassium;
  • the underside of the foliage turns yellow and purple-red - there is little phosphorus.

To remedy the situation, it is enough to introduce these elements into the ground. However, top dressing should not be carried away, since an overabundance of fertilizers also leads to yellowing of seedlings.

Phomosis cabbage

The bacterial disease is manifested by black spots on the leaves and stems of young plants. Bacteria are carried through planting material that has not passed pre-planting treatment. Phomosis is not cured, and it will not be possible to save the seedlings, so cabbage for seedlings will need to be sown again.

Seedlings are pulled out

High air temperatures in the seedling room and insufficient lighting can cause seedling stems to become long and thin. Additional lighting and lower temperatures will correct the situation.

When to plant cabbage in the garden

The timing of planting cabbage in open ground depends on the variety of vegetables:

  • in mid-May, early varieties are planted on the beds;
  • at the end of May, late and mid-season varieties should be planted.

These terms are suitable for residents of central Russia. In the southern regions, seedlings are planted 10-14 days earlier. In Siberia and more northern regions, planting dates are shifted 7-14 days later.

Cabbage planted in the garden should be:

  • height from 15 to 20 cm;
  • have 4-5 true leaves (7-8 leaves should be in early ripening varieties);
  • have a formed root system;
  • be healthy and strong.

10-14 days before planting the seedlings on the beds in the ground, it must be hardened off. On the first day, she is taken out to the balcony or plot for one hour. Every day, the time the plants spend in the open air increases. The day before planting in the garden, seedlings should already be on the site for a day.

The cabbage bed is dug up, fertilized with compost or rotted manure (6 kg per 1 m2) and wood ash (200 g per 1 m2).

Cabbage planting scheme

Red and white - late varieties
mid-season varieties 50x60 cm
hybrids and varieties of early ripening 30x40 or 35x45 cm
Cauliflower 20x50 or 30x60 checkerboard
Savoy - late and mid-season 70x50 cm
early Savoy 70x30 cm
Kohlrabi - late varieties 50x60 cm
mid-season 50x40 cm
precocious 25x35 or 30x40 cm
Brussels between rows - 70 cm, between plants - from 60 to 70 cm

to develop side shoots

20x50 or 30x60 cm

It is recommended to plant cabbage in open ground in cloudy weather or in the evening. Before planting plants, one liter of water is poured into each well. Seedlings are deepened to the first true leaves and well watered with settled water from a barrel. In order for cabbage seedlings to quickly and well take root in open ground, it is recommended to spray it for the first few evenings, and shade it from sunlight during the day.