Auspicious days for transplanting indoor plants and flowers. Lunar calendar of indoor plants for December Transplanting indoor plants in December

We bring to your attention the lunar sowing calendar for gardeners, gardeners, flower growers for December 2018. In the Lunar calendar for December 2018, various events have a certain effect on planting and transplanting plants or caring for them. By choosing favorable days for working in the garden and the garden, you will save your positive strength and attitude, save the plants from all dangers, and find harmony with your garden and garden.

Even with the advent of winter, gardeners, gardeners, flower growers have enough important urgent events. To assist in the distribution of these events is taken lunar sowing calendar for gardeners, gardeners, flower growers for december 2018 . It indicates those works that can be carried out on certain days and those from which it is better to refrain. Based on them and the weather conditions on the street, it becomes easier for even inexperienced summer residents to carry out certain events.

Moon phases in December 2018

  • The moon is waning from 1 to 6 December
  • New Moon - December 7
  • The moon grows from December 8 to 21
  • Full Moon - December 22
  • The moon wanes again from 23 to 31 December

Favorable landing days in December 2018

The table shows the most favorable days for sowing seeds

Auspicious days for planting indoor flowers

Unfavorable days for planting and sowing seeds

Attention! The table shows the most favorable days for planting and sowing seeds, but this does not mean at all that planting cannot be done on other days. You should not plant anything only on forbidden days.

The table shows the phases of the moon, its position in the signs of the zodiac and the recommended work for gardeners - gardeners - flower growers for each day of the month:

the date Moon in the signs of the zodiac Recommended activities for each day of this month
December 1, 2018 Saturday Waning Moon in Virgo
  • In the garden - in the absence of snow, mulching winter crops.
  • In the greenhouse, on the windowsill - loosening the soil, feeding root crops, picking, transplanting, pest and disease control. Watering.
  • Flowers are a good day for dividing, propagating, planting and transplanting flowers.
  • In the garden - stratification of seeds, pruning of pome trees.
  • Not recommended - seed soaking
  • Preparations - freezing.
December 2, 2018 Sunday Waning Moon in Libra
  • Libra is a zodiac sign of medium fertility (Flower Days)
  • In the greenhouse, on the windowsill: forcing parsley, celery, beets, chard.
  • Flowers - a favorable day for planting flowers, rooting cuttings.
  • In the garden - a bookmark for the stratification of seeds of apple trees, pears for growing rootstocks. After the first frosts (10-12 degrees) - preparation of cuttings for winter and spring vaccination.
  • Not recommended - spraying plants.
December 3, 2018 Monday Waning Moon in Libra
December 4, 2018 Tuesday Waning Moon in Scorpio
  • Scorpio is a fertile zodiac sign (Leaf Days) The lunar sowing calendar recommends:
  • In the greenhouse, on the windowsill - sowing watercress, leaf mustard, early spinach, carrots, root parsley. Organic fertilizing vegetables, watering. Pest and disease control.
  • Not recommended - dividing corms, pruning plants.
  • Blanks - canning with heat treatment.
December 5, 2018 Wednesday Waning Moon in Scorpio
December 6, 2018 Thursday Waning Moon in Sagittarius

The lunar calendar of gardeners, gardeners and flower growers for December 2018 does not recommend disturbing plants during the new moon.

December 7, 2018 Friday New Moon Moon in Sagittarius
December 8, 2018 Saturday Waxing Moon in Sagittarius
December 9, 2018 Sunday Waxing Moon in Capricorn
  • Capricorn is a zodiac sign of medium fertility (Days of the Root)
  • In the greenhouse, on the windowsill - forcing green onions, root crops (parsley, celery, beets). Watering, mineral dressing of vegetables, destruction of weeds.
  • In the garden - harvesting cuttings for grafting, planting container coniferous trees.
  • Not recommended - disturb plant roots
  • Preparations - freezing, jam, jam.
December 10, 2018 Monday Waxing Moon in Capricorn
December 11, 2018 Tuesday Waxing Moon in Aquarius
  • Aquarius - the infertile sign of the Zodiac (Flower Days)
  • In the greenhouse, on the windowsill - loosening of dry land, weeding, treatment for diseases and pests.
  • Not recommended - planting, sowing, transplanting, watering, feeding, cutting and shaping plants.
  • Preparations - canning, juices, jams, preserves.
December 12, 2018 Wednesday Waxing Moon in Aquarius
December 13, 2018 Thursday Waxing Moon in Aquarius
December 14, 2018 Friday Waxing Moon in Pisces
  • Pisces is a fertile sign of the Zodiac (Leaf Days) The lunar calendar of gardeners and gardeners recommends:
  • In the greenhouse, on the windowsill - sowing parthenocarpic cucumbers, peppers, head lettuce, carrots. Forcing celery, parsley, beets, chard, sorrel, turnip greens. Mineral top dressing, watering.
  • Flowers - an auspicious day for planting and transplanting flowers.
  • Not recommended - pruning of plants and treatment with chemicals.
  • Preparations - juices, jams, pickles.
December 15, 2018 Saturday First Quarter Moon in Pisces
December 16, 2018 Sunday Waxing Moon in Aries
  • Aries - the infertile sign of the Zodiac (Days of the Fetus)
  • In the greenhouse, on the windowsill - take care of loosening, weeding, pest control and plant diseases.
  • In the garden - cutting diseased, dry branches in frost-free weather.
  • Not recommended - sowing, planting and transplanting, pruning, pinching, watering and top dressing.
  • Preparations - juices, jam, jam. Wine preparation.
December 17, 2018 Monday Waxing Moon in Aries
December 18, 2018 Tuesday Waxing Moon in Aries
December 19, 2018 Wednesday Waxing Moon in Taurus
  • Taurus is a fertile zodiac sign (Days of the Root)
  • In the greenhouse, on the windowsill - watercress, leaf lettuce. Distillation of parsley, beets, chard, celery, asparagus, onions. Germination of seeds, watering, mineral dressing.
  • Flowers - a good day for planting, transplanting home flowers.
  • In the garden - whitewashing of the trunks and the lower part of the skeletal branches.
  • It is not recommended to disturb the roots of plants.
  • Preparations - juices, jam, jam, freezing (viburnum, mountain ash, hawthorn).
December 20, 2018 Thursday Waxing Moon in Taurus
December 21, 2018 Friday Waxing Moon in Gemini
  • Gemini is an unproductive zodiac sign (Flower Days)
  • In the greenhouse, on the windowsill - forcing onions on greens, in a dark room - forcing chicory salad. Pest and disease control. Postpone watering.
  • Flowers - planting ampelous ornamental plants.
  • In the garden - harvesting cuttings for grafting.
  • Preparations - salting, sauerkraut, making wine.
December 22, 2018 Saturday Full Moon in Gemini

The lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners for December 2018 does not recommend working with plants on a full moon.

December 23, 2018 Sunday Waning Moon in Cancer
  • Cancer is a fertile sign of the Zodiac (Leaf Days) The calendar of gardeners, gardeners and florists recommends:
  • In the greenhouse, on the windowsill - sowing spinach, forcing chicory salad (in the dark). Watering. You can weed, fight pests and plant diseases, thin out seedlings, loosen the ground.
  • In the garden - pruning pome trees.
  • Not recommended - the use of pesticides.
December 24, 2018 Monday Waning Moon in Cancer
December 25, 2018 Tuesday Waning Moon in Leo
  • Leo is the infertile sign of the Zodiac (Days of the Fetus)
  • In the greenhouse - loosening of dry land, weeding.
  • In the garden - harvesting cuttings for table grafting.
  • Not recommended - sowing, planting, watering and any top dressing.
  • Preparations - canning, salting, sauerkraut.
December 26, 2018 Wednesday Waning Moon in Leo
December 27, 2018 Thursday Waning Moon in Virgo
  • Virgo is a Zodiac sign of medium fertility (Days of the Root)
  • In the greenhouse, on the windowsill - the fight against pests and diseases. Feeding, pruning, watering plants.
  • Flowers - an auspicious day for planting and propagating bulbs, transplanting home flowers.
  • Not recommended - soak the seeds.
December 28, 2018 Friday Waning Moon in Virgo
December 29, 2018 Saturday Third Quarter Moon in Libra
  • Libra is a zodiac sign of medium fertility (Flower Days)
  • In the greenhouse, on the windowsill - forcing greens of root parsley, celery, beets, chard. Sowing radishes, carrots, parsnips, root parsley.
  • Flowers - an auspicious day for planting and transplanting any flowers, rooting cuttings.
  • In the garden - sanitary pruning of trees and shrubs, preparation of cuttings for grafting.
  • Not recommended - spraying with pesticides.
  • Preparations - canning, cooking jam.
December 30, 2018 Sunday Waning Moon in Libra
December 31, 2018 Monday Waning Moon in Scorpio
  • Scorpio is a fertile zodiac sign (Leaf Days) The lunar landing calendar recommends:
  • In the greenhouse, on the windowsill - sowing watercress, mustard leaf, early spinach, radish, turnip onion, leek, root celery. Organic fertilizing, watering. Picking seedlings.
  • Flowers are a good day for planting bulbs.
  • In the garden - clipping of dry branches.
  • Not recommended - dividing corms, pruning plants
  • Preparations - juices, wine, pickles.

Garden on the windowsill

Garden on the windowsill

Basically, all garden work in December-January we focus on the windowsill.

  • Continues to please the small-fruited ones who have moved from the beds hot peppers. A bush decorated with bright fruits looks very impressive on the windowsill - no worse than any other beautifully flowering indoor plant. Nevertheless, we regularly cut off the ripening fruits in order to give the opportunity to develop new ovaries, we will save the plant from overload.
  • A bush of basil transplanted before the cold weather is elegant and fragrant. Its cut branches are already overgrown with young leaves. But do not forget that the basil is very thermophilic, so we put the pot on a wooden stand so that the roots do not freeze, and on especially cold nights we remove the plant from the window.
  • Forcing parsley does not need such precautions, and yet we will be careful with watering: they should be moderate and only settled water at room temperature.

Of course, you can’t place many plants on the windowsill in the garden. And yet, in addition to parsley, you can find a place for celery roots, beets, a few onions.

  • It is advisable to choose a large celery root crop in order to get more leaves. Drop it straight out.
  • For forcing beet leaves, it is better to take several small root crops and plant them in a pot close to each other.
  • Onions for distillation choose not large, but not too small. In order to bring the bulbs out of dormancy faster, we soak them for several hours in warm water (30-35 degrees) before planting. If wood ash is in store, add a teaspoon per liter of water. Onions, like beets, are planted close - without gaps between the bulbs.

It is not necessary to buy the soil for distillation, you can use the land reserved for growing seedlings. Drainage is required at the bottom of the pots - a layer of broken brick or expanded clay, sprinkled with sand. Naturally, drainage holes are also necessary.

Until the planted root crops take root, it is better to keep them in a cool place (two weeks). As soon as we notice that the plants have begun to grow, we transfer the pots to a warmer and brighter place.

If there is a possibility of artificial illumination, you can sow dill, parsley, celery, lettuce and even Chinese cabbage.

  • Greens are sown, as a rule, densely, so that after thinning, removed plants can be used as food.
  • In a word, we will try not to get used to the sight of green plants during the winter.

In December, it is necessary to prepare the garden for the onset of cold weather, especially if this was not done in the fall. Stamps of trees, bushes, beds with perennials are insulated with spruce branches or spunbond, shields are installed to help accumulate snow, flower beds are mulched with peat and spruce branches.

Walking in the garden, do not forget to shake off the snow from the branches, check the trees and shrubs for hibernating pests. Many gardeners advise communicating with trees and shrubs, thanking them for the donated crop, and negotiating the future.

If the harvest is stored in the country, you must definitely find a free day in December and check the stocks. Boxes of lime or salt, installed in order to reduce the humidity of the air, are replaced at least once during the winter with fresh ones. From barrels of sauerkraut and pickles you need to remove the mold, rinse with water oppression.

To attract useful birds, feeders are installed on the site, which it is desirable to fill with fresh food at least once a week. Then next spring there will be much less pests in the garden.

Since summer residents have nothing to do in the garden in December, it would be an excellent solution to organize a garden on the windowsill. In the apartment you can not only get greens from distillation, but also harvest tomatoes, peppers and some other vegetables.

If you are going to get blooming hyacinths, tulips or daffodils by February 23 or March 8, then we advise you to put their bulbs for forcing.

In December, you need to analyze the work done and the harvest, decide on plans for the next season, purchase seeds, read literature on modern approaches to growing different cultures, get acquainted with the lunar calendar of the work of the gardener, gardener and flower grower for the next year.

Lunar calendar of the summer resident for December 2018

The calendar shows Moscow time.

auspicious days for sowing, planting and transplanting

Unfavorable days for sowing, planting and transplanting

December 1 2018, Sat, Old Moon, IV quarter, in Libra from 17:50 Root Days. Virgo Days are good for growing annuals and forcing flowers. If you want to receive your bouquets by February 23, then put the bulbs for distillation before 17:50.
Add fresh nutrient soil to window sill pots and greenhouse crops. All types of work on the care of indoor plants are recommended.
In the garden - planting large-sized plants.
Do not soak seeds on Virgo days.
December 2nd Flower Days. Average fertility sign. Favorable in accordance with the lunar calendar, watering and dry top dressing of plants on the windowsill and in the greenhouse, pruning. Planting vitamin greens and forcing onions on greens. You can carry out all the planned types of work with house plants, except for watering and spraying.
In the garden - checking trees and shrubs for pests and remaining fruits. Snow retention.
December 3 2018, mon, Waning Moon, IV quarter, in Scorpio from 22:56
December 4 2018, Tue, Waning Moon in Scorpio, IV quarter Liszt days. The gardener's lunar calendar recommends making the most of your time with plants.
In the fertile sign of Scorpio, it is recommended to sow leeks and turnips, carrots, radishes, root parsley, celery, parsnips, green and spicy herbs in the garden, greenhouse and windowsill.
Abundant watering, the use of chemicals and any work with the roots of plants is not desirable. Limit flower care to loosening, top dressing and pruning.
Stratification of seeds of perennial plants.
Preparation of cuttings for vaccinations.
Good days for persimmon, pomegranate and quince preparations.
5th of December 2018, wed, waning moon in scorpio, fourth quarter
December 6 2018, thu, New Moon Days, Moon in Sagittarius from 05:51 Fetal Days. Any work with plants is prohibited. Get busy preparing for the holiday and decorating your home and garden. Feed the birds. Check your garden for rodent protection. If the thaw, go for winter mushrooms or other cool mushrooms.
December 7 2018, Fri, New moon at 10:20, Moon in Sagittarius
December 8 2018, Sat, Growing Moon, I quarter, in Capricorn from 15:03 In the first half of the day, do not disturb the plants. And from three o'clock look at the work plan for the next day.
9th December 2018, Sun, Growing Moon in Capricorn, I quarter Root Days. Fertile days of the lunar calendar of plants. Sowing green, spicy crops. Planting flowers. Distillation of ornamental plants, onions, beet greens, carrots and other root crops.
Good days for transplanting indoor flowers with a weakened root system. If you want to grow fruit plants from the seed, then it's time to start sprouting.
On the windowsill you can plant peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes. In the garden - winter crops of vegetables.

Good days for planting large-sized plants.
December 10 2018, Mon, Waxing Moon in Capricorn, I quarter
December 11th 2018, Tue, Waxing Moon, I quarter, in Aquarius from 02:41 Flower Days. Not the most favorable days for caring for plants. It is forbidden to transplant indoor flowers, work with soil. You can take a chance and plant arugula and mustard leaf on the windowsill on the greens.
Good days for breeders.
Prepare apple cuttings for spring vaccinations. Winter planting of large-sized plants. The time to ferment cabbage is the 5th day after the New Moon.
12 December 2018, Wed, Waxing Moon in Aquarius, I quarter
December 13th 2018, Thu, Waxing Moon, I quarter, in Pisces from 15:41 Leaf Days. Good days for plant care. Planting green crops, onions on a feather and bulbous flowers for distillation. Sowing and planting flowers. In heated greenhouses, on windowsills and greenhouses, planting vegetables - tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, etc. Feeding plants with complex fertilizers. But refrain from using any chemicals both with plants and in everyday life.
December 14 2018, Fri, Waxing Moon in Pisces, I quarter
December 15 2018, Sat, Growing Moon in Pisces, II quarter from 14:50 When the Moon changes its quarter, it is better to give the plants a break from your attention. All work should be carried out only in case of emergency according to the plan of the previous day.
December 16 2018, Sun, Waxing Moon, II quarter, in Aries from 03:45 Fetus Days. Good days to plant flowers and herbs for forcing. Sow cyclamen and passionflower seeds. Loosening and top dressing.
In the garden, shake off the snow from the branches, inspect the plants for wintering pests, prune dry branches, and feed the birds.
Stratification of perennial seeds.
Pruning of plants is not recommended.
December 17 2018, Mon, Waxing Moon in Aries, II quarter
December 18 2018, Tue, Waxing Moon, II quarter, in Taurus from 02:38 Root Days. Fertile days of the lunar calendar. Great time for all work with plants. Sowing greens and vegetable crops for growing on a windowsill or in a greenhouse. Put flowers and greens on the forcing. Better days for planting large-sized plants and transplanting any plants.
Treatment against pests and diseases in the garden and at home, top dressing.
Stratification of perennial seeds.
Hurry up to finish before the Moon has passed into the sign of Gemini - until 17:36.
December 19th 2018, Wed, Waxing Moon in Taurus, II quarter
December 20 2018, Thu, Waxing Moon, II quarter, in Gemini from 17:36
21 December 2018, Fri, Waxing Moon in Gemini, II quarter Flower Days. Plant ampelous and climbing plants. Standard care for your pets and greenhouses.
December 22 2018, Sat, Full moon at 20:50, Moon in Cancer from 19:29 Liszt days. The lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener prohibits any work with plants on the days of the Full Moon. Feed the birds better - they will also be grateful for the attention and care, make beautiful feeders that will decorate the garden for the New Year.
Check garden plants for rodents and pests, and remove fruit that has not fallen off the branches. Carry out snow removal activities. Examine the crop stocks in the cellar.
December 23 2018, sun, Full Moon Days, Moon in Cancer
December 24 2018, mon, Waning Moon, III quarter, in Leo from 20:00 The best day of the sowing calendar to work with plants, Cancer is the most fertile sign. Carry out all planned plantings both for seed and for forcing. Sowing seedlings of annual flowers. You can soak the seeds for planting later. Feed the flowers and home garden with complex fertilizers, water, spray and prevent pests and diseases.
December 25 2018, Tue, Waning Moon in Leo, III quarter Fetus Days. Unfertile days. Sowing and planting is better not to carry out.
Caring for indoor and forcing plants - everything except watering. In the garden - planting large-sized trees and harvesting apple and lilac cuttings for spring vaccinations.
December 26 2018, wed, waning moon, III quarter, in Virgo from 20:51
27th of December 2018, Thu, waning moon in Virgo, III quarter Root Days. In these days of the Lunar calendar, take care of sowing seedlings of annual flowers: petunias, carnation Shabo, lavender, eustoma and others - they will be beautiful! You can put greens and flowers on the distillation. But you should not plant vegetable, fruit and berry crops. All standard tasks for caring for plants at home, greenhouses and heated greenhouses have been solved.
December 28th 2018, Fri, Waning Moon, III quarter, in Libra from 23:24
December 29th 2018, Sat, Old Moon in Libra, IV quarter from 12:35 Flower Days. The moon changes its turn, so today it is better to let the green pets rest. On New Year's Eve - you yourself are full of trouble.
December 30th 2018, Sun, Waning Moon in Libra, IV quarter Sign of average fertility. You can plant cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs and herbs on a windowsill, in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Plants will be grateful for any care other than spraying.
Dec. 31 2018, mon, Waning Moon, IV quarter, in Scorpio from 04:24 Liszt days. Although Scorpio is a fertile sign, and crops will give an excellent harvest in the future, do not get carried away with garden chores on this hectic day. Your green pets will feel your nervousness and may respond negatively.
But this is the best day of the calendar for preparing festive dishes, meeting with relatives and friends.
But if you are very drawn to walk through the winter garden and vegetable garden, then the best thing you can do for your plants is to wish them a Happy New Year! And do not forget to treat your helpers - birds!
AT new year, friends, excellent harvests for you in the Year of the Pigs and turnips, and most importantly - good health and happiness!

Everyone can create a stunning winter garden. Use the recommendations of the lunar calendar to keep your plants beautiful and positively influence the energy of your home.

Every gardener knows that plants sometimes become moody and susceptible to disease. You can save your pets with the help of the energy of the moon and stars. The lunar calendar for December 2018 reflects the days when plants need care, as well as the time that is not suitable for care. Consider what kind of plants you buy. Site site experts remind that some flowers can negatively affect personal life and bring discomfort to the space of the house.

December 1: The waning moon will spend the first day of winter in the constellation Virgo. On these days, the plants will not require special attention. It is not worth collecting seeds from flowers, because they will have poor germination qualities. You can spray the plants with warm water to prevent the leaves from drying out.

December 2, 3: the transition of the Moon into the constellation Libra will be received with enthusiasm by the plants. The energy of the constellation is suitable for sowing seeds and planting bulbs. Flower growers can start spraying plants from pests.

December 4, 5: these days, the fertile constellation of Scorpio will influence the plants. Under the influence of this Sign, you can safely engage in planting and transplanting seedlings of flowers, but in December, many flowers are dormant, and it is better not to touch them.

6, 7 and 8 December: The Moon will spend three days in the constellation Sagittarius. On the 6th, flowers can be fertilized. On the New Moon on December 7, flower growers will be able to get rid of dried branches and stems. On the 8th, when the moon begins to grow, you can loosen the roots, but you can not damage the vulnerable stems.

December 9, 10: The rising of the Moon in Capricorn is a great time to plant new plants. These days, you can buy seeds and bulbs in stores, as well as grow salad crops. Flowers need additional lighting, so it is important for them to provide full daylight hours.

December 11, 12 and 13: three days the influence of Aquarius allows flower growers to actively care for the winter garden. The energy of the constellation helps plants grow, which means that these days you can start growing new types of flowers.

December 14, 15: The moon is moving into the constellation Pisces, and these days you can start shaping the crown of domestic shrubs, plant oranges, lemons and tangerines, and also apply fertilizers for better flowering and growth.

December 16, 17 and 18: under the influence of Aries, it is better not to disturb the flowers. The influence of the constellation these days can lead to weakening of the roots and stems, so limit yourself to moderate watering and refuse to loosen the soil so as not to damage the underground parts of the flowers.

December 19, 20: the positive influence of Taurus in alliance with the growing Moon will provide flowers with a surge of strength. These days, you can do any work in the winter garden, including feeding plants that are about to bloom. It is worth transplanting only those plants that need it because of a cramped pot or in the case of picking seedlings of bulbous plants.

December 21, 22: the rise of the moon on the 21st will help the plants planted earlier to sprout and grow stronger. On the day of the Full Moon, flowers will not require care. It is only important to ensure that the humidity in the room is optimal, and excessively dry air does not harm the tender shoots.

December 23, 24: The moon is waning, moving into the constellation Cancer, and for two days this fertile constellation has a positive effect on the growth and development of flowers. These days, you can do any care, as well as purchase new flowers. Pay attention to plants that attract money energy to the house.

December 25, 26: two days the Moon will spend in Leo, and these days are not suitable for caring for flowers. An infertile constellation can negatively affect the development of plants, and they should be left alone. Flower growers during this period can start preparing the soil mixture and take a walk through garden shops to purchase everything you need for your winter garden.

December 27, 28: the night luminary moves into the constellation Virgo, which has a great effect on plants. These days, you can do pruning overgrown stems, loosen the soil and transplant flowers into larger containers.

December 29, 30: two more positive days for plant care will be provided by the constellation of Libra. Its influence will be positive, which means that you can safely do the necessary work in the winter garden.

Dec. 31: The last day of December, the Moon will spend in Scorpio. The energy of the constellation is not stable, so it is better to refrain from caring for capricious flowers. There is a risk of damage to fragile shoots that can become seriously ill and even die from infection.

In winter, when frosty weather sets in and daylight hours get shorter, plants help people maintain a positive mood. Take care of your pets so that they delight you with bright foliage and flowers, and also help keep the energy of well-being in the house. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

26.11.2018 06:35

The lunar sowing calendar for 2020 reflects the days when you can plant, and the time ...

In December, garden work ends, and it's time to take care of indoor plants. It is believed that flowers in the dormant period do not require special attention to themselves, however, this is not so. A lack of sunlight and a decrease in temperature can adversely affect indoor plants. For acclimatization of plants with a change in air temperature, you need to take good care of them.

First of all - you need to wash the plants, free from dust, remove dry leaves. Be sure to take care of additional lighting, additional humidification of the air, and prevent the appearance of pests and diseases. It is necessary to eliminate any drafts and cold - for this you need to insulate window sills and windows. In December, you should check the tubers and bulbs of dahlias, begonias, gladioli, laid down for storage.

All work related to indoor flowers is best done in accordance with the lunar calendar. Practice shows that in the sign of Aquarius, Leo and Aries it is better not to carry out any transplants. It is better to deal with them in the sign of Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, Libra and Scorpio. In the signs of Gemini, Scorpio and Aquarius, pest control can be carried out, and it is better to water and feed plants in the signs of Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. On the full moon and new moon, transplants should not be carried out. On the Waxing Moon it is better to transplant deciduous flowers, on the Waning - tuberous and bulbous, curly - in the sign of Gemini.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants in December 2019 by day: favorable and unfavorable days

  • December 1, 2019, 5-6 lunar day, the growing Moon in Aquarius. Indoor flower care: remove dry leaves, cut off dry branches or plant tips. Pest control shown.
  • December 2, 2019, 6-7 lunar day, the growing Moon in Aquarius. For transplanting flowers - an unfavorable period.
  • December 3, 2019, 7-8 lunar day, the growing Moon in Pisces. Sowing greens for growing indoors. Watering houseplants. You can fertilize the soil in pots with organic fertilizers. This will have a positive effect on ornamental flowering plants, such as azalea, anthurium, begonia.
  • December 4, 2019, 8-9 lunar day, the growing Moon in Pisces. We continue to take care of indoor "pets" - we check and maintain the light and temperature conditions, we do wet cleaning of the surfaces of window sills and places where flower pots are placed.
  • December 5, 2019, 9-10 lunar day, the growing Moon in Pisces. December - not best time for transplanting indoor flowers, but if there is an urgent need, there are exceptions. It is today that transplantation and transshipment is possible indoor plants.
  • December 6, 2019, 10-11 lunar day, the growing Moon in Aries. Distillation of onions and garlic on a feather. It's pest control time. You can not water and transplant plants.
  • December 7, 2019, 11-12 lunar day, the growing Moon in Aries. Unfavorable day for working with flowers. But you can do the cleaning and preparation of inventory.
  • December 8, 2019, 12-13 lunar day, the growing Moon in Taurus. On this day, you can transplant plants, and then, if there is an urgent need for this. If it is not there, then it is better to postpone the transplant until spring.
  • December 9, 2019, 13-14 lunar day, the growing Moon in Taurus. Auspicious day for transplanting indoor flowers that need it. Watering, fertilizing and fertilizing them are shown. On this day, you can sow the seeds of balcony flowers, as well as do the forcing of greenery.
  • December 10, 2019, 14-15 lunar day, the growing Moon in Taurus. One of the few periods when it is possible to transplant indoor flowers in December. These days you can plant hyacinths.
  • December 11, 2019, 15-16 lunar day, the growing Moon in Gemini. Effective transplantation of climbing plants, for others - an unfavorable time. Pest control shown.
  • December 12, 2019, 16-17 lunar day, Full Moon in Gemini. An excellent time for fertilizing and fertilizing flowers, pest control is shown. Nothing can be planted and transplanted. You can loosen the earth in pots.
  • December 13, 2019, 17-18 lunar day, waning Moon in Cancer. Sowing greens for growing on the windowsill. Distillation of onions and garlic on a feather. You should do greens - parsley, sorrel, lettuce, green onions. Washing of plants and loosening of the earth is desirable. If there is an urgent need, you can transplant indoor flowers, if not, leave this work for a more favorable spring period.
  • December 14, 2019, 18-19 lunar day, the waning moon in Cancer. Carry out the work listed on December 13th.
  • December 15, 2019, 19-20 lunar day, the waning moon in Leo. It is recommended to work with balcony and greenhouse ornamental plants. For example, to check whether the grapes are wrapped enough, or, thermophilic cymbalaria. Unfavorable days for planting and transplanting flowers.
  • December 16, 2019, 20-21 lunar days, waning Moon in Leo. Unfavorable day for transplanting plants.
  • December 17, 2019, 21-22 lunar day, waning moon in Virgo. On this day, the treatment of plants against pests, such as spider mites, is effective. To protect flowers from it, they must be periodically washed with running water, and monitor the humidity of the air. The tick loves dry air. Therefore, it is so important to moisturize the air and the flowers themselves.
  • December 18, 2019, 22-23 lunar day, waning moon in Virgo. On this day, transplanting and transshipment of flowers is undesirable. But for cleaning - a great time: wipe the dust from the windowsills, wipe the window panes.
  • December 19, 2019, 23 lunar day, the waning moon in Virgo. Auspicious day for the treatment of plants from pests.
  • December 20, 2019, 23-24 lunar day, the waning moon in Libra. The day when plants are resistant to diseases, etc. On this day in December, indoor flowers can be transplanted according to the lunar calendar. It is possible to distill green onions and garlic.
  • December 21, 2019, 24-25 lunar day, waning moon in Libra. It is shown to deal with indoor coniferous plants, such as cypress, thuja, juniper. For these plants, it is important to monitor the temperature of the room. In winter, they should be in less warm conditions than deciduous ones. In addition, it is important not to dry them out, and not to fill them with water. Subject to the temperature and water balance, coniferous vegetation will delight with its freshness for many years.
  • December 22, 2019, 25-26 lunar day, waning Moon in Scorpio. At this time, you can also transplant indoor plants, fertilize them. Now it is important to place perennial flowers on insulated balconies.
  • December 23, 2019, 26-27 lunar day, waning Moon in Scorpio. On this day in December, you can sow the seeds of balcony flowers, as well as forcing greenery on window sills or a greenhouse. Showing watering and feeding plants.
  • December 24, 2019, 27-28 lunar day, waning Moon in Sagittarius. It is useful to engage in the application of dry fertilizers, and preventive work against plant pests.
  • December 25, 2019, 28-29 lunar day, waning Moon in Sagittarius. We continue preventive work: we wipe the window sills from dust, spray the plants, fertilize, loosen the soil in pots, but only if necessary.
  • December 26, 2019, 29, 1-2 lunar day, New Moon in Capricorn. On this day, nothing can be transplanted, but you can do preventive work - put things in order with flower pots, seeds, planting material. Successful on this day will be the purchase of seeds, new flowers, etc.
  • December 27, 2019, 2-3 lunar day, the growing Moon in Capricorn. If necessary, you can transplant (plant, transship) indoor flowers. You can sow perennials for the balcony, as well as feed and water flowers.
  • December 28, 2019, 3-4 lunar day, the growing Moon in Aquarius. Houseplant care - pest control, watering, irrigation. It is useful to plant greens on the windowsill or in a home greenhouse.
  • December 29, 2019, 4-5 lunar day, the growing Moon in Aquarius. On this day, we carry out “water procedures”: wash deciduous plants under a small shower or spray with a spray gun, water the flowers, and make the necessary fertilizers.
  • December 30, 2019, 5-6 lunar day, the growing Moon in Aquarius. We water and fertilize the plants. We examine the flowers for pests. When found, we take action. Planting green seeds.

In winter, plants require special attention. Florists can take advantage of the recommendations of the lunar calendar so that the plants continue to delight them with excellent health and flowering.

Flower growers in the past year will be able to competently take care of their winter garden, as well as attract good luck and prosperity with the help of beautiful plantsgrown with their own hands. Site site experts recommend choosing flowers responsibly in order to eliminate troubles and health problems.

December 1: The Moon will spend the beginning of winter in the constellation Virgo. On these days, plants slow down growth, obeying the energy of the waning night star. Special care for flowers is not required. It is necessary to maintain the required level of humidity so that the flowers feel comfortable.

December 4, 5: under the influence of the Moon in Scorpio, plants can be transplanted and new seeds sown, which will quickly hatch and delight with young strong shoots. Bulbous plants will germinate more slowly, so they will need additional feeding and compliance with all the rules of care.

6, 7 and 8 December: The Moon moves into the Sign of Sagittarius, and the energy of this union will be contradictory. On the 6th, before the New Moon, plants can be fertilized, and on the 7th, flower growers need to be careful. On this day, you can rid the flowers of extra shoots that have already dried up, but you should not disturb the green branches and roots. On the 8th, the waxing Moon will provide the plants with an additional impetus for growth, and moisture-loving flowers can be abundantly watered into these essences.

December 9, 10: The rising of the Moon in Capricorn provides an auspicious time for plant care. You can safely engage in planting plants, planting new flowers through seeds, bulbs and cuttings.

December 11, 12 and 13: The moon is in Aquarius, which means that this is a good time for experiments. Flower growers will be able to grow new exotic plants, as well as select existing flowers.

December 14, 15: the influence of the constellation Pisces will help flower growers take care of shrubs and dwarf trees. The formation of crowns, as well as the cultivation of bonsai will bring a lot of positive emotions.

December 16, 17 and 18: The moon is moving into the unfertile constellation of Aries, and plants are best left alone these days. Watering will also be inappropriate, which can provoke root diseases, as well as the formation of mold in the soil.

December 19, 20: the transition of the night luminary into the sign of Taurus will help the plants grow actively and prepare for the flowering period. In the winter garden, you need to provide good lighting and an optimal temperature level in order to enjoy the beautiful flowers and ovaries on fruit trees. In the winter season, lemons grow well, which will become an additional source of vitamins.

December 21, 22: the growth of the moon continues in Gemini, and on the 21st the plants can be fertilized. The full moon on December 22 is a time for rest, so flower growers can do the necessary things, leaving the plants alone.

December 23, 24: The waning Moon in Cancer is a time for caring for seedlings, which require sufficient lighting and timely watering. These days, you can take care of fragile seedlings of flowers and other previously planted crops. Sowing greenery will be successful, which will decorate the festive New Year's table.

December 25, 26: the infertile Leo in alliance with the waning moon will not give the plants an additional impetus for development. These days the flowers will not need attention, and loosening the soil can cause stunting and even death of plants.

December 27, 28: The moon enters the constellation Virgo. Light-loving plants are important to rearrange closer to the source of additional lighting, otherwise their crowns and stems are deformed.

December 29, 30: under the influence of the constellation Libra, plants are actively developing, which means that flower growers should pay attention to them. Timely care, watering and fertilizer will help the flowers look great and fill the house with the energy of happiness.

Dec. 31: The Moon in Scorpio is not the time for active manipulation. Plants need to rest. Exceptions will be only moisture-loving pets, spraying which will help to avoid drying out of the leaves.

Flower growers can decorate their home with many interesting plants, but their choice should be approached carefully. Many tropical flowers contain poisonous juice, so they cannot exist in families with small children and animals without supervision. It is also worth considering that some flowers are energy vampires. Such plants do not belong in houses. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

27.11.2018 06:11

The unusual properties of geraniums have been known since ancient times. Previously, this plant was grown in order to clean ...