Stones in numerology. How to choose a stone by date of birth? - suitable talismans

People have known about the miraculous power of natural minerals since ancient times. Both Eastern teachings and Western theories emphasized that if the energy of a person coincides with the energy of a natural mineral, if they tune into each other, like a receiver antenna for radio waves, a person will receive powerful support for his body. To him, as if by a wave, health, good luck will begin to be attracted, the desired will begin to be easily embodied, and problems will melt away, as if by themselves. But the trouble is, if someone takes possession of a stone that is not “their own”, you won’t end up with problems with it! To prevent this from happening, astrologers have developed a whole system for the correct selection and wearing of gems.

Astrology and mineralogy

Astrologers believe that main principle selection of jewelry - stones by date of birth: they should improve our character, enhance the positive aspects of the personality and, conversely, reduce or neutralize the negative ones. If more than one, but several gems are used in the decoration, their number should not be a multiple of two and should not be equal to 13. Esotericists consider sets of 1 mineral, 3, 5, etc. up to 9 to be very good. Knowing their basic properties, you can choose stones by date of birth: the main one and a few more as companion stones. They will complement each other wonderfully and help you.

Horoscope and gems:


And now more about what and who should wear. Aries are shown rubies. They are hot and impulsive, their natures perfectly correlate with this passionate stone, the king of gems, which has absorbed the energy of the sun and living blood. Stones by date of birth for Aries are amethysts that can protect them from all sorts of excesses and stay sober in any force majeure situations. Still happy gems of Aries are diamonds, carbuncles, pyrites. Representatives of the sign can also wear stones intended for other fire signs - Sagittarius and Leo. As well as air signs - Aquarius and Gemini. But the gems of Libra, Capricorn, Cancer is better to beware.


For Taurus, the main stones by date of birth are garnets. They help their owners achieve their desired goals, increase their well-being, help maintain excellent physical shape and visual appeal. Opal is suitable as a talisman for Taurus. Happy for them agate, onyx, aventurine, turquoise. Pisces, Capricorn, Cancer are well combined. You should not experiment with minerals corresponding to Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius.


The horoscope of stones by the date of birth of Gemini puts forward in the first place rhinestone or clear quartz. Thanks to him, the representatives of the sign gain the ability to predict events, obtain the necessary information at a distance and avoid many problems. The talisman is chalcedony. Lucky ones include beryl, chrysoprase, rhodonite, seshenite, rhodochrosite. Stones from Aries, Leo, Libra, Aquarius are also suitable. The gems of Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo are capable of harming.


To choose the right stone by date of birth for Cancers, first of all, you need to pay attention to the emerald. The health of the representatives of the sign is weak, the energy is thin. And this cheerful, cheerful crystal can literally breathe new life into its owners. Chrysoberyl can be made a talisman. Lucky pebbles - amazonite, heliotrope, pearls, mother-of-pearl, selenite. Auspicious minerals - from the collection of Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces. Inappropriate - from Aries, Capricorn, Libra.


Next up is the Lions. Their strength is in the diamond. The king of precious stones will give Leo its own brilliance and charm, strengthen vitality, immunity, health, self-confidence. An excellent stone-talisman according to the date of birth of Lviv is a no less luxurious crystal noble sapphire. Happy support are golden topaz, lal, cat's eye, carnelian, amber. Related to Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius. Inappropriate - Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus.


Main gems by date of birth for a neat, thoughtful, pedantic Virgo - yellow topazes. They help to gain confidence in oneself, not to waste one's own energy on trifles. Aquamarine was identified as a talisman of esotericism for Virgos. Jasper, tourmaline, jadeite, onyx, pink tourmaline are considered lucky minerals. "Support group" - gems of Cancer, Taurus, Capricorn, Scorpio. Failure will bring the stones of Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini.


Libra's guardian angel is the mineral tourmaline. It will maintain normal health, energy well-being, bring elements of stability and harmony into life. Lucky ones include amethyst, hyacinth, lapis lazuli, moss agate, opal, sparrow. Favorable jewelry with stones of Sagittarius, Gemini, Leo, Aquarius. Beware of gems Aries, Capricorn, Cancer.


Aquamarine energy is very suitable for Scorpios. These stones can enhance protective force representatives of the sign and protect from unrealistic illusions. Choose aventurine as a talisman, and alexandrites, opals, rauchtopazes, topazes, schorls will become happy minerals for Scorpios. Gems of Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer, Pisces correspond to this sign.


The main gemstone of Sagittarius is sapphire. He ennobles his owner, helps to use his powers rationally, eliminates illusions in relation to others. Beryl and turquoise can be chosen as the talisman of Sagittarius, augustite, tiger's eye, tiffanite, chalcedony, melanite can be chosen as lucky stones. Suitable for the sign of the jewels of Aries, Aquarius, Leo and Libra. Minerals are hostile to him, friendly to Gemini, Pisces, Virgo.


Capricorns are close to the aura spread by rauch-topazes. These stones will help them realize themselves in professional field, and in general, support in every possible way. The talisman is a sparkling emerald, the minerals that bring happiness are the minerals malachite, black pearl, obsidian, chrysoberyl. Favorable jewelry from the collection of Pisces, Taurus, Scorpio, Virgo.


Aquarius and alexandrite are like two sides of the same coin. This stone is connected with this sign by many invisible threads. It increases the spiritual potential of Aquarius, enhances mental performance, nourishes with energy and support. A carnelian nugget can serve as a talisman. Lucky stones in astromineralogy for Aquarius are citrines, sapphires, zircons, hairy. Gems of Sagittarius, Libra, Aries, Gemini can act as assistants. Do not touch the stones related to Taurus, Leo, Capricorn.


Completes the sign Pisces. Their main stone is an amethyst. It gives its owners a sense of harmony with themselves and with the world, helps to connect with higher powers. Jade acts as a talisman. Minerals are happy: aquamarine, morganite, chalcedony, charoite. Suitable in combination with them Scorpions, Capricorns, Cancer. Beware of minerals suitable for Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini.

These are the tips astrologers give about our "malachite boxes"!

Who among us has not dreamed of a magical assistant that would protect its owner from negative events, while attracting good luck, success and all the best. But it is not difficult to acquire such a magical little thing: it is enough to choose talismans by date of birth, month of birth, name or zodiac sign.

These classifications of minerals are considered the most common, and choosing a talisman, following them, is very simple.

Magic items by day

In order to develop the strengths of character and reduce the influence of negative ones, it is recommended to choose stones by date of birth. Also, such a talisman will attract positive events and good luck in all areas to the life of its owner.

People born on the 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th of any month should pay attention to jewelry with opal, golden topaz, ruby ​​or red coral.

For those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th, minerals such as cat's or tiger's eye, pearls, green opal, jade are suitable.

Talismans in the form of topazes, amethysts, emeralds and corals are suitable for those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th.

Diamond, garnet, sapphire, aquamarine and opal are stones born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st of any month.

People with a date of birth of 5, 14 and 23 will suit white sapphires, diamonds and zircons.

If your date of birth is 6, 15, 24, then your minerals are green opal, beryl, aquamarine, peridot and emerald.

Those born on the 7th, 16th and 25th should pay attention to moonstone, pearls, tiger's eye and opal.

Red-brown or gray opal, lapis lazuli and blue sapphire are perfect for people born on the 8th, 17th and 26th of any month and year.

As you can see, choosing a magical assistant by date of birth is very simple, and the selected stones can also be used as decorations. And in order for the talisman to serve for a long period of time, it must be picked up more often and treated with care.

Magic items according to the sign of the zodiac

All natural stones can be classified according to the signs of the Zodiac. Such a classification will help you choose a talisman that suits people born in the same constellation.

For people born in the constellation Aries, products with diamonds, zircon, rock crystal are recommended.

Talismans with turquoise, aventurine, agate and alexandrite are perfect for Taurus.

Those born in the constellation of Gemini can use beryl, carnelian, amethyst.

People whose zodiac sign is Cancer will suit emerald, moonstone and pearls.

And for Virgo, jade, jasper and onyx will be the best companions.

Libra will be able to attract good luck and prosperity using a talisman with malachite or tourmaline.

Representatives of the fire sign Sagittarius are perfect for sapphires, turquoise, lapis lazuli and chalcedony.

For people whose zodiac sign is Capricorn, tourmaline and obsidian are recommended.

Garnet, aquamarine and amethyst are the stones of those born in the constellation of Aquarius.

And for Pisces, moonstone, coral and opal are considered the most suitable.

Selecting a Magic Item by Day of the Week

A very popular method is the choice of a magical assistant according to the day of the week on which the person was born. Modern computing devices will help determine the birthday of a person, which will become the starting point for determining the mineral.

  • Sunday- the talisman of a person born on this day should be golden in color. Stones such as carnelian, amber, golden zircon and golden topaz are perfect.
  • Monday- Minerals with a whitish tint. Moonstone, pearls, opal are perfect.
  • Tuesday- red stones - lapis lazuli, sodalite, ruby, red jasper, hematite, coral.
  • Wednesday- blue minerals such as lapis lazuli, sapphire, aquamarine, turquoise, topaz.
  • Thursday- purple gems. Among purple gems, fluorite, amethyst, charoite are most suitable.
  • Friday- greenish gems. Those born on this day should pay attention to chrysoprase, malachite, peridot, emerald, green tourmaline and jade.
  • Saturday- black stones, among which the most popular is smoky quartz.

To choose a talisman using this method, you also need to hold the mineral for several minutes in your hands. This will allow you to finally make sure whether the gem is right for you or not.

Magic items by month

You can choose talismans by the month in which the person was born. For each of the twelve months, there are talismans that attract good luck and prosperity to the owner of the gem, strengthening health and improving well-being.

  • January- dark red stone pyrope (garnet);
  • February- purple mineral amethyst;
  • March- light purple aquamarine;
  • April– colorless diamond;
  • May- bright green emerald;
  • June- cream pearls or red or green alexandrite;
  • July- deep red ruby
  • August- green chrysolite;
  • September- blue sapphire
  • October- tourmaline or pink opal;
  • november- yellow topaz;
  • December- zircon or azure turquoise.

A stone chosen by the month of birth is a wonderful gift close person or to yourself. Talismans of this type will attract positive events into a person’s life, reducing the negative and the number of unpleasant phenomena.

Nowadays natural gems are considered excellent magical helpers that protect a person from everything negative, attracting good luck, luck, happiness and other positive events. In order to choose the most suitable mineral to be used as a talisman, you need to study the classification of minerals.

As a rule, you can choose a talisman by date or month of birth, by name and zodiac sign. However, in addition to studying various classifications, you also need to pay attention to the sensations at the moment of touching the gem. The stone should not cause negativity, excitement or anxiety, and any contact with it should give peace and tranquility.

Any person is able to choose a stone that suits him perfectly. Sometimes your talisman is felt immediately after touching. This method does not always work, so you should turn to the magic of numbers.

Mascot functions

Their magical properties precious or semiprecious stone It manifests itself to the maximum when one believes in its power. It is important to select stones with responsibility. There are many ways to search for a talisman, but the surest way is to determine by date of birth. Amulets selected by this method will be able to:

  1. Protect from negativity.
  2. Improve health.
  3. Bring success in life and career.
  4. Reward with strength and energy.
  5. Help in your personal life.

The main thing is not only a competent choice, but careful care of the mineral. With improper use, it loses its strength and cracks. The easiest way is to feed the amulet with the energy of the earth. To do this, you need to put it in a flower pot for a couple of days.

Date of Birth

Numbers are playing human life big role, so people are dependent on them. This feature concerns the question of how to choose a talisman stone.

Numerology experts say that a birthday carries important information. Years of research have shown that certain character traits can be recognized from it. Data can help in the formation of personal qualities.

A stone by date of birth is chosen based on certain calculations, during which the essence of the number is clarified. It can be calculated as follows:

  1. Date of birth November 29, 1991. The month in the calendar is 11th in a row. It turns out 11/29/1991.
  2. The sum of the components is calculated: 2+9+1+1+1+9+9+1=33.
  3. We need to get a result in the range from 1 to 9, so we additionally add 3+3=6.
  4. According to the calculations, it is clear that the essence is the number 6. You need to find it in the memo and, in accordance with it, choose your talisman.


  • Number 1 rewards energy and determination. Obsidian is a talisman in love affairs.
  • Number 2. Sapphire and citrine will clear the mind and direct you in the right direction on any life path.
  • Number 3. Coral and obsidian will restore peace of mind and maintain good health.
  • Number 4. will protect from the evil eye and create a powerful defense against bad thoughts from the outside.
  • Number 5. Turquoise will soften the harsh character and help establish harmonious relationships with others.
  • Number 6. promotes the disclosure of creative potential and implementation in the professional field.
  • Number 7. will attract good luck, which will accompany everywhere.
  • The number 8 will help build successful friendships and professional relationships.
  • The number 9 will clear the mind of unnecessary thoughts and set you up for solving current problems.

Day of the month

Sometimes the determination of which stone is suitable occurs on the basis of only one day of the month.

the dateMascot
1, 10, 19, 28 Heliotrope, amethyst, lapis lazuli, ruby
2, 11, 20, 29 Citrine, carnelian, hyacinth
3, 12, 21, 30 carnelian, aventurine, emerald
4, 13, 22, 31 Coral, jade, aquamarine
5, 14, 23 Almandine, topaz, chrysolite
6, 15, 24 Garnet, agate, sapphire
7, 16, 25 Lapis lazuli, citrine, jasper
8, 17, 26 Aquamarine, onyx, obsidian
9, 18, 27 Diamond, amber, pearl


By month of birth, it is not entirely correct to navigate. It is more correct to consider the meanings of amulets relative to the zodiac sign to which you belong. Talismans of the month does not apply strictly to one month, but captures a certain part of two months at once. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with how to choose the right one.

Representativethe dateamuletDangerous Talismans
AriesMarch 21 - April 20TopazLibra sign
TaurusApril 21 - May 21Beryl, onyx, turquoiseScorpio sign
TwinsMay 22 - June 21JasperSagittarius sign
CrayfishJune 22 - July 22Emerald, tourmalineCapricorn sign
a lionJuly 23 - August 23Chrysoprase, onyxAquarius sign
VirgoAugust 24 - September 23TurquoisePisces sign
ScalesSeptember 24 - October 23Obsidian, sapphireAries sign
ScorpionOctober 24 - November 22Chalcedony, carnelianTaurus sign
SagittariusNovember 23 - December 21diamond, opalGemini sign
CapricornDecember 22 - January 20amber, topazCancer sign
AquariusJanuary 21 - February 18Citrine, sapphireLeo sign
FishFebruary 19 - March 20Coral, bloodstoneVirgo sign

Day of the week

The day of the week on which a person was born also carries a special meaning. If the previous methods did not help determine your talisman, you can consider this option by choosing your stone by day from the table:


More blurred information on a certain “own” stone is given by the season corresponding to the date of birth.

You can display in the amulet an accessory according to the season of the year if you select, for example, a pendant in the shape of a snowflake for winter people. Those born in autumn will adorn themselves with jewels in the form of a maple leaf, in spring - a flower, in summer - the sun or a butterfly.

Features of choice

The fact that a talisman stone is selected by date of birth is not enough, it is necessary that its owner feel that this is his talisman. During the search, rational thinking is completely turned off and only intuition is used at the stage of the information channel. This is how the energy requirement of the mineral is determined.

The power of birthday stones is able to penetrate any matter, including the cells of the body. Energy fields interact already in the first minutes. At an intuitive level, the shape, color and cost of the gem are not taken into account. The strength of the effect of the amulet on the owner does not depend on the size.

The raw mineral has the highest energy. It is not very convenient to carry it with you all the time, so the jewelry form of the amulet is chosen. If there is a desire to purchase this particular crystal, then you need to check yourself by taking it in left hand and focus on feelings.

If at the moment there is a desire that here and now you want to buy certain items made of a mineral, for example, a jade figurine or a pearl necklace, then you do not need to resist it. This means that it is at this moment that any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife needs help from this amulet.

How to use the energy of the stone?

If you do not use the talisman correctly, then semi-precious and precious stones by date of birth will not bring benefits, but only harm. Minerals for protective purposes may be worn by any convenient method. More often they are used in rings, bracelets, pendants, earrings and other types of jewelry. Stones can be carried simply in a wallet or purse.

After acquiring a stone, it must be cleaned, as strangers have touched it. Then your talisman is charged with energy. Depending on the type of stone, it will take some time for it to get used to its owner.

Next to which place on the body to wear stones by date of birth, intuition will best tell. Sometimes people do not know which part of the body needs energy. Then the stones are applied on a subconscious level.

If there is a feeling that the psychological sphere needs help, then the talisman is located in a conspicuous place. The full protective effect is achieved with constant contact with the naked body.

To obtain a certain result, you cannot tell anyone that you are using the energy of the stone. It is also not allowed to touch the surface of semi-precious talismans of strangers, as they are able to take away his power.

If at some point the owner of the amulet loses it, then he does not need to lose heart. This means that the mineral has fulfilled its purpose. Or he has accumulated so much negative energy in himself that it would change his life in a negative direction.

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It is up to the person himself to decide how to pick up a stone by date of birth. Giving any amulet without knowing how the donee will react to its power is a bad idea. A correctly chosen amulet, along with the faith of the owner, will help out in many situations in life.