Beliefs and signs for September. September

September is the first month of autumn, which has always had a special meaning for our ancestors. Often, a wonderful time fell on this period - Indian summer, which gave a person the opportunity to bask in the last rays of the sun before the real harsh winter comes. Despite this, one could clearly see how the weather was changing, it was on these observations that a special folk calendar was built, in which all the signs for September are collected.

The most famous signs

Before proceeding to the description of the September calendar, it is worth talking about general signs that apply regardless of the day and date of the autumn month.

  • If a thunderstorm is often heard in the first autumn month, wait for a warm October and November
  • If there is practically no rain in September, you should not wait for winter soon
  • If an Indian falls in the first quarter of the month, they say that September turned the sickle on its back, then the winter will be snowy
  • If you notice ants on the grass, expect a snowy winter, it will come in November
  • If the whole month is warm - expect a mild warm autumn
  • When autumn starts with cold weather, a warm spring will change the cold one faster than usual

Signs for the first decade of September

Let's move on to the description of the folk signs of September in terms of dates, starting from the first date of autumn - the first of September, at present this date is associated with the end of the holidays for children and the beginning of a new school year.

September 1

This day was popularly called Thekla Beetroot. Quite often, the beginning of autumn is accompanied by sunny and warm weather. What signs of September exist:

  • If on September 1 you happen to see a bright sunset wrapped in pink or gold flowers, the weather will be warm all month. In the case when there are practically no clouds in the sky or they are rare, the autumn weather will please, the harvests will be rich.
  • When the planet Venus can be seen in the sky, this indicates certain weather conditions. If this happened in the morning - the winter promises to be mild, if at night - wait for a harsh winter. If the wind often changes its direction, the weather will be just as changeable in winter.

Signs September 2

People call 2.09 Samoilov's day. Let's find out what signs are valid today:

  • If the moon has a reddish tint - expect strong gusts of wind tomorrow
  • If the yellowing of the leaves on the birch occurs from top to bottom, then spring will come early, otherwise, wait for a protracted spring
  • If the sunset occurs in fog, it will rain heavily tomorrow
  • Pay attention to how the reed grows. In the case when the stem is a little sticky inside - winter will not recede for a long time
  • When the vegetation on the larch looks ajar, the weather will be clear for a long time

September 3

In folk references, this date is called Thaddeus the Preacher. Here is a list of folk signs that are in force today:

  • When the morning is cloudy, the day is sure to be fine.
  • When the sunset is accompanied by northern clouds, the weather will be windy
  • In the case when the winds blow from the west, there will be a sharp change in weather conditions
  • When air masses move from the north, there will be an early cold
  • There is a sign of September associated with pheasants, when the bird tries to find shelter - expect bad weather tomorrow.

4 September

  • If the stars are clearly visible in the sky on September 4, the first snow will fall in the fall
  • In the case when a huge number of mushrooms have grown in the forest, you should not expect good fishing
  • When a September morning starts with a torrential downpour, don't go fishing tomorrow
  • If the evening of September 4 ends with a thunderstorm, the next day you need to go fishing, a good catch awaits you.

September 5

This date of the folk calendar is called Lupa Cowberry, usually from year to year the first frosts appear on the soil at night.

  • If trees bloom on September 5, for example, on lilacs or apple trees, expect a long winter
  • If peas suddenly bloomed in your garden, this is a sign that autumn will be long and warm.
  • If there is thick fog in the evening, then the weather is expected to change for the better soon.

6 September

The day of Eutyches the Pacific, usually every September 6, there is complete calm, not a single leaf sways on the trees.

  • When the morning of 09/06 begins with a drizzle, wait good harvest new year
  • When stars are visible in the sky at night, the weather will be clear for several more days
  • If the temperature at night and day is not too different - winter will be without snow
  • When September 6 is accompanied by fog, expect a bad harvest.

September 7

The date in the folk calendar had a different name - Titus Leaf Fall, since at that time the active fall of leaves from the trees began.

  • If it rains in the afternoon, it will often rain in autumn
  • If you can clearly hear the trees cracking in the forest, the weather will be dry for a long time.
  • When crows make a sharp intermittent sound, expect a period of prolonged downpours

Pay attention to the night sky, when the constellation Ursa Major is clearly visible - frosts are just around the corner.

8 September

Day of Natalia Ovsyannitsa and Andrian Autumn, the date is also shrouded in a mass of traditions, superstitions, beliefs and folk signs for September.

  • If you manage to hear a woodpecker in the distance, it will rain
  • When migratory birds fly south on this day, it is a sign that it will be very cold in the near future.
  • When a horse continuously beats its hoof on the ground - a sign that bad news awaits you
  • If there is thick fog outside - expect a good harvest

9th of September

Pimen's Day, at this time you can also predict what the weather will be like in the near future, as well as throughout the calendar year.

  • If a lot of acorns have grown on an oak, winter promises to be unusually cold.
  • When there is frost on the willow in the morning, the winter will also be harsh.
  • If there is a cat in the house, pay attention to her behavior, if she snorts, bad weather is coming, from which you cannot hide
  • If the pigs try not to leave the pigsty today, it will rain with a thunderstorm
  • When autumn clouds in the sky look like cotton balls - it's worth waiting for sunny rain

10 September

The folk calendar calls this date the day of Anna and Savva Skirdnikov.

  • Go to the forest, see if there are many mushrooms on the ground, if there are few or none at all - expect a very cold winter
  • When there is a lot of mountain ash - the rest of autumn will be rainy
  • When the evening sunset is painted red, the weather will not please you with sunny days.

Second decade of September

11 September

September 11 is the Day of Ivan the Lent. If on this day the cranes are going to fly, winter is just around the corner

  • When the snails close the shutters on the shells already in mid-September, the winter will be snowy and windy
  • When the wind often changes direction throughout September 11, expect rainy October
  • If you live near a lake, pay attention to when water lilies emerge from the water. If this happens after 10 am - the season of prolonged rains is coming.

12-th of September

The date is named after Alexander Sytgnik.

  • If the plants are tightly wrapped in cobwebs, it will be warm for a long time.
  • In the case when the bees have already sealed the hives by this time, there will be a very severe snowy winter.
  • When the direction of air masses changes clockwise, the first frosts should not be expected in the near future.
  • If autumn flowers turn their heads to the sun, expect rain.

September 13

  • If the ants built high anthills, the winter will be very cold
  • When frogs try to hide deeper than usual - expect a cold snap soon
  • When the edges of the clouds are painted crimson - expect a squally wind tomorrow

September 14

September 14 - the end of the second week of September is called Seed Day, quite often at this time the Indian summer begins every year, so the weather is clear and sunny, but this is a sign that the rest of autumn will be very windy. Among other signs for September 14, the following can be noted:

  • If the Indian summer has already ended or has not yet begun by this time, the autumn will be dry
  • When the web is densely entangled with low plants, the winter will be mild and gentle.

September 15th

Mammoth Day, this is the name that corresponds to September 15 in the folk calendar and is believed to be September. Among other signs for September 15, the following can be noted:

  • Pay attention to how strong the wind is on this day, if there are gusts and squalls - you should expect inclement weather in the near future
  • If the mole has already begun to prepare for winter, pulling straw into the mink - a sign that winter is already preparing to take over positions
  • When migratory birds huddle in flocks and fly south, the winter will be rainy.

Domny Good day, this is the name that corresponds to the date described. September has already crossed the middle, which cannot but affect the weather conditions, as the nights become colder, and the sun is no longer so warm.

  • In the event that you notice coniferous trees a large number of cones - the beginning of winter will be quite warm and soft
  • If there is a full moon on the night of September 16, expect bad weather. By the way, full moon nights are a great time for fortune-telling, it is often used by young girls in fortune-telling for a betrothed mummer.

September 17

September 17 is called in the folk calendar - Burning Kulina, usually this September date is accompanied by prolonged rain with wind.

  • If the precipitation was short, this year's harvest will not please
  • When precipitation is accompanied by hail and thunder, it will be possible to reap a rich harvest.
  • When a cuckoo is heard in the forest on the morning of September 17, a joyful event will happen in the family. If an unmarried girl happened to hear the cuckoo, she will soon get married, but if it was a married woman, she will soon be expecting a child.

September 18

Day of Zacharias and Elizabeth, September 18, it was customary to conduct a variety of ceremonies and rituals associated with white magic. Women, according to custom, tried not to take knives, scissors and other sharp objects in their hands on Zacharias and Elizabeth, as this was considered a bad sign.

  • When the onion is covered with a thin husk, the winter will not be too harsh.
  • When clouds cover the sky without a gap on September 18 - this portends clear weather for the next month - October
  • If livestock is reluctant to graze, weather conditions will change for the worse.

September 19

September 19 is St. Michael's Day, according to ancient beliefs and traditions, today it was impossible to do hard work, it was advisable to postpone cleaning and cooking for another day or do all the work in advance. According to custom, Mikhailov's day is cool, in winter frosts can form on the soil.

  • When there is a new moon on September 19 - expect trouble
  • When the morning wind shakes the web - expect a frosty night
  • When the clouds are bright blue, the weather will change
  • If there are a lot of green trees on the street, spring will be early and warm.

September 20

September 20 is a holiday that is commonly called Onion Day, according to beliefs and traditions - it was necessary to eat onions today so that happiness and good luck are on your side.

  • When birds fly higher than usual on September 20, there will be a lot of snow in November
  • If there are still leaves on the cherry, the winter period will be damp and warm.
  • When the cones on the spruce grow very low, expect frost at the end of September.

Third decade of September

September 21

  • When hares change their coat color by this time, it means that real winter will not take long
  • A lot of cones on spruce indicates that a good harvest of spring crops is expected, cucumber and peas will also disfigure
  • When the autumn flowers wither en masse on this day, there will be heavy rain with lightning at night.

September 22nd

The name of this day, according to the folk calendar, will be the Day of Anna and Akim, in addition, this is the day of the Equinox, when the length of the day is equal to the night.

  • If by September 22 starlings have not yet flown away, autumn promises to be windy and cold
  • If the color of the hare's coat has not changed, winter will not come soon.
  • In the case when leaves fall from the trees on September 22, wheat will spoil
  • When forest animals molt massively, winter will come into its own ahead of time.

23 September

  • If by this time the hunters notice that the edge of the game is not too fluffy, the winter promises to be mild.
  • When there are spots on hare fur, the winter will be harsh
  • The presence of moss on old stumps indicates that winter crops will spoil well
  • If the sky is high, expect a strong wind for 2-3 days.

September 24

On September 24, people called Fedorina evenings, in the evening they tried to gather the whole family for a hearty dinner, which ended with drinking homemade wine.

  • When moles carry straw into their burrows on September 24, winter threatens to be cold
  • Pay attention to the eyes of the cat: wide pupils - the pressure of the atmosphere is high and vice versa
  • When a lot of mushrooms have grown in the forest, snowy winter will come
  • When the birds swarm in the sky, circling - warming is coming.

September 25

September 25 is called Artamona Serpentine, people try to spend this day at home, as they often feel weak and unwell.

  • When it rains on September 25 - expect trouble
  • When a strong wind blows throughout the day, it will not be possible to harvest a rich harvest.

September 26

  • When the molting of chickens begins en masse on the 26th, autumn and winter will be warm
  • If bubbles appear in puddles during rain, bad weather is coming.
  • In the case when it rains slanting on September 26 - wait for warming.

September 27

This day is celebrated as a church Orthodox holiday Exaltations, people go to church en masse with their families. Let's find out what the list of signs for September 27 looks like:

  • Pay attention to which direction the winds blow during the Exaltation. If the movement of air occurs from south to north, this portends warming. If the west wind comes, the weather will be inclement.
  • When a red halo forms around the moon at night, expect dry, warm weather in the near future.
  • The presence of cranes in the sky indicates that there will be a warm autumn, but not for long.

September 28

Day of honoring Nikita Gusyatnik. What signs are valid on September 28? When you hear the squeak of tits at this time, consider this the first bell of the approaching winter, and it promises to be harsh and long.

If the departure of cranes falls on this date, in a month winter will enter into legal rights, the earth will be covered with a thick layer of snow.

September 29

The name of September 29, according to the folk calendar, will be - Bird's bone. Among the signs for September 29, one can note such

  • Pay attention to how migratory birds fly. If the movement occurs against the air masses, a strong squally wind is coming
  • When squirrels stock up on food - expect a harsh winter
  • If squirrels molt from top to bottom, expect a warm winter with sleet
  • When the field mice are engaged in warming the minks on this day, a harsh winter is coming, ice is also promised.

Folk signs of autumn

Many people get sad when August ends and September begins. by this time it is obvious - the leaves begin to turn yellow already at the end of August, and although it is still warm, everyone understands that the rainy and damp season will soon come.

About September, many signs and sayings have been preserved since ancient times in different countries, where he had names corresponding to these signs.

September in various Slavic languages

September is the most "rich" in names in various Slavic cultures. Most often this is due either to the end of field work, or to the weather, or to the hunting season.

In Belarusian, Ukrainian and Polish, the name of the month is associated with the time of heather flowering. In Belarusian it sounds verasen, in Ukrainian - veresen, and in Polish - wrzesien. Among the Czechs and Croats, the signs and traditions of September were associated with the beginning of the hunt, which is why it sounds accordingly - zari for the Czechs and rujan for the Croats.

Among the ancient Slavs, September was designated as ryuen (howler) - the time when male deer roar. This month they had a meal in honor of Rod and Rozhanits, who were revered by many pagan Slavic tribes. The clan stood above Perun the Thunderer, and tables were set in his honor and thanked for the generous harvest. Women in labor were considered "virgins of life" who helped the birth of children.

Seeing off summer

In ancient times, there were many beliefs that fell on September. Signs were associated with the harvest or those who could harm it. For example, it was believed that on Agathon's day (4th day) a goblin comes out of the forest and behaves outrageously - he scatters sheaves in villages and villages.

There was even a ceremony called "night", during which the men put on their sheepskin coats inside out, tied their heads and took a poker to protect the threshing floor. Having circled the poker around the threshing floor, they seemed to seal it, kindle fires and wait for the dawn.

The beginning of autumn was perceived as seeing off a fruitful summer, as evidenced by the folk saying "August cooks, and September serves to the table." After the harvest, tables were laid and the end of the harvest was celebrated.

The ancient Slavs began in September New Year, as the time for sowing and harvesting had passed, and the land was preparing for a new period of "hibernation".

In fact, it was September that gave the forecast for the winter. Signs of the month were tracked by people who knew a lot about it.

September weather tips

Since September is only the beginning of autumn, in order to find out how soon the cold will come, whether there will be snow in winter or whether it will be wet and rainy, the ancient Slavs, observing the weather and passing on their knowledge from generation to generation, developed their “forecasts”.

The signs of the weather for September concerned not only her, but also the behavior of birds and animals. So, on Lupa-cowberry (September 5) we observed cranes. If they flew to warmer climes that day, then expect an early winter. The wedge flies low - to be warm in winter, high - frosty.

To find out what autumn and next spring would be like, the peasants noticed what the weather was like on Eutychius. If it rained that day, then the rest of the autumn was expected to be dry, and the next year's harvest promised to be high.

A protracted autumn was promised if there was a thunderstorm in September. Folk signs say: "Thunder in September to a long autumn." If you compare folk omens with what modern weather forecasters predict, the result will be 50/50. For example, by the protracted autumn there is also a belief that the drier September is, the later winter will come.

Proverbs about the harvest in September

Today, signs of September are often mentioned for children in nature studies or literature lessons. Proverbs have survived to this day and convey the centuries-old folk observation of people whose lives directly depended on the mercy of nature. Today, the harvest most often depends on fertilizers, so the old beliefs have become only a memory of peasant wisdom.

“September is cold, but full” - the peasants treated this harvest month with respect.

At this time, berries, root crops, mushrooms, oats and flax are harvested. Each of the vegetables, fruits or berries has its own sign, saying or proverb. "September smells like apples, October - cabbage" - so the wise old people used to say.

Since September completed the work in the fields and was fruitful and warm, the largest number of weddings at all times fell on this month.

Wedding Traditions in September

If signs were assigned, its accompanying, and various beliefs were strictly carried out. Most of the young married in this month, as it closed the fruitful summer and was considered the breadwinner of winter.

Today, these rites are no longer used, but once their performance was mandatory, otherwise the marriage could be unsuccessful. In ancient times, a wedding was not just an event, but a real “theatrical” performance, where everyone present knew what to say, where to stand and how to behave.

It was believed, for example, that a gossamer that fell on the bride's face indicates a life of fun and full of joy. If it rained on the wedding day, then abundance and wealth awaited the young. The groom, who entered into a puddle, had every chance of becoming a drunkard if the wedding was in September. The signs of antiquity are perceived with humor today, but once people sincerely believed in them.

From the old wedding traditions, for example, the ransom of the bride remained, which no longer has the same semantic meaning as it once did. In those days, the bride went to live in her husband's house, where his relatives were not obliged to love and pity her, so the bride price assumed that the more the groom paid, the more he would value his wife.

In addition to weddings, September was full of folk holidays.

Holiday of Natalia and Adrian in September

September painted the affairs for every day for all the peasants. As the people said, “I missed a day - I lost my harvest,” but after everything was harvested in gardens, fields and vegetable gardens, people celebrated numerous holidays, the number of which in September is more than in any other month of the year.

The peasant holiday of the beginning of autumn was the day of Natalya fescue and Andrian of the autumn (8th day). On this day, the peasants went out to harvest oats. “Natalya carries an oatmeal pancake into the barn, and Adrian brings oatmeal in a pot,” they said, cutting off the first bunch of oats and tying it into a sheaf, carrying it with songs to the manor’s farmstead or to their hut.

On this day it was customary to bake oatmeal pancakes, there is buckwheat porridge and drink brew. September showed important signs that day. If the leaf has not yet fallen from birches and oaks, then it will be a harsh winter, and a cold morning on Natalya will lead to early winter.

Holidays in the second half of September

Kupriyanov day (13th day) was marked by the harvest of root crops, except for radish. Also on this day, the collection of cranberries (cranes) in the swamps began, as the cranes gathered in a wedge and flew away.

September 21 was the great Apos day and Holy Mother of God. This is the time of onion harvesting and the meeting of autumn, as this day was the solstice from summer to winter. If there was a thunderstorm in September, the signs of this day indicated a “rotten” autumn, and a fine day - dry and warm.

Exaltation is another big celebration from the villagers, which meant that turnips and cabbage were removed from the fields. On this day, skits and festivities were arranged after the church service. Also, after the Exaltation, they began to salt the cabbage, and it was the end of the Indian summer.

Indian summer

According to the tradition of the ancient Slavs, Marfino (Indian) summer began on Simeon's day (the 14th) and ended on the day of the Exaltation (September 27). The name came from which in Russia was called Baba. From the second half of August until mid-September, it appeared in place of the sun, as the day became shorter and the luminary left the sky.

It was a time of family reconciliation and numerous works in the fields and gardens. If there is a thunderstorm in Indian summer in September, folk signs reported a dry and warm autumn. With the end of the warm "Indian" period, women sat down to needlework, wove canvases, sang songs.

September Proverbs

Observant and savvy people have created a whole layer of folk sayings and proverbs about autumn. Although this is the period when the warm summer ends, in Russia they revered autumn and gave it sometimes affectionate, and sometimes harsh designations. Today, proverbs and signs of September are most often published for schoolchildren, as they have lost their semantic meaning for those who work on the ground. For ancestors, September was a significant month.

“Father-September will not indulge,” the old people warned careless owners. “In September, fire in the hut and in the field” - this meant that it was time to heat the huts and burn the leaves in the gardens and the tops in the gardens.

“There is only one berry in September, and even that mountain ash is bitter,” the peasants so regretted about the outgoing generous summer, but at the same time they paid tribute to autumn: “Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with sheaves.” This is also confirmed by another proverb - "September is cold, but full."

This is the time for the completion of field work, and it was September that showed how easy and satisfying it would be to survive the cold: “What July and August do not cook, September will not fry.”

September Traditions

September closed the summer, but due to the still warm weather, it was often called late summer. This month traditionally played weddings, saw off the summer and organized harvest festivals.

In ancient times, people not only worked hard, but also knew how to take a walk well. Each new type of harvesting or arable work was accompanied by traditional songs, dances, feasts and an appeal to the patrons of the harvest with a request that it be high.

He was the patron saint of grain growers and controlled the weather. He was approached with a request to give a good harvest of grain in the summer and thanked for it in the fall.

She knew the arrival of spring and was addressed when they called her after a long icy winter. She also gave color to all plants. Goddess Diva was responsible for fertility and rain. She was asked for large harvests of vegetables and fruits.

According to tradition, in September, after harvesting the fields, the peasants honored these gods with a meal and songs. These pagan rites continued in Kievan Rus until the end of the 10th century, until these holidays merged into church rites after the baptism of Rus.

Church holidays in September

More than 1000 years have passed since the baptism of Kievan Rus (988), and during this time, church holidays have supplanted pagan beliefs. But until now, in many villages and villages, pagan rites are carried out, which coincide in time with the great religious holidays.

September did not escape this fate. Signs of the month for John the Baptist (September 11) have always shown what to expect next. The people called this day Ivan the Lenten, since there was a strict fast in memory of the beheading of John the Baptist. It was impossible to cook and eat food from round-shaped vegetables.

“Ivan the Lenten came, but took away the red summer,” - from that day the Indian summer began, full of work on the preparation of pickles and the collection of roots.

Another great holiday in September is the 21st of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Before Christianity, it was a celebration of the collection of onions and honey. On this day, the harvest festival began, lasting from 5 to 7 days, not only with festivities with dances and songs, but also with fairs, bazaars and booths. The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is also traditionally celebrated for 5 days.

September in the era of Ancient Russia was called differently: “howler” because of the roar of deer, which began the rutting period; "Frown" - for a large number of cloudy days; "falling leaves" or "golden summer" due to the yellowed foliage of the beginning of leaf fall.

In this thread:

Changes in nature could not go unnoticed, but still the main signs of September are associated with harvesting and preparing for winter.

September in folklore

The main features of this month are reflected in oral folk art. For example, proverbs call it "the blush of autumn." This colorful definition reflects both red maple leaves and purple clusters of mountain ash. This is the last berry that still flaunts in the first month of autumn. The proverb says about the colorfulness of September that at this time "fire is both in the field and in the hut." True, from these words it is clear that not only bright colors come, but also cold.

The folklore did not bypass the harvest, which ended at this particular time. Popular proverbs noted that September has an important feature: it is "cold, but full."

weather notes

Warm autumn is a sign of cold winter

The arrival of autumn meant the onset of a period of rest from work in the field, but at the same time, numerous worries in preparation for winter. Everyone was waiting for winter with great tension, because not only well-being, but sometimes life itself depended on the strength of frost. Signs for September helped to orient in the upcoming weather, to understand what to expect from life. General signs of the weather for September are as follows:

September customs

During the first month of autumn, the harvest continued, and towards its end, weddings began to take place. Therefore, folk beliefs considered signs of weddings for September to be very important, because they could tell the young people what lies ahead for them.

  • A wedding at the end of September is the right way to a happy life together.
  • A web that accidentally appeared on the face of the bride portends a joyful family life.
  • For the groom who stepped into the puddle, superstition prepared the fate of a drunkard.
  • The beginning of the rain - for good luck. But a thunderstorm - to troubles.
  • Frosts on the day of marriage - to the birth of the first-born - a boy.

Notes on the days of the month

The agricultural calendar, connected with the Saints, became the basis unique system life values ​​and rules. This calendar has absorbed all folk traditions, beliefs, painted by day. Each day has its own name associated with the veneration of a certain Saint and the main economic affairs of a person. The calendar also contains indications for any church holiday. Below is a description of each day in September:

  1. Stratilat - Teplyak, Fekla - Beetroot. We started harvesting beets and oats.
  2. Samoilin day. It was believed that on this day the Saint stands up for the peasants. From that day on, they began to look for winter mushrooms.
  3. Thaddeus. Vasilisa. Start harvesting flax. This day showed signs of the weather for September itself. The weather on the 3rd is spread over 4 weeks.
  4. Agathon Ogumennik. They were waiting for the appearance of the goblin from the forest, so the men, dressed in sheepskin coats with fur outside, went out to the threshing floor and made fires around it, which were supposed to scare away evil spirits. Just in case, they were armed with pokers.
  5. Loop Lingonberry. At this time, the first frosts were expected. They said that "frost beats." The crop of not yet harvested oats was in jeopardy. Folk traditions advised to go for lingonberries.
  6. Eutyches. Pay attention to rainfall. If it started to rain, then October should be dry. If the wind picked up, the flaxseed might fall off. Therefore, windy weather was considered a bad omen.
  7. Bartholomew Zhitosey, Titus Listopadnik. They were sowing winter crops, began threshing. Mushroom season is coming to an end.
  8. Autumn day of Peter and Paul, who was called Fieldfare. They said that "today the mountain ash is the birthday girl." Another name is Natalya Ovsyanitsa. Oatmeal pancakes were made from the fresh harvest of oats.
  9. Anfisa Day. They collected mountain ash, its clusters were hung under the roof. If there was a lot of it, they expected October to be rainy.
  10. Anna Skirdnitsa. In anticipation of the September bad weather, they took out and hid the harvest of bread from the rain. The time of glorification of the harvest, when fairs and fun festivities were organized. Eve of the Beheading of John the Baptist, it is categorically impossible to eat fast food. Fasting protects against poverty and disease.
  11. The Beheading of John the Baptist. You can not eat round-shaped foods that look like a head. Apples, pumpkins, potatoes, cabbage are banned. Therefore, folk customs forbid cooking cabbage soup. It is also forbidden to harvest all the listed crops, as well as to cut poppy heads. Fasting and prohibitions were not easy to observe, because there was an abundance of everything around that could not be touched.
  12. Svytnik, Sytnik. At this time, they were getting used to a well-fed life. Ceremonies were held to increase the harvest for the next year.
  13. Kypriyan - Crane flight. There is an active cleaning of root crops. Carrots, potatoes, beets are harvested. If dandelions began to bloom at this time, they hoped for a warm October.
  14. Osenins. Semenov day. Indian summer began, about which they said that dry weather these days indicates wet October and November. The geese that flew away on Semyon-day foreshadowed that November would be frosty, winter would come early. September traditions considered Osenins a good time to move to new house. When moving, they did not forget to take a brownie with them, who, according to legend, moved in a pot of coals. In old houses, a global cleaning was carried out, expelling evil spirits and parasitic insects. The only exception was the days when the 14th fell on a Sunday. Also on this day, it was customary to cut children's hair, put them on horseback for the first time, and go hunting with them.
  15. Mammoth - Sheepdog. On this September morning, the cattle were not allowed out of the barn. It was allowed to do this only at lunchtime. Signs for September, as well as popular superstitions, ascribed rampant dangerous evil spirits to these days.
  16. Vasilisa - "Hurry with flax." Mistresses started working with hemp and flax. Another name - Domna Dobrorodnaya - is associated with the custom to sort through all the things in the house, dry and put them in chests for the whole summer, and get warm clothes suitable for autumn frosts. Everything spoiled was burned along with potato tops. This helped to get rid of not only rubbish, but also unnecessary problems. Potato sacks were washed.
  17. Burning bush. People offered their prayers for protection from fires and from diseases, the name of which mentions fire, for example, "fireman". "Fire" and others. Bow day. They removed the last onion from the beds.
  18. Saint Elizabeth. The memorable event of St. Elizabeth's prediction to the Virgin Mary of the birth of a son is venerated. Therefore, they began to celebrate the feast of predictions, going to the witches for fortune-telling. Kumokha Day. Kumoha was called evil spirits from the forest, which was friends with the goblin.
  19. Michaelmas. On this Orthodox holiday, working in the field was considered a sin, but in the house it was necessary to resolve all disagreements. Therefore, families gathered together with a common table. Mikhailovsky frosts hit, they judged the future weather.
  20. Sausont, Luke. These days are characterized by the end of onion harvesting, which immediately began to trade. And the girls used onion peel for the beauty of their hair. Bunches of onions were hung around the necks of cows and horses so that they could safely survive the winter.
  21. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. This is the twelfth Orthodox holiday that affected the entire population of the country. Women turned to the Blessed Virgin Mary soy prayers for happiness, for the health of children, for conception, for a successful outcome of pregnancy. Future soldiers arranged festivities - farewell to peaceful life. They illuminated spring water to take it into the house and use it to improve health. The newlyweds received guests on this holiday.
  22. Nikola Autumn. Horses were no longer driven at night. Time of the autumn equinox. They honored the parents of the Virgin Mary - Joachim and Anna, who were considered the patrons of women in childbirth. Relatives congratulated women who recently had children. Families cooked worldly porridge, baked pies, and called midwives for refreshments.
  23. Peter and Pavel, who were called Ryabinniki, because after the first frosts, the mountain ash became sweetish.
  24. Fyodor. In the calendar by day, this is the beginning of the autumn thaw, the complete end of the grain harvest. The hosts in the fields evaluated winter seedlings. Usually the first beer was brewed and served to everyone. They hurried with all their might to do good, to help those in need. In the evenings, cabbage parties began to be held, when women gathered, chopped cabbage together, accompanying the monotonous work with jokes and songs.
  25. Automon. Animal day. Hunters went to the forest for the first prey, luck in hunting brought good luck for a year.
  26. Cornelius. The beginning of frosts on the ground, which happened every day, took over October and led to the freezing of the earth when November came. They removed the turnip.
  27. Exaltation. Believers went to the temple for a service dedicated to the holiday. They fasted on the Exaltation, the main dish was cabbage. They did not go to the forest in order to protect themselves from the goblin and from the bear preparing the den for winter.
  28. Nikita Autumn. According to the height of the flight of wild geese, it was determined whether there would be a flood in the spring or not. The watermen were coaxed by sacrificing a bird to them.
  29. Efimiya. They hunted capercaillie and wild ducks. They tried to figure out what kind of winter to expect from their bones. If thunder was heard, they were afraid of the harsh winter months.
  30. Faith, Hope, Love, their mother Sophia. The Ecumenical Indian name day was celebrated. They congratulated all the fair sex, the celebrations lasted 3 days. The main tradition of the day is to cry, lament about your share, about your loved ones. After that, it was possible to spend time doing household chores, preparing pretzels, pies for a festive dinner.

September 1. Day of Andrei Stratilat and Thekla. Dig beets on Thekla. Stratilatov's day has ripened - oats have ripened.

September 3rd. Thaddeus. If this day is clear, you can expect four more weeks of good weather.

4 September. Agathon Gumennik. Agathon - drives the goblin out. The day is associated with belief in goblin, it was believed that the goblin "amuses" with sheaves. "On Agathon Leshy comes out of the forest into the field to scatter sheaves on the threshing floor."

September 5th. Loup Cowberry. The first severe frosts. If the cranes fly low on Luppa, the winter will be warm; high - cold. "On Lupa frost dries flax." "If you don't gather oats before Lupa, you will swallow after tears."

6 September. Eutyches. If it rains on Eutychius, there will be a dry autumn and a good harvest for next year.

September 7th. Titus the Fallen. Titus is dragging the last mushroom in a basket. Titus grows the last mushroom.

8 September. Natalya Ovsyanitsa. If this day is a cold matinee, then there will be an early and cold winter. On this day, bunches of mountain ash are hung on poles under the roof, oatmeal jelly is boiled and pancakes are baked. "Natalya mows oats, brings prosperity to the house."

10 September. Moses Murin. Anna Skirdnitsa. Cleaning the last compressed bread into stacks. "The field is red in sheaves, and the threshing floor is in stacks." Bread is stored in warehouses, in a hurry to remove it before the onset of the September bad weather.

11 September. John the Baptist. On the Forerunner, they don’t chop cabbage, don’t pick poppies, don’t dig potatoes, don’t pick apples. They do not take in their hands Caesar, an ax, a spade. "On this day they don't eat round, they don't cook cabbage soup." This day marks the end of summer. Beginning of harvesting turnips.

12-th of September. Svytnik. Barley stalks with flax and oat stalks were usually curled on Svytnik, and a cornfield was spoken for the next harvest.

September 13th. Cyprian. It is believed that on Kupriyanov's day the cranes in the swamp are going to "keep an agreement" on which way to fly to warm waters. Root harvesting begins.

September 14th. Semyon Pilot. If the geese fly away on Semyon-day, wait for early winter. Wedding weeks begin with Semyon.

September 15th. Fedot and Rufina. Do not drive out the cattle in the morning against Fedot and Rufina, if you drive out, you will catch up with trouble. On this day, they clean the yard, the barn.

16 of September. Domna Dobrorodnaya. They clean up all sorts of junk in the house, burn it together with potato tops.

September 17th. Mother of God Burning Bush. On the Burning Bush they pray for the protection of the house from fire. Onion day - onion harvesting is in progress. On this day, at dawn, they went to listen to the last voices of birds.

September 18th. Zachary and Elizabeth. On this day, they looked at what winter would be like. The leaves on the mountain ash turned yellow early - early autumn and early cold winter. The day is considered lucky for predictions in memory of the fact that Saint Elizabeth predicted the birth of Christ to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

September 20th. Bow day. On this day, girls wove bows into braids. "Onion relieves seven ailments!" "The braids will be silky and tight - from onion wetness and from onion peel". There is a belief that if you bake at least one onion before the onion is harvested from the garden, then it will all dry out.

September 21. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. If the weather is good, then the autumn will be warm. They remove the bees. Blackthorn ripens.

23 September. Autumn Peter-Paul. Fieldfare. On this day, rowan berries were picked and hung with tassels under the roof. After the first frost, the mountain ash became sweet. "The rowan vegetated, withered, gained sugar."

September 24th. Fyodor. Fedora conceives autumn mud. Rain, sleet, bad weather. "Not every summer will reach Fedora."

September 25th. Artamon. Serpent day. On Artamon, animals hide in the forests. Animal life quickly freezes, autumn comes into its own.

September 26th. Kornilov day. Rain falls to the ground - the earth begins to heal. By this time, all root crops are harvested. "The root in the earth does not grow, but shivers." "Saint Cornelius - down from the earth the rhizome."

September 27. Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. The third meeting of autumn. The rise of autumn moves towards winter. By this day, cabbage is chopped. "Smart, baba, about cabbage on Exaltation Day."

September 28th. Nikita-guseprolet. Geese fly high to Vozdvizhenye - to a high flood, low - to a small one. "Geese fly - they drag a winter on their tail."

September 29th. Efimiya. The drier and warmer the current day is, the later winter will come, the less likely it will be severe frosts.

September 30th. Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia. This day is usually clear and warm. On this day, girls' gatherings were held. Show yourself and see others.

September is next.

01.09 - the day of Thekla-beetroot, Andrei Stratilat-teplyak. The beginning of the year before Peter I. They checked in the field whether the wind was warm and whether the oats were ripe.

Month horns down - to bad weather.

Beets are harvested on the Beetroot.

Born on Andrew Stratilates - a person endowed with great wisdom.

02.09 - Samoilin, Samuel's day, the patron saint of all the destitute, Beetroot. In the church they begged from Samuel good days to catch the harvest before the rains. We tried to set the table in every house, the owner would be well-fed, kind - and the work would be fine.

Harvesting beets is a hard lot for girls, but with each inclination to the garden, the girl added health, beetroot blush and beauty.

Cranes are in no hurry to fly away - to lingering heat.

The abundance of mountain ash - to the abundance of autumn rains.

Wormholes are facing north - to a mild winter.

Mice are increasingly found near the village - to the steep winter cold.

03.09 - the day of Vasilisa the flax woman, who protects the flax crops and gives the zealous peasant a sign of flax harvesting; day of Thaddeus.

The fine Flaxenberry will remain warm for almost a month.

Rich in acorns on Thaddeus - you can expect a snowy Christmas.

Mice nest in shocks - by a damp, lingering autumn.

Talented healers are born on Thaddeus.

04.09 - the day of Agathon Ogumennik; Afanasiev day. At night they guarded the threshing floor from the goblin. But if he was propitiated, then he could be useful in something.

A clear day on the Ogumennik - it will be fine for a few more weeks.

Nuts are plentiful, and mushrooms are not abundant - you will have to wait for a fierce winter.

Kind, but touchy people are born on Agathon.

05.09 - Luppa-Cowberry Day.

Warm morning on Luppu - it will be warm all month long.

Before Cowberry, unharvested oats will die from frost.

Cranes on Luppa were gathering to the south - to the imminent winter; flew low - to wait for a mild winter; high - soon she will declare herself cold; they fly quickly and silently - very soon the rains and cold will come.

06.09 - the day of Eutyches the quiet, martyr, one of the disciples of the holy apostles Paul and John the Theologian.

Rain promises a sunny autumn and a future solid harvest.

Cry of a tit - for the imminent arrival of autumn cold and rain.

A large harvest of acorns - for a cold, long winter.

On Eutychius, they are trying to finish the harvest in order to keep the harvest intact.

07.09 - the day of Bartholomew and Titus the mushroom picker, Leaf fall.

A plentiful harvest of mushrooms - to long frosts in winter.

Birds flying south rest on the ground - by fine days; arranged on the roof of the house - to bad weather.

Born on Titus, happiness will wait only in maturity, amber serves as a talisman for him.

After the day of Titus the mushroom picker, the collected mushrooms were not suitable for salting, so they tried to have time to collect as much as possible on Listopadnik.

08.09 - Day of Andrian and Natalia Ovsyanitsa. Day of Pavel-Royabinnik. Oat grains were planted in the fields. Cooked oatmeal pudding with pancakes.

Morning frosts on Andrian - to an early cold winter.

The abundance of mountain ash - to frequent, heavy rains and early frosts.

There are still leaves on the birch and oak - there will be no mild winter.

09.09 - the day of Kuksha fieldfare, in memory of Anfisa and Pimen. Collection of mountain ash is traditional, tasty and healing berry.

A meager harvest of mountain ash - autumn will delight you with warm days.

Thunderstorm Kuksha - to a fine autumn.

Born on Anfisa received protection from enemies, he should wear onyx and alexandrite.

The berries on the mountain ash are not all eaten by birds - the winter will not be fierce.

The rowan color appeared again - by the protracted fine autumn.

10.09 - the day of Moses Murin, Anna the prophetess, Anna and Savva Skirdnikov. Bread was put into stacks. Finished sowing winter crops. They prayed to Moses for the healing of their loved one from drunkenness.

Fine day - winter will not declare itself for a long time.

Crane and goose migration has not yet been observed - the winter will be late and will be mild.

An agate or chrysolite talisman will help those born on Moses Murin in life.

11.09 - the day of the Beheading of John the Baptist; the day of Ivan the Lenten, Ivan the Flight. Turnip holiday, Postnik. Field work was not carried out, the time has come for harvesting, fairs, and auctions. Fasting was problematic when the harvest was in the bins. Although the duration of fasting is only one day, it is distinguished by strictness and special requirements. Nothing round (similar to the shape of a head) should get into the food; you can’t pick round fruits, dig potatoes.

Summer ends on Ivan, the Indian comes.

Flying cranes are a sign of early winter.

A swan flies in the sky - soon the snow will fall, and to see a goose flight in the sky - the rain will charge.

Starlings are in no hurry to warmer climes, and rooks fly away - to a warm autumn.

12.09 - the day of the Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky, the protector of the Russian land; Alexander Sytnik. It was necessary to collect a festive plentiful table, on which there should be hearty - barley porridge.

Migratory birds fly in circles high in the sky, they are not going to fly away - a good, clear autumn will drag on.

A fine evening on Sytnik - to a rich future harvest.

Stars often fall on Alexander - a crop failure is possible next autumn.

Hedgehog holes are found at the edge - by a mild winter; the hedgehog hid the dwelling in the thicket - the winter is expected to be severe, the direction of the winter winds will be from the back of the mink.

13.09 - Kupriyanov day. Day of the Crane Veche. Cranberries are harvested, but it was impossible to go for zhuravinka (cranberries) on Kupriyanov's day before the cranes fly away. This threatened the loss of reason or death in the swamp.

The crane wedge broke up into a flight one by one - to a possible future crop failure.

Cranes fly with a loud chirp - soon it will rain.

Chickens, ducks ruffled - to bad weather.

14.09 - Simeon the Stylite (Stovpnik). Semen-day is the first in the new year. Everyone converged in the hut to the oldest in the family for the celebration, the meeting of the new summer and the morning procession to the church. The beginning of the wedding weeks (until the end of November - Guriev's day); it's time for housewarming (with the obligatory relocation of the brownie in stove utensils). It's time to pickle cucumbers.

Warm Semyon-day, south wind - to a warm winter.

Pogozhiy Simeon - autumn without precipitation; rainy - wet, rainy autumn time.

Geese fly south to Simeon - winter will come earlier.

Beginning of Indian summer: dry Stovpnik - rainy autumn.

15.09 - Mammoth Shepherd, patron of sheep. Prepared livestock housing for winter. They worshiped the Shepherd, fumigated pens, flocks with heather from evil forces.

In the morning to drive out the cattle - to invite misfortune.

Red glow in the evening - to early frosts.

Rainy sheepfold - autumn without precipitation.

In the morning and evening, the dews are large - by fine days.

16.09 - Vasilisa's day. Cleaning flax and preparing it for weaving. Cleaning, cleaning the premises, the owners moved to winter housing. Potato peelings, garbage after cleaning, unnecessary trash were burned - they attracted happiness for a year.

Rainy Vasilisa - to a dry, fine autumn.

17.09 - the day of the Burning Bush, protecting the house from lightning and fires, from diseases, in the name of which there is the word "fire". Lukov day, Babyla, Mother of God.

Onions in numerous husks - for a fierce winter.

Mice run across the floor to Burning, a hare runs, a cuckoo flies through the village - to an imminent fire.

Keep a fire barrel ready - attract a fire.

18.09 - the day of Athanasius of Brest, Zechariah and Elizabeth the Foreteller, who foretold the Virgin Mary the birth of Jesus Christ. The day was considered unlucky, but the forecasts of healers and fortune-tellers for Elizabeth are true, the girls rushed to tell fortunes about the groom.

Prematurely yellowed leaves are a sign of the early arrival of autumn followed by a cold winter.

Rowan in numerous berries - for a rainy autumn.

19.09 - Michaelmas day. Mikhailovsky frosts, or matinees. The Archangel Michael descended to the earth in order to exterminate the evil force with frost.

Working on Michaelmas Day is a sin, unfortunately. Arranged meetings with the analysis of quarrels, insults, disputes. Compulsory reconciliation must be celebrated.

A good day for Michael - to a protracted fertile autumn.

The frost that appeared on Mikhail promised a snowy winter.

20.09 - Onion day. Day of Sozon. Began trading onions-turnips.

It was impossible to cook onions for food before they were completely harvested from the garden, so that there would be no crop failure or death of the onions remaining in the ground.

Cranes on Sozonta high in the sky - to the cold lingering autumn.

White clouds are observed for several days - to the upcoming cold weather; dark - to precipitation.

Sozonta Day gives birth to excellent healers, amber will help them in this craft.

21.09 - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. Apasov (Passikov) day. The second meeting of spring is the beginning of Indian summer. They transfer bees to winter apartments. Remove the onion with the permitted use of it already in food. The beginning of ospozhinok is a harvest festival with a festivity of recruits, going to visit, presenting young spouses to relatives with necessarily round pies.

A serene Apas day promises a good autumn.

Leaves fall early - winter comes early.

Cobwebs on plants - to clear weather.

Red glow - to windy, rainy weather.

22.09 - the day of memory of Joachim and Anna, the parents of the Virgin Mary, who conceived a child in deep maturity, the patrons of women in childbirth and the childless.

Holiday of young mothers and midwives.

Guests at Akim and Anna - fortunately and well-being in the house, it is customary for guests not to refuse anything, also to attract happiness.

It is customary to commemorate the departed relatives and friends.

It is better to spend the day alone with nature, it will add strength.

Born on the day of Akim and Anna, a happy, bright life awaits.

Adultery on Parents' Day is a special sin.

A gift for Akim and Anna will bring prosperity to the house and joy.

23.09 - the day of Saints Peter and Paul, Bishops of Nicaea; fieldfare. The day turned into night. They organized festivities, gathered rich tables with autumn pies - mushrooms, lingonberries, skits, obligatory rowan kvass.

A lot of mountain ash on fieldfare - by a rainy autumn; little - to dry.

A rowan branch on the table attracts happiness to the house.

Any undertaking on Peter and Paul - to its good ending.

Travelers are in luck.

Intuition for the saints is especially strong, it is worth listening to yourself.

On this day, centenarians are born, distinguished by patience and diligence, sapphire will help them in everything.

24.09 - the day of Fyodor, the patroness of winter crops, Fyodor Obder.

The girl's hem got dirty on Fedora - the girl will marry a drunkard.

The bees do not calm down in the omshanik - autumn will stand still for a long time.

For newlyweds to eat cabbage in any form on Fedor - to a happy family life.

Do not paint lips on Fedor - you can get sick; and washing your hair is a failure.

Starting with Fedor Obder - to an unsuccessful end.

25.09 - snake day, the day of Artamon, the protector from snake bites. Colds come, from which the snakes go into the forest.

Time for a successful hunt, if the prey is that day, even a small one.

Trees in yellow leaves - by early autumn.

Rainy Artamon - to a long winter.

High weeds - to the abundance of snow.

An abundance of acorns on a snake day - to a mild winter and a fruitful summer.

Thunder on Artamon - to a warm autumn.

26.09 - the day of Cornelius, the patron saint of farmers. After Kornilov's day, nothing grows anymore, they hurried to clean everything in the field and garden, except for turnips.

Rain on Cornelius - the future harvest will be rich.

Warm rain on Kornilov's day is the last. Go under it - recharge your health and optimism.

Eat a radish - sickness will rarely visit!

Turnip on the table - to peace and harmony in the family.

A turnip eaten by young for two with honey - to happy life and long.

Weddings and matchmaking on Kornil - to failure.

27.09 - Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. Exaltation of the Lord, Stavrov day. The swallows are flying.

Any undertakings will not be crowned with success. It’s also better (for a girl) not to go into the forest - the goblin will drag it away.

Cold wind on Stavrov day - to a warm future summer.

Frosts in the morning - to the imminent winter.

Fine Stavrov day - by late winter.

Mysterious footprints on the ground cannot be crossed, it is possible that the evil spirits of the forest have inherited - you can soon get sick.

28.09 - the day of Nikita Guseprolet. Reporez. The turnip is harvested and cooked, the geese are slaughtered. Goose is the main figure on Nikita.

A goose on one leg over a puddle - to an early frost; splashing in the water - a fine day is expected; nose under the wing - by early winter.

When migrating, geese often rest on the ground, and starlings are in no hurry to leave their native land on Guseprolet - autumn promises to be good.

29.09 - Ludmila's day. Euphemia Day. The main occupation is shearing sheep, harvesting cabbage (at parties). They caught goldfinches and tits for fun in the house for the winter. The obligatory dish is the bird. By the bones they noted:

thin - to a mild winter and early warmth, easy existence;

thick - to a fierce winter, late spring and difficult wintering.

Fine Efimiya - to a late, mild winter.

Thunder on Lyudmila - to a snowless winter.

30.09 - the day of the martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia, who died from their refusal to renounce Christianity. Their mother died three days after the children's funeral.

Cloudy morning promises good coming days.

During the day without precipitation, warm - for a long autumn, successful fishing.

The cranes were about to fly away - The cover will be frosty if they linger - and the frosts will linger.