Tourmaline stone: medicinal properties, magical, products, prices, types of tourmaline. Watermelon tourmaline: photo, magical properties

Watermelon tourmaline is a polychrome mineral with an unusual appearance and magical properties. Due to the two-tone nature of the stone, it belongs to the group of precious ones, single-color tourmalines are somewhat cheaper.

General information about tourmalines

According to the chemical composition, tourmaline is a boron-containing aluminosilicate, or borosilicate of aluminum, iron and magnesium. The name of the stone was given in Sri Lanka, where it is mined at the present time.

Most often, tourmalines are transparent, with a glassy luster, and a Mohs hardness of 7.5 points. The crystals are elongated, prismatic, sometimes acicular, with longitudinal strokes.

Natural tourmalines come in a variety of colors and shades, which is why they are sometimes confused with other gemstones. Colors are given to them by impurities of magnesium, manganese, iron, aluminum, potassium, titanium, vanadium, rubidium, zinc, beryllium, cesium.

There are crystals consisting of several zones, each of which is painted in different colors, such types of tourmaline are called polychrome. These include watermelon tourmaline, which really looks like a watermelon in the cut - the scarlet color gradually turns into pale pink, then into pale green and green. Just like in watermelon.

Such tourmalines are mined not only in Sri Lanka, but also in the mines of Brazil, Madagascar, Mozambique. In Russia, its deposits are discovered on the Kola Peninsula.

The faceting of crystals is carried out depending on the color saturation. Dark crystals are processed in such a way that the platform of the stone is along the long axis. For light ones, the platform is perpendicular to the axis, this approach allows you to reveal the full depth of the color of the stone.

Watermelon tourmaline, which has two primary colors, is valued higher than plain samples. In addition, the cost of a crystal is estimated by the absence of crystal defects and a bright saturated color. Tourmalines, including watermelon, are not too large, so a piece weighing more than two carats after cutting is already considered valuable and attractive to jewelers. They are also used to make jewelry.

A bit of history

People have long been familiar with the beautiful gemstone. In Byzantium, it was set in gold and silver. starting from the 11th-12th centuries, from there he came to Russia. Later, already in Russia, tourmalines were found in the Ural deposits, and then in Transbaikalia, so tourmaline became a popular gem among noble and wealthy people. A rare specimen weighing about 500 carats flaunted in the crown of the Russian Empress Anna Ioannovna.

Tourmaline came to England and other European countries from the colonial countries - India, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), Madagascar and Mozambique.

Unusual properties of watermelon tourmaline

It is believed that watermelon tourmaline, as well as samples of other species, have healing and magical properties. If the origin and the presence of the magical properties of the stone is rather difficult to explain, then it healing properties explain by pyro- and piezoelectric features, the ability to electrify when heated, friction and pressure. In this case, one end of the crystal receives a negative charge, the other - a positive one.

In particular, Japanese scientists studied the healing effects of the gem, taking into account its ability to form an electromagnetic field. As a result, they confirmed the ancient knowledge of magicians and shamans that the mineral has healing powers, and created many products based on it, developed techniques that are used in modern medicine to treat various diseases.

It is noteworthy that the healing and magical properties of the mineral do not depend on its size. If a large crystal is divided into small parts and made into amulets or jewelry, its metaphysical properties do not disappear, and in some cases even increase. The mineral begins to act "from afar", on a subtle plane, first changing the character of a person, and then proceeds to treat the physical body.

The gem awakens the kindest feelings in a person - compassion, sensitivity, the ability to find compromise solutions. We agree that most often it is internal discomfort that continues long time leads to serious illnesses. Watermelon tourmaline settles in the soul of a person peace, harmony and tranquility, he is not afraid of depression, stress and other mental ailments. People who constantly wear jewelry with this gem always have a positive attitude, good mood and normal blood pressure.

Watermelon tourmaline has a beneficial effect on the blood formula and circulation. It activates metabolic processes, increases vitality, strengthens the immune system.

At the same time, lithotherapists do not recommend wearing watermelon tourmaline and using medicinal products from it when high temperature body, hemorrhagic stroke, bleeding. The mineral is contraindicated in diseases of the thyroid gland, and the use of pacemakers.

Gem magic

Watermelon tourmaline has powerful positive energy and willingly shares it with its owner, fills his soul with a warm, beneficial light, cleanses from negative messages, has a beneficial effect on his home, cleansing it from creatures that were called petty demons in the old days. The mineral itself also needs to be cleaned, which is easy to do with running water.

In India, tourmalines are considered masculine stones that enhance the masculine principle and masculine character traits - courage, determination, and the ability to overcome obstacles. In addition, the mineral is credited with the ability to enhance male potency, heal the genitourinary system.

Magicians and psychics use watermelon tourmaline in their rites and rituals to establish contact with the subtle worlds and obtain the necessary information. Since they have long known the ability of the mineral to distinguish truth from lies, to reveal the deceit and hypocrisy of ill-wishers.

For people of creative professions, the gem helps to fully reveal their talents, to speak with new words about eternal values, to find new means to express their ideas. At the same time, the gem will protect its owners from the evil eye, and from witchcraft, and from envy.

Tourmaline and zodiac signs

Polychrome watermelon tourmaline will suit Leo, Aries and Libra. In addition, they will be favored by tourmalines of red, pink and green colors. These stones will calm the passions boiling in the soul, cool down excessive ardor, and allow you to take a calmer look at problems that seem terrible and insurmountable.

It is better for Sagittarius and Aquarius to adorn themselves with blue tourmalines, which set them in a calm, positive way.

Black tourmaline will bring good luck to Scorpios, it will help them overcome depression and stress, and bring peace and harmony to their souls.

Some astrologers recommend wearing jewelery every day of the week. different types tourmaline, in which case they will be as effective as possible. Monday is green tourmaline day, Tuesday red tourmaline, Wednesday black tourmaline, Thursday and Friday blue tourmaline, Saturday green again, Sunday pink tourmaline.

It is better to set the mineral in gold, in such a community the energy of the stone will only increase, and you will feel its protection and beneficial effects on mental and physical health.

An ancient Egyptian legend about tourmaline says that when the gods flew from the heart of the earth to the sun, they flew around the rainbow and collected all its colors. Tourmaline is one of the most valuable minerals, unsurpassed in the palette of colors, where each has its own name, for example, raspberry - apyrite, colorless - achroite, pink or red - rubelite and so on. Indeed, in the structure of the crystal iron, manganese, chromium, lithium and other compounds. Depending on the amount of impurities, the stone acquires one or another shade.

Color palette, value and properties

The mineral has powerful energy. The magical and healing properties of tourmaline vary depending on the color of the stone.

tourmaline black

Black tourmaline is distinguished by magical power - schorl, it has a glassy luster, the color is determined by the content of a considerable proportion of iron in its structure. It is believed that this stone belongs to magicians and witches, strong protective properties are concentrated in it.

  • Being, as it were, in a protective shell, black tourmaline reflects from itself all negative energy, harmful influences, as well as negative emotions, such as anger, rage, jealousy.
  • Schorl, like shungite, protects against harmful radiation from cell phones, radiation, and also neutralizes the evil eye, damage, curses, conspiracies and other negative energies.
  • This stone is used to remove negative energies from the body and improve the human aura.
  • Clears the brain of negative thoughts, adds a calm attitude, gives rational thinking.
  • The black stone helps to tune in positively, regardless of the circumstances, stimulates creativity and altruism.

This stone comes to the rescue in debilitating diseases, has a strengthening effect on the spinal column and the immune system. It treats rheumatism and gout, diseases of the reproductive organs, improves the activity of the adrenal glands and kidneys.

Blue tourmaline

Indicolite is the name of blue tourmaline. The stone awakens the desire for spiritual freedom and clear self-expression. Promotes the development of fidelity, conscientiousness, ethics, tolerance, love of truth. This mineral bestows peace, relieves sadness and depression of feelings. Helps develop an inner sense of responsibility. Gives a sense of harmony with the environment.

The blue tourmaline stone helps in identifying the cause of the disease. It has a beneficial effect on vision, the immune system, the brain, respiratory organs, endocrine glands. Helps cure sinusitis and bacterial infection.

Brown color

Dravite is a grounding mineral. It promotes liberation in communication and increases social adaptation, gives confidence, which affects the feeling of comfort among a large crowd of people. Has a healing effect on family relationships by strengthening mutual understanding. Dravite energizes creativity while reinforcing a pragmatic approach.

Dravite comes to the rescue with intestinal disorders, helps with skin diseases, stimulates regeneration processes.

tourmaline green

Verdelite heals the heart center, developing compassion, responsiveness, a sense of compassion, patience. The green mineral brings harmony and joy to life, turns negative energy into positive, eliminating fears, opens the soul. Green tourmaline activates creativity, expands horizons, helping to see everything possible options problem solving and choose the most constructive one. Helps calm the mind, improves sleep, strengthens the nervous system.

Green tourmaline has a beneficial effect on the eyes, brain, heart, immune system, is used for weight loss and childhood hyperactivity.

Polychrome tourmaline

Elbait unites the body, soul, spirit and mind. Opens the door inside his "I" and in the higher spiritual beginnings.

pink stone

Helps to attract love to the material and spiritual world. Generates trust, but shows the need to love yourself first, and then hope for the love of others. Helps with the perception of love, cultivates tact and flexibility, restrains excessive aggressiveness and passion. The stone erases emotional pain and previous destructive feelings, cleanses and unites love with spirituality.

Gives relaxation and tranquility, awakens inner wisdom and assists in the perception of healing energies. Brings a sense of peace and joy to life's periods of growth and change. Builds confidence in the power of love. It is a wonderful gift for a person from whom, as you hope, love energy will emanate.

The stone has a restorative effect on the work of the endocrine system, lungs, heart, affects the skin.

Dark red or crimson

Rubellite strengthens in the desire to understand love, bestows tact and independence. It is used in prayer efforts. It reveals the potential of the heart. Able to restore the activity of the endocrine system, heart, pancreas, reproductive system, lungs.

watermelon tourmaline

It works powerfully, activating the heart chakra, connects the "higher self" and awakens a feeling of love, sensitivity, responsiveness and friendship. Promotes the development of patience, tact, diplomacy. Reduces depression, fear, strengthens, acting on a sense of internal security. It leads to an understanding of situations, helps to clearly express intentions. In any circumstances, teaches you to find joy. This stone helps with stress, restores the nervous system.

yellow stone

Gives activity to the center of the solar plexus. It has a strengthening effect on intellectual abilities and inner strength. Creates favorable conditions for personal growth. It has a positive effect on the abdominal organs, helps to heal the gallbladder, spleen, liver, pancreas.

Tourmaline stone has a strong connection with divine energies. His task is to be a conductor of the laws of the Universe on Earth. Tourmaline connects the "higher" and "lower", harmonizing the cosmic and material energies. It is a symbol of internal and external harmony, indicates the path to internal balance.

Stone helps improve self-understanding and others, removes fears and gives confidence. Attracts inspiration, tolerance, prosperity. Can transform negative thoughts into positive ones.

Who is tourmaline suitable for?

Tourmaline stone has powerful energy and bright properties, so its owner must have a strong character. It is believed that tourmaline stone is suitable for the following signs:

  • Sagittarius,
  • Capricorn,
  • Scorpion.

To understand whether a stone suits you or not, you need to listen to your own feelings.


Made from minerals cabochons, earrings, inserts into rings and other decorations. The jewelry quality of tourmalines is highly valued, and therefore the cost is quite high. This stone is one of the favorite minerals of collectors. In Russia, royal symbols of power, church utensils, icons, and clothes were decorated with this mineral.

Properties of tourmaline stone

The mineral tourmaline is very diverse - the number of its color varieties reaches fifty. How do they differ, and what properties does this mysterious stone have?

History reference

Mankind has been familiar with this stone for a long time, tourmalines in a gold frame were found back in Byzantium, and then in Russia their own deposits were found, with which craftsmen began to work. The last stone appeared in Europe - it was brought there by sailors who found it in the colonies on the island of Ceylon. The local population called this stone Turmali, which in their language meant attracting ashes, since the stone tends to become electrified if it is heated.

Tourmalines have flashed in history more than once, these stones are quite expensive, so not even every monarch could afford them. It was tourmaline that was presented by the Swedish king to Empress Catherine II, however, she was not the only Russian empress who owned tourmaline. This stone, 500 carats in size, flaunted in the crown of Anna Ioannovna.

Types and colors of tourmaline

The mineral is known for the fact that it has a huge number of shades and varieties, for this quality jewelers are very fond of it. It is worth noting that different colors are slightly different in their properties. We can say that tourmaline has collected almost the entire range of shades - from black to colorless. Each of the varieties has its own name, which sometimes leads to incidents. For example, green tourmaline is otherwise called Brazilian emerald, as a result, people who are ignorant of stones perceive this name in the literal sense, although tourmalines have nothing to do with emeralds. Here are some of the most famous varieties of this stone.

Black tourmaline

Black tourmaline is otherwise called schorl, in its chemical composition there is an increase in iron content. Special magical properties of a very interesting plan are attributed to this stone - it does not take or give off energy, but forms a special protective field around its owner, which can protect against all kinds of radiation and influences. It is believed that it can protect both from the harmful effects of electromagnetic waves, and from the impact on the psyche.

In addition to the ability to stop harmful effects, the stone has another positive effect - it relieves stress, calms nerves, returns clear thinking and helps to maintain a positive attitude even in difficult circumstances.

Green tourmaline

This mineral is otherwise called the Brazilian emerald - for the similarity in color. It is one of the most common types of stone, but if you compare the minerals found in different areas, you can see that the shades of green will be very different.

The green stone has healing properties, favorably influencing the heart, nervous system and positively influencing psychologically. This stone contributes to the restoration of inner harmony and the discovery of human creative abilities.

It also helps restore healthy sleep, calms the mind, eliminating restless mental activity, helps to find the best solution in case of any problems.

Tourmaline Paraiba

The color of these stones can vary from emerald to blue, this variety is the brightest, and also the most expensive. Such tourmaline is mined in Brazil, in the state of Paraiba, from where its name comes from. It is believed that this stone helps to establish contact with oneself, allowing access to the depths of the subconscious. Also, this stone is popular with collectors who are looking for samples of a special color.

Pink tourmaline

It has a spectrum of shades from pink to red, the name of this variety is rubelite. The most valuable are red and ruby ​​shades. Stone deposits can be found in different places on the planet, including Russia, but the largest representatives of pink tourmaline were found in Brazil.

The magical properties of this stone are that it can attract love, and not only from others, but also teach a person, first of all, to be able to love himself and live in harmony with himself, before counting on someone's favor. It also allows you to find peace, relieves unpleasant emotions. It is believed that the stone has a positive effect on the skin and lungs.

The stone got its name due to its unusual color - a combination of red, green and white. Often, these stones really resemble watermelon slices, having a green border next to the main red color.

It is believed that this stone awakens in a person such qualities as sensitivity, compassion, the ability to empathize, to find compromises. It also helps to better understand other people, the current situation and more clearly express their own intentions. The stone can help get rid of nervous tension and depression, favorably affects the nervous system, protecting and strengthening it.

Mineral deposits

Valuable samples of tourmaline have been found in Russia, Brazil, the USA and Canada, on the island of Sri Lanka. Most of the most valuable jewelry varieties are mined in Brazil. Tourmaline is born in a variety of rocks: granites, pegmatites, shales, gneisses, crystalline limestones.

Depending on the transparency and color qualities, tourmaline is classified as jewelry, ornamental or technical stones. If the former are used for decorative purposes, to create jewelry, then technical types are used in optics, electronics and other similar areas.

It is worth noting that people learned to grow tourmaline artificially, but this did not give any particular advantage or opportunity to reduce the cost of the stone, since the cultivation process itself is quite expensive, requiring special conditions and components, so the end result will be almost as expensive as natural tourmaline, which absolutely unprofitable for the market.

Tourmaline stone and its magical properties

The mineral has long been credited with special magical properties that it can manifest when interacting with the owner of the stone.

Tourmaline in medicine: contraindications and medicinal properties

The electromagnetic properties possessed by tourmaline made it possible to use it in medicine. The studies were carried out by Japanese scientists who scientifically proved what people have known for centuries from healers and sorcerers - the stone really has healing powers.

In addition, if you divide the mineral into small parts, making amulets, medicinal properties from this they are not lost, and sometimes even amplified. Scientists have created a special stone-based fiber, which is obtained using a powder and used for medical purposes.

Scientific studies have confirmed that tourmaline does indeed have a special electromagnetic field that can affect human health. The impact of a stone can protect its owner, favorably influence the processes occurring in the body and cleanse the home, creating a healthy atmosphere. To clean the stone from excess energy, just wash it under running water.

The stone has separate healing properties that it possesses.

  • The impact of the field stimulates blood circulation.
  • Biochemical processes, cellular metabolism are activated.
  • Increases immunity and resistance of the body as a whole.
  • The metabolism in the body is normalized and accelerated.
  • The pressure returns to normal.
  • The nervous system and its activity are stabilized and restored.
  • With the help of the stone, you can strengthen your appetite.

However, tourmaline also has contraindications, so it can not be used in all cases.

  • If, as a result of an injury, soft tissues were damaged in a person, then tourmaline can be used for treatment only after a day.
  • Elevated body temperature is another contraindication to the use of tourmaline, and it should not be used for bleeding and hemorrhagic strokes.
  • People who use pacemakers need to be careful with tourmaline.
  • The stone is also contraindicated in case of problems with the thyroid gland.
  • Allergy sufferers should use this treatment with caution.
  • Pregnant women and nursing mothers should refrain from using tourmaline.

Tourmaline products, jewelry and prices

Tourmaline is traditionally considered one of the most expensive stones, although it is worth considering that some of its varieties are not so highly valued, about $ 40 per carat. For comparison, Brazilian Paraiba can cost up to $6,000 per carat, while Russian tourmaline has been valued at $10,000 per carat in some cases. The price of the stone has risen noticeably in recent times, we can say that it has increased by about seventy times. Even the cost of diamonds has risen less compared to tourmalines.

The most expensive stones are those that have greater transparency and purity of the crystal. Opaque stones are cheaper. All kinds of jewelry are made from jewelry varieties of stone, inserting faceted stones into settings and using stones as inserts, and faceting solid stone beads to make tourmaline beads or a bracelet.

Zodiac signs and tourmaline, compatibility

Astrologers advise different signs use different colors of stone.

  • For Aries, Leo and Libra, pink and green tourmalines are suitable, they will make the representatives of these signs more calm, smooth out their excessive temper or excessive stubbornness, helping to find harmony.
  • Sagittarius and Aquarius can wear blue stones. This mineral develops conscientiousness, love for the truth, promotes calmness and getting rid of oppressive emotions.
  • Scorpions are better off with a black variety of tourmaline. It has a positive effect on the nervous system, relieves irritability and helps to cope with stress.

There is another astrological system according to which you need to wear tourmaline. The bottom line is that on every day of the week you need to use a stone of a specific color, then the benefits from them will be maximum.

Monday is green day, red on Tuesday, black on Wednesday, blue on Thursday and Friday, green again on Saturday, and pink on Sunday.

Pomegranate - a stone of love and fidelity Agate - properties of a stone Titanite and its properties

Tourmaline is a stone of oriental origin. It appeared in Europe only in the 18th century, where it was brought by Dutch merchants from the island of Ceylon. The name of the mineral is derived from the Sinhalese word "turamali", which translates as "multi-colored".

Tourmaline is a precious stone, most often of a pinkish-crimson color (but not only!), widely used for jewelry from ancient times to this day in different countries.

The Panagia of John the Baptist, decorated with tourmalines (made by Byzantine craftsmen, XII century), the settings for the icons of Cyril Belozersky and Our Lady Hodegetria, a gold chalice, commissioned by Irina Godunova, are kept in the Armory of the Moscow Kremlin. Tourmaline, along with other precious stones, is present in the crowns of Tsars Mikhail Romanov and Ivan Alekseevich (XVII century). The Diamond Fund holds the "Big Ruby" or "Caesar's Ruby" - a pinkish-crimson stone, made in the form of a grape brush (for a long time, tourmaline was called a ruby).

Photo: 1,3 - jewelry with tourmaline, 2 - ring with diamond, pink sapphires and touramaline, 4 - earrings with watermelon tourmaline and diamonds, 5 - rings with pink carved tourmaline, 6 - earrings with carved green tourmaline and diamonds

Description of tourmaline

Tourmaline belongs to the group of aluminosilicates containing bromine. A feature of this mineral is a variable composition, as a result of which there are many varieties of tourmaline in color, degree of transparency and various effects. Tourmaline minerals are pleochroic, many crystals are polychrome, and there are often samples of stone with the "cat's eye" effect. In this case, the color changes from blue and green to colorless and pink. In polychrome tourmalines with a striated color that varies along the elongation of the crystals, not only color changes are observed, but also transitions from colorless to black at the end.

The mineral has a high hardness in the range of 7.0-7.5 Mohs, glassy luster, pyro- and piezoelectric properties, which allows it to be used not only in the manufacture of jewelry, but also in electronics.

tourmaline colors

The color palette of tourmalines includes all the colors of the spectrum, and there are polychrome varieties of these minerals, on the surface of which there are zones with different colors.

The following types of tourmalines are most popular:

  • aquamarine tourmaline - a mineral that has shades of blue;
  • achroite - a rare colorless tourmaline, which is valued by collectors, but is not of interest to jewelers;
  • watermelon tourmaline is a mineral with a zonal color: in the center it has a pink or red color, and the peripheral areas are green;
  • burgerite - tourmaline, having shades of brown - from bronze-brown to dark brown, containing iron in the composition;
  • verdelite (emeraldite) - tourmaline, which has shades of green;
  • "Moor's head" - light-colored crystals with a black head;
  • "Turk's head" - light-colored tourmaline crystals with a red head;
  • Dravite is a variety of tourmaline that has a yellow-brown color. color scheme;
  • indicolite - a kind of blue tourmaline;
  • liddicoatite - tourmaline, which has a brown color of stones, often polychrome;
  • mangantur - tourmaline, the crystals of which have a blue or blue-black tone and have an admixture of manganese in the composition;
  • rubellite (or apyrite) - precious tourmaline, which has shades of pink, red and raspberry tones;
  • siberite (or daurite) - tourmaline with shades of the blue-red part of the spectrum, including crimson, lilac-red and red-violet tones;
  • tsilaizite - tourmaline, which has a yellow-green color, which contains manganese;
  • paraiba - a variety of tourmaline in colors that include blue, turquoise, blue and purple tones;
  • chromtourmaline - a mineral of emerald green tone;
  • chameleonite - a mineral whose crystals are green in daylight and change it to a brownish-red tone in artificial light;
  • schorl is a black tourmaline.
  • elbaite - tourmaline, the crystals of which contain impurities of aluminum and lithium.

Often there are tourmalines with the effect of a "cat's eye", in which, when the stones are turned, the light band moves, as in a cat's pupil. Such tourmalines are translucent and can have different colors.

Stone grading

The most valuable are transparent varieties of tourmalines of bright colors. Blue, green, pink and crimson crystals weighing over two carats are classified as precious stones and are of high value.

The cost of products with tourmalines ranges from 20 to 20 thousand dollars per carat.

Photo: 1 - tourmaline ring, 2 - yellow tourmaline ring, 3 - tourmaline ring, 4 - "star" ring with blue tourmaline and Tiffany diamonds, 5 - pillow cut rubellite (black onyxes, emeralds and diamonds), 6 - enamel ring with blue tourmaline and diamonds, 7 - paraiba tourmaline and diamonds in the ring, 8 - ring with large tourmaline, 9 - poppy (flower) brooch with pink and green tourmaline and diamonds

Tourmaline deposits

Tourmalines are mined in different parts of the world, but gem-quality specimens are rare. Tourmalines are supplied to the world market by Afghanistan, Mozambique, Madagascar, Zambia, and Brazil. Amazingly beautiful pink tourmalines are found in the Trans-Baikal Territory and in the Middle and Southern Urals.

magical properties

Tourmaline was credited with magical qualities, depending on the color of the stone. Black tourmalines were recognized as the most effective in this regard. It was believed that they were able to absorb negativity and reflect all harmful influences from outside.

Green tourmalines could cool passion, while pink and red tourmalines, on the contrary, aroused love and tender feelings.

Polychrome tourmalines were considered the happiest, as they symbolized the harmony of life.

Medicinal properties

Lithotherapists heal diseases of the heart, endocrine, nervous system, etc. with the help of tourmalines of various colors. Official medicine uses the piezo and pyroelectric properties of the mineral in medicinal purposes. It is recommended to place tourmaline products near TVs or computer equipment, which significantly reduces the harmful effects of radiation on the human body. The discoveries of Japanese scientists made it possible to create nanotechnology using tourmaline fiber to protect the human body. In accordance with this technology, minerals are crushed and introduced into fabrics, from which clothing is then made. Everyday wear of such clothes helps to protect the body from radiation, accelerate metabolic processes and rejuvenates the body.

Tourmaline cut

For transparent tourmalines, step, emerald or diamond cuts are used, and for translucent stones, cabochon processing is used.

Tourmaline Jewelry

Precious tourmalines are used in jewelry set in platinum, gold and silver. Earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces with these crystals look original and elegant. Tourmaline and rimless products are in demand - beads, bracelets, etc.

Imitations and fakes

Like all precious stones, the most expensive tourmalines of red, pink, blue and green colors are successfully counterfeited using other, less valuable minerals and high-quality glass.

To obtain a more attractive and highly valued color, many stones are refined by heating to a temperature of 450-600 degrees. So, green crystals after heating acquire an emerald tone, and red-brown - pink.

In turn, tourmalines are used as a fake for more expensive stones, such as emeralds, rubies.

Who is tourmaline jewelry suitable for?

These minerals have a rich color range, which includes all spectral tones and their shades. Naturally, every woman can find a piece of jewelry that suits her appearance. Representatives of the light and cold color type "Summer" are recommended stones with gentle cool shades of blue, turquoise, pink tones. Women of the contrasting color type "Winter" should give preference to stones of bright colors - red, raspberry, blue, emerald green, etc. Owners of the "Spring" color type should pay attention to stones of warm tones - yellow-green, yellow, yellow-brown, and according to the principle of contrast - on blue. For the “Autumn” color type, red, red-brown, yellow-brown, emerald green tones are suitable.

Astrologers suggest tourmaline for Pisces, Cancer, Libra, Gemini, Capricorn and Virgo, and do not recommend it for Scorpio.

Bright and multi-colored tourmaline stones bring joy and positive into our lives!

In the magical word "tourmaline" an echo of ancient magic is heard. It is like a shard of a spell scrawled on a piece of clay tablet.

And there is. Thousands of years ago this word amazing gem the Sinhala priest called the unknown Gods, and it means "multi-color magic stone".

One can even mentally imagine how this swarthy inhabitant of the island of Sri Lanka with amazement examines a crystal sparkling in a mountain scree, and for the first time pronounces in syllables: Tou ... Ra ... Ma ... Lli.

Origin and meaning of the stone

Let's royally take a handful of these stones, and just look through them at the bright light of the star closest to the Earth - the Sun. The color palette is rich and inexhaustible - from impenetrable cosmic black, like anthracite, to atmospheric colorless, like spring water. In its extreme manifestations, this truly philosophical stone seems to reflect the paired cycles of life on the planet - night darkness and bright day, inevitable death and carefree life.

Europeans adopted the stone with its ancient name not too long ago. A little over three hundred years ago, the precious tourmaline arrived on the European continent in a carved casket of the captain of an East India Company sailing ship moored in the port of Amsterdam. Then in this world cutting center precious stones tourmaline made a real sensation, because jewelers believed that all types of gems were already known to them.

Boring geological reference books claim that magnesium, titanium, iron, chromium, aluminum, cesium, manganese and other inhabitants of the periodic table give different colors to tourmaline crystals. This synthesis took place in the crucible of the red-hot magma of the earth's interior, and then tourmaline was brought to the surface in eruptions of volcanic lava.

One kind of stone will make you wince. From the depths of such a crystal, a narrow green-yellow pupil gazes intently - vertical, like that of a lizard. If the stone is turned, the flickering pupil will move, it will relentlessly look into your eyes. Even when you see it in the photo, you understand that rings and jewelry with such a rare and eerie portal to the other world were worn by great magicians, sorcerers and sorceresses.

In the mines of Brazil, there are absolutely stunning stones with a blood-red core, enclosed in an emerald green shell. But the experiments of the Creator, wandering around the young world, did not end there. Crossing the ocean, He absentmindedly dropped a mirror-opposite crystal specimen in southern Africa, in which the outer ruby ​​crimson layer hides the green core.

Some tourmaline crystals have the ability to change color depending on the light.. This is a rare quality. also found in corundum, alexandrite, zircon, topaz, and in mineralogy called pleochroism.

Tourmalines are even rarer, melting two distinct colors (dichoism). The crystal, which appears amber-yellow to the light, becomes green like an emerald when rotated through 90°. Physicists explain this property by the unique structure of the crystal lattice, which can dramatically change the polarization of light.

Such a variety of tourmalines misleads both gem cutters and connoisseurs of their work. Often, tourmalines are mistaken for emeralds, rubies, topazes, and sometimes for simple quartz, which has no value.

Not only mere mortals make mistakes, but even kings. Thus, experts recognized that one of the rubies in the crown of the rulers of the Czech Republic is red tourmaline.

Medicinal properties

Tourmaline has unique healing properties. Titanic cataclysms provided its crystals with the thinnest tubular structures, whose diameter is equal to the wavelength of visible light. They refract rays, changing both the color and properties of light, turning it partially into infrared radiation. Small doses of such radiation have a beneficial effect on the human body.

By the way, the optical phenomenon of light polarization was discovered just when studying tourmaline crystals. In addition, these nanocavities are filled with gas molecules that bubbled up in the Earth's interior billions of years ago. They also play a role in the healing process.

Even in ancient Indian texts, the then inexplicable property of tourmaline crystals to attract dust particles and ashes was noted. Now we know that this happens under the influence of electromagnetic fields that are generated by the structure of the crystal.

From the first steps of radio engineering to this day, engineers have used tourmalines as piezocrystals in electronic devices.

And doctors call microcurrents and charged ions emitted by a tourmaline crystal "air vitamins".

If the crystal is heated or rubbed, the useful radiation is amplified. It is able to relieve headaches and fatigue, stabilize blood pressure, improve metabolism in the body, and have a positive effect on the nervous system. It is noticed that the radiation of tourmaline contributes to the restoration of damaged bone tissue.

Amulets, bracelets and other jewelry made of tourmaline are activated by the heat of the sun's rays and the human body, contact with hair and clothing, imperceptibly transferring their energy to the owner.

The impact of point tourmaline radiation on the body is comparable to acupuncture (acupuncture) sessions. The tradition of Eastern schools of medicine for many centuries has identified the most effective tourmaline structures in terms of the impact on biological objects. They are painted in black, blue, pale pink and green colors. But the properties of crystals are not limited to the impact on the body.

The use of the mineral in magic

Initiates know that the radiation of tourmaline also affects the mind. The magical properties of tourmaline polychrome crystals help sorcerers sharpen, concentrate their will, and immerse themselves in meditation.

Black tourmaline (also called schorl), enchanted and charged from magical fire, destroys the enemy's aura, but the invisible halo of the conjurer's owner protects and strengthens. Experimenting with black stone is dangerous. In the inept hands of the caster, the energy of the stone can turn against the owner himself, and lead to severe mental disorders. For the same reasons, you should not wear schorl jewelry all the time.

Astrology: who is suitable for tourmaline?

born under the signs Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces tourmaline charges with optimism, gives self-confidence and promotes success. Astrologers recommend for them stones of azure-blue shades in combination with silver.

Green tourmalines are of great importance for Gemini, Libra, and especially Aquarius. At the right time, they activate the reserves of the body.

In combination with gold, they will raise self-esteem Leo, Sagittarius and Aries who want to draw attention to themselves and take a leading position in the center of events.

For other signs of the Zodiac, tourmaline jewelry will help overcome depression and loss of strength. A particularly powerful antidepressant is a black crystal framed in gold. It removes negative energy from the body, removes harmful energy formations in the aura.

Green tourmalines are a wonderful stimulant and protective amulet for people of creative professions, and red tourmalines will bring success in love.