The best products for hair growth. All about hair growth

Cosmetic brands produce many drugs against baldness and accelerating the growth of curls. They contain.

  1. Extracts of mustard, red pepper, ginger. They have a local irritating effect, stimulate blood circulation, improve the nutrition of hair follicles.
  2. Biotin. Strengthens the hair structure, prevents brittleness, adds shine.
  3. Panthenol (vitamin B5). Normalizes the metabolism of the scalp, nourishes the bulbs, restores the structure of the hair, gives it smoothness and thickness.
  4. Burdock extract. Contains vitamins, essential oils, tannins. Strengthens hair roots, relieves inflammation.
  5. Nettle extract. Contains all the necessary elements for hair. Eliminates dandruff, itching, accelerates growth, prevents hair loss, improves microcirculation of capillaries of the scalp.
  6. Oat extract. Rich in proteins that nourish and restore hair follicles.
  7. Mineral mud. Contains minerals that accelerate the growth of strands. Eliminate fat, destroy microbes, remove toxins.

Overview of pharmaceutical preparations for hair growth

Medicines or hair extension activators are divided into several types: shampoos, oils, conditioners, tablets, ointments, creams, sprays. What is the best of them - the doctor will tell you.

Most of the products are used on the scalp and hair, but some, for example, vitamins, dietary supplements, tablets, are taken orally.


Their basis is an oil structure and additional nutrients. Components are added to the funds that help to penetrate deeply into the curl.

You can buy hair ointments in pharmacies. Trichologists recommend paying attention to the 2018 rating.

  1. Mival. Contains oils of olive, wormwood, sea buckthorn, cedar, burdock, castor, germinated grain, zinc, silicon, lanolin, vitamin A, D, E, F. The composition of the product helps to eliminate problems of the scalp, hair nutrition. Apply every other day for a month. Apply to the scalp, wash off after 4-8 hours.
  2. Sulsen. Active ingredients - sulfur, selenium. The first is involved in the synthesis of keratin, improves metabolism and oxygen exchange between tissues. The second protects the structure of the curl from negative external factors. The ointment is applied to wet hair, washed off after a quarter of an hour. The procedure is shown twice a week for 3 months.
  3. Sulfuric ointment. The lack of sulfur in the body is manifested by dandruff, itching, hair loss from insufficient nutrition of the follicles and oxygen deficiency. Apply the product to clean curls, wash off after 10 minutes. The procedure is carried out every day for 8 days. On the 9th day, the hair is washed with shampoo.


These are complexes of essential vitamins and minerals, as well as additional components that stimulate hair growth and prevent alopecia. In pharmacies, you can buy drugs such as Alfavit, Nutricap, Perfectil, Revalid, Pantovigar, Foltena Pharma, Rinfoltil. Top funds.

  1. Revalid. Assign in violation of the growth of hair, nails. They improve their appearance, structure, reduce fragility, increase stability.
  2. Perfectil. The tool is indicated for a lack of vitamins, dermatitis, psoriasis, increased dryness of the skin, brittle nails, changes in the structure of the strands.
  3. Aurita is a biologically active food supplement that improves regenerative processes in the skin, nails, and hair.


The composition includes components that stimulate blood circulation and nutrients. Some creams have a steroid composition, they need to be used for a short time.

What is the name of.

  1. Bark. Strengthens, stimulates hair growth, reduces hair fragility, adds shine and softness. Contains vitamins, guamic acids, black sapropels, folic acid. The ingredients of the product activate the follicles, improve blood circulation, accelerate the growth of strands. It contains clay and dirt, so a good effect is achieved if, after applying the cream, wrap your head with a towel.
  2. Himalaya. Ayurvedic natural remedy with proteins. The manufacturer guarantees the result after the first application. The tool revitalizes dull curls, overdried hair dryer, hair prone to falling out. Nourish with vitamin E and wheat germ extract. The regenerating, moisturizing, tonic effect is provided by the amla, which is part of it.
  3. Cream-gel Kerafill Stemoxidin 5%. Formulated with menthol to promote circulation and soothe the skin, firming ceramides, nutrient SP-94 and growth activator stemoxidine. The tool nourishes the roots. Used daily, applied to dry strands, not washed off.


Contains minerals, vitamins that heal the scalp and nourish the roots. According to buyers, the TOP-10 drops are included.

  1. "Vichy" Dercos Aminexil Clinical 5. The product improves microcirculation, strengthens hair, makes it thicker, thicker. Produced in ampoules of 6 ml. (21 pcs.).
  2. Placenta Formula is a biostimulant that restores hair growth by improving the metabolic processes of the scalp. The drops contain enzymes, proteins, amino acids, vitamins, mucopolysaccharides and nucleotides. Efficiency confirmed by cosmetic studies. Apply the product to clean curls for 12 days without washing off.
  3. Crescina HFSC 100% 500 - Supports physiological hair growth by activating dormant follicles and stimulating keratin synthesis. It contains a stem cell activator and special molecular carriers - cyclodestrins. The agent is applied to the scalp, 1 ampoule for 5 days, followed by a 2-day break and a repetition of the course.


  1. Ducray Anastim Hair Loss Concentrate Lotion. Designed to eliminate reactive alopecia caused by stress, emotional overload, hormonal fluctuations. Due to the unique formula, the drug nourishes the roots, strengthens them, stimulates cellular metabolism.
  2. Vichy Dercos Neogenic Hair Growth Tool. Awakens inactive follicles, stimulating hair growth. It is used with a decrease in density, after prolonged loss, partial alopecia.
  3. Herbal spray Phyto Intensive with placenta from Alloton. The tool blocks hair loss, improves appearance, strengthens the capillary system, restores natural flexibility and growth of curls.


These are concentrated remedies that have a restorative effect.

  1. Golden silk. The product contains chili pepper extract, provides blood flow to the follicles and stimulates hair growth. Gives shine, cares, conditions. Apply to wet strands for a few minutes, then rinse off.
  2. Aleran. Based on natural ingredients, it does not act instantly, but gradually. Gentle product with plant extracts, pinadicil, vitamin B5. Apply to clean, slightly damp hair, rinse with water after 10-15 minutes.
  3. Bath of Agafia. Balm with herbs, wild pepper, vitamins and sea buckthorn. The tool provides softness and shine to the hair.

Essential oils

They are used for medicinal purposes and for hair care. Used to stimulate hair growth.

  1. Cedar oil. A very strong remedy in the treatment of alopecia areata in men and women. It is used in combination with rosemary, thyme and lavender.
  2. Sage oil. The tool helps to balance the level of the hormone estrogen in the body, more suitable for women of mature age, who especially often suffer from hair loss.
  3. Clove oil. Good antiseptic and antioxidant. Accelerates blood circulation in the scalp, is the best in stimulating and maintaining hair growth.

Pharmacies offer essential oils at a price of 50-100 rubles per tube. A quality product can't be that cheap. It is better to order funds from trusted manufacturers.

Traditional oils

Ancestors used linseed, castor, olive, sea buckthorn, burdock oils to stimulate hair growth. Today, all this can be purchased at pharmacies.

  1. Burdock oil - contains vitamins, minerals, salts, tannins, acids, protein. Enhances blood circulation, improves metabolic processes, strengthens and nourishes the hair roots, activates growth, eliminates hair loss. The tool cures dry scalp, dandruff and itching, gives strength and shine.
  2. Castor oil - has long been used to accelerate the growth of hair, eyebrows, eyelashes. Well nourishes and softens, easy to apply, perfectly absorbed without forming a film. It is added to the composition of masks or applied in its pure form.
  3. Sea buckthorn oil - enhances hair growth due to a large amount of vitamin A, starts regeneration processes. Repairs damaged and dry hair. Included in many growth activators.


Actively used to strengthen hair. The products are applied to dirty strands, combine a cleansing effect with a healing one, and are easy to use.

  1. Tar shampoo is the number 1 Soviet dandruff remedy that does not need advertising and is sold in many stores. Great hair growth booster. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect. Eliminates trichological diseases.
  2. Aleran. Along with mild cleansing, the product provides intensive recovery, promotes the synthesis of elastin and collagen. Contains natural moisturizers, growth stimulants, proteins.
  3. Fitoval. The composition of the product includes water-glycogen extracts of rosemary, arnica, wheat peptides, glycogen. Recommended for severe hair loss, for the prevention of baldness. Improves microcirculation of the scalp, has an anti-inflammatory effect.


They rinse the hair after washing. Budget medicinal herbs are added to the composition of home masks, shampoos. Use nettle, chamomile, sage, burdock.

Vitamins and dietary supplements

Designed for internal use. You can buy it in pharmacies.

  1. BAA Anacaps tri-Activ. Capsules with methionine, primrose, iron, cystine, beeswax, lecithin, vitamin PP, B6, B8. Eliminate brittleness, reduce hair loss. The tool is taken in 1 pc. daily for three months.
  2. BAD Alerana. The product contains tablets for day and night use with different composition. Daily include folic acid, selenium, iron, magnesium, vitamins E, B1, C, carotene. Night - chromium, zinc, L-cystine, biotin, nettle extract, vitamins B2, B6, B12, chromium, pantothenic acid. The package contains 60 tablets. Take 2 pieces a day - in the morning and in the evening.
  3. Pantovigar. The remedy is indicated for diffuse alopecia caused by genetic factors, infectious diseases. Ingredients: calcium pantothenate, paraaminobenzoic acid, keratin, vitamins B1, B5, yeast. Designed for a course of use up to six months.

Alcohol tinctures

  • eleutherococcus;
  • ginseng;
  • red hot pepper;
  • calendula;
  • arnica;
  • propolis.

They need to be used in doses, as they dry the scalp.


The product is sold in the store at a concentration of 1% and 2%. Rubbed into the scalp once a week for 3 months. After a quarter of an hour, it is washed off with water. You can enhance the effect with Sulsen shampoo.


Sprayed on the scalp and hair, then washed off with water.

  1. Minoxidil 2% and 5%. The tool improves vascular tone, increases blood flow to the scalp. Due to intensive nutrition, the follicles awaken. Spray for accelerated growth hair 2% is recommended for initial stage baldness, for a strong effect, a concentration of 5% is prescribed.
  2. Yuida. The composition of the product includes rare herbs from the Chinese province of Yun'an. It is used for baldness, reducing the density of hair. Restores strands affected by hormonal imbalance, genetic predisposition, stress, strong feelings.


  1. Aleran. Designed for daily use for 4 months. Contains a complex of herbal ingredients that slow down the aging process of follicles and prevent alopecia.
  2. Adrena. The tool strengthens the hair, enhances their growth. It does not have side effects, as it contains natural substances: ginger root, ginseng, Japanese Tokkoban flower extract and grape seed oil. The results are noticeable in 1-2 months.

Professional cosmetic procedures

Beauty salons offer several methods for quick hair restoration. Mesotherapy, cryotherapy, exposure to microcurrent, the use of a laser will help heal curls, make them shiny, silky, thick.


Injection treatment, which involves the introduction of a special composition into the upper layers of the epidermis, nourishing the tissues with beneficial substances.

The medicine contains vitamins A, groups B, C, E, trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands. The course consists of 8-10 procedures.

Exposure to microcurrent

With the help of the apparatus (Darsonval), the scalp is stimulated with current pulses. It starts the biochemical processes of the epithelium, improves the nutrition of the bulbs and accelerates hair growth. The minimum course of treatment is 2 months.


An anti-aging treatment that slows down the aging process of the skin. It supplies cells with oxygen, improves nutrition, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and accelerates the process of hair growth.

The impact is carried out with liquid nitrogen. The course of treatment is 15 sessions with an interval of 2-3 days.

laser therapy

The procedure is carried out using a device that looks like a comb with laser diodes inside. The specialist simply “combs” the hair for 20 minutes. During this time, the strands receive a dose of low-intensity radiation, the recovery process starts, and blood circulation improves. Sessions are held 2 times a week.

The best firming masks

Helps grow long hair and save money. There are many folk recipes capable of competing with medicines and pharmaceutical products.

During the action of the mask, warmth and a slight burning sensation should be felt. Soreness and discomfort are unacceptable, you need to immediately rinse your head.

Onion mask


  • 1 onion;


  1. Grate the onion on a fine grater.
  2. Squeeze out the juice from the pulp.
  3. Mix with honey in a ratio of 3:1.
  4. Apply to scalp.
  5. Wash off with shampoo after 40-60 minutes.

Onion has an irritating and stimulating effect, due to it enhances hair growth. The lack of a folk remedy is a pungent smell. Rinsing your hair with water and lemon juice will help eliminate it.

mustard mask

  • 3 art. l. mustard powder;
  • a little sugar;
  • cold water.


  1. Add a little sugar to the mustard powder.
  2. Dilute with water to make a liquidy mass.
  3. Rub the mask into the scalp, wrap with a film and a towel.
  4. Wash off after half an hour.

Due to the hotness, mustard causes a rush of blood to the bulbs, nourishes and accelerates growth. But the product dries, because such masks are not suitable for dry hair.

Decoction of oak bark for the head


  • 2 tbsp. l. oak bark powder;
  • 200 ml of water.


  1. Pour oak bark powder into an enamel bowl.
  2. Pour in 200 ml of water.
  3. Keep in a water bath for 30 minutes.
  4. Let it brew for 10 min.
  5. Strain and make up to 200 ml.
  6. Rub into roots after shampooing.
  7. Wash off with water after 15 minutes.

People with dry scalp should not use oak bark decoction, as the remedy will exacerbate this problem.

Research scientists in the field of hair health

According to recent data, the combination of spironolactone and minoxidil is effective in the treatment of alopecia. In clinical trials, 100 women participated, who each took medications during the year: 25 g of minoxidil and 25 mg of spironolactone. As a result, women stopped losing hair on their heads. The data obtained indicate the promise of this method of treating alopecia.

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A sharp slowdown in hair growth is caused by numerous factors: a lack of vitamins, poor nutrition of the roots, malfunctions of the endocrine system, and digestive disorders. Emotional overstrain, frequent intense physical activity is also a common cause. Problems are also caused by diseases of the scalp, fungi, mycoses. What means help to accelerate growth and eliminate the causes of disturbances?

Products containing vitamins

Topical preparations and vitamin-mineral complexes for oral administration help to fill the lack of vitamins. Particular emphasis should be placed on products containing vitamins A, B 3 , B 7 and fatty acids.

  1. Aevit. Vitamins in capsules. Great for making oil-based masks. It is enough to add the contents of two capsules to the usual hair mask. Perform prophylactic procedures - once a week, with an exacerbation of the problem - at intervals of 3 days.
  2. Rehearsal. In addition to a complex complex of vitamins, it contains esters and herbal extracts. The most important components are burdock and castor oils, red pepper, tea tree oil. No other ingredients need to be added to the product. Apply directly to the scalp, rubbing gently and thoroughly. The effect is strengthening the roots, accelerating growth, the appearance of a healthy shine of hair, increasing strength and elasticity.
  3. Vitamins A, B, E in capsules. Compositions suitable for mixing with burdock and castor oils. Each named vitamin is used in the same way: mix with oil, rub into the roots.
  4. Nicotinic acid in ampoules. The primary purpose of ampoule vitamin B 3 is to give injections to increase efficiency and immunity. But making masks is also possible. Rub nicotine into the skin daily for a week or two.
  5. Biotin (vitamin B 7) in tablet form. Take orally in courses of 2-4 weeks. Positive effects in addition to accelerating hair growth: strengthening nails, smoothing the skin, improving digestion. There are ready-made masks with vitamin B 7 designed specifically for hair.
  6. Panthenol (vitamin B 5). It is offered in several forms: in capsules, in the form of a gel and spray). In any form, applied to the scalp. It is permissible to apply the composition to the hair along the entire length. Effects: growth is accelerated, shedding volume is reduced, natural shine appears.
  7. Nutrival. Contains the complete B-complex.

Pharmacy funds

The roots of the hair are supplied with nutrients along with the blood flowing to the scalp. If a sufficient volume of components cannot be provided to the hair, they grow more slowly and fall out more. The reasons are different - poor blood circulation, fungal infections, problems with digestion and, consequently, the absorption of nutrients. Pharmaceutical preparations will help to correct the situation.

  1. Selenzin. It is taken orally, suitable in the most difficult situations, when there is a real threat of baldness. Selencin action: causes a greater blood flow to the hair follicles, supplying them with sufficient nutrients.
  2. Revalid. It is also intended for internal use, stimulates metabolic processes, increases the supply of roots with substances necessary for growth.
  3. Dimexide. It is used as part of many masks, including fortified ones: Dimexide is mixed with the same vitamins A, B and others. Helps vitamins reach deeper layers of the skin faster, ensuring maximum effectiveness of their application.
  4. Minoxidil. It is applied twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Apply to the scalp. Don't expect a quick result. A noticeable effect appears after 3 months or more. Most effective in the early stages of baldness and with the usual growth retardation.
  5. Silokast. Indicated in case of deterioration of growth against the background of long-term use of drugs, with frequent contact with aggressive chemicals. Recommended for use by patients with oily seborrhea, after severe stress. The active ingredients are chloromethylsilatrane and dimethylsulfoxide. Penetrate deep into the skin, affect the hair follicles.
  6. Solcoseryl. It is used independently and in combination with fortified products, masks are prepared from it.
  7. Actovegin. A drug that stimulates blood flow, increasing the amount of nutrients entering the hair roots.


  1. Balm Esvitsin. Bio-stimulating complex created by renowned scientist Stanislav Tsivinsky. When applied topically, it eliminates dandruff, enhances hair growth, and protects against hair loss. Recommended for use three times a week. It is also taken orally - in the morning before breakfast, 1 tbsp. spoon.
  2. Essentiale. Hepatoprotector, produced in ampoules and capsules. It is also applied externally and internally. Enhances hair nutrition, increases their strength.
  3. Rinfoltil. A product based on natural ingredients: mint, dwarf palm berries, ginseng. Available in the form of lotion and gel for the face, shampoo for hair. It cleanses the skin of toxins, eliminates fungus and dandruff, strengthens the roots, and reduces the intensity of hair loss.
  4. Mummy in tablets. A product proven over the years, suitable for the preparation of masks, rinsing solutions, is also taken orally. Shilajit contains minerals necessary for hair, stimulates blood circulation, protects against dandruff.

Folk and natural remedies

The list of products that can be made from the available ingredients, always at hand, is diverse. The general requirement is that any chosen remedy is first checked for safety and the absence of intolerance.

  1. Tinctures of Eleutherococcus and Ginseng. Apply one every day, alternating. The course lasts 2 weeks.
  2. Red pepper tincture. In its pure form, it can cause irritation, it is better to mix with castor oil and apply the composition to the skin. Additionally insulate with cellophane film, rubber cap. A slight pinching is a normal reaction, but severe pain should not be tolerated.
  3. Infusion rinses from burdock root, chamomile, sage, hops. Herbs are used one by one and collected. The infusion is prepared immediately before use, cooled and filtered. Rinse hair after washing.
  4. Tar products: shampoo, soap, pure tar. Best of all, they help in the fight against fungi, relieve inflammation, eliminate dandruff, and increase the supply of nutrients to the follicles.
  5. Sulsen paste. Quickly copes with fungal infections. The paste is applied pointwise to the scalp after washing. Enough application once a week for three months. In addition to accelerating growth, we should expect an improvement in hair shade, increased volume, and increased softness.
  6. Cosmetic clay. Degreaser that protects against sunlight, exposure to chemical components.

Medical cosmetics

The most useful shampoos that accelerate the growth of curls and are recommended by trichologists for preventive and therapeutic purposes.

  1. The main component of the composition is tea tree ether. Provides bulbs with nutrients. Menthol, also contained in the shampoo, gently stimulates the skin, increases its blood supply.
  2. The treatment complex includes shampoos and serums designed to strengthen hair roots,
  3. Shampoo with a rich composition - contains vitamins and minerals that ensure the normal growth of the strand and reduce the rate of loss. The course of application is 2 weeks. Wash your hair daily or every 2 days.
  4. A remedy enriched with quinine. Stops pathological hair loss, strengthens the roots.
  5. A wide range of products: shampoos, lotions, ampoules.

Salon products for home use

Preparations used in salons are also suitable for home use. Main:

  1. Keratin. It is more convenient to purchase an oil-based suspension. Add to hair masks. Keratin "envelops" the hairs, protects from external influences, fills with useful amino acids.
  2. Collagen. With a deficiency of its own collagen, the hair loses its beauty and health: it exfoliates, becomes electrified, visible scales appear on them. The introduction of keratin from the outside is a way to cope with problems and stimulate growth.
  3. Hyaluronic acid. For self-application, it is offered in the form of powders, sprays, ready-made masks. Purpose: to retain moisture in the hair structure, to supply nutrients. Increases the smoothness of the strands.
  4. Glycerol. Do not use glycerin without first diluting it. Suitable for mixing with regular shampoos, added to masks. Mixed with fresh aloe juice, liquid honey, esters.
  5. Cosmetic wax. Approximately 0.5 teaspoons are added to the treatment masks.


It is necessary to choose a remedy that enhances the growth of curls, depending on the causes of the problem. The problem will be solved: vitamin complexes for external and internal use, medicated shampoos, herbal decoctions, biostimulants and drugs sold in pharmacies.

Reading 21 min. Views 17.1k. Published on 26.06.2019

One of the main decorations of a woman at all times was considered thick and shiny hair. But not everyone gets such wealth from nature, it seems to many that their hair grows poorly or too slowly. To solve such problems, modern cosmetologists have created a whole series of care products, including masks, balms, lotions and others. This article is devoted to an overview of the most effective and popular hair growth products.

How to choose the most effective hair growth product?

Hair loss is a natural physiological process, therefore, when you see them on a comb or clothes, you should not immediately start to panic. Each person loses about 50-100 hairs daily and this is considered normal.. But if they begin to fall out in bunches or strands, you should think about the selection of special care products for them.

In addition, a slowdown in hair growth or their intense loss may be due to the influence of factors such as malnutrition, stress, problems with gastrointestinal tract, skin diseases or excessive passion for thermal and chemical procedures for hairstyles.

IMPORTANT! Therefore, before choosing the most suitable remedy, you need to eradicate the cause of the problem.

For active hair growth, it is necessary to establish a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals. It is necessary to properly care for the scalp, using special nourishing shampoos, regenerating masks and balms. It may often be necessary to rub oils into the scalp to stimulate growth and prevent hair loss.

IMPORTANT! The most effective technique is considered to be an integrated approach to solving the problem - special products for hair growth in combination with a balanced diet and vitamin intake.

TOP 10 proven hair growth products - popular rating

Below are the top 10 products according to consumers:

  1. This is a specially developed domestic drug with a set of useful elements, including vitamins, enzymes and trace elements, the combination of which allows you to get rid of alopecia, dandruff, improve the structure of the strands. Esvicin is available in the form of an oral liquid, shampoo, balm, tonic lotion and is used in complex treatment health problems. Its cost in pharmacies does not exceed 200 rubles., so the drug is available for different categories of customers.
  2. Hair Growth Enhancer Weleda is a product of the Swiss manufacturer of natural remedies of the same name. This product contains rosemary oil, stonecrop extract and horseradish leaf extract, which together nourish the hair roots, accelerate their growth, reduce hair loss, and also support the health of the scalp in general. The natural and safe components of this product, as well as the absence of synthetic flavors and preservatives, make it accessible to women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The cost of the drug in the capital's pharmacies is about 900 rubles per pack.
  3. This natural remedy is mined in the crevices of rocks and mountains, its use has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the whole organism, including the condition of the hair. For them, an already purified type of mummy is used, which looks like a viscous substance of a dark color and resembles resin. It contains bee venom, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, essential oils and other substances that, in combination, have a regenerating, strengthening and rejuvenating effect on the scalp and hair. The cost of mummy tablets is about 100 rubles for 20 pieces, and whole pieces of this product are more expensive - about 200 rubles for 50 grams.
  4. Aleran. A series of domestic preparations "Alerana" was developed by JSC "Vertex" specifically for the treatment of hair loss, stimulation of growth and strengthening of weakened hair. Their impact is primarily aimed at improving the scalp and hair follicles. The active component of the preparations of this series is minoxidil, which improves blood circulation in the area of ​​application, activates the hair follicles. The cost of various products in this series ranges from 600-2000 rubles.
  5. Pantovigar. This German-made preparation is available in the form of capsules containing powder, and is suitable for women during the period of baldness. It is especially effective in cases where the process of baldness is caused by a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. The hormonal or infectious nature of the loss of scalp hair is not considered an indication for the use of Pantovigar. The drug is taken orally during the prescribed course, if necessary, the course can be repeated. Swiss-made capsules cost about 900 rubles, and a German-made drug will cost 1,300 rubles per pack.
  6. The products of this Chinese manufacturer are represented by various preparations, including oils, serums and other types. They have a complex effect on the scalp, cleansing its pores, moisturizing the top layer, accelerating hair growth, and also giving them shine and a healthy look. All products of the Andrea series are 100% natural, as they contain extracts of ginseng roots, ginger, grape seed oil and other natural ingredients. Andrea line products can be added to shampoos, used alone and even rubbed into the scalp. Depending on the volume, the cost of Andrea starts from 500 rubles per bottle.
  7. Lebel for hair growth. Cosmetic products for hair and scalp care from Japan Lebel have gained great popularity among Russian women. The Lebel hair growth line is represented by shampoos, balms, fresheners, tonics, masks and others. All of them are made exclusively from natural ingredients that promote active hair growth, restore their structure, make them well-groomed and soft. Means of the Lebel product line can be purchased in specialized stores or ordered on the company's website at a price of 1300 to 5000 rubles.
  8. Means for hair growth Dercos Neogenic Vichy. Dercos Neogenic, presented by the popular Vichy laboratory in Russia, is considered one of the most effective remedies in the fight against hair loss. The main active ingredient of the drug is Stemoxydine (Stemoxydine 5%), which wakes up and activates the stem cells of dormant hair follicles. After a 3-month course of using the drug, an average of 1700 hairs grows more than their daily growth. The set of this product includes 28 ampoules of 6 ml and an applicator for application to the scalp. The product can be used for both dry and wet hair, there is no need to rinse it off.
  9. Bosley Hair Growth Therapy. These American-made products are represented by a wide range of drugs that promote active hair growth and improve the scalp. They are produced in the form of product lines, including shampoos, balms, masks, which have a complex effect on certain problems with the scalp and hair follicles. Bosley products are free of sulfates, parabens and phthalates, making them highly effective and safe to use. Some of Bosley's products can be used for beriberi or seasonal hair loss. Depending on the volume and purpose of the product, prices for Bosley products vary from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles.
  10. Londa for hair growth. Brand Londa Professional is considered a longtime leader in the Russian market of professional cosmetics for hair care. Among the products of this brand are products for the care of colored hair, products for weak and brittle hair, as well as products that stimulate their growth. Serums and tonics of Londa improve blood circulation of the scalp, thereby activating the activity of hair follicles. Londa products can be purchased in specialized stores at prices ranging from 200 to 2000 rubles.

Pharmaceutical preparations and medicines

Cosmetics in the fight against hair loss do not always produce the desired effect, then drugs come to the rescue that stimulate their growth. Many of the pharmaceutical preparations contain vitamins and minerals that can compensate for the deficiency of nutrients in the body.


Contains natural plant extracts that stop hair loss and stimulate new hair growth. Most of these remedies should be used in the complex treatment of scalp problems, enhancing the effectiveness of the main drugs.


Contained as part of various vitamin and mineral complexes. Their use nourishes the hair, improves its condition and protects from harmful external influences.

A nicotinic acid

This is an inexpensive medicinal supplement that contains vitamins B3 and PP. Taking this drug provides a healthy look to the hair and accelerates their growth, however requires a doctor's consultation. Also, this tool is included in many products to accelerate the growth of the scalp.

Ampoules for growth

Perfectly perform the task of improving the appearance of the strands in a short time. Such funds contribute to the achievement of a quick effect and have a minimal likelihood of an allergic reaction when used.

Ampoules Kerastase is one of the most effective drugs that stimulate growth, increase the density and density of the scalp.

REFERENCE! The active ingredient of the product is stemoxidine, which activates the work of stem cells, making the hairstyle thicker and denser.

Folic acid for hair growth

It is found in many products, and is also sold in the form of tablets or ampoules in pharmacies. It promotes the formation of new cells, and therefore accelerates the growth of new hair. In addition, it normalizes the hormonal background, which directly affects the condition and health of the scalp. Taking this drug improves the appearance of the strands, making them strong and healthy.

This is a drug that is used to speed up tissue healing. It is often used in the preparation of hair masks as an aid, helping to saturate their roots with vitamins and nutrients. The drug can not be used in its pure form, and when diluted, proportions should be observed.

minoxidil for hair growth

It is part of most drugs and is considered an effective external agent that has long proven its effectiveness. It is recommended by trichologists for problems with male pattern baldness.. The main effect of this substance is to expand blood vessels, improve blood circulation at the hair roots, which in turn helps to slow down or stop baldness.

Hair growth activators

Activators are ready-made or homemade preparations that help accelerate hair growth. It can be both pharmaceutical preparations and special masks, oils or balms. If desired, you can combine professional products with folk remedies.

It is an effective remedy for alopecia, and also helps to accelerate the growth of the scalp. The natural components that make up its composition provide the roots of the strands with all the necessary substances and saturate them with oxygen. The drug not only increases the density of the hairline, but relieves oiliness and itching of the skin, and also has no side effects.

Designed mainly for dry hair. It is a fatty nourishing oil for the scalp, which has a beneficial effect on the structure of the hair and activates the hair follicles, strengthening them.

ATTENTION! The rich composition of the drug promotes the healing of microcracks and improves the condition of the scalp.

It is an effective remedy for hair growth and is available in the form of a spray and lotion. Its composition is distinguished by the content of natural components and collagen derivatives, which, in combination, restore the structure of the scalp and prolong its life.

Hair growth stimulants

Beautiful and long hair is an adornment of any woman, but not everyone can show this beauty. Except proper nutrition and care of the strands, it is necessary to further stimulate their growth with the use of special stimulant products. One of the most famous drugs in this direction are "Folligen" and When using them, the scalp is pre-cleaned of sebum and other contaminants, and then the drug is applied. Rinse them off is not required, as it is necessary to keep them on the skin during the day.


This is a care product that is usually applied externally by applying to the scalp. One of the effective ointments is considered for hair growth, the active components of which are sulfur and selenium. These elements improve metabolism, participate in the synthesis of keratin and protect the hair from external influences. Sulsen's ointment is applied to wet strands and washed off after half an hour.


They are products that contain vitamins, guarantee the healing and growth of the scalp. The effectiveness of serums is noticeable after the first application - the strands become more docile and soft. - This is a unique drug at an affordable price, which contains caffeine, niaminamide and other nutrients. The drug has proven its effectiveness in hair loss and brittleness. After use, they become smooth and silky, and the structure of the strands improves without the use of expensive procedures.


Represented by a fairly wide range of products from different countries. A special place is occupied by German shampoo Indole for hair growth, reviews of which from consumers are mostly positive. It gently cleanses the scalp and stimulates the appearance of new strands.

REFERENCE! The unique formula of the shampoo with taurine and quarantine tartrate increases the thickness and density of the hair, leaving it soft and shiny.

A series of Italian cosmetics Crescina for hair growth is represented by a wide range of products, the action of which is aimed at the resumption of hair growth and the correction of their loss. The complex of care products ensures the full functioning of the hair follicles, which is the basis for the growth of new strands. The series of these products includes shampoo, lotion, serums and others.


Complete nutrition and protection of the strands along the entire length is achieved not only by cosmetic care, but also by natural growth stimulants - natural oils.


This oil is considered a unique hair care product, as it contains mineral salts, useful acids, vitamins and other nutrients. Thanks to this rich composition, burdock oil strengthens the roots of the strands, accelerates their growth and eliminates dandruff.

Oil has long been used in cosmetology as an effective means to strengthen hair, eyelashes and eyebrows. It can be applied to the scalp in its pure form or added to masks, it is easily absorbed, moisturizes the strands along the entire length and accelerates their growth.


This oil is also effectively used in cosmetology, including scalp care. When applied, it forms a thin film that protects the scalp from external factors, including sunlight. It can be used in its pure form or added to masks and shampoos.


The oil is extracted from extracts of various flowers and plants, such as cloves, rosemary, lemon balm, lavender, sage and others. Essential oils for hair can be added a few drops to cosmetics- in shampoos, balms or complex masks with other components.

Usma oil

This is an excellent natural hair growth activator, which contains a lot of nutrients for hair follicles. However this product is not suitable for blondes, as it can stain the strands in an unwanted color.

Air conditioners

These are special products containing substances to protect and nourish the scalp. Conditioner Compliment for hair growth with macadamia oil nourishes, restores and protects strands from the appearance of split ends. Its unique formula helps to fix the action of the shampoo, strengthens the structure of the strands and makes it resistant to various external influences.


Designed for gentle care of the scalp, help restore weakened and damaged hair. Among foreign products, Estonian-made Natura Siberica hair growth spray can be noted., which contains all the strength and vitamins of Siberian plants, intensively nourishes the roots, making them strong and healthy from the inside. Such a tool must be applied to clean and dry strands, do not rinse.

Popular American brand Tresemme for hair growth is represented by lines of care products, among which Botanique Detox leave-in spray can be noted. It restores strands from the roots, gently moisturizes them, making combing easier.

Hyaluron Spray Golden Silk for Hair Growth is a product of a Russian cosmetics company. This tool helps to strengthen the structure of the hair, prevents their dryness and brittleness, and also restores damaged ones.


Considered a remedy for frequent use, they help cleanse the scalp, stimulate hair follicles. One of the most popular products in this series is Kapus lotion for hair growth. Spanish production, which provides powerful support to the hair at the cellular level, activates the synthesis of keratin, preventing hair loss and restoring their structure.

A popular product of domestic production is the Two Lines Hair Growth Lotion, which nourishes the scalp, improves blood microcirculation, and strengthens the roots.


They are considered an effective tool in the fight against hair loss and help stimulate the growth of new strands. Due to the content of natural plant extracts and the absence of dyes, they strengthen the structure of the strands and maintain their health. Such products should be rubbed into the scalp and not washed off.


Represented by a fairly wide range of products, both domestic and foreign production. Among domestic products, a special place is occupied by a Siberian Wellness hair growth mask., providing intensive care for strands prone to falling out. Its components help to increase the number of hair follicles, moisturize, improve microcirculation of the scalp.

Monastic balm - a hair growth stimulator based on natural ingredients is designed to stop hair loss. It also fights dandruff and stimulates scalp growth.

dietary supplements

These are complexes of vitamins and microelements that help with hair loss or metabolic disorders. Such drugs must be taken orally strictly according to the scheme. Evalar preparations for hair growth with nicotinic acid are suitable for those who have intolerance to nicotinic acid in its pure form. They relieve irritation, soothe the scalp and strengthen the strands from the inside.


These are products that are similar in thickness to shampoo and are designed to cleanse the scalp. Unlike shampoos, they contain fine exfoliating particles that open up the pores on the skin, allowing it to breathe and improve its blood supply.

Among the iherb products for hair growth, scrubs with natural extracts occupy a special place, which stimulate blood circulation, enhance the nutrition of the hair follicles and allow you to do without shampoo longer than usual.

The cheapest but effective means

These funds are represented mainly by domestically produced drugs based on natural components. Among them, you can list DNC ​​hair growth yeast, grandmother Agafia's hair growth mask, which also help strengthen the strands, making them lush and shiny.


These funds are quite popular, because they not only accelerate the growth of strands, but also do it without harm to them. Such products consist only of natural ingredients, which include various herbal extracts and essential oils.

Hair growth products made in France

Includes various shampoos, masks, balms and others. Among them, such a line of care products as Hair Jazz for hair growth can be noted. It includes shampoos, balms and conditioners, the complex use of which stimulates hair growth, reduces the rate of hair loss, makes them softer and shinier. The effectiveness of this series has been proven by clinical trials.

Vichy hair growth product is a product of a French company with many years of experience in the production of cosmetics for skin and hair. A unique tool from Vichy gives real result already after the first month of use, and the strands become thicker and thicker by 50%.

Thai hair growth products

The Genive series is a line of popular drugs from Thailand, which combine all the healing power of the exotic power of nature in Asia. Genive products help restore the scalp after numerous chemical and thermal manipulations, awaken hair follicles and stimulate the growth of new strands.


Turkish scalp care products have a wide range of shampoos, balms and hair growth masks, for example, Bioblas and Otaji products are very popular. The composition of these preparations contains phytovitamins, extracts of herbs and plants, as well as ingredients from sea salt.

Belarusian cosmetics for hair growth

This cosmetics includes a line of products with a natural composition that promote growth and prevent strands from falling out. Among them are the active hair growth serum Belkosmex with panthenol., reviews of which allow us to judge it as an effective remedy for scalp care. Active ingredients improve blood circulation, strengthen the structure and stimulate the growth of the scalp.

One of the most popular product lines is Belita cosmetics for hair growth., which includes shampoos, balms and elixirs. These preparations strengthen and stimulate hair growth, provide gentle care and nourishment of the roots.


These products for hair growth and against hair loss are made on the basis of natural ingredients, therefore they have the ability to relieve itching and inflammation, moisturize and restore the structure of the strands. The most popular manufacturers of such products in Japan are Lebel, VON-U, Shiseido and others..

Korean cosmetics for hair growth

This cosmetics is suitable for solving many problems with hair, including hair loss, with recovery after dyeing, helping to restore its former shine and splendor. The most famous Korean brands for the production of this cosmetics are Kerasys, Tony Moly, Holika Holika, Secret Key and others.

Arabia cream for slowing down hair growth is designed for skin care after depilation. It cleanses the epidermis of dead cells, moisturizes and nourishes it.

In pursuit of long and thick hair, women have tried various home remedies since ancient times - the Egyptians used rice and castor oil, the Romans olive and rosemary. After all, the older a woman becomes, the hair grows more slowly, loses its luster and strength - this all happens because each hair goes through three life cycles - anagen, catagen and telogen.

Hair in the telogen stage is what remains on our combs, it is normal if it is 10-15%. But if more - it's time to take action!

How to stimulate hair growth?

The mechanism for accelerating hair growth is to stimulate the hair follicle - in simple terms, the hair root.

The more active the blood supply and blood circulation in the follicle itself, the more it is saturated with nutrients, oxygen and microelements. And the faster it "gives out" the product of its vital activity - hair.

In beauty salons, such stimulation is often carried out with microcurrents, liquid nitrogen, or injections of nicotinic acid, which leads to a warming of the scalp and improved blood circulation. But all these expensive procedures can be replaced with homemade, with natural herbal preparations.

Hair Growth Ingredients

When selecting ingredients for a mask that enhances growth, it is necessary to take into account 2 factors:

  1. Firstly, it should include ingredients - which warm up the scalp and stimulate blood circulation such as: pepper, mustard, onion, garlic, cinnamon oil, etc. - without these hot ingredients - it's just a nourishing or vitamin mask.
  2. Secondly, ingredients that nourish, for example, honey, should be included. vegetable oils, essential oils, spirulina, egg yolk or mummy - just warming up the skin is not enough, the follicle needs to be nourished.
  3. And third: you need to keep such a mask warm for at least 1 hour.

A pepper mask is more suitable for people with oily or normal hair, but those who have naturally dry hair can also use pepper as part of masks, only in without fail soften the pepper with yogurt or oils.


  • 1 st. a spoonful of yogurt
  • 1 st. a spoonful of burdock oil
  • 15 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 1 st. a spoonful of avocado oil
  • 1 tsp chopped cayenne pepper

Mode of application:

Mix all the ingredients and apply to the scalp and hair roots, avoiding the ends. Wrap your head with a film or rubber cap on top, and tie a towel up top. Keep on the head for 15 minutes to 1 hour, then rinse thoroughly and shampoo several times. It is recommended to apply the mask once a week (those with oily hair are allowed 2 times).

An alternative way to use pepper, which is suitable for very oily hair, is to moisten the hair with a leave-in conditioner spray, sprinkle pepper powder on top and massage the hair roots (with gloves!). Then you can spray the conditioner again and do not rinse the pepper.

Why is this mask effective?

  1. causing irritation, cayenne pepper increases blood flow to the hair follicles, makes hair roots stronger and thicker, stimulates their growth.
  2. It is rich in capsaicin and also contains carotenoids and flavonoids. In addition, hot peppers are a storehouse of vitamins: A, E, B groups, niacin, vitamin B-6, riboflavin and thiamine.


Hot red pepper can be very harsh on sensitive skin, so make sure you're not allergic to it before using home remedies made from it. Apply a small amount of the mask on your wrist, if the burning sensation is strong - this remedy is not for you. Also, cayenne pepper should not be applied to open wounds or dry, chapped skin.

Remember to use gloves when applying and, of course, avoid getting the mask in the eyes and on other mucous membranes!

The results of applying the pepper mask:

After just a few applications, you will see that the hair began to grow faster and became more pleasant to the touch! After having a baby, I was looking for any ways to make my hair stop falling out and grow faster. I tried many masks, but only pepper gave a result that would be noticeable to me and others. In addition, the hair became less greasy.

This is the oldest and most effective remedy for hair growth. In general, the onion mask is suitable for any type of hair. But when applying it, you need to follow a few rules:

  1. It is not advisable to apply it to the tips, but only to the roots.
  2. You can not keep more than an hour (especially for those who have naturally red hair, curly or chemically permed), rinse only with warm or cool water.

For masks, you can use red onions or shallots by chopping them into small pieces and then squeezing out the juice.


  • 4 tbsp. l. onion juice
  • 1 st. l. honey
  • 2 tbsp. l. linseed oil (unrefined)
  • 2 tbsp. l. kefir

Cooking: :

We mix all the ingredients until smooth, you can also add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cognac Gently apply the mask to the hair roots. Further, the procedure is standard - wrap the head with a film (tightly to keep warm and the liquid does not flow down, and secure with a towel).

Why is this mask effective?

  1. Onion warms up the scalp and causes blood flow to the follicle.
  2. Onions are rich sources of many nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium, potassium, germanium.
  3. Onion contains Sulfur - called the "mineral of beauty", it is present in every cell of our body and is necessary for the skin, hair and nails. The high sulfur content of onions can help in the regeneration of hair follicles by increasing tissue collagen production and thus aiding hair regrowth.
  4. Linseed oil unrefined is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids such as omega 3 And omega 6, which our body does not produce and can only get them from the outside.

Results of applying the onion mask:

Already after the first application, the hair becomes noticeably thicker, if you apply the mask 2 times a week, the hair will grow at lightning speed.

The only negative of the onion mask is that after it there is a characteristic onion smell that can last for a long time, and not everyone likes it.

To eliminate the smell of onions - rinse your hair apple cider vinegar. Or add lemon juice and burdock oil to the mask - they will neutralize the smell.

Reviews for the mask:

It helps from the first time - my hair immediately shines, my dandruff is gone. The smell, of course, is not very pleasant, but beauty requires sacrifice!

This mask is suitable for any type of hair, the yeast, rich in all B vitamins, ensures that the hair starts to grow faster. Cinnamon Essential Oil Yeast Mask Recipe for Hair Growth


  • 1 st. a spoonful of dry brewer's yeast
  • 2 eggs
  • 0.5 glass of milk
  • 10-15 drops of cinnamon essential oil
  • 1 st. l. castor or almond oil.


Yeast combine with half a glass of warm milk and leave for half an hour to ferment in the heat. After that, add two eggs, oil and mix thoroughly. With smooth movements, create a mask into the scalp and distribute through the hair. Massage your head well so that the nutrients penetrate the hair roots faster. Then it is better to wrap your head with any cellophane and a towel and leave for 2 hours. Wash off with cool water several times.

Why is this mask effective?

  1. Yeast- a really powerful hair growth activator. No wonder there is an expression "grow by leaps and bounds"! The fact is that they contain proteins and vitamins. B3, B6, B12 and PP, zinc, copper and selenium, which, penetrating the structure of the hair, activate the metabolism, accelerating their growth.
  2. Essential oil of cinnamon- not only does it smell good, but it also has a warming effect and accelerates blood circulation so that all the vitamins get into the follicle faster.


The effect of the mask with yeast is immediately visible - the hair shines, as if they are getting bigger, and if you apply the mask several times a week, the result of growth will already be noticeable in a month.

Reviews about the mask on the forums:

If you do this mask regularly (at least 2 times a week), then the hair will really grow - I have added 5 centimeters in 2 months, this is a lot, if it’s an honor that my hair grows slowly in general. I don’t know what will happen next, but I will continue, well, I’m trying other masks too.

Mask with mummy and bay for hair growth

This recipe for a vitamin mask, which contains a balanced complex of vitamins necessary for hair, is not inferior in composition to branded masks from manufacturers.


  • 5 gr. mummy
  • 10-15 drops bay essential oil
  • 1 ampoule of vitamins B6 and B12
  • 3 tsp castor oil
  • 3 tsp water (to dissolve the mummy)
  • 1 yolk


Dissolve the mummy in water, add vitamins B6 and B12 (sold in a pharmacy) there. Mix bay essential oil with castor oil. And all this is introduced into the egg yolk, carefully knocking down into a homogeneous mass. Apply evenly to roots. The longer you go with such a mask, the better, you can even leave it overnight.

Why is this mask effective?

  1. Mummy is a unique product created by nature, which contains 28 chemical elements, 30 macro- and microelements, 10 different metal oxides and 6 amino acids. The composition of the mummy is so balanced that it surprises even scientists.
  2. bay essential oil- warms the scalp, enhances tissue trophism on the scalp, stimulates hair growth and regeneration.
Among all essential oils, bay oil - recognized as #1 ester in the treatment of prolapse and acceleration of growth.


To see the effect of this mask, it is enough to apply it 2-3 times a week for 1 month. The effect will not keep you waiting! Hair becomes much voluminous and stronger after the first application. Reduces hair loss.

Greetings to all who visit!

We all strive to grow beautiful and lush hair. After all, this is one of the main elements of an attractive appearance. Huge sums are constantly spent on the purchase of products that promote hair growth, but not all expensive and popular drugs work.
Today I decided to collect TOP-5 funds, in the middle price category. Some of which helped me, while others turned out to be empty.

For a long time I grow my hair, and then I cut it mercilessly into my favorite “Kare”.
For 5 years my hair was streaked, and it was easy for me to track how this or that hair growth product works.

Funds ranked from worst to best:
1. Lotion for strengthening hair Evalar "Hair Expert"

Smell lotion is not bad, does not cause discomfort, although alcohol is slightly felt. But it quickly disappears, leaving a light refreshing scent.
Consistency lotion resembles colorless water.
Applied - 1 month.
The cost is 400 rubles.
Impression: Apply after shampooing to damp roots and lightly massage. A slight chill began to run across the skin. But just as easily and quickly, he disappeared.

After the lotion was absorbed, it did not leave any sensations on the hair: the hair remains clean. The lotion does not weigh them down and does not hide the volume.

Result: growth standard 1 centimeter. The drop has not been reduced.
I definitely won't buy again.

2. Cutrin BIO+ Energen Serum Energizing Lotion for Women

Smell. From the first opening, the smell of alcohol arises, then some kind of pleasant fragrance emerges on it, very light. The smell is felt only when applied, then disappears from the hair.
By consistency similar to water, very liquid and transparent.
Applied - 1 month
Cost - 650-700 rubles
Impression: After application (in rows), it does not cause any special sensations. It can get a little cold. Very delicate. Approximately 40 minutes. Then these sensations disappear completely.

After drying, the hair roots are light. The product on the hair does not give itself away.

Result: growth is the same - 1 centimeter. Hair loss has not decreased. No new hairs appeared.
Didn't work. I won't buy anymore.

3. Energizing hair tonic Londa Professional

Smell pronounced. Cutting. Smells like menthol and camphor.
Consistency tonic - water.
Applied - 1 month, periodically repeated during the year several times.
The cost is 450 rubles.
Impression: I use it every time after washing my hair. The nose is very comfortable. I applied it along the partings, then gently massaged it for 5 minutes. A couple of minutes after application, goosebumps run through the scalp and I feel a chill. Sensations from which I do not let go for 1 hour.

After drying, the hair is light and voluminous. The tonic did not affect the oiliness of the scalp in any way.

Result: an increase of as much as 2 centimeters. Reduced hair loss. Tonic activated the "sleeping" bulbs. Undercoat appeared.
I have repurchased and will repurchase again and again.

4. Hair Vital Strengthening Lotion
Used in tandem with Hair Vital Cream-mask For strengthening and hair growth

Smell: Lotion. The aroma is pronounced. Chemozny. There is a strong smell of alcohol. Disappears quickly from hair.
Mask. The mask smells sweet, but chemically. Only sweetness remains on the hair.
Consistency: The lotion has the consistency of water, pinkish color. Thin.
The mask has White color and thick consistency. It spreads easily and glides through the hair.
Applied: 1 month after 1 month
Cost: lotion 270 rubles, mask 250-290 rubles.
Impression: The lotion was applied to the washed wet scalp along the partings.
Sometimes applied every other day in the morning on dry roots.
The lotion pleasantly cools the scalp and dries quickly.

I apply the mask after shampooing to the roots, massaging lightly. Sometimes applied to the main length of the hair to moisturize. I leave the mask for action for 10-15 minutes. There are no sensations on the head from the action of the mask.

After using the mask and lotion, my hair did not get greasy faster than usual. Looked dense, and the roots are voluminous.

Result: growth of 1.5-1.7 centimeters. Dropout has been slightly reduced. A lot of antennas popped up all over the scalp.

And the undisputed leader of my top five is .....
5. Compliment Naturalis 3 in 1 Pepper Hair Mask

Smell: Nice. There is a cosmetic fragrance "vanilla" and spicy pepper. After rinsing, the smell does not remain on the hair.
Consistency: Homogeneous. Not dense. Cream. Peach color.
Applied - 1 month (several times during the year).
Cost - 250 rubles
Impression: After the usual washing of hair, applied to the roots slightly dried with a towel in the partings. Warmed.
After 5-7 minutes, a hellish flame began to blaze on your head, to which you get used to over time. Wash off with cool water after 40 minutes.
Applied 1 time per week.

It is not advisable to use the mask for a long time. The scalp becomes accustomed and a terrible hair loss may begin to cancel.

Result: an increase of 1.5-2 centimeters. Hair growth is greatly accelerated. An undercoat appears, which is noticeable after 3 weeks of using the mask.
I love this mask. I will definitely buy it.

And a few photos of my babies, which I cherish and cherish.

And that is all! All beautiful and thick hair!