Institute of Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education. Postgraduate medical education Fuv vgma im burdenko phone

For the purpose of primary training of diagnosticians and advanced training of medical personnel in the specialties "functional diagnostics", "ultrasound diagnostics", "radiology" in 1998 on the basis of the Voronezh State Medical Academy. N.N. Burdenko, the Department of Instrumental Diagnostic Methods was created. The department provides training in clinical residency in the relevant specialties.

Over the years of the existence of the department, more than 7 thousand practical doctors and clinical residents from the Voronezh, Lipetsk, Tambov, Kursk, Belgorod regions have been trained on its basis.

During all the years of work, the clinical base of the department has been the Voronezh Regional Clinical Consultative and Diagnostic Center (VOKKDC), one of the leading multidisciplinary medical institutions in the Central Black Earth region of Russia. All teachers of the department are practical doctors with many years of medical experience, they work with the most modern medical equipment that allows solving complex diagnostic problems. They provide advisory and methodological assistance to the units of the clinical base in the implementation of diagnostic and therapeutic processes.

Currently, the staff of the department includes 3 professors, 1 associate professor and 4 assistants. The educational process in all 3 disciplines taught at the department is led by the relevant chief freelance specialists of the Department of Health of the Voronezh Region. Many of the teachers have been working in a team since the founding of the department. All teachers have the highest qualification categories in their specialties.

During all the years of existence, the department, together with the subdivisions of the VOKKDTS, has been conducting research work, the priority areas of which are the issues of diagnosing diseases of the cardiovascular system, the musculoskeletal system, the reproductive system of women, diseases of the uroandrological profile.

The results of the work are reflected in numerous scientific papers published in the international, central and regional press. In order to increase the efficiency of interaction between the department and VOCDDC in the field of research and methodological activities, in 2015 the Scientific and Methodological Council of the AOCDTC was established, which included both teachers of the department of instrumental diagnostic methods and practical doctors of the center.

Head of Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Sergey Lvovich Petrosyan has been leading the work of the department since 1998. Previously, for 25 years, he headed VOKDC. S.L. Petrosyan has the highest medical qualification category. Honored Doctor Russian Federation. He was awarded the medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree.

S.L. Petrosyan was the winner of the regional competition "The Best Doctor of the Year - 2009" in the nomination "The Best Chief Physician of the Voronezh Region".

In 2010 S.L. Petrosyan won the IX All-Russian competition of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation "The Best Doctor of the Year" in the nomination "The Best Head of a Medical Organization of the Russian Federation".

Under the leadership of S.L. Petrosyan defended 25 dissertations for the degree of doctor and candidate of medical sciences.

Galina Ivanovna Arzamastseva has the highest qualification category in the specialty "functional diagnostics". She was awarded the badge "Excellent Health Worker", Honorary Diplomas of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Department of Health of the Voronezh Region. In 2009, she was recognized as the best doctor of functional diagnostics in the Voronezh region.

Professor of the Department Doctor of Medical Sciences Sergei Viktorovich Popov has the highest qualification category in the specialty "ultrasound diagnostics". He is a member of the International Open Medical Club.

Repeatedly participated in the work of International seminars of doctors in Austria and the USA. Repeatedly trained in foreign clinics (Clinic of the University of Thomas Jefferson - Philadelphia, USA; Clinic of the University of Vienna, Austria).

In 2008 he was recognized as the best ultrasound doctor in the Voronezh region, and in 2009 he won the All-Russian competition of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation as the best ultrasound doctor in Russia.

Under the leadership of S.V. Popova defended 2 dissertations for the degree of candidate of medical sciences.

S.V.Popov - participant international program"Leaders in the field environment and development".

Department of Pediatrics IDPO VSMU them. N.N. Burdenko

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR No. 527 in 1983 at the Voronezh State medical institute(since 1994 - academy) them. N.N. Burdenko, the faculty of advanced training of doctors was opened as part of two courses - pediatrics and therapy. The course of pediatrics was headed by Associate Professor A.M. Pozdnyakov. Subsequently, the course was reorganized into a department. Since January 2006, the Department of Pediatrics has become structural unit Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education (IPME) VSMU named after A.I. N. N. Burdenko. From 1983 to 2013 the department was headed by Professor A.M. Pozdnyakov. Since 2013, the department has been headed by Professor A.P. Shvyrev

The staff of the department performs the main task - advanced training and retraining of pediatricians in the Voronezh, Lipetsk, Belgorod, Kursk, Tambov regions. For 30 years of work of the department, more than 330 cycles have been carried out, on which about 10,000 doctors from 24 regions of Russia and the CIS countries have undergone advanced training and retraining. In 1996, 1999, 2001 and 2004, international cycles and seminars on oncohematology were held with the participation of German specialists. Since 2014, the staff of the department has been participating in the implementation of the programs of the Pilot Project of Continuing Medical Education.

The staff of the department conduct specialized cycles in neonatology, pediatric endocrinology, pediatric cardiology, nephrology, emergency pediatrics, pediatric oncology, hematology, gastroenterology, pulmonology, rheumatology,. These cycles require high scientific, pedagogical and professional skills from each employee and the staff of the department as a whole and allow you to gain in-depth knowledge in certain areas of medicine.

In accordance with the production profile and specialization of employees, the entire range of scientific research at the Department of Pediatrics IDPO is carried out in five main areas: neonatology, nephrology, hematology / oncology, endocrinology, emergency treatment of extreme conditions.

The Department of Pediatrics IDPO provides great consultative assistance to doctors of the basic medical institution - BUZ VO "VODKB No. 1" and other medical institutions in the city of Voronezh and the region, takes an active part in the priority national project "Health".
The composition of the Department of Pediatrics IDPO VSMU named after. N.N. Burdenko:

  • Head of the Department Anatoly Petrovich Shvyrev, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. From 1997 to 2011 - Chief Physician of VODKB No. 1. Awards: "Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation", "Excellence in Public Health", "Best Doctor of 2011", "Best Head of a Medical Organization";
  • Professor Anatoly Mikhailovich Pozdnyakov, Doctor of Medical Sciences;
  • Associate Professor Margarita Valerievna Budanova, Candidate of Medical Sciences;
  • Associate Professor Andrey Panteleevich Savchenko, Candidate of Medical Sciences;
  • Associate Professor Elena Vyacheslavovna Stenshinskaya, Candidate of Medical Sciences;
  • Associate Professor Tatyana Vasilievna Stepanova, Candidate of Medical Sciences;
  • Associate Professor Lyudmila Ilyinichna Shiryaeva, Candidate of Medical Sciences;
  • Assistant Irina Yurievna Balalaeva, Candidate of Medical Sciences;
  • Assistant Raisa Ivanovna Gridneva, Candidate of Medical Sciences;
  • Assistant Irina Yurievna Yurova, Candidate of Medical Sciences;
  • Senior laboratory assistant Alexandra Dmitrievna Izmalkova.

Education at the department is conducted according to the programs of additional vocational education doctors in the specialties: 14.01.17 "Surgery", approved in 2016; 040126.09 "Endoscopy", approved in 2016

The training room, equipped with multimedia technology, as well as the treatment and diagnostic facilities of the clinical base (BUZ VO VOKB No. 1) of the department, allow the educational process to be carried out qualitatively and in full.

The amount of teaching load planned in 2019-2020 academic year, is 2150 hours, of which:

lecture classes - 490 hours;

practical classes - 1386 hours,

simulation course - 36 hours; DOT - 126 h.

Every year, about 200 doctors from voronezh region and other regions of the country.

As part of the implementation of the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated November 11, 2013 No. 837 “On approval of the Regulations on the model for developing the basic principles of continuing medical education for district general practitioners, district pediatricians, general practitioners (family doctors) with the participation of public professional organizations » the department uses remote educational technologies on the Moodle platform. Classroom classes are conducted using multimedia equipment.

Within the framework of electronic courses for students are available:
· Presentations
· Guidelines students on the topic of the curriculum
Methodical recommendations and study guides departments
test control
Regulatory and legal framework in the specialty - orders, standards (available to save to PC)
· Recommendations and teaching aids of professional associations and leading scientific organizations.

Simulation courses are provided in the educational virtual clinic (simulation-training center of VSMU them. N.N. Burdenko)

The purpose of postgraduate training of doctors is further improvement and advanced training - the acquisition of new theoretical knowledge and the improvement of professional skills necessary to provide highly qualified assistance in accordance with the position held and the profile of the institution.

The purpose of advanced training cycles is the systematization of knowledge, skills, and the assimilation of new theoretical and practical issues for the performance of professional duties.

A typical curriculum is built on a block (modular) system, the blocks of which are sections of the discipline. The section of the discipline is a relatively independent part of the program, which presents a significant amount of theoretical and practical information. Each section of the discipline is divided into several topics, which in turn consist of elements. The element reflects highly professional information, a specific skill or skill, a particular theoretical issue.

It is obligatory to include in the program sections on legal issues, basic principles of health insurance, medical and social expertise, issues of medical psychology, medical ethics and medical deontology.

Annotation DPOP PC in the specialty "Surgery" (Training period - 216 hours)
Annotation DPOP PC in the specialty "Endoscopy" (Training period - 216 hours)
Annotation DPOP PP in the specialty "Endoscopy" (Training period - 576 hours)
Annotation DPP PC in the specialty "Surgery" in the discipline "Outpatient surgery" (36 hours, full-time education)
Annotation DPP PC in the specialty "Surgery" in the discipline "Treatment of injuries of the hand and their consequences" (36 hours, full-time education)
Annotation DPP PC in the specialty "Surgery" in the discipline "Surgical treatment of gallstone disease and postcholecystectomy syndrome using minimally invasive technologies" (36 hours, full-time education)
Annotation DPP PC in the specialty "Surgery" in the discipline "General proctology" (36 hours, full-time education)
Annotation DPP PC in the specialty "Surgery" in the discipline "Fundamentals of minimally invasive abdominal surgery" (development period - 36 hours)
Annotation to DPP PC in the specialty "Endoscopy" in the discipline "Surgical treatment of gallstone disease and postcholecystectomy syndrome using minimally invasive technologies" (development period - 36 hours)
Annotation to the DPP PC in the specialty "Endoscopy" in the discipline "Diagnostic and therapeutic esophagogastroduodenoscopy" (implemented with the use of a partial internship) (training period - 36 academic hours, 36 credit units)
Annotation DPP PC in the specialty "Endoscopy" in the discipline "Diagnostic and therapeutic colonoscopy" (development period - 36 hours)

Annotation DPP PC in the specialty "Surgery" in the discipline "Surgery of hernia disease" (development period - 36 hours)
Annotation DPP PC in the specialty "Surgery"

Department of Dentistry IDPO VSMU named after V.I. N.N. Burdenko conducts training under the programs of additional professional education in the following specialties:

1. Certification cycles in the specialty "Therapeutic Dentistry:

Professional development cycle: "Therapeutic dentistry" - duration of training: 1 month(144 hour) and 1.5 months. (216 hour)
Professional development cycle: "Diseases of the periodontal and oral mucosa" - duration of training: 1 month(144 hour.)
"Therapeutic dentistry" 4 months (576 hour.)

2. Certification training cycles in the specialty "Surgical Dentistry":

Cycle of advanced training on the topic: "Issues of polyclinic surgical dentistry"- duration of training: 1 month(144 hour.)
Cycle of advanced training on the topic: "Inflammatory processes and injuries of the maxillofacial region"- duration of training: 1.5 months(216 hour.)
Cycle professional retraining: "Surgical Dentistry"- duration of training: 4 months (576 hour.)

3. Certification training cycles in the specialty "Orthopedic Dentistry":

Refresher cycles by topics: "New technologies for the manufacture of dentures","Orthopedic treatment using ceramic-metal and solid-cast prostheses"- duration of training: 1 month (144 hour.)
Professional retraining cycle: "Orthopedic Dentistry"- duration of training: 4 months (576 hour.)

Advanced training programs within the framework of continuing medical education (CME) - duration - 36 hours (6 days).

Specialties: Therapeutic Dentistry, General Practice Dentistry
1. "Practical endodontics"
2. "Modern adhesive systems and restorative materials in therapeutic dentistry"
3. "Clinic, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa"

Specialties: Orthopedic Dentistry, General Practice Dentistry
Advanced training on the following topics:
1. "Technology of prosthetics on implants"
2. "Dental materials, clinical and laboratory stages of their application and clinical and laboratory equipment in orthopedic dentistry"
3. "New technologies in orthopedic dentistry"

Specialty "Surgical Dentistry", "General Dentistry"
Advanced training on the following topics:
1. "Modern methods of treatment of patients with perforation of the maxillary sinus"
2. "Modern aspects of tooth extraction"

Clinical bases for classes:

AUZ VO "Voronezh Regional Clinical Dental Clinic"
BUZ VO "Voronezh Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1", building 2, department of maxillofacial surgery No. 1
· Dental polyclinic of VSMA them. N.N. Burdenko
LLC Dentistry NIKA and LLC Dentistry Sudareva

The work programs are compiled in accordance with the requirements of the standard program of additional professional education of the VUNMTs of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (2004) for dentists and include training in the following cycles:

Since September 2015 in educational practice the department introduced a system distance learning attending physicians.

Annotations of work programs:

Surgical dentistry

Orthopedic dentistry

Annotation of the DPP PC in the discipline "Technology of prosthetics on implants" (36 hours)
Annotation DPP PC on the discipline "Dental materials, clinical and laboratory stages of their use and clinical and laboratory equipment in orthopedic dentistry" (36 hours)