Moscow Banking Institute (MBI) - ceased operations. Reviews about the university

I studied at the International Banking Institute (or MBI, or IBI) at the Department of Banking. Education at the institute is paid, but there are several free places (the winners of the Olympiads, which are held before the start of the entrance exams, receive), the winners receive a discount on education (50%). Also, every year on September 1, the student of the year (from each course) is announced, who will study for free for a year. The cost of training depends on how you passed the session: excellent students pay less (each subsequent “category” is on average 10-15 thousand more, the extra charge will cost you a pretty penny). For me personally, this was a great incentive :) The Institute holds various conferences twice a year (including in foreign languages) and plenary meetings, in which, in addition to “local” students, representatives of other institutions from different cities of Russia and neighboring countries take part ( for example, from Ukraine). What personally attracted me to MBI was the opportunity to study two foreign languages ​​- English is mandatory and one of your choice (German, French, Finnish, Spanish; they also wanted to do Chinese, I don’t know if it worked out or not). A huge plus of this institute is foreign practice. Fourth-year students have the opportunity to travel to European countries for internships in banks or financial companies. When I was studying, I had the opportunity to travel to Spain, Portugal, Finland, Luxembourg, Cyprus and a number of other countries. They differ in conditions: payment (somewhere the company pays, for example, accommodation, somewhere the flight, some especially generous ones pay both); the number of people who will go, as well as the duration of the practice. In order to get an internship, you had to write a CV in English, as well as write a motivation letter in English, why you should be hired. My friends and I chose Cyprus (the practice took place in a bank). And I want to say that the month that we were in practice left very vivid memories and valuable knowledge in my memory, and I am very grateful to the institute for this. However, there are also disadvantages - for example, the lack of its own building, as well as a hostel for out-of-town students. When I started studying (it was in 2006), the International Banking Institute had two buildings - on Malaya Sadovaya and literally around the corner on Nevsky 58. But three years later the institute was forced to abandon the building on Nevsky. Junior students were left on Malaya Sadovaya, but we moved to pr. Shaumyan (metro station Novocherkasskaya, free buses ran from the metro to the institute). As far as I know, after the new year, the location of the institute will change again - instead of Shaumyan there will be another building, it seems, in the Primorsky district. Despite everything, I am very grateful to the institute for the knowledge, friends and diverse and interesting student life.

    - (MBI) an educational institution of an economic profile, a banking orientation in Moscow. Founded in 1991. Moscow Banking Institute (MBI) Founded 1991 Rector Geronina, Natalia Rudolfovna ... Wikipedia

    Moscow Banking Institute (MBI) is an educational institution of economic profile, banking orientation in Moscow. Founded in 1991. Moscow Banking Institute (MBI) Founded 1991 Rector Geronina Natalya Rudolfovna Legal ... ... Wikipedia

    MBI- International Bibliographic Institute Brussels, 1895 1931 bibl., Brussels, education and science MBI Moscow Banking Institute Moscow, education and science, fin. MBI International Banking Institute… Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

    This term has other meanings, see Nevsky Prospekt (meanings). Coordinates: 59°56′12″ s. sh. 30°18′54″ E  / 59.936667° N sh. 30.315° E d ... Wikipedia

    Nevsky Prospekt General information District of the city Central Former names Nevsky prospect, Bolshoy Nevsky Prospect, October 25 Prospect Length 4.5 km Width 25 60 m Nearest metro stations Nevsky Prospekt, Gostiny Dvor, ... ... Wikipedia

Since 1997, the educational institution has become known as the Moscow Bank ...

Historical information

The history of this educational institution begins with the Commercial and Banking Lyceum, which was established in 1991 at the initiative of the Department of Education of the Government of the capital. The very next year, the university was reorganized into the Moscow Banking College, the founder of which since 1993 is Sberbank of the Russian Federation.

Since 1997, the educational institution has become known as the Moscow Banking Institute. The main goal of the university is to prepare future employees of the banking sector for the system of institutions of the Savings Bank.

Among the clear advantages of the university is the fact that in 1997 it was among the first educational institutions received state accreditation, which was a confirmation of compliance with high quality education standards. The last accreditation was received in April 2010. Today it is the only university that trains specialists in the field of banking services. University graduates are in great demand by commercial banking structures, and therefore MBI graduates do not experience difficulties with employment.

At the present stage of development of the educational system, the Moscow Banking Institute compares favorably with innovative educational methods, the competitiveness of its graduates in the labor market, and good development dynamics. The number of students at the university has already reached two thousand people.

The teaching staff of MBI

The entire teaching staff consists of more than a hundred people, including 76% of teachers with academic degrees and titles. Twelve doctors of sciences, professors and forty-six candidates of sciences, associate professors teach at the university. Most of the lecturers have held or hold senior positions in the banking system. This means that for all the persuasiveness of the educational, methodological and scientific base, there is a practical orientation in the training of banking specialists, which cannot but later be highly appreciated already at the place of work of a young specialist.

Rating of the Moscow Banking Institute

Judging by the materials of surveys of employers published in the media, the MBI rating firmly takes its place not only in the top ten best educational institutions in the capital, but also in the top ten Russian universities, whose graduates can count on the highest salary. The percentage of demand for MBI specialists is also convincing - more than 98%. Not every university in Russia can boast of such indicators. Therefore, the credibility of the Moscow Banking Institute is beyond doubt.

Specifics of MBI

This educational institution trains personnel and carries out scientific research in the field of financial services. It is this aspect of the work of banks that is most relevant today, therefore the role of specialists in the retail sector of banking is very large.

Today, the domestic economy is moving to a new track, which means that innovative technologies and methods are being widely introduced into all levels of social life, including, of course, the education system. MBI keeps up with the times: one of the examples of the use of such methods is holding a lesson in the Training Center - this model is as close as possible to the real conditions of work in a bank, and students master the specifics of performing various banking procedures in “working” conditions.

In addition, the use of new ways of teaching leads to the adaptation of theoretical knowledge into specific professional skills and competencies. One of the components is also the study of ethical aspects and the development of a common corporate culture, contributing to the formation of a modern, mobile, competent professional capable of adequately responding to the challenges of the time.

MBI students practice in the operating rooms of branches of Sberbank of Russia and other leading domestic banks.

The uniqueness of getting an education at MBI is also determined by a comprehensive economic education. Moreover, this system includes both pre-university education and secondary specialized and higher education. Those who wish to continue their education and obtain a scientific degree can enroll in graduate school.

Studying at MBI is possible both full-time and part-time. Obtaining a diploma of secondary vocational education makes it possible to obtain higher education.

The founder of the university is one of the leading Russian banks - Savings Bank. It is here that MBI graduates are in the first place in demand. Students have no big problems with finding a job: in addition to branches of Sberbank, they can get a job in a number of other financial institutions. MBI successfully cooperates with Gazprombank, Alfa-Bank, Uralsib and other commercial banks.

The university teaches those who are in demand technical specialties, combining the traditions of academic education and the use of distance technologies. The online format allows you to study lectures and watch webinars at a convenient time without interrupting work. The Institute provides opportunities for continuous development: from undergraduate to MBA. In its activities, the Moscow Institute of Technology combines the fundamental traditions of Russian academic education and the latest achievements in the field of new educational technologies. Thanks to this, our students receive all the benefits of modern education.

The Institute applies modern teaching methods, incl. developed by the Electronic Information and Educational Portal, has a highly qualified teaching staff. The Institute has developed and implemented the IEAU quality management system. Great attention is paid to research activities, and international cooperation, as well as social welfare of students. Students can choose for themselves a convenient form of education - full-time education, evening education, distance learning (classical), weekend groups, accelerated programs are possible. IEAU students enjoy all the benefits provided to students of state universities, incl. travel benefits. IEAU provides a flexible system of tuition fees. Full-time (full-time) students are granted a deferment from military service and scholarships.

Founded in 1999. State accreditation until 04/30/2020 (certificate No. 0987 dated April 30, 2014). The Institute applies modern teaching methods incl. developed by the Electronic Institute, which allows the use of distance learning technologies. The Institute is a leading university in the training of economists, arbitration managers and specialists in anti-crisis management. The high-quality work of the Institute in the field of training specialists in anti-crisis management was marked by gratitude from the Bank of Russia and gratitude from the FSFR of Russia. Students can choose for themselves a convenient form of education - full-time education, evening education, distance learning (classical), weekend groups. IEAU students enjoy all the benefits provided to students of state universities. Full-time (full-time) students are provided with a scholarship and deferment from military service.

The Russian School of Economics (NES) is a unique university educational institution created in 1992. The NES diploma is highly valued in Russia and abroad. The mission of the New Economic School is modern economic education and research for Russian society, business and the state. According to the RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) rating, NES is the best economics faculty in the post-communist countries in terms of research quality, and according to the SSRN (Social Science Research Network) rating, it is among the top 30 economics departments in the world.

About the university

The Moscow Banking Institute (MBI) traces its history back to the Moscow Banking College, established in 1993 by the Savings Bank Russian Federation. In 1997, the educational institution received the name "Moscow Banking Institute".
The Moscow Banking Institute was established as a training base for the training of banking specialists for institutions of the Savings Bank of Russia. MBI is the only specialized educational institution in the country that provides professional training and research in the field of providing financial services to the population. The growing need for specialists of this profile on the part of commercial banks, which are actively developing their activities in the retail banking market, allows solving the problem of employment of graduates of the institute.

The demand for graduates of the Moscow Banking Institute from employers in last years is almost 100%. More than 98% of the institute's graduates work in the credit and banking sector.

MBI sees the key to success in the training of young professionals in the convergence of science and practice, in a rational combination of the requirements of the State Educational Standard and employers' requests. That is why graduates of the institute are in high demand in the labor market.

According to the results of the ranking of the 50 best Moscow higher educational institutions, named the most attractive from the point of view of employers, the Moscow Banking Institute - the only one among non-state universities - took the honorable 14th place. This is a clear confirmation that the knowledge and skills acquired at MBI meet the most up-to-date criteria for the quality of training of bank personnel.

The high level of professional training at the Moscow Banking Institute is determined not least by the successful functioning of the Training Center at the institute, which is a comprehensive simulation model professional activity bank clerk. In the classroom at the Training Center, students learn the specifics future profession acquiring the skills to implement various banking operations, practicing communication techniques and methods of fluency in operating and banking equipment and technology.

In addition, MBI students consolidate the theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired within the walls of the institute during internships at the banking "production" - in the operating rooms of additional offices and branches of Sberbank of Russia.

In the educational process, computer programs are actively used, effective technologies of situational training (case-studies method). Professors and teachers of the institute prepare students for solving specific problems that they will have to face in their practical activities. MBI students seriously study foreign languages, which is an integral part of the preparation of a modern banker.

At the Moscow Banking Institute, both general education and special subjects are interconnected. At the same time, the emphasis is on in-depth specialization and focus on practical training of students for work in the banking and credit and financial sectors.

MBI has built a clear system of continuous multi-level economic education:

* pre-university;
* secondary vocational;
* higher professional;
* Postgraduate.

Pre-university education includes preparatory courses and "banking classes" general education schools(grades 10-11).

Secondary vocational education is carried out in the specialty "Banking" both full-time and part-time.

Higher professional education in the direction of "Economics" (bachelor's and master's programs) is implemented on a full-time, part-time and part-time basis. correspondence forms learning.

Postgraduate education includes postgraduate studies, as well as various forms of additional education.

The educational process at MBI is designed in such a way that students have the opportunity to choose in relation to study and work. They can receive secondary vocational education and then either continue full-time studies in the framework of a higher education program. vocational education, or go to work and study further already in part-time or part-time forms of education.

The Moscow Banking Institute has a License for the right to conduct educational activities in the field of vocational education, series AA, No. 003041, registration No. 3030 dated March 30, 2010, and a State Accreditation Certificate, series B, No. 000530, registration No. 1959 dated June 24, 2005 issued by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science.

MBI is located in two modern educational buildings located near the Akademicheskaya and Profsoyuznaya metro stations at the following address: Moscow, Profsoyuznaya street, 18, building 2 (1st building); Ivan Babushkin street, 14 (2nd building).

MBI Rector - Doctor of Economics, Professor Natalia Rudolfovna Geronina.