The richest officials Incomes of officials: the richest civil servants in Russia according to Forbes

Houses in the UK, convertibles and helicopters

TOP 10 richest officials Russian government

Kremlin Pool/Global Look Press

The richest official in the Russian government in 2016 was Minister for North Caucasus Affairs Lev Kuznetsov. According to the declaration, his income amounted to 582 million 146 thousand 294 rubles. He owns 10 land plots in Russia. He owns another plot in France (3,385 square meters) with his wife. Also, together with his wife, the official owns a house in France. The minister owns an apartment in France and three garages in this European country. Another Kuznetsov garage is located in Russia. Kuznetsov also declared 18 items under the name "other real estate." Among them are the building of a transformer substation, a sewer pumping station, a water tank, a checkpoint, an office building, etc. The official has three Mercedes Benz 200, BMW M5 and Ferrari cars.

Kuznetsov's wife declared 32 million 737 thousand 066 rubles. She owns a Porsche, a Boxster convertible, a Mercedes and two trailers.

The second wealthiest is Minister for Open Government Mikhail Abyzov whose income amounted to 520 million 919 thousand 895 rubles. The official has two apartments and two rooms in Russia, and he also rents a room in a country house in Italy. Abyzov owns two Mercedes, two Ducatti motorcycles, as well as Harley Davidson and Yamaha motorcycles, a Robinson helicopter, a snowmobile and a trailer. Abyzov's son and daughter have no income, but they have two land plots and two residential buildings in Russia, a house in the UK and "other real estate" in Italy in free use.

The third place is Deputy Prime Minister, Presidential Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District Yury Trutnev. His income for the reporting period amounted to 356 million 940 thousand rubles. Together with his wife, he owns two houses and a plot of land in Russia. Trutnev owns an ATV, a trailer, a snowmobile, BMW cars, Porsche Cayenne, Mercedes Benz and Nissan Patrol. His wife earned 834,776 rubles last year.

The fourth largest wealth is Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov, whose income last year amounted to 129 million 386 thousand 73 rubles. He has a land plot, an apartment, four parking spaces, two outbuildings and two guest houses. Manturov's fleet is represented by Land Rover, IZH, VAZ-2103, GAZ-21 cars. The minister's wife declared 4 million 459 thousand 903 rubles of earnings, a land plot and an apartment.

Rounds out the top five Finance Minister Anton Siluanov. His income amounted to 95 million 443 thousand 280 rubles. He has two plots of land, an apartment, four garages, a house and two non-residential buildings, as well as GAZ-69, VAZ-21011, BMW, Harley Davidson and BMW motorcycles.

Sixth place is First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov, which in 2016 earned 71.8 million rubles. In joint ownership with his wife, he has four apartments and non-residential premises. Shuvalov, like last year, rents an apartment in the UK and houses in Austria and Russia. The deputy chairman and his wife own a passenger car "Jaguar", "penny" and ZIL-41047 (limousine). Shuvalov's wife earned 61.1 million rubles.

became the seventh Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, whose income amounted to 24.8 million rubles. He owns only the Pobeda car. Dvorkovich's wife declared 60.5 million rubles. She owns a land plot of 4,000 square meters, several apartments, two parking spaces and a Lexus.

The eighth position is Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak. He declared 21.6 million rubles, he owns nothing. Kozak's wife earned 4.6 million and owns two apartments, a large land plot with a house and an Audi A6 passenger car.

The ninth became Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Alexander Novak, which in the reporting period earned 17.2 million rubles. The minister owns 1000 "squares" of land, an apartment and two BMW motorcycles. His wife earned 337 thousand rubles and owns two cars - BMW X5 and Porsche Cayenne.

Seven years ago, the President of the Russian Federation ordered officials not only to hand over, but also to publish information about income and property, and our newspaper was the first among domestic publications to compile the "golden hundred" of the richest families of Russian officials and deputies.

Why climb into the family wallet? Businessmen, when moving to work in a state structure, often rewrite the business to their spouses. Or suddenly, the “second halves” of officials, whose careers have gone uphill, at the same time discover simply incredible entrepreneurial talents. By the way, the record of "hundreds" is 30 billion rubles, which in 2010 reported businesswoman and part-time wife of the then mayor of Moscow Elena Baturina, - has not been beaten so far (material on how fortunes are made in the powerful "cells of society".

Meanwhile, if in 2010 our “hundred” ended with one of the members of the Federation Council with a family income of 17 million rubles, now the “poorest” in the Top 100 is a State Duma deputy with an income of more than 140 million rubles. And over the year, the “passing barrier” for getting into the rating increased by 38 million! The country's GDP is falling, medicines and food are becoming more expensive, but the crisis, apparently, does not bother the elite.

Moreover, it is clear that not all officials and deputies have disclosed everything that they have amassed. How many times has AiF written about property and income hidden offshore, registered to distant relatives and adult children (you don’t need to report for them) or to wives who unexpectedly turn out to be ex-wives of some servants of the people (you don’t need to talk about them either). The State Duma has calculated: out of 450 deputies from 2011 to 2016 divorced... 102! Interestingly, almost none of them made it into the "golden hundred". Coincidence?

The Top 100 includes 6 members of the federal government, 2 heads of the region, 27 deputies of the State Duma and members of the Federation Council, 54 deputies of regional legislative assemblies, 11 representatives of municipal authorities. It's a trend recent years: supermillionaires in power are increasingly found in the regions and even in small towns. However, there is a suspicion that not all the “heroes” were rewarded in the form of getting into the “golden hundred-nude” of the AiF. After all, the law does not spell out the obligation to publish information about income for everyone. municipal deputies. This loophole was used, for example, by the majority of deputies of the Nizhny Novgorod City Duma. Gentlemen of the people, do you have something to hide?

“This year, deputies of all levels, including the village, must submit an income declaration,” AiF explained. Sergei Neverov, Secretary of the General Council of "ER", Deputy Chairman of the State Duma. - Failure to comply with this requirement leads to early termination of powers, there are already precedents (for example, a deputy of the Council of the Sushansky settlement of the Borovichi district of the Novgorod region lost his mandate. V. Baburin.- Ed.). As for the publication of this information, United Russia stands for maximum openness in this matter. These declarations must be made public.” AiF, of course, fully supports this position.

Oleg Plokhoy, Head of the Office of the President for Combating Corruption:

The filing of declarations ended in May, it is still too early to sum up, the analysis of the submitted information on income, expenses and property is underway. But we can also note several differences between the declaration campaign of 2016 and last year. There have been some legislative changes. Thus, the number of persons submitting declarations has increased. The obligation to provide information on income and comply with other anti-corruption requirements has now been extended to those who fill positions in regional authorities and at the municipal level on a non-permanent - free - basis (for example, some deputies of regional parliaments and municipal councils - ed.). Those who deviate from this duty will be disqualified.

To clarify the details of the declaration campaign this year, new guidelines on the issues of reporting information on income, as well as a review of the practice of holding accountable for non-compliance with anti-corruption requirements of the law.

By September, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation plans to prepare proposals to improve the mechanism for turning property into state revenue, the legal origin of which the official is unable to confirm.

In total, in 2015, about 1.6 million employees filed information on income, expenses and property. In cases where there were doubts about the completeness and reliability of the information provided, they were checked. As a result of 127 thousand inspections, 28.7 thousand employees who violated anti-corruption requirements were identified. Last year, more than 18,000 officials were prosecuted for corruption offences. Mostly (17 thousand people), for violation of the requirements for declaring income and expenses. About 1,000 employees have been punished for violating requirements to prevent conflicts of interest. 461 employees were dismissed for gross violations of the requirements of anti-corruption legislation in connection with the loss of confidence. For the first time last year, the courts considered 11 statements of claim by the prosecutor's office on the conversion of undeclared property of employees into state revenue in the amount of more than 129 million rubles. At the moment, decisions have been made to recover in the amount of 54 million rubles.

First Name Last Name Place of work Personal income (rub.) Spouse's income
and children (rub.)
Family income (rub.)
1 Indira Shagdarova Deputy of Ulan-Ude
city ​​council
13 537 653 908 219 239 145 13 756 893 053
2 Galust Akhoyan member of the Legislative Assembly
Primorsky Territory
3 131 456 785 109 892 319 3 241 349 104
3 Vadim Bredniy Deputy of Ulan-Ude
city ​​council
455 002 258 2 197 923 530 2 652 925 788
4 Rustam Sabirov member of the State Council
1 801 319 493 298 737 837 2 100 057 330
5 Dmitry Iltyakov deputy of the Kurgan
regional duma
1 858 178 071 34 710 1 858 212 781
6 Alexander Basansky deputy of Magadan
regional duma
1 253 661 600 1 724 100 1 255 385 700
7 Edward Derev member of the People's Assembly
Karachay-Cherkess Republic
1 070 578 805 1 437 1 070 580 242
8 Valery Ponomarev member of the Federation Council
from the Kamchatka Territory
1 004 091 927 7 834 725 1 011 926 652
9 Igor Evtushok member of the Legislative
collections of the Kamchatka Territory
941 951 326 68 466 595 1 010 417 921
10 Andrey Shutov member of the State Council
Udmurt Republic
906 031 925 63 526 902 969 558 827
11 Leonid Simanovsky deputy of the State
Duma of the Russian Federation
907 631 709 31 637 584 939 269 293
12 Alexander Bogomaz Governor of the Bryansk Region 3 072 022 910 513 499 913 585 521
13 Vladimir Simonov deputy of the Samara
provincial duma
829 220 880 884 395 830 105 275
14 Nikolai Bortsov deputy of the State
Duma of the Russian Federation
799 140 060 - 799 140 060
15 Alexander Kretov deputy of the State
Duma of the Russian Federation
415 398 060 333 484 618 748 882 678
16 Alexander
deputy of the State
Duma of the Russian Federation
745 173 681 14 790 745 188 471
17 Albert Fakhrutdinov member of the State Council
696 361 858 23 339 496 719 701 354
18 Grigory Chuiko deputy of the Voronezh
regional duma
731 713 680 307 172 681 038 885
19 Grigory Anikeev deputy of the State
Duma of the Russian Federation
599 958 227 - 599 958 227
20 Vladimir Egorov deputy of Krasnoyarsk
city ​​council
564 076 982 28 998 267 593 075 249
21 Valery Yazev deputy of the State
Duma of the Russian Federation
446 577 467 135 387 325 581 964 792
22 Sergey Muravlenko deputy of the State
Duma of the Russian Federation
402 290 366 163 657 661 565 948 027
23 Viktor Korkhov deputy of Bryansk
city ​​council
562 897 930 3 035 287 565 933 217
24 Andrey Palkin deputy of the Arkhangelsk
regional assembly
483 174 949 289 983 483 464 932
25 Vladimir Zotov deputy of the Belgorod
regional duma
463 098 831 2 425 213 465 524 044
26 Igor Redkin member of the Legislative
collections of the Kamchatka Territory
260 580 442 196 922 201 457 502 643
27 Mikhail Abyzov Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation 455 579 586 678 000 456 257 586
28 Andrey Varichev deputy of Kursk
regional duma
429 545 847 1 051 990 430 597 837
29 Sergey Gusev deputy of the Belgorod
regional duma
400 373 044 15 599 002 415 972 046
30 Anastasia Kolesova member of the State Council
336 098 962 78 060 480 414 159 442
31 Marina Sedykh member of the Legislative
collections of the Irkutsk region
404 407 377 3 351 169 407 758 546
32 Valery Seleznev deputy of the State
Duma of the Russian Federation
392 754 193 - 392 754 193
33 Dmitry Karamyshev head of the Sysert city
district of the Sverdlovsk region
6 184 665 362 436 705 368 621 370
34 Artashes Harutyunyants member of the Legislative
collections of the Rostov region
352 701 204 63 000 352 764 204
35 Alexander Kolesov deputy of the Kazan
City Council
338 924 641 804 790 339 729 431
36 Alexander Knyazev deputy of the Voronezh
regional duma
326 699 100 0 326 699 100
37 Pavel Miseyuk deputy of the Bryansk
regional duma
311 433 241 435 843 311 869 084
38 Mikhail Slipenchuk deputy of the State
Duma of the Russian Federation
294 427 761 5292 294 433 053
39 Alexander Fedorov member of the Legislative
collections of the Chelyabinsk region
293 716 189 99 590 293 815 779
40 Murat Hapsirokov member of the Federation Council
from the Republic of Adygea
292 467 951 - 292 467 951
41 Oleg Koltashov deputy of the Kurgan
regional duma
289 544 881 17 352 289 562 233
42 Andrey Ugarov deputy of the Belgorod
regional duma
278 001 182 78 605 278 079 787
43 Andrey Skoch deputy of the State
Duma of the Russian Federation
276 312 567 - 276 312 567
44 Dmitry Skrivanov member of the Legislative
collections of the Perm region
270 281 175 0 270 281 175
45 Ildar Samiev 272 852 957 - 272 852 957
46 Rustam Minnikhanov President of the Republic of Tatarstan 6 067 343 256 552 934 262 620 277
47 Valery Gartung Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation 18 362 770 244 198 334 262 561 104
48 Sergey Petrov Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation 72 051 765 189 950 870 262 002 635
49 Nikolai Makarov Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Republic of Karelia 205 010 893 52 948 010 257 958 903
50 Alexander Oblasov Deputy of the Kurgan Regional Duma 247 713 974 2 602 166 250 316 140
51 Vladimir Rybalchenko Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region 246 755 540 1 572 836 248 328 376
52 Airat Khairullin Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation 225 596 396 150 206 225 746 602
53 Andrey Oskolkov 190 202 603 35 186 832 225 389 435
54 Sergey Kalinin Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region 217 778 463 5 312 012 223 090 475
55 Dmitry Goritsky Deputy of the Tyumen Regional Duma 216 807 415 179 216 807 594
56 Mikhail Balakin Deputy of the Moscow City Duma 212 992 814 1 155 163 214 147 977
57 Dmitry Suleev Deputy of the Vladivostok City Duma 33 433 513 179 661 929 213 095 442
58 Alexander Nekrasov Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation 5 658 122 206 574 568 212 232 690
59 Nina Chekotova Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk Region 197 811 524 - 197 811 524
60 Vladimir Cherkezov Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Rostov Region 195 566 451 787 419 196 353 870
61 Arkady Ponomarev Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation 34 227 406 159 858 080 194 085 486
62 Hikmet Mammadov Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Jewish Autonomous Region 70 319 693 121 104 370 191 424 063
63 Igor Shuvalov 1st 97 243 321 92 463 641 189 706 962
64 Sergey Ostapets Deputy of the Novokuznetsk City Council of People's Deputies 186 724 608 - 186 724 608
65 Alexey Chepa Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation 177 888 505 7 686 587 185 575 092
66 Arsen Kanokov member of the Federation Council
from the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
4 720 369 180 645 000 185 365 369
67 Boris Zubitsky Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation 124 648 117 58 770 764 183 418 881
68 Fedor Toshchev Member of the Legislative Assembly of the Penza Region 172 441 209 10 725 097 183 166 306
69 Natalia Firulina Deputy of the Krasnoyarsk City Council 2 993 021 180 154 664 183 147 685
70 Alexander Fleginsky Member of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory 22 476 431 159 910 349 182 386 780
71 Kaplan Panesh Deputy of the State Council - Khase of the Republic of Adygea 123 125 944 53 306 493 176 432 437
72 Dmitry Saveliev Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation 163 879 041 9 930 666 173 809 707
73 Vitaly Markelov Deputy of the Legislative Duma of the Tomsk Region 157 994 362 15 168 813 173 163 175
74 Irek Boguslavsky Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation 173 162 160 - 173 162 160
75 Vadim Klet Deputy of the Belgorod Regional Duma 156 997 511 14 622 478 171 619 989
76 Ramis Safiullov head of the Tetyushsky district of Tatarstan 1 751 976 166 955 448 168 707 424
77 Igor Dontsov Deputy of the Magadan Regional Duma 164 437 700 186 900 164 624 600
78 Nikolai Yanov 12 650 940 150 866 193 163 517 133
79 Valery Vasiliev member of the Federation Council from the Ivanovo region 49 313 916 113 366 794 162 680 710
80 Vladimir Zhutenkov Deputy of the Bryansk Regional Duma 161 277 497 574 911 161 852 408
81 Andrey Volkov Deputy of the State Council of the Udmurt Republic 146 284 613 15 407 564 161 692 177
82 Ravil Ziganshin Deputy of the State Council of Tatarstan 71 667 839 88 500 760 160 168 599
83 Alexander Remezkov Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation 158 428 620 - 158 428 620
84 Robert Musin Deputy of the State Council of Tatarstan 70 347 940 87 897 814 158 245 754
85 Konstantin Strukov Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region 156 923 075 150 000 157 073 075
86 Mikhail Avaliani Deputy of the Arkhangelsk Regional Assembly 88 227 219 68 040 298 156 267 517
87 Nikolai Meshcheryakov Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Kamchatka Territory 32 736 873 122 662 538 155 399 411
88 Yuri Trutnev Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation 153 800 850 843 078 154 643 928
89 Muslima LAatypova Deputy of the State Council of Tatarstan 153 348 554 - 153 348 554
90 Sergei Prokopenko 152 091 488 - 152 091 488
91 Dmitry Sablin Member of the Federation Council from the Moscow Region 4 687 500 146 173 636 150 861 136
92 Denis Manturov Minister of Industry and Trade of the Government of the Russian Federation 144 728 253 5 145 172 149 873 425
93 Igor Deriglazov Deputy of the Kursk Regional Duma 147 430 774 1 201 828 148 632 602
94 Arkady Dvorkovich Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation 6 962 754 141 390 378 148 353 132
95 Peter Galenko Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory 141 977 905 4 700 473 146 678 378
96 Sergei Donskikh Deputy of the Kaliningrad City Council 105 401 270 41 218 305 146 619 575
97 Sergei Prikhodko Deputy Prime Minister, Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation 12 581 851 132 609 189 145 191 040
98 Vadim Ligay Deputy of the State Council of Tatarstan 133 291 029 9 474 186 142 765 215
99 Viktor Fedorov Deputy of the State Assembly of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 136 778 425 4 650 808 141 429 233
100 Viktor Kazakov Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation 8 478 866 132 104 592 140 583 458
... Vladimir Putin The president Russian Federation 8 891 777 - 8 891 777
... Dmitry Medvedev Prime Minister of the Russian Federation 8 767 883 0 8 767 883
10 richest officials and 10 wealthiest wives highlighted

Reading 5 min. Views 2.3k. Published on 07/22/2016

While the people are forced to tighten their belts, Russian politicians and high-ranking officials are multiplying their wealth. So, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian government sends his dogs on a special flight to international exhibitions, writes Die Welt columnist Eduard Steiner - The Incredible Wealth of Russian Officials

« It's no secret that the heads of Russian concerns can be fabulously rich.. However, in order to amass an incredible fortune, one does not have to be an oligarch in Russia. , for example, not an oligarch or a "businessman", as they say in Russia. He is a politician and, holding the post of Deputy Prime Minister in the government, is one of the close associates of the Russian president. This is enough to accumulate untold wealth, ”the author notes.

In Zarechye, a village not far from Moscow, Shuvalov is referred to as nothing more than an "investor." And it is no coincidence that a politician, in the past one of Putin's economic advisers, is building a giant palace there.

Shuvalov Palace near Moscow

One version of how the Russian Deputy Prime Minister got so much money is that Shuvalov used insider information when buying and selling assets through offshore companies - which is an obvious violation of the law. Shuvalov himself always denied this information. Nor did he comment on information about the alleged transactions with Gazprom securities, on which he allegedly earned hundreds of millions of dollars. The income of the Shuvalov family last year, according to official figures, amounted to 2.7 million euros (190 million rubles), according to Steiner.

This politician, the author of the publication continues, leads the life of a real oligarch. For example, 49-year-old Shuvalov likes to surf the sky in a private jet, which is not listed in the declaration. In addition, he and his wife Olga send their purebred pets, Corgi dogs, to international exhibitions on it.

As the “fearless opposition leader” Alexei Navalny and his Anti-Corruption Foundation succeeded, this plane flew 18 times last year to Salzburg, near which Shuvalov owns a luxurious villa, as well as to Riga, Prague and Cyprus.

Dogs of Deputy Prime Minister Shuvalov fly in a private jet Photo:

Olga Shuvalova does not deny that her dogs take part in international exhibitions and are delivered there on a private plane. They defend the honor of Russia at the international level, Ms. Shuvalova says. The wife of the Russian Deputy Prime Minister, however, does not comment on whether the plane is owned by the family or is just rented. According to Navalny, the purchase of the aircraft would have cost Shuvalov $62 million.

For comparison: US President Barack Obama in 2012 earned about 458 thousand euros. The position of Angela Merkel provides for an income of 16.8 thousand euros per month, of which she must pay taxes - 5.6 thousand. In addition, the chancellor receives 1 thousand euros per month to reimburse expenses. Francois Hollande, the article says, earns 14.9 thousand euros per month. In addition, according to the French president himself, he owns real estate worth a total of 1.17 million euros and several bank accounts.

Igor Shuvalov is one of those Russian politicians who amassed capital in an inexplicable way

In early July, Navalny's fund revealed facts related to the fact that Shuvalov bought up an entire floor with ten apartments in an elite "Stalinist" skyscraper overlooking the Kremlin. In addition, in London, Shuvalov has an apartment of 500 square meters. m.

The Tsar's apartment of Igor Shuvalov costs as much as 600 ordinary apartments Photo:

Those who in Russian politics are at a level below the vice-premier can also get rich. For example, Dmitry Peskov, the press secretary of the Russian president, received a scolding from the "master" after his vacation on a luxury yacht and expensive watches attracted public attention. What can we say about what kind of legends are formed around fabulous ones, the author writes.

The shamelessness with which the political elite of the country gets access to untold wealth becomes especially clear in the example of the children of leading Russian politicians. These are profitable positions in senior positions, and the acquisition of shares in large concerns.

Entrepreneurs in Russia are still at the mercy of officials. “Those who do not obey may end up behind bars. Anyone who allows himself too much and criticizes the authorities may lose his company. In April of this year, investigators raided the office of the Onexim holding, owned by Mikhail Prokhorov, allegedly on suspicion of tax evasion. This action followed revelations in Prokhorov-owned media about Putin's ties to shell companies offshore. A few days later, this information also appeared in the Panama Dossier, the author reports. According to the latest data, Prokhorov intends to sell all his shares in Russian companies.

Shuvalov's statement, made at the beginning of last year, when the economic situation in the country began to deteriorate, sounded almost cynical: the deputy prime minister interpreted this as a chance for Russia. The crisis, the politician said, will become an incentive for economic reforms, and anti-Russian sanctions have rallied Russian society, which provides the country's leadership with political support and facilitates the implementation of unpopular but necessary reforms, Steiner reports.

Shuvalov's plane and dogs, meanwhile, attracted the attention of both the public and parliamentarians. State Duma deputy Oleg Shein turned to Russian Prime Minister Medvedev with a request to check the information of the Anti-Corruption Foundation. If the head of government believes that the vice-premier's family's lease of a plane to transport animals to international exhibitions improves the reputation of the Russian government, then, Shein writes, the prime minister may not respond to this letter.

Members of the government of Dmitry Medvedev and employees of the administration of Vladimir Putin reported on their income. Who earns the most? On Friday, April 14, Head of State Vladimir Putin, members of the Russian presidential administration, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and members of the government published income declarations for 2016. The richest official turned out to be Lev Kuznetsov, Minister for North Caucasus Affairs, whose annual income exceeded 582 million rubles. This is almost 68 times more than that of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, whose declared income amounted to 8.6 million rubles. The richest employee of the presidential administration was the first deputy head of the administration, Sergei Kiriyenko - 85.5 million rubles. This is 10 times more than the annual income of the head of state Vladimir Putin (8.86 million rubles). At the end of 2015, the richest among the Kremlin officials was also the first deputy head of the presidential administration. Then this post was held by Vyacheslav Volodin. He declared income in the amount of 87.1 million rubles. The poorest government minister turned out to be the Minister of Agriculture Alexander Tkachev, who declared an income of 5.6 million rubles. The lowest income in the Kremlin administration turned out to be Anna Kuznetsova, Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President - 2.8 million rubles. The head of the presidential administration, Anton Vaino, earned 9.64 million rubles in 2016. Ministers-"heavyweights" Sergei Shoigu (Ministry of Defense) and Sergei Lavrov (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) - 10.6 million and 6.8 million, respectively. The income of the Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky was equal to 6.7 million rubles. At the same time, his wife earned 43.7 million rubles last year. The press secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov, announced an income of 12.8 million rubles. At the same time, his wife Tatyana Navka earned 120.8 million rubles in 2016. The total income of the 10 richest ministers of the government of Dmitry Medvedev and employees of the administration of President Vladimir Putin in 2016 amounted to 1.94 billion rubles. Look at the wealthiest representatives of the Russian government.

Lev Kuznetsov. 582.1 million rubles

Minister for North Caucasus Affairs At the end of 2016, Kuznetsov topped the list of the richest officials in power, moving last year's leader Mikhail Abyzov to second place. Over the year, Kuznetsov's income increased 12 times - from 47.9 to 582.1 million rubles. His wife's income increased 3 times - from 10.9 to 32.7 million rubles. The press service of the Ministry of the Caucasus of Russia explained that the declaration included income from deposits and real estate transactions. Including expensive real estate in Moscow was sold. In the declaration for 2016, Kuznetsov indicated 11 land plots with a total area of ​​17,900 sq. m (one of them - in France, an area of ​​3385 sq. m). One house in Russia (564 sq. m.) and one jointly owned house in France (180 sq. m.). Plus an apartment in France (109 sq.m.), four garages (three of them in France) and about 20 other real estate objects, including the building of a transformer substation and a cable power supply network. Kuznetsov owns Mercedes Benz A5, BMW M5 and Ferrari 599 GTB cars.

Mikhail Abyzov. 520.9 million rubles

Minister for Open Government In the ranking of income among the ministers of the Russian government in 2015, Abyzov was the leader - 455.6 million rubles. At the end of 2016, he declared 520.9 million rubles. Abyzov owns two apartments (135 and 162 sq. m) and two rooms (15 and 19 sq. m). In the free use of the daughter and son of Abyzov, there are two land plots (1337 and 3663 sq. M) and three residential buildings (900, 211 and 551 sq. M) and an apartment (318 sq. M). Abyzov owns two cars (a Mercedes-Maybach and a Mercedes-Benz AMG G63), a collection of motorcycles (a Harley-Davidson, a Yamaha and two Ducatis), a helicopter (a Robinson 44) and a snowmobile (a Yamaha ").

Yuri Trutnev. 356.9 million rubles

Deputy Prime Minister, presidential envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District Over the year, Trutnev's income doubled - from 153.8 million rubles (declaration for 2015) to 356.9 million rubles. The plenipotentiary's wife earned 834,777 rubles in a year. Trutnev and his wife jointly own a land plot (3722 sq. m), two residential buildings (346 and 171 sq. m) and several non-residential buildings. The couple owns SUVs BMW X6, Nissan Patrol, Porsche Cayenne and Mercedes Benz ML, as well as an ATV Polaris ATV and a TIKI - Treiler trailer.

Denis Manturov. 129.4 million rubles

Minister of Industry and Trade The official's income in 2015 amounted to 144.7 million rubles. For the year it decreased to 129.4 million rubles. Manturov's wife earned 4.5 million rubles last year. Manturov owns a land plot (11,420 sq. m.), an apartment (481 sq. m.), a guest house (1224 sq. m.), several parking spaces and outbuildings. The wife owns a house of 640 sq. m. The minister owns six cars, including Land Rover, Moskvich 412, VAZ 2103, Lada Vesta, GAZ 21 and Moskvich 408.

Anton Siluanov. 95.4 million rubles

Minister of Finance Siluanov's income for 2015 was 34.4 million rubles. During the year it tripled and at the end of 2016 it was declared in the amount of 95.4 million rubles. The head of the Ministry of Finance owns three land plots (9,000, 10,000 and 22,964 sq. m.), a house (152 sq. m.) and an apartment (254 sq. m.), four garages and two non-residential buildings. In addition, Siluanov owns five Vehicle, including GAZ 69, VAZ 21011 and BMW X6 cars, Harley Davidson FLSTC 103 ANV and BMW K 1600 GTL motorcycles.

Sergei Kirienko. 85.5 million rubles

The first deputy head of the presidential administration, Kiriyenko, became the richest official in the Kremlin - in 2016 he earned 85.5 million rubles. This is due to his work as head of Rosatom, where he served until the fall of 2016. In 2015, Kiriyenko's income as head of the state corporation amounted to 49.2 million rubles. Kiriyenko owns a land plot of 7,116 sq. m, a residential building with outbuildings with an area of ​​698.5 sq.m, a residential building, a parking lot, a sports and fitness block and an outbuilding. Also, the first deputy head of the presidential administration has an apartment with an area of ​​254.3 sq.m and a forest plot with an area of ​​5,000 sq.m. All declared real estate is located in Russia. Wife Kiriyenko for the same period declared income in the amount of 353,248 rubles.

Igor Shuvalov. 71.8 million rubles

First Deputy Prime Minister of the Government Igor Shuvalov earned 71.8 million rubles in 2016, his wife - 61.1 million rubles. At the end of 2015, Shuvalov declared an income of 97.2 million rubles, and his wife - 92.5 million rubles. Shuvalov owns four apartments (three of them are jointly owned with his wife). He also owns non-residential premises with an area of ​​2014 sq. m. In addition, the Deputy Prime Minister rents an apartment in the UK area of ​​483 square meters. m, a house in Austria with an area of ​​1479.8 sq. m and a house in Russia with an area of ​​4174.1 sq. m. Shuvalov and his wife own three cars - Jaguar XJ8 4.2 executive, VAZ 2101 and ZIL 41047. The wife of the Deputy Prime Minister and his children have an apartment for free use, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich coincides with one of Shuvalov's apartments. In addition, the daughter and son, like their parents, rent a house in Russia with an area of ​​4174.1 sq. m.

Nikolay Patrushev. 33.5 million rubles

Secretary of the Security Council of Russia Nikolai Patrushev ranked second in terms of income among officials of the presidential administration - in 2016 he earned 33.5 million rubles. A year earlier, he earned almost the same - 33.7 million rubles. Patrushev declared a land plot of 3306 sq. m, a residential building with an area of ​​249.1 sq. m and an apartment of 256.6 sq. m. Dacha with an area of ​​265 sq. m is in his possession.

Artur Muravyov. 33.3 million rubles

Plenipotentiary of the President of Russia in the Federation Council Artur Muravyov ranked third in terms of income among the Kremlin officials. For the year he earned 33.3 million rubles. At the end of 2015, his income was 36.3 million rubles. Muraviev declared ownership of two land plots with an area of ​​3043 and 2348 square meters. m, an apartment of 42.4 sq. m and another half share in an apartment of 101.3 sq. m. As well as a residential building of 304.3 square meters. m and two garages with an area of ​​201 sq. m and 35.8 sq. m.

Igor Levitin. 30.1 million rubles

Assistant to the President of Russia Igor Levitin earned 30.1 million rubles in a year, while his wife received 10 less - about 3 million rubles. Levitin and his wife own a land plot of 3982 sq. m, an apartment of 118.4 sq. m and also country house with outbuildings with an area of ​​544.2 sq. m and parking place. Levitin owns a Mercedez Benz C180 and his wife owns a Toyota Camry.