Minister of Atomic Energy of the Russian Federation Likhachev. Alexei Likhachev, First Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Appointed Director General of Rosatom

The corresponding decree was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin. It comes into force from the date of signing, October 5. Rosatom refused to comment on the appointment of a new CEO of the corporation.

The previous general director of Rosatom, Sergey, was also appointed first deputy head by presidential decree. He will move there to the seat that became the speaker.

Simultaneously with the appointment of Likhachev to the post of head of Rosatom, new conditions for the activity of this organization and its head were also determined. The state corporation is recommended not to cooperate with the United States.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed two executive orders to suspend cooperation with the United States on nuclear issues. The first order suspended the agreement between the government of the Russian Federation and the US government on cooperation in scientific research and development in the nuclear and energy sectors. It was concluded in Vienna on September 16, 2013.

Likhachev was appointed chief negotiator from the Ministry of Economic Development on the issue of Russia's accession in 2010. He participated in the signing of the protocol on Russia's accession to the Marrakesh Agreement establishing the WTO on April 15, 1994, which took place in Geneva in December 2011.

Likhachev is on good terms with the assistant to the president and the first vice-premier, the government explained to Gazeta.Ru.

Likhachev is familiar with Kiriyenko. In 1988-1992, he served as second, then first secretary of the Gorky city committee of the Komsomol. In those same years, Kiriyenko worked in the Gorky regional committee of the Komsomol. In 2000, Likhachev became a State Duma deputy from the New Force bloc as part of the Union of Right Forces, Kiriyenko was then one of the leaders of the party.

He attended the Day of the Nuclear Industry Worker at Rosatom, a source in the state corporation told Gazeta.Ru.

As of July 2016, Rosatom operates ten nuclear power plants in Russia, 35 power units of which generate more than 18% of the electricity in the country. In 2015, the revenue of the energy division of Rosatom amounted to 263.8 billion rubles. It is planned that in 2016 this indicator will be exceeded by 3 billion rubles.

AT last years Rosatom focused on the development of foreign projects. The ten-year portfolio of orders for the construction of nuclear power plants of Russian design abroad has already exceeded $110 billion.

Likhachev, within the framework of the Ministry of Economic Development, was just responsible for international activities, including he conducted an examination of foreign contracts of Rosatom. Thus, in September 2015, Likhachev was the first to announce the possible signing by Rosatom of a memorandum of cooperation in the field of nuclear energy with the Brazilian agency.

Likhachev Alexey Evgenievich - Deputy Minister economic development RF.


Car - Chevrolet Blazer.



1985 - Radiophysics Faculty of Gorky state university named after N.I. Lobachevsky, specializing in Radiophysics and Electronics.

1998 - Faculty of Economics of the Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky, majoring in Management.

Science degree

Doctor of Economic Sciences.


1985 - engineer at the Gorky Research Instrument-Making Institute.

1985-1987 - Engineer of the Gorky Research Instrument-Making Institute.

1987-1988 - Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the Gorky Research Instrument-Making Institute.

1988-1989 - II Secretary of the Gorky city committee of the Komsomol.

1989-1990 - First Secretary of the Gorky City Committee of the Komsomol.

1990-1992 - Secretary of the Gorky Regional Committee of the Komsomol.

1992-2000 - Manager of the Nizhny Novgorod social-industrial insurance company "Aval".

Social and political activity

1990-1993 - Member of the City Council of People's Deputies of the city of Gorky.

1997 - present - Advisor to the Governor on insurance and investment issues; Chairman of the Political Council of the Nizhny Novgorod regional movement "New Force"; Chairman of the Board of the Foundation for the Fight against the Spread of Drugs among Youth and Teenagers.

1997-2000 - Deputy of the City Duma of Nizhny Novgorod.

2000 - Commissioner for the election campaign of a candidate for the post of President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

2000 - became the co-chairman of the Nizhny Novgorod regional branch of OPOO SPS.

2000-2003 - Member of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly Russian Federation III convocation, member of the RF State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism.

2004-2007 - Member of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation IV convocation, Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on Economic Policy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism.

He was a member of the Duma Committee on Budgetary, Financial and Tax Policy, a member of the Duma Committee on Economy, Industry and Entrepreneurship.

2007-2008 - Advisor to the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

2008-2010 - Director of the Consolidated Department of Analysis and Regulation foreign economic activity Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

2009 - head of the expert group "Customs and tariff regulation".

2009 - Director of the Department of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. Head of the expert group "Institutional (systemic) issues" .

July 2010 - Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

2011 - announced the preparation of an agreement according to which the WTO Norms after Russia's accession to the organization will prevail over the norms of the Common Economic Space.

2011 - Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

2012 - took the initiative to conduct a pilot project for the training of a personnel reserve in the district on the basis of graduates of the Higher School of Public Administration.

present time - Chairman of the Expert Advisory Council for Foreign and Foreign Russian Investments under the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on Economic Policy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism.

present time - Member of the Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

All the activities of Alexei Likhachev are connected with the development and implementation of external economic policy Russia. As a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Alexei Likhachev took and takes an active part in the negotiations on Russia's accession to the WTO, in the work of the Russia-European Union Parliamentary Cooperation Committee, the commission of the Parliamentary Assembly Union of Russia and Belarus on economic policy.

With the direct participation of Alexei Likhachev, in recent years there has been an improvement in Russian foreign economic legislation, bringing it into line with internationally recognized rules and norms. Alexey Likhachev heads the Working Group of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on state regulation of foreign economic activity, the Expert Council on legal regulation and protection of intellectual property, is a member of the Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

Alexey Likhachev: opening of the State Order-2011 exhibition

Scientific activity

1999 - Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky, Candidate of Economic Sciences (dissertation on the topic: "Investment Management in the Conditions of Formation of Market Relations").

2007 - All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade, Doctor of Economic Sciences (dissertation on the topic: "Russian Economic Diplomacy in the Context of Globalization" / World Economy /).

Author of publications and monographs on foreign economic policy and economic diplomacy of the Russian Federation, state regulation and promotion of foreign economic activity.

Department Professor international trade and foreign trade of the Russian Federation.


Awarded the Order of Friendship.


Enjoys travel.

Family status

Married, has three sons.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Owner: Alexey Likhachev: I don’t dream of another car
  2. Alexei Likhachev: `The State Duma of the fourth convocation is another step in the development of Russian democracy`
  3. Eurasian Economic Commission: Agenda of the eleventh meeting of the Customs Union Commission
  4. Agenda of the fifth meeting of the Customs Union Commission May 29, 2009
  5. Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation: Management - Aleksey Likhachev
  6. Customs Union vs WTO
  7. Agenda of the meeting of the Presidium of the Government of the Russian Federation on May 5, 2011 (draft)
  8. Alexei Likhachev: “If you are a true liberal, you will not join the opposition”
  9. All-Russian Conference "Intellectual Property: Trademark Protection"
  10. VAVT structure: Department of International Trade and Foreign Trade of the Russian Federation - Likhachev Alexey Evgenievich

Alexey Likhachev in October 2016 by decree of President V.V. Putin was appointed General Director of the state corporation Rosatom.

He considers himself a product of the Soviet era, but is not nostalgic for the USSR. He is a person who is used to “learning for 6 to get 5”, knows how to look at the root of the problem and always speaks out politically correctly.

Likhachev is quite young, he managed to be a deputy and an honorary professor, and actively demonstrate his talents in the economic field. What did the current head of Rosatom do before he was elected to a high position?

A native of a city that is not on the map

Alexey Evgenievich was born on December 23, 1962 in a classic Soviet family of an engineer and teacher. It happened in the town of Arzamas-16 (now Sarov) in the Nizhny Novgorod region. The city is still a closed administrative entity. The status arose in 1946 after the transfer here of the secret KB-11, which was engaged in the development of the Soviet atomic bomb. The city, which changed its name several times, did not appear on any map.

At school, Likhachev's mother was his class teacher. According to the memoirs of the statesman himself, in order to get an A from her, you had to know at 6. The principle of the Soviet teacher, the curiosity and perseverance of the student played a role: he, among several other classmates, graduated from school with a gold medal without tutors. In Soviet times, this was considered very honorable. was engaged different types sport in youth and adulthood.

Despite the rather provincial position, the town was one of the Russian centers of scientific thought. This is where nuclear weapons were made. Possessing good school knowledge and, probably, succumbing to the romance of the "peaceful atom", Likhachev decided to devote his life to physics and entered the Gorky State University. N.I. Lobachevsky.

Now educational institution is called the Nizhny Novgorod State University (NNGU). It is not only the largest university in Nizhny Novgorod and a regional research institute, but is also included in the list top universities CIS. For study, Likhachev chose the Faculty of Radiophysics, which he graduated in 1985.

Engineer, economist and public figure

After graduating from the institute, yesterday's graduate had to work off the money invested in his studies by the state. Likhachev got a job at the Gorky Instrument-Making Research Institute, where he worked in 1985-1987. The romance of scientific research and development quickly gave way to pragmatism, and already in 1988 Alexey Evgenievich completed his second education, this time in economics. He studied at the same university. A few years later, he defended his Ph.D., and then his doctoral dissertation in a new specialty. His whole life will be connected with the economy.

In 1987-1992 Aleksey Likhachev was engaged in social work and confidently walked along the Komsomol line of the party: at first he was the secretary of the Komsomol committee of the instrument-making research institute in Gorky, and then went on to be promoted to the local city committee of the Komsomol, where he worked together with Sergei Kiriyenko.

A year after the collapse of the USSR, Likhachev, together with several school friends, organized insurance company"Aval", where Aleksey Evgenievich worked as a manager since 1992 and gained new experience. In 1993, he ran for the State Duma for the first time, but did not overcome the 5% barrier. In 1996, at the age of 30, he became a deputy of the city council of the city of Gorky (or rather, then already Nizhny Novgorod). A little later, he was elected as an adviser to the governor on insurance and investment issues. Until May 2000, he was a member of the Board of Directors of NSKB Garantiya.

Since 2000, Likhachev's career as a statesman began to seriously develop:

  • in 2000-2007, during two convocations of the State Duma, he was engaged in lawmaking in it (from the SPS party - the Union of Right Forces, which ceased to exist in 2008);
  • in 2007-2008 acted as an adviser to the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation;
  • in 2008-2010 acted as director of the department for analysis and regulation of foreign economic activity of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation;
  • Since 2010, he has served as Deputy Minister of Economic Development, and in early 2015, the statesman was promoted to First Deputy Minister.
  • A year and a half later, in the fall of 2016, he was appointed by presidential decree to the post of head of the promising state corporation Rosatom.

Results of activity in the economic and state fields

Aleksey Likhachev considers himself exclusively an economist and prefers to stay as far away from political squabbles as possible. At the Ministry of Economic Development, its scope of work included issues of trade negotiations with other states

rystvo. Among these issues is the formation of a free trade zone, the formation and improvement of the Eurasian Economic Union. Likhachev was engaged in negotiations on Russia's accession to the WTO, actively spoke in the press on issues professional activity. It was assumed that he would be appointed a member of the Eurasian Economic Commission.

Alexei Evgenievich also oversaw public procurement issues, and repeatedly encountered Rosatom cases in his work. He is involved in the development of the law on public procurement N94, which was created to combat corruption in this area. Likhachev speaks of the result of his work with irony and hope for future improvements, since it is obvious that the law did not live up to expectations. He advocated a tougher fight against intellectual piracy.

Awarded with two state awards:

  • the Order of Honor for high achievements in state activity;
  • medal "For contribution to the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union".

Alexei Likhachev is actively working to expand the economic influence of Russia and sincerely believes that the borders that have arisen between states former USSR is a misunderstanding that needs to be cleared up. Despite the prevailing political reality, this line is inherent in both economists and politicians of our state.

Appointment of Likhachev as CEO of Rosatom

Rosatom is one of the world's largest corporations in the field of nuclear energy. The state holding includes about 360 specialized enterprises. The range of issues dealt with by the organization is very wide. It includes:

  • nuclear energy production;
  • research and practical work in the field of energy, including waste disposal and processing;
  • design and construction of nuclear reactors (including abroad);
  • functioning of the nuclear weapons complex;
  • civilian nuclear icebreaker fleet.

The importance of Rosatom in the nuclear industry is very high. The corporation is in second place in the world in terms of uranium reserves and in fourth place in terms of nuclear energy production.

As the manager of Rosatom, Likhachev replaced Sergei Kiriyenko, who was appointed to serve in the presidential administration. The statesmen are united by their acquaintance and joint activities back in the city committee of the Komsomol of the city of Gorky, and then in the regional association "New Force" of the Union of Right Forces. Likhachev is considered a protege of Kiriyenko and they say that the new head of the corporation will listen to the opinion and authority of the old one. Perhaps there is a reason for this. At the very least, the program that regulates the activities of Rosatom has been approved for the next 6 years (until 2023), and Likhachev will have to follow it in whole or in part.

Companions in the State Duma consider Likhachev not just a successor to Kiriyenko, but also notice that both figures are similar in character - hard-working, intelligent and purposeful. In the Ministry of Economy, Alexey Evgenievich dealt with issues of foreign economic policy. It is the external direction of activity, with light hand Kiriyenko, is considered a priority for the functioning of the corporation. The aforementioned long-term development program of Rosatom, approved in 2008, is based on the following principles:

  • priority of the international direction;
  • development and development of new products related not only to energy, but also to other areas of science (for example, medicine);
  • optimization of management processes;
  • reduction of production costs while maintaining the quality level.

External tours "Rosatom" for the coming years

In addition to being appointed CEO - in fact, an executive manager - Likhachev was also included in the supervisory board of the corporation. There is some contradiction here, because he will have to fulfill the decisions that he himself, together with other members of the council (there are about 10 of them), made.

Likhachev will continue the external course of "Rosatom", taken by Kiriyenko. The corporation has a formed portfolio of orders for the next decade, aimed at 4 dozen countries. In particular, a major contract is planned with Egypt for the construction of a nuclear power plant. At the same time, the government recommended that the corporation limit scientific and practical cooperation with the United States. It was pointed out that the admission of American specialists to Russian nuclear facilities, as well as the exchange of information, is not advisable.

The life and work of Likhachev is closely connected with the capital. He considers his current activity useful and interesting. At the same time, the city to which all roads lead is still not Moscow, but Nizhny Novgorod. After the election of Likhachev as a deputy of the State Duma, his connection with the city is not interrupted. His family lives in Nizhny Novgorod, and at UNN the state-level manager is listed as a professor. The head of Rosatom has a wife and three sons. The elder one works at Hydromash, and the younger one follows in his father's footsteps - he studies at the Nizhny Novgorod branch of the Higher School of Economics and the Moscow Academy of Foreign Trade.

1962 in the city of Arzamas-75 (Sarov).


In 1985 he graduated from the Radiophysics Faculty of the Gorky State University named after M.V. N. I. Lobachevsky. In 1998 he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the same university. He has a doctorate in economics.


In 1985-1987 he worked as an engineer at the Gorky Research Instrument-Making Institute. Engaged in social and political activities. In 1987-1988 he was the secretary of the Komsomol committee of the Gorky Research Instrument-Making Institute, in 1988-1992 - the Gorky city committee of the Komsomol.

In 1992-2000, Likhachev was the manager of the Nizhny Novgorod social and industrial insurance company Aval; Deputy of the city council of people's deputies of the city of Nizhny Novgorod; Governor's Insurance and Investment Adviser.

From 2000 to 2007 he was a member of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

In 2007-2008 - Advisor to the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

In 2008-2010 - Director of the Consolidated Department for Analysis and Regulation of Foreign Economic Activity of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

In 2010-2015, he worked as Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

Since February 13, 2015 - First Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.