What is added to lipstick. What are the ingredients in lipstick?

What lipstick is made of - the composition of lipstick and hygienic lipstick. The main and auxiliary components, their purpose, benefits and harms.

Very often, we are guided by a single desire - to find the right color, and forget to ask what it is made of. But in vain, because in order to buy high-quality lipstick, you need to carefully study its composition. Unobtrusive aroma, lasting color, pleasant feeling on the lips - all this is also very important. The substances from which lipstick is made must be absolutely safe. Then our skin will be beautiful, healthy and well-groomed.

What is lipstick made from?

Each cosmetic company has its own recipe, but there are ingredients that you cannot do without.

The basis of the composition of any lipstick is a "set" of wax, oils and fats. Pigments, fragrances, preservatives, plant extracts, antioxidants and vitamins are added to the waxy fat mass. The proportions of these ingredients determine the properties of lipstick. And everyone has their own role.

1. Wax

It gives the lipstick the desired shape and protects the lips from drying out.

The main ingredient in most lipsticks is beeswax. It perfectly softens the skin, improves its elasticity, protects against inflammation and dehydration, but in some people it can cause allergies.

For sensitive skin, lipstick with hypoallergenic Brazilian (carnauba) palm wax is more suitable; it perfectly interacts with other waxes and fats, improving their properties, in particular, it regulates the consistency of lipstick, preventing it from spreading even in the hottest weather.

"Spermaceti" - a substance that is obtained by freezing whale oil - has a healing effect and amazing regenerative ability. Rose wax has a bactericidal effect. And candelilla wax, which is extracted from Mexican cacti, is responsible for maintaining the color and shine of lipstick.

2. Oils

They are added to lipstick for several reasons. First, oils soften and nourish the skin. Secondly, they create an invisible film on the lips, protecting the skin from moisture loss. Thirdly, they give lipstick tenderness. And finally, they help dissolve the pigment that is responsible for the color of the lipstick.

Different oils are used to make lipstick: olive, castor, coconut, cocoa butter, petroleum jelly, lanolin.

The most popular is castor oil. Its healing and nutritional properties have been tested for centuries. Castor oil is resistant to oxidation, moisturizes lips well and gives them shine. Avocado oil is also appreciated. It saturates the cells with useful substances, and the skin becomes tender, like a baby's.

3. Lanolin

This is the fat from sheep's wool, which prevents lipstick from breaking and fogging. True, in recent years, manufacturers have refused lanolin. This substance needs to be thoroughly cleaned, as it contains harmful components in its original state, and also has an unpleasant taste and aroma.

It is better not to buy lipstick that contains mineral oils, hard paraffins, microcrystalline paraffin and petroleum jelly: the latter, although considered safe and has been used to soften the skin for many years, overdries the skin with regular use.

4. Pigments

To give lipstick the desired shade, dyes are added to it. The most popular are red pigments No. 21, No. 27 and No. 34, bromic acid, orange pigment No. 17. And titanium dioxide, when mixed with red pigments, produces various shades of pink.

5. Other Healthy Supplements

No less important are other components that are indispensable for high-quality lipsticks. These are moisturizers, sunscreens, amino acids, vitamins, aloe vera and collagen.

Vitamin A has a softening effect, heals cracked lips and accelerates the regeneration of skin cells. Vitamin E protects lips from solar radiation and prevents skin aging.

Aloe vera extract has a very beneficial effect on the skin: it softens it, protects against inflammation, and accelerates cell renewal processes.

No lipstick is complete without preservatives to preserve its properties and antioxidants to prevent its oxidation. And perfume fragrances are needed in order to hide the smell of raw materials that are used to make lipstick.

What is hygienic lipstick made of?

Hygienic lipstick, in addition to moisturizing, protects the thin and delicate skin of the lips, devoid of sebaceous glands, from viral infections, cold weather and bright sun. Its regular use helps prevent peeling, chapping and aging of the skin, protects it from cracking and moisture loss.

The basis of hygienic lipstick, as well as the usual one, is natural wax. An important role in its composition is played by vitamins - A, E, C, group B; they heal wounds, smooth wrinkles, relieve inflammation, soften and nourish the skin of the lips.

High-quality hygienic lipstick contains sunscreens, herbal extracts and medicinal plants, natural oils that carefully care for the skin. Jojoba, avocado and shea butter are often used, as well as castor, sea buckthorn, apricot oils. Peppermint oil has a refreshing effect, chamomile, calendula and aloe vera extracts are anti-inflammatory.

As a rule, in hygienic lipstick there are no fragrances and pigments, it is colorless. In summer, you need to use moisturizing hygienic lipstick, in winter - nutritious.

Note! Hygienic lipsticks sometimes contain components that should not be there: silicone oil, salicylic acid, menthol, phenol, camphor. It is undesirable to use such lipsticks for a long time, but it is better not to buy them at all. Carefully read the composition of the lipstick and what it is made of.

Now we know that only high-quality lipstick, which consists of natural ingredients, will make our skin healthy and beautiful, and everyone will take care of it. And we deserve it, don't we?

Ordinary lipstick contains several hundred various substances. And yet, it is possible to single out the main ones that form its basis and structure. This is what the average composition of lipstick looks like:

65% - castor oil;

15% - beeswax;

10% - other waxes;

5% - lanolin;

5% - dyes, pigments, fragrances.

The composition may vary from one brand of lipstick to another, but in general it is just that. And now - the details.

Lipstick needs to be firm and soft at the same time to fit well and stay on the lips. This soft hardness is given to it by waxes, the main of which is beeswax. It consists of almost three hundred different chemical compounds - esters (70%), organic acids and hydrocarbons (30%).

Others are added to beeswax, such as carnauba wax. It also contains fatty acid esters (80-85%), fatty alcohols (10-16%), acids and hydrocarbons (4-9%). Carnauba wax is good because it is the most refractory among its relatives. Its melting point is 83-91 ° C. Therefore, a small addition to lipstick does not allow it to spread in the sun.

Add to lipstick and animal wax lanolin, which is obtained by boiling sheep wool. In composition, it is close to human sebum and contains mainly esters of high molecular weight alcohols (for example, cholesterol) with higher fatty acids (palmitic, etc.). Lanolin is good because it forms a water-oil emulsion with water. And for lipstick, where all the components must be mixed until smooth, this is extremely important. And of course, waxes give lipstick gloss. In general, the share of all waxes in lipstick accounts for 30%.

Of course, lipstick must be oily. Therefore, oils are added to it to soften the wax, soften the skin on the lips and make it shine. The most commonly used is castor oil. The main component of castor oil is ricinoleic acid. It accounts for 90% of all fatty acids in oil.

Olive oil and some synthetic oils are also added to lipstick. Oils have another important function - they dissolve lipstick dyes. The classic red dye for lipstick is carmine, or the aluminum salt of carminic acid. This acid is produced by female cochineal insects. Dactylopius coccus.

Insects are boiled in a sodium carbonate solution, then the solution is filtered and potassium alum KAl (SO 4) 2 12H 2 O is added to it.

Red carmine crystals precipitate. By the way, carmine is registered as a food additive E120.

Another red dye, eosin, can change its color slightly when applied to the lips. The fact is that eosin reacts with amino groups of proteins located in the skin of the lips. As a result of this reaction, the color becomes deeper and brighter and, importantly, lasts longer on the lips.

Numerous shades of lipstick from bright red to pale pink are obtained by adding titanium dioxide to the composition of white. In lipstick, of course, there are pleasantly smelling substances that, with their aroma, mask the smell of other components (oils and animal fats). There are also components that moisturize lips. Some lipsticks today have a secret weapon of sorts, the alkaloid capsaicin.

It is this substance that makes red peppers hot. Its small amounts in lipstick slightly irritate the skin of the lips and make them more plump. What will you not do for the sake of beauty!

Eye shadow, mascara, powder, foundation - all this is certainly good, but not a single women's cosmetic bag can do without it, the queen of the entire cosmetic industry - lipstick.

And if you "use" this item not only to leave it on the mirror, but for its intended purpose, then you probably want to know what is lipstick made of.

Secrets of the lipstick mafia, or 9 main components of what lipstick is made of

    Waxes (from 2% to 14% of the total composition).

    Without these substances, there is no way to bind the other components into a single whole, and the lipstick will simply fall apart.

    Expensive brands have a high content of natural waxes - beeswax, palm wax, rose wax, cactus wax and other "natural" waxes.

    Synthetic “brothers” of natural waxes are shoved into budget lipsticks, and this is already a completely “wrong coat”.

    What is lipstick made of, but what do you not want to know about? Lanolin!

    It is also made from sheep's wool.

    This component also helps to gather other components of lipstick into a pile, sticks them together. And it is because of lanolin that the expired product smells of old rancid fat.

    Uh, well, in principle, it is difficult to meet a sheep that smells like a May rose even on the most picturesque alpine meadow.


    It is they who make lipstick a means.

    Wild red? Or innocent pink? The choice is yours.

    And if earlier natural ingredients (beets, carrots, turmeric, etc.) were used in the production of women's things, now science does not stand still and suggests using special chemical dyes for cosmetics.

    The more of them - the more intense the color of the "gadget" for the lips. For example, 5% of dyes - and your lips beckon with pastels, 20-25% - and you have real burgundy madness on your lips.

    Natural and synthetic oils- an important component of what lipstick is made of (about 30% of the composition).

    They dissolve dyes and prevent them from precipitating. And yet, thanks to them, the product is soft and can be applied with a "light movement of the hand."

    In order for the young ladies to enjoy not only the marvelous color of the lips, but also a pleasant aroma, aromatic oils (lavender, peach, bergamot, chamomile, etc.) are often added to cosmetics.

    Mother-of-pearl components provide shine to your lips.

    Ordinary mica or quartz can act as mother of pearl on your lips.

    Yes, yes, the same ones that were shown to you in chemistry and physics classes in your glorious school years.

    pine rosin(approximately 4% in the composition of the product) - what lipstick is made for your lips to give it a hardness and a dense coating in the form of a film.

    And it has nothing to do with the fragrance in a pine forest.

    Mineral pigments with the terrible names "titanium dioxide" and "iron oxide" make it possible to obtain pink color and evenly lay down on the skin of the lips.

    And you thought the fairy at the cosmetics factory conjured the delicate shade of your lipstick?

  1. Boric acid is a component from which mother-of-pearl lipsticks are made: it provides that same iridescence on the lips that you seduce the barista at your favorite coffee shop and the elderly professor at the university.
  2. Antioxidants (0.8%) do not allow the natural components of lipstick to deteriorate quickly.

    Most often, in the role of such a preservative enters Chemical substance propyl gallate.

    And everything would be fine, but sometimes, in order to make their products practically immortal, like Duncan MacLeod, unscrupulous manufacturers overdo it with antioxidants, which is fraught with allergic reactions, headaches and other troubles.

What lipstick is made of also depends on its type: for example, more wax and fats are “swollen” into the nutritious one, dyes into super-duper resistant ones, and mother-of-pearl components into those with a shimmering effect.

The 3 Most Dangerous Ingredients That Make Lipstick: Tube Away!

Irresponsible like yours ex-husband, manufacturers do not really “steam” with what they make lipstick for lips and add dangerous components to it:

    dyes based on coal tar.

    If you often tint your lips with such lipstick, then you will stuff your body with resin compounds that cause nausea and headaches.

    The prospect is, frankly, bleak;

    synthetic fragrances that give lipstick that delicate scent of roses or cherries can cause dizziness, high blood pressure, and other health problems.

    Therefore, if a cosmetic product smells like the production of Triple cologne, put it back on the counter.

Ask us what to do with all this disgrace?

“And don’t expect to buy quality lipstick for 100 rubles on the market. There are no miracles in such cases!
If you don’t want to guess what lipstick is made of with a mouth swollen from allergies, buy tubes from well-known manufacturers in specialized cosmetic stores.
Well, if you also ask the seller to show a certificate of quality, you are a super cool buyer. Keep it up!”, says cosmetologist Nila from St. Petersburg.

6 amazing facts: what lipstick is made of is not the most interesting!

If information about what lipstick is made of can easily put an interlocutor to sleep at a social event, then these 5 interesting facts he certainly will not remain indifferent:

    in those distant times, when boiled sausage was delicious, and television was black and white, special filters were installed in the cameras that “ate” the red color.

    In order not to look like pale ghosts, actors and announcers were forced to paint their lips with green lipstick.

    Directly not television shooting, but some kind of Halloween party!

    so that the lips of ladies in ancient times shimmered like a moonlit path, crushed fish scales were added to lipsticks.

    Now manufacturers delicately refer to this component as “pearl extract”. Marketing is everything!

    at official receptions, according to international diplomatic etiquette, the wives of presidents are allowed one single shade of lipstick - soft pink.

    And God forbid they put on bright red makeup - a serious international scandal could break out!

    in European royal courts, they “bothered” with the question of what lipstick is made of exclusively by men, who thus distinguished their mouth against the background of a beard and mustache.

    So we imagine how one bearded courtier whispers to another: “Be a man! Touch up your lips, now the king will come!

    in order to seriously poison yourself with this cosmetic, you need to eat at least three tubes.

    And only then, lying in the hospital under a dropper, you can think about what it is made of and how to live with it;

    Marilyn Monroe, the seductress of all times and peoples, was painted with lipstick, applying it in five layers.

When you don’t need to bathe, what lipstick is made of: 15 best cosmetic products in 2017-2018

Site experts http://www.expertcen.ru we carefully checked what famous manufacturers make lipstick from and, to the delight of the young ladies, made a rating of the best lipsticks in 2017:
CategoryPlaceNameRatingPrice, Russian rubles

The best lipstick with a caring effect

1 Sisley Phyto Lip Shine10 / 10 2 300
2 Estee Lauder Pure Color Envy9.9 / 10 2 700

The best lipstick with the effect of wet lips and / or increasing their volume

1 Maybelline Hydra Extreme
9.8 / 10 160
2 Vivienne Sabo Gloire D'amour 9.0 / 10 210

Best Matte Lipstick

1 Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Volupte9.9 / 10 2 700
2 Maybelline Color Sensational "Matte Temptation"9.9 / 10 485
3 Seventeen Matte Lasting Lipstick
8.8 / 10 320

Best All-Purpose Lipstick

1 ArtDeco Lip Passion9.8 / 10 700
2 Givenchy Rouge Interdit Shine
9.5 / 10 1 800

The best liquid lipstick

1 Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet lipstick
10 / 10 640

Best Red Lipstick

1 Christian Dior Rouge Dior 99910 / 10 2 000
2 Relouis Sapphire (in shade #947 fiery)9.9 / 10 272
3 Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick9.1 / 10 550

The best nude lipstick

1 Clarins Rouge Eclat (in shade #01 Nude Rose)9.8 / 10 2 250

Best Long Lasting Lipstick

1 Clinique Long Last Lipstick9.7 / 10 1 500

Want to know exactly how lipstick is made?

In this video you will see the whole process with your own eyes!

Now that you know for sure what is lipstick made of, you can not only please your old chemistry teacher with knowledge, but also “with feeling, sense, arrangement”, choose the coveted tube in the store.

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Lipstick, from a scientific point of view, is a fat-wax substance that does not contain water.

Consider the composition of women's lipstick, including its chemical composition, we will find out in our work what lipstick consists of.

Modern lipstick, unlike its predecessors, is not only not harmful, but on the contrary - it is useful for the lips.

However, in order to really combine beauty and lip care, you should carefully approach the choice and use of this cosmetic product.

What should be the lipstick?

  • It should not tighten the lips and cause a feeling of heaviness;
  • Lipstick should be soft and easy to apply on the lips and evenly lie down;
  • Should cause a pleasant soft sensation on the lips;
  • Should have a pleasant smell;
  • The surface of the lipstick should be smooth, without droplets and smudges;
  • The rod of lipstick must be strong;
  • Under the influence of the sun, good lipstick should not melt like ice cream.

What is lipstick made of?

So what is women's lipstick made of?

The usual, non-hygienic lipstick, as a rule, includes four components: base, coloring mixture, additives and lipstick fragrance.

lipstick base- waxes and wax-like substances - structure-forming elements, fats and oils - emollients, film-forming components.

1. Wax determines the shape of the lipstick, provides its strength and plasticity.
Of the waxes and wax-like substances, paraffin, bees or silicone wax, ceresin, microcrystalline waxes, carnauba and candelilla waxes are most often used - natural vegetable waxes from palm trees and grass leaves.

2. Oils. The main oil for the production of lipstick is castor oil. Its main advantage is resistance to oxidation.

The main oil used in lipstick is castor oil. It is valued for its high viscosity and good softening of the lips. In addition to it, vaseline oil or liquid paraffin is used. A mixture of oils gives the lipstick softness and ease of application, and film-forming elements - polymers and silicone derivatives - create a brilliant, stable smear.

3. fats give lipstick hardness. Leaving a stable film on the lips, fats protect delicate skin from chapping and moisture loss.

4. Dyes. Historically, the first dye used in the manufacture of lipsticks was carmine. The color of this pigment can vary from gray to purple-violet. The most interesting thing is that this coloring matter is obtained from dried red-brown insects of false scale insects or cochineal. These bugs live in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Armenia and Azerbaijan.

The color of lipstick depends on a mixture of pigments, dyes and oils. The list of dyes is very diverse, so it makes no sense to list chemical terms that will not explain anything to a non-specialist.

5. Additives. Among the additives that make up lipstick, vitamins A and E are most common. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, contain plant extracts and sunscreens.

Among the additives present in the composition of any lipstick, the most popular formulations that care for lips are vitamins A ( Fig.1) and E ( Fig.2).

Drugs that improve tissue regeneration with anti-inflammatory action, hyaluronic acid, oil-based plant extracts, sunscreens.

Some of the additives are determined by fashion - nylons that give shine, pearlescent pigments that reflect light.

Also, all lipsticks necessarily contain preservatives that are designed to preserve the properties of lipstick for as long as possible and antioxidants that prevent its oxidation.

6. Perfume hides the smell of raw lipstick. In addition, all lipsticks contain preservatives that preserve the properties of lipstick, as well as antioxidants that prevent it from oxidizing.

Characteristics of the input components

The wax base of lipstick is formed by:
  • ceresin brand 75 and 100;
  • paraffin oil grade P-1, P-2;
  • beeswax;
  • lanolin.

Introduction to composition ceresin 5-11%, paraffin 8-10%, beeswax 2-9%, lanolin 7-9% gives the lipstick stick hardness, while providing a light, plastic smear.

The introduction of these components below and above the claimed does not provide the desired structure of the lipstick pencil.

Glycerol monostearate, introduced into the composition of lipstick as an emulsifier and structurant in the amount of 0.5-7%. It is a mixture of mono- and diesters of stearin acids. Provides a good filling of color and a stable emulsion of the lipstick mass. The introduction of less than 0.5 and more than 7% does not provide a given structure of lipstick.

Polyethylsiloxane liquid PES5, PESZ and/or polybutene in an amount of 2-7% creates a shiny stable film on the lips, while softening the skin of the lips, promotes long-term retention of the dye on the lips. By adsorbing the dye on itself, it prevents its penetration into the skin, which protects the lips from discoloration. Introduction to the composition of less than 2% creates an unstable film, more than 7% - breaks the structure of the pencil.

Fatty acid esters butyl stearate or isopropyl esters of palmitic or myristic acid, in an amount of 4.5-10.5%, they distribute the wax base well, and in combination with cocoa butter they contribute to better spreadability, a decrease in the viscosity of lipstick, in the presence of lanolin they improve the dispersion of dyes, while the pencil does not lose hardness, ease of applying a smear. The introduction of less than 4.5% does not provide a normal dispersion of dyes, more than 10.5% - gives the mass excessive softness, makes the smear heavier.

Calamus rhizome oil extract, which has anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence in it of essential oils, ascorbic acid and, in particular, proazulene. Introduction to the composition in an amount of 2-4% has a beneficial effect on the skin of the lips, softens, relieves irritation, protects against cracks and inflammation. The introduction of less than 2% into the composition does not create the desired effect, more than 4% - unnecessarily softens the mass. Perhaps, instead of an oil extract of calamus rhizome, the introduction of an oil extract of fresh carrots, caraway seeds, or rowan fruits, which have a similar effect on the lips.

ionol food, in the amount of 0.05-0.25%.

harmless dyes, which are fat-soluble organic and inorganic pigments and varnishes, as well as pearlescent pigment, in an amount of 6-10%.

For example, to obtain a lipstick of bright cyclamen color (tone N 7), a dye was used DCRedN 27 AllLake in the amount of 4% and pearlescent brand pigment Timiron Supersheen MP1001 in the amount of 8%. To obtain blackberry-colored lipstick, 3% red 5C pigment, 3% mother-of-pearl pigment were introduced as dyes. Timiron Starluster MP115 and 5% pearl grade pigment ColoranaDarkBlue.

To give lipstick a pleasant smell, it is introduced into the composition fragrance in the amount of 0.5-1% vanilla-floral direction.

Lipstick in its modern form hit the shelves in 1915. And although the recipe and technology for making lipstick has changed significantly over the whole century, its main components have remained unchanged: wax, oil base and pigments. Modern lipstick is safer than its first prototypes. The ever-evolving beauty industry allows you to achieve rich color, durability and pleasant texture, resorting to the help of harmless ingredients.

The composition of lipstick

Depending on the brand and type of lipstick, its composition may vary. But almost any lipstick in its composition has the following components:

  1. Wax. The texture of the lipstick depends on the wax. The first lipsticks were made on the basis of beeswax, but since it has a strong allergic effect and reduces the durability of lipstick, modern manufacturers prefer natural waxes. plant origin. For example, carnauba or candelilla.
  2. Carnauba wax is obtained from palm leaves. Lipsticks made on the basis of this wax are smeared much less, since carnauba wax has high temperature melting, and also binds fat mass. Candelilla wax, derived from cacti, helps lipsticks last longer.
  3. Oils. In the process of making lipstick, both available oils (olive, castor, almond) and rarer ones (argan, passion fruit) can be used. Oils are used both to create the desired consistency, and as a nourishing and protective component.
  4. Dyes. Dyes help create lipstick of any color: from traditional red, peach, pink, to green, blue, black, etc.
  5. Additives. Additives include extracts, vitamins, sunscreens, silicones, preservatives, etc. Additives can increase the durability and shelf life of lipstick, as well as give it some properties.
  6. Perfume. Its purpose is to hide the smell of lipstick raw materials.

Persistent and matte lipsticks differ from the classic ones in a lower percentage of oily bases (wax and oil) and a high content of color pigments. It is for this reason that they can dry out the lips, but they have a rich, deep color and greater durability.

What ingredients should be wary of in the composition of lipstick?

Although lipsticks are considered safe enough to be used, they may contain substances that are harmful in long-term use. According to scientists, on average, a woman “eats” more than 3 kilograms of lipstick during her life, which means that its components in large quantities enter the body.

Lead is a fairly common ingredient commonly used in cheap lipsticks. This element tends to accumulate in the body, and if a large amount of lead enters the body, damage to organs is possible.

Useful advice:

Unfortunately, at present there are still unscrupulous manufacturers who hide the real composition of the lipstick. To find out if lipstick contains lead, you can use a simple test: apply lipstick to an area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, and rub it with a gold ring. Leaded lipstick will change the shade to a darker one.

The influence of dyes is also significant. Many of them can cause allergic reactions or even burns to the skin of the lips. For example, carmine is the first dye known to history to be used in lipstick. It is extracted from carminic acid, which is produced by female cochineal insects. As a food additive, this dye is registered under the code E120.

The yellow pigment tartrazine in some cases leads to itching and rashes. The coal tar pigments used in scarlet lipsticks can also irritate or cause headaches, dizziness and nausea. According to studies, aniline, also known as phenylamine, can cause cancer.

Among the emollient components, petroleum jelly, mineral oils and lanolin cause concern. The first two ingredients are refined products and can cause allergies or even poisoning.

Currently, cosmetologists are actively urging people to abandon cosmetics using petroleum jelly, paraffin and mineral oils.

Their emollient effect is hardly comparable to that of natural fats. At the same time, with prolonged use of petroleum products, the skin loses its natural fat barrier, and the pores become clogged.

Lanolin, although a natural substance, poses some health risks. First of all, lanolin can cause an allergic reaction. Also, lanolin, if ingested, can cause problems with the digestive system.

Preservatives, in particular triclosan, also pose a danger to the body. The substance is a provocateur of problems of the cardiovascular system, reduces muscle tone.

How to choose a quality lipstick?

The use of hazardous ingredients in cosmetics is a sin, as a rule, manufacturers of cheap products. In order to save money, they use mainly synthetic raw materials, which are often allergenic. Well-known manufacturers value their reputation, and their products are subjected to many checks for quality and compliance with sanitary standards.

By giving preference to well-known manufacturers with quality certificates, as well as checking the composition of lipstick before buying, you significantly reduce the risk of purchasing dangerous products. Also, remember that any cosmetic becomes dangerous once it expires.