How to organize a cookie business, what equipment is needed. How to Start a Biscuit Production Line Small Business Biscuit Production Line

Many businessmen organize the production of cookies only when they have a very large start-up capital. This happens only when the money has been accumulated from any other small business. After all, if you open such a business, you need very powerful and heavy equipment that you cannot buy for several thousand rubles. Such a technique will cost a lot, and production cannot be organized with the help of a single worker in the person of a cookie manufacturer. But it should be noted that such a business is considered quite profitable and will bring very high profits. When you use the dough, if you go strictly with sugar cookies, it will contain high percentages of fat and high percentages of sugar. When it comes to finished products, all of them will be characterized by low moisture and high rates calories. The taste will always be excellent, and such cookies will never go out of fashion.

We develop workshops

Therefore, to begin with, you need to pay attention not so much to the cost of equipment as to finding a place to place equipment, a warehouse for finished products and convenience for your employees. Next, you'll need your own office, from where you can see the work of any shop, as well as a garage and a truck stop that will deliver your cookies to various stores and other places. You need to understand that in any case you will not be enough of a small room, but you will need at least 30 square meters. meters. Also, in addition to the main workshops, you may need other rooms so that the staff can change clothes, wash themselves, a bathroom and an office for accountants and managers are mandatory.

What buildings can be used for business

If you create the minimum value of such products, you will be able to rent space for catering enterprises. There are many such organizations, they have a fairly high percentage of space. A business plan for such a design of a room can be completely different, but it is important to follow the entire production technology, and not just a separate part of it. Also, the manufacturer should understand that there will be practically no time for rest and sleep - this applies to the time until the structure and system are still fully established. You will need one assistant who will control all the workshops. Further, in each workshop, you need to select the main manager - the head of the workshop, who will bring reports to your assistant and production with specific indicators and the work of people.

Who will join the staff

In order to relieve the manager a little, you will need to use your department heads to hire and supervise the work of those people who work in this shop. You can blame the boss for the work of the workshop, referring to the minuses to the salary, or vice versa - for rewards to the salary (bonuses). Thus, you will be able to correct all the shortcomings in the operation of the system, because if the production is very large, then you simply cannot follow each employee. It will be necessary to hire such a person who will be responsible for the export of products. Loaders, truck drivers and sectors for receiving empty containers and sending filled containers will be subordinate to such a person. All drivers will report to this head of freight transportation, and will provide completed forms with signatures from each location of the store where the goods were brought. Money for deliveries should not be given to drivers or loaders - use other systems when the money will be received and recalculated by the accountant. It is important to understand that your employees should only see the money that will come to them as a salary, employees should not see the amounts that will be given to you, they should not know how much income you have and how much money you have.

How to introduce new technologies into production?

The technology in manufacturing can be completely different, but in any case, you must understand that in order to establish a system, you should first deal with one technology, and then apply and practice any others. Do not use a lot of baking at once when the technology is still untested and new. To get started, make a few batches and try to sell to the stores you would normally ship to. Further, if the goods go well, it will be possible to enter new technology. And it will be possible to do the same with all other new products or technologies in production.

Where to find out the special requirements for your business

Do not forget that before you start making repairs in your building, you need to find out exactly what requirements must be met. After all, if you already start production, and one item is not completed by sanitary or fire safety points, you will not be able to work for a long time - special departments that come to check will simply close your production. Rospotrebnadzor or Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision will deal with these requirements and set their own conditions, therefore, in order to prevent unforeseen situations, you will first need to contact these services.

In order to create the production of delicious cookies, some device is required, that is, you will need to install:
1. Plumbing,
2. Types of power supply,
3. Sewerage.
In order to purchase equipment, you need to understand what kind of cookies you will use. If you will be producing sugar cookies, then you will need:
1. Devices for kneading hard dough,
2. Jigging machines for making biscuits,
3. Ovens for baking these cookies.

How cookies are baked

If you use modern process technology, it will be carried out with a biscuit production line, no matter what confectionery ingredients are used. Such processes will include some stages, namely:
1. It will be necessary to knead and prepare the dough,
2. Bake the product,
3. Refrigerate the product,
4. Finish it - spread the filling, sprinkle, glaze.
Also, you will need to pay special attention to the container for how the cookies will be packed, because you can make packages of 10 kg, 1 kg, etc. You will definitely use a special cardboard container - boxes, a bag for food types of polyethylene.
Who and how many people will take up duties
Further, you need to fully understand who exactly you may need for production - movers, storekeepers, managers, workers, technologists, accountants. You should not hire a director for the first time, because you yourself can start this position and not overpay for this position. If you have some knowledge and experience in accounting, you yourself can work as an accountant. This option is the best in your situation, because in this way, only you will have information about the waste and profits of your company. But if you do not have such knowledge, you need to invite a specially trained person who knows how to work on 1C to this position.

Training people for work

When you invite staff to this work, you will need to train them everything that they will need to know during work. Be sure to conclude contracts with each of them, on the basis of which there will be no problems and confusion. This contract will need to include even the most unpredictable situations that may be associated with production and payments. Do not offend your subordinates, because if you treat people well and sometimes spoil them with bonuses, they will work better, and the production output will be higher and better. Everyone who will work with the products must have a card confirming that the person is not ill with anything serious, because if there is a fatal outcome in your production, it will be you who will need to pay all losses and material payments.

Mandatory items - medical examination

That is why, every six months, all workers must undergo a medical examination and only after that start working again. The cookie business plan is actually very complicated, because you will need to organize not only staff, but also run full work in the shops, control equipment, people, ingredients. Also, you will need to constantly keep in touch with various stores and resellers.

The demand for cookies is growing every day

All the same, in any case, the demand for cookies will grow. Also, prices for biscuits are growing very fast. That is why if you buy all the equipment you need now, if you do not want to continue your business later, you can resell the equipment for almost the same price. The competition will not be too high for such cookies, because this is a very heavy and voluminous business, therefore in our time there are no more than 10 factories that make cookies.
You should pay attention to the sale of cookies and their transportation, because if you use stores to sell in another region, in another city, then you will spend too much money on cars and gasoline.
This situation is completely unprofitable, because if you spend a lot of time on the road, then the cookies will not be fresh enough, cars will spend a lot of time on the road and you will need to buy as many more trucks.

Decide on an assortment

From the very beginning, if you surprise stores with a large assortment, they may even refuse some suppliers so that only you carry your goods. And in this case, it will be more profitable, more convenient and much cheaper for you and the shops. Nowadays, a lot of people buy diabetic cookies, and those that have biologically active additives. That is why, a business plan should be created after you have fully familiarized yourself with the range of other manufacturers, in some cases, pay attention to expanded franchises that can give you tips on your business. If you use good technology, good equipment, and your business is considered neither small nor big, then the payback will be visible in 33 months. You can order services from specialists, consultants, because this business is not cheap, so there simply should not be any miscalculations. When it comes to big money, then it is better to spend much more time preparing such a business than to lose a large amount of money.

Payback, profitability of production

You should count not only payback, but also profitability, because if you give all the money earned in production to the staff as a salary, then you will not be able to rise and make money in this business. It is best not to spend those sums on your own needs in the first years, but rather to spend them on increasing production, on improving it. If you spend this money wisely, then your production will soon work for you. Also count on your own strength, because the first years you will have to work very hard and in some cases you will not have time to rest. If you feel that you are not coping with the task, then you will need to hire an assistant - a deputy who will have all the information about expenses and income. This must be a very smart and proven person who has accounting skills and work with people, computers, etc. It is best to hire a person with extensive experience in this field.

Cookies are a favorite delicacy familiar to everyone since childhood. It needs no introduction and has been popular with consumers for many years. Thanks to modern technologies this business is entering a new level of development. An increasing number of entrepreneurs want to try themselves in this niche.

Biscuit production as a business

Establishing the production of cookies is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. This dessert is in demand on the market, buyers love it, and with a competent approach on your part, you can easily organize the sale of products. In order for a business to grow, it needs customers. No customers - no revenue. Accordingly, this point should be very well thought out.

Due to its demand and relatively quick payback, this niche in business is very popular.. And to take your place in it, you have to use all the creativity. come up with new recipe, original design, unusual packaging. After all, you need to stand out among the many competitors. Do not forget about the taste of the product: if the buyer likes everything, then quick success is guaranteed.

The steps to start a cookie business are given below.

home production

Microbusiness is suitable for those who want to test this niche first and test themselves as an entrepreneur. You will need ordinary household kitchen appliances, your own recipe and a lot of free time if you want to do all the processes yourself. You can involve family members in this, then it is quite realistic to achieve great success.

First of all, come up with an idea or your own original recipe that will be interesting for customers to try. After that, proceed directly to the process of implementing the idea:

  • purchase the necessary products;
  • replenish your stock of household appliances, if necessary;
  • make a trial batch;
  • calculate the quantity of all ingredients per batch to calculate its cost;
  • do not forget to take into account the cost of electricity;
  • calculate the time required to make one batch of cookies;
  • analyze the market of competitors;
  • set the optimal price for your product, taking into account all costs and margins;
  • start implementing.

Homemade cookies in striped chocolate glaze with a cup of aromatic tea

To start promoting a homemade biscuit business, you can use social media: create groups there, give paid advertising on the Internet. Start your own blog and offer products there. Another promotion option is to decorate cookies in beautiful packaging and position them as original gifts for various holidays. For example, in the form of some symbols, trademarks, etc. Everything is in your hands!

The advantages of such a business are that at the initial stage you do not have to invest in the purchase of professional equipment, rent a room, or hire staff. You can do everything yourself. And if everything works out, then we can think about expanding production.

With this option of doing business, you do not need to immediately register as an individual entrepreneur. However, when you put the activity on stream, and you already have systematic sales, it will be an entrepreneurial activity. According to the legislation, business without registration is illegal, and various levels of responsibility are provided for this: from administrative to criminal.

Workshop organization

To create a large-scale production, you will need an appropriate room. Since the production is food, all sanitary rules and regulations must be observed. Convenient access roads should be laid to the building, it is also necessary to equip it with sewerage and uninterrupted supply of electricity and water.

Modern technologies make it possible to put the production of cookies on stream using an automated line. The minimum price of such a line is from 3,000,000 rubles. To start a business, this is quite an impressive investment. But there is a way out - you can buy used equipment, it's much cheaper. Or start with simpler devices, replacing some of the production processes with manual labor. And when you have built up a sufficient customer base, it will be possible to modernize the shop.

Video: complete biscuit production process

According to statistics, the market in our country is characterized by a small but stable annual increase in the production and sale of cookies. For several years, the market volume has increased by more than 15%. According to surveys, consumers like oatmeal (18.6%) and sugar (18.3%) biscuits the most. They are followed by dry biscuits, crackers and kurabyo. If you focus on these types of cookies in production, you will not miss. But be sure to add something of your own to compete with well-known brands.

The biggest problem for popular manufacturers is working on outdated equipment. In addition, delivery is not possible in all regions; in remote places, the final price of the product may be too high for the consumer. This is where local mini-productions come into play. And if you start working on modern equipment with a competent marketing strategy, you will surely be able to carve out a niche in the market.

To get started you will need:

  • dough mixer for making dough, it can be of two types: with a jacket for cooling and heating the dough mass and without it;
  • molding machine (if you have a mini-workshop, you can get by with manual labor);
  • equipment for processing the top of cookies (glazing, if necessary);
  • baking oven;
  • equipment for packaging (you can hire workers for this);
  • refrigerators for storage of raw materials and finished products;
  • flour sifter - used in the confectionery industry to remove all harmful and foreign impurities from flour (price from 25,000 rubles);
  • icing machine - applies icing to finished cookies. It is also possible to apply it to curd cheeses, sweets (equipment price from 50,000 rubles);
  • jigging machine for forming products - the price starts from 110,000 rubles;
  • rack oven for baking confectionery - a high-quality oven costs from 130,000 rubles;
  • dough mixer - this equipment costs from 127,000 rubles;
  • horizontal type packaging machine - the price of such machines starts from 380,000 rubles.

The area of ​​the production premises should be from 200 sq. m. This area houses not only the production workshop, but also warehouses for storing the necessary raw materials and finished products, a staff room, and a bathroom. An office can also be located there. Also make sure that the production room is equipped with heat supply and ventilation.

Photo gallery: equipment for a confectionery shop

The glazing machine, due to various nozzles, can apply glaze with patterns
Flour sifter enriches flour with oxygen Sand, yeast and curd dough can be used in the jigging machine There are three autonomous compartments in the oven, with separate heating of the hearth and arch
The kneader is used to mix ingredients

Business plan

In order for your business to go uphill, you need to draw up a detailed business plan. Consider the following points:

  1. Assortment and types of products.
  2. Production technologies.
  3. Production room.
  4. Workshop equipment.
  5. Organization of sales of finished products.
  6. Additional expenses.
  7. Profit calculation.

Business registration

To organize a workshop for the production of cookies, it is necessary to register an individual entrepreneur. This is the easiest option. But if you plan to subsequently raise borrowed funds for business development, then it is better to create an LLC. When issuing a loan, banks impose increased requirements for individual entrepreneurs. Another plus of an LLC is that with this form it is easier to attract large buyers.

It is also necessary to choose a taxation system and OKVED codes (All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity).

Our business is in manufacturing. Code 10.72 - Manufacture of crackers, biscuits and other cracked bakery products, and then paragraph 10.72.31 - production of cookies is suitable for him.

The most suitable taxation system is USN (Simplified Taxation System). Since the production of cookies has a rather high cost part, it is better to choose the mode with the “income minus expenses” object. The rate on it is 15%. Additional tax incentives may apply in certain regions. STS with a rate of 6% in the production sector is usually unprofitable to use.

With the simplified tax system, you do not need to pay VAT and income tax, but you will have to accrue and pay other taxes

Required Documentation

To register an IP you will need:

  1. Application for registration of an individual entrepreneur, form P21001 (application form can be found).
  2. Passport and photocopy of passport.
  3. TIN and copy of TIN.
  4. Payment document confirming the payment of the state fee in the amount of 800 rubles.
  5. Application for the transition to a simplified taxation system, form No. 26.2–1 (submitted in two copies).

To register an LLC, you must:

  1. Application for registration in the form P11001 (you can download a sample application and familiarize yourself with the nuances of filling it out).
  2. The decision of the founders to create an LLC.
  3. LLC Charter.
  4. Receipt of payment of the state fee for registration in the amount of 4000 rubles.
  5. Application for the transition to a simplified taxation system.
  6. A letter of guarantee from the owner of the legal address (location of your future LLC). You can buy or rent such an address from organizations that provide similar services in your city.
  7. Document confirming the payment of the authorized capital of the LLC (issued by the bank).

Since the production is food, additional requirements are imposed on it. You need to obtain a number of other permits:

  • sanitary and epidemiological permit for production;
  • conclusion of the SES for work with third-party organizations;
  • permission from the fire department.

Prepare all the necessary documents in advance and make copies of them: this will significantly speed up the process of registering a business


To start a small mini-workshop, you will need about 10 employees to start. You definitely need:

  1. Technologist.
  2. Bakers-confectioners.
  3. Storekeeper - loader.
  4. Manager for the sale of finished products.

At the initial stage, you can manage production on your own; in order to save money, you can entrust accounting to an outsourcing organization.

The baker - confectioner, using a special sleeve, adds jam to the preparations of the future kurabie

Cookie making technology

To get started, decide on the choice of assortment. To do this, analyze your market, what customers like, what cookies sell best. After that, compose your assortment and be sure to add a special “chip” so that you get a “classic” product in a new form.

Regardless of the type of cookie, the whole technological process looks approximately the same:

  1. Preparing ingredients and kneading dough. At this stage, all the necessary raw materials are accurately measured and mixed in the right proportions.
  2. Next, the mixture is placed in a dough mixing device. Then liquid ingredients (milk, condensed milk, water, etc.) are added to it. The dough is mixed for a certain amount of time. Then flour and sugar are added to it and mixed thoroughly again.
  3. The formation of products can be either manual or automatic, depending on your capabilities.
  4. At the next stage, the products are placed in the oven.
  5. After baking, the products are cooled, if necessary, decorated with glaze, etc. Both automatic and manual work are also possible here.
  6. After icing, the biscuits are packaged and packaged.

The automatic machine is capable of making up to 5 types of cookies using nozzles of various shapes that come with the kit.

Since cookies have a short shelf life, you need to focus on the local market first. Now small shops near the production are very popular. Open your own store. Let you have a point of sale next to the workshop, where customers can always purchase fresh products at a price below the market.

Try to make connections with small candy stores and grocery convenience stores. Use stock stores. There are usually lower prices for products and a large number of buyers. With such shops to find mutual language easier and more profitable than buying space on the shelves of large supermarkets. Conclude an agreement with restaurants and cafes for the supply of exclusive products, interest them in a lower price. Launch an advertising campaign in major print media, on special information boards in the entrances of nearby houses. Use all available promotion channels.

Video: production of biscuits "stuffed tubes"

Profitability calculation

The cost of starting a biscuit business is made up of the initial costs of legal registration, equipment, the cost of renting a premises, purchasing raw materials and additional costs for advertising, transportation, etc.

Table: costs of registering a legal entity

Once you have decided on the size of your future production, it is worth thinking about ways to minimize costs. In the mini-workshop version, you can save on partial replacement of machines by manual labor.

If you open a conventional workshop with an automated line, you are already saving on future re-equipment, as good professional equipment will work much longer and more efficiently than simpler analogues. In addition, such lines have the possibility of producing a larger range of products. And the assortment needs to be constantly expanded for greater market coverage.

Table: initial costs for organizing a biscuit production workshop

Further, the monthly investment will consist of the cost of raw materials, rent, advertising, utility and transport costs, to which are added the cost of wages to employees and payment for outsourcing services.

For a mini-workshop, seven employees are enough, for a larger workshop, 15 people will be required.

Table: monthly expenses for the maintenance of a biscuit production workshop

Name Mini-workshop, rubles Ordinary workshop, rubles
Employee salaryfrom 175 000from 375 000
Insurance deductions for employeesfrom 38 000from 82 000
Taxfrom 13 500from 79 000
Rent80 000 200 000
Communal expenses30 000 50 000
Fare10 000 50 000
detergents5 000 15 000
Raw material150 000 1 444 000
Product packaging10 000 50 000
Outsourcing25 000 50 000

The average wholesale price of 1 ton of cookies is 41,000 rubles. The mini-workshop can produce up to 15 tons of finished products per month. The productivity of the automated workshop is up to 76 tons of cookies per month. To calculate the profit, a one-shift work schedule was taken, 22 working days per month.

Table: Biscuit Business Financial Performance

Payback when creating a mini-workshop will be about 15 months. If the production is large - 24 months. These figures are approximate, because everything depends on the demand for your products.

Video: cookie packaging

The business of making cookies is quite profitable. Of course, there are both pluses and minuses. It is up to you to decide which start to choose. The more investments, the higher the profit and the faster the payback.

Of all confectionery products, biscuits are especially loved by consumers. Given such a demand for the product, it is quite natural that a business in this area can become highly profitable. The production of sugar biscuits will turn out to be a profitable business if you correctly approach organizational issues and think over the development strategy of the enterprise.

Cookies are porous confectionery products of various shapes and small sizes, for the preparation of which flour, sugar, fats, eggs and various flavorings are used.

Our business valuation:

Starting investments - from 800,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The complexity of starting a business is 7/10.

According to analysts, the demand among consumers for cookies is only increasing - affordable and affordable. delicious treat. And this only encourages entrepreneurs to introduce new recipes and production methods - a huge assortment of sweets is presented on store shelves. And you may well be able to compete with existing enterprises. By offering quality products to customers, you can earn a decent reputation in the shortest possible time.

Start compiling a business plan for the production of biscuits - this is especially important if you plan to look for “on the side” debt investments in the future. Analyze the market - study the level of demand and competition. If there is a minimum of competing enterprises in a particular region, then the production of cookies as a business will most likely be successful.

How to open a mini cookie production in Russia? What should an entrepreneur take into account?

Organizational issues when organizing a business

Starting a business in the food industry comes with many challenges. Both the equipment, and the premises, and the recipe of the products themselves are subject to serious checks by the supervisory authorities - the fire inspectorate, Rospotrebnadzor and the SES. Get ready for a long wait - the organization of the production of cookies will require the collection of a whole package of documents and the passage of many stages of registration of activities.

Register as an LLC. This will make it easier for you to conclude contracts with large buyers in the future.

Immediately decide whether you will open a confectionery production under your own brand. Branding is a costly and troublesome business. But this will be the best way to attract consumers - having remembered the trademark of the products they like, they will choose only your sweets in the future. If there is very little money, start the production of butter cookies without brand registration. But in the future, when things gain momentum, be sure to deal with this issue.

Elaboration of the assortment of the future enterprise

The assortment of cookies is huge - a real scope for the "fantasy" of the technologist. Products differ in shape, size and taste.

To attract more it is important for customers to expand the range to the maximum. The technological process itself will differ little - the difference in raw materials and baking modes. Let the specialist work out several recipes at once, allowing you to supply to the market different types cookies.

Depending on the prepared dough, cookies are:

  • biscuit,
  • biscuit,
  • sand,
  • sugar,
  • curd,
  • lingering.

Consumer preferences vary by region. But you will not be mistaken if you start the production of shortbread cookies, biscuits, crackers, nut cookies - they are in consistently high demand.

Many manufacturers add fruit and chocolate fillings, candied fruits, raisins to the composition. Do the same for you - bring your own innovations to the "standard" recipes! Let the manufactured products be unique and not like the sweets of competitors.

Each TU is checked by Rospotrebnadzor and SES for compliance with standards and norms. Involve a qualified technologist in the case in order to get “go-ahead” from all authorities as soon as possible.

How are cookies made?

The production of cookies, regardless of its type, follows a similar technology - only the raw composition of the mixture will differ. Wholesale parties will have to buy flour, eggs or egg powder, sugar. Much smaller quantities will require various flavors and fillers. Biscuit raw materials must be stored properly as many of the ingredients are perishable!

The "averaged" technological scheme for the production of biscuits looks like this:

  • Preparation of raw materials.
  • Test batch.
  • Dough shaping.
  • Cookie baking.
  • Product cooling.
  • Decoration of products (if required).
  • Product packaging.

Cookies can be packaged in individual containers or corrugated boxes - it all depends on which client the factory sends the finished product to.

In production, the process is automated, but many stages are still performed manually. This is especially true for exclusive cookies to order. This segment of the market is now actively developing, so be sure to hire professional chefs who have experience in making confectionery.

Equipment for the production of biscuits

To buy equipment for the production of biscuits, an entrepreneur will have to spend impressive funds. Automated lines are quite expensive, but this is the only way to put things on stream and offer large quantities of goods to wholesale customers.

The biscuit production line consists of the following items of equipment:

  • flour sifter,
  • mixer,
  • dough machine,
  • convection oven,
  • packing machine.

In addition to the main list of machines and devices, you will also need optional equipment– industrial refrigerators, glazing machine, cookie molds, auxiliary equipment, racks, shelves.

There are a lot of proposals for the sale of technological lines from suppliers. Make your choice based on the specific product type, planned sales volumes and available investments. European machines for the production of biscuits have proven themselves excellently. These, as a rule, are fully automated and allow the production of almost all types of products.

The price of a low-power line (up to 250 kg / h) - from 3,000,000 rubles. Do not forget to include the cost of additional equipment in the cost of embezzlement. It turns out that you will equip the workshop for at least 3,500,000 rubles. If we talk about a more powerful line, its cost can reach 15,000,000 rubles. Are there no such funds? Then consider the offers of sellers selling used equipment.

It is better for young workshops that are just starting work and have not yet established sales of products to refuse to purchase a high-power line. It is worth modernizing the enterprise in this way only after a sufficiently wide client base has been developed.

Workshop room

Before putting into operation the equipment for sugar cookies, it is necessary to prepare the room for work. And this is also a significant expense item in the business plan, since rather stringent requirements are imposed on the arrangement of the workshop.

The confectionery mini shop for the production of cookies will be located on an area of ​​150 m2. But for the installation and launch of a powerful line, much more space is required - at least 250 m2.

The production of oatmeal cookies and other types of cookies must be carried out in a workshop that meets the following requirements:

  • Ceiling height - at least 3.5 m.
  • Convenient access roads to the enterprise.
  • Electricity 280 V.
  • The presence of all communications - water supply, electricity, sewerage, heating.
  • The space should be zoned - a workshop where a jigging machine for cookies and other equipment is located, warehouses, a laboratory, rooms for staff, an office.
  • The presence of the necessary elements to comply with fire safety regulations.

It is not always affordable for entrepreneurs to buy an empty building, although this will significantly reduce variable costs. A suitable option for many is renting space. And in order not to spend money on expensive repairs, you can place the workshop on the territory of an already operating food enterprise. But this is more suitable for mini-pastry shops that do not require a large room.

Sales plan for finished products

Purchased baking equipment will only pay off when you have regular orders for finished products. This is an important part of the business plan, as it will be difficult for newcomers to find wholesale customers. Take care of this as early as possible - even at the stage of project development.

Many recipes used in production imply a short shelf life of finished products. Therefore, without packing finished products in individual containers, it is better to focus only on the local sales market. Offer goods to confectionery and grocery stores, food wholesalers. You can try to establish contacts with restaurants, bars and cafes. But in this case, most likely, it will be necessary to fulfill exclusive orders.

Combine the production of hard biscuits and their retail sale on the territory of your own enterprise. Products can be sold directly from the assembly line. This will appeal to many consumers – who wouldn't want to buy fresh, quality produce at wholesale prices? So you can develop consumer loyalty to the products of the plant.

Cookie production technology will bring more profit if you cooperate with large hypermarket chains. But there are a number of problems here - shelf space is expensive, and not every cookie machine will be able to produce products in the right volume. On the other hand, networks are good because they accept goods for sale not only in individual packaging, but also by weight.

The share of foreign products, due to the specifics of the product itself, in the domestic market is small. And your unique cookie recipe may well compete with small Russian enterprises.

Are incomes high?

To launch a full-fledged enterprise, you will need at least 4,500,000 rubles. The costs will include the price of equipment for the production of biscuits, the purchase of raw materials, the renovation of the premises, and the registration of the business. You can launch a mini-confectionery that fulfills private orders for at least 800,000 rubles.

According to experts, the biscuit oven and other equipment will pay for themselves no sooner than in 1.5 years. And this is very optimistic data, since with poor distribution channels, it takes much more time - up to 3 years.

The device of medium power can produce up to 1.5 tons of products per shift. It turns out that it is quite realistic to sell up to 45 tons of cookies per month. The average wholesale cost of cookies will depend on the specific type of product and the volume of supplies. It is important to set competitive prices so as not to sell expensive products - then consumers will most likely go to your competitors.

Why is the production of cookies as a business profitable in the first month of operation even for a novice entrepreneur? It is possible to organize a mini-enterprise producing high-quality confectionery products, even with a small investment. Quality ingredients combined with creativity are guaranteed to bring success. We tell you how to make money on cookies.

Biscuits are a mass product with stable off-season demand. Almost every Russian family buys it weekly. In terms of popularity and number of cooking options, it bypasses any other desserts. At the same time, even novice entrepreneurs without work experience and impressive capital can organize a mini-workshop for the production of such products.

This line of business is quite popular. But in the case of biscuits, the many competitors in the market are not a serious problem: the demand for the product is so great that most manufacturers get along quite comfortably. Before starting to develop a business plan, it is necessary to study the dessert market in your city: find out what assortment and at what prices the existing cookie manufacturers offer. Lower prices and a different assortment will certainly be a competitive advantage.

The sequence of steps when opening your own bakery will be as follows:

  1. Drawing up a business plan, accounting for expenses and potential income. You need to set a goal for 6 and 12 months, plan spending, determine the share of borrowed funds (if necessary) and competitive advantages.
  2. Assortment formation. At this stage, you need to determine how many and what types of cookies the bakery will offer. It is important to draw up a technological map for each type.
  3. Based on the assortment, you need to create a list of equipment and necessary products.
  4. State registration of the enterprise, obtaining the necessary permits.
  5. Workshop equipment, staff reception.
  6. Start of production.
  7. Work, advertising and promotion.

Cookies are bought weekly in almost every Russian family, so business in this direction is very profitable.

Range selection

How to form an assortment of a biscuit production enterprise? All existing types of this dessert can be divided into 3 large groups:

  • dry or lingering;
  • sugar;
  • butter (oatmeal, puff, shortbread, meringue).

Within these 3 large groups, there are an infinite number of varieties and varieties. A variety of methods for preparing dough, fillings, shapes - all this makes it possible to create your own unique assortment that will attract the attention of customers. For a small bakery, the best solution would be 5-10 types of cookies for different tastes. The more offers, the wider the circle of potential buyers.

Approximate assortment products in a small bakery that is able to attract many regular customers looks like this:

  • oatmeal (with raisins, caramel, pieces of fruit or berries);
  • dry (protracted);
  • fruit;
  • traditional ("Anniversary");
  • meringue or air;
  • "cookies" or American cookies (with pieces of chocolate);
  • sandwich (chocolate, jam, boiled condensed milk are used as a filling);
  • Viennese;
  • croissants or puffs;
  • tartlets with berries, caramel or nuts;
  • low-calorie, dietary.

Recipes and production technology

Even a small "home" bakery needs a specialist with a specialized education - a pastry chef or a food production technologist. Cooking cookies (and any other dish) on a commercial scale requires a number of specific skills and knowledge. Only a specialist will be able to organize the technological process of production at the right level, in compliance with sanitary standards.

Cookie recipes can be used both ready-made and develop your own. The first option is simpler, and the second one is more interesting and gives more competitive advantages. Recipe on an industrial scale (determination of ingredients, proportions) should only be handled by a specialist.

There are a lot of recipes and options for making cookies, so each manufacturer can experiment.

The production technology can be simplified by the following sequence of steps:

  • preparation of components (cleaning, sifting);
  • dough kneading;
  • the formation of blanks;
  • bakery;
  • storage.

Sometimes blanks are frozen (necessarily in chambers with a "quick freeze" function) - to bake small batches and sell cookies hot and fresh. Also, frosts can be delivered to cafes and restaurants, where they are baked on the spot. It is not worth storing finished products for a long time: a fresh product is much tastier and more loved by customers.

A small bakery should position itself as a "home production" and avoid the disadvantages of large productions. Namely: non-natural components, preservatives and a long shelf life, selling products in large packages.


A biscuit production line within a small enterprise should include the following machinery:

  • flour sifter;
  • dough preparation machine (mixes all the necessary components, heats the dough if necessary);
  • molding machine (optional, small bakeries do by hand or simple molds);
  • rack oven;
  • freezers or refrigerators (the advantage is the “quick freeze” function, with it, workpieces and products are stored better);
  • glazing machine (optional, but significantly expands the product range);
  • packaging equipment (also replaced by manual labor in small enterprises).

To purchase all the necessary equipment for the industrial production of biscuits and similar dough products, even for a small enterprise need at least 200 thousand rubles. There is no upper limit on the cost of equipment: there are a lot of types of equipment and manufacturers.

The acquisition of production must be taken very carefully: the quality of the final product depends on it. You can buy all the equipment from different manufacturers, or you can buy a ready-made line. Many companies offer ready-made mini-bakeries that are quite suitable for the production of cookies. This method is easier not only because it allows you to get all the equipment at once from one source. It is good because the finished line is easier to install and operate. The entrepreneur will not need to independently plan the placement of equipment: the manufacturers did it for him.

The sale of biscuits can be organized at your own point of sale or negotiated with local shops

Room selection

Many factors influence the choice of premises for a future bakery. Among them should be mentioned:

  • equipment size;
  • planned production volumes;
  • the number of employees;
  • and also whether it is planned to only bake in the premises or also sell cookies on the spot.

Placing a complex of equipment, including freezers, is possible even on a small area of ​​30-50 square meters. 2-4 employees can work comfortably here. The larger the volume of production, packaging and storage, the larger the area should be. But if the establishment plans to sell cookies "on the spot", about 10 more square meters will be required (moreover, the trading area should be separated from the production workshop).

Connection to all communications and ventilation system - required condition bakery work. In the absence of any of them (or in case of malfunctioning), the regulatory authorities will not issue a work permit. The location is important only if the production is planned to be combined with the sale.

Personnel search

Who works in bakeries? Pastry chefs and food technologists. For all categories of workers, education (at least secondary) and medical books with a valid examination are required. If you plan to sell products yourself, you will need at least 2 salespeople.

The search for employees is carried out by standard methods: through websites with vacancies, through the employment center, announcements (including in educational institutions).Experience in the food industry for chefs is an absolute advantage, but not a prerequisite. As for technologists, it is better to involve a specialist with a specialized higher education and work experience. The quality of recipes and final products depends on this employee (or several employees). For this reason, their hiring must be treated as responsibly as possible.

Obtaining the necessary permissions

Confectionery enterprises must obtain a number of permits from regulatory organizations in order for their work to be legal. The absence of any papers can lead to a fine or even suspension of activities. The set of documents includes:

  • permission to open production in a specific room from Rospotrebnadzor;
  • positive conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological service;
  • confirmation of compliance with fire safety requirements;
  • production control program with a complete list of all manufactured products;
  • contracts for the export and disposal of waste;
  • contracts for disinfection and deratization (including Vehicle if it is planned to transport finished products to customers);
  • internal documentation of sanitary measures (logs of cleaning, accounting of cleaning products, waste disposal);
  • contract for dry cleaning services;
  • employment contracts with employees, their medical books.

Cookie blanks can be frozen and baked in small batches: hot homemade cookies will appeal to customers

Profitability calculation

The average trade margin for cookies is 20-40% of the cost. Beautifully packaged products or desserts, positioned as exclusive, can be sold even 2-3 times higher than the cost. The cost of equipment, rent and paperwork will amount to at least 300 thousand rubles. As for the purchase of products for baking, options are possible here. Among the constants are flour, sugar, butter and eggs. For these positions, you need to find stable suppliers with reasonable prices and proper quality.

The return on investment in the case of biscuits largely depends on the volume of production. Therefore, even a small bakery must produce the maximum allowable batches of products, at full capacity of the equipment. The demand for this product is not seasonal, it does not need to be further stimulated. Having invested 50 thousand rubles in the purchase of products, the enterprise will gain at least 70-100 thousand rubles after the sale of products.

Mini-bakeries reach the level of net profit within the first year of operation. Advertising, correct positioning in the market, and work with profitable suppliers will help speed up this process. In any case, the profit will be already in the first month of work.

Where to sell products

There are several good marketing options for biscuit manufacturers, including:

  1. Sale of products in our own outlet. The only negative is that the costs of opening and maintaining staff are increasing. Additional permissions required.
  2. Cooperation with cafes, restaurants, coffee houses.
  3. Cooperation with stores and retail chains. As a rule, it requires the production of large batches of products at once.

Each option is promising, but their combination promises more income. Therefore, even when opening your own outlet, it is useful to establish partnerships with catering establishments and retail chains.


Biscuit production is a promising business. Even a small bakery can bring in a stable income and quickly recoup the investment. Many manufacturers are actively working on the market, but high-quality products will definitely occupy their niche due to the consistently high demand for flour desserts. The purchase of the necessary equipment - a flour sifter, a dough mixer, a rack oven - will cost at least 200 thousand rubles. After receiving the first income, you can expand the production line and increase the range of products.

The most popular confectionery purchased by Russians for tea is biscuits.

Most consumers in our country buy it regularly, both spontaneously, grabbing it on the way to the checkout, and planning a purchase in advance, before going to the supermarket.

Biscuit production various kinds has more than 900 tons per year in our country, and the demand in the market not only remains at a high level, but also grows steadily - by 8-10% annually. Of course, there is considerable competition here, because the business is profitable.

And at the same time, both large confectionery factories and small producers coexist, which in this specific segment can successfully compete for the tastes and loyalty of consumers. Today, the confectionery niche is almost completely filled, but there is still room for new players, whose products, with a competent approach and high quality, can take their place on the grocery store shelf, and then on the table of the end consumer. About how to organize your own production of cookies that can win back a share on the counter with confectionery, we will try to tell in this article.

The main steps for organizing a mini-workshop for making cookies

Unlike a number of other products, where it is not easy for small companies to compete with market giants, in the confectionery business, in particular in the manufacture of cookies, success can quickly come to small-scale production. The most important thing here is the quality, taste, assortment and the presence of the very zest that will attract the attention of the consumer to the product.

Therefore, feel free to count on the fact that your own mini-biscuit production workshop can easily turn into a successful, profitable and profitable business. However, despite such bright prospects, you will have to work hard to be able to express yourself from the best side. To do this, you first need to draw up a business plan, which will reflect and carefully consider the following points:

  • type and range of products;
  • cookie production technology, stages;
  • equipment (what, in what quantity);
  • premises for the organization of the workshop;
  • sales of production products (channels);
  • calculation of costs and expected profit.

All these issues are essential, and it is their correct solution that affects the final result - the quality of the finished biscuits, the availability of demand and, as a result, profit.

We define the assortment of our workshop

There are many types of cookies. Depending on the technology, as well as the composition (sugar and fat content), dough of various properties can be obtained. Butter cookies are especially popular, from which a variety of cookies are made: shortbread-removable, which is sweeter and fatter, and shortbread-jigging - less fat and plastic.

As a result, you will have a very wide assortment (sugar, protracted, crackers and biscuits, etc.), which can be even more varied in shape, size, finish, various fillings and additives. You can determine which type of product to offer to consumers by interviewing the buyers themselves and analyzing the market and competitors in your region.

See what others are doing and do something new. Or old, but in a new interpretation - with unexpected fillings, combinations, other forms and original presentation. If the consumer notices and appreciates your cookie, then you have a trump card.

Technology and production stages

Regardless of what type of cookie you make and what its recipe is, all the main steps are almost the same. How is the production of cookies? The steps in this process can be divided into the following:

  • preparation of raw materials;
  • kneading and shaping the dough;
  • baking and cooling;
  • package.

As a rule, the following ingredients are used to prepare the dough: premium flour, sugar, fats, egg powder, melange, baking powder, flavorings and various additives. Depending on the type of product, nuts, dried fruits, poppy and sesame seeds, jams, condensed milk, etc. can be used. You will determine the need for certain components together with the technologist, having developed an assortment and choosing a recipe for each type of cookie.

Cookie making steps

The cooking process looks like this:

  • all ingredients are weighed and put into the kneading machine in a certain sequence (kneading is carried out for 15 minutes);
  • then egg powder / melange is added, as well as water and, if necessary, condensed milk (stirring continues for about 10 minutes);
  • at the very end, syrup, sifted flour, starch are added (knead for another 5 minutes);
  • the resulting dough is divided into parts, which are rolled into layers - individual portions are cut out of them using special forms or rotational molding machines;
  • cookies are baked in ovens and cooled;
  • if necessary, glaze, interlayer is applied, various drawings and other decorations are made;
  • cookies are packaged (in portions or in batches, in cardboard boxes, bags, etc.).

In general, this is how the production of cookies takes place - the whole process from start to finish. There is nothing complicated in it, and you can master the technology within a few days if you have a good technologist. The specifics of each stage may vary depending on whether it is carried out manually or using special equipment. We will talk about it further.

Equipment needed to organize a mini-workshop

As mentioned above, some steps in the manufacture of cookies (for example, molding) can be carried out manually. This largely determines which equipment for the production of cookies is mandatory to purchase, and which one can be dispensed with. For a mini-workshop, it is permissible to include "manual stages" in the process, because the volumes here are not as large as in large factories. However, each workshop should have the following items:

  • flour sifter;
  • kneader/mixer;
  • dough machine;
  • rotary/convection oven;
  • refrigeration equipment;
  • packaging machines.

In addition, a glazing line and other additional devices may be needed. If possible, it is better to use not Russian, but European equipment for cookies. So, for example, Italian molding machines are of higher quality and wider functionality, which will expand the range of products and improve their appearance. Great importance has a properly selected oven.

Search for premises for a mini-workshop

It is also important where your cookie production will be located. The choice of a suitable room should be given no less attention than the purchase of equipment. Since cookies are food products, the various nuances of their manufacture (how, on what, where, under what conditions) are regulated by Rospotrebnadzor. A number of mandatory requirements are imposed on the production workshop:

  • the area should be sufficient to accommodate the entire set of equipment on it, as well as the organization of storage and amenity premises (rooms for staff, director's and accountant's office, shower room and bathroom);
  • repairs must comply with the requirements of sanitary rules (details about them can be found in the sanitary and epidemiological supervision);
  • fire safety standards must be observed in the room;
  • on the territory of the confectionery shop, all communications (sewerage, water supply, electricity) must be carried out.

For a workshop starting its activity, it is possible to rent production areas on the territory of a catering enterprise, if there are free ones. In addition, the landlord may have some of the equipment you need. This will help reduce costs at the very beginning, and with a favorable development of affairs, move to an independent premises.

Sales channels for mini-workshop products

As already mentioned, the demand in this segment of the confectionery market is quite high, despite the large number of small and large producers. Therefore, you can safely claim a share in it. It is better to sell the products of your workshop through several channels, which include:

  • wholesalers selling products to retailers;
  • grocery chains - regional and federal;
  • HoReCa sphere (supply to cafes and restaurants).

For each of these channels, there can be either a separate assortment of products, or the same one (but in different volumes and packaging).

Financial plan for opening a mini-shop for making cookies

The initial investment in organizing your own mini-workshop is mainly related to the purchase of equipment. Good equipment, especially foreign-made, is not cheap. However, once you invest a significant amount in a quality molding machine, oven and other devices, you will be able to use their power for a long time and reap the result of the work. On average, equipment for a mini-workshop will cost from 500-600 thousand rubles. In addition, the main items of expenditure should include:

  • rent (depending on the area) - up to 150 thousand rubles;
  • remuneration of personnel (7-10 people) - up to 150-200 thousand rubles;
  • transport, utility and other expenses - up to 100 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of raw materials - depending on production volumes.

Naturally, the greater the production, the greater the costs, but the revenue is greater. In this case, we are talking about a small workshop that can produce up to 15 tons of cookies per month on average. The wholesale price of one ton of products is about 40 thousand rubles, which means that the monthly revenue will reach about 600 thousand rubles. And the net profit will be about 150 thousand minus all expenses.

When will it pay off?

The profitability of biscuit production with a favorable outcome is approximately 20-25%. And the initial investment will pay off in less than a year (7-10 months). If the investments are higher, then the payback period can increase up to two years, since the cost of equipment for large-scale production reaches several million rubles, which will be transferred to finished products much longer.


Thus, a mini-workshop for a novice biscuit maker with minimal experience is the most preferable. Small production - more flexible, cost-effective and much easier to control conservation High Quality products.