What can you spend big money on? Where to spend money and whether to spend it at all? Spending motivates you to make more money

Every person spends money in their life. The pieces of paper that flooded the world have already become an integral part of our existence, they are necessary for people to survive in an environment of their own kind. For purchases, for paying for various services and goods, money diverges instantly, and sooner or later we begin to ask ourselves, how to spend money correctly in order to get the maximum benefit and benefit for ourselves?

First of all, money must be spent wisely. Each bill you spend must be spent for some purpose, otherwise everything will be in vain, and you will not be able to spend money correctly. We will not languish and immediately move on to tips that will help you spend your savings correctly.

Travel the world

Traveling is the most enjoyable vacation and at the same time a great way to spend money wisely and not regret it. In addition to the fact that you will enjoy a great vacation, look at beautiful places and discover something new, you can also buy souvenirs for your loved ones and relatives. In the end, you will spend your money correctly, come with a sea of ​​​​impressions and share them with your loved ones.

Take care of your health

We all know that money can't buy health. But it can still be corrected and improved, so you can’t save on it. It is clear that training requires a lot of money, because a gym membership is very expensive today. Of course, you can not visit expensive gyms, but train outdoors, for example, in the forest. But even there you will need inventory. So, feel free to spend money on something that will benefit your health.

Fix breakages

I suppose the gearbox in the car is still acting up, and are you all waiting for a miracle? Or maybe the laptop needs urgent repair? No matter how long you delay, sooner or later you will still have to fix these minor annoyances, and the sooner you fix them, the more likely it is that repairs will still be cheaper than in a couple of months. And then, it is very stupid to postpone what is inevitable in order to save. Therefore, if you have found any malfunction, fix it immediately or in the near future and do not postpone it until the moment when you need more strength and, possibly, money for repairs.


In fact, self-development is another way to help you spend money wisely. buy books, classic literature, read, visit exhibitions, museums and cinemas. All this, of course, requires costs, but, believe me, these costs will benefit you and you will not regret spending a few hundred a month on your development.

Make your home more comfortable

Your fortress is your home. You can’t save on it and you need to do it in such a way that it is comfortable not only for you, but also for the guests of this fortress. Embellish the interior with interesting elements, figurines and other small but meaningful things. Then, when you look at all this environment, you will be able to feel comfortable and finally remember what comfort is.

Update your wardrobe

Have you been looking at your stuff? Isn't it time for something to change? Upgrading your wardrobe is a great way to spend money wisely. Of course, it is foolish to buy the latest novelties of elite designers, as your wallet will simply burst. But it’s also not worth walking around in the same trousers for several years, so find a good “affordable” store and buy yourself a few new things. But make sure that the update does not turn into a mania, otherwise all the money will be spent only on the daily wardrobe update.

Buy healthy food

healthy eating very important moment in your life. Forget about buying frozen convenience foods. Give preference to vegetables and fruits, buy foods low in fat. Soon, this attention to what you eat will please you, and you will see improvements even in your appearance.

Now you understand how to spend money correctly, and you can make your life much brighter and better. And finally, remember that money should never be in the first place in your life. All you have to worry about is your family, your health and the health of people close to you.

What do they think about it

First of all, you need to spend money on your own health, self-education, invest in your own business, which will later help in achieving financial independence. No wonder they say that successful people pay themselves. If you don’t have long-term material goals, then there will surely be some kind of hobby (for the soul, so to speak). But in no case should you throw money away for all sorts of trinkets for the house, for which you will have to pay half your salary.

Indeed, you need to spend money wisely and on something useful, and not in vain. Although sometimes you want to have fun, just relax, and spend money on something not very useful, and this can also be allowed sometimes.
Well, in general, it’s better not to think about how to spend money, but to think about how to earn more!

Sometimes this “sometimes” turns out to be such that it would be better if it did not exist.
I constantly force myself to reinvest money in my projects, spend it on education, etc. But as soon as I see something that attracts my attention, the money goes nowhere, and this “something” was not really needed.

To avoid unnecessary waste in grocery stores, you need to go there with a shopping list. If you buy goods only according to the list for several days, then you can thus avoid spontaneous purchases. And that's extra security. Money. Some supermarkets offer discounts on certain product lines on certain days of the week. If your family often buys them, then it is better to go for them on sale days.

Alexandra A.

But what if the girl decided to go to the mall to buy a sweater, but bought: a fur coat, boots, a handbag and something else? Are there any "restraints" of spontaneous purchases in this case?

This means that this girl needs to cultivate willpower in herself. And also for a trip to the shopping center, take only the amount for a blouse with you. And no more. If a person is prone to such unnecessary spontaneous acquisitions, then it is necessary to set an expensive goal and learn to save all the money for it.

Alexandra A.

Before you make a purchase, you should ask yourself: “why am I doing this?”. The fact is that many people spend money not on what is necessary for them, but on the contrary, on what is unnecessary, and then a lot of “junk” accumulates in the house. Real life example: my brother's friend bought a laptop and used it at work, my brother repeated after him, even though he practically doesn't need it there. Now he has a computer, a laptop and a tablet at home, which can be said to have completely replaced the laptop. Therefore, before an important purchase, it is worth considering whether I need it or not.

I rarely have the desire to make spontaneous purchases. But sometimes, nevertheless, something catches the eye such that the hand begins to involuntarily reach out. In this case, I move away from this subject and reflect on how much it is really necessary for me. Usually 5 minutes is enough for me to “cool down” and not buy an unplanned item.

Alexandra A.

I like the point about my fortress, because I began to spend most of my money on repairs in the apartment. I would add about buying food that you can’t go to the store on an empty stomach, because then you buy everything in a row, what you need and what you don’t need, and you also need to make a list of products, because again unnecessary purchases.

You need to spend money and invest in impressions, in old age you will at least remember what! In general, there is an excellent rule - in order to spend little, you need to work at several jobs, then there is no time left for squandering! In any case, it is still individual, the main thing is to remain a person, otherwise we have long turned into runners for green papers of $ with insatiable appetites.

Spending money, I think, should be purposeful. It is necessary to decide in advance on serious purchases. There should always be an NC for contingencies, because anything can happen. If we can plan our vacation, then the disease comes by itself, no one is immune from it, and the money goes away oh so quickly. A car breakdown can also be unforeseen and so on. an amount should be set aside monthly for such purposes.

Also, if there is a dream for which a certain amount is needed, then it is necessary to debug at least the same 2-3% from each earnings. And in no case do not touch this amount until it is collected required amount of money. Then you can safely take on the embodiment of dreams into reality.

Alexandra A.

And I think the money should be spent correctly so that later there would be no sediment or feeling that you did the wrong thing or could do without this waste. Money is a kind of reward for our work, time, thoughts, efforts. And how to reward ourselves, we must choose for ourselves - what will bring us pleasure. We are not paid salaries immediately with canned meat, mobile phones, blouses, etc.))) We are given the right to choose our remuneration, and we need to spend them so that we do not regret it later. You need to please yourself.

Each of us, in addition to entertaining purchases, also has some financial obligations: payment for services, loans, school fees, parking fees, etc. We also need part of the funds to purchase food. These amounts are easy to calculate in advance. Just these funds should not be spent on pleasure.

Alexandra A.

In order to spend money correctly, you need to plan in advance what we will spend it on. Planning is a necessary thing, it often helps to find such holes in the budget that we are not even aware of. And you definitely need to debug 10-15% of the amount of income on a deposit or personal card to create an airbag for a rainy day.

Money does not like a bad attitude towards itself, so it must be treated with care, not without reason they say a penny saves a ruble. First of all, you need to take care of your health and invest in it, these are swimming pools, sports, walking and jogging in the fresh air. for contingencies and preferably inviolable. Money must work, so it must be invested in business, in your own business.

You have written everything so beautifully that there are no words. People now, especially those who live in Ukraine, and I, like in Belarus, do not have money for normal food, and you are talking about some kind of sport, swimming pools, and even investing in business. We have an average salary of 300 dollars, which is barely enough for utilities, and even for bread and butter. And if I go to the pool, which costs $ 10 per hour, then I probably have to save 2 days on groceries. The maximum that I can afford is to run in the fresh air, and then after work I want to sleep, and not rush through the streets. This is the lot of those who have money, they can go to the pool, and run, and relax. And all that remains for us is to exist and work for our uncle.

Yuran123, it just so happened that our society has split into the poor and the rich, and everyone can afford what he has the material base for. But in any case, you don’t need to hone it, difficult moments in life pass and material well-being sets in, though everyone has a different time frame.

Every person who earns and saves money thinks about whether to invest or how to spend it correctly. Someone prefers to accumulate finances in order to acquire something expensive, while someone invests every ruble earned in obtaining passive income.

One thing is clear: you can dispose of earned or donated funds in different ways. The main thing is to do it for the benefit of yourself and your future.

In this article, we will analyze several popular ways to spend money, depending on how much money you have accumulated.

How can you manage money?

To dispose of the money earned at its discretion is the right of every working person. They can be spent immediately on planned purchases, or you can put aside a little for the realization of a cherished dream.

Where exactly you spend your money depends, first of all, on your desires and financial capabilities. Let's say if you have a stable income that allows you to set aside a certain amount of money every month, then it is more expedient to spend such funds on something that you cannot buy at one moment. It can be an apartment or a car, as well as expensive household appliances.

If your goal is not just to buy or travel, but to increase your income, then, of course, it is worth spending money on starting your own business or investing in someone else's successful business.

You can also spend money on something that brings you joy - for this it is not at all necessary to have a large amount of savings.

In a word, where to spend the money is only your decision, which should be made based on the following points:

  • Amounts of funds.
  • Life goals.
  • Priorities.

What can statistics tell us in this area? Below you will see a simple chart that tells where Russians spend their money. It also shows how the volume of their financial investments has changed in 2016-2017.

And now let's move on to the main issue of today's article - where you can spend the money with the greatest benefit for yourself.

TOP 10 options for spending money

So, suppose that you have a certain amount of funds that you need to spend rationally. Where should the money be sent? Consider the most appropriate options.

Option 1. To maintain health

As you know, health is an essential component of happiness and success in life. If there is no health, then it will be difficult to achieve much in life. Therefore, the need to monitor it cannot be overlooked. At the same time, we are talking about both physical and psychological health.

It goes without saying that if you have chronic diseases or health problems that are urgent, this should be addressed first.

But even if, fortunately, you have not found such problems, you still cannot spare money for health.

Where to spend money to maintain your health?

Here are some easy options:

  1. Buy a membership to a fitness center or pool. Don't forget that sports and regular exercise keep your body in good shape and increase your self-confidence and improve your mood.
  2. Buy only useful and high-quality products. Healthy eating is also a guarantee of good health. Therefore, if you spend money on food, then on one that will benefit your body.
  3. Go through scheduled medical examinations, consult with good specialists.

Option 2. On vacation

Rest is another component of our health, which helps to escape from everyday work and routine. Despite your busyness and desire to earn money for something expensive, always find time to relax.

Of course, you can simply watch a movie at home or take a nap at lunchtime, on vacation. But it will be much better if you can also develop and get new impressions at the same time.

Therefore, if you have some "free" money, and you do not know where to spend it and where to go, go to the theater or cinema. You can also visit a circus or a zoo - these options are great for those who have children.

Also, it will not be superfluous to go to a cafe-confectionery for a cup of aromatic coffee and then take a walk in the park. You will not spend so much money, but you will get a boost of energy for the next working week.

Option 3. For education

No matter how many and what higher education you have already received, knowledge is not superfluous. It is constant learning something new that allows us to "keep up" with the times and be at the center of current events.

Whatever additional education you decide to get, it will definitely come in handy in life. Therefore, if you are still thinking about where to spend the funds for the benefit of your future life, choose education.

Often, simple hobbies for a new specialty push people to change professions. A new one in the end can become a matter of a lifetime for them!

In addition, additional education will help you look at the world more broadly and try yourself in something new, which in any case will have a positive effect on your future life.

If you decide to spend money on self-education, then use for this:

  • Seminars.
  • Trainings.
  • Courses of lectures.

If there is not enough money for expensive courses yet, you can start small - do self-education using YouTube services ( https://www.youtube.com) or Lectorium ( https://www.lektorium.tv).

Pay special attention to the last source of knowledge - the platform has a large number of online courses, among which you can find something suitable for yourself.

Option 4. Travel

On the one hand, travel is one of the types of recreation, so this way of managing finances should be combined with the previous one. But it seems to us that travel is, first of all, impressions, and only then - an opportunity to restore the strength and resources of the body.

Why are travel and experiences so important to a person?

As experience and statistics show, most people who once bought a very expensive and desirable thing may not remember it at all in a few years. Even expensive cars and the latest smartphones are not as valuable to a person as the experience that he gets from traveling to another city or country.

If you really want to spend money "for the soul", then travel in your list of options for managing finances should take an honorable first place.

It is by traveling and observing life in other cities that we get new impressions, knowledge, acquire new life values.

In the end, we will tell our children and grandchildren about our adventures and trips, so we definitely need to give ourselves the opportunity to see the world. And certainly you should not spare money for this.

Option 5. Spend money on a hobby

It's great when work brings pleasure to a person. But no matter how beloved she may be, it is also very important to have a hobby that will help you get distracted from your main job. It can be anything: sewing or cross-stitching, fishing or football, gardening or cooking.

And almost any of the hobby options will have to spend money. You will need materials for work, tools, possibly training courses.

But it is also worth noting that some hobbies can also be profitable. For example, lovers of beadwork or patchwork blankets can earn a small monthly income if they regularly post their work on one of the thematic platforms on the network.

For example, you can use these sites:

  • https://www.livemaster.ru
  • https://in-dee.ru
  • https://rukodelnoe.ru

Representatives of the strong half of humanity, who know how and love to repair cars or household appliances, can also not only spend money on such hobbies, but also increase their income in this way.

Option 6. Money for the purchase and arrangement of housing

Having your own home is necessary condition for a comfortable life in the future. If you do not have it, but you have enough funds to purchase it, then without hesitation it is worth spending money on or at home.

If you don’t have your own home, it would be very correct to spend money on a down payment on a mortgage or simply set aside part of the finances in order to secure a future in your own apartment.

It is also worth spending money on your home in situations where you already have your own square meters. Investing in real estate is a very profitable business, albeit in the long run. And although the data on the value of real estate in Moscow is given below, this statement is true literally for any region of Russia.

Option 7. Spend money to increase the amount of free time

If you are a person who loves his job and loves to travel, but does not have enough time to implement all his plans, we advise you to spend money on increasing your own time supply.

What does this mean and how can money in general help you free yourself from certain things?

You can do this in the following way:

  • Order cleaning in the house in a cleaning company - this will help save 1-2 hours weekly.
  • Ordering complex meals from a lunch company will save time and help you take care of your health. Such food will always be more beneficial for the body than snacks and convenience foods.

By spending money in this way, you can both add more free time to yourself and pay more attention to those things that are more important to you. For example, work.

Option 8. Send money to receive passive income

In situations where you have a fairly large amount, but do not know where to spend it, it would be a very good decision to invest in getting passive income on a regular basis.

This answer to the question of where to spend the money has several advantages at once. First, you do not need to build a business on your own to make a profit. Secondly, you can choose the least risky investment options to be sure that you will definitely receive income.

By the way, there are many ways to invest your money. Where to spend money for the benefit of the financial future?

Take a look at these investment options:

    - these are management companies that form a certain financial portfolio from the money of shareholders (those who invest their funds), directing money to different projects. The goal is to make a profit.

    The income from this activity is distributed among the contributors in accordance with the size of their contributions. It turns out that you invest in mutual funds, they create an optimal portfolio of securities, and you get a profit from this.

    This method does not require a large amount of investment and has been tested for years. The only thing worth paying attention to is the period of operation of the mutual fund and its reputation in the market. This rating will help you decide - http://pif.investfunds.ru/funds/rate.phtml

    Bank deposit.

    The most common way to invest money is, of course, to put it in a bank deposit. This option will not bring you much income - especially if the amount of your investment is quite small. But on the other hand, it is practically devoid of risks, since the depositors' money is insured by the state.

    Purchase of securities.

    You do not have to apply to mutual funds in order to purchase securities and make a profit from them. You can also buy stocks or bonds on your own, and then follow their quotes on the market.

    But there is a small drawback in the whole scheme, more precisely, a special requirement - it is worth investing money in this way only if you are at least a little versed in the securities market.

    If you do not have knowledge and experience in this, it is better to choose one of the options mentioned above.

The three options given as an example of where to spend money are only the most common ways.

More areas where you can invest are shown in the diagram below:

Option 9. Spend money to create a business

Another way to spend money to get more money is to start your own business. This option is great for those who have long dreamed of changing jobs to some more profitable and successful employment. So, if you have accumulated enough money to form start-up capital, it's time to become a businessman.

Today, there are many business ideas that do not require a large start-up capital. Therefore, even if you do not have too much savings, you can still try your hand at the entrepreneurial field. The main thing is to arm yourself with a really interesting and original idea.

Building your own business is not easy, but if you correctly develop a business plan and assess all the risks at the initial stage, such a waste of money will be the most reasonable.

As an example, let's say you decide to spend money on the idea of ​​opening a gym.

The stages of building a business in this case will be as follows:

For more options on what kind of business you can open, look on the pages of our website.

Option 10. Spend money on charity

Helping other people who need help is a very generous thing to do. By spending money in this way, you will become more humane and certainly will not regret such expenses.

You can donate money to help others to different organizations and for different purposes. You can help children, adults and even animals. To do this, you do not have to go far and look for organizations that need financial support. Today, you can lend a monetary “helping hand” without even leaving your home.

For example, the Blago.ru website is very popular ( https://blago.ru), where daily someone donates funds to help others.

If you want to spend money, but do not know how and where, then do not forget about charity. This, of course, will not give an opportunity to increase capital. But in fact, doing good deeds is much more valuable.

So, we have analyzed 10 options where you can direct your finances. Let's now figure out where to spend them would be more correct.

5 things you shouldn't spend money on.

How to give up unnecessary things?

Financial experts are convinced that most people spend their money, succumbing to sudden desires. It is this factor that prevents citizens from getting something worthwhile and spending it with the greatest benefit for themselves. What should be done to avoid this?

Use simple tips that will help you not to spend money on stupid things:

  1. Don't make impulse purchases, prioritize. Before you spend money, think about what is most important / needed for you. Only then distribute the capital.
  2. If you are faced with a choice - a new thing (like trendy clothes or a new phone model) or a trip to a new city, remember: impressions will remain in your memory, and the joy of a simple purchase will quickly be forgotten. Of course, this is only rational if you do not urgently need a new phone because the old one is broken.
  3. How about just putting money in the bank? On the one hand, it is right and expedient to ensure a prosperous future. Also, having a financial airbag is the golden rule in money management.
    But do not forget that life passes quickly! Try to distribute your income so that you have money for current desires and needs.

Summing up, it is worth saying that you can and should manage money at your own discretion. No one knows better what your top priority is. If you cannot decide where to spend money for the benefit of yourself and your financial future, this article will really help you. Of these 10 options, you can definitely choose the most suitable option.

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Of course, there are things and products that you need, but most of what you buy belongs to the category of “just want”.

Trying to be happy by accumulating possessions is like trying to satisfy your hunger by wrapping yourself in a bag of sandwiches.

George Carlin, American comedian


Well, how would the beauty industry survive if it weren’t for its enchanting ability to sell any little thing for a huge price, suggesting to customers that this is a real Must-Have?

1. Aftershave

Every day, men shave and often complete the procedure with an aftershave. In principle, with all the tasks of this remedy, just cool water will do a good job: it will soothe the skin, narrow the pores. What a remedy can give you is a pleasant fragrance that will remain on the skin. If you want to get exactly the smell, you can use an aftershave. But you don't need it.

2. Body scrub

What is the main ingredient? Exfoliating particles, which are usually crushed apricot kernels or artificial granules. But believe me: an ordinary hard washcloth can renew the skin no worse than a scrub, only it costs incomparably cheaper.

3. No Rinse Hair Sprays

The label on each such spray promises that after using it your hair will be soft, silky, shiny, strong ... But when using such products, some of their components gradually accumulate in the hair, making them, on the contrary, dull, lifeless, brittle. And you buy a spray again to deal with this trouble.

4. Cellulite cream

Are you kidding me? Do you sincerely believe that some kind of magic potion from a bottle can save you from? Don't waste money.

5. Foundation

Controversial product. Someone really can't imagine their life without it. And yet, ignoring advertising and magazine assurances that there can be no makeup without foundation, look at your face and think: do you really need it? Or is it just a film that unpleasantly tightens the face without giving it any additional attractiveness?

6. Shower gel

Pleasant smell and ease of use - nothing more. A good washcloth and high-quality soap are what you need for proper bath procedures.

Sports and fitness

You need to play sports, there are no questions. But do you need all these paraphernalia, which - so tempting and bright - lies on the shelves of sports stores? Let's figure out what you absolutely do not need.

7. Gym membership

Funny, right? But it is so. You don't need a gym membership to keep fit. If you want to look good and feel good, you can do without much money. Walk more, run, walk up the stairs and just do the complex.

8. Home exercise equipment

Something that hasn't come up lately. Exercise machines for home use amaze with their forms and abundance of functions. But I’m willing to bet that if you, having bought into advertising, have already purchased one of these, now you are only thinking about how to sell it at a more or less favorable price.

9. Sportswear

T-shirts with silver antiseptic coating, the latest moisture-wicking fabrics, microfiber socks… Yes, marketers will come up with anything to get you to spend your money. You really don't need anything more than a pair of good quality cotton tees, shorts and socks.

10. Diet food

Let's bring here all these fitness cereals and muesli, which for some reason cost more than the golden bridge. You can just cook porridge. Although it will not be so fashionable and attractive.

11. Magic pills

Don't fool yourself into thinking that one magic pill can help you get rid of the fat you've accumulated over the years. Only active sports and proper nutrition!

Kids' things

How easy it is to become a victim of marketers when children appear in the family. After all, they deserve only the best, it’s not a pity to spend the last on them, denying even themselves a lot.

12. Baby wipe warmer

World has gone mad? If the napkin is really very cold, you can just warm it in your hands!

13. High chair for a child

Why do you need this gigantic structure? Buy a booster chair - a child seat that can be attached to a regular chair. When you no longer need it, you can easily put it away somewhere, because it takes up very little space.

14. Baby monitor

Naturally, if you live in a two-story mansion, this miracle of modern technology will come in handy. But in ordinary apartment Can't you hear your baby cry?

15. Walkers

For hundreds of years, babies somehow got up on their own. They will cling to furniture and anything that comes their way. You can help the child, support him. Walkers are fun, but I don't understand why they've suddenly become a necessity.

16. Changing pad

It may not be very expensive, but why spend even on this trifle? You can also change a baby's diaper on a blanket, making bumpers out of its edges.

Household products

Look around, your house is probably bloated with unnecessary things. Do not repeat previous mistakes and nonsense.

17. Descaler for washing machine

A washing machine is already an expensive purchase. But the store wants you to buy an expensive decalcifier as well. In fact, scale is easy to remove citric acid which is worth every penny. You fill it up instead of powder and put it on the cotton washing mode (only without linen and without spinning).

18. Silver Jewelry Cleaner

Best of all, silver will clean tooth powder. Apply a little powder to a damp cloth, rub the jewelry, and then rinse and wipe thoroughly with a dry cloth.

19. Remedies for clogged sinks

They cost big money. And even an ordinary one can cope with a blockage, half a glass of which needs to be poured into the drain for a day. If she did not help, then we can recall the good old method of cleaning pipes with a cable.

20. Kitchen paper towels

The thing is in some sense very convenient, but quite expensive. Washing ordinary towels will cost you less than buying paper towels regularly.

Here is the list. Do you agree with him? Can you complete it?

Imagine that on a summer evening you are relaxing on the porch of your house with your family, sipping lemonade ... and remembering how you bought a new TV ... The pleasure of material things does not last so long. Our brain has the ability to adapt to happiness. If we become happy because of the purchase of a new thing, this feeling is unlikely to last. New things soon lose their luster.

Instead of spending money on things that will soon become old, try using them to create long-term memories. They will forever remain a part of our lives and help us become what we want to be. Good experiences eventually turn into happy memories, and bad ones become something like a joke that you can tell your children.

Below is a list of 5 things you shouldn't spend a lot of money on, as well as things worth paying for. Use these tips to save money that you can then spend on experience. It will enrich both your life and the people around you.

What not to spend too much money on

1. Electronics

Electronics is a must these days, but that doesn't mean you have to spend all your money on the latest model. The feeling that you own a brand new device will be very short-lived, and besides, it is almost guaranteed that more will appear during this year. new model.

2. House design

There is always some new popular theme on how to decorate your home. But you don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on a famous designer. You can make your home look just like the picture in the magazine, on your own or with the help of family and friends.

3. Cars

Keeping up with the latest car models isn't the smartest way to live, unless you can pay for them in full before the new model comes out. Otherwise, you will end up in endless debt. You will never be successful if you have a car that you need to pay money for, and you already want to buy a new one that will cost many times more.

4. Fashion trend

No need to reproach yourself for the fact that from time to time you buy new shoes, clothes or accessories. But if every time you hit the store you're trying to buy a new bag or shoes that cost more than $300, it might be worth stopping yourself and spending that money on something else. There will always be new collections coming out, so there's no point in spending all your hard-earned cash to fill up empty closet space.

5. Jewelry

Fancy jewelry is always good to have if you are going to a formal event, office or party. If your budget allows you to spend several thousand dollars on a watch, this is very good. For the rest, there should be a fine line between accessories and debt for shiny things.

What is worth spending money on?

1. Education

There is no such feeling in the world that can be compared to when you begin to understand a foreign language without even thinking about it. Although some courses foreign language very expensive, but worth it. Lessons from new cultures, religions or professions will open up a new unknown world for you.

This does not mean that you should change religion or work. It just means that you entered the class with an open mind and learned something new. This knowledge can be useful to you at any moment.

2. Travel

They can be very expensive, but it is travel that creates memories that will stay with you for a lifetime, even if you had a negative experience. Usually we all laugh at things we used to worry about. A trip to one of the European countries can cost as much as good laptop, and longer trips are even less than the car you're about to buy, even though you don't need it.

Replace all those material things with a kiss near the Eiffel Tower or a long trip through the Alps.

3. Music

Learning to play a musical instrument is a great start to creating a new family tradition. You can transfer these skills to children and create new memories. You can also spend a few dollars and try creating a new genre. Who knows, maybe the result will be a few (or a couple of hundred) new songs.

4. Books

They have always been special to those who turn pages in awe. This is a completely different experience when you can use your own imagination to reproduce the images invented by the author. Books never need to be updated, charged, or rebooted. These are things that you can pass on from generation to generation.

5. Food

Advice to try new food hand goes hand in hand with advice to travel the world. Instead of spending a few hundred dollars on a new bag, save it until you have a chance to try a new food. You can take some cooking classes in cooking from different countries. For example, in Italy you can take cooking classes in a vineyard. An Italian chef will be able to teach you how to cook really amazing food. In addition, you can bring this knowledge home and treat relatives and friends with a new dish.

Remember… invest in things that will bring you memories, not in material things. You don't have to spend everything to create memories, but if you do, you will never regret it.

I will reveal to you one law of the universe. As soon as you make a decision, the Universe will immediately start checking you.

For example:

  • You have decided that you will NEVER meet a man named Yura again. And - ta-da-a-mmm - only Yura and get acquainted.
  • You decide to leave the office, and, of course, the next day you are offered a promotion or an increase in salary at work.
  • In the fall, I vowed to work with an audience that comes to master classes for free. And of course, every day they began to offer me to speak somewhere for free.

What to spend money on? To myself!

I had a client with whom at a certain point in therapy we came to the point that she could not spend money on herself. I asked: "How much would you like to spend on yourself and your needs per month?" To which I heard the answer: “$300”.

After the announced figure, I asked her to calculate how much she had spent on herself over the past 3 months. During our next session, this round-eyed client says:
- God, I really spend this amount on myself, but not in this way and not on what I want!

Why did I tell you this story?


  1. You can spend money on yourself legally - on development, training, various panties and beads, amenities.
  2. You may regret spending money on yourself, like mortgages, children, credit, repairs (underline as appropriate).

    BUT! The universe loves balance, so it WILL make you spend that money, but you probably won't like it.

Because my client spent on doctors, drugs, fines. That is, she, as it were, ILLEGALLY took this money from the family under a plausible pretext.

And now who will argue that it would be better to spend this money on yourself, on a trip to a SPA or personal growth, than on paying fines? I'm sure the choice is clear.

I personally used to find it difficult to spend money on myself. But now it's in the past.