How to roll pickled tomatoes for the winter. Tomatoes pickled in jars or a saucepan for the winter: old recipes in a new way

According to the principle of preparation, it does not matter in which container you perform the sourdough tomato. You can cook tomatoes for the winter in a bucket, jar, basin, barrel, and so on. Choose a dish in which it will be convenient for you to do this.

There are also no restrictions on the volume of the selected container.

It is necessary to take a pan with the calculation of the number of vegetables that you plan to ferment. That is, you should not take a five-liter container if you have only one kilogram of a tomato, or vice versa, too small for a large amount of vegetables.

You also need to take into account the fact that you will need to place the selected container with already fermented tomatoes in a cold room or refrigerator.

Choose based on the size of the chosen storage space.

Cooking instructions

There are several ways to ferment a tomato in a saucepan. Next, we briefly consider the most popular recipes with simple preparation.

IMPORTANT! All recipes are on average designed for a three-liter pan. There may be a slight change in the required amount of tomatoes, it depends on their size.

With cold water

For cooking you need:

  • Medium-sized tomatoes - 2 kg.
  • Garlic - 5 cloves.
  • Horseradish - 1 sheet.
  • Dill inflorescence - 1 pc.
  • Currant or cherry leaf - 1 pc.
  • Vinegar - 20 ml.
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon.
  • Sugar - a pinch.


ATTENTION! For fermentation, choose slightly underripe vegetables. The crust should be fairly dense. Otherwise, you'll end up with tomato pulp. Also choose fruits without cracks and visible defects.

Now you know how to ferment tomatoes with cold water.

Detailed cold sourdough video:

with mustard


  • Tomatoes of the same size - 2 kg.
  • Dill - 25 g.
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • Currant and cherry leaf - 2 pcs.

For marinade:

  • Salt - a teaspoon.
  • Black peppercorns - 5 pcs.
  • Sugar - 2.5 tbsp.
  • Mustard powder - a teaspoon.
  • Water - 1 l.


To prepare the marinade you need:

  1. To boil water.
  2. Add salt, sugar and pepper to it.
  3. After the brine boils for five minutes, add the mustard.
  4. After everything has dissolved, remove the brine from the heat.
  5. After it cools down, pour over the tomatoes.
  6. Cover the pot with a lid and place in the refrigerator. Cooking time is about two days.

Dry way

For cooking, you need to prepare:

  • Medium tomatoes - 2 kg.
  • Salt - 1 kg.
  • Horseradish leaves - 3 pcs.
  • Dill umbrellas - 3 pcs.
  • Currant and cherry leaves - 6 pcs.

Cooking process:

  1. Do the same steps with the tomato as with the cold method.
  2. Put currant leaves, cherries, horseradish leaves and dill umbrellas on the bottom of the pan.
  3. Once firmly placed, place the tomatoes in the pot.
  4. Put a press on the tomatoes for 24 hours.
  5. Then place the bowl in the refrigerator.
  6. The snack is ready.


If you washed the vegetables well before sourdough, then when storing the container with the snack in a cool place, they will not spoil long time. Pickled tomatoes should always be stored at a low temperature.. To do this, place them in the cellar or refrigerator.

Culinary Application

In case guests suddenly appeared, you can always get a jar of pickled tomatoes and surprise with a simple but interesting dish.

Tomatoes prepared in this way can become both an independent snack and be part of any dishes.

  • There is a pickle recipe with the addition of pickled tomatoes.
  • Also, to taste, such tomatoes can be added to borscht.
  • Pickled tomatoes are a great addition to vegetable salads.


Pickled tomatoes are an excellent independent snack even on the festive table. Choose a convenient recipe for their preparation and delight your loved ones with delicious food. Don't be afraid to experiment with spices. Perhaps you will have your own unique sourdough recipe. Now you don’t have to worry about preserving the beneficial qualities of the vegetable, as fermentation will preserve them.

Excellent options for cooking pickled green tomatoes at home - for the winter, with garlic, mustard, pepper. Very tasty!

I want to suggest you try spicy pickled green tomatoes. Tomatoes are very tasty, spicy and unusually fragrant, ready for use after 3 days. You can serve such tomatoes as a snack for strong drinks, you can supplement them with dishes of fried meat, potatoes, etc. I advise you to cook - it is very tasty!

  • green tomatoes (you can also brown) - 1.5 kg;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
  • chili pepper - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • dill and parsley - 0.5 bunch each;
  • bay leaf - 3-4 pieces;
  • water - 1.5 liters;
  • coarse salt - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l. (incomplete).

Wash green tomatoes (preferably medium-sized), make cross cuts on top, but not completely.

Peel carrots and garlic, remove seeds from sweet pepper. Cut carrots and peppers into pieces.

Grind carrots, peppers, garlic and chili peppers in a blender.

Add chopped herbs to this mixture.

Mix thoroughly.

Stuff the cut tomatoes with the prepared mixture and place them in a deep pan in layers. Add bay leaf on top.

Prepare the brine: add salt and sugar to the water, bring everything to a boil. Allow the brine to cool slightly (4-5 minutes) and pour over the tomatoes.

Place a small oppression on top of the tomatoes and leave them at room temperature for 3-4 days. After that, delicious, spicy pickled green tomatoes can be served at the table. Store tomatoes in the refrigerator.

Recipe 2: pickled green tomatoes for the winter (with photo)

Pickled green tomatoes are a snack that many people like. At the same time, it is perfect for both a festive dinner and a family snack.

The great advantage of this snack is that it is very easy to prepare at home. Pickled tomatoes in the container in which it is most convenient to do this. In the old days, such tomatoes were often fermented in huge barrels, but in our time, hostesses prefer to do it in pots, in jars or in a bucket. There is not much difference in capacity, so you can pickle green tomatoes where it is convenient.

Very often, tomatoes are fermented with stuffed herbs and garlic, and they are also covered with cabbage according to a quick recipe. Such a dish turns out to be very tasty and healthy due to the fact that vegetables are not subjected to heat treatment. This allows you to save most of the vitamins and useful trace elements that help our body work without failures in the cold season.

The most delicious pickled tomatoes are those that were plucked in their own garden. A quick and easy recipe for their preparation with step-by-step photos will tell you in detail how to cook such an appetizer at home. You can add pepper and mustard if you like spicy dishes, but do not overdo it so as not to spoil the preparation for the winter.

  • green tomatoes - 500 gr
  • dill - 3 umbrellas
  • black peppercorns - 8 pcs
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • sea ​​salt - 1 tbsp.

Prepare the amount of green tomatoes you need. You can take very small fruits if you want to ferment them whole. Large tomatoes will have to be cut into two or four pieces in order to compactly put them in a jar.

Tear off the stalks, rinse your tomatoes well, and then start cutting the largest fruits into several pieces. Try to use a sharp knife so as not to damage or crush the tomatoes, otherwise they will not be as pleasant to the touch.

Now, start putting all the ingredients you have in a jar pre-washed with soda. Do not tamp the tomatoes, so as not to turn them into porridge. They should lie freely in the jar. Add herbs, seasonings and salt there, as well as garlic cloves.

Pour the contents of the bottle with cold boiled water so that it does not reach the top of the jar by 0.5 - 1 centimeter.

Cover your green tomatoes with a nylon lid and place in a dark, warm place, shaking the jar beforehand to allow the salt and spices to be evenly distributed over the vegetables.

After that, you need to wait four to five days for the brine to ferment and the tomatoes to ferment. After the required time has elapsed, your pickled green tomatoes will be ready to eat.

Recipe 3: Pickled Green Tomatoes in Jars

The recipe for pickled green tomatoes is very simple, while their taste is extraordinary. If you like barrel pickles, then this method of harvesting will appeal to you. Pickled green tomatoes will be ready in two weeks, but if you want to go faster, cook the yellow ones. These tomatoes have a sweeter taste and cook much faster, the recipe is the same.

  • Tomatoes green, brown or yellow - 1 kg
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper - 1-2 pcs
  • Coarse salt - 40 gr
  • Dill seeds - a pinch

Harvesting pickled green tomatoes for the winter is one of the most simple ways preparation of pickles. Green tomatoes are very often left on the beds and many are simply thrown away, but they can be used to make a wonderful snack. Whether you bought a batch of unripe tomatoes or just want to treat yourself to a delicious salty snack, you will love this recipe for its simplicity and affordability.

If you do not have green tomatoes, you can replace them with yellow ones - this variety is very tasty on its own, and it will be even tastier when salted.

It is desirable to take tomatoes whole, not damaged. Put them in a colander and wash well in running water.

In order for the tomatoes to be well salted and become juicy, you need to make a cross-shaped incision with a sharp knife.

Pickled green tomatoes for the winter will be ready faster if they are still pricked with a fork or a toothpick from the side of the stalk.

Yellow tomatoes are a little more tender, so you just need to cut them on top.

Sweet peppers need to be washed, the stalk with seeds removed and cut as small as possible. You can grind the pepper in a meat grinder.

Chop parsley or dill and mix with pepper. If you are using dried dill seeds, they can be poured into jars immediately.

Peel the garlic, divide into cloves and chop finely with a knife or grate.

Pepper and garlic mix and put these vegetable mixture into cuts.

Put the tomatoes stuffed with this mixture into jars - it is best to take a liter or enameled pan.

Prepare brine. Add 40 grams of salt per liter of water, mix well and pour tomatoes with this brine. You can heat the brine, then pickled green tomatoes will be ready for use in 10 days. Yellow tomatoes will be ready faster - you can try it in a week.

Pour the tomatoes with brine and put the jars or pan in a warm place. You can leave the workpiece in the kitchen - the temperature should not be lower than room temperature.

After a few days, the tomatoes can be moved to a cooler place.

Salted tomatoes according to this recipe can be served at the table in two weeks, but they will be most delicious in about a month. To keep pickled green tomatoes until the winter, it is advisable to put the jars in the refrigerator or a cool cellar. If you have a balcony - this is also a good place for home storage.

Yellow tomatoes differ from green and red ones in their high content of vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, you can always save a few kilograms of these amazing vegetables if you prepare this magnificent preparation. They can be served at the table as an independent snack. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 4: Pickled Green Tomatoes in a Pot

Pickled green tomatoes like in a store in Soviet times is a recipe that not everyone knows and knows how to cook.

  • 1 kg green tomato,
  • half hot pepper Chile,
  • fresh dill,
  • 2 bay leaves,
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • 7-8 black peppercorns
  • 1 tables. l. salt,
  • 1 tables. l. sugar without a slide,
  • 1.5 liters of water for the marinade.

Wash the tomatoes, pierce with a toothpick in one or more places. Place in an enamel bowl. A glass container is also perfect, as the glass does not oxidize and does not spoil the vegetables.

Boil water, then cool slightly until warm state. Pour salt, sugar, add dill sprigs, finely chopped garlic, chili peppers, black peas allspice and laurel leaves. Mix everything so that the bulk is completely dissolved in the marinade. Now the marinade has completely cooled down and you can continue cooking.

Pour marinade over green tomatoes. The marinade should be completely cool and at room temperature.

We cover the pan with a lid and leave it in the room for 2 days for fermentation and fermentation. After two days (a small foam and bubbles will appear on the surface of the tomato), we put it in the cellar or in the refrigerator for another 4-5 days.

When the fermentation time is up, you will see that the marinade has become cloudy, and the tomatoes have become softer. I deliberately did not put oppression on the tomatoes, so that they not only retain a pleasant appearance and do not shrink, but also remain juicy inside. You can, of course, press down the tomatoes with oppression, but their shape will become wrinkled and not so attractive. Thanks to the fact that they made punctures with a toothpick, the tomatoes fermented very well inside. In Soviet times, tomatoes were always squeezed and shriveled, but my taste and store-bought tomatoes are no different.

We serve pickled tomatoes to the table as a snack and not only. Those who tried such tomatoes in stores during the Soviet era will be overcome by nostalgia for the past. Now take the recipe into service.

Recipe 5: Pickled Green Tomatoes with Mustard

I offer a recipe for how you can prepare green tomatoes with mustard in a cold way.


  • green tomatoes - 10 kg,
  • garlic - 3-4 heads,
  • horseradish leaves,
  • dill,
  • mustard - 100 grams,
  • cherry leaves.

For brine per bucket of water:

  • salt - 1 cup,
  • granulated sugar - 2 cups.

After we have prepared all the ingredients we need, we will start preparing a delicious preparation. Pour horseradish leaves and dill with water and rinse well. We take out and shake off the remaining water from the greens.

Then we sort the green tomatoes and select the whitened or brown fruits. Rinse them in plenty of cold running water. Let's send the fruits to a fine sieve, mlm is just a colander. Let the water drain.

We wash the container in which our green tomatoes will be salted well. We scald it with boiling water. Then we thickly coat the bottom and walls of the container with the most ordinary mustard.

At the bottom of the barrel or pan lay out a layer of greens (dill, cherry leaves, horseradish leaves). Pack the prepared tomatoes tightly. Sprinkle them with peeled garlic, washed cherry leaves and dill. Let's prepare the brine. To do this, dissolve salt and granulated sugar in cold water. Stir thoroughly until the salt and sugar are completely dissolved. Then fill the container filled with tomatoes with ready-made cold brine. We put a circle with a load on top. We leave the tomatoes at room temperature for about 2-3 days. We wait until the fermentation process begins. Then we transfer the container to a cool place. We take a test.

And now I boldly declare that our preparation for the winter of mustard green tomatoes is ready!

Recipe 6: Garlic Pickled Green Tomatoes

Green tomatoes with greens and garlic is a very tasty appetizer, which is not prepared in the fall, when green tomatoes appear on the shelves, it’s just a sin! It turns out very spicy, spicy. The taste is really amazing! You can put such an appetizer on an everyday table, or you can also on a festive one. Green tomatoes with herbs and garlic go wonderfully with vodka. True, such tomatoes have a characteristically pronounced garlic smell, so if you are going to work or, say, on a date, it is better not to eat them. In other cases, they are not contraindicated.

The recipe for fermenting green tomatoes stuffed with garlic and herbs is very simple! You just need to prepare the filling, and then stuff the tomatoes with it. Next, green tomatoes should be fermented in a special brine for three to four days. After this time, the appetizer will be ready, and it can be included in your menu.

If you're partial to green tomatoes stuffed with herbs and garlic and want to enjoy this wonderful homemade appetizer, then check it out first. step by step photo their recipe is below. Follow all the instructions exactly, and then soon you will be able to please your household with a very tasty autumn dish.

  • green tomatoes - 3 kg
  • carrots - 1-2 pieces
  • chopped parsley - 3-4 tbsp.
  • chopped dill - 3-4 tbsp.
  • sweet bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • hot pepper - 1 pc.
  • horseradish leaves - 1-2 pieces
  • bay leaf - 4-5 pieces
  • garlic - 10-12 cloves
  • edible salt - 2 tbsp. per liter of water
  • sugar - ½ tbsp per liter of water

The preparation of snacks begins with the choice of tomatoes. They should have a fairly dense peel, and the fruits themselves should be strong. Tomatoes brought home should be thoroughly washed from all contamination, and then dried with paper towels. Then each fruit must be cut crosswise, but not completely. Tomatoes should not fall apart.

We clean the carrots and wash them thoroughly, and then chop (it is best to grate on a coarse grater). Then let's get sweet bell pepper. He needs to remove the stalk and seeds. Then the pepper will need to be cut into small pieces. After that, mix the chopped vegetables.

Grind the hot pepper and garlic, and then mix them.

We thoroughly wash the greens (dill and parsley), dry it, and then chop it.

Shredded greens, garlic, carrots, as well as sweet and hot peppers are mixed in one bowl. We stuff the green tomatoes with the resulting "minced meat". For the brine, dissolve in boiling water the required amount of salt and sugar according to the recipe. Stuffed green tomatoes are placed in a saucepan and shifted with bay leaves and horseradish leaves, and then pour the brine prepared earlier.

The brine should completely cover the tomatoes. It is advisable to install some kind of load on top. For example, tomatoes can be covered with a plate, and a one and a half liter jar filled with water can be placed on it.

Soak green tomatoes stuffed with herbs and garlic in this state for 3-4 days. And then you can include them in your diet: they will be ready!

Recipe 7, step by step: pickled green tomatoes in a bucket

I bring to your attention a recipe for a very tasty snack! Tomatoes according to this recipe are stored for a long time, but they are so tasty that the whole barrel disappears unnoticed!

  • Tomato (5 kg)
  • Garlic - to taste
  • Hot red pepper - to taste
  • Leaf celery - to taste
  • Black pepper - to taste
  • Bay leaf - to taste
  • Dill - to taste
  • Salt - to taste

Prepare all ingredients. Wash tomatoes.


Pickled vegetables in terms of the amount of vitamins are almost as good as fresh ones. The recipes for fermenting green tomatoes are simple and make it easy to prepare this wonderful national product for the winter even for a novice housewife. And any improvisations during cooking will not only not spoil the characteristic and beloved taste of pickled tomatoes, but will also add new savory notes to it.

First of all, for conservation it is necessary to choose the right fruits. Particular attention should be paid to the degree of maturity of green tomatoes. The main thing is that their size should be characteristic of their variety, and it is desirable if they begin to turn white or turn yellow. Otherwise, the level of solanine (a poison produced in all cultures of the nightshade family) in tomatoes will be high, and it is better not to preserve or eat undergrown (too small) fruits at all.

Too green, unlike fermented whitening and yellowing, can be eaten no earlier than a month from the moment of preservation - during this time, the concentration of solanine will drop to a safe level, since most of it will be destroyed as a result of tomato fermentation. Another requirement for fruits is that only whole tomatoes should be selected for fermentation, without rot and dents. Otherwise, the taste of vegetables will noticeably suffer, and they will not be stored well. Wash the tomatoes thoroughly before putting them in the container. Each tomato can be pierced in several places with a toothpick or fork.

Traditionally pickled vegetables were harvested for the winter in oak barrels. But tomatoes cooked in an enameled bucket or saucepan or in glass jars are no worse. The selected dishes must be properly prepared. If this is still a wooden barrel, it must first be soaked in water for several hours so that the walls of the wood swell - if there were small cracks in them, they will tighten. Then the barrel must be treated with an alkaline solution based on caustic soda. It is prepared in the following proportions: 100 g of soda is dissolved in 30 liters of water.

If the dishes are metal or glass, then they are first thoroughly washed using traditional means, and then the pots and buckets are scalded with boiling water, and the jars are sterilized.

Regardless of the recipe, before laying the tomatoes on the bottom of the container, lay out 1/3 of required amount spices and herbs. Then, after laying half of the total number of tomatoes in layers, use the second third of the spices and herbs. Then lay the remaining tomatoes and on top - the rest of the spices and herbs. Pour tomatoes with cooled or hot boiled brine, which is prepared per liter of water 70 g (or 2 tablespoons) of non-iodized salt. The tomatoes should be completely covered with the solution.

To improve the course of the fermentation process and the taste of pickled tomatoes, sugar is often added to the brine: up to ¼ cup per 1 kg of vegetables. Spices and herbs can be taken, focusing on your own taste. The tradition of fermenting tomatoes involves the use of currant, cherry and bay leaves, horseradish root, allspice, garlic and dill seeds. But many diversify this list by adding something of their own to it - for example, cloves, tarragon, basil sprigs, hot peppers.

At the same time, one should adhere to general rule: for 1 kg of tomatoes there should be 50 g of greens. Hot pepper circles and garlic cloves can be laid together with spices and herbs (in 3 layers) or placed between tomatoes. Tomatoes in a barrel should be covered with a wooden circle, in a saucepan or bucket - with a smaller lid, and a small weight should be placed on top. Banks are simply covered with something. Then the container is transferred to the place chosen for the fermentation of tomatoes. Pickled tomatoes will be ready in 1-2 weeks, but sometimes it takes 40-45 days.

It all depends on the temperature regime of fermentation. The optimal conditions for preserving tomatoes in this way are + 15– + 23 ° C. When the temperature is lower, the fermentation process slows down significantly, and if it is higher, the vegetables deteriorate. To avoid spoilage of the finished fermented product, it must be stored in a cool place. When in a barrel, it should be borne in mind that the container with them will have a significant weight. Therefore, the laying and fermentation of tomatoes should be carried out in the place chosen for their further storage.

Fans of spicy preparations for the winter can make stuffed pickled green tomatoes. To do this, each tomato must be cut and put inside it chopped hot peppers, fresh herbs and garlic. You can also ferment tomatoes with apples.

Recipe for barrel pickled green tomatoes for the winter. It can also be used for other and smaller containers, but with the right proportions of the ingredients. You will need:

  • green tomatoes of medium size - 50 kg;
  • tarragon - 250 g;
  • fresh dill - 1.5 kg;
  • parsley - 250 g;
  • hot pepper pods - 70 g;
  • garlic - 150 g;
  • cherry leaves - 500 g.

Now there are so many different delicacies on the shelves - it’s just that your eyes run wide! But, you see, sometimes the soul asks for something simple, folk. For example, pickled tomatoes. I love them to bits! My family and guests love them too. And today I want to tell you how I make pickled tomatoes for the winter in a saucepan, a bucket, and in jars.

Pickled tomatoes for the winter in jars like from a barrel

First, I will share a recipe on how to ferment tomatoes in jars like barrel ones. It is better to take strong vegetables of a small size, ideally - the “cream” variety. This is a cold salting in a three-liter jar under a nylon lid.

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:

  • 1.5-1.8 kg of tomatoes;
  • 2 sheets of horseradish;
  • 6 pcs. black currant leaves;
  • 6 pcs. cherry leaves;
  • 2 dill umbrellas;
  • 6 pcs. black peppercorns;
  • 2 pcs. bay leaf;
  • 5-6 garlic cloves.

Brine for pickled tomatoes per 1 liter of water:

  • 3 art. tablespoons of salt (65-70 g);
  • 1 st. a spoonful of granulated sugar (optional).

Tip: it is better to make more brine, then you have to add more.

How we cook:

  1. We wash the jars with soda. Scald plastic lids with boiling water.
  2. At the bottom of the jars, lay out half of the washed spices: horseradish leaves, cherries, currants, dill umbrella. Add peppercorns, bay leaf, chopped garlic.
  3. Pack in the washed tomatoes. Sprinkle the remaining spices on top, put the second umbrella of dill.
  4. Dissolve salt in boiled cold water (optimally spring water). You can add sugar if you like. Pour the brine over the tomatoes, cover with a lid.
  5. Put the jar in a bright place, placing it in a deep plate. They will start wandering. Add brine as needed.
  6. After a day, close the lid tightly and rearrange it in a cool place - a cellar, on a balcony or in a refrigerator.

Tomatoes are fermented in a cold way without vinegar for about two months. Check from time to time by taking one for a test: reds will pickle faster, browns and greens a little later.

Note: pickle from tomatoes - not only good remedy for a hangover, but also an excellent additional ingredient when cooking borscht, pickle, cabbage soup, hodgepodge.

Red tomatoes pickled for the winter in a saucepan

Now I will tell you how to make pickled red tomatoes in a saucepan. This method is suitable for those who do not like to wait a long time.


  • 2.5 kg of red tomatoes;
  • 10 pieces. cherry leaves;
  • 10 pieces. black peppercorns;
  • 80 g dill umbrellas;
  • 6 pcs. bay leaf;
  • 40 g basil sprigs (optional)
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 60 g salt.

How we cook:

  1. Wash the pot thoroughly, rinse with boiling water.
  2. We select strong ripe red tomatoes. We wash them, remove the ponytails.
  3. Put washed dill umbrellas, basil, laurel and cherry leaves, peppercorns on the bottom of the pan. Then put in the tomatoes.
  4. Pour salt into a separate saucepan, fill it with cold water, mix well with a spoon.
  5. Pour the solution into a container with tomatoes, press down with a plate on top. Let ferment at room temperature.

After six days, pickled tomatoes in a saucepan are ready. We store them in the refrigerator.

Pickled tomatoes in a plastic bucket for the winter

As you already know, there are different pickled tomatoes for the winter: in a saucepan, a bucket, in jars. If you want to reserve large quantity, it is very convenient to pickle tomatoes in a plastic bucket for the winter. The taste will turn out like a barrel.


  • 8 kg tomato;
  • 10 pieces. dill umbrellas;
  • 10 pieces. horseradish leaves;
  • 20 pcs. black peppercorns;
  • 10 pieces. allspice peas;
  • 8-10 pcs. bay leaf;
  • 1-2 pcs. hot pepper;
  • 2 pcs. heads of garlic;
  • Currant leaves, cherries - to taste;
  • 5 liters of water;
  • 1 glass of salt;
  • 0.5 cups of sugar.

How we cook:

  1. We take a large bucket (12 l), wash it thoroughly, scald it with boiling water.
  2. Prepare all the ingredients: wash the tomatoes, leaves, peel and cut the garlic, hot peppers.
  3. Cover the bottom of the bucket with the first layer of leaves and spices. Then lay out the tomatoes. Next - again a layer of spices, tomatoes. And so we alternate to the very top.
  4. We heat water in a separate bowl, dissolve sugar and salt in it. Pour the cooled brine over the tomatoes.
  5. We cover with folded gauze, put a plate with a load on top. We keep at room conditions for about a month, then we take it out to the cold. We change gauze from time to time.

We serve tomatoes, pickled in a bucket for the winter, chilled.

Pickled tomatoes with mustard

When I want to pickle tomatoes for future use under an iron lid, I roll them up in jars for the winter with mustard. Such preservation is suitable for storage in an apartment.

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:

  • 1.8-2 kg tomato;
  • 50 g of horseradish root;
  • 1-2 pcs. dill umbrellas with stems;
  • 1 PC. onion;
  • 2-3 pcs. garlic cloves;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of mustard powder;
  • 1 PC. sour apple;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt;
  • 1.5 st. spoons of sugar;
  • Cherry leaves, currant - to taste.

How we cook:

  1. Wash jars with soda, sterilize over steam. Boil iron lids for 5 minutes.
  2. We wash all vegetables, leaves, dill. We clean the garlic, cut the slices lengthwise into plates. Cut the peeled onion in half. We cut the apple into slices. Peel the horseradish root, cut into pieces. We cut off the stems of dill umbrellas.
  3. At the bottom of the jar we put dill umbrellas, horseradish root, dill umbrellas, garlic. Next, fill with tomatoes. Fill empty spaces with apples and onions.
  4. Boil water, add salt, sugar, currant leaves, cherries, dill stalks. Cook for five minutes, strain.
  5. Pour the brine into a jar, cover with a lid, leave for 15 minutes.
  6. Pour the brine back into the saucepan, boil again and pour over the tomatoes. Add mustard, roll up.
  7. We roll the jar on the table, then turn it over, wrap it up. Pickled tomatoes for the winter in jars for storage in the apartment are ready.

Tip: you can ferment tomatoes with mustard in previous recipes - just add to the brine.

Green tomatoes sautéed with herbs and garlic

Tip: you can ferment tomatoes not only in slices, but also cut in half.


  • 2 kg of green tomatoes;
  • 1-2 heads of garlic;
  • 1 bunch of green celery;
  • 1 bunch of parsley;
  • 1 PC. chili pepper;
  • 2 sheets of horseradish;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of dry mustard.

How we cook:

  1. My tomatoes, cut off the top, cut into quarters or circles.
  2. We wash the parsley and celery, finely chop.
  3. My horseradish leaves, dill umbrellas. We clean the garlic, cut into pieces. Chili peppers are cleaned from the tail and seeds, cut into rings.
  4. Put a sheet of horseradish, dill umbrellas on the bottom in a jar or pan. Then we lay the tomatoes in layers, sprinkle them with herbs, garlic and pepper rings.
  5. Let's prepare the brine: dissolve salt, sugar, mustard in a liter of cold water. Stir until smooth and pour tomatoes with brine. Top with a sheet of horseradish - to protect against mold.
  6. Close the lid, put on the balcony. Check from time to time to see if the brine needs to be added. To do this, each time we prepare a fresh portion.
  7. After at least 7-10 days, the tomatoes will reach readiness. The thicker the pieces, the longer they ferment.

Pickled tomatoes with cabbage

I want to tell you about another interesting option - how to pickle tomatoes stuffed with cabbage. This is an old Ukrainian recipe, my grandmother loves it very much.


  • 3 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1.5 kg of white cabbage;
  • 1 PC. large carrots;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 10-12 pcs. peppercorns.

How we cook:

  1. For washed tomatoes (ideally - the “cream” variety), cut off the lid, scoop out the insides with a spoon - into a separate bowl.
  2. We chop the cabbage, as for borscht. Three carrots on a grater. Stir, add minced garlic. Salt, pepper, lightly crush with your hands.
  3. Tightly stuff the tomatoes with cabbage-carrot filling.
  4. Pour peppercorns into the bottom of a clean saucepan and lay the tomatoes with the filling up, in several layers. In the free places between them we lay out the tomato "insides".
  5. Prepare the brine: mix cold water with sugar and salt. Pour the tomatoes, cover with a plate, put the load. Let them stand in the room for a day, and then we will transfer them to the balcony or put them in the refrigerator.
  6. After 4-5 days, delicious fragrant tomatoes are ready.

I suggest you watch another very interesting video recipe on how to ferment tomatoes at home.

Here they are - tomatoes for the winter, pickled in a saucepan, a bucket, and in jars. Do not be ashamed to serve on the table, fly away with a bang. A great appetizer for any meal. Pick it up, you won't regret it. Enjoy your meal!

My mother is an expert on pickled tomatoes, and I am an expert on eating, I love it very much 🙂 . Of course, she does it in a barrel and a cool cellar, following the traditions. But mom is far away and so are the tomatoes, so I adapted the recipe for the city. It turns out very tasty.

Fried potatoes and salted tomato - takes me back to my childhood. Memories cover and we have lunch in the fresh air as a family. It's so nice to go back to childhood.

Preparing vegetables:

Tomatoes 1.5 - 2 kg I use dense (hard), medium size, without cracks. Pour cold water for 10 minutes to remove dust. I do not remove ponytails, I like them with them. I drain the water and rinse again.

I wash 2-3 peppers with water. I cut the sweet pepper lengthwise into 4 parts, leaving the seeds and the tail. Peppers will be crispy and delicious.

A pickling bouquet, I can’t call it a broom :-), I use only ⅓ part - I wash it with water and cut it with scissors.

How to cook pickled tomatoes?

At the bottom of the jar I put the prepared pickling bouquet + garlic 2 cloves (without peel) + hot pepper ½ + tomatoes (larger down, as they are salted longer) + sweet pepper and the rest of the tomatoes.

In 1.5 liters of cold water I dissolve 2 tablespoons (with a slide) of salt.

I pour tomatoes with brine, cover with a nylon lid and leave at room temperature for 3 days (not in the sun). I put a plate under the jar, liquid will leak. During this time, the brine will become cloudy.

After 3 days, I put the tomatoes in the refrigerator. After 7 days they have already become lightly salted, I start to drag them out of the can 🙂 . The smell has already formed, but there is still not enough salt, I love these. Now the pepper is ready. After 14 days, the tomatoes are ready.

Pickled tomatoes are stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 months, then the brine begins to peroxide and they are no longer so tasty. This is not a recipe for the winter - this is a recipe to eat in the coming weeks and store only in the refrigerator.