Tooth divination on wax. Fortune telling on wax the meaning of the stop

Before you start pouring wax on the surface of the water, you should let the candle burn out enough so that the liquid wax accumulates as much as possible. If you have a large candle, then you can repeat the wax casting several times to get a more specific question.

Remember that it is impossible for the water to be very cold, then the wax will solidify in drops on the surface of the water and the wax figures will not come out well. Collect cool water so that everything comes out correctly.

When you consider the resulting figures, let your imagination run free and look at them from different angles. Take a closer look and analyze what it looks like the most, and then look at her interpretation of the figures. But do not move your container with water, because this can disrupt the whole order and appearance of your symbols!

Interpretation of the meanings of inanimate figures obtained from wax

During divination on wax in the vessel used in the process, you can see not only figures of wildlife, but also inanimate figures. What the most common figures mean, you can find out a little below:


If a girl saw the figure of a tower during fortune-telling, then it’s time to go to the bridal salon for a dress. After all, very soon she expects marriage. For those representatives of the beautiful female who have already managed to find their destiny and get married, the figure of the tower means that family affairs will only go up. Loving spouses expect a prosperous and happy family life.

The machine

The interpretation of the figure of the machine is quite banal. The girl is going to travel soon. But what kind of trip it will be: a vacation or a working visit to another city, the young lady will already have to find out without the help of fortune-telling.


For many people, home is associated with stability. But if we are talking about divination on wax, then in this case the figure of the house can have a very extraordinary meaning. According to popular belief, the seen figure of the house means a possible move and change of residence not only within the city, but also within the country.

In addition, the figurine of the house is a change for the better. It is especially good to see such a figure when divining for girls who have problems in their personal lives. For them, the house will be a good sign. A lonely young lady, seeing such a figure in the process of divination, will soon find her destiny.


Seeing the figure of the cross in the process of divination, you should take precautions. In the near future, some kind of trouble will await the girl, while it is rather difficult to predict its source.

The size of the trouble also cannot be known in advance. This will be an unpleasant surprise for the girl.


Flowers in divination symbolize the fulfillment of desires. If in the process of divination a girl saw the image of a rose or some other flower, it means that very soon her most cherished desire will finally come true in real life. It is even possible that several desires will become real at once.


Books in divination symbolize new stage In human life. The girl is waiting for new places, ideas and new people, thanks to which very soon she will be able to discover a whole new world.

You should not get hung up on fortune-telling, acting according to the signs that the girl fell out in an attempt to find out what awaits her in the future. You can't escape fate anyway. What is destined for each person above will happen to him sooner or later, whether he wants it or not.

The meaning of the image of the boot

The interpretation of the figure should begin with the general. At the moment of lighting the candle, the fortuneteller must clarify the meaning of the process.

The boot refers to wardrobe items that protect a person from bad weather, cold, and injuries.

It follows from this that this figure symbolizes protection from the outside. It can even be help in a difficult situation from a loved one.

Specifically, shoe desideratum portends life changes, a journey in the near future. Accurately answer the question, a shoe is good sign or not, satisfactorily difficult. Changes in life can be for the better, aimlessly and for the worse.

Therefore, you should pay attention to the shoe itself.

Figure details on accurate prediction

  1. 1. A shoe with a fallen off sole, with a torn edge, portends intractable problems that will affect health and financial situation from above.
  2. 2. The shoe is beautiful fashionable form indicates receive and sign that in all endeavors the fortuneteller is guaranteed success.
  3. 3. Ankle boots women's man predict an unexpected help from a woman, men's shoes for a woman - from a man.

On the wax casting, a boot with a turned up toe is visible

Fortune telling installation

Divination rituals on wax

For divination on wax, quite accessible attributes should be used:

  • Large wax candle;
  • Matchbox;
  • A bowl of water.

It is important to choose the right candle color:

  • If you plan to conduct love fortune-telling, then you should use a red or pink candle;
  • When you want to clarify issues related to health, then a green candle is best suited for the ceremony.

The process of the ceremony

To obtain the right amount of wax, it is necessary that the candle burns for at least half an hour. All this time you need to sit nearby and look at the candle flame, while thinking that you are going to get accurate answers to certain questions that relate to your future.

Next to the burning candle, you must put a bowl filled with water. Experts in the field of esotericism recommend using a bowl white color. This will make it easy to see the wax figure obtained as a result of divination.

When you see that a sufficient amount of wax has melted in the candle, you should carefully pour it into a bowl of water. After the wax casting hardens, you can begin to interpret the resulting figure.

Basic interpretations of wax figures

Of course, it is much easier for people with a developed imagination to interpret the received wax figures. You will find decoding of the most popular figures later in this article, but, as a rule, a person who conducts divination on wax can decipher the meaning of the figures in relation to the current situation.

In this case, the main images may indicate the following:

Letters or numbers must be deciphered on an individual basis, they can indicate specific dates or names that can only be understood by the person who conducts fortune-telling;

lines different kind indicate the beginning of a very important project, but the more twists and turns on them, the more obstacles and problems you will encounter on your way to the goal;

Points, in large numbers, portend profit;

The angel indicates that even in the most difficult situation you should not despair, since the solution to the problem will appear by itself and the situation will be resolved in your favor;

The outline of a woman symbolizes a friend or rival, depending on the prevailing circumstances in real life;

The outline of a man symbolizes a friend or lover, depending on the prevailing circumstances in real life;

The child portends the successful start of a new project;

The arch portends the entry into a new life stage;

The tower is a harbinger of marriage;

Fan warns of dismissal or divorce;

The mushroom portends a surprise;

House Predicts good change most likely related to moving;

The star indicates a successful period in the work area;

The cross symbolizes everyday troubles and problems;

The machine predicts a long journey;

A ball or circle indicates instability and obsession with one problem;

Points indicate that you need to reconsider your attitude to the problem that has arisen;

The flower symbolizes the fulfillment of a dream or cherished desire.

Interpretation of castings in the form of animals:

A caterpillar, a snake or a worm warns that frivolous acts should be avoided and that a period is coming when you need to take care of your loved ones;

The dragon indicates that for a positive resolution of the current situation, considerable efforts will be required;

A hedgehog or other prickly objects symbolizes that you are having communication problems, as you are very demanding of people from your close circle, so you need to try to be softer and many problems will disappear on their own;

The cat indicates that friends will betray you;

Chicken is a positive sign indicating prosperity in family relationships;

Leo testifies to your strength and self-confidence, which will allow you to overcome any obstacles on the way to your goal;

The spider warns that you are surrounded by cunning people, and you should definitely protect yourself from their deceit;

Fish is a harbinger of a comfortable life;

The elephant symbolizes the wisdom that you need to show when solving problems;

The dog confirms the fidelity of friends;

An owl portends life's failures and illnesses;

The duck focuses on the fact that a period of luck comes in life.

Interpretation of the meanings of living wax figures


The dog is one of the most frequently seen figures in wax divination. Seeing this animal during fortune-telling means that soon a person will have close friends or associates who can help in solving any issue or problem that has arisen. Also, the resulting “dog” figure can also indicate that the fortuneteller is already surrounded by people loyal to him at the moment, who, if necessary, will certainly not pass by his misfortune.

The male

For single girls who do not have a loved one, seeing the figure of a man is a great success. The significance of this figure lies in the fact that soon the girl will have a new friend, who will subsequently become her beloved person, and after which, perhaps, her husband.


At first glance, a cat is a rather harmless animal, from which many girls are simply crazy. However, in reality, it turns out that this purring creature cannot always be so cute and bring only pleasant emotions.

If during fortune-telling a cat figure fell out on wax, betrayal from relatives and close friends should soon be expected. The fallen figure of a cat is a kind of sign for a girl that it would be high time to reconsider her social circle and get rid of people who do not inspire any confidence.


The figure of a hedgehog suggests that girls need to learn to be somewhat softer towards people around them. Excessive "pricklyness" can adversely affect the young lady's relationship with her loved one. Not every man is able to endure cold from his other half and constant nervousness for a long time. After some time, he will get tired of this state of affairs, and he will find himself another more good-natured chosen one.

The hedgehog figurine should make the girl think about whether she behaves correctly in relation to other people, not only to the guy. Maybe it's about the parents.


A chicken is a pet symbolizing a calm family life. If the girl, who is guessing her fate on wax, has not yet become someone's wife, then in this case the figure of the chicken will be interpreted as the onset of a measured and calm life in general.


As a rule, many girls are afraid of spiders and, when they see him in the house, they try to get rid of him as soon as possible. And in fortune-telling, the spider is represented by that figure, a meeting with which the representative of the beautiful female should have avoided. The figure means a trick to beware.

If such a figure fell out on a girl during fortune-telling on wax, a difficult fate awaits her in the future - she will have to limit her communication with one of her friends or relatives, since the trick will come from them.

a lion

The figure of a lion symbolizes confidence in the future, which many girls lack for complete happiness. Also, the figure of a lion means that the fortuneteller in the future expects strength and reliability.

Meanings of Wax Figures

The most common designations for wax figures are given below.

Abstraction, primitive elements:
Letters or numbers - symbols interpreted individually: they can indicate important dates or serve as indications of specific names
Line, straight line - the beginning of some important business
The point is material profit, unexpected money.
Live or mythical creatures, people:
Angel - help will come from above, there is nothing to worry about
Caterpillar or worm - you should avoid frivolity, take care of loved ones

Dragon - circumstances require willpower, if it is, then everything that is planned will come true
Hedgehog - excessive "pricklyness" harms relationships, you need to learn to be softer
A woman is a new friend, a homemaker (depending on the context)
Cat - betrayal of friends
Chicken - a favorable family life
Leo - strength, reliability, confidence
A man is a new companion, friend or groom
Spider - a trick to defend against

Child - new business or projects, possibly the birth of children
Fish - full adaptation to environmental conditions, comfort
Elephant - time-tested wisdom
Dog - true friends, associates
An owl is the worst sign that immediately portends illness, difficulties, failures
Duck - good luck and luck in all matters.
Inanimate objects, things:

Arch - development, transition to the next important life stage
Tower - upcoming marriage
Fan - loss of job or family
The eye is a deception, unkind people
Mushroom is a good sign that portends surprises
House - a change for the better, perhaps a move
Star - career growth, luck
The book - new knowledge and ideas, perhaps a new stage in life
Cross - problems and troubles are coming

Ladder - career advancement, career
Car - upcoming trip
The bridge is a complex sign that requires the need to find compromises
Ball (circle) - obsession with something, which can also mean stability
Knife - breaking friendly or love relationships, quarrels; perhaps in such cases you should do a love spell yourself
Clouds - problems and doubts
Points - you need to reconsider your attitude to the situation, then it can be corrected
Horseshoe - undoubted success, good luck
Rose or any flower - the fulfillment of all cherished desires
A cup is a beautiful, harmonious existence
Egg - new ideas and dreams.

At the end of the divination, one should separate the pictures, the designation of the figures of which was positive, from the pictures with a negative meaning. The good ones are advised to keep as auspicious signs and good talismans, the bad ones - to throw it away or bury it in the ground.

The exact meaning of the pictures when divining at home on wax rules for the interpretation of symbols

If different symbols are close to each other, their meaning should be compared during interpretation. The symbol located in the center is the main one. From it, and should be repelled when deciphering. Other signs located nearby may promise a series of certain events. At the same time, the central and adjacent figures indicate the near future. But distant ones can tell about the distant future. The tips we have selected will help the fortune-tellers to correctly interpret the wax castings that have appeared. They will help to easily understand the meaning of the pictures that appeared during divination on wax.

How to correctly understand the meaning of pictures when divining on a wax candle and water?

Separately taken symbols are a separate story of the present or the near future. But combinations of them can reinforce each other. Therefore, for an accurate interpretation, it is recommended to separately write out the values ​​of each figure, and then make your own forecast for the future.

  • candle: its appearance will indicate the ability to easily reveal the secrets of the future, so the candle symbol is very good for divination on wax and water;
  • drops: indicates the possibility of getting rid of any financial problems, receiving money or receiving winnings;
  • butterfly: denotes ease of decision important issues, getting rid of adversity and everything that has weighed on the fortuneteller lately;
  • hourglass: symbolizes the need to make cardinal and serious decisions (although the result of actions can be both positive and negative);
  • dove: indicates the restoration of friendly relations with a person who is dear to the fortuneteller (symbolizes the restoration of peace and tranquility);
  • point: set - to the emergence of profit, the flow of money; near a negative sign - to mitigate circumstances; near a positive sign - to its strengthening;
  • egg: to the birth of a child in the family;
  • vase: while the secrets of the fortuneteller have not yet been revealed, but in the near future they may become the property of many if she does not protect them even better;
  • pyramid: indicates the imminent fulfillment of cherished desires, the possibility of new discoveries and the achievement of goals;
  • home: the ability to create strong relationships with a partner that will be built on trust;
  • feather: symbolizes uncertainty, inability to concentrate on tasks (helps to avoid negative consequences if the fortuneteller shows more confidence);
  • fire: for lovers and self-confident - a sign of the imminent creation of a passionate romantic relationship, the accomplishment of what was planned; for insecure people - problems with the future, danger.

The symbols we have considered are quite often found in divination on wax and water. However, they can be both voluminous and flat. The location and dimensions practically do not affect the interpretation. Only the figure itself and its shape are important.

Video example of the interpretation of the characters that appeared from the wax after divination

To consolidate the knowledge gained by future fortunetellers, we recommend watching the following video example. It will help to make sure that wax castings are easy to decipher and learn to see their true essence, regardless of form.

It is allowed to conduct home fortune-telling on wax not only alone, but also together with friends. True, it is worth inviting only trusted and kind people. Fortune telling on wax and water is recommended on a moonlit night. This time will help you get the most accurate forecasts for the future. The interpretation of the meanings of symbols and signs should be carried out after a thorough examination of the resulting wax castings.

With special attention, you need to study the data by letters and numbers from wax. They carry unusual interpretations for the future.

Online fortune-telling by candlelight checking relationships

Take two identical candles. Tie a white thread around one (this one is yours), and a black thread around the other (this one is your chosen one). Light both nearby candles at the same time and look at their behavior:

  • Flame means passion - whoever has it more loves more.
  • Uneven fire, crackling, soot - a sign of heart anguish in the corresponding person.
  • A suddenly extinguished flame predicts the end of a relationship. And it is the “extinguished” side that will contribute to the separation.
  • If the candle symbolizing a partner falls, then you'd better give up the relationship. It is believed that this indicates the insincerity and unreliability of your beloved.
  • Whose symbol burns first will not be distinguished by constancy in the future.
  • If both flames went out at one moment, then the chosen ones will live happily ever after in each other's arms.

You can, starting fortune-telling online, ask a question, and, based on the answer you receive, judge whether you should take on this case, or is it better to postpone it until a more successful period. You can also learn fortune-telling online relationships - after all, the interpretation of symbols is so clear that you can get general description your joint future, or the real present.

Sometimes, when making fortune-telling online love, site users get answers that are worth thinking about - veiled tips can sometimes give more food for thought than precise instructions for action.

Tune in to fortune-telling, put aside your daily problems, because fortune-telling online past present and future will truly predict you only if you are mentally ready to accept the revelation sent by invisible forces.

Candle fortune telling online for free is much better than an expensive session with an unknown fortuneteller, which may even be less true than a completely free and detailed review for the future. It is advisable to concentrate on one aspect of your life, for example, guess online love, and think about the object of your mental torment, or conduct fortune-telling online career, and then what you say candles correlate with your work. If you have an unsolvable situation in your life that makes you worry, do fortune-telling what to do, and the answer to your question will appear in the form of a symbol with an interpretation. Candle fortune telling online is a convenient and fairly truthful forecast.

On our site there are various online fortune-telling questions and answers, try guessing on different pages, and depending on your preferences, choose those online predictions that are more typical for you. The site Fate and fortune-telling by candlelight online wishes you true predictions and an improvement in your life. True free fortune telling is already waiting for you!

The meaning of the image of a jellyfish

Images of inhabitants sea ​​depths symbolize freedom. Cyanea is a creature that is never kept in captivity. For a fortuneteller, a figure can mean getting freedom from debts, boring connections, unloved work.

And this creature is capable of unexpectedly harming people. Therefore, the game of the game should be careful: troubles may already be waiting for the fortuneteller, and since such a thing is when everything in life seems successful and calm. But forewarned - clean, armed. To perceive problems, difficulties should be with cold rationality, calmness, take deliberate decisions with sober prudence.

Figure resembling a jellyfish

Predictions taking into account the resentment of the fortuneteller

Most predictors note that this figure is a symbol of secrets, alien alias of their own. They can lie on the heart as a heavy burden, interfering with the calm flow of life. Sometimes knowledge helps to become stronger, advance in life, achieve success. The wax dogu jellyfish did not just turn out during fortune-telling. The current image indicates that there are secrets, and what should be done with this?

  1. 1. To people who are tired of other people's secrets, the jellyfish gives the diet: it's time to stop being a "vest". Connections that do not give comfort, but simply torment, must be cut off without regret.
  2. 2. For professionals who, on duty, need to listen to the confessions of strangers, the image of a jellyfish gives advice: to use knowledge to your advantage. Of course, there are rules here, especially otherwise it applies to psychologists, doctors, teachers, workers in orphanages and nursing homes. Professional ethics require taking permission from patients or participants in events. Near the observance of this condition, you can use knowledge to write publications (with a change in names, geographical names, date). As a result, they can receive additional income, promote professional rating.
  3. 3. The jellyfish tells those who have lost the jackpot: there is a way out, you just need to carefully rethink recent conversations. They may contain clues.

The purpose of divination

Having decided to find out your future, you need to mentally or aloud pronounce before starting actions, in relation to which the received wax figure is briefly considered:

Purpose of divination:
On passion
Jellyfish reproduce sexually, but do not form permanent pairs. The beloved surprises with beauty, but she herself consists of 95% water. Here you should not make plans for a happy life together in the near future - the current relationship is superficial

Women should be more careful at all: according to legend, Posidon abused the beautiful Gorgon, leaving her pregnant
For friendship
It is necessary to raise new acquaintances with great care. Medusa can burn, and her anger is sometimes fatal

The head of the Gorgon, even after her death, was capable of directing people into stone: you need to be wary of an old friend with whom for a century) there was a quarrel - he can do harm in the most unexpected minute
For a career
This inhabitant of the underwater depths is capable of jet propulsion. The image predicts: with an effort, the fortuneteller can quickly ascend up the career ladder
For creative success
According to the legend of the Gorgon Medusa, her children came out of her headless body along with blood, one of which was the winged horse Pegasus - a favorite of the muses, an inspirer of creative personalities. In view of this, the fortuneteller will very soon gain fame, success will accompany him in his creative path. But for this he will have to give up something expensive.
For finance
According to the saying, money is water, even if you hold it like a wolf in your hands. But a jellyfish, consisting of 95% water, is basta material. Therefore, this figure predicts a big profit, but an illiterate in monetary terms, but in an objective form: winning a car, inheriting real estate, an irreplaceable gift
For events
The coming future is rich in favorable ups and downs. This is a possible journey, material gain, promotion, creative laurels. But the figure of a jellyfish warns fortunetellers: in love and friendship, they must be very careful, they are far from immune from deceit and betrayal on these fronts.

The meaning of the image of the turtle

The image of a reptile capable of being on land and water will open up many interesting things for a person who has imagination and knows how to dig logical conclusions. The fact that turtles can exist from above in freedom and in captivity plays an important role for the predictor.

Positive ups and downs or negative portends the figure of an animal when divining on wax depends on whether this creature can harm a person in reality. Cynosterna is a harmless reptile. Therefore, this symbol does not carry negativity.

One of the wax castings is very reminiscent of a turtle

The slowness of the turtle guarantees a calm lifeline without much change. The ability of an animal to be inside the shell in case of danger indicates that in difficult times the fortuneteller has a shorter chance of avoiding serious consequences.

The image of a turtle is considered by many as a symbol of longevity, wisdom, wealth, which is also a nice bonus. Apagogue: the fortuneteller is not threatened with an early departure from life, poverty.

Predictions taking into account the gossip of a fortuneteller

It is important who exactly wants to look into the future

Taking into account the gossip of the fortuneteller, each person is selected an individual prediction:
  1. 1. For an impulsive person who makes hasty decisions, keep the choleric uplift light, this symbol will be a warning. He seems to be telling him that a slow forward movement is more useful than a quick, but thoughtless step.
  2. 2. For active sanguine people who are vigilantly creating new projects, the turtle figure suggests slowing down. Starting something new, he should carefully consider all possible turns and situations.
  3. 3. For calm and balanced phlegmatic people, the urinal portends a reward for their perseverance and patience in the near future. This is either purchased own real estate, or financial injections into the budget, or profitable offers from the outside.
  4. 4. For slow, indecisive melancholics, the current symbol will also become support: their characteristic features will be appreciated, because of the rich inner world, a person will take his place in life.
  5. 5. Childless families dreaming of offspring will be able to fish out their goal, because turtles are capable of producing a huge amount of cubs a year.
  6. 6. People who are not rich can count on an increase in wealth.

In every respect, without exception, the turtle promises that no acceptably bad things will happen anytime soon.

The purpose of divination

The meaning of the image is different if the fortuneteller directs the lure of thoughts in a certain direction:

Purpose of divination: Prediction
From above love In relations with the opposite sex, everything remains stable. Quarrels, quarrels unfavorable threaten
For friendship It is worth trusting old friends, it is through them that real support will be. But new acquaintances should not only trust the most intimate: the turtle advises to beware of prudent people
Keep your finances Monetary profit is already on the way. From now on, the fortune of a fortuneteller will grow quite steadily
For a career Thanks to wisdom, the symbol of which is the guise of a turtle, a career will go up in the future. It is even possible that the chief executive of the company will be able to stop
For creative success You should not open new projects in the near future, but you need to try on the old ones, attracting all your strength and patience. Success will come, but not obviously and quickly
For events The turtle does not guarantee special events. Khan, what will happen, is already on the way, people have been striving for it for a long time. You just need to slow down and relax.

What time to choose for fortune telling

For any fortune-telling, magical and mysterious days that fall at the time of the full moon are most suitable. It is believed that with a full moon in the sky, a person's chakras open to the maximum, as a result of which the connection with everything otherworldly and mystical is enhanced. At the same time, the full moon is not always suitable for divination in the sky, while there are suitable days with a waning moon.

Determine the month and day of the week

  • The following days are considered the most suitable for fortune telling. lunar calendar: second day, fifth to seventh day, tenth, twelfth and thirteenth;
  • As a rule, they do not guess on Fridays and Saturdays, because this can bring big trouble. An exception to the rule are Christmas and Christmas Fridays, in view of the fact that these are generally recognized “fortune-telling” days from time immemorial;
  • Since ancient times, "holy days", i.e. Christmas time, which lasts two weeks from Christmas to the Epiphany of the Lord, has always been considered the most reliable for divination. In particular, this applies to the evening of Christmas Eve - January 18, as well as Vasiliev's evening - January 13. These days you can spend fortune-telling at home and in cheerful noisy companies, you can guess what you want: fortune-telling for love, for the future, for a wedding, for prosperity;
  • By all signs and beliefs, January is the month most suitable for divination for the long term, in particular for the current year.

Candles have special magical properties which, of course, could not go unnoticed. Even in Rus', divination with wax and water was popular, which was most often carried out on Christmas Eve. European women also predicted the future by wax no less actively.

Fortune telling on wax from a candle

Today, wax divination is also popular, especially among young girls. The main advantage of this way to know the future is its simplicity. Melted wax, falling into the water, solidifies and takes on the shape of a figure. To unravel the symbolic meaning of the resulting figure is the task of a fortuneteller. When conducting fortune-telling on wax, the meaning of symbols cannot always be unraveled the first time. However, perseverance in this matter will certainly lead to the desired result.

Fortune telling with wax on the water

In order to know your fate with the help of a candle, long preparations are not needed. For such fortune-telling, a simple minimum set is enough:

  1. Large wax candle
  2. Matchbox
  3. Bowl of cold water (water should not be ice cold)

Only the patience of a fortuneteller can be added to this list. To get the result, you need a sufficient amount of melted wax, which means that the candle should burn for a long time.

Experienced fortune tellers advise choosing multi-colored candles so that it is easier to see the outline of the resulting figure against the background of a light bowl. In addition, you need to ask a question of interest in advance. The color of the candle used also depends on the nature of the question. For love relationships, a red or pink candle is suitable, for questions about health - a green one. Financial issues are best resolved using a gold-plated candle. With this approach, the meaning of wax figures during divination will be as accurate as possible.

It is very important during divination to look at the flame of a candle. The flame will tell you something about the divination mood:

  • A candle that was lit quickly and without problems, which burns remarkably well, is a good sign.
  • A candle that hisses, sparks, or makes other noises may mean that you will receive a very important message.
  • A candle that burns very slowly and burns very sluggishly is not a good sign.
  • A candle that does not light up means that you should stop guessing and reschedule this event for another day.

To find out what awaits you in the future, you need to bring the resulting wax figure to the wall / door (any vertical surface). The shadow that will be cast will form a new figure that will signify your future.

Christmas divination on wax

You can guess on wax at any time, but the most suitable time for this is New Year's Eve and Christmas time. Previously, for Christmas divination, it was advised to choose special places that should enhance the effect. The girls went to abandoned houses, a bathhouse, a barn, a basement, a canopy, an attic or a cemetery. It was necessary to guess without belts and pectoral crosses, the hair was loosened, and the knots on the clothes were untied.

Christmas divination on wax consisted of pouring molten wax into water, after which some kind of figurine was obtained. Figures with a bad value were thrown to the pigs or buried in the ground, and with a good one they were kept until the next divination.

Fortune telling on wax: interpretation of figures

For girls who conduct fortune telling on wax, the designation of the figures has highest value. It is on the basis of the resulting figure that you can try to predict your future.

After the wax has got into the water and hardened, it is necessary to carefully study its shape and determine which particular object it is closer to. It is very important to give free rein to your imagination. The wax figurine can be viewed directly in the bowl or taken out of the water and examined from different angles. Having decided on the type of figure obtained, you can begin to interpret this symbol. When divining with wax, a variety of figures can be obtained - animals, flowers, trees, human images, the sun, mythical creatures and much more.

The dog symbolizes a faithful comrade who is next to you. Such a fortune-telling result suggests that you also know how to make friends and highly value friendships. You yourself always strive to help loved ones, so you can safely count on support in any situation. The wax dog acts as a hint: it's time to recruit a team (if you haven't already) - together you can solve many problems and achieve incredible results.

The figure of a dog standing on its hind legs means that some close person your help is required.

Seeing such a figure, you can safely prepare for good news, one way or another related to water. In addition, after such fortune-telling, acquaintance with foreigners becomes more likely. The silent and mysterious fish also speaks of the presence or imminent appearance in your life of a slightly mysterious, laconic and wise adviser or mentor. Even if it will not be easy, it is still worth listening to his words and recommendations.

The wax heart, of course, speaks of love. It is love that will occupy your thoughts in the near future, and no other problems can bother you anymore. With almost one hundred percent probability, we can say that your feelings will not go unnoticed and unshared.

The shape of a cast heart can additionally tell a lot about love. A favorable sign that predicts happy love can be considered a distinct heart shape with sharp boundaries. If the heart is veined, the shape is indistinct or consists of several parts - this is a bad, alarming sign that warns of a possible danger.

The wax figure in the form of an elephant has several meanings. This symbol indicates that you are a strong person with a significant supply of vital energy. You are walking with a firm and confident step along the right path, but you must not ignore the people around you, otherwise luck may turn away from you. This sign also shows that there are well-wishers behind your back, that is, people who are always ready to help and support, shifting some of your duties and problems onto their shoulders. In addition, the wax elephant indicates your excellent physical shape and at the same time warns that intense and excessive loads are unacceptable and can harm you, depriving you of all your former opportunities.

In a word, the elephant symbolizes strength, perseverance and confidence in the correctness of the chosen methods to achieve the goal. To avoid collapse, it is worth being prudent and avoid using your exceptional strength to the detriment of others.

If during fortune-telling you saw a wax flower, this indicates the beginning of an extremely favorable period in your life, filled with a series of joyful events. Everything you have planned will certainly come true. The people around you will rejoice at your luck, and you will definitely share with every piece of your luck.

The flower also suggests that you may get married or meet a new and very reliable partner.

Flowers are a very auspicious sign, symbolizing changes for the better, success in everything: dreams come true, sometimes even exorbitant ambitions are realized. Regardless of what wax flowers turned out during fortune-telling, they always talk about your spiritual inescapable joy, with which you easily share with people around you. Flowers also show that you have many friends who are always happy to talk with you. Flowers are a symbol of your beautiful and happy future.

If a girl conducts divination on wax, a rose may seem to her more often than other flowers. This speaks of love that already lives in the heart of a fortuneteller or will appear there in the near future. If you see a wax rose, don't be afraid to open your heart to a new feeling.

A sign that gives hope, indicating that there are enough internal resources to achieve the goals set. You are strong in spirit, stand firmly on your feet, open to the world around you and draw strength from it.

Reliability, stability, strength and fortitude will certainly help in your affairs and in solving problems that arise.

snake - cobra

The snake is a symbol that is interpreted in different ways: wisdom, strength, and also a sign of danger. On the one hand, this sign symbolizes wisdom and the ability to find a way out of difficult life situations. On the other hand, the sign of the snake warns of danger, someone's treachery, for which your personal relationships may become a target. The whole reason is the dangerous and insidious enemies around you.

The embryo speaks of any deeds conceived and the desire to bring them to life.

Fortune telling on wax helps to predict the near future and prepare for trouble. When divining on wax, a bird is a herald of future changes in life. The meaning of the symbol is influenced by the fortune-telling hand and its position.

fortune telling hand

Depending on the gender and family status of the fortuneteller, the bird on the surface of the wax acquires a different interpretation. For men, such a symbol promises professional growth if their work is related to travel or creativity. In family relationships, the fortuneteller will be able to support the marriage, although scandals with the spouse may occur.

For a young man without a couple, the figure indicates an imminent marriage. In the near future, he will meet a girl with whom he can build a serious relationship.

If a woman has formed a bird on the surface of the water, she skillfully combines work and home. Such a sign predicts an early pregnancy. The bird falls out to overly chatty girls.

For an unmarried bird, when divining on wax, promises a trip or vacation abroad. There is a chance that during the holidays the girl will meet her love.

For pregnant women, this figure portends an easy birth. If the bird is headless, the baby may have problems with the blood vessels. A figure with a large beak indicates a risk of miscarriage.

bird breed

Wax figures do not always take such clear contours to unravel the breed of a bird. However, sometimes you can make out the wings or beak characteristic of the species.


An owl portends a disease to a fortuneteller or his loved ones. Its characteristic feature is unpredictability. The cause of the disease is a virus or bacterial infection.

In the future, this disease will go into a chronic stage or lead to complications. When this sign falls out, the vaccination course is repeated and immunity is strengthened.


The most common meanings of eagle are:

  • rapid career growth;
  • blat or help from a superior employee;
  • deterioration of relations with parents, increased control on their part.

In a married couple, the eagle portends a struggle for leadership. In such conflicts, the girl will be inferior to the man in power energy.


Sparrow portends travel and change of housing. the wax sparrow is the sign of the gypsies, the traveling theater and the drivers of long distance routes. For people of these professions, the symbol guarantees safety on the way.

The figure is also interpreted as a waste of time. In the near future, the fortuneteller or his relatives will be prone to frivolous behavior.


The parrot says that the fortuneteller neglects intuition. He follows the advice of outsiders and is not capable of initiative.

Another meaning of the parrot is stereotypical thinking, denial of individuality, fear of extraordinary personalities.

The flock portends emigration. The fortuneteller will have to change culture and traditions.


The hummingbird indicates the nervous exhaustion of the fortuneteller or his loved ones. The cause of moral decline is a constant feeling of anxiety.

Such concerns are usually unfounded. If the wax has taken the form of a hummingbird, it is better to take a walk in the forest or go to the sea.


The dove was always responsible for the news. Cast in wax - a messenger of good news. Also, the bird represents freedom from financial difficulties and the fulfillment of a dream.


The meaning of the symbol changes, depending on the state of affairs. A married couple is threatened with conflicts and misunderstanding, due to the fact that one of the spouses refuses to take responsibility for their actions. Scandals can lead to divorce.

For those who are looking for living space, the stork is a good messenger. New house will be cozy and warm. For girls who are planning a wedding, the stork promises a child.

Crow or raven

The crow is surrounded by bad superstitions. This is a messenger of illness, quarrel and even death. The scandal is likely to be provoked by a mean girl.

The raven will bring the fortuneteller wisdom in making decisions. For students, this sign guarantees the successful passing of exams.


The interpretation of the sign varies, depending on the characteristics of the fortuneteller. Common values:

  • there is a chance to earn and become famous, but you will have to make a lot of effort;
  • a sudden meeting with an unpleasant person;
  • a pregnant girl is more likely to give birth to a boy.


The duck promises good luck to those who own a private business or are engaged in trade. For lovers, it means a long and stable relationship.

However, the sign also warns of intruders. More often this is due to the sale of information or slander behind the back.


A flamingo characterizes a fortuneteller as a dreamer and romantic. A flock resting on the water indicates the presence of secret admirers. However, all candidates do not deserve attention: they are too frivolous.


Fortune telling on wax interprets a rooster as a person's readiness for change. In the near future, the fortuneteller will be able to complete a business that he has been putting off for a long time. This includes receiving higher education, starting your own business or starting a family.


The chicken indicates the stability of finances in the coming period. There will be no problems related to money, but it will not be possible to earn a large amount.

For a married couple, a chicken promises understanding and well-being. The sign will help resolve conflicts between generations.


A fortuneteller who has an ostrich does not know how to take responsibility. Such people are afraid of the truth and try to avoid conflicts.

If wax formed not only a bird, but also an egg, a pregnant woman will appear in the immediate environment, who will hide her position.


Liberated Firebird with big amount patterns promise happiness. For sick people, the sign prophesies recovery. For the poor - sudden wealth.

However, for people who are not clean at hand, fortune-telling predicts poverty and hunger.

bird position

Depending on the location of the bird when divining on wax, the meaning of the figure changes. Known interpretations:

  • On a branch. The fortuneteller has an unstable financial situation due to unnecessary spending. In the near future, unexpected expenses will arise: repairs, a loan, or an acute illness.
  • In the nest There will be a waiting period in life. Diseases become chronic. For girls, the sign promises pregnancy.
  • In flight. If a person is pursued by poverty, the sign predicts getting rid of financial problems. In any other situation, fortune-telling promises a major failure or disappointment. To achieve the goal, you will have to retreat for a while in order to accumulate strength.
  • Keeps head under wing. The figure indicates attachment to home and relatives. A person does not want to create his own family.

Other factors

The value of the wax figure is also influenced by external features sign. Among them are the following.

Fortune telling on wax can reveal all the nuances of our future. This is one of the most truthful ways of prediction. Water is a powerful information carrier and, in contact with it, wax forms a figure that conveys what awaits us. It is not always possible to correctly decipher the symbols and in desperation a number of rash acts are committed that create even greater problems. It is not necessary to painfully perceive the results of divination, it is important to carefully study the cast figure in order to understand what exactly it depicts before reading its meaning.

Features of divination on water and a candle

It is best to resort to divination for the future at the beginning of some new stage in life. This may be another place of residence, new job, New Year, new love, and also in Christmas time. It is advisable to start fortune telling after sunset. Candles should be used instead of lighting. When lighting them, it is important to notice whether the wick flared up easily, whether it burns brightly, whether there is cod. A brightly burning candle means that the moment for divination has been chosen successfully. The hissing or crackling of a candle promises failure, it is better to postpone the fortune-telling session for another time.

Comment! Wax for divination is recommended to use only natural. Synthetic candles will not work. Dishes for melting should be metal: a spoon, a ladle, a bowl.

The color of the candle is chosen depending on the purpose of divination:

  • for love - a red candle is used;
  • for money and prosperity - a green candle;
  • for family well-being - a white candle;
  • for the future - a blue or blue candle.

The resulting wax symbols must be carefully considered so as not to be mistaken in their interpretation. It is advisable to keep the figurines symbolizing success and love for yourself, and those carrying negative information must be disposed of by burying them in the ground. You can’t keep them in the house, they will attract a lot of trouble.

How to guess on wax and water

You can’t start fortune telling if there are doubts or distrust, this destroys the sacred mood. Purchase candles in advance, prepare a container for melting wax with a long handle and a glass of cold water. Stored water should not be placed near waste, a TV or a sink with dirty dishes. Water will absorb their negative energy, which will then be transferred to wax. The question that will be asked when divining on wax and water is recommended to be carefully considered. You can ask about the most important or disturbing events only 1 time.

It will not be superfluous to mentally prepare for fortune-telling. What happens can shock or disappoint, you need to be prepared for this. A rite performed out of curiosity is not valid.

A warning! anxiety, jealousy, Bad mood- this is an excuse to abandon fortune-telling. In this state, a person will definitely see what worries him, and not what actually happened. Hasty actions will negatively affect his present.

Maximum concentration and consistency in actions will help to correctly perform the ritual of divination and find out the whole truth about the near future.

  1. Retire, turn off the phone and TV.
  2. Light a candle that will serve as lighting in the room.
  3. Curtain the windows, leaving the one in which the moon is reflected uncurtained.
  4. Close up with thick cloth icons.
  5. Change into loose clothing that does not restrict movement. Avoid belts, rings, chains, bracelets.
  6. Take off the cross.
  7. Let your hair down, they will serve as a transmitter of the energy of the Higher powers.
  8. Get rid of extraneous thoughts.
  9. Take a fortune-telling candle of the desired color, carefully cut lengthwise and remove the wick.
  10. Warm it with your hands and, slowly, roll up a lump of wax.
  11. Put it in the prepared bowl for melting. The amount of wax is chosen at your discretion, but you need to consider that some of it will settle on the dishes.
  12. Melt. If melting wax in a spoon, then it is necessary to hold it over a candle until the entire mass is melted.
  13. If the container is deep, then the wick from the candle does not need to be removed. It is set on fire and left to melt. The amount of wax required for divination is formed after 1 hour. The melting process must not be accelerated, the wax should not be stirred. At this time, it is better to focus on the issue. To prevent the wax from solidifying ahead of time, you can melt it in a water bath.
  14. Melted fortune-telling wax is carefully poured into a bowl of cold water, after asking a question of interest. You can do this directly from the candle without rolling it, but the casting of the figure will turn out to be inexpressive, it will be difficult to decipher it, and multiple droplets of wax violate the reliability of fortune-telling. You can not splash or express it. Uniform merging will ensure the design of a clear figure from wax, otherwise it will turn into a shapeless stain.

Advice! If the candle used for melting and the container with water are of contrasting colors, then the frozen wax figures will become more distinct.

For a white candle, dishes with a dark bottom are ideal, for colored candles - a light or transparent container.

They carefully peer into the outlines of the hardening wax - this is the answer to the question asked. Often the most important fortune-telling prediction is formed in the first few seconds, and the rest of the symbols only complement it. For example, letters or numbers were formed from wax, which means that it is on them that you need to focus attention, they are main point divination. Sometimes one figure gradually forms another. It is necessary to observe the whole process in divination and memorize the details, recording the sequence of their appearance.

The hardened wax is carefully, trying not to damage, taken out on a napkin or towel. They study the resulting figures and begin to interpret them. If the figure does not cause associations, you can postpone decoding for a few days. It doesn't have to be done immediately.

The meaning of figures in divination on wax and water

When , a variety of symbols can form on the water. It can be:

  • numbers;
  • letters;
  • circles;
  • points;
  • animals;
  • people;
  • birds;
  • other signs and figures.

But their interpretation is sometimes difficult. In fortune-telling on wax, it is necessary to take into account all individual characteristics: age, profession, character of a person and his social status. Often at this stage, people come to a standstill or read incorrect information. Experts recommend contacting them in such situations.

You can use a mirror to see the tide better. Sometimes the display in it is more visual than the piece of wax itself. You should not expect that the figures will be cast clear, understandable and beautiful, like a souvenir.

Attention! The meaning of the received symbols depends on the specifics of the question asked during fortune-telling. For example, when divining for love, the figure of a dog can be interpreted as a friend or lover.

If you need to find out what caused the disease, then it should be understood in the literal sense - a disease due to a dog (from wool, fleas or infection).

Multiple wax figures, located close to each other, are interpreted as follows:

  • the central symbol is the answer to the question asked in the process of divination, and you need to start from it, deciphering the rest;
  • the figures located at the top are the near future;
  • the symbols at the bottom convey the present;
  • figures to the left of the central symbol tell about the past;
  • the figures to the right of the center reveal the secret of the distant future (several years ahead);
  • more distant symbols say that upcoming events are still far away.

Turtle in divination on wax

The contour of a turtle on wax symbolizes routine, everyday affairs without emotional outbursts and bright events. It is worth abandoning sudden, rash decisions, weighing your words and deeds. Trying to destroy this tranquility by looking for thrills is pointless.

Snake in divination on wax

The snake is interpreted in divination in two ways. Rolled into a ball, it reflects a person’s doubts and indecision in actions. Wriggling, like a crawling snake, predicts illness, the appearance of enemies or temptation, betrayal is possible, the danger of a break in relations. The inactive, more like a straight line, characterizes the fortuneteller as a wise and strong person, able to resolve any difficulties in his path.

If a snake with a hood has taken a stance, this is a warning about aggression from enemies. Soon you will have to actively look for ways out of a difficult situation. Cobra can report the presence of envious people, betrayal, resentment. In divination for love, she symbolizes the accusations from the partner, the desire to lie low and transfer the blame to her soulmate.

Tree in divination on wax

Ebb on wax in the form of a shrub or tree with branches raised up promises joy, happiness in life, a strong family. If they are lowered down, it means that sadness, failure, longing awaits. A tree with a large fluffy crown portends good changes in life. New offers should be accepted without hesitation, they will bring benefits or happiness. In divination for the future, this symbolizes stability.

Heart in divination on wax

If, during divination with wax, a heart formed on the water, then this indicates a quick love - strong and long-term. Perhaps a new acquaintance. A figure with clear contours - love will be mutual and bring happiness. If it is uneven, there are cracks, then the relationship will be deeply disappointing.

Bird in divination on wax

The outline of a bird on wax means you will soon receive news. A flying bird with spread wings promises good news or a pleasant meeting with people who have not been seen for a long time. New projects in business and other fields of activity will be successful. A small bird - to many small pleasant surprises. If dots are scattered near the bird, this is a scandal.

The meaning of fish in divination on wax

A fish during fortune-telling on wax portends an acquaintance with a laconic, but important person for the one who guesses. He can help in the future. Reticence may mean that he is a foreign citizen and does not know the language well. In some cases, the fish may warn that silence (or silence of something) will negatively affect the future fate and it's time to reveal your secrets. If wax fortune-telling is performed in connection with a move or a change of job, then the figure of the fish indicates that everything will turn out much better than expected. For calm, unemotional people of the water element, fish means that they are completely satisfied with life.

Dog in divination on wax

If a figure of a dog is formed from wax, then a true friend is nearby. It is possible that the fortuneteller does not appreciate his existence, considering it natural. The dog may also hint that it's time to ask friends for help, you won't be able to cope alone. But the dog standing on its hind legs reports that friends need help. In love divination, she symbolizes the groom. If this is a small puppy, and not an adult dog, then it's time for a group of friends to get together. Lonely puppy advises to acquire comrades and like-minded people.

Ghost in divination on wax

A ghost, a ghost is a messenger from the past, as well as doubts and fears hiding in the depths. News from old friends, not necessarily pleasant. A letter or a meeting with those who have not been seen for a long time.

Bear in divination on wax

The figure of a bear on wax prophesies an intrusion into the life of a stronger or more influential person, perhaps a complete stranger. He is benevolent and his help can change fate. For unmarried girls, the bear portends the appearance of a brave and caring man. The little teddy bear advises not to forget about loved ones, to give them warmth and care. The figure of a bear cub is often manifested in fortune-telling by people who are inclined to sympathize, empathize and have the opportunity to provide charitable assistance.

Hippo in fortune-telling on wax

If the wax has taken the form of a hippopotamus, this means that there is already love in the life of a fortuneteller. Perhaps this person cannot fully reveal his feelings, because the hippopotamus is thick-skinned and restrained, passionate feelings are not for him. But he is reliable, calm and predictable. If you want to find just such a person, you should remember him. Life with him will bring long-awaited happiness. Otherwise, love will turn into disappointment.

The meaning of the dragon in divination on wax

The dragon promises an early resolution of problems, the settlement of conflicts and disputes. The desired will surely come true, what has been started will be successfully completed.

Other symbols

If the figure of a star appeared on the wax, then the desire, which is the goal of fortune-telling, will come true. Career growth, new love, buying a home - luck and help from above will accompany everything.

The spider warns of insidious and cunning people in the environment. It is advisable to refuse any new undertakings, they will bring trouble.

The swan is a symbol of fidelity and love. The one who has cast the figure of a swan expects harmony and happiness in the family. If the swans are in a pair, then there is a meeting with a person with whom an ideal couple is formed for life. When divining to move, the swans report that the fate of the fortuneteller is there.

A crocodile when divining on wax means a betrayal of friends or relatives. Among them there is a greedy, envious and vile hypocrite. He waits for an opportunity to do harm. You should not be frank with anyone about yourself and try to avoid empty talk and gossip.

The mouse symbolizes senseless turmoil. Difficulties lie ahead that will not be resolved. Chaotic actions, restless thoughts and confusion will not be able to resolve the situation, clear, precise solutions are needed. A mouse sitting on its hind legs indicates that the source of danger cannot be found. When divining for love, it means intrigue and deceit of rivals.

Butterfly, on the contrary, brings relief from problems. There will be a feeling of carelessness and happiness. Perhaps soon love will fly into life. It is possible that this carelessness will be in a loved one. And his insecurity, inconstancy will bring a lot of pain and trouble.

If a caterpillar is guessed on the wax, this portends failure. A long line of them can lead to collapse. This cannot be avoided, but do not forget that everything in life is consistent. This means that in order to make pleasant changes in a boring and ordinary life, you need to completely destroy it and rebuild it.

The hedgehog reports the intensity of relations with a loved one, relative, colleague, friend. It is worth becoming more loyal and everything will change for the better.

A circle in divination means obsession with something. It's time to relax, change the situation and not think about anything, then everything will work out. A circle on wax can mean an established stability in life. There will be no change in fate. The oval symbolizes success in difficult endeavors. You can boldly move forward.

Lips cast on wax promise violent passion and sensuality in the near future.

Dots portend material well-being and financial success. When divining for love - easy, non-binding meetings without love.

The number 8 means the same as the infinity symbol. The sequence of events will repeat itself. It won't be easy to change anything.

The letter, when divining the betrothed, says that his name will begin with her. To get more reliable information, fortune-telling for the betrothed is best done on the night from Sunday to Monday. If the question was different, the answer to it lies in this letter: yes, no, the name of the patron, a memorable date. It must be interpreted individually.

Christmas divination reflects the future of a longer period than on other days. Therefore, in mystical practice, this time is most popular. Fortune telling on wax is no exception.

Important! Wax must not be broken before melting, it should be lightly kneaded with your hands. Gross interference distorts the prediction results. The same applies to stirring the melting wax. It is not recommended to pull the mass poured into the water, this will disrupt the natural process of divination.

When deciphering the symbols, you need to concentrate as much as possible on the castings. Taking into account all individual characteristics and the process of drawing an image, it consistently reflects all life changes.

You can bring a lit candle to a figure that cannot be deciphered and examine the shadow from it reflected on the wall.

If the results of fortune-telling pleased, you must definitely thank the Higher Forces by leaving a coin at the crossroads. If the result is disappointing, you should no longer perform magical rites. This means that the emotional background of a fortuneteller is not very stable, because starting the fortune-telling process, you need to be prepared in advance for any information and accept it as a fact.


Fortune telling on wax gives complete and reliable information only if the ceremony is carried out correctly. Any violation completely changes its meaning. Do not panic and despair if the results of fortune-telling have brought disappointment. Next time will be better.