Fortune telling on wax the meaning of shoe figures. Interpretation of wax figures in divination

In Rus', divination on wax was especially popular. The significance of the figures and images resulting from the pouring of melted candle wax into water fascinated and intrigued. This divination was one of the most exciting activities peasant girls and ordinary townswomen on Christmas Eve.

What is Seromancy?

Fortune telling on wax, the meaning of the figures and the correct interpretation of the resulting images - this is seromancy. Such simple rituals have been practiced since the Middle Ages. Seromancy involves pouring candle wax heated in a spoon into another container filled with cold water.

The problem of modernity

Today, the medieval ritual of divination on wax is gradually being replaced by modern methods, the most effective and simple:

  • people read cards
  • girls use mirrors and rings;
  • young people tell fortunes on coffee grounds, etc.

Do not forget, please, about divination on wax. The fact is that the prediction of one's near future through casting was and is one of the most accurate and truthful. If, of course, it is done correctly.

Fortune telling on wax, in which the meaning of the figures must still be able to be correctly determined, is one of the interpretations of numerous ancient divinatory practices of casting on water. Unfortunately, modern youth often deviate from some of the rules of this ritual and use paraffin for divination. This should not be done! If you don’t have real candle wax on hand, then there’s no point in doing seromancy.

Why Wax?

In the old days, it was believed that water in combination with this substance would definitely not lie. It is the quickly hardening candle wax, instantly poured into water, that will deliver its verdict, showing a person his immediate future. The meaning of the figures when divining on wax in this case will be the most truthful.

Principles of the methodology

From ancient times, this ritual was performed by young girls directly on Christmas Eve. To do this, the young ladies had to stock up on containers of water, wax (not paraffin!) Candles. The fortune-telling ritual was carried out mainly on the night of Christmas and on the Epiphany of the Lord. Its main goal is to find out what awaits you in the near future.

Peasant and city girls found out which of them would get married and when, how many children they would have, and what the nature of their relationship with her husband would be. The practice of divination with wax on the water was noted by experienced fortune tellers, it was in great demand among housewives, nannies, and elderly women. They told fortunes mainly on themselves, but sometimes on their children and friends.

How is fortune telling on wax?

The meaning of the figures resulting from casting candle wax on water will be most accurate if you follow the simple and understandable principles of seromancy. For this ritual, it is necessary to prepare a bowl with clean and cold water, a candle, a large spoon and, in fact, the wax itself.

Before divination, you need to tune in psychologically: you must really want to see the near future. Fortune telling on wax for the sake of sports interest is strictly prohibited!

  1. Seromancy ritual should take place in a calm environment, preferably alone. In principle, it is also possible to guess together or three together, but on the condition that the rest of those present do not hold any grudges against you and do not envy you in anything.
  2. So, you need to put a bowl of water in front of you, light a candle and think only about what you are going to get an answer to in the process of divination. Get the rest of your thoughts out of your head. Maintain composure and complete silence.
  3. Put a piece of candle wax on a spoon, then bring it to the candle flame. As soon as the wax melts, and this will happen in a matter of seconds, pour the liquid contents into the water. You need to pour out all the melted mass at once.
  4. Hot candle wax will harden in the water instantly, remaining floating on its surface. All! Now you just need to correctly interpret the resulting figure.

Divination on wax. Interpretation and meaning of figures

The outcome of your ritual can be unpredictable. Figures cast on water can take the most bizarre forms, so we simply cannot physically fit the interpretation of all kinds of images and their meaning into the format of our article. The interpretation of figures when divining on wax is a delicate matter, so we will simply break into logical categories the most common and well-known symbols of seromancy.

human images

Figures of this type can predict a fortuneteller an early acquaintance, a sexual relationship, and strong relationships with relatives. The most important thing here is to understand if there is any internal rejection or internal dislike for the resulting figure. If this is not there, and you like the figure, then this good sign.

A distinct silhouette of a man can prophesy for girls an early union with a loved one or some kind of romantic interest. If a figure cast in wax on water reminds you of some kind of angel, elf, mystical character, and so on, don't worry - this is a quick fulfillment of certain desires.


Everything related to banknotes, expensive jewelry, currency portends you exclusively with business success, a promotion, a long-awaited vacation or a good deal.

Crosses, locks and incomprehensible plexuses

Do not be alarmed if the wax on the water shows you a cross, a keyhole/lock, or obscure weaves of fibers. Such figures just say that your wish will not come true soon. The execution of certain plans is delayed for some time. Dont be upset!


Buses, trams, cars, ships, boats and planes cast in wax on the water indicate that a long-awaited vacation, journey, road is ahead! Some fortune-tellers give these figures another meaning: ahead is the purchase of personal vehicles. If a fortuneteller initially thought about relationships, then such figures prophesy new acquaintances, for example, on board an airplane or on the deck of a cruise ship.


This is perhaps the most numerous category of symbols that appear when you use wax divination. The value of the figures in this case will be predominantly positive. For example, a dog means a new and faithful friend, and a cat means new love acquaintances. A chicken, a sheep, a goat or a cow cast in wax predicts profit on the farm, and fish - a great catch or a big win.

But, of course, the figurines of not all animals are endowed with good sense. For example, snakes, owls, crocodiles and roosters warn the fortuneteller of a possible danger. If one of these animals is turned over, that is, as if struck, killed, then difficulties are ahead. If you do not panic and immediately take the bull by the horns, then you will famously overcome all the troubles!

Wax divination is one of the oldest divination methods that originated in ancient Egypt. Guessing is not very difficult, which attracts inexperienced witches, but it can be difficult to understand the answers received.

In the article:

How to guess on wax

There is a providence for the future, they usually choose a simple but reliable one. To get a clear answer to the question, follow the rules of divination.

Fortune telling only on a moonlit night, the preferred phase of the moon is a growing or full moon. The day before the ceremony, they tune in, do not overeat, do not drink alcohol and do not participate in noisy parties. They make sure that the necessary attributes are at hand at the right time.

Do not tell others what the girl is going to do. At the time of witchcraft, there should be no strangers in the room. An exception is when girls gather for joint fortune-telling.

An important factor is the attributes (candles, bowl, water). Candles take only wax - paraffin will not give an effect. It is difficult to find candles made of real wax, they are looked for in specialized stores or bought in a church. Water has an information field: it is not recommended to take tap water. The best option is water from a stream or a shallow fast river.

They start guessing. Think about the question, loudly and confidently pronounce it out loud. The candle is melted, the resulting wax is carefully poured into a bowl of water so as not to splash past the vessel. They try to pour in one place without twitching their hand. They wait until the wax takes on a clear shape, proceed to the interpretation of the results.

Favorable meanings of figures in divination

There are several interpretations. The main thing is to listen to yourself. If intuition suggests otherwise than what is read in the article, trust the sixth sense.

Embryo (embryo)

The figurine of an embryo symbolizes new plans, ideas, the beginning of a new life: pregnancy, a new job, relationships, hobbies, etc.

Look closely at the silhouette. If the appearance is neat, does not blur, the ideas are successful, and the undertakings will end in success. If the figurine does not have a clear silhouette, droplets of wax come off, be careful and do not jump headlong into the pool.


A good sign, symbolizing harmony in life, a joyful event. If there are many flowers, a passionate romance or marriage is coming. Predicts new friends and buddies, growing popularity. The drawing speaks of prosperous times that will soon come. It is impossible to sit idly by: the main thing is not to rely on fortune-telling and not to miss the chance that comes into your hands.


Auspicious sign, personifying the answer to the question. Information will affect the future life. If a flying bird is depicted, they are waiting for good news or unexpected luck. It is possible to win the lottery.

Projects or recent ideas are successful. If a girl is guessing for love, she will soon meet her lover. Expect a long trip, a trip abroad.


The image has several interpretations. Symbolizes the physical condition of the fortune teller. Much depends on the appearance of the figurine. If the boundaries are clear and neat, everything is in order. When the figure is blurry or crooked, the situation is not as good as it seems, pay attention to well-being. A recommendation to keep an eye on your appearance.

The elephant personifies loved ones who will always support. It symbolizes the strength and perseverance that a person skillfully uses to achieve goals. The elephant is a wise animal, the appearance of which warns against mistakes. You can not put pressure on people, look for compromises.


The object is interpreted in different ways. It matters which way the branches of the tree are turned: if they are directed upwards, they are waiting happy Days if down - a black bar ahead.

The drawing marks the imminent acquisition of desired things or sudden offers that cannot be refused. Usually these are risky ideas related to study or work. A symbol of a strong person who is not prone to empty dreams.


The heart during fortune-telling symbolizes love, imminent marriage, a new romance. If a ring is guessed near the heart, the girl will soon get married. There are other interpretations as well. If there are several dots around the heart, financial condition will improve.

The interpretation depends on the state of the drawing. If the boundaries are fuzzy, intentions are vague, a person is not sure of his own feelings, danger awaits. Reconsider views and motives.


The dog is the personification of a friend. There is a true friend who is trusted. The figurine is treated as an alter ego. The dog is a social animal, symbolizes the advice to gather like-minded people or start your own business. You can’t betray people who trust a fortuneteller, because it’s difficult to deserve it again.

Interpretation of unfavorable figures

There are images that promise trouble. If an unfavorable result is obtained, the Higher Forces warn of impending misfortune and give a chance to prepare or try to change the situation for the better.


The symbol is interpreted in different ways. The silhouette of a fish means the advice of wise people in difficult times, which will not be heeded. Not the right time to show pride.

When divining on wax, a fish appears to warn of betrayal. A sign that it is necessary to reconsider the environment. It is interpreted as an early pregnancy in a fortune-telling family. If the fish, they are waiting for an addition to the family.

Rarely is there a favorable interpretation of the figurine of good news, from being hired for a coveted job to Grandma's recovery. The news is unexpected, but pleasant.


The bear is a symbol of the need for change in life. Cardinal changes are needed (change of field of activity, moving to another country, divorce, marriage) or small ones. The figure personifies the lack of flexibility in solving everyday problems and immersion in everyday life. A person is haunted by failures due to a difficult character. If a girl is guessing for love, this is a symbol of the beginning of a relationship with a dominant man.

Probably everyone has heard about the ability to predict the future by wax melted in water. This way to lift the veil of secrecy over one's fate was well known even in the territory of Rus'. Many years have passed since then, but fortune-tellers still successfully use the meaning of figures when divining on wax to find out what awaits a person. Let's get acquainted with the most common symbols that can form from a melted candle on the surface of the water surface. But first, let's remember the rules for fortune-telling.

Fortune telling on wax: rules for conducting

Fortune telling on wax and water is quite simple. However, in ancient times, it was considered unsafe for novice witches to conduct it, since the interaction of two warring elements - fire and water, could lead to unpredictable consequences. Today, predicting the future from melted wax can be easily done at home. To do this, you will need a wax candle (namely, wax, not paraffin!) And a bowl or glass of water.

For divination, it is necessary to light a candle and hold it over a container of water until the melted wax flows into the water. When the candle burns out completely, you need to wait for the final solidification of the wax mass, and then consider the resulting figure in order to interpret its meaning. That's the whole secret of divination on wax and water. Everything is very simple, isn't it?

How to read the values ​​of the figures correctly?

The question of what fortune-telling on wax means in a particular case must be considered individually. First, you can rely on existing archetypes. This is done very simply. We look at the figure and select associations. For example, what do you associate a bouquet of flowers with? With a gift, a holiday, a love date? We can say that a bouquet of flowers in fortune-telling on wax will inform you that a gift, a romantic meeting or some kind of celebration awaits you. It all depends on how you personally perceive this symbol.

And what words can be associated with such an animal as a dog? Loyalty, devotion, true friendship? A fox can mean deceit and cunning that you will have to face, a bear - strength, reliability, endurance, a bee - diligence, a gate - the beginning of something new, etc. The most important thing with this method is to connect your intuition, how this is done when working with tarot cards.

The second way to decipher fortune-telling on wax is to use the already existing classical interpretations. Why did they become classic? Probably because for many people the predictions came out in a similar way. I must say that very often the first and second methods overlap. But sometimes it is different. For example, some people associate a snake with wisdom, and someone believes that its appearance indicates the presence of envious people who "spit poison." Therefore, to begin with, even before fortune-telling, decide which technique suits you personally. Either you interpret the figures the way the majority does, or you don't use any hints and force your own intuition to work.

The meanings of the most common figures in divination on wax

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the meanings of the figures in divination on wax and water. Naturally, in the table we include only those symbols that occur most often. If in your case some non-standard figure has appeared, think about what it is associated with for you personally and derive your own interpretation.

Figure Interpretation
Heart Great love, romance, imminent marriage
Bird Receiving information, important news (usually positive)
Tree We interpret according to the position of the branches. If the branches tend upward - fortunately, joy, longevity. If omitted - to dangerous offers, risky actions, illness
Flower or bouquet of flowers Flowers in fortune-telling on wax mean harmony, growth in popularity, the appearance of fans, gifts, an imminent holiday
Elephant Fortitude, perseverance, goal achievement, help from loved ones
Cat Betrayal by those you trust, a black streak in life
Fish Pregnancy, good news, new job, getting money, romance
Means of transportation (car, bus, train, plane, ship, etc.) Trips, travel, change of scenery, new experiences, work related to business trips
Stork Positive changes in the house, the appearance of a child, the implementation of plans
Squirrel It is necessary to think over your actions in advance, stock up, take care of your future
Angel Patronage of the Higher Forces, spiritual development, change of views, life position
Musical instruments (guitar, balalaika, drum, etc.) Creative work, career growth. Hobby that becomes work, meeting with a person from the world of art
Snail You need to become more active, change something in your life
Turtle Trust fate, do not resist what is happening
Chicken Calm, measured life, stable life
Hare Fear of upcoming events in your personal life or at work
Embryo (embryo) The meaning of the figure of the Embryo in divination on wax - new stage life. If the figure is clear - it will be successful, if it is vague - you need to act carefully
Head You have reached the pinnacle of your development. Now a new world will open before you, full of joy, curiosity, pleasant surprise. Pay attention to people who are nearby, study them.
Numbers Remember the number you see - it will bring you good luck in the near future
The Dragon Turn your plans into reality - everything will definitely work out. If the dragon has two or three heads, use the help of one or two close people
Swan Spiritual purity, chastity, wisdom, nobility, perfection
Ring To marriage or the conclusion of a profitable contract
Horse You have to work hard to achieve what you want.
Scorpion Fight with yourself, revenge, enmity, betrayal, danger of being trapped
Child New joy, positive impulse, curiosity, learning new things
Rooster Family harmony, well-being, good news
Hourglass Do not waste time, it works against you, act!
Spider Skill, dexterity, ability to convince others
Sun A positive outlook on the world, holidays in hot countries. Creativity, the ability to captivate other people
a lion The meaning of the Leo figure when divining on wax is a high position, a strong place, an inner core and the ability to control the situation
Bee or swarm of bees A lot of work, chores, worries
Clouds Dreaminess, contemplation. Need to follow the voice of intuition
Fruit Wealth, improvement of financial situation
Scissors A new goal, the need to count on own forces. You can't make mistakes - the price will be too high
Bridge A dead end, you need to look for compromises, change the situation, look for partners who will help solve problems
Ladder Career advancement
Insect (fly, mosquito, beetle, etc.) Depressed state, fears, complexes
Playing card A difficult situation with a loved one, a relationship that brings more pain than joy
Cup To the appearance in the life of a new person, a meeting with whom will be fateful
Fox Beware of cunning, deceit
Snake The meaning of the Snake in divination on wax can be different. In one case it is wisdom, healing, helpful advice. In the other, the appearance of envious people who strive to "bite"
Wolf To a meeting with a strong and courageous partner in love or work
Hat News that makes you worry, or spending time with intelligent people
Book Learning, gaining new knowledge, solving mysteries (if the book is open)
Wheel Active advancement in all areas of life
Mask To be successful, you need to believe in yourself and show your talents.
Envelope News, turn for the better, news from old acquaintances
Monster Any monster as a symbol during divination on wax symbolizes internal fears, complexes and problems that come out
Scales Stability, balance, financial security of the family, problem solving. If the bowls are not balanced, the problems will drag on for a long time.
Wineglass More radical life changes, new perspectives, impressions, suggestions
Broom, broom Need to put things in order own life- only you can handle it
Cross Death of a loved one or relative in the coming year

Fortune telling on wax and water cannot be called too detailed, but it will help you at least slightly open the veil of secrecy over the near future. It is best to spend it on Christmas time or other holidays. It is believed that in this case the prediction will be more accurate.

The most truthful are divination in Christmas time. Between January 6, Christmas Eve, and January 19, Epiphany, magical powers are at their peak. This allows you to get reliable information about the near future.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortuneteller Baba Nina:"There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow..." Read more >>

Today, mirrors, coffee beans, sheets of paper, cards, and rings are especially popular in rituals and rituals. But the ritual performed with the help of water and wax is considered the most truthful and accurate divination.

    Divination on wax

    Christmas divination on wax refers to simple rituals that do not require special skills and knowledge.

    With the help of this rite, you can learn about the following:

    • Will the coming year be good?
    • Should we expect changes in the financial plan and financial situation from next year?
    • Will the hidden girl get married or will the hidden guy marry.
    • Should we expect replenishment in the family.
    • Will your wish come true this year?

      How to guess correctly

      In order to obtain the most reliable information about the future, it is necessary to properly prepare for the fortune-telling process.

      Basic Rules:

      • Guessing is necessary in solitude.
      • In advance, you should prepare a white tablecloth, a white napkin, two white candles, a container of cold water and a tablespoon.
      • Guessing should be in complete silence, without being distracted by anything.
      • It is forbidden to talk about the results. Otherwise, the predictions may not come true.

      If a church candle is used, then in no case should it be cut with a knife and broken. The candle must be gently kneaded until it becomes soft and plastic. Only then can it be melted.

      The process of divination itself should go as follows:

  1. 1. Exactly at midnight, you need to cover the floor with a tablecloth.
  2. 2. Put a container of water on the table.
  3. 3. Crumble one candle. Put the chips in a tablespoon.
  4. 4. Heat the spoon of the second candle, while asking a question of interest. If there is no specific question, then you need to say: “As this wax pours and pours, so my future opens up before me.”
  5. 5. During fortune-telling, you must constantly think about the subject of the question.
  6. 6. As soon as the wax in the spoon melts, pour it in a thin stream into a container of cold water.
  7. 7. After a minute or two, take out the resulting figure and put it on a napkin.
  8. 8. After the figure dries, you can begin to interpret them.

After divination, figures that portend positive changes should be stored in a secluded place from prying eyes. If a symbol has formed that promises negative changes, then it should be thrown away or buried.

The meaning of the figures

Animals, people, any objects, plants, numbers and letters can act as figures. Thanks to the full list of possible figures, you can find out about upcoming events. Popular interpretations of human figures, body parts, images:

figures Meaning
ManSolving a problem through a fight, a collision. Protecting someone through long and unpleasant negotiations
WomanProblems with others. A lot of squabbles and gossip around the name of the fortuneteller
Pregnant womanCompletion of cases. Bearing, and then the birth of an idea, an important matter
Old man or old womanProstration. Instability in business
BabyFavorable changes in life. Success in new business
HeadSoon a loved one will reveal his true face. At work, this sign can mean a promotion
HeartMeeting with the second half. Mutual sincere feelings. The predominance of feelings over reason
EyeYou need to be careful with your surroundings: someone intends to deceive or betray
LipsYou should talk less and listen more. Due to excessive talkativeness, the fortuneteller loses his vitality
HandHelp from outside. If the hand has a distinct thumb, then an influential person will help.
CrapAn unclean force is operating next to the fortuneteller. Should go to church
AngelHelp from the light forces. Favorable ending

Meaning of animal figures:

Animal Interpretation
Hare rabbitPleasant events, meetings
a lionReliability, strength and confidence
WolfFeeling of loneliness, uselessness. Otherwise, too much autonomy.
BearEmergence of a strong influencer as an assistant
CatA close friend is dishonest or benefits from communicating with a fortuneteller
DogNearby is a faithful and reliable friend, ready to help at any time. It also personifies the fortuneteller as a good friend.
ParrotNews from afar. Whether they are positive or negative is too early to say.
CrowProblems, grief, an unpleasant situation, after which there will be bitter tears and resentment, disappointment.
RoosterThe time has come to carry out the plan. All undertakings will be successful
FishAcquaintance with a foreigner. Meeting with a man of few words who can teach a lot
SnakeA snake rolled into a ball indicates that the fortuneteller is in a comfort zone and does not want to leave it yet. If an aggressive cobra acts as a figure, then the fortuneteller should stop treating people around him negatively and become softer and more tolerant
CrocodileInsidiousness from friends or close relatives. It is worth refraining from frank conversations in the near future
MonkeyPossible betrayal by loved ones. You should be more attentive to your surroundings
SwanPeace and prosperity in family life. If a specific man was guessed, then, according to the interpretation, he is a reliable and good family man
ElephantIt personifies a fortuneteller as a strong, strong-willed person with a large supply of strength and internal energy. However, he should take a closer look at his surroundings: someone is seriously pulling him down.

Interpretation of symbols, objects:

Item Figure
HouseStability and idyll in the family
GatesNew discoveries and achievements. The road is open to the fortuneteller
ShipLong journey. In another case, the arrival of long-awaited guests from afar
MountainImmediate career advancement. However, on the way you will encounter many ill-wishers and envious people.
river, roadPeace and tranquility. Next year will be emotionally stable
CrownConstant attention of people around. Promotion or better grades
LadderImprovement in professional field: receiving a raise or bonus
MoonImproving things in the personal sphere: the emergence of new fans, stability with the second half
HorseshoeImplementation of plans. Accompanying good luck in business
WreathFulfillment of cherished desires. For a girl - imminent marriage
car, busFate associated with constant travel or moving. If the edges of the figure are fuzzy, then you should try to change your fate
BasketGenerous gift of fate. For a woman - the imminent birth of a child
BedThe body needs rest. You should take a vacation and take care of your health and emotional state
BoatShort trip, business trip. Otherwise, someone close to you will need help.

The value of plants:

Plant Interpretation
FlowerWish fulfillment soon. It also means that the fortuneteller easily shares his kindness and joy.
BouquetFortune turned around. It is worth immediately taking on difficult cases, while the fortuneteller is accompanied by success and good luck
TreeIf the branches are directed upwards, then we should expect a favorable outcome of affairs, as well as good news from afar. If directed downwards, then nothing but sadness and disappointment should be expected from the near future.
fallen leafThe fortuneteller pays great attention to his person. He feels like everyone around him is against him.
MushroomImportant life changes. What they will be depends on the figure nearby
FruitsPleasant moments in life that will remain warm memories

Meaning of geometric shapes:

Figure Interpretation
SquareClosed life within four walls. The fortuneteller positions himself as a kind of hermit
CircleExcessive fixation on one issue or case. They will not be completed until the fortuneteller changes his views on things.
TriangleHuge influence from outside, suppression of the fortuneteller's opinion
Straight lineThe beginning of an important business that will bring a lot of joy
ZigzagIt's time to stop thinking primitively and monotonously. A fortuneteller should look at his life from a different angle. Only after that, favorable changes await him.
DotUnexpected money, big profit
CrossImminent problems and troubles that can be avoided if you are vigilant

Meaning of the numbers:

Number Interpretation
0 Favor of fate. Protection in any life troubles
1 Victory over enemies. Out of any situation with honor and dignity
2 It is recommended to pay attention to your health and do medical procedures.
3 Fast big profit, good deal
4 Increasing internal strength and energy. Excellent health
5 Feelings with the second half are not mutual. Do not continue with her relationship and wait for reciprocal love
6 Unpleasant conversations, news, after which there will be tears and long grievances
7 Auspicious sign, personifying behind the back of a strong Guardian Angel
8 Unexpected receipt of money: return of debt, bonus, inheritance
9 In any situation, the fortuneteller applies his wisdom, due to which, in most cases, he comes out the winner.

Meaning of letters:

Letter Interpretation
MAchievement of the set goals. happiness and luck
WITHBreaking bad ties. Internal release
ABOUTThe course of life in a circle. The fortuneteller should reconsider his views
HGetting the opportunity to improve your life. However, before that, you will have to face a considerable number of difficulties.
GHelp from an old friend. Resumption of communication
XThe idea should be abandoned. She will not bring proper joy
FMutual feelings with the second half. Pleasant meetings. Good news
PIt is worth paying attention to older relatives. They may have serious problems
RChildren or younger relatives lack attention

Fortune telling by candle wax and water at home - it seems that it could be easier? Today the world has become technocratic and many do not believe in magic and divination, but it is worth once in a lifetime to feel the influence of fate and its inflexibility, to see that our world is not as simple as it seems and our view is changing at the root. All rituals and divination become a reality, and involuntarily you begin to believe in all these intricacies. Our site is just for such people who have realized the infinity of being and believe that everything is predetermined.

So how is it correct to guess on wax? How to melt it, pour it into water and interpret the message frozen in white drops? Everything is very simple, the main thing is to strictly follow the sequence and believe that providence will open a crack for you, allowing you to look into the abyss of the future, clarifying at least a fraction of what awaits us. Another important point is wax: many use ordinary paraffin candles, but many sorcerers say that this is extremely wrong and you should use only natural beeswax!

Attention! What you see may shock you or not be what you expected. Before embarking on divination, you need to have iron nerves.

If all preparations are made, the light in the room is dimmed, you have stocked up with an apron and a scarf, pure wax and cold water, you can begin.

Divination on wax

This divination method is called seromancy. Among the many ways to predict with candles, she is especially loved by women who want to know their future. Attention to seromancy is due to the energy-informational properties of wax, thanks to which it, like water, serves as an excellent conductor. This is the reason that predictions based on it are considered the most truthful. In order to enhance the effect, these two substances are often used together. Fortune telling on wax involves the interaction of the human subconscious with the substance used. Pondering an exciting question, the fortuneteller receives an answer in the form of a frozen abstract silhouette. The result is information hidden in the depths of the fortuneteller's consciousness. To correctly decipher the meaning of the figures formed during divination on wax candles, you need a little imagination.

How to guess on wax

The best time for predictions is Christmas week. Rituals are also performed on other calendar days, but it is Epiphany and Christmas fortune-telling that opens up a more accurate future. For the result to be true, you should take into account the simple nuances of preparation:

  • It is better to perform rituals on church candles, if this is not possible, purchase wax in a beekeeping store. Paraffin products are not suitable.
  • Divination by candlelight is held at midnight.
  • The fortuneteller must be absolutely alone, the presence of a cat in the house is welcome.
  • It is necessary to dim the lights and ensure complete silence around.
  • If there are icons in the house, cover them with a thick cloth.
  • You should not have any encircling things: belts, bracelets, rings, hair ties, pectoral cross, etc.
  • Throughout the ritual, and deciphering the meaning of the symbols, abstract from unnecessary thoughts.
  • After divination on wax, the resulting figures are not thrown away: the “good” ones are kept as a talisman, and the “bad” ones are buried in the ground so that the negative prophecy does not come true.

Fortune telling on wax and water

This ritual has various ways They are all simple and have the same mechanism of action. Fortune telling on water with a candle is used so that when there will be a marriage, how many children will be born, what kind of relationship with a spouse awaits, whether there will be prosperity.

You can tell fortunes both for yourself and for friends or relatives.

For divination for the future, you will need to take:

  • deep container;
  • iron spoon;
  • cold (not ice) water;
  • a small new mirror;
  • two twisted wax candles (one of them can be replaced with wax);
  • matches.

Divination method:

  1. Put the mirror in the center of the prepared container.
  2. Think of a question that worries you, and keep it in your thoughts throughout the ritual.
  3. Pour water into the vessel so that the jet flows onto the mirror surface.
  4. After removing the wick from one candle, roll up the ball and place it on a spoon.
  5. Light a second candle and, placing a spoon over its flame, melt the wax lump.
  6. Pour the resulting liquid into the water (above the mirror).
  7. After waiting a bit, take out the wax figure and try to understand what you associate with its voluminous side.

The meaning of the most common figures, you will find at the end of the article.

Divination by candlelight and mirror

Such rituals are used to find out what a man has in his heart, to find out what the relationship with his beloved will be like, to satisfy curiosity about the betrothed. Candlelight love divination white color, having the usual form, i.e., non-figured.

Method number 1.

Appeared in Greece, used when you need to find out what kind of relationship will be with your loved one.


  • oval/round mirror;
  • wax candle;
  • a small piece of paper;
  • pen-pencil;
  • matches.


  1. Place a mirror on a table and sit in front of it.
  2. Light a candle.
  3. On paper, write the name of the chosen one.
  4. Light a leaf over a candle flame and watch exactly how it burns.


  • It flared up and quickly burns out - the relationship will be passionate, but will fade away as quickly as it began.
  • Measured burning - to a strong union, harmonious relationships.
  • It quickly went out - this man will not be yours, love with him is impossible.

Method number 2.

It is used to look at the appearance of the betrothed. The ritual is not for the faint of heart.


  • round/oval mirror;
  • two wax candles;
  • matches.


  1. Open the door.
  2. Place the mirror so that you can see the reflected opening in it.
  3. Place candles on the sides of the mirror surface, light them.
  4. Speak in open window conspiracy: "Narrowed-mummer, come to me, show yourself in the mirror."
  5. Sit in front of the mirror, peering intently at the reflected half-open door.
  6. Seeing the silhouette of the future groom, do not turn around.
  7. At the end, say "mind me," cross yourself three times and extinguish the candles.

The procedure for conducting fortune-telling

Fortune telling on wax and water is one of the most truthful options future predictions. An accurate result is ensured due to the fact that with such fortune-telling, two very strong element- water and wax. They easily pass any information through themselves. IN modern world there is even a science that studies this type of divination. She bears the name "keroscopy". The very process of obtaining a “casting” will certainly not cause you any difficulties, but the interpretation of the figures resulting from such fortune-telling is a whole science.

It is important to take the process as seriously as possible, and you should start from the very beginning, with preparation for fortune telling.

Fortune telling on wax and water online

If you don’t have the opportunity to do live fortune telling, then you can tell fortunes on wax online, it’s free and quite reliable way learn about the future. Fortune-telling with the interpretation of the results obtained as a result of fortune-telling figures is at your service. Try it, and higher powers will surely give you a sign!

Preparing for divination

First understand general principle: you melt a small amount of wax in a small container on a candle and pour it into water. The result will be an irregularly shaped wax cake, in professional jargon "casting".

Before casting, you need to carefully prepare for this process. What you need for divination on wax: let's understand in more detail.

So you will need:

  • A large candle (if you are interested in love affairs, then buy a red candle, if material well-being - gold, health concerns - green);
  • Wax (preferably real beeswax);
  • A container for melting wax: a small coffee cezve, a large spoon, etc. will do;
  • A vessel for obtaining a casting - it is best to give preference to a small white bowl or plate. Any other light-colored dishes will also work;
  • Water;


Water: What kind of water to use? If possible, then you can take baptismal water, then fortune-telling will turn out to be the most truthful. If you do not have such water, then you can dial a simple tap.

Wax: wax from a church candle that has never been used and has never been burned before is quite suitable.

Candle: wishes for the color of the candle, nothing more than just wishes. An ordinary paraffin candle will do just fine.

A day before the start of fortune-telling, formulate in your head a question that is especially relevant to you. Remember that the more clearly you ask it, the more likely you are to get an accurate answer.

Keep this question in your mind at all times, turning it over throughout the day so that it is always the first thing on your mind. This will allow you to best prepare for divination. It is better to guess on wax on a moonlit night, then the predictions are the most accurate. You can conduct fortune-telling, both one by one and in a company.

It is important that your company that is going to guess does not have a person with a negative or skeptical form of thinking. Especially if the person is jealous of you... in this case, getting information in the process is difficult.

How to guess correctly?

Remember, the whole process should be as accurate as possible. It is recommended to choose the time for divination on wax after sunset. Turn off the light in the room, you can light a candle that will burn in the process of divination. Pay attention to how easily they ignite and burn. If it quickly caught fire and burns brightly enough, then only good news awaits you.

A clicking and hissing candle is a sign that important news awaits you soon. If the candle burns weakly and ignites poorly, then the future promises to be not the most rosy.

Stage 1: Cooking wax

Warm it in your hands and roll the wax into a small ball to melt it. If you use a church candle, in no case do not break it and do not cut it with a knife! Wrinkle with your hands, slowly and slowly. Put the resulting lump in a container in which you will melt. Everyone chooses the volume of wax necessary for divination for himself, however, keep in mind that a significant part of it will settle on the walls.

Stage 2: We melt

Light a candle on which you will melt the wax. Take a container of wax and start heating it on a candle flame. Always keep the question in your head the answer to which you want to know. Do not under any circumstances be impatient with the melting time, do not pick the mass with anything, and do not try to speed up the melting time in any other way!

Stage 3: Making a casting

After the wax has completely melted, remove the container from the flame and, turning the vessel over, slowly pour the wax into the water. Do not try to form some kind of figure yourself! Everything should go as naturally as possible.

From the first moments after getting into the water, the wax will begin to solidify quickly, taking the form of any figures. Concentrate as much as possible on the process. After all, hardened wax is the answer to your question that worries you the most. After that, you can proceed to the interpretation of the resulting figure.

By the way, in a similar way, you can find out if damage lies on you. To do this, do the same as above, only take milk instead of water. If the wax figure turned out to be hard and clear, then there is no damage. If it is fragile and literally crumbles, then damage lies on you.

What to do with wax after divination?

Often, fortunetellers are interested in the question of where to put the wax after the end of fortune telling. Experts advise to keep the figurines, the decoding of which turned out to be positive, for the next year. If the results were not the most favorable, then the wax figure should be thrown away, or even better buried.

How to interpret figures?

When the wax is still pouring, you should pay attention to the figures obtained in the process and their flow into each other. It is important to note in what order they change each other, since in some cases, correctly seen and analyzed, they give a complete picture of the development of the situation, allowing the fortuneteller to draw the right conclusions from this. After the wax is poured out, the resulting fortune-telling is obtained, that is, what will be at the end of the solution of the conceived problem. You can interpret what you get in different ways: isolating individual figures, seeing a single picture, paying attention to abstract drawings and concrete images.

The correct interpretation of fortune-telling largely depends on taking into account all the elements without exception that make up the overall picture.

During divination on wax, the meanings of symbols can be interpreted in different ways depending on the specific circumstances, the things being guessed and the personality of the fortuneteller. Some of the characters, of course, are of a general nature and suit everyone without exception. But most of the paintings should be considered on an individual basis, especially considering this fact in situations where there are people of different ages among the fortunetellers, representatives of opposite temperaments, individuals with different social statuses, etc.

Pay attention also to the fact that the meanings of the figures can be two- and three-syllable, depending on how you look at a particular picture.

Turn the resulting image over, look at it from the side or from below, through the mirror. Perhaps in this way there will be more successful options for its interpretation. The most common designations for wax figures are given below. Abstraction, primitive elements:

  • Letters or numbers are symbols that are interpreted individually: they can indicate important dates or serve as indications of specific names;
  • Line, straight line - the beginning of some important business;

Point - material profit, unexpected money;

Living or mythical creatures, people:

  • Angel - help will come from above, there is nothing to worry about
  • Caterpillar or worm - you should avoid frivolity, take care of loved ones
  • Dragon - circumstances require willpower, if it is, then everything that is planned will come true
  • Hedgehog - excessive "pricklyness" harms relationships, you need to learn to be softer
  • A woman is a new friend, a homemaker (depending on the context)
  • Cat - betrayal of friends
  • Chicken - a favorable family life
  • Leo - strength, reliability, confidence
  • A man is a new companion, friend or groom
  • Spider - a trick to defend against
  • Child - new business or projects, possibly the birth of children
  • Fish - full adaptation to environmental conditions, comfort
  • Elephant - time-tested wisdom
  • Dog - true friends, associates
  • An owl is the worst sign that immediately portends illness, difficulties, failures
  • Duck - good luck and luck in all matters.

Inanimate objects, things:

How to interpret the result of divination?

In order for the result to be interpreted as accurately as possible, observe the wax from the very beginning of its casting. See how it pours, what shapes are obtained first, and then they flow into others and finally freeze. Only when all the wax is poured into a container of water, you can proceed to a detailed decoding. Take a look at what kind of pictures come to replace each other - this is very important. Individual symbols may have the same push, but most of the pictures need to be considered only individually.
Fortune telling on wax itself takes about 10 minutes, but interpretation can take several days, depending on your mood and desire to know the result more accurately. The interpretation of the resulting figures can be done in different ways. If not one, but several figures turned out in a container of water, then you can consider this all as a whole or decipher each figure separately. What's the best way to do it? Act according to your intuition. In the process of such fortune-telling, she definitely will not deceive you. Pay attention to all the elements of the figurines, making no exceptions even for the smallest and seemingly insignificant parts.

To decipher a wax figurine, it is not at all necessary to be a psychic or a sorcerer. Connect your imagination and intuition for this.

Well, if the figure turned out to be clear and it is easy to see any particular image in it. If you can’t interpret the resulting figure in any way, and its contours are blurred, don’t despair and don’t quit what you started. You need to rest for a few minutes, and you can continue to decipher the fortune-telling.

Identification of received figures

In the process of divination on wax, the decoding of figures can be different. It all depends on the circumstances, the personality of the person doing fortune-telling and the question that was asked initially. Some figures, of course, are of general importance. However, most of the available symbols in such divination should be considered only individually. This is especially important when a company of people takes part in fortune-telling, and all of them have differences in age, social status, character, and temperament.

It is interesting that the meanings of the figurines can turn out to be two-syllable and even three-syllable. It depends on how you look at a particular figure. In one position, it may look like this, and upside down - differently. In the process of decoding, twist the figure, turn it in different directions, carefully examining each of them. You can even use a mirror for this purpose. All these methods will help you most successfully decipher the results of divination.

Meaning of the most common figures

It's time to start deciphering the results of wax casting. Fortune telling on wax, the meaning of the figures can be different, arm yourself with patience.

Flower. The figure that fortune-telling on wax showed a flower - your dreams and desires will certainly begin to come true in the near future. Change will start for the better. In financial matters, everything will be just fine. In love, success also awaits you. It does not matter which flower will pour out in the process of divination. This figure symbolizes the fortuneteller's soul, the openness of his soul. If more than one flower poured out for you, but several, it means that there are many good friends around you. If you are not married and a rose fell out to you, then this means that big and bright love meets you ahead.

  • Fish. If the symbol shown by fortune-telling on wax is a fish - expect good news, most likely, they will be tied with the water element. Fish can also mean a quick acquaintance with a foreigner. The silence of this figure symbolizes that in the near future you will meet a man of few words who can become your mentor and guru. Be sure to listen to his advice.

Bouquet of flowers. The figurine, which was shown by fortune-telling on a wax bouquet, is most likely a symbol of a better life. Flowers are always a good sign! Therefore, if you see a bouquet during the decoding process, then expect only good news. You are surrounded by great friends.

  • Heart. If the symbol shown by fortune-telling on wax is a heart, in the very near future your mind and heart will be occupied by great feelings. In this case, you will not be disturbed by any problems. You will give yourself completely to the relationship. It is even possible to say that this love will be very mutual. You may not think that you will suffer from unrequited feelings. The shape of the heart itself says a lot. If the figure has clear boundaries, then happy love will certainly await you. If the figure has streaks, cracks, the shape is uneven, then this is not a good sign. Danger awaits you.
  • Bird. If the figure shown by fortune-telling on wax is a clear sign that news awaits you soon. If the bird is in a state of flight, then good luck and good news await you. If you care about some vital important question, then very soon you will receive an answer to it. For those who work on any projects, the wax bird promises that they will all be realized and will be well received by others.
  • Child. If the figurine shown by fortune-telling on wax is a child, a new undertaking or a new project awaits you. The latter is relevant for those whose profession is related to creativity. This business will be crowned with success. In some cases, a baby can become a sign of an imminent replenishment in the family.
  • Dog. The symbol shown by fortune-telling on wax is a dog - next to you is a very faithful and devoted friend. However, you yourself know how to be a good friend and value your friendship. You strive to help people, come to the aid of loved ones at any time. You can count on the support of friends in any difficult time for you. A wax dog may hint that it is time to assemble the whole team. Together you can get a lot. If the dog stood on its hind legs, then one of your friends needs help from you.
  • Elephant. If the symbol shown by fortune-telling on wax is an elephant, keep in mind this figure is multi-valued. An elephant can mean that you are a very strong person with a large supply of inner strength and energy. However, if you are firmly on the beaten path, then it is time to notice those around you along the way. If this is not the case, then luck will hasten to turn away from you. An elephant can also mean that you have many well-wishers, and, if necessary, they are always ready to take a piece of your problems onto their shoulders. Sleep can warn that it is important to exercise caution with caution. Otherwise, your health, which is now excellent, may be shaken. The elephant is a symbol of strength, fortitude and strength of the physical body.
  • Wedding ring. The symbol that fortune-telling on the wax ring showed is a good sign for those who are worried about love affairs. You are either on the threshold of some new relationship, or your existing relationship will reach a new level. There are great chances of marriage in the near future. Please note that you can not confuse the ring and the circle!
  • Mushroom. If the symbol shown by fortune-telling on wax is a mushroom, a very unexpected event awaits you. Its meaning can be interpreted by what symbols are nearby. For example, if you observe in front of you not only a mushroom, but also a heart figure nearby, then a new love awaits you, and you will see for yourself what it will be.
  • Embryo. A fairly common symbol that shows divination on wax is an embryo - it can symbolize that you have some kind of undertaking in your plans and very soon you will begin to develop it. Much less often, an embryo can become a symbol of an imminent pregnancy and it’s not a fact that all this is about you. The fetus can symbolize new friendships, new relationships, new beginnings.
  • Letter. If the symbol shown by fortune-telling on wax is a letter, then wait for the news soon. If the letter looms clearly, then the news will be pleasant for you, if the letters are fuzzy, expect not very good news. But if there are small dots next to them, then this is for money.
  • Head. In the event that the symbol shown by fortune-telling on wax is the head, very soon you will see the true face of one of your friends or you will find yourself at a new level of knowledge of the world, due to which you will encounter new amazing discoveries. The head can also mean that at work you will soon receive some new and promising position.
  • Tree. A very interesting symbol that fortune telling on wax can show you is a tree - be sure to pay attention to how its branches are located. If they look down, then sadness and despondency await you. Branches looking up promise a cheerful and happy life. A tree can also mean that very soon you will have everything that you so desire. Some sources say that the tree can symbolize the upcoming new proposals, which must be accepted.
  • Eye. If the figure shown by fortune-telling on the wax of the eyes is a sign of that, then it would not hurt you to be more careful with your surroundings. Someone clearly set a goal: to deceive you. Take a closer look, maybe the deceiver is very close.
  • Dress. A rare symbol that you don’t often see when divining on a wax dress is a great sign that a magnificent celebration awaits you. It can also be a wedding, both yours and someone from your environment.
  • Track. If the symbol shown by fortune-telling on wax is a warning that you need to be more careful. Someone spotted you for the fulfillment of not the best intentions. A trace can also mean that you are interested in a person of the opposite sex.
  • Pegasus. The symbol shown by fortune-telling on Pegasus wax means that a circle is gradually forming around you of those who think the same way as you. With such people, you can build a strong team and get through any difficulties.
  • Whale. An excellent symbol that divination on wax can show: a whale - it will most likely be so no matter what plans you make for the future, you don’t have to worry: your rear is always covered by your reliable friends and partners.
  • Embryo. The figurine that the wax divination showed the embryo is a very good sign, which is encouraging. All the difficulties that now stand in your way, you can quickly overcome on your own. However, it is also possible that you will receive help from someone.

Fortune telling on wax: dog

The dog symbolizes a faithful comrade who is next to you. Such a fortune-telling result suggests that you also know how to make friends and highly value friendships. You yourself always strive to help loved ones, so you can safely count on support in any situation. The wax dog acts as a hint: it's time to recruit a team (if you haven't already) - together you can solve many problems and achieve incredible results.

Fortune telling on wax: fish The figure of a dog standing on its hind legs means that some close person your help is required.


Seeing such a figure, you can safely prepare for good news, one way or another related to water. In addition, after such fortune-telling, acquaintance with foreigners becomes more likely. The silent and mysterious fish also speaks of the presence or imminent appearance in your life of a slightly mysterious, laconic and wise adviser or mentor. Even if it will not be easy, it is still worth listening to his words and recommendations.

Fortune telling on wax: heart

The wax heart, of course, speaks of love. It is love that will occupy your thoughts in the near future, and no other problems can bother you anymore. With almost one hundred percent probability, we can say that your feelings will not go unnoticed and unshared.

The shape of a cast heart can additionally tell a lot about love. A favorable sign that predicts happy love can be considered a distinct heart shape with sharp boundaries. If the heart is veined, the shape is indistinct or consists of several parts - this is a bad, alarming sign that warns of a possible danger.

Fortune telling on wax: elephant

The wax figure in the form of an elephant has several meanings. This symbol indicates that you are a strong person with a significant supply of vital energy. You are walking with a firm and confident step along the right path, but you must not ignore the people around you, otherwise luck may turn away from you. This sign also shows that there are well-wishers behind your back, that is, people who are always ready to help and support, shifting some of your duties and problems onto their shoulders. In addition, the wax elephant indicates your excellent physical shape and at the same time warns that intense and excessive loads are unacceptable and can harm you, depriving you of all your former opportunities.

In a word, the elephant symbolizes strength, perseverance and confidence in the correctness of the chosen methods to achieve the goal. To avoid collapse, it is worth being prudent and avoid using your exceptional strength to the detriment of others.

Divination on wax: flower

If during fortune-telling you saw a wax flower, this indicates the beginning of an extremely favorable period in your life, filled with a series of joyful events. Everything you have planned will certainly come true. The people around you will rejoice at your luck, and you will definitely share with every piece of your luck.

The flower also suggests that you may get married or meet a new and very reliable partner.

Flowers are a very auspicious sign, symbolizing changes for the better, success in everything: dreams come true, sometimes even exorbitant ambitions are realized. Regardless of what wax flowers turned out during fortune-telling, they always talk about your spiritual inescapable joy, with which you easily share with people around you. Flowers also show that you have many friends who are always happy to talk with you. Flowers are a symbol of your beautiful and happy future.

If a girl conducts divination on wax, a rose may seem to her more often than other flowers. This speaks of love that already lives in the heart of a fortuneteller or will appear there in the near future. If you see a wax rose, don't be afraid to open your heart to a new feeling.

Divination on wax: tree

A sign that gives hope, indicating that there are enough internal resources to achieve the goals set. You are strong in spirit, stand firmly on your feet, open to the world around you and draw strength from it.

Reliability, stability, strength and fortitude will certainly help in your affairs and in solving problems that arise.

Fortune telling on wax: snake

The snake is a symbol that is interpreted in different ways: wisdom, strength, and also a sign of danger. On the one hand, this sign symbolizes wisdom and the ability to find a way out of difficult life situations. On the other hand, the sign of the snake warns of danger, someone's treachery, for which your personal relationships may become a target. The whole reason is the dangerous and insidious enemies around you.

Divination on wax: germ

The embryo speaks of any deeds conceived and the desire to bring them to life.

A wax embryo can also represent pregnancy (not necessarily yours), as well as the birth of a new relationship, new job, new friends, new social circle.

Fortune telling on wax: squirrel

Since the squirrel is a thrifty animal, its fortune-telling figure speaks of your love for everything material, as well as your tendency to predict everything and prepare for everything in advance so that difficulties are not taken by surprise. Such a habit in life can be very useful, and sometimes even saving.

Fortune telling on wax: mermaid

The figurine of a mermaid warns of possible deceit, temptation. Every care must be taken so as not to fall for the hook of cunning.