Eastern horoscope for the year Monkey Aquarius.

The dodgy and dexterous Monkey will be very unhappy with the coming year. The workaholic-Rooster will force you to work, while you are used to being more lazy than actually fulfilling your duties. According to futurologists, for the Monkey hides several important events in the year, which will have a strong impact on both the life of the Monkey and its worldview. This year is a year of change for this sign.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Monkey

The beginning of the year will be unsuccessful for the Monkey. Long weekends will be interrupted by urgent work, which will take all your free time to complete. And although you will receive a good cash bonus for it, dissatisfaction will block everything. The winter period, right up to the beginning of spring, will be very busy and, if you don’t join the stream, it will be difficult for you to combine work and home: irrationally allocated time will lead to constant fatigue and irritability.

For March, astrologers predict the first of the turning points of the year: most likely you will lose your job. Think of it as an impetus to something new. You have long wanted to open your own business or change jobs, but because of laziness and fear of failure, you were sitting in a heated place. Enough! The rooster gives you a chance to prove yourself and your abilities, so take advantage of it. If, nevertheless, fear overcomes you, go to study: advanced training, a new profession, seminars, courses, trainings - choose what will help you stabilize your life. Perhaps you need to register for a personal growth webinar?

Throughout the year, you will have to start everything from scratch several times in different areas of life. The stars predict a lot of destruction in your life, but all because it is high time for you to start from a new leaf. Don't worry about losses, think about gains.

On new job success awaits you, but subject to your diligence. The dexterity and resourcefulness with which you usually avoid responsibility will help you in a completely unexpected situation, but still take your mind and show your best side. If your goal is well-being and financial freedom, it's time to implement a long-planned project. Luck in the year of the Rooster is on the side of daredevils and pioneers, since the totem of the year itself loves everything unusual and extraordinary. And your imagination is just fine, so your startup will definitely be a success.

When dealing with colleagues, be careful what you say. You are not one of those who will climb into your pocket for a word, but this is exactly what will be your mistake. Colleagues (or employees if you are the boss) are an important part of your job, so why are you neglecting them? Do not enter into disputes and do not try to prove your superiority, it will come out sideways at the most inopportune moment. Especially if you intend to get a promotion: you still have to work in this team.

Despite his laziness, the Monkey knows how to catch a wave, and since he is generally very active, it will be difficult to catch the right moment. But if you try, you can achieve what you want. Fortune will help you in part, but 80% of success still depends on you. The main thing is not to forget to think over your decisions behind constant jumps and running around. Advice from the Stars: Rethink your priorities. You need to deal only with what is really important, and not chase after mirages and mythical values. Of course, you will succeed, but the joy of victory will quickly fade when you realize that this is not what you wanted at all.

You know how to make money quickly and make it out of almost nothing thanks to your ingenuity, but you also lose it quickly and easily, succumbing to impulse. Control your impulsiveness, as enhanced by the Rooster, it will lead you to bankruptcy. Your spending must be subject to rigorous analysis and reviewed each time for importance, urgency, and necessity. This does not mean at all that you need to deny yourself everything, but it is better to exclude excesses from your expenses. Also forget about gambling. You are a real player, but luck will fail you this year. The rooster does not like easy money, so even if you win, you will quickly lose all your funds.

It is better to invest free money in a profitable project. But only determine its success not by advice and intuition, but by numbers and facts. If you yourself cannot calculate the liquidity of the project, contact a consultant for help. You will spend much less than you can earn in case of a successful investment.

In matters of love, you should be wary of fatal decisions. Another important and refractive moment of the year is parting with an old partner. The reason is likely to be your unwillingness to take decisive action: marriage is not yet for you, as well as children. The rooster does not immediately promise you a new serious relationship, but bar romances are often and in large numbers. You will be swirling in a whirlpool of new acquaintances and meetings, which, on the one hand, will bring you joy and fun, and on the other, some devastation. Remember, it depends only on you how this or that novel will end, so do not let everything take its course.

Married Monkeys are advised to focus on the family: a joint vacation, a romantic evening, and even just a walk in the park - you and your loved ones have long needed to re-learn how to communicate and understand each other. You are used to the fact that everything is calm in your house and do not think about the fact that any feelings can fade away. Work hard to rekindle the fire in your relationship with your spouse.

Horoscope for 2017 Monkey: woman

The natural charm of Monkey women will allow them to easily achieve what they want. However, it should be remembered that this path will lead to a lot of envious people and gossip, so keep this as your main weapon of last resort.

The Rooster himself loves to be the center of attention, and in combination with the Monkey's ability to present himself correctly, a dangerous explosive mixture comes out. Stay away from romance if you're married and be careful if you're not already. Love affairs will take up most of your time and thoughts. But remember, you do not live only by feelings, a cold mind will be required in order to separate the wheat from the chaff.

This year, like litmus paper, will show the most negative traits in people from your environment and will allow you to consider true and devoted friends, as well as enemies and ill-wishers. Do not be upset if you part with someone close, all unnecessary and strangers will be "weeded out" of you, even if you do not consider them as such. Next to you is a person with impure intentions, so it is so important now to find him and expel him from the inner circle. But it will also be difficult for you to accept those who will be closer due to the vacant seats - do not let people into your life if you do not want to, but they themselves will settle down perfectly in the neighborhood.

In work, you need to learn diligence and consistency. You are a wonderful generator of ideas, but the time has come not only to issue new solutions at machine gun speed, but also to implement them. You know how to organize people for all sorts of fun activities, so now try to gather them for work. In general, you are given a great opportunity to start your own project - to open a business or organize training courses - do not miss the chance. Perhaps the growing tension at work is just the signal you are waiting for. With colleagues, it will be more and more difficult for you, especially if you do not restrain your temper and do not stop saying out loud everything you think. But in the new project you will be able to select personnel from among like-minded people.

Of course, you need not only to earn money, but also to spend it. You need to do this wisely and not succumb to the impulsiveness of the Rooster. The totem of the year loves everything bright, unusual and extraordinary, but this does not mean at all that you need to buy an African dress, Indian beads and a Moroccan scarf. It will not be superfluous to update your wardrobe, especially since you yourself like to flaunt new outfits in front of your friends and colleagues, but remember that the main selection criterion is still practicality. If you do not know where you will put on a thing or whether you can wear it in Everyday life, matching with your daily wardrobe, leave it on the counter and move on to the next one.

Where you can definitely afford bright colors is in makeup. Especially in summer: bright lipstick will come in handy, but when choosing shadows, make sure that they really emphasize the depth of the eyes, and do not look bright mint on your face. Diversify your jewelry collection. But don't fall for cheap plastic jewelry. The rooster loves noble metals, especially gold. Opt for earrings and neck jewelry. It is best to leave such purchases for the fall, when your financial condition will be stable.

Monkeys are very caring mothers, but still this year you need to give a little more freedom for the development of the child. Do not build strict plans and regimes for him, let's give him the opportunity to choose his own daily routine. Accustom to regularity in key issues - hygiene, nutrition, daytime sleep - and give freedom to everything else. Your child will be very grateful to you for this in the future, as from an early age he will learn to prioritize and make decisions. Try every evening to analyze the past day, to analyze what was good in it, what was bad, what I would like to repeat. This is how you discipline yourself.

But in caring for a career and a child, do not forget about your spouse. You, of course, fulfill your duties as the mistress of the house and provide him with a warm dinner in the evening and a fresh shirt in the morning, but, unfortunately, this is not enough to maintain family ties. A little care and affection, as well as attention to the problems and interests of the spouse will correct the situation. Listen to him talk about work or the latest in fishing tackle, even if you are not interested, give a relaxing massage and kiss goodnight - it is important for your spouse to know that you still need him. And concentrate less on his shortcomings, it will become easier for both of you.

It will be very difficult for free Monkeys to resist romance, especially since there will be a lot of acquaintances this year. Just remember that in this whirlpool of attention from the opposite sex, you can miss your fate, and such a meeting is predicted for you this year. At work, it’s better not to start an affair: everything will end quickly, but the sediment will remain.

Horoscope for 2017 Monkey: man

For men, the year will be difficult, as a lot of time will have to be devoted to work, but I would like to relax and have fun. Your perseverance will be rewarded, so pack up and get in the flow right after the New Year. If you succumb to laziness and miss good opportunities, it will be difficult and long to catch up. Also, this article may cause you to be unemployed in mid-March. You are talented, but also quick-tempered, and now you need to keep your mouth shut and not argue with your superiors - your position is too precarious.

However, if you look at the situation from a different angle, you will understand what a great chance fate gives you. You have an idea that is waiting to be realized for a long time. Here, take care of it. While others are advised by the stars to spend more time planning, you are advised to start immediately. You are quite active with sufficient motivation. The universe decided to push you, since you yourself did not dare.

If you manage to stay in your usual place of work, be very careful, avoid mistakes and inaccuracies. You are now in a special account with the leadership, there is no need to give them a reason to doubt decision(leave you at your post). Do your best and turn the situation to your advantage. For example, show your leadership skills and organize a team to complete a joint task: your hectic activity will definitely please the authorities, and you will not change yourself - others will do the bulk of the work. So you will show that you are already cramped in the position that you have and it is time for you to rise higher. In general, career growth will depend only on you this year, and only by hard work will you achieve a positive result. It is also desirable to learn to improve: courses or a second higher education will be very helpful, but if it is not possible, attend a seminar or training. Internet education is not your case, you need something more material, something that requires responsibility and that you can touch.

You can apply your abilities in any area, but you will be especially good at fulfilling yourself in those professions where your gift of persuasion is required. You can use your charm and charming smile to sell anyone and anything, even snow to an Eskimo. True, you will receive dividends from such work only by the end of the year, however, no one will offend you with money during the entire period.

Important advice from astrologers: solve problems immediately, without postponing them for later, in the hope that everything will resolve or be resolved without your participation. So you will only delay the matter and the inevitable - you need to learn to look failures in the face, deal with them immediately and draw appropriate conclusions.

You need to earn money to improve the quality of your life. That eats for the improvement of his home, for example. You can make all major purchases at the end of autumn, when you receive a long-awaited bonus, and by that time you can spend money on small and pleasant purchases: the little things for decor chosen with your wife will give the house comfort. Leave only room for a large plasma that will appear in your New Year. Also, new clothes for your whole family will not be superfluous: gadgets or electrical appliances for home and personal use will be a great gift.

Speaking of family. You are tired of leaving work in the office or outside the house, as your family members are already desperate to spend time with you. Of course you are very busy. important matter- provide for all their whims, but the time spent together is priceless and is not calculated by the number of items purchased. Yes, and you yourself need to change the situation and be just yourself, and not an employee or boss. Your spouse will be happy to spend the evening with you watching TV, for example. But the stars advise you to go on a picnic or walk in nature, to a restaurant or to an exhibition - you need a change of impressions. And then, then you share them with your soul mate will only strengthen your relationship and make the marriage stronger. Also take care of raising children: but just don’t “turn on” a strict dad, on the contrary - be a friend and then you will learn much more about the life of a child.

Single male Monkeys will be immersed in love adventures. On the one hand, this is good, because the stress from work also needs to be relieved, but on the other hand, you can miss a fateful meeting, mistaking it for one of a string of similar ones. Your ladle is most likely your colleague or related to work, so take a closer look. But do not rush to everything at once - caution is important here. You will not enter into a marriage this year, but a serious relationship that will lead to the creation of a family can begin this year.

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The Rooster is somewhat skeptical of the Monkeys. And before deciding whether to be a friend or not, the Master of the Year will first think carefully. Monkeys in this situation need to prove to him that they deserve both the sympathy and protection of the Rooster. And then "it can still end very well." Although efforts from them will be required, presumably, a lot.

General forecast for 2017

The horoscope for 2017 for the Monkey zodiac sign is more than successful. The secret lies in the fact that the Rooster, who will replace the Fire Monkey in 2017, is on excellent terms with her, hence you can expect a good disposition towards yourself. People born during this period understand very well that you cannot move on while an unresolved issue remains behind. They adapt very well, and by doing one thing, they already preliminarily make their way to another occupation or higher position.

They also prefer to use only safe and proven paths, taking great care of their safety. Such people can realize themselves in the field of organizers of some kind of activity and build a successful career in this field, but only if they decide to stay in this place. Many simply cannot stay in the same conditions for a long time, such inconstancy sometimes does not allow them to achieve success in work and achieve certain heights.

For many signs of the zodiac, including the Monkey, this year will be very important in their entire destiny. At this time, completely new and sometimes even unexpected opportunities may appear that will help you climb the career ladder, achieve material prosperity and independence from others. Those who decide to start their own business in 2017 will definitely be in the black, because mostly all undertakings start very successfully and will advance at the same level. Some can, under pressure of circumstances, even change their place of residence or work, but all this will favorably affect the standard of living, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Some during this period will go to refresher courses or even begin to receive a second education. They will immediately begin to apply all knowledge and skills in practice, thereby demonstrating their own professionalism and level of development. People born at this time perfectly feel when and how to act. Thanks to such a developed intuition, they will be able to catch the slightest changes around, whether they will be favorable or not.

The horoscope for 2017 of the Monkey shows that you need to use your opportunities wisely, because if you only strive for material well-being, then, of course, you can increase your income, but after a while lose it all due to high and exorbitant spending. Experts advise betting on your education, because it will help in the future to build the life that you want and with the level of prosperity that a person claims. All the conquests and achievements that were in the past should definitely be consolidated and try to increase so that it becomes part of the capital.

Astrologers warn about gambling, because if there is no ability to get up from the table in time and put an end to the game, then you can be left without anything at all. This also applies to working moments, it is imperative to soberly and objectively assess the situation, even if the situation is extremely favorable for the person himself. Things can't be too smooth, you need to look for hidden gems or possible problems that will surface much later. It is best to start building your own business during this period, it can turn out to be a profitable and successful investment for a long time, you just need to carefully arrange everything.

Eastern horoscope for 2017 for the Water Monkey

The Water Monkey has a lot in common with the 2017 master, the Red Fire Rooster. She also does not tolerate criticism in her address, although she accepts friendly advice with gratitude. This year, the Water Monkey will make many acquaintances, but not all of them will be marked by friendship. She is quite secretive, although she knows how to communicate smoothly and a lot with people. The Water Monkey will become an excellent performer under someone's wise guidance, because he does not like to take responsibility for making important decisions.

Eastern horoscope for 2017 for the Tree Monkey

At the beginning of 2017, the Wood Monkey will experience quite a lot of anxiety, due to the unpredictability of this time. She will have many ideas, but she will need the support of her environment to turn them into reality. In his gullibility, the Wood Monkey can go straight into the hands of scammers, so he needs the constant support of friends to prevent mistakes. In the second half of the year, Wood Monkey's business will skyrocket, it will reach and surpass the results of the most successful people long before the end of this year.

Eastern horoscope for 2017 for the Fire Monkey

The natural curiosity of the Fire Monkey will force her to comprehend ever new heights of professional skill, and take on interesting promising business. She should not be overly involved in social life, because she runs the risk of being carried away by holidays, to the detriment of practical work. On its own initiative, the Fire Monkey cannot agree to adventurous affairs, but as a result of inattention or absent-mindedness in the second half of the year, it may suffer from the actions of scammers.

Eastern horoscope for 2017 for the Earth Monkey

In 2017, the Earth Monkey will be doing business. Even as an employee, she will think about opening her own enterprise, finding a source of additional income for herself. This is the calmest of the Monkeys, she will be spared from throwing and unnecessary emotions, doing much more work than her sisters in the zodiac sign. The personal life of the Earth Monkey will acquire harmony and happiness, she will be able to correct mistakes in relationships, and will be the initiator to continue the union, agreeing to compromises.

Eastern horoscope for 2017 for the Metal Monkey

The financial affairs of the Metal Monkey in 2017 will go uphill. She is most interested in profit, and will evaluate her work in terms of material gain for herself. This year, the Metal Monkey will receive a new, higher position, will take a leadership position. Gifts of fate will not cause her euphoria - on the contrary, she will become even more focused on her work, setting herself even broader goals and objectives.

Horoscope for a man

Ambitious, talented, strong, courageous - these are representatives of the strong half of the sign. The horoscope for 2017 for the Monkey-man guarantees a "boring" period. You can't relax, you have to work hard. Enterprising Monkeys will find specially trained people who will work for their benefit. Cunning representatives of the sign will skim the cream without any problems.

Constant problems that arise from "nowhere" unsettle a man. In the first half of the year, he is in a gloomy mood, although he does not stop attending parties and various parties. Do not withdraw into yourself, this is not a way out. Communicate more, useful acquaintances will be useful to you.

The second half of 2017 will bring emotional release in the face of a beautiful lady. If a man allows himself to relax internally, a wonderful romance is possible. It is possible that the acquaintance will take place in a business setting.

In the spring, you will have to make an effort not to be left without work. Do not conflict with superiors in search of the truth. To paraphrase: "you look for justice, but you will find a dismissal." You should attract colleagues to your side and management will have to listen to your opinion.

Horoscope for women

Ladies of this sign for men are like a light for moths. They "flock" to a wonderful sense of humor and charm. She knows how to deftly manipulate the stronger sex, pretending to be a "sheep". The eastern horoscope for 2017 for the Monkey-woman promises interesting acquaintances.

Representatives of this sign quickly fall in love, but after a while they lose interest in the chosen one. To keep the Monkey you need to be a little at a distance. In 2017, astrologers promise a fateful meeting. It is important to "see" your half, not to miss the moment.

Family Monkeys are busy arranging home comfort and raising children. In parallel, they are trying to make a career. Accordingly, there is practically no time left for her husband. Be more attentive to your spouse, work and washing-cooking are secondary.

The service is doing well. In the year of the Rooster, enterprising Monkeys have many opportunities to climb the career ladder. The main thing is to choose a good "niche". Think about a startup: your rich imagination in search of non-standard solutions will significantly improve your financial situation. By the end of the year, misunderstandings with colleagues are possible, be more correct.

Love horoscope for 2017

To please the Monkey, she only needs to flatter. This egoist loves compliments, even obviously false ones. I don't care, the main thing is that they praise. Be careful, behind such two-faced adoration a selfish person can hide. Ladies should be especially careful. Otherwise, the first rogue will take advantage of you.

In family life, the Monkeys have a misunderstanding with their spouse due to current financial difficulties. Do not quarrel! Problems will pass, and offensive words will be remembered for a long time. You must be supportive of each other during difficult times. In 2017, unexpected news about a future addition to the family is likely. For planning couples, this long-awaited event is finally here.

Lonely Monkeys will meet a loved one. However, representatives of the sign in any other year do not have problems in this area. Monkeys are always in the center of attention of the opposite sex, if desired, they will never be alone. Another thing is that often the Monkey makes the wrong choice. This is due to her impulsiveness and amorousness. After a while, she gets bored with new relationships, and the chosen one remains "with nothing." Be careful in your connections.

Money horoscope for 2017

It cannot be unequivocally said that the Monkeys are stable with finances throughout their lives. She needs to find "her own" business, then there will be no problems with money. The monkey tends to often change areas of activity, she quickly gets bored with working in one place. However, if she is satisfied with the position, then it is better not to find an employee. The monkey is responsible, not afraid to make decisions, energetic and executive.

In 2017, she should not drastically change her place of work, in which case there will be difficulties with money. Try to prove yourself at work and you will be offered a salary increase. Avoid questionable deals. The monkey tends to be "unclean", unfortunately. In the year of the Fire Rooster, it is categorically impossible to try to take what lies badly. Better use your ingenuity to find new partners who can invest in your projects.

In a downturn in the economy, it makes sense to invest in real estate. It is better to buy land and a house than square meters of an apartment. In 2017, there will be an opportunity to change the car. Astrologers recommend not to refuse to take refresher courses. More knowledge means more money.

Career horoscope for 2017

The first impression after talking with the Monkey: a superficial, rustic person. This is mistake. Representatives of the sign always record what is happening, even in utter confusion. Thanks to a phenomenal memory, the Monkey grasps any information on the fly. This helps her to stay afloat even in the most difficult times. The horoscope for 2017 for Monkeys does not promise an easy life. Natural instinct will help representatives of the sign to avoid disaster.

The monkey knows how to get along with people, she is “her own” in any team. She won't be out of work this year. The monkey is a careerist, knows how to use his abilities to achieve goals. A big plus: it is “multi-tasking”. The monkey knows infinitely much, can perform the duties of both the smallest clerk and the head of a large department. In any case, she will receive a salary.

However, in order for the financial income to be impressive, you need to work hard. The monkey should overcome laziness and the desire to shift their responsibilities to others. It is worth working hard for the first few months of the year, and by the summer you will have a serious promotion and, accordingly, in pay.

Health Horoscope for 2017

Monkeys have a strong body. During the period of illness, their hidden reserves are activated. The monkey, due to laziness, does not like sports. In vain, you can avoid many health problems thanks to elementary exercises in the morning.

In 2017, ladies will have a problem of excess weight, against this background, exacerbations of chronic sores are possible. Watch your diet, avoid fast food and do not abuse sweets. In men, abuse is of a different kind: control the amount of alcohol. In the year of the Rooster, you will often have to attend various events, so you should not get carried away with libations.

Monkeys should overcome their fear of doctors. Visit dentists and other highly specialized doctors on time. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure.

Be sure to take a summer vacation. It is better to go to the sea during the velvet season, enjoy the gentle sun and an abundance of fruits. In winter, try to avoid crowds so as not to pick up seasonal viral diseases. In general, in 2017 the Monkeys will not have serious ailments. You just need to take better care of your health.

Celebrities Born in the Year of the Monkey

Leonardo Da Vinci, Grigory Rasputin, Ivan Kozhedub, Igor Talkov, Natalya Andreichenko, David Copperfield, Celine Dion, Ronaldo Ronaldinho, Channing Tatum, Guy Ritchie, Lucy Liu.


The health of the Monkeys during 2017 will need their attention. It all starts with the fact that some of them will have to meet the year of the Rooster with impaired liver function. And in no case should this problem be left to chance or self-medicate.

Throughout 2017, it is advisable for people of this sign to monitor their skeletal system and, in particular, their spine. First of all, this should be expressed in the fact that the Monkeys need to try to protect themselves from excessive physical exertion.

Another important point is this: Monkeys are better off sticking to traditional medicine and not really believing in the omnipotence of unconventional remedies. In any case, in the year of the Rooster Monkey, turning to such "specialists", they have only one chance - to get rid of their money. As for the state of health in this sense, nothing optimistic can be predicted.


The Monkey's finances will continue to be treated with a certain amount of frivolity. Many of them will not try to save. And even those who were able to make them earlier will manage to spend everything “to the point of iron”. As for 2017 specifically, the Monkeys are instructed to optimize their spending as much as possible and try - as far as possible and acceptable for them - to plan their own expenses and proceed from considerations of necessity and usefulness.


Opportunities in the professional field of the Monkeys are very good. True, it is by no means a fact that all representatives of this sign will be able to use them. Two points can become an obstacle to success in the year of the Rooster for them. The first is financial stability. As long as the Monkeys have money, they will not “bother” with career achievements and will first of all pay attention to their own hobbies, not in accordance with their prospects and everything else. The second is a monkey character. These natures are quick-tempered and changeable. For the sake of what they consider to be principles, they may sacrifice what is rational and clearly advantageous. However, in fairness, it must be stated that, fortunately, for many Monkeys, the principles and benefits in the year of the Rooster just coincide.


The year 2017 can be very successful for single Monkeys. They will have many chances to meet their Big Love. True, in order to consolidate such a relationship, they will have to tighten up and try to demonstrate the best of their merits. Without this, the Monkeys risk going unnoticed.

Those of them who have already found a partner (partner) to their liking should not rush to legitimize their relationship. And this is not about checking feelings and the like, but about the fact that, having entered into a marriage in 2017, Monkeys run the risk of soon facing everyday problems that they will not be able to solve quickly. Accordingly, the new family "ship" can corny crash on the "rocks" of minor domestic problems. Monkeys should marry during this period only if they are sure that they can build it on a solid foundation of material well-being.

Family Monkeys have nothing to worry about. Their relationship with spouses does not portend excesses. The main thing is not to concentrate too much on everyday worries and pay due attention to romance.

According to the horoscope for 2017, Monkey hid in the crown of a tree. Her year is over, she had a great time, now we need to look around. This is the most eccentric sign of the eastern horoscope. The monkey is characterized by several positive traits:

  • Intelligence
  • Ingenuity
  • Optimism
  • The ability to be the soul of any society

She likes people, it is always interesting to spend time with her. However, behind the mask of benevolence, the Monkey often hides his bad opinion of others. In her heart, she considers herself better than others, but she has to live in society. The monkey both despises society and cannot live outside of it.

The Monkey has a unique sense of humor, thanks to which she is going through life's troubles. This cunning intellectual is able to make fun of anyone, she is so subtly able to notice flaws. In fairness, it must be said: she also laughs at herself. The monkey criticizes others, but soberly evaluates himself.

General forecast for 2017

The quirky Monkey seeks to build his life in such a way as not to work. Or work, but very little, purely formally. That is why the lazy person is unhappy with the year of the Fire Rooster. During this period, you need to work hard, and she just needs to mess around.

The quick-witted Monkey came up with a way out: to depict violent activity at arm's length. The Rooster does not like this approach, but he is too busy with revolutions to pay attention to the crown of the tree in which the Monkey lurks.

2017 is full of events, not always positive ones. Conflicts, the struggle for power, strife at all levels bring confusion in society. The monkey is helped to solve problems by natural quick wit and dexterity. And she can lie in her own interests. Monkey knows the right people to help you stay afloat in 2017.

Astrologers advise to keep your mouth shut and not tease the pugnacious Rooster. It is better not to stick out once again, there will be a holiday on your street. 2017 is a bad time for the Monkey to be active.

Horoscope for the Monkey man in 2017

Ambitious, talented, strong, courageous - these are representatives of the strong half of the sign. The horoscope for 2017 for the Monkey-man guarantees a "boring" period. You can't relax, you have to work hard. Enterprising Monkeys will find specially trained people who will work for their benefit. Cunning representatives of the sign will skim the cream without any problems.

Constant problems that arise from "nowhere" unsettle a man. In the first half of the year, he is in a gloomy mood, although he does not stop attending parties and various parties. Do not withdraw into yourself, this is not a way out. Communicate more, useful acquaintances will be useful to you.

The second half of 2017 will bring emotional release in the face of a beautiful lady. If a man allows himself to relax internally, a wonderful romance is possible. It is possible that the acquaintance will take place in a business setting.

In the spring, you will have to make an effort not to be left without work. Do not conflict with superiors in search of the truth. To paraphrase: "you look for justice, but you will find a dismissal." You should attract colleagues to your side and management will have to listen to your opinion.

Horoscope for women Monkeys in 2017

Ladies of this sign for men are like a light for moths. They "flock" to a wonderful sense of humor and charm. She knows how to deftly manipulate the stronger sex, pretending to be a "sheep". The eastern horoscope for 2017 for the Monkey-woman promises interesting acquaintances.

Representatives of this sign quickly fall in love, but after a while they lose interest in the chosen one. To keep the Monkey you need to be a little at a distance. In 2017, astrologers promise a fateful meeting. It is important to "see" your half, not to miss the moment.

Family Monkeys are busy arranging home comfort and raising children. In parallel, they are trying to make a career. Accordingly, there is practically no time left for her husband. Be more attentive to your spouse, work and washing-cooking are secondary.

The service is doing well. In the year of the Rooster, enterprising Monkeys have many opportunities to climb the career ladder. The main thing is to choose a good "niche". Think about a startup: your rich imagination in search of non-standard solutions will significantly improve your financial situation. By the end of the year, misunderstandings with colleagues are possible, be more correct.

Love horoscope for 2017

To please the Monkey, she only needs to flatter. This egoist loves compliments, even obviously false ones. I don't care, the main thing is that they praise. Be careful, behind such two-faced adoration a selfish person can hide. Ladies should be especially careful. Otherwise, the first rogue will take advantage of you.

In family life, the Monkeys have a misunderstanding with their spouse due to current financial difficulties. Do not quarrel! Problems will pass, and offensive words will be remembered for a long time. You must be supportive of each other during difficult times. In 2017, unexpected news about a future addition to the family is likely. For planning couples, this long-awaited event is finally here.

Lonely Monkeys will meet a loved one. However, representatives of the sign in any other year do not have problems in this area. Monkeys are always in the center of attention of the opposite sex, if desired, they will never be alone. Another thing is that often the Monkey makes the wrong choice. This is due to her impulsiveness and amorousness. After a while, she gets bored with new relationships, and the chosen one remains "with nothing." Be careful in your connections.

Money horoscope for 2017

It cannot be unequivocally said that the Monkeys are stable with finances throughout their lives. She needs to find "her own" business, then there will be no problems with money. The monkey tends to often change areas of activity, she quickly gets bored with working in one place. However, if she is satisfied with the position, then it is better not to find an employee. The monkey is responsible, not afraid to make decisions, energetic and executive.

In 2017, she should not drastically change her place of work, in which case there will be difficulties with money. Try to prove yourself at work and you will be offered a salary increase. Avoid questionable deals. The monkey tends to be "unclean", unfortunately. In the year of the Fire Rooster, it is categorically impossible to try to take what lies badly. Better use your ingenuity to find new partners who can invest in your projects.

In a downturn in the economy, it makes sense to invest in real estate. It is better to buy land and a house than square meters of an apartment. In 2017, there will be an opportunity to change the car. Astrologers recommend not to refuse to take refresher courses. More knowledge means more money.

Career horoscope for 2017

The first impression after talking with the Monkey: a superficial, rustic person. This is mistake. Representatives of the sign always record what is happening, even in utter confusion. Thanks to a phenomenal memory, the Monkey grasps any information on the fly. This helps her to stay afloat even in the most difficult times. The horoscope for 2017 for Monkeys does not promise an easy life. Natural instinct will help representatives of the sign to avoid disaster.

The monkey knows how to get along with people, she is “her own” in any team. She won't be out of work this year. The monkey is a careerist, knows how to use his abilities to achieve goals. A big plus: it is “multi-tasking”. The monkey knows infinitely much, can perform the duties of both the smallest clerk and the head of a large department. In any case, she will receive a salary.

However, in order for the financial income to be impressive, you need to work hard. The monkey should overcome laziness and the desire to shift their responsibilities to others. It is worth working hard for the first few months of the year, and by the summer you will have a serious promotion and, accordingly, in pay.

Health Horoscope for 2017

Monkeys have a strong body. During the period of illness, their hidden reserves are activated. The monkey, due to laziness, does not like sports. In vain, you can avoid many health problems thanks to elementary exercises in the morning.

In 2017, ladies will have a problem of excess weight, against this background, exacerbations of chronic sores are possible. Watch your diet, avoid fast food and do not abuse sweets. In men, abuse is of a different kind: control the amount of alcohol. In the year of the Rooster, you will often have to attend various events, so you should not get carried away with libations.

Monkeys should overcome their fear of doctors. Visit dentists and other highly specialized doctors on time. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure.

Be sure to take a summer vacation. It is better to go to the sea during the velvet season, enjoy the gentle sun and an abundance of fruits. In winter, try to avoid crowds so as not to pick up seasonal viral diseases. In general, in 2017 the Monkeys will not have serious ailments. You just need to take better care of your health.

Celebrities Born in the Year of the Monkey

Leonardo Da Vinci, Grigory Rasputin, Ivan Kozhedub, Igor Talkov, Natalya Andreichenko, David Copperfield, Celine Dion, Ronaldo Ronaldinho, Channing Tatum, Guy Ritchie, Lucy Liu.

Other horoscopes for 2017

Eastern horoscope for 2017

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What awaits the Monkey in 2017? Representatives of this sign in 2017 can safely take risks. The rooster promises them an excellent end to any extravagant event. The agile and nimble Monkey will catch luck by the tail and pull it to its side. The rooster sympathizes with this sign. But it is worth working on your negative qualities. Such as inconstancy and forgetfulness. Only work and patience will help the Monkey achieve the desired results.

This is the time for new projects and events. You will be able to organize new events and profit from the already created ones.

The experience of previous years will help you achieve the best results. Your natural insight will help you get into the flow and be on the crest of the wave. But all this must be supported by diligence and honest zeal. And don't be too hasty. This is not the time.

Unjustified risk will not succeed this year. Even if the enterprise is rather dangerous, but the result should exceed all expectations, only in this case it is worth taking on it.

Know that some people will leave your life. They are redundant and therefore no longer needed. Their mission is over for you. You will make new acquaintances.

For the Monkey, this is a year of transformation and change. You will discover new opportunities, even new talents. If you've always wanted drastic change, now is the time to make it happen.

In general, the Monkey tries to arrange all his activities in life in such a way as to strain less. She always has the right contacts at hand to fulfill her ambitions. But this year you should not try to mess around, it will not help. A rooster can only help a hard-working person.

Love horoscope for the Monkey

For family people, everything will be as usual - good. Don't think about anything and just enjoy. Do not ask the impossible from a loved one, you do not need stars from the sky. This is a bluff. Your whims can lead to conflicts and unnecessary hassle. And the result will remain the same. Don't waste your energy, save it for a better occasion. Try to be patient. The Rooster wants to see you calm and selfless. You must become wiser.

You must give your half confidence in the future and in you. You must be more serious in family life. Try not to fall into sprees and avoid casual relationships. You must already decide exactly what you need in this life.

Pay more attention to elderly relatives. Visit them often, share your positive energy. Walk together, go shopping.

Free Monkeys will stubbornly pursue the object of their love. It will be a long process, but if you achieve the result, you will find true happiness. Don't be afraid to swing too high, it's justified.
But that's not the best for marriage. best time. He who wants to get married can wait a bit with this event. You have time to build a material foundation.

If you have children, then pay attention to their problems, try to solve them together. Approach them with all seriousness. This is the time to build good relationships.

Horoscope for 2017 for men and women

Monkey Woman.
Women of this sign are very charming and sociable. Many men volunteer to dance to their tune at the first call.

Takeoff and universal respect await you at work. The authorities will appreciate your communication skills and good disposition.
The main thing is to keep your capricious and quick-tempered character in check. Otherwise, he can greatly spoil your position in the team. Try to contain your emotions.

Such women are easy-going and amorous. They are master manipulators. Try not to get lost in the crowd of fans. Among them there is the one you were looking for.

Monkey Man.
You will not be alone this year. New acquaintances will overwhelm you. Pleasant and useful meetings will happen to you almost every day. Perhaps at this time you will meet your destiny. The meeting this year promises a long family idyll.

If you give yourself entirely to work, then at the end of the year pleasant surprises await you. Perhaps it will be a salary increase, and perhaps a rise in the career ladder.

Monkey men are usually very masculine. They usually build their lives in leadership positions. They are cunning and resourceful.

The beginning of the year will not be very optimistic, but then everything will return to its place. Try to spend more time in society. This will help you not get discouraged.

From the summer you can expect a fateful meeting. Perhaps a pleasant romance or even serious relationship. But in the spring, some misunderstandings at work may begin. You should listen more to management.

Monkey Money & Career Horoscope

This will require all your attention. There is an opportunity for promotion. Take the most difficult projects and solve them. Your boss will appreciate your efforts.

Your friendliness and sociability will help you build relationships in the team. You can even ask for help and you will not be denied. Teamwork will bring great results. If you have deceivers at work, then it is at this time that you can bring them to clean water.

The rooster especially patronizes creative people. If you crave public recognition, now is the time to bring your work to the light and subject it to public scrutiny.

This will bring you tangible material results.

The monkey is too frivolous about money. They slip through your fingers. Become a little more thrifty and the result will not keep you waiting. If you save some money, then at the end of the year there will be a convenient opportunity to invest it successfully.

Help relatives. They will appreciate it.

Do not take loans and get into debt. Then it will be very difficult to return.

2017 is a time of big purchases. If there is an opportunity for side income, then do not refuse. This can help you improve your financial situation.

Monkey health horoscope

Monkey's health is strong. Even if they get sick, the body seeks out hidden resources and heals. They have no passion for sports. Although in vain, if they were more active, they could avoid many problems.

In 2017, there is a chance to get hold of excess weight. This can lead to illness. Try to avoid it. Eat right and don't eat junk food. This year it is better to reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum. The year will be eventful and it will be difficult to do this, but your health requires it.

There is a risk of dental problems. To avoid them at the very beginning, visit a doctor on time. Also do prevention.

Go on vacation in the summer. This will positively affect your emotional state. Go to the seaside. You can even not in hot weather, but in early autumn. This is the time when fruits and other natural vitamin foods are plentiful.

At the beginning of the year, liver problems are possible, but you can quickly solve them. The stars are strongly advised to avoid feasts. You can fall for the tricks of charlatans in medicine. Try to use the services of trusted doctors. And no one canceled the effect of a good rest.

You should not attend public concerts or holidays - there is a great danger of meeting the disease. But in general, you will not get sick much if you take all the necessary preventive measures in time.

A favorable and positive year is approaching for all representatives of the Monkey. This is the time of activity and the fulfillment of all previously conceived plans. But as assured Eastern horoscope for 2019, Monkeyswill have to carefully work on their negative qualities. Only by eliminating forgetfulness, as well as inconstancy, from one's character, it will be possible to receive all the blessings of life provided by fate.

This is a great time for all representatives of the star constellation to devote to the implementation of such plans, which initially required increased attention. The Pig, which is the leader of the coming time, will definitely help the absurd Monkey in all endeavors. If the latter has any ideas in her soul, then one should realize them in real life and not be afraid of anything.

It is important to note that all the grace will not “fall down” to the representative of the sign from Heaven, in order to feel as happy as possible, he will have to work hard and responsibly. At the same time, this statement applies not only to professional sphere. You will almost always have to work and work hard. If the Monkey wants to change something in his personal life, then it will be up to him to take the initial steps.

When implementing previously conceived plans, it is important to remember past mistakes made. The monkey has already accumulated enough experience so as not to repeat exactly the same mistakes in the future. You should prepare for the departure from the fate of the representative of the zodiac of some people. There is no need to regret this, the one who leaves the society of the Monkey can no longer do anything good in the fate of the latter. The stars themselves are in charge now: who should be left surrounded by the representative of the sign, and who should be removed from him.

The coming year can certainly be called a period of unusual changes. Now the Monkey does not need to be afraid of difficulties or sorrows, of course, they will meet on the way, but on their own they will pass quickly and without the appearance of any negative consequences. In the coming period, a representative of the star constellation can enter into risky operations, as well as make completely unusual changes for him. It is good to dedicate this year to the implementation of activities that are more important in the fate of the star path representative himself.

A great time is coming for the Monkey woman, now she is becoming so popular with the entire opposite sex that closer to the end of the specified period in time, she will get tired of it.Horoscope of the Monkey woman for 2019advises beautiful representatives to use the maximum chances, because such a favorable period can not wait at all soon.

Lonely representatives of the sign already need to think about finding their ideal life partner, and family Monkeys need to throw all their own efforts into strengthening the family.

To achieve prosperity in their destiny, ladies need to learn how to restrain their own emotions.

Monkey Man

Even if Monkey men in this period wish to be alone, they definitely will not succeed. The stars promise acquaintances, maximum communication and exciting meetings to the entire strongest half of the zodiac representation. The year is good for putting things in order in your personal life.Monkey man horoscope for 2019definitely states that it is important for the representatives of the zodiac to lower their life standards a little. It is important to become more loyal, and not as demanding as the Monkey often is.

Monkey Horoscope for January 2019

The initial month of the coming year will be tense for all representatives of the star constellation. Ahead of them are small financial difficulties that arise due to big spending for New Year's celebrations. To stabilize their own financial condition, the Monkey will have to work very hard and earn well.

The time is not very good for love pleasures. If possible, it is necessary to move a little away from personal problems and come to grips with professional affairs and material problems.

Monkey Horoscope for February 2019

After all financial difficulties are positively resolved, it would be good for the representatives of the zodiac to take care of their own health. It is not a great secret that it is in February that cold epidemics begin. To prevent the attack of such ailments, the Monkey is recommended to take care of preventive measures in advance.

What awaits the Monkey in February 2019 eastern horoscope ? As the stars foretell, the winter period can be devoted to a good rest. At the same time, it is important for a representative of the star constellation to be alone for at least some time and not strive for an increased amount of even positive communication.

Monkey Horoscope for March 2019

The stars strongly advise the representative of the star path to think about the manifestation of their own negative traits. Such characteristic qualities as selfishness and forgetfulness greatly hinder the Monkey from moving forward. It does not hurt now to listen to the opinion or advice of a number of people around, especially if the Monkey is in a very difficult situation.

If everything is in order, then it would be good for a representative of the star constellation to think about getting positive in own life. The period can be devoted to communicating with relatives or meeting with dear people.

Monkey horoscope for April 2019

But the beautiful spring month is necessary for all Monkeys without exception to devote love sphere life.If there are any serious problems in the love tandem of the representative of the zodiac, then it would be nice to deal with them closely. Of course, April is not very favorable for travel or romantic trips, but young lovers can also go on a short trip, for example, through their native expanses. Such a trip will help strengthen the relationship and direct the couple's love life in a new direction.

Lonely Monkeys are recommended to start an active search for a life partner. At the same time, it is important to take a closer look, first of all, in your close circle.

Monkey Horoscope for May 2019

After active work has been done both in personal life and in terms of professional achievements, Monkeys would do well to have a great rest. Throughout the May period, representatives of the zodiac will have to experience either positive or very negative moments in their lives. It is necessary to prepare for changeable times and not be nervous over various trifles.

If the Monkey owns a dacha, then most of the time this month must be spent in nature. In the event that the Monkey does not have a garden or vegetable garden, free time from labor can be spent simply in nature.

Monkey Horoscope for June 2019

Romanticism in the character of the representative of the zodiac goes beyond all acceptable boundaries. Now the Monkey will become so sweet and loving that a large number of fans will gather around her. Throughout June, the representatives of the star path will have to bathe in everyone's attention and partner care, from such circumstances they can become conceited and start treating their own partner too selfishly.

The period in time is also dangerous by the inconstancy of the Monkey, especially if it manifests itself in non-free representatives of the sign.

Monkey Horoscope for July 2019

In the month of July, many representatives of the zodiac should not refuse the opportunity to take a vacation. Such a beautiful month is ideal for traveling to the seaside or for a trip to foreign countries.

If the representatives of the star sign have minor material problems, then they must begin to be resolved immediately. It is important to prevent small problems from turning into real bankruptcy. This month is not very good for various changes in the field of professional relations. You can not change the place of your permanent service.

Monkey Horoscope for August 2019

Having gained strength, representatives of the star constellation can begin to implement previously conceived plans. August gives the Monkey activity and increased stamina, so now you can safely enter hard way career obligations. It is important to ensure that partners and colleagues do not show themselves in a negative way. Since the Monkey achieves a lot and is different from other workers, colleagues may envy the representative of the zodiac. If possible, you must immediately turn away from negative personalities and not make contact with them.

Monkey Horoscope for September 2019

If professional problems are completely resolved, then the star path representative can finally take care of his own appearance, as well as his health. The period is great for traveling to the Black or Mediterranean Sea. Such a trip will serve as a great pastime, as well as help to perfectly strengthen the immune system and improve the whole body as a whole.

With the appearance of even the slightest ailments, the Monkey should not self-medicate. It is required to contact only qualified specialists in a timely manner.

Monkey Horoscope for October 2019

As the real one points outChinese horoscope for October 2019 for the Monkey, this “golden” period will require maximum endurance and unusual patience from the representatives of the zodiac. Not very favorable life moments are looming ahead, from which the Monkey will need to find only the right way out. It is likely that she will have to face her past, which torments and cannot let go. Right now, the Monkey will have to make the right and right decision, on which the further well-being of the representative of the star constellation will directly depend.

Monkey Horoscope for November 2019

The closer to the end of this year, the more problems are expected in the fate of the representative of the star constellation. Now troubles can visit the Monkey's personal life. As before, she herself will be the culprit of the troubles that have appeared. To eliminate the negative manifestations of this autumn month, you need to clearly work on your negative qualities. You should show less selfishness, and also remember that a number of people around you have their own personal opinion, which can be radically different from the thoughts of other people.

Monkey Horoscope for December 2019

But it would be good to dedicate the final month of this year to your children or close relatives. Now it is important to pay due attention to your family partner and show all the sincere feelings that the Monkey is only capable of.

On the eve of the New Year celebrations, one should not get carried away with excessive spending, as well as the acquisition of completely unnecessary purchases.