A Gemini loves a Virgo. Compatibility of signs in the professional field

Sometimes, looking at some couples, you simply wonder - well, what can such different people have in common, how can they have been living together for so many years to the envy of everyone? This question will certainly arise if the couple is Virgo and Gemini. and Gemini - a very incomprehensible phenomenon, because. these signs are as different as the earth and the sky. Looking at these two people, when asked if Virgo and Gemini are compatible, you will definitely answer: “No!”

And indeed, what can a rational and sensible Virgo and frivolous and even sometimes heartless Gemini have in common? Gemini is always in flight, always in search of new sensations and mirages. They change their plans with amazing ease, not for a moment thinking that they might offend someone. Alas, for Virgo, such behavior is a significant drawback. She is too responsible to understand, much less forgive Gemini for his inconstancy. As for the Gemini, he will certainly be annoyed by the dullness of the Virgin, her desire to streamline and systematize everything. There is too much logic in Virgo for her to understand Gemini's impulses.

So, Virgo and Gemini - compatibility is impossible? Not certainly in that way.

Geminis are inherently sweet and good-natured children who care most about themselves. And as you know, children always need a reliable support - exactly the kind that a loving Virgo can become. While Gemini flits around the world, Virgo patiently waits for them in a cozy nest, to which Gemini will definitely return, provided that Virgo holds her sharp sting and greets them kindly. Gemini is useless to accuse of frivolity - a sense of guilt is completely uncharacteristic of them. However, in order to maintain their union, Virgo and Gemini will have to learn how to conduct a dialogue. They are too different to intuitively understand each other. They will have to explain to each other every act and word, otherwise any little thing due to the difference in views and temperament can lead to a break.

And Gemini says that they are both very intelligent signs of the zodiac. This makes them related and allows you to treat your partner with respect. And respect in this union is very important due to the differences between the signs. Gemini can easily arrange a quarrel, which they, however, do not even consider a quarrel, and this conflict can hurt Virgo very deeply.

Virgo and Gemini: compatibility if Virgo is a woman and Gemini is a man

Perhaps the only thing that can bring these two together is curiosity. Gemini will be flattered by the attention of such an intellectual person as Virgo, he will like her restraint and good breeding, and he will definitely want to explore such an unusual specimen of a woman. And Virgo will be surprised in him by something that she never had: adventures, changes, a life full of emotions. However, when the first passion passes, Virgo will begin to doubt - can he be trusted? Virgo is a spiritual sign, and Gemini doesn't like to dig into themselves and others. They will either greatly offend the Virgo, or learn to compromise - but again, more out of indifference than understanding of the essence of the Virgo.

The Gemini man should understand that Virgo is always serious, you can’t play with her. But he will also notice that despite the fact that Virgo may seem boring and too earthly, only she can calm his soul tired of throwing!

Virgo and Gemini: compatibility if Virgo is a man and Gemini is a woman

A husband who spends all his free time at a book or a computer, and a wife who tirelessly runs between girlfriends, shopping centers, exhibitions, etc. - This classic version Virgo man and Gemini woman. And believe me, for a Gemini woman, this option is not so bad. Her companion will let her go without any jealousy and provide home comfort while she flies ahead of the rest.

However, in such an alliance, Gemini will clearly lack emotions, because they are temperamental, and Virgos are rather reserved. The Virgo man will not have enough attention and housekeeping. Gemini women are by no means ideal housewives, and Dev is annoying.

In general, difficulties in such a union cannot be avoided, but on the other hand, they complement each other so well that they can get along well, especially since neither Virgo nor Gemini are by no means prone to betrayal.

In many ways, the relationship between representatives of the signs of the zodiac Gemini and Virgo depends on a combination of circumstances. Only fate can bring these people together, as they have different hobbies and usually go through life in different ways. But having met, Gemini and Virgo can become interested in each other's natural dissimilarity and create a relatively prosperous tandem. But this is possible only on the basis of patience and mutual respect. Virgo, you will need to try to accept the duality and inconstancy of Gemini's character, on the contrary, he will learn to be more punctual and obligatory.

Gemini Man and Virgo Woman Compatibility

The compatibility of the couple is at a low level. Representatives of these zodiac signs are at different poles. This means that the likelihood that they life paths intersect is close to zero. But everything happens in life. Therefore, when meeting between such different partners, relatively prosperous relations can arise if they find mutual language in domestic matters.

In a love relationship (compatibility in love 45%)

Compatibility of Gemini man and Virgo woman in a love relationship is quite low. This is due to the fact that they speak in life different languages. But this is exactly the case when love is always unpredictable and cupid's arrows hit people who seem to be absolutely incompatible in their natural characters.

At the beginning of the development of a relationship, partners, as a rule, experience a sense of novelty, which allows them to awaken inner interest and attraction. But with the advent of time, it often happens that feelings become dull, and boredom comes in tandem. Often partners do not even find topics for conversation.

In addition, the Gemini man gives many reasons for jealousy, which causes suffering for the partner. The Virgo girl, by her natural character, is very demanding not only to herself, but also to the person who is nearby. This constrains the freedom-loving partner, and for a long time he cannot withstand any restrictions. As a result, partners break up, as they do not have enough strength to overcome the resulting alienation.

In bed (compatibility in sex 29%)

Compatibility of Virgo woman and Gemini man in bed is very low. This is primarily due to the conservatism of the partner. The thing is that the young lady Virgo cannot tune in to sex without foreplay. She will not be able to open up without affectionate words from her partner and other important details.

This attitude to intimacy irritates the guy. The Gemini man believes that sex should be treated much easier, because, in his opinion, sexual relations are an integral part of love, and there should be no difficulties around this.

Such a misunderstanding in bed can provoke a man's betrayal, which will only increase the tension between lovers. But there are times when a Gemini man, against the backdrop of great love, fully accepts his partner's attitude towards sex. Having shown great patience, he will make his beloved liberate, and this will fill the sexual relationship with unusual positive emotions.

Married (compatibility in family life 52%)

The compatibility of Virgo and Gemini in marriage allows you to create a family union, it will be very interesting, but very difficult. It is especially difficult for the wife, because she seeks to create an ideal atmosphere in the family and please her beloved.

In order for the marriage to be successful, representatives of these zodiac signs will have to make a lot of efforts. Over time, companions learn to accept each other for who they are by nature. It is important that partners understand the need for them to stay together if they can forgive each other's shortcomings.

In an ideal family, lovers do not try to remake one another, but teach themselves to admire each other, no matter how difficult it is. The Gemini man really likes the natural practicality of his wife and her housekeeping. On the other hand, Virgo is fascinated by the flexibility of the mind of the spouse and his ability to make extraordinary decisions.

The biggest threat to marriage is that the Virgo wife prefers stability in life. But at the same time, her husband is constantly striving for life changes. On this basis, serious scandals flare up, which, in most cases, lead to divorce.

In friendship (compatibility in friendships 56%)

Strong friendships between a Gemini man and a Virgo woman do not occur often. Having met in the same company, they can enjoy spending time in each other's company. But at the same time, the desire to communicate more closely and trust each other with their secrets and aspirations is extremely rare. Representatives of these zodiac signs are too different to get close.

Friendship between companions is characterized by the fact that friends maintain relationships periodically. They get closer when the need arises. This method allows them not to get tired of communicating with each other and maintain the freshness of friendly relations.

Love against the background of friendship between representatives of these zodiac signs never arises, so their halves absolutely do not need to worry. The Virgo woman is so decent that she allows love relationships only with a free man.

Against the background of friendship between satellites, excellent business relations can develop. If necessary, they can unite and arrange a powerful brainstorming session in order to solve a complex problem. In a working situation, they are able to discard all prejudices towards each other and confidently move towards their goal.

The union is always very surprising for others. From the outside, it seems that any mutual understanding between representatives of these zodiac signs is simply impossible. There are many differences between the characters of these people, and in order to build harmonious relationships, partners need to show a lot of patience.

In a love relationship (compatibility in love 54%)

The compatibility of a Virgo man and a Gemini woman in a love relationship allows, with the mutual efforts of partners, to form a completely prosperous union:

  • The Virgo guy will bring stability and practicality to the relationship.
  • The Gemini girl will become a source of new impressions and interesting information, which can be very useful.

With the chosen Gemini, a man will never be bored. She will always be able to brighten up the gray everyday life and will not allow her to get hung up on everyday problems. She will charge her partner with optimism in any situation.

The Virgo guy is very rational, he will absorb the partner’s ideas and implement those that are trustworthy. On the other hand, the beloved Gemini is impressed by the fact that next to her is a strong, reasonable and intelligent man. She understands that you can always rely on a partner, and if he makes any promises, he will definitely keep them.

Compatibility Virgo and Gemini in love due to the many different contradictions between representatives of these zodiac signs can vary greatly. First of all, it is very difficult for a partner to get used to the inconstancy of Gemini, who is constantly striving to change his life. Her interests can be momentary and after a very short time become irrelevant. Moreover, any criticism from his side is always perceived by the partner in a biased way.

In bed (compatibility in sex 87%)

Compatibility Virgo and Gemini in bed is almost perfect. In sex, they will have everything that can bring untold pleasure. This is tenderness, passion, experiments. This is often associated with a partner's greater sexual experience.

The thing is that while the Virgo guy does not tie the knot, he leads a rather free lifestyle. So he has already learned a lot. Therefore, if the Gemini girl turns out to be his last one, then she will receive maximum pleasure in bed. Her chosen one will prove himself as a real, skillful lover.

The chosen one Virgo understands his partner without words. For its part, with such an attentive attitude, the young lady Gemini will be completely liberated and will show all her imagination in bed. She will fill sex with unusual emotions and give her partner an unforgettable experience.

Married (compatibility in family life 60%)

Compatibility of Virgo man and Gemini woman in marriage is not high, satellites do not strive to create a family. On a subconscious level, partners understand how great the differences in their natural characters are.

Representatives of these zodiac signs can create a strong, and sometimes ideal family only if they have deep and sincere feelings. But it is with this that problems can arise, because no one can know how long the love of a Gemini woman will be.

In addition, in marriage, the Virgo husband may try to re-educate his partner. And that would be a very big mistake. Any pressure from the outside will be rejected by the Gemini woman. Moreover, as a rule, this provokes very big scandals, after which a break in relations follows.

Representatives of these zodiac signs will be able to create a prosperous family if it is a marriage of convenience. The chosen one Gemini in this case will try to listen to the recommendations of the spouse, understanding all the benefits of marriage. As a rule, they are associated with full security. With this attitude of the spouse, the Virgo husband will strive to become more open and flexible. He will be less critical of his wife's behavior.

In friendship (compatibility in friendship 66%)

A friendly tandem between a Gemini woman and a Virgo man always works out well. Between friends there is complete mutual understanding. Moreover, in such friendly alliances there will never arise between partners love relationship. These people are unlikely to change their halves. But on the other hand, if they are free, then there may well be a desire to get to know each other better.

Virgo and Gemini love to chat on different topics, and this brings them together. Such friendship is mutually beneficial:

  • She helps her friend to better understand various life problems and acquire some practicality that will help her become more successful.
  • She helps a friend to relax and become more sociable.

The friendship of representatives of these zodiac signs can become the basis for good business relationships. They are able to successfully solve any complex problems together. But at the same time, a friend must be careful not to hurt the pride of her friend. Otherwise, he will close in on himself and fruitful cooperation will not work.

Very often, such friendships can be maintained for a long time. Only serious life problems can break friendship and separate representatives of these zodiac signs in different directions. This is due to the fact that Virgo and Gemini will not risk their personal lives in order to maintain friendship.

Virgo men are very tough and practical personalities. When choosing a companion, they, first of all, evaluate the rationality and mind of their chosen one. Since such features are not inherent in the Gemini girl, it will be very difficult for her to win the chosen one.

The behavior of the Gemini girl should be such that the Virgo guy understands that a reliable companion will be next to him. Of course, it is very important to look attractive when meeting, but this is not enough. Only if a man realizes that the young lady is very smart, she can interest him. To do this, you need to be able to maintain a conversation on any topic. But for a versatile chosen one, Gemini is not difficult.

It is important to behave with dignity and naturalness when meeting. Excessive enthusiasm for the chosen one will be unnecessary. The fact that a man paid attention to you will be evidenced by his initiative to continue the relationship. If possible, you should definitely get to know his mother. It is important to please the woman whom your chosen one considers the main thing in his life. Her opinion can be decisive.

A girl should conquer a Virgo man only if she is in the mood for long and serious relationship. Otherwise, nothing good will come of it.

How can a Virgo man conquer a Gemini woman?

In order to young man Virgo to conquer the chosen one Gemini needs to remember that she will not accept boring and monotonous relationships. In the soul, the chosen one, despite the lightness and changeability of her character, always feels the need for protection and support. Therefore, she likes self-sufficient and successful men.

The chosen one Virgo must necessarily show that it is he who will become a reliable support for her in life. In no case should you make it seem to the chosen one that you are trying to limit her freedom. She must be sure that she will definitely make vital decisions herself. It should be understood that if you decide to win the heart of the beautiful Gemini, then you should not count on the fact that you will get a nice little domestic cat that will do the housework. Your chosen one will never give up public life.

Young ladies Gemini love smart and intelligent men. Therefore, you need to demonstrate your intelligence and ability to present yourself in society. It is necessary to take care of your chosen one very beautifully, because she will appreciate it. You should give flowers and expensive gifts, invite your chosen one to various interesting events.

A pair of Gemini and Virgo has 70% compatibility in love and marriage. The characters of the partners have many contradictions. From a Gemini's point of view, Virgo is boring. As for the intimate side of the relationship, Virgo has clear ideas that will not satisfy the partner. After the fire of passion goes out, the Virgo will begin to grumble and criticize the partner. In turn, the Gemini will start looking for fun with someone else. The passion between them will cool down, the relationship will soon turn into a cold one. They have something to work on to make love and relationships harmonious.

Compatibility Virgo Woman and Gemini Man

The love and relationship of a Virgo woman and a Gemini man can bring both happiness and disappointment with equal probability. Having met, they will find each other attractive, they will not be bored together. In many ways, their life positions do not coincide. The Virgo woman believes that success depends on personal efforts, while the Gemini man relies on the benefits of interacting with others. She is practical and cautious, while he is inconsistent and rather frivolous. Where he finds entertainment and pleasure, she sees wasted time that could be better spent. From her point of view, he lacks seriousness and responsibility, and he believes that she is overly preoccupied with everyday worries. Perhaps the expectations of the Virgo woman from this relationship will turn out to be unrealistic.

Partners need to learn to accept each other as they are, without trying to remake. The Virgo woman must admit that her beloved needs communication, participation in public life, this is his element, and here he feels best. This does not mean that he is prone to infidelity, if he is with her, then he made a conscious choice. If a Gemini man fell in love with her, he expects the same love, trust and respect in return.

Compatibility Gemini Woman and Virgo Man

The best side of this couple's love and relationship is communication. Despite the mismatch of characters, they can come to an agreement. A typical Gemini woman is sociable, always ready for new acquaintances and loves a variety of experiences. This is not the typical Virgo man - he is a self-sufficient person, does not seek to be in companies and can occupy himself with his own interests. This is the first, and sometimes the only point of disagreement. This does not mean that Virgo is alienated from society, but he prefers to have the boundaries of his own territory, where others cannot enter without his permission.

He will admire the ease of character of the Gemini woman, the variety of her interests and her sharp mind. They can spend hours together talking on a variety of topics. The Virgo man appreciates romance, but she does not captivate him as much as the Gemini woman. Her love will be light and tender, and his feelings will be expressed in a more practical form - care, everyday attention. When interacting with Virgo, Gemini has an advantage over other signs of the zodiac, since both signs are ruled by the same planet - Mercury. Therefore, the Virgo man is ready to put this particular woman on a pedestal. Troubles and stress can make him grumble and complain, but he rarely allows himself to give vent to anger and quarrel. He always thinks about the feelings of his beloved, even more than about his own. Their love relationship can become harmonious and develop into a successful marriage.

This relationship actually resembles the viscous and passionate Argentine tango, and this dance does not always have a happy plot. Gemini and Virgo categorically do not understand each other - they are from different planets. At the same time, both signs tend to get upset and feel sorry for themselves for hours. Virgo often criticizes careless Gemini, while Gemini considers Virgo an obsessive adviser and beech.

In fact, Virgo has few friends and a selective attitude towards communication in general - how can one understand the Gemini, who is always circling in a whirlwind of friends? For Gemini and Virgo, compatibility lies in long conversations - they can discuss absolutely any topic for a long time and with rapture, and it will not be boring.

Compatibility secret for Gemini and Virgo.

Even the stars are at a loss: both signs can selflessly love, but at the same time feel rejected. As friends, this is a wonderful union, but it is incredibly difficult for Gemini and Virgo to establish a life together. But the unity of opposites is quite possible, one has only to strongly desire.

Twins, your love for cheerful chaos can bring the pedantic Virgo to white heat. If you feel like Virgo is nagging, it's more likely because she's trying her best to make your life perfect. Well, what can you do if you have different ideals?

Virgo, you are very fond of giving advice - but it is the Gemini who do not like to listen to them, they get annoyed and begin to be harmful, they are carried away somewhere into the distance, and you feel offended. Do not be upset - if you let the Gemini know that you will always support, they will remember this and turn to you when they really need it.

It is difficult for both of you - you do not move away, but torment each other with misunderstanding. For Gemini and Virgo, compatibility is quite possible: a drop of tenderness can work wonders - any storm can be extinguished by the phrase: “I understand that it’s difficult for you to be with me.”

Gemini man and Virgo woman.

A happy love relationship is likely, provided that the Gemini man is not too extravagant, and the Virgo woman clearly understands who she is dealing with. The prospect of a long-term relationship is almost entirely in the hands of the Virgo woman: if she wants something more than a love affair and will “turn a blind eye” to some abstraction and superficiality of this man.

In general, she can try to keep Gemini with her sense of humor, curiosity and adaptability to life. She has it all, she just needs to get it out of the chest and try it on! Virgo is practical and businesslike, and for Gemini this is an important argument in favor of starting a family.

Gemini woman and Virgo man.

Compatibility in love in this combination is more problematic if we keep in mind the long term. The Virgo man, although an excellent family man: responsible to his woman and children, attentive, knows how to earn money and control their spending, but he needs emotional stability.

The Gemini woman is not able to give him the opportunity to “lean on” during a period of nervous overload and bouts of blues. She herself needs such protection! A difficult combination for love and marriage.

Love Compatibility Horoscope for Gemini and Virgo.

Since the "master" of Gemini, and at the same time Virgo is Mercury - the planet of the mind and intellectual development, it can be argued with all responsibility that compatibility in love for such a couple will be more connected with reason than based on feelings.

Of course, no one canceled emotions and passions, but this is only at first. Then, when the stormy passions subside, the calculation will come to the fore both on one side and on the other. Well, and what, it would seem: let them count on each other - everything seems to be fair, but not everything is so simple.

Do not forget the different nature of these signs. The twins are windy and no force will keep their freedom-loving nature if they themselves do not wish it, and they do not wish it! As a rule, people of this sign are overly mobile, rarely punctual, live in their own rhythm and do not depend on authorities.

For Virgo, who belongs to the sign of the earth element, and even wants to classify, build and adjust everything to a scheme, adopting the Gemini lifestyle is like sitting on a barrel of gunpowder and waiting for it to explode!

As a love relationship develops, Virgo just doesn't want to have anything to do with Gemini in the long run. It is one thing to have a non-committal relationship of lovers and quite another to have family planning.

Sooner or later, this love union will begin to "leak". The frivolity of the Gemini encounters a complete misunderstanding of the Virgo, who is accustomed to order in her life. There are practically no common interests: Gemini wants to hang out, and Virgo is annoyed by this lifestyle - she does not like to waste time in idle conversations.

Against this background, sexual fun also no longer satisfies both. It is easy for them to converge and, in principle, it is easy to scatter. There will be no broken hearts and dramatic scenes.

This is a unique union, which in rare cases is able to overcome all the surprises and vicissitudes prepared by life. Purely theoretically equal to zero. A strong long-term relationship between them is simply impossible. They are complete opposites in every way.

The first meetings are covered with a halo of mystery. Signs for each other are a mystery. They are interested in the extraordinary (atypical) behavior of the second half, they want to comprehend new relationships for themselves. In principle, they do not find in themselves those character traits that would be difficult to get along with. Sociable Gemini and reasonable Virgo found a common language. Everything is fine. Therefore, the first months and even years of this union can be called ordinary, such "like everyone else."

Gemini man - Virgo woman: compatibility

When the first love passes, the veil falls from the eyes, life has made its own adjustments to life, the Virgo gradually begins to realize that her Gemini man continues to be the same frivolous impulsive bachelor who loves a bright life and constant changes. Air is the element of Gemini, windiness is a significant character trait. Earth is the element of Virgo, practicality, prudence, rationality are life priorities. What Gemini and Virgo Sign Compatibility can create two completely different elements? Zero.

But every rule has exceptions. Sometimes polar signs, "+" "-" attract. Do not forget that the fate of a person is influenced by the movement of the planets, the date and time of birth, and symbols. That is why, when reading horoscopes, some character traits are close to us (as if they wrote about me), but we don’t seem to have others.

Gemini is endowed with those traits that can make him a good family man. The only question is whether the Virgo has enough strength and patience to curb a chaotic and illogical partner.

Having decided to link your fate with this sign, do not hope that after marriage he will change his habits. In your heart, your man will remain the same bachelor, and all the time he will look at the doors, in the direction of freedom. Don't be afraid to let him go. Geminis are not prone to cheating. If a woman can forgive her husband petty antics and love of freedom, then the compatibility of the signs Gemini and Virgo, despite all the prohibitions, can give a positive result.

Gemini woman - Virgo man: compatibility

A woman who has never experienced a lack of male attention will look for a partner that matches her in spirit. She will not pay attention to anyone. Knowing her brightness and attractiveness, a woman will more than use them in relations with her man, and therefore she can easily find a common language with him.

But! This will continue as long as she is interested. The characters of the two characters are diametrically opposed. To say that the compatibility of the signs Gemini and Virgo is ideal is not easy. Being next to each other, they will walk along the edge all their lives, risking one day to disperse in different directions. However, practice shows, be that as it may, they go all their lives together and part only in exceptional cases.

Virgo rarely shows her superiority or pride. His ability to rationally and soberly assess the situation gives a woman that unique feeling "like behind a stone wall." Well, how can you get away from such a man?

Visible strife happens. Virgos are able to respond intelligently to them, and therefore you will not find silent women a month long in this family. Capricious emotional companion quickly departs. In principle, if you carefully look at the disagreements of this couple, you can see the obvious: there is complete mutual understanding, loyalty and love.

It would be wrong to focus on the fact that the entire union, or rather its well-being, rests on the correct worldview of the partner. good compatibility signs Gemini and Virgo also gives the unconscious behavior of the partner. Common sense, logic and a firm word are the three pillars on which the character of the women of the Gemini sign is built. She used to shine in society not only with her appearance, but also with her wit and intellect. So, why not use such a powerful weapon to ensure the well-being of your own family.

The twin woman probably knows where to reproach her husband, and where it is better to bite the tongue. She, as a competent strategist, will tactfully lead a man to the act that she needs. He, in turn, if the matter is not fundamental, will allow her to “manipulate” himself in this way. From this follows the conclusion Gemini and Virgo Sign Compatibility such that it can cause both the envy of others, and be equal to zero. Everything is in the hands of the spouses.