Detailed horoscope for December. Four in love and relationships

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Horoscope for December 2016

Before the New Year, you will want to finish the unfinished business and receive a reward for the successes that you have achieved during the year. You will have such an opportunity. December is an extremely successful month for energetic and optimistic people.

Throughout December, the leading astrological influence will be the combined action of the social planets Jupiter and Saturn. They will patronize success in work and social life. New features will come very discreetly, without fireworks and other special effects, but they will be reliable and stable.

Where you have already achieved a strong position, new opportunities will open up. The situation "caliph for an hour" is excluded - the rewards and recognition that you receive will be durable. Officials and superiors in dealing with you will show condescension and readiness to patronize.

On December 8-11, success will come naturally, but you have to be creative and interested.

From December 17 until the end of the month, luck will be associated with reforms, innovations, changes and a happy coincidence. And on December 25-26, additional help will come from women: girlfriends, sisters, acquaintances (for men - also from the woman they love). You yourself can increase the chances of success if you show charm and diplomacy and focus on personal sympathies and human rather than official communication.

General Horoscope for December 2016 for all signs

Aries. Horoscope for December 2016

Aries, in December the most favorable sphere of life will be personal and business partnerships. You will have influential and successful partners. The existing partnership will be successful. Strengthen important business and personal relationships. You will strengthen existing agreements, strengthen ties with influential and successful people. You will have new perspectives in connection with foreign countries and foreigners. There will be a favorable opportunity for a long trip abroad. Litigation will be successful. Students will achieve visible success in their studies. In the last decade, a lot of time will be occupied by business and social life. Also, the last decade of December is the time to eliminate conflicts and find compromises with those with whom it is important for you to establish relationships. If you want to update your image before the holidays, December 25th is the best for this.

Calf. Horoscope for December 2016

Taurus, December will bring you an increase in work responsibilities, improved working conditions, increased authority among colleagues and strengthening the positions achieved at work. There will be more everyday household chores and activities related to helping other people. This will not burden you, because they bring respect and benefits. The second thing that December will please you with is the stabilization of what you have achieved in terms of recovery. Go in for sports, get treated, get healthy and you can be sure that the results will be long-lasting. In addition, favorable conditions will develop in the first and second ten days of December so that you can distribute large debts, collect money that is owed to you, and take a long-term loan on good terms. In the last decade, everyone will have the opportunity to travel abroad, except for students: at this time they will be busy with their studies and will make great progress.

Twins. Horoscope for December 2016

Gemini, your happy area of ​​life in December is relationships with people, business partnerships, love and marriage. In a stable relationship that is good, but, as you thought, has already exhausted its potential, new opportunities will open up. The new partnership - both business and personal - will be long-term and successful. In your personal life, you will have many admirers. Your romance will become more reliable. And if you meet someone in December, you will develop a promising and lasting relationship with him. This is a great month for a wedding. In addition to your personal life, you will participate in luxurious celebrations with an official touch. Some Gemini will have a new hobby that they will be interested in seriously and for a long time. And in the last decade of December, it will also be possible to solve some financial issues: close a loan, repay and collect debts, receive financial assistance.

Crayfish. Horoscope for December 2016

Crayfish, December is promising in order to consolidate the successes associated with home and family life. For example, if you have moved to a new apartment, you can start repairs - you will definitely settle in it for a long time. If a deal is pecking, it will definitely take place. But be careful - if guests come to you for the holidays, they may be overstayed. The second important part of life is work. Where everything was good and stable, but boring, new perspectives will appear. Employment will be successful. In December, it makes sense to buy working tools and equipment from which you expect durability - the purchase will be profitable. Also, December is great for healing and prevention. And the last decade of the month will bring to the fore issues of business and personal partnerships and bring good luck to them.

A lion. Horoscope for December 2016

Leo, December is perfect for a holiday trip, recreational excursions and participation in mobile and / or intellectual entertainment. Profitable acquaintances that you have acquired over the year will become more stable. Ties will be strengthened with helpful people. You will approach new contacts thoughtfully and seriously, keeping communication only with those who are interesting or useful to you. The situation related to study or obtaining documents will end favorably. New perspectives will appear in a romance with a serious and mature person. Hobbies that you have been doing for a long time will open up to you from a new side. You will see what else you can master in them and what success and in what they can bring. At the end of December, when the holidays begin, have several vacation options in reserve - some of them may break. Give preference to economical and useful rest, attending official events.

Virgo. Horoscope for December 2016

Virgo, with your innate practicality, you will surely be glad that the main successes in December will be associated with movable and immovable property: money, things, housing, cars, etc. There will be fewer sources of income. Only the most successful will remain, and they will strengthen and stabilize. You can no longer be afraid to lose them. New sources of money will be durable and reliable. In real estate, December is favorable for construction and renovation. You will turn old housing into modern and luxurious in December. Home and family affairs will go well. You will start some long-term project related to them. Family relationships will improve. And the last decade, in addition to all this, will bring you rest, entertainment and attendance at festive events. You will especially remember the rest after December 25th.

Scales. Horoscope for December 2016

Libra, dedicate December to consolidate the personal achievements that you have achieved over the fall. If you have been engaged in appearance and acquired a luxurious look, continue in the same spirit, and after December you will not be afraid that the result will quickly disappear. If you have new interests, you start taking courses, you will take these classes more seriously and achieve excellent results. If you have invested in your business life, in December it will become clear to everyone that your success is not an accident, you honestly deserve it and will continue to achieve success. Expand your social circle. Make new friends. Start to be interested in things that previously fell out of your field of vision. Long-term trips, paperwork, official correspondence will also be successful. In the last decade, a lot of time will be spent on household chores and communication with the family.

Scorpion. Horoscope for December 2016

Scorpio, you will expand your understanding of the world around you. You will find out different things hidden earlier. You will visit places where you have never been before (and, most likely, you have not even heard about these places). You will reveal the intrigues of secret enemies and find secret patrons. If you are striving for power, then December is not suitable for open elevation, but it is quite suitable for gaining secret levers of influence. You will be pleased with your financial situation: where there was stability before, in December you will see new prospects. Long-term investments will be successful. The last decade will be more hectic. You will rarely be at home and often - traveling around the city and visiting. You will study, learn news, deal with documents, receive and send letters and parcels. On the eve of the holidays, you will have time to visit a lot of relatives and friends, and whoever you don’t see, call those.

Sagittarius. Horoscope for December 2016

Sagittarius, December will be your lucky month. You will have more friends and useful acquaintances. A circle of people who share your interests will appear. Relationships with influential people and organizations will be strengthened. You will receive significant help in dealing with difficulties. Your most important, most serious plans will be supported by both influential people and a fortunate combination of circumstances. There will be a team that approves of your actions and is ready to follow you. There will be new cases in which you can prove yourself and win respect. Traveling, studying and participating in social events will go well. In the first and second decades of the month, you will successfully work with your image. In the last decade, more time will be spent on the material side of life. You will actively earn and manage money wisely. And, of course, this part of the month is also good for buying New Year's gifts.

Capricorn. Horoscope for December 2016

Capricorns, in December, focus on improving the quality of your life and position in society by an order of magnitude. You will receive an award at the end of the year, make a career, shine at secular official events and at the same time make useful contacts there. The authorities and officials will support your ambitious plans. What you have already achieved will become more reliable and stable. No one will doubt that you rightfully have what you received. Those ambitious and promising steps that you will take in December will produce a sustainable result. Throughout the month, your strengths will be prudence, high intellectual potential and awareness. In the first decade, you will be especially attractive and pleasant in communication. In the last decade, you will often find yourself in the lead roles. You will be noticed and singled out in any situation.

Aquarius. Horoscope for December 2016

Aquarius, in December you will prove yourself in public work as part of some influential group. Have you ever thought about getting into politics? Try it, you will like it. But if you are strongly opposed, you can find your calling in the work of online communities. Become a moderator of such a community, and new perspectives will open before you. And luck awaits you abroad, where you should go with friends. An undoubted advantage of the astrological situation in December will be success in court cases (not without the help of patrons). The work of Aquarius students in the first half of the year will be highly appreciated by teachers. The presentation at the conference will be successful. On the 20th, before the holidays, it is useful to change the rhythm of life to a more secluded one in order to complete various personal affairs. Holidays are recommended to spend in a new environment and unfamiliar surroundings.

Fishes. Horoscope for December 2016

Pisces, in December, behind every successful decision of your issues in all areas of life, there will be someone influential. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact your superiors, officials, influential acquaintances for help. Do not be afraid of change - they will contribute to your exaltation. AT business area there will be an opportunity to strengthen your position in the business or get a promotion. This will help you with investor money or a loan, as well as knowledge of other people's secrets. The first decade of the month is especially favorable for work and money. From mid-December, you will face a choice in the financial sector. Do not try to resolve the issue on your own, but turn to those who are older, wiser or more influential. At the end of the month, you will have more energy. You will lead an active life. This must be taken into account when planning holiday leisure - choose gambling, interesting and energetic entertainment.

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Stars influence our lives and events. A detailed astro forecast will help you correctly allocate your time and plan things in December 2016.

The last month of the year is a time of soul-searching and choosing between the old life and the new direction. Many people think about their work and the changes associated with it. To understand if you are in the right place, the free test "Ideal Career by Zodiac Sign" will help.


This month, your family, loved ones and friends will especially need your attention. Try not to withdraw into yourself and not push away those who are dear to you. A few soulful meetings with friends, a warm family evening with relatives or a friendly trip out of town will show you that life is really beautiful.


For Taurus, December 2016 is a great time to reflect on your financial success. Perhaps you will have a chance to improve your position at work and increase your earnings, which will be very useful before the New Year. Carefully monitor the progress of your work and do not put off anything for later.


For Gemini, December can be a month of continuous travel: try to enjoy the trips and not linger on the road. Remember that over long distances the train is much preferable to the bus. An active social life will help you shake yourself up and not succumb to the winter blues. Do not refuse to meet old friends - communication with them will benefit you.


For people born under the constellation Cancer, last month 2016 may turn out to be the happiest year: if you make an effort, then your dream of career growth and financial success can easily come true. You can set yourself up for the wave of well-being and prosperity with the help of the pre-holiday meditation "New Year Tree".

a lion

For Lions who have already found their other half, December can be a good month for the development of relationships and a new serious step. While still single, Leos definitely need to pay close attention to their acquaintances of the opposite sex: it is likely that one of them wants to be more than just a friend to you.


For virgins, the first winter month promises to be calm. Pleasant pre-holiday chores and cleaning the house will not take you much energy, and cleanliness and buying gifts will give you a good mood and the expectation of a merry New Year. The stars advise you to devote more time to close relatives: a family dinner will help strengthen family ties.


According to the astrological forecast, it will be useful for Libra to take care of their health in December 2016: skin care procedures, a massage session and baths with aromatic oils that strengthen health will help you relax and come to inner harmony. Try to be outdoors more often and provide yourself with light physical activity.


Scorpios can cause condemnation of friends and relatives with a careless word or thoughtless action. Do not rush into depression: in the second half of the month you will have a chance to fix everything. Perhaps on the 20th of December 2016 you will meet a new friend who will largely change your views on the world around you.


For expressive Sagittarius, the first month of winter can bring a break in relations with one of your friends. Do not be afraid to get rid of unnecessary connections with people who are dragging you down, but at the same time refrain from being rude and do not let yourself be drawn into an ugly scandal. Develop, believe in your dreams, and then your wish will come true.


Usually rational Capricorns this month will not be easy to cope with surging emotions. Try not to succumb to emotional provocations and be guided solely by common sense when making decisions. Remember that there are close people next to you who will always support you.


Aquarius astro forecast recommends planning in advance leisure on New Year's holidays. Friends, acquaintances and family will literally tear you apart: get ready for misunderstanding and resentment if you cannot give everyone enough time and attention. In an effort to please everyone, do not forget about your own interests and needs.


For Pisces, December 2016 could be a month of dramatic change. Do not allow yourself to simply "go with the flow": the fulfillment of your desires is real, if you put effort into it and work hard. At the end of the month, an unexpected meeting with a person from your past that you miss is possible.

To find out if your chosen one or chosen one is right for you, it is possible using the automatic calculation of your astrocompatibility according to the Zodiac Sign. We wish you a good month and only pleasant impressions. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

In general, 2016 will be incredibly dynamic, at least in comparison with the nearest annual cycles (2014, 2015, 2017, 2018). And December, quite naturally, will be the finale of this exceptionally bright and changeable stage. Obviously, any process at the final phase slows down somewhat, but on the other hand, the flying arrow picks up maximum speed in the last few meters of its flight. We are talking about the fact that December only at first glance will be stingy with significant events and curious circumstances. Now solar activity will drop somewhat, but the Moon will take the place of our main patron, and such a moment simply cannot but affect the life of each of us. Regardless of belonging to a particular elemental trine or zodiac sign, in December we will be more driven by emotions, which for the “year of progress”, the year of the predominance of the mind, will not be the most traditional moment. In addition to the Moon, Venus will also have a key influence on us, which openly spoiled the inhabitants of the earth with its influence in previous months. As a result, the sensory-emotional sphere will receive quite obvious and definite “bonuses”: there will be fewer ambiguities, and emotions will turn out to be fair much more often.

Speaking of celestial objects solar system, which in December 2016 will be "on the other side of the barricades", then there are very few of them. First of all, it is necessary to note the position of Mars, and in this case, the quantity no longer matters, because "on their side" will be quality. Mars is a strong and, let's say, a cardinal planet, its influence is always straightforward and is distinguished by exceptional dynamics. In principle, from a certain point of view, this is a plus, because the problems will be, as they say, on the face, that is, opponents and opponents will not have to be calculated. You won't have to participate in any behind-the-scenes intrigues, everything will be much easier. Of course, we are talking about basic, to some extent - averaged trends, which, depending on the specific sign, can seriously differ from the original, distorting and acquiring fundamentally different forms. In addition to Mars, our main adversary will be the Black Moon, an exceptionally original astral body, which, even in an unambiguously positive position, remains an unpredictable "thing". Now the Black Moon will bring maximum instability and ambiguity into our lives, although against the backdrop of key positive trends, such moments will not always prevail. However, combined with the influence of Mars, a particularly furious energy cocktail is obtained.

In general, December 2016 will be a difficult time, but not to say that it will be difficult. Everything will proceed within our own capabilities, nothing superhuman, and in most cases, preventive measures based on attentiveness and a competent analysis of the circumstances will suffice. In addition, do not forget that some trigons at this stage will gain additional patrons. The "heavenly leader" of the air trine (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) will be Uranus, and for the signs of the elements of the Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), Mercury will play this role. Trigons of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) will “break off” in this sense. And, despite the fact that we are talking about a non-principal minus, nevertheless, any astral support is always better. total absence such. But in any case, each of the signs has a real opportunity to fully resist any negative circumstances and reach the predetermined positions by the end of the year.

The horoscope for December 2016, being a general and speculative document, can, nevertheless, have a significant impact on our everyday life. Simply put, it is an intermediary between our ideal desires and the objective trends in the development of the world around us. Everything that has happened and should happen is subject to the powerful influence of celestial bodies. The configuration of the planets will determine what will happen in a given period of time, what problems and emergencies are destined for us. Having reliable information on this score, we can most correctly plan our actions. If you are seriously interested in your future, detailed and accurate horoscope for December 2016 you will find in the section of personal horoscopes.

The situation in the sky forms quite an interesting astrological forecast for december 2016 of the year. Two key moments of the month - on the 1st of Mercury entered the shadow, which means, which means that it is already slowing down, finish all your important things before the 19th.
The second central factor is Uranus, firstly, it changes direction this month, and secondly, it forms a cardinal tau square with Jupiter and Pluto, although there is also a positive exit to a favorable aspect with Saturn.
Uranus tends to act unpredictably, so you need to be more flexible to adapt to unforeseen changes and outside influences. Unexpected surprises that he likes to present us around the corner will not keep you waiting. Its main feature in tau-square is unpredictability.
Let's remember November and the exact Aspect of Jupiter and Pluto - who expected Trump to win, well, except for Russia, of course?) Yes, no one! The Americans sobbed for several days, then began to rally, here you have Jupiter - power, law and order, Pluto - destruction, and Uranus approaching the aspect - a surprise that almost became a holiday in Russia, but here I am personally on my Facebook feed foreign friends, which only mourning pictures with the statue of liberty have not seen these days, the planned victory and power in the person of Clinton failed on such a scale that not only the Yankees were shocked, but also most of the world.
The whole point is that this aspect is on the rise, stock up on popcorn, its actions will be explicit, explosive and intense:
At the international level, these are issues of power, relations between countries, finance, banks, stock exchanges, geopolitical conflicts, abrupt economic changes, including the impact on the exchange rate and oil.
On a personal level, it will manifest itself more as relationships with superiors, colleagues and business partners, for whom it is not the time to declare war, unforeseen large cash outlays, for many companies the question of continuing business will arise.
One more nuance should be taken into account: Uranus is the planet that rules our amazing country, so we will also have a lot of fun - big prerequisites are already visible: Jupiter is the representatives of the authorities - our favorite officials, Pluto - huge other people's money, and Uranus - they are unexpectedly turned on criminal cases for bribes ... surprising, right?) Since in our country corruption is not on last place, I think, before the new year, representatives of the military and political elite hats will fly far. There will be a scandal.
Uranus is also strengthened by Venus and Mars, passing into Aquarius, affecting both the focus of the application of our forces and activity, and the view regarding Money and personal relationships.
On the other hand, Saturn will not allow the situation to reach uncontrolled chaos; nevertheless, there are restraining frames and stabilization, because I am in favor of the fact that the exchange rate still needs to be controlled at least a little. Uranus is revolution, Saturn is deliberate action, together they mix traditional and progressive tendencies towards positive change. It's more of a controlled and thoughtful update.
Mercury enters its shadow on December 1st and will slow down until the 19th when it turns retrograde. The square of the Sun and Neptune will give a tendency for increased imagination, creativity, absent-mindedness, do not fall into illusions and do not give in to the temptation to deceive others.
2 - the bisextile of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn gives good opportunities in the implementation of business projects and conceived career plans, a good time to make contacts and get acquainted with the future, including foreign companies and individuals, its effect lasts until the first decade of the month .
3 the transition of Mercury to Capricorn - do not forget that it is in the shadows, which means that financial risks, documents and all relationships related to work and superiors should be in the spotlight. Thinking itself becomes drier and more logical after the rather optimistic sign of Sagittarius. Here are all business plans, calculations, accounting cases where pragmatism and decision making are required.
Mars trine Saturn - focus will give many the implementation of their plans, this week is very productive in work for concluding deals, contracts, do not delay, in the second half of the month of retro Merck - it will be late for new beginnings due to obstacles.
7 Mars sextile Uranus - a day of unexpected actions, new ideas and insight, unexpected news and meetings are possible.
Venus moves into Aquarius and becomes more sociable, open to contacts, some will feel a craving for change, novelty, the sign also helps to bring friendships to a closer level.
Until the 16th, she will not make aspects - here you need to use the chances without reinforcing the connection of other planets, from the hidden aspects - tension with Neptune at the very beginning of December - the risk of getting into projections and illusions that you have built, and on the 10th to the Sun - some irritation and dissatisfaction due to lack of attention.
Uranus will give Venus and Mars a surprise here too, they are paired in Aquarius from the 7th - surprises in their personal lives, sudden acquaintances, relationships can both start and end abruptly.
9 Mars is in tension with Lilith - do not succumb to the provocations of aggression, on this day it is better not to break loose on anyone. The Sun in a favorable aspect with Jupiter - everything related to patronage, initiative, promotion of something or someone, travel, communication with influential people - the stars promise to go well.
10 Mercury in harmony with Neptune inclines to fantasies and building castles in the air, but the Sun conjunction Saturn - take your will into a fist and do what is required of you, responsibility, competence, reliability and business reputation are needed here.

11 - a good combination between the Sun and Chiron will create an atmosphere for novelty, at this time you should make connections with friends and buddies, meet in a company and have fun, in terms of work - a day for new ideas, concepts and ideas.
12 - do not argue and cheat, proving your rightness to a partner can cause a conflict that is difficult to get out of. Also, do not abruptly change your opinion, voiced earlier.
13 - the creative aspect of Venus with Jupiter will create a cheerful mood, a desire to have fun, go to a party, go out, and also make an unexpected pleasant purchase.
14 - Venus is in tension with the Sun, but in harmony with Uranus - a great day to clarify with your loved ones what annoys you and does not suit you, how to change it, but Uranus inclines into a friendly tone of conversation without reproaches. Uranus is still rich in new acquaintances and unexpected meetings, look around, and is also responsible for finding and communicating with potential partners in in social networks.
Also on this day, the Full Moon in Gemini is great for clearing up communication, contracts, and negotiations.
15 Venus in connection with Neptune sets up a romantic mood and dreaminess, the day is good for a date, manifestation of tender feelings and secret love meetings.
16 Mars in conflict with the Moon often has irritability, emotional instability and expression of dissatisfaction with whims, take care if you see loved ones in such a mood.
17-20 the exact aspect of Jupiter and Saturn contributes to career and business aspirations, moving forward towards the intended goal in work with a long-term effect.
18 The Sun with Neptune adjusts to subtle vibrations - for example, creativity and spirituality, especially for artists, a great time to attend a concert, meditation, and other spiritual practices.
19 Mercury semisquare Mars - be restrained in your words, do not show excessive aggression in disputes, and also this is not the most best time to drive.
Also on this day, Mars passes into Pisces, directing activity to the inner plane, Pisces is a watery emotional sign.
And Mercury goes into retrograde motion until January next year, which means hello to rush jobs, equipment breakdowns and other joys, and which I will write another article)

21 The Sun passes into the sign of a responsible and executive Capricorn, and Retro Mercury continues, he will most bring New Year's madness on the roads, in stores and wherever possible,
22 The Moon follows the scales, conjunct Jupiter - it's good to solve old legal issues on this day, but not to sign documents. And the semi-sextile of Venus with Pluto works well for sexual seduction, make romantic dates.
23-24 the gaining strength of the trine of Saturn and Uranus can set things in motion, moving them off the ground.
The 25th aspect of Venus with Uranus and Jupiter and Saturn will help you make unexpected acquaintances, meet new people with interesting prospects, and the Moon in Scorpio in conjunction with the black moon is good for working out old emotions that it is high time to get rid of.
On the 26th, the same interrelations of Venus will operate, plus Mercury will be added to the Incorrect, sharpening intuition, creativity, spiritual practices on this day will bring inner balance.
27 The Sun is in harmony with Mars - it is good to take the initiative, but not in the direction with the authorities - the tension from Jupiter can also give backlash, better go in for sports, go to fitness.
28 Mercury Kazimi Sun - time to say things to others that did not dare before, I hope that they will be positive on a retro measure.
29 Uranus goes into direct motion, Venus in conflict with Lilith calls to keep your feelings under control and not to show unnecessary dictatorship and manipulation of partners, also on this day the New Moon in Capricorn,
30 Sun with Neptune set up in a dreamy mood, planning for the future and wandering in the clouds, on this day it is better to relax than to bother.
31 Conjunction of Mars with Neptune before the 3rd warns of the danger of combining alcohol and driving vehicles, pyrotechnics, other Martian affairs, for example, do not quarrel and cause disassembly, have a good New Year, do not overdo it)

The Sun will spend most of the month in the zodiac sign Sagittarius, symbolized by an arrow pointing towards the stars. Sagittarius is a very bright and energetic sign, it has a great vitality. Thanks to the influence of Sagittarius and its ruling planet Jupiter, despite the bad weather and lack of sunlight, we experience optimism and joy on the eve of the New Year holidays. During this period, purposefulness and a thirst for accomplishment wake up in us, many people want to do something outstanding. Therefore, the period until December 19 is a great time for new goals and projects, when even the most daring ideas have the right to exist.

Throughout December, the sextile of Jupiter and Saturn will have a positive effect on us. This harmonious aspect is favorable for progress towards long-term goals. Many will have good opportunities for career advancement, education, social activities and material well-being. However, to achieve the goal, our conscious efforts are necessary. Good luck and financial success awaits those who have long and persistently pursued their goal, sparing no time and effort.

In the first half of the month, Venus, along with Mars, will be in the freedom-loving sign of Aquarius, intensifying our need for change and pushing for spontaneous, but always deliberate actions.

In personal life, the most amazing romantic stories can happen in December, because Aquarius is a sign of surprises and surprises. Fate during this period may confront you with an extraordinary and very interesting person and intellectual communication will come to the fore. With Venus in Aquarius, love at first sight can flare up, moreover, quite unexpectedly for yourself. Novels of this period can be very vivid and memorable, even if the relationship does not last long.

As for work and business life, Mars until December 19 will stimulate innovation and the desire to experiment. This time will be favorable for the implementation of collective projects, especially with the use of new ideas and technologies. In addition, this period will be characterized by active involvement in social and public life.

Try to use the energy of Mars in a constructive way, directing it to consciously reform various aspects of your life.

In the third decade of the month, the pace of life will decrease significantly. On December 19, Mercury will turn retrograde and Mars will enter the dreamy sign of Pisces. This time will be fraught for each of us with all sorts of delays and obstacles in business, errors in paperwork, delays and indecision. During the period when Mercury moves back, it is better not to start new business and not draw up important documents. When Mercury is retrograde, it is not recommended to get a job new job and make expensive purchases. In the days leading up to the holidays, try to remember and analyze everything that has been done during the year. It is possible that reflection will push you to rethink certain key events.

With the transition of Mars into Pisces, our actions will become more emotional, the actions of many people will be dictated by the subconscious. At the same time, intuitive actions can often produce positive results. However, during the transit of Mars in Pisces, it is not recommended to start any new projects. Otherwise, things can move unevenly - either subside, then become more active again and, by and large, live their own inner life. As a result, a new undertaking can be ruined by intrigues and incomprehensible situations.

On December 19, the opposition of Jupiter and Uranus will also form in the sky, which will bring a new wave of revolutionism into the socio-political life of mankind. As a result, social tension in the world may increase, which will increase the likelihood of conflict situations in different regions of the planet. On an individual level, this aspect can lead to internal disharmony, a desire to rebel against society and its practices. Therefore, at the end of the year, you will need to try to harmonize your internal state in order to smooth out contradictions with the outside world and open up new opportunities for self-realization in society.

December 21, 2016 will be the winter solstice, the shortest day and longest night of the year. On December 22, the Sun will move into the zodiac constellation Capricorn, and the world will prepare for the celebration of Christmas and the New Year. It's time to think about the future and the new opportunities that it opens up for you.

On New Year's Eve, Mars will come into conjunction with Neptune. At this time, we will have faith, conviction and the desire to make dreams come true. The time will come to make wishes for the next year - the positive aspect of Mars with Neptune means the fulfillment of the most thoughtful of them!

I wish you all good luck and happiness in the New Year!