All phrases and thoughts about fate. Aphorisms, quotes, sayings of great people on the topic of fate

You will find a lot of private solutions to difficult questions by reading Quotes about fate and love with meaning, only selected replicas of the great individuals of mankind - Of course, first of all, love is a fact of nature (or a gift of God), a natural process that arises independently of us; but it does not follow from this that we cannot and should not consciously relate to it and independently direct this natural process towards higher goals. Vladimir Solovyov

Beautiful women today are ranked among the talents of their husbands. Georg Lichtenberg

Of all serious things, marriage is the most buffoonish. P. Beaumarchais

Lovers do not get bored with each other because they always talk only about themselves. Fr. La Rochefoucauld

What food is for the body, love is for the soul, knowledge is for the spirit; body, and soul, and spirit will perish if the life-giving springs dry up. Josef Görres

Honest men love women, deceivers adore them. Pierre Beaumarchais

Three things are incomprehensible to me, and four I do not understand: the path of an eagle in the sky, the path of a serpent on a rock, the path of a ship in the sea, and the path of a man to a woman's heart. Parables of Solomon (ch. 30, cm. 18)

Visible differences between men and women matter only to men and women. Robert Heinlein

It is better to be a sinner than to be known as a sinner. William Shakespeare

Drive love even through the door, it will fly in through the window. Kozma Prutkov

The world has two axes: love and hunger. Love and hunger are the basis of all human existence. Anatole France A woman cannot be guarded against her will. Ovid

Be cheerful and love your beauty, This world is like a running stream. Rudaki

Today, love often begins at first sight and ends at the second. Przekrui

The scene is more conducive to love than human life. For on the stage, love is usually the subject of comedies, and only occasionally of tragedies; but in life she brings many misfortunes, sometimes taking the form of a siren, sometimes a fury. Francis Bacon

A woman rarely forgives a man jealousy and never forgives the absence of jealousy. Colette

Women were God's second mistake. Friedrich Nietzsche

Believe me husband: stop encouraging vice with prohibition, -

Love without respect does not go far and does not rise high: it is an angel with one wing. Alexandre Dumas father

If we call jealousy an unfair, unfounded, absurd suspicion, then fair, natural jealousy, based on common sense and facts, deserves, perhaps, a different name. Jean de La Bruyère

Love is a story in a woman's life and an episode in a man's life. J. Richter.

Only through love and the consciousness of love does a man become a man. Friedrich Schlegel

Bypass us more than all sorrows And the lord's anger, and the lord's love. Alexander Griboyedov

Religion has done love a great service by declaring it a sin. Anatole France

The one who fell out of love is usually to blame for not noticing it in time. François de La Rochefoucauld

Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins. Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 10, cm. 12)

The truth is that there is only one highest value - love. Helen Hayes

Where love or hate does not play along, a woman plays mediocre. Friedrich Nietzsche

A kiss between two women always resembles the handshake of wrestlers before a fight. Henry Mencken

Marriage provides the necessary continuity of the human race. Lucian

Love is the blind will to live. It lures a person with the phantoms of individual happiness and makes him an instrument for her own purposes. Schopenhauer

It has long been noticed that curiosity also burns the hearts of others and looks like love. Pierre Corneille

Love must forgive all sins, but not the sin against love.

Whether you marry or not, you will repent anyway. Marriage, to tell the truth, is an evil, but a necessary evil. Plutarch

The field of a woman is to arouse in a man the energy of the soul, the ardor of noble passions, to maintain a sense of duty and aspiration for the high and great - this is her purpose, and it is great and sacred. Vissarion Belinsky

Paying child support is like feeding hay to a dead horse. Groucho Marx

Not one of them will fall in love with a man whom all women love. Vasily Klyuchevsky

What we experience when we are in love may be the normal state. Love tells a person how he should be. Anton Chekhov

Your wife will have more influence on your political views than you on hers. If you do not have very strong convictions, she will convert you to her faith. She will grind you slowly and steadily during the day and - at least in her youth - quickly get her way at night. André Maurois

There is so much sweetness to the powerful goddess of love, That on a hundred altars her sacrifice is miserable. Vasily Trediakovsky

Oh, it's so easy to be nice to a man before you fall in love with him.

You always sleep worse in someone else's bed. Colette

Love is what happens to men and women who don't know each other. Somerset Maugham

It's not safe for husbands to tell the truth about their wives! It's funny, but wives can tell the truth about their husbands quite calmly! Agatha Christie

No one has escaped death and love yet. Publilius Sir

Beauty hides every vice. Who could see vices in her? Alexander Pope

Love cannot be lost at will.

Prudent wife! If you want your husband to spend his free time near you, then try so that he does not find so much pleasantness, pleasure, modesty and tenderness in any other place. Pythagoras

Love is you and me...

Who, falling in love, forgets about genetics, the fruits of his love remind him of it. Wilhelm Schwöbel

A woman is like a tea bag: you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. Nancy Reagan

The man is loudly indignant at the woman who has stopped loving him, and is quickly comforted; a woman does not express her feelings so violently, but remains inconsolable for a long time. Jean de La Bruyère

A respectful son is one who grieves his father and mother, except perhaps with his illness. Confucius

When there is no one you love, you have to love what is. Pierre Corneille

Women are prone to extremes: they are either much worse, or much better than men. Jean de La Bruyère

Love, which is not felt silently, but which is thought out loud, is no longer young. Wilhelm Schwöbel

Love is always illegal. Legal love is dead love. Legality exists only for the ordinary, while love comes out of the ordinary. The world should not have known that two beings love each other. Nikolai Berdyaev

Marriage is the first stage of human society. Cicero

A good wife loves work and saves from evil. Gregory of Nazianzus

Love and doubt do not get along with each other. J. H. Gibran

True love strikes the heart like lightning and is silent like lightning.

Women are not as young as they make themselves out to be. Max Beerbom

Jealousy is a vice of a limited mind, trust is a virtue of a developed person. I. Bentham

When a person loves, he often doubts what he believes in most. François de La Rochefoucauld

If you want to know the shortcomings of a girl, praise her in front of her friends. Benjamin Franklin

Women prefer ordinary men, and men try their best to be as ordinary as possible. Margaret Meade

Women are the first educators of the human race. Oliver Goldsmith

The more we love a woman, the more we tend to hate her. François de La Rochefoucauld

Love is only a sweet mystery, It gives charm to her! Pierre Beaumarchais

Love cannot exist without respect. Nikolai Leskov

True love needs no sympathy, no respect, no friendship; it lives on desire and feeds on deceit. They truly love only what they do not know.

marry in order to have beautiful wife, is like paying dearly for a piece of land from where one can contemplate the sky that belongs to the whole world. P. mantegazza

Love is such a force, From which no bolt can protect the human heart. Sandor Petofi

This is how nature works: nothing strengthens love for a person so much as the fear of losing him. Gaius Pliny Caecilius Secundus (Pliny the Younger)

For most women, one man and one life make up the world. Bernard Show

It is possible to love the beautiful and shamefully. Fr. petrarch

A man listens with his ears, a woman with her eyes, the first in order to understand what is being said to him, the second in order to please the one who speaks to her. Vasily Klyuchevsky

She (love) happens to struggle with circumstances, but not with duty, for she herself is the first duty, the guarantee of the fulfillment of all others. Benjamin Constant

A warrior does not give up what he loves. He finds love in what he does. peaceful warrior

Love is a weakness, but it is forgivable if not left unanswered.

No matter how much a young woman loves, she begins to love even more when self-interest or ambition is mixed with her feeling. Jean de La Bruyère

Yes, God is Love. But what a devilish thing this love is! Samuel Butler

The opinion of men about the merits of a woman rarely coincides with the opinion of women: their interests are too different. Those cute habits, those countless antics that men like so much and kindle passion in them, repel women, giving rise to hostility and disgust in them. Jean de La Bruyère

You must always live in love with something inaccessible to you. A person becomes taller by stretching upwards.

How good it is for us to be with each other when you are sleeping and I am not! Colette

Love is a myth. Dean Koontz "Keys to Midnight"

And farewell from this article Quotes about fate and love with meaning - Women deprive of freedom only those who do not know what to do with it.

The fate of the most powerful is to be limited in freedom: they are deprived of friendship, they do not have the right to experience hatred, let alone anger. - Gaius Julius Caesar

Fate creates fetters for the body and harms the soul. Free bodily, but weak-willed in spirit - a slave. Imprisoned in a cage, but not bowed to fate by the soul - free. – Epictetus

Complaining about his fate, rejecting it - a fool who does not understand the essence of being, the same who takes with dignity any of its blows, without losing the ability to think - is a sage.

A person loves to think about his fate, but very rarely suspects that it is the sum of the stupid things he has done. — Arthur Schopenhauer

The case occurs when God wants to remain incognito. Anatole France

A person who is satisfied with his fate cannot be broken.

An unpleasant habit of human nature to call fate only its blows. – A. Camus

Every step, every deed is a brick of fate. — Friedrich Engels

Continuation beautiful quotes read on pages:

Every man's destiny is created by his morals. - Ant.

The fate of the highest values ​​and shrines is connected with such a principle as freedom. – N. Lossky

The fate of a person is most often in his character. – B. Brecht

Fate is a mysterious and incomprehensible thing. – Plutarch

For those who entered the battle with fate, It is not about empty pride, But it is necessary to bake about duty. — Lope de Vega

Undoubtedly, how a person accepts fate is more important than what it really is. – W. Humboldt

Each has its own day. – Virgil

Life does not give anything for free, and everything that is presented by fate has its price secretly determined. – S. Zweig

The destiny of man is man himself. – B. Brecht

So everything that exists in the world is marked by fate itself, / But a special sign is the stubbornness of the soul and mind. – Xie Tiao

Fate must be the necessary consequence of action, action of passions, passion of character. – Lessing

The wheel of fate is spinning faster than the wings of a mill, and those who were at the top yesterday are thrown into dust today. – M. Cervantes

We attribute all our misfortunes to fate, but we never attribute our successes to it. – S. Regimanse

Fate equally strikes both the strong and the weak, but the oak falls with noise and crackle, and the blade of grass - quietly. – P. Buast

Fate crushes us in two ways: by denying us our desires and fulfilling them. – A. Amiel

Fate is always on the side of the wise. – Euripides

Arguing with inevitability is useless. The only argument against the cold wind is a warm coat. – D. Lowell

Those who relied less on the mercy of fate held on to power longer. – N. Machiavelli

Fate can be a compensation for personal mediocrity. – R. Roman

Everything that fate sends us, we evaluate depending on the mood. – F. La Rochefoucauld

This is always the case in life: we try, make plans, prepare for one thing, and fate presents us with something completely different. From the insatiable conqueror who is able to swallow the whole world, to the humble blind man who is led by a dog, we are all toys of her whims. And, perhaps, the blind man who follows the dog follows the truer path and is less likely to be deceived in his expectations than the first blind man with all his retinue. – P. Beaumarchais

Whom fate wants to destroy, takes away his mind. - Publius Sir

Fate. For a tyrant - an excuse for villainy, for a fool - an excuse for failure. – A. Beers

Each blacksmith of his own destiny. – J. Caesar

A lot of people confuse bad business with destiny. – K. Hubbard

I don’t quite understand: why do many people call fate a turkey, and not some other bird more like fate? – Kozma Prutkov

Each blacksmith of his own destiny. - Julius Caesar

In misfortune, fate always leaves a door for the exit. – M. Cervantes

No external coercion can support a person either on a mental or moral level, when he himself does not want to stay on it. – N. Chernyshevsky

Chance and fate are nothing but empty words; stubborn prudence is the fate of man. -

We create our wealth and call it destiny. – B. Disraeli

When we fall asleep in the arms of peace, then fate strikes us with mortal blows. – P. Buast

Of all the injustices of fate, separation is the most terrible thing for hearts. – As-Samarkandi

This is the most amazing thing of all: although fate itself testifies that it plays with people, and reminds them that they cannot rely on anything, watching it every day, nevertheless everyone strives for wealth and power and everyone roams full of unfulfilled hopes. – Lucian

It's your own fault, so don't complain about fate. - Publius Sir

Anything that unexpectedly changes our lives is not an accident. It is in ourselves and waits only for an external occasion for expression by action. – V. Bryusov

What a game of fate is human life! And how strangely the secret springs that govern our instincts change with the change of circumstances! Today we love what tomorrow we will hate; today we are looking for what tomorrow we will avoid. Tomorrow we will tremble at the very thought of what we crave today. – D. Defoe

Fate is the most compelling argument for weak-willed people to justify their misfortunes. – V. Zubkov

Just as a good actor must skillfully play the part that the playwright entrusts him with in his play, so good man one should be able to play the role assigned to him by fate. – Telet

It almost always happens that we rarely control events, but events lead us. -

Everyone makes his own destiny, and she makes everyone. – I. Turgenev

Until fate conquers us, we must lead her by the hand, like a child, and flog her; but if she conquered us, then we must try to love her. – F. Nietzsche

Great destiny - great slavery. - Publius Sir

Fate is the justification of weak-willed souls. – R. Rolland

Fate reveals our virtues and shortcomings, just as light reveals the objects it illuminates. – F. La Rochefoucauld

Fate is intriguing and stubborn. / She knows no shame before anyone. – Firdousi

Think before you challenge fate: what if she accepts it. – B. Krutier

Fate most willingly laughs at the ideals and prophecies of mortals - and, one must think, her great wisdom is reflected in this. – L. Shestov

People are masters of their own destiny. — Shakespeare W.

Bypassing us, fate decides things. – Petronius

Whoever asks fate for only what is necessary, often receives too much from it. – P. Buast

Fate, like dissolute women, is never so dangerous as when she squanders her caresses. – A. Oxenstierna

It is wrong to conclude that fate has made a person happy until his life is completed. – Sophocles

Rarely does fate stand in the way of the wise. – Epicurus

In the vicissitudes of fate, one cannot rely on the bonds of friendship or hospitality: after all, only a few did not give out friends to the executioners who sought refuge with them. – Plutarch

Do not let yourself be lulled by praise - The sword of fate is raised above your head. No matter how sweet the glory, but the poison at the ready Do fate. Beware of poisoning with halva! — Omar Khayyam

There are no accidents in fate; man creates rather than meets his destiny. – A. Vilmen

Fate should be treated like health: when it favors us, enjoy it, and when it starts to be capricious, wait patiently, without resorting to potent means without special need. – La Rochefoucauld

It is the lofty destiny of man to be born into some occupation which will afford him the exercise of his powers and happiness, whether it be weaving baskets, forging swords, digging canals, sculpting statues, or composing songs. – R. Emerson

Fate sometimes swings too hard when it wants to lightly hit us. It seemed that she was about to crush us, but in fact she just slapped a mosquito on our foreheads. – G. Lessing

One must freely choose one's destiny and endure and fulfill it in the same way. – G. Hegel

Fate does not bring us either evil or good, it supplies only the raw matter of both and the seed capable of fertilizing this matter. – M. Montaigne

Those who sail in a boat have only one fate. – Uzbek.

Each person is the creator of his own destiny. – Sallust

The wheel of fate turns faster than the wings of a windmill, and those that were at the top yesterday are now thrown into the dust. – M. Cervantes

Decent people respect us for our dignity, and the crowd - for the favor of fate. – F. La Rochefoucauld

The fate of a person is determined or, more precisely, indicated by his own self-esteem. – G. Toro

By choosing gods, we choose our destiny. – Virgil

Fortune is not only blind, but also blinds her favorites. — Hugo Victor

Not everything that happens comes from fate. Something is in our power. – Carneades

From a lazy, immovable person, the most benevolent fate, like the most diligent potter without a loom, will create nothing but marriage. – T. Carlyle

Fate and character are different names for the same concept. – Novalis

Fate is more inevitable than chance. Fate is in character... - Akutagawa Ryunosuke

Fate gives nothing to eternal property. – Seneca

Fate leads the one who wants to go, drags the one who does not want to go.


Whoever asks fate for only what is necessary, often receives too much from it.

BOAST Pierre

People made an omnipotent goddess out of fate in order to dump their stupidities on her.


Sow an act and you reap a habit, sow a habit and you reap a character, sow a character and you reap a destiny.

Thackeray William Mikepees

HUGO Victor Marie

Fate never favors us with true sincerity.

Quintus Curtius Rufus

Anything that unexpectedly changes our lives is not an accident. It is in ourselves and waits only for an external occasion for expression by action.

Alexander Green

Everything that fate sends us, we evaluate depending on the mood.

François La Rochefoucauld

Every drunken skipper trusts in providence. But providence sometimes sends ships of drunken skippers to the rocks.

Bernard Show

May everything be for the best; but if something happens, then Aristotle ordered this ...


Let's not guess at random about the greatest!

Heraclitus of Ephesus

For three things I am grateful to fate: firstly, that I am a man, not an animal; secondly, that I am a man and not a woman; thirdly, that I am a Greek and not a barbarian.


Be that as it may, I am convinced that God does not play dice.

Albert Einstein

What praises are given to prudence! However, it is not able to save us even from the most insignificant vicissitudes of fate.

François La Rochefoucauld

The wise man fights fate
The foolish is discouraged.

Shota Rustaveli

In vain you blame rock for inconstancy.
That you are not for nothing, you are not aware.
If he were constant in his graces,
You could wait your turn until death.

Omar Khayyam

In vain fear, longing and grumbling,
When fate leads into darkness;
There is always new experience in trouble
Useful to the spirit and mind.

Igor Guberman

Our actions seem to be born under a lucky or unlucky star. To her they owe most of the praise or censure that falls to their lot.

François La Rochefoucauld

But you also answer me, you, alive, what Disasters have brought to us? Have you lost your way, wandering in the sea, Have the gods sent you? What fate drives you To a gloomy land, to a dull shelter where the sun does not rise?

Publius Virgil

There are no preliminary negotiations with fate.

Victor Hugo

Blind chance changes everything.

Publius Virgil

The case is nothing. The case does not exist. We have named so the action, the cause of which we do not understand. There is no action without a cause, no existence without reason to exist.


Fate arranges everything for the benefit of those whom it patronizes.

François La Rochefoucauld

Fate is more inevitable than chance. "Destiny lies in the character" - these words were not born in vain.

Ryunosuke Akutagawa

apple from apple tree
"The apple does not fall far from the tree" ... but then ... if the tree grows on top of a steep mountain, the apple can roll down
"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree" ... but then ... if the tree is growing on the summit of the steep mountain, the apple might roll down ()

Don't play hide and seek with fate
Don't play hide and seek with fate
She will look for you everywhere
Today is Hell, tomorrow is Paradise
Today - the Prince, and tomorrow - the beggar
Don\"t play with fate the game of hide and seek
your fate will find you everywhere
In Hell or Paradise, it doesn't care
Today - you\"re Prince, tomorrow - poor and weak ()

To be the master of one's destiny is the highest good, rather than being a slave to unfulfilled desires. ()

Everything sooner or later becomes someone else's. ()

Do not complain about your fate, it is always favorable to you. ()

You should not build castles in the air, otherwise you will have to live in them. (Vladimir KOTIKOV)

Fate is not a word, but a confluence of various circumstances leading to some result. ()

How to work on yourself
So take the upper hand over fate!

Chance is a chance - fate advance! ()

It is desirable to run first in life, and come to the finish line last. ()

In fate, he recognized only her gifts. ()

He said - “I don’t believe in fate,” but he accepted her gifts unconditionally ... ()

The arrangement of fate is in the hands of the man himself. It all depends on whether he exposes himself as a result of his behavior to the influence of beneficent or destructive forces. (Lao Tzu (Li Er))

Our whole destiny is a crossroads. (Victor Marie Hugo "The Man Who Laughs")

The strong make their own destiny, the weak rely on it. (Ilya Shevelev)

Sow an act and you reap a habit, sow a habit and you reap a character, sow a character and you reap a destiny. (William Makepeace Thackeray)

When fate is appointed, no one will bypass it,
And neither the struggle, nor the pain of patience, nor the groan will help.
Overcome the disease with fun and do not languish in sorrow:
A single moment of torment, believe me, it is not worth it at all. (Zakhireddin Mohammed Babur)

No one complains about fate so figuratively as her chosen ones! (Leonid S. Sukhorukov)

Fate loves to be called. (Kostya Kuts)

There are periods in life when fate, circumstances and even people favor us. You shouldn't worry. It will pass. (Jules Renard)

No matter how cruel fate is to a person, no matter how abandoned and lonely, there will always be a heart, even unknown to him, but open to respond to the call of his heart. (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)

Zebra is a symbol of fate. (Gennady Malkin)

You can't escape fate. (Russian folk proverb)

You can't escape fate!.. And this is one of her jokes. (Leonid S. Sukhorukov)

The bitter lessons of fate are addressed to the lower beginning of man. (Absalom Underwater)

For three things I am grateful to fate: firstly, that I am a man, not an animal; secondly, that I am a man and not a woman; thirdly, that I am a Greek and not a barbarian. (Thales)

The only verdict that cannot be appealed is the verdict of fate. ()

We attribute to fate all our misfortunes and none of our successes.
Charles Régimans
Either God allowed it, or the universal mechanism called fate wanted us to be exposed to all sorts of accidents in the course of life; if you are wise and a better father than I, you will convince your son from a young age that he is the master of his life, so that he does not complain about you, who gave him life.
Denis Diderot

Fate does not soar like an eagle, but darts like a rat.
Elizabeth Bowen
The fates pave the way.
Virgil Maron Publius
It is never known how much fate is in us, and how much of us is in fate.
Jan Zbigniew Sloevsky
You can't escape your destiny; in other words, one cannot escape the inevitable consequences of one's own actions. Engels F.
Fate is the path from the unknown to the unknown.
Fate has no serious without funny, no destination without bias.
Muhammad Azzahiri As-Samarkandi
As for a certain vocation, which seems to be some kind of fate, then you just need to remove from it the form of external necessity. One must freely choose one's destiny and endure and fulfill it in the same way. Hegel G.F.
How merciful fate! She tries to unite people of the same mind, of the same taste, of the same disposition.
Fonvizin D.I.
Man is neither higher nor lower than others; everything that exists in the sublunar world is subject to the same law and has the same fate.
Michel de Montaigne
It is more difficult to behave with dignity when fate is favorable than when it is hostile.
François de La Rochefoucauld
Many would reconcile themselves to Fate, but Fate also has something to say.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec
Do not have carefree days. Fate loves to play a trick on us - overturning our assumptions, taking us by surprise. Talent, reason, valor, even beauty - all need to be on their guard: the day of blind carelessness will be the day of their fall.
Gracian y Morales
Every man's destiny is created by his own morals.
Nepos Cornelius
If fate is especially inclined towards a person and wants to give him the greatest happiness in the world, she gives him true friends.
Ernst Thalmann
Fate corrects such our shortcomings,
which even the mind could not correct.
François de La Rochefoucauld
Man is often the master of his own destiny.
William Shakespeare
A person who always wants something
forces fate to surrender.
Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov

You are afraid of a thousand things... But they were all just masks, just appearances. In fact, only one thing scared you - to decide to take a step into the unknown, a small step through all the existing precautions. And who at least once showed great trust, relied on fate, he gained freedom.
Hermann Hesse
Man is the beginning of the very fate that awaits him.
Erian Schultz
The wheel of fate turns faster than the wings of a windmill, and those that were at the top yesterday are now thrown into the dust.
M. Cervantes
People made an omnipotent goddess out of fate in order to dump their stupidities on her.
A. Oxenstierna
Fate brings us neither evil nor good, it supplies only the raw matter of both and the seed capable of fertilizing this matter.