Boiled cod calories per 100. Cod fillet - description with product photo; its composition and calorie content; benefit and harm; dish recipes

In this material, you will learn everything about the calorie content of cod, as well as how many calories are in cod. different kind cooking. Is it possible to eat cod on a diet? Who is this product contraindicated for? Below you will find the answers to these questions, as well as several cod recipes and an educational video.

cod calorie content

Someone eats with pleasure at McDonald's, washing it down with syrups, while completely excluding the usual two eggs and boiled for breakfast from their diet. However, the consequences of this can be dire.

Due to the fact that many foods are excluded from the diet, the body does not receive the required dose of vitamins, and this causes various diseases that can transform into chronic diseases. For example, fish is a very important product that should be in our diet.

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to buy expensive red fish, but cod is a very healthy, and at the same time, inexpensive option. Below you will find out everything about how many calories are in cod, and how much the calorie content of fried and boiled fish differs.

Fish fillet

Cod is a fairly affordable food product. It can be found in any store for a small cost. The composition of fresh cod meat contains up to 20% protein, as well as B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin A and others. In addition, the fish is full of various micro and macro elements, such as iron, iodine, zinc and others. The calorie content of cod per 100 grams is 78 kcal fresh, which means that this fish can be considered a low-calorie product.

fried fish

Raw products are now eaten only in Japan and China. Yes, and given the level of pollution in all water sources, it is still better to carry out heat treatment when preparing a product such as fish. Fried cod is a favorite dish of many housewives. Its advantage lies in the fact that the process of marinating and directly preparing the dish does not take much time. You can serve fish with anything - from a vegetable salad to a side dish of rice.

So how many calories are in fried cod? Actually, not as much as you might think. Taking into account the use of a small amount of oil, the calorie content of the fish will be 111 kcal, of which 23 g are proteins, and fats are only 0.1 g. You can safely eat this dish even on a diet! In addition to low calorie content, this fish also retains the entire range of useful components, which means that your body will receive the dose it needs if you eat at least 150-200 grams at a time.

boiled fish

Everyone understands perfectly well that there is nothing more useful than boiled foods. It is in this form, as a rule, that the fish does not lose its usefulness for the body. However, we have already said above that the fried version of cod will not lose all its useful components. In this form, it is better to exclude the fish for those who have serious problems with the liver, stomach or heart, as well as for some people suffering from diabetes(But this is according to the instructions of the doctor).

But everyone can eat boiled cod, because it does not harm health in any way, and its calorie content is almost the same as in raw form - namely 78 kcal per 100 grams.

Steamed fish

Another very useful and very easy-to-cook option is steamed fish. It is usually "prescribed" by doctors to those who have very serious health problems. As a rule, steamed foods are very bland and tasteless, but even they can be cooked deliciously and quickly get used to. The calorie content of cod in this form will be 76 kcal per 100 grams.

We know how many people are concerned about the topic of weight loss and diets, so we have selected information for you in which you will find answers to all your questions about the use of cod on diet food. Cod contains a very small percentage of fat, so everyone who adheres to proper nutrition and trying to cope with extra pounds, they love this fish so much. Nutritionists support the use of cod on diets, because, despite the low amount of fat, it contains a sufficient amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for the body, which are so beneficial for the body.

Cod cannot be stored for a long time, so after the catch it is immediately salted or frozen. Cooking cod is very easy, no matter which recipe you choose. It has an unforgettable delicate taste, and therefore in many countries it is considered a real delicacy.

But the peoples in the North are very lucky - they eat cod all year round, and at the same time they are distinguished by good health, when compared with other countries involved in the import and export of fish. Cod can be given even to children. To give the product an even more delicate taste that the child will definitely like, you can stew it in milk with herbs. In addition, cod makes excellent canned food.

The amino acids in cod contribute to the rapid recovery of the body, so this fish is often recommended for people after serious illnesses or operations. Some nutritionists advise taking cod oil in the morning on an empty stomach. to strengthen and immunity and enrich the body with useful substances. The dosage of oil is 7-10 grams. It will be right to drink it not large number m of water, and after 15-20 minutes, drink another 1-2 glasses to completely "start" the body.

There is rarely an allergy to cod, but still this fish cannot be called hypoallergenic. It is also not recommended for people with cholelithiasis and urolithiasis - this can lead to a deterioration in the condition. Fish can be consumed boiled and steamed for those who suffer from hypertension or kidney disease, but in no case should you eat its caviar. Also, the use of her liver should be limited or completely excluded from the diet (according to the doctor's opinion) for those who suffer from hypotension, hypercalcemia, hyperthyroidism and an excess of vitamin D.

How to cook cod

Cook cod tasty? Why not! We offer you some very simple recipes so that you can diversify your diet, and at the same time get the maximum benefit from the dish that you eat. We indicate the calorie content for you, because the figure is first of all. Happy viewing!

Bake with cheese sauce

Calorie content: 180 kcal per 100 grams.


Cooking process:

  1. Rinse and de-bone the fillets.
  2. Pour a little oil into a baking dish, rub over the entire surface. Put the fillet in a mold so that the skin is on the bottom, immediately salt and pepper.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix grated cheese, mustard and cream. Add salt and pepper. Stir until the consistency is thick.
  4. Spread the cheese sauce over the cod fillet so that it completely covers the fish.
  5. In an oven preheated to 200 degrees, place the baking dish with the fillet and leave for 20 minutes. The temperature can be reduced to 180 degrees.
  6. Ready! You can serve to the table!

Cook with white wine

Calorie content: 160 kcal per 100 grams.


Cooking process:

  1. Rinse the fish, grate the garlic on a grater.
  2. Make cuts in the fish on both sides, rub well with salt and pepper. Add garlic to cuts.
  3. Drizzle lemon juice over fish and sprinkle generously with parsley.
  4. Form a "boat" from the foil with dense and high edges, grease the inside with margarine. Put the fish there, add a few more tablespoons of margarine on top and pour dry white wine.
  5. In an oven preheated to 180 degrees, bake the fish for 30 minutes. Every 10 minutes, open the oven and pour over the cod with the juice that it let in (you can add more wine after 20 minutes).
  6. Ready! Serve with vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil and garlic.

Fry in breadcrumbs

Calorie content: 220 kcal per 100 grams.


Cooking process:

  1. Cut the fillet into a rectangle, 2-4 cm thick.
  2. In one bowl, mix flour, salt, pepper and spices. In another, pour the breading, in the third, break the eggs and beat with a little salt.
  3. Bread the fillet as follows: first flour, then eggs, then breadcrumbs. When all the "sticks" are ready, prepare a form with foil and put the fillet there so that each little thing does not touch each other. Cover with foil and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  4. Then, heat up a high-sided frying pan and pour in enough oil. Fry the "sticks" on both sides in a few pieces so that they do not stick to each other. 3 minutes on each side will be enough.
  5. Ready! Place the sticks on a dry, disposable towel and blot them until the grease is absorbed. Serve with any favorite sauce - tomato or creamy with garlic is ideal.

What does the fish contain

Without a doubt, cod is a very useful product. We will talk about the properties of this fish a little lower, but for now, let's find out what nutritional and energy value this product is.

Cod indicators are as follows:

  • proteins - 16 g (19.51% of the norm);
  • fats - 0.6 g (0.92% of the norm);
  • carbohydrates - 0 g (0% of the norm);
  • dietary fiber - 0 g (0% of the norm);
  • water - 82.1 g (3.21% of the norm).

AT chemical composition cod includes:

  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B4, B6, B9, B12);
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin D;
  • vitamin K;
  • potassium;

  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • selenium.

The benefits of fish

Cod is the product that can be consumed up to 4-5 times a week in the amount of 200-250 grams per meal. You can eat up to 400 grams per day. But how exactly does cod affect the human body, and why should you include it in your diet? Let's figure it out. This fish has the following properties:

  • promotes weight loss;
  • stabilizes the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • increases mental activity;

  • normalizes the digestive system;
  • improves the condition of nails and hair, accelerates their growth;
  • improves immunity;
  • reduces the risk of postpartum depression in women;
  • favorably affects the mental abilities of the fetus in a pregnant woman.

Useful video

How to choose the right place to buy and how to cook cod? Answers to these questions and many more useful information you will find in this video! Happy viewing!

Products such as cod must be present in our diet, because they contain so many substances that are beneficial to the body. How often do you eat fish? Did you know that cod is a low-calorie fish, and it is advised to use it for those who are on a diet? Share your impressions below in the comments!

product calories squirrels fats carbohydrates
cod 69 kcal 17.7 g 0.7 g 0 g
fried cod 139 kcal 23.0 g 0.1 g 0 g
salted cod 98 kcal 23.1 g 0.6 g 0 g
cod stew 101 kcal 9.7 g 5.1 g 3.9 g
smoked cod 94 kcal 22.1 g 0.5 g 0 g
boiled cod 78 kcal 17.8 g 0.7 g 0 g

Cod is a classic marine representative of the Cod family. Many different dishes are prepared from this fish, it has excellent taste and useful properties.

Of particular value in it is caviar and liver, which has great benefits, however, due to the increased calorie content of cod liver, it should be consumed in small portions. Cod liver can be found in any store or supermarket in the form of canned food, which is truly considered a delicacy. Its rich vitamin composition allows nutritionists around the world to claim that this product has healing and healing properties. In addition, when consumed in moderation, cod liver does not cause a tendency to be overweight and obese.

Composition of cod and cod liver

This fish is extremely rich in vitamins and nutrients, especially valuable vitamin B12 and D, as well as A, C, E, PP, H, B1, B2, B6 and B9. Cod contains important micro and macro elements, namely: iron, zinc and manganese, as well as fluorine, potassium and phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine and calcium. In addition, it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, phospholipids and biotin, which lowers the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and helps control body weight. The nutritional value of cod is high, thanks to the essential proteins in its composition (about 16 grams per 100 grams of fish), but it has little fat (0.6 grams) and no carbohydrates at all.

As for cod liver, it contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, organic acids, enzymes, vitamins D, E, A, PP, H, as well as B vitamins.

The benefits and contraindications of cod, its liver and caviar

Due to the low calorie content of cod, it can be safely attributed to dietary products besides, it has a lot of nutrients and useful properties. According to nutritionists, cod fillet and liver should be regularly included in the diet. healthy eating both children and adults, especially pregnant women.

Cod is extremely useful for the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems, it reduces blood pressure, relieves arthrosis and has a positive effect on the nervous system, improves metabolism and strengthens the immune system. Cod liver oil is indicated for those who suffer from arthritis, as well as for all elderly people, which is why fish oil derived from it is widely used in the pharmaceutical business.

Tesky caviar is useful due to its high content of vitamins B, A and C, as well as zinc, potassium, calcium, iodine and phosphorus. However, it is not recommended for young children due to high salt content, hypertension and kidney disease. Cod and its liver also have contraindications: hyperthyroidism, hypotension, hypercalcemia, urolithiasis, excess vitamin D and individual intolerance to the product.

cod fillet is a very popular food item these days. But few know that this is not just the basis for a very delicious meals, but also a very useful component of our daily diet. This is due to the fact that cod fillet is made from such a wonderful fish as cod.

Cod (lat. Gadus morhua) is an industrial fish that forms a family of the same name. This family has several subspecies and species that inhabit the waters of the Atlantic. The habitat of this fish has borders from the Barents Sea to the coast of North Carolina, while, depending on the habitat, such subspecies as Arctic cod, White Sea, Baltic and many others are distinguished. Interesting feature of this species lies in the fact that it does not really like open ocean waters, but prefers to hunt and spawn in the coastal zone, which is why cod is very convenient for industrial fishing.

The life expectancy of cod is about 30-35 years, and at this age it can reach a size of one and a half meters. But most often they use fish that have reached 35-40 cm for eating. This fish is a predator, which is why its meat is so tasty. According to statistics, it is believed that every tenth fish caught in the world is cod.

Traditions of eating cod exist in the cuisine of many peoples. It is especially popular in Norwegian cuisine, where it is consumed fried, boiled, salted and dried. But the French, Spaniards, Portuguese and Dutch are also very fond of diversifying their daily diet with cod dishes. And in the traditions of the Russian national cuisine there is even a separate, borrowed from the Dutch, word "labardan", which combines in its meaning almost all existing cooking options for representatives of the cod family.

There is another characteristic feature of this fish. The fact is that in dried form, cod retains all its rich nutritional qualities for a very long time, which made it an indispensable component of the diet of participants in various expeditions. There is even an opinion that without the use of dried cod, so many discoveries would not have been made in the North, because there would be nothing to eat on the way.

Well, what is the significance traditional cooking dishes from cod in Russian cuisine, was even reflected in the fact that the coat of arms of the city of Murmansk depicts just cod, which among the inhabitants of this city has the nickname "sea donkey", borrowed from Hebrew.

Currently, most often on the shelves of grocery stores we can find such a product as fresh-frozen cod fillet, because a carcass already cut and ready to eat is much more convenient. This convenience allows us to significantly expand the list of dishes with which we can very quickly and easily, without spending extra time on cutting and processing, delight our family members (cod fillet cutlets, cod fillet with cheese, cod fillet soup, etc.).

Composition and useful properties

Useful properties of cod fillet are determined by its unique composition and are quite extensive. It somehow happened historically that, speaking about the benefits of cod, we automatically imagine only cod liver, which is so loved to be consumed in the form of canned food and from which a unique remedy is obtained - fish oil.

But the meat of this fish also has no less useful qualities, for which cod is deservedly loved in many countries. And the northern peoples do not even imagine food without it. The fact is that cod fillet is a white, layered and very tasty meat, which contains protein compounds and valuable amino acids that regulate all human life processes.

Well, the lipid part of this product is represented by useful omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated acids, which have several beneficial effects on the body at once:

  • Remove excess cholesterol.
  • They help in the restoration and construction of cell membranes.
  • Can cardinally reduce the risk of developing cancers.
  • Improve human brain activity.

According to the content of useful trace elements and vitamins, fish equal to cod simply does not exist. In the cod fillet, we can see elements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, copper, manganese, iron, zinc, selenium, and sulfur. In terms of vitamin composition, cod is also the leader among marine lean fish, it contains vitamins A, C, E, D, K and almost all representatives of group B. At the same time, fans of a healthy diet and various diets can be very pleased with the fact that the calorie content of cod fillet very low and is only 82 kcal per 100 grams.

Due to its composition rich in useful components, cod fillet has the following useful qualities:

Therefore, absolutely everyone should use this product, especially since, in terms of taste, cod dishes stand out very much among other food products and are able to induce appetite by their smell and appearance alone.

Use in cooking

The use of cod fillets in cooking is quite wide and is not limited to certain countries. Interestingly, the largest number of recipes from this product can boast not some northern country where cod is caught, but hot and passionate Portugal, in whose cooking there are more than 300 ways to cook cod.

Salads, which include cod fillet, are very popular. And in different countries like to combine this product with different ingredients:

  • Mediterranean salad recipes, besides cod, include tomatoes, olives, basil, spinach cheese and many ingredients. Moreover, such salads are seasoned with sherry along with olive oil, and they like to flavor these dishes with garlic.
  • Scandinavian salads, in addition to cod, may also contain sour apples, mustard, a large amount of onions, dill and other herbs. Scandinavians do not neglect mayonnaise, sometimes replacing it with sour cream.
  • American cod snacks may include other types of fish, which are complemented by peanut butter, noodles, lettuce. The dressing may be classic mayonnaise-based, but mustard and soy sauce recipes are sometimes found.
  • Russian options can be with soaked apples, radishes, a lot of greens. The most common dressing is vegetable oil.

But do not think that the use of cod fillets is limited only to salads. On the contrary, it is just beginning with them, because this product is widely used as a component of second courses. So, for example, everyone knows baked cod fillet in the oven or fried in batter in a pan. A popular method is baking cod fillet with vegetables in foil or recipes for cooking cod fillet in sour cream in a slow cooker, and the latter options are already diet food.

Interesting options for using this product for cooking recipes on the grill in American and Indian traditions. And the most important thing there is in the marinade. In America, cod fillets are marinated in sweet honey sauces and grilled. And in India they use a large amount of hot spices and vegetable oil and cooked directly on an open fire.

In American restaurants with traditional Russian cuisine, a recipe famous among emigrants from the early 20th century, owned, according to legend, by Valentin Rasputin, is popular. This is a soup based on cod boiled in milk and seasoned with heavy cream and spices. It is said that this soup was the basis of the health and power of the cult in Russian history persons. Therefore, it is worth diversifying your table with this useful product, especially since the variety of cooking options offered and their taste will surely delight you.

Cod fillet benefits and treatment

The benefits of cod fillet lie precisely in its composition rich in useful components. But it is impossible to name specific recipes that can be used to cure diseases, because there can be only one treatment here: increase the amount of consumption of this fish in your diet. In this case, you will be able to observe such positive results as:

The use of cod has become the norm for many peoples, mainly northern ones. And all of them are distinguished by excellent health, and their nutrition is considered one of the most correct in the world. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to their recipes and thereby help your health.

Cod fillet harm and contraindications

There are also studies according to which marine fish may contain heavy metals and other harmful wastes of modern industry, so pay attention only to the products of manufacturers who guarantee the quality of their products and their safety. And it may be safer to consume farm-raised fish than wild-caught fish.

Contraindications to the use of cod are as follows:

And, of course, in order to get the maximum amount of benefit from cod fillet, you should pay attention to products that were stored and frozen only in accordance with the rules. Therefore, when buying, choose even, smooth, shiny fillet layers that have not been thawed, with a minimum amount of ice crust.

Cod, the Atlantic guest on our table, is not only very tasty, but also nutritious. There are hundreds of recipes for cooking this fish: both baked in the oven and fried, it has an exquisite taste, and at the same time it is not expensive.

Although cod liver is one of the very expensive delicacies. Its fat content can reach 74 percent. It is rich not only in fish oil, but also in vitamins and minerals. A natural question arises: is it really such a fatty fish? What is the calorie content of cod? Should I take it for those who are on a diet?

Despite the fact that cod liver is really extremely high in fat and its energy value is 613 kcal per 100 grams of product, the fish itself can rightfully take its place in any diet menu. 100 grams of cod fillet is only 69 kcal. Do not confuse the calorie content of cod with the calorie content of its liver and do not rush to remove it from your table.

The fish with the fattest liver has tender, juicy, and low-calorie meat. The fat content in it is very low, but the protein is a lot, as much as 16 grams! It is so non-greasy that it can even turn out dry.

Meat contains:

  • complete set of essential amino acids;
  • trace elements, including phosphorus and calcium;
  • B vitamins, especially vitamin B 12.

Regular consumption of this fish is an excellent prevention of arthritis and arthrosis. Cod is also recommended for people suffering from vascular diseases. It cleanses the blood of blood clots. Phosphorus has a beneficial effect on brain function, and calcium is strong bones and teeth, shiny hair and nails.

Every girl's dream!

Cod on your table

Cod fillets are prepared by the most different ways. You can really diversify your diet. No wonder many nutritionists say that at least once a week, fish should appear on your table.

There is cod fried and baked in the oven, but the most low-calorie and healthy is boiled and steamed fish. 100 grams of such cod is only 78 kcal.

Cod will help you not only please your loved ones, but also save calories! Enjoy your meal!