Chicken liver for a 10 month old baby. Chicken liver puree for babies

The introduction of complementary foods for a baby is an important stage in his life. This moment of acquaintance with “adult” food should leave pleasant new sensations and be to the taste of any child.

The introduction of the liver into the diet occupies a separate place. This useful product, which is an excellent source of iron, can be administered from 7 months 1 time per week. One year old baby You can already diversify the menu with all kinds of liver dishes.

Benefits of the liver

Many consider the liver a dangerous and difficult product for a child. This is a misconception, because it has a lot of useful and nutritious substances. Its use is recommended for children in health and medicinal purposes. Correct Application this product in the diet of a child at the age of 1 year will not bring any negative.

The most useful is the liver of fish (cod), which contains iodine, zinc, calcium and a huge amount of vitamin D, which is an excellent way to prevent rickets. It is highly recommended for children with disorders in the nervous system, and is also useful for problems in the cardiovascular system.

Tender chicken liver thanks to folic acid supports the blood and immune system of the child. And it also helps with overwork, lung diseases and poor eyesight.

Beef but better veal liver, due to the large amount of vitamins A and B, it maintains hemoglobin at the normal level, accelerates the process of tissue repair in many organs, and improves immunity.

Pork liver due to the high content of proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, amino acids and enzymes is also very useful for children. But due to the high fat content, such a liver should be included in the children's diet, even if the child is already a year old, with extreme caution.

Large selection of ready baby food saves a lot of time for mothers. But it is much more useful if you cook the dish yourself from fresh liver, which will be seasoned with mother's care and love. It will be tasty, nutritious, healthy and interesting.

How to cook a liver for a child?

To prepare any dish, it is necessary that the liver is always fresh, peeled from the film and the pieces used do not contain veins.


The best way to cook liver is pâté. Soft and gentle, it is sure to please any baby. Moreover, there are a lot of recipes for pate, and the child will always find it to his taste. By adding certain ingredients, the pate can be made drier or softer and more tender, more meaty or more vegetable. The main thing is to observe the baby, he himself will tell you his taste preferences.


A rich liver-meat pate is obtained from boiled liver, boiled chicken fillet and boiled carrots. Whip the prepared ingredients with a blender until smooth. Add salt to taste. In a thick and dry pate add butter or broth.


Boil liver and eggs. Beat them until smooth with a blender, adding butter. Salt to taste. The ingredients are placed at your discretion, but you can focus on the following proportions: liver - 300 gr, eggs - 2-3 pcs., Butter - 150 gr.


Pate with carrots and onions is the most classic dish. Boil the liver, carrots and onions. Beat the finished products in a blender, adding butter. To make the pâté more liquid, you can increase the amount of oil, but it is better to dilute it with liver or vegetable broth.


A close dish to pate is pudding. Its gentle composition will appeal to any picky eater.
Soak dry bread or roll (15 gr) in milk. Pass prepared bread and liver (50 gr) through a meat grinder 2 times. Lightly salt and, if necessary, dilute with milk to a state of porridge. Add ½ egg yolk and ½ protein, pre-whipped into a stiff foam, into the minced liver. Mix everything thoroughly and carefully. Prepare a baking dish by greasing it with butter and sprinkling with breadcrumbs. Carefully place the pudding into the mold. Boil water in a wide saucepan. Lower the mold there so that the water reaches half of the mold. Cook 45 minutes at closed lid. Ready-made pudding is perfect for mashed potatoes.


If your child doesn't like liver, liver gravy is a great compromise. Multicooker gravy with a rich taste, delicate texture and wonderful aroma can be poured over any porridge.

½ onion cut into half rings and fry in the “baking” mode for 15 minutes. Cut 350 g of washed, peeled liver into pieces and add to the onion. Continue cooking covered for another 10 minutes. At this time, in a glass of boiled water, dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream. Pour the prepared mixture into the liver. Mix everything and salt to taste. If desired, you can add bay leaf and cook everything for another 10 minutes in the “quenching” mode. The gravy is ready. If the baby refuses the liver, then he will certainly like the gravy.


A child a year old can already be offered a slightly fried liver in the form of pancakes. An adult baby will be able to eat such solid food in pieces. Twist the liver with a small amount of onion in a meat grinder or beat with a blender. Add salt and thicken with a spoonful of flour. Fry thin pancakes in a hot pan.


This soup is very similar to liver pudding, but not cooked in a water bath, but on fire. Chicken liver is best for soup.

Soak 100 g of bread in ½ glass of milk and mix with the yolk. Grind 100 g of liver and add to bread. Grind everything through a sieve and fill with 1 glass of broth or water and cook for 10 minutes. Salt to taste and season with 2 teaspoons of butter.

To make the soup not so meaty, you can add some potatoes and carrots at your discretion. You can dilute the soup to the desired consistency with broth.


Complete ready meal for a child - a casserole. Cook crumbly porridge from ½ cup of rice in milk and water (½ cup each). Twist 400 g of liver and 1 small onion through a meat grinder and mix with boiled rice. Beat in 2 eggs, salt. Can be seasoned with marjoram and ginger or other spices. Grease a baking dish with 3 tbsp. spoons of oil. Bake the dish for 1 hour at 175 °.


Soufflé can be prepared from fish liver for a baby. It will be not only tasty, but also very useful.

Boil 200 gr potatoes. Beat the cooled potatoes with 50 ml of milk. You can also add a piece of butter. Cod liver (½ jar) mash. Separately beat 1 egg white. Combine potatoes, liver and protein and beat again. Season with salt to taste. You can add lemon juice (½ pcs.) And dried mint (1 teaspoon). Put the prepared mass into a greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs baking dish. Cook for 20 minutes in the oven at 200°. Slightly cooled soufflé can already be eaten.


Despite the fact that the liver is a very useful and nutritious product, we must not forget that it can also harm the body. And excessive pressure on the child can turn him away from this product for a long time. In order for food to be a joy, you need to remember a few rules.

  1. If the child is not ready to accept the liver in his diet, postpone the introduction of this product for another couple of weeks. It's okay if the child tries the liver for the first time in a year.
  2. Let your child decide when lunch ends. Do not force him to eat everything to the last crumb.
  3. It is best for the first acquaintance with the liver to cook it in the form of mashed potatoes.
  4. If, after taking the liver, the child develops signs of allergy, you should immediately stop complementary feeding with this product.

In the diet one year old baby the liver plays a big role. When it came to feeding the baby, mothers wondered how to introduce the liver, in what quantity and what type of liver is best to give the baby first?

Now, when the child is 1.5-2 years old, many are interested in another question: in what other form can this dish be offered to the child? Today we will talk about the beneficial properties of chicken liver for the baby's body and how to cook stewed chicken liver.

Chicken liver - composition and properties

Having considered the properties of chicken liver, you can see what benefits stewed liver can bring to a child's body.

Chicken liver is an affordable and quite healthy product, and its proper preparation, for example, stewed liver in sour cream, can please your baby.

Today, there are a wide variety of recipes for preparing stewed chicken liver, but it is possible to get a really tasty and healthy product if the following recommendations are followed:

  • For cooking, you need to take only fresh liver, especially when it comes to children. Frozen liver after cooking will never become soft and juicy.
  • Before cooking, it can not be salted. Otherwise, the salt will take over all the juices from the liver.
  • If you want to cook stewed chicken liver in a pan, you need to spread it gradually. If you add the whole liver at the same time, the temperature of the oil in the pan will drop and the liver will begin to cook in its own juices. This situation must be avoided if you want to cook a really tasty dish.

Choice of chicken liver

Choosing a liver is an important step in cooking, especially when it comes to children.
The liver should be smooth and shiny. There should be no foreign inclusions, fatty layers and blood clots. Fresh chicken liver has a "sweet" smell, stale - sour. The color of the liver should be brown-burgundy.

Introduction to the child's diet

It is customary to introduce a child to the liver for the first time at 8-9 months. When a child turns 1.5-2 years old, his diet is much wider, and not only pate, but also other dishes can be made from the liver: for example, cook stewed liver. For the first time, the child needs to be given a small amount of food and observe the reaction of the body. If an allergic reaction occurs, the dish must be removed from the diet and try again no earlier than 2 weeks later.

Chicken liver stew recipe for kids

We offer you a recipe for cooking stewed liver with vegetables, which is suitable for children from 1.5 years old.


  • chicken liver - 200 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • chicken broth - 1 cup;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • salt - to taste.


Cooking stewed chicken liver for a child - video

In the video you can see in detail all the intricacies of cooking stewed chicken liver with onions and carrots. And most importantly - this dish is suitable for your baby and for the whole family.

Any dish can be made truly unique and healthy if it is prepared correctly - it's all about technique and some culinary secrets. Today we will learn how to cook chicken liver properly - for homemade salads, as a light snack, or even as a component for another dish. This is not difficult to do, but there are a number of significant nuances, which we will also talk about.

How to boil chicken liver at home

It does not matter for which dish you are going to boil the chicken liver, in any case, the process will be almost the same. So avoid the row common mistakes it will not be difficult for you - we will teach you how to cook chicken liver correctly.

  • First of all, before cooking, the offal must be thoroughly inspected and cleaned, as well as washed. This is the first step, and you should not miss it, otherwise the treat may come out bitter and tasteless.
  • Secondly, chicken liver is cooked only in boiling water. It is not worth lowering the delicacy into a pot of cold water - this way you can ruin all your efforts in the bud.

  • Thirdly, the liver should be boiled not only in boiling water, but also seasoned with spices. This helps to make the dish more fragrant, tastier, richer. Without spices and seasonings, chicken liver will be fresh. Therefore, before cooking, dip salt, black peppercorns and bay leaves into the pan - this is the basic set of spices for chicken liver.
  • Equally important is the duration of cooking. Traditionally, poultry liver, due to its tenderness and small size, is cooked much less than, for example, beef. Also, short cooking and a gentle thermal regime allows you to save most of the nutrients and vitamins in the liver of the chicken.
  • It is believed that the finished chicken liver should not release any liquid and juice from itself when pierced - and this is true. The offal in the finished, cooked form will be slightly dry inside, but this is quite normal, because boiled chicken liver is best put in salads or served with various sauces.

And, of course, the most important point is the quality of the product. If the liver is fresh, then any dish from it will be tasty and successful, but it is better not to use offal of dubious quality at all - there is a great chance of poisoning.

The Secrets of Delicious Boiled Chicken Liver from Your Cook

When going to a store or market for bird liver, be careful - you need to be able to choose such a product correctly, the dish you are going to make will depend on this.

So, a good chicken liver should have a smooth texture - it is slightly moist, it has a noticeable glossy sheen. The color of a high-quality and fresh liver can be from pink to dark burgundy.

But if you are going to cook an unnaturally pale chicken liver at home, then most likely you bought an unsuccessful product - stale or pre-frozen.

It is important that there are no green spots on the surface of the offal, otherwise the delicacy will be very bitter. And if you still find them, then first get rid of the blotches and these places by simply cutting them out with a knife.

Fresh chicken liver is very useful for the body - it is dietary product, rich in iron and vitamin A, so even those who are on a diet can eat boiled poultry liver. And in the company of fresh vegetables and salads, this dish can completely replace a full meal!

How to prepare poultry liver for cooking, the main steps

You cannot send this offal to the pan directly from the package, so before you cook it, you will have to spend time processing the delicacy.

  • If you bought chicken liver in the market, then first it will need to be cooled. You can do this by putting the ingredient in the refrigerator for half an hour. Why is it important? It is very difficult to sort out a warm liver, and it will be more difficult to get rid of its bitterness.
  • Store or supermarket chicken livers are usually already chilled, so this step can be omitted.
  • After cooling, the chicken liver will have to be soaked in cold water so that it is not bitter. Some hostesses believe that if you boil the liver in boiling water, it will become less bitter in itself, but this is not so - gore and bile give bitterness to the meat, and they will not go anywhere if they are not removed.

  • Therefore, pour cold (but not icy) water into a clean bowl, add salt, mix the liquid, and then put the liver washed under the tap into the dishes so that the water completely covers it. We wait 30-35 minutes for all the bitterness to come out of the offal.
  • After that, we take the delicacy out of the bowl and clean it from the films, remove traces of blood (you can blot them with a paper towel), cut out all the strange places with a suspicious color that may taste bitter.
  • Rinse the chicken liver again under running water, this time already peeled. We chop it into pieces that we need (larger for a salad).

Now the liver of the chicken can be safely lowered into the pan and boiled.

How to deliciously boil chicken liver, a quick recipe


  • Chicken liver - 500 g + -
  • - 1 head + -
  • Turn on strong fire and bring the liquid to a boil, then reduce it to medium.
  • We clean the onion from the husk and cut it in two, after which we send it to the pan. After cooking, we simply take out the vegetable and throw it away, but it will give the liver more taste, and at the same time save it from the characteristic smell.
  • We send it to the pan and lavrushka, salt and pepper the water.
  • We lower the liver into boiling water and make the fire even smaller.
  • Cook the poultry liver without a lid for 10-12 minutes. Skim the foam while cooking to keep the water clean.
  • In such a simple way, you can cook chicken liver deliciously and correctly.

    Try adding one to it after cooling. boiled egg, chopped coarsely, as well as lettuce and walnuts, season the dish with your favorite diet sauce, and you will have a real culinary masterpiece!

Chicken liver is a product that deserves a place of honor in our diet. It contains a high percentage of substances that have a beneficial effect on the entire body. A properly prepared product is a real decoration for any table. The taste characteristics, type and benefits of the finished dish depend on how much to cook chicken liver.

What you need to know: general facts

Before you start cooking, you need to choose the right liver. To do this, you need to look at the expiration date and its appearance (should be an even brown color without spots). Packaging can be any, most importantly without deformation. Preparation for cooking includes several important steps:

  • rinse under running water;
  • put on a plate;
  • remove the film and the bile duct;
  • rinse thoroughly again.

The prepared dish from this ingredient can be stored in a cold place for no more than 24 hours.

We cook correctly

The liver can be used as a separate product - fried, boiled or cooked in the oven, serving on the table along with any side dish. Also, the product can be added to salads, made from fillings for pies and pancakes, and mashed for small children.

The first and main question: “How long does it take to cook chicken liver?”. It should be cooked on low heat for a quarter of an hour, after rinsing with running water. Then remove the entire film.

To find out exactly how long to cook the liver, you need to make a small puncture with a fork or knife: if it is easily pierced and at the same time releases clear juice, you can turn off the fire.

If the chicken liver is overcooked, it will be expressed in excessive hardness, stiffness and loss of taste.

Different cooking methods

We cook in a saucepan. Pre-collect water: half the pan will be enough. Put prepared chicken liver into boiling water. If desired, you can salt a little, add bay leaf and spices. To preserve all the nutritional properties, cook for no more than 15 minutes. During cooking, do not forget to stir and remove the resulting foam.

Cook the liver in a double boiler or slow cooker until tender. Here the product takes longer to cook. The ingredient must first be cut into two or three parts. Many chefs also add sour cream or mayonnaise (at the discretion of the hostess). Time should not exceed 30-40 minutes. The cooked product retains its aroma, health benefits and rich taste.

For lovers of baking pies. For delicious pies, you need to cook the liver for 20-25 minutes. Then twist in a meat grinder (blender). Add sautéed onions with carrots to the resulting mass. The resulting filling will be tasty, healthy and juicy.

Note recipe

Chicken liver should be included in the children's diet. Little tricks will help to prepare a dish attractive for the baby and tasty. You can cook the liver in any way presented. Grind the cooled gland. bow and bell pepper, cut into small cubes, sauté. Then add cream and butter to taste. Boil for 5 minutes. The dish can be served with any side dish that the baby likes.

So, chicken liver is a source of vitamins of all groups, proteins and folic acid. It should be included in the diet in the presence of chronic diseases and with a breakdown. How much to cook the product to preserve all the beneficial properties depends on the dish and the method of cooking.

Each culinary specialist, preparing his dish, tries to preserve as much as possible all the ingredients in it. beneficial features. The liver contains a huge amount of various vitamins and minerals. It perfectly increases hemoglobin and improves blood formation. So that during cooking the meat does not lose its beneficial properties, you need to know how much to cook chicken liver. There are many ways to prepare this meat product. Let's look at the most popular of them.

meat broth

How and how much do you need to cook chicken liver to get broth? Everyone knows that a delicious rich broth is best obtained from the bones. The longer they cook, the tastier the final product is. With cookies it's the other way around. There are no bones in it, and, therefore, there is no need to boil it for hours. Rather, with this cooking, you will get a tough rubbery piece of meat.

The chicken liver broth is soft and fragrant. It is perfect for vegetable soups. To some extent, it can even be called a dietary dish.

Rinse the chicken liver and put it in a pot of cold water. After that, put it on the fire and let it boil. After that, add salt and spices to taste and cook for 20 minutes. Pop-up foam must be removed in order for the broth to turn out clean and transparent. At the end, you can get the meat and continue cooking the broth, adding the necessary ingredients.

boiled liver

How much to cook chicken liver in order to get a tender soft dish? Many housewives ask themselves this question when their goal is to cook boiled meat.

For this recipe, you need to rinse the liver and cut it into small pieces. Put the meat in a saucepan with pre-collected water and put on fire. After boiling, cook the product for no more than 15 minutes.

How many minutes to cook chicken liver directly depends on the size of the original piece. Check for doneness with a sharp knife. To do this, take out one piece and pierce it. If you see light juice, then the meat is ready and must be removed immediately. If a red liquid is released, then it is necessary to boil the product a little more.

Fried (baked) liver

Many housewives prefer to bake or fry meat, after boiling it. How long to cook chicken liver for further processing?

If you want to cook a fried dish, then you need to get the meat out of boiling water after five minutes of cooking. Then you can start frying or stewing it.

If you plan to cook the liver in the oven, then you need to get it out of the pan immediately after boiling water. After that, put the product on the form and send it to the oven along with other ingredients.

Liver in a steamer

Everything lately more people switch to proper nutrition. So, steamed foods are considered much healthier than those that are boiled and fried all the more whiter. If you have purchased a double boiler, then you are probably wondering how much to cook chicken liver in it.

Despite the fact that this meat has a rather delicate texture and cooks quickly, the steaming time is much longer than the time of boiling in water. In a double boiler, chicken liver is cooked for about 30 minutes. This value may vary and depends on the size of the selected piece.

When steaming meat, its readiness is checked in the same way as other cooking methods. Take a sharp knife and pierce a piece. If you see clear juice, then the product is completely ready for use. If the juice has a red tint, you should let it steam a little more.

Liver in a multicooker

Quite often in a modern kitchen you can find such a household appliance as a slow cooker. More and more housewives give preference to her, not wanting to stand at the stove for hours. Cooking chicken liver in a slow cooker is possible with the simultaneous addition of additional products.

Usually this device already has a liver cooking mode, but if you don’t have one, don’t despair. Chicken liver can be cooked in the mode of cooking ordinary meat, however, the duration of its preparation should not exceed 15 minutes. For proper preparation, check the product for readiness in the same way as in the previous methods - with a knife.

How much to cook chicken liver depends on the desired result. Choose the option that suits you.

In order for the chicken liver to become more tender, you can pre-soak it in milk. It is advisable to add salt and spices immediately, during the cooking process.

Remember that you can not cook chicken liver for too long, otherwise it will become rubbery and lose its beneficial properties.

Cook with pleasure and then you will achieve the desired results and the praise of guests and relatives.