A person to follow. Role model from life - features and interesting facts

Not all millionaires and celebrities boast of their high position or financial position. And there are many examples in the world when a person holding a high position continues to lead a modest lifestyle. Or does not leave in the past youthful tomfoolery.

In the end, money and position in society are not the main thing in our lives, and it seems that the people we are going to tell you about now have understood this.

1. Just a princess of Sweden

This is Madeleine, Princess of Sweden. And yes, she cleans up after her dog. Herself.

2. The world's poorest president

José Cordano is the president of Uruguay, but the locals call him El Pepe. He donates nearly all of his presidential salary to charity, making him the poorest (or most generous) president in the world. Jose earns 263,000 Uruguayan pesos (400,000 rubles) per month. He leaves only 26,300 pesos (40,000 rubles) for himself.

Lives in a rural house on a farm. The president himself carries water for the household from a well in the yard. The biggest purchase of all time was a 1987 Volkswagen Beetle. Mujica has no bank accounts and no debts.

3. Señor Mujica is sitting in line at the clinic.

4. Mayor of London

Mr Boris Johnson, mayor of London, is not shy about going without a tie, freely wearing a sports jacket, backpack and bicycle helmet. Which is not surprising, because it is Boris Johnson who is one of the main supporters of the development of cycling in Britain.

Jon Gnarr is the current mayor of Iceland's largest city, Reykjavik. This man did not study at the university, he was a comedian and a taxi driver, but in 2010 he managed to create his own political party and at the same time call it the ringing name "The Best Party". The party consisted mainly of creative personalities: artists, musicians, comedians - and none of them had previously been involved in politics. Surprisingly, the residents of the city chose the leader of this party as mayor with a numerical indicator of 34.7% of the vote.

Michael Bloomberg is very interesting person, even if you do not know that he has the 13th place in the list of the richest people in the world. At the same time, the ex-mayor of New York traveled by subway. In the photo, the mayor is sitting at his workplace in the city council building. On ordinary office furniture, traditional monitors, papers, graphics, some knick-knacks and ... a can of peanut butter next to the keyboard.

Sir Richard Branson is the founder of Virgin Airlines. For 10 years, he managed to turn a small music store into a giant diversified business scattered across all continents of the planet. But Branson, on top of everything else, is also a bright, non-standard personality, for which he received the nickname "hippie billionaire." The latest trick of a businessman is the appearance at the airport dressed as an AirAsia flight attendant. Moreover, Branson did not just show off in front of the cameras - he honestly served passengers on the Perth - Kuala Lumpur flight.

Sergey Brin is a computer business legend, co-founder and president of technology at Google Inc., a billionaire and one of the richest people in America. But despite all this, Sergey behaves quite modestly - he still lives in a three-room apartment and drives not a Mercedes, but a Toyota Prius with an environmentally friendly hybrid engine. He also likes to visit Katya's Russian Tea Room in San Francisco and recommend borscht, dumplings and pancakes to his guests.

Chuck Feeney is the creator of the famous Duty Free Shoppers chain. Over the past 30 years, he has traveled the world, pulling off a covert operation to get rid of capital of 7.5 billion dollars. He made it by trading cognac, perfume and cigarettes in his empire. His charitable foundation, The Atlantic Philanthropies, has invested $6.2 billion in education, science, health care, civil rights and nursing homes around the world. By 2020, Chuck Feeney wants to spend all his capital on helping those in need.

Women are an amazing creation of nature. On the one hand, we are fragile and tender, on the other hand, we have an unprecedented power that can significantly affect the course of history. AT modern world fans of silicone and mega fashion trends are considered ideals to follow. But what about true ideals and idols? Today we’ll talk about women who left their mark on history, they will never be forgotten, they will never cease to be admired.

Even people who are far from the world of fashion have at least once heard of Coco Chanel. This wonderful woman went through many trials, showing no hefty willpower, and she managed to bring into the world many things that changed the attitude of her contemporaries.

Coco Chanel's real name is Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel. She got her nickname "Coco" because in her free time as a saleswoman she sang the songs "Ko Ko Ri Ko" and "Qui qa`a vu Soso" in a cabaret. Gabrielle was born in the small French town of Saumur, located on the south bank of the Laura River. Her mother died without experiencing a difficult birth, and when she was 12 years old, her father, along with 4 brothers, abandoned her, leaving them in the care of relatives. Then the children lived in an orphanage for some time.

At the age of 18, Gabrielle got a job as a salesperson in a clothing store, while earning money by singing at a local cabaret. At one of these performances, one officer noticed her and fell in love with whom she later moved to live in Paris. However, she never managed to build female happiness with him, and after a while she went to an industrialist from England.

Chanel opened her first store in 1910, specializing in hats. During the war years, she had to close all her shops. Fate turned out so that the fragile woman was drawn into military troubles, for which she later had to bear all the responsibility in the form of imprisonment and the title of Nazi accomplice.

She returned to the world of high fashion only at the age of 71. The former glory came to her only after 3 seasons, it was then that famous and rich ladies became regulars in her stores. For all the short time when she was doing exactly her favorite thing, she managed to do a lot:

  • Small black dress. There are legends about what exactly prompted Gabrielle to create "simple luxury" and the exact answer is not known for certain. But it was after this "creation" that luxury became available to every woman, regardless of financial condition.
  • Perfume Chanel No. 5. Prior to this, all fragrances were created exclusively from plant ingredients, but Coco was the first to suggest trying to introduce artificial ingredients. After many experiments, the perfumer offered to evaluate several options at once, Gabrielle's choice fell on the number five perfume. The triumph of the perfume was ensured by novelty, in which notes of flowers were not traced.
  • The 2.55 handbag, popular to this day, was introduced in 1955. In this way, Chanel freed women from bulky radiculae, which were terribly uncomfortable. Therefore, a small quilted rectangular handbag on a chain quickly fell in love with the weaker sex.

Two-tone shoes, the use of accessories and pearls, short haircuts for women, trouser suits for women, jewelry, fitted jackets - all this, familiar in the modern world, was achieved thanks to the persistence and amazing taste of the wonderful Coco Chanel.

Mother Teresa

Agnes Gonja Boyagiu is a true embodiment of mercy. Even during her lifetime, she was considered a saint, but she modestly called herself "a pencil in the hands of God." Agnes was born in 1910 in a fairly wealthy family. They always welcomed the poor, and visited some of them themselves. From the age of twelve, Agnes began to dream of becoming a nun and helping those in need.

At the age of eighteen, she left her parental home, moved to Ireland and became a nun in order to devote herself entirely to the suffering, lepers and the sick. For about 30 years, she managed to establish a community that was engaged in the creation of hospitals, shelters and schools that the sick and the poor could visit. At the same time, neither religion nor nationality made any difference at all. Her face was always in the news about the "hot" spots, she was everywhere where help was needed.

Mother Teresa died at the age of 87. Before her death, she was asked if she had at least sometimes holidays and weekends, to which the answer was that every day was a holiday for her. After her death, in 2003, she was canonized by the Catholic Church, and in 2016 she was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church.

Hedy Lamarr

This Hollywood actress is not only beautiful in appearance, but also amazingly smart. It is thanks to this lovely lady that we now have the opportunity to use mobile phones, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and navigators. There is an interesting fact that it was this actress who played an orgasm for the first time on TV screens, for which she was quickly nicknamed "Miss Sex". She has her own star on the Walk of Fame. Men loved her for her beauty and intelligence, and rich imagination, but she only got married six times.

Born into a prosperous family, at the age of 16 she decided to leave home and enter a theater school. In films, she began acting very early, exactly as she received worldwide fame. The girl was not shy to act in candid scenes at that time. She received no less fame for her quarrelsome and overly scandalous character. For some time, her filming career stopped, but at the age of 52 she again decided to return, but the secondary ascent cannot be called successful. Straightforwardness put up obstacles for her and raised new enemies, which is worth only a sharp and impartial statement about Hollywood.

Then there was a charge of stealing shoes, however, the court considered the evidence insufficient and the charge was dropped. Despite the acquittal, the reputation was tarnished. The second time the actress's autobiography tarnished her reputation, in which it was written that she was suffering from nymphomania.

As for inventive activity, Hedy was engaged in it quite stubbornly and received a patent for remote control of torpedoes in 1940. However, the value of the invention was realized only a few years later. Not long waiting, in 1942, in the Antheil company, she received a second patent, the developments of which were rejected by the American Navy due to the complexity of implementation. But it was this work that served as the basis for the creation of Wi-Fi.

This life interesting woman can not be called simple or easy, but the fact that she did not live her years in vain is for sure!

Oprah Winfrey

This woman broke the record for being on the list of influential people. Oprah Winfrey is a media mogul. She owns a commercial resource, a radio network, a film studio, a magazine and a personalized channel. By the way, her real name is not Oprah, but Orpa, but why the decision was made to rearrange the letters is not really clear. According to one version, it was difficult for the girl's friends to pronounce her real name, so the rearrangement was for the purpose of convenience of speech pronunciation.

Oprah was born in a simple family. Her mother worked as a maid, and her father as a miner (by the way, they were never painted). Her first years, the girl lived with her grandmother in a remote village. It is worth noting that then the life of a child could not be called sweet, a strict grandmother often scolded her negligent granddaughter for shirking household chores or disobedience, for which the latter had to go through quilting with a rod. For several years, the girl did not know what boots were, as she ran barefoot. She received her first dress only when she went to school. Grandmother taught Oprah to read and write when she was not yet three years old.

At the age of six, she was taken by her mother, who was even more "kind" than her grandmother. As Oprah herself said, at the age of 9 she had to endure the harassment of her cousins, uncles and their friends, then she was raped, and her first pregnancy came at the age of 14. Unfortunately, the child died shortly after birth, which greatly upset the young mother. Oprah's life was spent in absolute poverty and was full of tragedy, but despite this, the girl never lost heart. As the girl herself later admitted, reading often saved her, she found consolation in it, it served like a door.

Only at the age of 14 her life began to slowly improve. She moved to live with her father, to his new family, and then the story is somewhat reminiscent of the tale of the ugly duckling. When Oprah saw the walk of fame at the age of 15, she said that sooner or later she would put her name on this place. At the age of 16, the girl won the competition and received the oratory cup, which ensured her the right to study in the state of Tennessee.

For the first time on television, Oprah was in her second year of study at the institute, becoming a TV news presenter. In addition, she became the first African-American woman to hold such a position. But the news was not her forte, so it can be called a success with a stretch. This was due to her talent for empathy, since when reporting news of sad events, she could hardly hold back her tears. But it was this quality that helped her soar to the skies. She stayed in her position for exactly 9 months, after which she was removed.

The difficult fate of the "ugly duckling" raised strong woman strong-willed and kind-hearted. Now she is popular all over the world and the ratings of her programs are breaking all records.

Faina Ranevskaya

Faina Ranevskaya is deservedly called one of the greatest actresses of the twentieth century, as well as the queen of the second plan. Now it is also very often associated with many sayings. This woman has always been straightforward and said what she thinks. After the first role, she was immediately noticed by both the audience and the directors. Whatever roles she tried on, and the quick-tempered Lyalya in the comedy film "Foundling", and the housekeeper Margarita Lvovna in "Spring", everyone is also familiar with the low tone of the housekeeper Freken Bock from Carlson.

The future actress was born in a wealthy Jewish family in the city of Taganrog. Faina studied at the women's gymnasium, and from the age of 14 she began to get involved in theatrical game, studying at private school. The girl left for Moscow in 1915, where she met other actors. In the same year, in the fall, she signed a contract to work at the acting exchange, after which she began to occasionally be invited to roles.

Faina did not finish the theater school, but began to play many roles in provincial theaters. The difficult nature led to the fact that she often quarreled with the directors. The first time in the movie, the actress appeared in 1934.

Faina Ranevskaya left behind many quotes that will never be forgotten. With her humor, she did not part until her death. Shortly before her death, she asked that "Died of disgust" be written on the tombstone. She had no children, no husband, so her loneliness was diligently brightened up by the faithful mongrel Boy, whom she picked up on the street.

Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher's first attempt to enter political life, which took place in 1950, ended in failure. In 53, she became the owner of a lawyer's diploma and began to practice tax law. But already in 1959, at the age of 34, she was first elected to the House of Commons as a representative of the Conservative Party. Then she combined two positions: the chairman of the parliamentary pension committee and the head of the committee on national security. In 1974, she headed the Ministry of Education, while she was the only woman in the entire government. Her career progressed rapidly, and already in 1979 she became the first woman in history to hold the post of Prime Minister in Great Britain.

During the years spent as head of government, she received the title of "Iron Lady". During those 11 years, she managed to carry out many tough economic reforms that cannot be fully listed. The most difficult period for her was her third post, which was associated with the loss of support for her party, due to a number of unpopular measures taken by her. At that time, she had no choice but to leave her post.

Margaret had several degrees, including a doctorate Russian University them. Mendeleev. Two books of memoirs came out from under her hand, and in 92 she accepted the title of baroness from Elizabeth II herself. In addition, she has received numerous awards from both the UK and foreign countries.

The life of the "iron lady" did not end in the best way. Before her death, she suffered several microstrokes, and after that she suffered from senile dementia. This is another proof that good still triumphs over evil.

Catherine II

Catherine II, for the most part, became famous for her successful foreign policy, which included the annexation of lands (Crimea, Lithuania, Belarus), a serious development of culture and science. But it was she who sold Alaska at a very low price, for which many now criticize her. She led a number of successful warriors, had a hand in the development of the fleet and the Russian army. The peasants, however, did not like her policy, since under her rule the quality of life of the latter deteriorated significantly, while the nobles began to receive more privileges.

She was characterized by firmness and decisiveness of character, courage - all that a ruler simply must have. In most cases, she acted slowly, weighed everything and thought it over several times, trying to be a flexible politician.

Even her inveterate ill-wishers of those times spoke of her as a wise ruler, with the exception, however, of Klyuchevsky, who was skeptical of her mental abilities. The period of her reign was marked as "Catherine's golden age".

Joan of Arc

The short life of the Orleans maiden fell on the years 1412-1431. Joan of Arc is a national French heroine who commands French troops in the Hundred Years' War. She was captured by the Burgundians, and then handed over to the British, after which she was recognized as a heretic and burned at the stake as punishment. Then, however, in 1456 her name was rehabilitated, and centuries later, in 1920, she was canonized.

Jeanne was born in the village of Domremy in an impoverished noble family. Jeanne herself never called herself Dark, only Jeanne the Virgin, commenting that she was called Jeannette as a child.

At the age of 13, as she herself said, she heard the voice of the archangel Milael and other saints, who also appeared to her in a visible form. After some time, they informed her that it was in her power to lift the siege from Orleans and drive the invaders out of the kingdom. When the girl turned 16, she went to the commander-in-chief and told him about her mission. For obvious reasons, she was ridiculed and she decided to return home, but a year later the attempt was repeated. Struck by the persistence of the young lady, the captain began to take her more seriously.

She wore men's clothing, as it is more convenient to fight in it and this appearance does not attract the unhealthy attention of other soldiers. A fragile girl was able to inspire adult men to win. But despite all her merits, fate was not favorable to her. The girl ended up in the clutches of the British in 1431. Jeanne, even under pain of death, did not renounce her beliefs, for which she was sentenced to death.

Tereshkova Valentina

This pretty fragile lady is not just a woman, but the only woman in the world who single-handedly flew into space, as well as the first woman in Russia to hold the rank of major general. Valentina Vladimirovna was born in a simple peasant family of immigrants from Belarus. Until 1962, the girl lived ordinary life- I studied at school, at the age of 17, in order to help my family, I got a job as a bracelet maker, after which I worked as a weaver at a combine. In 1959, she became interested in parachuting and studied at the technical school of light industry.

In 1962, Sergei Korolev decided that it would not hurt to launch a woman into space, in connection with which he announced a set of candidates. Of the hundreds that matched the criteria, five applicants were selected, which included Tereshkova. All five were called up for urgent military service in the rank and file. After that, a series of preparatory measures began, which were eventually completed and Tereshkova was appointed the only candidate for the flight.

A significant event occurred on June 16, 1963, the flight lasted about three days. By the way, in addition to the fact that Valentina Vladimirovna turned out to be the only woman alone in the vastness of space, she was still 10 years younger than Gordon Cooper (the youngest American astronaut), at that time she was only 26 years old. In order not to disturb her relatives, on the day of the flight she told them that she was going to the skydiving competition. Relatives learned about the event from the news from the radio. The flight did not go as smoothly as she would have liked, but she went through the physical discomfort and nausea that accompanied her throughout the flight and endured 48 revolutions around the earth.

Indira Gandhi

In the year 66 of the twentieth century, she became the Prime Minister of India, and how wrong her rivals were, calling her a "stupid doll." Indira was born in 1917 in a wealthy and influential family. Growing up, she got married and became the mother of two sons - those years were the happiest in her life. Unfortunately, it didn't last long. After 18 years of marriage, she lost her beloved husband, which made her forget about politics for a while, after another 4 years she said goodbye to her father, and then to her youngest son. It is difficult to even imagine what was going on in her soul then, but she managed to resist misfortunes and withstood all the trials.

Indira was the first woman who was entrusted to decide the fate of the country in the political arena, which led to the prosperity of India. She did a lot for India, in addition, she established interpolitical relations with the USSR. But there were still dissatisfied with her policies.

Throughout her life, despite her inner strength, she always remained a true woman, and it was this quality that played a fatal mistake. On that day, October 31, 84, she was preparing for an interview and long time chose a dress. To put on the chosen outfit, she decided not to wear a bulletproof vest, believing that he was full of her. Eight bullets were fired at her by her own bodyguards. Even the best doctors could not save her.

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Not all millionaires and celebrities boast of their high position or financial position. And there are many examples in the world when a person holding a high position continues to lead a modest lifestyle. Or does not leave in the past youthful tomfoolery.

In the end, money and position in society are not the main thing in our life, and it seems that people about whom website in this material wants to tell you, understood it.

Just a princess of Sweden

The world's poorest president

José Cordano is the president of Uruguay, but the locals call him El Pepe. He donates nearly all of his presidential salary to charity, making him the poorest (or most generous) president in the world. Jose earns 263,000 Uruguayan pesos (400,000 rubles) per month. He leaves only 26,300 pesos (40,000 rubles) for himself.

Lives in a rural house on a farm. The president himself carries water for the household from a well in the yard. The biggest purchase of all time was a 1987 Volkswagen Beetle. Mujica has no bank accounts and no debts.

Señor Mujica is sitting in line at the clinic.

Mayor of London

Mr Boris Johnson, mayor of London, is not shy about going without a tie, freely wearing a sports jacket, backpack and bicycle helmet. Which is not surprising, because it is Boris Johnson who is one of the main supporters of the development of cycling in Britain.

Mayor of Reykjavik

Jone Gnarre is the current mayor of Iceland's largest city, Reykjavik. This man did not study at the university, was a comedian and a taxi driver, but in 2010 he managed to create his own political party and at the same time call it the ringing name "The Best Party". The party consisted mainly of creative personalities: artists, musicians, comedians, and none of them had previously been involved in politics. Surprisingly, the residents of the city chose the leader of this party as mayor with a numerical indicator of 34.7% of the vote.

Former Mayor of New York

Michael Bloomberg is a very interesting person, even if you don't know that he has the 13th place in the list of the richest people in the world. At the same time, the ex-mayor of New York traveled by subway. In the photo, the mayor is sitting at his workplace in the city council building. On ordinary office furniture, traditional monitors, papers, charts, some knick-knacks and ... a can of peanut butter next to the keyboard.

Hippie Billionaire Richard Branson

Sir Richard Branson is the founder of Virgin Airlines. For 10 years, he managed to turn a small music store into a giant diversified business scattered across all continents of the planet. But Branson, in addition to everything else, is also a bright, non-standard personality, for which he received the nickname "hippie billionaire." The last trick of a businessman is the appearance at the airport. Moreover, Branson did not just show off in front of the cameras - he honestly served the passengers of the flight on the Perth - Kuala Lumpur flight.

No one in childhood liked the phrase: “Look who you look like!”. When they show you a boy in clean stockings, who has fallen into the mud, you feel nothing but hatred for him. But as you grow older, it becomes clear: you need to have an example to follow. Still, a person who has collected bumps on his way will teach them to bypass.

Who becomes a role model

Different people become role models throughout life. The first example for children is their parents. Babies develop: they copy parental movements, words, facial expressions. Teenagers learn to rebel, so at their age, antiheroes often become idols. Adults have different priorities. Although everyone has their own ideas about, I want to imitate successful and accomplished people. Because role models know a common secret: how to do anything more efficiently than anyone else.

Role models are not as close as mentors. But these are individuals who want to imitate. They are often watched from the sidelines. These are people from another country, culture or era. Many study their habits and explore character traits. Idols are found in different areas of life:

  • Professional (sometimes they are called mentors);
  • Spiritual (sometimes they are called mentors);
  • Everyday.

The good news is that there can be any number of examples. But in order to succeed, admiration alone is not enough. Still need to work.

6 Techniques for Effective Imitation

It is nice to understand that the role model is not an unattainable idol, but a mortal person. And you can get closer to the idol with small steps. Here are some exercises from famous trainers and writers.

  • The psychology of a winner. Actor and motivational coach Tony Robbins talks about copying success in The Self-Power Book: Imagine your idol. It can be a neighbor or a person with a worldwide reputation. Close your eyes and mentally ask them a question. These are your dreams, so you need to talk to your idol as if you have known each other for a long time. Think about what he can answer you, and write everything down on paper. The answers of the idol will help you choose the direction of movement.

Outcome 1. Talking to Rockefeller will not make you a dollar millionaire, but it will help you become a successful businessman.

  • Conversation with the dead. Personal growth coach Eric Bertrand Larssen in Now! shares a personal idea for the exercise: When I realize I'm wrong, I sit in a chair and introduce the people I want to consult. I talk to them and after that I write down the conversations on paper. You can ask imaginary interlocutors anything. How they succeeded and what they would have done differently. This allows you to remember the main thing and not be afraid of the future.

Outcome 2. A detached dialogue helps to look at your life from the outside.

  • Super abilities. Motivational speaker Brian Tracy, in his book 21 Millionaire Success Secrets, says: People are amazed at the self-discipline of millionaires. In fact, these are just habits that give them superpowers. Do the exercise: identify the area of ​​life where the lack of discipline brings the most damage. One decision can really change your life.

Outcome 3. Feel like a superman. The world is full of undone feats.

  • strange habits. Blogger Larisa Perfentyeva, in her book 100 Ways to Change Your Life, shares her observations: Successful people have habits that contradict “useful skills.” However, they are useful. You need to allow yourself to be sad, to make mistakes, to be insecure. Psychologists recommend that you always finish what you started. Sometimes this rule is worth breaking. Otherwise, it is impossible to focus on the things you need. And sometimes it’s worth just saying: “yes, and figs with him” and rushing on.

Outcome 4. Even the most pleasant becomes boring. That's the way we are.

  • Learn not to imitate, but to copy. Another tip from Tony Robbins: Learn to copy the physiology of successful people: breathing rate, voice intonation, gait, gestures. Then you can not just experience with the person. whom you admire, but also to think like the other thinks.

Outcome 5. Imitation is as much a skill as any other.

  • Other people's goals are not your life. Motivational speaker Nick Vujicic, in his autobiography Life Without Borders, shares: Not every successful person is worth making your idol. One must not compromise one's own principles, no matter how brightly the cherished goal shines. Think about what your children and grandchildren will say about you.

Outcome 6. Every dream has its own unique path. Sometimes more than a thousand achievements.

Why are they

Sometimes you look at the idol of millions and think: what is so attractive about this person? Small stature, plain appearance or a quiet voice - role models sometimes have an unpresentable appearance. They are conquered by charisma, admired by willpower, and faith in their own strengths leads them.

What else attracts us to a role model?

  • They do not fit into the general framework. Remember the situation when a thing in a store does not suit anyone: either the sleeves are short, or the neckline is out of place. Clothes are sewn for standard people, but most simply do not fit the average parameters. The norm is fiction. Idols live by the principle “it is necessary to adjust not the person to the system, but the system to the person.”
  • They are proud of their otherness. People love to read about the brave and brave. In our youth, we read books about travelers to holes. Today we read about brave women. The body positivity movement began in 1996. Why is it so popular? Because for the first time not glossy beauties, but ordinary women became an example to follow. They managed to step over their shortcomings and become an example to follow. Now thousands of people with far from ideal appearance will be able to feel confident. “A person is beautiful as he is” - the motto of the body positivity movement is applicable to any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife.
  • They tell their story of failure. Scientist Thomas Edison failed 10,000 experiments that ended in failure. And only after that he invented the incandescent light bulb. Writer J. K. Rowling published letters of rejection from publishers. She showed that failure makes you free, because the biggest fears have already come true. Stories of failure are more popular today than stories of victory. "Genius is 99% sweat and 1% talent" - Thomas Edison's saying inspires people today.

Your personal success is your own business. No person in the world will tell you how to reach the top. Do you know why? Success must be discovered within yourself. Set a goal and go towards it. And on the way to be equal to the one who has already achieved this goal.

“Learn from everyone, do not imitate anyone,” Maxim Gorky wrote, and he was right. Constant admiration for a role model gives only the illusion of success. Close people love us just like that. Get back into your comfort zone from time to time. The world does not need to be conquered, it just needs to be made better.

In 1927, the film It (It) was released on American screens. In the center of the plot is a saleswoman who won the heart of a rich gentleman. As conceived by the screenwriter, it was not the classic female virtues - modesty, thriftiness and humility - that helped her in this, but an indefinite it. This short word meant a combination of courage, sexuality, independence, thanks to which the heroine was always in the spotlight.

Since then, the concept has taken hold. Since the 90s of the last century, it has been used to describe a rich girl who often flickers in the tabloids and attends secular parties. But the modern it-girl is more than socialite. This is a woman who does charity work, successfully runs a business and dresses stylishly. She is considered sexy, she is imitated, regardless of how old she is and what external data she has.

Ksenia Sobchak

Ksenia grew up in front of the whole country. She grew up in the family of the mayor of St. Petersburg, Anatoly Sobchak, and the historian Lyudmila Narusova, who later entered politics. The girl received a good education (she graduated from the MGIMO master's program) and took up a career in the media. The first fame came to her as the host of the reality show "Dom-2". Now she has many television and radio projects on her account. She is the author of several books, an actress, an opposition activist, a successful investor, and the editor-in-chief of the fashion magazine L'Officiel. And, of course, she is a well-known provocateur - Ksenia regularly makes comments that cause outrage and heated debate.

Ulyana Sergeenko

She was born in Kazakhstan in a family of philologists, graduated from school with an English bias and moved with her parents to St. Petersburg. When she was 15 years old, the girl was noticed in a modeling agency and offered to take part in the filming, but the family refused and insisted that Ulyana receive a liberal arts education. This decision did not discourage the girl's interest in the world of fashion: she took photos for glossy magazines and went to shows. In 2008, she married Daniil Khachaturov, head of Rosgosstrakh, and in 2011 she launched the fashion brand Ulyana Sergeenko. In 2015, Ulyana divorced, but even without the financial support of her husband, her business continues to flourish. Among her clients are Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Dita Von Teese, Kim Kardashian, Ksenia Sobchak, Nika Belotserkovskaya and many others.

Her parents are businessman Alexander Zhukov and microbiologist Elena Zhukova. After their divorce, Daria lived with her mother in the USA for several years, and at the age of 16 she moved to her father in the UK, where she received her education. She tried herself in different fields: she studied at the London Institute of Naturopathy, was engaged in the production of clothes, took part in the launch of the Spletnik.ru magazine, founded a charitable foundation and opened the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art (with the help of her husband Roman Abramovich). The break with her husband that happened this year, apparently, will not affect the social status and success of Dasha Zhukova: she is known abroad almost more than in Russia.

Natalya Vodyanova

Natalya was born in Nizhny Novgorod and did not differ in special talents in childhood. In addition, the family was poor, the girl went to work in the market. With such initial data, it is unlikely that anyone prophesied success and a happy fate for her. But when Natalia was 16 years old, she was noticed by a scout of an international modeling agency and offered a job in France. Vodianova collaborated with leading fashion houses, participated in many shootings and got into the list of the richest people in the UK. In 2007, she partly left the modeling business to devote herself to children, the work of the Naked Heart charity foundation she founded, and a leading career.

Nadezhda Obolentseva

Muscovite Nadya was brought up in an intelligent family and received all the best from childhood. At the age of 5, she moved to Central America with her diplomat parents and returned to Russia only as a teenager. She graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. She has an affair with figure skater Anton Sikharulidze and two marriages: with businessman Denis Mikhailov and oligarch Airat Iskhakov. Now she is again a free woman, who is known for having founded the closed intellectual club "418", which can only be entered through the recommendations of its members.

Miroslava successfully studied at school and graduated from MGIMO. Diploma prestigious university opened many doors for her, but she chose to work in fashion magazines. The girl was a gossip editor at Harper's Bazaar magazine, collaborated with Tatler, Forbes Woman, Vogue and OK!. In 2011, Mira launched the Buro 24/7 website. The resource quickly gained popularity in Russia and foreign countries. Now the girl is busy with a new project - Fashion Tech Lab. The company will be engaged in the ecological production of functional clothing. Many believe that Miroslava's success is due to the fact that her father is a senator and her husband is a successful entrepreneur, but the girl claims that she achieved everything on her own.

Elena Perminova

Elena was born in Berdsk, graduated from high school, entered the Kuzbass Institute of Economics and Law, which, however, she later left for the sake of a modeling career. In 2004, the girl ended up in the dock: she was accused of distributing drugs. Perminova's father, in order to protect his daughter, sent a letter to Alexander Lebedev, who was then a deputy of the State Duma. Thanks to his intervention, Elena got off with a suspended sentence, and later an affair began between her and the billionaire. Now she continues to act as a model: she has kept perfect figure despite three pregnancies.

Vika Gazinskaya

Vika was born and raised in Moscow. The girl made a decision early on what she wanted to become, and at the age of 16 she entered the Moscow State University service. As a third-year student, she took part in the competition of young designers "Russian Silhouette" and became its laureate. She then got a job at a fashion magazine and worked as a stylist for three years. And in 2006 she created her own brand Vika Gazinskaya. In 2009, the girl was awarded the title of "Designer of the Year" according to the magazine "Glamour". Among the fans of her clothes are many Russian celebrities, including Renata Litvinova and Ksenia Sobchak.

Photo: globallookpress, instagram, Alexandra Pogiba