Dream conversation with a girl. Dream interpretation conversation with the former

Magical dreams that appear to us in dreams rarely do without talking. Sometimes these are insignificant phrases that do not leave a trace in our memory, and sometimes they are formidable ominous warnings uttered by a spirit that has come from the inside of the world. If, after sleep, they continue to echo in our head and cling to memory, then it's time to open the dream book and see what the conversation in a dream predicts.

Miller's dream book

  • Miller's dream book: "conversation". If you speak in a dream, then soon news will come about the indisposition of loved ones. In addition, expect failure in your studies.
  • The dream of "talking with God" predicts condemnation, disruption of plans and sudden death.
  • Dream "to hear the conversation of other people." Be careful, you can be charged with the fact that you get into your own business.
  • Dream Interpretation: hear a conversation about yourself. Expect encounters with ill-wishers.
  • The dream of "slurred conversation on the phone" portends the loss of a loved one in the near future.
  • Why dream of talking with your grandmother? Problems that require great strength to solve them. (cm. )
  • The dream "a conversation with a husband in which he showers you with undeserved reproaches" has a very good meaning - your husband trusts you and respects you.
  • A conversation with a rival in a dream. If the conversation is peaceful and you make friends, this promises the success of your life and endeavors.
  • Why dream of talking with the dead? If you do not heed the advice of friends, a black streak will begin in your life.
  • Why dream of a telephone conversation with a guy? Disappointment in personal life. Your reputation and peace may suffer.
  • Dream Interpretation: a conversation with an ex, in which you quarrel with him, predicts changes for the better in your destiny.
  • Dream Interpretation: talking about money, asking for money in a conversation means the emergence of new worries due to the careless conduct of financial affairs. (cm. )

Dream interpretation from A to Z

  • Talking with the dead in a dream warns of danger for you and illness for your loved ones.
  • Why dream of a conversation with a deceased grandmother? In reality, a joyless meeting with an annoying admirer awaits you.
  • Why dream of talking with mom? Good news awaits you about a matter of interest to you. (cm. )
  • A conversation with your mother in a dream is interpreted as an opportunity to receive good news about matters in which you are interested.
  • Why dream of talking with God? The dream warns you to avoid dubious and unscrupulous deeds, otherwise condemnation cannot be avoided.
  • Why dream of talking with your brother? Your and his affairs will be in order, and the bad news will turn out to be false. (cm. )

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

  • A conversation in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a promise of honor and glory.
  • Dream Interpretation: a conversation with your husband's mistress promises you a happy marriage.
  • Dream Interpretation: a conversation with the deceased portends misfortune and a threat.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

  • Dream Interpretation. Why dream of a conversation? If in a dream you take part in a conversation, then in reality wait for news of the illness of your loved ones.
  • Sleep "talking on the phone" promises to receive important information. What message awaits you can be understood by the nature of the conversation in a dream.
  • Dream Interpretation interprets a conversation with a guy as a warning that your relationship has reached an impasse and you will have to painfully analyze it.
  • Why dream about a wedding? Your personal life will be arranged in the best way for you. You will meet a person who is ideally suited for the role of a life partner.
  • Why dream of a conversation with a lover's wife? Be careful, you may be caught cheating, or your secret will be revealed.
  • Why dream of talking with the dead? Time to be especially vigilant, hold off on large-scale undertakings, they can turn into a crash.
  • The dream of "a conversation with the president" portends the appearance in your destiny of a person who is very important for your life in the future. A mysterious figure who will offer you patronage.
  • Why dream of talking about death? Joyful changes in life await you, now is the time to get rid of the burden and start the path to success. (cm. )
  • The dream of "talking with friends" suggests that you lack friendly participation and support.
  • Dream Interpretation: a dialogue with the boss in a raised tone promises you the disfavor of the leadership.
  • Dream Interpretation: a conversation with a loved one portends the creation of a strong and happy family.
  • In a dream, a telephone conversation with a loved one portends the receipt of information from one of the relatives.
  • Dream "telephone conversation with an ex-boyfriend": very unexpected news awaits you.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

  • What is the dream of talking with the deceased father? It is necessary to remember the topic of the conversation, it contains the key to your future.
  • Dream Interpretation: talking on the phone with an ex is a disease of a person who is currently next to you.
  • Why dream of a conversation with a beloved man with whom you quarrel? The dream promises a surge of passion and love in your relationship.

Family dream book

  • Dream Interpretations: what are the conversations about. You are waiting for news of events that cause you excitement.
  • Dream Interpretation: a conversation, a conversation that you hear means being in a society that does not disdain gossip.
  • Why dream of eavesdropping on a conversation? Beware! You are waiting for betrayal and deceit.
  • The dream "talking about the wedding" brings sadness and grief.
  • An unpleasant conversation in a dream promises scandals and quarrels in reality.

The latest dream book

Why dream of a conversation with a gypsy? You will achieve your goal, but the methods of achieving it will be very doubtful.

Jewish dream book

The dream of "talking with a stranger" for a woman means gossip and unpleasant conversations. An unattractive person for you will stubbornly climb into your life and give advice. For a man, such a dream means that you should be more careful in business and consult with knowledgeable people before making decisions.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

  • Dream Interpretation, interpretation: conversation. If you are talking in a dream, then expect to receive sad news, one of your loved ones will get sick.
  • Dream Interpretation: an unpleasant conversation. Strangers may blame you for being tactless, or you yourself will interfere in your own affairs.
  • Why dream of hearing a conversation? If you overheard a conversation about yourself, then be prepared for misunderstanding and condemnation of your actions by others.
  • Dream Interpretation: a conversation with a rival warns you against a frivolous attitude towards your love.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream: the dream book interprets the conversation in different ways:

1. Hearing a conversation means realizing the ease of communication.

2. Anxiety that people might misunderstand your speech.

3. Conversations of souls.

Women's dream book

  • A telephone conversation in a dream means that a woman is an object of envy. It is necessary not to react to malicious attacks and calmly accept them.
  • Why dream of a telephone conversation with a loved one? Your connection with the person is not as strong as you would like it to be.
  • Dream Interpretation: a telephone conversation with a man that brings pleasure predicts the appearance of envious competitors.
  • Why dream of a conversation with a priest? The conversation portends you a high social status.
  • A conversation with your mother about a man: a dream means that pleasant improvements await you in your family life.
  • The dream of "talking with an ex" is interpreted as a possibility that the young man has not forgotten you, and his interest in you will still appear.
  • Dream Interpretation: a conversation with a man that brings joy means small experiences and tears in reality.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

  • Dream Interpretation: a conversation with the president portends a major disappointment.
  • Dream Interpretation: to have a conversation - a conversation means that the information obtained with great difficulty will be useless.
  • Why dream of a telephone conversation? For a woman, this means a large number of envious people. For a man - a meeting with a friend.
  • Sleep "talking with a friend" - goodbye. If in a dream you argue with him, then this indicates his infidelity.
  • Why dream of a conversation with the boss? You may be offered a better paid position or a promotion.
  • Why dream of talking with a doctor? Sleep is a harbinger of joy. (cm. )
  • Why dream about a funeral? Resolution of litigation in your favor.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

  • Seeing a conversation on the phone in a dream is gossip. There is a high probability of a close mental connection with the one with whom you are talking on the phone.
  • Why dream of a conversation with an ex-girlfriend? If in a dream you quarrel with her, then you cannot let go of the relationship or have not fully understood the reason for your separation from her.
  • Why dream of a conversation with ex-man? If in a dream he scolds you, then you have to decide with whom you want to live your future life.

Modern dream book

  • Why dream of a conversation with a stranger? You do not receive due attention from your significant other and are not satisfied with the romantic side of your relationship.
  • Why dream of a conversation with a deceased grandfather? The future portends you a lot of urgent matters that will require all your strength to resolve them.
  • Dream Interpretation: talking about the funeral portends a good resolution of the case in court and joy about it.
  • Why dream of talking in a dream? Take care of the health of people close to you, they can get sick.
  • The dream of "talking on the phone with a loved one" promises a pleasant and calm period in your life.
  • Talking with a teacher in a dream. Confirms that the path you have chosen is correct.
  • Why dream of talking on the phone with an ex-boyfriend? The dream indicates that you want to resume communication.
  • Dream Interpretation: a conversation with a friend that led to a quarrel means that you put work above loved ones.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

  • Dream Interpretation: a conversation with your mother promises good and pleasant news about the business that interests you.
  • Dream Interpretation: eavesdrop on a conversation - expect fame and reverence.
  • Why dream of a conversation with a loved one? Your feelings will not be unrequited.
  • Why dream of talking with a cat? Talking to an animal in a dream portends anxiety and vain efforts. (cm. )

Dream interpretation of V. Melnikov

What is the dream of talking with the late grandmother? Expect a date with a persistent but unpleasant person.

Why dream of talking with your mother? Favorable news about an interesting occupation for you.

Noble dream book Grishina

  • Dream Interpretation: a conversation with an enemy portends failure.
  • Why dream of a conversation? Good news. Softens the bad meaning of sleep.
  • The dream of "talking with a woman" promises success in business.
  • Why dream of talking with a dead person? Everything that the deceased says will be fulfilled in the future.

Combined dream book

  • The dream of "talking with a loved one" tells about those feelings and emotions that he prefers not to share with you. Therefore, it is important to remember what the conversation was about.
  • Why dream about a wolf? A wolf in a dream is a symbol of danger and difficulties. The conversation warns you about them.
  • Dream "talking on the phone with an ex-boyfriend." Longing and memories. The dream indicates that you have not completely let go of this person, or you have unresolved affairs with him.
  • Dream "conversation with the deceased." Remember the conversation from the dream, it contains important tips for improving your future life.
  • Dream Interpretation: a heart-to-heart talk with a rival promises a quarrel. Be careful not to get hit.
  • Dream Interpretation: conversation with ex-wife. You intend to remain unmarried as long as possible.
  • Why dream of talking with an ex? There is a possibility that his feelings for you have not cooled down.
  • Dream Interpretation: a conversation about children that a woman dreamed about predicts an early pregnancy. For a man - medium-sized problems and troubles.
  • Dream Interpretation: talking about pregnancy means your subconscious desire to have a real family. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: talking on the phone - the meanings for explaining the dream must be sought in the words spoken during the conversation.
  • Dream Interpretation: a telephone conversation with a loved one. Expect news from him in reality.
  • Dream Interpretation: talking about a telescope. Troubles in family affairs.
  • I had a dream "talking about the sea." The dream speaks of your fatigue and the desire to accumulate strength for further work. (cm. )
  • The dream book interprets the conversation about lingerie as a warning about gossip and rumors that surround you.
  • Talking about pregnancy in a dream means that you have unfinished business that haunts you.
  • Why dream about marriage? Offers good change and meeting with a future lover.
  • Dream "talking on the phone with the dead." Significance must be given to the information that he uttered.
  • Dream Interpretation: talking about death has an absolutely positive interpretation. Renewal of destiny, realization of goals in life.
  • Why dream of talking about money? It is worth giving up some excesses and becoming a little more economical.
  • Why dream of talking with your wife? You expect a little trouble associated with the jealousy of your chosen one.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Dream Interpretation: conversation with ex-husband predicts the illness of the current spouse.

Dream "talking on the phone with a guy." There is a thought channel between you.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

  • Talking in a dream portends success and attention.
  • A conversation with the deceased in a dream predicts dangerous events and illnesses.
  • Dream Interpretation: talking with a lover on the phone. It is interpreted as the probability of your happy family life.
  • Eavesdropping on a conversation in a dream promises you fear and grief.

French dream book

Dream "talking with the devil." If the dialogue proceeded naturally and interestingly, wealth awaits you. (cm. )

Dream Interpretation Morozova

  • Dream "talking with a child" - your wishes will come true.
  • Dream Interpretation: a conversation with the deceased portends danger and ailments.
  • Talking in a dream in an incomprehensible language. It may happen that you find yourself in an unusual or strange situation.
  • Talking in a dream with a number of people predicts that you will come to an agreement with the enemies.
  • Dream Interpretation: eavesdrop on a telephone conversation - expect accusations that you are getting into your own business.
  • A telephone conversation with a crying girl in a dream portends family troubles and problems.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

  • Talking in a dream with deceased relatives is unfavorable if the appearance of the dreamer is painful and ugly. If enlightened and pure - to the good.
  • Dream Interpretation interprets a conversation with a woman as an expectation of health problems. You should take good care of yourself to avoid complications.
  • The dream "talking with the mother" warns specifically about diseases of the stomach.
  • The dream of "talking with a man" warns of a recurrence of the disease.
  • Why dream of talking with your father? If the father in a dream is annoyed, angry and looks sick - beware of a head injury. Reconsider your worldview, your connection with Heaven is damaged.
  • A conversation with a dead person in a dream, who is not your relative, should be interpreted depending on the content of the conversation. They usually appear to give a sign or convey information.

Small Velesov dream book

The dream book interprets a conversation in a dream as making a profit.

Dream Interpretation: a conversation with a dead person is a warning about danger or malaise.

Dream interpretation of S. Karatov

In a dream, to see a conversation - they love you.

Dream Interpretation of the World

  • Why dream of a conversation with a classmate? You value the past more than the present, and if you do not change your attitude, it will have a bad effect on your future.
  • What does talking in a dream mean? You are waiting for bad news about the illness of your relatives.
  • Why dream of a conversation with a guy's mom? Do not neglect the advice of people.
  • Talking to a guy in a dream means that you are indecisive and cannot make a choice.
  • A dream conversation with an old quarreling friend promises an unexpected but welcome meeting. You can find an old friend or make new ones.
  • Why dream of talking with the deceased? Such a dream can be seen before illnesses and sorrows.
  • Dream Interpretation: talking on the phone with your mother promises great news about your affairs.
  • Conversation with dead mother in a dream indicates the truth that you so need.
  • Why dream of talking with your sister? Your relationship with her will strengthen and become even stronger.
  • Dream Interpretation: a conversation with a father is interpreted as a symbol of a happy life.
  • Seeing a conversation with a loved one in a dream is a good symbol if your communication is quiet and calm.
  • Talking about a relationship with a guy in a dream promises to find a real strong friendship.
  • Why dream of a conversation with the mother of the former? If the conversation is tense, you will have a scandal with someone from your environment, if it is relaxed, you will easily get to know people.
  • Talking to a drunk in a dream. The information you need can be obtained from a person who is not restrained in his language.
  • Dream Interpretation: a conversation with an ex-boyfriend's girlfriend. You can finally let go of the past and look to the future.
  • Why dream of an unpleasant conversation? Sleep warns of negative changes in your life.
  • Why dream of a conversation with a rival? Your girlfriends are not averse to talking about you behind your back.
  • The dream "telephone conversation with a woman" portends a joyful meeting with an old acquaintance.

Collection of dream books

  • The dream "talking with a girl" promises profit in money matters.
  • The dream "a conversation with an ex-boyfriend" warns of the illness of a current lover.
  • The dream of "talking with a loved one" is interpreted as a lack of spiritual intimacy with your soulmate.
  • Talking on the phone in a dream with the dead is a warning of an impending conflict. To find a solution, you need to remember the details of the speech.
  • Why dream of a telephone conversation with a man? You are waiting for a positive development of relations with the person you are interested in.

Star dream book

The meaning of sleep: conversation - failure awaits you.

Dream "a conversation with a beautiful and nice girl"promises good luck and fun. Changes for the better will take place in your life.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

The dream of "talking on the phone with a woman" is a victory over a rival.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

  • The dream "a conversation with the father" portends an imminent happiness.
  • Why dream of a conversation with the president? Possibly a huge disappointment.
  • The dream of "talking with an ex-boyfriend" promises minor troubles and responsibility for frivolous acts.
  • Dream Interpretation: a conversation with a girlfriend that ended in a quarrel promises an improvement in relationships with others.

Wedding dream book

Dream Interpretation: talking about a wedding with a groom promises to get the thing of your dreams.

Combined dream book

  • Talking on the phone in a dream with a man promises a young girl a meeting with her future husband, or a long stable relationship.
  • Seeing a conversation with a man in a dream - a dream promises an exciting acquaintance or an interesting date.
  • Why dream of a conversation with an ex-boyfriend? Your relationship has remained unexplained to the end, and you cannot bring yourself to forget it.
  • Dream Interpretation: a conversation with a former girlfriend. There is a possibility that a man is tormented by a choice between you and a new girl and cannot decide on his own.
  • Why dream of a conversation with an ex-husband? A dream predicts the illness of someone from your family, most likely your current husband.
  • Why dream of talking to a girl? If the girl is pleasant, then soon you will receive good news.
  • Why dream of a conversation with an unknown girl? If in a dream she asks for help, a vague feeling of guilt gnaws at you.
  • Why dream of talking with your husband? Your relationship has become a routine and a habit. Pay attention to your spouse to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Dream Interpretation: lover's wife, conversation. If the conversation is calm and quiet, most likely she will not take revenge on you when she finds out everything. If in a dream you had a big quarrel with her, then, probably, troubles will follow you from her side.
  • The dream of "talking with the boss" marks the beginning of anxieties and worries about work. There is a possibility of conflict with colleagues, which is unlikely to be resolved on your own.
  • Why dream of talking on the phone? Distance and coolness in relationships with loved ones.
  • The dream of "talking about underwear" warns you against discussing your personal life with others.
  • A telephone conversation with a daughter-in-law warns of the need to strengthen the family.
  • Dream Interpretation: talking on the phone with a guy to a young girl predicts a new interesting acquaintance. Perhaps she will be faced with a choice between two contenders for her heart.
  • Dream Interpretation: a telephone conversation with an ex-boyfriend indicates that you expect news from him and that you miss him.
  • Why dream of a conversation with a woman? Fate is favorable to you.
  • Why dream of talking about pregnancy? Changes are coming in your life. Remember your reaction to this message and, depending on it, determine what these changes will be for.
  • Why dream of a conversation with a loved one? Good sign if communication is sincere and calm. At the same time, the dream suggests that the girl does not have enough care from her loved one.
  • Dream "a guy who likes a conversation." A conversation in a dream with a young man you like portends the enjoyment of life and contentment.
  • What does talking in a dream mean? Basically, such a dream is interpreted as a harbinger of illness and loss.
  • The dream of "talking on the phone with an ex" means that you have not fully survived your parting with him, there are unfinished business between you.
  • Talking in a dream in a quiet, calm voice means that your problems will soon pass you by.
  • The dream of "talking with your grandmother" warns you to beware of gossip.
  • Sleep "talking with an ex-husband" - your loved one or your loved ones are in trouble.
  • What is the dream of talking with the father? On your life path Well-deserved honors and glory await you.
  • Having a conversation with an ex in a dream means that there is an understatement between you.
  • Why dream of talking about children? A child in a dream means anxiety and trouble. Talking about them means preparing for minor troubles.
  • Dream Interpretation: a conversation with a loved one, during which you swear, promises a long and lasting relationship.
  • Dream Interpretation: a telephone conversation with a loved one is interpreted based on the words he said.
  • Dream Interpretation: telephone conversation with the deceased. Expect failure if you don't reconsider and actively take up your affairs.

Dream Interpretation Longo

Why dream of talking with a friend? A violent quarrel with a loved one awaits you.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

  • Dream conversation with mother-in-law. The interpretation depends on the status of the woman. If an unmarried woman sees a dream, it means that new acquaintances await you, which will bring disappointment and trouble. For a married woman, this dream promises a lot of trouble and uninvited guests. (cm. )
  • Why dream of a conversation with a man? You will cry a lot and get upset over trifles.
  • Why dream of a conversation with a friend in which you quarrel? You are waiting for new adventures and meeting people who will replace old friends. (cm. )

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

  • Why dream of talking in a dream? A sign of failure, gossip and disapproval will haunt you.
  • Seeing a conversation with a stranger in a dream - such a dream portends a new romance and a pleasant hobby.
  • Dream Interpretation: did a conversation with a guy you like lead to a quarrel in a dream? Fate warns you against developing further relationships.

Worldly dream book

Why dream of a conversation with a guy? If a girl during a conversation shows interest in the interlocutor, this means that in real life she lacks care and attention from her real chosen one.

New family dream book

  • Why dream of talking with a person? Lack of progress in work, complication of existing diseases.
  • If you dream of a conversation with the former in a dream, then in your soul you are counting on his support and communication.
  • A conversation with an ex-girlfriend in a dream means that one of you doubts the breakup.

General dream book

Why dream of a conversation with a deceased relative? The dream promises a series of troubles if you do not start following the advice of loved ones. (cm. )

Why dream of a conversation with a dead father? The threat of trouble in financial affairs. Enemies have appeared in your environment, you should protect your reputation.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Why dream of talking with a dead person? Expect prosperity and fun.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

  • Dream Interpretation: telephone conversation - coldness and detachment will come in relations with relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: a conversation with a husband, the result of which is a quarrel, means the successful overcoming of some obstacles in business.
  • Why dream about a wolf? The wolf is a symbol of the most dangerous enemy. Talking about him urges you to be careful. Do not be careless, watch your communication with others and do not tell a lot about yourself. (cm. )

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Dream Interpretation: conversation - annoying and boring acquaintances are chasing you.

Dream Interpretation: talking on the phone with a man or woman - in any case, promises victory over slander lovers.


Talking in a dream is interpreted in different ways, depending on the situation. It is important to correctly remember your emotions and feelings experienced at the same time, and those with whom you spoke. This will help to correctly understand the message hidden in the dream. But, in spite of everything, you should not blindly trust the interpretations, learn to listen to them correctly, and then the keys of the future will appear in a bright and understandable light for you.

Talking during sleep (somniloquia) is not uncommon. Many children between the ages of 3 and 10 babble at night. Quite often, such kalyakanie occurs with them several times a week. In adolescents, nocturnal speech activity is observed during puberty, then subsides. However, some persist throughout life. It is believed that up to 5% of adults, and the majority are men, are prone to sleeping.

Everyone, I think, is familiar with such a feature of some of their relatives and friends as talking in a dream. Those who served in the army should know this well. When the soldiers sleep, one of them is sure to talk: one whispers something, another mutters, the third groans, and some just smack their lips.

A specific case from army life. The soldier slept very soundly and talked in his sleep. During the two years of army service, rather piquant stories happened to him on this basis more than once. One winter, guarding warehouses, he leaned against a pine tree and fell asleep with a machine gun in his hand. And so he stood, whispering something, until he was replaced. Another time he jumped up sleepily on the rise and, still continuing to talk in his sleep, fell between the bed and the bedside table, badly breaking his face.

There is an opinion that when a person talks in a dream and ask him a question on the topic of conversation, he will respond. The soldier's colleagues decided to test this theory in practice. When he began to mutter sleepily, they began to communicate with him. At first he answered, and then suddenly sent everyone to "three cheerful letters." In the morning he was asked about the night incident. The soldier just shrugged his shoulders in bewilderment. Apart from sleep-talking, no other oddities were noticed behind him. He performed his service well.

Talking during sleep is a type of parasomnia, a behavioral response of the body during falling asleep or a deep sleepy state. However, doctors do not consider such a situation to be a fatal deviation in the violation of the central nervous system. Therefore, such a "conversational" practice is not considered a serious disease.

Although in this case there may be a malfunction of the speech center, located in the left temporal lobe of the brain, and the hypothalamus, which is responsible for normal sleep.

It is not known exactly why people in a sleepy state conduct "confidential" conversations. And how frank they are is also unclear. There is an opinion that "talkative in the night" can give out certain secrets, but not everyone agrees with this.

Usually a night conversation is short, a few minutes at most, but can be repeated several times during the night. Such people are not aggressive and do not pose a danger to those nearby, however, they interfere with sleep with their mumbling.

Psychologists believe that a person speaks only about what he experienced during the day. If the experience is very strong, let's say the situation was stressful, at night it can pop up on the "tip of the tongue." Another approach is that talking in a dream provokes hereditary diseases. Sometimes such a talker is a lunatic, he rises from the bed, moves his arms and legs, tries to walk.

It's important to know! If a person talks in his sleep, this does not mean at all that he is seriously ill. He could have a difficult day at work, after which he could not sleep well.

Reasons for talking in your sleep

The root cause of talking in a dream is a dysfunction in the work of the parts of the brain responsible for sleep and speech. Such a disorder does not depend on what phase of sleep the night talker is in - fast or slow (deep). The latter, in turn, goes through 4 states: drowsiness (falling asleep), spindles (medium depth sleep), delta (no dreams) and deep delta sleep (complete loss of consciousness). At almost any of these stages, “speech incontinence” can begin. When, logically, the sleeper should be calm, since all processes in the body slow down, for reasons that are not entirely clear, a failure may occur. A child or an adult suddenly “talks”.

Why do children talk in their sleep

Very small children in a sleepy state speak because they develop speech. In 50% of boys and girls from 3 to 10 years old, nocturnal talkativeness is associated with instability of the nervous system. The child emotionally experiences everything that happened to him during the day. Let's say he ran a lot, played pranks, cursed, fought with friends, he had trouble at school, received a thrashing from his parents or witnessed their quarrel.

Not necessarily the child is overwhelmed only with negative emotions, there may be joyful ones. On his birthday, he was given many gifts, he had fun, for example, he visited the circus. Going to bed still “not cold”, the baby “splashes out” his daytime experiences by babbling or screaming at night.

In childhood, sleep-talking is often associated with sleepwalking, but this is not yet a sign of illness.

Growing up, many children stop talking during sleep, as their nervous system and psyche become more stable.

Why do adults talk in their sleep

Talking in a dream in adults is associated with a disorder of the phases and stages of sleep. Often the cause of this is stress, which is accompanied by restless shallow sleep, when fears are often tormented. Another factor is hereditary or acquired in the course of life diseases, injuries. Bad habits also induce night talk.

Consider the reasons for talking in a dream in adults in more detail. These may be:

  • depressive state. Strong emotional experiences associated with personal life or work, for example, a quarrel with household members or colleagues, depress the psyche and nervous system. Sleep is disturbed and becomes superficial, restless. Night terrors make you scream and talk.
  • neuroses. Neuropsychiatric disorders are often accompanied by sleep disturbance, which manifests itself in sleep-speaking.
  • Painful condition. For example, pneumonia is accompanied by high temperature, delirium, incoherent muttering. Enuresis, when frequently waking up to go to the bathroom, can also cause late-night talking.
  • Impressionability. Overly emotional natures sleep restlessly and often talk in their sleep. This is due to the fact that the brain cells responsible for sleep do not “turn off”, but are in a waking state. This is often preceded by great psychological and physical stress.
  • brain injury. Damage due to illness or contusion of the hemispheres of the brain, where the centers responsible for sleep and speech are located, can be affected by talking at night.
  • Diseases of the central nervous system. When the disease captures not only the brain, but also the spinal cord.
  • Bad habits. A late hearty dinner, drinking large quantities of strong tea or coffee “for the coming sleep”, excessive alcohol consumption, drugs - all this provokes people to talk in a dream.
  • Medications. Antipsychotics or tranquilizers, other medications that, if overdosed or combined with alcohol, can cause a hallucinatory state, accompanied by talking in a dream.
  • Insomnia. May be intentional when forcibly deprived of sleep. This ends with a severe mental condition in which night-talking develops. Or when they deliberately limit peace, for example, they work a lot. Lack of proper rest can cause speech incontinence in the short-term phase of sleep.
  • heavy news. For example, a tragic message about the death of a loved one. Watching horror movies also gives some people nightmares and conversations.
  • Aggression. When a person is in an excited, angry state and does not calm down, at night this may erupt with a cry.
  • Severe mental illness. Often, mentally ill people behave inappropriately, in the middle of the night they can sit up in bed and talk.
  • Bad heredity. It is most often transmitted through the male line. If parents talked in a dream, this is very likely to be passed on to children.

It's important to know! In most cases, nightly conversations of adults are not a sign of illness. Rather, it is due to nervous strain.

The main symptoms of people talking in a dream

The main external sign of people talking in a dream is night speech. Regardless of age and gender. The person mutters something, although it seems that he is sleeping and often lies quietly in bed. But there are times when the sleeper jumps up, screams loudly and waves his arms. This causes reasonable concern of others.

External factors suffering from "night incontinence of speech" can be as follows:

  1. Emotional excitability. If a person is constantly in an excited state, it is more likely that he is a night talker. This is especially true for children.
  2. Oppression. When the mood leaves much to be desired and this state continues long time, it can excite sleep-talk.
  3. viciousness. Evil people often take out their dislike in nightly conversations with an imaginary enemy.
  4. Grinding teeth. It may be an external factor in talkativeness in a sleepy state.
  5. Sleepwalking. A person who walks in a dream often talks in this state.
  6. mental illness. It is often an external cause of nighttime conversations.
  7. Alcoholism and drug addiction. People who abuse alcohol and drugs often talk in their sleep.
  8. neurotic personality. When a person is dissatisfied with everything, this is a mild mental disorder that can manifest itself in a conversation at night with oneself or an imaginary interlocutor.

It's important to know! People who talk in their sleep often suffer from a mild neurosis that does not need special treatment, but can be corrected on its own.

Ways to deal with talking in your sleep

In most cases, special treatment for talking in a dream is not required. Yes, it is, in fact, not. What then to do? Yes, nothing, if the nightly "debates" do not cause big trouble to the one who debates, and his relatives. This should be treated philosophically calmly, they say, in life it can be worse. Especially if, having spoken out at night, in the morning a person gets up fresh and cheerful. Although it is not a sin to try to "run away" from your problem.

Independent actions in the fight against talking in a dream

If nighttime conversations alone with yourself cause discomfort after waking up, for example, relatives reproachfully say about it, they say, “it was noisy again at night”, you can try to get rid of them using such a simple technique as keeping a diary.

It is necessary to scrupulously record everything about sleep in it: what you ate (a) and drank (a) at night, how you slept, what dreams you had, woke up rested (she) or not. Be sure to note the impressions of the past day - they left a good or bad sediment in the shower. After analyzing your records for the month, you need to understand what should be discarded so that you feel good after waking up in the morning.

Whether the “diary method” will work or not, relatives will tell you. They will definitely notice that the nightly idle talk has become infrequent or has completely stopped.

Several useful tips for those who independently want to get rid of talking in a dream:

  • Take care of your nerves! They will still come in handy in life. Try to take things calmly. Someone may be much worse off than you.
  • Don't stay up late watching TV. Before going to bed, it is better to take a walk in the fresh air.
  • The bedroom must be ventilated. It’s good if it has a pleasant smell, for example, of your favorite flowers.
  • No serious business late at night! This will only excite and bring restless sleep. The best evening unloading exercise is sex. This is a guarantee of sound and deep sleep. But we should not forget that everything needs a measure. What's over is too much!
If your child is a "night grumbler", do not tell him scary stories at night and do not allow him to watch "demonic" films. Give him benevolent and calm information before going to bed. It should be remembered that children's nighttime talkativeness in the vast majority of cases passes without a trace for health.

It's important to know! It is necessary to be tolerant of a person suffering from “bedwetting of the tongue”. He should not be scolded, he needs help to get rid of his problem.

Medical treatment for talking in your sleep

Severe cases of sleep-talking require medical attention. This is primarily due to hereditary factors. Let's say that parents talked at night in the family, the child also became a "nightingale" and cannot get rid of his "singing" on his own.

Factors when you need to see a specialist about the treatment of sleep talking may be:

  1. Bad feeling. Feeling tired and tired in the morning after getting up, sleepy during the day.
  2. Late night conversations interfere with others. When you constantly have to hear reproaches and even abuse.
  3. Prolonged and frequent sleeping. It lasts a long time, repeating several times a night and a week. It can be aggressive - with screams and swearing, because fears torment you in a dream.
  4. Sleepwalking. Sleepy talks and sleepwalks in the bedroom, may even go outside.
  5. Sleep talk began in adulthood. This is evidence that a serious pathology has appeared, the cause of which must be established by the doctor after a comprehensive medical examination.
In all such episodes of talking in a dream, medical attention should be provided. It consists in the appointment of special medications and the passage of a course of psychotherapy.

Treatment can be outpatient or in a particularly severe case in a hospital. Based on the history, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment, which is usually offered to patients with psychosis. It consists of psychotropic drugs - neuroleptics, tranquilizers, antidepressants, as well as psychotherapy sessions.

Significant psychotherapeutic assistance can be provided by cognitive-cognitive therapy (CBT), gestalt therapy. Sometimes it can be hypnosis. All these techniques are aimed at overcoming the root causes that make a person have nightly conversations.

Having clarified the causes of the disease, the patient, with the help of a psychotherapist, as a result of various methods, for example, in communicating with others like himself, tries to change his attitude to the problem in order to overcome it. Of course, he will succeed only if he is very interested in it. And then the necessary effect will definitely be, but how long is the question. After all, the mechanism of speaking in a dream is not fully understood.

How to get rid of talking in a dream - look at the video:

Talking in a dream is not considered a serious disease by doctors. In children and adolescents, they are frequent, but with growing up, as a rule, they pass without harm to health. One in four adults talk in bed at night. When such "heartfelt conversations" do not cause any inconvenience to anyone, this is the norm. If they create certain difficulties, you can try to "bite your tongue" yourself. However, there are cases of pathology when medical attention is needed. Whether it will be effective, only treatment can show. He must be hoped for. Hope, as you know, always dies last.

The article on the topic: "dream book conversation with the former" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

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  • Why dream of a conversation with an ex-boyfriend

Why dream of a conversation with an ex-boyfriend

Why is the ex-boyfriend dreaming

If in a dream you saw your ex-lover, then in real life, you are overly passionate about the past. In other words, your previous relationships prevent you from fulfilling yourself and starting a new life, developing as a person and changing priorities.

As the classic dream book explains, if you kiss in a dream with an ex-boyfriend, then in reality you will have to be very surprised at something.

I dreamed of a sexual act - a long-standing conflict escalated, parted in a dream - to a new meeting, quarreled - to successful changes on the personal front.

They saw in a dream a fight with their ex, in reality, the current young man will have a sense of possessiveness.

In Tsvetkov's dream book, to see an ex-boyfriend in a dream is a sign that you will commit some kind of frivolous act that will lead you to disastrous consequences.

According to the modern dream book - if in your dream you saw how a former boyfriend feels love and reverence for you, in reality be prepared for surprises, including not very good ones.

The death of the former in a dream means that soon you will get married or give birth to a child.

Most often, the dream in which you saw a former lover is associated with a subconscious comparison of him and the current young man, therefore, after such a dream, you should try to control your actions and words so as not to provoke quarrels from scratch.

In the dream book of Sigmund Freud, the ex-boyfriend symbolizes the subconscious fears of a woman about his possible betrayal or betrayal. If in a dream the ex-boyfriend is angry and reproaches you for infidelity, in reality you will earn his respect and trust.

In a dream, the ex-boyfriend looks exhausted, this is an omen of a serious illness, perhaps even someone from your family will be bedridden for a long time.

Why do ex-boyfriends and lovers appear in our dreams?

The appearance of a former lover in a dream often causes anxiety and indignation, especially among girls and women who at this point in time have not found their soul mate.

The most disturbing dreams about a former loved one are those in which he, without explaining the reasons, leaves or talks about breaking up with you. In part, such a dream symbolizes the psychological fear of losing the most valuable and dear.

If you often dream of an ex-boyfriend in various situations, you should think about the fact that perhaps your feelings are still alive and his character occupies most of your thoughts.

However, it is important to correctly interpret your dream, since small nuances and details are very important. If trust folk omens, any person who appears to you in a dream will certainly think about you. And if this person is your ex-lover, this cannot please. The fact that a man who was once close to you remembers and thinks about you is the most pleasant interpretation of sleep.

It should be noted that among the interpretations of such a dream, there are very funny ones, for example, in the English dream book, such a dream warns against witchcraft and sorcerers. You need to be especially careful if in a dream your ex-young man flared up with passion for you.

What do dreams about ex-boyfriends mean in popular and modern dream books?

dream about ex boyfriend when you are in a new relationship - symbolizes a lack of romance and passion, so you should take a fresh look at sexual relations with your current boyfriend.

What is the dream of an ex-boyfriend married to another girl - in real life, you will forgive someone for previous grievances.

A dream in which you did not finish the conversation is a sign that you have not brought your relationship to its logical conclusion and you have more to talk about in real life. Such dreams are especially relevant if the separation was your fault, and subconsciously you are aware of your guilt. In this case, a frank conversation will not hurt, and then the question of such dreams will be resolved by itself.

A dream in which the ex-boyfriend is not alive warns of danger. A dream in which the deceased boyfriend helps you in some way, on the contrary, says that you will overcome all troubles and defeat your rivals.

Why dream of an ex-boyfriend married to you - to anxieties and troubles.

A dream in which you do not recognize a once beloved man, a harbinger of global changes, both in yours and in his life. Also, such a dream can symbolize your imminent meeting in real life.

The dream in which the ex-boyfriend presented you with a gift can be regarded as an omen of a possible betrayal.

The dream in which you see your first love means that in reality you lack simple and easy relationships, such as you once had in your youth.

The dream in which you take the life of the man you once loved symbolizes great luck in all endeavors, so if you do not dare, feel free to change something in your life!

Dream interpretation conversation with a guy

Why dream of a conversation with a Guy in a dream from a dream book?

Talking with your chosen one - in reality your relationship will become even better, you will live many happy years together.

Telephone dialogue - portends the receipt of information from relatives, which will be quite unexpected for you.

Dream Interpretation Conversation with a guy

Why dream of a conversation with a guy in a dream from a dream book?

The dream in which you are talking with a guy is a warning about a possible fading relationship. Sore issues will have to be resolved, otherwise the relationship will come to a standstill.

A conversation with a stranger warns of possible difficulties at work. To conduct a dialogue with a guy who likes - to improve relationships in reality.

Dream Interpretation talking on the phone

Why dream of talking on the phone in a dream

Talking on the phone in a dream means that news awaits you in reality. Their character depends on the tone of the conversation in your dream. If the person with whom you are talking on the phone sounds calm, then the dream promises you the end of the test. Your anxieties and fears will remain in the past. Sleep promises good luck in business.

A telephone conversation in a dream can bring news from a person whose opinion means a lot to you. This may be an important person, meeting with whom in reality will help to put an end to a serious issue. If you are talking on the phone in a dream with your loved one, this vision promises you a quick meeting. If you hear someone else talking on the phone, they may gossip about you in reality.

what is the dream of talking with an ex-boyfriend in a dream?

Alexey Revenkov

If young people often dream of each other and in a dream they are a couple, then they must be together all their lives, they are narrowed by an invisible world. The Adult Mind gives us feelings in order to bring together the people it needs, but also to test their mind, you must control all your feelings in life with your mind, not do any stupid things under their influence, do the right thing. The constricted is, first of all, the business of the adult mind, its material interest in the union of these people.

perhaps you miss him deep down, or he also remembers you and would like to renew the relationship

Oksana Dergacheva

Calmly shining

Why dream of a conversation with an ex-boyfriend?

ewgeny gasnikov

Dreams of last night (18 lunar day) - show us those who should be disposed of or - what prevents us from living.

Be less amorous and the former will be less, and those who pester. Life will remember everything, and not only in a dream.

Why dream of talking on the phone with an ex-boyfriend?

Naska Secret

bored or thinking!!


he left, but promised to return. wait

Nadezhda Lomaeva

talking on the phone in a dream - in reality beware of envious people, if at the same time you can hardly hear the person you are talking to - the former will never remind you of yourself

Khalil Hajiyev

Do you miss him


It was like a real time, the guy I met 4 years ago came to my house, we talked, then he sat on a chair and put me on my knees, we didn’t talk for a long time, sitting hugging each other, I wished him all the best with his new girlfriend ( dating for a year) and I was awakened by a phone call

I went to the spring for water. The spring is located 10 meters from our house. A guy who sympathizes with me was sitting near the spring, and he was talking on the phone. When I approached, he turned off the phone, and told me who called and began to talk about this person. And I, collecting water, listened to him, but did not understand what he was talking about.

I had a dream that the three of us got together with friends and another guy I like, he began to hug with one of my friends, I was upset and left, my friends started to calm me down, but I asked them to leave me alone, when I returned, they the three of us were sitting on the couch, I wanted to sit away from him, but he took my hand and sat me next to him, and said that I should not be jealous, he would never leave me

Good morning! Recently, the ex-boyfriend with whom we broke up six months ago began to dream very often. Today I dreamed that we met with him in the school building, we talked. In a dream, I kind of knew that he was living with another girl, but in a conversation he did not admit this. What is it for? And yesterday I dreamed that we were together with him at some huge feast, with large quantity of people. He went out into the street in a dream, smoked and disappeared, I never saw him there again. Tried to call him on his mobile, he didn't pick up. Why this dream? After parting, he dreamed for a long time, then for some period he didn’t dream at all, and now again. Thanks in advance. Sincerely, Evgenia

Why dream of a conversation with an ex-boyfriend?

Dreams are a reflection of our soul. After breaking up, many girls dream of a conversation with an ex-boyfriend. It can be a dialogue on the phone or a scandal with tears. This can be extremely annoying. But in order to get rid of such dreams, it is necessary to understand their root cause.

Why dream of a conversation with an ex-boyfriend?

Scientists suggest that the most significant, disturbing and joyful moments of the past day come in a dream. No matter how much you want to forget about the past or not think about a specific young man- impossible. The subconscious mind is in its own world.

Man is powerless over his thoughts, but not before his actions. We humans are creators of our own happiness. All in our hands. Having made certain attempts to change your life today, tomorrow you may not have to “google” - what a conversation with an ex-boyfriend dreamed about.

A dream can serve as a surge of positive, or vice versa - a spoiled mood for the whole day. People tend to deceive themselves day after day, believing that the past is forgotten. But it's not! An ex-boyfriend could have a significant role in a certain period of life ...

A trace in life is deposited in the brain for a long time, and even forever. And no matter how much you don’t want to, forget “this goat”, or not remember because of unrequited love - it will not work.

What provokes a conversation with an ex-boyfriend in a dream?

It's all the fault of the surrounding people and even objects. To provoke such a dream can:

  1. A keychain once given to an ex;
  2. Sofa - a place of kisses;
  3. A cafe that happened to be along the way, in which there was once a date;
  4. Cigarettes, for which there were various dilemmas and other items.
  5. A positive or negative thought that has grown into a memory;
  6. A surge of emotions from a good film - “cool we went to the cinema with him then”;
  7. Sora with her parents, who grew into Bad mood and then I remember how the former reassured;
  8. Sex with current partner - "and again he is here."

How to get rid of dreams with an ex-boyfriend?

Significant moments in a dream will be reproduced until satisfaction with today is achieved.

Why dream of talking with an ex-boyfriend on the phone - to nothing. Sleep is only an indicator that the state of the brain is disturbing here and now, and day by day it “pops up” in the head. Thoughts will come until the moment when the way to work with them is mastered. And in the near future, life will take its own course, respectively, nostalgic dreams will disappear from life. There are several recommendations:

  • Do not live in an illusory world - only here and now. “What if everything will be as before, suddenly he will love me, maybe he will change” - no. You can change the world and others only by starting to change yourself.
  • Anxious and disturbing moments, no matter about the ex-boyfriend or others, you need to say to people, friends - "no one will appreciate us for our thoughts." Only openness will ensure happiness.
  • "Hate him! I want to take revenge on him." If you want to take revenge, you can write down everything you think about him on paper and burn it. And the best revenge is your own happy life.

What will the dream books tell us?

Change your thoughts and the world will change. But superstitious people can turn to the interpretation of dreams to astrologers and predictors. The most popular dream books interpret the conversation with the former in different ways. The most popular: as a lack of communication with the opposite sex, and that the ex-boyfriend misses you and cannot forget.

In a conversation in which a young man asks for forgiveness or tries to return everything back, you should be careful! This means that in real life everything is exactly the opposite. This is an indicator of your desires, but not his. He dreamed, but did not cause any emotions - excellent. You managed to let the guy go. Strong anger, and negative emotions are an indicator of the opposite.

Why dream of a conversation with an ex

A dream about a conversation with an ex is a symbol of mental anguish due to sad memories of the past. A meeting with a former passion is not ruled out, capable of rekindling the fire of long-forgotten feelings.

Your relationship with your ex is going through an emotional downturn. Start building a new life, strive for new horizons.

A personal horoscope for 2018 will tell you in what areas of life you will succeed in the new year.

I had a dream Conversation with the former, but the necessary interpretation of sleep is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the conversation with the former in a dream is about, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

The first half of this day will bring an increased desire for personal freedom and independence. You want to express yourself in an original way, to prove your uniqueness.

The magazine's website contains the largest online dream book, which contains 90 collections of dreams and more than 450,000 interpretations of dreams. Regularly updated horoscopes for today, tomorrow, week, month and year, including love, compatibility and many others.

Why dream of a conversation

Why dream of a conversation? This image has a lot of meanings. The final interpretation depends on many different details in the dream. Dream books and examples of transcripts, taking into account the nuances, will help to find the correct interpretation.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Had a dream that you were having a leisurely conversation with an unidentified character? Very soon you will receive news of the illness of a distant relative. In addition, you are destined for minor troubles in the usual affairs.

Why dream of a particularly loud conversation? The dream interpretation believes that you can be shamelessly interfering in the lives of others. If in a dream it seemed to you that the conversation was about you, then in reality you will encounter the obvious hostility of people.

Interpretation of the plot according to Freud's dream book

Why dream of an incomprehensible conversation? This is a symbolic reflection of the sexual act. If during the conversation you were clearly able to capture its essence, then the vision should be interpreted based on the specific meanings of the subject of discussion.

Opinion of the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

By themselves, talking in a dream is nothing remarkable. At the same time, some words and phrases carry a very specific meaning regarding a certain event.

If you dreamed that you heard a completely slurred conversation or could not grasp its essence, then the dream book suspects that you misinterpreted a certain situation. As a result, this can lead to very ambiguous consequences.

Deciphering the image from the dream book from A to Z

Why dream of a conversation? If it happened at the family table, then you are threatened with a disease associated with digestion. A conversation during a festive feast promises a loss of respect and authority.

Had a conversation with familiar people or friends? In real life, you will get completely useless information. If the characters were unfamiliar, then soon you will learn something that will completely change your future existence.

A dream conversation with a living grandmother or grandfather symbolizes insurmountable obstacles. Watching the conversation of people invited to the ball means participating in a very profitable business or joining a previously inaccessible society.

Why dream of a conversation with a friend you met by chance? Wait for news that will help finish what you started. Talking to God in a dream warns of caution.

In a dream, eavesdrop on someone else's conversation

If in a dream you managed to eavesdrop on someone else's conversation, then consider that you are very lucky. The main thing is that you can hear every word and remember the most important thing in it.

The dream conversation is very different from the real one. Usually other people's conversations are the actual reasoning of the subconscious about your behavior. In such chatter, one can not only learn a lot about oneself, but also comprehend secrets that are considered incredible and unknowable in the ordinary world.

If in a dream you become an unwitting witness to someone else's conversation, then there is an opportunity to find out how things are with people around you or those who are currently far away.

If the conversation turned out to be pointless, incomprehensible or illegible, then there is probably something that you don’t need to know yet, and even deadly.

What does it mean to talk with a loved one, ex

Did you dream that you were chatting with your lover, strolling carelessly in the bosom of nature? In real life, you will spend an unforgettable vacation with him. The same vision hints at a very successful marriage.

If in a dream the conversation turned to parting, then soon you will experience its cooling on yourself. If in real life you have been thinking about leaving your companion for a long time, then fate will offer you a generous choice among a series of fans.

In a dream, a conversation with a loved one or a husband went on in especially raised tones, or even turned into a scuffle? This is a great sign that promises a sincere feeling and a long relationship.

Why dream of a conversation with a former lover? The vision warns that you will be unhappy and annoyed with literally everything you see. Show restraint - your bad mood will harm relationships with loved ones.

In addition, there are a number of unresolved issues from the past that have a negative impact on your present. It is necessary to urgently resolve all issues, otherwise you simply will not be able to move forward, unconsciously returning to past worries every time.

I dreamed of a conversation with the dead

According to all dream books without exception: the voice of the deceased in a dream is the only way to communicate with the other world, which is adequately perceived by the brain of a sleeping person. Therefore, be sure to remember what was discussed. Everything that the dead man tells you will certainly come true.

In addition, a conversation with the deceased grandfather or grandmother promises a sad meeting with an annoying admirer. A conversation with a deceased relative warns of a black streak, and the appearance of a father or mother on the contrary gives hope for the future.

To get a true prediction, be sure to pay attention not only to the words, but also to the mood of the deceased interlocutor. If he is cheerful, then this is a wordless approval of actions. If you are angry and annoyed, then it is clear without words that you have done something or are only going to do something terribly terrible.

It is bad to swear in a dream with a dead person. This is a warning about mistakes and life blunders. If the deceased tells a funny anecdote, then in real life you will get into a funny story.

What does it mean to talk with the father, God

Why dream of a conversation with a priest? If you just chat with him about life, then in the distant future you will earn respect and honor.

If the conversation is a kind of confession, then you will find yourself in an extremely difficult situation. A rather influential friend will help you get out of it, but first you will have to confess to him your own mistakes and mistakes.

If you dreamed that in a conversation the priest blesses you, then you have clearly set foot on the right path. But the conversation with God should alert you. The fact is that the Deities usually communicate in a slightly different way. In a dream, most often under the guise of God, evil spirits and demons appear. It is not safe to follow their advice, but sometimes they give very valuable guidance.

Had a conversation with a rival

Why dream that in a dream you are explaining yourself to a rival? To enlist the support of an influential person, you have to prove all your advantages in practice.

If you dreamed that the conversation with your opponent was raised, then defending your interests in reality, you will show stupidity and unconvincing. For a girl, a similar plot suggests taking care of the feelings of her lover, otherwise she will be left alone.

Why dream of talking in a foreign language

If in a dream you happened to speak a foreign language, then in reality you will have to perform an unfamiliar task or study a new business.

Had a dream that talking in a foreign language was given with great difficulty? You have taken on a business that will not be “on the shoulder” for you. Either immediately abandon it, or extremely carefully study everything that has to do with it.

If a conversation with a foreigner escalated into a conflict, then your own misunderstanding will be a decisive touch in some kind of enterprise. If the conversation as a whole went smoothly, then you will be able to easily and quickly sort out a difficult situation.

In a dream there was a conversation in private

Had a dream that you were on a date, during which a rather intimate conversation took place? In real life, you have a difficult streak in your relationship with your lover. Misunderstandings, quarrels over trifles and conflicts due to jealousy are not ruled out.

If, in a dream, in a private conversation, you heard a confession of feelings, then your responsibility will increase significantly, and as a reward you will receive a drop of recognition and short-term joy.

Talking in a dream - approximate interpretations of plots

Why dream conversations? To decipher, it is necessary to take into account what exactly was discussed. However, common values ​​will help you find the most relevant answers.

  • self-talk - isolation, self-dripping
  • with another character - tension, misunderstanding
  • with the whole company - important knowledge
  • with animals - mental problems
  • with mom - great news
  • with father - improvement of affairs
  • with the mute - a strange situation
  • with the deaf - participation in the incident
  • Score 4.9 voters: 107

If in a dream you are talking to someone, you will soon receive news of the illness of someone close to you. Yes, and in business, not everything will be smooth.

We saw people talking loudly - you will be accused of interfering in other people's affairs.

If in a dream it seemed to you that they were discussing exactly you, then you will encounter the hostility of others.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

See in a dream Conversation

Talking to someone in a dream - to the news of the illness of people close to you. There may also be problems with professional field. If you dream of people talking loudly, you may be accused of interfering in other people's affairs. If in a dream someone discusses you, most likely you will encounter the hostility of others.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

What do dreams mean Conversation

Participate in conversations - experience trouble, worry or get sick.

If in a dream you listen or eavesdrop on what others are saying, in reality you may suffer accusations that you are interfering in your own business, hear accusations of tactlessness, or make a burdensome acquaintance.

If your name is mentioned in conversations, beware of ill-wishers.

A conversation that takes place in such a way that you hear the participants, but do not see them, is evidence of the insincere attitude of these people.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Interpretation

Dream about conversation

Conversation - clearly, clearly speaking in a dream - profit. Talking about iron - predicts illness in the house - paradise - paradise in a dream - happiness, luxurious life. To be in paradise is to lose all troubles and dangers.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

What does it mean in a dream Conversation

Conversation - Hear - information for you; if you remember the topic of conversation - try to decipher the meaning. Participate in a conversation - the knowledge you need. We need to focus our attention.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

The meaning of dreams Conversation

If you hear someone talking in a dream, you may be accused of meddling in other people's business.

Is it bad to eavesdrop? But since they spoke so loudly that they didn’t let you sleep, of course, you are not to blame.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation for Girls

The meaning of sleep Conversation

If in a dream you are talking with your late grandfather or grandmother - in reality this portends a bleak meeting with an annoying boyfriend.

Talking in a dream with your mother - you will soon receive good news about the matter that interests you.

Talking in a dream with a mute - unusual events are coming, which you will witness directly at the scene of their occurrence. Talking with the postman - you will become an unwitting participant in the family quarrel of your friends.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Interpretation of sleep Conversation

If in a dream you are talking to someone, it means that soon you will hear about the illness of your loved ones. In addition, troubles await you in business.

If you dream of people talking loudly, it means. You will be accused of meddling in other people's affairs.

If in a dream it seems to you that they are talking about you, the dream portends that you will encounter the hostility of others.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

What in a dream predicts Conversation

Gods, parents, old people, dead - it means exactly what they were talking about; people, animals - deception, unrest; talking to yourself - an unexplained situation, troubles, displeasure; speak clearly - profit.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

Interpretation of sleep Conversation

In itself, the fact of any conversations in a dream: it does not really matter.

At the same time, the words you heard may contain a hidden meaning, hinting at some fact or event.

If you hear an incomprehensible conversation and cannot catch its meaning: such a dream suggests that in reality you could misinterpret some events or risk getting involved in a business in which you understand little.

Interpretation of dreams from

“Since I was 16, I sometimes talk in my sleep. AT last month I speak in full sentences every night, sometimes swearing loudly. I really bother my husband. What to do, how to get rid of this scourge? (from comments)

Talking during sleep causes considerable psychological discomfort to the talker and prevents people around him from sleeping.

In the article: what does it mean to talk in a dream, the reasons for how to stop talking at night.

Sleeping or somniloquy (somniloquy) is

  • Emotional warehouse of character, excessive impressionability.
  • Background mental and somatic diseases (more common in people over 25 years old).
  • Drugs and alcohol.
  • High fever, severe malaise, fever.
  • Medications.
  • Heavy food.
  • debilitating anxiety stress, depression.
  • Previous psycho-emotional and physical stress.
  • Head injury.
  • Disorders in the work of the nervous system.
  • Diseases of the brain.

When to be concerned

Episodes of sleep-talking are short-lived and rarely require treatment. However, a severe form may indicate the presence of another more serious sleep disorder, psychiatric disorder, or medical condition that needs to be treated.

Factors for concern:

  • Feeling tired and sleepy the next day
  • your conversations at night seriously disturb and interfere with the sleep of a neighbor or partner,
  • sleep-talking is repeated periodically several times a week and for a long time,
  • the attack is accompanied by walking in a dream, attacks of fear, aggression, screams, violent actions,
  • episodes of sleep-talk began at the age of 25, this may indicate the presence of provoking diseases.

Which doctor to contact

Unfortunately, sleep-talking is similar to sleep-walking and is not amenable to any specific treatment.

See your doctor about the problem to rule out any other medical conditions that may be causing or exacerbating the seizures. Ask for a referral to a somnologist, polysomnography will show the possible presence of other parasomnias.

Sleep specialists will ask how long you talk in your sleep and will ask you to keep a sleep diary to show how often and when these events occur.

You need to find out about this from a neighbor, partner, parents. Maybe you had episodes as a child.

Sleep conversations can be monitored by surroundings or by an audio recorder that remains on standby until a sound wave is detected.

Keeping a sleep diary can help you figure out the underlying problem causing sleep-talking.. Keep a diary for at least two weeks.

Reflect in it:

  • the time when you go to bed, when you fell asleep (according to your assumption), when you woke up, the duration and nature of sleep;
  • what and at what time of the day you take medications;
  • when and what you drink every day, especially caffeinated drinks (cola, tea and coffee) and alcohol;
  • events during the day, the presence of restless and stressful conditions.

Doctors, after analyzing the records, will prescribe the necessary course of therapy aimed at normalizing night sleep. For more severe cases of sleep talking, medication and psychotherapy may be helpful.

The need for treatment is a rather rare fact, however, a specialist may come to the conclusion that such measures are necessary based on your complaints.

How to stop talking in your sleep

Exacerbations, as a rule, occur against the background of psycho-emotional overload and stressful conditions, which often become the result of banal dehydration.

Dehydration: causes, signs, health consequences.

If sleep-talking has become a problem, you can reduce the number of seizures yourself.

The frequency and severity of sleepwalking can be reduced by:

  • constant sleep and wakefulness,
  • enough sleep
  • proper sleep hygiene.
  • abstaining from :
    • alcohol and tobacco at night,
    • caffeinated and tonic drinks from the second half of the day (cola, tea, alcohol, energy drinks),
    • heavy meals before bed
    • reading and learning new information shortly before sleep,
    • watching films and programs that excite the emotional state,
    • excessive stress and anxiety.

Take safe sedatives during stressful times.

Partners and roommates

Neighborhood with a night talker creates inconvenience for both parties. Be condescending and respectful to the talker, because it is not in his power to stop talking in a dream. Earplugs and white noise (a fan, for example) will help improve the quality of your sleep.

If you witness late-night conversations, just make sure the sleeper is safe. It is not necessary to wake him up, he may be in a deep stage of sleep, awakening from which threatens with a strong fright.


Any of us can start talking in a dream and at any age, there are plenty of provoking factors in the modern rhythm of life. Depending on the severity of the condition, sleepwalking can be managed on your own or by seeking medical help.

The consolation is that sleep-talking is safe and can only bring discomfort to the talker and his involuntary listeners.

Let us be mutually tolerant, remembering that all emotions sent out into the world return like a boomerang.

Sources: en.wikipedia, Arkin, Arthur M. (1981). Sleep Talking Psychology and Psychophysiology. L. Erlbaum Associates.

Elena Valve for the Sleepy Cantata project.