Statuses as nice gifts for girls. Aphorisms and quotes about gifts

The first time I choose a laptop by color, not by characteristics. - Why? - A gift, however.

Hey, I have a present for you! – Oh, what is it? - Nothing! - But why? -Because you're shit.

Crap is the most popular gift.

The best gift in the price range up to 500 uah is 500 uah.

What a pity that brains are not sold in stores! So sometimes you want to give someone a gift!

Useful gifts are best. Let's say I give him handkerchiefs, he gives me a mink coat.

A gift is not a gift if it is not given for free, and love is not love if it is given with conditions.

If you can give a gift, then do not delay with it, remembering that circumstances are changeable.

The most precious gift of nature is a cheerful, mocking and kind mind.

A purchased chicken is cheaper than a donated one.

Friendship is based on small gifts, love is on big ones.

What gift is up to you. It all depends on how you take it.

A gift presented with a smile is doubly valuable.

Gifts, like good advice, bring joy to the giver.

In childhood, every new day is a find; in old age - a gift.

And yet the perfect gift does exist. This is a huge skein of pimply polyethylene!

The best gift is a handmade gift! For example fig.

The most valuable gifts are put in an envelope ... or taken out of the hospital!

Only the one who sincerely gave gifts will never regret spending money on someone.

Did you throw away the presents? - No ... Mishka is not to blame that you are a nerd!

Gifts are sacred! Whatever they give, the main thing is for free =)

I, like you, are a gift from God, and gifts are not discussed.

- A woman's hands should tremble from gifts, her legs from sex, and her heart from love! - And you, damnit, will not be torn apart by resonance?

There is meaning in love, without flowers and gifts!

The problem of my thoughts is the uncertainty in the choice of gifts.

Judging by where most of the gifts are made, it's safe to say that Santa lives in China. With about a billion elves, it should not be difficult for him to provide gifts to the entire population of the planet.

Went into an elegant gift shop... looked at the prices... walked out elegantly.

Created a new world... it's a pity... the old one has gigabytes of correspondence, dozens of gifts... and your confession...

In our hearts, we are still children ... I'm 17 years old, and I still order sweet gifts for the new year from my parents)

I'm sitting at the computer, the guy in the kitchen is watching TV. And then I hear shouting: “Gifts to the studio!”

But happy man they do not make gifts and events ... but people nearby who fill your life with meaning.

And once in childhood, we gave mothers gifts bought with her own money)

Love, Friendship, Joy - these are the best New Year's gifts. May there be as many as possible in the new year!

I am ready to look forever at fireworks, gifts under the Christmas tree and garlands burning in the dark ...

Birthday gifts fall into two categories: those we don't like and those we don't get.

Perhaps the cheapest way to cure a drunk man is to give him a car!

You should not give a woman anything that she could not wear in the evening ...

How little our acquaintances know us can sometimes be judged by the gifts we receive from them.

There is a slight subtlety and a big difference in the response to a gift: “Is that all?” and “And this is all for me!”. (

Great gifts are useful only to those who deserve them, while for others they are dangerous.

The first soft toy presented to them is the most precious gift to the heart!

The best gift is a gift not made in China =)

I went to buy a present for my wife. I understood what the appeal means - Dear women ...

I am not a gift and I am not going to give myself.

My birthday next to you is the best gift ...

Promotion! For one rude word, I will break my nose, absolutely free! A pair of blackfinches as a gift.

A luxurious gift for a man - a book ... Kamasutra ...

Useful gifts are best. Let's say I give him handkerchiefs, he gives me a mink coat.

Girlfriend annealed ... Let's go, chatting about gifts. He says: “The best gift is a handmade one ... I’ll go to the store and buy it with my own hands!” I fell out!

A gift chosen with love is recognized immediately by the desire to guess the taste of the addressee, by the originality of the idea, by the very manner of presenting the gift. A. Morua

Make gifts a little more expensive than you can afford.

A gift is not a gift if it is not given for free, and love is not love if it is given with conditions.

I went to buy a present for my wife. I understood what the appeal means - Dear women ...

And yet, whatever one may say, but the best gift for a woman is a man with a gift...

The best gift for a woman is a handmade gift... by a jeweler.

The most valuable gift you can give someone is your time, because you give something you can never get back.

Friendship is based on small gifts, love is on big ones.

The best gift for a girl: a diamond ring wrapped in a mink coat tied with a gold chain, in the trunk of a new Mercedes parked near a house by the sea.

There are two types of gifts: those that are not needed for hell, and those that who the hell will give.

A kiss is the best gift, nothing more to say. There is nothing cooler in the world than kissing someone!

Until you make a gift to yourself, you will not rejoice.

Gifts are not asked or promised, gifts are brought and given.

If you liked the gift, then you gave a part of your soul. Japanese wisdom

Gifts fall into two categories: those you don't like and those you don't get.

Gifts are sacred! Whatever you donate, the main thing is it's free! =)))

Every gift, even the smallest one, becomes a great gift if you give it with love. W. Walcott

A gift presented with a smile is doubly valuable. T. Fuller

The best gift is a hug: one size fits all and no one minds if you return it...:)

Gifts, like good advice, bring joy to the giver. E. Herriot

A book is the best gift, but a gift is better than a book. Zhanna Golonogova

Gifts are received by those who have something to give. B. Brzezinski

There are three types of gifts: expensive, not very expensive and a book.

A gift with a hint is when your wife gives you an air freshener for your birthday.)))

The perfect gift is one that you can use to buy another one!

The value of a gift is not in the amount on the check, but in a good impulse to make it!

The biggest gift comes in a small box...

The most expensive gifts cannot be wrapped.

Before the new year, they often agree not about who gives what gift to whom, but about the general non-giving of gifts))

soon we will start eating the most tasteless candies from New Year's gifts

around the flowers and the sound of the orchestra, good words sound. I don't see gifts. and why am I lying

Gifts of fate must be able to unpack!

If you FORGIVE the person who hurt you, this will be your gift to HIM. If you FORGET the person who hurt you - this will be your gift to YOURSELF.

Everyone asks for gifts, from Santa Claus, from the Snow Maiden And I directly, from my husband !!!

My friend's husband is just a gift of fate! Well, one of those gifts that you unpack, but in your head is spinning: “It would be better with money.

Give, people, a drop of good! That truth, like the world, is old for us! Until the evening with a gift do not pull! Give welcome in the morning!

Pasha recalled the gifts on VKontakte and brought them to a conspicuous place. Good luck, waste your money on this bullshit, Pasha needs lava on New Year.

The inscription on the door of the store: -discounts and gifts! Suck from the seller! And where did they go wrong? XD

Decency and honesty are too expensive gifts. And do not expect them from cheap people.

Sooner or later you realize that love is not constant confessions, compliments, gifts and meetings. this is when you are sure that if you call him, he will not hang up, but will simply listen patiently and, without understanding a word, will say: "Don't worry, I'm with you))

Why are there so many toasts on birthdays with wishes: health, happiness, good luck? - It's an apology for the shitty gifts.

You walk in the rain. And you don't know what's going on here. you only want one. but no one has this gift. silence. and more tears. emptiness. and the heart freezes.

I do not ask you to scream under the windows, kneel down, fill up with flowers, give gifts. I ask you not to lie to me. Never.

The best of the gifts of fate are people to whom we can say: "Thank you for being you." Those whom we love and those who love us are the most precious thing we have in life.

The best gift given to us by fate can be called people to whom we can say: "Thank you for having me."

I ask, I pray to the Lord. I do not need gifts, honors. Just let the ones I love live. And they will always be by my side.

Today is a holiday for the girls, today there will be a booze and the girls' cheeks are burning, they are burning with a blush, the girls have come to stand aside their gifts, pulling, because for these gifts, the entire salary went to the guys!

Give gifts to each other, and love for each other will grow between you.

It's still bad to be an adult. You have to buy real gifts, you can’t get by with foil and plasticine.

I really want Santa Claus to come not only on New Year's Eve with gifts, but also on January 1 with mineral water.

Dear Grandfather Frost, on New Year's Eve, I will ask you for a dream as a gift. otherwise, by the New Year, you will already be putting gifts in my bags under the eyes.

I don't need presents for New Year's Eve. I don't need any Christmas trees or sweets. No need for beautiful castles in the air. I would be next to you, champagne, plaid

- I wonder if your husband remembers the date of your wedding? – Fortunately, no. Why "fortunately"? I remind him of this several times a year and every time I receive gifts.

Accept gifts only from people who have the right to give them.

Usually married men- These are already established personalities. They know how to take care of women well: Beautiful words, gifts, passion.

If you do not know how to enjoy just a warm day, then your joy will not last long, even if fate brings you a house as a gift. Joy does not depend on the size of the gift, but on our ability to rejoice in it and give thanks.

On the first of January, the best things always lie under the Christmas tree. gifts, friends.

Aha) today a friend told me how, for the last New Year, her dad, instead of a gift, put a poop (from a joke stall) under the tree, Vika Afigel, and dad was in a frenzy, so he kicked his daughter) XdD

Happiness has its secrets. But no matter what the new century comes up with, there is no more expensive gift in this world than a loved one next to you.

I wish that all men were like Santa Claus. They would shower you with gifts. And in return they asked for just a poem!

Oh, I know how to make generous gifts! She tied a bow, lay down under the Christmas tree, all the gift for her husband is ready!

I really hoped for the end of the world. I do not want to buy gifts for my friends for the New Year.

The anticipation of the New Year awakens the child in me. As in childhood, waking up in the morning, I want to see a Christmas tree with gifts under it. I want to play snowballs and eat snow and not think about getting sick.

Flowers. Candies. Movie. Restaurants. Dear gifts. - It's not happiness, believe me. Happiness - It's just to snuggle up to someone who is dear.

And only in childhood chewing gum was a gift, and a kiss on the cheek was love.

And I would like to wake up on the morning of 31 and that everything was as before - my mother woke me up with a kiss with the words: "Daughter, Santa Claus came and brought gifts" You overeat with sweets and you are the most happy and nothing else is needed.

Three welcome gifts from a beloved man: - His shirt; - His last name; - A son from him.

We are waiting for Santa Claus, Santa Claus, St. Nicholas or any other man, most importantly with GIFTS!

I love making handmade gifts. Which of my children do you prefer?!

From the point of view of men, all gifts for girls are divided into two categories: 1) She does not like this. 2) To hell with her.

I can do without your gifts, I only need you and your human warmth and attention.

Nature generously endowed her with beauty. On this, the gifts began to stagnate.

An April Fool's joke sometimes ends with a New Year's gift.

On New Year's Eve, a deck of cards will be a good gift for your wife. At the same time, you need to put this deck on your wife’s head and say: Oh, you are mine, a snake under the deck!))

I went to an elegant gift shop, looked at the prices, elegantly left

I make my best gifts on my own. Do you want me to give you a baby?

Fulfilled as many as 4 wishes of her husband. At his request, as a gift, I bought myself a fur coat, earrings, a bracelet and a ring. Wow! So I turn out to be cooler than a goldfish!

Everyone is waiting for something from the New Year, some for a miracle, some for gifts ... But I don’t expect anything, I have the most valuable thing, this is my FAMILY !!!

The most modest gift can delight, but on the condition that the donor's resources are also small. However, a wealthy person should give a little more than prudence dictates. Who does not give too much, gives too little. (A. Morua)

* * *
Every gift, even the smallest one, becomes a great gift if you give it with love. (W. Walcott)

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A gift chosen with love is recognized immediately by the desire to guess the taste of the addressee, by the originality of the idea, by the very manner of presenting the gift. (A. Morua)

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Give generously only when you know that you are giving kindly. (Cato)

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Accept gifts only from people who have the right to give them. (F. Arno)

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A long hope is sweeter than a quick surprise. (I. Richter)

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He who gives his heart as a gift will never refuse to give money as a gift. (T. Fuller)

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A gift presented with a smile is doubly valuable. (T. Fuller)

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Who knows how to give, he knows how to live. (French saying)

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He who has flowers in his hands cannot do bad things. (V. Soloukhin)

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Gifts, like good advice, bring joy to the giver. (E. Herriot)

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Nothing stirs up a wife's suspicions like an unexpected gift from her husband. (Unknown author)

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A book is the best gift, but a gift is better than a book. (Zhanna Golonogova)

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Having come to the conclusion that “there is nothing in the world that would be worthy of her!”, The man offers himself. (S. Tracy)

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It's nice to be remembered, but it's often cheaper to be forgotten. (F. Hubbard)

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Friendship is based on small gifts, love is on big ones. (I. Ipohorskaya)

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Why is it so hard to buy a gift that looks like it's worth? (I. Ipohorskaya)

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Birthday gifts fall into two categories: those we don't like and those we don't get. (Unknown author)

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The perfect gift for a man who has everything is a woman who knows what to do with it all. (Unknown author)

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The best gift for a golden wedding is a scene of jealousy. (Unknown author)

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If you liked the gift, then you gave a part of your soul. (Japanese wisdom)

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A compliment is like a piece of jewelry: it testifies not only to the merits of the recipient, but also to the taste of the giver. (P. Godin)

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The gift shop is a place where there are many gifts and where you are horrified at the thought that one of them can be given to you. (Unknown author)

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Should a gentleman deduct the price of a gift if he makes the gift money? (K. Melikhan)

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Gifts are received by those who have something to give. (B. Brzezinski)

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Buy gifts a little more expensive than you can afford. (A. Morua)

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Each gift from a friend is a wish for happiness. (R. Bach

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When a person retires and can afford not to keep track of time, colleagues give him a watch. (R. Sherriff)

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Perhaps the cheapest way to cure a man of drunkenness is to give him a car (R. Podlevsky)

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There are three types of gifts: expensive, not very expensive and a book. (Unknown author)

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Give your girlfriends the same perfume as your wives. Wives have an exceptional sense of smell. (Nadine Rothschild)

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Useful gifts are best. Let's say I give him handkerchiefs, and he gives me a mink coat. (B. Bardo)

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You should not give a woman anything that she could not wear in the evening. (Unknown author)

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Name days are arranged so that our friends can get rid of unnecessary things that they received on their own name days. (Unknown author)

Only a gift without a reason is a real gift.

They are more willing to give to the rich than to lend to the poor.

It is impossible to give a woman too many flowers, and a child too many toys.

Treasured ring and well-worn is good.

If a husband gives his wife flowers for no reason, then he just saw this reason.

If I could give a gift to a newborn, I would choose only one thing: good character.

Only one virtue is not given or received as a gift.

That gift is considered a true gift, which is given as it should be given, given free of charge, in the right place, at the right time and to the right person.

To please the heart, no matter if it's a small gift or a big one.

Significant Gift Quotes

Nothing can be so generously endowed as hopes.

Why is it so hard to buy a gift that looks like it's worth?

The best gift is money: you can buy another gift with it.

Creating is better than destroying, and giving is better than receiving.

You give little when you give with what you have. When you give a part of yourself, it is a sincere gift.

On the day of his ninetieth birthday, his colleagues brought him an eternal pen.

Useful gifts are best. Let's say I give him handkerchiefs, he gives me a mink coat.

Subtle Significant Gift Quotes

Life is a gift we didn't ask for.

Happy is not the one who receives the gift, but the one who gives the gift.

Every gift is good, that it is not money that is presented to you.

The most blessed and desired gift is made when the giver remains nameless.

Gifts are received by those who have something to give.

Rich gifts become worthless when the givers are unkind.

It's nice to be remembered, but it's often cheaper to be forgotten.

Give light, and darkness will disappear by itself.

Birthday gifts fall into two categories: those we don't like and those we don't get.

Don't look a Trojan horse in the mouth.

Be indifferent when accepting anything! Show honor by what you receive, - so I advise those who have nothing to give.

The perfect gift: a thing that a woman can exchange in a store even a month later.

Precious Significant Gift Quotes

Royal favors are sown in the boyar sieve.

The most precious gift of nature is a cheerful, mocking and kind mind.

You have to be poor to know how to give.

A purchased chicken is cheaper than a donated one.

Give him the whole world, and he will demand more wrapping paper.

The blind man will not thank you for the mirror.

Money is the best gift. Everything else is too expensive.

Friendship is based on small gifts, love is on big ones.

The perfect gift for a man who has everything is a woman who knows what to do with it all.

What is bought is cheaper than a gift.

Great gifts are useful only to those who deserve them, while for others they are dangerous.

And even the president wants to get a present for his birthday.

The value of a gift is the content of the giver.

God gave life. Now life brings surprises.

The best gift for a woman is a child.

What they give, they do not reproach.

He who is stingy with gifts is generous with promises.

They give you gifts with money, know that you are a closed person, and it’s hard to split you. No one knew you well, and no one will.

Fate grants us what we want when we have already learned to do without it.

A gift that warns a request is pleasant.

Having to reject a gift just because it was offered inappropriately embitters the giver.

There are gifts, the receipt of which obliges the donee to thank the giver a hundredfold: thus, donation as such does not exist.

Funny Significant Gift Quotes

Fate does not give gifts, because she herself is not a gift.

Gifts, like good ones, bring joy to the giver.

Christmas: The season of exchanging things you can't afford for things you don't need.

Why don't I give you my books? So that you never give me your own.

They do not look at a given horse's teeth.

The most beautiful gift given to people after wisdom is friendship.

We give a woman flowers, a star from heaven, a whirlwind of the ball, and we go with her to you ... And then we give very little.

Perfumes are given to ladies at a meeting.

A gift is not a gift if it is not given for free, and love is not love if it is given with conditions.

If you can give a gift, then do not delay with it, remembering that circumstances are changeable.

Nothing stirs up a wife's suspicions like an unexpected gift from her husband.

The cheapest way to please a woman is to give her expensive gifts.

You, of course, are not a gift, but after all, holidays are not every day.

If your wife gives you a tie for no reason, it means that she no longer likes the new mink coat.

Whatever happens to you in life, accept it as a gift that you make to yourself.

God is very fond of suddenly reminding us that every gift is just a commission that, in order to fulfill, one must swim against the current.

All sisters on earrings.

If the recipient divulges about the gift made, he rejoices, if the one who gave it, he regrets.

Tongue Significant Gift Quotes

Money is the best gift.

Give a woman a million scarlet roses and she will say that she needs one, but white.

The letter is written and sent as a kind of gift.

On you, God, that we are not good.

I make gifts to my mother, but I think about.

A sensitive soul is a fatal gift from heaven. The one who is endowed with it becomes the plaything of the elements.

If you want to lose a friend, give him an expensive gift.

Life is the best birthday present.

For other women, a bouquet of roses is not enough: they also require a man to change the water in a vase.

We willingly accept everything that is presented from a feeling of love, because it's like receiving a gift from ourselves; but we reject the gift of one who considers himself entitled to be a benefactor.

Often the gift of the gods is God's punishment.