Sewage systems for a country house. Main types of sewer system for a country house

In any country house, a sewer system must be created to ensure comfortable living conditions. This can be an autonomous type of structure or an option connected to a centralized collector. In any case, you can do this yourself, and if necessary, invite specialists, since the importance of these communications is very great. Especially when ensuring autonomous existence.

The principle of operation of sewerage using irrigation fields

Local or centralized

Before starting construction of such an important structure as a sewer system, it is necessary to decide on a design option that will ensure further maintenance. Not every owner of a country house knows, but there are only two main types of systems that collect wastewater from the entire house:

  • centralized;
  • local.

Every city dweller has encountered the first option, since this is the type that is present in all populated areas with a large population. But if the number of people living in a particular area is not large, then there may not be a central sewer system to which you can connect the pipeline of your home. And this is where it is necessary to build a local version of this useful structure.

Here a question may arise that the owners must decide before starting work: local sewerage, what it is, what types exist and how it can be built quickly and inexpensively. It is worth noting that all systems that are capable of independently collecting and cleaning waste can be called autonomous. In other words, these are local sewers, which allow you to get rid of street toilets and allow the owners to use all the amenities of city residents.

Options and types of local sewers

Once you have an understanding of what system needs to be built on your site, then you should proceed to choosing the type of structure. The first thing you need to decide on is the design of the future collector and wastewater purifier. What can you choose today? These options are the most common among users:

  • cesspools;
  • self-made septic tanks;
  • plastic systems with a set of machinery and other equipment.

The simplest type of structure is a cesspool. In this case, wastewater treatment is carried out by simply settling solid elements that settle at the bottom of this structure. From time to time the pit needs to be emptied by ordering a sewer truck. This option for sewerage installation may be relevant only for those who do not live in their home all year round. And he doesn’t have much equipment for everyday life.

station installation biological treatment drains

The next type of local system is a septic tank, which anyone can make on their own. For this purpose, you can use concrete rings, bricks, and plastic containers that are buried in the ground. The cleaning process in this system takes place in several stages. At the first stage, wastewater accumulates, which gradually begins to lose heavy and large fragments of fecal contamination settling at the bottom of the well. Next, the clarified liquid flows into the next container, where further purification of the water occurs.

At this stage, bacteria can get down to business and are specially introduced into the tank. They gradually eat up organic impurities, thereby making the wastewater as purified as possible.

The final stage is a filtration well or aeration field. In both cases, the process involves crushed granite and sand, through which water gradually penetrates into the soil. If there are solid fragments of pollutants in the liquid, they will remain among the gravel filter. The soil also participates in the purification process, completing it before water enters the aquifer.

The third type of structure is plastic septic tanks manufactured in factories. They are quite large tanks, which are divided inside into several compartments. Each of their departments undergoes the same processes as those described earlier for structures built by the owners of country houses. The difference between ready-made treatment systems is the presence of additional equipment that ensures high-quality treatment of incoming wastewater.

What to choose

Once it has become known what a local sewage system is for a country house, the process of choosing the most convenient and efficient type of this structure begins. Therefore, it is worth comparing the possible costs of building and connecting the system to home appliances and the cost of subsequent maintenance.

Installation of a Topas type septic tank

The cheapest option for construction is definitely a cesspool. To construct it, you can use a metal container, concrete rings or ordinary brick. The main thing is to make this tank completely sealed so that wastewater cannot get into open ground and thereby contaminate it and the aquifer. But subsequent maintenance will require quite a lot of costs, since it involves regularly ordering a sewer truck, the call of which is quite expensive.

Ready-made structures, equipped with everything necessary, are more expensive. However, costs may increase even more if installation work specialists will deal with it. But not all owners of country houses are able to cope with the installation of a ready-made septic tank on their own. The fact is that the technology for installing plastic containers requires the mandatory construction of a concrete slab at the lowest point of this septic tank. It is necessary to secure the entire structure to it so that during soil heaving it does not simply jump to the surface, damaging the existing pipelines. In addition, the process of filling sand after installation is also difficult. To do this, you need to evenly fill the tank with water and at the same time pour and compact the soil.

Only experienced workers can do this. Otherwise, the container may be crushed, which will require redoing the entire job.

For self-construction, a septic tank made from concrete rings or brick. Almost anyone can dig several pits and build two or three reservoirs, especially if he has a good assistant. The cost of purchasing the necessary materials will be slightly lower than when purchasing a finished structure. But maintenance can be reduced if electricity is not used, which the finished system cannot do without. Aeration in concrete septic tanks will be carried out naturally, since each well and the aeration field itself is supplied with ventilation pipes.


The easiest way to locate a cesspool is because it consists of just one tank. The main rule in this case will be to place this structure at a distance of five meters from the house. Then you can move it closer to the road, but retreating three meters from it. This will provide quick access to the tank for the sewer truck so that it can pump out the maximum amount of waste. It is important to remember that from the nearest well drinking water the sedimentation tank should be removed at a distance of 25 meters. This is a minimum value and if there is an opportunity to take it much further, then you should not neglect it.

installation of a tank and drainage system

The second most difficult installation is the installation of ready-made septic tanks. This circumstance stems from the fact that the entire cleaning complex is carried out in one container, divided into several compartments. This allows you to save space on the site, and at the same time simplify the placement of the entire system. The only thing that is added to this container is the aeration field, which must also be removed from both the house and the drinking water source.

But septic tanks made of concrete rings or bricks take up the most free space. This is due to the fact that the collection and cleaning process takes place in separately located wells, which requires excavation over a much larger area. The situation can be slightly improved only by creating a filter well instead of an aeration field. But in any case, this structure must be removed from a source of drinking water at a distance of at least 25 meters.

A general recommendation for all types of structures is to avoid placing them near growing trees. The powerful roots of these plants are capable of destroying any structure. And this can lead to the release of untreated wastewater into open soil. This circumstance will cause a real disaster, which will require huge costs for normalization and elimination.

installation of an autonomous sewage system and fine wastewater treatment

Volume calculations

An important issue is the volume required for the free operation of this structure. The ability to be used by everyone depends on it. household appliances, as well as a shower and bath installed in the house. All calculations depend on the number of people permanently residing in the house. This value is multiplied by the average amount of wastewater that one person is capable of producing. Next, the resulting volume is multiplied by two, which makes it possible to obtain some reserve so that the life process does not entail ordering a sewer truck more often than necessary.

If several sewer wells are built, the volume reserve will be even greater. This will eliminate unnecessary maintenance of the system, which will only add to the comfort of your stay. The resulting calculations will also help when purchasing. building materials. This is especially important when purchasing concrete rings. They are produced in different diameters and in order not to buy too large, it is worth carefully calculating the number of future drains. The choice of ring diameter also depends on the depth of the well. The optimal depth is three meters, which guarantees complete cleaning of the tank when pumping with a special machine.

Autonomy in everything

The installation of a local sewage system allows you to gain maximum independence from any utility systems and organizations that may operate intermittently. Such autonomy not only saves money for the owners of country houses, but also does not deprive them of the received comfort and convenience that they made with such difficulty with their own hands.

It's hard for you to imagine your a private house or a dacha without autonomous water supply and sewerage? Agree that a well-maintained home is many times more comfortable to live in than a building devoid of all amenities. But you don't know where to start and how to implement your plans?

We will help you deal with this issue - the article highlights popular schemes and options for arranging a sewer system. The planning stage, selection of a treatment plant and the order of work are considered in detail.

Contrary to popular belief, the sewage system of a country house can also be perfectly equipped with your own hands. If you design and build the system correctly, it will serve no worse than a professional one. For a better understanding of the material, we have selected diagrams, thematic photos and videos with expert advice.

“Amenities in the yard” can only be satisfied if we are talking about a summer cottage without running water, where the owners appear occasionally and for a short time.

Work on improvement of a residential building primarily involves the installation of water supply and sewerage. They are designed simultaneously. If the water is already connected, then the sewerage system is “adjusted” to the existing network.

There should be no mistakes when choosing a sewerage scheme for a residential building. An incorrectly assembled network will not work or problems will arise during its operation (+)

Experts remind you that work on laying external sewerage pipes begins from the point of insertion into the centralized sewerage system or from the septic tank and moves towards the house.

Installation includes several stages:

  1. A trench of pre-calculated depth is dug. It is advisable to immediately maintain the desired slope. It is not advisable to backfill a finished trench. This is quite labor-intensive, given the need for additional compaction of the bottom.
  2. A sand cushion is poured. The height of the structure is 0.1-0.15 m. The sand is well shed with water, after which it is thoroughly compacted.
  3. Pipes are placed on the prepared base. The presence of a specified slope is checked.
  4. A layer of sand about 0.1 m high is poured in. The backfill is again spilled and compacted.
  5. The soil is being backfilled.

When laying external sewerage, you need to remember the need to install inspection wells. They are placed at all turns and in areas where there are differences in depth. In addition, such structures are also installed on straight sections every 25 m.

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Wastewater is an integral part of human life. It's good if there is centralized system to remove them, but this is not available everywhere. In this case, you need to find out how local sewerage for a country house is designed and installed.


Before you begin any calculations, you need to become thoroughly familiar with your site. It is important to obtain data on the level of occurrence in advance groundwater, amount of precipitation, etc. Also decide whether you will do everything yourself or hire specialists.

  • We decide on the location where our future installation will be located. The distance to it should not be too great, nor should it be too close. For every centimeter of distance to cesspool or a septic tank requires a pipe slope of 2-3 cm. If the length of the main line is large, then the hole will need to be made deep enough to ensure drainage. In the case where a sewer of this kind is located closer than 5 m to the foundation, wastewater can go under the building, which will lead to shrinkage and cracks of the foundation and walls. With this placement, you will need to pay special attention to the waterproofing of the entire structure. If you have a well or borehole in your yard, then the drainage receiver will need to be removed at least 30 m from them. This is important to prevent pathogens from getting into clean water. It would be good if it is possible to make it closer to the driveway so that the sewer truck has free access.
  • There must be sufficient distance from lakes or rivers. The minimum distance is the same as for boreholes and wells.
  • If you plan to place mini wastewater treatment plants, then whether there will be enough territory to accommodate outlets through which water will be discharged after treatment.
  • The next step is to determine the required capacity or performance of the entire system. To do this, it is important to decide how many people will permanently live in the house. Next, you can take as a basis an approximate figure, which is 0.15 m 3 per adult per day (this is the minimum).
  • Now you can choose a specific system to suit your family's needs.
  • Next, the appropriate materials are selected, and their total cost is calculated.

Possible options for building a system

There are several basic concepts for organizing an autonomous sewer system. Every manufacturer can do various variations, but the essence will remain the same.

  • Dry toilet. It will be relevant when there is no need to dispose of water from baths and showers. During the processing of masses by aerobic bacteria, substances are formed that can be used as fertilizers.
  • Cesspool. This is the option when long explanations are inappropriate. Almost everyone who has lived in a private house knows what it is. This option requires constant periodic pumping with the help of additional mechanization. Here the rule was often applied - the larger the volume, the better.
  • Septic tank. This container can be either concrete or made of plastic. In the first case, reinforced concrete rings are used. Their diameter will depend on the needs of a particular family. For maximum productivity, three wells are installed. All of them are hermetically connected to each other using pipes. With plastic structures, the user already receives ready-made containers that are installed in the specified sequence. For septic tanks, periodic cleaning of sludge is also important, which is also done using a vacuum cleaner.
  • Mini treatment plants. This is a whole installation with pumps and filters, which makes it possible to process a large amount of waste in a short period of time. Suitable for fairly large country houses.


This type of sewage system has several manufacturing options:

  • An ordinary pit without strengthening the walls. This type of pit is the least effective. Over time, the liquid erodes the walls, and the entire structure may collapse.
  • The walls are reinforced with car tires. The service life of such a product can reach 30 years. Obviously, holes must be made in the tires so that water can freely escape through the pores.
  • With wooden supports. In this case, wood linings reinforced with vertical posts are made on the walls. If you decide to make such a structure, it will cope with its tasks for 5-7 years.
  • With brickwork. It is a fairly common option. It can last for about 15 years. If you periodically repair it, you can increase this figure several times.
  • Pit made of concrete rings.
  • With metal or plastic formwork. In these cases, either an ordinary large-diameter pipe or a container that is dug to the required depth can be used.

If you are going to build a cesspool, then it is worth weighing the strengths and weaknesses.

Positive points:

  • ease of manufacture;
  • relative cheapness;
  • availability of materials;
  • some types can be installed in conditions close to the groundwater surface.

Negative points:

  • the need for frequent maintenance;
  • waste removal using a vacuum truck;
  • instability of building materials to the effects of wastewater;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • Failure to comply with location standards leads to contamination of the site.
  • Sealed. In this case, a container is installed, which serves as a collector for wastewater and is periodically emptied using special equipment. It is necessary to make a concrete base and strengthen the walls to prevent damage to the tank due to soil displacement.
  • Open. It can be with a filter bottom, when, before strengthening the walls, the bottom is filled with crushed stone and sand so that part of the water goes down. Also, additional holes are made along the perimeter of brick walls or in concrete rings. Over time, such a pit also needs to be cleaned.

The location for such a structure can be chosen based on the instructions given above. The manufacturing process boils down to the fact that it is necessary to dig a hole of the required size and strengthen the walls using the selected material. The supply of the pipe through which the drainage will occur is carried out simultaneously with the reinforcement of the walls. Don't forget to be technologically inclined. It is better if the depth of the pipe is below the freezing point of the soil.

It is important to ensure ventilation, which is done by bringing the pipe above the surface. This way, gases will not accumulate; this is important to prevent a fire from occurring.

Septic tank

To put it simply, a septic tank with wastewater treatment is several interconnected sealed cesspools. For their manufacture, you can use the same materials as in the previous version. The principle of operation of such a device is that the first block receives water that has just been drained from the house. It accumulates, heavy inclusions settle, and partially purified water flows into the next tank. Large particles also settle there. After the second vessel, the liquid can be discharged to a special space called filtration fields, or enter another section for more thorough cleaning.

Since anaerobic fermentation occurs at the first stage, a sufficient amount of sludge accumulates over time. It must be removed using special equipment.

If a decision is made to install not a storage septic tank, but one from which the purified liquid is removed, you will need to take care of the filtration fields. Before doing this, you need to make sure that:

  • Groundwater is located at a depth of more than 1.5 m.
  • It is possible to remove the filtration field as far as possible from the clean water intake (more than 30 m).
  • The main soil layer is not clay. This is important, because clay does not allow moisture to pass through very well, so the efficiency of the system will tend to zero.
  • Sufficient free space is available to implement the project.

When all conditions are met, you can proceed to production:

  1. Sewage pipes with a diameter of 110 mm are purchased.
  2. A trench is dug 15–20 cm below the soil freezing level. It must be taken into account that at the bottom there must be a layer with good permeability.
  3. Next, a 10 cm layer of sand is laid and compacted.
  4. A layer of crushed stone is poured; it should be at least 40 cm.
  5. Pipes are laid in the upper part of this layer.
  6. In order to protect them during frosts, a small backfill of crushed stone is made on top and a geo-textile is laid. If there is severe frost in your area, then the structure must be insulated.
  7. The next layer of the pie will be the earth, which will complete the structure.
  8. At the ends of the pipes, 90˚ angles must be installed and pipes for ventilation are provided.

It is important to remember that soil self-cleaning will not last forever with constantly replenished pollutants. Therefore, after about 7 years it will be necessary to completely replace the filter layer.

Installing this type of system may require more time and effort, but its performance and efficiency are much higher than that of a conventional cesspool. In the case of septic tanks with several tanks and filtration fields, cleaning the first stage may be required once a year or even less often.

Mini treatment plant

Roughly speaking, a mini-treatment station is the same septic tank, but manufactured in a factory. Among them are the following stations:

  • Anaerobic treatment. Here the main emphasis is on bacteria that contribute to the decomposition of inclusions without access to oxygen.
  • Aerobic cleaning. In such systems, conditions are specially created in which the liquid is saturated with oxygen so that the bacteria can perform their tasks as quickly as possible.
  • Volatile and non-volatile. Some units use pumps and electric motors, so an electrical line must be supplied to them.

Many consumers prefer ready-made designs, because... they are easier to install, the whole mechanism is debugged and worked out. Also, only in the case of such stations can water purification be achieved by 98%. This means that subsequently it can be freely used for agricultural needs. The most popular models among consumers are:

Topas. This is a completely finished structure, made of durable plastic. In order to carry out installation, it is enough to dig a pit of a suitable size. There are four chambers inside. In the first, large particles settle. After the water has settled, it enters the second section, also called the aeration tank. With the help of a compressor, air is constantly supplied here, which allows bacteria to speed up processing. After this, the liquid enters the secondary settling tank, where the sludge settles and returns to the previous tank. At a certain stage, ultraviolet cleaning is also carried out. Additionally, the unit can be equipped with a drainage pump, which will pump clean water into tanks or another selected location.

Unilos Astra. In its structure and method of functioning it resembles the previous version. But aeration here begins to occur even in the first settling tank. Thanks to this process, large particles are broken down and the wastewater is then treated.

. This option does not require an electrical power supply. Here all processes occur by gravity. The main camera is divided into two compartments. In the first section, the largest particles settle and splitting occurs. In the second chamber, post-treatment is carried out, then the water passes through the biofilter and is sent to the infiltrator - an additional container that does not have a bottom. There, the liquid undergoes the final stages of purification, seeping through a fill of crushed stone.

If you are looking for a project for a summer house, then perhaps you should stop at the very inexpensive option. Remember that you can do everything yourself, but it will take more time and effort.


The pace of construction of houses and settlements is faster than the development of infrastructure and utility systems. The construction of electrical networks is not as far behind as water supply, gasification and, especially, sewerage. For each of these systems there are one or two alternative options: generators, wells and wells, liquefied gas. But the sewage system of a country house has several ways of organization: from a primitive cesspool to a deep waste treatment station, which at the output provides water suitable for watering plants. In this article we will look at and compare all the options.

What to look for when designing?

Autonomous local sewerage is protection against the spread of unpleasant odors and harmful microorganisms. If we take into account all the factors, then even a simple cesspool will be safe for the site, the cottage and its residents.

When designing a sewer system, they rely on the following indicators:

  • predicted volume of water consumption;
  • relief and area of ​​the suburban area;
  • location of the main water source (if there is a well or well on the site);
  • distance from lakes, rivers and other bodies of water;
  • depth of groundwater;
  • climatic conditions of the area.

The condition of the system will depend entirely on the quality, intensity and frequency of operation. The best way to prevent clogged drains is to drain water abundantly and frequently. The project should include inspections (small sealing hatches) and cleanings (holes in the pipe that are closed with a plug). They are located in places where there are bends and connections in pipelines or water changes movement.

Evolution of solutions for local sewerage installations

Septic tanks, cesspools, biological treatment stations - all of this has several options and confuses the buyer when it comes to choosing. They not only have structural differences, but also differ significantly in price. Sewer diversity is classified according to several criteria.

Firstly, a device design is selected based on the type of waste. Depending on whether only human waste products will be disposed of, or whether water used for sanitary needs will also be recycled. The first case can be limited to one in which sewage is mixed with a peat base and composted as a result of the activity of certain types of aerobic bacteria. The processed mass is periodically replaced and can be used as fertilizer. This is the most inexpensive and compact option for local sewerage, although not the most convenient, especially in winter. All other methods of organizing local sewerage cope with any type of waste.

Secondly, the functional component: the installation of a local sewerage system involves only the accumulation of wastewater or its parallel processing and purification. Simple storage tanks are a sealed cesspool with a filter bottom. More complex devices: septic tanks, biofilters, deep bio-treatment stations and aeration tanks - rid the area of ​​unpleasant odors, reduce the likelihood of contamination of the water source (well or borehole) and at the output can produce water almost completely purified from biological and chemical contaminants. Of course, it is not suitable for reuse for sanitary purposes, but for watering the garden and personal plot is completely safe.

Thirdly, the installation location. In vertical treatment plants, the movement of liquid through the chambers is carried out using an airlift system. This design protects the station from floating when the groundwater level rises or is high. True, for the vertical sewer system of a country house, installation errors or improper operation are fraught with clogging of airlifts and an immediate emergency. In horizontal treatment structures, liquid flows naturally: when a certain level is reached, the excess flows through the overflow into the next chamber. The area of ​​the site allocated for such local treatment facilities (LTP) must be larger than when installing a vertical system. To facilitate access during maintenance, the stations have several hatches. According to experts, they float up mainly due to uneven load and, sometimes, at the time of pumping. This is not a death sentence for such structures: to avoid the problem, it is enough to promptly clean the chambers from settling silt.

In the video you can see an example of installing a biological treatment station:

The market also offers aerobic treatment units, the structural basis of which is taken from septic tanks. This intermediate class of equipment has improved wastewater treatment performance. However, the owners of such installations periodically need to call a sewer truck.

Cesspool: minimum functions and costs

The operating principle of this type of treatment facility is to accumulate wastewater from bathrooms and kitchens and then purify it with soil bacteria. Crushed stone, pebbles and turf are poured into the bottom of the pit, which create the simplest drainage system. Part of the wastewater is purified naturally, and the remainder is removed by a sewer truck as needed.

When more than 1 m3 of wastewater enters, it turns out to be “outside the law”, since it does not meet the requirements of SNIP. Violation of sanitary standards can cost the health of not only the owners of the site, but also their neighbors. With an increase in the volume of wastewater, rising groundwater or flooding, wells and wells may be poisoned by toxins and infections.

An improved modification of the cesspool is plastered concrete or brick walls(), concrete bottom, ventilation tube to remove gases. According to SNIP, its dimensions should not be more than 3 x 2 meters, and its location on the site should be at least 5 meters from the house and two from the neighbor’s fence. Homeowners often forget about organizing a free entrance for the sewer truck - an annoying little thing that threatens a sanitary disaster.

Environmental standards in Russia are much stricter than in the European Union. For treated wastewater discharged into natural reservoirs or onto terrain, the maximum permissible BODp values ​​in our country are 3-6 mg/l, while Europeans are ready to put up with a pollutant content of 15-20 mg/l.

Concrete settling well system

Local sewerage of this type requires the presence of at least two wells (as a rule, everything is limited to two). The first is intended for primary wastewater treatment, and the second for post-treatment. It should also serve as drainage, although it is advisable to install a third drainage well, with laid layers of crushed stone and pebbles.

Installation of rings can be done without the involvement of specialists. True, you may need to call special equipment to lift and lower concrete elements into the ground.

Durability and long service life, large selection of rings different sizes, protection against the floating of the septic tank (heavy concrete rings will not float up during spring floods) and, of course, the ability to independently determine the shape, volume and depth of the settling chamber are strong arguments in favor of settling wells. The disadvantages of this option: leaky joints of the rings, the need to call a sewer truck and provide free access, the cost of calling special equipment to move the rings into the pit.

Plastic wells - an alternative to concrete ones

The principle of operation is the same as that of sedimentation tanks made on the basis of concrete rings. Here the problem of tightness is solved, it is possible to increase the depth without additional sections (we are talking about a corrugated design). Most wells are equipped with a built-in ladder for easy descent.

The only drawback is the “buoyancy” of the structure. The problem is solved by pouring concrete mortar onto the bottom.

Mechanical septic tank - an inexpensive and environmentally friendly option

A storage septic tank is a two-, three-, or four-chamber structure in which wastewater is gradually filtered. First, they settle and clarify, and then the organic compounds are processed by anaerobic bacteria. Solid fractions settle in the first chamber, the liquid component flows into the next. At the exit from the final tank, the treated wastewater enters the drainage field (sand and gravel) for natural purification.

The advantages of the system include low cost, energy independence, simplicity of design, and absence of unpleasant odor. The disadvantages are the following: sensitivity to overloads, the need for annual inspection and calling a sewer truck, periodic replacement of soil on the drainage field and the likelihood of the tank floating when the groundwater level rises or sediment is pumped out.

Biological treatment systems – the best is always expensive

BOSS are the most practical option. Reliability, durability, quality of cleaning and the ability to use purified water - everything is combined in one housing.

Using the example of the TOPAZ sewerage treatment system, we can see how wastewater is treated with a biofilter and aeration tank.

The design of the installation is a classic septic tank that performs initial cleaning with anaerobic bacteria, which is complemented by an aeration tank, a biofilter or an activator with a nitrifier and a denitrifier. The biofilter allows you to completely remove residual contaminants by passing through expanded clay, shunguzite and biofilm.

The aeration tank purifies discolored wastewater using sludge and a special film. This process can be accelerated by blowing air through the liquid.

Expensive VOCs are equipped with various combinations of final cleaning devices that remove up to 99% of mechanical, chemical and bacterial contaminants

This class of systems has many assembly options: ready-made factory designs, modular systems that are assembled directly at the installation site and completed in accordance with the wishes of the buyer. They are made of metal, durable plastics or concrete. The concrete body is very heavy. On the one hand, this protects the station from floating, guarantees stable operation in difficult weather conditions and high groundwater levels, on the other hand, it causes difficulties during installation. A station with a metal body is lighter than a concrete one, but requires additional costs for strengthening the structure. Local wastewater treatment plants made of plastic have the least weight. They also have the greatest resistance to corrosion. Such products are not suitable for regions with high groundwater levels and for operation at high operating pressure.

Experts from companies that sell VOCs help determine the optimal design and set of functions. If you are determined to make a choice yourself, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • durability and quality commensurate with the life of the house;
  • simplicity of design and comfort during operation;
  • efficiency of work with uneven flow of wastewater;
  • system security and service.

The class of treatment facilities and their cost depend on the combination of finishing cleaning methods. For a summer cottage there is no point in purchasing expensive equipment, but for a large family living all year round in a country house, VOCs with high degree wastewater treatment.

Price guidelines for the sewer market

Local sewerage allows you to discharge and treat wastewater in a certain area using various technologies. On the market, treatment plants and storage tanks are presented in three segments: economy, standard and premium. They differ in the volume of productivity, level of operating comfort, complexity of maintenance, quality of materials and components, requirements for the territory in which they will be installed, and other characteristics.

Representatives of the cheapest and simplest segment are cesspools, settling well systems and plastic sewer wells. If you dig a hole yourself and line the bottom with whatever is lying around in the barn, then the financial investment is zero. A special container for sewage with a volume of 1,400 liters costs about 15,000 - 18,000 rubles, for a volume of 3,000 liters - 39,000 rubles, and for 5,000 liters - 61,500 rubles. For an ordinary cesspool in a summer cottage, large-volume iron barrels and plastic containers of 0.5-1.5 m3 (7,000 - 21,000 rubles) have proven themselves to be excellent.

When choosing a sewer system, remember that your costs will not be limited to the purchase of a tank or treatment station. In the estimate, include the amount that it will cost to purchase pipes, hydro- and thermal insulation and components to connect the house to the local sewerage system.

Prices for systems consisting of two reinforced concrete settling wells, including work, start at 27,000 rubles. If you order a system with a sand cushion and waterproofing, then the costs increase to 42,000-47,000 rubles. One well of two rings with a filtration field (5 x 1 x 1 m) additional equipment and installation costs at least 40,500 rubles.

Separately, plastic sewer wells are inexpensive: about 30,000 rubles (the tightness of the system is guaranteed!). If you contact specialized companies, the price tag for the set “wells + components + delivery + installation” is 75,000 - 80,000 rubles.

Standard systems include various modifications of septic tanks, such as "" (23,500 - 47,500 rubles with waste volumes from 0.25 m3 to 1 m3), "Uponor Sako" (83,000 - 147,000 rubles) and other models. They are used to treat wastewater. Some models can be supplemented with biofilters, wells or filtration fields, then they can be classified as premium not only in functionality and quality of wastewater treatment, but also in price.

The most environmentally friendly in terms of wastewater treatment are deep biological treatment plants and stations - this is already a premium class, including in the price segment. The average percentage of contaminant removal is 90-98%, but some specimens guarantee 100%. Since Russian sanitary standards are leading in their rigidity, domestic manufacturers have long mastered three-stage wastewater treatment. A number of products provide for the fourth stage - disinfection by chlorination, as well as denitrification and nitrification (removal of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds).

These stations are either monolithic reinforced concrete structure, or individual blocks-modules combined into a system. The first include the Osina, Favorit Plus and Green Rock installations, equipped with a biofilter for additional wastewater purification. Representatives model range“ECO” (or “Ecoline”) consists of two settling tanks, between which there is an activator with a nitrifier and a denitrifier.

Modular systems are made of metal, reinforced concrete or plastic and can be equipped with various post-treatment units. For example, the Kubost 1-Bio station is supplemented with a biofilter, the Cottage-Bio system is supplemented with a bioreactor, and Kubost 1-AO is equipped with an aeration tank.

The power of any of the installations changes. They are suitable both for private buildings, when up to 6-10 people live in a house, and for hotels and other residential complexes designed for 500-1500 people. As for the prices for deep biological treatment stations, they range from 80,000 to 345,000 rubles for equipment and from 110,000 to 450,000 rubles, taking into account the cost of services.

One of the most expensive on the market is the “BioStone + ChemStone” complex, the cost of which is from 1,130,000 rubles. The design includes a settling tank, a bioreactor, a phosphorus removal unit and finishing filters made of stone fiber. They trap particles as small as 1.6 microns.

Building Vacation home or arranging a summer cottage, you will definitely think about creating amenities. To do this, you need to connect to the central sewer system. But what to do if there is simply none in the village? In this case, local sewerage for a country house or cottage will help. What options for such a system exist will be discussed in this article.

General principles of construction

If you have settled outside the city or purchased a summer cottage, then one of the first tasks will be to install a sewerage system. After all, the comfort of your stay will depend on this.

Autonomous systems themselves are not much different from those connected to a central sewer system. All the same plumbing units. The main difference is where all the impurities will be collected and purified.

Several options can be used for these purposes. Namely:

  • a cesspool is the cheapest option. The downside is that you must always monitor the level of accumulated wastewater;
  • settling tank system. It is more expensive than the previous option, but significantly simplifies the operation process;
  • simple mechanical septic tank. Such devices do not collect wastewater, but purify it;
  • biological treatment facilities. It is precisely such devices that most effectively cope with their tasks, but at the same time they are the most expensive both to purchase and to operate.

When designing a stand-alone system, you can choose suitable option. The choice will depend on the installation location (if it happens in a country house, then there is no point in installing expensive biological systems), on your financial capabilities and on the amount of wastewater. To help you with your choice, we will analyze each device separately.

Minimum installation costs

A simple option is a cesspool. Such a device will solve the main problem - waste disposal. Of course, a cesspool cannot directly cope with this function; it will simply serve as a waste collector. After filling, it is necessary to call a sewer truck and pump out the accumulated sewage. The most attractive thing about using a cesspool is its ease of execution. It is enough to dig a pit and line its inner surface with sealed material. Such work will not take much time and will require a minimum of financial investments.

Note! Operating a cesspool will certainly cause inconvenience. Firstly, the container will fill quickly. Secondly, pumping out sewage itself is associated with financial costs.

Sump systems

Systems using settling tanks are considered more modern. In fact, such a device can already carry out partial wastewater treatment. The system itself will look like this:

  • wastewater is discharged outside and enters a sump, which is a sealed container. Here solid fractions settle to the bottom. In addition, partial decomposition of organic waste occurs in the container under the influence of anaerobic bacteria;
  • filtered water from the sump goes into the drainage well. Its bottom is made of a layer of crushed stone. Seeping through such a filter, the wastewater is discharged into the ground.

This device is perfect for a small family or for a summer residence. With a small amount of waste, they will have time to decompose. For this reason, it is quite rare to need to pump out accumulated sewage, which will significantly reduce the cost of operation.

Installing such a system will not cause much difficulty. Various materials can be used to construct a sump and filter well. So, concrete rings are perfect, you can make brickwork or fill it with concrete. IN Lately special plastic containers have appeared that are convenient to use when constructing such a system. Such products are airtight and durable.

Use of mechanical septic tanks

To create an autonomous sewage system, simple mechanical septic tanks are often used. Such designs are a multi-chamber container. In the first chambers, settling and clarification of the wastewater occurs. Later they come into play anaerobic bacteria, which decompose organic compounds.

The operating principle of mechanical septic tanks is similar to the operation of simple settling tanks. Solid particles settle to the bottom, where they accumulate and are subsequently pumped out by the sewer service. The liquid component is purified by exposure to colonies of microorganisms. Subsequently, the purified water is drained into aeration fields or passed through a crushed stone filter.

If we talk about the advantages of such septic tanks, then it is worth highlighting the following:

  • low cost of both the device itself and installation work;
  • large selection of models. You can find many options for mechanical septic tanks on sale. Such devices are produced by various manufacturers, so it is easy to choose one that is suitable in terms of performance and price;
  • energy independence. Such septic tanks do not require electricity, because there are no pumps or compressors inside. All processes occur naturally. This means that operating costs are practically absent;
  • simplicity of design does not require maintenance.

It also has its drawbacks. Firstly, the degree of wastewater treatment rarely exceeds 90%. Therefore it is necessary to mandatory use aeration fields or crushed stone filter. Secondly, it is necessary to pump out accumulated solid sediment at least once a year (depending on the model).

Note! Such septic tanks are very sensitive to sudden discharge of large amounts of wastewater. In this case, the degree of purification drops sharply.

We use biological treatment systems

Biological wastewater treatment systems are considered more advanced. They appeared relatively recently, but have already managed to find their supporters. This treatment plant is produced in a factory and has a number of significant advantages compared to all previous options:

  • the degree of wastewater treatment is close to 99%;
  • the possibility of using purified water for irrigation or technical needs. For this reason, there is no need to frequently call a sewer truck. You will incur pumping costs no more than once every 2–3 years;
  • the sludge formed during the operation of the system can be used as fertilizer;
  • compactness. All mechanisms are contained in one sealed case, which does not take up much space;
  • ability to cope with sudden discharges without compromising the quality of cleaning;
  • long service life (with proper care and compliance with recommendations on the composition of wastewater).

Disadvantages of biological treatment systems:

  • need power supply. Installed inside the systems various pumps and compressors. These mechanisms are necessary to supply oxygen from the atmosphere that microorganisms need;
  • quite high cost. Biological treatment plants are highly technical products. Therefore, their cost is significantly higher than conventional mechanical septic tanks.

But, despite the prices, it is precisely such systems that are increasingly being installed in autonomous sewage systems. After all, they are the ones who are able to quickly and efficiently clean drains. Today you can find various models on the market. Among the most popular is Astra. They are available in different configurations, each of which is designed for a certain amount of waste per day.