Reinforced concrete monolithic building structures. Reinforced concrete monolithic building structures Monolithic structures joint venture

SP 52-103-2007


1 DEVELOPED by the Research, Design and Technological Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete (NIIZhB) - a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "National Research Center "Construction"

3 APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by order of the acting. General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Research Center "Construction" dated July 12, 2007 No. 123.

4 INTRODUCED for the first time


1 area of ​​use

3 Terms and definitions

4 General instructions

5 Structural solutions for reinforced concrete monolithic buildings

6 Calculation of load-bearing structural systems

6.1 Design scheme

6.2 Calculation requirements

6.3 Calculation methods

7 Load-bearing reinforced concrete structures

8 Calculation of load-bearing reinforced concrete structures

9 Design of main load-bearing structures reinforced concrete structures monolithic buildings

Appendix A Basic letter designations

Appendix B List of regulatory and technical documentation


This Code of Rules has been developed in furtherance SNiP 52-01-2003“Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Basic provisions".

The volume of construction of buildings for various purposes made of monolithic reinforced concrete in last years increased significantly. At the same time, design practice does not have at its disposal a document that would combine the basic requirements, the fulfillment of which ensures the reliability and safety of this type of building. This Code of Practice aims to fill this gap.

The decision on the application of this Code of Practice when designing monolithic buildings falls within the competence of the customer or design organization. If a decision is made to apply this Code of Practice, all requirements established therein must be met.

The set of rules was developed by Dr. Tech. Sciences A.S. Zalesov, A.S. Semchenkov, E.A. Chistyakov, S.B. Krylov, Ph.D. tech. sciences R.Sh. Sharipov(NIIZhB - branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Research Center "Construction").

SP 52-103-2007


Reinforced concrete monolithic building structures


Date of introduction 2007-07-15

1 area of ​​use

SNiP 52-01-2003 Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Basic provisions

SP 52-101-2003 Concrete and reinforced concrete structures without prestressing reinforcement

SP 52-104-2004 Steel fiber concrete structures.

3 Terms and definitions

This Code of Rules uses basic terms and definitions for SNiP 52-01, SP 52-101, SP 52-104 and other regulatory documents.

4 General instructions

4.1 The recommendations of this Code of Practice apply to the design of various structural systems of buildings, in which all the main load-bearing structures (columns, walls, floors, coverings, foundations) are made of monolithic reinforced concrete with rigid and flexible joints between them.

4.2 Design of building structures exposed to climatic temperature and humidity influences should be carried out according to SNiP 2.01.07.

4.3 Calculation and design of buildings under seismic influences should be carried out in accordance with WITHnIPII-7 . Fire resistance of structures and fire safety of buildings must meet the requirements SNiP 21-01 And STO 36554501-006.

4.4 Load-bearing structures of the building should be designed taking into account durability and maintainability in accordance with SNiP 31-01, protection of structures from corrosion should be carried out according to the instructions SNiP 2.03.11.

4.5 The values ​​of the maximum deformations of the foundation of buildings are regulated SNiP 2.02.01. Maximum deflections, movements of structures and distortions of vertical and horizontal cells of buildings should not exceed the permissible values ​​​​given in SNiP 2.01.07.

4.6 For buildings designed for the combined influence of vertical and horizontal loads according to a non-deformed scheme, the deflection of the top of the building, taking into account the compliance of the base, is recommended to be no more than 0.001 of the height of the building. For large deflections, it is necessary to perform calculations using a deformed diagram. In this case, the deflection value of the building should not exceed 0.002 of its height.

4.7 This Code of Practice should be used in conjunction with SP 52-101 And SP 52-104.

4.8 Reinforced concrete structures must be designed in such a way as to prevent the occurrence of all types of limit states with sufficient reliability. This is achieved by selecting material quality indicators, assigning dimensions and designing in accordance with the recommendations of this SP and current regulatory documents. In this case, the technological requirements for the manufacture of structures must be met, the requirements for the operation of buildings must be met, as well as the requirements for ecology, energy saving, fire safety and durability established by the relevant regulatory documents, and uneven settlement of the foundation must be taken into account.

4.9 When designing reinforced concrete structures, their reliability must be established by calculation according to the limit states of the first and second groups by using the calculated values ​​of loads, material characteristics, determined using the corresponding partial reliability coefficients based on the standard values ​​of these characteristics, taking into account the degree of responsibility of the buildings.

Standard values ​​of loads, load combination coefficients and structural reliability factors, as well as the division of loads into permanent and temporary (long-term and short-term) should be taken in accordance with SNiP 2.01.07.

The order of application of constant and long-term loads should be determined by the work schedule or in fact.

4.10 Along with monitoring the strength of concrete using samples, it is recommended to monitor the strength of concrete in the finished structure using non-destructive methods according to GOST 22690.

4.11 When using A500C class reinforcement with an effective profile developed at NIIZhB, you should use the recommendations STO 36554501-005. End joining of reinforcement at the construction site should be carried out using welding, as well as screw and pressed mechanical connections.

It is recommended to use small-diameter reinforcement in an expanded range: 5.5; 6; 6.5; 7; 8; 9; 10; eleven; 12 mm of a new periodic profile with a square-shaped core with rounded corners in accordance with TU 14-1-5500, TU 14-1-5501.

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System of regulatory documents in construction




SP 52-103-2007



1 DEVELOPED by the Research, Design and Technological Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete (NIIZhB) - a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "National Research Center "Construction"

3 APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by order of the acting. General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Research Center "Construction" dated July 12, 2007 No. 123.

4 INTRODUCED for the first time


1 area of ​​use

3 Terms and definitions

4 General instructions

5 Structural solutions for reinforced concrete monolithic buildings

6 Calculation of load-bearing structural systems

6.1 Design scheme

6.2 Calculation requirements

6.3 Calculation methods

7 Load-bearing reinforced concrete structures

8 Calculation of load-bearing reinforced concrete structures

9 Design of the main load-bearing reinforced concrete structures of monolithic buildings

Appendix A Basic letter designations

Appendix B List of regulatory and technical documentation


This Code of Rules was developed as a development of SNiP 52-01-2003 “Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Basic provisions".

Volume of building construction for various purposes of monolithic reinforced concrete has increased significantly in recent years. At the same time, design practice does not have at its disposal a document that would combine the basic requirements, the fulfillment of which ensures the reliability and safety of this type of building. This Code of Practice aims to fill this gap.

The decision on the application of this Code of Practice when designing monolithic buildings falls within the competence of the customer or design organization. If a decision is made to apply this Code of Practice, all requirements established therein must be met.

The set of rules was developed by Dr. Tech. Sciences A.S. Zalesov, A.S. Semchenkov, E.A. Chistyakov, S.B. Krylov, Ph.D. tech. sciences R.Sh. Sharipov(NIIZhB - branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Research Center "Construction").

SP 52-103-2007




Date of introduction 2007-07-15

1 area of ​​use

2 Normative references

SNiP 52-01-2003 Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Basic provisions

SP 52-101-2003 Concrete and reinforced concrete structures without prestressing reinforcement

SP 52-104-2004 Steel-fiber concrete structures.

3 Terms and definitions

This Code of Rules uses the basic terms and definitions according to SNiP 52-01, SP 52-101, SP 52-104 and other regulatory documents.

4 General instructions

4.1 The recommendations of this Code of Practice apply to the design of various structural systems of buildings, in which all the main load-bearing structures (columns, walls, floors, coverings, foundations) are made of monolithic reinforced concrete with rigid and flexible joints between them.

4.2 The design of building structures exposed to climatic temperature and humidity influences should be carried out in accordance with SNiP 2.01.07.

4.3 Calculation and design of buildings under seismic impacts should be carried out in accordance with SNiP II-7. The fire resistance of structures and the fire safety of buildings must meet the requirements of SNiP 21-01 and STO 36554501-006.

4.4 The load-bearing structures of the building should be designed taking into account durability and maintainability in accordance with SNiP 31-01, protection of structures from corrosion should be carried out in accordance with the instructions of SNiP 2.03.11.

4.5 The values ​​of the maximum deformations of the foundation of buildings are regulated by SNiP 2.02.01. Maximum deflections, movements of structures and distortions of vertical and horizontal cells of buildings should not exceed the permissible values ​​​​given in SNiP 2.01.07.

4.6 For buildings designed for the combined influence of vertical and horizontal loads according to a non-deformed scheme, the deflection of the top of the building, taking into account the compliance of the base, is recommended to be no more than 0.001 of the height of the building. For large deflections, it is necessary to perform calculations using a deformed diagram. In this case, the deflection value of the building should not exceed 0.002 of its height.

4.7 This Code of Rules should be applied in conjunction with SP 52-101 and SP 52-104.

4.8 Reinforced concrete structures must be designed in such a way as to prevent the occurrence of all types of limit states with sufficient reliability. This is achieved by selecting material quality indicators, assigning dimensions and designing in accordance with the recommendations of this SP and current regulatory documents. In this case, the technological requirements for the manufacture of structures must be met, the requirements for the operation of buildings must be met, as well as the requirements for ecology, energy saving, fire safety and durability established by the relevant regulatory documents, and uneven settlement of the foundation must be taken into account.

4.9 When designing reinforced concrete structures, their reliability must be established by calculation according to the limit states of the first and second groups by using the calculated values ​​of loads, material characteristics, determined using the corresponding partial reliability coefficients based on the standard values ​​of these characteristics, taking into account the degree of responsibility of the buildings.

Standard values ​​of loads, load combination factors and structural reliability factors, as well as the division of loads into permanent and temporary (long-term and short-term) should be adopted in accordance with SNiP 2.01.07.

The order of application of constant and long-term loads should be determined by the work schedule or in fact.

4.10 Along with monitoring the strength of concrete using samples, it is recommended to monitor the strength of concrete in the finished structure using non-destructive methods in accordance with GOST 22690.

4.11 When using A500C class reinforcement with an effective profile developed at NIIZhB, the recommendations of STO 36554501-005 should be used. End joining of reinforcement at the construction site should be carried out using welding, as well as screw and pressed mechanical connections.

It is recommended to use small-diameter reinforcement in an expanded range: 5.5; 6; 6.5; 7; 8; 9; 10; eleven; 12 mm of a new periodic profile with a square-shaped core with rounded corners in accordance with TU 14-1-5500, TU 14-1-5501.