Do-it-yourself heating of a garden house. Selection and installation of water heating equipment at the dacha

Relaxing in the countryside is a key aspect of the summer for many of us. However, today a dacha is no longer just a place for seasonal recreation, but in most cases, a solid capital structure that can accommodate residents at any time of the year. Even at the design stage of a country house, many of the owners of suburban areas try to provide for possible options for organizing the heating of a residential building. In a dacha cooperative, which is usually located within reach of the city's transport infrastructure, most summer residents try to find an acceptable way to provide heating for their dacha.

Today, the problem of heating a country house remains relevant, so it’s time to consider options for organizing the system at the country house on your own.

Choice of heating system. What should you focus on?

The heating season is an important component of city life. It’s another matter when we try to spend more time in the countryside, despite the changing seasons. Making heating for a country house means turning your own country house into a cozy home, designed for year-round living and frequent visits. The complexity of the issue lies elsewhere. Which heating system to choose? How realistic will it be to organize heating for a dacha with your own hands?

The first step on which your choice depends is assessing the technical condition of the country house. Here it is important to take into account every detail, without losing sight of the smallest details and nuances, namely:

  • what building material was used to build the dacha;
  • assessment of the distance of a country house from the nearest engineering and technical communications;
  • Availability of available energy resources.

The listed factors will allow you to make the right choice on which autonomous heating system to choose.

The choice of heating option is largely influenced by the size of the cottage. The larger your home, the more energy resources you need to fully heat the interior spaces and, accordingly, the more significant your heating costs look.

Efficient heating of a summer cottage with your own hands at minimal cost can be done if the house is small in size and your visits to the summer cottage mainly occur in spring, summer and autumn. The best option in this situation would be. Rare inclusions and small internal volumes will allow you to effectively use electricity for heating. The costs in this case will be negligible.

For a country house, convectors and fan heaters are usually used. Many summer cottage dwellers actively use oil radiators during the cold season. All of the listed devices are local heat sources and can be easily transferred from one room to another. The best option with electricity is infrared heaters. With a minimum of energy consumption, a high thermal effect is achieved.

As an alternative to electricity, convection ovens are perfect for a small country house. Such heating units are efficient and economical. One load of solid fuel can be enough for the entire period of your stay in the house, especially since such heating is absolutely independent of the energy supply.

Important! If you want to equip your dacha with electric heating devices, you must take into account the power of the electrical wiring in the house. It is advisable to have a distribution board and a power cable rated for 380V. Convection ovens require a specially equipped place, equidistant from the walls and with non-flammable linings underneath.

Trying to maintain the aesthetics of the interior, many of us prefer fireplaces and stoves. These heating options are suitable for short-term heating of a small house. From a purely aesthetic point of view, briquettes are convenient, but this heating option is short-term and solves a local problem. It is necessary to constantly add fuel to maintain a comfortable temperature. In addition, the quality of heating may be affected by the insufficient thermal efficiency of the building itself.

An option with a fireplace or stove can be considered if there are no power lines in the neighborhood and there is no problem with firewood or other solid fuel.

Worth paying attention! If your main fuel for a fireplace or stove is wood or coal, there is a high probability that a large amount of combustion products, soot, soot and CO 2 will enter the interior, which can affect the level of comfort. Proper hood and chimney equipment can solve the problem.

For example, we can give the two most common options for a fireplace stove:

  • a fireplace whose pipe has a cross-section of 100x125 mm;
  • fireplace with a rectangular chimney, dimensions 150x50 mm.

To achieve the desired effect when operating a fireplace with a closed combustion chamber, you will need 8 cubic meters to burn 1 kg of wood. meters of air. The combustion process and the quality of heating in this case directly depends on the condition of the air duct.

For owners of large country houses, which are designed for a large number of inhabitants and can be suitable for year-round living with the appropriate equipment, it will be much more difficult to do heating in the country house with their own hands. Here you have to think about other options for heating a country house.

If the dacha is large, what solutions to the problem exist?

Your dacha is a second home for you, you spend a lot of time in it, the level of domestic comfort requires constant maintenance of an acceptable temperature, hot water supply and constant operation of household appliances.

In this situation, it is the best option, especially if the gas main runs close to your site. If there is no gas, you can limit yourself to autonomous heating using solid fuel and electric boilers. Today, there are boiler models that are effective when working in such conditions and provide warmth and comfort to fairly large suburban residential buildings.

Installation of a summer cottage heating system begins with the development of a project. In each individual case, it is necessary to calculate the most appropriate power of the heating unit, which can cope with the tasks. By submitting an application to the gas industry, you will receive the necessary specifications, which are already the basis for the development of the project and the preparation of estimate documentation.

The first priority is to establish a source of energy supply. You decide for yourself how to heat your home, use either electricity or give preference to gas. You can choose solid fuel boilers. The main task is to make with your own hands the most autonomous heating system, independent of external factors.

On a note: liquid fuel boilers for heating private residential buildings are ineffective due to excessive domestic pollution of the surrounding space.

Installing a gas boiler, installing heating for your dacha, including laying a pipeline and connecting heating radiators, you will have to solve these issues yourself. The gas pipe connection to the boundaries of your site is carried out at the expense of the energy company. In accordance with the new rules and procedures for connecting gas to private households, the connection procedure itself has been significantly simplified. No more than 3 months must pass from the date of submission of the application for connection.

The new procedure applies to the category of summer residents who spend no more than 5 m 3 of gas per day on heating and household needs. According to preliminary calculations, this volume is quite enough to heat a house with an area of ​​200 m2, including hot water supply and the use of a household gas stove.

Do-it-yourself heating of a country house using gas from a central gas pipeline is a convenient, practical and economically sound solution. As a win-win option, you should opt for an open-type heating system. For a small country house, even a two-story one, this option is very convenient, since the coolant circulates naturally. You can lay the pipes yourself at a slope, and the difference of two floors will ensure the normal functionality of the heating system. The diagram allows you to roughly imagine what the heating system in your dacha will look like.

Forced circulation is more practical, however, in this situation, electricity is required to operate the pump. In winter, especially in bad weather outside the city, power outages are common. When connecting the system yourself, you must strictly adhere to the instructions and design, otherwise the heating may be ineffective and excessive fuel consumption will increase significantly. The best option is to invite gas specialists to install heating equipment at your dacha.

The power of the heating boiler is determined approximately at the rate of 1 kW of heat per 10 m 2 of area of ​​a residential building. The resulting number is multiplied by a coefficient that is approved for each region of our country. So for the southern districts the coefficient is from 0.7 to 1.0, for the regions of Central Russia the coefficient is 1.5. For northern regions from 1.5 units to 2.

An alternative source of centralized gas supply, when your dacha is located far from infrastructure, is a gas cylinder installation.

How to make heating in a dacha, if you have the means and the technical capabilities of the dacha satisfy the technical conditions of the heating system, the answer is simple and clear. You can always find the best option if you approach the solution of the task competently and economically. Electricity, wood or coal, gas, in any case you get a source of heat for your dacha. Another question is how well the chosen option will satisfy your needs and whether an economic effect will be achieved.

To get a more complete picture, you should familiarize yourself with the economic parameters of using various types of fuel for heating. The data is shown in the table below:

Do-it-yourself heating of a dacha Most often in rural areas there is no cold water, let alone hot water. The summer residents themselves have to deal with communications. But time passes, and people have come up with different heating systems for their dachas, and now it is not at all difficult to provide your home with heat and hot water. Modern living conditions allow you to do a lot for your home, and therefore, on the eve of the autumn-winter period, we devote this article to the issue of heating a dacha.

Water heating of the dacha

The most convenient and cheapest way is to make water heating at the dacha using propylene pipes. The advantages of such heating are a number of cheap heat carriers; in addition, the fuel can be different: solid or liquid, for example, kerosene or diesel fuel. However, heating for a country house can generally be as varied as the owner of the house allows. Let's look at a few of the most common options in this article.

Solid fuel boilers for summer cottages

To do this, you need a boiler of the right size, a vessel for expansion, and you will also need radiators for heating. Pipes, taps and valves that regulate the pressure and supply of fuel. In such a system, the fuel must be solid - coal, firewood and various briquettes. All this can be bought in special stores for the home and garden. There are boiler models that operate only on one of the above types of fuel. And there are universal boilers, such that they can heat a dacha with many types of fuel, both liquid and solid. The main advantage of such a boiler is that they can heat the entire dacha, and not a separate room. It's convenient and economical!

Such solid fuel boilers for summer cottages are often installed in remote areas where there are no communications. They are quite cheap to operate, but cannot operate in automatic mode, because they require constant monitoring of the fuel supply. Accordingly, it also has its own characteristics that require constant attention and maintenance - it is likely that for some it is convenient for certain parameters.

But today there are also more modified types of heating boilers: they can operate automatically on solid fuel. They maintain the temperature, have a sensor, if it gets hot, the temperature automatically drops. And such a boiler does not require electricity. You can turn on a certain heating mode for your dacha and leave for the city to do your business.

Do-it-yourself heating installation in a dacha (video)

Heating systems for summer cottages

There are many different heating systems for a summer house, and you need to decide which one is best for you. If you have a water heating system and you go to the city in winter, then you need to take into account that if such a system does not work all the time, then the water must be drained. Since in winter the water freezes and can damage the heating pipes.

Perhaps the simplest heating systems for a dacha are electric and gas. This is if you have electricity and gas supplied to your summer cottage. But in Russia we use gas heating more, because it is much cheaper than electric. What is meant here is, first of all, a system that runs on gas and, in addition, has two boilers with circuits, and can only heat the dacha or heat water. There are 2 options for boilers, which can be on the wall or under the floor.

To heat floors, a liquid is used that does not freeze; pipes made of steel or propylene can be laid here.

A warm, beautiful home is every person's dream. When there is a snowstorm outside, and comfort and coziness at home, life seems wonderful!

Gas boilers

The gas boiler for the dacha is equipped with a convenient metal heat exchanger, which allows for maximum and fast heating. Such a boiler can be installed if there is a gas pipeline nearby. When choosing a boiler, carefully read about the safety measures. Check the sensors more often if the pressure has dropped, as well as the chimney for lack of draft.

Gas boiler for a summer residence

A boiler for a summer residence using diesel fuel is almost no different from a boiler that runs on gas - only in that it runs on diesel fuel. Can heat large and small rooms. The advantages of such a heating boiler:

  1. High power
  2. Diesel is much cheaper than electricity

Disadvantages - such boilers:

  1. A room equipped with a special chimney for powerful exhaust is required
  2. Constantly take care of fuel, have a decent supply
  3. If the power goes out, immediately call the emergency team

A heating boiler for a dacha is the most successful option, because it practically does not depend on anything. Heating boilers also have a heat exchanger and a heater with a control unit. Advantages: no waste, quick installation, electricity available, and if it goes out, you can use antifreeze. Environmentally friendly fuel does not produce combustion waste. Disadvantages of such boilers: they consume a lot of electricity.

Heating boilers for cottages with solid fuel: these boilers are used for very large rooms. And if you have access to wood, coke, or coal, then this boiler will suit you!

Do-it-yourself stove for a summer residence (video)

Electric heating of the cottage

The cheapest is an electric boiler. Takes up little space, easy to use, does not require additional space. Electric heating of the dacha allows you to use the heating at full power, especially since this option in itself is quite economical, and in general quite simple in many respects.

Combined boilers for summer cottages

Boilers for summer cottages can heat up to two hundred and fifty square meters; they use solid fuel: firewood, briquettes, coal and electricity.

Combination boilers are made of metal, the body thickness of which is usually three centimeters. The boilers are painted with white powder paint, suitable for a summer residence. They work on wood. Power three, or 6 kilowatts. Easy to control - via the Remote Control. The remote control regulates the room temperature remotely. Boilers for summer cottages are easy to install, and their weight is up to 110 kilograms. The chimney is made with adapters. Do not forget to make a concrete foundation of about 100 mm. Cover the foundation with 2-3 mm sheet iron to protect the flooring.

Combined boiler

All boilers that operate on solid fuel for heating a dacha have a damper for the chimney, a tray for collecting ash and are equipped with a poker. The firewood door is made of three metal layers, so the door does not get hot. The solid fuel boiler for the dacha is equipped with cast iron and a burner. And the modified ones even have 2 burners, which is very convenient if the boiler is in the kitchen.

Such boilers are very easy to use: they are equipped with a water jacket on four sides, which protects you from the danger of getting burned, since the temperature can be above 85 degrees. This safe device can be installed even in a room or living room.

Attractive appearance, affordable price and ease of installation - these are perhaps the most important advantages of such boilers.

Thus, the above types of heating are perfect for any dacha - the only question is the capabilities and needs of the owner of the house, because everything depends on this.

Economical heating of a summer house with your own hands (video)

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Do-it-yourself heating in the country

08/07/14 at 11:29 | Sanka Rating: Loading ...

In previous articles we have already discussed the advantages and disadvantages of different heating systems for a summer residence, but now let’s move on to their practical implementation.

Heating of the dacha with gas

The installation of gas equipment should be entrusted to professionals, since this is no longer a matter of savings, but of your own safety. However, nothing prevents you from equipping other elements of the system with your own hands.

Any system can be divided into a heat generator, that is, a stove or boiler that provides heat, and a heat exchanger, which delivers it to rooms and other premises. Often, the role of a heat exchanger is a system of pipes and heating radiators in which heated water or antifreeze circulates. This type of heating is called water heating.

It is more justified for large houses, where the owners visit often and for a long time. There is also air heating. There are usually no pipelines for it, since the heater heats the air directly.

In the first case, you need a boiler, in the second, a gas convector. We described their choice in an article about gas heating in the country.

You can install the convector yourself, and invite a gas technician only to connect the gas to the appliance. The best way to explain the convector installation technique is in a video. If you have a wooden house, the pipe should be wrapped in a layer of non-combustible insulation, since it heats up during operation.

For both gas and wood: water heating

An option using a ready-made wood stove.

It will be more difficult to install water heating in your dacha yourself, and it will cost much more. The center of the heating system in a dacha is a boiler; it doesn’t matter whether it’s gas, wood, electric, or even a stove.

It heats the coolant, water or antifreeze (not “Tosol”, they are special here), which are distributed through the pipes. There are many of them: steel, polypropylene, metal-plastic, copper, corrugated stainless steel, etc. You should choose a specific type based on your financial capabilities, as well as the characteristics of the system.

“How, exactly, can these features be determined?” you ask. To do this, you need to design a heating system yourself or after consultation with a specialist. It is needed in order to understand what parts and materials will be needed, calculate an approximate estimate and identify possible problems, while everything is still only on paper or a monitor.

Why do you need a project and how to do it.

First of all, you will need to decide on the principle of coolant circulation: natural or forced.

Natural circulation system. The slope of the pipes of several degrees ensures the flow of water.

The first is good in its simplicity, water moves through the pipes itself, but it is more complex in design and implementation, and also less economical.

Forced circulation system.

The second is more unpretentious, more suitable for large houses and provides better boiler operation, but it requires electricity to operate.

For a system with forced circulation, it is important to choose a high-quality pump: it must be economical and designed for a long period of uninterrupted operation. It is better to choose a pump with adjustable power, this will save up to 40% of electricity.

Another key issue is the piping layout. That is, how the water will get to the radiators. Most often, one- or two-pipe, as well as beam or “Leningrad” wiring schemes are used.

The single-pipe scheme is the most common, because it is very simple. Pros: simple and economical, cons: radiators are not individually adjustable; the further the radiator is from the beginning of the chain, the less heat it receives.

“Leningrad” scheme: thanks to a pipe connected in parallel, radiators can be adjusted.

Two-pipe scheme - the advantages are obvious, but the disadvantages are, in fact, only that more pipes will need to be spent. The picture shows vertical and horizontal systems.

The radial wiring diagram resembles a two-pipe one, but it does not require pipe connections, which makes the system more reliable.

In addition, at the project stage it will be necessary to carry out calculations according to which it will be necessary to select radiators. The methodology for carrying them out can be found on the Internet. After this, you can take out the tools and create heating in your dacha with your own hands.

Heating cottages with wood

We talked about the most difficult part of heating a house above, and you can read in more detail about choosing a heating boiler for a wood-burning dacha in the corresponding article (about heating a dacha with wood: selecting a boiler).

However, there is even more scope for DIY heating. One of the possibilities to organize it on a small scale is to make a buleryan stove yourself, picking up a drawing on the Internet, as well as armed with metal and a welding machine.

Step-by-step video review of how to create such a stove yourself.

You can go the other way and build a stove for your dacha. In fact, it is not that difficult at all, especially if you prepare well for construction. We have already written about how to do this.

In the case of wood heating, it is important to take care of building a comfortable and spacious woodpile, as well as good preparation of the place where the boiler or stove will be located. It is best to install such structures on a concrete floor or slabs of non-combustible material, and their size should exceed the area of ​​the boiler so that sparks do not lead to a fire.

Heating the cottage with electricity

Electric boiler design.

Electric heating in the country, or rather its efficiency, is still the subject of lively debate. Its main disadvantage is the same as that of gas: not everywhere there is a suitable power line, but even if there is one, heating is not cheap.

However, if you choose the right type of electric heater and also calculate its power, it can be a good option for country heating.

What can you do with your own hands in the matter of electric heating of a dacha? Most of the work is done for us by device manufacturers, so it’s not worth making an electric convector or boiler yourself, you won’t save much on it. True, if you decide to purchase an electric boiler, you will have to invest all your work in organizing water heating.

Installing an electric “warm floor” will be no less labor-intensive.

About heating with electric convectors in the country.

As you can see, organizing country heating with your own hands is not so difficult: will you invest weeks and days in installing a heating system, will it cost you an hour to connect electric convectors, or a day or two to install a gas one. Be that as it may, follow safety rules and read the instructions “before”, not “after”. Good luck!


How to make heating in a country house

Heating for a dacha is not always of interest to owners due to the fact that most owners of dacha houses use them as temporary housing, in which they can only stay during the warm season.

But if a decision is made about the upcoming use of a small country house at any time of the year, then one of the first tasks that faces the owners is solving heating problems.

You can make a decision on how to heat your dacha in order to achieve what you want if you choose and install heating devices correctly. This choice depends on how often these units will be used, and therefore on how often the dacha will be visited and whether someone will live in the dacha permanently.

Variety of options

A solid fuel boiler is suitable for a cottage that is rarely visited

The heating system installation technology will depend on the chosen method of heating the room and how often the installed unit is used. It could be:

  1. Electric heating in the country, which requires constant voltage in the network, which will be quite expensive for the owners of the house who want to live here all year round. In winter, maintaining a constant temperature in the room is not so easy if you think about the cost of each kW. Having installed electric heating in your dacha, you need to prepare for significant material costs. Of course, infrared convectors can be installed in every room and heat only strictly defined rooms.
  2. Water heating of a summer residence is the most popular way to provide heating for all rooms existing in a house. In order for this type of heating to meet the expectations of the consumer, it is necessary to perform a competent installation of the entire system. Installing water heating in a dacha with your own hands is not so difficult. It is necessary to correctly select the appropriate equipment and competently perform all work related to installation.
  3. A solid fuel boiler is not so popular and is more often used in cases where the owners come to the dacha only in the off-season or on weekends in the winter season. Solid fuel boiler heating cottages is carried out with certain difficulties. The consumer needs to constantly add coal and monitor the temperature level, otherwise the heated room is hot in the evening, completely cools down in the morning and the house becomes not just cool, but even cold.

When choosing a method and considering various cottage heating systems, characteristics such as heat transfer and unit power should be taken into account.

This means that when performing calculations, it is necessary to clarify the area not of the whole house, but of a separate room, the number of fins on each section of the radiator, the material from which the battery is made. After all, it has a significant impact on its power.

When choosing a boiler for a summer residence, it is necessary to take into account the complexity of installation. It is easy to install the heating of a country house with your own hands if you have certain knowledge and skills. It is important to follow some rules and strictly follow the instructions contained in the diagram, in accordance with which the installation of heating in the country is carried out.

Equipment selection and installation

A gas boiler

Boilers for summer cottages are a variety of devices that differ from each other primarily in the fuel for which they are intended. When heating your dacha yourself, you can choose a boiler:

  • gas;
  • electric;
  • water;
  • coal (solid fuel).
Steam heating is most convenient

You should know that water boilers for heating in the countryside are extremely popular and well-deserved consumer trust due to their fairly simple installation, high efficiency and functionality, and ease of use.

Gas heating boilers for dachas are indispensable where the house is used as housing all year round, and there is a central gas main nearby.

Heating a country house with water (steam) heating allows you to use the most convenient boiler, the choice of which depends on the user's preferences. This type of heating can be compared to city heating.

Such a heating system is based on the use of a liquid heat carrier, which is heated in a boiler and carried through pipes, giving off the accumulated temperature. For such heating in the country, any chosen boiler is suitable, but the main advantage is the ability to equip a warm floor system in the country house.

Heating scheme

In order to organize such heating with your own hands, you need to purchase:

  • boiler;
  • the required number of pipes;
  • multi-section radiators;
  • expansion tank (guaranteeing the safety of the system at a time when the heat transfer fluid, which has expanded when heated, passes through the pipes);
  • circulation pump;
  • pipes for the water heated floor system.

Considering different types of fuel, most consumers agree that water is the most economical and efficient, and installing a circulation pump will allow the owner to heat his entire house in a matter of minutes. For more information about steam heating, see this video: For a heating device in a country house, you will need to purchase any boiler you like, radiators in each room, pipes, the installation diagram, pump, and valves will help determine the footage. To learn how to heat your house in winter, watch this useful video:

Even if there is a pump, the pipes of the self-installed heating system must be installed at an angle strictly in accordance with the diagram presented.

Types of heating pipes

The optimal slope of the pipe will be 0.5-1 cm per meter. All radiator batteries must be installed at the same level at a slight slope. The volume of the expansion tank depends on the number of radiators installed. The more radiators, the larger the volume of the tank.

It must be remembered that when installing steam (water) heating in a summer house, you will have to drain water from the system if the house is not heated in winter.

Do-it-yourself water heating of a dacha

Water heating in the country house. How to make it yourself

Water heating in the country house. How to make it yourself, features of heating stoves

Water heating of a country house can be created on the basis of a gas, diesel, electric or solid fuel boiler - you need to proceed from what you have. If installing a boiler for some reason is not suitable for you, then you can make heating using an ordinary iron potbelly stove or a stationary brick stove.

The choice of one or another water heating scheme depends on many factors that you have to take into account:

  • all existing technological possibilities for creating heating using different types of fuel;
  • time and season of operation of the heating system (the composition of the coolant depends on this - water or antifreeze);
  • heating operating cycle between supply (loading or adding) fuel.

To highlight the entire list of nuances and the completeness of the problem, let’s take the worst possible option - the only resource available is water. Then the choice will definitely fall on a solid fuel boiler (if you do it yourself, then a stove with hydropiping). How to make a hydropiping with your own hands - you will need steel tubes with a diameter of up to 1.75 inches, which must be welded to the firebox of a steel furnace. Combine the bottom of these tubes into one pipe and do the same on top, after which the system itself can be pulled to both ends. If we are dealing with a Russian stove, then the pipes can be placed inside the firebox in the form of a coil or under the stove for cooking.

Since there is no electricity, there is no need to talk about a circulation pump. We calculate natural circulation as follows:

  • the entire path of the main pipe (from the end of the hydropipe to its beginning) must be compared with the distance between the points of connection to the main pipe system - in this case, a coefficient is obtained indicating the possible level of the pipe slope, measured in mm per meter of length (the slope from 1 to 5 mm per meter of pipe length).

Dacha water heating scheme

In principle, the number of heating radiators can be any (in the sense that there is no clear regulation either on the number of batteries themselves or on the number of sections in them). An important condition for the inclusion of water heating radiators in the system is their level sequence and correct installation. The connection should be made in series at the level at which the main heating pipe runs, and the batteries are installed and attached to the walls according to two fundamental principles:

  • all batteries of one heating system must be fixed at the same level (in some cases, like ours, a slight discrepancy is allowed, but only within 10-15 mm);
  • each individual radiator should not have an ideal level along the upper edge, but hang on a bevel towards the Mayevsky tap at the same angle as the main pipe of the heating system.

In order for the natural circulation of the coolant in the system to work, and efficiently, it is necessary to introduce an expansion tank into the system, which will create pressure in the system and force the water to pass forward, and not to stagnate. The volume of the tank under standard conditions is considered sufficient at a ratio of 0.1 to the volume of the entire system. But with an increase in the number of heating radiators, the volume of the system increases and, accordingly, the volume of the expander increases.

In general, the required volume of the expander is calculated as:

  • 0.5 liters for each battery section (cast iron or aluminum) or. if we talk about steel pipe registers, then 0.5 liters for each meter of register pipe length;
  • Naturally, you need to add at least 25-40% to this value in order for it to be enough.

Expansion tank as the driving basis of a heating system with natural circulation. crashes into the supply pipe at the highest point - immediately behind the boiler. The upper part of the tank has a hole through which the atmosphere communicates with the coolant to remove air from the system and equalize the pressure and volume of the coolant at different times of the year. This prevents the possibility of airing the heating system in the country house, assembled with your own hands.

Based on materials from the site:

The dacha plot, as a rule, is not visited by the owners very often: on weekends or even once a month. That is why there is no point in installing a stationary water heating system here - it will take a lot of effort and money. In this case, it is best to install electric heating in your dacha yourself. Next, we will look at the main advantages of electric heaters and an overview of the most suitable equipment for a country house.

System advantages

The main advantages of electric heating in the country are:

  1. Economical. Oddly enough, if the heaters are turned on infrequently, the monthly bill for light will be several times less than with other options for heating rooms.
  2. Ease of installation. Typically, electric heaters are either floor-mounted or wall-mounted. You can simply connect them to the network via a plug and socket. If the equipment is powerful, a separate group of wires is output from the junction box. In any case, it is easier than installing radiators and connecting a water heating boiler yourself.
  3. Easy to use. Electric heaters are easily programmed by thermostats and control units. You can set the program for a month almost for every specific day. In addition, electronics will control the temperature regime, effectively using its power.
  4. Reliability. Another advantage of electric heating in the country is its high durability. The equipment will not fail due to scale, there will be no water leaks and other problems.
  5. Mobility. Convectors, IR panels, oil heaters and fan heaters can always be moved from place to place without significant dismantling work.

And this is not all the advantages of the system. As you can see, making electric heating at the dacha with your own hands will be quite the right decision in some cases. We’ll talk further about when exactly this heating option is more profitable to use!

Suitable equipment for specific conditions

First of all, it must be said that for each specific case you need to choose the right electric heating system for your dacha. It all depends on how often you visit your country house and for what purposes it was built for you. Let's consider each of the existing situations in more detail.

Rare visit

If you visit your dacha plot extremely rarely, especially in winter, then of course there is no point in installing a capital heating system at your dacha yourself. Here it is recommended to use the connection of electric convectors, fan heaters or oil radiators. Convectors can be wall-mounted, floor-mounted, or installed on casters. Each type of design has its own advantages and disadvantages. We recommend that you immediately read the tips on how to buy the most suitable model for heating your dacha.

As for fan heaters and oil heaters, they allow you to warm up the room in the shortest possible time, which is exactly what you need for a rare visit to the dacha.

Weekend getaway

If the country house is represented by an insulated capital building, it already makes sense to make better electric heating for the country house yourself. The one that was recommended best in this case is one that allows you to warm up a room in a short period of time and maintain a certain temperature in the house for as long as needed.

A heated floor alone may not be enough if you decide to install electric heating in a dacha with an area of ​​100 square meters or more. In this case, it is recommended to supplement the system with high efficiency and relatively low energy consumption. A combination of heated floors and IR panels, as shown in the block diagram above, will allow you to quickly and inexpensively warm up a country house for a weekend getaway in winter.

Frequent visit

Well, the last option, which is the least common, is a country house in which the owners spend a significant part of their time. Under such conditions, it is necessary to take care of high-quality heating, and if there is no gas at the dacha, be sure to make electric heating yourself.

It is no longer rational to use equipment with high energy consumption - fan heaters and oil heaters. A more competent solution would be to work together with water radiators. In addition, it is recommended to connect electric heated floors in the rooms, and, if necessary, install IR ceiling panels controlled by temperature controllers. Such a dacha heating system does not require the installation of a chimney, obtaining various permits and calling a specialist for installation work, which makes it the best if there is no gas on the site.

Video review of an economical heating system for a large country house

What could be the “pitfalls”?

Well, as you understand, there is no ideal option for all conditions, and the problem that you may encounter when independently connecting electric heating at your dacha is frequent power outages in the area. Indeed, in many villages problems with electricity still arise, and in our case, if there is no light, then there is no heat.

A modern summer cottage is not just an opportunity to grow crops on your own. Many people use it for friendly parties, picnics, active recreation, and some like to live on it, far from noisy streets and stuffy city air. Water heating is an excellent method to increase the comfort of living, gain the opportunity to use the house all year round, and stop using inconvenient and ineffective mobile heating devices. Ideally, the design of this system should be taken up at the stage of building a house, but, with some diligence, installation can be carried out in an already finished building.

Positive points

Choosing a coolant

The durability and efficiency of the system largely depends on the coolant used. A low-quality liquid saturated with salts that can corrode pipes in a few months, provoke corrosion and the formation of abundant lime deposits, reducing the original diameter by several times.

Choosing pipes

In this matter, much depends on the financial capabilities of the owners:

  • Steel is an inexpensive option, characterized, however, by susceptibility to corrosion, and therefore not very durable.
  • Copper is the most expensive metal that easily withstands both pressure drops and a low-quality coolant that can serve for decades without changing its original characteristics.
  • Metal-plastic is a modern material characterized by sufficient strength at an affordable price. The pipes are flexible, which simplifies the installation process. The main disadvantage is the possibility of damage in the event of a sharp temperature drop.
  • Polypropylene. Plastic modern material that can withstand shock, pressure and temperature fluctuations. During installation, a special heating device is used that forms seams similar to welding.

Number of pipes and type of circulation

Do-it-yourself water heating at the dacha is formed with the following number of pipes:

  • One pipe. A closed system to which batteries are connected in series. The coolant passes through all radiators, after which it returns to the boiler for heating. The advantages of the technique are ease of installation and financial savings, since waste of materials is eliminated. Unfortunately, the technique is designed only for houses with an area of ​​less than 100 square meters, and implies the risk of a complete stop in the event of an accident even with one of the batteries.
  • Two pipes. Through one pipe the coolant goes to the batteries, through the other it returns to the boiler. The consumption of time and materials in such a situation increases, but it becomes possible to use pipes of small diameter, and the fault tolerance of the system is guaranteed, since the batteries are connected in parallel.

If we talk about the type of circulation, the natural option is simpler, eliminates dependence on a stable supply of electricity, but involves the installation of large diameter pipes. Installing a circulation pump allows you to install any pipes, but if the power supply is turned off, the entire system stops.

Thus, you can effectively heat your country house using a time-tested traditional method. The water circuit ensures that the building will be comfortable even in the most severe frost!

For many modern inhabitants of the concrete jungle, the dacha serves as a refuge from the bustle of the city, both in summer and winter. But in order to relax comfortably in a country house on rainy autumn days and in winter frosts, you need to provide warmth and comfort there. In this article we will describe various types of heating systems for suburban buildings.

Methods of heating a country house

Of course, in the case of detached housing construction, especially at a considerable distance from large populated areas, exclusively autonomous heating options are used. Each homeowner solves this problem in his own way, but there are, of course, indisputable rules that must be taken into account.

Autonomous country heating with your own hands directly depends on several conventions:

  • Building scale.
  • The nature of the materials from which the country house is built.
  • Fire safety level of the building.
  • Is it possible to connect to a centralized source of energy supply or gas mains?.
  • Availability of other energy resources.

For your information!
During construction work on a summer cottage, where there is no possibility of connecting to a constant source of electricity, it is advisable to rent a diesel generator for the summer cottage.
Its power will be quite enough for the operation of construction tools and simple household appliances.

In principle, heating systems, depending on the heat source, can be divided into:

  • Stoves.
  • Electrical.
  • Mermen.

We will describe the above options in more detail in the following sections.

Stove heating

A stove can be a classic option, but not everyone can arrange such heating for a summer residence with their own hands, it will take the skills and abilities of a bricklayer, which, unfortunately, most owners of suburban areas cannot boast of.

The device of furnace heating in a wooden house is undesirable from the point of view of fire safety.
Electric or water heating is better suited for a wooden log house.

Another thing is installing a steel or cast iron stove at the dacha.

The modern market for these products offers us a huge selection of products, where everyone can choose what he needs according to any of the criteria:

  • Price.
  • Possibility of using various fuels.
  • Design decision.
  • Unit power.

In the absence of a central gas supply, this is perhaps the most economical way to heat a country house.

In addition, factory-made cast-iron and steel furnaces have a number of other advantages:

  • Such fireplaces are easy and simple to install.
  • They are able to heat a small house in 40-50 minutes. until a comfortable temperature is achieved.
  • The service life of these units with proper operation, as the instructions say, is practically unlimited.
  • You can use raw materials available in the region as fuel.

Now many people are assembling country houses from block containers.
For these mobile and prefabricated buildings, heating with the help of heaters, which are both quickly installed and dismantled for moving to another place, is perfect.

The only disadvantages of this type of heating include the need to periodically add fuel and clean the ash pan from burnt-out residues. And also control draft for high-quality combustion and timely removal of combustion products.

Water heating

Modern materials and technologies for creating water heating systems make it possible to have almost urban comfort and convenience far beyond its borders. A similar do-it-yourself heating scheme in a dacha, in which a radiator is installed in each room, will allow you to achieve uniform heating of all rooms.

In addition, when thinking about how to make the most optimal heating option for a country house, one should not forget the economic side of the issue. This is especially true for large houses (from 100 m2 and more), where stove heating is not entirely effective, and electric heating is very expensive.

What does a DIY dacha heating scheme look like?

Fundamental components:

  • The boiler is the main source of heat.
    It can run on:
    • Electricity. Such a boiler makes the owner energy dependent, which is impossible in some areas where electricity is supplied to summer cottages seasonally.
    • Gaza. The most optimal option for trouble-free and uninterrupted heating.
    • Solid fuel.
  • Heating devices - radiators. According to the rules, radiators should be installed under windows and next to the front door, so it’s easy to independently calculate how many products you will need. For cast iron radiators, the number of sections is calculated based on the heated area (one per 1.5-2 m2). The radiator should be positioned in relation to other structures as follows:

    • No closer than 7 cm from the windowsill.
    • 10 cm from the floor (at least).
    • At a distance of 3-5 cm from the wall.
  • A system of pipelines that supplies coolant (hot water) and returns it (in cooled form) back to the boiler.
  • Shut-off valves. By not skimping on installing shut-off valves on each heating device, you will be able to repair or replace the radiator without shutting down the entire system.
  • The circulation pump is installed directly in front of the boiler.
  • Expansion tank.

When the heating is turned off in cold weather, the water-filled system may fail due to rupture of pipes and damage to radiators.
If it is necessary to turn off the boiler in winter, it is better to empty the heating system by draining the water or initially add an anti-freeze agent to the coolant.

Electric heating

As for the last type of heating of a living space, it can be called one of the most expensive, since it directly depends on electricity, which, in turn, is considered an expensive fuel. On the other hand, the arrangement of such a system does not require initial planning and design - electric radiators are simply mounted on the wall and connected to the network. (See also article