About aquifers. Concrete ring well

Clay well - water from clay

The well is built in clay from beginning to end. The easiest well to build. Approximately 65% ​​of all wells in Russia are clay wells. Aquifers are found in clay and are considered the cleanest waters. They are found at a depth of 4 to 32 m. Most well builders do not understand the intricacies of this craft and do not see passing waters, not noticing them due to weak inflow. Sometimes customers are reluctant to accept such wells with a small debit of water. It must be understood that a young clay well may produce little water in the first year. After 2-3 years, the water erodes the opened springs and the flow of water into the well will increase several times. Rocking a well - this concept applies only to clay wells!

If the well is professionally built, a solid clay castle is made, and properly operated, then the water in it will be soft without a dangerous amount of impurities of metals and minerals. In the people such water is called - living water.

Clay well - water from clay quicksand

Complex well in construction. An even trunk at the well is rarely obtained. These wells are almost full of water. Usually the depth of these wells does not exceed 10 rings. In such wells, the lower ring is covered with clay quicksand. This fact haunts the owners - they constantly clean the wells, they try to deepen, pump, fill the bottom with rubble - it's pointless to do all this. You need to understand and know how to use such wells.

Water must be taken very carefully. If you have, for example, 5 rings of water, lower the pump 2 rings down, the bottom 3 rings should remain at rest. It is impossible to pump such wells (to pump out water completely)! One-time pumping should not exceed 10-15% of the total water level. Only in this case the water in the well will be clean and transparent.

Water from blue clay may smell like hydrogen sulfide, the smell is not persistent and soon disappears.

Clay well - water from sand

Complex well in construction. Most masters, those who undertake the construction of wells, do not know how to deposit rings into a sandy aquifer. Shabashniks, who will be able to convince the customer that building a well is easy and simple, getting on quicksand, change their faces. A properly built well in quicksand is rare.

Pumping a well (completely pumping out water) is impossible! In such wells, water arrives very quickly. The bottom ring is tightened with quicksand and this is normal. The water level in such wells rarely exceeds 1.5 meters. A water column of 1.2 m in such a well is considered the norm. One-time pumping should not exceed 15-25% of the total level of the water column. Only in this case the water will be clean. An attempt to pump out water in such a well may result in the water in the well becoming cloudy. The worst development - the sandy bottom will rise, and where there was water, there will be sand.

Clay well - water from stone

Complex well in construction. In stony ground, the rings are clamped even by a strong team. When passing stones with water, you need to be three-core in order to lower the ring at least 10 cm. Stand knee-deep in ice water and only very hardy craftsmen can choose stones from under the rings. The level of the water column in such wells does not exceed 70-80 cm - these are passing waters. Such wells are not uncommon, about 5 out of 20 wells with running water.

Sandy well - water from sand (quicksand)

The most difficult well in construction. The well shaft is built from top to bottom in the sand. Approximately 80% of all sand wells are not dug up. Rings rise as soon as they enter the wet sand. Without certain knowledge and skills, a well cannot be built. Small wells must initially be built correctly, since it is very difficult and expensive to deepen them. The purity of water in wells depends on the quality of the sand in the aquifer. It is impossible to pump a well (completely pump out water)! 1.5 m - a column of water in such a well is considered the norm. One-time pumping should not exceed 15-25% of the total column level.

Swamp well - water from peat

Complex well in construction. The difficulty lies in the fact that wet sand and peat firmly hold the concrete rings and do not allow them to settle down. Peat water has a brown tint, it is soft, without scale. Sometimes a faint sweet smell of hydrogen sulfide emanates from the water, which immediately disappears. Many people treat such water with disgust. No matter what, the water in such wells is considered drinkable and very tasty.

In some peat wells, the water is high, just below ground level. There is a danger that in winter the upper ring can be lifted by frost, and in the spring, melt water and dirt will penetrate into the well. So that the ring does not tear off with frost, it is necessary to raise the soil around the well by 30-50 cm, after wrapping the ring with a film.

The main and most difficult thing in the construction of a well is the storage part of the well.

Wells only at first glance may seem the same. Even if they are built five meters apart, they may differ in depth, quality and water level. An experienced master can read on the ground, where is which aquifer. To be able to foresee: how much water will be, what quality and what will happen to the well in a year - this is the skill of well builders.

In the well shaft, several sections with abundant aquifers can be found:

- upland waters

The water that is in the fertile layer on the surface of the earth is called surface water. A well that collects surface water is considered a drainage well.

Such wells do not belong to drinking wells.

- pressure water

Some well-builders call this horizon "capillary", because you can see how droplets of water appear one after another from clay. The water from this horizon is the purest. The pressure comes out of the clay without sand layers. But there is one drawback of such wells - this is a small amount of water in winter and in summer in drought. Approximately 20% of wells dry up. It is not difficult to deepen such wells, the water will begin to arrive faster, but the quality of the water can change dramatically. Scale in the kettle will tell you that the water has become hard. So, before deepening a well, you need to think about what is more important: the quality or quantity of water. If water is not taken from the well for 2-5 months, the water may stagnate. Most of the wells are on this aquifer. In an hour, such wells can produce up to 1 cubic meter of water.

- passing waters

The waters are in constant motion. It is from this horizon that springs emerge in ravines. Inviting living water to the well is the pinnacle of the well business. Sometimes, in order to reach the passing horizon, you need to show incredible perseverance and endurance. It is difficult to go deep into the passing horizon, as it usually passes in stones, limestone, between the plates there is a rock formation. Works are carried out in the water, since it makes no sense to pump out water due to a strong flow. To get huge boulders standing knee-deep in water, with a lack of oxygen, getting wet to the skin, with an ever-increasing pace so that the rings do not pinch - all this must be done without stopping, in 3-12 hours. Work experience sometimes comes second. The main qualities of a good team are endurance and responsibility. Most amateurs, those who undertake the construction of a well, do not even know about this and are simply not ready for such developments. A weak team, having reached the passage water, stops all work.

It is difficult to pump out water from a well with passing water due to a strong flow. The well water is always fresh.

- stagnant water

Digging soil with water and understanding it is a whole school. Even in quicksand there is a passing horizon with clear water. In quicksands, passing waters are often not noticed and go lower, where the water does not exchange and stands without movement for centuries. Well builders call such horizons "pockets" - stagnant waters. Such wells are extremely rare.

If you take a metal rod and lower it into the fire, and after a few minutes take it out of the fire, then the metal will take on the quality of fire. Similarly, water, standing motionless for centuries in soils rich in metals and minerals, takes on their properties.

If the water smells of iron, after a while the water acquires a yellow-brown hue. When boiling in water, a large amount of scale settles, a rainbow film forms on the surface of the water - these are stagnant waters. It will not work to pump dry water in such a well, the water arrives very quickly.

- confined aquifer

During the construction of deep wells, a pressure aquifer is often opened. Water begins to flow unexpectedly and rapidly. In a few minutes, the water rises several meters.

The construction of drinking wells in our time is not the easiest task, and earlier it was generally considered a very complex operation. This was done exclusively by trained people who knew the specifics of production well. drinking water. Moreover, knowledge was kept secret and inherited, respectively, digging wells was a highly paid job.

Perhaps this explains the fact that people had a special reverent attitude towards the wells, and sometimes they were even feared, since they attributed to these water sources a connection with the other world. Therefore, no one dug wells in their yards. In those days they were exclusively public. True, this is probably due not only to beliefs, but also to high cost.

At all times, people paid much attention to the choice of a place for a well. Dowsers were sure to take part in this event, who, by the behavior of the vine, were able to determine where the aquifers pass underground. In addition, hereditary well-dwellers looked for water and, according to some other signs, for example, they put overturned pans at night and checked in the morning whether there was dew on them. Using all sorts of signs of the presence of an aquifer allowed them not to be mistaken even without any x-ray and ultrasonic devices.

I must say that the old wells that have survived to this day are different high quality water. It is always transparent in them and in sufficient quantity at any time of the year. From this we can conclude that our ancestors really knew a lot about choosing places for wells.

Fact 2: the quality of the well is affected by the time of construction

Even our ancestors paid special attention to the time of construction of the well. Work began only after the celebration of the Day of Fyodor Kolodeznik. According to the old style, it was celebrated on June 8, that is, June 21 in the new style. There is a completely rational explanation for this - by mid-June, perched water finally subsides even in the northern regions. Hence the abundance of water in the old wells, even in the driest summer.

Fact 3: Not all groundwater is suitable for food purposes

Before you start building a well, you need to understand the structure of the soil, because without understanding the main points it is impossible to solve any problems or properly equip the well.

Of course, we will not go into science much. The main thing to understand is that rocks are arranged in layers. The latter may contain sand, limestone, clay or any other rock. Those layers that carry water are called aquifers. Some layers not only do not carry water, but also do not let it through, in which case they are called waterproof.

The waters that flow in certain layers are divided into three types:

  • Verkhovodka. It flows at a shallow depth and accumulates due to precipitation, and can also be replenished from open reservoirs due to water that seeps through permeable layers ;
  • Ground. They are located at medium depth in aquifers located between two water-resistant layers. Sometimes groundwater comes to the surface in the form of keys and springs;
  • Artesian. flow below ground water, are also located between water-resistant layers. Moreover, the aquifer with artesian water, as a rule, is compressed between layers of rocks, as a result of which the water rises up, and sometimes even gushing.

Groundwater is suitable for drinking wells. Verkhovodka, on the other hand, is of low quality, so the well must be carefully isolated from it. The exception is wells for technical purposes. However, in this case, perched water is far from the best solution, since its aquifers are unstable - it disappears in dry summers and winters.

Artesian waters are of the highest quality, however, in most cases it is impossible to dig a well to them due to the great depth of their occurrence - at least 40 meters, sometimes artesian waters flow at a depth of several hundred meters. Therefore, wells are used for their extraction.

Fact 4: Concrete Rings Simplify Well Construction

For the arrangement of mines and heads in the past, different materials were used. In the south, they were most often laid out of stone, and in more northern latitudes, wood was used, due to the fact that it was the most accessible material. The wells even got their name because of the use of dugout logs for their device, that is, trimmings of a tree trunk.

Now concrete rings are used for the construction of wells - this is a strong and durable material. And most importantly - they allow you to quickly and easily equip wells. The principle of construction is based on the fact that the rings simply dig in and lower themselves. Accordingly, the mine does not need further finishing. Therefore, if earlier it took weeks or even months to build a well, now it can be done in one or two days.

True, even despite the significant simplification of this process, experienced and even hereditary teams that have certain secrets in the field of arranging drinking wells are still in demand.

Although, this does not mean that it is impossible to make a quality well with your own hands. In the near future I will tell you in detail how to do this. In the meantime, let's focus a little on the theory.

That's all for today. With this article, I want to open a series of publications on how to competently equip a well on my own, as well as solve possible problems with them, since for many summer residents these issues are quite acute.


As we found out, a well is a rather complex hydrological structure, the construction of which requires certain knowledge. The most important thing is to “get” into the right aquifer and isolate the mine from the “top water”. If I missed any points that interest you, ask questions, and I will be happy to answer them.

In an ordinary drinking well, there are two ways to replenish water from the feeding horizon. The first option is when, when digging a mine, an aquifer is opened, into which it is buried as deep as possible. When the level in the vein decreases, the amount of water in the well will not change. The second case - the aquifer is poorly expressed, moisture appears from the side walls of the well. In order not to feel a shortage, the mine is deepened further, increasing the usable volume.

On the one hand, melted spring water is useful - it replenishes the debit of the well, on the other - a real destructive force

Whatever the drinking well and whatever materials are used in construction, the rule must be strictly observed: use aquifers of at least the second level. The upper layers not only contain high concentrations of harmful substances, but also quickly become shallow during the dry months.

After prolonged rains, water accumulates in the soil so much that it can filter down to deep aquifers. This process takes several weeks, and she manages to clear herself. For all useful properties rain and melt water should not fall into the well, otherwise a whole range of work will have to be carried out, including cleaning, disinfection, and analysis.

Right place

To protect the well from the ingress of melt and rainwater, it must be placed on a hill, observing the standards of distance from potential polluting objects. In the lowlands, during the snowmelt, puddles will remain for a long time, and the water wears away even a stone, not like a waterproofing layer. At the beginning of digging a well, an expanded funnel is dug out to make it easier to carry out earthworks and equip a protective blind area.

The gap between the walls of the shaft and the outer diameter of the ring should be no more than 2-3 cm. This is enough for them to easily descend without physical effort. After the construction of the shaft, the gap left in a few months will naturally compact around the well shaft.

In order for the blind area around the well to be of high quality, it is laid after the soil around the well has settled and stops sagging. This process lasts from 4-5 months to six months. Speed ​​depends on soil type and digging time

It is believed that atmospheric precipitation contributes to soil compaction, so for some time the well remains in the open air, after which the water is pumped out of it and final finishing is carried out.

Ring joint processing

Reinforced concrete rings have gained almost a monopoly in the construction of drinking wells. Cheap, durable and easy to install - just the perfect formula. Well companies often organize their own production in order to control the manufacturing technology and not depend on suppliers.

Behind recent years 40 in the rings has changed very little. Attention is worth casting the ends with a slot lock. The shaft of such rings is more difficult to displace, and the waterproofing seams are more reliable. Reinforcement of adjacent rings with brackets or strips of metal on screw fasteners is also used.

To putty the joints between the rings, modern sealing compounds and mortars are used. The joints between the lowered rings are filled with cement or other mortar. Mandatory inertness and high resistance to staying in a humid environment, admission to contact with food.

Periodically, the well requires repair, most often it is a malfunction of the waterproofing. The optimal time for recovery is spring, after the snow has completely melted and the soil has dried out.

The arrangement of the blind area

After a heavy rain or during a period of massive snowmelt, water getting to the walls of the well flows down them to great depth. It is impossible to protect the entire depth of the mine from precipitation, so it is necessary to organize their removal to the side. For this purpose, a blind area is established around the head. They are clay, dry (soft) and concrete. The latter option is gradually falling out of use, recognized as impractical and difficult to repair.

There is an opinion that the current top seams in the drinking well are not a problem and not a cause for alarm. Like, the water settles, and the harmful things settle at the bottom, forming silt, which is removed during cleaning. This is the moment to remember about nitrates - their fraction is so small that it is not retained by membrane filters. Therefore, the problem of current seams must be solved on-line.

Now two options for waterproofing the head of the well are common:

  • Modern soft blind area;
  • Ancient clay castle.

By proving the merits and emphasizing their shortcomings, more than one spear can be broken. Both options are worthy of use and have proven themselves well, provided that they were laid by qualified well craftsmen in compliance with building codes.

From the point of view of labor and time costs, soft blind area looks more rational. You just have to dig a trench, line it and fill it with filler. Repair is also not laborious, just a trench opens and backfill is added.

The clay castle is more laborious, in order to obtain a high-quality result, it is imperative to strictly follow the tamping technology, and the clay must be oily and well mashed. Trust the construction only to specialists, since partial repair of the castle will not help with deep cracking. We'll have to dig out the entire volume of clay and ram it again.

How to neutralize melt water

Prolonged accumulation of moisture in the soil is not good not only for the well, but also for the foundation of buildings and cultivated plants and trees. The owner of a damp site should think about using drainage system, at least near buildings. To drain melt water, a surface open drainage is sufficient, which will drain excess into a storage well or sewer.

Precautions for heavy snowmelt

Employees of sanitary services advise not to use raw well water for food purposes during spring thaws. It is advisable to go to the store or at least boil. If the water has acquired a color, an unpleasant smell or taste against the background of a thaw, it should not be consumed in any form.

Melt water in settlements is little better than ordinary drains. Everything that is on the surface of the soil gets into it. If it breaks into a drinking well, it is urgently pumped out, completely treated with disinfectants, and then tested for the presence of pathogenic flora and other pollutants

Water analyzes must confirm its safety, otherwise emergency sanitization of the well, water supply is carried out. In areas with developed agriculture, it is necessary to check not only the presence of pathological microflora, but also the presence of nitrates and pesticides. Also, during the snowmelt period, it is necessary to monitor the condition of septic tanks and cesspools, which, after filling with drains, can give a shock dose of pollution to the well.

The bottlenecks of the drinking well

High-quality waterproofing is able to contain the pressure of melt and groundwater for several seasons, but it requires annual diagnostics. It is the upper joints that suffer most often; precipitation rarely reaches a great depth. The problem of the winter displacement of the rings with a break in the insulation remains. In the season of maximum accumulation of moisture in the soil, it is easy to identify leaks, but if the walls of the well remain dry without visible damage to the seams, then the tightness of the well has not been broken.

The tightness of the seams between the rings is evidenced by the absence of infiltration in the form of drops or trickles of moisture that come out of the joints. If in the spring yellow water is saturated from them, then the clay castle is destroyed or was originally laid incorrectly. The situation will be corrected only by excavation of the head, repair of waterproofing and replacement of the blind area.

When arranging a water supply from a well, it is necessary to make holes in the mine for pipes and cables, to equip a pit to accommodate pumping equipment. Entry points and recesses must be carefully protected from flooding. They are protected from the penetration of melt water only by a thin layer of insulation.

Among modern materials for sealing wells, composite pipes and mats are of interest, with which the shaft is strengthened from the inside. Solid walls are almost 100% leak-proof. They are easier to clean and disinfect.

If you need a source of water in your backyard or summer cottage, then the most simple solution will be digging a well. But in order to do everything right, you need to know all the nuances of the workflow and follow the recommendations outlined below. From the review, you will receive all the necessary information that will allow you to cope with the work on your own.

Choosing a location for a well

In order not to waste time and energy, you should find the right place for the well. There are many search options - from modern to folk with aluminum frames and vines. To believe in such options or not is up to you. We will explore more simple ways, for which special equipment and otherworldly forces are not needed.

Where does the water in the well come from?

First of all, you must understand where the water comes from. Precipitation in the form of rain and snow penetrates the upper layers of the soil, which serve as a kind of filter. There they fall into aquifers and mix with groundwater, which is a kind of underground rivers moving along an aquifer of stones or clay.

To make it easier, below is a picture that shows the structure of the soil.

Many layers resemble a pie in which moisture-permeable layers alternate with moisture-proof ones. The main features are:

  • The perched water passes closest to the ground, it is not difficult to get to this layer. But the water quality will be the lowest of all due to its close occurrence to the surface. Also, during the dry months, this layer can dry up and you run the risk of running out of water when you need it most;
  • Groundwater occurs at a level of 10 to 30 meters. It is difficult to determine the specific depth, since the aquifer lies on one line. This is the best option for the well, which you need to get to. The water in this reservoir is clean and has fairly stable performance, as it is well filtered, passing through the upper layers;
  • The artesian aquifer is located at a depth of 50 meters. To get to it, a well is made using special equipment. Prices for the performance of work are quite high - from 1600 rubles per meter. But the quality of the water will be the highest, because it is taken from a great depth.

How to determine the need for water and the diameter of the well

We note right away that it is not possible to make accurate calculations. At different times of the year, the well is filled with different speed, so it is worth taking the average occupancy rate.

  • For a family of 2-3 people and a small area that needs to be watered, approximately 1-2 cubic meters of water is required per day;
  • It is better to take the standard diameter of the rings - 1 meter, the height of the elements is 90 cm. The material of manufacture is concrete;
  • One cubic meter of water is approximately 80 cm of water in the ring, based on this, it is easy to carry out all the calculations we need;
  • Filling should take place in about 12 hours, to see how much water comes in, you need to pump it out several times.

Too fast filling of the rings is undesirable, as the water will stagnate, due to which its quality will deteriorate. You need to know the required volume and focus on it when carrying out work.

Choose a place

Now let's figure out how to find the right place for the well. To get started, we recommend walking around the neighbors and taking an interest in such aspects as:

  • well depth;
  • The composition of the soil and the complexity of the process (sometimes you need to go through a stone layer, and this is laborious);
  • How much water is collected per day, what is its quality.

If everything is in order with the neighbors, the depth of the wells is not very large, then in 90% of cases you will not have problems. And no research is needed. But if there is no one to ask, then you will have to use the following recommendations to determine the optimal place:

  • If the site is in a lowland, then most likely the aquifer will be close. It has long been noticed that the level of groundwater in such places is much closer than in hills and areas with difficult terrain;
  • Checking the soil after a hot day is one of the most effective tricks.. In the evening, 2-3 hours after the sun has set, you need to check the soil. In places closest to groundwater, it will be wet;
  • See what plants grow nearby. Birch, alder and spruce, sedge and coltsfoot - all these plants love places with a close location of the aquifer. But if a pine tree grows nearby, then this sure sign that you have to dig deep.

In order to fully understand and quickly conduct a check, several holes are made in the ground using a drill for posts.

The depth of the holes should be approximately 10-12 meters, it is better to make them in several places. If the tip of the drill is wet, then this is a sure sign that you are in an aquifer. If there is no water on it, then it is better to look for another place. This is the most accurate option that does not require special equipment.

In addition, you will immediately check if there are any stone layers that will interfere with the work.

The drill can be rented - with electrical equipment you can do the job much faster.

The right time to build a well

If equipment is hired, then the period of work does not matter. But since the cost of such services is high, the manual method is more often used, when all the work is done independently.

In different periods of the year, the soil is saturated with moisture in different ways. In order not to be mistaken during the work, you should choose the time when the level of moisture in the ground is minimal. Let's figure out when is the best time to dig a well:

  • In the second half of winter. The top layer of soil is frozen, and all precipitation lies on the surface in the form of ice and snow. During this period, there is the least amount of water in the earth, so it is easy to look for an aquifer - the probability of error is minimal;

  • At the end of summer. This option is only suitable if the weather has been hot for at least a month without significant precipitation. If the weather was inclement, then it is better to start work because of the high moisture content in the soil.

Other periods are not suitable for work, it is better to wait for the optimal period and do everything right.

Construction of a well with concrete rings

Let's figure out how to dig a well shaft. Two options for carrying out the work will be considered, each of which has its own characteristics.

The choice of method depends on the soil on the site, although you can start work as described in the first section, and, if necessary, continue using the second technology. Focus on the situation and do the work in a way that is easier and more convenient.

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Digging in an open way

The open method of digging is simpler and more convenient, since in this case there is much more space in the mine. Instructions for the correct conduct of work looks like this:

Illustration Description

First, a small indentation is made. The surface is marked so that the diameter of the pit is approximately 15 cm larger than the outer diameter of the concrete ring.

The pit is deepening. For work, shovels with short handles are used. The selected soil is supplied by a bucket.

In the process, be sure to use a level or plumb line to control the verticality of the walls. It is important not to deviate to the side.

Lift under construction. It makes no sense to describe the process step by step, the design is simple and clearly visible in the photo. It consists of a sturdy frame and a collar with handles on both sides.

If it is possible to attract a lift, a tractor or a small crane, then this mechanism can be dispensed with, although it is easiest to lift the soil with just such a device.

The soil is fed by a bucket. The assistant picks it up on a lift and pours it out nearby.

Digging is carried out to the aquifer. When the water starts to arrive fast enough - you have reached the reservoir with water. Work continues until you get to the clay, so you open the aquifer completely.

If the water arrives quickly, then you need to pump it out using a drain sewer pump of the "Stream" type. You can use more productive drainage options that are not afraid of pollution.

Rings fall into the mine. Two pipes are laid, a concrete element is placed on them. Then the ring is lifted with a crank, the pipes are removed, and it gently lowers into the pit.

Rings are placed in the same way to the very top.. To protect against the penetration of groundwater, the joints are smeared with cement mortar or a special insulating compound.

The outer cavity is filled with rubble, and a clay castle is made at the ground level, it will not let moisture through.

The process is described in the video.

Closed digging method

We will not analyze this option step by step, it is in many ways similar to the above method. But there are also some differences:

Illustration Description

The hole deepens by 20-100 cm and a ring is immediately placed. This eliminates soil shedding. This option is used when you need to go through a quicksand, in which case the work is done as quickly as possible, and the joints between the rings are sealed with a special sealing solution that sets quickly.

The soil is selected around the entire perimeter manually. Due to this, the lower ring is gradually lowered and the upper ones are added as needed.

So ring after ring is placed until we get to the aquifer. The process is long and complicated by the lack of space inside the concrete ring.

Water is pumped out several times to get rid of sand and dirt. Everything is simple, even a novice master will cope with the work.

How to protect the source from the perch

To prevent groundwater from the surface and sand from entering the well, you need to do two things:

  1. Install bottom filter. To do this, a wooden shield with slots is placed on the bottom or geotextiles are laid. A layer of crushed stone or gravel is poured on it with a layer of 15 cm. Another similar layer of large stones or shungite (black stones that purify water) is poured on top;

  1. A clay castle is being made around the well. The soil is removed at a distance of about 40 cm and a depth of 30 cm. Clay is laid in a layer of 20 cm and well compacted. The earth is falling asleep from above.

Well design and maintenance

To make the design look attractive, it needs to be ennobled, there are many options, we will consider the most popular ones:

  • Wooden structure with a roof. A convenient solution that protects the well from precipitation;

  • A simple lid option. A frame is made above the ground and a flat cover on top;

  • stone frame. The most complex, but also the most durable option, is often complemented by a wooden or forged visor.

As for care, you need to follow a few simple recommendations:

  • Always keep the well covered so that small animals, insects do not penetrate into it and debris and leaves do not get into it;
  • Turn down the light bulb once a year to check the condition of the shaft and the reliability of the joints;
  • Disinfection if necessary, this is a complex process, which is described in a separate review.


Now you know how to choose a suitable place and dig a well yourself. If you follow all the recommendations, the result will be excellent.

And I’m talking about the same thing - as a rule, biolocators rarely can’t assess the situation with water on the site correctly ... I’m sad about this together with you.

But these are few.

About witchcraft with bent electrodes? Yes, you are right, I don’t know, and I don’t want to know, there’s nothing more for me to do, how to waste time on “knowledge” of all nonsense.

This position is understandable - a person with the status of "experienced" is not suited to deal with any nonsense.

So what didn't you see? Does this prove something?
But I have never seen how satellites are launched ... so what?

But about the real state of things, even on this forum it has been written to its heart's content! Here is this topic, all about the same ... "potato walkers with frames", as always, traditionally missed the "vein".

And I'm talking about the same thing - as a rule, biolocators cannot correctly assess the situation with water on the site ... I'm sad about this together with you.

But the fact that there are people who know how to find water competently enough is true.
I have repeatedly made sure that our instrumental data coincide with their instructions.
But these are few.

I just tried to formulate my idea, but I just can’t find a connection with reality ..)) As a rule, not exceptions ..

The fact is that the brain clings to some well-established ideas about the subject - both true and erroneous.
I will try to make a three-dimensional model of the hydrogeological structure of the site - only later.

Of course have. The question is how often do such features take place to be explicitly expressed in order to talk about them ..? They look for water in the veins and find it everywhere and always ..)) Any inclined one will be projected onto the surface as a vast plane. Or does the "bio-locator" with wires scan the depths in layers and register points with the water closest to the surface (or the right one), bringing them into a line? Then it's really smart..))

Since I am not a biolocator, it is difficult for me to judge this.
But it has already become interesting to myself - if they come across, I will try to "interrogate with predilection"

This is so - of course, the questioner will get problems ... but in whose address will he spit ?!