Drinking bowl for 5 liter bottle. Do-it-yourself drinking bowl for chickens from a five-liter plastic bottle

Optimal performance of laying hens can only be achieved if watering and feeding standards are observed. There should always be clean water in the coop, and feeders should be replenished regularly. It’s easy to build an automatic drinker from scrap materials.

In order to assemble such a structure you need:

  1. Cut off the neck of a 5-liter container. For the drinking bowl you need ¼ of the container onto which the lid is screwed.
  2. Unscrew the cap from the 2.5 liter bottle and secure it inside the lid of the 5 liter container. A 7 mm hole is made in a 2.5 liter bottle.
  3. Screw the lid onto a 5 liter container with a 2.5 liter bottle cap attached.
  4. Place a 2.5 liter bottle on top of the cut-off part of the 5-liter container and screw it onto the cap. Subsequently, when you need to pour liquid into a 2.5 liter container, it is disconnected from the lid attached to the 5 liter container.
  5. The structure is fixed to the wall or on a stand.

Such devices are easy to use and require no effort to clean.

From a ten liter bottle

The structure made from a 10 liter bottle is constructed according to a simple scheme, which is also used for the structure from a 5 liter bottle. First, a 7 mm hole is made in the container at a height of 5 cm from the bottom. Then the container is placed in a vessel from which the chickens drink.

Afterwards the bottle is filled with water and the lid is closed. The liquid will stop flowing as soon as it reaches the hole.


If you need to create a nipple drinker, prepare the following materials:

  • nipple;
  • pipe with plug and outlet;
  • drip eliminator;
  • water container.

It is better to give chickens settled water. A PVC pipe of the required length is connected to the tank 10 cm from the bottom. If one element is not enough, then using connecting elements it is extended.

A hole is drilled separately for each nipple. If a drip eliminator is used, it is placed near the nipple.

One end is intended for crimping the pipe, the other has the shape of a spoon - liquid from the nipple will flow into it. Assembling such an automatic waterer for chickens with your own hands is quite simple.

From a plastic pipe

The structure is constructed from a pipe with a diameter of 10 to 15 cm. The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. Holes of 25-35 cm are made in the pipe. They serve to give birds access to water. The holes are made rectangular. The extreme ones are performed 20 cm from the ends of the pipe. Leave 20 cm between the holes. It is easier to cut them using a grinder.
  2. Clean the edges of the holes.
  3. Tees equipped with plugs are mounted on the edges of the pipe. This structure is often connected to the water supply network.
  4. In a chicken coop for adults, the pipe is fixed 15 cm from the floor. It is mounted at an angle of 2 degrees.

In this device, the water becomes contaminated in less than a day, which requires constant flushing of the pipe. This design is not suitable for chickens.

Requirements for the drinking bowl

A chicken can drink twice as much water as it eats feed. A chicken needs 0.5 liters of water daily. Birds often climb directly into the cup when drinking and feeding. This causes the feed to become compacted and the water to splash and become dirty.

Poultry farms with more than 100 birds are equipped with nipple structures that are also suitable for country farming. They replace ordinary basins with water.

The principle of constructing drinkers is to limit the capabilities of the chicken - it can only wet its nose or catch drops. This condition is met when creating the following structures:

  • nipple In their manufacture, nipples and drip eliminators are used;
  • siphon ones are based on the flow of water into a drinking bowl from a large container;
  • cup: water enters the cups through a pipe system;
  • vacuum: water in the storage container is retained by rarefied air.

If such products are available, chickens do not walk in the water. The liquid becomes contaminated only by immersing the chickens' noses. Automatic drinkers for chickens meet the following requirements:

  1. Water distribution occurs automatically. Throughout the day, there is enough water in the saucer or trough to quench the thirst of all the chickens. It is good if the structure is raised above the ground or fixed to the wall.
  2. The drinker is made strong and light, so that if it falls, it does not cause injury to the bird.
  3. For chickens, devices made of food-grade plastic are chosen. They are made without sharp edges to eliminate the risk of injury to the hens.
  4. The container is washed from sediment.
  5. Laying hens can always quench their thirst.
  6. The water is constantly kept clean.
  7. Sanitary standards are observed.

Such requirements must be met, since only in this case will it be possible to make a convenient and practical design.

Floor drinking bowl

Using a vacuum type drinker allows you to keep the water clean. Its entire volume is contained in a container that birds cannot reach. The water falls into a small trough that automatically fills with water. Externally, a similar design is a closed container mounted upside down on a flat saucer. The volume of air entering through the neck regulates the flow of water into the trough.

Manufacturers of agricultural equipment offer several options for such pallets. They are designed for different categories of laying hens, taking into account their dimensions. The height of the structure and its dimensions are chosen based on the age of the chickens.


In order for chickens to please with decent performance indicators, proper conditions for their maintenance should be created. The bird must drink enough water. On average, she can drink up to 0.5 liters per day. A bucket or open container for water is not very convenient to use in a chicken coop, since birds can knock over the reservoir.

An excellent alternative is a closed drinking bowl, which you can make for chickens yourself from a plastic bottle. This is a truly profitable solution, since the material for the manufacture of this design is probably available in any household. In order to make a drinking bowl, a two- or five-liter bottle will be enough.

It is advisable to choose a container containing clean water, and do not forget to replace it on time. After all, plastic doesn’t last long.

We do it ourselves

The easiest way is to make your own automatic vacuum drinker. The presence of such a device will automate the process of supplying water to the birds. The main thing is to replenish its reserves in the container in a timely manner. For these purposes, a bottle is suitable, which just needs to be placed in a bowl.

In addition, it is possible to create even a nipple drinker from a five-liter container. The advantage of this design is that it is suspended in the air, and a regular ball nipple is inserted into the cap. Chickens do not have the opportunity to end up in a tank of water and get it dirty with dirty paws.

From a 5 liter container

Making such a device does not require special knowledge and skills. All that is needed is to prepare a 5-liter bottle, a bowl and a sharp knife.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. You need to form a hole in the bottle at a distance of 15 cm from its base. You can do several.
  2. Place the container in a convenient bowl with a volume larger than the bottom of the container.
  3. Fill the bottle with water while covering the hole with your hand.
  4. Finally, it remains to open the hole, as a result of which the water will pour out to a certain level, and as it decreases, it will be replenished.

Automatic from a regular bottle

Note that in practice, a vacuum drinker for chickens turned out to be most convenient. At the same time, making it with your own hands will not be difficult. To make an automatic drinker you will need a five- and two-liter bottle, as well as self-tapping screws.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. It is necessary to form a bowl from a five-liter bottle by cutting off the neck of the container.
  2. A two-liter bottle should be placed in the resulting bowl and the lids of both containers should be fastened with self-tapping screws so that the neck of one container fits into the neck of the other.
  3. After this, punctures must be made in a 2-liter container below the edges of the bowl, through which water will flow into the drinking bowl.
  4. As soon as the two-liter bottle is filled with water, the structure must be turned over and secured in a suitable place. The following video (Pticevod.info channel) will help you understand what this device for chickens will look like.

It is worth noting that such sippy cups are easy to use, stable, safe and wear-resistant. This way, the chickens will always have access to clean water. However, to prevent damage to the birds, the edges of homemade automatic drinkers should be carefully processed. In winter, heating elements can be used to protect water from freezing, which can also be made with your own hands. Aquarium heaters are also perfect for this.

Poultry farm equipment is one of the main expenses of a beginning livestock breeder. Unfortunately, the quality of purchased equipment is not always worth the money the seller asks for it. If you wish, you can seriously save your hard-earned money and replace the purchase, for example, of a ready-made drinking apparatus for poultry with a drinking bowl for chickens from a five-liter plastic bottle, assembled with your own hands from seemingly unnecessary things in five minutes. Let's see how to do this.

As you know, not every drinking bowl is suitable for a chicken coop. The plastic design of five-liter bottles, fortunately, has some important features that make it ideal for raising poultry. Let's look at them.

Table 1. The main advantages of a plastic drinker from a five-liter bottle for chickens

Closed inventory typeYou can even put a simple trough with water for chickens, and they will calmly drink from it, however, dirt will quickly fill into such a drinking bowl, worsening the quality of the water as much as possible. The fact is that chickens can:
  • jump inside open containers;
  • specifically throw the litter into the water;
  • defecate in a drinking bowl, etc.

    Contaminated water causes it to become filled with pathogenic bacteria, which will then enter the chicken's stomach and infect it.

    The drinking bowl made from a plastic bottle will be designed in such a way that it will be difficult for chickens to turn it over. This is only possible if several birds pile onto the structure at once, however, given that chickens are completely unorganized birds, this is unlikely to happen.

  • A drinking bowl for chickens, which is made from a plastic five-liter water bottle, as well as a basin or other similar container, will not cost you any money. In addition, it does not tip over, protects your drink from dirt, and is done in about five minutes. Let's look at the instructions for its manufacture.

    Instructions 1 - drinking bowl for chickens from a 5 liter plastic bottle

    Necessary materials

    So, to make a drinking bowl for chickens, we will need to collect the following materials:

    • a plastic water bottle with a volume of the previously designated number of liters;
    • a basin or other container made of plastic (metal), the diameter of which will exceed the same indicator at the bottom of the bottle, with sides 10-15 centimeters high;
    • knife or scissors.

    After collecting the materials, we begin making the drinking bowl.

    Installation of drinking bowl

    Table 2. Assembling drinking bowls for chickens

    Take a water bottle and use a knife or scissors to make a hole in its side, the diameter of which will not exceed one centimeter.

    You need to make a hole so that it is located approximately 2-4 centimeters below the side of the basin into which this bottle will be installed.

    Now we need to pour clean, running water into the bottle. It will fall into the bowl through the holes and stop before reaching the edge. Now, when your chickens drink water, it will begin to decrease from the bowl, and then from the bottle, being replenished in the basin again.
    The installation of the drinking bowl in the chicken coop must be carried out carefully, not forgetting to secure the structure we created. The easiest way to do this is to add a weight to the bottom of the water drinking compartment, which will weigh down the drinker at one point and prevent it from tipping over.

    Instruction 2 – nipple drinker for chickens from a five-liter bottle

    Another very convenient option for a chicken coop is a nipple drinker, made using a five-liter bottle.

    Necessary materials

    To assemble a nipple drinker from a five-liter bottle, you need to prepare:

    • drill;
    • nipple;
    • bracket;
    • rubber gaskets;
    • mounting hardware for the bracket;
    • screwdriver

    Having collected all the necessary parts, we will begin assembling the drinker.

    Installation of nipple drinker

    Table 3. Assembly and installation of nipple drinker

    Take a drill and make a hole in the cap of a five-liter bottle, previously removed. It must correspond to the size of the nipple inserted into it.
    To prevent water from leaking through the gaps remaining between the loosely fitting nipple and the plastic of the lid, you need to lay a rubber gasket on the inside of the structure.
    Once the nipple is securely fastened, you can pour water into the bottle and return the cap to its place.
    We attach the bracket we previously selected for the bottle to the wall of the chicken coop using a drill and fastening tools. Having secured the part securely, we place a five-liter bottle on it. It will remain in this position, allowing the bird to constantly have access to clean and fresh water. As needed, you can quickly remove the bottle from its rightful place and fill it with a new portion of liquid.

    Alternative drinking bowls for chickens

    Despite the fact that a five-liter plastic bottle is a fairly cheap material, and drinkers from it can be made easily and quickly, it should be noted that the durability of such a design, as well as its effectiveness in large poultry farms, is not sufficient to engage in a serious farming business. Therefore, if you regard the option of making it only as temporary, you need to figure out what other drinkers you can later make for your birds.

    Instruction 3 - Nipple drinker with a single closed tank

    The manufacture of a nipple drinker of this type will allow the use of large containers for feeding birds, which can accommodate slightly different volumes of liquid. At the same time, the principle of their implementation is quite simple.

    Necessary materials

    So, first of all, as before, we need to collect the parts of the future drinker, with the help of which we will assemble the structure that interests us.

    We have to:

    • plastic thick-walled bucket for 10 liters;
    • drill with a wide drill bit;
    • rubber gaskets;
    • nipples according to the number of holes that we are going to make at the bottom of this bucket (optimally 4-5).

    Note: It is advisable to use buckets with metal handles, since in the future they will need to be hung from some kind of hook coming from the ceiling or wall, so that the chickens can drink from this bucket, and the metal will much more easily bear the constant load of a full tank.

    Installation of drinking bowl

    Step 1: Determine the number of nipples. So, you must decide in advance on the number of holes to make in the bottom. It should match the number of nipples you have prepared. In this case, you should make a decision based on the age of birds you are preparing these drinkers for.

    So, if we are talking about chickens, you can make a larger number of outlets for water, since their small bodies, even in large numbers, can fit under the structure.

    If we are talking about adult chickens, it is better to make several drinkers with fewer nipples so that there is no queue for water, which may run out:

    • dehydration for some individuals;
    • fights;
    • other troubles.

    Step 2. Once you have decided on the number of nipples, drill the same number of holes in the bottom of the bucket using a drill. Then insert the nipples into these holes.

    Step 3. To seal the nipple insertion site to prevent leaks, use small rubber gaskets.

    Step 4. You will have to decide for yourself exactly how you will place the drinking bowl in the chicken coop, based on the configuration of the room. Most often, the device is attached by the handle to a hook, which, in turn, is attached to the wall of the room.

    Step 5. Fill the finished tank with water, close it with a lid, and hang it in a predetermined place. Be sure to take into account the age of the bird when determining the height of hanging the tank, since chickens may not be able to reach nipples hanging too far, and chickens will have to bend over to structures that are too low, which is also very unfavorable for them.

    Instruction 4 – drinking bowl made of plastic pipe

    Another fairly simple version of a drinking bowl, which even a person without experience can do independently, is made using an ordinary plastic pipe, which can be bought at a hardware store.

    This drinking bowl is subsequently installed on the floor so that the chickens can freely drink water from it without bending too much or raising their heads.

    Necessary materials

    So, to make the design we have chosen, you need to stock up on the following building materials:

    • a plastic pipe one and a half meters long, with a diameter of 15 centimeters;
    • marker;
    • drill;
    • jigsaw;
    • pipe plug;
    • pipe bend.
    • a rectangular block of wood;
    • building level.

    Having prepared all the necessary parts, let's get to work.

    Installation of drinking bowl

    Step 1. Draw the pipe

    In order to correctly cut out drinking compartments for chickens on the pipe sheet, you must first draw it out using:

    • building level;
    • rectangular block.

    To begin, attach a building level to the pipe and draw straight lines on both sides of it with a marker. The resulting gutter in the figure will later become the area from which the chickens will drink.

    Step 2. Cut out drinking holes

    Now it's time to cut out drinking holes for the birds to stick their heads through and drink water. It's done like this.

    At the corner of each triangle being cut out, a drill carefully makes a hole into which the blade of an electric jigsaw can easily fit. The drill is removed, the desired jigsaw is taken, and with its help, rectangular areas are gradually cut out along the entire length of the previously outlined area.

    Step 3. Install the plug and bend

    The prepared pipe must be finally converted into a drinker by doing the following:

    • installing a plug at one end to prevent water from flowing onto the ground;
    • At the other end, with the hole up, install a bend through which liquid will be replenished in the device.

    Having done this, you can move on to the final stage.

    Step 4. Attach the drinker and pour water

    The finished drinking bowl must be secured near the wall of the chicken coop or walking area. After this, pour water inside the structure through the bend, and you can start the chickens, who will surely be delighted with the new technological drinking bowl!

    Let's sum it up

    Today, farmers, in an attempt to save their hard-earned money and use it to develop their business, have come up with many ways to reduce the cost of some areas of costs in their business. For example, these hardworking people have invented many ways to independently make drinking bowls for chickens, the quality of which sometimes even exceeds similar devices sold in pet stores. There are a great many of them. Some are difficult to make, some are easier. But the easiest way, perhaps, is to make a drinking bowl for chickens using a five-liter water bottle.

    Using such drinking bowls for chickens, you can go several days without giving your birds water. They have plenty of advantages:

    • sustainable;
    • cheap;
    • made in 5 minutes;
    • production does not require construction skills;
    • the water remains clean throughout the day;
    • you can replace a broken part at any time, etc.

    If you install the drinker against the wall of the chicken coop and secure the neck of the bottle with a rope, the stability of the structure will increase even more. Rest assured, such a simple product can not only make the existence of chickens comfortable, but also save significant sums in your wallet.

    Video - Drinker for chickens from a plastic bottle

    People have been raising chickens since time immemorial. For some it’s a business, for others it’s an activity for pleasure, for others it’s a desire to provide only themselves and their family with dietary meat and eggs.

    But to achieve results, you need to work hard, as anywhere else. If you or your family live in a rural area or have a summer cottage, then you can do a lot yourself for your own pleasure and to save money.

    A drinking bowl is an indispensable and necessary item in raising any poultry. You don't have to buy it. All or part of it is made with one’s own hands from available materials.

    There are general requirements for them that need to be taken into account if you intend to make them yourself:

    • she must be easy to use. The water container must be easy to fill, if necessary manually or via the plumbing system. You should also immediately think about free access to the bottom of the container. For example, if you use a 200-liter barrel with a 10 cm cap as a tank, it will be easy to fill, but impossible to wash or clean from the inside;
    • safety requirement. Includes the use of quality material to produce. If the container and pipes are metal, they are made of stainless steel. If you choose plastic, PVC, or other plastic, its substances cannot be toxic or harmful to the bird. The material must not react with water-soluble drugs;
    • she should not get dirty long term. The bird should not bathe in it or otherwise litter it. To do this, open areas of water are minimized in area;
    • they are made sustainable resistant to overturning or well secured (depending on the design) and durable (material, design);
    • their design must optimally perform its function - from it the bird must drink freely, no problem.

    Homemade nipple drinker

    If your goal is to design a nipple drip drinker, you need the following:

    • nipple;
    • dropletrvitel;
    • pipe(water flows through it) with a plug and outlet;
    • capacity for water (if it is not taken from a water supply with a regulator (if it comes under pressure).
    Nipple drinker device

    If we take it directly from the water supply system, we don’t have to place the container. But settled one is preferable. Therefore, as an example, we consider the second design option. We attach a PVC pipe of the required length to the tank at a distance of 5-10 cm from its bottom.

    If one is not enough, we extend it from several using connectors. We drill holes in the pipe at equal distances for the nipple and separately for the drip eliminator.

    Nipple connection

    Note: a hole must be drilled for each nipple separately. If we use a drip catcher, it is installed next to the nipple.

    One end crimps the pipe, the other is shaped like a spoon, which collects water from the nipple while the bird drinks. You can buy a drip catcher or make it yourself from a plastic bottle.

    You can do it yourself in another way

    You need to take any container with a capacity of 10-30 liters and nipples - 4 or 5 (depending on the diameter of the bottom). First we drill holes for the nipple.

    Drinking bowl from a container

    There are nipples that operate 360 ​​degrees, and others that operate 180 (up and down).

    Do-it-yourself vacuum variety

    This design is used mainly for chickens. It supplies water using a vacuum, which constantly flows from the container when it is needed, that is, until the poultry drinks it. Then the container is filled again.

    We make it from 5 liter plastic bottles

    It’s not difficult to make a vacuum-type structure yourself. In this case, you do not need to buy anything additional, as in the option described above.

    Option #1

    For this we will need: One plastic bottle for 2.5 liters and one for 5 liters and 2 screws.

    Attention! When making this type of vacuum design, it is necessary that the sides of the 5-liter part of the bottle are located above the hole for water leakage.

    Option No. 2

    A drinking bowl can be made from a 10-liter plastic bottle using a simplified design. It is also suitable for 5-liter.

    First, we make a 6-7 mm hole in a 10-liter bottle at approximately a distance of 5 cm from the bottom. But the distance will directly depend on the vessel in which you place the bottle. If it is deep, then the hole is made higher.

    Option with bottle and vessel

    Next, we place it filled with water in a container. It will stop flowing from the bottle as soon as its level reaches the hole. You can fill the bottle on the spot by unscrewing the cap from the top. This is also a type of vacuum feeding system.

    Important! The bottle is hermetically sealed with a lid.

    Pipe sippy cup for chickens

    Construction of a pipe sippy cup

    An open type drinking bowl is made from a plastic sewer pipe with a diameter of ten to fifteen centimeters. To do this, several rectangular holes 25-35 centimeters long are cut in the pipe. In this case, the first and last holes are made at a distance of 10-20 cm from its edge.

    The distance between the holes must also be 10-20 centimeters. They are cut with a grinder or other tools. The edges are cleaned to avoid possible scratches and cuts.

    Tees with plugs are installed on the edges of the pipe. When you need to add water, remove the inlet plug, pour it out - the drain plug. You can connect this type of structure to an existing water supply network, fill it with water if necessary, and then turn it off with a tap. This will allow you to fill it without effort.

    In a chicken coop for roosters and laying hens, it is secured with clamps of the same diameter as the pipe. They are fixed in such a way that the pipe is raised 15-20 centimeters from the floor (ground). Install it at a slight slope (1-2 degrees) to flush the pipe, and the contents drain by gravity.

    Water in such a design quickly becomes dirty and loses freshness; the pipe is often washed. To do this, install not a plug, but a drain valve, on the tee at the other end of the pipe. This makes it easier to work with the drain.

    For information: This type of design is not suitable for chickens as they may choke or drown.

    Drip model for chicks

    It is preferable to install a drinking bowl for chickens either of a vacuum type or of a nipple type. If you choose the first option, make sure that the chickens do not choke in the vessel into which water will flow from the bottle, that is, that the sides of the vessel are not high.

    Diagram and design of the sippy cup

    If their population is small, buy a vessel for a homemade vacuum drinker (in the form of a saucer and turn a glass jar onto it).

    Chicks in the first days of life are defenseless. If they are raised separately from the hen, people care about their safety. As chickens age, they become more active. This means that the drinker needs to be well secured to avoid the danger of it overturning and injury to young animals. In addition, due to accidentally spilled water, the litter becomes wet, which leads to illness in the bird.

    Important! In no case should you place a simple vessel for chickens, especially with high sides - the likelihood that they will choke or drown increases.

    You can use a design version of a nipple drinker. Then it is important to secure it at the level of the chickens’ heads.

    Let's compare the types of water dispensers for birds

    Nipple: easy to use, safe, retains clean water for a long period of time, does not tip over. More suitable for adult birds. The central pipe can be connected to a large container that acts as a reservoir.

    They are also connected to an existing water supply. Among the disadvantages, one can note its high cost, since almost all the components of this type of structure will have to be purchased.

    Vacuum: convenient, pollutes water more than the nipple type, is safe if it is well fixed, does not require any money to manufacture, and is easy to make yourself. More suitable for chickens.

    Disadvantages: if you do not secure it sufficiently, there is a possibility of it toppling over; you must constantly pour water into the container. If its volume is small, this should be done often.

    Pipe drinker: convenient, more used for adult livestock, durable, resistant to tipping over, provided it is well fixed, it can be used to feed a large number of heads, it can be connected either to a tank or to a water supply system.

    Disadvantage: not suitable for chickens, the water in it quickly becomes dirty.

    It is better to choose what type of drinking bowl to make with your own hands, based on the availability of available materials and financial capabilities.

    When giving drinking water to chickens in open bowls, the birds spill the water and overturn the bowls, and changing them throughout the day is troublesome for the farmer. Installing special drinking bowls will protect drinking water from contamination and splashing and ensure its continuous supply to chickens.

    Making drinkers with your own hands will help you save money and adapt these drinkers to the specific conditions of keeping poultry.

    Regardless of the design and manufacturing method, drinking bowls for chickens made independently must meet the following requirements:

    • Convenient for use by birds;
    • Availability of protection against pollution and water spillage by chickens;
    • Material safety;
    • Reliability of the design;
    • Possibility of washing the drinking bowl from sediment.

    Open drinkers are usually located at the back level of adult chickens to provide them with ease of drinking and prevent them from swimming in drinking water.

    The structure should not have sharp edges or protruding nails that could injure birds.

    It is important to remember that drinking bowls must be made of lightweight durable materials and firmly fixed in place in the chicken coop so that the chickens cannot tip over or damage the drinkers. Glass containers should not be used in the design due to their heavy weight and the risk of breaking.

    For plastic parts of the drinker that come into contact with water, it is advisable to use food-grade plastic; in particular, it is not recommended to use containers for paints or varnishes for storing water, since these containers are made of plastic, which releases substances harmful to birds into the water.

    Types of drinking bowls

    Depending on the mechanism for supplying water to birds, the following main types of drinkers are distinguished:

    • Nipple;
    • Vacuum;
    • Cup;
    • Siphon.

    The main advantage of nipple drinkers is that the drinking water in them is completely protected from debris or spillage, and chickens drink through special nipple valves, grasping them with their beaks and sucking out the water.

    Drip drinkers are a type of nipple drinkers with an attached drip tray. The disadvantages of this type of drinkers include the need to install a significant part of the nipple valves in order to avoid crowding of chickens in line for drinking.

    Vacuum drinkers are very easy to make and do not require the purchase of nipples, but they are more suitable for chickens than for adult birds.

    Cup drinkers are more difficult to make yourself, but they are more reliable than vacuum ones and are suitable for a large number of chickens.

    Siphon drinkers work on the principle of communicating vessels and allow them to be filled with water without going inside the chicken coop, but they require periodic cleaning of debris.

    Depending on the type of water supply, drinking bowls can also be:

    • Automatic;
    • With manual feed.

    Automatic drinkers only require regular changes of water in the tank, ensuring that the drinking bowl is filled at the required level due to the design features. These include vacuum and cup drinkers. In siphon and nipple drinkers, the water supply is regulated by the farmer and the chickens themselves, respectively.

    One of the profitable types is the production of fuel briquettes.

    Laying hen nests can be made in a variety of ways. Each of them is described in detail in.

    Red-capped chickens were bred in Great Britain and are now a rare breed. You can find out more information about these birds.

    Manufacturing procedure

    When choosing the type of drinking bowl, it is important to take into account the availability of materials on the farm for its manufacture or the possibility of purchasing them. Some designs may have several implementation options, for example, vacuum and siphon drinkers can be made from a plastic bottle, while nipple drinkers will require harder plastic.

    Nipple drinker

    To make a drinking bowl of this type, you will need the following materials and tools:

    • Nipples (one per two individuals);
    • A piece of water pipe 1-2 meters long and 50 mm in diameter;
    • Drill according to nipple diameter (standard 9 mm);
    • Swordsman for cutting threads in plastic;
    • Pipe plugs;
    • Rectangular pipe connection adapters;
    • Fastening clamps and hooks;
    • Thin rubber gaskets;
    • Drop eliminators (if necessary);
    • Water shut-off valve in the pipe;
    • Plastic tank 15-20 liters for drinking water.

    The number of connecting adapters must be determined depending on the design of the chicken coop and the method of supplying drinking water. Water can be supplied:

    • Settled;
    • Flow-through.
    Running water is always fresh, does not require periodic refilling and does not mold in the pipes, but this option is only suitable if non-chlorinated water is supplied to the site and the water supply lines are located near the chicken coop.

    In other cases, it is better to use a water tank, but it is important to remember that it must be removed and rinsed periodically.

    A schematic diagram of a nipple drinker is shown in Figure 1.

    Procedure for making a nipple drinker:

    1. Draw up a diagram of the location of pipe sections with nipples;
    2. Drill holes in the pipe with a drill every 0.2 m;
    3. Make nipple threads with a swordsman;
    4. Screw the nipples into the holes, laying waterproofing gaskets between them and the pipe;
    5. Arrange the pipe sections in the chicken coop according to the diagram, attaching them with fastening clamps to the wall of the chicken coop;
    6. Connect the pipe sections using adapters to each other and to the vertical section in the center of the structure; a water tank will be connected to the upper end of the vertical pipe;
    7. The vertical section of the pipe must be cut in half and connected tightly;
    8. A tap should be installed above the sealed connection to shut off the water before removing the tank to remove sediment and mold;
    9. Screw the hooks for attaching the tank to the wall of the chicken coop at a height of ¾ of the calculated height of the tank, counting from the connection of the tank with the vertical pipe;
    10. Hang the tank on the hooks;
    11. Attach drip trays to the nipples;
    12. Fill the tank with water and open the tap.

    Drip pans are small plastic cups for collecting water (Fig. 2) and are installed to prevent falling drops of drinking from getting the coop flooring wet.

    The pipe pattern may be broken, for example, when located in the corner of the chicken coop, but all pipes should be located at approximately the same height (25-30 cm) so that the chickens can reach the nipple with their beak.

    Immediately after screwing in the nipples (before installing plugs and clamps), pipe sections should be thoroughly clear of plastic sawdust, since pockets of water blooms can form on them in the pipe.

    The nipple drinker tank should be rinsed and cleaned periodically as shown in step 8, turning off the riser valve before removing the tank to prevent water from leaking into the coop.

    Vacuum drinker

    A vacuum drinker is an inverted container of water, lowered upside down into a drinking bowl. Water is held in the container due to the difference in air pressure in it and atmospheric pressure on the water released in the bowl. Thus, the water in the bowl automatically rises as you drink it to the level of the edge of the neck of the container (tank).

    This type of drinker is the easiest to make. For a vacuum drinker you will need:

    • Plastic tank with a volume of 5-10 liters with a narrow neck;
    • A bowl or plastic basin 10 cm high (for adult chickens) and 2-3 cm for young chickens;
    • Tank mounts;
    • Screwdriver or screwdriver;
    • Self-tapping screws for fastening.

    A plastic bottle or any other household container can be suitable as a plastic tank, but it is important to remember that the neck of the container should be smaller in diameter than the bowl.

    Installation of a vacuum drinker occurs in the following stages:

    1. The location of the drinking bowl is determined (near one of the walls of the chicken coop);
    2. Mountings for the tank are screwed to the wall with self-tapping screws at the calculated height;
    3. Drinking water is collected in the tank;
    4. A bowl is leaning against the hole in the tank;
    5. The tank with the bowl must be quickly turned over to avoid spilling water on the floor of the chicken coop;
    6. The tank is fixed with fastenings.

    The height of the bowl can be changed, depending on the age of the bird, by placing plywood plates under the bowl. The tank mounts should be installed so that the tank can be easily removed for rinsing and refilling with fresh water.

    If you drill an additional hole from the top in a hard plastic tank, the process of adding water will be greatly simplified, since you will no longer need to remove the tank from its mounts.

    Tanks for vacuum drinkers with ready-made holes can be purchased at construction markets.

    It is important to remember that if there is no top hole in the tank, its volume should not exceed 20 liters, otherwise it will be difficult to change and rinse such a tank.

    A vacuum drinker with a hole at the top does not have to be installed near the wall of the chicken coop; it can be installed on a stand either in the center of the chicken coop or in.

    Siphon drinker

    This drinker requires regular addition of water, but is very easy to install and allows you to pour water from outside the chicken coop. To make it you will need:

    • Flexible tube with a diameter of 3-8 mm with a shutter (faucet);
    • Container for water;
    • Drinking bowl;
    • Fasteners for tank and tube;
    • Drill according to tube diameter/

    Any rubber hose or medical rubber tubes for a dropper will be suitable as a tube.

    Procedure for installing a siphon drinker:

    1. Drill a hole in the wall of the chicken coop at a distance of 30-50 cm from the floor;
    2. Insert a flexible tube through the hole so that its inner end drops almost to the floor, and the shutter is located outside the room;
    3. Secure the water tank to the outside of the chicken coop using fasteners; the bottom of the tank should be 5-15 cm above the hole for the tube;
    4. Attach the outer end of the tube with the valve hermetically to the bottom of the tank;
    5. Attach the inside of the tube to the wall of the chicken coop with fasteners;
    6. Place a drinking bowl against the wall;
    7. Place the inner end of the tube in a bowl;
    8. Fill the tank with water.

    To fill the bowl with water, open the shutter from the outside and wait 10-20 seconds, then close it. The farmer should determine the exact filling time experimentally.

    The bowl should be small in size and fit tightly to the wall with fasteners to prevent chickens from turning it over, but at the same time it should be easy to remove to clean out any debris that has gotten into it.

    You can combine a siphon and vacuum drinker into a single design if you use a tank closed at the top to provide a pressure difference, then to fill the bowl you will not need to open and close the valve on the tube every time, but use it only when cleaning the tank from mold.

    Cup drinker

    To make a drinking cup you will need the following materials:

    • Plastic cup with a capacity of 200-250 ml;
    • Plastic water tank;
    • Sections of water pipe with a diameter of 50 and 20 mm;
    • Pipe plugs;
    • Unclamping spring 5 cm high and 20 mm in diameter;
    • Silicone gasket;
    • Drill 5 mm;
    • A short steel rod with a diameter of 4 mm and a length of 5-6 cm;
    • Pipe fasteners;
    • Wood screws;
    • Plywood spacers 2 by 2 cm.

    The size of the plastic cup should be selected depending on the number of chickens.

    Up to 5 birds can drink from one wide cup with a diameter of 25 mm at the same time, so for 20 birds you will need at least two drinkers, provided that the birds take turns drinking.

    A schematic diagram of a cup drinker is shown in Figure 4.

    The principle of its operation is such that when the drinker is empty, the spring expands and a gasket comes out from the hole between the connection of the wide and narrow pipes, and water flows into the cup from the tank from above. When the cup is filled with water, its weight increases and compresses the spring, blocking access to water with a silicone gasket.

    Procedure for making a drinking cup:

    1. A fastener is attached to the cup using self-tapping screws with spacers so that a through hole can be drilled in it in a horizontal plane to rotate the cup as shown in Fig. 4;
    2. A piece 20-25 cm long is cut from a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm;
    3. A plug is installed on the pipe section, in which a hole with a diameter of 20 mm is carefully made in the center;
    4. The burrs of the plug should be directed towards the inside of the pipe;
    5. The necessary slots are made in the pipe to secure the axis of the movable cup;
    6. A 50 mm piece of pipe is fixed in the floor of the chicken coop or aviary with the plug facing up;
    7. A spring is installed in the pipe;
    8. The gasket is glued to the cup fastener with waterproof glue;
    9. The cup is installed on an axle (steel rod);
    10. A pipe with a diameter of 20 mm is hermetically soldered to the top of the plug;
    11. A narrow pipe connects above to the water tank.
    12. Water is supplied to the system.

    It should be remembered that the cup fastener must allow water to pass into it and have a hole the same size as the silicone gasket.

    It is best to make a hole in the plug using a piece of iron (for example, fittings) of a suitable diameter heated over a fire. To remove and clean the tank, a tap and a sealed disconnecting clamp must be installed in the narrow pipe, as in a nipple drinker.

    Before installing a cup drinker, you should accurately determine the number of movable cups depending on the number of chickens. When installing several cups, you should outline a plan for their location and connect all the narrow tubes extending from each wide tube with a cup fixed in the floor using connecting adapters with one common pipe leading to the water tank.

    From a plastic bottle

    With a small number of chickens, a simple and economical way would be to install a drinking bowl from a plastic bottle. This drinker does not have an automatic water supply system, but its manufacture is much simpler compared to the design options described above.

    For installation, you need to take a plastic bottle with a volume of one and a half or two liters and cut oblong holes in it 3-4 cm long and 1.5 cm wide. Such a drinker should be installed horizontally at a height of 15-20 cm from the floor of the chicken coop, away from the perches to prevent rapid contamination water for chickens. The bottle cap must be tightly closed.

    In the simplest version, fresh water is poured into the drinker directly through the drinking holes, but you can combine this design with other types of drinkers to automatically supply water, for example, by lowering a siphon drinker hose into one of the holes.

    When installing several bottle drinkers, they can be filled from one common open tank using tubes with plugs (siphon type) or hermetically connected to a tank tightly closed at the top (vacuum type).