Perennial spray roses for the garden, photo and name. How to turn your garden into a rose garden: everything you need to know about the care and cultivation of spray roses Show spray roses

Shrub roses belong to the Rosehip family. They appeared in nature about 40 million years ago. The ancient Greeks, Persians and Romans first began to use the plant to decorate the nearby area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dwelling. The stunning beauty of these roses and ease of care makes them indispensable for professional gardeners and amateurs.


Shrub roses can look very diverse. Not only flowers differ in different species and varieties. Even the crown of the bush itself can be wide and narrow (pyramidal). There are denser bushes, and there are sparse branches. The height of the bushes is also the most diverse. They affect giant plants up to 3 meters in height and their dwarf counterparts - up to 0.5 m. The branches of the bushes are of two types: uterine (main) and annual shoots that appear in spring. The leaves are represented by unpaired plates that have a serrated edge. Each leaf also has two stipules.

The peduncle has a different length, ranging from 10-15 to almost 1 meter.

The flowers have many petals (5-120 pieces), and the diameter of the main decoration of the bush reaches 20 centimeters. There are both single flowers and those that are part of the inflorescences. Currently, a huge number of spray roses have been bred, which differ in the duration of flowering, the shape and color of the flowers, as well as their aroma. There is no such thing as bright blue roses in nature. But they invented such flowers that change their color during the flowering period.

Many varieties of spray roses resemble ordinary wild roses, but more original-looking specimens are also present. There are bushes that bloom only once, and then only delight with their greenery, but there are others that release beauty every year in the right season.

The main advantages of spray roses are:

  • relative frost resistance compared to ordinary roses;
  • undemanding care;
  • they make excellent hedges.

The best varieties and their characteristics

Spray roses are very diverse in their species composition. You can find a copy for every taste and color. But some of the most popular spray roses are those bred by the breeder D. Austin. These are the so-called English roses, which combine the genes of floribunda, Bourbon rose and hybrid tea.

English spray roses are very versatile and unpretentious.

For example, sort Spirit of Freedom has a truly chic appearance: flowers with an abundant number of petals in the form of a bowl, which, with the development of the plant, acquire a lilac color. This garden rose is resistant to many diseases. The bush grows up to 2.5 meters in height.

The Albrighton Rambler- Another wonderful variety with a musky aroma, discovered by David Austin. This rose is characterized by abundant flowering with white flowers, collected in inflorescences, up to 5 centimeters in diameter. There is a button in the middle of the flower. This rose is resistant to rain, and the leaves are resistant to many diseases.

The bush is quite high - up to 3 meters.

Abrahamdarby- a climbing rose with heavy peach flowers that bend the shoots down. Benjaminbritten is a short shrub with bright rosette red flowers. Very unpretentious variety that is resistant to fungi. He does not like only heavy showers that spoil the crown of the bush.

Spray roses are popular, which belong to the Shrab class. Westerland- This is a variety of roses in this class, which is interesting in that it can be grown both as an upright specimen and as a climbing rose. Shoots reach 3.5 meters, the leaves are complex, glossy, dark green. The flowers can be from light yellow to pink, semi-double and very large. They reach 10 cm in diameter. One flower lives for about 5 days.

The flowering period is long - from June to September.

There are popular varieties of French roses.

They differ from other species in the following features:

  • predominantly small-flowered;
  • shoots are directed upwards;
  • double flowers of red shades;
  • amazing aroma;
  • many small sharp spines.

Vivid representatives of French roses are varieties such as "Galika" and "Cardinal Richelieu". The latter have an interesting double-sided color of flowers: one side is purple and the other is pink. Hybrid tea roses have small bushes and two flowering periods with a short break. The flowers are large - up to 10 cm in diameter. Very suitable for decorating small home areas. hybrid tea rose variety "Flamingo" has a soft pink color, as the name implies. The flowers are solitary, the flowering period is very long - from the beginning of June to the very frosts.

"Big Purple"- a wonderful representative of a tea-hybrid rose of purple color. The flower has 35 petals, up to 15 centimeters in diameter. Quite a frost-resistant species and, despite its some exoticism, it is suitable even for growing in the conditions of the Moscow region. "Floribunda"- This is another popular type of spray roses. Its varieties are very winter-hardy, which allows the use of floribunda as a park. Flowers are collected in inflorescences.

Popular varieties of Floribunda are Lily Marlene, Niccolo Paganini.

"Lily Marlene" are plants with bright red flowers up to 8 cm in diameter. Bushes reach half a meter in height, are characterized by their abundant greenery. Almost not subject to any diseases, except for powdery mildew. Perfect for any site and have another enviable advantage - a very long flowering period. 'Lily Marlene' blooms all summer long.

"Niccolò Paganini" more suitable for warm regions of the country. Very beautiful burgundy flowers have a velvet structure. There are about 12 buds in the inflorescence. For this variety to develop well, it needs fairly fertile soil.

Speaking of spray roses, it is impossible not to mention climbing varieties that are very popular for landscape design. For example, known and loved by many gardeners, "Excelsa". The variety is very old, it was bred at the beginning of the 20th century. This beautiful rose has bright pink flowers with a fragrant amazing aroma. It grows very fast. The undoubted decorative qualities of this rose are accompanied by absolute unpretentiousness and ease of care. "Excelsa" easily tolerates frost, grows in unfertilized soils.

It blooms for about a month, and the foliage pleases the eye until frost.

Landing Rules

In order for the rose to please the eye as long as possible and not die, it is necessary to plant the bushes correctly. The whole further life of the plant depends on this. How to plant spray roses: from the choice of seedlings to the time and place of planting.

Selection and storage of seedlings

The growth and development of an adult plant depends on the health of the planting material. No one wants to buy low-quality seedlings. Here's what you should pay attention to when buying planting material.

  • Correspondence of the variety and external characteristics to further growing conditions. Not all varieties of spray roses are universal. Many die from severe frosts, characteristic of the northern regions of our country, while others will not withstand the southern heat. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully study the possibilities of the selected species to grow in a certain area. External characteristics also cannot be ignored. If roses are approaching an already designed area, then it is important to predict how the bushes will be combined with other plants and whether they will fit in their adult state in a certain place.
  • Seedlings grafted or not. A lot depends on this factor. Some grafted spray roses do well exclusively in greenhouses. Plants on their own roots are more adapted to life in the open field, but they are inferior in variety of shapes and colors to their counterparts, as well as in many other factors. Ungrafted plants often take root poorly, as they grow the root system for a long time. But they exclude root shoots and excess branches.

  • Seedling age. Plants must be no more than 3 years old. It is these specimens that will easily take root, since they will be more labile to changing growing conditions. Old roses lose their appearance: they have less abundant flowering, foliage develops worse, and are more susceptible to diseases and pests.

  • The appearance of the plant. High-quality planting material of spray roses has 2-3 lignified stems, and the rest should look fresh and green. Sluggish stems indicate the drying out of the plant or a disease. The roots should also be in good condition: developed, strong, not broken off. The leaves that remained on the seedlings are recommended to be checked for the presence of various spots and drying out.
  • In what form are they sold? Quality seedlings must be subject to long-term storage. It is not known exactly when they will be purchased, and how far they will have to be transported. If containers in the form of pots or containers are not used, then polyethylene is used on top of wet rags or paper.

Seedlings should also be stored in a certain way; if stored incorrectly, it is easy to spoil the plant, and there will be nothing to plant.

This is how properly planting material should wait for planting.

  • After purchase, the root system of the plant must be disinfected to prevent the growth of bacteria and pathogens. To do this, you can dilute a solution of foundationazole or copper sulfate and dip the roots of a spray rose into it.
  • Small specimens can be stored in the refrigerator. To do this, they are placed in a container and wrapped in polyethylene with holes or paper. Spray the plants in this form every 3-5 days. If the temperature in the refrigerator is more than 3 degrees, then the roses can shoot, as they cannot be at rest. This is a normal phenomenon and does not affect the further transplantation of seedlings. In this form, roses can be stored for about a month.

  • If the planting material upon purchase already had tender sprouts, then it cannot be stored in the refrigerator. Now it should be moved to pots with a capacity of about 2 liters. This volume allows you to form an excellent earthen lump, which will be easy to move to the future place of growth. It is best to store such plants on a covered balcony or in a cellar, which will allow them to gain some vegetative mass and prepare for transplanting. If the planting material will winter on the balcony, direct sunlight should be avoided. In the spring, it is recommended to harden seedlings with a draft.

  • If there is a place in the summer cottage, then the seedlings of spray roses can also be stored in the snow. To do this, choose the darkest, non-flooding corner. A large cardboard box is placed there and containers with planting material are placed in it, which are covered with peat. The next layer is a fabric, and the last one is snow, which is abundantly covered with a structure. For the longest possible storage, the snowdrift is covered with spruce branches.
  • If seedlings with an open root system were purchased, then they should be stored in a bucket of water in a cool place. They are not very durable and will remain viable in this state for about a week.

Drop off time and place

Bushes of this beautiful plant can be planted both in spring and autumn. Many plant roses purchased in containers throughout the entire season, including hot summers. The optimal decision for planting spray roses should be made based on the region of growth and the most planted variety. In the southern regions, it is desirable to plant in the autumn. Since frosts in this region come quite late, the roots will have time to take root well and develop power. In the middle part of Russia, it is best to plant roses in the spring, when the frosts have receded, and the soil has warmed up to a temperature of 10 degrees.

Shrub roses are distinguished by their love of the sun, so when choosing a place, you should focus on an area with good lighting.

Roses do not like dampness, so their place of growth should not be affected by groundwater and meltwater. Drafts are a bad friend for these plants, so an area that is too open is also not suitable for them. The planting hole for a spray rose should be at least 0.5 meters away from other plants for the normal development of the crown.

They dig a hole in depth and width so that the entire root system fits there as comfortably as possible without bending individual large roots. After installing the plant, it is sprinkled with prepared fertilized soil, trampled down and a layer of peat is laid on top. Then water abundantly. When the plant takes root, the rose is spudded and the soil is mulched.

How to propagate?

The most popular ways to propagate a spray rose are: cuttings and layering, seeds, grafting, dividing the bush. Each method has its own specific advantages and disadvantages, which must be considered when choosing. Propagation by cuttings is carried out at the end of summer. For this method, the strongest and healthiest specimen is selected, which does not have damage and disease. A mature shoot, equipped with several leaves, is cut off and only the top greens are left. A shoot is planted in a pre-prepared container with a prepared soil mixture, watered, covered with a film and waiting for rooting.

Layering is used if the spray rose has long and flexible shoots.

Then one or more of the healthiest branches are bent to the ground, and an incision is made at the point of contact. A match is inserted into this incision, and the end of the shoot is vertically fixed with a support. The layer can be transplanted separately when it gives the first kidney and takes root.

Bush roses are propagated by seeds mainly by breeders. For this method of reproduction, wild-growing species are used, since they are most adapted to it. Already red fruits are harvested in August-September, then they are cleaned and placed in sand for 4 months at a low temperature. In the spring, they are soaked in a growth stimulator solution and kept there for about two hours. Then they are sown, covering with a thin layer of soil, and waiting for the first shoots. After the appearance of two true leaves, the plants are separated and continued growing.

It is rather difficult to propagate a spray rose by grafting. To graft a varietal specimen, common rosehip is most often used as a stock. A T-shaped place for grafting is cut out on the uterine shoot, then a bud with a piece of wood is cut out from the scion. Insert this eye into the cut slot and wrap it with foil. After three weeks, you need to check the condition of the kidney. If it does not take root, it will become black. In spring or autumn, a large overgrown bush is easy to propagate by dividing.

To do this, sharpen a sharp instrument and sterilize it.

Then dig up the bush and start dividing it in such a way that at least one stem and several roots remain on each individual part.

How to care?

Growing spray roses is not too difficult if you know how to properly care for them. During any operations with roses, it is worth using gloves, as prickly thorns easily injure the skin and leave very painful lesions. One of the main actions for caring for spray roses is to pinch them. The leaves at the ends of the shoots of large and small bushes should be cut off in order to form a wide and dense crown. Otherwise, the shoots will grow and break the decorative effect of the plant. For seedlings of the first year of life, it is very important to pick off the first small buds. The plant spends a lot of energy on flowering, and for the first years this can interfere with the full development of the bush.

top dressing

The appearance and health of the plant depends on top dressing. This moment in care should not be forgotten. The sequence of mandatory dressings for spray roses is as follows.

  • Early spring (April-May). They are pruned and fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers and organic matter. From inexpensive and high-quality products, urea, nitroammophoska and ordinary cow dung are perfect.
  • Flowering period. Before flowering, it is necessary to support the plant by applying horse manure, chicken manure or ash. All this can be sprayed with a special whisk within the plant. Before flowering, it is better to perform this procedure twice.
  • Immediately after flowering. It is necessary to feed the spray rose with universal fertilizer or mullein solution.
  • Before autumn. A spray rose must be carefully prepared for winter so that it meets it in a healthy state. This top dressing is the most diverse in composition: phosphorus, potassium, molybdenum, iron and other trace elements will not be superfluous in caring for rose bushes.
  • Late fall. In addition to phosphorus fertilizers, nothing should be added to the soil during this period, otherwise the plant's dormancy may be slowed down. Superphosphate can serve as the simplest fertilizer with phosphorus.


Shrub roses are quite capricious about watering. It is better not to use tap water, preferring melt or rain water. If there is no way to find it, you can simply defend ordinary water for 24 hours. The water temperature for irrigation is also important: it should not differ much from the ambient temperature, since its abrupt change is detrimental to spray roses.

Roses love moisture, but not its excess, with a lack of water, they will develop poorly, the leaves will begin to crumble, and the shoots will stop growing.

But with an excess of moisture, the surface root system develops very strongly, which complicates loosening and can even lead to the death of the bush. Watering should be done either early in the morning or late in the evening so that there is no moisture on the leaves during the sunny time of the day.

If the weather is dry, then roses should be watered 2-3 times a week. In normal watering, you need to use half a bucket of water per plant. Once a week, it is recommended to water abundantly, making a hole around the plant and pour about one bucket of water into it. The watered earth is sprinkled and loosened. It is important to water roses immediately after fertilizing the soil so that there is no excess of salts and minerals. Before wintering, roses are not watered. Watering should be completed in August-September, and if these months are rainy, then even earlier.

Disease and pest control

Pest and disease control can be done in many ways, but the very first aid in this difficult task is prevention: visual inspection and waste disposal. Fallen leaves and withered flowers should be removed in a timely manner, as they quickly rot and provoke the appearance of rot and the reproduction of pathogens.

Timely weeding also helps to remove excess weeds, which can be a haven for various kinds of microorganisms.

Fungal diseases can cause the greatest harm to spray roses, so adequate care should include pruning and thinning of the crown. A landing site with no high humidity will help to avoid the attack of fungal microorganisms. This also applies to the storage of seedlings and adult plants: high humidity during wintering is unacceptable. If, nevertheless, the spray rose was affected, you should immediately cut off all the affected shoots and leaves. Then treat the plant with a fungicide. If you leave foci of infection on a rose, this can lead to the death of the entire bush.

Not only fungal diseases affect spray roses. Often there are also such ailments as powdery mildew, rust, mold, black spot and others. To get rid of these problems, you need to pick up modern affordable drugs from them in time. Their choice will depend on the variety of roses and the climatic zone of growth.

Of the pests that affect spray roses, aphids are the most common. If the accumulation of these insects is not too significant, you can use this method: a wet rag is lathered with laundry soap and the leaves are wiped. If there are a lot of aphids, then insecticides must be used. Spray roses can also be damaged by other pests: cicadas, mites, various caterpillars. It is imperative to deal with them, since often some kind of disease follows damage to a plant by insects due to a weakened state. It is necessary to accurately find out the type of pest and go to the store to purchase a remedy against a specific insect. To eliminate mammalian rodents, it is better to set traps, as they may well spoil roses even more than diseases and insects.


Pruning is done to form a beautiful crown of the plant and in order to get rid of damaged shoots. The best time for pruning is early spring when the buds are just beginning to swell. At this time, it is worth taking a closer look and choosing unwanted branches to be removed. After winter, you should pay attention to those branches where the buds have died. They should be removed first to leave as healthy as possible.

It should be remembered that the abundance of flowering depends on the length of the branch after pruning.

Therefore, cutting too short leads to the loss of buds. In the summer, pruning is also indispensable. Dried branches should be removed immediately, as well as wilted flowers. Occasionally, thinning of the crown of a spray rose should be done so that natural ventilation is carried out. It minimizes the risk of developing diseases. Too long shoots can also be cut, depending on the desired crown shape.

How to prepare for winter?

Preparation of spray roses for winter should be carried out in the fall. It is necessary to cut off all mature stems, dried shoots and grease the cuts with garden pitch. All leaves, without exception, should be removed and destroyed, after which the plant should be treated with Bordeaux liquid. When stable low temperatures are established at night, you need to prepare a winter shelter.

For warm regions of the country, you can limit yourself to ordinary sawdust, sprinkled with a slide on a cropped plant. For more severe climatic conditions, it is recommended to build a kind of hut for the wintering of a spray rose. It is based on two arcs, over which a cover is put on. From above, this house is covered with insulation and film. In early spring, during fine days, it is better to air the roses in order to prevent diaper rash.

Shrub roses have been and remain the leading primas of any kind of landscape design. Photos of designer landscapes are full of all possible colors and varieties. These beauties invariably remain the queens of the flower ball in gardens and flower shops, not only because of their beauty, but also because of their ease of care. They were so loved by both florists and other people that they became a source of inspiration for many creative works, including the idea of ​​preserving their original beauty in the form of beaded bushes.

Many ladies liked the delicate creations, and they are happy to receive as a gift not the official long Dutch varieties, but a cute and delicate bouquet of spray roses. But you can create such a rose garden in your own garden or in the country, beating the territory with flowering rose bushes, creating fancy arches, shading the corners with different varieties and combining roses with other plants. For example, any colors and varieties of roses are "friends" with white chrysanthemums, these ladies are universal and can find a common language both in gardens and in ikebana.

Numerous photos of flower arrangements clearly demonstrate that resourceful florists use them even in wedding bouquets, combining them with a variety of materials - fabric, beads, etc. Indeed, almost all wedding designers note that a small bridal bouquet of spray roses and white chrysanthemums is in their hands a young girl looks more harmonious than strict scarlet buds with long stems.

Consider the features, varieties and rules of care.

What distinguishes spray roses

  1. A variety of flower forms - from classic to terry tea hybrids.
  2. Long flowering period from May to late autumn.
  3. Fast growth - only during the summer the bush can grow up to 2 m.
  4. Resistance to temperature extremes and unpretentiousness in care.
  5. Unusual and strong aroma of flowers.
  6. Large selection of colors: from cream to lilac and even striped. White varieties look especially beautiful in wedding bouquets.
  7. A successful alternation of growth and death of flowers - the bush never ceases to bloom and delight with beauty.
  8. They can be grown even in a homely atmosphere in an ordinary pot.

The choice of one or another variety of roses depends on the design goals when ennobling the territory. Many people once every two or three years completely change the position of the bushes and the details of the landscape of their summer cottage or hold magnificent wedding and other celebrations against this background. Indeed, such moments in the open space in the realm of white, red and other living roses remain in memory much longer than a holiday indoors and the most unusual bunches of beads. From time immemorial, nature has fascinated people and will continue to take its toll, displacing all technical innovations, this is confirmed by numerous photos of the best celebrations of all past years.

Varieties of spray roses for the landscape

  • wild- bloom once a year with small neat flowers. The easiest to care for - they do not need to be cut and shaped at all. Loved by everyone, because they give the illusion of being in virgin nature. They are covered with fences, walls of houses, arbors, used as a hedge.
  • Climbing- are actively used in braiding wedding arches.
  • ground covers- you cannot grow such roses in a pot, it is a bush crawling along the ground with a carpet of flowers, they also decorate arbors. Their flowers are small, bright with a slightly noticeable terry. The brightest of this variety are roses with the names Hansaland, Elmshorn and Robusta. They have an early flowering period and are easy to care for.
  • Hybrid Tea- most often used in bouquets, sometimes as a home spray rose in a pot, they are more gentle than the classic types of roses and are perfectly arranged in compositions with other flowers that have lush heads, for example, with chrysanthemums.
  • English- almost all gardeners adore this variety for its unpretentiousness in care and beauty. From them, you can form a bush of a strict form - for this you need to cut the branches strongly, and a sprawling almost mini-tree, similar to beautiful woven bead samples - then you will almost not need to cut it. Photos of such landscapes show us options for gardens from Alice in Wonderland to the illusion of a park of kings with braided arbors. The names of the most popular varieties are Graham Thomas and Abraham Darby;
  • Canadian- these are the strongest roses that can withstand frost down to -40 °. They are not taken for wedding bouquets and are not grown in pots in apartments, but they are simply indispensable in summer cottages and gardens in cold regions.

Landing and care rules

Any rose garden should be placed in well-lit places where the cold north wind does not fall. The composition of the soil should be rich in humus, it is also worth tracking that there is no groundwater near the soil surface. The selected place is cleared of debris, weeds are removed, then the soil is loosened, fertilizer, peat are applied and mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed.

To plant roses, they dig a hole 25-30 cm below the roots of the bush, it should be about 20 cm wide, the roots are lowered there and covered in layers, watering each of them with water for proper shrinkage. The same should be done if you want to grow a spray rose in a pot.

The distance between each bush should be at least 30 cm, for small varieties it is permissible 15-20 cm, for climbing - 50-100 cm. In the early days, you need to water the soil so that it does not have time to dry out. But this must be done carefully so that the root system does not rot from overflow, here you need to feel the measure. In the process of growth, you need to regularly trim the bushes to form the desired shape. In winter, the branches are laid on the ground and covered.

To maintain a constantly blooming garden, many gardeners suggest alternating rose bushes with primroses and other plants that have different flowering periods, such as chrysanthemums. Mixed, these two flavors give an indescribable combination.

Shrub roses and landscaping options

When planting bush varieties for the first time, you should not immediately get involved with braiding arbors or installing hedges, you should learn from simpler things.

Simple ways to revitalize the area with live roses:

  • flowerbeds- spray roses are located on the site in beautiful, specially prepared places.
  • borders- bushes, the easiest to care for, planted around the perimeter. In some cases, this is just a living framing of the path, in others grooves of brick and stone are formed for them, or twisted decorative fences are installed in front of the bush line. It looks especially beautiful during wedding ceremonies - a flowering alley smoothly brings the newlyweds to a huge wedding arch, entwined with climbing varieties of fragrant roses.
  • Arrangement by a group - the territory is selected in which only the rose garden will be located. You can arrange according to varieties, or you can use colors, it turns out a kind of paradise where you can put ordinary plastic tables and chairs. If you cover them with an openwork tablecloth, covers and put a white umbrella, your garden will always have a Provence-style corner where aristocrats liked to relax.

If everything is in order, and roses take root well in simple versions, you can safely take and form hedges, large arches, braid walls and arbors with them, even realize your wildest fantasies - erect living sculptures covered with roses on frames.

Arches and secrets: romantic garden decoration

Arches are different - their choice dictates the style of the site, these are not always some oblong arcs, they can be low, high, round, square, etc. The shape is selected in accordance with the general concept of the landscape.

How to choose:

  1. You have to start with size. If it is just a decorative element, it may be small, but if people pass through the structure, the appropriate width and height must be taken into account.
  2. Correlate common style and geometry. If the garden is dominated by smooth lines, it would not be correct to put asymmetrical corner arches, as well as any rectangular lines with too clear sharp outlines. Similar elements are appropriate in modern styles.
  3. Choice material. Most often choose metal or wood. Metal arches are more practical and interesting in execution - they can be not just cast arcs, but forged with many monograms and carved elements. Unlike wooden counterparts, they will not stain, get wet or dry out. In addition, they are much easier to install into the ground and are more stable. Due to their versatility, they are suitable for all styles, while wooden arches are appropriate in the areas of "country", "Provence", rustic style. They rarely fit into modern landscape variations.

Many landscape designers and simply creative people like to create a kind of "through the looking glass" effect - to install cascades of arches entwined with climbing roses: either the same size or gradually decreasing. Someone even puts mirrors, and it turns out to be truly a portal through which you can easily get into the books of Lewis Carroll or visit Exupery's The Little Prince.

Shrub roses are a dream for a beginner gardener and landscape designer of any level. These are extremely unpretentious in care and very beautiful plants that, in the skillful hands of a decorator, can turn reality into an extraordinary fairy tale or make a wedding celebration unforgettable. But if you don’t have a summer house and a garden, you shouldn’t be upset either, because you can always grow a spray rose at home or weave it from beads, and then this fragile beauty will delight you out of time.

Roses are one of the most popular and well-known ornamental flowering plants. They began to be cultivated since the time of Ancient Rome, today several hundred species and varieties are known. Among all varieties, spray roses, intended for growing in a garden or greenhouse, are widely used.

They are used for landscaping plots, flower beds and urban plantings. This is the largest group of roses, which includes flowers of various shapes, colors and heights. In the article you will find the most famous varieties of spray roses, their description and photo.

All spray roses have been developed from wild roses by breeding with other cultivars. Thanks to this, it was possible to achieve a large assortment of colors and forms of the plant. Depending on the type, spray roses form a bush with a height of 25 cm to 2 m. All shades and colors of the petals are displayed, except for blue. There is a huge variety of shapes and structures of buds. Shrub roses are widely used due to the following characteristics:

  • a wide range of colors and shapes of petals;
  • long flowering;
  • unpretentiousness to the climate;
  • pleasant aroma during flowering;
  • variability of use in landscape design.

Shrub roses can be grown from cuttings, by dividing the bush and by seed, so there is no problem in forming a large planting or even a hedge. Roses for gardening began to be actively cultivated during the London Victorian era, but the development of species and varieties took place in other countries.


This is a large group of unpretentious plants used for landscaping gardens and city parks. The bush lends itself well to shaping, so it can be given almost any shape. The average plant height is 1.5 m, but dwarf varieties are also known. Flowering is early and very abundant.

The color of the petals is represented by a wide variety of shades. Park roses have high frost resistance, suitable for growing in the north. Several hundred varieties are known, which are usually divided into two large groups - English and Canadian.

English roses

Released around the end of the 20th century. In Europe, they are often called Austin in honor of the creator. According to the classification of roses, they are classified as standard species, since the plant combines the features of a shrub and a traditional flower. The plant reaches a medium height, the flowers are usually double. The main disadvantage of English roses is increased sensitivity to humidity, poor resistance to disease. Famous varieties of English roses:

  • Abraham Derby. The variety is represented by a flower of the classical form of a bud. The color of the petals varies from dark yellow to pale apricot. Can be grown as a climbing plant. The plant has a high growth force, but the shoots can lie down by the weight of the buds;
  • Benjamin Britten. The bush is able to reach a height of up to 1 meter. In young plants, the bud is cup-shaped, then it can become rosette. The petals are reddish-orange. The variety has a high resistance to powdery mildew;
  • William Shakespeare 200. A hybrid variety represented by an upright bush. The flowers are dark red, cup-shaped. As they grow, their color may turn purple. The variety has a very long flowering period;
  • Charlotte. A shrubby variety of the English rose, reaches heights of up to 50 cm. The flowers are of a terry structure, the petals are painted in a pale yellow hue. The rose has a high winter hardiness;
  • William Morris. Variety of climbing varieties of park roses. The flowers are formed in the form of rosettes, painted in a delicate pink-peach color. Unlike other varieties, the method tolerates high humidity.

Almost all varieties of English park roses are combined in the shape of buds, their color and leaf blades. This allows you to grow several varieties in one area.

This large group of varietal roses is characterized by increased winter hardiness. Plants are not afraid of temperature changes, and leaves are easily restored after frost. The shrubs are quite large, during flowering they are completely covered with buds of various colors, depending on the species. The most interesting varieties:

  • Morden Sunrise. The variety was developed in 1999, is considered the first yellow Canadian rose. The shrub grows up to 70 cm wide, the buds are large, reaching an average diameter. When growing, shelter for the winter is not required;
  • Morden Blush. A profusely flowering variety of the Canadian rose. An upright bush grows up to 75 cm. Outwardly, the plant is very similar to a tea-hybrid rose. Terry petals are painted in pink and white. Has low resistance to black spot;
  • Cuthbert Grant. One of the few scrub varieties of Canadian roses. The bush will grow up to 1.2 m in height. The leaves are painted in rich green color, very decorative. Flowers red. Gardeners note the very high resistance of the variety to diseases and pests;
  • Champlain. The rose of this variety is represented by a bush of medium strength. Flowering is observed almost all summer until the first snow. Small double flowers plentifully strew the plant, painted in a red tint. It has poor resistance to powdery mildew.

Canadian roses are considered the most suitable variety of the shrub group for growing in Russia. They have high frost resistance, rarely become infected with infections. Ways to get along in almost any environment.


They were bred in France in 1873. These are multi-flowered roses, which, according to modern classification, are classified as spray roses. The plant is usually low (40-60 cm), but has very dense foliage and small flowers. During flowering, they completely cover the plant; up to 50 flowers can form on one inflorescence.

They have high rates of frost resistance and vitality. Most varieties are resistant to fungal infections. Polyanthus roses are easy to grow from seeds; in adulthood, the shrub is not afraid of shade and drought. Flowers are suitable for decoration of the site or use in bouquets. Popular varieties:

  • The Snow Queen. Cultivated since 1901. The height of the bush reaches 1 m, the shoots grow straight. The buds are pinkish at first, turning bright white as they open. The flowers are odorless. The main disadvantage of the variety is low resistance to powdery mildew;
  • Alfred Colomb. The variety is represented by a vigorous bush, on which large terry buds are formed in large numbers during flowering. The flowers are painted in strawberry color;
  • Goldstein. Branched bush reaches 80 cm in height. The leaves are very large and leathery. Cup-shaped buds during flowering cover the entire bush, thin out a pleasant aroma. The petals are painted in a dark crimson hue.

The modern division of all garden roses was approved only in 1976. Due to the similarity with hybrid tea varieties, some polyanthus varieties can belong to two groups at the same time.

This group was officially included in the classification of roses in 1976. They occupy an intermediate position between hybrid tea varieties and polyanthus roses, since they have common features of both species. The group includes both tall and dwarf border shrubs.

They have a large number of colors of petals, significantly surpass hybrid tea varieties in color saturation. Differ in high frost resistance, resistance to diseases. Used for cutting. Popular varieties of floribunda roses:

  • Rosemary Rose. Cultivated since 1954. The bush has a high growth force, reaches 80 cm in height and 70 cm in width. Terry flowers grow up to 8 cm in diameter, the petals are painted in a rich pink hue. There is resistance to fungal diseases;
  • Bella Rosa. The bush is compact and rather loose, grows up to 60 cm. Cup-shaped buds have a pronounced doubleness and a pleasant aroma. Able to bloom all summer. Red petals. When grown in central Russia, it is required to carry out shelter for the winter;
  • Anthony Meilland. One of the most decorative varieties of floribunda roses. The bush can grow up to 1 meter. The buds are goblet or cup-shaped, the average diameter is 8 cm. The petals are of a rich yellow hue, practically do not fade in the sun;
  • Anabell. A compact rose with an early flowering period. Buds during the season can change their shape, grow up to 10 cm in diameter. The flowers are bright orange with a silvery sheen. After flowering, the petals turn down;
  • Nina Weibull. Variety of Danish selection, bred in 1962. The bush grows up to 75 cm in height, the width reaches 50 cm. Terry buds are painted in rich red. In one season, you can achieve flowering up to two times.

Often, floribunda roses are called profusely blooming, which is a direct translation of the name. Flowers are suitable for both single and group plantings. Combines well with other shrubs.

Hybrid Tea

It is believed that this group of garden roses was bred from the LaFrance variety, obtained in 1867 by the breeder Guyot. As mother plants, he used remontant and classic tea roses, as a result, all varieties vaguely resemble these varieties. All varieties of hybrid tea roses differ in height and shape of the bush, but have a pleasant aroma and a long flowering time. Common varieties:

  • Peer Gynt. An early rose variety with a tendency to become infected with powdery mildew. The bush reaches a height of up to 90 cm, forms lush foliage. The flowers are painted in a golden yellow hue with a pale pink border. It is considered a standard culture, used to create bouquets;
  • Alexander. An upright variety, it can grow up to 1.5 m in height. Semi-double flowers are painted in rich red, their diameter can reach 12 cm. It is used for bouquet compositions and creating hedges;
  • Prima ballerina. Flower bed variety of hybrid tea roses. An upright bush does not exceed 1 m in height. The flowers are semi-double, painted in a pleasant cherry hue. Buds of classical form, very large. It has a weak immunity to powdery mildew;
  • Dame de Kerr. Frost-resistant and viable rose variety. The height of the bush does not exceed 90 cm, suitable for growing in group plantings. Large double flowers are represented by a red-crimson color, their diameter can reach 12 cm. The buds are cup-shaped or cone-shaped;
  • Lucky Peace. This variety has gained particular popularity due to the ideal shape of the buds. Some gardeners consider the flowers of this variety to be the perfection among all garden roses. They have a delicate color, from below it is orange-red, from above there is a pink-apricot bloom. The bush is compact, does not exceed 80 cm. The buds reach a diameter of up to 10 cm, collected from 50 petals.

It is hybrid tea roses that are most often grown to create bouquets because of their delicate pastel colors and the pleasant aroma of flowers. The development of new varieties is ongoing.

One of the youngest groups of garden spray roses, weeded out in the 50s of the last century by crossing hybrid tea varieties with floribunda. The bushes are distinguished by a strong structure, they can reach a height of up to 200 cm. The flowers are shaped like a hybrid tea rose, but have a more lush structure.

They are used for decorative landscaping of plots, they look beautiful both in single and group plantings. They have high immunity to diseases, some varieties are frost-resistant. The most popular varieties:

  • Stella. The bush is erect, forms long shoots with large spikes. The buds reach a diameter of up to 12 cm, collected from 30-40 petals. The flowers are peach-pink in color, exude a pleasant aroma during flowering. Suitable for growing as a standard crop and cut;
  • Sonya. Represented by an erect shrub up to 80 cm in height. The buds are collected in small brushes of 3-5 pieces. The flowers are painted in a coral shade, have a fragrant smell. Flowering is very long, suitable for creating bouquets;
  • Love. A vigorous plant growing up to 80 cm. It is used for group and single plantings. Flowering is unnatural for this group of roses - inside the petals are red in color, outside are covered with a silvery white bloom. The buds are goblet-shaped, reach 13 cm in diameter. The variety is frost-resistant, can withstand blackout;
  • Komsomol light. Shrub variety of rose, grows up to 120 cm in height. The shoots are erect, they have large matte leaves. Cup-shaped buds reach 13 cm in diameter, collected from 20-25 red petals with a golden hue inside. It has high frost resistance, suitable for group planting.

According to the modern classification of roses, more than 30 groups of these plants are distinguished. They are combined according to the height of the bush, the shape and structure of the buds, and the specifics of cultivation. Shrub roses are considered one of the most popular varieties of this crop. With the help of them, you can decorate a plot or a flower bed, the flowers look decorative in the cut. When choosing a variety, stability, frost resistance, appearance and features of the formation of the bush should be taken into account.

The international garden classification classifies all shrubs, regardless of variety and species, to the Shrub group.

Proper cultivation in household plots requires compliance with the rules of cultivation. Consider what features the bush has and what are the best varieties of color known.

Botanical features of spray roses

It is known that the progenitor of such roses is cultivated. They were obtained by combining varieties and hybrids.

The home spray rose has the following botanical features:

  • The height of the bush can vary from 25 cm to 3 m. The shape can be sprawling or pyramidal.
  • There are two types of shoots in the bushes: main and annual. They can be prickly or completely without thorns.
  • The leaves are elliptical in shape with ragged edges.
  • Peduncles reach a length of up to 80 cm.
  • The flowers are large, sometimes they can grow up to a diameter of 18 cm. The color and shape may be different. They can be single or collected in inflorescences.
  • In addition to color, the flowers differ in aromas.
  • The number of petals can vary from 5 to 150 pieces.
  • The shapes are also different: flat, spherical, cone-shaped, peony and others.

Did you know? It is known that of all the natural variety of shades, flowers never turn blue. However, today there are varieties that change color or combine several shades.

The best varieties by color

Amateurs appreciate different varieties of spray roses no less than professional designers. In addition to beauty and a large selection of shapes, aromas and colors, summer residents are attracted by the fairly easy care and durability of plants. Most often, these roses bloom from September to September, sometimes there is even a re-formation of buds after a while.


Selected in England in 2007.

  • The bush grows to a height of 2.5 m. It has the shape of a circle.
  • Branches can reach a length of up to 1.5 m.
  • Terry pompon-shaped flower. It blooms with pale yellow petals that become lighter as they open.
  • The aroma is reminiscent of vanilla and meadow herbs.
  • The bush is resistant to.
. This variety was named after the wedding of a British prince.
  • The bush grows to a height of 1.2 m. It is upright branched.
  • The flower is cup-shaped terry. It consists of a center that is made up of small petals and a "crown" of larger petals. At first, the color of the buds is soft apricot, then turns white.
  • The aroma is strong, myrtle.
  • The rose is able to tolerate frosts up to 20 ° C.
  • The variety is resistant to leaf diseases.

Important! Having decided to plant bush roses on your site, find out the depth of groundwater. Proximity will negatively affect development and flowering. In this case, it is recommended to make a raised flower bed.


The variety was bred in Germany in 2007.

  • The bush grows to a height of 1.3 m. The stems are large, sometimes the diameter reaches 2 cm.
  • The flower is first spherical, and then cup-shaped, the middle is densely stuffed. Terry petals. The diameter reaches 11 cm.
  • Up to 8 roses can be present in inflorescences.
  • The aroma is light.
  • The variety is resistant to some diseases.
  • Blooms until late autumn.
The variety was bred in France in 2002.
  • The bush grows to a height of 2 m. The stems do not have thorns.
  • The flowers are large, double crimson. The diameter reaches 10 cm.
  • Up to 5 roses can be present in inflorescences.
  • The aroma is strong fruity.
  • The variety is frost-resistant and does not get sick.
  • Blooms a couple of times.


English rose, which is endowed with a large number of advantages compared to other representatives. It was released recently, in 2012.

  • The bush grows to a height of 1.2 m. The form is upright. There are small spines on the stems.
  • The flowers are large, they can have up to 80 petals, terry salmon-pink. Deep rosette-shaped cup.
  • There are up to 5 flowers in the brush.
  • The aroma is strong.
  • The variety is very rarely exposed to diseases.
  • Blooms several times during the growing season.
. Received by German breeders in 1999.
  • The bush grows to a height of 1.2 m. The form is upright.
  • The flowers are large, up to 15 cm in diameter.
  • The cup is goblet.
  • In inflorescences there are up to 5 flowers.
  • The aroma is rich with flavor.
  • The variety is disease resistant.
"Ballerina". Introduced to Bentall in 1937.
  • The bush grows to a height of 1.2 m. It is sprawling with soft hanging shoots.
  • The flowers are simple, consisting of 5 petals, reaching 2.5 cm in diameter, but there are a lot of them on the bush.
  • Muscat aroma.
  • The variety practically does not get sick.
  • Blooms continuously until the first frost.

Did you know? The shoots of the largest spray rose in the world cover an area of ​​​​740 square meters. m, it is equal to three tennis courts. The record holder was planted in 1885 in the USA.


Flowers from the Netherlands. Released in 1997.

  • The bush grows to a height of 1.2 m.
  • Flowers grow one at a time on a stem, reach a diameter of 8 cm. Each has up to 40 petals.
  • The cup is non-standard, refined.
  • The aroma is pleasant.
  • The variety is disease resistant.
  • Blooms several times during the period.
Climber "Golden Showers". Received in the USA in 1956.
  • The bush grows to a height of up to 3 m. It is formed from vigorous branches.
  • Semi-double flowers with wavy petals. Flowers up to 11 cm in diameter. Collected in inflorescences of 5 buds.
  • The aroma is light, pleasant.
  • Flowering is long and comes in waves of varying strength.


"Lambada". Selected in 1992 in Germany.

  • The bush grows up to 1.5 m in height. It is powerful and branched.
  • The flowers are large, double. Flower diameter up to 9 cm. Petals have an uneven edge.
  • The aroma is pleasant, barely perceptible.
  • The variety is resistant to diseases and vagaries of the weather.
  • Blooms continuously until the first frost.
"Ti Time". Grown in Germany in 1994. Many times he was chosen as queen among a huge number of other applicants.
  • The bush grows up to 1 m in height.
  • Flowers are copper-orange, double. Flower diameter up to 10 cm. Peduncles are tight and straight.
  • Buds are medium.
  • The variety is not susceptible to disease, this is possible only in unfavorable times.
  • Blooms twice a year.

With black or brown flowers

"Black Prince". Bred in Great Britain in the second half of the 19th century. Due to the fact that the petals at the edges are darker, a certain effect is created.

  • The bush grows to a height of 1.5 m. Shoots with a small number of thorns.
  • The flowers of the spray rose are large, terry, each with up to 50 petals. Flower diameter is about 8 cm.
  • The aroma is strong, it has wine notes.
  • The variety does not get sick and does not respond to temperature changes.
  • Blooms with proper care twice.
"Baccarat". Bred by French breeders from Meilland Star Rose in 2000.
  • The bush grows to a height of 1.2 m. The form is upright spreading. There are few spikes.
  • The bud is small, densely double and cupped. The diameter does not exceed 10 cm. The tips of the petals are pointed.
  • The aroma is weak, barely perceptible.
  • The variety is resistant to rain and after them the flowers do not lose their shape.
  • Flowering is abundant and continuous.

The garden, in which spray roses grow, looks especially charming and cozy. Few plants suitable for growing in the garden are so diverse in color and shape of flowers, with the same delicate fragrance and abundant long flowering. No wonder shrub roses are often used in landscape gardening and landscape design.

The main varieties of shrub roses

By growing varieties with different flowering periods and with different colors, you can create beautiful compositions from spray roses that will delight the eye with a rich color palette and wonderful aroma throughout the summer. Spreading rose bushes look great both as a single plant in the center of the rose garden, and planted in groups on the site or in rectangular and square ridges. But for the design of intricate flower beds with corners, curls and fantasy patterns, spray roses are not suitable.

Choose the varieties of spray roses that you like best and grow them on your site, taking into account the peculiarities of care.

Video about varieties and selection of roses

The generally accepted classification of roses in the world has not yet been developed, and sometimes you can easily get confused in varieties and varieties. So, spray roses are sometimes called park roses, although in fact they are two different species, and hybrid tea, climbing and ground cover roses are sometimes also classified as shrub species. Consider below those species that form lush bushes generously showered with rose flowers: floribunda, grandiflora, park, spray and polyanthus roses.


This group includes various varieties and forms of cultivated wild rose used in landscape gardening. Under favorable growing conditions, park roses form sprawling densely leafy shrubs up to one and a half meters high, blooming from early June for at least one month.

Park roses are valued by domestic flower growers not only for their decorative effect, but also for the fact that they do not need shelter for the winter.

In most varieties of park roses, the color of the flowers is white-violet, orange and yellow shades are less common, the flowers are mostly strong-double. Park roses are very beautiful in summer, planted singly, in groups or in borders and hedges. They look no less elegant in autumn, when the fruits appear and the leaves turn into autumn colors. Park roses are valued by domestic flower growers not only for their decorative effect, but also for the fact that they do not need shelter for the winter.


Also a combined group in which new varieties appear every year. Shrub roses are sprawling shrubs up to two or more meters tall, with double and semi-double flowers. Modern varieties of spray roses vaguely resemble cultivated wild roses, however, in terms of color, doubleness and size of flowers, as well as the duration and intensity of flowering, they are noticeably superior to their progenitors. Some varieties of park roses bloom only once per season, on others flowers appear several times during the summer.


polyanthus roses

Low-growing polyanthus roses with lush inflorescences of miniature semi-double and double flowers were very popular at the beginning of the 20th century, until they were supplanted by floribunda roses. But even now in landscape design, when creating group plantings and bright flower borders, they are used quite often.

The undoubted advantages of polyanthus roses include their ability to bloom profusely and almost continuously until late autumn, resistance to fungal diseases, dampness and frost. Strongly branched dense bushes grow up to 40 cm, (up to a maximum of 60 cm), the color of the flowers can be white, pink, orange, red. The peculiarity of polyanthus roses is the absence of aroma.


As a result of crossing hybrid tea roses and polyanthus, magnificent floribunda roses were obtained. From polyanthus roses, the new species inherited a beautiful bush shape, multi-flowering, the ability to continuously intensively bloom, disease resistance and winter hardiness. From hybrid tea roses to floribunda roses, a wide palette of flower shades, terryness and delicate aroma passed.

Now floribunda roses include various varieties with a bush height of 30 cm to 120 cm, with few and many-flowered inflorescences, with double, semi-double and simple flowers of yellow, red, orange, coral, lavender, white and other shades.

floribunda rose


Grandiflora roses, similar to hybrid tea roses in shape and size of flowers, bloom as long and profusely as floribunda roses, but surpass both species in terms of growth strength and resistance to cold. The flowers collected in small inflorescences often have no aroma, the color of the flowers can be red, pink, coral, golden, etc. Grandiflora rose bushes grow up to two meters high, they can often be found in gardens and parks.

Are spray roses easy to care for?

Shrub roses grow quickly enough, becoming strong, hardy plants, they are not too picky, and it is much easier to care for bushes than standard or climbing roses. And compared to indoor roses, outdoor spray roses look like real "Spartans", able to endure any weather and habitat conditions.

In order for rose bushes to develop well and delight you with beautiful intense flowering, it is advisable to plant them in a sunny place, protected from the wind, with deep groundwater. Roses love heavy, humus-rich, slightly acidic soil that breathes well. When planting, a certain distance must be observed between seedlings, depending on the variety of roses.

Shrub roses are watered sparingly as the ground dries up underneath them.

The main care for shrub roses is regular pruning:

  • in the year of planting the seedling, the resulting buds are first removed (in the second half of summer, the buds are allowed to bloom), while they are the size of a grain, and also pinch out strongly growing shoots;
  • in subsequent years, in the spring, damaged and weak shoots are cut off, those from the crossing branches whose bark is darker are removed;
  • strong branches growing in the center of the bush are cut out;
  • frozen buds on the left shoots are removed to the bud, which is well swollen;
  • in summer, dried shoots and wilted flowers are cut off along with the pedicel;
  • in order to prevent and ensure the ventilation of the bush, cut out blind shoots;
  • pruned and those branches that violate the outlines of the crown.

Video about the care of spray roses

During the season, fallen leaves and petals should be removed from the bushes, as they quickly rot, worsening the aesthetic appeal of the bush and contributing to the development of diseases.

Shrub roses are watered moderately, as the ground dries up under them. During the summer, the plants are fed twice with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. For the winter, it is enough to spud the bushes, it is not necessary to cover them.