Depth of the well for drinking water. How to check the depth of a well after drilling - technology, methods and methods of measurement, recommendations How to measure the depth of a water well

Many doctors say that well water is the healthiest. It undergoes natural filtration. Due to the fact that its channel flows underground, it contains no impurities of dust, dirt, or harmful elements that are found on the surface of the earth.

If you are the owner of your own home or cottage, you are very lucky, because you have the opportunity. It is quite difficult to do this on your own. It is better to rely on specialists in this matter. But the cost of such work depends on the depth of the well, and checking the footage is quite difficult. Most people have no choice but to take the employees' word for it. Of course, there is another option: following the advice, check the depth of the well yourself after drilling.

In addition to monitoring the cost of work, the channel parameters should be known in order to correctly install. Specialists in the field of well drilling must guarantee the provision of a passport for it. It also contains hole parameters.

In order to check the depth of a well after drilling, you must:

  1. Having a passport.
  2. Availability of a pump.
  3. Measuring tool.
  4. Weighting material for immersion of the meter.
  5. Rope.

Having a passport will help you navigate the approximate parameters of the well.

In addition, it contains certain information:

  1. Water level.
  2. Depth indicators.
  3. Casing pipe diameter.
  4. Maximum water filling limit.

If a passport is not available, this happens with independent authorities, it will be a little more difficult to measure these indicators.

Procedure for measuring depth

In order for the measurements to be as accurate as possible, such work should be carried out at a certain time of year at a certain temperature.

It is best to do this in the second half of the summer in calm, dry weather.


  • Measure the dimensions of the hole radius.
  • Attach the weight to the edge of the rope.
  • Submerge the rope until you are sure that the weight has touched the bottom.
  • By pulling out the rope, you will see the water level and actual depth.

This way you can determine statistical depth indicators. There is a concept - dynamic deep indicators.

To measure dynamic data, pumping equipment must be used. The process itself is quite simple. Its essence is that pumping equipment pumps out all the water from the well, after which the measuring rope is lowered into the hole. There will still be a certain amount of water remaining at the bottom - this will be dynamic data.

Important! Don’t forget to put hoses and a filter mesh on the edge of the pump. This is necessary to prevent dirt from getting into the equipment.

How to determine the required depth?

Determining the depth of drilling a water well is quite simple. When the first aquifer is reached, water samples are tested. If the results do not contain harmful elements, the depth is considered sufficient. If they exist, the depth continues to increase.

Location of natural sources in the section

If the work is carried out by specialists, they are already familiar with the approximate parameters based on the geological map of the area. If you do it yourself, you will only know the exact parameters when the final layer is reached.

Determining the depth of a well using a logging cable

You can check on your own how deep the well was drilled using another popular method. This method requires a logging cable with magnetic marks located at a certain interval. They provide information about the depth indicators of the dive. A screen located on the top of the cable reads this data. If the depth is at a level between the marks, its indicators are determined using special marks on the cable.

Determining the depth of the well using acoustic depth gauge

The operation of the device is very simple, but this is one of the most accurate methods. In addition, it is the easiest to use. This device can be rented.

The essence of the work is that the device sends signal waves deep into the well. They are reflected from the bottom and come back. Using the entered formulas, deep indicators are calculated.

Acoustic depth gauge

Cost of work

When issuing a passport for a well, it is customary to believe the indicators indicated in it, but it is better to check everything yourself.

If you do not want to waste your time double-checking the parameters, it is better to contact well-known companies with extensive experience and a good reputation.

The cost depends on the parameters. It is calculated only after completion of the work. Initially, you may be given an approximate cost based on the geological map and other data. The exact price is determined by how many special rod elements were used.

It is the quantity of these elements that you should control.

The process of measuring the depth of a well using drill rods is shown in the video below.

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On the eve of the dacha and construction season, this issue arises especially acutely. Director of the Karelburvod company Igor Paltsev answers the editorial questions.

According to him, today two main problems stand out in the drilling services market: drilling extra meters and the quality of this service.

In the first case, the company continues to drill a well, even if there is already water. This way they try to earn extra money. After all, the customer pays for the total footage of the well, which, with an honest approach, would be noticeably smaller and cheaper.

There is a phrase in driller slang: “Dry up the well.” This is done by various tricks, for example, using compressors of excessive power, when much more air is supplied into the well than is needed for drilling.

Also, the cheerful call should cause caution: “Let's make a well in one day!” In this case, the “drillers” drill non-stop in an accelerated manner, plugging the drilled rock into the water-bearing cracks of the wellbore, just to prevent the water carrier from opening. And as a result, where water should appear, the customer sees only dust, not water.

But in practice, drilling should be done slowly, with stops to allow the aquifers to open up. It is advisable to allocate at least 2 days for each well, even a shallow one - 20-30 meters.

Many clients also fall victim to haste or lack of skill when individual “drillers” incorrectly install casing pipes into the well, which leads to groundwater ingress. People do not realize that, first of all, the quality of water depends not on the depth of the well or on the drilling location, but on how well the casing pipes are drilled.

The only correct way to install a steel casing pipe is to insert it (1 meter or more) into hard rock to block the entry of perched water into the well. Sometimes, when the rocks are highly fractured, it is necessary to install casing pipes even deeper - 5-10 meters into the rock. This is one of the most critical stages of drilling.

However, some “drillers” limit themselves only to placing the casing pipe on the reached hard rocks, without leading them into the reached rocky horizon. This is hack work, for which the customer then bitterly pays.

A plastic casing pipe (food grade plastic, wall at least 7mm) is installed inside the steel pipe. It is tightly sealed below the steel casing pipes in the wellbore in a section of the wellbore specially bored to the diameter of the plastic pipe and provides reliable protection against water leakage.

As the practice of the Karelburvod company in repairing defective wells performed by other companies shows, the cause of defects is often the drilling of a well with a large diameter. In this case, it is technically impossible to secure the plastic pipe in the wellbore, because its diameter turns out to be larger than the internal diameter of the steel casing pipe. Also defective is the installation of a plastic pipe into an unprepared (not bored to the pipe diameter) wellbore. Hack workers often drill a plastic pipe not with a drilling machine, but by hand, hammering the pipe with a sledgehammer.

Customers also need to keep in mind that when ordering drilling from hacks or amateurs, you risk not only the water quality of your well. It is also possible to noticeably deteriorate the quality of water in neighboring wells – those located nearby. As a rule, a defective well, into which dirty upstream water enters, first contaminates the aquifer and, along with it, wells located nearby.

How to choose a drilling company and not be deceived and lose money when ordering a well? Choosing a drilling company is a responsible matter, because... well - construction - expensive. Repairing a defective well is often more difficult than drilling a new one. And it is unacceptable to drill a new well next to a defective one, because all the dirty water from the first will go to the second, no matter how well it is made.

There is only one way out - to approach the choice of a drilling company as thoughtfully and responsibly as possible. Find one that has sufficient experience and values ​​its reputation.

To do this you should:

1. Interview friends, acquaintances and neighbors. Take into account their feedback, listen to their recommendations (especially if they have been using the well for several years)

2. Search independent Internet sites and forums for reviews of companies.

3. You must understand that there are fly-by-night drilling companies or scam companies where there is a constant turnover of drilling personnel. Therefore, you should not trust the words of drillers: “We have 10 years of experience!” And find out for yourself how long the company has existed (you can easily find out on the tax website an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities).

It is better for the company to work on the market for at least 5-7 years.

The customer must be sure that even if something goes wrong with the well (turbid ground water, collapse of the well walls, etc.), the company will not waive its warranty obligations. It is known that some “drillers”, not burdened with moral and legal obligations to customers, are forced to wait for six months, a year for their arrival under warranty, or do not come at all.

4. It is advisable that when drilling the company uses a compressor of no more than 12-14 atmospheres (when using a more powerful compressor, the water may not be visible and the well may turn out to be much deeper than it should be).

5. Drilling should be done with stops so that the aquifers open up, and not drill 100 meters continuously - in half a day (on the issue of drying out the well)

6. It is advisable to be nearby while drilling and ask the drillers any questions you may have.

7. It is preferable for the drilling company to work without prepayment and be ready to provide installments for an average of 6 months. This indicates the financial stability and material security of the company.

8. The company must have experience working with plastic pipes, which must be installed inside a steel pipe not manually or with a sledgehammer, but pressed with a drilling machine into a well bore previously bored to the diameter of the plastic pipe.

The need for water on a plot of land is not discussed; it should be everywhere where there is life, especially if the dacha is used for planting vegetables and fruits. That is why it is very important to place not just a tap that will supply water according to a schedule that you will have to adapt to, but a full-fledged well with a pump. In our article you will learn what depth of a well is required without permission and by law.

Where do we start?

So, you have purchased a very nice piece of land with beautiful views of the surrounding area and excellent soil for planting crops and fruit trees. The only drawback of your purchase was the significant distance from the central water supply.

No one will dispute the importance of water for life on earth:

  • Human.
  • Plants.
  • Animals.

In principle, nothing is impossible.

However, many obstacles await you on the way to supplying water to the site from the central water supply:

  • Connecting to a water supply system with the installation of kilometer-long pipelines turns into a very labor-intensive and not at all fast process.
  • The total price for the entire range of work and materials, plus the design and design, will have a significant impact on your finances.

Drilling and determining the required well depth

In this case, landowners make the only right decision - drilling a well directly on the site or in an area of ​​easy and unhindered access. If you are not ready to perform this task yourself, then you will have to turn to specialists.

In any case, in the case of drilling, regardless of the method of performing the work, the very first and, of course, price-forming factor is the question of how deep to drive the well.

There are several points worth paying attention to.

Here, in fact, are two of them that will answer the question - how to determine the depth of the well:

  • Geology of your site.

  • Type and depth of groundwater.

Related articles:

The groundwater

Let's look at the four main types of groundwater:

  1. First- perched water, found at shallow depths of up to 3.5-4 m.

This upper aquifer is filled with rain and melt water, and in this regard it is characterized by:

  • A high degree of pollution, since it actually washes away all the dirt from the soil surface and, seeping through the upper layers of the soil, is more likely to be additionally polluted than cleaned by filtration.
  • Almost complete disappearance during dry periods and frosts. Without constant refilling, some of the water from the high water seeps deeper, and some dries out.

  1. Second– groundwater is, as a rule, located at a depth of about 10 m. A distinctive feature of groundwater is the presence of a powerful hydraulic resistant layer under the water layer. Its role can be played by clay or rocky layers that prevent water from seeping into the underlying layers, which ensures the filling of the groundwater layer even during periods of drought.

Groundwater lying at a depth of 8-10 m is already quite clean, filtered along the way through layers of varied soil.

For your information! Between perched water and groundwater, like other types of groundwater, there may be several intermediate layers of water. The groundwater layer may not be continuous, with gaps, and in this case, seepage into the water layers located below is inevitable.

  1. Third– interstratal waters are located, as a rule, at a depth in the range from 10 to 100 m. The very name of this type of water suggests that they lie between two waterproof layers of soil. The upper aquifer layer may have a low degree of permeability, which provides additional replenishment of interlayer water due to seepage from the two upper water layers.
  2. Fourth- artesian waters, lie just below 100 m from the surface of the earth. However, in some cases they can be found at a depth of 50 meters. To extract artesian water, a deep well is drilled. Naturally, this is the purest water.

The instructions on how to find out the depth of the well to which you need to drill are simple - what quality water do you want to get at the output to such a layer and drill.

Advice! The quality and uninterrupted supply of water is affected by the depth of immersion of the pump into the well. Two rules are required here: firstly, water must flow into the pump by gravity, i.e. the pump is immersed at least 1 meter from the dynamic groundwater level in the well. Secondly, the pump must be constantly in water for uninterrupted cooling.

Exploration drilling

Now about how to check the depth of a well in a specific area. To find out this value, reconnaissance work is carried out, i.e. test drilling.

The most win-win way to measure the depth of a well is to keep a detailed drilling log in which it is noted:

  • Occurrence of soils of different groups.
  • Depth of aquifers.
  • Degree of recycling water absorption.
  • Depth of soil leaching.

Permitting issues

Another issue that will have to be faced is the need for permission for drilling. According to the law on subsoil in relation to water extraction, owners of land plots, without special approval, have the right to drill and operate a well within the site to a depth of the first aquifer.

And, if this applies to you, then feel free to get to work. If the water source is supposed to be located outside your land, then you will have to negotiate and look for those who are responsible for the area adjacent to you.


There is nothing complicated about soil “analysis” and drilling; this issue can be resolved in two ways. The first is with special equipment, when a well more than 15 meters deep is required. The second is independent, when you use a rented drill to drill a well down to the groundwater level, so to speak, for irrigation.

In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

Earth is a planet of water. If you want independence, then you need your own water. If you need water, you cannot do without drilling a well on your property.
There are two types of wells for water intake: filter wells - “for sand” and deeper ones - “for limestone, they are sometimes called “artesian” wells, although professors believe that artesian wells are wells with “self-flowing” (after the name of the French province of Artois, where such wells were first drilled).

A filter (sand) well is drilled into the nearest aquifer located in sandy soils, and its depth is usually 15-30 m. The well is drilled quite quickly - within one or two working days.

However, these wells tend to silt up, and their service life directly depends on the thickness of the aquifer and on the intensity of operation: the more often a well is used, the longer it lasts (in practice, up to 15 years, more often - 5-8 years).

Drilling of deep (“artesian”) wells (for limestone) is carried out to the aquifer lying in the limestone at depths of 30-200 m, and they differ not only in their depth and productivity (up to 100 m3/hour), but also in the complexity of drilling. Such wells are usually drilled with a larger diameter and greater depth than “sand wells”. This is due to the large number of casing strings in the well and the higher cost, because the price per linear meter of drilling a well directly depends on the diameter of the casing pipes and, consequently, their cost. The duration of drilling a well increases to 5 or more days, depending on the rock and depth. The cost of drilling a well with limestone is higher, but the service life is much longer - 50 years or more, since the filter in such wells is the aquifer itself (limestone) and silting does not occur.

What is the diameter of the well?

For private sand wells: 127-133 mm. For a limestone well, the diameter of the column at the top can vary from 127 to 324 mm depending on the pump performance, depth and well design. The volume of water consumption when drilling an industrial well dictates much larger diameters.

What kind of pipes are in the well?

As a rule, steel (“black”). Steel St20, seamless drawn. Connections are threaded or welded. Galvanized pipes are not suitable for the casing string of the mine - over time, harmful zinc compounds appear in the water.

Do you need plastic?

The question, of course, is interesting... On the one hand, of course, there are progressive technologies, but on the other, there are no statistics on plastic pipes, they appeared not so long ago, and how they will behave in 40 years is unknown, but the black pipe is predictable: its service life with a wall thickness of 5 mm is 50 years (at a corrosion rate of 0.1 mm per year).

However, for discerning customers, plastic pipes are installed inside the casing (they will not save you from corrosion, but will make the pump more comfortable to operate by cutting off rust particles from the walls of the steel column from the expensive mechanism). Sometimes, in difficult geological conditions, a plastic column inside a steel one can be useful, i.e. plastic is used not instead of steel pipes, but together with them.

Plastic instead of steel is sometimes used in small wells, but it must be approached with caution: a steel column is stronger than a plastic one and better resists soil movement.

But the “black pipe” is iron, and there is already a lot of iron in the water...

The presence of iron in water is due to the content of chemically dissolved divalent iron (in rust - trivalent) in the aquifer.

Iron or fluorine present in the chemical composition of water from an artesian well is determined using chemical analysis and removed using special iron-removing filters (by oxidizing and converting it into sediment). Filters are a necessary attribute of autonomous water supply.

What is included in the cost of drilling a well?

The drilling itself, casing the well with a string of pipes, pumping to visually clean water. Express analysis is possible.

Some companies include chem. analysis of the cost of drilling a meter of well.

Chem. analysis can be included in the work of drilling a well, but it will not give a reliable and complete picture, since immediately after drilling the well still contains imported water used in drilling. Water samples for analysis should be taken after three weeks of operation, when the composition of the water is completely stabilized, i.e. It is better if the analyzes are carried out during the installation, because based on their results, water treatment equipment will be selected.

At what distance from the house is it possible to install a well?

No closer than 3 meters.

What is "arrangement"?

For year-round water consumption, the well must be completed with a buried caisson (sealed steel box) for all-season maintenance of pumping equipment. A pipeline is laid from the caisson at a depth of 1.8 m and introduced into the house. Automation is installed for uninterrupted control of the pump and filters for purifying water from the well from mechanical impurities.

Why is drilling an artillery well more expensive?

The cost of drilling a well directly depends on the price of the casing metal. The diameter of the casing depends on the depth of the well and the planned water consumption (a more powerful pump has larger dimensions).

Why do some companies drill cheaper?

1. There is an old supply of pipes left (this will not last long).
2. Light galvanized pipes are used (they are also beautifully called “anodized”). Due to the anti-corrosion coating, the thickness of the pipe can be reduced, and drilling due to metal savings will be much cheaper. In this case, the health of the customer is not taken into account, who after some time will begin to consume harmful zinc compounds with water. In addition, in acidic groundwater the column will deteriorate more quickly.
3. Some companies make it a prerequisite for the installation of their equipment or arrangement. They will take their share in this part of the estimate.
4. Short warranty period.

Do I need a license for the right to use subsoil?

It is not needed for drilling a shallow well in sand, just like for a well. To drill an artillery well, it is necessary. But some companies act as follows: they issue two passports, one for the owner, the other for the inspection authorities. This, of course, is not good. For industrial wells, a license for environmental management is absolutely necessary. Registration of a license takes up to six months.

What if there is no water?

In exceptional cases, when drilling into sand in the specified location, there is no water, or there is not enough water - the well is regarded as an exploration well, and only 50% of the contract price is charged.

Which pumps are better?

A recognized leader in its field, the German company Grundfos has been manufacturing its pumps from corrosion-resistant stainless steel for thirty years. Although there are options, pumps from Italy are also good, and the cheapest is our “Malysh”.

Is it possible to clear a silted shallow well?

Yes, you can. Repairing sand wells requires special tools. There is a restoration method by flushing the filter in the lower part of the well with water under pressure - the well is pumped, fine particles are washed out of the filter, and the flow of water is resumed. Repair of artesian wells is a complex, high-tech process, which is carried out by specialized companies.

Is it possible to install a well right in the house?

Yes, it is possible, but not deep. There are small-sized drilling rigs; you can drill a well in the basement of a house - if the ceilings are at least 2 m. An interesting alternative is the Abyssinian well. However, a serious well cannot be located in the basement, even if the house itself has not yet been built, because... maintenance and repairs (pump replacement, maintenance, etc.) require the use of large-sized drilling rigs, which cannot be accessed into the basement of the house.

When to start drilling?

It is best to start drilling a well before building a house, immediately after marking the area with pegs. This will save a lot of effort and money on restoring the fence and lawn after the drillers arrive, provide the builders with drinking and technical water, and give the opportunity to feel like the owner of the property even before the fence is erected.

If things don’t work out right away with the well, don’t despair - you can do it later, in any case, your own well will give completeness to your property and a sense of independence.

How to find water in your area?

Signs of the proximity of water are darker and brighter colors of grass, marsh vegetation, but this only speaks of subsurface waters - perched water. The color of the grass, however, may also depend on the presence of fertilizers in a given area or the composition of the soil that is different in microelements. Among the more “subtle signs” - a midge hovering over a damp place, trees bending their branches “towards the water”. Well, a frame or a willow/walnut twig with dowsing and dowsers - this requires strong optimism and firm faith in this very dowsing...

If we are talking about a well for sand, find out if your neighbors have wells or boreholes. If there is, feel free to drill for yourself. But 100% probability cannot be expected. In limestone there is water almost everywhere, the only question is the depth and thickness of the formation.

Manual drilling of wells - is it possible to do everything yourself?

Typically, drillers who offer hand drilling actually use compact drill rigs and attachments. Purely manual drilling of a well is hard physical labor using a bailer on screwed rods, which must be constantly lifted and freed from the ground during drilling. Rotation of the tool is done manually using a gate.

As for drilling a well on your own site on your own - if you have enough enthusiasm and have the appropriate equipment - yes, it is possible. But... This is hard work - manual drilling of a well, and if you encounter a boulder, manual drilling will no longer help.

The price of a meter of manual well drilling, which is offered by specialists, is significantly higher than machine drilling, because... although machines and mechanisms are used, the share of heavy manual labor is quite large. Manual drilling of wells is justified where machine drilling is impossible.

Sand well or well with pump?

The problem with wells is poor insulation of the joints of reinforced concrete rings, which is why the water becomes cloudy after rains. The well casing (pipe) separates storm and subsurface water from the formation water in the sand layer. What they have in common is that there is no need to obtain permission to drill a well, just like a well.

Drilling on the 1st, 2nd or 3rd water horizon

The upper limestone aquifers may be thin. For a productive well, I advise you to listen to the advice of drillers: if you do it, it’s good. And if your needs are modest, you can do it first. As a rule, the water in the upper horizon is contaminated with water from the overlying sandy layers and perched water penetrating into the limestone due to violation of technological requirements during drilling.

The second horizon is strategic water reserves; to drill a well you need a license for the use of subsoil and a drilling permit. Although drillers usually bypass this obstacle. Drilling a well into the 2nd and 3rd horizons will become much more expensive, since they sometimes lie much deeper.

To drill a personal water well, is it necessary to require drillers to have a license for this type of work?

No, don't.

Volumes of water when drilling an artesian well

When rotary drilling (“wells for limestone”), the so-called. drilling fluid made from special clay and water. The volume of water consumed for a 100-m well ranges from 20 to 30 cubic meters (approximately).

How to control the quality of well drilling work?

An indicator of entry into the aquifer when drilling a well is the influx of water. Unfortunately, the format of the article does not allow even a brief listing of everything that can happen when drilling a well (according to Murphy’s law, everything bad that can happen will definitely happen); The best way to control the quality of drillers' work is to temporarily become an ordinary member of the team.

An indirect indicator of the quality of work when drilling a well is the warranty period: correcting flaws is simply unprofitable. You need to be demanding with the drillers, but initially friendly; you shouldn’t try to “outwit” them - in response, they may have professional tricks in stock that will ruin your impression of the well for a long time.

What should you do when putting a well into operation?

When taking a well into operation after drilling, you must:

Check the depth of the drilled hole using the tool, i.e. lower the pipes to the bottom and measure the length of the rods.
- Take water from the well - it must be visually clean, the debit must correspond to what was agreed in the contract.
- Check the availability of a set of documents specified in the contract (including the Well Passport with its characteristics and the Warranty Card) and the compliance of the specified well parameters with the actual ones. Recommendations for the operation of the well are also given by the drilling organization (it is also useful to know its address and telephone numbers).
- After commissioning (if no further work or operation is expected), the well must be plugged (welded) for conservation.

At what depth should the pump be located?

It depends on how much water the well produces and how much it is pumped out by the pump. On average, 15-17 m below the static level. But so that the pump does not run out of water during operation.

How to determine to what depth a well is drilled?

Lower the weight on the line. When pulling out the fishing line, measure the length.

How can you tell if there is water in the well casing?

Lower the weight; it could be a washer, a plumb line, etc. on a rope or fishing line into the casing and twitch as you lower it up and down, while simultaneously listening to the sounds coming from the pipe. As soon as you reach the water surface, you will hear the weight making the sounds of an object plunging into the water. When you take out the weight, measure the length of the fishing line, rope and find out exactly the depth at which the water is located.

What is included in the warranty period for a drilled well?

Here are the rules that should be followed when deciding whether warranty repairs are legal:

The content of sand or clay in artesian water begins to exceed 50 mg/l (or other specified in the contract), because this indicates a leak in the casing, or that the clay layers in the limestone horizon were not cut off correctly
- if the well flow rate has decreased due to clogging of the filter column with sand or clay (the symptoms described above appear)
- if the flow rate of a well has decreased due to a natural disaster, or due to the drilling of an industrial well with a huge water intake near the facility, which led to dewatering of the horizon, then the repair of such a well, unless specifically specified in the contract, is not guaranteed.

How soon will a well silt up if it is not used?

The length of a satisfactory production period of a well depends on a number of factors:

Frequency and intensity of operation
- thickness of the aquifer
- availability and capacity of wells from neighbors
- violations of the hydrological situation
- climatic conditions

How to restore well productivity after a winter break?

To restore the well, a number of measures are carried out, their essence is cleaning the well, washing the filter and the bottom-hole zone under pressure with an air-water mixture (up to 15 atm), and, if necessary, washing with special equipment. reagents. As an extreme case - water hammer. If necessary, video recording of the wellbore and, if there are fistulas, partial replacement of the casing.

Not only the cost of the services provided, but also the quality of the water depends on the depth of the well. Therefore, this factor cannot remain uncontrolled. We will tell you what methods there are for checking the depth of a well after drilling, what their advantages and disadvantages are, and how to protect yourself from being deceived but still get the desired result.


In this article we will tell you how to check the depth of a well after drilling. The required well depth is a determining factor for the quality of the supplied water and determines the price. Most owners carefully control this factor, because when calculating the cost, each meter is paid. If you are drilling a water well yourself, then you still need to determine the depth of the well as accurately as possible. This is required for accurate installation of working equipment.


The required depth of a water well depends on which soil balls contain aquifers. It is necessary to take into account the fact why you need this well. For example, if it is needed for watering plants, then it is enough to use water located at a depth of 4-6 meters. But it is not recommended to use such water for drinking, so more extensive drilling will be required.
We must not lose sight of the fact that when reaching aquifers, it is necessary to take the water for analysis. If the first analysis shows that the level of dangerous pollutants in the water is exceeded, then it is necessary to continue work until it reaches the balls with accessible drinking water.


One of the advantages of working with us is that, using experience, we know what the optimal depth should be so that you receive exceptionally high-quality water. To do this, our specialists use a depth map.
There are several ways to check the depth of a well after drilling. They differ in accuracy, complexity of work and accessibility.
Among them:
simple mechanical method
a more technologically advanced method using a logging cable with magnetic tags
measurement using an acoustic depth gauge
So, now let's talk about each method separately.


The first method is accessible to absolutely everyone. It will require a cord, a mechanical weight and a ruler. There are specialized hydrogeological tape measures that simplify this process. To check the depth of the well after drilling, it is necessary to lower the load into the well until the tension in the cord decreases noticeably. Next, carefully remove the devices and measure the length of the cord. The wet part of the cord determines the placement of the water surface.
This method is very simple, but has a small disadvantage. It lies in the fact that in this way it is possible to check the depth of wells after drilling up to 10 meters. The wet part of the cord will give an idea of ​​static water levels, but dynamic data is needed to correctly install the pump.


The second method is similar in principle to the first, but it uses more technologically advanced equipment that provides more information. In terms of accuracy, this method is the first, being the most popular in determining the depth of water-bearing spheres. The basis of the equipment is a coil with magnetic tags that transmit information to the receiver. The reel has a special roller, thanks to which the depth is determined.


Regarding the application of acoustic depth gauge, this equipment is widely used in the mining industry, not only in measuring the depth of a well. This method is based on echolocation. An acoustic signal is sent into the well, then the device measures the incoming and outgoing signals. The difference is directly proportional to the distance traveled, that is, the depth of the well. This method allows you to measure the depth of the well quite quickly. The only negative is that the equipment is expensive and it is not profitable to buy it for yourself. If you want to use this method, it is better to turn to professionals.


After completing the work, any company provides a technological passport of the well, which indicates the depth. Whether this document should be trusted is a moot point. It all depends on the professionalism and responsibility of the company you cooperate with. You may have already heard about how people cheat when drilling water wells. A company that values ​​its reputation will not do this. Therefore, it is important to choose companies with good customer reviews.
If you doubt that you will be given the correct data upon completion of the work, then it is better to be present when the well is drilled. Drilling rigs produce final data and a count of installed rods is kept. You can control this process yourself.


The Kimberia company has been a trusted partner for many years. Many clients in the Moscow region trust us. Upon request, the team will be able to travel to any area of ​​the Moscow region in the shortest possible time. Thanks to many years of experience, we can carry out work in any area and on any site, adhering to all quality and safety standards. And the price for services is affordable for absolutely everyone.
With us, you can quickly and cheaply acquire an autonomous well at your dacha, near a cottage, or a country house. We will make sure that you always have clean and high-quality water. A modern turnkey well is the optimal solution for many years!