Schools at military institutes. Military University of the Russian Federation

Higher military schools and other schools

Nautical schools. - Military academies. - Corps of pages. - Training of engineers. - Veterinary schools. - Polytechnic school. - Academy of Arts

The question of the need for universities was resolved radically in only one country. However, the question of the insufficiency of universities to train the necessary specialists has been raised for a long time and in various regions. Priests, lawyers, doctors, of course, were in demand, but not in such quantities. But how can we do without builders, engineers, cartographers, land surveyors, and the military? Who will build houses, mine ore, smelt metal and fight for it?

In 1416, the third son of the Portuguese king João I, Infante Don Heinrich (1394-1470), nicknamed "Henry the Navigator", founded the Maritime Academy on the steep cliff of Cape Sagrish, where they taught mathematics and astronomy in relation to navigation. The teachers there were Italians and Catalans, well-versed in hydrography. Portugal, which gave the world great discoverers and was then one of the largest maritime powers along with Spain, also became the center of "navigational science." Her interests stretched west, south, and east, and with ships getting bigger and their cargo ever more valuable, the need for competent captains to get them to their destination safe and sound was more acute than ever.

Cadets to the academy were selected very carefully, not to mention teachers. The professor of hydrography taught students mathematics, physics, the mechanics of sails and ship maneuvers, astronomy, navigation, and ship theory. Where were they taken from? From universities. Initially, they were all clerics and only eventually were replaced exclusively by the military.

The founder of the school of hydrography in Dieppe, in Normandy, was in 1537 the abbot Pierre Deselier, curate of the local village. Teachers from this school made the most accurate maps of that era, only the Dutch managed to outshine them by the middle of the 17th century. Dieppe became the first French port where navigation was taught "by the rules". Another priest, Preso the Learned, trained sailors at Honfleur, another Norman port. Retired captains and pilots taught there, who shared their experience with young people on a voluntary basis.

In parallel, in 1571, King Charles IX (1560–1574) established a school of hydrography in Marseille, on the Mediterranean. Henry III, who succeeded him on the throne, by his ordinance introduced final examinations for ship captains, who were supposed to demonstrate their skills and abilities to two "old masters" in the presence of the admiral or his deputies and two city notables.

Enthusiastic lecturers who taught for free now became salaried professors. This happened, for example, with Abbé Guillaume Denis, who opened a school in Dieppe in 1665. He had no end to the students, whose number reached two hundred. True, they were so noisy and mischievous children that they had to turn to the services of an overseer from the corsairs.

In 1666, the Royal School of Hydrography was founded at Le Havre, and in 1673 at Saint-Malo, on the Atlantic coast. High demands were placed on the teachers of these schools. According to the royal ordinance of 1681 on the establishment of similar schools in all major port cities, teachers were to teach students drawing and drafting, so that they would be able to “depict ports, coastlines, mountains, trees, towers and other things that serve as a guide in harbors and raids, and map the areas that they open.” Classes - at least four a week - were to be held in public, professors were to come to them "with maps, sailing directions, globes, spheres, compasses, astrolabes and other tools and books required for their art." The caretakers of the orphanages undertook to supply the teachers with pupils, sending two or three boys to the school every year and supplying them with the necessary books and tools. Teachers were exempted from public duties, such as guard duty as part of the "people's squads", but they could not leave the city without the permission of the admiral or the mayor, under pain of deprivation of salaries.

Universities also responded to new trends: in 1679, the first artillery school in France, founded by Louis XIV, was opened in Douai; her cadets were to study mathematics and chemistry. Since the ships were armed with cannons, knowledge of artillery turned out to be useful for naval officers. In addition, in 1704, the king converted the mathematics courses taught at Caen and Douai into royal chairs of mathematics and hydrography "for the education of young people who have chosen a career as a navigator."

In the 18th century, French midshipmen, like medieval students, had to go through three nautical schools - in Breton Brest, Rochefort and Toulon - in order to complete their education. However, the training program in them was standard: mathematics, shipbuilding, the basics of ballistics, hydrography, fencing, dancing. In the second half of the century, these schools fell into decay: despite the brilliant education of naval officers, the French fleet suffered defeat, but it was a lack of practice, and not gaps in the academic program.

Similar schools were created in other European countries. Ivan Neplyuev in his notes reports that parties of Russian students from the nobility, appointed by Peter I as midshipmen, were scattered around the most important cities of Europe: they studied in Venice, Florence, Toulon, Marseille, Cadiz, Paris, Amsterdam, London.

“There were seven of our Russian midshipmen in Toulon: Andrei Ivanov, son of Polyansky, Warrior Yakovlev, son of Rimsky-Korsakov, Mikhail Andreev, son of Rimsky-Korsakov, Prince Alexandra Dmitriev, son of Volkonsky, Prince Boris Semenov, son of Boryatinsky, Prince Boris Grigoriev, son of Yusupov, Alexandra Gavrilov, son of Stallions. They study in academies with French midshipmen, of which there are 120 people in that academy, navigation, engineering, artillery, draw mastheads (scaled maps. - E. G.), how ships are built, boatswain (that is, to equip ships), soldier’s article, dance, fight with swords, ride horses; go to school twice a day; and they are taught everything without money by royal masters; and salaries from the royal majesty are given to them for a month at 3 efimka; and if anyone sins, they put them in jail as a fine, according to the examination of guilt, for a large guilt for six months on one bread and water, and they don’t let anyone into prison.

Not all Russians sent abroad returned educated; some in a foreign land died of diseases, died in duels, got a job. In 1715, Peter ordered 200 senior students from the Moscow Navigation School to be transferred to St. Petersburg - they were to become the first students of the Naval Academy.

“At the Academy to teach the sciences: arithmetic, geometry, navigation, artillery, fortification, geography, drawing and military training; muskets and rapiers and some astronomy. And for that teaching of teachers, whose sciences are not now acquired at the Academy, to clean up capable ones, and for the distribution of cash treasuries of the commissar, and for looking after teachers and over schoolchildren, a comrade, and for translating books belonging to the sciences, a translator, ”said the royal decree of 1719.

It was not close from the desired to the actual: Peter I, who visited the Naval Academy in 1724, was shocked by the ignorance of the students, who “because of bare feet and lack of daily food” did not go to school for months, and 55 people “were fed by prayer work”.

Subsequently, the academy trained naval officers, surveyors, and cartographers. In 1752 it was transformed into the Naval Cadet Corps, which lasted until October 1917.

Not all European countries were maritime powers, and to a much greater extent they needed officers for the land army, in which the cavalry played an important role. At the end of the 16th century, Antoine de Pluvinel, a former military man, an unsurpassed horseman and an excellent swordsman, opened his academy in Paris to train cavalry officers for the royal army. The treasury allocated to her from eight hundred to a thousand ecu per student per year. In addition to teaching military affairs, Pluvinel told his listeners about events from the recent history of France, instilling patriotism in them, and also engaged in their secular education, instilling good taste and elegant manners.

Previously, the French nobility was forced to travel to Italy for education, introducing their families into serious expenses. Pluvinel himself went abroad at the age of ten and was trained by the famous horseman Pignatelli.

The academy was his dream. Pluvinel creatively reworked the methods of the Italian school, abandoning the rough treatment of horses and trying to develop training skills in his students that would be useful for "taming people." Among his students were the future King Louis XIII and the Duke of Devonshire, William Cavendish, as well as the Marquis de Scilla, the future Cardinal Richelieu. In the province, the first educational institution of this type was opened in Toulouse in 1598.

The apogee of the establishment of military academies fell on the 70-80s of the 17th century: in Paris, only in the Saint-Germain quarter, there were seven academies, the eighth was on the right bank of the Seine, on Saint-Antoine street. There were a dozen of them in the provinces - in Lille, Angers, Blois, Besancon, Strasbourg, Bordeaux ... During the war of the Augsburg League (1688-1697), the number of cadets dropped sharply: young nobles learned military science on the battlefield. By 1691, only two academies remained in the capital, but their fame became truly global. Students from all over Europe came to the Academy of François de la Guerinière on what is now Rue Medici.

The course of the Military Academy on Bonzanfant Street in Paris, which the future Marshal Turenne graduated from, corresponded to the Pluvinel program: horseback riding, dancing, fencing, mathematics (basics of fortification), gymnastics, drawing (cartography). In some cases music, history or foreign languages. Humanitarian sciences were not welcome. The training was for two years. The boarders paid an entrance fee of ten livres in addition to the tuition fees. The externs annually paid each teacher from two to five livres.

Competing with the academies were page corps, cadet schools, and short-lived military schools that provided the same education. Louis XIV's minister of war, the Marquis de Louvois (1641–1691), created nine cadet schools with strict routines and supervision of students. However, in 1729, only 44 boarders and 38 external students studied in all four academies that existed then in the capital.

When the Jesuits were once again expelled from France, Louis XV (1715–1774) transformed the La Flèche college founded by them into the School of Cadets (1760). She trained many young officers, including Napoleon Bonaparte.

In addition, the King founded the School of Engineers and Royal Shipbuilders (1741), the Royal School of Bridges and Roads (1747), the Royal School of Military Engineers in Mézières (1748).

It should be noted that in other countries of Western Europe, military schools appeared only in the 19th century. For example, in England, the Military Academy at Woolwich (now a southeastern suburb of London), established to train cadets for the royal artillery, received royal status only in 1841. A school for staff officers (in the future - the Royal Military School) was founded in 1799.

In Prussia, which in the 18th century had the most drilled army in Europe, there were no military schools at all, and Frederick II the Great (1740-1786) even took credit for the fact that his army consisted of mercenaries. The army itself became a military school, but the system of general secondary education prepared the soldiers and officers for training in it, instilling discipline, the habit of order and a sense of duty. This war machine smashed the French troops, despite the brilliant education of their officers ...

The founder of Russian military schools was, of course, Peter the Great. On August 1, 1701, the first 300 students aged from seven to twenty-five were admitted to the Moscow Artillery School. In the "lower" school they taught reading, writing and arithmetic, in the "upper" they mastered geometry, trigonometry, fortification and architecture. Engineering sciences were taught by foreigners.

After the death of the first Russian emperor, the school lost its positions, and in 1758 it was merged with the completely decayed Engineering School, creating the United Artillery and Engineering School of the Nobility. Her trustee General Feldzeugmeister P. I. Shuvalov ordered to train engineers and gunners according to a single program. Since 1760, students of the school have been graduating as officers. Catherine II transformed the school into a cadet corps, which gradually became a combined arms educational institution. Its graduates, who wanted to enter the engineering department as conductors, had to pass exams in mathematics, artillery and fortification, and therefore there were fewer and fewer applicants every year.

The land gentry corps was founded in 1731 under Anna Ioannovna. Military exercises were practiced there only one day a week, so that "there would be no obstacles in teaching other sciences." The teaching program was surprisingly wide: in addition to elementary mathematics, grammar and other elementary sciences, the cadets also studied rhetoric, philosophy, jurisprudence, state economy, history, heraldry, fortification, artillery, geography, nautics (navigation), engraving, painting, even “making statues” (sculpture), and from the time of Alexander Sumarokov (1717–1777), teach who was in the building in 1732-1740 and made his debut within its walls as a poet, stage art was added to the arts.

Contemporaries joked that officers who knew everything except what was needed came out of the gentry corps. However, their knowledge was rather superficial. In the land gentry corps, minors aged from five to twenty-one years old were trained, divided into five classes, three years each, with special programs for each class. In the third grade (from twelve to fifteen years old), where history was supposed to be taught, it was not studied because the cadets did not know the geography that was in the program of the previous class, but it was not taught there "for the sake of the weak understanding of the students and the use of more time for learning languages." In fact, the goal of education was to educate a young gentry who was skilled in languages, riding, dancing, sword fighting and in the ability to conduct a decent conversation. Three virtues should adorn a well-bred gentry: friendliness, courtesy and humility. All this could hardly be useful in combat.

In 1759, on behalf of Elizaveta Petrovna, the first curator of Moscow University, I. I. Shuvalov, prepared a draft charter for the Corps of Pages. The staff of the corps included nine cameras-pages and 40 pages; upon reaching a certain age, chamber pages were issued by officers to the guards, and pages to army units. The program of stay in the building included the study of German, Latin and French, physics, geography, geometry, algebra, fortification, history, heraldry. The first director of the corps was the Swiss baron Theodor Heinrich von Tschudi, secretary of Count Shuvalov, for whom he secured the position of secretary of Moscow University. His task was to reform the Corps of Pages according to the Versailles model, eradicating licentiousness and vices. Chudi enthusiastically got down to business and presented a twelve-point memorandum outlining his view on the education and upbringing of pages - these were the principles of humane pedagogy, which differed sharply from the educational methods generally accepted in Russia at that time, among which the rod dominated. But the very next year, Chudi left Russia forever. In 1765, Academician G.F. Miller compiled new program page training. In the corps, they began to study mathematical and military sciences, philosophy, morality, law, history, geography, genealogy, heraldry, jurisprudence, state ceremonial, Russian and foreign languages, calligraphy, and also practice horse riding, dancing and fencing.

The needs of the army greatly contributed to the development of special education. For example, military engineers also solved civilian problems, so the demand for them was high. In 1675 the Duke de Villahermosa, the Spanish viceroy in Flanders, founded the Academy of Mathematics in Brussels. Every year, 30 military students were enrolled there; they studied geometry, fortification, artillery and geography. A year later, the best of them were selected and left for another year for an in-depth study of fortification, drawing, geometry and navigation. Much attention was paid to practical exercises. Graduates became engineers and could not return to their regiment. The Academy has become a real European Cultural Center, but in 1706 it was closed, as Brussels left the sphere of influence of Spain.

Graduates of the Brussels Academy taught until 1705 at the Royal Academy of Mathematics in Catalonia. And in Barcelona, ​​the Duke de Bournonville opened at his own expense the Academy of Military Architecture with the Department of Mathematics. Pupils of these schools built fortresses and ports throughout Spain and the Caribbean, but there were still terribly few engineers: 90 people in the 16th century, 290 in the next. However, with the accession of the Bourbons in Spain (1700), a system was introduced into their training, academies began to multiply, and things went smoothly.

In 1707, in Moscow, in the Nemetskaya Sloboda, the Hospital School was opened - the first medical school in Russia to train army doctors and paramedics. For thirty years, its director and sole professor of anatomy and surgery was the Dutch physician Nicholas Bidloo (1674?-1735), the personal physician of Tsar Peter. An anatomical theater functioned at the school, where the corpses of the homeless were taken. Assistants to Bidloo, M.D. of the University of Leiden, were two physicians. “I took 50 people in different cities to science ... of which 33 remained, 6 died, 8 fled, 2 were taken to school by decree, 1 was sent to the soldiers for intemperance,” Bidloo reported to the king. He was pleased with the results of his activities: “I am not ashamed to recommend the best of these students of Your Royal Majesty to the consecrated person or the best gentlemen, because they not only have knowledge of one or another disease that happens on the body and belongs to the rank of surgery, but also the general art of all diseases from the head even to the feet ... how to treat them.

The first veterinary schools in the world were founded in France: in Lyon in 1761 and in Alfort in 1765. Their founder, Claude Bourgela, was the king's master of the horse and ran the Academy of Riding in Lyon.

The veterinarians were far less rigid about science than the physicians who used humans. It was on horses that a variety of experiments were carried out, including the measurement of blood pressure.

Teachers were needed for new schools. The idea of ​​teacher training schools, which originated in Austria under Maria Theresa (1740–1780) and Joseph II (1765–1790), was picked up in France.

The Higher School of Crafts and the Mining Institute, founded in Paris shortly before the French Revolution, survived the revolutionary storm and even strengthened their positions.

Post-revolutionary France experienced an acute shortage of personnel: aristocratic officers emigrated or were guillotined, all universities were closed, and meanwhile devastation reigned in the country, it was necessary to restore the transport infrastructure. The Committee of Public Safety issued a decree on the establishment of the Central School of Public Works (1794). After the first three months of "revolutionary classes" in mathematics, physics and chemistry, students were divided into three categories: some had to study for two years, in order to then enter the public service, others could complete the course in a year, and still others did not need training at all. Still: physical and chemical laboratories were not yet ready, there were not enough stars from the sky for professors, and no more than three dozen listeners were recruited at the first lectures. The following year, the school was transformed into the Polytechnic School, which was supposed to train students for the Artillery and Military Engineering School, the Mining Institute and the School of Bridges and Roads. The Polytechnic School quickly gained prestige in Europe, so that in 1803 the Swiss Republic even won the right to send 20 young people there to study in exchange for four of its regiments to France.

Finally, we should not forget about art. In 1648, Charles Lebrun (1619–1690), who had a hand in decorating the Palace of Versailles, and other artists created the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture, which included the Academy of Architecture. The chief minister of the Sun King, Jean Baptiste Colbert, issued an edict in 1676 establishing academic schools in the province to teach young artists, artisans and factory workers the theory of drawing and copying patterns. But the first sign in this area was the public free Drawing School in Rouen, founded in 1740 by the city's Academy of Sciences, Literature and Art. For about half a century it was led by the Flemish painter Jean Baptiste Deccan (1706–1791); on the model of this school, similar schools were created throughout Europe.

Count I. I. Shuvalov became the initiator of the creation and the first president (1757–1763) of the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, transferring his art collections to it. Several artistically gifted pupils of Moscow University were transferred to the academy, including Vasily Bazhenov. In addition to the sciences of art, students of the academy were taught history, anatomy, mythology, mathematics, and foreign languages. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, lessons were held in the "drawing chamber" under the guidance of foreign masters - sculptor Nicolas Francois Gillet, painter Louis Joseph le Lorrain, draftsman Jean Michel Moreau, engraver Georg Friedrich Schmidt, who helped found the Russian academic school of painting.

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(institutions, academies, universities, educational establishments). Now the higher military schools have a different abbreviation. For example, such as VUNTS SV "OA Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" military institute or branch. All former higher military schools (institutes, educational establishments) are attached to one or another academy. Here is a complete list of all higher military educational institutions of the RF Ministry of Defense for the training of officers in the interests of the RF Armed Forces in 2013:

1. VUNTS SV "Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" (Moscow)

1.1 VUNTS SV "OA Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" (Moscow) Military Institute (combined arms)

The use of motorized rifle units

1.2 VUNTS SV "OA Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" (branch, Ryazan)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

The use of airborne units:

The use of airborne units (mountain)

The use of airborne support units:

The use of military intelligence units of the Airborne Forces

The use of communications units of the Airborne Forces

1.3 VUNTS SV "OA Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" (branch, Kazan)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

The use of tank units

1.4 VUNTS SV "OA Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" (branch, Novosibirsk)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

The use of special intelligence units

The use of military intelligence units

1.5 VUNTS SV "OA Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" (branch, Blagoveshchensk)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

The use of motorized rifle units:

The use of motorized rifle units (mountain)

The use of motorized rifle units (Arctic)

Application of Marine Corps units

1.6 VUNTS SV "OA Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" (branch, Tyumen)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

The use of engineering units and the operation of engineering weapons:

The use of engineering units of the Airborne Forces and the operation of engineering weapons

the use of pontoon-bridge, motor-building and road units of engineering troops

The use of controlled mining units and the operation of radio-electronic means of engineering weapons

The use of units and the operation of engineering electrical equipment

2. Mikhailovskaya Military Artillery Academy (St. Petersburg)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

The use of units and the operation of complexes of tactical, operational-tactical missiles, multiple launch rocket systems and special products

The use of artillery units:

Application of Marine Artillery Units

The use of airborne artillery units

The use of artillery reconnaissance units

3. Military Academy of Radiation, Chemical, Biological Protection and Engineering Troops (Kostroma)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

The use of units and the operation of weapons and means of NBC protection

Operation of devices, equipment and means of RCB protection in the study of physiologically active substances

Operation and technology of new materials in weapons and military equipment

4. VUNTS SV "Air Force Academy" (Voronezh)

4.1 VUNTS VVS "VVA" (Voronezh)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

The use of units and the operation of radio technical means of aviation flight support

The use of units and the operation of engineering and aerodrome support for aviation flights

The use of units and the operation of engineering and technical support for aviation flights

Application and operation of ground-based aerial reconnaissance equipment

The use of units and the operation of aviation communications:

The use of units and the operation of airborne communications

The use of units and the operation of electronic warfare equipment for aviation

The use of units and the operation of electronic warfare equipment with ground control systems

The use of units and the operation of electronic warfare equipment by aerospace command and control systems for troops and weapons

The use of units and the operation of means of integrated technical control of measures to counter technical intelligence

The use of units and the operation of information warfare

Staff and organizational-mobilization work

Provision of troops (forces) with aviation equipment

Provision of troops (forces) with aviation weapons

Operation of airplanes, helicopters and aircraft engines

Operation of aviation weapons

Operation of aviation equipment

Operation of aviation electronic equipment

Operation of cryogenic machines, installations and electrogas equipment

Operation of technical systems and life support systems of special structures and aviation facilities

The use of long-range aviation units

The use of fighter aviation units

4.2 VUNTS VVS "VVA" (branch of Krasnodar)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

The use of units of naval missile-carrying and anti-submarine aviation

The use of units of front-line bomber and attack aviation

The use of military transport aviation units

4.3 VUNTS VVS "VVA" (branch of Chelyabinsk)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

Application of aviation and air traffic control facilities

The use of air navigation systems for long-range aviation

The use of air navigation systems for fighter aircraft

The use of air navigation systems of helicopters

The use of air navigation systems for front-line bomber aviation

The use of air navigation systems for naval aviation

4.4 VUNTS VVS "VVA" (branch of Syzran, Samara region)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

The use of army aviation units:

The use of helicopter units of aviation forces of the front

5. VUNTS of the Navy "Naval Academy" (St. Petersburg)

5.1 VUNTS of the Navy "VMA" (St. Petersburg) Military Institute (Naval)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

The use of nuclear support units and the operation of nuclear weapons

Application and operation of navigation-hydrographic (oceanological) and hydrometeorological aids

The use and operation of missile weapons submarines

5.2 VUNTS VMF "VMA" (St. Petersburg) Military Institute (Naval Polytechnic)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

Search and rescue support for the fleet forces

The use and operation of weapons and means of NBC protection for ships

Operation of nuclear power plants of ships

Operation of ship diesel-electric power plants

Operation of steam-powered gas turbine power plants of ships

Operation of electrical power systems of ships

Construction and repair of ships

The use and operation of electronic warfare assets of the fleet forces

Application and operation of the automated control system of the fleet forces

Operation of shipborne combat information control systems

5.3 VUNTS VMF "VMA" (branch of Kaliningrad)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

The use and operation of rocket and artillery weapons of surface ships

Application and operation of maritime electronic intelligence

5.4 VUNTS VMF "VMA" (branch of Vladivostok)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

Application and operation of coastal missile systems and artillery

Shipbuilding and operation of marine aids to navigation

The use of mine-torpedo armament of ships and submarines

Application and operation of radio equipment of ships

Application and operation of hydroacoustic means

Application and operation of ship communication systems

Operation of aviation radio-electronic equipment of cruise missiles and anti-submarine complexes of naval aviation

6. Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces (Moscow)

6.1 VA Strategic Missile Forces (Moscow)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

Exploitation and development of propellants, explosives and pyroautomatics

Experimental development of rocket and space weapons

Automation of operational planning of combat use and control of combat operations

Operation and repair of remote control systems for the preparation and launch of ground-based ballistic strategic missiles

Operation of technical systems and life support systems of ground and underground structures of strategic missile systems of the Strategic Missile Forces

6.2 VA Strategic Missile Forces (branch, Serpukhov, Moscow region)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

Operation of control systems and test-launch equipment of strategic missiles

Application and operation of automated control systems for missile systems

Operation of launch and technological complexes of strategic missiles

The use of nuclear support units and the operation of nuclear weapons

Application and operation of means of special control over nuclear explosions

Application and operation of systems and communication complexes of the Strategic Missile Forces

Application and operation of means of aiming and astronomical and geodetic support of missile systems

Operation of radio systems of missile systems and common time service:

Operation of combat control radio systems

Operation of means of mobility of weapons

7. Military Space Academy (St. Petersburg)

7.1 VKA (St. Petersburg)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

Application of units for launching and operating launch vehicles and spacecraft

Navigation and ballistic support for the use of missiles and spacecraft

The use and operation of missile attack warning systems

Application and operation of fire protection equipment

Application and operation of means of anti-space defense and control of outer space

Application and operation of RKO computer systems

Software and algorithmic support of ACS RKO

The use of military intelligence systems, processing and analysis of intelligence data

Application of engineering cryptographic analysis tools

Application and operation of means of radio-technical space reconnaissance

Application and operation of means of specific space reconnaissance

Application and operation of communication systems of space complexes

Mathematical support of automated control systems for space vehicles

Application and operation of space EW facilities

The use of geodetic and navigation units and the operation of topographic and geodetic equipment

The use of topographic and navigation units and the operation of topographic and geodetic equipment

The use of cartographic and navigation units and the operation of topographic and geodetic equipment

Hydrometeorological and geophysical support of troops (forces)

Operation of automated systems for the preparation and launch of rockets and spacecraft

Operation of technological equipment of launch and technical complexes of launch vehicles and spacecraft

Operation and testing of engines of launch vehicles and upper stages

Operation of cryogenic equipment, refueling equipment and temperature control systems for launch vehicles and spacecraft

Operation of control systems for launch vehicles and spacecraft:

Operation of optical and optoelectronic means of space vehicles

Operation of spacecraft and orbital spacecraft

Operation of on-board radio systems of space vehicles, launch vehicles and upper stages

Operation of radio engineering and optoelectronic systems of space complexes and common time service

Operation of information and control complexes of radio-electronic systems

Automated processing and analysis of information from space vehicles

Application and operation of means of electronic intelligence of space complexes

Development and application of mathematical and software intelligence tools

Technical support of automated control systems by space vehicles

Mathematical, software and information support of computer technology and automated systems

Operation of power supply facilities for special-purpose facilities

Operation of technical systems and life support systems of ground and underground structures of rocket and rocket-space complexes

Metrological support of weapons and military equipment

7.2 VKA (branch, Yaroslavl)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

The use of units and the operation of means of detection and target designation of command posts of anti-aircraft missile air defense systems

The use of units and the operation of launch, technological and power equipment of anti-aircraft missile defense systems

The use of units and the operation of air defense radio equipment

The use of units and the operation of radio guidance of anti-aircraft missile defense systems

Application and operation of automated control systems for air defense radio equipment

Application and operation of automation equipment for anti-aircraft missile defense systems

The use of units and the operation of radar facilities for aviation flights

Application and operation of ACS air defense

Application and operation of automated control systems for aviation

8. Military Academy of Air Defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Smolensk)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

The use of units and the operation of short-range anti-aircraft missile systems

The use of units and the operation of autonomous short-range anti-aircraft missile systems (complexes)

The use of units and the operation of short-range anti-aircraft artillery and anti-aircraft missile systems:

The use of units and the operation of air defense systems of the Airborne Forces

The use of units and the operation of self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery and anti-aircraft gun-missile systems

The use of units and the operation of multi-channel anti-aircraft missile systems of medium range military air defense

The use of units and the operation of medium-range anti-aircraft missile systems of military air defense

Application and operation of automation equipment for radio engineering and anti-aircraft missile systems of military air defense

9. Military Academy of Communications (St. Petersburg)

9.1 BAC (St. Petersburg)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

The use of units and the operation of radio communication systems

Application of units and operation of satellite communication systems

Application of divisions and operation of multichannel telecommunication systems

The use of units and the operation of wired communication systems:

The use of courier-postal communication units

The use of communications units of the Airborne Forces

Application of units and operation of optical communication systems

Application and operation of control and communication automation tools

ACS technical support

Operation of computers, complexes, systems and networks

9.2 BAC (Krasnodar branch)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

Organization of the protection of state secrets in the troops (forces)

10. Military Academy (Moscow)

10.1 VA (branch, Cherepovets, Vologda region)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

Application and operation of special intelligence radio communications

The use of complexes and means of information and analytical processing of electronic intelligence data

The use of electronic intelligence units

Application and operation of ground complexes and means of electronic intelligence

Operation of analysis and processing of radio signals

Application and operation of radio interception means and location of electronic intelligence

Operation of means of providing access to information and telecommunication systems

The use and operation of automation equipment for intelligence units and subunits

11. Military University (Moscow)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

Moral and psychological support of the troops

Linguistic support of military activities:

Organization of psychological struggle

Obtaining and processing intelligence information

Analysis of foreign military information

Ensuring regional military cooperation

Legal support of military activities

Prosecutorial work

Investigative work

Organization of the military orchestra service and conducting a military brass band

12. Military Academy of MTO (St. Petersburg)

12.1 VA MTO (St. Petersburg)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

The use of units and units for the construction, operation, restoration and technical cover of military bridges and crossings

The use of units and units for the construction, operation, restoration and technical cover of military highways

The use of units and parts of logistics

12.1 VA MTO (St. Petersburg) Military Institute (Railway Troops and Military Communications)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

The use of subdivisions for the restoration and construction of automation, telemechanics and communications devices on railways

Organization of military communications and military transportation

The use of mechanization units for the restoration and construction of railways

The use of units for the restoration and construction of artificial structures on railways

The use of units for the restoration and construction of the railway track

Application of railway operating units

12.3 VA MTO (St. Petersburg) Military Institute (engineering and technical)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

Installation, operation and repair of electromechanical installations of fleet infrastructure facilities

Construction and operation of buildings and structures

The use of engineering position units, the construction and operation of fortifications and camouflage

12.4 VA MTO (branch, Volsk, Saratov region)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

Joint provision of troops

Providing troops with rocket fuel and fuel

Joint support of the fleet forces

12.5 VA MTO (branch, Penza)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

Operation of rocket and artillery weapons:

Operation of small arms, personal armor protection and optoelectronic devices

Operation of ammunition, fuses, lighting and signal means

Operation of artillery radio equipment

12.5 VA MTO (branch, Omsk)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

Tank technical support of the troops:

Tank technical support of the Airborne Forces

Autotechnical support of troops:

Autotechnical support of the Airborne Forces

13. Military Medical Academy (St. Petersburg)

13.1 VmedA (St. Petersburg)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

listeners who do not have military rank officer, with a training period of 3 years: Dentistry

Medical and preventive business


Students with a term of study of 7 years:

Medical business in aviation

Medical business in the forces of the fleet

Cadets with a training period of 7 years:

Medical business in the ground troops

Medical business in aviation

Medical business in the forces of the fleet

13.1 VmedA (St. Petersburg) Military Institute ( physical education)

Military specialties (specializations) training:

Organization of physical training and sports

All conditions and procedure for admission to military educational institutions of higher vocational education Ministry of Defense Russian Federation described in

  • 09.00.00 Informatics and Computer Engineering
  • 09.05.01 Application and operation of automated systems for special purposes
  • 11.00.00 Electronics, radio engineering and communication systems
  • 11.05.01 Radio-electronic systems and complexes
  • 26.00.00 Engineering and technology of shipbuilding and water transport
  • 26.05.03 Construction, repair and search and rescue support of surface ships and submarines
  • 26.05.04 Application and operation of technical systems of surface ships and submarines
  • 25.05.06 Operation of ship power plants
  • 26.05.07 Operation of ship electrical equipment and automation equipment
  • 56.00.00 Military administration
  • 56.05.02 Radiation, chemical and biological protection

Military education around the world is associated with engineering professions. To ensure the work of state security, highly qualified technical personnel with excellent knowledge and a stable psyche are required, which is given great attention when selecting candidates for military service.

Military education in Russia has its own specifics. Student cadets receive two educations at once: a civil engineering specialty (if they study at the department of higher education) or a technical specialty (if they study at the department of secondary vocational education) and military education.

The list of military specialties for which recruitment is made for training in each specific year is brought to the attention of applicants upon their arrival at military institutes. Military universities, unlike civilian ones, did not switch to a two-level type of education, but retained a specialty - 5 years of study.

Those who graduate from the institute in the specialties of higher education are issued a diploma of higher education of the established form in a civilian specialty with the appropriate qualification of "engineer" and the military rank of "lieutenant".

Those wishing to enter a military university submit applications to the department of the military commissariat of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the place of residence, and graduates of Suvorov (cadet) military schools, lyceums with enhanced military physical training must submit an application addressed to the head of the military school (lyceum) in which they study before April 1.

Citizens serving and living in military units stationed outside the Russian Federation submit applications addressed to the head of the university until May 20.

After submitting the application, a preliminary selection takes place according to the documents in order to determine the suitability of candidates for studying at a university by the presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation; by level of education; according to the age; for health; by the level of physical fitness; according to the category of professional suitability in order to send candidates who meet the formal requirements for entrance examinations to institutes.

Admission to the military institutes of the Ministry of Defense is carried out on a competitive basis, and the most capable and prepared for the development of educational programs are enrolled.

Along with the competition of documents, as in civilian universities, student cadets undergo a professional selection: a set of measures to select candidates for training that meet the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Procedure, as well as to determine their ability to master professional educational programs of the appropriate level.

Requirements for candidates for admission to military universities:

    Citizens of the Russian Federation who meet the requirements established for those entering military service under a contract, who have a secondary general education from the number:
  • citizens aged 16 to 22 who have not completed military service;
  • citizens who have completed military service and conscripted military personnel until they reach the age of 24;
  • military personnel undergoing military service under a contract (except for officers) entering training programs with full military special training until they reach the age of 27 years.

Citizens with a secondary general education, until they reach the age of 30, are considered as candidates for admission to training by cadets in programs with secondary military special training.

    Restrictions for entering military universities:
  • citizens who already have higher education;
  • citizens who do not meet the requirements for entering military service under a contract;
  • persons in respect of whom a decision was made by the commission of the military commissariat or the attestation commission of the military unit about the non-compliance of the candidate;
  • persons against whom a guilty verdict has been passed and who have been sentenced;
  • persons deprived by a court decision of the right to occupy military positions for a certain period.

It's no secret that first innovations and technical improvements come to the military industry, and military equipment and equipment will always be half a step ahead of civilian ones.

If a young person wants to get acquainted with the engineering of the future today, get the most modern engineering education and immediately see its application in practice, pay close attention to military universities.

Despite all the reforms, benefits for military personnel remained: early pensions, state support, guaranteed career growth and other preferences.

In Russia, there are great opportunities to realize their abilities, apply the acquired knowledge and be useful to society.

Where to study

    Educational institutions defense ministries
  • Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Moscow
  • Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Ground Forces "Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation", Moscow
  • Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Air Force "Air Force Academy. Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin, Voronezh
  • Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Navy "Naval Academy. Fleet Admiral Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsov, St. Petersburg
  • Military Academy of Logistics. Army General A.V. Khruleva, St. Petersburg
  • Military Space Academy. A.F. Mozhaisky, St. Petersburg
  • Mikhailovskaya Military Artillery Academy, St. Petersburg
  • Military Academy of Communications. Marshal of the Soviet Union S.M. Budyonny, St. Petersburg
  • Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great, Balashikha, Moscow Region
  • Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defense, Yaroslavl
  • Military Academy of Military Air Defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky, Smolensk
  • Military Academy of Aerospace Defense. Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov, Tver
  • Krasnodar Higher Military School named after General of the Army S.M. Shtemenko, Krasnodar
  • Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School for Pilots named after Hero of the Soviet Union A.K. Serov, Krasnodar
  • Military Academy of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection. Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Timoshenko, Kostroma
  • Far Eastern Higher Combined Arms Command School named after Marshal of the Soviet Union K.K. Rokossovsky, Blagoveshchensk, Amur Region
  • Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School, Novosibirsk
  • Pacific Higher Naval School. S.O. Makarova, Vladivostok
  • Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after General of the Army V.F. Margelov, Ryazan
  • Black Sea Higher Naval Order of the Red Star School named after P.S. Nakhimov, Sevastopol
  • Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School named after Marshal A.I. Proshlyakova, Tyumen
  • Cherepovets Higher Military Engineering School of Radio Electronics, Cherepovets
  • Military University of the Ministry of Defense, Moscow
  • Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov, St. Petersburg
  • Military Institute of Physical Culture, St. Petersburg

Military universities traditionally stand apart in a number of higher educational institutions: special conditions for admission, strict discipline and subordination, a specific regime ...

The vast majority of civilian universities in Russia are subordinate to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, while the military ones are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense, which establishes and regulates rules and procedures for them. In addition, all military universities are divided according to the types of troops: universities of missile forces, ground forces, air forces, etc.

If you decide to enter a military university, be prepared for the fact that at all stages of the journey, from submitting documents to receiving the coveted "crust", you have to communicate with people in uniform. Therefore, when collecting information about a military university, one should not be guided by general civil rules and regulations. For example, the rules for admission to military universities practically do not take into account innovations recent years: while the majority of applicants "in civilian life" take entrance exams in the form of tests, applicants for military universities write dictations and tests in the old fashioned way. The same can be said about the Unified State Examination: being outside the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, military leaders have the right to consider the Regulations on the conduct of a unified state exam as information for reflection, but not as a direct guide to action.

Universities with a broad profile

The set of specialties in which modern military universities are trained is quite extensive. The specialization of the university mainly depends on the profile, or rather, on the type of troops to which the educational institution belongs. At the same time, many military universities duplicate civilian areas of training, and more and more often in their "assortment" there are familiar economic and legal specialties. Thus, the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation trains sociologists, lawyers, managers of social and cultural activities, translators and social work specialists.

Some of the specialties offered by the universities of the Ministry of Defense are multifunctional - graduates are equally in demand both in "military field conditions" and "in civilian life." First of all, this concerns the engineering and technical direction. For example, from the walls of the Military Technical University of the Federal Service for Special Construction of the Russian Federation, engineers of lifting and transport, road, construction machines and equipment, specialists in industrial and civil construction, in the design of roads, airfields, transport tunnels, etc.

Finally, a certain part of the military professions lies in a highly specific field of application, which has no analogues in civilian life. For example, after graduating from the Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, one can become a specialist in mathematical support for research on weapons, equipment and the use of civil protection forces.

Autograph for the military commissar

To apply to a military university, the applicant will have to go to the military registration and enlistment office (at the place of residence).

You must have with you:

  • passport;
  • a copy of the document on secondary education (secondary school students provide a certificate of current performance);
  • three photographs (without headgear, size 4.5x6 cm);
  • characteristics from the place of study or work;
  • autobiography.

In the military registration and enlistment office, the applicant writes an application with a request for admission to exams to the chosen university. All this must be done before April 20 of this year.

After the primary documents have been submitted, it remains to pass a medical examination, and yesterday's student becomes a candidate for study at a military university. Applications are considered by the admission committee of the university, and the final decision on admission to exams (or refusal to do so) is communicated to candidates through the military enlistment office by June 20.

The procedure for submitting documents is somewhat different for those who currently serve in the Armed Forces: in this case, the applicant submits a report addressed to his immediate commander by April 1 of the current year, and he, having provided the petition with all the necessary papers, passes it on to the authority.

Another feature of entering military universities is that there are quite strict age restrictions. Young people who have not served in the army can become cadets from 16 to 22 years old, having "experience" of army service - up to 24 (age is determined at the time of application).

Fell - wrung out

Entrance tests to military universities are held from July 1 to July 20, and they also differ somewhat from "civilian" ones. To pass the competitive selection, knowledge of the Pythagorean theorem and the gimlet rule will not be enough.

The first stage is a psychological and psychophysical examination of candidates. Then - a test of physical fitness: pull-ups on the crossbar (11 times - "excellent", 9 - "good", 7 - "satisfactory"), hundred meters, 3 km run. And, finally, the actual exams in general education disciplines. They, as a rule, consist of mathematics (major subject) and dictation in the Russian language. The third exam (physics, chemistry, history) depends on the profile of the chosen educational institution.

The average competition for military universities is 2.5-3 people per place. However, these figures (not too high for Moscow) speak, rather, not about the ease of admission, but about its specifics. On the one hand, there are really few people who want to get a military education, on the other hand, not every civilian with average training is able to go through all the "military tricks" associated with admission (questionnaire - checking the psycho-emotional state - physical fitness - general education base).

The system of benefits provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation for applicants to higher educational institutions also applies to military universities: orphans, medalists, winners of olympiads, etc. have various privileges. Disabled people are an exception from this list for obvious reasons.

I would go to field marshals ...
Graduates leave the walls of the alma mater with the rank of lieutenant. All newly-made commanders are waiting for distribution: at least five years after graduation from a military university, yesterday's cadet must devote to the Fatherland. The further fate of the graduate will depend both on the type of troops and the place of service, as well as on personal qualities and ambitions. It is enough to look at the political and administrative elite of our country to understand that graduates of military universities can make a brilliant career and achieve impressive success. For officers who want to reach a high position, there are universities that provide a second military education, postgraduate courses, specialized advanced training institutes, etc.

Cadet or student?

When all the tests are passed, the candidate turns into a cadet. This status corresponds to the status of a student of a civil university, however, there are more differences between a cadet and a student than common features. If with the beginning of the student life, young people have the most fun and carefree time, then with the beginning of their studies at a military university, this very time ends. Routine, schedule and subordination become a fundamental element in the life of all future officers.

Cadets are removed from military registration(they are not subject to general conscription) and are put on a special record - they are enrolled in active military service. For the first two years they (regardless of the need for government housing) live in the barracks and, in addition to training, perform duties that are traditionally included in the concept of military service. From the third year, you can move to a hostel or live at home.

All types of allowances are issued for the cadet, he is given uniforms. Holidays last two weeks in winter and a month in summer. In fact, studying at a military university is equivalent to military service.

Sergey Litvinov, a graduate of a military university:

The lack of hazing is more than compensated for by tough discipline, exhausting physical exertion, and in the first and second years - also by a variety of chores. Get ready to learn how to hold a jackhammer in your hands, lay asphalt, do all kinds of repairs of premises and furniture, in the fall - harvesting in the fields near Moscow, in winter - endless clearing of roads from snow and many other useful things.

You will be taught how to shoot, control military equipment, perform drills and carefully take care of military uniforms. In parallel, it will be necessary to learn military regulations and, of course, all disciplines of the specialty. You will have to study at full strength, often at night, as very serious disciplinary sanctions are imposed for poor progress.

Until recently, such a tight schedule was indispensable for anyone who dreamed of studying at a military university. Today, along with the harsh tradition, there is also a softer regime - for those who enter on a paid basis. (The first experiment on the recruitment of "payers" was held at the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in 2003). Such cadets are relieved of the need to bear the hardships and hardships of military service: their life differs little from the life of ordinary civilian students.


My younger one is studying at the Academy of Mathematical Support in St. Petersburg, and we ourselves are from Krasnodar. Nothing came he did, he says he likes everything. It is not easy to study, but he does not play the fool like in ordinary universities. Now he has grown up, he has become a man! I want to thank his commanders for their care and upbringing!

A friend studies and serves at the academy. He really likes it, he says this is the very place where you will become a man and a good friend. Good specialist teachers, there is not a single free minute (in a good way). He really likes everything! I am proud that my best friend is Mikhailovets!!!

It was difficult for me personally to get into the HUVVS [link-1] set of large was, but people even more pole physical training is not for wimps, but I did it, I will soon fly)

And interestingly, I am a citizen of Tajikistan, I know Russian, but I have difficulty with Physics, Mathematics, what will happen if I fail these exams? And in the sports side I'm good what will happen to me?

Thank you for this article, very interesting and useful. My son is studying at the Military University of the Ministry of Defense, FACULTY OF PSYCHOLOGY, is it possible to get away from compulsory placement, if so, how?

04/06/2008 09:14:02, hope

Comment on the article "Military universities: it's hard to study ..."

Military universities: it's hard to study... In fact, studying at a military university is equated to military service. Winter Riga. Bus tour.

Military universities: it's hard to study ... The same can be said about the Unified State Examination: being outside the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education For officers who want to achieve a high position, there are universities that provide a second military education, postgraduate courses ...

My husband is a military man and we constantly roam with him around military camps. It's hard, but such is the lot of an officer's wife. Apartments, and sometimes rooms in a hostel, are always old and in a deplorable state. Recently, they moved to a closed town, surprisingly they gave me a good two-room apartment, probably because I was in a position. But even here there was a minus, the tap water was just terrible, it smelled strongly of bleach (or maybe it seemed so to me because of toxicosis). It hasn't felt that way in food yet, but...

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Good afternoon and happy new school year everyone! In the summer I received a diploma with honors from the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, specializing in translator-linguist (German and English). For a year now I have been working in a large construction company JSC Atomenergoproekt as a translator, improving and expanding my knowledge of languages. I have a certificate of knowledge German language, DAF test. I have the right to study and work in German-speaking countries. With pleasure I will teach children, schoolchildren, students German and...

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Military universities: it's hard to study... This status corresponds to the status of a student of a civilian university, but there are more differences between a cadet and a student than the general ones. All types of allowances are issued to the cadet, he is given uniforms.

I'll tell you about how today's newly minted students of technical universities survive in this world  I study at the Polytechnic University at the faculty of the FTC (who knows - he will understand). To humanitarians (and I’m a techie by the way of mind), believe me, it’s not very sweet with us, everyone is sewn up // How I got here, this is a separate story, I generally entered the ball, you can say, I got into the stream when everyone was taken, apparently, there was a shortage. In short, I didn’t even know at first whether I should cry or laugh from such “happiness”, because it’s just hell ...

Military universities: it's hard to study ... The same can be said about the Unified State Examination: being outside the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education For officers who want to achieve a high position, there are universities that provide a second military education, postgraduate courses ...

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Military universities: it's hard to study ... The same can be said about the Unified State Examination: being outside the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education For officers who want to achieve a high position, there are universities that provide a second military education, postgraduate courses ...

Military universities: it's hard to study ... The same can be said about the Unified State Examination: being outside the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education For officers who want to achieve a high position, there are universities that provide a second military education, postgraduate courses ...

Military universities: it's hard to study... For officers who want to achieve a high position, there are universities that provide a second military education, postgraduate courses, specialized institutes for promotion Kudeikina Olga.