Description of the course "electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines". Course of lectures on MDK02.03 "Electric welding work on automatic and semi-automatic machines" General information and classification of arc welding machines

Characteristics of works. Automatic and mechanized welding using a plasma torch of complex devices, assemblies, structures and pipelines made of carbon and structural steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys. Automatic welding of complex building and technological structures operating in difficult conditions. Automatic gas-shielded non-consumable electrode welding of hot-rolled strips of non-ferrous metals and alloys under the guidance of a highly qualified electric welder. Fusion of defects in machine parts, mechanisms and structures. Fusion of complex assemblies, parts and tools. Reading drawings of complex welded metal structures.

Should know: the device of various automatic welding machines, semi-automatic devices, plasma torches and power sources; the basics of electrical engineering within the scope of the work performed; methods for testing welds; brands and types of welding materials; types of defects in welds and methods for their prevention and elimination; the influence of welding modes on the geometry of the weld; mechanical properties of welded metals.

Work examples

On automatic machines:

1. Tanks of unique powerful transformers.

2. Span beams of overhead cranes with a lifting capacity of less than 30 tons.

3. Blocks of building and technological structures made of sheet metal: air heaters, scrubbers, casings of blast furnaces, separators, reactors, flues of blast furnaces, etc.

4. Columns, bunkers, beams, overpasses.

5. Cases of heads, traverses, bases of presses and hammers.

6. Set: frames, stringers, keels, etc.

7. Superstructure cabin made of aluminum-magnesium alloys.

8. External cladding, second bottom decking, main deck - welding on the rack.

9. Decks, platforms.

10. Foundation plates for walking excavator units.

11. Seams sealed 1st category - microplasma welding.

Welding and welding

1. Rolls of rolling mills, bandages - welding.

2. Sets for strong bulkheads of the ship's hull - welded.

3. Lattices, caps, junction boxes - welding.

On semi-automatic machines:

1. Apparatus, vessels and containers operating without pressure.

2. Tanks of transformers.

3. Headset and bodies of burners of boilers.

4. Parts made of cast iron.

5. Turbine impeller chambers.

6. Frames of industrial furnaces and boilers.

7. Gas exhaust manifolds and pipes.

8. Columns, bunkers, truss and truss trusses, beams, flyovers.

9. Control rings for hydraulic turbines.

10. Housings and bridges of the driving wheels of the harvester.

11. Rotor housings up to 3500 mm in diameter.

12. Turbine stop valve housings up to 25,000 kW.

13. Fixings and supports for pipelines.

14. Brackets and pivot fastenings of the diesel locomotive bogie.

15. Sheets of large thicknesses (armor).

16. Masts, drilling and operating towers - welding in stationary conditions.

17. Longitudinal and transverse sets in three-dimensional sections to the decking of the second bottom and to the outer skin.

18. Lower crankcases of motors.

19. Decks and platforms.

20. Foundation plates for large electrical machines.

21. Dust and gas air ducts, fuel supply units and electrostatic precipitators.

22. Frames of conveyors.

23. Reservoirs for petroleum products with a capacity of less than 1000 cubic meters. m.

24. Metal sleeves.

25. Air-cooled turbogenerator stators.

26. Crusher beds.

27. Beds and housings of electric machines are welded and cast.

28. The beds of large machine tools are cast iron.

29. Pipelines of external and internal networks of water supply and heating - welding during installation.

30. Pipelines of external and internal low-pressure gas supply networks - welding in stationary conditions.

31. Technological pipelines of category V.

32. Automobile tanks.

Welding and welding

1. Parts made of cast iron - welding.

2. Chambers of impellers of turbines - welding.

3. Compressor casings, low and high pressure cylinders of air compressors - cracking.

4. Rails and prefabricated crosses - welding ends.

5. Beds of working stands of rolling mills - welding.

6. Cylinders of car blocks - shell fusing.



[Job title]



[Name of company]

________________/[FULL NAME.]/

"____" ____________ 20__


Electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines of the 5th category

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and job duties, rights and responsibilities of an electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines of the 5th category [Name of organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. An electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines of the 5th category is appointed to a position and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Company.

1.3. An electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines of the 5th category belongs to the category of workers and reports directly to [name of the position of the immediate supervisor in the dative case] of the Company.

1.4. An electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines of the 5th category is responsible for:

  • timely and high-quality performance of tasks for their intended purpose;
  • compliance with performance and labor discipline;
  • observance of labor safety measures, maintenance of order, compliance with fire safety rules at the work site (workplace) entrusted to him.

1.5. A person who has a secondary vocational education in this specialty and at least 1 year of work experience is appointed to the position of an electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines of the 5th category.

1.6. In practice, an electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines of the 5th category should be guided by:

  • local acts and organizational and administrative documents of the Company;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules of labor protection and safety, ensuring industrial sanitation and fire protection;
  • instructions, orders, decisions and instructions of the immediate supervisor;
  • this job description.

1.7. An electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines of the 5th category must know:

  • electrical circuits and designs of various types of welding machines, semi-automatic devices, plasma torches and power supplies;
  • mechanical and technological properties of welded metals, including high-alloy steels;
  • mechanical properties of the deposited metal;
  • technological sequence of suturing and welding mode;
  • types of defects in welds, their causes and methods of elimination;
  • methods of control and testing of critical welds.

1.8. During the period of temporary absence of an electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines of the 5th category, his duties are assigned to [deputy position].

2. Job responsibilities

An electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines of the 5th category performs the following labor functions:

2.1. Automatic and mechanized welding using a plasma torch of complex devices, assemblies, structures and pipelines from various steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys.

2.2. Automatic welding of various building and technological structures operating under dynamic and vibration loads, and structures of complex configuration.

2.3. Mechanized welding using a plasma torch of complex building and technological structures operating in difficult conditions.

2.4. Welding on complex devices and tilters.

2.5. Automatic welding in shielding gas with a non-consumable electrode of hot-rolled strips from non-ferrous metals and alloys.

2.6. Welding of defects in machine parts, mechanisms and structures.

2.7. Fusion of complex parts and assemblies.

In case of official necessity, an electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines of the 5th category may be involved in the performance of duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by law.

3. Rights

An electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines of the 5th category has the right to:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise relating to its activities.

3.2. Submit proposals for the management to improve the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description.

3.3. Report to the immediate supervisor about all the shortcomings in the production activities of the enterprise (its structural divisions) identified in the course of the performance of their duties and make proposals for their elimination.

3.4. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from the heads of enterprise departments and specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties.

3.5. Involve specialists from all (separate) structural divisions of the Company in solving the tasks assigned to him (if it is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, with the permission of the head of the Company).

3.6. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. An electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines of the 5th category bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation - and criminal) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of official instructions of the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure to perform or improper performance of their labor functions and assigned tasks.

4.1.3. Unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work entrusted to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Failure to enforce labor discipline.

4.2. Evaluation of the work of an electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines of the 5th category is carried out:

4.2.1. The immediate supervisor - regularly, in the course of the daily implementation by the employee of his labor functions.

4.2.2. Attestation Commission of the enterprise - periodically, but at least once every two years based on the documented results of the work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for evaluating the work of an electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines of the 5th category is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for in this instruction.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The mode of operation of an electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines of the 5th category is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established by the Company.

5.2. In connection with the production need, an electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines of the 5th category is obliged to go on business trips (including local ones).

Acquainted with the instruction __________ / ____________ / "____" _______ 20__

Tests for final qualifying examinations for group 351.

Specialty: 3-36 01 51 Welding technology.

Qualification: 3-36 01 51-54 electric welder on automatic and

Semi-automatic machines of the 3rd category.

Special technology "Electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines" 3rd category.

Question 1. What color are carbon dioxide cylinders?

A. white with a red inscription "Carbon dioxide";

b. blue with a black inscription "Carbon dioxide";

V. black with yellow "Carbonic acid" lettering.

Question 2. What pressure indicates a full argon tank?

A. 147 kgf / cm²;

Question 3. What is a pull-type feeder in a semi-automatic machine?

A. the feed mechanism is located in the burner handle. The welding wire is drawn either from a spool in the body of the semi-automatic, or the spool (mostly very small) is housed in the handle;

b. the mechanism pushes the wire into the sleeve (when welding with thin, aluminum or fluxed wire, jams inside the sleeve are possible);

V. This machine has two synchronous feeders. One pushes the filler wire out of the body of the machine, and the second pulls it to the welding point

Question 4. What is included in the shielding gas supply system on a semi-automatic machine?

A. cylinder, gas heater (for CO₂), gas reducer, gas mixer, gas hoses, solenoid valve;

b. cylinder, gas reducer, gas mixer, gas hoses;

V. cylinder, gas heater, gas mixer, gas hoses.

A. Lv (~2...10 mm);

b. Lv (~ 8...25 mm);

V. Lv (~10...40 mm).

Question 6

A. shielding gas supply, switching on the arc power source, electrode wire feeding, arc excitation, machine movement at welding speed;

b. turning on the arc power source, feeding the electrode wire, moving the machine at the welding speed;

V. shielding gas supply, electrode wire supply, arc excitation, machine movement at welding speed.

Question 7. What are the different wire feed systems in semi-automatic machines?

A. pushing, pulling, pulling-pushing types;

b. push type;

V. pull and push types.

Question 8. What is the most common wire feed system in semi-automatic machines, which is simple and light in weight of the torch, but limits the length of the hoses to 3 m?

A. push type;

b. pull type;

V. push-pull type.

Question.9. What is the maximum length of hoses allowed in portable semi-automatic machines?

Question 10. What measures are taken with the welding machine to prevent flattening of the flux-cored wire?

A. two pairs of feed rollers are used;

b. use one pair of rollers;

V. use a pipe instead of a hose to feed the wire.

Question 11. Name the replaceable, wear parts of the semi-automatic burner.

A. conductor (tip), nozzle.

b. conductor (tip);

A. variable;

b. constant direct polarity;

V. constant reverse polarity.

Question 13. What is the effect of an increase in the length of the arc and, accordingly, the arc voltage?

A. the width and depth of the seam increases;

b. the width of the seam increases and the depth of its penetration decreases;

V. the width and depth of the seam is reduced.

Question 14. What effect does the tilt of the electrode with a backward angle of 5-10 ° have on the depth of penetration and the quality of the seam?

A. it is more difficult to observe the formation of the seam, but it is better to observe the edges being welded and guide the electrode exactly over the gaps. At the same time, the width of the roller increases, and the penetration depth decreases;

b. the visibility of the welding zone improves, the depth of penetration increases and the deposited metal is more dense;

V. the visibility of the welding zone worsens, the depth of penetration and the width of the bead increase.

Question 15. What is the number of the current-carrying tip?

A. four;

Question 16. What does the entry on the MIG (Metal Inert Gas) welding machine mean?

A. metal welding is performed on the machine;

Question 17. What does the entry on the MAG (Metal Active Gas) welding machine mean?

A. metal welding is carried out on a semiautomatic device;

b. the welding process proceeds under the influence of an inert gas (argon or another mixture of gases);

V. metal welding in active gas (carbon dioxide).

A. in mass and serial production of products with sufficiently long, straight and circular seams;

b. in serial and mass production for welding products with curved seams, seams of small length;

V. in the conditions of small-scale and single-piece production for welding products with long, straight seams.

Question 19. Which seam is shown on the drawing?

A. butt;

b. angular;

V. tee;


Question 20. What mechanism in the unwinding device of the semi-automatic welding machine is designed so that when the welding current is turned off and the feed motor stops, the wire does not unwind from the cassette and does not get tangled?

A. two rollers;

b. braking mechanism;

V. electrical shutdown mechanism.

Question 21. The gas nozzle of the burner is made of ...

V. aluminum.

Question 22. A weld is called:

A. section of the welded joint formed as a result of crystallization of the molten metal of the weld pool;

b. section of the welded joint formed as a result of plastic deformation of the filler metal;

V. section of the welded joint formed as a result of the crystallization of the electrode.

Question 23. A butt joint is called:

Question 24. Of the following processes, name the chemical processes that occur in the weld pool:

a. electrical processes;

b. contamination of the weld metal with harmful impurities;

V. weld metal oxidation;

d. deoxidation of the weld metal;

e. air ionization;

e. weld metal refining;

and. thermionic emission.

Question 25. In which area of ​​the weld do cracks often occur?

A. fusion zone;

b. heat affected zone;

in the weld metal area.

Question 26. Arc welding is carried out under the action of:

b. gas flame;

V. electric arc.

Question 27. A tee connection is called:

A. connection of two parts located at an angle to each other and welded at the junction of their edges;

b. a joint in which the edges of the parts to be welded are parallel one above the other and superimposed on each other;

V. connection of parts located in the same plane or on the same surface;

d. a connection in which another part adjoins the surface of one part at an angle, the end of which is adjacent to the mating surface and welded to it.

Question 28. How do welding currents differ in magnitude during tacking and welding?

A. the current should be 20-30% more than the welding current;

b. the current should be 10-20% more than the welding current;

V. the current should be less by 20-30%;

g. the current remains unchanged.

Question 29. In this connection, the elements to be welded are located in the same plane or on the same surface. What type of connection is this?

A. butt;

b. angular;

V. tee;


Question 30

b. position;

V. configuration;


Question 31

A. depending on the length of the connection;

b. depending on the type of connection;

V. depending on the type of seam;

g. depending on the thickness of the connection.

Question 32. Assembly on welding tacks is used for structures made of sheets up to ...

Question 33. Changing the shape and size of a product under the influence of external and internal forces is called ..

A. deformation;

b. tension;

V. strength;

g. stretching.

Question 34. The height of the cabin of the welding post should have a height of ...

A. not less than 1.5m;

b. not less than 2m;

V. not less than 4m.

Question 35. Protective coatings serve to:

A. for the formation of a small amount of slag;

b. ionization of the gas gap;

V. protection of molten metal from air;

d. metal spatter protection.

Question 36. When welding, the part changes its dimensions due to:

A. uneven heating;

b. uneven gravity;

V. uneven pressing;

g. uneven forces of friction.

Question 37

A. burns;

b. undercuts;

V. lack of penetration;

Question 38

A. from the ends to the middle;

b. from the middle to the ends;

V. in reverse way;

g. to pass.

Question 39

A. pore formation;

b. burns;

V. lack of penetration;


Question 40. Which area of ​​the welding arc has the highest temperature:

A. anode region;

b. cathode region;

V. arc post;

Question 41

A. undercut;

b. lack of penetration;

V. burns;


Question 42

A. preliminary deformation;

b. accompanying deformation;

V. reverse deformation;

d. gradual deformation.

Question 43. What is the most correct definition of the welding arc?

A. electric arc discharge at the point of breaking the circuit.

b. electric arc discharge in the interelectrode space in a partially ionized mixture of metal vapors, gas, electrode components, coatings, fluxes.

V. Electric arc discharge in a mixture of air atoms and molecules.

Question 44. What mode parameters determine the power of the welding arc?

A. electrical circuit resistance;

b. the magnitude of the arc voltage;

V. welding current and arc voltage.

Question 45. What should be the current value when arc welding in a vertical position compared to the current value when welding in a down position?

A. the current value when welding in a vertical position should be less than when welding in a lower position;

b. the current value when welding in a vertical position must be greater than when welding in a lower position;

V. the magnitude of the current does not depend on the position of the weld in space.

Question 46. For what class of steels are electrodes of types E38, E42, E42A, E46, E46A used for welding?

A. for welding heat-resistant low-alloy steels;

b. for welding carbon steels;

V. for welding high alloy steels.

A. variable;

A. variable;

b. DC reverse polarity;

V. direct current of direct polarity.

Question 49. What can contribute to the formation of burn-through during welding?

A. small amount of blunting of the edges of parts with a V-shaped groove;

b. no gap in the joint assembled for welding;

V. long arc welding.

Question 50

A. follows;

b. it should not be if the tack is completely digested during welding;

V. It should be removed only if a crack is found in the tack.

Question 51. Which of the following factors has a greater effect on the width of the seam in manual arc welding?

A. transverse oscillations of the electrode;

b. arc voltage;

V. welding current value.

Question 52. Why is the tip of the electrode uncoated?

A. to ensure the supply of current to the electrode;

b. in order to save coverage;

V. to determine the brand of the electrode.

Question 53. Which brands of electrodes have a rutile coating?

A. UONII 13/45, SM-11;

b. ANO-3; ANO-6,. MP-3;

V. ANO-7, ANO-8.

Question 54. Indicate the reasons for the formation of a crater.

A. a crater is formed at the place where gases are released during the welding process;

b. due to a sharp retraction of the arc from the weld pool;

V. due to significant shrinkage of the metal during crystallization.

Question 55. What is the purpose of coating the electrode rod?

A. to stabilize the arc, alloy the weld metal and protect the weld pool from the ingress of gases from the air and the formation of the weld;

b. to prevent the rod from getting wet;

V. To reduce the likelihood of both cold and hot cracking in the weld metal.

Question 56. How does the length of the arc affect the stability of its burning?

A. with an increase in the length of the arc, the stability of combustion decreases;

b. with an increase in the length of the arc, the stability of combustion increases;

V. has no practical effect.

A. it is necessary to ensure the protection of the welding site from the wind;

b. it is necessary to provide protection in the form of a canopy from the effects of precipitation;

V. must be protected from wind, drafts and precipitation.

Question 58. How does an increase in current during manual arc welding affect the geometric dimensions of the weld?

A. the depth of penetration decreases and the height of the reinforcement of the seam increases;

b. increases the depth of penetration and the height of the reinforcement of the seam;

V. the height of the weld reinforcement decreases and the penetration depth increases.

Question 59. Does the arc voltage depend on its length in manual arc welding?

A. depends;

b. does not depend;

V. Depends on small and large values ​​of welding current.

Question 60. What is the purpose of calcining electrodes?

A. to remove sulfur and phosphorus;

b. to increase the strength of the electrode coating;

V. to remove moisture from the coating.

Question 61. Which of the following violations of technology can lead to the porosity of the joints?

A. poor cleaning of edges before welding from rust, traces of grease;

b. high current during welding;

V. small joint gap.

Question 62

A. from a tendency to hardening;

b. from uneven heating;

V. from the brand of the electrode that is used for welding.

Question 63

Question 64

A. C-butt, U-corner, T-tee, H-lap, letter and number following it - symbol of the welded joint;

b. C-butt, U-angular, H-lap,. T-spot welding, the numbers after the letters indicate the method and method of welding;

V. C-butt, U-corner, T-tee, U-ceiling seam, the numbers after the letters indicate the methods and scope of control.

Question 65. Which of the following most strongly affects the weldability of metals?

A. the chemical composition of the metal;

b. mechanical properties of the metal;

V. electrical conductivity of the metal.

Question 66. How does the volume of metal deposited in one pass affect the amount of deformation?

A. increases residual deformations of welded structures;

b. reduces residual deformations of welded structures;

V. does not affect residual deformations of welded structures.

Question 67

A. before heat treatment;

b. in agreement with the leading materials science organization;

V. after heat treatment.

Question 68. Which of the following influences the choice of electrode diameter and welding current?

A. brand and thickness of the welded metal;

b. ambient temperature;

V. type of welding machine.

Question 69

b. oxidation, reduction and passer coatings;

V. acidic, basic, cellulose, rutile coatings.

Question 70. Which of the following is the cause of slag inclusions?

A. poor protection of the welding site from wind during installation;

b. traces of moisture and oil on the welded edges;

V. low quality of the electrode coating in manual arc welding.

Question 71. Specify the requirements for the quality of surface preparation of edges before welding.

A. it is allowed to use metal in the state of delivery;

b. the joint surfaces of the edges of the part and the area adjacent to them must be clean, free of scale, rust, moisture, oil, grease and dirt;

V. the joint surfaces of the edges of the part and the area adjacent to them must be free of traces of moisture.

Question 72. What does the letter “E” and the numbers following it mean in the marking of electrodes?

A. electrode brand and development number;

b. manufacturer and coating number;

V. the type of electrode and the guaranteed tensile strength of the metal deposited by them in kgf / mm².

Question 73. Does the type and polarity of the current affect the amount of penetration in manual arc welding?

A. little effect;

b. does not affect;

V. affects significantly.

Question 74. What defects can be in the weld if the blunting of the edges exceeds the recommended value?

A. the appearance of a lack of penetration of the root of the seam is possible;

b. cold cracking is possible;

V. porosity may occur.

Question 75

A. reduced content of alloying elements;

b. low carbon content;

V. increased plastic properties of the deposited metal.

Question 76

Question 77. Specify the letter designation of the type of electrode coating.

A. A-sour, B-basic, C-cellulose, P-rutile, P-other species;

b. K-sour, O-basic, OR-organic, RT-rutile, P-other species;

V. K-sour, O-basic, C-cellulose, P-rutile, P-other types.

Question 78. What is the main role played by gas-forming substances in the electrode coating?

A. neutralize the harmful effects of sulfur and phosphorus in the weld metal;

b. increase the ductility of the deposited metal;

V. protect the molten weld metal from interaction with air.

Question 79. What is controlled during visual inspection?

A. pores, non-metallic inclusions;

b. internal cracks, non-fusion;

V. the shape and size of the seam, surface cracks and pores, undercuts.

Question 80. What are the main parameters characterizing the mode of manual arc welding?

A. type of current, polarity, thickness of the welded metal;

b. welding current value, electrode diameter, type of current and polarity;

V. arc voltage, brand of welded metal.

Question 81. Indicate the role of slag-forming substances in the electrode coating?

A. protect the molten metal from interaction with air;

b. alloy the deposited metal;

V. protect molten metal from splashing.

Question 82. Which of the following steels are more prone to hot cracking?

A. steels with a carbon content of 0.25% to 0.35%;

Question 83. Which of the non-consumable electrodes can only work in an inert gas environment?

A. tungsten;

b. graphite;

V. coal.

Question 84. What seam is shown in the drawing?

A. butt;

b. tee;

V. angular.


Question 85. What methods include destructive testing of welded joints?

A. visual and measuring control;

b. ultrasonic control;

V. bending angle test.

Question 86. What is the role of binding components in the electrode coating?

A. alloy the weld metal;

b. increase the mechanical properties of the weld metal;

V. provide strength and plasticity of the coating mass on the electrode rod.

Question 87. What should be monitored when checking the condition and dimensions of welding electrodes?

A. the length of the uncoated part of the electrode;

b. electrode length;

V. the diameter of the metal rod, the thickness of the coating and the uniformity of its application.

Question 88. What is the name of the polarity at which the electrode is connected to the negative pole of the arc power source, and the welding object to the positive?

A. straight;

b. reverse

Question 89. What elements contribute to the formation of hot cracks in the weld metal?

A. sulfur, phosphorus, silicon and hydrogen;

b. aluminum, copper, nickel;

V. carbon, oxygen, silicon.

Question 90

A. to reduce the proportion of the base metal in the weld metal;

b. so as not to burn through the metal;

V. in order to save electrode metal.

Question 91

A. for high sulfur content;

b. for increased phosphorus content;

V. for higher metal purity.

Question 92. What are the seams in length?

A. short, medium, long;

b. chess, chain;

V. continuous, intermittent.

Question 93. What are the seams in terms of the amount of deposited metal?

A. reinforced;

b. normal;

V. enhanced, normal, weakened.

Question 94. What effect does the welding arc burn between two electrodes?

A. spicy;

b. indirect;

V. combined.

Question 95. How many ways are there to ignite the welding arc?

Question 96. Which seams are welded at high currents?

A. vertical;

b. horizontal;

V. lower.

Question 97. Which of the proposed types of welding allows you to use the highest degree of mechanization and automation of the process?

A. manual arc welding;

b. gas welding;

V. submerged arc welding;

g. welding in shielding gases.

Question 98. Is it possible to weld submerged arc products on weight?

b. no, preliminary welding of the root of the seam or the presence of a rigid supporting surface is necessary;

V. there is no difference, you can weld both on weight and with linings.

Question 99. What is used to melt the electrode metal during electroslag welding?

A. compressed electric arc;

b. heat released during the passage of electric current through the slag bath;

V. electrical discharge.

Question 100. At what current is automatic submerged arc welding of critical structures performed?

A. constant direct polarity;;;

b. constant reverse polarity;

V. variable.

Question 101

A. up to 5mm;;

b. from 10 to 20mm;

V. from 30 to 40mm.

Question 102. What is the source of heat in plasma welding?

A. electric arc;

b. compressed electric arc;

V. electrical discharge.

Question 103

A. welding metal smelting method

b. chemical composition and mechanical properties of the welded metal

V. conditions in which the welded structure operates

d. the position of the welds in space

Question 104

b. Sv-08G2S

Question 105

V. carbon dioxide

d. mixture of argon and carbon dioxide

Question 106. What characterizes the process of pulsed welding:

A. a process in which the welding current changes according to a certain law in time with a constant frequency

b. a process in which the welding current is supplied at a frequency and amplitude set by the appropriate regulators

V. a process in which the welding material is fed into the weld pool in pulses due to a special drive

Question 107

A. the ratio of the operating time (burning) of the arc to the total operating time, measured after 10 minutes, expressed as a percentage

b. the ratio of the total operating time of the welding source to the operating (burning) time of the arc, expressed as a percentage

V. total operating time of the welding source per shift

Question 108

A. from the strength of the welding current

b. from the material to be welded

V. from the brand of wire used

g. from shielding gas

Question 109

Question 110. The diameter of the welding wire is chosen depending on:

A. from the thickness of the welded metal

b. from the strength of the welding current

V. from the position of the weld in space

from the consumption of protective gas

Question 111

A. less

b. more

V. much bigger

Question 112. What does the following technical characteristic of the welding source indicate - welding current 250 A at 60% duty cycle:

A. welding at currents of 250 A should be carried out with a duty cycle (on period) equal to 60%

b. welding should be carried out at currents up to 250 A only 60% of the working time per shift

V. welding should be carried out at currents equal to 60% of 250 A

Question 113. In which case will the penetration depth be greater (under all other identical conditions) when welding vertical seams:

A. down up

b. top down

Question 114

A. decreases

b. increases

Question 115

A. angle forward

b. back angle

Question 116

A. reduce (increase) reach

b. improve tip contact

V. reduce wire feed

d. increase voltage

Question 117

A. increases deformation with increasing volume of weld metal

b. increases deformation with decreasing weld metal volume

V. does not affect

d. reduces deformation with increasing volume of deposited metal

Question 118

A. with X-shaped

b. with U-shaped

V. with V-shaped

Question 119

A. increases the deformation of the product

b. reduces the deformation of the product

V. does not affect

Question 120

A. impenetrability

b. the presence of internal defects

V. the presence of surface defects

g. strength

Question 121

A. weld with a wire with a diameter of 2 mm

b. preheating and delayed cooling

V. welding at high currents

Question 122

A. 10–15 mm

b. 20 - 30 mm

V. 15 - 20 mm

g. 15 – 25 mm

Question 123

b. cracks

V. undercuts

slag inclusions

Question 124

A. steel for critical structures

d. reduced oxygen content in steel

Question 125

Question 126.. Who invented manual carbon arc welding?

A. V.V. Petrov;

b. N.N. Benardos;

V. N.G. Slavyanov.

geo. Paton;

Question 127. Who discovered the electric arc?

A. N.N. Benardos;

b. V.V. Petrov;

V. N.G. Slovyanov.

E.O. Paton;

Question 128. In what year was the electric arc discovered?

Question 129. When burning an arc and melting metals, there is no need to protect the weld pool from:

A. oxygen.

b. argon.

V. hydrogen.

Question 130. According to the method of protecting the weld pool, arc welding does not happen

A. in protective gas.

b. under flux.

V. in combustible gas.

g. in a vacuum.

Question 131. Can tacking be done with other types of electrodes?

V. undesirable.

Mr. necessarily.

Question 132

a. decreases

b. increases.

V. equals zero.

g. does not change.

Question 133

A. the crater is not formed, the base metal is poorly connected to the weld.

b. the weld seam is narrow.

V. possible overheating and overburning, undercuts at the edges, the seam is thick and wide

d. the weld is convex, a crater is formed.

Question 134

and the weld is wide, undercuts are excluded.

b no crater is formed, the base metal is poorly connected to the weld

V. the weld is convex, a crater is formed.

d. the depth of penetration increases, the height of the bulge increases, the width of the seam decreases.

Question 135

A. for better root penetration.

b. to heat up the edges and obtain the required joint width

V. for suturing in one pass.

g. to obtain a high-quality seam surface.

Question 136

a. in the overhead position.

b. upright.

c. in a horizontal position. the lower position

Question 137 MMA(Manual Metal Arc)?

A. manual arc welding with a non-consumable electrode in an inert shielding gas

b. manual arc welding with piece (coated) electrodes

V. arc welding with a consumable metal electrode (wire) in an inert shielding gas with automatic feed of filler wire

Question 138 TIG(Tungsten Inert Gas)?

A. automatic arc welding with a metal electrode (wire) in a shielding gas

Question 139 MIG(Metal Inert Gas)

A. arc welding with a consumable metal electrode (wire) in an inert shielding gas with automatic feed of filler wire

b. manual arc welding with a non-consumable electrode in an inert shielding gas

V. arc welding with a consumable metal electrode (wire) in an active shielding gas with automatic feed of filler wire

Question 140 MAG ( Metal Active Gas)?

A. arc welding with a consumable metal electrode (wire) in an active shielding gas with automatic feed of filler wire

b. arc welding with a consumable metal electrode (wire) in an inert shielding gas with automatic feed of filler wire

V. automatic arc welding with a metal electrode (wire) under a layer of flux.

Question 141 . called welding

A . Welding is the property of parts to form an integral connection by local heating, with or without the application of pressure.

b. Welding is a technological process of obtaining permanent joints by establishing interatomic bonds between the parts to be welded during their heating or plastic deformation, or the combined action of both.

B. Welding is the ability of materials to form an inseparable connection by melting the base metal and connecting the parts to be joined using pressure.

Question 142

A. at low values ​​of welding current density;

b. at average values ​​of welding current density;

V. at high welding current densities.

Question 143. What is the purpose of blunting the edges of parts?

A. to facilitate the penetration of the root of the seam;

b. to ensure the penetration of the part;

V. to avoid burns.

Question 144 pictured:

1. distribution of hardness in the heat-affected zone of the weld;

2. temperature distribution in the heat affected zone;

Question 145. What sources of thermal energy are used in plasma welding?

1.electric arc

2. a jet of gas heated to high temperatures, passed through an electric arc;

3.beam energy.

Question 146

1.manual arc welding;

2.laser welding;

3.Automatic arc welding.

Question 147

1. welding in shielding gases with a non-consumable electrode with direct polarity;

2. Welding in shielding gases with a non-consumable electrode at reverse polarity;

3.automatic submerged arc welding.

Question 148

2. electric arc;

3. gas flame.

Question 149. In what zone is the metal the most brittle?

1.fusion zone;

2. heat affected zone;

3.Zone metal seam.

Question 150

1.electroslag welding.

2. arc welding.

3.Forge welding.

Question 151

1.diffusion welding.

2.Forge welding.

3. friction welding.

Question 152

1.explosion welding.

2.Forge welding.

3. friction welding.

Question 153. When burning an arc and melting metals, there is no need to protect the weld pool from:



Question 154

1.tungsten rods.

2.carbon rods.

3.titanium rods.

Question 155. Which of the indicated electrodes are non-consumable?

1.steel rods.

2.tungsten rods.

3.copper rods.

4.titanium rods.

Question 156 protective gas.

2. submerged. combustible gas. a vacuum.

Question 157. What is not the equipment of a welding post?

1. electrode holder

2.welding cable

3.protective mask

4.power supply

Question 158

1.protective mat

2. Welding and assembly fixtures

3.replaceable filters

Question 159

1. to strengthen the product when applying a layer of metal using fusion welding.

2. hardening of the product by increasing the metal layer.

3. Obtaining special properties of the metal surface and restoring worn parts…

Question 160



3.does not change.

4. is equal to zero.

Question 161



3. equal to zero.

4.does not change.

Question 162

1.reduced penetration depth to prevent destruction of the deposited layer.

2.reduced penetration depth to prevent deformation of the deposited layer.

3.reduced penetration depth to ensure the specified chemical composition of the deposited layer…

4.reduced penetration depth to save energy.

Question 163

1. The crater is not formed, the base metal is poorly connected to the weld.

2. The weld seam is narrow.

3.overheating and burnout, undercuts along the edges, the seam is thick and wide ...

4.The weld seam is convex, forming a crater.

Question 164

1. The weld is wide, undercuts are excluded.

2. no crater is formed, the base metal does not connect well with the weld ...

3.The weld seam is convex, a crater is formed.

4. The depth of penetration increases, the height of the bulge increases, the width of the seam decreases.

Question 165

3. undesirable.


Question 166




Name of the organization I APPROVE THE WORKING INSTRUCTION Name of the position of the head of the organization _________ N ___________ Signature Explanation of the signature Place of compilation Date


1. An electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines is hired and dismissed from work by order of the head of the organization upon presentation by _________________________.

2. An electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines is subject to _____________________________________.

3. In his activities, an electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines is guided by:

the charter of the organization;

Labor regulations;

Orders and instructions of the head of the organization (direct supervisor);

This work instruction.

4. An electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines must know:

Arrangement of used welding machines, semiautomatic devices, plasma torches and power sources;

Properties and purpose of welding consumables;

The main types of control of welds;

Rules for the selection of welding consumables;

Causes of internal stresses and deformations in welded products and measures to prevent them;

Rules for setting welding modes according to specified parameters.


5. An electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines is instructed to:

5.1. Automatic and semi-automatic welding in a shielding gas environment with a solid electrode wire of simple and medium complexity parts and assemblies made of carbon and structural steels in all spatial positions.

5.2. Automatic and mechanized welding using a plasma torch in all spatial positions of a weld of medium complexity for devices, assemblies, parts, structures and pipelines made of carbon and structural steels.

5.3. Welding of simple and medium complexity parts and assemblies.

5.4. Automatic microplasma welding.

5.5. Maintenance of installations for automatic electric power welding and automatic machines for welding structures.

5.6. Assembly of parts and assemblies in the fixture before welding; marking for welding without fixtures.

5.7. Tacking of parts and assemblies during assembly-welding in all spatial positions.

5.8. Checking for tightness of welded seams of simple assemblies with a kerosene test.

5.9. Carrying out pneumatic and hydraulic tests of welded structures, products under pressure up to 100 kPa (up to 1 kgf / sq. cm).

5.10. Elimination of defects in welds by manual arc and semi-automatic welding in shielding gases.

5.11. Gas soldering welding defects.

5.12. Adjustment and editing of details and knots in the course of welding.

5.13. Cleaning of welds necessary for further assembly-welding of the assembly.

Work examples.

Welding on automatic machines:

1. Apparatus, vessels and containers operating without pressure.

2. Cardan shafts for cars.

3. Casings of semiaxes of the back bridge.

4. Car wheels.

5. Struts, axle shafts and landing gear of aircraft.

6. T-joints without beveled edges.

7. T-joints of a set of partitions, decks, platforms, frames.

8. Large machine beds.

9. Joints and grooves of sections, partitions, decks, partitions made of low-carbon and low-alloy steels.

10. Technological pipelines of category V.

11. Automobile tanks.

Welding on semi-automatic machines:

1. Beater and cutting drums, front and rear axles of a tractor trailer, drawbar and frames of a combine and header, augers, headers, rakes and reels.

2. Sidewalls, transition platforms, steps, carcasses and lining of cars.

3. Raid buoys and barrels, artillery shields and pontoons.

4. Details of car body frames for freight cars.

5. Frames for boards and control panels.

6. Track rollers.

7. Complete casings, heating boilers.

8. Coamings of doors, hatches, necks.

9. Structures, components, parts for gun mounts.

10. Cases of electrical explosive equipment.

11. Bodies of dump trucks.

12. Machine beds of small sizes.

13. Racks, bunker grates, transition platforms, stairs, railings, decking, boiler lining.

14. Chimneys up to 30 m high and ventilation pipes made of carbon steel sheet.

15. Connected fire tubes in boilers and superheater tubes.

16. Non-pressure pipelines for water (except for main ones).

17. Pipelines of external and internal networks of water supply and heating - welding in stationary conditions.

18. Electro couplings.

Welding and welding:

1. Strikers and shabots of steam hammers - surfacing.

2. Shafts of electrical machines - fusing necks.

3. Truck brake pads, casings, rear axle shafts - welding.

4. Load-lifting cranes - surfacing of slopes.

5. Frames of diesel locomotives - welding conductors, flooring sheets, parts.

6. Gears - welding of teeth.


6. An electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines has the right to:

6.1. Require periodic safety briefings.

6.2. Have instructions, tools, personal protective equipment necessary for work and require the administration to provide them.

6.3. Familiarize yourself with the internal labor regulations and the collective agreement.

6.4. Make suggestions for improving the technology of work.

6.5. _______________________________________________________________. (other rights, taking into account the specifics of the organization)


7. An electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines is responsible for:

7.1. For non-performance (improper performance) of their work, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

7.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

7.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Name of the position of the head of the structural subdivision _________ _______________________ Signature Full text of the signature of the visa

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (ETKS), 2019
Part No. 1 of issue No. 2 ETKS
The issue is approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of November 15, 1999 N 45
(as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of November 13, 2008 N 645)

Electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines

§ 50. Electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines of the 2nd category

Job Description. Automatic and mechanized welding of simple assemblies, parts and structures made of carbon and structural steels. Performance of works on maintenance of installations for automatic electroslag welding and automatic machines of special designs under the guidance of a highly qualified electric welder. Tacking parts, products, structures in all spatial positions by semi-automatic devices. Preparation of metal for welding. Fusion of defects in parts and castings. Cleaning of parts and products for automatic and mechanized welding. Installation of parts and products in fixtures. Filling the electrode wire. Reading simple drawings.

Must know: the principle of operation of the applied electric welding machines and semi-automatic machines; applied power sources; types of welded joints and seams; types of grooves and designations of welds in the drawings; rules for preparing metal for welding; conditions for the use of electrode wire, fluxes, shielding gas and properties of welded metals and alloys; purpose and conditions for the use of instrumentation; purpose and conditions for the use of automatic and mechanized welding; causes of deformation of metals during welding and ways to prevent it.

Work examples

1. Frames and details of brake pads of freight cars and window frames of passenger cars.

2. Steering frames.

3. Fence covers and other lightly loaded units of agricultural machines.

4. Header brackets, brake control rollers.

5. Arms of subframes of dump trucks.

6. Linings and linings spring.

7. Small steel flasks.

8. Planks, brackets, clamps for fastening ship pipelines, electrical equipment, electrical wiring.

9. Frames of transformer tanks.

10. Foundations, small knots.

Welding and welding

1. Cradle beams, suspension bars and bolsters of all-metal cars and electric section cars - welding of reinforcing squares, guides and centering rings.

2. Rolled beams - welding of points and captivating strips according to the marking.

3. Diaphragms of platform frames and metal gondola cars - welding of ribs.

§ 51. Electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines of the 3rd category

Job Description. Automatic and mechanized welding using a plasma torch in all spatial positions of a weld of medium complexity for devices, assemblies, parts, structures and pipelines made of carbon and structural steels. Welding of simple and medium complexity parts and assemblies. Automatic microplasma welding. Maintenance of installations for automatic electric power welding and automatic machines for welding structures.

Must know: device used welding machines, semi-automatic devices, plasma torches and power supplies; properties and purpose of welding materials; main types of control of welded seams; rules for the selection of welding consumables; causes of internal stresses and deformations in welded products and measures to prevent them; rules for setting welding modes according to specified parameters.

Work examples

On automatic machines:

1. Devices for vessels and containers operating without pressure.

2. Cardan shafts for cars.

3. Casings of semiaxes of the back bridge.

4. Car wheels.

5. Struts, axle shafts and landing gear of aircraft.

6. T-joints without beveled edges.

7. T-joints of a set of partitions, decks, platforms, frames.

8. Large machine beds.

9. Joints and grooves of sections, partitions, decks, partitions made of low-carbon and low-alloy steels.

10. Technological pipelines of category V.

11. Automobile tanks.

On semi-automatic machines:

1. Beater and cutting drums, front and rear axles of a tractor trailer, drawbar and frames of a combine and header, augers, headers, rakes and reels.

2. Sidewalls, transition platforms, steps, carcasses and lining of cars.

3. Raid buoys and barrels, artillery shields and pontoons.

4. Details of car body frames for freight cars.

5. Frames for boards and control panels.

6. Track rollers.

7. Complete casings, heating boilers.

8. Coamings of doors, hatches, necks.

9. Structures, components, parts for gun mounts.

10. Cases of electrical explosive equipment.

11. Bodies of dump trucks.

12. Machine beds of small sizes.

13. Racks, bunker grates, transition platforms, stairs, railings, decking, boiler lining.

14. Chimneys up to 30 m high and ventilation pipes made of carbon steel sheet.

15. Connected fire tubes in boilers and superheater tubes.

16. Non-pressure pipelines for water (except for main ones).

17. Pipelines of external and internal networks of water supply and heating - welding in stationary conditions.

18. Electro couplings.

Welding and welding

1. Strikers and shabots of steam hammers - surfacing.

2. Shafts of electrical machines - fusing necks.

3. Truck brake pads, casings, rear axle shafts - welding.

4. Load-lifting cranes - surfacing of slopes.

5. Frames of diesel locomotives - welding conductors, flooring sheets, parts.

6. Gears - welding of teeth.

§ 52. Electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines of the 4th category

Job Description. Automatic and mechanized welding using a plasma torch of complex devices, assemblies, structures and pipelines made of carbon and structural steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys. Automatic welding of complex building and technological structures operating in difficult conditions. Automatic gas-shielded non-consumable electrode welding of hot-rolled strips of non-ferrous metals and alloys under the guidance of a highly qualified electric welder. Fusion of defects in machine parts, mechanisms and structures. Fusion of complex assemblies, parts and tools. Reading drawings of complex welded metal structures.

Must know: arrangement of various automatic welding machines, semi-automatic devices, plasma torches and power sources; the basics of electrical engineering within the scope of the work performed; methods for testing welds; brands and types of welding materials; types of defects in welds and methods for their prevention and elimination; the influence of welding modes on the geometry of the weld; mechanical properties of welded metals.

Work examples

On automatic machines:

1. Tanks of unique powerful transformers.

2. Span beams of overhead cranes with a lifting capacity of less than 30 tons.

3. Blocks of building and technological structures made of sheet metal: air heaters, scrubbers, casings of blast furnaces, separators, reactors, flues of blast furnaces, etc.

4. Columns, bunkers, beams, overpasses.

5. Cases of heads, traverses, bases of presses and hammers.

6. Set: frames, stringers, keels, etc.

7. Superstructure cabin made of aluminum-magnesium alloys.

8. External cladding, second bottom decking, main deck - welding on the rack.

9. Decks, platforms.

10. Foundation plates for walking excavator units.

11. Seams sealed 1st category - microplasma welding.

Welding and welding

1. Rolls of rolling mills, bandages - welding.

2. Sets for strong bulkheads of the ship's hull - welded.

3. Lattices, caps, junction boxes - welding.

On semi-automatic machines:

1. Apparatus, vessels and containers operating without pressure.

2. Tanks of transformers.

3. Headset and bodies of burners of boilers.

4. Parts made of cast iron.

5. Turbine impeller chambers.

6. Frames of industrial furnaces and boilers.

7. Gas exhaust manifolds and pipes.

8. Columns, bunkers, truss and truss trusses, beams, flyovers.

9. Control rings for hydraulic turbines.

10. Housings and bridges of the driving wheels of the harvester.

11. Rotor housings up to 3500 mm in diameter.

12. Turbine stop valve housings up to 25,000 kW.

13. Fixings and supports for pipelines.

14. Brackets and pivot fastenings of the diesel locomotive bogie.

15. Sheets of large thicknesses (armor).

16. Masts, drilling and operating towers - welding in stationary conditions.

17. Longitudinal and transverse sets in three-dimensional sections to the decking of the second bottom and to the outer skin.

18. Lower crankcases of motors.

19. Decks and platforms.

20. Foundation plates for large electrical machines.

21. Dust and gas air ducts, fuel supply units and electrostatic precipitators.

22. Frames of conveyors.

23. Reservoirs for petroleum products with a capacity of less than 1000 cubic meters. m.

24. Metal sleeves.

25. Air-cooled turbogenerator stators.

26. Crusher beds.

27. Beds and housings of electric machines are welded and cast.

28. The beds of large machine tools are cast iron.

29. Pipelines of external and internal networks of water supply and heating - welding during installation.

30. Pipelines of external and internal low-pressure gas supply networks - welding in stationary conditions.

31. Technological pipelines of category V.

32. Automobile tanks.

Welding and welding

1. Parts made of cast iron - welding.

2. Chambers of impellers of turbines - welding.

3. Compressor casings, low and high pressure cylinders of air compressors - cracking.

4. Rails and prefabricated crosses - welding ends.

5. Beds of working stands of rolling mills - welding.

6. Cylinders of car blocks - shell fusing.

§ 53. Electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines of the 5th category

Job Description. Automatic and mechanized welding using a plasma torch of complex devices, assemblies, structures and pipelines from various steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys. Automatic welding of various building and technological structures operating under dynamic and vibration loads, and structures of complex configuration. Mechanized welding using a plasma torch of complex building and technological structures operating in difficult conditions. Welding on complex devices and tilters. Automatic welding in shielding gas with a non-consumable electrode of hot-rolled strips from non-ferrous metals and alloys. Welding of defects in machine parts, mechanisms and structures. Fusion of complex parts and assemblies.

Must know: electrical circuits and designs of various types of welding machines, semi-automatic devices, plasma torches and power supplies; mechanical and technological properties of welded metals, including high-alloy steels; mechanical properties of the deposited metal; technological sequence of suturing and welding mode; types of defects in welds, their causes and methods of elimination; methods of control and testing of critical welds.

Work examples

On automatic machines:

1. Beams for working platforms of open-hearth shops, structures, bunker and unloading racks of metallurgical enterprises, crane beams for cranes of complex operating modes, booms of walking excavators.

2. Crankshafts and propellers.

3. Gas holders and tanks for oil products with a capacity of over 1000 cubic meters. m.

4. Capacities, caps, spheres and pipelines vacuum cryogenic.

5. Capacities and coatings are spherical and drop-shaped.

6. Columns for the synthesis of ammonia.

7. Structures made of light aluminum-magnesium alloys.

8. Stator housings for large hydrogen- and hydrogen-water-cooled turbogenerators.

9. Tanks and structures made of two-layer steel and other bimetals.

10. Submarine cabins and other structures made of low-magnetic steels.

11. Beds, frames and other units of forging and pressing equipment.

12. Racks and cylinders of aircraft landing gear.

13. Structures spanning metal bridges.

14. Mounting joints of hull structures operating under pressure, made of special steels.

15. Joints of mounting cases made of aluminum alloys.

16. Fixed joints of pipes and special structures made of stainless, titanium and other alloys in shipbuilding.

17. Technological pipelines of I - IV categories (groups), as well as pipelines of steam and water of I - IV categories.

18. Bulky frames.

On semi-automatic machines:

1. Apparatus and vessels made of carbon and alloy steels, working under pressure, and alloy steels, working without pressure.

2. Armature of load-bearing reinforced concrete structures: foundations, columns, ceilings.

3. Tanks of unique powerful transformers.

4. Beams and traverses of crane trucks and balancers.

5. Span beams of overhead cranes with a lifting capacity of less than 30 tons.

6. Center beams, pivot beams, buffer beams, bogie frames for locomotives and wagons.

7. Boiler drums with pressure up to 4.0 MPa (38.7 atm.).

8. Blocks of building and technological structures made of sheet metal: air heaters, scrubbers, casings of blast furnaces, separators, reactors, flues of blast furnaces.

9. Blocks of cylinders and water collectors of diesel engines.

10. Gas holders and tanks for oil products with a volume of 5000 cubic meters. m and more - welding in workshop conditions.

11. Gas and oil pipelines - welding on the rack.

12. Caissons for open-hearth furnaces operating at high temperatures.

13. Columns, bunkers, truss and truss trusses, beams, flyovers.

14. Structures of radio masts, TV towers and power transmission line supports - welding in stationary conditions.

15. Head bodies, traverses, bases and other complex units of presses and hammers.

16. Rotor housings with a diameter of more than 3500 mm.

17. Cases of stop valves for turbines with a capacity of over 25,000 kW.

18. Cases of cutting, loading machines, coal combines and mine electric locomotives.

19. Covers, stators and lining of hydraulic turbine blades.

20. Propeller blades - welding to the hub and welding attachments.

21. Masts, drilling and operational towers.

22. Bases for drilling rigs and three-diesel drives from high-alloyed drill pipes.

23. Foundation plates for a walking excavator unit.

24. Hot-rolled strips from non-ferrous metals and alloys.

25. Frames and units of automobiles, diesel engines and agricultural machines.

26. Pivot and diesel locomotive frames.

27. Reservoirs for petroleum products with a capacity of 1000 and less than 5000 cubic meters. m.

28. Metal sleeves.

29. Joints of rebar outlets of elements of load-bearing reinforced concrete structures.

30. Pipe elements of steam boilers with pressure up to 4.0 MPa (38.7 atm.).

31. Pipelines of external and internal low pressure gas supply networks.

32. Pipelines of external and internal gas supply networks of medium and high pressure - welding in stationary conditions.

33. Technological pipelines of III and IV categories (groups), as well as pipelines of steam and water of III and IV categories.

34. Tires, tapes, compensators for them from non-ferrous metals.

Welding and welding

1. Blast furnace charging devices, rolls of rolling mills - welding.

2. Propellers, turbine blades, engine cylinder blocks - build-up of defects.

§ 54. Electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines of the 6th category

Job Description. Automatic and mechanized welding using a plasma torch of complex devices, assemblies, structures and pipelines made of various steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys, including titanium, on universal multi-arc and multi-electrode automatic machines and semi-automatic machines, as well as on automatic machines equipped with television, photoelectronic and other special devices, automatic manipulators (robots). Mechanized welding using a plasma torch of building and technological structures operating under dynamic and vibration loads, and structures of complex configuration when performing welds in the overhead position and on a vertical plane. Welding of experimental structures made of metals and alloys with limited weldability. Welding of structures in block design in all spatial positions of the weld.

Must know: designs of electric welding machines, semi-automatic machines, plasma torches and machines; electrical and kinematic diagrams of complex automata, plasma torches and machines, the causes of their most probable malfunctions, ways to eliminate them; control methods, methods and methods for testing welded joints of critical structures; principal device of electronic control circuits; rules for training robots and working with robotic systems; varieties of alloys, their welding and mechanical properties; types of corrosion and factors causing it; main types of heat treatment of welded joints; fundamentals of weld metallography.

Work examples

On semi-automatic machines:

1. Beams for working platforms of open-hearth shops, structures of bunker and unloading racks of metallurgical enterprises, crane beams for heavy-duty cranes, walking excavator booms.

2. Span beams of overhead cranes with a lifting capacity of 30 tons and more.

3. Boiler drums with pressure over 4.0 MPa (38.7 atm.).

4. Gas holders and tanks for oil products with a volume of 5000 cubic meters. m and more - welding on installation.

5. Main gas and product pipelines - welding during installation and during the elimination of breakthroughs.

6. Tanks, caps, spheres and pipelines for vacuum and cryogenic.

7. Containers and coatings are spherical and drop-shaped.

8. Ammonia synthesis columns.

9. Designs of radio masts, TV towers and power transmission towers.

10. Steam boxes of steam turbines.

11. Stator housings for large hydrogen- and hydrogen-water-cooled turbogenerators.

12. Cases of heavy diesel engines and presses.

13. Ship steam boilers.

14. Paws and flutes of drill bits, drilling steam conduits.

15. Piping of oil and gas wells and wells of contour waterflooding.

16. Tanks and structures made of two-layer steel and other bimetals.

17. Reinforcing bars of reinforced concrete structures in detachable forms.

18. Span structures of metal and reinforced concrete bridges.

19. Pipe elements of steam boilers with pressure over 4.0 MPa (38.7 atm.).

20. Pressure pipelines, spiral chambers and impeller chambers of hydroelectric turbines.

21. Pipelines of external gas supply networks of medium and high pressure - welding at installation.

22. Technological pipelines of I and II categories (groups), as well as pipelines of steam and water of I and II categories.

Welding and welding

1. Drill pipe locks and couplings - double seam welding.

2. Working wheels of gas turbine compressors, steam turbines, powerful blowers - welding of blades and blades.