The best recipe for odorless moonshine. Methods for making odorless moonshine

How to make good moonshine without odor or nasty taste? Many novice moonshiners ask this question, and for good reason: moonshine can be distilled even in artisanal conditions, there are usually no problems with this (after all, you just need to heat the mash to the boiling point of alcohol: 78.39 degrees, after which the steam just needs to be condensed), but cleaning is not easy. Each specialist has his own methods for purifying alcohol-containing drinks, the main ones being, of course:

  • Charcoal or activated carbon
  • Milk
  • Manganese
  • Technical filters
  • Re-distillation

All methods are based on a simple mechanism, thanks to which fusel oils and other impurities, which themselves acquire an unpleasant taste and odor, are removed from the drink. In the case of carbon, activated carbon is most often used, since it is the most accessible, but this does not mean that it will provide the best result. Many craftsmen use charcoal from burnt oak roots, through which they pass moonshine and get a drink purified like a tear. After using manganese or milk, it is necessary to re-distill to get rid of their residues. Technical filters are represented by various mechanical devices that retain all unnecessary components of the liquid. In their own way, all methods are good, but how to choose the best method for yourself?

We will talk about this in this blog, where we will try to review the main methods of filtering home-made fire water.

Basic mistakes

It turns out that most people involved in moonshine making constantly make mistakes that cause the unpleasant smell of moonshine. The taste and smell of moonshine may be bad in the following cases:

When distilling, you use a stainless steel apparatus.

It turns out that stainless steel is an absolutely neutral material that does not interact with the distilled mash. Accordingly, everything that is in the mash is hydrogen sulfide, sulfur compounds, mercaptans (thiols), sulfur oxides, ammonia, acetals, organic acids (which have a putrid odor and soapy taste), etc. all this will get 100% into your finished product and, alas, you will not be able to get rid of them completely.

Copper adsorbs all these substances or converts them into more harmless substances (manifesting themselves in the form of brownish or green flakes) that are easily removed from the finished product - they will simply float to the surface of the distillate or precipitate. Therefore, we strongly recommend using only copper moonshine stills. If, of course, you are wondering how to distill odorless moonshine.

Only in Russia do moonshiners use stainless steel - due to illiteracy and misinformation that attacks us from all sides.

In addition, the material of the cube is of particular importance. Copper cubes are more preferable because... This material has enormous thermal conductivity, so heat is evenly distributed when heated, thus preventing the burning of yeast cells and undissolved starch, which, by the way, are also the cause of the disgusting smell of moonshine. Moreover, aromatic substances are formed in the copper distillation cube, which only improve the quality of moonshine. This is the aroma of chocolate, vanilla, caramel, spicy spices and nutty tones.

Incorrect distillation technology

A fusel smell or the smell of acetone - this is how the wrong selection of the product into fractions (“heads”, “heart” and “tails”), or its complete absence, is manifested. You can study the detailed technology of “correct” distillation here.

So, we figured out the reasons for the unpleasant odor and understood how to make odorless moonshine. But if such a problem has already arisen, you urgently need to find out how to remove the smell from moonshine. There are several solutions to this problem:

  1. Coal is an element that will allow you to clean moonshine from odor, rid moonshine of hydrogen sulfide, organic compounds, ammonia, formaldehyde, etc. But it is very important to remember that it is better not to overdo it with carbon filtration - if you get carried away with getting rid of various unpleasant odors, you can also lose all the pleasant taste and aroma of alcohol. This way you can get odorless moonshine at home. So you have received the answer to the question of how to remove the smell of moonshine.
  1. Many people wonder how to infuse moonshine so that there is no smell. In fact, it is possible to eliminate it by infusion, but it is important to remember that the cause of the unpleasant odor will not disappear anywhere, it will simply be masked by other aromas. You can see recipes for tinctures here; we also have a recipe for tinctures made with horseradish, cherries and apricots. All of these are recipes for odorless moonshine. This method is suitable for people who are looking for something to paint over moonshine so that there is no smell and how to remove the smell from moonshine.
  1. How to get rid of the smell of moonshine in moonshine? Turn it into a rectification! Rectification is a process in which foreign impurities can be separated as much as possible from ethyl alcohol. Accordingly, rectified alcohol is practically odorless and tasteless moonshine, a product with an alcohol content of over 96% vol. It can be obtained using a distillation column.

Thus, you have received a solution to the problem and now you know how to remove the smell of moonshine at home!


How to make moonshine without “aroma”

Recipes for odorless moonshine necessarily include alcohol distillation using technology.

  1. So, pour the mash into the distillation unit.
  2. Heat it to 70 degrees. Now turn down the flame and wait for the exit.
  3. After the first drop falls, it is advisable to check and record the temperature of the brew.

Be sure to monitor the temperature. The speed at which drops fall is also important. The distillate should drip at a rate of 2-3 drops per second. It can also flow in a thin stream, however, its thickness is no wider than a match head. Measure the temperature of the moonshine. If it is at 30 degrees, then everything is in order. Otherwise, either increase or decrease the cold water pressure in the coil (if the device is equipped with a water cooling system).

To get really good odorless alcohol, be sure to separate it into fractions. The first 10% of the output is called the head. They are full of impurities and fusel oils. They make moonshine incredibly fragrant. The last 10-15% is called the tail. It is also collected separately, since this fraction is not suitable for consumption. The tail begins to be “trimmed” as soon as the strength of the distillate drops below 45 degrees.

The middle fraction is a high-quality distillate, it does not have a strong smell of moonshine. But to improve the effect, carry out the second distillation according to the same scheme as the first.

Several Yet simple ways moonshine cleaning:

Method name Description of the method Advantages and disadvantages
1 Using activated carbonCan be used in two different variations: 1. Do homemade filter from gauze, which is folded several times, and crushed activated carbon is laid between the layers. The filter is installed on a container where the distilled liquid will flow from the coil.2. Crushed coal is added directly to the finished moonshine, left to settle for two to three weeks, then decanted.A simple method, minimum labor costs, only one drawback - filtration and/or mixing with carbon may not be enough for high-quality cleaning. This method is best used in combination with another cleaning method.
2 Using potassium permanganateThe easy way. The bottom line is that several crystals of potassium permanganate – “potassium permanganate” – are added to the distilled moonshine. The crystals dissolve, the liquid becomes slightly pinkish in color. We put this liquid in water and heat it in a kind of water bath for 15 minutes until a sediment forms. The purified moonshine is drained and the sediment is thrown away.A very simple method practically does not require additional financial or other costs. The disadvantage of this method is that if used incorrectly and filtered, the moonshine can turn pink.
3 Using sodaJust like in the previous version, soda is added to the already expelled liquid. There is no need to arrange a water bath; you just need to let it brew for about a day. Then drain the moonshine and discard the sediment.A simple and fast method, but it requires certain skills and time.

We destroy the smell

Often we are faced with the task of eliminating odors in ready-made moonshine. There are several very effective options that will help you easily cope with this task.

By freezing

If you have set yourself the task of not just “drowning out”, but actually eliminating the unpleasant smell of moonshine, this method of how to brew odorless homemade moonshine will be quite suitable for you. Freezing as a way to remove odor from moonshine came from chemistry lessons and is based on different freezing temperatures of substances. Elite alcohol freezes the slowest in moonshine, so even if the moonshine is greatly cooled, the alcohol will still be in a liquid state. In this case, fusel oils and other impurities will pass into solid state- to do this, just cool the drink to 20 degrees below zero.

The disadvantage of the method of how to remove odorless homemade moonshine using freezing is that the lowest cooling temperature freezer the refrigerator is only -17 degrees, which is not enough. Therefore the only thing possible variant- wait for cold winter weather to cool the moonshine in natural conditions.


The main harmful substances of moonshine - methyl and fusel oils - enter it at the distillation stage. This is a fairly simple procedure, including three stages, each of which produces its own fraction. The first and third factions are the so-called. The “head” and “tail” of moonshine are the most toxic, while the “body” has the least pungent odor, as a result of which it can be consumed. Based on this knowledge, it is possible to slightly reduce the unpleasant odor.

In order to obtain purified moonshine, the product is placed in a distiller. Due to the different densities of the fractions, their boiling occurs alternately. So, during slow heating, methyl alcohol evaporates first - a temperature of 55 degrees is enough for this. Following the methyl, ethylene also leaves the container. Ethyl alcohol is a pure moonshine product. The next step is the evaporation of fusel oils, which represent the third fraction.

All fractions, as they evaporate, are decanted into separate vessels, but only the central one can be used as moonshine that is completely ready for use.

The disadvantage of the method of distilling odorless moonshine through distillate is its high explosive hazard and the likelihood of a fire. In addition, there is a possibility of alcohol vapor poisoning. Before using this cleaning method, prepare the room properly: it should be well ventilated and not have access to open fire. Alcohol should only be heated on an electric stove.

With activated carbon

  1. Charcoal is a good option to cover up the smell of moonshine. In addition, this method is quite safe. The first option for brewing odorless moonshine is to filter it. Place crushed coal on top of a thick layer of cotton wool or a paper filter and pour moonshine on top. For good results, the procedure is repeated several times.
  2. The second way to remove the smell from moonshine is simpler: for this, 50 grams are used per liter of moonshine. substances. The mixture should sit for a week, but it should be stirred daily, after which the liquid is passed through a cotton filter. To get good results, in this case also repeat the procedure several times.

Potassium permanganate will save alcohol

There is an option to get rid of the “aroma” of moonshine using ordinary potassium permanganate. Add 1 g of this substance per liter of moonshine. Stir the contents of the container. Now you should wait until sediment appears at the bottom. After this, very carefully filter the liquid.


Soda removes fusel oils well and thereby gets rid of the smell of moonshine.

  1. Take 8-10 g of regular baking soda per 1 liter of moonshine.
  2. Add soda to the moonshine, stir and let stand for 20-30 minutes.
  3. After this, mix the moonshine with soda again and leave for 10-12 hours.
  4. Drain off the top layer of liquid (this is not moonshine) and remove the sediment at the bottom.

The method is not expensive, but requires some skill and time.

Remove the smell of moonshine and add color with a tea bag.

Regular tea bags for brewing are found in every home. On the way to getting rid of moonshine odors, this method is simple and fast. Neither freezing nor double distillation can compare with the simplicity of this method. Just take a bag for brewing regular black tea and put it in a container with ready-made moonshine. Leave the bag for a day. The fusel smell will be significantly reduced, and the drink will acquire a noble cognac hue.

Birch - the savior

Take a cloth or gauze bag and place birch charcoal there. After this, pass the moonshine through it. This method is much more effective than using regular activated carbon.

Violet root

An interesting option is to infuse alcohol with orris root. After 12 days, according to experienced people, you will receive moonshine without odor or taste.

A combination of these methods will help you achieve the best cleaning of this strong alcoholic drink. Experiment, try, be inspired by the results!


Cleaning moonshine from odor using aromatization

This method is used by almost everyone who not only prepares moonshine for themselves, but also sells it. Typically, sellers rarely think about quality, but the issue of a pleasant aroma is the main factor in a successful sale. At the same time, flavoring moonshine is the cheapest option for making odorless moonshine, although it is absolutely useless from the point of view of harmlessness to the body.

Almost any ingredients with a pleasant and pungent odor can be used to flavor moonshine. This can be lemon zest soaked in moonshine, subsequently removed, or store-bought lemon or apple essences.

Among the disadvantages of the method of brewing odorless moonshine with its aromatization is the likelihood of the drink becoming cloudy as a result of the addition of organic matter. For this reason, most likely, moonshine will additionally need painting, and this is a considerable waste of time and effort.

Other ways to infuse moonshine to remove the smell

There are still a wide variety of options for infusing moonshine to remove the smell. Bentonite, a special white clay, is often used for this. The cleaning principle in this case resembles the cleaning principle activated carbon.

Regardless of which odorless moonshine recipes you decide to go with, it is, of course, almost impossible to achieve a complete result. In any case, a moonshine still with a steamer will retain some of the harmful impurities that will remain in the moonshine itself. For the best effect, it is possible to combine several methods that will be most suitable for you.

By the way, subsequently purified moonshine can be used for other drinks. Try to study and prepare a limoncello recipe using moonshine to please your friends with a high-quality and definitely tasty drink.


Recipe for making odorless moonshine

We pour the mash into the moonshine still and quickly heat it to 70 degrees, after which we turn the fire a little weaker and wait for the first exit to appear. As soon as the first drops of moonshine began to drip into the collecting container, it is advisable to record the temperature of the mash.

It is very important to monitor the temperature and release rate. It should flow at a speed of approximately 2-3 drops per second, or a thin stream whose thickness does not exceed the thickness of a match. In this case, the outlet temperature should be at 30 degrees. If it is higher than normal, then it is necessary to enhance cooling by increasing the pressure of cold water, using the water cooling method.

It is also very important to properly divide the yield into fractions to obtain high-quality, odorless moonshine. Cut off the smelly heads, this is approximately the first 10% of the yield, and as soon as the strength of the moonshine drops below 45%, collect the tails separately, this is also approximately 10-15%.

The middle part of the output should be a high-quality liquid with virtually no unpleasant odor. But if this is not enough for you, you can re-distill the moonshine, and then the drink will turn out even purer.

How to remove the smell of moonshine

And so, we already have ready-made raw alcohol and we are faced with the task of making it less smelly. Let's look at the most basic and effective recipes for how to remove the smell of moonshine.

All these recipes for combating unpleasant aroma can, and even should, be combined with each other, then you will get real odorless moonshine, but with a good taste.

Harmful impurities. What are we fighting against?

At its core, a proper strong and pure alcoholic drink should contain only water and ethyl alcohol. In reality, of course, everything is not so simple.

Read the label on a store-bought bottle of vodka. Numerous slogans such as: “Cleansed with coal”, “Cleansed with milk”, “on spruce logs” and others. They say that in factory conditions, for the soft taste of the drink and complete absence unpleasant odor, you have to carry out a whole range of cleaning work.

What are we fighting against? To get odorless and tasteless moonshine, you need to remove such chemical compounds from it as:

  • Acetaldehyde;
  • Formic ethyl ether;
  • Acetic methyl ester;
  • Methyl alcohol;
  • Ethyl acetate;
  • Formic acid;
  • Acetic acid;
  • Oily ethyl ether;
  • Amyl alcohol;
  • Valerian ethyl ether.

Don't be scared right away. It's not all that scary. You don't need to be a professional technologist or chemist to get high-quality moonshine. It’s enough to simply understand that no matter what proven mash recipe is taken as a basis, the distillation product needs to be cleaned.

How to drive properly so you can clean less later

In addition to proper cleaning, certain rules must be followed when distilling moonshine. Odorless moonshine simple recommendations:

  • The mash heats up very quickly high fire up to a temperature of 70 degrees;
  • After the liquid temperature reaches 70 degrees, the fire is reduced until the first drops appear;
  • As soon as the drops appear, the heating temperature is fixed;
  • The pasture process must be constantly monitored and rapid distillation must be avoided. Normally, 2-3 drops should form in 1 second;
  • The temperature of the liquid at the outlet should not be higher than 30 degrees.

By following these simple rules, you can achieve enough High Quality pasture

Simple cleaning methods

Despite the large list of harmful impurities from which moonshine needs to be purified, there are several simple, but effective ways giving good results.
The easiest way is freezing. The secret of the method is that pure alcohol, which is what we ultimately need, freezes at very low temperatures. And most of the harmful chemicals freeze. Therefore, in order to purify the resulting liquid: we place the moonshine in the freezer, wait for the unnecessary chemical to freeze, and drain the purified product.

Advantages of the method:

  • Time saving;
  • Does not require much labor;
  • Easy to use.

But there is one big drawback. For a large batch of moonshine, you will have to buy a large freezer. In winter you can take advantage of natural weather conditions. But in the summer, with this method, you definitely won’t be able to do without a large freezer.

Odorless moonshine recipes

To clean moonshine, you can use egg white. The protein itself coagulates, interacting with alcohol and, at the same time, absorbs all harmful substances, including fusel oils. Proportions – 1 liter of moonshine for 2 whipped egg whites. The protein is poured into the intensively stirred moonshine. Leave for 24 hours and filter.

Flavorless moonshine made from sugar

And to end the review, we’ll tell you about the recipe for moonshine made from sugar. Many believe that mash made from water, yeast and sugar produces the purest moonshine. Which does not require additional cleaning. This is true, but only partly. Of course, if you compare such mash with raw materials infused with apples, plums and other gifts of nature, mash made from sugar is much purer. However, this kind of moonshine also has an unpleasant odor and a high concentration of fusel oils. Therefore, it is necessary to filter and clean it.

The recipe for moonshine made from sugar is quite simple and economical.

  • Yeast – 400 grams;
  • Water – 30 liters;
  • Sugar – 6 kilograms.
  • Top dressing - dry black bread - 1 loaf, cut into pieces. Instead of bread, you can use chemical. additives (nitrogen, phosphorus, lim. acid) - 22 grams:

Mix everything until completely dissolved and put it in a warm place. Baker's yeast foams a lot compared to wine yeast. We wait 7-10 days and the mash can be distilled.


Odorless moonshine recipes

Grain based recipe

To make this delicious-tasting moonshine, you will need:

  • 30 liters of filtered water;
  • 300 g yeast;
  • 6 kg of grain (wheat, barley or rye).

First you need to germinate the grain. To do this, fill it with water and leave it in a room with a temperature of at least 18 degrees for 3-4 days. Make sure that the process of rotting does not begin in the container; if necessary, add water from a spray bottle.

The raw materials will be ready when the sprouts reach half a centimeter in length. Wash them, dry them and grind them. Boil water and add the resulting flour into it so that a mixture is formed, similar in consistency to jelly. Close the container with a lid, wrap it in a blanket and leave to infuse for 11-12 hours.

Pay attention to quality moonshine still: The taste of the final drink depends on it. Do not use faulty structures: it can be dangerous to your life.

After the specified time, dilute the yeast in warm water, pour it into a container with the grain mix and leave for 5-7 days. Once the mixture has fermented, distill it. The recipe gives a yield of 5-6 liters.

Moonshine based on jam

If you have unused homemade preparations, do not rush to throw them away. Using old (or even spoiled) berry sweets, you can brew soft moonshine without an unpleasant odor. The recipe will require the following ingredients:

  • 30 liters of purified water;
  • 6 liters of jam;
  • 300 g yeast.

Add jam to water and stir thoroughly. Combine the yeast with warm water and pour into the same container. Cover the container tightly and place in a warm place for 5-6 days. To give the drink an additional berry flavor, use raspberry, cherry, blackcurrant leaves, etc. When the liquid has fermented, strain it and subject it to the distillation process. The net yield of alcohol is 6 liters.

Apricot moonshine recipe

An excellent raw material for homemade alcohol is fresh, sweet fruit. It has long been known that apricots can be used to make a drink that even experienced drinkers will enjoy.

Take two buckets of fruit, 20 liters of purified water and 3 kg of granulated sugar. Prepare a syrup from water and sugar and pour it over washed, pitted and slightly mashed apricots. Leave for 7-8 days in a warm (or better yet, sunny) place. Filter and distill the resulting mash. You will get 5 liters of a delicious drink.

Bread moonshine recipe

If you have stale bread left, don’t rush to throw it away: the product can be an excellent raw material for homemade alcohol. To prepare delicious, odorless moonshine, stock up on the following ingredients:

  • crusts of Borodino (or cumin) bread - 1.2 kg;
  • cinnamon powder – 40 g;
  • 30 sprigs of cloves;
  • moonshine – 10 l.

Mix all the ingredients, cover the container with a lid and leave for 4-5 days. After the specified period, add 5 liters of water and distill.

At the end you should get 10 liters of aromatic drink.

Cleaning the finished moonshine

Whatever recipe you choose, it is better to subject the finished drink to additional purification. So, you can remove fusel oils and other harmful components from homemade alcohol that give it an unpleasant taste and aroma.

There are the following proven cleaning recipes:

  1. Freezing - pour the moonshine into a glass or steel container and put it in the cold for several hours (preferably the temperature is below -25 degrees). Harmful impurities and water form an ice crust; “good” alcohol will not freeze. Pour it into a separate bottle and serve.
  2. Cleaning with potassium permanganate - add 1 g of the substance per liter of homemade alcohol. Leave for several hours until sediment appears at the bottom of the container. After this, the liquid should be filtered through several layers of gauze lined with cotton wool.
  3. Cleaning with soda - mix alcohol with soda (10 g per liter) and leave for 12 hours. A sediment containing harmful impurities forms at the top of the container with alcohol. Remove it and filter the moonshine.
  4. Cleaning with protein - add egg whites to the drink, beaten in a small amount of warm water (one white per 0.5 liter of “hot drink”). Wait until white flakes of precipitate appear, then filter several times.
  5. Carbon filter - take several layers of cotton wool and gauze and place activated carbon powder between them. You will end up with an improvised filter through which you need to pass homemade alcohol several times.

To make high-quality moonshine, you need to take into account a large number of nuances: choose the right recipe, find good equipment, use one of the methods for purifying the finished product. Spare no time and effort in home brewing, and then you will end up with alcohol that is truly enjoyable to drink.


Traditional recipe

To make high-quality alcohol without a disgusting smell, you need to study its recipe. But before you start distilling odorless moonshine, you need to prepare.

The container is washed with boiling water and wiped well with a cloth.

If you consider odorless moonshine recipes, you should study one of the traditional ones. Let's say that there is a requirement - to distill out 5 liters of moonshine.

For this you will need:

  • sugar - 6 kg;
  • water - 18 l;
  • dry yeast - 120 g;
  • citric acid - 15 g.

You can mix sugar with warm water. But most experts believe that it is better to make syrup from it. To do this you need:

  • heat 3 liters of water to a temperature of 80 °C;
  • pour all the sugar into the water and stir it;
  • bring the syrup to a boil, turn the heat to low and simmer for a quarter of an hour;
  • pour citric acid, after which the syrup is cooked for another 60 minutes.

What is this for?

The mixture of yeast and syrup must ferment for at least 5 days

The procedure is simple - when the yeast ferments, it breaks down the sugar into fructose and glucose. They will then process these substances into alcohol.

After the syrup has cooled, the mixture is poured into a container for fermentation. Don't forget to add yeast. The container with moonshine must be placed in a warm place for 5 days. Next, you need to degas and clarify the mash. How to do this correctly?

Initially, the mash is cleared of yeast sediments, then heated in a medium-sized saucepan to 50°C. Pour the mixture back into the bottle and clarify with bentonite. Thanks to it, you will get rid of the unpleasant odor.

Odorless and tasteless moonshine has other recipes. You need to check out the best of them.

Making moonshine that doesn't smell

Experienced moonshiners know what to do to make odorless moonshine. The liquid should be flushed twice. In this case, harmful impurities will leave the product. In addition, the quality and color will improve significantly. This distillation is popularly called “double first.” To learn how to make high-quality moonshine, watch this video:

You can brew this alcohol yourself. The instructions include the following steps:

  1. First distillation. Initially, harmful substances should be removed. After clarification with bentonite, the mixture must be poured into a distillation cube. This must be done over low heat.
  2. Afterwards, the process of obtaining the distillate is divided into 3 fractions: head, middle and last. The first 50 ml of yield per 1 kg of sugar is poured into a separate container. It is prohibited to consume this liquid, as the substances in it are dangerous to human health.
  3. Now the middle fraction is selected, for the sake of which distillation is carried out. When the strength of the drink drops to 40% vol. , the selection should be stopped.
  4. The last fraction is poured into a separate container.
  5. Second distillation. The reprocessing method is quite laborious. However, these results will please you. To carry out the procedure, the diluted mash must be poured into the distillation cube and the distillation process must begin over low heat.
  6. It is necessary to bring the alcohol to the required strength. This is the final stage at which the moonshine is diluted and bottled.
  7. It is advisable to let the drink brew for several days. The alcohol produced will not smell and will delight you with its taste. This will complete the distillation.

Removing odor after distillation

There are cases when novice moonshiners, even through double distillation, cannot get rid of unpleasant aromas. Therefore, people are interested in how to get rid of the smell of moonshine. How can this be done?

Before distilling moonshine, you need to understand the reasons for the appearance of odors.

Back in the old days, they came up with many options for removing them. All of them are effective, as they have already been tested for decades.

There are many ways to remove unpleasant odors from moonshine.

The reasons why distilled moonshine smells bad include the following:

  • the moonshine still is poorly washed;
  • quite high temperature during the distillation of mash;
  • the drink is not sufficiently purified;
  • low quality drink.

You can get rid of odors in the following ways:

  1. Take a few grams of potassium permanganate and stir it in a three-liter jar of the resulting drink. Wait for the sediment to form and remove it.
  2. Prepared moonshine can be cleaned with baking soda. It is able to eliminate fusel oils. For 1 liter of drink you need to take 10 g of soda, mix and let the drink brew. After half a day, you need to drain the liquid and throw away the harmful sediment.
  3. Freezing is good recipe, moonshine will not smell after it. Freeze the drink in a glass container. Water along with harmful substances will freeze to the edges of the dishes. The alcohol will remain liquid. It needs to be poured into another container. Once you get rid of the unpleasant aroma, you will understand that the method is not expensive at all and you can use it as much as you like. For the original method of getting rid of fusel odors, watch this video:

Odorless moonshine is the dream of almost all connoisseurs good drinks. Now you know how to cook it using the best recipes.

A very detailed method for making odorless moonshine

  1. First, you should take care of the cleanliness of all tools, containers and hands used. The cleaner the mash bottles, the higher the taste and quality of the finished product will be. Many people do not pay attention to this rule, and end up with moonshine with foreign odors or tastes. You shouldn't repeat this mistake.
  2. Let's start with sugar. This recipe for making moonshine from sugar involves inverting, or, more simply put, preparing sugar syrup. Why do you need to do this? The process of yeast work is that during fermentation, yeast separates sugar into simple monosaccharides - glucose and fructose, and they are converted into the ethyl alcohol we need. Moonshine made from sugar syrup ferments faster (up to 2 days), since part of the work for the yeast has already been done, and has a better taste than moonshine made from simple sugar. Also, heating kills harmful microbes on the surface of the sugar, which could become active in the mash, which is extremely undesirable. So, to prepare invert syrup in an enamel container, dissolve water and sugar in the proportion of 520 ml of water per 1 kg of sugar, bring them to a boil, remove the resulting foam, add citric acid at the rate of 0.08% per kilogram of sugar, and keep on low heat at a temperature of 95-100% 1.5-2 hours.
  3. Preparing water is an important stage for preparing mash; it should be colorless, tasteless and odorless. Before preparing the mash, it is recommended to let tap water sit for 1-2 days, during which time the hardness of the water will decrease, unnecessary impurities will settle to the bottom, then carefully drain the water from the sediment. Be careful: the water for mash must be undistilled and unboiled, since yeast will not ferment in such water due to lack of oxygen.
  4. When the syrup has cooled slightly and its temperature is about 80°C, it is placed in a fermentation container and prepared cold water is added at the rate of 3.5-4 liters per 1 kg of sugar. The finished mixture should have a temperature of 38-31°C, this is the most comfortable temperature for adding yeast. Please note that the container should not be filled to more than 4/5 of the total volume, since the fermentation process will take place in the future.
  5. Now you can begin the fermentation process, but to improve the functioning of the yeast, it is advisable to use fertilizing. It could be like chemical substances, and natural.

Chemical fertilizers are some fertilizers that must first be dissolved in warm water, such as:

  • diammonium phosphate ((NH4)2HPO4) at the rate of 3.3 g per 1 kg of sugar;
  • ammonium sulfate (NH4)2SO4 - 1.5-2 g per 1 kg of sugar;
  • superphosphate Ca(H2PO4)2*H2O and CaSO4 – 3-4 g per 1 kg of sugar;
  • urea (urea) (NH2)2CO – 0.8 g per 1 kg of sugar.

Those who prefer natural fertilizer can use:

  • rye bread, approximately 0.5-1 loaves per 50 liters of wort;
  • old, but not moldy jam, 0.5-1 liters per 50 liters of wort;
  • freshly squeezed fruit or berry juices, 0.5-1 l per 50 l of wort.

Plus, for quick yeast work, it is advisable to add vitamin B1 (thiamine), 1-2 mg per 1 kg of sugar, and 1-2 drops of natural olive or virgin rapeseed oil per 50 liters of wort.

6. So, the wort for the mash is ready. The next step is to add the yeast. You can use both pressed and dry yeast. Pressed yeast should be fresh, homogeneous, without lumps or spots, with a characteristic odor, and be easy to break and crumble. Can be added to the wort as simply crushed clean hands yeast, pre-dissolved in a small amount of water at room temperature and left under the lid for several minutes until a foamy cap appears.

For 1 kg of sugar, take 70-100 g of compressed yeast. If you only have frozen compressed yeast on hand, then after defrosting they have the same properties as fresh ones. They begin to defrost the yeast a day in advance, transfer it from the freezer to the refrigerator, then dissolve it in cold water, then bring the water temperature to room temperature by adding warm water, and proceed according to the instructions. If you use dry yeast, you must first revive it. Usually the instructions are written on a packet of yeast, the general meaning is that yeast is added to water boiled and cooled to 35-39°C and left in a warm place for 20-40 minutes until a fluffy cap appears.

Fermentation of mash

After we have combined all the ingredients for the mash, we need to maintain the ideal fermentation temperature of 28-31°C for several days. This can be done using special thermal insulation materials; they are sold at any hardware store. You can also successfully use home methods of maintaining heat by wrapping the container with the wort in blankets, fur coats, and other warm things. The yeast itself produces heat during the fermentation process, which maintains the desired temperature, but if you notice that the container has become too warm, more than 35°C, then it is better to cool it.

It is enough to unwrap it for a while, or put some ice. It is better to leave the lid on the container slightly open during intensive fermentation; you should not use a water seal these days to allow free release of carbon dioxide. The period of intensive fermentation can be 48-80 hours, it depends on the activity of the yeast, the quality of fertilizing, and the room temperature. If possible, it is advisable to stir the mash well every 12 hours, getting rid of excess carbon dioxide, but this is not a mandatory procedure. It is enough to carry it out only once, after fermentation has ended, in order to reduce the foam in the mash and prevent it from being released into the distillate. The readiness of the mash can be judged by the fact that its top layer has become light, we have stopped seeing the release of carbon dioxide bubbles, if we bring a burning match to the mash, it will not go out. The smell becomes light alcoholic, the taste is bitterish-sour, without sweetness, the alcohol is also felt. Readiness can also be determined using a wine meter.

"Evil Mash"

At this stage we get mature mash. You can already start distilling it. But to improve the taste of moonshine, you can additionally prepare mash. At the first stage of preparation, degassing is carried out. After this, it is necessary to remove the yeast from the mash as thoroughly as possible so that the yeast does not give off an unpleasant odor in the future, and also to obtain a higher quality alcohol. At the end of fermentation, the yeast settles to the bottom, and as the temperature drops, this process accelerates. Therefore, after fermentation is complete, it is necessary to remove all insulation and transfer the container to the cold. You also need to tightly close the lid or water seal so that oxygen does not get into the mash and deteriorate the drink. After about a day, a fairly dense sediment of yeast forms at the bottom of the container; using a tube, you can drain the light part of the mash.

There is another way to clarify mash from yeast - this is bentonite clay, which quickly precipitates yeast. To lighten 50 liters of mash, make a solution of 4-5 tablespoons of clay and 300-400 g of warm water, the easiest way to do this is in a blender for 2-3 minutes, then let the bentonite swell for 10 minutes, then turn on the blender again for a minute . Pour the finished mixture into the tank with mash and stir vigorously. The temperature of the mash that is clarified with bentonite must be at room temperature, otherwise the clarification process will not take place. With the help of bentonite, the mash is clarified at different speeds, from 15 minutes to a day, a dense sediment forms at the bottom, and the clarified mash is drained using a hose. Now the mash is completely ready for the first distillation, it is transparent and has no yeast smell. You can start distilling.


Regardless of the type of moonshine still, the principle of distillation will be general.

  1. During the first distillation, the alcohol is separated from the insoluble impurities of the brew.
  2. After this, moonshine can be consumed, but you can notice a huge difference in taste with moonshine that has undergone repeated distillation and purification.
  3. The first distillation is usually carried out at maximum speed, without dividing into fractions. This is explained by the fact that it is undesirable to boil yeast for a long time, so as not to deteriorate the taste and quality of the drink.
  4. It is advisable to carry out the next distillations fractionally, dividing it into fractions: head, body (drinking part) and tail. But even the first distillation can be carried out with fractional separation, this allows you to remove harmful impurities from the mash.

So, during the first distillation, the head fraction is collected in a separate container at the rate of 30 ml of liquid with 1 kg of sugar. That is, if you prepared mash from 5 kg of sugar, the head fraction is 150 ml. They should not be used; how to use it will be discussed later.

Having replaced the container into which the distillate is poured, we collect the body of the moonshine. The exact volume of the drinking part is difficult to determine in grams; you need to use either an alcohol meter, the distillate has 40% at a temperature of 20 ° C, or, if there is none, then by setting it on fire in a spoon at the same temperature. Next, we again replace the collection vessels and collect the tail part of the distillate until there is no alcohol during distillation. It also should not be poured out; after additional cleaning, you can get a sufficient amount of alcohol.

For secondary and further distillations, only the middle fraction, the so-called raw alcohol, is used. It is also better to carry them out by dividing them into fractions, achieving ever greater purification. Additionally, intermediate cleaning can be carried out.

Oil cleaning method

Refined vegetable oils without smell. Raw alcohol is diluted to 15%. Add oil to the container at the rate of 20 grams per 1 liter of solution. Mix the solution intensively, shaking it 3 times at intervals of 1-2 minutes for 1 minute. Ethyl alcohol does not dissolve in oils, and fusel oils that remain in moonshine are combined with refined oil.

The mixture first becomes cloudy, then separates into 2 layers, the oil forms a layer of film at the top.

After 12-24 hours, the water-alcohol solution is drained through a hose or tap at the bottom of the container, and then filtered through cotton or any other filter that will retain oil particles.

Activated carbon cleaning method

It is based on the fact that coal has absorbing ability, purifying raw alcohol from impurities. It is best to use crushed 1-3mm birch activated carbon (BAU-A) or stone/coconut activated carbon (KAU). Raw alcohol is purified more effectively using the flow method, through a column filled with activated carbon, and the more diluted the raw alcohol is, the better the purification result.

In this way, 90% of esters and 80% of fusel oils can be removed. Such a flow filter can be easily made at home from plastic bottle. You need to cut off the bottom, pierce the cork with an awl in several places, insert cotton pad into the cork, add 5-15 grams of coal per 1 liter of mixture, then place the bottle on a 3-liter jar. Both cleaning methods give high-quality results separately from each other, but they can also be used alternately, with oil cleaning done first.

Second distillation

After intermediate purification, it is necessary to carry out a second distillation so that the moonshine becomes of the required strength, in addition, it is as cleaned as possible from the head and tail fractions that still remain in the distillate. The principle of distillation is the same, but there are some differences. The selection of the head fraction is slow; after the first drops of distillate appear, you need to reduce the speed so that the liquid drips at about 2-3 drops per second. The head fraction will be 50 ml per 1 kg of sugar. Next, we collect the body in another container, produce it on average speed until the strength at 20°C becomes 45%. We collect the tail part in a separate container, after intermediate cleanings it no longer smells like fusel oils, but still there is no need to mix it with the drinking part of the distillate.

After the second distillation, you will get about 400 g of distillate from each kg of sugar with a strength of 50-60%.

If you want to reduce the strength of the drink, you can dilute it with water. It should be soft and free of minerals; you can use store-bought drinking water, minerals in it should not exceed 1 mg/l. Or you can purify the water at home through a filter, then boil it for 10 minutes, then let it sit for a day. The next day, filter this water again to remove sediment and use it to dilute the moonshine. It is undesirable to dilute the alcohol below 38%; the strength of the drink is always checked using an alcohol meter at a temperature of 20°C.

After all, the distillate needs to be kept in bottles for 2-3 days, it must “rest”, after which the drink becomes soft and harmonious. To soften the taste of the drink, you can also heat it in an open pan until the first signs appear that the distillate has begun to evaporate. Its taste will improve, although with this method 1-2% of the strength of the drink is lost.

In order not to lose some more of the drink, you can additionally clean the head and tail fractions: the head fractions are diluted with water and cleaned using a carbon filter, and the tail part is cleaned with oil. Next, these parts are mixed and fractionally distilled. The quality of the resulting distillate will not be as high as the distillate from the moonshine body, but it can also be consumed, and in any case it will be much better and tastier than ordinary moonshine made from sugar.

Quantity and quality are the basis for drinking alcoholic beverages. The first one is simple. You just need to maintain an acceptable dose. Then painful and destructive dependence does not threaten, but with the second it is more difficult. Many people make alcohol at home to suit their personal preferences. Knowing how to remove odor from moonshine is a matter of final quality. It even affects the safety of the product. An unprocessed drink with poisonous oils, acetone and methyl alcohol will definitely affect human health.

Causes of the unpleasant smell of moonshine

Everything unpleasant to smell and harmful to eat is formed during the fermentation process of sugar, yeast and water. At this stage, the mash is filled with ethyl and methyl alcohols, formic acid, aldehyde, acetone and other substances. Ethyl alcohol is the final product that the moonshine brewing procedure is aimed at. By-products, such as methyl alcohol, aldehyde, acetone and other poisons, are guaranteed to cause harm to human health. And often with a fatal outcome. A clear sign of their presence in an alcoholic drink is an unpleasant, pungent odor.

On top of that, alcohol homemade full of fusel oils. Experienced home brewers are well aware of these toxic substances. They have a brownish-yellow color and have the same characteristic smell. It is necessary to purify a drink from fusel oils not only for the sake of taste. A severe hangover and headache are their minimal effects on the body. The only thing worse is the poisoning that often occurs when consuming such oils.

How to remove the smell of moonshine at home

Craftsmen have invented and published many ways to rid alcohol of harmful substances. All filtering methods are divided into two categories:

  • applied before the second distillation;
  • applied after the second distillation.

Cleaning with charcoal and potassium permanganate are universal methods. They are equally effective in both cases. It is recommended to use milk and eggs only after the final distillation has been completed. This will avoid partial losses of moonshine. The remaining folk discoveries are applicable only before the second distillation. It is worth noting one important nuance: any of these methods, with the exception of coal, can spoil homemade moonshine. If the quality of the drink was damaged during filtration, then re-distillation will solve the problem.

Purifying alcohol (as well as any other liquids) with charcoal is a proven way to get rid of by-products without risks to the product. Other methods are not as effective. They will reduce the concentration of harmful substances to varying degrees, but will not eliminate them completely. But at home you can experiment with double filtration. For example, after the first distillation, purify the moonshine with coal, and after the second, with milk.

Potassium permangantsovka

Able to kill the stench of acetone, neutralizes the harmful effects of side poisons. For filtration you will need crystals of potassium permanganate - half a teaspoon (2-3 grams) per 3 liters of moonshine:

  1. Add manganese to your drink.
  2. Mix thoroughly and leave to infuse for a couple of hours.
  3. Carefully pour the purified moonshine so as not to affect the sediment of harmful impurities that have accumulated at the bottom of the container during filtration. Before doing this, you need to clean the hose in advance.


Another way to turn raw alcohol into a delicious homemade drink. Suitable only for drinks with a strength of no more than forty degrees. Otherwise, the product must be pre-diluted with water. For 1 liter of moonshine you need to prepare one tablespoon of salt and a similar portion of baking soda:

  1. Add the indicated portions of salt and soda to forty-degree moonshine.
  2. Stir the drink and leave to infuse for half an hour.
  3. After this, mix the moonshine again and place the container with it in a dark place where the sun’s rays do not penetrate.
  4. When the liquid separates, remove the top formations from it. This way, fusel oils are excluded from alcohol, giving the drink a pleasant aroma.

Activated carbon

As mentioned earlier, this method has been tested by time and practice. Helps to reliably clean moonshine at home from harmful substances without compromising its quality. One pharmacy package of activated carbon is enough for 3 liters of alcohol. Filter paper with a plastic funnel will also come in handy:

  • First, grind the activated carbon tablets to a powder.
  • Next you need to create the filter itself:
    1. Place paper on the bottom of the funnel.
    2. Pour crushed powder onto it.
    3. Cover it with paper.
    4. Lightly “load” its top layer with something. This will prevent the filter from floating up when a drink is passed through it.
  • Slowly pour the moonshine into the same funnel through the “loaded” paper with activated carbon powder.
  • After this, dilute the drink with water so that its strength does not exceed 28 degrees.
  • At the end of the filtration, the moonshine is distilled again. Cleaning with coal is carried out according to the same algorithm.


A method similar to the previous one on how to clean moonshine from the smell of fusel oils. It differs in the main ingredient - in this case, the drink is filtered with charcoal from birch wood (preferably BAU-A brand). For 3 liters of moonshine you will need a handful of this cleaner, crushed into powder:

  1. Grind the coal to fine crumbs.
  2. Form the same filter as in the activated carbon method.
  3. Slowly pass the moonshine through it.

There is an alternative recipe technique. The cleaner is added directly to the drink. The ingredients and their proportions are the same, no plastic funnel required:

  1. Grind the charcoal to a powder.
  2. Pour the appropriate dose of this cleaner into the moonshine.
  3. Leave to infuse for a week. During this period, it is necessary to shake the container once a day.
  4. Next, leave the drink for 10 days without any external influence.
  5. Strain the alcohol through cheesecloth or filter paper.


How to remove the smell from moonshine without extra costs? You need to freeze everything except ethyl alcohol. This is how the main product of moonshine is separated from other components. A simple method that does not require additional ingredients is suitable for this:

  1. Pour the moonshine into a saucepan of suitable volume.
  2. Leave the container with the drink in the freezer for about 4-5 hours.
  3. Take out the pan with frozen alcohol and drain the unfrozen liquid - this will be the same ethyl alcohol.
  4. If necessary, repeat the procedure until the product is completely cleansed of impurities.

Milk and eggs

Milk filtration is based on the coagulation process - combining the proteins albumin and casein with fusel oils. As a result, harmful substances settle to the bottom in the form of flakes. Experienced lovers use powdered milk. For 1 liter of distillate you will need 100 milliliters of the ingredient in diluted form. In addition to this, you need to stock up on water in a 1:1 ratio. Gauze or filter paper is suitable for straining. The method is used after final distillation, and only on moonshine with a strength of up to 40 degrees:

  1. Dissolve milk powder in warm water. Stir thoroughly and leave for 3 hours.
  2. Pour the resulting solution into alcohol.
  3. Leave it for a week.
  4. After this period, strain the moonshine through cheesecloth or filter paper, sifting out the resulting sediment.

Purification of moonshine from fusel oils using protein works in a similar way. You will need 2 raw eggs per 10 liters of alcohol. The permissible strength of the drink is still the same - 40 degrees maximum:

  1. Beat the egg white with a little water. Do not let it become foam.
  2. Slowly pour the resulting liquid into the moonshine, stirring constantly.
  3. After some time, the same flaky sediment forms at the bottom of the jar. Strain the drink.
  4. Sometimes both of these procedures require repetition, since purifying moonshine from fusel oils is not an easy task.


An additional measure that is used after traditional cleaning through a carbon filter. For a liter of alcohol you will need 3 lemon/orange/lime peels:

  1. Wash citrus skins. It is advisable to scald them with boiling water.
  2. Beat until chopped.
  3. Season the drink with them and leave it for 3-4 days.
  4. Strain.

The varieties of citrus fruits do not matter. It is permissible to use peels from both one type and several different fruits.


An interesting way to give a drink a softer taste. Although it cannot be compared with how carbon filters can remove the smell from moonshine. There is no guarantee that after this cleaning the alcohol will stop smelling like fusel. Therefore, honey is only good as a supplement after the second distillation. Per liter of distillate you will need 4 tablespoons of the ingredient. Moonshine should be diluted to 45 degrees of strength.

Many novice moonshiners, who easily obtain the coveted drops, are wondering how to properly purify the resulting liquid to rid it of the unpleasant aroma and taste.

For odorless moonshine recipes, or more precisely for cleaning methods, well-known methods are usually used:

  • filtration through activated or specially prepared charcoal;
  • cleaning with milk;
  • purification using manganese;
  • re-distillation;
  • use of a distillation column.

The basis of all these methods and recipes for how to remove the smell of moonshine lies in the cleaning mechanism, with the help of which all impurities and harmful substances are removed from the drink, thereby eliminating the unpleasant aromas of the finished product. All of these odorless moonshine recipes are good, and each master chooses the best and most convenient for himself.

Filtration through activated or specially prepared charcoal

Purifying moonshine through charcoal: you can make a homemade filter - crush a few tablets, wrap them in gauze and cover the funnel from which the finished product comes out. The main rule with this filtration method is not to overdo it, since you can remove not only unpleasant odors, but also the special flavor and aromatic component of moonshine. When using a carbon filter for purification, the result is a clean drink.

Cleansing with milk

You can use milk to purify both mash before distillation and finished moonshine. Cleaning will occur due to the fact that fusel oils stick to the milk and precipitate (after which the drink must be strained). There are two ways to do this cleaning:

  • pour milk into the mash at a ratio of 1:5, let it sit for 2-3 hours, drain the mash from the sediment, then distill over low heat.
  • Or pour milk into the finished drink (100-200 ml of milk per 1 liter of moonshine), mix thoroughly, wait until it curdles, and strain.

Purification using manganese

Purifying moonshine with manganese is very simple:

  • you need to add manganese to moonshine (at the rate of 1-2 grams per 1 liter of moonshine),
  • stir, leave for 10 hours,
  • the drink will lighten, a sediment will form,
  • All that remains is to filter it.


Repeated distillation not only cleans, but also strengthens the finished moonshine. In this case, the resulting drink must be divided into fractions:

  • The “head” makes up about 5% of the volume of the distilled drink. You can't drink it, and it's even dangerous, it's better to pour it out.
  • “Body” is 80-85% of the volume, the main product is high-quality moonshine. It is selected until the strength of the distillate falls below 40 degrees.
  • Next will be the “tails,” which make up 10% of the total volume. Drinking is also not recommended; it can be used for technical purposes, or added to the next mash for greater strength.

Using a distillation column

You can turn ready-made moonshine into rectified moonshine. Using a rectification column, you can separate moonshine as much as possible into pure ethyl alcohol and foreign impurities. The alcohol content in such a drink will be at least 96 degrees; it must be used with caution.

Basic mistakes

However, during the preparation of the drink, errors occur, which subsequently lead to an unpleasant odor, which no recipe for making odorless moonshine at home can help remove:

  1. First, you need to prepare the mash correctly. To get a good result, it is not necessary to use complex ones. The simplest one will do, as long as it’s done correctly. For a 30-liter container, you need to take 400 grams of yeast, 6 kilograms of sugar and 1 loaf of stale rye bread, cut into small pieces. Mix all this well and put it in a warm place for 10 days. Next, the mash can be taken out and distilled.
  2. Secondly, you need (we recommend choosing a device with a distillation column brand) and choose it correctly. Here they will come to the rescue

How to make good moonshine without odor or nasty taste? Many novice moonshiners ask this question, and for good reason: moonshine can be distilled even in artisanal conditions, there are usually no problems with this (after all, you just need to heat the mash to the boiling point of alcohol: 78.39 degrees, after which the steam just needs to be condensed), but cleaning is not easy. Each specialist has his own methods for purifying alcohol-containing drinks, the main ones being, of course:

  • Charcoal or activated carbon
  • Milk
  • Manganese
  • Technical filters
  • Re-distillation

All methods are based on a simple mechanism, thanks to which fusel oils and other impurities, which themselves acquire an unpleasant taste and odor, are removed from the drink. In the case of carbon, activated carbon is most often used, since it is the most accessible, but this does not mean that it will provide the best result. Many craftsmen use charcoal from burnt oak roots, through which they pass moonshine and get a drink purified like a tear. After using manganese or milk, it is necessary to re-distill to get rid of their residues. Technical filters are represented by various mechanical devices that retain all unnecessary components of the liquid. In their own way, all methods are good, but how to choose the best method for yourself?

We will talk about this in this blog, where we will try to review the main methods of filtering home-made fire water.

Basic mistakes

It turns out that most people involved in moonshine making constantly make mistakes that cause the unpleasant smell of moonshine. The taste and smell of moonshine may be bad in the following cases:

When distilling, you use a stainless steel apparatus.

It turns out that stainless steel is an absolutely neutral material that does not interact with the distilled mash. Accordingly, everything that is in the mash is hydrogen sulfide, sulfur compounds, mercaptans (thiols), sulfur oxides, ammonia, acetals, organic acids (which have a putrid odor and soapy taste), etc. all this will get 100% into your finished product and, alas, you will not be able to get rid of them completely.

Copper adsorbs all these substances or converts them into more harmless substances (manifesting themselves in the form of brownish or green flakes) that are easily removed from the finished product - they will simply float to the surface of the distillate or precipitate. Therefore, we strongly recommend using only copper moonshine stills. If, of course, you are wondering how to distill odorless moonshine.

Only in Russia do moonshiners use stainless steel - due to illiteracy and misinformation that attacks us from all sides.

In addition, the material of the cube is of particular importance. Copper cubes are more preferable because... This material has enormous thermal conductivity, so heat is evenly distributed when heated, thus preventing the burning of yeast cells and undissolved starch, which, by the way, are also the cause of the disgusting smell of moonshine. Moreover, aromatic substances are formed in the copper distillation cube, which only improve the quality of moonshine. This is the aroma of chocolate, vanilla, caramel, spicy spices and nutty tones.

Incorrect distillation technology

A fusel smell or the smell of acetone - this is how the wrong selection of the product into fractions (“heads”, “heart” and “tails”), or its complete absence, is manifested. You can study the detailed technology of “correct” distillation here.

So, we figured out the reasons for the unpleasant odor and understood how to make odorless moonshine. But if such a problem has already arisen, you urgently need to find out how to remove the smell from moonshine. There are several solutions to this problem:

  1. Coal is an element that will allow you to clean moonshine from odor, rid moonshine of hydrogen sulfide, organic compounds, ammonia, formaldehyde, etc. But it is very important to remember that it is better not to overdo it with carbon filtration - if you get carried away with getting rid of various unpleasant odors, you can also lose all the pleasant taste and aroma of alcohol. This way you can get moonshine. So you have received the answer to the question of how to remove the smell of moonshine.
  1. Many people wonder how to infuse moonshine so that there is no smell. In fact, it is possible to eliminate it by infusion, but it is important to remember that the cause of the unpleasant odor will not disappear anywhere, it will simply be masked by other aromas. You can see recipes for infusions here, we also have ones made with horseradish, cherries and apricots. All of these are recipes for odorless moonshine. This method is suitable for people who are looking for something to paint over moonshine so that there is no smell and how to remove the smell from moonshine.
  1. ? Turn it into a rectification! Rectification is a process in which foreign impurities can be separated as much as possible from ethyl alcohol. Accordingly, rectified alcohol is practically odorless and tasteless moonshine, a product with an alcohol content of over 96% vol. It can be obtained using a distillation column.

Thus, you have received a solution to the problem and now you know how to remove the smell of moonshine at home!


How to make moonshine without “aroma”

Recipes for odorless moonshine necessarily include alcohol distillation using technology.

  1. So, pour the mash into the distillation unit.
  2. Heat it to 70 degrees. Now turn down the flame and wait for the exit.
  3. After the first drop falls, it is advisable to check and record the temperature of the brew.

Be sure to monitor the temperature. The speed at which drops fall is also important. The distillate should drip at a rate of 2-3 drops per second. It can also flow in a thin stream, however, its thickness is no wider than a match head. Measure the temperature of the moonshine. If it is at 30 degrees, then everything is in order. Otherwise, either increase or decrease the cold water pressure in the coil (if the device is equipped with a water cooling system).

To get really good odorless alcohol, be sure to separate it into fractions. The first 10% of the output is called the head. They are full of impurities and fusel oils. They make moonshine incredibly fragrant. The last 10-15% is called the tail. It is also collected separately, since this fraction is not suitable for consumption. The tail begins to be “trimmed” as soon as the strength of the distillate is .

The middle fraction is a high-quality distillate, it does not have a strong smell of moonshine. But to improve the effect, carry out the second distillation according to the same scheme as the first.

A few more simple ways to clean moonshine:

Method name Description of the method Advantages and disadvantages
1 Using activated carbonCan be used in two different variations: 1. Make a homemade filter from gauze, which is folded several times, and crushed activated carbon is laid between the layers. The filter is installed on a container where the distilled liquid will flow from the coil.2. Crushed coal is added directly to the finished moonshine, left to settle for two to three weeks, then decanted.A simple method, minimum labor costs, only one drawback - filtration and/or mixing with carbon may not be enough for high-quality cleaning. This method is best used in combination with another cleaning method.
2 Using potassium permanganateThe easy way. The bottom line is that several crystals of potassium permanganate – “potassium permanganate” – are added to the distilled moonshine. The crystals dissolve, the liquid becomes slightly pinkish in color. We put this liquid in water and heat it in a kind of water bath for 15 minutes until a sediment forms. The purified moonshine is drained and the sediment is thrown away.A very simple method practically does not require additional financial or other costs. The disadvantage of this method is that if used incorrectly and filtered, the moonshine can turn pink.
3 Using sodaJust like in the previous version, soda is added to the already expelled liquid. There is no need to arrange a water bath; you just need to let it brew for about a day. Then drain the moonshine and discard the sediment.A simple and fast method, but it requires certain skills and time.

We destroy the smell

Often we are faced with the task of eliminating odors in ready-made moonshine. There are several very effective options that will help you easily cope with this task.

By freezing

If you have set yourself the task of not just “drowning out”, but actually eliminating the unpleasant smell of moonshine, this method of how to brew odorless homemade moonshine will be quite suitable for you. Freezing as a way to remove odor from moonshine came from chemistry lessons and is based on different freezing temperatures of substances. Elite alcohol freezes the slowest in moonshine, so even if the moonshine is greatly cooled, the alcohol will still be in a liquid state. In this case, fusel oils and other impurities will turn into a solid state - for this it is enough to cool the drink to 20 degrees below zero.

The disadvantage of the method of how to remove odorless homemade moonshine by freezing is that the lowest cooling temperature in the refrigerator freezer is only -17 degrees, which is not enough. Therefore, the only possible option is to wait for cold winter weather to cool the moonshine in natural conditions.


The main harmful substances of moonshine - methyl and fusel oils - enter it at the distillation stage. This is a fairly simple procedure, including three stages, each of which produces its own fraction. The first and third factions are the so-called. The “head” and “tail” of moonshine are the most toxic, while the “body” has the least pungent odor, as a result of which it can be consumed. Based on this knowledge, it is possible to slightly reduce the unpleasant odor.

In order to obtain purified moonshine, the product is placed in a distiller. Due to the different densities of the fractions, their boiling occurs alternately. So, during slow heating, methyl alcohol evaporates first - a temperature of 55 degrees is enough for this. Following the methyl, ethylene also leaves the container. Ethyl alcohol is a pure moonshine product. The next step is the evaporation of fusel oils, which represent the third fraction.

All fractions, as they evaporate, are decanted into separate vessels, but only the central one can be used as moonshine that is completely ready for use.

The disadvantage of the method of distilling odorless moonshine through distillate is its high explosive hazard and the likelihood of a fire. In addition, there is a possibility of alcohol vapor poisoning. Before using this cleaning method, prepare the room properly: it should be well ventilated and not have access to open fire. Alcohol should only be heated on an electric stove.

With activated carbon

  1. Charcoal is a good option to cover up the smell of moonshine. In addition, this method is quite safe. The first option for brewing odorless moonshine is to filter it. Place crushed coal on top of a thick layer of cotton wool or a paper filter and pour moonshine on top. For good results, the procedure is repeated several times.
  2. The second way to remove the smell from moonshine is simpler: for this, 50 grams are used per liter of moonshine. substances. The mixture should sit for a week, but it should be stirred daily, after which the liquid is passed through a cotton filter. To get good results, in this case also repeat the procedure several times.

Potassium permanganate will save alcohol

There is an option to get rid of the “aroma” of moonshine using ordinary potassium permanganate. Add 1 g of this substance per liter of moonshine. Stir the contents of the container. Now you should wait until sediment appears at the bottom. After this, very carefully filter the liquid.


Soda removes fusel oils well and thereby gets rid of the smell of moonshine.

  1. Take 8-10 g of regular baking soda per 1 liter of moonshine.
  2. Add soda to the moonshine, stir and let stand for 20-30 minutes.
  3. After this, mix the moonshine with soda again and leave for 10-12 hours.
  4. Drain off the top layer of liquid (this is not moonshine) and remove the sediment at the bottom.

The method is not expensive, but requires some skill and time.

Remove the smell of moonshine and add color with a tea bag.

Regular tea bags for brewing are found in every home. On the way to getting rid of moonshine odors, this method is simple and fast. Neither freezing nor double distillation can compare with the simplicity of this method. Just take a bag for brewing regular black tea and put it in a container with ready-made moonshine. Leave the bag for a day. The fusel smell will be significantly reduced, and the drink will acquire a noble cognac hue.

Birch - the savior

Take a cloth or gauze bag and place birch charcoal there. After this, pass the moonshine through it. This method is much more effective than using the usual one.

Violet root

An interesting option is to infuse alcohol with orris root. After 12 days, according to experienced people, you will receive moonshine without odor or taste.

A combination of these methods will help you achieve the best purification of this strong alcoholic drink. Experiment, try, be inspired by the results!


Cleaning moonshine from odor using aromatization

This method is used by almost everyone who not only prepares moonshine for themselves, but also sells it. Typically, sellers rarely think about quality, but the issue of a pleasant aroma is the main factor in a successful sale. At the same time, flavoring moonshine is the cheapest option for making odorless moonshine, although it is absolutely useless from the point of view of harmlessness to the body.

Almost any ingredients with a pleasant and pungent odor can be used to flavor moonshine. This can be lemon zest drenched in moonshine, subsequently removed, or store-bought lemon zest or lemon zest.

Among the disadvantages of the method of brewing odorless moonshine with its aromatization is the likelihood of the drink becoming cloudy as a result of the addition of organic matter. For this reason, most likely, moonshine will additionally need painting, and this is a considerable waste of time and effort.

Other ways to infuse moonshine to remove the smell

There are still a wide variety of options for infusing moonshine to remove the smell. Often - special white clay. The cleaning principle in this case resembles the principle of activated carbon cleaning.

Regardless of which odorless moonshine recipes you decide to go with, it is, of course, almost impossible to achieve a complete result. In any case, a moonshine still with a steamer will retain some of the harmful impurities that will remain in the moonshine itself. For the best effect, it is possible to combine several methods that will be most suitable for you.

By the way, subsequently purified moonshine can be used for other drinks. Try to study and prepare a limoncello recipe using moonshine to please your friends with a high-quality and definitely tasty drink.


Recipe for making odorless moonshine

We pour the mash into the moonshine still and quickly heat it to 70 degrees, after which we turn the fire a little weaker and wait for the first exit to appear. As soon as the first drops of moonshine began to drip into the collecting container, it is advisable to record the temperature of the mash.

It is very important to monitor the temperature and release rate. It should flow at a speed of approximately 2-3 drops per second, or a thin stream whose thickness does not exceed the thickness of a match. In this case, the outlet temperature should be at 30 degrees. If it is higher than normal, then it is necessary to enhance cooling by increasing the pressure of cold water, using the water cooling method.

It is also very important to properly divide the yield into fractions to obtain high-quality, odorless moonshine. Cut off the smelly heads, this is approximately the first 10% of the yield, and as soon as the strength of the moonshine drops below 45%, collect the tails separately, this is also approximately 10-15%.

The middle part of the output should be a high-quality liquid with virtually no unpleasant odor. But if this is not enough for you, you can re-distill the moonshine, and then the drink will turn out even purer.

How to remove the smell of moonshine

And so, we already have ready-made raw alcohol and we are faced with the task of making it less smelly. Let's look at the most basic and effective recipes for how to remove the smell of moonshine.

All these recipes for combating unpleasant aroma can, and even should, be combined with each other, then you will get real odorless moonshine, but with a good taste.

Harmful impurities. What are we fighting against?

At its core, a proper strong and pure alcoholic drink should contain only water and ethyl alcohol. In reality, of course, everything is not so simple.

Read the label on a store-bought bottle of vodka. Numerous slogans such as: “Cleansed with coal”, “Cleansed with milk”, “on spruce logs” and others. They say that in factory conditions, in order for the drink to have a mild taste and a complete absence of unpleasant odor, it is necessary to carry out a whole range of cleaning work.

What are we fighting against? To get odorless and tasteless moonshine, you need to remove such chemical compounds from it as:

  • Acetaldehyde;
  • Formic ethyl ether;
  • Acetic methyl ester;
  • Methyl alcohol;
  • Ethyl acetate;
  • Formic acid;
  • Acetic acid;
  • Oily ethyl ether;
  • Amyl alcohol;
  • Valerian ethyl ether.

Don't be scared right away. It's not all that scary. You don't need to be a professional technologist or chemist to get high-quality moonshine. It’s enough to simply understand that no matter what is taken as a basis, the distillation product needs to be cleaned.

How to drive properly so you can clean less later

In addition to proper cleaning, certain rules must be followed when distilling moonshine. Odorless moonshine simple recommendations:

  • The mash heats up very quickly over high heat to a temperature of 70 degrees;
  • After the liquid temperature reaches 70 degrees, the fire is reduced until the first drops appear;
  • As soon as the drops appear, the heating temperature is fixed;
  • The pasture process must be constantly monitored and rapid distillation must be avoided. Normally, 2-3 drops should form in 1 second;
  • The temperature of the liquid at the outlet should not be higher than 30 degrees.

By following these simple rules, you can achieve a fairly high quality of pasture.

Simple cleaning methods

Despite the large list of harmful impurities that need to be purified from moonshine, there are several simple but effective methods that give good results.
The easiest way is freezing. The secret of the method is that pure alcohol, which is what we ultimately need, freezes at very low temperatures. And most of the harmful chemicals freeze. Therefore, in order to purify the resulting liquid: we place the moonshine in the freezer, wait for the unnecessary chemical to freeze, and drain the purified product.

Advantages of the method:

  • Time saving;
  • Does not require much labor;
  • Easy to use.

But there is one big drawback. For a large batch of moonshine, you will have to buy a large freezer. In winter you can take advantage of natural weather conditions. But in the summer, with this method, you definitely won’t be able to do without a large freezer.

Odorless moonshine recipes

To clean moonshine, you can use egg white. The protein itself coagulates, interacting with alcohol and, at the same time, absorbs all harmful substances, including fusel oils. Proportions – 1 liter of moonshine for 2 whipped egg whites. The protein is poured into the intensively stirred moonshine. Leave for 24 hours and filter.

Flavorless moonshine made from sugar

And to end the review, we’ll tell you about the recipe for moonshine made from sugar. Many believe that mash made from water, yeast and sugar produces the purest moonshine. Which does not require additional cleaning. This is true, but only partly. Of course, if you compare such mash with raw materials infused with plums and other gifts of nature, mash made from sugar is much purer. However, this kind of moonshine also has an unpleasant odor and a high concentration of fusel oils. Therefore, it is necessary to filter and clean it.

The recipe for moonshine made from sugar is quite simple and economical.

  • Yeast – 400 grams;
  • Water – 30 liters;
  • Sugar – 6 kilograms.
  • Top dressing - dry black bread - 1 loaf, cut into pieces. Instead of bread, you can use chemical. additives (nitrogen, phosphorus, lim. acid) - 22 grams:

Mix everything until completely dissolved and put it in a warm place. Baker's yeast foams a lot compared to wine yeast. We wait 7-10 days and the mash can be distilled.


Odorless moonshine recipes

Grain based recipe

To make this delicious-tasting moonshine, you will need:

  • 30 liters of filtered water;
  • 300 g yeast;
  • 6 kg of grain (wheat, barley or rye).

First you need to germinate the grain. To do this, fill it with water and leave it in a room with a temperature of at least 18 degrees for 3-4 days. Make sure that the process of rotting does not begin in the container; if necessary, add water from a spray bottle.

The raw materials will be ready when the sprouts reach half a centimeter in length. Wash them, dry them and grind them. Boil water and add the resulting flour into it so that a mixture is formed, similar in consistency to jelly. Close the container with a lid, wrap it in a blanket and leave to infuse for 11-12 hours.

Pay attention to the quality of the moonshine still: the taste of the final drink depends on it. Do not use faulty structures: it can be dangerous to your life.

After the specified time, dilute the yeast in warm water, pour it into a container with the grain mix and leave for 5-7 days. Once the mixture has fermented, distill it. The recipe gives a yield of 5-6 liters.

Moonshine based on jam

If you have unused homemade preparations, do not rush to throw them away. Using old (or even spoiled) berry sweets, you can brew soft moonshine without an unpleasant odor. The recipe will require the following ingredients:

  • 30 liters of purified water;
  • 6 liters of jam;
  • 300 g yeast.

Add jam to water and stir thoroughly. Combine the yeast with warm water and pour into the same container. Cover the container tightly and place in a warm place for 5-6 days. To give the drink an additional berry flavor, use raspberry, black, etc. leaves. When the liquid has fermented, strain it and subject it to the distillation process. The net yield of alcohol is 6 liters.

Apricot moonshine recipe

An excellent raw material for homemade alcohol is fresh, sweet fruit. It has long been known that apricots can be used to make a drink that even experienced drinkers will enjoy.

Take two buckets of fruit, 20 liters of purified water and 3 kg of granulated sugar. Prepare a syrup from water and sugar and pour it over washed, pitted and slightly mashed apricots. Leave for 7-8 days in a warm (or better yet, sunny) place. Filter and distill the resulting mash. You will get 5 liters of a delicious drink.

Bread moonshine recipe

If you have stale bread left, don’t rush to throw it away: the product can be an excellent raw material for homemade alcohol. To prepare delicious, odorless moonshine, stock up on the following ingredients:

  • crusts of Borodino (or cumin) bread - 1.2 kg;
  • cinnamon powder – 40 g;
  • 30 sprigs of cloves;
  • moonshine – 10 l.

Mix all the ingredients, cover the container with a lid and leave for 4-5 days. After the specified period, add 5 liters of water and distill.

At the end you should get 10 liters of aromatic drink.

Cleaning the finished moonshine

Whatever recipe you choose, it is better to subject the finished drink to additional purification. So, you can remove fusel oils and other harmful components from homemade alcohol that give it an unpleasant taste and aroma.

There are the following proven cleaning recipes:

  1. Freezing - pour the moonshine into a glass or steel container and put it in the cold for several hours (preferably the temperature is below -25 degrees). Harmful impurities and water form an ice crust; “good” alcohol will not freeze. Pour it into a separate bottle and serve.
  2. – add 1 g of the substance per liter of homemade alcohol. Leave for several hours until sediment appears at the bottom of the container. After this, the liquid should be filtered through several layers of gauze lined with cotton wool.
  3. – mix alcohol with soda (10 g per liter) and leave for 12 hours. A sediment containing harmful impurities forms at the top of the container with alcohol. Remove it and filter the moonshine.
  4. Cleaning with protein - add egg whites to the drink, beaten in a small amount of warm water (one white per 0.5 liter of “hot drink”). Wait until white flakes of precipitate appear, then filter several times.
  5. Carbon filter - take several layers of cotton wool and gauze and place activated carbon powder between them. You will end up with an improvised filter through which you need to pass homemade alcohol several times.

To make high-quality moonshine, you need to take into account a large number of nuances: choose the right recipe, find good equipment, use one of the methods for purifying the finished product. Spare no time and effort in home brewing, and then you will end up with alcohol that is truly enjoyable to drink.


Traditional recipe

To make high-quality alcohol without a disgusting smell, you need to study its recipe. But before you start distilling odorless moonshine, you need to prepare.

The container is washed with boiling water and wiped well with a cloth.

If you consider odorless moonshine recipes, you should study one of the traditional ones. Let's say that there is a requirement - to distill out 5 liters of moonshine.

For this you will need:

  • sugar - 6 kg;
  • water - 18 l;
  • dry yeast - 120 g;
  • citric acid - 15 g.

You can mix sugar with warm water. But most experts believe that it is better to make syrup from it. To do this you need:

  • heat 3 liters of water to a temperature of 80 °C;
  • pour all the sugar into the water and stir it;
  • bring the syrup to a boil, turn the heat to low and simmer for a quarter of an hour;
  • add citric acid, after which the syrup is cooked for another 60 minutes.

What is this for?

The mixture of yeast and syrup must ferment for at least 5 days

The procedure is simple - when the yeast ferments, it breaks down the sugar into fructose and glucose. They will then process these substances into alcohol.

After the syrup has cooled, the mixture is poured into a container for fermentation. Don't forget to add yeast. The container with moonshine must be placed in a warm place for 5 days. Next, you need to degas and clarify the mash. How to do this correctly?

Initially, the mash is cleared of yeast sediments, then heated in a medium-sized saucepan to 50°C. Pour the mixture back into the bottle and clarify with bentonite. Thanks to it, you will get rid of the unpleasant odor.

Odorless and tasteless moonshine has other recipes. You need to check out the best of them.

Making moonshine that doesn't smell

Experienced moonshiners know what to do to make odorless moonshine. The liquid should be flushed twice. In this case, harmful impurities will leave the product. In addition, the quality and color will improve significantly. This distillation is popularly called “double first.” To learn how to make high-quality moonshine, watch this video:

You can brew this alcohol yourself. The instructions include the following steps:

  1. First distillation. Initially, harmful substances should be removed. After clarification with bentonite, the mixture must be poured into a distillation cube. This must be done over low heat.
  2. Afterwards, the process of obtaining the distillate is divided into 3 fractions: head, middle and last. The first 50 ml of yield per 1 kg of sugar is poured into a separate container. It is prohibited to consume this liquid, as the substances in it are dangerous to human health.
  3. Now the middle fraction is selected, for the sake of which distillation is carried out. When the strength of the drink drops to 40% vol. , the selection should be stopped.
  4. The last fraction is poured into a separate container.
  5. Second distillation. The reprocessing method is quite laborious. However, these results will please you. To carry out the procedure, the diluted mash must be poured into the distillation cube and the distillation process must begin over low heat.
  6. It is necessary to bring the alcohol to the required strength. This is the final stage at which the moonshine is diluted and bottled.
  7. It is advisable to let the drink brew for several days. The alcohol produced will not smell and will delight you with its taste. This will complete the distillation.

Removing odor after distillation

There are cases when novice moonshiners, even through double distillation, cannot get rid of unpleasant aromas. Therefore, people are interested in how to get rid of the smell of moonshine. How can this be done?

Before distilling moonshine, you need to understand the reasons for the appearance of odors.

Back in the old days, they came up with many options for removing them. All of them are effective, as they have already been tested for decades.

There are many ways to remove unpleasant odors from moonshine.

The reasons why distilled moonshine smells bad include the following:

  • the moonshine still is poorly washed;
  • quite high temperature during the distillation of mash;
  • the drink is not sufficiently purified;
  • low quality drink.

You can get rid of odors in the following ways:

  1. Take a few grams of potassium permanganate and stir it in a three-liter jar of the resulting drink. Wait for the sediment to form and remove it.
  2. Prepared moonshine can be cleaned with baking soda. It is able to eliminate fusel oils. For 1 liter of drink you need to take 10 g of soda, mix and let the drink brew. After half a day, you need to drain the liquid and throw away the harmful sediment.
  3. Freezing is a good recipe; the moonshine will not smell after it. Freeze the drink in a glass container. Water along with harmful substances will freeze to the edges of the dishes. The alcohol will remain liquid. It needs to be poured into another container. Once you get rid of the unpleasant aroma, you will understand that the method is not expensive at all and you can use it as much as you like. For the original method of getting rid of fusel odors, watch this video:

Odorless moonshine is the dream of almost all connoisseurs of good drinks. Now you know how to cook it using the best recipes.

A very detailed method for making odorless moonshine

  1. First, you should take care of the cleanliness of all tools, containers and hands used. The cleaner the mash bottles, the higher the taste and quality of the finished product will be. Many people do not pay attention to this rule, and end up with moonshine with foreign odors or tastes. You shouldn't repeat this mistake.
  2. Let's start with sugar. This recipe for making moonshine from sugar involves inverting, or, more simply put, preparing sugar syrup. Why do you need to do this? The process of yeast work is that during fermentation, yeast separates sugar into simple monosaccharides - glucose and fructose, and they are converted into the ethyl alcohol we need. Moonshine made from sugar syrup ferments faster (up to 2 days), since part of the work for the yeast has already been done, and has a better taste than moonshine made from simple sugar. Also, heating kills harmful microbes on the surface of the sugar, which could become active in the mash, which is extremely undesirable. So, to prepare invert syrup in an enamel container, dissolve water and sugar in the proportion of 520 ml of water per 1 kg of sugar, bring them to a boil, remove the resulting foam, add citric acid at the rate of 0.08% per kilogram of sugar, and keep on low heat at a temperature of 95-100% 1.5-2 hours.
  3. Preparing water is an important stage for preparing mash; it should be colorless, tasteless and odorless. Before preparing the mash, it is recommended to let tap water sit for 1-2 days, during which time the hardness of the water will decrease, unnecessary impurities will settle to the bottom, then carefully drain the water from the sediment. Be careful: the water for mash must be undistilled and unboiled, since yeast will not ferment in such water due to lack of oxygen.
  4. When the syrup has cooled slightly and its temperature is about 80°C, it is placed in a fermentation container and prepared cold water is added at the rate of 3.5-4 liters per 1 kg of sugar. The finished mixture should have a temperature of 38-31°C, this is the most comfortable temperature for adding yeast. Please note that the container should not be filled to more than 4/5 of the total volume, since the fermentation process will take place in the future.
  5. Now you can begin the fermentation process, but to improve the functioning of the yeast, it is advisable to use fertilizing. These can be either chemical or natural.

Chemical fertilizers are some fertilizers that must first be dissolved in warm water, such as:

  • diammonium phosphate ((NH4)2HPO4) at the rate of 3.3 g per 1 kg of sugar;
  • ammonium sulfate (NH4)2SO4 - 1.5-2 g per 1 kg of sugar;
  • superphosphate Ca(H2PO4)2*H2O and CaSO4 – 3-4 g per 1 kg of sugar;
  • urea (urea) (NH2)2CO – 0.8 g per 1 kg of sugar.

Those who prefer natural fertilizer can use:

  • rye bread, approximately 0.5-1 loaves per 50 liters of wort;
  • old, but not moldy jam, 0.5-1 liters per 50 liters of wort;
  • freshly squeezed fruit or berry juices, 0.5-1 l per 50 l of wort.

Plus, for quick yeast work, it is advisable to add vitamin B1 (thiamine), 1-2 mg per 1 kg of sugar, and 1-2 drops of natural olive or virgin rapeseed oil per 50 liters of wort.

6. So, the wort for the mash is ready. The next step is to add the yeast. You can use both pressed and dry yeast. Pressed yeast should be fresh, homogeneous, without lumps or spots, with a characteristic odor, and be easy to break and crumble. You can add yeast to the wort either simply crushed with clean hands, or yeast previously dissolved in a small amount of water at room temperature and left under the lid for several minutes until a foamy cap appears.

For 1 kg of sugar, take 70-100 g of compressed yeast. If you only have frozen compressed yeast on hand, then after defrosting they have the same properties as fresh ones. They begin to defrost the yeast a day in advance, transfer it from the freezer to the refrigerator, then dissolve it in cold water, then bring the water temperature to room temperature by adding warm water, and proceed according to the instructions. If you use dry yeast, you must first revive it. Usually the instructions are written on a packet of yeast, the general meaning is that yeast is added to water boiled and cooled to 35-39°C and left in a warm place for 20-40 minutes until a fluffy cap appears.

Fermentation of mash

After we have combined all the ingredients for the mash, we need to maintain the ideal fermentation temperature of 28-31°C for several days. This can be done using special thermal insulation materials; they are sold at any hardware store. You can also successfully use home methods of maintaining heat by wrapping the container with the wort in blankets, fur coats, and other warm things. The yeast itself produces heat during the fermentation process, which maintains the desired temperature, but if you notice that the container has become too warm, more than 35°C, then it is better to cool it.

It is enough to unwrap it for a while, or put some ice. It is better to leave the lid on the container slightly open during intensive fermentation; you should not use a water seal these days to allow free release of carbon dioxide. The period of intensive fermentation can be 48-80 hours, it depends on the activity of the yeast, the quality of fertilizing, and the room temperature. If possible, it is advisable to stir the mash well every 12 hours, getting rid of excess carbon dioxide, but this is not a mandatory procedure. It is enough to carry it out only once, after fermentation has ended, in order to reduce the foam in the mash and prevent it from being released into the distillate. The readiness of the mash can be judged by the fact that its top layer has become light, we have stopped seeing the release of carbon dioxide bubbles, if we bring a burning match to the mash, it will not go out. The smell becomes light alcoholic, the taste is bitterish-sour, without sweetness, the alcohol is also felt. Readiness can also be determined using a wine meter.

"Evil Mash"

At this stage we get mature mash. You can already start distilling it. But to improve the taste of moonshine, you can additionally prepare mash. At the first stage of preparation, degassing is carried out. After this, it is necessary to remove the yeast from the mash as thoroughly as possible so that the yeast does not give off an unpleasant odor in the future, and also to obtain a higher quality alcohol. At the end of fermentation, the yeast settles to the bottom, and as the temperature drops, this process accelerates. Therefore, after fermentation is complete, it is necessary to remove all insulation and transfer the container to the cold. You also need to tightly close the lid or water seal so that oxygen does not get into the mash and deteriorate the drink. After about a day, a fairly dense sediment of yeast forms at the bottom of the container; using a tube, you can drain the light part of the mash.

There is another way to clarify mash from yeast - this is bentonite clay, which quickly precipitates yeast. To lighten 50 liters of mash, make a solution of 4-5 tablespoons of clay and 300-400 g of warm water, the easiest way to do this is in a blender for 2-3 minutes, then let the bentonite swell for 10 minutes, then turn on the blender again for a minute . Pour the finished mixture into the tank with mash and stir vigorously. The temperature of the mash that is clarified with bentonite must be at room temperature, otherwise the clarification process will not take place. With the help of bentonite, the mash is clarified at different speeds, from 15 minutes to a day, a dense sediment forms at the bottom, and the clarified mash is drained using a hose. Now the mash is completely ready for the first distillation, it is transparent and has no yeast smell. You can start distilling.


Regardless of the type of moonshine still, the principle of distillation will be general.

  1. During the first distillation, the alcohol is separated from the insoluble impurities of the brew.
  2. After this, moonshine can be consumed, but you can notice a huge difference in taste with moonshine that has undergone repeated distillation and purification.
  3. The first distillation is usually carried out at maximum speed, without dividing into fractions. This is explained by the fact that it is undesirable to boil yeast for a long time, so as not to deteriorate the taste and quality of the drink.
  4. It is advisable to carry out the next distillations fractionally, dividing it into fractions: head, body (drinking part) and tail. But even the first distillation can be carried out with fractional separation, this allows you to remove harmful impurities from the mash.

So, during the first distillation, the head fraction is collected in a separate container at the rate of 30 ml of liquid with 1 kg of sugar. That is, if you prepared mash from 5 kg of sugar, the head fraction is 150 ml. They should not be used; how to use it will be discussed later.

Having replaced the container into which the distillate is poured, we collect the body of the moonshine. The exact volume of the drinking part is difficult to determine in grams; you need to use either an alcohol meter, the distillate has 40% at a temperature of 20 ° C, or, if there is none, then by setting it on fire in a spoon at the same temperature. Next, we again replace the collection vessels and collect the tail part of the distillate until there is no alcohol during distillation. It also should not be poured out; after additional cleaning, you can get a sufficient amount of alcohol.

For secondary and further distillations, only the middle fraction, the so-called raw alcohol, is used. It is also better to carry them out by dividing them into fractions, achieving ever greater purification. Additionally, intermediate cleaning can be carried out.

Oil cleaning method

Refined, odorless vegetable oils are used. Raw alcohol is diluted to 15%. Add oil to the container at the rate of 20 grams per 1 liter of solution. Mix the solution intensively, shaking it 3 times at intervals of 1-2 minutes for 1 minute. Ethyl alcohol does not dissolve in oils, and fusel oils that remain in moonshine are combined with refined oil.

The mixture first becomes cloudy, then separates into 2 layers, the oil forms a layer of film at the top.

After 12-24 hours, the water-alcohol solution is drained through a hose or tap at the bottom of the container, and then filtered through cotton or any other filter that will retain oil particles.

Activated carbon cleaning method

It is based on the fact that coal has absorbing ability, purifying raw alcohol from impurities. It is best to use crushed 1-3mm birch activated carbon (BAU-A) or stone/coconut activated carbon (KAU). Raw alcohol is purified more effectively using the flow method, through a column filled with activated carbon, and the more diluted the raw alcohol is, the better the purification result.

In this way, 90% of esters and 80% of fusel oils can be removed. This flow-through filter can be easily made at home from a plastic bottle. You need to cut off the bottom, pierce the cork with an awl in several places, insert a cotton pad into the cork, add 5-15 grams of coal per 1 liter of mixture, then place the bottle on a 3-liter jar. Both cleaning methods give high-quality results separately from each other, but they can also be used alternately, with oil cleaning done first.

Second distillation

After intermediate purification, it is necessary to carry out a second distillation so that the moonshine becomes of the required strength, in addition, it is as cleaned as possible from the head and tail fractions that still remain in the distillate. The principle of distillation is the same, but there are some differences. The selection of the head fraction is slow; after the first drops of distillate appear, you need to reduce the speed so that the liquid drips at about 2-3 drops per second. The head fraction will be 50 ml per 1 kg of sugar. Next, we collect the body in another container, produce it at medium speed until the strength at 20°C becomes 45%. We collect the tail part in a separate container, after intermediate cleanings it no longer smells like fusel oils, but still there is no need to mix it with the drinking part of the distillate.

After the second distillation, you will get about 400 g of distillate from each kg of sugar with a strength of 50-60%.

If you want to reduce the strength of the drink, you can dilute it with water. It should be soft, not contain minerals, you can use purchased drinking water, the minerals in it should not exceed 1 mg/l. Or you can purify the water at home through a filter, then boil it for 10 minutes, then let it sit for a day. The next day, filter this water again to remove sediment and use it to dilute the moonshine. It is undesirable to dilute the alcohol below 38%; the strength of the drink is always checked using an alcohol meter at a temperature of 20°C.

After all, the distillate needs to be kept in bottles for 2-3 days, it must “rest”, after which the drink becomes soft and harmonious. To soften the taste of the drink, you can also heat it in an open pan until the first signs appear that the distillate has begun to evaporate. Its taste will improve, although with this method 1-2% of the strength of the drink is lost.

In order not to lose some more of the drink, you can additionally clean the head and tail fractions: the head fractions are cleaned using the carbon filter method, and the tail part is cleaned with oil. Next, these parts are mixed and fractionally distilled. The quality of the resulting distillate will not be as high as the distillate from the moonshine body, but it can also be consumed, and in any case it will be much better and tastier than ordinary moonshine made from sugar.

The smell of moonshine in most cases seems disgusting and interferes with the enjoyment of the drink. Foreign impurities always indicate the quality of the product, so distillers try to increase this indicator and remove the unpleasant odor. Recipes for odorless moonshine at home are practically no different from standard methods, the main thing is to adhere to the technology for making the drink. Some people are able to immediately distill a neutral-smelling product, while others will have to work hard to get good moonshine.

Moonshine without smell

In order not to try to hide errors in production every time, it is better to immediately understand the reasons for the appearance of the smell - it is easier and faster than eliminating impurities and hiding the aroma after distillation. Another problem is that if you use non-fruit mash, the smell indicates impurities that are harmful to health and cause intoxication of the body. There is a special table that indicates the amount of permissible impurities in the drink. Even fusel oil can be different in composition and have different boiling points.

Reasons for the smell of moonshine

Compliance with the rules for performing the technical process of preparing a drink is also important because it is the impurities in the composition that give off the smell that cause hangover symptoms. If the drink initially had an unpleasant odor and the distiller hid the aroma through filtration or infusion, then the amount of harmful substances has not decreased and intoxication of the body cannot be avoided. Therefore, it is important to know how to make odorless moonshine and radically change the production method, and not just cover up the unpleasant aroma. By the smell of the finished drink, you can even determine the impurity in the moonshine. For example:

  • Alcohol smells sour - this means that the mash itself has partially soured, lactic acid and other bacteria have appeared in it, which prevented the yeast from finishing its work. To prevent this from happening and to prevent the mash from turning sour, you need to either increase the amount of sugar and yeast, or reduce the amount of water. Then there will be no time for souring, because the drink will ferment faster. You also need to take clean dishes, good fruits and berries.
  • If the apparatus for distilling the drink is faulty, then the moonshine will have the smell of burnt rubber. In this case, parts such as rubber tubes or gaskets are replaced with silicone or food grade rubber.
  • If the drink stinks of acetone or smells excessively of yeast, you should carefully select the “heads” and “tails”.
  • If the moonshine is bitter, especially the one prepared with fruit mash, it is possible that some of the pulp got into the distillation cube and burned there.

And these are not all the flavors that homemade alcohol can have. But if you follow at least these tips, you can get odorless and tasteless moonshine, and you don’t even need to change the mash recipe.

How to brew odorless moonshine?

No need to search new recipe mash, in order to distill odorless moonshine, you can follow these tips and principles, which do not even require experience in moonshine brewing:

  • It is best to use potatoes or sugar as products for making mash. Other types of raw materials already contain bacteria that will release acetaldehydes or furfural. This applies to fruit mash, as well as grain drinks.
  • Secondary distillation must be present in the moonshine process. Both distillations are done fractionally.
  • But even distillation is unable to completely remove all aromas - this is explained by the different boiling temperatures of fusel oils, as well as the imperfection of equipment at home. For example, furfural boils at +130 degrees Celsius, and the alcohol will boil away before the harmful substance.

Instructions for making clean mash and odorless moonshine:

  • The mash recipe for moonshine must be strictly followed. The drink should not be overexposed and wait until other microflora are activated. As soon as the mash has completed its activity, we immediately send it for cleaning and distillation.
  • The decanting step cannot be skipped, even for fruit mash. The liquid must be removed from the sediment, and if it is not a fruit-based drink, then the mash is clarified. This is best done using white clay, that is, bentonite.
  • Raw materials should not be passed through quickly during distillation in the apparatus. It is important to monitor the process temperature and pressure in the containers. If you increase the distillation rate and increase the temperature, there will be large losses of alcohol.
  • Distillation must be fractional: both primary and secondary.
  • Before secondary distillation, the drink can be purified and diluted to 20% strength.
  • After the second distillation, an additional filtration step is carried out.
  • Moonshine should sit for two to three days until the taste stabilizes. After this, you can clean with activated carbon.

But if the distiller has already produced a batch of alcohol with an unpleasant odor, it can be hidden with the help of several manipulations. For example, the following methods are used for homemade moonshine:

  • Re-distillation. If there were only two of them, you can do a third one, which will remove not only the unpleasant smell, but also increase the strength of the drink. This technique will take the most effort and time.
  • Freezing, or freezing, a drink. The method is more than a hundred years old, it has been tested for years, its essence lies in freezing raw alcohol. The entire drink will not freeze, but at the edges of the container, water with harmful impurities will turn into ice. As soon as the water freezes, the remaining liquid must be carefully poured into another container and, if necessary, repeat the procedure.
  • Potassium permanganate can also remove unnecessary odor. It should be added to the drink at the rate of 1 gram of crystals per 1 liter of raw alcohol. After adding, the liquid is mixed, you need to wait for a precipitate to form. Next, the drink is filtered.
  • If you want to clean moonshine with soda, then you need to use the following calculations: for 1 liter of alcohol, take 10 grams of soda. You need to stir immediately and after half an hour. Next, the drink is infused for 12 hours and the top layer with an unpleasant odor and impurities is removed. It is soda that works well with fusel oils.
  • You can pass the moonshine through a birch charcoal filter wrapped in gauze.
  • Some distillers infuse the distilled liquid on orris root for two weeks to eliminate odor. But the method is not very popular.

It is important not to forget to constantly improve cooking technologies, choose a new recipe for moonshine and learn how to prepare it correctly. Only then can you get the perfect result, which will be pleasant both in taste and smell.