Feng Shui and harmony in family relationships. Harmony in Chinese: the basics of feng shui Living and spiritualized fire is a strong element that embodies the qualities of yang

To understand the impact on us environment it is necessary to know the fundamental principle that operates in the universe. The ancient Chinese established that the universe consists of two complementary qualities: yin and Jan. And also that there are three categories in which these two entities constantly reside - these are Heaven, Earth and Man. For generations, ancient philosophers have explored methods for managing and influencing these interrelated concepts to improve personal life, fortune, and destiny. Feng Shui was formed during this long and deep research.

Complementary opposites

Everything in the universe consists of two opposite, complementary principles: Yin and Yang. Yin symbolizes the passive side of nature, while Yang represents its active side. Yin and Yang cannot exist independently of each other. They represent the two primary qualities that are present in all living beings. Nothing can be one hundred percent Yin or Yang - all things contain a relative amount of these energies, which reflects the symbol of the interaction of these two energies - Tai chi. This concept is an important key to understanding Feng Shui.

The white side represents Yang and the black side represents Yin. Each of the qualities contains the color of its opposite, which indicates that within all things there is a seed for the potential change to the opposite.

Yin is characterized by passivity, receptivity, silence, darkness and spirituality. In contrast, Yang is characterized by activity, firmness, imagination, loudness and brightness. Neither principle is better than the other, they are both equally necessary for the existence of life in the universe. In other words, Yin and Yang represent the world of duality. Nothing can be absolutely perfect or pure, just as nothing can be absolutely corrupt or incapable of purification.

In accordance with the principles of Feng Shui, these two principles must be in perfect harmony with each other. Places with a highly disturbed balance between Yin and Yang are unfavorable or generally unsuitable for human habitation. A Yang-dominated zone can lead to a loss of peace and harmony. For example, a bedroom overlooking a noisy street can deprive you of much-needed quality rest. But an area with too Yin quality, such as an office with windows overlooking a dark and narrow alley, can make you too relaxed and sleepy, thus draining energy and reducing productivity. that is excessively Yin, that is, hidden and dark, will not be able to attract money or energy sufficiently.

Various activities, events and even emotions can be described in feng shui terms. For example, funerals tend to be yin in nature: silence, moderation, and depression. And the Carnival held in Brazil represents Yang energy: activity, color, noise and abundance. Due to innate characteristics, people have a different balance of Yin / Yang. If you are dominated by Yang, then your emotional state is characterized by irritability or short temper. But if you are more Yin, then you can be withdrawn and depressed. To achieve harmony and enhance certain qualities, you should plan your living environment in accordance with the principles of Feng Shui.

How to use the principle of duality in the home

From the point of view of the harmonious interaction of these two entities, a good one must be balanced; for this, when planning a house, the factors of Yin and Yang are taken into account, and a balance is maintained between them in the arrangement.

Yin energy factors- this is the north side, mountain, rise, silence, dark and muted tones, refrigerator, distant rooms in the house, bedroom, bed, screens, rest room, toilet.

Yang energy factors- this is the south side, water, depression, noisy road, crossroads, loud music, light and bright colors, heating and lighting devices, fresh flowers, hallway, office, gym - everything related to vigorous activity.

In addition, the purpose of the room or room should also be taken into account, and based on this, if necessary, shift the balance in one direction or another. For example, in the bedroom, it would be appropriate to use soft colors and halftones in the design, low furniture, screens, subdued lights - all this will contribute to a favorable sleep, which belongs to the energy of Yin. And for vigorous activity, which is necessary in an office or living room, it is better to use Yang energy factors - bright lighting, light and colorful colors in the design, high furniture, bright interior elements.

Are you always unlucky? Are you being followed by failures one after another? Haven't you considered that not always a washed stove or a regularly opened toilet lid is considered to be the culprit?

Feng Shui can help you deal with eternal bad luck and improve your own life.

After all, even in the old days, people saw that the environment in which they live can have a good and a negative impact on life. With the help of the ancient science of Feng Shui, you will be able to become full-fledged mistresses in the house, but for this we need to go through 6 steps in order to achieve harmony in the house.

Harmony of Feng Shui - let's put animals living at home in the house

For positive energy flows in the house, Feng Shui professionals advise getting a pet. The Chinese love the turtle or the frog. They make a reservoir for a small turtle, they put a pebble there and, when the turtle wants, it can get out of the water. But we can buy an aquarium for the turtle. Remember to change the water at least a few times throughout the week. Feeding a turtle is much better than a small fish. It is believed that turtles bring peace and stability to the house. However, if turtles are not to your liking, then you can get a frog. You will get the same effect. It is believed that the frog protects the house and its inhabitants from various kinds of trouble. Well, and those who love warm-blooded animals, Feng Shui recommends getting a tiger, but because. It is not customary to have tigers in our state, then you can replace it with an ordinary cat. The cat means the feminine and protects women's well-being. It should be noted that in ancient times, in Egypt, the cat was considered the goddess of the family hearth and its protector. The Chinese did not say anything about dogs, but I think they will not harm the harmony in your home either.

Feng Shui Harmony - Take a look at your own hallway and entry door

A popular proverb says: the theater begins with a hanger, and the apartment begins with a door. In China, it is considered a bad omen if the door is placed at the very top of the stairs. But the stairs, of course, cannot be moved, but something can be fixed. It is good enough to hang a mirror on the door, it will display all the negative energy that rises up the stairs. The same can be done if your living space and your neighbor's apartment are located opposite each other. If you want wealth to come to your home, then hang bells or Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon on the front door handle. The entrance to the house must be bright. If your living room is too dark, then use wallpaper in lighter colors in its design, hang light pictures on the wall surface in rectangular or oval frames, but most importantly, make the lighting much brighter.

Plus, the living room should always be clean, and not just when guests are due to arrive. If the living room is not clean, then you should not be surprised if apathy, fatigue and depression regularly haunt you. In Feng Shui, it is suggested to put three gold coins under the entrance carpet. However, if there are no gold ones, there is no need to despair, the material of the coins is not so much important as their color.

Always close the doors of bedrooms, toilets and baths so that people who enter the hallway do not stumble upon these rooms, otherwise this will lead to family disunity.

Feng Shui harmony - let's move on to the bathroom and toilet

The main condition for the bathroom is that order and cleanliness reign in it. The atmosphere of the bathroom should be quite primitive, not pompous. If your bath is located in the south corner, then hang a small mirror from the outside of the door. For walls, choose blue or blue tiles. If you don’t like these colors, then hang at least an image of waves or fish on the wall surface.

If you are unlucky and your bathroom is located at the same time as the bathroom, then you can correct the situation with the help of portable walls or partitions. And I want to remind you again - always keep the toilet lid closed. It will be useful if, for example, you place a plant in the toilet.

Rags, mops, etc. Always store in a place where they will not be seen, otherwise everyone who lives in the house will not see luck. This is especially true in the kitchen. Ignoring this rule leads to the fact that you will always need something.

Harmony of Feng Shui - let's move on to the dining room or kitchen room

Often the role of the dining room and the guest room is played by one room, thanks to which it is necessary to look at it very carefully. And from the beginning we separate the dining area from the recreation area. This can be done with a trellis with climbing plants, a bookcase, a mirror, paintings or photographs. It does not matter which piece of furniture will play the role of a separator, the main thing is that you have two separate territories.

It has been proven that a person feels better while eating in a room with high ceilings. And in the "Khrushchev" for example, the ceilings are very low, and you can't make a hole to the neighbors, thanks to this it is necessary to increase the ceiling height at the visual level. For this, wall lamps are suitable, directed to the surface of the ceiling. But very bright lighting does not provide the coziness and comfort that you want, so we highly recommend using toggle switches with light control.

Mirrors are a favorite item in feng shui and will also work in the dining room. Not only will they make the space feel larger, but they will double the number of dishes, making every lunch and dinner more amazing.

It is not suggested to install the kitchen table against the wall adjacent to the toilet. This will not only affect your appetite, but also harm the well-being and health of your family. If you have a kitchen table between 2 doors, then this is also not very good. Then prosperity and wealth will leave your home. You can correct the situation by hanging a bell or “wind music” near the door.

Select the color of the tablecloth taking into account the territory in which your kitchen table is located. Green color is recommended for use in the eastern territory, blue in the north. Coasters for hot must fit each other with the shape of the table. If your table is round, then the coasters should be rounded, a square table - the coasters should be square.

During lunch, pour into translucent glasses drinking water, then they will be associated with crystals and activate qi energy flows. And it is absolutely not necessary that the glasses were made of crystal.

Harmony of Feng Shui - go to the bedroom

To always have economic well-being in the house, do the following: fill a vase with crystal, semi-precious stones or just jewelry, and hide this vase in a closet or chest of drawers, just make sure that the closet or chest of drawers is not in front of the front door to the bedroom. This vase must not be shown to anyone.

Feng Shui harmony - let's talk a little about the corridor

If you have a long and narrow corridor, then it is proposed to hang mirrors on the wall surface that make a wavy effect. Also, wall decorations, lighting fixtures and pots of climbing flowers can help you create coziness in the space of the corridor.

All these simple recommendations and tricks can help you achieve Feng Shui harmony, can help make your home unique and special, where you and your whole family can relax and feel coziness, comfort and peace after a hard day. In a house that is made according to the rules of Feng Shui, you will not only be able to relax and unwind physically, but also mentally, and this is very important in our hectic days.

Creator: nikandrova elena
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We all ardently desire love and relationships full of love - perhaps more than anything! And we all strive to have a family filled with harmony and kind, sincere relationships. Why then do so many people live alone and in search of love? If we desire love more than anything, why is there an unprecedented increase in divorce and broken families? Why do so many people feel so lonely and isolated in crowded cities?

Contrary to popular belief, love is not only the result of fate or luck, and it doesn't "come and go", do we create it? and each of us has the ability to create it. Each of us has the ability to love and be loved, each of us has the ability to create relationships full of love and joy. No matter how we live now - alone or under the burden of unhappy, exhausted relationships - life can change, and we are the ones who can change it.

Necessary components of any undertaking, including changes in love relationships, is the right time, the right place and the right people. If one of these components is not suitable, the achievement of the goal will become a long and difficult task. If two of them are missing, any attempt to achieve a result can turn into an impossible desire.

Of course, we cannot always determine and choose the right time, and it is even more difficult to find people suitable for us - these are rather questions of our heavenly luck, but we can always find or create the place we need. And everyone can do it, you just need to make some efforts and be patient.

In any business and, of course, in love and creating a family, the environment is one of the most important factors. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to the place where the future family lives or plans to live. The shape of the house, its size, configuration, floor layout, design (as well as color, finishes, furniture arrangement) naturally affect the people living in it. All this affects our health, emotional state, well-being and, of course, our relationships with people, including love.

What is it, the house, ideal for love? What type of home or dwelling is capable of nurturing family relationships? An ideal home should have an abundance of Qi - beneficial, positive energy. This will manifest itself in the right location, in the integrity of the form, in the smoothness of the flow of energy and in the feeling of warmth and comfort.

A good location is a harmonious and balanced environment of the house. By classical concepts Feng Shui, it includes Turtle, Phoenix, Dragon and Tiger. The turtle supports the house from behind. It can be a mountain, a small hill, some building, a rock, or a neighboring house. The Dragon and Tiger are accompanying structures on both sides of the house, a kind of guardian of your house. They should not be too large, should not protrude too much or be isolated, or crowded together. Phoenix is ​​an open space that should be in front of the house, it allows energy to accumulate and enter the house, it allows the residents of the house to make plans, feel the space and new opportunities.

Solid form implies a pleasant appearance, not too strange and unsettling, regardless of the size and material of the building. The building should not be too fragmented, with strongly protruding parts, when viewed from a bird's eye view or from the side. The layout of residential floors is preferably of the correct shape: rectangular or square.

The smoothness of the flow of energy depends on the layout of the house, on how the living space is divided into separate rooms. The layout of the house should not be too open, as is the case with one large room, or too limited, cramped and intricate, as in a maze. Each room should be well connected to the general energy flow of the house, it is good when there is a hall or corridor where all the entrance doors of the rooms go.

Feelings of warmth and coziness are among those feelings of comfort and well-being that some places evoke in us, sometimes without any apparent reason. Our bodies intuitively respond to the energy of the surrounding space. If it fits well with our own energy, we will feel comfortable even if we can't find the reason for these feelings. In general, if the three previous conditions (location, shape, and energy flow) have been met, you will most likely feel a certain warmth of this place.

The following is a short list of criteria that are relevant to love and family relationships.

The shape of the house should be simple, without much protruding or missing parts.
- The house should not have too many or too few windows.
- The front door should be located close to the center, and not offset to the right or left.
- There should be no conflict between the elements of Fire and Water in the kitchen. The sink and stove should not be placed next to or opposite each other.
- There should be a solid wall behind the head of the bed, not a window or door.
- The door to the bedroom must be visible from the bed.
- When you go to bed, the front door to the house should be in front of you, not behind you (although usually this door cannot be seen from the bedroom).
- The bedroom should not have a mirror that reflects your bed.
- Even if at the moment you do not have a partner, but you want to attract him into your life, your bed should not stand against the wall, you need to provide approaches to it from both sides, especially if you already have a partner.
- Do not arrange a marital bed on two beds pushed together. It is better to have one large bed with a shared mattress.
- Do not put aquariums and fountains in the bedroom. This leads to confusion and sleepless nights.

If all these requirements are met, you should have no big problems in finding love or in family relationships. The more requirements are left unfulfilled, the greater the likelihood of difficulties.
If your family relationships leave much to be desired, and you do not have deep knowledge of Feng Shui, you can seek the advice of a specialist, for sure, there are negative influences in your environment that you do not see. You can also try doing some of the steps yourself. These recommendations do not apply to classical Feng Shui teachings. They are more based on positive thinking and the use of symbols and are general in nature, but they have the advantage of being easy to apply.

According to the school of "Eight Life Aspirations", in our house there are sectors that are responsible for family happiness and relationships between people. You can work with them and activate them.

The southwest is responsible for family happiness, well-being, partnership. Southwest is the element of earth. If you are looking to find a partner or want to strengthen an existing relationship, use ceramic or natural stone paired symbols. Other paired characters will work too. It can be two vases or a double sculpture of little men (men and women). A very strong symbol is a sculpture made of red or orange stone of two mandarin ducks.

East is responsible for family, health, change.

The East is the element of Wood. Plants in any form, except thorny ones, are suitable here. Since the East is change, do not try to activate it too much if everything in your life suits you, when everything goes on as usual. If your problems are ripe and do not find a way out, then you can gently attract changes: add water in the east, which helps the Tree grow. It can be a blue vase with flowers or an image of a calm river flowing in your direction or a quiet clear forest lake. In this sector, it is appropriate to place such symbols of longevity as a flowering or fruiting peach or the fruit itself.

You can significantly improve your Feng Shui and family well-being if you use the Ba-Jai system. The Ba-Jai system is an integral part of Feng Shui that works with directions. According to this system, it is easy to orient a bed, a workplace, a hearth for cooking. The energy coming from different parts of the world has different properties, and this is what underlies the Ba-Jai system.

Feng Shui within the framework of Ba-Jai is divided into 2 groups - eastern and western. Favorable directions for people of "Eastern orientation": Yu, N, V, SE; and 3, NW, SW, NE - for "western". According to the Ba-Jai school, all people of "Eastern" and "Western" orientations are divided into 9 groups. The number of this group is called the Gua number, and is the basis for working on this system.

How to calculate your Gua number?

The Gua number can be taken from the Chinese calendar, but if you do not have it now, then use the formulas below.

1. For people born between 1900 and 1999. Take the sum of the last two digits of the year of birth. If you get a two-digit number, add up its digits again. The Gua number for men is 10 minus the result. For women: 5 plus the result. If you get a two-digit number, add up its digits again.

2. For people born after 2000, the calculation is the same. But in the formula for men, 10 is changed to 9, and in the formula for women, 5 is changed to 6.

Note: if the final result is 5 (there is no such Gua number!), then for women we replace the number 5 with 8, and for men with 2.

An example of calculating the Gua number of a man born in 1961:

1961 6+1=7; 10-7=3 - Gua number of a man

An example of calculating the Gua number of a woman born in 1978:

1978 7+8=15; 1+5=6; 6+5=11; 1 + 1 = 2 - the number of the Gua of a woman

Now, knowing your Gua number, you can determine your favorable and unfavorable directions using the table.

Eastern group

Western group


Direction values:

The most favorable direction for you is indicated by +4, which corresponds to Shen Qi, the type of Qi that brings you well-being and success. This is the best direction for you when doing business, studying and other active activities. Direction +3 corresponds to Qi, which brings good health and harmony in relationships. This is the third most favorable direction. +2 - the second most favorable, it brings longevity and love and is considered romantic. The +1 direction corresponds to the type of Qi that brings peace and stability. This is the fourth most favorable direction. You will sleep well if you lay your head in the +1 direction.

The direction -1 corresponds to the type of Qi, which is considered the least powerful of the harmful energies. If your bed or entrance to the house is oriented in this direction, this can cause disagreements or unpleasant incidents. Qi direction -2 is considered the second most harmful. Such Qi can cause unwanted encounters, sexual frustration, and breakups. Malicious direction Qi -3 can cause fires, accidents, loss of friends and family. Direction -4 corresponds to the most dangerous and harmful variety of Qi. In this area of ​​space, you should spend as little time as possible or avoid it altogether. Qi -4 brings illness, misfortune and ruins a career. If the doors of your house are oriented in this direction or the bedroom is located in this area, it harms your health, well-being and relationships with loved ones.

When you have determined the directions that are most favorable for you, you can move the furniture in your house - the bed, the desk, the stove - so that they are oriented correctly. Where possible, increase the number of “pluses”, and your life will begin to change and bring harmony, prosperity and new opportunities to your family!

In terms of Feng Shui, the bedroom is a unique place. There a person spends a third of his life, experiences the most vivid emotions, solves the most important family issues. This is an intimate space that is shared with a partner, as well as a place to be alone with yourself. Relationships of family members, health, love largely depend on the atmosphere in the bedroom.

For this reason, feng shui of housing begins with the interior design of the bedroom, subsequently organizing it in other rooms.

The influence of the cardinal points

The rules of Chinese teachings convince that the arrangement of the bedroom will help improve intimate relationships. rooms in the northern zone of the dwelling. With a stable relationship with a partner, you can prefer his western territory for a bedroom. Creating it in the northeast zone can provoke nightmares.

So that young, active natures can easily build a career, a personal room is decorated in an eastern space. Romantics, living their own hobbies, not disturbed by the rapid rise in business, you can choose the western side. Passionate people will feel good in the bedroom on the south side of the building.

The southwestern zone is not chosen at all. No need to equip the bedroom in the basement. Well, if such a room is not created above the rest of the premises.

Bed setting

A significant impact on the movement of Qi energy is created by the arrangement of furniture. Therefore, it is extremely important to place it correctly. The main piece of furniture in the bedroom according to Feng Shui is the bed. In the interior setting, she is assigned the main role, and observing the practice of Feng Shui will make harmony, tranquility, and tranquility the main ones in the room.

Bed installation rules:

  • It is better to purchase a wooden bed, always on legs, so that there is no waterlogging of the bed, which leads to poor health.
  • It is forbidden to place a bed in the northern zone. Elderly people prefer sleeping arrangements on the west side, young people on the east side.
  • The bed cannot yet be placed with feet towards the entrance.
  • It is necessary to install the bed so that the sun's rays do not fall directly on the face.
  • Only one mirror is allowed in the bedroom, which is forbidden to be placed near the bed in the leg area.
  • No objects should hang over the bed, otherwise health will suffer.
  • The bed should be without a crack in the middle, and not created as a result of the displacement of two beds, otherwise this will lead to the alienation of partners.
  • It is forbidden to put a bed near a large window, as this will cause overexcitation.

Storage under the bed of unnecessary, old items, things also provokes disturbing sleep. The philosophy of Feng Shui determines that old things should not be stored in the house. You should definitely get rid of them. It is important that the walls of the bedroom are light. Simple Rules feng shui will help to change the bedroom in such a way that happiness and abundance reign in the family.

Bedroom harmony: basic rules

To transform a bedroom to create love, harmony, you must first carefully examine the space. You may find that the wallpaper is faded, the curtains are old, so they need to be changed or washed for a long time. Make cosmetic repairs, change fabrics. Don't leave the chandelier unattended. Since it saturates the room with light, soft and charming, it must be clean.

Bedside tables, whose height should not exceed the horizon of the bed, can contain only the things you need. Avoid electronic devices in the room. The energy of such objects is too active, it can disturb the atmosphere of peace.

Exclude everything that is a symbol of water (decorative waterfalls, aquariums, etc.). Remove peaked blinds by replacing them with soft fabric curtains. Pointed edges cause ailments. Potted climbing plants should not be placed in the room. And in general, there should be few flowers, since their abundance will lead to the withdrawal of favorable energy flows.

Regularly carry out wet cleaning, airing the bedroom. Try to have the hostess do the cleaning - this will exclude the influx of alien or negative energy. Lightly fumigate the space with the aromas of oils.

Fill your bedroom with symbolic feng shui items. Hang a dream catcher so that there are no bad dreams. To the place in the room of lovers will look like red candles, figurines of angels. The curtains on the windows should be light in order to let in a lot of light. However, at night the frame should remain behind thick curtains.

If you are tired of loneliness, then you can use the energy of the earth. Install a tall floor lamp in the corner of the southwest area. Use the illuminator in the evenings until the desired happens. You should resort to this method when the desire is sincere.

The arrangement of the bedroom according to Feng Shui guarantees the establishment of harmony for the speedy improvement of human destiny. Thus, if you follow the centuries-old Chinese laws of arranging a room, then positive energy, harmony, and love will always be present in it.

Watch the video online at good quality about the importance of following the rules of Feng Shui philosophy when rearranging in the bedroom.

Today we will turn to Feng Shui again and see what it is based on and what needs to be done so that harmony, comfort and good mood are always present in your house.

Feng Shui is an art based on thousands of years of observation and practice by the Chinese. You know that the Eastern people are more sensitive, so many of them have a very developed what we call intuition. Feng Shui masters are based not only on the knowledge passed down to them by their ancestors, but also on their own feelings.

By applying Feng Shui, we are trying to achieve harmony. And this harmony is based on the balancing of the five elements: water, fire, metal, wood and earth.

The principle of the five elements, or five elements, is one of the central principles of the Feng Shui theory, which allows any object to be attributed to one of the five categories of the manifestation of Qi energy (Yin and Yang), which forms everything living and inanimate in nature. And these are not physical substances, but energies representing various attributes of our life. It must be remembered that each element is, first of all, energy, which is associated with the season, emotion, shape, color, part of the body, psychological mood, as well as with a certain direction.

5 elements are used not only in Feng Shui. All Chinese metaphysics and medicine, qi-gong and oriental martial arts are built on these concepts.

It is believed that the concept of the five elements arose when ancient astronomers recognized the five main planets: Jupiter - wood, Mars - fire, Saturn - earth, Venus - metal, Mercury - water.

Between the elements there is a strict relationship. Wood burns and creates fire. When the fire goes out, ash (earth) remains. Earth breeds metal. Metal melts, which symbolizes water. Water nourishes the tree. Thus, a vicious circle of transformation of one energy into another is obtained.

If we look at the four seasons of the year, we can see that water qi dominates in winter; in the spring, when nature begins to come to life, the energy of the tree is born; in the summer, in the heat, the element of fire becomes evident; and in autumn, in a range of all kinds of colors, metal. The earth, which is in the center, is the boundary between the seasons. Earth Qi is strongest at the end of summer.

5 elements can be characterized by the directions of their actions:

Water- movement from top to bottom, like the movement of a waterfall from a mountain or rain.

Wood- movement from bottom to top towards the sun.

Fire- this is radiation originating from the center and spreading in different directions, like a Bengal fire - this is the movement of warm air in all directions.

Earth, on the contrary, attracts energy from all sides to the center.

Metal characterized by a spiral movement directed towards a specific goal, like turning a screw into a wall with a screwdriver.

Thus, an “element” is action plus quality. Water is wisdom, assertiveness, emotionality and sensitivity. The tree stimulates creativity, growth and development, it is kindness and determination. Fire manifests itself in action, motivation, enthusiasm, intelligence and romanticism. Earth gives reliability, stability, steadfastness and self-confidence. And metal gives strength, justice, self-esteem, and also contributes to the development of correct speech.

That is, the 5 characteristics of Qi should be felt rather than taken literally. But these elements nevertheless have specific colors and shapes.

If the water is wavy and has dark blue, gray or black hues, then the fire is triangular, red, purple or Pink colour. The tree has green tones and looks like a beam or beam. The metal is characterized round shape with white, gold or silver tint. Well, the earth is a square or a cube, yellow-brown in color.

So when a Feng Shui consultant tells you to add some object of a particular shape or color, or paint a room with a certain color, it means that a certain element is missing in it for harmony.

Each type of Qi interacts with each other in different ways. There are three types of interaction: an amplification cycle, when one energy amplifies another, feeds it; a cycle of control, when one energy restrains another, preventing the first from manifesting itself in all its might; a cycle of depletion, when one energy spends its power on feeding another, thus itself being depleted.

Analysis of the relationship of elements in different rooms of your house, using the three cycles of strengthening, control and depletion, makes it possible for the Feng Shui consultant to determine which element is lacking in your house and which is in excess. After calculating the energy map, it becomes clear what needs to be done to harmonize the 5 elements and where it is necessary to strengthen them, and where to weaken them.

Remember that Feng Shui operates with symbols, since our whole life consists of signs and symbols, and this directly affects the subconscious. Symbolically using the elements, you can achieve harmony between them in different circumstances. The work of the energy of the elements is aimed at achieving this harmony.

Let's look at each element in more detail.

Water is a conductor of qi energy, so it is associated with the flow of qi and roads in the city

The direction of the water is north. In addition, water symbolizes wealth. Water has a cleansing and refreshing effect. It serves to renew and rejuvenate. However, excess water leads to lethargy and despondency.

In every house there are places where, in order to attract abundance, it is necessary to place active water, in the form of an aquarium or a fountain. Outside the house, it can be rivers, seas, waterfalls, or images with them inside the house. To weaken negative energies, calm water or paintings with a lake, a pond and water motifs are used.

The main characteristic of wood is strength combined with flexibility.

It symbolizes growth, creativity, nutrition. Its direction is east and southeast.

In the house for a successful career, in a certain place, calculated by the Feng Shui consultant, bamboo with 3 or 4 branches is placed. Working with areas of the house associated with wood gives a boost to creativity. However, overzealousness can lead to idealism and unfounded expectations.

Living and spiritualized fire is a strong element that embodies the qualities of yang

There is no doubt that the direction of the fire is south. It is associated with candles, lamps, electrical appliances, fireplaces, stoves, the sun, objects made of wool, leather or feathers, paintings of fire, sunrise or sunset. Fire symbols in the home enhance energy and activity levels. If there is a lot of fire, it can lead to short temper and irritability.

The earth element is the fundamental element. It symbolizes reliability, stability, self-confidence and family happiness.

This element is located in the center of the ba-gua octagon, but also has additional zones in the southwest and northeast. Where the element of earth is missing, it is necessary to add crystals, stones, sculptures, a globe, objects made of ceramics, bricks, crystal, porcelain, faience, marble, clay, tiles, paintings depicting earthly landscapes: mountains and rocks. Symbols of the Earth are used to strengthen the spirit and moral support. Too much earth influence can create an atmosphere of stagnation and suspicion.

Metal symbolizes abundance and success in financial matters.

However, it can be not only productive, but also destructive, in the form of a sword or dagger. The direction of the metal is west and northwest. It gives strength and brings success in financial affairs, but an excess of this element can lead to haste, indiscretion and promiscuity in means.

Metal Items: copper jugs, vases, forged lattices, bells, coins, swords, etc., jewelry made of precious metals, iron, bronze, silver, gold, wind music with metal tubes. The strongest metal is a clock with a metal pendulum. Their fight every hour strengthens the energy of the metal.

With regard to space, the theory of the five elements can be seen as a tool with which to eliminate any disharmony. If the balance of the elements is disturbed, special Feng Shui techniques are applied that strengthen or weaken one or more elements. Guided by the principles of the theory of the five elements, you can improve the energy of your home or office, adjust it according to your needs. An environment in which all elements are balanced has a healing effect on a person.