The rules of a low-fat diet and its effectiveness. The rules of a low-fat diet and its effectiveness Low-fat diet

Man is so arranged that it is difficult for him to live without illusions. It is not so dangerous when they belong to abstract categories - dreams of a cloudless future or a multi-million dollar inheritance. It is much worse when people start to act, believing "science" theories about easy and quick improvement in health. These misconceptions include most modern diets, promising a miraculous deliverance from excess weight.

I propose today to consider one of the newfangled trends called low fat diet. Its essence comes from a simple principle: since excess fat spoils the figure and leads to disease, they must be excluded from the diet or drastically reduced consumption. Such a diet, in their opinion, will get rid of bad cholesterol, heal the liver and heart, cleanse the blood vessels and ultimately have a positive effect on well-being.

You know, to be honest, I am not a supporter of such a simplified approach to health. I usually draw conclusions by studying the composition of products, in this case, the types of dietary fats and the role they play in the body.

Fats. Friends or enemies?

These substances are a strategic reserve of energy! It turns out that their active splitting occurs during the period of exhaustion of the body, when there is a shortage of carbohydrates and protein. Fortunately, the starving people have not been seen on the streets of our cities for a long time. But there are more than enough people who consume an immense amount of fatty foods.

Unbalanced excess nutrition is the root of all the problems that fats have been blamed by many healthy lifestyle promoters. I also note that a set of extra pounds is aggravated by the sedentary lifestyle of a modern person. The habit of eating tightly and lying on the couch pulls atherosclerosis caused by the deposition of cholesterol in the vessels, diabetes, impotence, liver and heart disease.

And now an important axiom that should be remembered! It sounds like this: in natural (organic) food there are no useless and harmful substances. Each of its components serves as a medicine and a "building brick" for our body. Fatty acids, which make up fats, are extremely important and necessary for our beauty and health! They are part of cell membranes, nerve cells and the "gray matter" of the brain. By limiting their use, we will reduce our intellectual resources and hurt the nervous system.

Besides, vitamins A, D and E are naturally fat soluble. This means that when we are on a fat-free diet, we remove the basis for their assimilation. A clear manifestation of "recovery" against the background of vitamin A deficiency is the fragility of nails and hair, loss of skin elasticity and beauty.

The lack of vitamin E that results from a fat-free diet reduces our immune potential, leaving us vulnerable to invading infections.

Impairing absorption vitamin K, we make the body defenseless against external and internal bleeding. Any wound or cut in this case will cause a lot of trouble.

In addition, all of these vitamins have antioxidant action. This means that they neutralize dangerous compounds - free radicals negatively affecting cells and tissues. By reducing the concentration of antioxidants, we definitely will not become more alert and healthier.

Another nuisance caused by a sharp restriction on the consumption of vegetable and animal fats is metabolic disease. From the fats that come with food, fatty acids are synthesized in our body. They take part in all types of metabolic processes. In particular, with a lack of milk and vegetable fats in the diet, calcium balance is disturbed. The consequences are not difficult to imagine - bone fragility and dental disease. An acute shortage of this mineral is observed in middle and older age, when its natural decline from bone tissue. Therefore, hoping to make life easier for yourself after 45 with the help of a low-fat diet, you can get the exact opposite result.

By reducing the proportion of vegetable oils in order to get rid of extra pounds, we doom ourselves to weakness, we get fatigue, dry skin and digestive problems as a gift.

Everyone's condemned fat cholesterol needed for the production of bile acids and hormones. In passing, it should be noted that the problem is not cholesterol, as such, but the excessive consumption of foods containing it. Hoping to get rid of this type of fat by avoiding high-calorie foods, we are exposed to risk of hormonal imbalance. In women, it can cause menstrual cycle(amenorrhea), infertility and depression.

In addition, rapid weight loss leads to prolapse of internal organs. Anyone who sees the cause of all evils in the fatty layers that spoil the figure must remember that they perform an important fixing function. In winter, sometimes the fat accumulated in the tissues warms us, protecting us from the cold. Just the amount of fat in our body should not be excessive.

Fat educational program

As mentioned above, fats serve as a reserve source of energy, the basis for the absorption of vitamins and minerals. building material cells. In the laboratory of the body, these substances are hydrolyzed to form fatty acids. They play a key role in our life. There are several types of fatty acids, different in biological value. Let's look at the "table of ranks" introduced by scientists for these substances.

It has been established that more than others we need mono- and polyunsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They cleanse blood vessels, eliminate blood clots, remove excess cholesterol, and have a rejuvenating effect. Normalizing arterial pressure and improving the blood supply to the brain, these substances protect us from strokes and heart attacks. Their work is necessary for the healing of bone tissue damaged during fractures and the elasticity of ligaments. Omega-3 fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory effect. Their deficiency leads to visual impairment, numbness of the limbs and muscle weakness. Lack of Omega-6 is fraught with dry skin, hair loss and the development of eczema.

Sources of these valuable substances - vegetable oils, nuts, legumes, pumpkin seeds, oily sea fish and seafood.

Oleic acid, which received the name from biochemists Omega 9 partly synthesized by the body. The rest of its amount must be supplied with food. The easiest way to do this is by flavoring salads, soups and cereals with olive oil - natural product containing a large amount of oleic acid.

The next group is saturated fatty acids. They give the body energy, but at the same time require a dosed intake. Their excess increases the risk of cholesterol deposits in the vessels. The main suppliers of these substances are meat, lard and butter.

Keep a balance of fats and you will be healthy!

Is there an alternative to a fat-free diet, you ask? Of course there is, I will answer. There is no need to give up high-calorie food to normalize your weight and improve your well-being! Two postulates of a healthy lifestyle - moderation and balance!

I will not talk about reasonable self-restraint. Everyone knows about it, but only a few actually practice it, enjoying excellent results. But it is necessary to say about the optimal balance of fats.

Unsaturated fats play a more important role than saturated fats in actively improving the functioning of the body. Therefore, the proportion of vegetable oils and products containing them (seeds, legumes, nuts) should have a slight advantage (20-30%) over animal fats. Agree, a simple formula! In this case, we will not be subjected to "culinary stress" and without dangerous diets we will provide ourselves with everything we need.

To lose weight, as a rule, you need to create a calorie deficit for your body. Then he will begin to process subcutaneous fat for energy.

A calorie deficit is created by limiting the intake of carbohydrates as the main source of calories. Also, when dieting, it is recommended to limit the consumption of fats that are deposited in adipose tissue. Therefore, most diets recommend giving up fatty foods - meat, poultry, fatty dairy products, sweets containing fats, confectionery.

However, fats are different for fats. Animal fats are similar in composition to the fats that are present in our body. Therefore, they are deposited by them “in reserve” with practically no processing. It is from them, first of all, that the diet without fats recommends to refuse. But there are also vegetable fats. These fats are found in vegetable oils, olives, nuts, and some fruits and vegetables. Fats plant origin- these are unsaturated fats, they are used by the body not to create reserves for a rainy day, but to strengthen connective tissues, ensure skin elasticity, and improve the functioning of the nervous system. Unsaturated fatty acids are necessary for the body, and since it is rather difficult to completely eliminate fats from the diet (and this is not very good for health), during fat-free diets are best to replace animal fats with vegetable fats. The only animal fats that will benefit the body are those found in fish and seafood. They contain omega-3 and omega-6 acids, which slow down the aging of the body, improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails, and have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and the functioning of the nervous system.

On a fat-free diet, fat intake should be limited.- if in the normal mode the human diet should consist of fats by about 30-35%, then with a diet without fats this proportion can be safely reduced by 2 times (that is, up to 35-40 g of fat per day).

How to reduce fat intake while dieting

Fats in the diet give us satiety. But satiety can be achieved by replacing fats with complex carbohydrates. Whole-grain bread, durum wheat pasta, cereals and cereals, vegetables rich in plant fiber - these foods cope very well with hunger and do not lead to weight gain. You can also use low-fat milk and dairy products. Avoid cooking fats, fried foods, and foods high in fat (you can easily find this information on food packaging). Choose lean fish and meat, remove the skin from poultry. Replace sour cream with a mixture of low-fat cottage cheese and fermented baked milk. Choose low-fat cheeses - cheese, Adyghe.

Reviews of the fat-free diet share some culinary tricks. For example, when cooking soup with meat broth, put the finished soup in the refrigerator for several hours, and then carefully remove the greasy crust from the surface. A non-stick frying pan will allow you to fry food without the use of fat. If you want fried meat, cook it on a grill or on skewers, then excess fat will drain.

Habitual confectionery can also be replaced with low-fat sweets, such as marmalade, marshmallows, dried fruits, nuts (nuts, however, are fatty, but the fat in them is extremely healthy, and the nuts themselves are a storehouse of nutrients, so up to 50-70 g of nuts per day can be eaten without worrying about the figure).

In order not to overeat at the table, 20 minutes before a meal, eat some cottage cheese, fruits or vegetables, drink a glass of tea with milk. By the time of the meal, your brain will already receive a signal of partial saturation - and you definitely will not overeat at the table. This fat-free diet tip will save you up to 200 calories at every meal.

Why is a fat-free diet dangerous?

By limiting fat intake, your body may be deficient in fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) as well as unsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, it is very important not to give up fats completely - it is advisable to continue to eat fish and nuts every day, at least a little, especially since they speed up the metabolism and stimulate the processes of losing weight.

Sample daily menu for a fat-free diet

For breakfast, eat half a grapefruit, an apple, an orange, prune compote, or a couple of soft-boiled eggs. Also suitable for breakfast are oatmeal on the water or a slice of whole grain bread with low-fat cheese.

2-3 hours after breakfast, snack on fresh fruit salad dressed with low-fat yogurt or vegetable salad with lemon juice. A handful of nuts is also a great snack.

For lunch, cook vegetable soup with vegetable broth or light chicken broth, for the second, prepare yourself buckwheat without oil or a vegetable salad. Finish your meal with a glass of fruit juice.

An hour before dinner, it will be useful to have a snack of 1-2 fruits or vegetables.

For dinner, eat vegetable soup or lean meat, poultry, or fish. For a side dish, prepare an omelette with potatoes, green salad leaves, a salad of fresh vegetables or fruits, compote. You can also eat pasta with vegetable salad for dinner, and cook mannik for dessert.

A fat-free diet is a diet that involves the use of vegetable and animal fats in a very limited amount. Doctors recommend following this diet for several days before the first screening in the first trimester of pregnancy. In addition, many women simply switch to this diet in the hope of losing weight. What can and cannot be eaten with a low-fat diet, and what foods should be completely excluded from the diet?

Low fat diet before screening

Some doctors recommend following a low-fat diet two to three days or even a week before your first trimester screening. This fact surprises many women, since such appointments are not so common, and many women who have given birth have never heard of any diet before screening. So is it worth following?

A special low-fat diet is prescribed before the first screening so that a biochemical blood test taken on an empty stomach shows an objective result. This analysis is a "double test", which determines the blood levels of two substances: hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) and PAPP-A (plasma protein A associated with pregnancy).

Your diet cannot affect the results of hCG in any way (the level of this hormone does not depend on the composition of the foods consumed), but plasma protein A (PAPP-A) is a protein produced in large quantities during pregnancy. In order for a blood test to show a truly objective value of PAPP-A, 24 hours before the study really should eliminate fatty foods from the diet, but not in a week or ten days, as many say.

Even if for some reason you were unable to maintain a diet for 24 hours - do not worry, screening will still show the correct result, just with preliminary preparation the final result will be the most accurate.

Foods to Avoid on a Fat-Free Diet

1. Fatty meat. It is best not to eat meat at all 24 hours before the screening. In the case of the transition to a low-fat diet, preference should be given to lean meats ( chicken fillet, lean beef);

2. All fried. You should forget about frying in vegetable or butter. You can steam, bake in the oven, or grill in a pan without using any oil;

3. Chocolate. You will also have to forget about chocolates and sweets for the duration of a low-fat diet;

4. Sugar and sweet pastries. Cream cakes, pancakes and cookies are also out of the question;

5. Fatty dairy products. You can not drink kefir (except fat-free), milk, fatty cottage cheese, yogurt and cheese. You can only skimmed dairy products;

6. Seafood. Any seafood is also prohibited.

What can you eat on a low fat diet

1. Vegetables. You can eat any vegetables raw, boiled or steamed. For example: potatoes, zucchini, eggplant, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, onions, garlic, beets, cabbage, avocados, etc.

2. Fruits. Any fruit, with the exception of allergenic ones, can also be consumed freely. For example: bananas, apples, peaches, pears, kiwis, mangoes, etc.

3. Mushrooms. You can eat mushrooms in baked form, they perfectly satisfy hunger.

4. Skimmed dairy products. Fat-free cottage cheese, kefir and yogurts will help you out during a fat-free diet.

5. Lean meats such as chicken breast. If it’s really hard without meat, you can eat boiled, steamed or baked chicken breast.

6. Kashi. Oatmeal, buckwheat and semolina porridge, boiled on water, are allowed for use.

Getting Ready for Your Screening - 24 Hour Meal Option

In the morning, you can have breakfast with oatmeal or buckwheat porridge boiled in water, along with slices of banana and pear. The whole thing can be washed down with freshly squeezed juice. At noon, you should have a snack with low-fat yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese with strawberries. For lunch, lean vegetable soup or zucchini puree soup with black or whole grain bread will go well. Alternatively, cook pea soup or bean soup. For dinner, you can bake mushrooms in the oven and cook broccoli with steamed potatoes as a side dish. On this day, you can drink tea without sugar, gnaw crackers, drink freshly squeezed juices, eat vegetables and fruits in large quantities.

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It is known that strict food restrictions quickly relieve a person of body fat, but the price of such metamorphoses, in fact, becomes too high. I believe that at the moment when a person decides to “throw off” weight, he is unlikely to plan to undermine his own health, but in practice, this happens quite often.

It is known that lipids contain the most big number calories. Not surprisingly, when deciding to rid ourselves of numerous folds on the stomach, many of us decide to limit this particular nutrient. Well, you can't deny them logic. But it is worth remembering that a low-fat diet can completely destroy health if used incorrectly, and besides, stick to it for too long a period of time.

Criticism of low-fat diet ideas

Any exclusion of any nutrient is fraught with serious consequences. The situation with lipids is no exception. A low-fat diet will adversely affect the production of many hormones. So, for example, testosterone, a substance that turns a boy into a man, is simply not able to be produced with a deficiency of these substances.

This can be continued for a very long time: high-density lipoproteins and unsaturated fatty acids can have a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system. Fat-soluble vitamins are unable to be absorbed in the intestines if there are no lipids in the diet. The activity of the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland is practically paralyzed.

Given the above, it becomes obvious that an unreasonable approach to nutrition can be the elephant in the china shop, which completely destroys the once very good health. The desire to get rid of a couple, three kilograms is not a reason to mock your body.

Low Fat Diet Basics

I think it is clear that the complete elimination of fat is unacceptable. A reasonable question arises, to what level can fats be limited? Unfortunately, the opinions of experts on this matter differ. Some believe that an acceptable amount should not be less than 30 grams per day. Others argue that this figure cannot fall below 50 grams.

Apparently, the minimum allowable amount of fat can, and should, vary. It all depends on gender, age, occupation, physical activity, initial health status, as well as some other factors. In any case, you can not avoid consulting a professional nutritionist, and besides, most likely, you will have to undergo a series of examinations in order to exclude latent diseases.

All products that make up the human diet should be divided into two categories. The first is formed by acceptable food, as it contains little fat. Representatives of the second are completely unacceptable, as they include too high a percentage of fat in their composition. A little later, I will "separate the wheat from the chaff."

Invalid Products

In addition to the fact that fats are banned, surprisingly, foods rich in simple carbohydrates should also be limited. Apparently, the reason for this lies in the fact that these substances under certain circumstances can be transformed into all the same lipids. True, in light of this, the diet may seem too strict. Here is what will have to be forgotten over the next period of time:

Any fatty meat, including pork, lamb, and so on;
Poultry meat, especially chicken legs, skins, goose, and more;
Fast food in any manifestation;
Dairy products, except fat-free;
Any confectionery;
Any alcohol (apparently, the reason for this lies in the decrease in motivation after libations);
Oily fish;
egg yolks;
Any canned food, no matter what they are made of;
Some fruits, such as avocados;
Any nuts.

Of course, this is not a complete list of everything that is now banned. Read the labels carefully, check the data on the calorie tables, exclude everything that contains a high percentage of fat. The allowable amount of lipids was announced earlier.

Eligible Products

The list of acceptable products looks less impressive. This is not surprising, because fat, in one form or another, is part of most of the food sold in the store. So, here's what you can eat:

Vegetables, all kinds of greens;
Mushrooms without restrictions;
Bread, especially from bran;
Brown rice (most likely, it will become the basis of your diet);
Any cereal;
Pasta made from durum wheat, created without the addition of an egg;
Lean meat.

Diet Contraindications

Of course, not everyone can follow this diet. There are many categories of people who, for health reasons, will be forced to refuse it. Here are just a few of them:

Persons under the age of majority, as well as elderly citizens;
People with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
In the presence of oncological pathology;
Pregnant women and nursing mothers;
With hormonal diseases;
For severe liver disease.

The duration of the diet is most often not specified, but in any case, I strongly do not recommend sticking to it for more than two weeks. The further expediency of this restriction should be determined by a professional nutritionist.

sample menu

Breakfast. You can eat some fruit, and drink a cup of green or herbal tea.
Dinner. A portion vegetable soup, fresh vegetable salad, glass of juice without sugar.
Dinner. Vegetable pudding, baked fish, a glass of skim milk.


I tried to convey to you that in any business the main thing is moderation, and even more so when it comes to health. You should not strive to “throw off” excess weight overnight. Be patient, and then everything will work out.

Be healthy and slim!

To begin with, there is no single fat-free diet - there are many diets that do not include fatty high-calorie foods on the menu. Such diets are good because they allow you to lose extra pounds in a short time, but follow them long time it is impossible - the lack of fat adversely affects health.

The optimal duration of any fat-free diet is one week, but in some cases it can be extended up to 14 days, no more. If the initial weight is more than 80 kg, and you need to get rid of 10-20 kg of excess weight, the fat-free diet should be repeated after a ten-day break.

In order to tell you more about a fat-free diet, let's first find out which foods contain the maximum amount of fat, and, therefore, will be prohibited during weight loss.

So, high-fat foods:

  • All vegetable oils (this is almost 100% fat);
  • Cooking fats, margarines, butter (any, even “light” and fat-free);
  • Pork meat and lamb;
  • Fatty fish (lamprey, halibut, notothenia, sturgeon, saury, sardine, ivasi, etc.);
  • Duck, goose, skin of any bird;
  • Sausages of any kind: boiled, smoked, s / c, semi-smoked;
  • Balyki and any smoked meats, lard, bacon;
  • Hard cheeses (as a rule, their fat content is 35-50%, you can use cheeses with a fat content of no more than 12-15%);
  • Cakes and pastries with cream, chocolate, cocoa, chocolates, condensed milk;
  • Cream, fat sour cream;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Pasta made from premium flour (wholemeal flour vermicelli has a lower calorie content, but high nutritional value, and can be successfully used for weight loss);
  • Peanut, walnuts, cashew nuts.

"Light" foods in fat-free diets

A little about low-fat foods. Now store shelves are literally littered with all sorts of “light” mayonnaises and oils, fat-free yogurts, sour cream, cottage cheese and other low-calorie creations of the food industry. Commercials position these products as great substitutes for unhealthy super-fat yogurts, sour cream, cottage cheese and various kinds cheese.

It would seem that fat-free foods - perfect option for any diet without fats: low-calorie cottage cheese with a fat content of 0% can be enjoyed “to satiety” without fear of gaining weight, because such a product does not contain fat at all. Becoming hostages of such beliefs, people are increasingly making one characteristic mistake - they uncontrollably begin to consume low-fat foods, hoping for their harmlessness and low-calorie content.

Meanwhile, nutritionists have long sounded the alarm: the use of such products is harmful to health, and instead of losing weight, on the contrary, it contributes to weight gain. This effect is explained quite simply - a fat-free product does not contain tangible nutritional value, it is poor in nutrients and does not contribute to saturation. And in conditions of a limited diet, a diet without fat generally becomes dangerous to health - hoping to replenish the supply of nutrients, but not to gain weight, a person consumes large quantities of such substitutes for full-fledged foods, which ultimately leads to beriberi, increased fatigue, decreased immunity and etc.

Modern studies have shown that the consumption of a small amount (up to 100g per day) homemade cottage cheese, sour cream, natural yogurt and kefir are much more conducive to weight loss than fat-free foods and, moreover, classic fatty products fully satisfy the body's needs for vitamins and mineral salts.

Vegetarian diet without fat

Vegetarian diet is designed for seven days and allows you to get rid of 3 to 5 extra pounds. The menu of this fat-free diet is dominated by fresh fruits and vegetables, vegetable salads without oil, dishes from boiled and stewed vegetables. Once a day, a dish of buckwheat, oatmeal, millet or barley groats is provided. Twice a week, 50 g of cottage cheese with fruit or kefir (1 cup) is allowed.

An example of a vegetarian diet menu:

Breakfast (optional):

  • Salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and Chinese cabbage with herbs, two apples, green tea;
  • Porridge from oatmeal on the water, any fruit, tea;
  • Fruit salad of pear, apple, apricot and plum, two toasts, tea.

Breakfast 2:

  • Any fresh vegetables.

Lunch (optional):

  • White cabbage soup with celery and sweet pepper, zucchini stewed with tomatoes in their own juice, black bread (30g), green tea;
  • Eggplant, cabbage, tomato, onion and zucchini stew, fresh vegetable salad, bran bread (30g), tea;
  • Boiled cauliflower with sour cream (1 tablespoon), fresh vegetable salad, tea.
  • Fresh fruits, twice a week - a glass of kefir or cottage cheese (50g).

Dinner (optional):

  • crumbly buckwheat(in this case, breakfast should be vegetable), tomato juice, pear or apple;
  • Grilled vegetables (without a rough crust), pineapple, peach and mango salad (you can make any fruit salad from seasonal fruits);
  • Pumpkin baked in the oven with raisins or dried apricots, two apples.

A vegetarian diet without fat is best observed in the summer-autumn period, when there is a maximum range of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Diet without fats and carbohydrates

Diets without fats and carbohydrates are quite rigid, although they may have meat or fish dishes on their menu. In addition to fatty foods, such a diet prohibits the use of bread, cereals from various cereals, any pasta, dried fruits, starchy vegetables and dough products.

Diets without fats and carbohydrates include a strict vegetable diet, carrot-apple express weight loss and other diets that lack fatty and carbohydrate foods.

A classic example of a diet without fats and carbohydrates is the soup diet. This weight loss system prohibits the consumption of all foods except vegetables and some fruits. The basis of the soup diet is cabbage, onion and green pea soup.

Diet without fats and carbohydrates "Soup for 3 days"

The diet is designed for 3 days and allows you to lose 3-4 kg of excess weight. The main dish of the diet is soup without salt and seasonings, it can be eaten all the time, without taking long breaks between meals.

So, cook soup for weight loss:

  • Head of cabbage;
  • 3 onions;
  • 3 green sweet peppers;
  • A jar of canned green peas.

Finely chop the vegetables, cover with cold water, bring to a boil. Reduce fire, add green pea and cook for 20 minutes.

Diet plan:

Day 1 - soup and fresh vegetables.

Day 2 - soup and fresh fruit, except for bananas.

Day 3 - soup, fruits, vegetables and a piece (100g) of boiled veal.

After three days, a diet without fats and carbohydrates can be repeated. There can be no more than three repetitions in total, after which you should take a break for 3-4 months.

Fat Free Diet Reviews

Reviews about fat-free diets are different - for some people they have become effective method weight loss, while others criticize them for their meager menu and inability to endure. But, whatever the reviews, a diet without fats (and carbohydrates) cannot be considered as a complete dietary nutrition system, so its duration should not exceed 14 days.

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