The planets are responsible for what the horoscope value. planets

Compilation and interpretation of the natal chart

The natal chart is the basis of any individual horoscope. It is her decoding that helps to know yourself, to find out what events await you during your life, what dangers lie in wait around the next turn and, accordingly, how these dangers can be avoided.

Drawing up a natal chart is not such an easy task, and if you are not well versed in astrology, then you can safely use special astrological programs. Those who are interested in getting to the bottom of everything themselves can try to master the independent reading of the natal chart.

Houses in the natal chart: transcript

Houses determine the main events in life. They, like the planets and other indicators, are in a certain sign of the zodiac, which, in fact, determines the development of events.

1st House - individual (character, enterprise, individualism).

II-nd House - acquisitions (money, property, luck).

III-rd House - exchange (communication, relatives).

IV-th House - home (home, family, inheritance).

V-th House - creation (children, love, pleasure).

VI-th House - the present (everyday life, work, health).

VII-th House - union (harmony, communication, relationships).

VIII-th House - detachment (passion, inheritance).

IX-th House - ideal (optimism, travel, escape from life).

X-th House - independence (public life, social position).

XI-th House - aspiration (plans, hopes, friendship).

XII-th House - achievement (willpower, mystery).

Planets in the natal chart: decoding

Planets in the natal chart show:

How do you live, create, express yourself (Sun);

How do you feel, what do you expect from love (Moon);

What do you think, in what direction and at what speed (Mercury);

As you desire: material needs, sexual desires, happiness (Venus);

How do you act: will, independence, activity, initiative (Mars);

How do you plan your affairs and prioritize (Jupiter);

How do you achieve your goals (Saturn);

How do you accept something new and release the old (Uranus);

How you relax and also how you anticipate (Neptune);

How do you give anything away, and also how do you feel about losses (Pluto).

Zodiac signs and aspects in the natal chart: decoding

In the natal chart, zodiac signs play the role of characteristics. And houses, and planets, and aspects, and other indicators appear to us through the prism of one or another sign of the zodiac. Hence the phrases: Sun in Leo, X-th House in Gemini or Saturn in Libra. It is the signs of the zodiac that “give” astrological indicators their features, which, accordingly, is reflected both in your character and in the events taking place in life.

Aspects the same is an individual relationship between the planets in the horoscope - nodes, squares and trines that form ascending and descending planets. It is the aspects that show the nuances that make you a unique person. Aspects are arcs of a certain size connecting two elements of a horoscope. They are plotted along the ecliptic (the apparent path of the Sun across the sky during the year) and are measured in degrees. In the natal chart, aspects are indicated by straight lines of various colors.

Aspects can be harmonious and tense, that is, the planets (the qualities they endow and the events they provoke) can correspond to each other, complement each other or interfere, create an imbalance in life and in the psychological sphere.

The aspects in the individual horoscope determine the events that await you at a particular stage of life, and your reaction to these events, and character traits, habits that you can acquire.

"Strange icons" in the natal chart: transcript

It is assumed that you know what the symbols of the signs of the zodiac and planets look like. But the unfamiliar, strange icons located after listing the ten symbols of the planets, we will now consider.

Rahu-dharma is denoted as an inverted Greek letter "Omega" and speaks of your destiny.

Rahu-karma is designated as "Omega" - Ω - in upright position and is "responsible" for obstacles, fears and suffering.

Black Moon (Lilith) in the natal chart it looks like the icon of the month (the waning moon), shaded in black and held on a cross. This is the apogee of the ordinary Moon, the point of the lunar orbit farthest from the Earth. Lilith is "responsible" for mistakes, for everything dark that is in our soul, she shows what must be avoided in order to live life with dignity.

White Moon (Selena) in the natal chart it looks like the icon of the month (the growing moon), white, that is, unshaded. This Moon is also, as it were, kept on the cross. Selena is also not an independent planet, but simply the point of the lunar orbit closest to the Earth. Selena is "responsible" for your luck, for the opportunities that will be provided to you throughout your life, she tells you what you should not miss in order for life to turn out well.

The middle of the sky is indicated as a circle on which is the letter "K".”, and is responsible for your potential in the field of career and social status.

The depth of the sky is indicated by the Latin letter "H”and shows you what kind of house and what kind of family you need for complete comfort.

The ascendant is indicated as "As". This is your personality - what impression you yourself (and your actions) make on others.

The Descendant is designated as "Mc” and is “responsible” for your relationships with other people. This icon tells you with which partner you are able to create a harmonious and productive marriage or business union.

Small "R" next to the planets and other designations indicates that this object at the time of your birth was in a backward, retrograde position. And this must also be taken into account.

By the way, you can build and interpret a cosmogram (natal chart) not only to draw up an individual horoscope, but also to calculate what events await you or humanity in general on a particular day. To do this, simply use the date you are interested in when compiling a natal chart, and not the date of your birthday.

The foundation of the astrological understanding of the world is, first of all, the elements.

Dominant Fire gives a person an inexhaustible source of energy. The owner of such a horoscope experiences a constant thirst for activity, and only very serious obstacles and long periods of failure can temporarily deprive him of his innate optimism. A fiery person is happy to share ideas, energy, and enthusiasm with other people.

Lack of Fire most often expressed in the absence of their own ideas and incentives for action. In principle, a person can be quite active, but he seems to have no source of energy, and therefore he has to wait until some representative of the element of Fire throws up an idea, illuminates the field of activity - then it will be possible to get down to business.

Dominant Earth makes a person a materialist, a practitioner who stands firmly on the ground and recognizes only real things. The owner of the earthly horoscope, as a rule, is distinguished by thriftiness, thriftiness, efficiency, the ability to do things with one's own hands, and diligence in financial matters.

Lack of Earth manifests itself as impractical, detached from reality. Such people can build any ideas they want, but they are unable to realize them on their own.

Dominant Air makes a person sociable, contact, interested in receiving and transmitting various kinds of information. Such people play the role of messengers - they transfer the ideas of Fire or the material means of the Earth from where there are many of them to where these resources are not enough.

Lack of air makes a person non-contact. He can be very smart, but few people will guess this because of the impossibility of extracting at least two words from such a person. Like an astronaut in a vacuum, the owner of a horoscope with a lack of air feels isolated and needs the participation of other people.

Dominant Water gives a person emotionality, romance, imagination, the ability to synthesize. Thanks to their ability to sympathize and understand other people without words, representatives of the element of Water play a unifying role in society. They are the same "systemic factor" that makes something integral out of heterogeneous actions. Fantasies of Water give the phenomena depth and perspective.

Water scarcity manifests itself as a lack of imagination, and therefore closes a person in the framework of dry realistic schemes, deprives him of emotional support and intuitive understanding with others.

Sometimes one or another element is clearly visible in a person, in other cases different elements are expressed more or less evenly and it is very difficult to understand which of them prevails.

Astron - means celestial bodies. These two words differ in the second part: logos - science, nomos - law. The science of heavenly bodies is astrology, the laws of heavenly bodies are astronomy. Planets and their meaning in the horoscope are considered by astrology.

Planets and their meaning. Introduction to astrology

Astronomy deals with calculation (cold science of planetary motion, applied) and is a part of astrology. There were no astronomers before, astrology in ancient times included astronomy. Astrology helps to live, astronomy is applicable only in astronautics. Now the renaissance of astrology in our country. It is necessary to start the study of astrology with astronomy.

Introduction to astrology

The microworld is man. Macrocosm - Universe. Turning to the cosmos, we look at it as a big person, a living organism. But for a person as for the Universe, and not for a set of proteins and other elements. Every part of the universe is connected to our destiny. It can be calculated.

The universe was born by means of a big bang - this is a theory. Its essence is that initially the entire universe was concentrated in a tiny particle. This particle exploded for some reason and the energy of the explosion is such that fragments of this particle began to fly apart. The entire life of the Universe is an ongoing expansion from the moment of the explosion until now. This is a balloon model. Two scenarios and both involve the death of the universe. It is not eternal, if there is birth, there will be death.

1. Will expand to infinity, eventually the star will go out. Hot death.

2. At a certain moment, the expansion will stop and contraction will begin, the stars will become hot and everything will stick together into one insanely hot lump.

Which scenario awaits the Universe depends on the density of matter in the Universe. The calculated value of the density in this case is 10-26 g/cm3 - the average density of matter in the Universe. In reality, it is 10-28 g / cm3. Today is the first option. human life can be likened to the life of the universe. And although a person is so small, and the Universe is so huge, nevertheless, an equal sign can be drawn between them.

Our universe is the solar system. Stars distant, not related to solar system, we are also studying, but in the second place. The strongest influence on our life, destiny, character is exerted by the Sun and the Moon. The sun is our star, it feeds us, warms us. The moon is the closest celestial body to us.

Introduction to astrology. Earth

The earth is the wrong ball. Being on a spherical Earth, we see the whole sky as round. Circles in astrology and astronomy have great importance. The whole universe has no form, but as we sit here we see a circle because we live on round earth. The ball is the most harmonious body. On a cubic planet, life would be much worse for us.

The equator runs at the center of the planet. Above is the North Pole, below is the South Pole. In heaven we will find the same. There are two geographic coordinates on Earth: latitude and longitude. The place of birth has a very big influence on a person's horoscope. Latitude is the distance from the equator. If to the north pole from the equator - north latitude, to the south - south. Longitude - is measured from the conventional Greenwich meridian in London (Royal Laboratory).

England throughout history has been the mistress of the world, and this position has been greatly damaged by the American Revolution. We can localize any point using latitude and longitude. Equator - zero latitude (zero degrees). The latitude of the North Pole is 90 degrees, the same to the south, in total 180 degrees.

Moscow 56 degrees north latitude. Petersburg - 59 degrees. Meridians from zero to the west 180, to the east -180, in total 360 degrees. The longitude of Moscow is 38 degrees east longitude.

Celestial globe - celestial sphere. The universe is limitless. But we live on Earth, the sky seems round to us. In the center of the sky, which we cannot see, is the Earth. Above the north pole of the earth is the north celestial pole, below the south pole of the earth is the south pole of the world. And in the center is the Celestial Equator. In the center of this sphere is a small Earth.

Constellations are located on the Celestial Sphere, there are 88 in total. A constellation is a star family, a group of 5-7-9 stars. All constellations have an ancient origin, more than 2000 years. Most of them reflect the figures of animals. You need to have a rich imagination to see animal figures in the outlines of these constellations.

The red line is the path of the Sun around the Earth. There is no such planet as the Earth in astrology, because we live on it, and it is placed in the center. The World has no center at all, how many people burned at the stake in the debate about it. If they knew that they were dying for a dummy, then it is not known whether they would want to burn.

Astrologers stubbornly place the Earth at the center of the universe, because we live on it. We put ourselves at the center of the world. It seems to us that the Sun goes around the Earth, the path of the Sun around the Earth is a key cycle in astrology. The sun plays the role of the earth in astrology.

If you follow the path of the Sun among these constellations, you can see that the red line, the trajectory of the Sun, runs through only 12 out of 88, they are called Zodiacal. Constellations are astronomical concepts, they are different, but 2000 years ago they agreed that they were the same. Constellations are a real piece of the sky, and the sign of the Zodiac is the same piece, but on the Celestial Sphere.

Introduction to astrology. Zodiac signs

The signs of the zodiac are 12 parts of the solar path, a full circle of 360 degrees is 12 times 30 degrees, which corresponds to about 30 days. The person was born under the sign of Scorpio. This means that the Sun at that time was passing through the sign of Scorpio.

Aries (Aries - Aries) single and male, March 21-April 20, the first on the 1st, which begins on March 21, the day of the vernal equinox, the new astronomical year begins with it.

January 1 is a social ritual.
On March 21, the real year begins in nature.
Our birthday is the beginning of our own year.
Taurus (Taurus - taurus), single, female, April 21 - May 21.
Gemini (Nonmini - Gemeni) double, male May 22 - June 21.
Cancer (Cancer - cancer) single, female June 22 - July 23
Leo (Leo - leo), July 24 - August 23, single, male
Virgo (Virga - virga) August 24 - September 23, single, female
Libra (Libra - libra, hence liberalism) September 24 - October 23, double, male
Scorpio (Scorpio - scorpio) October 24 - November 22, single, female.
Sagittarius (Sagittarius - sagitarius) - double (half-man, half-horse), male sign. November 23 - December 21.
Capricorn (Carricornus - capricornus) - single, female, December 22 - January 20
Aquarius (Aquarius - aquarius) is a sign of Russia, single, male. January 21 - February 19.
Pisces (Pisces - pisces) - double, male, February 20 - March 20 (double signs are polygamists if they are in the place of marriage).

Introduction to astrology. How the macrocosm works

The microcosm is man. Macrocosm - space. We cling to the sky to return to Earth with more knowledge than anyone else. This knowledge has more than 4 thousand years. Mankind is not so stupid as to keep all sorts of rubbish, unnecessary for so many years. There are many professional astrologers in the West, but there are no schools of astrology at all.

The Earth is in the center, there are 88 constellations around it, of which 12 are special, which are called Zodiacal, through them the Sun goes around the Earth. In astrology, the role of the Earth is played by the Sun. We call the Sun a planet, that's how we see it. As it is seen, so it is perceived. Although now we know that the Sun is not a planet. Four special days in nature: 2 days of equinox and 2 days of solstice.

March 21 - the day of the vernal equinox (the length of the day is equal to the length of the night) spring begins. The sun enters Aries.

June 22 is the summer solstice. The sun is at its maximum height above the horizon, hangs there. This is the beginning of astronomical summer. This corresponds to the beginning of Cancer.

September 23 is the autumnal equinox. Day equals night. Astronomical beginning of autumn. The entry of the Sun into the sign of Libra.

The 4 seasons are purely astrological in origin. Each of them begins on a special (2 equinoxes and 2 solstices) day. The beginning of spring is the beginning of Aries, the beginning of summer is the beginning of Cancer, the beginning of autumn is the beginning of Libra, the beginning of winter is the beginning of Capricorn.

Introduction to astrology. Antique space model

This is a collective work of many minds, but Claudius Ptolemy summarized the knowledge of astrology. Lived in Alexandria in the 2nd century AD. He is the father of astronomy, astrology, geography (introduced the concepts of longitude and latitude), optics. The main book on astrology by Ptolemy is the Tetrabiblos (astrological bible), where all the rules that we all use are recorded.

Planets and their meaning in astrology

We place the Earth and ourselves (man) in the center of the world. How many people - so many worlds. There are 7 planets around the Earth:

1. The moon (formally not a planet, but a satellite of the Earth), the first because it is the closest celestial body to us.
2. Mercury
3. Venus
4. Sun (planet in astrology)
5. Mars
6. Jupiter
7. Saturn

This is the seven that we see with the naked eye. Until there were telescopes, people knew only these planets. Uranus was discovered only at the end of the 18th century.

System 1 +7, Earth and seven planets. Then other planets were discovered, but it was already specific people who were lucky enough to discover these other planets.

Seven planets form a seven-pointed star (star of magicians). The seven planets are the authors of the main social cycle - the seven-day week. There were many illiterates in Russia, but they kept the weekly cycle very accurately. This week came to us from the astrologers of Babylon, it is about 3 thousand years old. Each day was dedicated to a specific planet. This cycle became so close to man that it became impossible to live without him. Attempts to change the week were made by the Jacobins after the revolution in our country, but nothing happened. The week has a purely astrological origin.

Planets and their meaning. Days of the week

This is confirmed by the names of the days of the week, but not the Russian version, but the European one.

Monday is the day of the moon, Moon - Monday (eng.), Dies Lunee (lat.) Lundi (fr.)
Tuesday - the day of Mars - Tuesday (that was the name of the Scandinavian Mars) Maroli (fr)
Wednesday - the day of Mercury - Wednesday Mercedi ((fr.)
Thursday - the day of Jupiter - Thursday Jeudi (fr.)
Friday - Venus day - Friday
Saturday - the day of Saturn - Saturday
Sunday - Sun Day - Sunday

In Russian, only Saturday carries a planetary meaning, comes from Shabbat.

The days of the week go along the inner circle of the star: the Sun in astrology is the main carrier of energy, and the day of the week is a day off, people are on the rise on a day off. The guide inside the star is a guide to the days of the week. The very fact on which day you were born will have some influence on fate.

Planets and their meaning. Years management

The structure of the outer circle, the structure of the planets that govern the years. Each year has its own ruling planet. The astronomical year begins on March 21st.

Saturn 1993, 2000, etc.
Jupiter 1994, 2001
Mars - 1995, 2002
Sun - 1996, 2003
Venus-1997, 2004
Mercury - 1998, 2005
Luna-1999, 2006

This applies to political and economic astrology. The year of Mars will soon begin, the planet is hot, associated with fire, it will pass with elevated temperatures. Seven planets gives us a seven year cycle in history. Relationship of planets with metals. Astrologers are put on a par with alchemists. The alchemists were versed in astrology.

Alchemists are the only chemists (there were no pure chemists), their goal was to learn how to mine gold, along the way they discovered all chemical methods, created the entire laboratory base of modern chemistry. Each of the seven planets received its own metal.

Planets and their meaning

Saturn lead
Jupiter - tin
Mars - iron
The sun is gold
Venus - copper
Mercury - mercury
Moon - silver

A metal symbol was painted on the mercury flask. This is reflected in medicine. Syphilis (traces are found in primitive people) refers to venereal diseases, diseases from love, the disease of Venus is treated with the metal of the opposite planet - mercury mercury. Bruises are formed from the destruction (Mars) are treated with the metal of the opposite planet Venus - copper. From silver to lead, the electrical conductivity of the metal decreases. The process of purification from mercury is called demercurization.

Planets and 7 commandments

Of the Seven Wonders of the World, only the pyramids of Cheops have come down to us. Europeans discovered Egypt recently, and now they are actively smashing it brick by brick. The wonders of the world were gigantic structures. The seven wise men correspond to the seven wonders of the world. They gathered for a scientific council, the statements were short, it happened in the place of Laconia, where it was considered criminal to talk a lot. The sages did not speak for a long time, each said one phrase, they correspond to the 7 commandments:

1. Be prudent
2. Don't do anything violent
3. Seize the opportunity
4. I carry everything with me (in myself). There is nothing easier and more expensive than knowledge
5. Think it over
6. Surety causes grief. When we vouch for someone, it will bring us grief more often. Answer only for yourself.
7. Know thyself.
Seven in Russian folklore. Measure 7 times - cut 1 time .. Everywhere here the formula is 7 + 1, one is a man and seven planets around him.
In physics: 7 colors of the rainbow. The rainbow is the main symbol of the Old Testament. Symbol
New Testament - Cross. If you see a rainbow, make a wish.
In humans, the iris of the eye tells a lot about the state of health.
There are 7 notes in the scale.

In psychology: 7 signs - this is what we can perceive at the same time
Most people spontaneously choose seven from numbers.
Religion has 7 sacraments of the church
Model of a medieval university. The training consisted of 3 stages, only the third was profiled: medicine, jurisprudence, theology.

The first two stages were studied together, where everyone had to master the 7 liberal arts. Therefore, regardless of who you become later, everyone owned the free arts (grammar - to write, logic - to think, rhetoric - to express). The second stage (mathematical) - arithmetic, geometry, music, astrology.

Planets and their meaning: character traits

The seven deadly sins, which cannot be atoned for in life, entailed atonement after death.

Pride is the Sun. If the Sun affects a person negatively, he has pride. Despondency - Moon. Sadness is not easy Bad mood Despondency - when a person does not see the meaning in this life, lives joylessly. The spleen is worse than cholera, cholera eats away the body, and the spleen eats the soul. There is no reason to be discouraged, because you do not know your fate to the end. As long as a person is alive, everything can be changed.

Avarice is Mercury. Avarice should not be confused with thrift. Stinginess - when a person did not give money in the name of saving himself or someone
Adultery - Venus. Sex without love.
Anger is Mars.
Conjunction - Jupiter.
Envy - Saturn. The desire to take away, to possess someone else's.

Planets and their importance for health

Each of the seven planets carried one major meaning. The astrologer found all the planets in man. The top of the body is the head, and its top is the face. The face is imprinted in the horoscope. There are seven windows in the human head. each of which is subject to one of the planets.

2 eyes - Sun and Moon. They bring us light. Vision is possible thanks to light. The two eyes are very different from each other. Sometimes even the irises are of different colors, but this is rare.

2 ears - Jupiter and Saturn. The planets are large and connect us with society, we listen to the verdict with our ears

2 nostrils - Venus and Mars - sex planets. The respiratory organ, in ancestors - the organ of sexual orientation by smell.

Mouth - Mercury. This is the planet of speech, and we reproduce it with our mouths.

Planets and their meaning in fate

The sun and moon are the main ones in this seven. The sun is the father. The moon is the mother. Mercury - everything that concerns our intellect, mind.

Venus - small happiness, in modern language - love and money.

Mars is a minor misfortune.

Saturn is a great misfortune.

Seven in geography. 7 hills. The great city of Ancient Rome stands on seven hills, the Tiber River flows through its center. These are the attributes of the eternal city. Formula 7+1. Rome is the first capital of Christianity. The emperors of Rome legalized Christianity. The Vatican, a state within a state, has the most powerful radio station in the world.

The second Rome was Constantinople, the capital of Byzantium and the capital of Orthodoxy. It was officially called the second Rome, but it fell, it was captured by the Turks, because. he did not stand on 7 hills. Then the center of Orthodoxy moved to Moscow - and it was called the Third Rome. But she will avoid the fate of Constantinople, because. she has 7 hills and a river, she will never disappear.

> Planets in the natal chart

Location planets in the natal chart influences the formation of a person's character, his inclinations, temperament and personality traits. Planets affect not only the physical, but also the emotional and intellectual plane. According to certain characteristics, they can be divided into groups.

The word planet is of Greek origin. It means "wandering" in translation. Since ancient times, people observing celestial objects have paid attention to some of them. These were stars that changed their position in relation to the fixed constellations, moving from one to another along a bizarre trajectory.

At first, 7 such planets were discovered, and their number also included the Sun and the Moon. These were Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Later, the list was replenished with Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, located beyond Saturn. The 10 listed planets are the main tools in the work of astrologers. In addition to them, some asteroids, 2 points of the lunar orbit and fictitious points like the North and South Nodes of the Moon, where the Moon's orbit crosses the ecliptic, are taken into account in the compilation of the horoscope. The North Node is called the Dragon's Head and the South Node is the Dragon's Tail. Lunar points include the Black Moon or Lilith, and Selene, the White Moon. Asteroids, whose location is taken into account by astrologers: Chiron, located between the orbits of Uranus and Saturn, Ceres, Vesta, Pandora, Icarus, Juno, Hidalgo, Sappho and Eros, Hidalgo and Pallas.

Classification of planets depending on their movement

If you carefully follow the movements of the planets from the Earth, you will notice how the movement of some of them gradually slows down, then the planets stop and begin to reverse movement. The reason for this phenomenon is that the planets move around the sun at different speeds. The direction of movement of the planet is of great importance, since with this or that movement its properties manifest themselves in different ways.

As it moves forward through the constellation, the planet exerts its usual outward influence. Moving in the right direction through the signs of the Zodiac, it manifests its natural properties and everything that it affects develops normally. Direct traffic has not received any designation in the maps.

If from the Earth it seems that the planet is moving in the opposite direction to the natural, there is a retrograde planet. It is symbolized by the letter "R". Indicates a turn inward, introversion, immersion in the depths of the subconscious.

* Click on the image to learn more about a particular retrograde planet.

Changing direction, the planet remains in place for some time, that is, it remains in a stationary state. This is the moment of free choice of the direction and nature of the development of the planet. Stationarity has its own designation in the map - "S".

The meaning of each planet in the birth chart

The luminaries have the greatest influence on fate: the Sun and the Moon. Their position in the natal chart affects the basic personality traits. Features of personal development, such as information processing, inclinations and dislikes, determine personal planets - these are Mars, Mercury and Venus.

The social planets include Saturn and Jupiter. They determine the place of a person in the world around him and his attitude towards people. Lunar Nodes have similar qualities, which, along with the planets, have a significant impact on the horoscope.

The higher planets, or rather Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, have a more global influence, affecting large-scale historical and mental transformations affecting different generations of people.

Let's analyze each planet in more detail:

planets Word
Sun Survival ability, self-awareness, inner self.
Moon Femininity, hidden feelings, emotional states.
Mercury Perception and processing of information, ingenuity.
Venus Beauty, love, dreaminess.
Mars Inflexibility, strength, expansion.
Jupiter Evolution, luck, universal intelligence.
Saturn Orderliness, a solid foundation, setting boundaries.
Uranus Innovation, destructiveness, unpredictability, talent.
Neptune Talent, illusory, inspiration.
Pluto Mysticism, recreation, transformations.
North Lunar Node A point that helps to leave false ideas brought from previous lives and guides spiritual development.
South Lunar Node Getting rid of stereotypical, outdated forms of behavior that impede growth.
Point of Fortune Luck, luck.

The natal chart is a photograph of the starry sky at the time of your birth. After looking at the image that is obtained as a result of constructing a natal chart using a program, few people can immediately begin to read it. After all, it is necessary not only to know the principles of planets, signs and houses, but it is important to interpret consistently, highlighting the main thing and discarding the secondary, so that in the end it is possible to catch the essence.

In this article, I will not touch on such an important aspect as specifying the time of birth, without which, as a rule, it is impossible to build a map. Let's say we know the exact time, and we got the image of the natal chart by building it using a program or online. So where to start interpreting it?

Here the opinions of astrologers usually differ. It must be admitted that the opinions of astrologers, and indeed of other occultists, often differ. Therefore, everything that will be written below is my personal developments, developed by me over the past 10 years of active study, and then no less active application of knowledge of astrology in practice.

The interpretation work consists of two parts that have to be done in parallel. Of course, you will not remember all the principles of the planets right away, so you will have to read the descriptions - what the planets mean, what are the principles of the planets in signs and in houses, what are aspects, how they manifest themselves, etc. In itself, such reading is very useful and allows you to noticeably strain the brain when trying to separate what is common in the aspect that we read, and what really manifests itself in the life of the native. It is necessary to develop a special astrological logic that goes from the general to the particular and vice versa. First, we write down all the possible aspects and manifestations of this or that planet, and then we cross out those that contradict those originally recorded. From the resulting list, we isolate the most important thing - what applies to the main planets in the chart (the Sun, the Moon, Mars, as well as those that are the most powerful for this particular person), and we tell the story based on the knowledge gained.

Unfortunately, astrology is a science that cannot be simple because it is based on a very large number of first principles - there are planets, and signs, and houses, and aspects, and crosses of the elements, and crosses of cardinality, and figures, and what besides that, they hung it and it’s completely difficult to figure it out - karmic knots, Lilith, Selena, Proserpina, Fortune ... Even when you try to say in simple words that in general the most important thing is the Sun or the ruling planet of the card, it turns out that the words are far away at the output are not simple. Natives who want to get a natal chart, of course, do not need your purely astrological reasoning, so you will have to remove all terms from the story (because it is unlikely that anyone will understand you if you start each sentence, for example, with this: “So like Neptune in its fall, then the square to Saturn is especially destructive). The native expects specific advice from you on how to deal with this manifestation of Neptune and Saturn, and your task is to translate this data into the language of his life. Therefore, before continuing, familiarize yourself with the most important principles of the planets and signs of the zodiac, and speak not in terms, but in human words.

In general, the sequence of interpretation of the map looks something like this:

1) Look at the drawing of the card for a general idea of ​​the personality

If the planets are evenly distributed throughout the map, you can most likely talk about indecision. The concentration of planets at one point indicates some one-sidedness.

Clusters (connections) of planets will show the points where there is especially a lot of energy (the one that is characteristic of the planet), and your task is to interpret it, what character (planet in the sign) this energy has and to which area of ​​\u200b\u200blife it is usually applied, in what environment (house ).

Learn what aspects the figures are made of? Which aspects are more - positive (trines, sextiles) or negative (oppositions and squares).

Look at the drawing of the card as a whole - maybe there are some figures visible there that will cause you quite specific associations, for example, a directed arrow or an iridescent bowl, a triangle or a hexagram? Study which of the Jones figures the card belongs to. Remember, but do not concentrate on this information too much, but if you find confirmation in the description of other aspects of the card, then you can safely confirm the conclusions drawn from the Jones figure.

2) Repeat for yourself the most important qualities of the solar sign of the native

See what sign the Sun is in. It is the center of gravity of the whole personality, I. Relations with the world begin from this point, so horoscopes about the signs of the zodiac in general work (and there are "home Cancers" and "decisive Aries"). But don't jump to conclusions too quickly. You should return to the analysis of the Sun after evaluating the action of all the planets and double-check if there is another planet in the chart and another sign that would overlap its action. However, the native always has some qualities of his solar sign, so you can list them all on a draft, and then cross out those that contradict the rest of the chart indicators.

3) Pay attention to the ascendant and zenith (MS)

After building the map, you see a circle divided into four sectors. The horizontal line is the horizon. On the left is the ascendant - east (from lat. Rising - in this case, it means the sign of the zodiac that rises in the east above the horizon), on the right - the descendant - west (respectively, setting). At the very top is the zenith (MC), at the very bottom is the nadir (IC).

The ascendant and MC are important in chart analysis, although sometimes astrologers tend to exaggerate its importance. See what sign the ascendant is in, if there are planets on the ascendant. If there is a planet, then the value of the ascendant increases greatly. If there are no planets and the sign is not the solar sign of the native, then the ascendant affects much less. Analyze if there are clusters of planets near the ascendant (this often indicates egocentrism) or to the descendant (this may indicate a person’s dependence on the opinions of others).

4) Analyze the position of the planets and their aspects

Based on the Sun, I will show how to interpret all other aspects.

A) See what sign the Sun (or any subsequent planet that you analyze) is in, whether it is a sign of control, exaltation (which is good and gives the Sun a harmonious and positive mood), imprisonment or fall (which gives a negative. Actually, it works less with the Sun than with other personal and social planets). Actually, it is this indicator that is the most important in assessing the planets (the exception is also the higher planets that travel between signs for years and their sign does not give so much information about the personality, and you need to look mainly at the house). If the planet is in its ruling or exaltation sign, draw a conclusion about the strength of the planet. If it is in the sign of its exile or fall (except for the Sun and higher planets), draw a conclusion about the defeat of the planet.

B) Look in which house the Sun or another analyzed planet is located (for the higher planets, it is the house, and not the sign, that will be decisive, for the rest the sign is also very important, like the house). The sun in the house always makes this area of ​​​​life important for a person. The same can be said if the Moon or Mars is in the house. The presence of at least one of the personal or social planets (Jupiter and Saturn) in the house indicates the actualization of the sphere of life for a person, but the strong Sun, Mars or Moon in the house are always the most important points of attraction in the chart, the most important spheres of life for a person.

C) See how many aspects from the analyzed planet to other planets (the more there are, the more the principle of the planet is actualized in the life of the native). Trines, sextiles are generally good aspects, but if they are to the affected planets, they may not appear very benign, so just pay attention to how many trines and sextiles, but do not jump to conclusions). Almost always, Pluto has a negative impact, entering into any sign aspect with a personal planet.

The same is with negative aspects - squares and oppositions. Estimate their number in general, and if there are many, then the life of the native can be filled with constant internal and / or external conflicts. But sometimes it is the square or the opposition that can be the key to success, so also do not rush to conclusions.

Connections are interpreted even less unambiguously. Conjunction always means that the principle of the planet in a person's life will not operate purely. What if, for example, Mars is in conjunction with Venus, then when love arises, militancy arises, the desire to conquer, a lot of energy appears. At the same time, you need to understand which of the planets in conjunction is stronger (from the example above: if Mars is in Aries, Venus is also here, it is obvious that Mars is stronger). A stronger planet suppresses the influence of the other (especially if the other, as in the case above, is in its sign of exile). On the other hand, if none of the planets are affected, then they work in cooperation and the stronger planet successfully subjugates the weaker one, and they act for the common good of the native.

The aspects between the Sun and the Moon should not be given much importance. Aspects between them are statistically too frequent, so they are unlikely to have a lasting effect on the personality. Their influence is too subtle for a person to feel it. However, aspects between other personal planets are very important. The aspects of personal and social planets to the higher planets are already less important, since the higher planets, in principle, may not be included for the native (the exception is occultists, spiritual teachers, intellectuals, geniuses). Aspects between the higher planets are even less important, as they often last too long, for a generation.

5) Analyze the position of the planets in the houses. Each of the houses symbolically corresponds

one of the signs of the zodiac, regardless of which sign actually falls there. So, the first house is always symbolically subordinate to Aries, and the 12th - to Pisces. Therefore, we can conclude that the position of the planet in the house is harmonious or inharmonious. Thus, the position of the Moon in the fourth house is quite harmonious (the house is symbolically ruled by Cancer), and the position of the Moon in the 10th house (symbolically, visiting Capricorn, exile) is undesirable. This will give additional information about the strength or weakness of the planets. Keep this information in mind, but do not attach too much importance to it. It will only help to draw a final conclusion about the relative strength or weakness of the planets in relation to each other. But there are exceptions: for example, if the generally positive Sun in Leo is in the seventh house (visiting Libra), it will not be affected. But if it is in Cancer, then it is definitely weaker than the Moon, which is in the sign of its control, Taurus (exaltation) or a sign neutral for it. And then the position of the Sun in the seventh house may additionally indicate its weakness. The moon in this case will be stronger than the sun. The actual sign is paramount, and then the symbolic sign of the house.

6) Once again return to the assessment of the strength, neutrality or weakness of each of the planets in the chart, including the higher ones.

A) The planet is affected if:

She is in the sign of her fall or exile

If there are many squares or oppositions, especially to planets that are also affected

In addition, he is in the wrong house for himself.

B) The planet is strong if:

She is in her ruling or exaltation sign.

It does not come into conjunction with stronger planets in the chart.

She is in a neutral or harmonious home. If she is in the wrong house for herself, then she can

C) the planet is neutral

She's unaspected

She is in a neutral sign.

She is in a neutral home

At the same time, some planets can be both strong and affected at the same time. For example, the Moon is in Cancer (put plus to strength), squared to the affected Jupiter (set minus), in the eighth house (the house of its fall), so the general conclusion is that the Moon is strong and affected at the same time. For such planets in the analysis we pay significant attention to its negative manifestations.

Strong planets afflicted in very small degree or harmonious (not affected at all), give a lot of positive - these are the points of strength of the native, according to which he can develop his skills and other strengths (which aspects of strong harmonious planets will show).

Neutral planets usually manifest themselves positively, you need to pay attention to the best aspects of their manifestation, but do not attach decisive importance to them. The principles of afflicted and strong planets are always more noticeable to the native.

7) Analyze the cross of the elements

Which elements are most manifested will show the number of personal planets in a particular element. The more planets in one of the elements, the more pronounced it is. Pay special attention to the Sun, Moon and Mars. A strong expression of one of the elements gives a bias towards emotionality (water), assertiveness and fury (fire), earthiness (earth), intelligence and dryness (air).

8) Analyze the signs that contain the most personal planets

What are they basically, fixed, cardinal or mutable? Pronounced cardinality gives determination, strong fixity - stubbornness, strong mutability - inability to complete. This follows from the very logic of names - fixedness (fixation), mutability (ability to change), cardinality (cardinal decision). Even distribution of planets between different signs may indicate the harmony of the manifestation of personality in decision-making.

9) Analyze the signs in the houses of the horoscope

Concentrate on those houses in which there are clusters of planets, especially personal ones, or personal planets one by one.

First, pay attention to the sign of the house, it will show the nature of the manifestation in this sphere of the person himself, as well as the character with which the sphere itself is turned towards the person. The house sign is the sign that is on the house cusp. But sometimes he is not alone, but also together with a sign that is completely included in the house. If this happens, then these two signs rule the house. Assess the nature of the manifestation of the sign in the house. To do this, you need to understand the basic principles of houses:

The 1st, 5th and 12th houses are the houses of personality, where the character of a person is manifested. If the element of the sign that enters these houses is earthly, then this person is primarily interested in the affairs of the Earth, if water is an emotional person, if air is intellectual, if fiery is decisive.

The 2nd, 6th and 10th houses are the houses of earnings and income, as well as the nature of how a person works and how he achieves career heights. If these houses are in the earth element, this is a hard-working person, if in the water, he is more inclined to emotional ties in the team than to overwork, if in the air, he is inclined to intellectual work and intellectual schemes. If it is fiery, it decisively wins property and positions in society.

3rd, 7th and 11th are the houses of communication. Air gives intellectual conversations, Water gives emotional attachment,

The 4th house of the family will show the nature of the relationship with the mother and family.

5th house of children, free time, light flirting and games.

The 8th house is the house of life and death, sex and other people's money. If this one is in him the Sun, Moon, Neptune, Pluto or Scorpio, then the person is prone to mysticism, an occultist, and then it is necessary to reconsider the attitude towards the higher planets - they are probably included in him.

The 9th house is the house of ideals, long journeys and moral principles. If the house is expressed, then the person is an idealist, cosmopolitan, missionary, or vice versa, a dogmatist and a recluse.

When analyzing the nature of the manifestation of houses, one must analyze according to the following logic: what can the principle of the sign give to this house? For example, we know that Capricorn is a hard-working, down-to-earth and ambitious sign, so if he falls, for example, in the second house, then the person works hard to earn money, sets himself the task of acquiring property and achieves them (if there is no defeat of the planets who are here or Saturn, as the ruler of the house - see below).

10) Analyze the position of the rulers of the houses

According to the sign or signs that are actually in the analyzed house, determine its ruler / s (for example, Mars for Aries, Venus for Taurus, etc.). Look at which house the ruler is in - this will show what other areas of life the sphere of life of the analyzed house is connected with. For example, you are analyzing the seventh house - the house of partnership and friends. The house begins in Aries, from which we conclude that a person has a lot of energy to communicate with friends and associates. However, we see that Mars, the ruler of Aries and the seventh house (in this case), is in the sixth house. The sixth house is the house of work, so it will be especially strong in making contacts at work. In general, this information still needs to be verified (for example, if Mars is afflicted or the sixth house is afflicted by the presence of other negative indicators here, then the aspect will manifest itself crookedly, and, for example, lead to conflicts at work), so conclusions should be made with caution, taking into account all other factors related to the actual position of the ruler.

11) Make a final decision regarding each of the houses: the house is strong, neutral or defeated.

A) The house is hit if:

It contains a heavily affected planet

Lastly, we can conclude that there is some damage to the house, there is a planet in it, which is not very good to be here according to the symbolic ruler of the sign.

B) A house is strong if:

There is a strong planet in it (especially if it is also in its own monastery - it rules this sign - and this sign coincides with the sign of the house)

There is a conjunction of planets in it, which is also aspected

It contains several planets, although not in conjunction and in different signs

The ruler of the house is in itself (especially if this is supported by the presence of planets in the house)

The house is ruled by a strong planet without significant defeat

C) A house is neutral if

It has no planets

The ruler of this house is not the ruler of the entire chart of the horoscope (the most powerful planet in the chart)

The ruler of this house is not in his own sign in the same house.

Make a conclusion regarding the goodness of the power of manifestation of the house in a person's life.

Strong houses are those according to which the native is best to fulfill his mission to society - that for which he was born.

Affected houses are usually a noticeable hemorrhoid for the native, and he will gladly listen to you as an astrologer about what to do in this area of ​​\u200b\u200blife in order to improve it.

Neutral houses, as a rule, do not cause much excitement in the native when you talk about them. These areas are either not included or are of little importance to him. However, information on the signs and their rulers is usually sufficient and accurate to characterize each of the houses, so you can casually tell the native about his non-included houses, but draw conclusions with even more caution.

12) Conduct an additional combination of all the obtained characteristics and make up a story about a person

It helps to draw on paper his planets in their signs and in their houses, draw aspects to other planets in signs and houses, check if you have missed anything anywhere, have you analyzed all the aspects, all the positions of the rulers of the most important houses, etc. Depict the strongest planet as the largest, dominating all, draw the planets in the form of a hierarchy, analyze the nature of their subordination to each other through their aspects (oppositions and squares give hostility, trines and sextiles - excellent relations between them).

Start with the analysis of the Jones figure, continue with the analysis of the Sun and the Moon in their signs and houses, move on to Mars - the point of directed human energy, then analyze how the thinking of a person (his Mercury), his sensual side (Venus) is manifested. Make a conclusion where Jupiter-expansion operates in his life, and where - Saturn-contraction. Finally, say a few words about his higher planets, especially where they come into conjunction with personal ones, and also rule the important houses of the horoscope for a person.

Next, talk about the areas of a person’s life, especially those that are especially pronounced in the map. Make only subtle, precise, well-aimed remarks in which you must take into account all those indicators of the strength and weakness of the planets, signs and houses that you have just analyzed. Finally, make some conclusions about the strengths and weaknesses of the personality, make an assumption about how the squares and oppositions between planets, houses, their rulers operate in his life.

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AT astrology Each zodiac sign has its own planet. There are as many planets in astrology as there are zodiac signs a twelve. The meaning of the planets in astrology is key.

planets in astrology


Sun is the main element of the horoscope. It completely bypasses the zodiac circle in a year and it is it that determines your zodiac sign. The sun embodies mental balance, inner harmony, tranquility, proportionality of day and night, energy yin and Yan. It corresponds to the symbol of the cycle or wheel. Our luminary is always associated with the good: it, by the very fact of its existence, bestows confidence and strength.

The presence of the Sun in the sign of the Zodiac always has a positive effect on the situation, softens the negative influence of other planets.

The sun is a planet lion. Representatives of this zodiac sign are full of self-esteem, he does not like criticism, they are self-confident and always achieve their goals. Lions, calm and confident, always keep the situation under control, as a rule, the fate of other people depends on them.

The sun is responsible for the human heart chakra, therefore, in Leo, it is the heart that is most vulnerable. Representatives of this sign love to dominate everything, including love.


The lunar rhythm, consisting of 28 days, was the main measure of time in ancient civilizations and forms the basis of one of the important emotional rhythms.

Moon symbolizes the variability, transience of all things, it symbolizes weakness, flexibility, lack of bone and immutability, amorphousness (the opposite of crystal hardness). She is detached from a fixed life in one place, she wanders and changes day by day.

The full moon is a symbol of the rebirth of life, motherhood and home.

The moon in astrology is considered the guardian of the traditions of the past; in ancient myths, the ideas of immortality were associated with it. This planet symbolizes daydreaming, escape from reality into your inner world.

The moon is the patron planet Cancer. Life for this zodiac sign is complex and uncertain, it is considered the most strange, changing and unpredictable. Cancer does not take everyday life too seriously, he knows that everything will change and life will put everything in its place.

The subtle psyche of this sign needs protection and guardianship, he needs a leader or patron in life. Representatives of this sign love to dream and often break away from reality, they need an interlocutor who will understand them. They are travelers and romantics. They are sentimental, sadness that everything passes is always with them.

In love, Cancers, on the one hand, appreciate stability, on the other hand, they are constantly waiting for changes ...


In astrology Mars symbolizes the movement only forward, and no one can stop him from going to the goal, sweeping away everything in his path. This is pure energy, fire and storm, movement towards victory. This planet symbolizes nobility, optimism, getting rid of daily boredom, but at the same time rudeness, harshness and destructive influence. This is creation through destruction, faith in own forces, conquering the elements and defeating the enemy.

Mars, passing in the sign of the Zodiac, speaks of the time favorable for achieving the goal. At this time, luck accompanies you and you will succeed in the most risky activities.

Mars is considered the patron planet Aries. Representatives of this zodiac sign are morally strong, self-confident, energetic, jealous and insatiable in love. Their energy is enough for everything. They are temperamental and ardent, sharp and truthful. They do not need to enter into a physical conflict - opponents always feel their strength and fury of feelings and prefer to retreat. They are harsh and impulsive in their judgments and actions. The opinion of others is of little value to them.

Aries are people who set realistic goals for themselves and achieve them, and then strive for new heights.


planet in astrology Venus symbolizes earthly material sensuality, passivity, bliss, relaxation. It is a symbol of everything material, beauty and creativity. She personifies softness and tenderness, love, flowering, fertility and pleasure.

Venus is also a symbol of comfort and good living conditions. It is also a symbol of aesthetics and fine arts.

This planet is the patron Taurus. This is an earthly sign, personifying the practical creation of material wealth and the possession of them. He is characterized by the desire for stability and the multiplication of the material. This sign strives for a solid financial position and wants to have solid ground under their feet.

Only on solid material ground can Taurus fully relax and indulge in sensual pleasures. Representatives of this sign feel especially good in the spring, during the period of awakening and flowering of nature, then both their feelings and their love fully bloom.


This planet in astrology symbolizes active contacts between people, everyday communication. It is a symbol of rationality and information, lightness and mobility of thinking. Mercury- the patron of trade, eloquence, he is the messenger of the gods and mediator in all spheres of life. He manages everything, and everywhere he is well oriented.

The presence of Mercury in the sign indicates that during this period you will be in complete control of the situation and will have time for everything. All meetings and contacts will be successful and fruitful. Mercury has a positive value for any purposeful activity.

Mercury is the ruling planet Gemini. Many of them are sanguine, they are always up to date, which allows them, ultimately, to do all the necessary things on time. Representatives of this zodiac sign are constantly in need of new impressions and sensations. They are often dependent on the environment in which they find themselves. If this does not suit them, Gemini will easily find another.


This majestic planet symbolizes authority and social order, firm and fair life attitudes, traditions and law. Jupiter- a symbol of conservatism and calm self-confidence. This is harmony with nature, but also the rejection of change and other people's opinions. Woe to him who does not accept his opinion. Terrible Thunderer will quickly put the opponent in his place.

Jupiter in your constellation speaks of the correctness and correctness of the decisions made, under the auspices of this planet everything will work out for you, you just need not to miss this good moment.

Jupiter is a planet Sagittarius. Representatives of this zodiac sign are often majestic and kind by nature, at the same time they are smug, conceited, ironic. They are adherents of traditions and always think soberly. They value their authority very much and strive to achieve a position in society. Sagittarians are usually internally calm and self-confident.


This planet symbolizes concentration, crystallization, limitation that generates matter. Saturn is individuality and memory, completeness and result. This is the construction of one's path, destiny and the fulfillment of one's duty, the ability to bear one's cross and achieve success. Achieving success by mastering matter.

Saturn in a sign indicates that you can achieve your goal through concentration and detachment, putting duty above petty insults and everyday fuss.

The planet Saturn is the patron Capricorn. Representatives of this sign are materialists, they strive to obtain all possible material benefits. Step by step they go towards their goal, limiting themselves, organizing and criticizing. They are purposeful and responsible, at the same time, many Capricorns experience difficulties in communicating with people.


This planet is a symbol of creativity and new productive thoughts. Uranus- a symbol of instantaneous thought, insight, revelations and discoveries. Novelty, positive transformations are the essence of this planet.

The birth of ideas and discoveries, but not a material result. A game of the mind, which can be creative, but can also be dangerous, destructive, because the mind, not limited by what is permitted, can create monsters. Uranus is also a symbol of revolution, anarchy and freedom from conventions.

Uranus is the ruling planet Aquarius. This zodiac sign is open to the world, social, he actively participates in life and feels good among people. Often, representatives of this sign are generators of original ideas, but they cannot always bring them to a material result - for this they need to transfer their ideas to other people. By nature, Aquarians are often contact, accommodating sanguine people.


Planet Neptune in astrology it symbolizes sympathy and ideal love, the music of cosmic rhythms, it is a belief in mysticism and one's own illusions, the personification of the eternal secrets of the universe. This is contact with the subconscious and the perception of subtle vibrations of the astral. Neptune is the lord sea ​​depths and sea storms. This planet is a symbol of a passive attitude to life, faith in fate, fate.

Neptune is the planet of the sign Fish. This zodiac sign closes the zodiac circle, its representatives are naturally energetically weak and lack solid ground under their feet. They are influenced by the subtle world, they are prone to mysticism and dreamy. Their strength is in their weakness. Representatives of this sign of the Zodiac achieve the greatest success in areas remote from the rough material everyday life.


Pluto- the god of the underworld, in astrology this planet symbolizes potential and natural power, passion and sex, death and destruction, passive energy of the mass and at the same time power. This planet is a symbol of the power and unpredictability of otherworldly forces.

Pluto is a symbol of receiving energy from different, not your own sources, from other people and useful situations. It is a symbol of survival in any extreme situations. Also, this planet is a symbol of incalculable wealth and benefits.

Pluto patronizes Scorpio. Representatives of this zodiac sign have a huge irrepressible energy. This sign also knows how to use the energy of other people for their own purposes, both in work and in love. Scorpios are often phlegmatic, but under the outwardly impassive mask lies a huge energy of dark Water. They value the material and easily part with what is not useful. In an unfavorable situation, the energy of Scorpio can be destructive to others.


Chiron- a planetoid (asteroid) the size of the Moon, its orbit is significantly elongated, it approaches Jupiter, crosses the orbits of the planets Saturn and Uranus. Volcano is a hypothetical planet that travels between the Sun and Mercury.

In astrology, these planets symbolize the same qualities: the justice of life and peacefulness, the desire for balance and harmony, healing. Chiron is a symbol of aesthetics and refined taste. It is a symbol of the search for balance in life, the desire for understanding and partnership.

Chiron (Vulcan) - patron Libra. Representatives of this zodiac sign often put themselves in a situation of choice and sometimes they cannot choose for a long time. In youth and youth, this concerns love, then professional choice, and so on. Such situations haunt Libra all his life. By nature, they are often gentle, vulnerable people with a fine mental organization. They strive for harmony and perfection in everything.


Ceres is a small planet (asteroid). It is located in the asteroid belt, between Mars and Jupiter. Proserpina is also a small asteroid that is found in the main asteroid belt. These are different celestial bodies. In ancient Roman mythology, Proserpina is the daughter of Jupiter and Ceres.

In astrology, both of these asteroids (planetoid) show the same qualities. Ceres (Proserpine) personifies practicality, prudence and rationalism, careful housekeeping and scrupulousness. This is a symbol of great self-control, service to ideas and one's cause, this is order and will. This is the pursuit of excellence.

Ceres (Proserpina) patronize Virgo. Representatives of this zodiac sign are creators and creators of the material world. They stand firmly on their feet, know what they want from life and achieve everything with their work. These people do not need a patron, they themselves are the smiths of their own well-being. Practical Virgos know how to succeed. They are true representatives of the Earth element.


Minerals are able to store information for a long time. They initially have an energy charge and astrology recommends wearing stone jewelry in accordance with the sign of the Zodiac. Different authors have different recommendations. But all astrologers agree on one thing - the energy of the stone has a positive effect on a person.