A letter to a loved one after a night of love. Letter to a loved one

Bursting feelings for a loved one and want to say so much? There is a great idea - a letter to your beloved man. The right words, spoken at the right time, will definitely do the trick. And it will definitely change your life. And next to the beloved, the body becomes numb, the tongue is tangled. Letter - just reliable way don't screw up.

A letter to a beloved man is not only a way to think over your speech well and then not forget a word. It is also very romantic and durable. This is a great way to get his attention. He can hear the words you said not only at the moment of confessions, but he will be able to return to them from time to time. And if the words are chosen correctly, so that the letter catches, affects his feelings, then every time, reading the lines of the letter again and again, he will plunge into pleasant memories. This means that a well-written letter will respond in his soul with warm feelings for you, and will return him to this state more than once.

How to write such a letter? Since a letter to a beloved man is a very personal thing, each girl will have her own (individual) feature of the letter. Only the sincerity of a woman's heart can open the heart of a man. And here sincerity plays the first violin. Therefore, you must first tune in to such a letter.

How best to tune in to writing a truly romantic, catchy letter you can read in the article. And in this article I will give you some examples, samples of what lines a letter to a beloved man can contain. Only not at all in order to copy them, but only so that these examples serve as some kind of impetus for your own thoughts. These examples are like starting points that can awaken your own words, the flight of your thoughts.

Letter to a beloved man in examples

“Hello, my dear Artem. I wanted to write you a letter. It turns out that it is so pleasant and at the same time unusual. Here I look at a blank sheet of paper and think about how I can express my feelings in such a way as to convey to you what I really have in my heart right now. Can I explain in a language you understand? Excitement. Goosebumps. Trembling. I want to tell you that I value our relationship very much and am grateful to fate. You are an exceptional person. With you, my life has meaning. My world was filled with bright colors and wonderful aromas. Now I know what I can improve in - how I can give you joy, happiness, how I can create a good mood for you. Now my thoughts are on this. And it turns out to be so nice. And all this is not just. All thanks to you. It's you who is so amazing. So strong, brave, reliable, so resolute, caring that I become different next to you. I feel that it is you that I can trust, open my heart, tell about my joys, anxieties, doubts, worries, about my weaknesses. And I will support you. No matter what you do, no matter what you do, I am always on your side. I will always understand. I love you. I love tenderly. I trust our relationship. Always faithful to you, your girl."

“I didn’t think this would happen. There is only you in my heart now. I didn’t even think that without you I, it turns out, was not happy. Everything seemed to be fine with me. Although ... There was always a feeling that something was missing. Now I know that I missed you. Every moment next to you proves it to me. I am truly happy with you. The world has changed with you. And now it became clear to me that all my dreams are feasible. It's not easy for me, though. I'm sorry if I ever offended you. I'm just now learning to appreciate feelings. And only thanks to you, thanks to your sensitive attitude towards me. I need you. I'm only yours".

“Maxim, waking up every morning I think about you. Before going to bed, all my thoughts are also about you. And even in my sleep I think of you. You are in my every thought. Every time I think that it is already impossible to love more, but every day my feelings for you are stronger and stronger. I'm just bursting with love for you. Thank you for being in my life."

“We see each other several times a day. But every time I fall in love with you again and again. I feel your breath, and all troubles are forgotten. Your hugs warm my soul. Your concern makes me feel secure. You do so much for me. You mean so much to me. I am happy next to you".

“I remember every moment spent with you. I'm glad I noticed you one day. You are the man with whom I felt like a woman. It turns out that I am gentle and affectionate, vulnerable and frank, cheerful and in need of care, which I had not noticed before. With you, I feel like a little girl, and I want to remain a carefree child. I trust myself to you. And I will do everything to make you feel good next to me.

“My favorite, Lesha. Something is happening to me… This has never happened before. I accept you into my life. I accept completely, as you are, any of you. You can do whatever you want - I'm still with you. I respect your decisions. I choose to be yours, to serve you. Thank you for letting me into your life. Thank you for being a real man, and I become a real woman next to you. I thank you that I love you. Thank you for being together. Thank you for being happy with you. And I want you to know - I'm ready to change for you, I really value our relationship, I'm learning to be what you need.

Well, here are a few hints for writing a warm letter to your beloved man. Looks like the time has come. It's time to go for paper and pen. Good luck!

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Personal letters to your favorite guys keep a particle of the human soul. Having reached the addressee, they seek to resonate in his mind.
To understand how this happens, we will learn how to write a love letter to our beloved guy.

Farewell letter to a loved one

I thought that I was not able to survive the breakup, but now I forbid myself to think about death.
We all have something to be angry at the world for, and only the will dictates other laws. My beloved, I say goodbye to you and mentally prepare myself for the realization of the fact of parting.

I can not understand and sincerely wish you to let go. To hold by force means to force oneself to hate. If there is no more love, then let there be respect.

My memory will forever keep the impressions of the days spent next to you. These days are made up of moments of happiness and joy. I hope they will be memorable for you too.

Your kindness, your concern has always lit my way.

You changed my life. And you keep changing, making me gradually stronger.


Let me be honest in this difficult moment of parting.

Causing pain to you, I can not shower myself with reproaches, although for high feelings there is no such thing as guilt.

Leaving a trail of blood is the fate of the one who leaves first. But it is necessary to step on this path, otherwise we both risk drowning in lies.

Love is not subject to human desires. It cannot be caused by an effort of the will and cannot be replaced by other feelings. And pretense is a bad adviser, unable to provide effective help.

Time will flow and smooth out painful memories, leaving pleasant moments in memory. Forgive me and try to understand. By doing this, you will save both of us.

Never cheat on your boyfriend if you have another one!

love letter example for boyfriend

I love you. It's amazing that I'm the first to say these words. But hiding feelings in yourself is no longer enough strength.

I hope that I am not known in your eyes as a dreamer, and my attempt to open my soul will not turn against me. While you remain in ignorance, I can console myself with sweet hope.

About passion or erotic writing

How to start an erotic letter to your beloved man? I'm obsessed with you. Your hands, your eyes and your lips haunt me in a vivid cohesive way.

I'm afraid to wake up. There, in this twilight world of dreams, you are forever mine, and I am yours. A beautiful dream is my constant companion.

I will take obsessive thoughts to infinity, burn myself to the ground. My love is limitless, it is all of me. You are my endless source of inspiration.

Not all guys like to talk on too frank topics, so before you do this - find out the character of your guy!

Letter to a guy in the army

My dear! My dear! I look forward to the moment when I will wrap my arms around you again. Probably, at this time you have already left to serve. Well, separation is meant to strengthen our feelings.

I promise that I will try to be optimistic and keep myself busy with useful things so that I have something to tell you about. And you hold on. Be strong and brave defender of the Fatherland.

Tomorrow I will write to you again. Correspondence will help me alleviate the cruel loneliness. I love you and I'm waiting. Hope to get an answer soon.

An example of a letter about love and longing for a guy

Yearning. I am saturated with it from the inside. This feeling is beyond my own understanding. The abstract pain of my soul has long grown into physical pain and is now stuck as a thorn in my heart.

How many times I tried to deceive time, but all in vain. I'm counting down the days and hours until our next meeting. The world of fantasies and dreams has become more real for me than the present. It looks like madness, and I am a patient who does not want to be treated.

Respond, darling. Say a word, that word will keep me warm for months. Thinking about you will not hurt so much if I believe that you, too, are directed towards me in your thoughts.

Written messages have form, power.

To set this force in motion, you need to remember a few things:

  1. Be sincere, write a truthful letter to the guy about your feelings.
  2. Think about the person you are writing to.
  3. When composing a letter, do not forget about politeness and goodwill.
  4. Do not be afraid to talk about something intimate, letters are designed for this.
  5. With the help of a letter, you create a kind of archive in your own memory and in the memory of the recipient.


Love letter - This is one of the great ways to express your feelings and possibly avoid complications.

Tell him about the most secret.

There are many different opportunities to express your feelings - to interest a pen-pal in contact and make an unexpected confession in ICQ, which you would not dare to meet in person.

But your letter is the most romantic kind of recognition, which will surely leave a mark on his soul forever.

What can be written in a letter

Have you decided to write something romantic to a man who does not know about your feelings?

And maybe your favorite guy is far away now.

Do you want to tell him how much you miss him and how you are waiting for him with the help of a beautiful love message?

Or maybe there are problems in your relationship that you can’t talk about and a romantic message will be their solution?

Romantic letters are written to the army and with their help you can ask for forgiveness from your beloved and beloved, or simply talk about what you have never been able to say out loud and say in your eyes.

A letter to a loved one should begin with this

Probably the most a good choice to start a love letter - tell your loved one why you decided to express your feelings in this way, in writing and not otherwise. You can already express the essence of your love message and the confession itself.

A love letter does not need to carry any explicit meaning.

And after all, for your loved one, it can become just a memorable gift. Or proof of your love and your sincerity towards him.

He will re-read your letter many times and relive all the most beautiful moments of your relationship.

You can find many beautiful words about love on the Internet. Is it worth it to use such templates? On the one hand, it is better to write a romantic message yourself.

Reflect your sincere feelings in it. But, nobody forbids you to use ready-made love letters and use them. From them you can take a few beautiful lines that really express your attitude towards young man.

What to write in a message to a man

Ideally, a letter to your beloved man about love should not contain vague reasoning and talk in detail about your suffering. Still, we must not forget that guys and men are more rational than girls and women.

If you don’t talk about anything specific, but just write how bad you feel without him, he is unlikely to like it and he will understand your feelings. If with the help of a letter you want to achieve some specific reaction and specific actions from your loved one, try not just to express your feelings, but try to make your message at least a little meaningful and intelligible.

Be honest about your feelings to make him cry

If you are writing a letter to a loved one, be extremely frank in your confessions. How to write a letter to your beloved guy, to the point of tears? Don't be afraid to tell too much about your feelings - he will appreciate your sincerity. And remember: a confession cannot be written in a hurry.

It’s better to start by simply writing everything you want to tell your loved one and reread your romantic message the next day. So you can evaluate your love letter more objectively.

What should be an unforgettable and pleasant confession to a guy from a girl that will stir up a real storm of emotions in his soul? So that your romantic message evokes genuine feelings. In a letter, you can write about some memories that are valuable to both of you, as well as recall your common and most intimate moments.

For your beloved, the joyful moments of your love story are no less important than for you, but young people rarely remember them and therefore need to be reminded. If you remind your beloved about the best thing that happened between you. He certainly will not remain indifferent.

Don't forget to write well

Writing it is not everything. If you write it in clumsy, crooked handwriting - even if you wanted to - it won't make out your letters.

It is necessary to write correctly - without errors - and accurately. And if you perfume the sheet on which you wrote, then this can even add pluses to you. Many girls go further - leave a kiss - a lipstick kiss mark. It is also important to guess with the color of lipstick.

You can put some kind of paper flower in an envelope. And pass it unnoticed. Better if he himself finds it by accident - It should be addressed to him. Otherwise, he will think that it does not concern him.

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Friends, please do not judge me strictly. I guess I'm wrong, and this letter should not see the world, and the world should not see this letter. Perhaps it should be written and burned. Perhaps it did not even have the right to be written. But I do what I do. And I can't bring myself to do otherwise. This is a letter to an ex-boyfriend. It is written as a cry from the heart, as a farewell kiss, as an unspoken hope. It is written in the past, which has no future. In general, here is actually my letter to a guy about love, which will not fall into an envelope and will not fly to the addressee.

Hello, my friend!


Only with this phrase can I convey how much I miss you.

So I am writing this letter to you and I know that it will not change anything at all, it is too late to change anything. But I can no longer carry all this pain and aching melancholy. And now I'm pouring it all out on paper. Although you probably won't even read this letter...

I love you madly! I love you forever and ever. Even the day I asked you to stay friends, I loved you with every fiber of my being.

Why did I do it? Then I felt like I was doing the right thing. I thought I didn't deserve you. I thought that our relationship was becoming obsolete and I wanted to end it on a good note. God, how wrong I was! Alas, this mistake can no longer be corrected, although I regretted what I had done thousands and millions of times already.

I dream about you very often, and every morning I don’t want to wake up to prolong these dreams at least a little.

Now it seems to me that the reason for our separation is my fear, my insecurity and my haste. You have always been a mystery to me, a puzzle. But no matter how hard I tried to figure you out, to get closer to you, I couldn’t. I wanted to melt into our love, but your incredible mystique made me think that there was some kind of wall that I could not get over. And I gave up. I did not have enough strength, patience, and I refused our love.

The strangest thing is that when I asked you not to hold me and let me go, I desperately wished that you would not let me go ...

And yet I continued to love you. So I suggested that we remain friends. After all, you can see a friend, you can touch him, you can communicate, and you can continue to admire him.

And I loved just looking at you! You are so beautiful, brutal, unusual. When I looked at you, I felt tenderness growing in me. Yes, tenderness! She gradually grew and became stronger and stronger, like an avalanche. And I really wanted to convey all of it to you, so that you bathe in it, so that you are happy. But I couldn't do it.

I still remember many moments of our love. And for me this memory is worth its weight in gold.

I remember our crazy train ride. I remember how your friends and girlfriends teased us. I was embarrassed, but at the same time I didn't care, because I was happy from our crazy love.

I remember a bouquet of cornflowers. It was the most beautiful bouquet in my life!

I remember how we fooled around. I remember your smile, your jokes that drove me crazy.

And one of the most valuable memories is our night under the starry sky.

I remember how we met. It's impossible to forget. Although ... Maybe you forgot. But I don't blame you, I don't blame you! It is my fault. The fact that she refused all this.

I remember even the most ordinary things, because they ceased to be ordinary when you were around.

I remember our walks after parting. And how desperately I wanted to bring you back, but I couldn't.

And also music. The music you listened to was not the music I liked to listen to. But at the same time, I admired your musical tastes! By the way, I still fell in love with a few tunes from you. And when I listen to them, your image immediately pops up in front of me.

Now I caught myself thinking: I don’t even have a single photo where we are together. I wonder if you have such a photo ... I would like to have one. Not to mourn, no. In order to remember our happiness with a smile, looking at her.

We remained friends, but we were already drifting apart. We don't see each other like we used to. You are in another city, I have my own family ... We very rarely call each other. In the main, in order to congratulate on the next holiday.

Or maybe you want to reduce our communication to nothing? Am I letting you do this? If that's the case, then I wouldn't want to impose on you. I did not value our love, but I value our friendship. However, if she bothers you, I must let go of everything, I must let you go and not disturb you anymore.

I will finish this letter and call you. And I'll know how you feel about our communication.

But even if ... if this is our last conversation, I will have happy memories of OUR time and endless love for you, and I will not say a word about them after this letter. Nobody will know. Only my heart will know.

I love you.

Let this letter be to the past, which has no future, but it has become a little easier for me.

Thank you for everything and be happy! I promise that your name will be in my every prayer.

I'm sorry if anyone was confused by my letter ex boyfriend.

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Hello, darling!
How are you there? How is your health? What's new with you?
Dear, I am writing you a letter. because I no longer found a way to express all my feelings and emotions. You know very well how long I have been waiting for a man like you, it is you who give me my dreams. I feel so inspired that any angel can envy me. looking at your photo. my heart starts beating faster and faster every minute. My breath is taken away and goosebumps run all over my body. This is Love! I feel that we will be with you together. This is my wish, and I always make it!

Masya, I dream of the day when we will be left alone with you. in the evenings I imagine: how you take me to a wonderful place where everything exists only for the two of us. These hours will be the happiest and most beautiful for us. I want to plunge into your arms, forget about everything in the world and enjoy your presence…….

Darling. the only one, thank you for having me. Only you can make my life for real happy. I love every cell of yours, every centimeter of your body, every smile, touch, look ... I want you to look at me all my life, with your bottomless eyes! My happiness, my dear, my beloved, you are the most wonderful little man, and wherever you are, whatever you do, let my love warm and protect you!

And most importantly - believe that no matter what happens, you are always in my heart. All my thoughts are only about you and about our life together with you. I want you to be by my side forever! I have already stopped thinking about what happened in the past, it seems as if it did not exist at all. I only think about the future, about our future with you! I never thought that it is possible to know someone so well and at the same time feel that this person still has so much to unravel. I have never met a person with whom the hours flew by like minutes and I would never want to part. on so close, dear to me little man. like you, with whom it is so easy, cozy and calm. Kitten. how I want to feel the warmth of your hands, I so want to be with you as soon as possible.

I don't know why I wrote all this. maybe because I love you madly .. I am constantly haunted by the feeling that I have known you all my life. You know, when I first saw you, I thought: will we succeed with you? As you can see, it worked! You must be smiling now, I really love your smile. How it hurts in my heart from the fact that you are not around, sun, I think about you all the time, I dream of only one thing - to see you faster, to feel the taste of your lips, the tenderness of your hands, to look into your eyes. I believe we will definitely be together, because you want it too, I know! So everything is in our hands. Everything will be great with us ... I kiss you tightly, I hug you, I love you and I'm waiting ... ... Your girl.

P.S My dear, I am always there ... Even now, when there are kilometers of dull roads between us. I am with you - with every drop of rain that knocks on your window, I am with you - with every ray of sunshine that wakes you up in the morning, I am with you - with every gust of wind that brings the long-awaited coolness at night ... I believe you and know that we can overcome any difficulties.

My dear, the only one, thank you very much for what I have. Only you can make my life truly happy. I am ready to give everything in the world, for your “love” and for you to be happy with me. Wherever you are, whatever you do, let my love protect you!

Thank you for your strength, your wisdom, your beauty and even harmfulness :) For the fact that with you I learned what REAL LOVE is ... I am very glad that We met with you. For me now there is no greater happiness than to love you, to be loved by you. I'm terribly afraid of losing you, and that's why sometimes (maybe not sometimes :)) I act stupidly. I want to see happiness in your eyes and know that you need me. I want you to trust me. My dear, please, let's never quarrel, betray each other.

Beloved, We must understand each other, support and cherish. We have been through a lot together, we still have a lot to do together. I love you, Radnulka, and I won't give it to anyone :)!

I wanted to get away from you, rather I wanted to get away from myself... but I can't. I can't forget you, my thoughts are all about you, I understand, I understand everything, but I don't want to.
Every time I understand and catch myself thinking that I need to forget you. YOU, you, you... Everything is YOU. Do not need anything. Only you. I don't want to live, I don't want to breathe, I can't do it, I can't. YOU are my air, YOU are my life... YOU are everything to me...

Let at least so, but so you are a little closer. I know that I will never see you. I don't exist for you and never have. I know all this, but only in this way, I can communicate with you, only melting, I can talk about my love, only this way I can love you, only this way you are mine. You know, you must feel me, me, which no longer exists, which was not there before you ... there was no before, no and after - there was you, there was me too ... You disappeared, a month has passed, a lot of time has passed, a whole eternity has passed. Just not for me. I remember everything, I feel everything as if it was a second ago, you just went for coffee, or just got distracted to talk. Although an eternity has passed, everything has passed, more time has passed, much more, and you always sit next to me, you are near, you will always be there, even though you are not. Let me go…

No, don't let go, you are my everything, you are my life. I thought I wouldn't write anymore... but I can't. YOU are in everything, YOU are in me, YOU fill me without a trace. I am everything that now lives for you, only for you. Even if I never see you, know, at least just feel ... I am always yours, and I will be everything for you.
It is insanely strange that you, or rather I do not see anyone in people other than you. I do not want it. I'm trying to find at least a pathetic likeness, a small copy of you, but which, in no way similar to you, will never be even a little bit like you. Will never be the meaning of my life, will never be my soul, will never be my life. Probably, I repeat myself, and you are tired of this, although I know, I am sure that you will never read this, you are not, you are only fairy tale, invented by me. ... But this is the only way I speak to you.

You know how much I want you to be happy. Even here, "only in me", I'm afraid to bore you, I'm afraid to be too frank, I'm afraid to seem importunate... It's funny...

It’s funny even to me… Or rather, what is left of me is funny to my body, because it cannot die with the soul, with the soul that belongs only to you, which this body no longer has.

The only thing that stops me, stops my soul, is that I want at least at a distance, at least for a moment, at least impulsively, to make your life even a little brighter, even a drop, and I believe in it, this is the only hope that still gives life to my body, no, rather not life, it gives it hope, boundless hope ... fills it ... Thank you ...

I won't have to prove anything to you anymore. You yourself have the right to think as you see fit. I just want you to know - Sergey, I'm crazy about you, there is no peace when you are not around, I lose control of myself when we are together. Having fallen in love with you, I found suffering ... fear that haunts me ... fear of losing you ... I had many dreams, but I forgot everything as soon as you appeared, because you are my main dream ... the one that replaces all the others for me. I gave myself to you without a trace ...

I don’t want you to let me go... I only need you... you are my beloved... I am completely yours... I’m terribly sad without you, I don’t exist without you... Now you are my guardian, my angel, my passion... I so want to be with you... completely in your power... Now I want to sit next to you... kissing you... gently, gently... Madly I want you... only you... I wait and will wait for that meeting, which is so far away... Before... I was afraid of time... that it runs so fast , but now I really want it to pass faster, so that you would appear again in my eyes ... Just as good, as beloved as in those days ... that we spent together ... Know that all the passion that was between us she was no longer for anyone ... she is only for you ... I love you madly ...

I will never exchange you for a light flirtation...for a temporary infatuation...Your words of love for me cause a slight chill all over my body...and I imagine it's you hugging me and gently whispering in my ear something that makes me want to rejoice...I put on fetters myself...I don't need freedom...I only need you...and there is no room left in my head for others...all the principles that were they turned out to be just the wind...the wind in my thoughts...I replaced them ... replaced by you ... I love you ...

Hello my sweet lover.
You will probably be surprised to see this letter somewhere on the site ... Yes, today many are so embarrassed by beautiful love letters. No, I am not afraid and not ashamed of my feelings, I am not ashamed to talk about love ... And even if this letter falls into someone's hands, someone resolutely reads it, I will not blush, no, I will even be pleased that my feelings will make the feelings of others stir ...

My love letter is my song of love to you, my dear lover ... I just really appreciate the feelings that you have for me, the awe that envelops you when you just think of me ... Now, rarely does anyone love the way you know how to love ...
A letter to a loved one in separation is not just a letter, it is a dream and dreams, it is a belief that separation will end, that you, my dear and smart romantic, will one day open the door, call me affectionately, I will quietly come up to you ... And everything that was written in the letter to your loved one will really happen ...

I often imagine how you hold my letter near your face, how, after reading it, take off your glasses, enjoy the smell of a lined sheet, slowly inhale its aroma: the aroma of the pen that left a mark on the paper ... and the aroma of the hand that kindly and gently drew these letters for you ...
How precious a letter is to a loved one... Many have stopped keeping these magical messengers of love, but you and I keep, keep not only letters, we also keep our feelings... We keep all this so that our son, having read our correspondence, having read our soul (after all, we put our soul into a love letter), knows how to write a love letter to his beloved...

The world, my dear, is so huge, it is impossible to travel around it even in a few months, and you and I keep our world in our warm hearts. I believe that our separation will not last very long, that you, rereading my letter, will remember my world, and when you come to me, you will give your world - the world of love, the world of tenderness, the world of your quivering soul.
I impatiently seal my envelope, gently lower it into the mailbox and imagine that very soon it will be in your hands ... and you will dream of me, dream of our meeting.

The language of love for men in cool SMS to your beloved

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Hello my lovely! It's been years since the day we accidentally grabbed the same ice cream at the counter, do you remember? And you didn't let go for a few seconds. And I was surprised at the impudence and decided to fight to the death for the last ice cream in this stall. Of course, then you made excuses, kept talking about my bottomless blue eyes, from which there was a noise in my head and my consciousness turned off. And I laughed merrily and did not trust a single word, because I knew what kind of guys can sing praises, just to powder the girl's head.

Until dawn, we wandered with you along the shore of the pond, along the linden alley. It seemed that this ice cream, already eaten for a long time, became our common star, one for two, like the one that slowly, slowly fell from the sky, so that we managed to make a wish together. And you never told me what you thought of that night. Do you remember, darling? We all walked and walked, holding hands and looking at each other as if we would never see each other again. But we met the next day. And than.

Do you remember the first time you wanted to kiss me? Do you remember how embarrassed and tangled your tongue at this request? And I was seething inside: the stupidest person! Why ask when you can see with your eyes! But you did not see, you were glowing with paint, although it was dark, and the distant lamp highlighted our shadows on the asphalt path. And how we kissed! Selflessly, to pain, to small cracks on the lips! Sweet and salty, remember?

You asked me to marry you on the bus when we were driving from the skating rink. It was so funny: disheveled hair that had fallen out from under the cap and stuck to the forehead, cheeks dyed crimson by frost and a bewildered look. Were you afraid that I would refuse? And I agreed! Immediately, without hesitation, without consulting with my mother and grandmother! It was then that they shouted that I was a careless, stupid girl who was dropping out of her studies and career because of the first person she met. They also cried, dressing me up on my wedding day, they both roared in a voice, no in three voices. I also cried with them, not knowing why. Maybe from happiness, or maybe for the company.

You went to the army, did not excuse yourself, although you graduated from high school. And he could hide behind our son. You didn't. I'm offended. Silly, how I did not understand male honor, pride. In general, patriotism was a completely distant and alien word for me then. And only later I became proud of you, my love, I realized how important it was for you to serve your Motherland, protect the country, parents, me and your own son. How you rejoiced at his clumsy words! How he tormented him when he returned! I was jealous, yes, very jealous of both of you for each other. Alone, you belonged to me without a trace, and together you seemed to be able to do without me. Silly! How can you do without me!

And now I'm sitting on the edge of the bed, where you haven't had time to wake up yet. I look at you, my love, and I feel like the happiest woman in the world. I have a house, I have a son, I have you. So big, strong, smart and kind, you have been in my life for ten years. And you haven't forgotten about our date. Here it is, ice cream on the nightstand. You brought it at night and didn't wake me up. Melted. Well, let. We'll eat it together when you wake up.

A beautiful love letter to your beloved man, boyfriend
If your heart is overflowing with tenderness for your beloved guy, express your feelings with a beautiful love letter. This is the best way to talk about what's going on in the soul!

Nice letter to boyfriend

My dear, this is the first time I am writing you a letter to prison. How are you, my good, I know it's stupid to ask, but still. Every day I scroll through my memory different moments from our lives, every day one little story of history. And it’s easier for me to live with memories, so I understand that you are always mentally next to me.

Baby, you know very well that soon this will all be over, and you and I will be able to start building our future together, look in the same direction. After all, there is no life without obstacles and love without obstacles, do you understand?! If feelings pass all tests, then this means that they are so strong that not a single adversity will destroy them.

How heavy these memories are for me ... And how happy I was to see you. But you and I must make a small sacrifice in order to later feel the great happiness that fate has prepared for us. It hurts so much to see your eyes, realizing that this gentle look and a sad smile will illuminate your face for a long time before my eyes……

I am ready to kiss every cell of your body, step by step, and every moment give you more and more pleasure. Rodnulka, you know how much I love you madly and am ready to wait forever! Together we will go through this stage in our life and soon we will forget about it as a terrible dream, I promise you this. Ahead will be only all the best and most pleasant.

When you are free, we can enjoy together the gentle and still uncertain rays of the sun and listen to the quivering rustle of fresh grass. She will whisper to us that all the most difficult trials are behind us, and only happiness awaits us ahead. In the meantime, my dear, always know and remember that I love you madly and miss you. And I am happy that I have such a harmful, but beloved person_ like you.

Everything is fine with me, but when you were with me, it was better, then I didn’t care what was happening around, because you were nearby, my dear and beloved. Maga, if you want, I will write you letters every day, I have enough words, they all swirl in the hurricane of my thoughts. I even talk to you sometimes when I'm on my own. No, I'm not crazy, I just feel you. I am so pleased to feel your presence near, at least mentally for now. But I do feel your love, care and affection ... I remember your hands, your fingers glided over my skin like on expensive silk. She trembled under your warm palms, which gave me incredible sensations, as if we were in paradise with you. All my tenderness, love and affection is directed only to you, I don’t need anyone else in the whole world. Only you and our love mean the most to me right now.

After all, everything is not always good, life always throws us some tests that we must, we simply must find the strength to fight. The path to true happiness is always strewn with nettles. Everyone has different tests and problems, our test is only in time and patience. But when there is a common cherished goal, then it is much easier to go towards it.

Next New Year I will make a wish that soon you will be next to me ... But desires come true, and this is destined to come true, I know for sure. As I dreamed and waited all last new year in anticipation of your call, I so wanted to be with you, but even then I foresaw something. We ourselves are the blacksmiths of our own luck, so why not enjoy every day now, as it makes the meeting closer with every moment that comes?!

You have no idea how much I already miss you, the fact that I constantly see you in my dreams is already a matter of course. But after waking up and realizing that all this is just a dream, it becomes so sad. I miss your apartment so much. I so want to go there. Look out the window on the balcony and shoot))) Hug you and lie down to watch your favorite films, just closing my eyes I imagine all this, but I really want to really.

All the same, all my thoughts and desires return to you and about you. I love to reminisce about our meetings and walks. What a wonderful summer I had.

Don't cry, just don't cry. You don’t like it so much when I whine, but why do tears treacherously flow down my cheeks. Nothing will help me forget. You will not come, not because you want to, not because you have fallen out of love, but simply because the circumstances have developed. How often do we tell ourselves that everything that happens is for the best! Nonsense? How's it for the best? I miss you so much. I miss you so much. there is a whole world, and you are not around and everything else does not matter.

And even if they had a fight, let's not say such terrible words that you usually say to me, because your words are like bullets, even the most faithful and loving person he will get tired of waiting if he constantly feels cold and indifferent towards him. Do not offend a person who is ready to move mountains for the sake of your smile.

I know what you do at night: you figure out how we will be together with you))) I only see you in a dream, I dream. Each meeting with you can turn my whole life around, believe me, I try without snot and be stronger, but I remember our old days)))) how I miss this, to tears. And every new day goes nowhere. Sometimes I don’t know how to ease my pain, I’ll probably write a book in which you will come back to me and we will always be happy when you break my ribs from strong hugs))) oh, I agree))) I understand every day that I won’t find anyone dearer than you, so sometimes I want to scream at the globe with anger, damn it, send the whole world to hell, because I don’t need it without you.

There are people who really want to say thank you, at least for the fact that they exist. Thank you to your family for being like that with us. Thank you for being there. Even if, dear, you are far away, you are near, you are in my heart. Every day I love you even more and more. I send you the most tender kisses. I love you my dear. The distance makes it clear how dear a person is to you and how hard it is without him. I hope my lines have warmed you at least a little bit. Thanks to all those worthy and decent people who support you there.

I love you more than life. God bless you.

Nice letter to boyfriend
My dear, this is the first time I am writing you a letter to prison. How are you, my good, I know it's stupid to ask, but still. Every day I scroll through my memory different moments from our lives, every day one at a time.

A beautiful confession in a letter to your beloved guy - online

What can you write to your beloved guy pleasant about love?

“I can’t stand it, I want to tell you everything ... God sees, I love you, you are now in me. You are like a part of me, like my angel in the flesh, I want to go through life and death with you to the end ... "

“Lines tremble, letters sparkle…. I'm afraid that I will write something wrong or something is wrong. But I write because my soul really asks for it. I remember the day we met. This day is unforgettable, because it is very unusual. I remember when I was visiting my grandmother. I remember how I fell asleep a little after a cup of delicious tea. I had a terrible dream that woke me up. Glancing out of habit at the mobile screen, I saw an envelope. I realized that someone texted me. That was you. SMS from the person who became everything to me. By answering the SMS, I knew that my love story had begun ....

Thank you for the days that we spent and spend together. Thank you for the minutes, for the seconds, for the moments. My endless "thank you" has no boundaries. I can always thank you because you deserve all the words of gratitude that exist in all languages ​​of the world.

You took me away from loneliness. You saved me from depression and longing. You are a wizard. I know (and don't try to deny) that you are the one I have always been looking for. It's funny: I was looking for you, and you found me yourself. Life changed everything so much that it made me madly surprised. I remember how you ran to meet me. And I flew. On some invisible wings that were given to me by feelings born long ago. I remember the first sight... I drowned in it, forgetting about the whole wide world.

Remember how we had fun at the pizzeria? In the very one where they came on the first day of their acquaintance. You smiled so, so glowed with happiness that I wanted to call eternity so that these moments would never disappear. I love you. I just love ... The way you are. What others consider to be shortcomings, for me are pluses, and huge pluses. You are. I don't really need more than that. The most important thing is that you never suddenly become my past. Be my present, be my future.... It's simple. Just love…. But I love you. You know it and you feel it.

Remember. how good it was when my parents went to the dacha for a few days. We spent two great days and two great nights. I remember how I fell asleep and woke up on your chest. We were filled with happiness. There were more and more of it. You. You are my greatest happiness! I won't give you up to anyone. And I will fight, if necessary, for you. Though I hope that it will not come to any struggle.

We trust each other. It is important. As you know, great relationships are built on trust. Let's not ruin them with fights and disagreements, okay? I don't like the fact that it has something to do with conflict. You dreamed me... We walked through all the colors of the rainbow, gently holding hands. I heard your laugh clearly. I smiled at you, we had a nice chat. When the rainbow ended, I woke up. What would that mean? Such dreams (like any others) cannot be dreamed just like that. How do you think…. Why are you dreaming, my love? To the fact that we will always be together? Oh how I want it to be like this!

I've been re-reading all the messages you've written to me recently. I read it and wept. But the tears were tears of happiness, not despair. I am happy. Because you are near. Be always with me, please.

If one day we break up, everything will collapse. It's the end of the world for me. And I don't want to believe in him. I'm waiting for the moment when you say that we will always be there. I live because of you, and dreams of you alone. You know, I used to dream about you. What is pleasant - quickly becomes a habit. You are my favorite habit! I figuratively, do not think badly ...

By the way, if you don't quit smoking, I won't moralize you. I know it's not easy to do this. She used to smoke herself. I'm worried about your health, that's all. I begin to despise cigarette smoke when I see that you smoke a lot. But I do not disdain to kiss you even when a veil of smoke surrounds you. I enjoy your kiss. I accept him for who he is.

I'm not angry that you call me "small" because you said it was with love. I even kind of like my “name”. You don't get mad when I call you a kitten, even though you're older than me. In general, we are together. We skillfully use compromises. And we do not swear because of delusional trifles.

We protect each other because we are truly afraid of losing. It's so nice to know how important and important we are to each other. It would be so for everyone - not a single couple would break up. I can't stand breakups. And I will do the impossible, if necessary, to never bring it to him.

I live for you. You are for me. We should not lose what few on earth gain. We won't lose! Our sincere and tender, endless feelings will remain forever next to us and in ourselves. We will not allow anyone to destroy the "gifts of fate." I love. I know it's mutual. And I'm not offended that you don't love me as much as I love you. Be with me. I don't ask for anything more, honestly.

I don't ask because I feel love. As crazy as a hurricane. Take my hurricane of love, lest it be intercepted and destroyed. I need you. I love. This is a word that means a lot, I can write endlessly. Want? I don't get tired of infinity. There is nothing that would scare me if I am sure that you are mine.

Do not doubt that I have been given to you. I am given to you completely. Forever. Fully!

I wish I could turn my life back so that you came to me earlier. But I won't be able to do it. But I can give you the love that can burn all barriers. If you want, I'll show you.

I wrote you poetry. They were beautiful, gentle, and even a little sad. There are many of them not sent. But I do not send them on purpose, so that you yourself do not burn out in the love that I give you. The time will come - you will read everything that was dedicated to you. Do not be afraid of time: my lines will be relevant all the time. Truth is immortal. Like everything that I feel for you ....

Darling, thank you for being by my side! It's nice that there is a person who lived in dreams, but became a real reality. I didn't even know that this would happen to anyone. And even more so with me. Lucky. But - for what merits, I wonder? Did you just deserve happiness? Life is fabulous, because life is you. Protect me. I promise to do the same. We will always be together, I am sure by millions of percent.

Personal letters are part of our soul. A letter to your beloved guy about feelings in your own words will be the best gift for anyone. In it you can say everything you feel, but you have the opportunity to put it into words. With a message like that, no guy can resist. It's nice and romantic.

After all, it is not always possible to confess love in reality. Sometimes you are shy, sometimes you are afraid, and sometimes pride does not allow you to utter such words first. The main secret of such letters is that there is no need to hide feelings. Write everything as it is, convey in words what you cannot say.

Letter to your boyfriend about your feelings

In a message about feelings, write how much he is dear to you and what his presence brings to you. Try to write a letter to your beloved guy about feelings in your own words, so that he will cry and understand what a rare nature he got. He will appreciate and love you even more.

And here is a small example that will give you inspiration.

“My dear, only, long-awaited. I am writing to you about what I wanted to say for a long time, but I can’t. As soon as I look into your eyes, I forget about everything. They fascinate me and hypnotize me without letting me utter a word. My dear, know that you are the best gift in life for me. Your hugs give me strength, warm my soul. Going to bed, I dream of one thing, rather hug you again, breathe in your manly scent, snuggle up to you and hear how hard your heart beats.

Now I understand what it means to love. Yes, that's exactly how I feel about you. Love is when you are near, gently touching my hair. And I want to always sit like this and enjoy your warmth. Love is when I hear your voice and my heart immediately becomes warm. And when we part, I feel sad and sad. But the thought of you, that tomorrow we will be together again, gives me strength. You, the one who needs me, who understands me and supports me. You are the one with whom I can be serious, kind, angry, gloomy, cheerful.

I know that in any mood you will support me and understand. I love you, life without you has no meaning, is empty and monotonous. I am ready to give everything so that we spend days and nights together, and our feelings do not fade away ”

A letter to your beloved guy in your own words from a distance

There are times when your soulmate is not around. He is drafted into the army or he leaves to study. In general, you had to leave for a while. There is nothing more pleasant when, many kilometers from your beloved, you receive love news. This gives hope that you will meet again soon. At such moments, you need to make it clear how hard it is for you without him.

And here is an example of a letter for such a situation.

“My sweetheart, my soulmate. What a pity that you are not with me now. I can't touch you, hug you, snuggle up to you, smell you. I miss you so much! I don't know how to describe it in words. I have a feeling that after your departure, the earth became cold. The sun no longer shines through my windows, and my eyes do not shine with joy.

I forgot what it is to have fun, to enjoy life. Without you, I do not want anything, everything has lost its meaning. But at times like this, I imagine that you are there. Now you will come into my room and gently hug me. I hear your voice everywhere, every moment, I imagine that you are near. I often go to those places where we loved to be together. I sit and dream that I will see you again soon.

Then a smile and tears appear on the face, but tears of joy. I'm sure my loneliness won't last long. And in our favorite park, we will sit together again, hug and enjoy the moment. In the meantime, trust me, I'll wait for you, no matter the cost. I'll wait as long as it takes. But if you cannot come, know, my beloved, I will follow you!”

Don't be afraid to show your feelings to your loved ones. Talk about how you love them. Even a small letter to your beloved guy about feelings in your own words can strengthen relationships. This is a surefire way to create vibrant romance.

You can write a beautiful letter to your beloved man in separation, in prose. Love, beautiful letters for men.

Has your loved one moved away? Do you miss him so much that you can't find a place for yourself? Do you really want to talk about feelings, and about what is happening now with your soul? Write a letter to your one and only! He will certainly be very happy with him, believe me! Reading your letter, he will have a great desire to quickly rush to you and never part with you.

A letter to a beloved man. Beautiful love letters.

L love letter to a man who is far away:

I feel so cold without you... The room is so empty... And I hate the bed and the room because you're not around right now. I cannot say that I hate the whole world, because there is a lot of good and bright things in it. But you are more precious than everyone and everything. Expensive. You know about it…. Everyone around knows about it: walls, floors, ceilings, furniture, doors. They pity me, they see how often I cry. And the pillow - girlfriend, every evening, bathes under the waterfall of my tears .... I can't stop crying. We haven't seen you for a very long time. Eternity! Wish this eternity would end.

I remember the taste of your tender lips .... They caressed my body so fabulously. I will never forget every second spent with you. She is beautiful, like all our nights. I thank you for being with me. Yes, you are near, despite the distance. I see your eyes when I close mine.... They are so beautiful, so adorable….

You are always there…. You are in my heart, in my soul, in my dreams, in my thoughts, in my mind, in my life. I feel bad without you, sad, bored, dreary. Come back soon. I miss you so much...

Forgive me for the fact that, sometimes, offended you .... Forgive me to dissolve the guilt that haunts me. I want to burn with a spark in your unforgettable embrace, I want to feel every line of your face, I want to enjoy the melodiousness of your voice ....

I don't know how I used to live without you. Most likely, I confused life with existence. My life began only when you graced it with your presence. I am happy with you. And I don't need another man. I can't even think about others! My thoughts are programmed only for you and what is connected with you. For others, there was no time, no desires, no thoughts, no place in my huge heart.

I love you…. The aroma of my love is in everything: in the sky, in the clouds, in the sun's rays, on the ground, in the air .... And in every letter, in every word that you see in this letter. I am writing it to make you believe: I miss you very much. I miss every molecule of my body…. Too bad you don't feel it right now.

I listen to the noise of the trains, hoping that you are on one of them. I peer into the sky, dreaming of seeing the plane on which you will arrive .... Or maybe you will fly to me on the wings of an elf? Then I will not close the window so that you can, at any time, fly into it. I'm waiting for you all the time, at any time of the day .... Come, come, come... Come back!

I'm waiting for your calls, like a miracle. I pierce the phone with anticipation. And if it's not you who's calling, I'm very, very upset. I need your calls, my sunshine. Why do I call you exactly the sun? Simply, no one but you will warm me with its warmth: I only need you.

Your name warms me. I call you in my dream. Can you hear my call? Answer me, otherwise I'll just go crazy ...

I want to hear your footsteps in the hallway. I want to know that you feel good with me, that we will always be together .... However, you yourself know perfectly well what you need to tell me so that the soul, from happiness, turns into a beautiful bird, and flies in me, because you are with me again ....

Tell me what are you dreaming about? I will definitely try to fulfill all your dreams. I want to do this to prove to you the power of my love. She is limitless. Do you believe me without proof? Then I beg you, come soon.

All poems are written by you .... The scent of your cologne is in the air.... I "released", a little bit, your perfume to represent that you are now close, close. I listen to the wind. He is behind glass. And I will not open the window so as not to frighten him away. Perhaps, in gratitude, he will tell me about you.

I want to get to know you again, to learn you by heart. You are the best thing that happened to me. You are my talisman, my meaning, my healing. I am ready to do everything for you. What do you want? Lovers - everything is possible. I, if necessary, with ease, will give you mine own life. I will light all the sunrises and sunsets with caress, I will drink all the misfortunes so that you do not encounter them ....

I love you…. And it is these words that I am ready to repeat to you constantly. Want? I will write them all over my body ....

I go crazy about you. And, sometimes, I can’t believe that I deserve such happiness as you. And you didn't even know that you can be someone's happiness? You can everything…. You are my ideal. You have no flaws.

Do you want me to spread, with a luxurious carpet, the whole sky under your feet? Do you want me to make the land yours? I know you don't need it. I believe you need. I never doubted you for a moment. After all, relationships are the sweetness of trust. I have always believed in you and will always believe in you.

Forgive me for jealousy: I'm afraid that you will be taken away from me. Forgive me for being rude: I am an imp with the appearance of an angel. Forgive me for the truth: it is bitter, but it breathes with a clear conscience. Sorry for the misunderstanding: it happens to everyone ....

I see you even on the palm of my hand, because, on it, I often put your photo in order to absorb your image with my eyes, glances and soul. I want to bring your photo to life…. I'm sorry, I can't say otherwise. I miss you….

You are my dearest person. I feel how painfully creep the days in separation from you. Who came up with all these distances? Have those who composed them never experienced feelings of true love?

Come back. I'm waiting for you. I'm looking forward to it like never before. Let's start a new life: no quarrels, insults, scandals. Let all these negatives no longer dare to overshadow a sincere feeling.

Let's forget about all the bad things. Let's cross it out, trample it, burn it, incinerate it, cut it .... Let's keep only each other and our future. And it, if we try, will be the most beautiful and happy. And we will definitely try, I know!

To be continued:

How to write a love letter to your boyfriend about Love?

Letter to boyfriend from a girl

Hello my sunshine!

Thank you for being with me (all so good and wonderful).

We've been talking about you and Mom all day today. She really likes you, kitty, really! I won't explain why. Let's assume that this is my little secret. I have no more secrets from you, my love, be calm!

I adore you! And don't ask why. Because "adoration" is an analogue of love. They love, as you remember, also for “just like that”, and not for something specific.

You are the best for me. If it were otherwise, I wouldn't be with you right now. I want to tell you something else. Promise you won't cry (I know how sentimental you are). I have always dreamed of finding someone like you. And found! My dream has come true. I don’t even know whom (except God and fate) to thank for this.

I love our evening walks under the light of the moon…. They contain "myriads" of romance. And I completely ignore the rain, which often appears suddenly and just as suddenly "breaks" on us from the "cover" of lush clouds ....

Yesterday was a great rain... You gave me a pretty bouquet of cornflowers. He was so fragile that I feared for his "condition". But we had planned to celebrate the purchase of your shoes the day before, so we were not going home. We arrived at the store. Near which I was waiting for you .... Do you remember what hail went down then? I got wet, but I saved the flowers. They blossomed before our eyes! You then joked: "Where did you get new cornflowers?".

We walked hand in hand and enjoyed the hail. Then they ran to the bus stop, but they didn't make it to the bus. Perhaps the precipitation decided to delay us a little longer.

I remember my childhood.... And the sounds of puddles that “bounced” underfoot seemed like a melody…. I remember every moment. I'm sure you remember everything and you .... I regret only one thing: I did not confess my love to you during periods of such moments! Apparently, she was too carried away by the "city pleasure"!

I corrected myself when we ran into the pizzeria. Fortunately, she was three steps from the bus stop. I ordered two delicious pizzas and a delicious carrot juice. I love you very much! And I am always ready to repeat such words so that they are more and more “fixed” in your memory.

I didn't sleep at night... But I decided not to waste all this “not falling asleep” time on insomnia. I wrote poetry for you. And she didn’t just write, but on the hearts that she cut out! These hearts are now in your mailbox. I really hope that they did not have time to get them out of there (“unkind” and envious people). If you have them there. Suddenly, you won’t find it - don’t be upset: I won’t be lazy and I’ll make new ones! Only others are perfect, because I do not like repetition in creativity.

You ask what to do in return for me .... Buy me a lot - a lot of soap bubbles! We'll go to the park (Saturday sometime), ride the rides and blow bubbles to freedom! Let's ask someone to take a picture of us .... I'm already looking forward to this pastime, and you? ..

This is my letter to you, beloved guy. It is a pity that you can not write beautiful words with these bubbles right in the air! And that's what I would do, honestly! They (soapy "beauties") shimmer so delightfully in the sun that it takes my breath away!

I will always be a child, because I consider childhood the happiest time in the world! I'm thinking…. It would be great if we had known each other since childhood! But you can’t return time and you can’t turn it around, no matter how sad it is. I love you for your understanding of me. Mom says that it is very difficult to understand and endure me. Reveal the secret: how do you manage to be so understanding, my joy? I (personally I) consider myself the same. But…. Not by that much! You, one might say, understand every “particle” of the word that I say, every thought of mine .... You are a psychic? Then teach me your psychic powers! If it's not too difficult for you to do it, of course.

Your look.... I love him too! There is something magical about it. I don't know how else to explain it.... Words, it seems to me, will be completely superfluous here. Tell me what my views mean to you…. Then I'll be able to tell you something too. Pleasant, of course!

Your hands…. I want to feel them constantly on my body! How are you? Agree? Give me the warmth of your hands once again. I want to enjoy your touch again. They have so much warmth, so much romance….

Girlfriends (some) frankly envy me. I don't get mad at them and I understand something. I was lucky like no one else in this world! Know that I'm not going to give you to anyone! I do not idealize you at all and have never “suffered” with idealization. But you will be for me the Sami - the most - the most! Always!

Remember that laptop I gave you? It's been a long time, and I just remembered that I didn't tell you something.

There is one hidden folder on the desktop that holds a huge surprise for you! Find the folder only when you want to see what I have prepared for you. To be precise…. Pick your mood! For what and why? You can consider that my surprise is filled with magic. I wanted to intrigue you! I am happy, because my dreams are already accustomed to come true. This habit has spread to me personally.

Tonight I want to be by your side…. Come! I've been waiting already. I am waiting for you, like a double rainbow, which I managed to see over the roof of a neighboring house a few years ago .... It was an amazing sight that is impossible to forget, unrealistic.

Are you offended that I compare you with the "heavenly seven-flower"? Thanks if I'm not mistaken! In fact, frankly, you are incomparable. I have never seen such guys anywhere and never met!

I never thought that writing letters to you, my beloved boyfriend, is so great! I get indescribable pleasure when I “decorate” the lines with letters. I really draw every line alphabetically .... I surprise myself! I want to surprise you, although it will be difficult to do it .... I love! Write me, please, at least a message!

Continuation. . .

Make the guy happy!

Do you know the feeling when you take your breath away from just a glance or from the thought of some person, when you want to live, create, fly?...
Love gives us wings...
Is there love at a distance? Many will answer yes. And someone will say that this is an illusion and self-conviction ...
Love... What does it do to us? Looking on the one hand, love for a person is considered the highest happiness, and on the other hand, it causes us great pain, incomparable to anything! Love is air. With him you are easy and calm, but without him you cannot.
In life, it can sometimes happen that your loved one has to go to another city or to a completely different country. The longer the period of separation, the bitterer the parting ...

Has your loved one moved away? And you miss him so much that you can't find a place for yourself? Do you really want to talk about feelings, and about what is happening now with your soul? Write a letter to your loved one! Yes, one that would help him get back to you faster. I think that a man will be pleased to read a beautiful love letter.
What and how to write to a loved one?
Perhaps a few passages from love letters will help you.

"Hello, my beloved and dear angel! It's summer now. And it's winter in my soul. It's just that I haven't seen you for four whole days. But it seems like years. I would like to see you every minute, second. I will always have little time to fully enjoy you. I want to be always with you alone. And you see it. You notice all my desires, dreams, frankness and secrecy ... Guess me to the end. against. We haven't seen each other for several hours. I don't want to remember or think about those minutes in which you were not there. I can cross them out, of course. Like with chalk, a marker, or a pencil. But it doesn't change anything: the minutes in which you are absent will still remain between us. Life is arranged like this. Honey, a little more, and we will be together again. I hope that the moments in which we have each other without a friend will be reduced by half or three. I want to believe it! and, come, fly in. I'm waiting for you, kitten!".

"I remember the taste of your tender lips .... They caressed my body so fabulously. I will never forget every second spent with you. She is beautiful, like all our nights. Thank you for being with me. Yes, you are there, despite the distance. I see your eyes when I close my own .... They are so beautiful, so lovely ...
You are always there…. You are in my heart, in my soul, in my dreams, in my thoughts, in my mind, in my life. I feel bad without you, sad, bored, dreary. Come back soon. I miss you so much…"

"Dear, beloved man! I feel bad, sad, lonely, sad when you are not next to me. You are the sun. You are the sky. You are the air. My life .... is You. Its meaning. If not for you .... My God, if you knew how much you mean to me, my beloved, one and only ...
I love you. I love! Ready to shout recognition to the whole world. But I will tell you…. Quietly…. Whispers. I very love you."

"I am very glad that we met. For me now there is no greater happiness than to love you, to be loved by you. To feel your support, warmth, care. You are my most beautiful and dear little man in this world. You are everything I need in life for happiness.
I can trust you completely. Now I understand that no matter what happens, I have the most main man who will never leave me, will always support and give good advice..."

"You are my dearest person. I feel how painfully the days are crawling away from you. Who came up with all these distances? Did those who composed them never feel true love?
Come back. I'm waiting for you. I'm looking forward to it like never before. "

"I believed, I lived in hope, I was waiting for my true love. Love without falsehood. Pure. True. And now YOU appeared in my life! ..
I have not met before man with which hours fly like minutes, with which I would not like to part. Everywhere only you. In thoughts, in looks, in songs... I enjoy every minute spent next to you. You are my treasure that I met so unexpectedly and that helped me see the light in the whole world and in my heart!

"I drive away the dream. I don’t want to fall asleep without you. You are not there - there is a sea of ​​​​emptiness. Please come and stay with me. I missed the touch of t your hands, your lips, your eyes. I miss your whole body.
And I want to call you again. Reaching for my phone to do this…. But you're ahead of me! We often have this. I told you we are one. Two halves of one whole! I love you, I love you, my soul mate! You are the best…. Thank you for giving yourself to me"

“I never looked for you. I didn’t wait for this meeting, I didn’t peer intensely into the faces of passers-by, trying to catch your features. I didn’t wake up in the mysterious darkness in which you weren’t there, I didn’t listen to the silence of loneliness, I didn’t sob at night from hopelessness and longing. My love! Lonely and restless, in a long black cloak, she walked into the cold drizzling rain, and sharp gusts of wind carried away strange images somewhere. They rushed past like the shadows of thick clouds hanging over a gloomy city. Was I lonely when only the gray walls of a big city loomed around me, and people, like ghostly shadows, rushed past me. No, I wasn't alone. I felt at ease in my little world, and among the dim, blurry shadows, I felt comfortable. No, I didn't want to love you.
The feeling came unexpectedly. Life flowed measuredly and calmly, and nothing foreshadowed changes. And among the strange shadows that always floated by, I saw you. When I understood, realized, when I was able to accept my feeling, the world around me blossomed. Its bright, lively colors spilled into space, and life was transformed. I saw the gray city filled with sunlight. I peered into the faces of passers-by, and saw sincere understanding in their eyes. Understanding that I can no longer live without this person. My love! I can not live without you. Since then, I have lost my temper. Why did you deprive me of peace? The walls of my world collapsed, but I did not become free. I think about you all the time, I see your eyes. Why did you take away my freedom? I dream of you. You come to me every night, because dreams also belong to you.
I am writing this letter, and silent tears are dripping into the hopeless emptiness
those. When you are not around, longing and loneliness bind me with icy chains. My love! You came in, you burst into my life like a crazy flash of pure light. The days were filled with the joy of waiting for the next night. When the daylight fades, and the world is covered with a velvet veil of darkness, I am overwhelmed with a strange delight. I wait, I believe that everything will happen again. I began to feel sharper, I enjoy the beauty of this life. She, like a wonderful sweet wine, spills around and fills the space with warmth and radiant light. Darling! You taught me to enjoy every day that I spend with you. You gave me the delight of agonizing expectation. And when the long-awaited night comes, dream and reality merge together, and the world is filled with love.

"You are my happiness, my dear, my love, you are the most wonderful person in this world! Let everyone know it! After all, no matter what: storms, thunderstorms, tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, fires, disasters, global warming, ozone holes, outbreaks of various viruses, the displacement of the Earth from its axis, spots on the Sun, meteor showers - we will still be together, we are strong, our love will survive everything !!! I AM THE MOST-MOST-MOST-MOST HAPPY! I HAVE YOU!"

"I love you, endlessly, madly! Wherever you are, whatever you do, may my love keep you ...
Thank you for you!!! For your strength, your wisdom, your beauty! Because, thanks to you, I believe that there are real men in the world! For the fact that with you you feel like a real woman! For the fact that before you I did not know what true love is.

Until the soul floats away on the clouds.
I'll wait for you while I dream
As long as I'm alive with hope until spring,
While earth and sky are far away,
While still in flight, the wings are so light...
I will wait for you, but only you come,
When hopes are shattered by the rains
Every year or day you just take a step
On the way to me... So be it, so be it!
I will wait for you and you will come to me...
And with a quiet voice you will interrupt my pain ...
I'll be waiting for you, I'll be waiting
And you can't help but come, remember, hug...
I will wait for you, and wait day and night,
At the frozen window and at the door to stand ...
On the edge of the wild last rain
I will wait for you, I will wait for you!

(poem - Tatyana Snezhina)

My favorite and dearest! I thought for a long time, how would you confess once again in love. It seemed to me that all the words had already been said, and many times, but still something came to my mind. Rodnulya, for so many years of our relationship with you, I was convinced that you are the most amazing person. It is unlikely that anyone else could surround me with such care and love as you did. I want our love to grow stronger every day. Believe me, for my part, I will do everything to make it so, because I want to preserve our feelings and increase them. I want you to always feel the happiest! Believe that it is not so difficult for me to do this, because every time I try to bring something new and interesting into our lives. My dear, I want you to be sure of me and my love for you. You are the best!

My darling, I want to once again confess to you my feelings. I will never get tired of doing this, because I want you to always be confident in me and in my attitude towards you. I want to tell you that there is no one else in this world who can make me happy, because you have already given me all the love that is in this world. Rodnulya, I am incredibly lucky to have such a wonderful person like you. I have never felt that I can make someone happy, that I can please and make someone laugh. Before I met you, I was the most ordinary girl, and now I have turned into the girl I always dreamed of becoming. You taught me so many things that I will always be grateful to you for it. You really, as they say, opened my eyes, helped me become a truly happy and confident girl. Always be near.

A few years ago, a little man appeared in my life who just took and turned my life around, but only in good sense this word. You were able to explain to me what love is, what care is. I have never felt so happy and joyful. I want to multiply all this and give it to you, because you yourself deserve to become the happiest man. Believe that for this I will spare no effort and energy. My darling, I will do everything to ensure that you are always full of energy, that you rest and relax on time, because sometimes you just need to forget about your work. I am grateful to you for the fact that you yourself pulled me out of that life in time, because I wanted everything to be different. You have brought so much joy and happiness into my life that I have never seen or felt in my entire life. Know that I will do anything for you.

My beloved man, for me every day with you is like a little fairy tale, full of joy and wonderful moments. I want to share every happy moment only with you, because I know that apart from you there is no one in this world who can make me happy and calm. You are exactly the person for whom you want to change for the better, to whom you want to devote all your time and all your strength. My dear, never in my life have I felt so spiritualized and inspired, because next to you I was able to find all this. Now I understand that before my life was simply meaningless, because I didn’t even have any goals, and you showed me how I need to live and how to love. I am ready to love you for the rest of my life, because thanks to this feeling I feel the happiest.

There have been many different events in my life, but at the same time, only one event could turn my life around and bring a lot of bright colors to it. As you understand, this event is connected with our meeting, which happened exactly at the moment when I least expected it. But now I understand that I will be grateful for this moment for the rest of my life. By the way, I also want to devote my whole life to you and our family, which will definitely be the happiest. Believe that I am ready to share with you not only happy, but sad moments. Unfortunately, they will also happen sometimes, but this will make our feelings with you even stronger. My dear, I have never been so calm, because only you helped me cope with all the troubles and begin to live a calm and happy life. Thank you for everything.

My dear, I have never wanted to confess my love to you so much as now. You and I have had a variety of situations in our lives, but the main thing is that we never betrayed each other, never quarreled and were not offended by each other. In many ways, this is your merit, because you reassured me in time and gave me strength and confidence that everything would be fine. You have never deceived me, so I always trust you and count on you. My dear, just know that in this life I am ready for everything for you, because you are the closest and dearest person to me. I want you to be confident in me and in my feelings, which are the most sincere. Believe that there are no such words in the world that will help me express all my feelings and sensations. Just know that I treat you with the greatest sincerity, because there is no one dearer and closer to me.

My dear, I want to tell you once again that there is no lighter and purer feeling in the world than the one that I feel towards you. For so many years of our relationship with you, I was able to make sure that you are the most incredible person, the best and most devoted man who is ready for anything for the sake of his beloved girl. I want to live my whole life only with you, my dear and most beloved. It was you who could make me happy and give me real joy. You turned my life into a fairy tale, or rather every day of my life into a little fairy tale story. I want you to know that there is no one for me and closer and dearer than you, so for you I am ready to do the most incredible thing. I want to always see you happy and joyful, but also calm and spiritual. Believe that I really will not spare any effort for this.