Tales and stories about berries. magic berries

A fairy tale about a mouse and magic berries A fairy tale about a mouse for children who take someone else's. One hot summer day, a little mouse was bored at his house. - Let's play tag! - the dragonfly chirped. - I do not want! Tired! - capriciously squeaked the little mouse. - Let's play hide and seek! suggested the firefly. - You're not interested! - the mouse waved its paw. - You're spinning and you can't hide. - Boring? - asked the cunning fox in an insinuating voice. - Boring, - the mouse agreed. - Did you hear that the bear has grown magical berries in his garden! Eat one berry - and all desires come true! Only he does not let anyone near those berries. I wish you dug an underground passage and brought us some berries! - the fox whispered and tickled the little mouse with its red tail. - Wow! I want wishes to come true! - jumped the mouse. - Okay, I'll show you the way, and you will bring me magical berries. Deal? - Lisa even closed her eyes with pleasure. - Of course, agreed! - The mouse laughed happily. - Are you w-w-w-w-w-well, - the Maybug buzzed, sitting on a blade of grass, - will you take it without asking? - Think! The mouse shrugged. - Since he does not treat anyone, I will take it without asking. - Without demand it is impossible-z-z-z-z-zya! - the mosquito buzzed, sitting next to the beetle. - Can! - The fox brushed them off with her tail, put the mouse on her back and rushed to the bear's house. They ran to the bear's hut, dug a passage for the mouse, crawled out under the very bush and picked magic berries into a basket. There was no doubt that the berries were actually magical: while the mouse carried them along the underground passage, they glowed in the dark in different colors and smelled deliciously of real miracles. Unable to resist, he ate one. Then another. Then another ... And fell asleep. The mouse dreamed of all sorts of incredible things: a bear flew across the sky, cats grew on a tree, mushrooms ran in the grass, and the sun turned into a pancake and fell. The little mouse woke up: he looks, but there are no berries in the basket! "Ah, ah, ah," he freaked out. - What will I say to the fox? He ran back to the garden along the underground passage, got out and did not believe his eyes! As everything was in his dream - it is so: the bear is in the sky, the cats are hanging on the tree like cones, and the fox is sitting in the meadow and the sun is eating! - Can't be! - the mouse was frightened. - Maybe! the bear growled from the clouds. - Why did you eat my berries without asking? Look now what you've done! - Here we are now ripe, we will jump to the ground and show you how to take magical berries without asking! - the cats meowed from the Christmas tree. - Guard! - squeaked the mouse. - How can I fix it? - No way! - the fox sang in a contented voice. - Now I'm eating the sun - and that's it! "That's not true," whispered someone nearby. - The fox always cheats! - Who is there? the mouse looked back. - It's me, firefly! I'll teach you what to do! Ask the bear for permission to eat one berry and make a wish so that everything returns as it was! - Uncle bear! - shouted the mouse. - Can I eat one berry to make a last wish? Please! - Eat! The bear waved its paw. - Thanks! - the little mouse was delighted, picked another berry, ate it, closed his eyes and squeaked. I want everything to be the way it was again! He opened his eyes, looking: a bear sits on a bench near the house, on the tree instead of cats - cones, mushrooms stand calmly for themselves and the sun in its place - rolls across the sky and smiles. And everyone is happy, only the fox is angry, galloping across the meadow, waving his red tail and snapping his sharp teeth. - Hooray! - the mouse rejoiced. "I'll never take someone else's without asking again!" He said goodbye to the bear and ran to the firefly to play hide and seek. Author Irina Gurina

Lyubov Kirsanova

Once the berries gathered for a solemn meeting - a ball. Barberry, Hawthorn and Lingonberry, Grapes, Cherries, Blueberries, Blackberries and Strawberries, Kalina, Gooseberries, Strawberries and Cranberries, Raspberries, Cloudberries and Rowans, Currants, Cherries and Blueberries, Mulberries, Rosehips and many others came. Everyone was very surprised by the appearance of Watermelon and Tomato, but unexpected guests reported that, according to scientists, tomato and watermelon are full-fledged berries!
At the meeting, the meeting participants discussed the growing importance of berries, their use in medicine, cooking, and cosmetics. In the reports of the participants of the meeting, the thought ran like a red thread: “daily consumption of berries is a guarantee of health!”
After the meeting, a banquet took place. Berries sat at the tables, talked, enjoyed pies with berry fillings, raised glasses with berry juices for peace and friendship, for each other's health. Everyone was in a great mood!
Suddenly, Malina stepped forward so that everyone could hear her:
- People love me more than all other berries! I am the sweetest, but fragrant! No wonder they say: “Motherland-raspberries!
Then she looked slyly and maliciously at Kalina and added:
- And they also say: "Alien-viburnum"!
All the berries were speechless, because just now they were sitting together at the tables, talking peacefully, and suddenly - a quarrel.
And Kalina was angry:
- What are you saying? My berries are beautiful, juicy, although they have a slightly bitter taste, but the bitterness disappears after frost. People use my berries to make juices, liqueurs, prepare fillings for pies. And people use me in medicine! And how beautiful I am! Everyone admires the viburnum clusters against the backdrop of white snow!
Raspberry chuckled.
- And my berries are fragrant, juicy, and sweet. People use them to make jam, jelly, marmalade, juices. And what delicious raspberry wines and liqueurs! And in medicine I am widely used. I am the most beautiful and elegant!
Raspberry and viburnum argued for a long time, it almost came to a fight. Other berries separated them, pulled them apart, calmed them down.
Fortunately, Winograd guessed, stepped forward and in a loud, sonorous voice suggested:
- It's time to start the ball, call the musicians!
And the musicians have long been ready, the instruments have been tuned. The accordion began to play, the balalaikas picked up:

There is a raspberry in the garden, my raspberry!

All the berries sang along in unison and did not notice how they began to dance.
They listened to this soulful song Kalina and Malina and could not stand it - they smiled, hugged, reconciled to the joy of each other and all the berries, but started dancing!
The berries sang and danced for a long time, danced “Lady” and “Quadrille”, danced round dances, and Kalina and Malina had fun more than anyone else.
Since then, they have lived in peace and harmony, because it is about them that they sing in one of the most popular and beloved Russian folk songs!
An accordion plays, an old, but eternally young song sounds, and the legs start dancing by themselves!:
- Kalinka, Kalinka, my Kalinka!
There is a raspberry in the garden, my raspberry! .. "

Fairy tale for children of preschool and primary school age "Berry Tale"

Author's fairy tale about the friendship of berries for children 5 - 10 years old
Shatokhina Sofya 6 years 10 months
Head: Efimova Alla Ivanovna, educator of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Material Description: This fairy tale is written for children from 5 to 10 years old. Therefore, it will be of interest to primary school teachers and educators. The content of this tale is aimed at educating the ability to negotiate, appreciate friendship. This story can be used kindergarten, in the lessons of extracurricular reading at school and for reading in the family circle.

Target: Formation of the idea of ​​friendship through the content of the tale.
- talk about the health benefits of different berries through a fairy tale;
- develop memory, attention, imagination, ingenuity, logical thinking, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions, the desire to negotiate with friends on various issues;
- to cultivate the desire to eat all the berries, faith in miracles, instill an interest in reading fairy tales.

They lived on one beautiful plot - there were different berries. They lived very well there, as the site was very beautiful, well-groomed. They were very friendly.
Strawberries, wild strawberries, red and black currants grew on the site, though one bush of white currant grew next to it, and there were also several bushes of tasty and fragrant gooseberries, it was black and green-yellow.

The berries all ripened, filled with juice, and in the sun they glowed. The time for harvesting a huge harvest was approaching, it was necessary to start harvesting for the winter. And our fruits were sad, they really didn’t want to part. And they started arguing about who would be the first to clean up and what they would cook for them.
“Today I heard the conversation of the owners, who said that you need to boil compotes until the berries crumble,” said the proud and beautiful queen of raspberries, and felt a little sad.
“So today they will also gather me in a basket, and they will think what to do,” said the beautiful strawberry.
“Yes, dears, you need to worry, they certainly won’t separate us, they only gather us together, we look more interesting and beautiful together, and you can eat us together, we all taste different,” said the red currant.

- Yes, you are all good, but here I am the best. I am the only gallant gentleman among you, and of course I concede to you the right to be the first to go to the basket, ”the gooseberry said politely.

“It seems to me that it’s good here too, the sun, the air, however, I don’t really want to lie on the ground and just disappear, it’s better to be all together,” the blackcurrant said in a dreary voice.

- Why are you silent and quietly growing in a corner? - the gooseberry asked the white currant.
- You are all so bright, shiny and very juicy, and I am plain, colorless, - the white currant said very quietly.

- But you embellish us and against our background you are just lovely. And what a sweetie you are and the kids love you more than us, - the black and red currants spoke in one voice.
- If we all join together, you get a very tasty and fragrant compote, - said the strawberry.

- I like to be tasty and healthy, - said the raspberry. You can make delicious jam from me to treat both adults and children. And bears love to feast on forest raspberries, and birds, of course.

- I like to eat fresh, to cook something with me a lot of fuss, - said the cavalier gooseberry. And fresh, I have a lot of vitamins.
- Of course, we are all valuable in our own way, each berry has its own vitamins and its own benefits. I am very glad that I met and became friends with you, - said the raspberry.
- And we are glad to such friends triple, because together we will be tastier, - all three currants sang in one voice.

-What's true is true. We all need to put it in one pot together and the compote turned out with a pleasant taste and aroma, from which our hosts will be delighted, - said the cutie strawberry.
“Yes, that’s for sure,” all the berries agreed. We need to give pleasure to our wonderful owners, because they take care of us so much and water, and spud, and dig in. And the harvest time comes, they try to remove us in time so that we do not disappear.
- We will continue to be friendly, bring joy to the owners, and they will take care of us. After all, everything delicious can be prepared from us: jam, compote, and jam.
- We need to be friendly, strong, because we contain a large amount of vitamins necessary for the human body, - the berries concluded and began to wait for the collection in the basket.

We wish everyone bon appetit and delicious tea drinking.
We invite everyone to tea
And we serve jam.

A fairy tale about a mouse for children who take someone else's.

One hot summer day, a little mouse was bored at his house.
- Let's play tag! the dragonfly chirped.

- I do not want! Tired! squeaked the little mouse capriciously.

Let's play hide and seek! suggested the firefly.

- You're not interested! The mouse waved its paw. - You're spinning and you can't hide.

Boring? asked the cunning fox in an insinuating voice.

"Boring," the mouse agreed.

“Did you hear that the bear has grown magical berries in his garden!” Eat one berry - and all desires come true! Only he does not let anyone near those berries. I wish you dug an underground passage and brought us some berries! the fox whispered and tickled the little mouse with its red tail.

- Wow! I want wishes to come true! the mouse jumped up.

- Okay, I'll show you the way, and you will bring me magical berries. Deal? - Lisa even closed her eyes in pleasure.

- Of course, agreed! The little mouse laughed happily.

“What are you, w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-sh-w-w-w-sh-w-w-w-sh-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-would beetle bug, sitting on the blade of grass, will you take it without asking?”

- Think about it! The mouse shrugged. - Since he does not treat anyone, I will take it without asking.

- Without demand it is impossible-z-z-z-z-z! the mosquito buzzed, sitting next to the beetle.

- Can! - The fox brushed them off with her tail, put the mouse on her back and rushed to the bear's house.

They ran to the bear's hut, dug a passage for the mouse, crawled out under the very bush and picked magic berries into a basket. There was no doubt that the berries were actually magical: while the mouse carried them along the underground passage, they glowed in the dark in different colors and smelled deliciously of real miracles.

Unable to resist, he ate one. Then another. Then another ... And fell asleep.

The mouse dreamed of all sorts of incredible things: a bear flew across the sky, cats grew on a tree, mushrooms ran in the grass, and the sun turned into a pancake and fell.

The little mouse woke up: he looks, but there are no berries in the basket!

"Ah, ah, ah," he freaked out. What will I say to the fox?

He ran back to the garden along the underground passage, got out and did not believe his eyes!

As everything was in his dream - it is so: the bear is in the sky, the cats are hanging on the tree like cones, and the fox is sitting in the meadow and the sun is eating!

- Can't be! - the mouse was frightened.

- Maybe! the bear growled from the clouds. - Why did you eat my berries without asking? Look now what you've done!

- Here we are now ripe, we will jump to the ground and show you how to take magical berries without asking! the cats meowed from the tree.

- Guard! the mouse squeaked. - But how to fix everything?

"That's not true," whispered someone nearby. The fox always cheats!

- Who is there? The mouse looked back.

It's me, firefly! I'll teach you what to do! Ask the bear for permission to eat one berry and make a wish so that everything returns as it was!

- Uncle Bear! the mouse shouted. - Can I eat one berry to make a last wish? Please!

- Eat! The bear waved its paw.

- Thanks! - the little mouse was delighted, picked another berry, ate it, closed his eyes and squeaked. “I want everything to be the way it was again!”

He opened his eyes and looked: a bear was sitting on a bench near the house, on the tree instead of cats there were cones, mushrooms stood calmly and the sun was in place - rolling across the sky and smiling. And everyone is happy, only the fox is angry, galloping across the meadow, waving his red tail and snapping his sharp teeth.

- Hooray! - the mouse rejoiced. “Never again will I take someone else’s without asking!”

He said goodbye to the bear and ran to the firefly to play hide and seek.

Once upon a time there was an Apple tree. She lived in harmony with Man, gave a rich harvest of her fruits - apples. The man looked after the Apple tree, and she fed him. But one day the Man got lazy. He stopped growing apples, stopped taking care of the apple tree. The Apple Tree was offended, upset and decided to leave the Man. I decided to decide, but I was very kind and could not leave him. I thought, guessed what to do, and decided to hide.

The Man saw that the Apple Tree was gone, but did not attach any importance to this. “I can live without her,” he thought. Lives - does not grieve Man, lies, basks in the sun.

But trouble came. The health began to let the Man down. That heart tingles, then the tummy aches. The face turned pale, haggard. Wrinkles ran in different directions.

A man sits, grieves, but cannot understand anything. The apple tree saw this and took pity on him. She came out of her shelter, gave him her apples and began to teach:

Oh, you stupid head! He became lazy, languid, stopped paying attention to me. And my apples are not simple, magical. They contain many vitamins: vitamin A, and vitamin C, and vitamin B. Many useful substances: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium. And organic acids, and iron. There is also pectin, fiber. Everything for your health: for the tummy, heart, head, skin, body and face.

The man understood that he had acted badly. Don't do that with friends. He asked for forgiveness from Yablonka. And they began to live together again in harmony, as before, to take care of each other.

It's just a pity that Yablonka's resentment didn't go away just like that. She hid, crawled like a snake into the very heart of the apple. And since then, in every seed of an apple, a bitter resentment, dangerous for a Human, has lurked. Remember: eat the magic apple, but don’t touch the seeds, throw them away.

Here the fairy tale ends, and whoever listened - well done!

Shamaeva Irina, 2 "B" class

inseparable friends

In one far, far fruit and vegetable country, there lived two brothers - Orange and Lemon. Orange was kind and cheerful, and Lemon was sour and did not know how to laugh at all. Orange did everything to cheer up his brother: he sang funny ditties to him, and told jokes, and even showed cartoons about Smesharikov. No, nothing helped!

One day they went for a walk. They are walking along Vegetable Street and suddenly they see a girl sitting on a bench and crying bitterly. Orange went up to her and asked: “What are you, girl, crying so bitterly? Who hurt you?". And the girl replies: “Yes, how can I not cry! Grandpa Luk asked to help take off his fur coat, so I helped, and now I’m shedding tears! Orange tells her: "Here, take my sweet slice, eat it - and everything will pass." The girl took a slice, ate it and immediately stopped crying. "Well, that's what I said!" exclaimed the good Orange.

Suddenly, the girl turned to Lemon and said: “You are so beautiful and, probably, also very tasty?”. Lemon, although he was embarrassed by such a compliment, immediately broke off a slice and handed it to the girl. Putting a slice in her mouth, the girl suddenly began to make such faces that you won’t see even in the funniest cartoon! She wrinkled her nose so that she looked like a hippo, then a hedgehog, then a piglet, or even some kind of Miracle Yudo. And our Lemon, looking at her, burst out laughing so much that, clutching his stomach with laughter, he fell on the grass and let's ride on it! ..

That's how our Lemon learned to laugh. True, he remained the same sour, but he became very cheerful and even useful. After all, laughter is the best medicine! And the girl liked her new acquaintances very much. Now the three of them are inseparable friends.

Mishkina Mila, 2 "B" class


Met fruits and vegetables
And they began to find out
Who are the best products.
And, in order to resolve the dispute, they decided to play the game.
Started playing volleyball
To score each other a goal.
But in the end, friendship won
Since everyone needs to take vitamins,
Because all the vitamins the body needs
And equally important.

Graditsky Nikita, 2 "B" class.

citrus family

Once a tree grew in a clearing, and no one knew what kind of tree it was. So, after one year, an orange grew, one. Strange, right?
He slept soundly. But suddenly a twig crackled, the orange woke up and crashed to the ground. It hurt him a lot. Orange still got up, looked around, looked at the tree and realized that he was alone on the tree, and indeed, in the whole clearing. He decided to travel. Walked, walked, climbed the mountain. I saw an orange at home.
They looked small from this distance. But poor Orange lost his balance and rolled down the mountain towards the city. He rolled across the road and suddenly stopped. Orange heard a noise. He saw a supermarket, went there. There were many people in it. Orange saw the box and climbed onto it. He looked into the box. There were a lot of tangerines there. The other box contained large strong grapefruits.
- Hey you! Are you sleeping? asked Orange.
All the tangerines woke up and murmured. And the grapefruits began to snore, but woke up from the noise of tangerines.
- What are you doing here? asked Orange.
"We live here," said the Mandarin.
And we are being sold! added Mandarin.
Orange sadly says:
- And I'm looking for a family, wandering around the world. I feel lonely.
- Can I go with you? Grapefruit asked.
- What about us? asked Mandarin and Mandarin.
- Of course! Orange rejoiced.
Grapefruit, Mandarin, Mandarin and Orange ran to the exit.
- I have relatives in the garden. Lemon and lime are two brothers, said Grapefruit.
- How good! I have many relatives! Orange said.
Everyone followed Grapefruit. They climbed over the fence and saw a tree with lemons. There was another tree nearby, only the lemons were green, and they were called limes. Citrus fruits did not have time to meet, they were grabbed by the girl Yulia. She squeezed the juice out of them, drank and did not get sick all year!

Pyatlina Ekaterina, 3 "B" class


Once Vanya and Nastya went to the dacha. It was hot and the children were thirsty. Mom suggested that they collect berries for compote. The children went to pick berries.

The children started picking cherries. Vanya climbed a tree, and Nastya was gathering at the bottom. Vanya asked his mother: "What is the use of cherries?" Mom said that cherry fruits contain various acids, microelements, macroelements, pectins, sugar, various vitamins, folic acid. Cherry well removes thirst, has antiseptic properties.

Then the children began to pick apples. Nastya asked her mother: "What is the use of apples?" Mom said that they contain many vitamins and minerals, are useful for headaches, anemia, arthritis, rheumatism.

Then Vanya saw strawberries and began to pick them together with Nastya. The children were picking strawberries and asked their mother: "What is the use of strawberries?" Mom replied that strawberries contain sugar, carotene, essential oil, and various acids. Used for colds, anemia. It is very tasty and low in calories.

Then mother sent the children to pick pears. Mom explained that the pear contains vitamins, potassium, iron, copper, pectin, fiber and tannins. Pear strengthens the immune system, relieves inflammation, fights infections.

The children collected a lot of berries and gave them to their mother, and the mother made compote. It was tasty and healthy.

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