Updating tanks 26 10 17. It's worth upgrading your computer for this: an overview of the World of Tanks global update

We remind you that already today, October 16, you can download 9.20.1 and start playing right after the end technical work. How to do it read on link

Update 9.20.1 will be released on October 17 at 10:00 a.m. (UTC) and will contain a number of changes to UK, US and Chinese vehicles. In addition, we have seriously improved the balancing mechanism: now the vehicles of assembled teams will be additionally redistributed based on their roles. Personal combat missions have also been significantly redesigned - from the interface to rewards and completion mechanics, aimed at improving the overall experience. Bonuses will now be issued for rewards in the Epic Achievements and Battle Heroes categories. Find all the details about the changes below.

Servers unavailable

World of Tanks servers will be unavailable on October 17 from 03:00 to 10:00 (Moscow time) due to the release of the update. We kindly ask you to refrain from making payments during the specified period of time.

The clan portal will also be unavailable during the release of the update.

Premium account and compensation

Players who have a premium account or other temporary services active (for example, camouflage) at the time of the start of maintenance will be compensated for a day of a premium account and/or a day of using the services starting from October 17 from 00:00 (UTC) according to these rules. If you want to make purchases in the game, wait for the servers to start.

What's new?

Click on the images below for a detailed look at each innovation.

Vehicle rebalance

We will change the British FV 4005 Stage II tank destroyers to make them more comfortable to play. Medium tanks from Tier VIII to X will have increased turret armor, which will emphasize their role as medium-range fire support vehicles. We've also changed the UK Heavy Tank branch from Tier VIII to provide a consistent gameplay similar to the style of play on Conqueror . The vacant FV 215b spot at Tier X will be taken by the new Super Conqueror heavy tank, and the FV 215b will become a promotional vehicle.

In the update, Tier X light tanks will receive an increase in firepower, and US LTs will be "shuffled" to provide a unique gameplay experience. Finally, we will significantly change the Chinese premium tanks, which have been outdated for years, in order to update them.

We have once again revised the combat parameters of the Super Conqueror, Conqueror, FV4005 Stage II, FV4004 Conway and FV4202 (P) vehicles, taking into account your feedback during the general test. Detailed information about this is in the article about changes in technology.

Personal combat missions

After analyzing your feedback, we have made significant adjustments to personal combat missions. Along with changing the conditions to match the realities of the game, Update 9.20.1 replaces reward lists with order forms and components that will make the first campaign more flexible. We've also improved navigation by redesigning the personal mission interface. We hope you appreciate it.

Bonds and medals

If you haven't reached Tier X yet, prefer to play lower tier vehicles and do it well, Update 9.20.1 will give you extra motivation to showcase your talents in every battle. You will receive bonds for rewards in the Epic Achievements and Battle Heroes categories. This new rule will only apply to rewards received after the release of Update 9.20.1.

With the usual measure, World of Tanks cannot be approached. Because no matter where the big guys headed by Viktor Kisly are located, no matter what citizenship they have now, the game is ours, Belarusian. And if a few years ago it was customary to be proud of this, today some unhealthy skepticism is increasingly heard in relation to Wargaming: the larger the company becomes, the more haters it has. It just so happens that you can't please everyone, and the online gaming community is toxic by default.

A little background

Two and a half years ago, Wargaming had a "Rubicon" - the worst update in World of Tanks number 10.0, which they later decided to cancel and not release. The company had been preparing for the launch for several months, planning a number of improvements, but as a result, the announcement of the update on YouTube was “minused” by the audience, and Viktor Kisly had to go on stage personally, who apologized for the unjustified expectations of the “tankers”. Under the loud name "Rubicon" (after all, you all understand the meaning of the expression "cross the Rubicon"?), developers and players saw a different product. And when the expectations of the players did not come true, the reaction was understandable.

For many gamers, it was Rubicon that became the point of farewell to the game. However, for Wargaming, perhaps this in-game scandal turned out to be a motivating kick for changes to World of Tanks 1.0.

It is noteworthy that on the eve of the release of the patch, we talked with a popular YouTube blogger in those years and a completely constructive critic of Wargaming Daniil "Murazor" Parashchin. He also said that the introduction of artillery was a game design mistake, changes are slow, the balance needs to be corrected, many developers do not play their game, and some people left the development when the project became successful and began to bring in a lot of money. Unfortunately, we made the mistake of asking Wargaming for a comment and agreeing to provide them with a draft. After that, Daniel refused to publish, and after some time he was invited to the company for a permanent job and moved from cool Lviv to warm Cyprus.

His pen belongs to the reworked artillery, which now not only deals damage, but also renders the target incapacitated for a good ten seconds. If before this the guns were toxic, then after the changes they became super-toxic. Since then, Murazor no longer communicates with his YouTube subscribers and has disappeared from the radar in other social networks.

But these are all lyrics, so that you roughly understand at what stage I abandoned World of Tanks, why I returned to them for a month and what I saw there.

Rubicon 2.0

World of Tanks 1.0 is the same "Rubicon" that was expected two and a half years ago. The only problem is that the name has already been tarnished and you don’t use it a second time. In the game, the graphics and soundtrack have radically changed, the maps have been reworked to HD quality, some have received a rebalance of the terrain.

At the same time, the developers tried to optimize the new graphics engine as much as possible. On a machine that could be called pre-top three years ago (GTX 970 and i5-4690), the number of frames per second consistently exceeds a hundred at maximum picture quality settings. And even with streaming, this figure drops very slightly. Well, it certainly keeps above 60 frames per second. But there is an extremely annoying moment - regular friezes and freezes, the cause of which cannot be localized on its own. Does it interfere with the game? Certainly! Especially when you play fast medium and light tanks. And it is not clear why, after so many days after the release of the update, there is still no fix for the problem.

Judging by the reviews on the official forum of the game, I'm still lucky. There, "tankers" report a significant drop in FPS, client crashes during the game, long loading before the battle. Of course, this is largely due to the old hardware, but some problems still defy explanation.

Okay, this is the technical part. And it seems to be working well. I would especially like to note the efforts of the developers in terms of filling the cards with various small details. The artists who do this know a lot about their work. Particularly touching is some stream of melt water, rushing into the channel more major river. Maps have become much more detailed, detailed, rich and realistic.

For the first time, when you get to the updated maps, you even get a little lost: it seems that its name is familiar, but you just can’t recognize it outwardly. Only over time, driving around the points, you find a resemblance to what has been deposited in your head for 10,000 battles: here is a familiar hillock, here is a stone, it just looks different, here an extension appeared in the form of the ruins of a castle.

It's hard to say anything more about the map. Too rarely she comes across in a random house. It can only be noted that the center of the map looks unplayable due to two sleeves for tanks along the edges and shooting.

How is the new "tanks" played?

Just like the old ones. In terms of gameplay, the game has not changed. It is still designed for a vigorous tank "standing" behind shelters in fear of showing its nose out because of the artillery. Still, the game uses a mod that highlights the most dangerous targets in order to make it easier for gunners to focus on one of them with joint efforts.

The juicy sound of a shot, a bright column of flame from the barrel and an equally spectacular effect from a hit - this is no longer a game, but a real movie about a cool or not so cool tank that you personally control. This was the first impression of the global world updates of Tanks 1.0, which completely changed the look of the game and was created on Wargaming's own engine. The developers have been going to this update for a long ten years by trial and error. Unfortunately, there were more of the latter.

Everything was very bad

World of Tanks was released in 2010 and was enthusiastically received by users. But then something seemed to go wrong: with each patch, the game only got worse. It all started in 2015 with patch 10.0 Rubicon. Already on the test, numerous lags, failures, crashes were recorded. The game was like a ship, the captain of which decided to check the stock of rum in the hold, and his parrot remained at the helm. Forums just seethed with the indignation of the players. As a result, the patch was canceled, and the developers, it seems, did not do any work on the bugs. Nobody listened to the players themselves, the gameplay was more and more lame on both legs.

Image: Wargaming

There were tanks of high levels with a large "alpha", which simply broke the balance of the game. And so from update to update. Gamers complained that there were not enough cards in the game, and instead of correcting the situation, Wargaming spends money on PR, introduces a “musical” tank (P.Victoria) or shoots advertising with Galygin. Maybe it was worth it to draw a couple of cards for what was spent? By patch 9.22, the balance of premium cars was completely broken. Players who bought KV-5 or IS-6 tanks for real money felt cheated - it became very difficult to make money on this vehicle.

The preferential level of battles disappeared, and classmates sent these vehicles to the hangar in a matter of minutes, and sometimes even seconds. Therefore, I wanted to run World of Tanks on a computer less and less. Naturally, before the release of 1.0, there were real fears that this would be another Rubicon and it would be time to remove the game.

How nice to be in the hangar

I would never have thought that I would say this phrase, but ... After the necessary five-plus gigabytes of updates were downloaded, it was time for pleasant surprises. After loading the game, we immediately get into the hangar. Only now it is not a large gray room filled with pieces of iron, but a forest clearing. Light, clean, pleasant music plays, soft light pours, and, most importantly, you are no longer alone.

Hangar before update

Over there, in the background, two people are discussing something, leaning over a map, a guy is chopping wood not far from the tank, two more are discussing something on the mound. The picture is so pacifying that even after the most unsuccessful battle there is no longer a desire to kick the keyboard and throw a slipper at Barsik.

Hangar after update

I have a T-62 and now I'm Jack Sparrow

In patch 1.0, the developers completely updated all the maps and did it great. The picture on the screen is such that more than shooting, you just want to drive around the map. Lay a clearing in the forest, visit a village, see an abandoned castle and effectively flop into the water with acceleration. To splash in all directions, because the picture looks great.

Photo: redempire.ru

Translated into HD tanks with new landscapes and graphics look like a solid five with a plus. And when they drive through the snow, which flies, as in life, in all directions and at the same time sticks to combat vehicle, then I want to applaud the developers. But, however, there is a nuance - all this can be seen only at high graphics settings. Therefore, if you are a big fan of tanks, the first thing to buy will be a powerful video card and a new processor.

You can also play at low settings, and here gamers over 30 can be attacked by a sense of nostalgia. The color scheme of the cards strongly resembles that of the Blitzkrieg game, the very one with which many began to love tank battles. And yes, you can play on weak hardware, for example, the Radeon hd 7500m / 7600m video card produces a stable 86 fps at minimum settings.

New cards - a separate topic for conversation. "Calm" was simply amazing: an incredibly beautiful map with gigantic blocks of frozen ships and a memorable musical accompaniment. While the intro plays, it feels like you're a Jack Sparrow-level pirate. I want to lean out of the hatch of my native T-62 and yell “yo-ho-ho”, waving a saber. The main thing at the same time is not to get into the polynya, the ice on the map is fragile.

In general, Wargaming approached the musical component thoroughly. Each card has its own authentic sound. More than 50 composers and musicians worked on the music.

Another own Core Engine made it possible to make the maps in the game endless. Therefore, if you do not set the border designation with a red line in the settings, you can easily run into an invisible wall in the midst of a battle and catch a projectile from the enemy.

Negative trends

Despite the mass of positive that the new update brought, there are still many things that caused negative emotions among the players. This includes the balancing of premium tanks, which are not able to compete on equal terms with their classmates, and even more so with vehicles one level higher. And fast battles that end in 3-5 minutes, as well as the eternal problem of artillery, from which there is no life for the owners of heavy tanks.

16-10-2017, 18:45

The full list of changes in update, which was released on 10/17/2017 in World of Tanks.

Large-scale update of the first campaign of personal missions "The long-awaited reinforcements"

The essence of the changes

The visual and sound components of personal combat missions have been completely redone.
- Completely new and unique rewards have been added.
- The conditions of tasks have been revised so that the main reward for the operation is always relevant for the player.
- Order forms have been added, which will greatly facilitate the performance of personal combat missions.
- You can learn about changes in personal combat missions from a special video available right in the game.

Interface and sound

All interfaces of personal combat missions have been reworked:
1. Personal combat missions can now be accessed through the Campaigns tab (under the Battle! button).
2. Added the "General Staff" screen with a map of all operations.
3. The operations screen has been completely redesigned - now it is a geographical map with tasks in the form of areas on it.
4. The campaign rewards screen has been completely redesigned:
4.1 Now the main reward - the car - is located in the center of the screen.
4.2 Added operation statistics: now you know how many credits you can still earn.

Added new musical accompaniment:
1. A special music track has been recorded for personal combat missions.
2. Added interactive music: the more tasks are completed within the same branch, the more intense the music.

A new way to get reward cars

Reward lists have been removed - machine components have been introduced instead:

1. To get a reward vehicle for an operation, you need to collect all five components: hull, chassis, gun, power plant and radio station.
2. Each component has its own branch of tasks in the operation:
2.1 The power plant is a task branch for light tanks.
2.2 Suspension - task branch for medium tanks.
2.3 Hull (+ turret or cabin) - task branch for heavy tanks.
2.4 Weapon - task branch for tank destroyers.
2.5 Radio station - task branch for ACS.
3. To get a component, you need to complete the final 15th task in the corresponding branch.

Order forms

Added a new entity "Order Forms":
1. To earn an order form, you must complete any final task of any branch with honors.
2. Order forms can be included (that is, used) in any tasks. Thus:
- The selected task will automatically be considered completed without distinction.
- You will receive a reward for the main conditions of the task.
- The spent order form will remain embedded in the task.
- The pledged order form does not disappear, but is temporarily frozen until you take it back.
3. To pick up the pledged order form and then reuse it, you must complete the task in which it is embedded with honors.
4. The number of order forms required for inclusion in tasks:
- For any task from the 1st to the 14th - 1 order form.
- In the 15th task - 4 order forms.

Order forms can be used to skip difficult or uninteresting tasks for you. Most importantly, you can add order forms to the final, 15th task in the branch, even if you haven't completed the previous 14 yet. Thus, you can instantly get the missing fifth component of the machine by completing four task branches with honors.

New Rewards

1. Added a new reward - patches:
1.1 In each operation, you can earn two patches:
- Patch II degree is issued simultaneously with the receipt of the award car.
- I degree badge is issued for completing all 75 tasks of a specific operation with honors.
1.2 For completing all tasks in all operations, you will receive a special unique patch "Champion of the 1st Campaign".
2. A new reward has been added - camouflage schemes:
2.1 In each operation, you can earn a set of three (summer, winter, desert) unique camouflage schemes:
- A set of three camouflage schemes for a reward vehicle is issued for completing all 75 missions of the operation.
- The same set of schemes is unlocked for use on all vehicles of the same nation as the award vehicle for completing all 75 missions of the operation with distinction.

Changing task conditions

The objectives in each operation have been revised to increase the relevance of the main reward. For example, now all tasks from Operation StuG IV can be completed on Tier V vehicles, from Operation T28 Heavy Tank Concept - on Tier VII vehicles, and so on. At the same time, participation restrictions have not changed. You can perform tasks of any operation even on Tier X vehicles.

We also made the additional conditions in the final 15 tasks of each branch more diverse. This is due to the fact that the additional reward for the tasks that complete the branches has become more valuable: now there are order forms there.

Note! If, according to the condition of the task, you need, for example, to detect five vehicles in a battle, and you have discovered seven, obviously, the task will be successfully counted. This rule is true for all numerical conditions.

A complete list of the modified conditions of the BR.

Bonds and medals

Starting from 9.20.1, when winning medals in the Epic Achievements and Battle Hero categories, the player will receive additional rewards in the form of bonds. Please note: Bonds will not be credited for accumulative medals. The number of bonds is not final and may change.

Balancer improvements

Now the balancer is additionally trying to balance each part of the team list (bottom-middle-top), taking into account the features and roles of vehicles within types: the Maus tank is opposed to the Maus, Type 5 Heavy or E 100, the T57 Heavy tank is opposed to the AMX 50B, and so on. However, in some situations, a symmetrical balance in terms of game roles will not work. For example, if vehicles with different roles are in a platoon.


We switched to new version Wwise 2017.1.1, which will expand the scope for further audio improvements.

Grand Battle Improvements

The following changes have been made to the General Battle battle type:

1. The message about victory or defeat in battle has changed.
Added a new kind of battle victory or defeat message to make it easier for players to understand when and why the battle ended. The message has separate animations for win, lose and draw. Additional text shows why the fight ended. When a battle ends with the base captured, the capture progress bar goes into a "locked" state shortly before the message appears to indicate that the total will not change.
This innovation is applied to all random and ranked battles, as well as to the general battle.
2. Updated tooltips for rewards, which describe various conditions for receiving. In a standard, oncoming battle, and assault, the conditions are the same, but in a general battle, the requirements are higher.
3. Improved combat interface (HUD) in general battle.
The transparency of the background of the panels with the list of players has been reduced to make the information easier to read on a light background (sky, water, etc.).
Border symbols have been added to the top bar to improve readability.

Training Ground Improvements


Irrelevant options have been disabled in the context menus of the vehicle upgrade windows, the research tree, and the vehicle carousel.
The rewards (credits and experience) for victories and defeats while passing the training ground have been balanced.
The rewards for completing the training ground are now displayed in the notification center.
Added a notification to players that they will not receive a reward when re-passing the training ground.
The crew recruitment window has become more informative.


Fixed a bug where some UI elements were displayed incorrectly in color blind mode.
Fixed errors that occurred when saving and restoring settings (vehicle panel and sights) when the player entered the training ground and exited this mode.
Fixed rendering of some game tips (unmasking when shooting, the need to return to the capture circle).
Fixed a rare issue where the "Skip Tutorial" button was displayed incorrectly.
The results of battles in the mode have been removed from the notification center.
Fixed displaying of the EULA license window when restarting the game client.
The description of the characteristics of vehicles in the loading screens of the training ground is now correct.
Fixed a bug due to which the music tracks of the battle, the Hangar and the final cinematic of the training ground were superimposed on each other.
Added reward descriptions to the victory screen.
Fixed bugs in the behavior of bots.
Fixed bugs in displaying map borders.

New game models in HD quality

Valentine AT
Batignolles-Châtillon 155 ml. 58
Valentine II
Batignolles-Châtillon 155 ml. 55
"Object 416"
Vickers Medium Mk. I
Vickers Medium Mk. II
Churchill I

Vehicle Changes

X FV215b replaced by Super Conqueror.

VIII Caernarvon:

Changed the name of the second turret from Centurion Action X* to Centurion 32-pdr.
Added OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II with 50 ammo. to the Centurion 32-pdr turret. The speed of the shells of the new top gun is 878/1098/878 m/s, the speed of the shells of the old top gun is 1020/1275/1020 m/s. The basic performance characteristics of the guns are as follows:
elevation angle 18 degrees;
declination angle -10 degrees;
spread 0.34 m per 100 m;
reload time 6.5 s;
mixing time 2.3 s.

damage 280 units;

penetration 220 mm.

damage 280 units;
projectile speed 1098 m/s;
penetration 252 mm.

damage 370 units;
projectile speed 878 m/s;
penetration 47 mm.
The OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel with 60 ammo has been removed. from the Centurion Action X* turret.
The OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel with 60 ammo has been removed. from the Centurion Action X* turret.

The carrying capacity of the FV221A undercarriage has been changed from 63,000 to 64,000 kg.
The spread of the gun from the movement of the FV221 chassis has been increased by 12%.
The dispersion of the gun from the movement of the FV221A chassis has been increased by 14%.
The dispersion of the gun from the rotation of the FV221 chassis has been increased by 12%.
The dispersion of the gun from the rotation of the FV221A chassis has been increased by 14%.
Dispersion of the OQF 17-pdr Gun Mk. VII when turning the Centurion 32-pdr turret increased by 25%.
Turret traverse speed of the Centurion Mk. II changed from 30 to 26 deg/s.
Centurion 32-pdr turret traverse speed changed from 36 to 30 deg/s.

Elevation angle of the OQF 17-pdr Gun Mk. VII in the Centurion Mk. II changed from 15 to 18 degrees.
Declination angle of the OQF 17-pdr Gun Mk. VII in the Centurion Mk. II changed from -8 to -10 degrees.

Changed the name of the first turret from Centurion Action X** to Conqueror Mk. II.
Changed name of second turret from Conqueror Mk. II on the Conqueror Mk. II ABP.
Added OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II with 50 ammo. to the Conqueror Mk. II. The basic performance characteristics of the guns are as follows:
elevation angle 15 degrees;
declination angle -10 degrees;
spread 0.33 m per 100 m;
reload time 5.9 s;
mixing time 2.1 s.
Added OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II with 50 ammo. to the Conqueror Mk. II ABP. The basic performance characteristics of the guns are as follows:
elevation angle 15 degrees;
declination angle -10 degrees;
spread 0.33 m per 100 m;
reload time 5.9 s;
mixing time 2.1 s.
Added APCBC Mk. 3 for the OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
damage 280 units;
penetration 220 mm;
speed 878 m/s.
Added APDS Mk. 3 for the OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
damage 280 units;
penetration 252 mm;
speed 1098 m/s.
Added HE Mk. 3 for the OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
damage 370 units;
penetration 47 mm;
speed 878 m/s.
The OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel with 65 ammo has been removed. from the Centurion Action X* turret.
The OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel with 65 ammo has been removed. from the Centurion Action X* turret.
The OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel with 65 ammo has been removed. from the Conqueror Mk. II.
The OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel with 65 ammo has been removed. from the Conqueror Mk. II.
Removed AP Mk. 1 for the OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel.
Removed APC Mk. 2 for the OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel.
Removed HE Mk. 3 for the OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel.
Removed AP Mk. 1 for the OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel.
Removed APC Mk. 2 for the OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel.
Removed HE Mk. 3 for the OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel.
Carrying capacity of the Conqueror Mk. I changed from 65,004 to 65,504 kg.
Reload time for the 120 mm Gun L1A1 for the Conqueror Mk. II ABP changed from 10.5s to 11.3s.
Turret traverse speed of the Conqueror Mk. II changed from 36 to 30 deg/s.
Turret traverse speed of the Conqueror Mk. II ABP changed from 34 to 32 deg/s.
Enhanced turret and hull armor.

X FV215b transferred to special vehicles:

Tank cost changed from 6,100,000 to 5.

VIII Centurion Mk. I:

Improved turret armor.

IX Centurion Mk. 7/1:

Improved turret armor.

Added OQF 32-pdr AT Gun Mk. II with 30 ammo. to the Avenger tower. The basic performance characteristics of the guns are as follows:
elevation angle 20 degrees;
declination angle -10 degrees;
horizontal guidance angles -60 and 60 degrees;
spread 0.35 m per 100 m;
reload time 7.8 s;
mixing time 2 s.
Added APCBC Mk. 3 for the OQF 32-pdr AT Gun Mk. II. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
damage 280 units;
penetration 220 mm;
speed 878 m/s.
Added APDS Mk. 3 for the OQF 32-pdr AT Gun Mk. II. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
damage 280 units;
penetration 252 mm;
speed 1098 m/s.
Added HE Mk. 3 for the OQF 32-pdr AT Gun Mk. II. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
damage 370 units;
penetration 47 mm;
speed 878 m/s.
Challenger turret traverse speed changed from 14 deg/s to 16 deg/s.
Avenger turret traverse speed changed from 16 deg/s to 18 deg/s.

Improved turret armor.
Rolls-Royce Meteorite 202B engine power changed from 510 to 650 hp With.

VIII Charioteer:

Changed the depression angle of the OQF 20-pdr AT Gun Type A Barrel from -5 to -9 degrees.
Changed the depression angle of the OQF 20-pdr AT Gun Type B Barrel from -5 to -9 degrees.
Changed the depression angle of the 105 mm AT Gun L7 from -5 to -10 degrees.

IX FV4004 Conway:

Added B.L. 5.5-in. AT Gun with 30 ammo to the FV4004 Conway turret. The basic performance characteristics of the guns are as follows:
elevation angle 10 degrees;
declination angle -10 degrees;
horizontal guidance angles -90 and 90 degrees;
spread 0.38 m per 100 m;
reload time 14.4 s;
mixing time 2.4 s.
Added AP Mk. 1 for gun B.L. 5.5-in. A. T. Gun. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
damage 600 units;
penetration 260 mm;
speed 850 m/s.
Added HE Mk. 1T for B.L. 5.5-in. A. T. Gun. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
damage 770 units;
penetration 70 mm;
speed 850 m/s.
Added HESH Mk. 1 for gun B.L. 5.5-in. A. T. Gun. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
damage 770 units;
penetration 200 mm;
speed 850 m/s.
FV4004 Conway turret traverse speed changed from 16 to 18 deg/s.
Changed the depression angle of the 120 mm AT Gun L1A1 gun in the FV4004 Conway turret from -5 to -10 degrees.
The maximum forward speed has been changed from 35 to 50 km/h.
The maximum reverse speed has been changed from 20 to 15 km/h.

X FV4005 Stage II:

Rolls-Royce Griffon engine added. The basic performance characteristics of the engine are as follows:
power 950 l. With.;
20% fire chance.
Removed Rolls-Royce Meteor Mk. IVB.
Decreased dispersion of the 183 mm L4 gun when traversing the FV4005 Stage II turret by 12%.
FV4005 Stage II turret traverse speed changed from 12 to 16 deg/s.
Changed the depression angle of the 183 mm L4 gun in the FV4005 Stage II turret from -5 to -10 degrees.
The horizontal guidance angles of the 183 mm L4 gun in the FV4005 Stage II turret have been changed from 45 to 90 degrees in both directions.
Changed the ammo capacity of the 183 mm L4 gun in the FV4005 Stage II turret from 12 to 20 rounds.

X Centurion Action X:

Improved turret armor.

Kanonenjagdpanzer 105.

X Rheinmetall Panzerwagen:

The dispersion of the gun from the movement of the Rheinmetall Panzerwagen chassis has been reduced by 22%.
The dispersion of the gun from the rotation of the chassis of the Rheinmetall Panzerwagen was reduced by 22%.
Decreased dispersion of the 105 mm Kanone gun during turret traverse by 17%.
Changed the reload time for the 105 mm Kanone gun from 10 to 9 s.
Changed the aiming time of the 105 mm Kanone gun from 1.9 to 1.6 s.
The damage dealt by the Exp. APDS of the 105 mm Kanone gun changed from 360 to 320 HP
The damage dealt by the Exp. HE gun 105 mm Kanone, changed from 440 to 420 units.
The damage dealt by the Exp. HEAT of the 105 mm Kanone gun, changed from 360 to 320 HP
Ammunition increased from 30 to 35 shells.

Dispersion of the gun from movement of the Type 59 suspension reduced by 22%.
Type 59 gun dispersion reduced by 22%
Dispersion of the 100 mm Type 59 gun when traversing the turret reduced by 25%
Changed the aiming time for the 100 mm Type 59 gun from 2.9 to 2.3 s.
Ammo changed from 34 to 50 shells.

The aiming time of the 122 mm D-25TA gun was changed from 3.4 to 2.9 s.
Changed the rearward depression angle of the 122 mm D-25TA gun from 0 to -4 degrees.
Reinforced hull and turret armor.

The armor penetration of the AP M318 shell for the 90 mm Gun M41 has been changed from 190 to 212 mm.

Ammunition increased from 36 to 40 shells.

Added machine for testing by supertesters:
M4A2 Sherman Loza.

Reload time for the 100 mm T-100 gun changed from 8.4 to 7.8 s.
Ammunition increased from 38 to 43 shells.

Added technique:

M48A5 Patton (new model to replace M48A1 Patton)

X XM551 Sheridan:

The damage dealt by the Exp. APDS of the 105 mm Lightweight Gun changed from 360 to 390 HP
The damage dealt by the Exp. HE 105 mm Lightweight Gun changed from 440 to 480 HP
The damage dealt by the Exp. HEAT of 105 mm Lightweight Gun changed from 360 to 390 HP
Increased the ammo capacity of the 105 mm Lightweight Gun in the AR/AAV XM551 Sheridan turret from 37 to 42.

VIII M41 Walker Bulldog:

Removed the 76 mm Gun T91E5 with 60 ammo from the M41 turret.
Removed the 76 mm Gun T91E5 with 72 ammo from the M41A1 turret.
Removed HVAP-DS-T M331A2 shell for 76 mm Gun T91E5.
Removed HE M352 projectile for 76 mm Gun T91E5.
Removed the HEAT-T M496 projectile for the 76 mm Gun T91E5.

IX Bat.-Châtillon 155 55:

Weight of Bat.-Châtillon 155 55 changed from 46.33 to 33.99 tons.
Load capacity undercarriage Batignolles-Châtillon 155 ml. 55 was changed from 47,000 to 35,000 kg.
Load capacity undercarriage Batignolles-Châtillon 155 ml. 56 was changed from 50,000 to 38,000 kg.
SOFAM 12 GS/A engine power changed from 810 to 630 hp With.
SOFAM 12 GS engine power changed from 770 to 600 hp With.

X Bat.-Châtillon 155 58:

Weakened hull and turret armor.

Damage dealt by the OCC-105 D. 1504 projectile changed from 360 to 390.
Damage dealt by the OE-105-Mle projectile. 60 D. 1504, changed from 440 to 480 units.
Damage dealt by the OFL-105 D. 1504 projectile changed from 360 to 390.
Ammunition increased from 30 to 33 shells.

Improved turret armor.

List of known and already fixed bugs

New bugs:
- The name of the last captured base is duplicated when capturing both bases in the "Attack / Defense" mode.
- The text of the combat mission condition is not displayed in the congratulatory window if the mission condition has restrictions on the type of vehicle.
- The ability to perform platoon personal combat missions is displayed differently when pressing the Tab key in battle, on the post-battle statistics screen and in the congratulatory window.

Bugs that were present in the previous update, but not yet fixed:
- When a vehicle is flipped with its subsequent destruction after 30 seconds, the player who made the flip does not count the destruction of the enemy tank.
- The stealth parameter for vehicles with unique camouflage in the Garage is indicated without the camouflage bonus, but the camouflage effect actually works.
- The recruiter's Recruiting Office does not display the recruits and reservists invited by him if the account was returned to the state of the date before the recruits accepted his invitation.
- In some cases, when the cursor quickly rotates around the tank, the camera can change position abruptly when viewed from the trajectory.
- In some cases, the sequence of events in the history of received damage in the damage panel is broken.
- The feed of events about capturing a base in battle appears before the specified number of capture points is accumulated.

Corrected mistakes:
- The post-battle stats window no longer displays technical text when an enemy is killed with a coup.
- On the map "Quiet Coast" no longer observed graphical artifacts in the form of stripes between tanks.
- Fixed a bug with the inaccessibility of the battle room for the "Fortified area: battles" mode.
- The rules for calculating chevrons in the tooltip are now displayed correctly.
- The allied artillery marker on the minimap no longer freezes when placing the marker at a long distance.
- Fixed a bug that could display different time stuns in the "doll" and over the tank.
- When playing on a car with siege mode in sniper mode aiming in the horizontal plane is now performed correctly. (The bug was discovered on the general test.)

Changed the rounding mechanism in the characteristics of the tank and in the performance characteristics. Now the values ​​are rounded the same way.

Update 9.20.1 will be released on October 17 at 10:00 a.m. (UTC) and will contain a number of changes to UK, US and Chinese vehicles. In addition, we have seriously improved the balancing mechanism: now the vehicles of assembled teams will be additionally redistributed based on their roles. Personal combat missions have also been significantly redesigned - from the interface to rewards and completion mechanics, aimed at improving the overall experience. Bonuses will now be issued for rewards in the Epic Achievements and Battle Heroes categories. Find all the details about the changes below.

Servers unavailable

World of Tanks servers will be unavailable on October 17 from 03:00 to 10:00 (Moscow time) due to the release of the update. We kindly ask you to refrain from making payments during the specified period of time.

The clan portal will also be unavailable during the release of the update.

Premium account and compensation

Players who have a premium account or other temporary services active (for example, camouflage) at the time of the start of maintenance will be compensated for a day of a premium account and/or a day of using the services starting from October 17 from 00:00 (UTC) according to these rules. If you want to make purchases in the game, wait for the servers to start.

Vehicle rebalance

We will change the British FV4005 Stage II tank destroyers to make them more comfortable to play. Medium tanks from Tier VIII to X will have increased turret armor, which will emphasize their role as medium-range fire support vehicles. We've also changed the British heavy tank branch starting at tier VIII to provide a consistent gameplay similar to the style of play on Conqueror. The vacant FV215b spot at Tier X will be taken by the new Super Conqueror heavy tank, while the FV215b will become a promotional vehicle.

In the update, Tier X light tanks will receive an increase in firepower, and US LTs will be "shuffled" to provide a unique gameplay experience. Finally, we will significantly change the Chinese premium tanks, which have been outdated for years, in order to update them.

We have once again revised the combat parameters of the Super Conqueror, Conqueror, FV4005 Stage II, FV4004 Conway and FV4202 (P) vehicles, taking into account your feedback during the general test. Detailed information about this is in the article about changes in technology.

Personal combat missions

After analyzing your feedback, we have made significant adjustments to personal combat missions. Along with changing the conditions to match the realities of the game, Update 9.20.1 replaces reward lists with order forms and components that will make the first campaign more flexible. We've also improved navigation by redesigning the personal mission interface. We hope you appreciate it.

Bonds and medals

If you haven't reached Tier X yet, prefer to play lower tier vehicles and do it well, Update 9.20.1 will give you extra motivation to showcase your talents in every battle. You will receive bonds for rewards in the Epic Achievements and Battle Heroes categories. This new rule will only apply to rewards received after the release of Update 9.20.1.

Balancer Improvements

Now heavy and medium tanks will not be distributed randomly between teams. The balancer will begin to break tank destroyers, medium and heavy tanks into smaller subgroups (according to their role in the battle) and try to create teams so that in each part of the list (top-middle-bottom) vehicles with the same playing roles are evenly distributed. We also satisfied some of your requests: we improved the logic of collecting teams, increased the chance of getting into pitched battle etc.