Wash closure. Why are maternity hospitals closed for washing

Once a year, all maternity hospitals in the capital are closed for cleaning.

So, the washing period can last up to one month. During this time, everything is washed in institutions with the help of special solutions. Workers clean the floor, ceiling and walls with brushes.

This is necessary in order to remove all bacteria and organisms that can harm not only pregnant girls, but also other people. It is worth noting that it is impossible to destroy these bacteria using ordinary washing or simple quartzing.

The schedule for cleaning maternity hospitals is drawn up in advance by employees of the Health Department of the capital. At the end of December, the document becomes available; it is impossible to find out before the washing schedule.

So, our resource offers future mothers and their relatives to familiarize themselves in advance with the schedule for closing maternity hospitals for washing.

1. Maternity hospital No32 GBUZ GKB named after S.P. Botkin DZM branch No2
123317, Moscow, 3rd Krasnogvardeyskaya st., 1, building 1

2. Maternity hospital No25 GBUZ GKB 1 name. N.I. Pirogov DZM
Profile: Diabetes
119333, Moscow, st. Fotieva, d. 6


124489 Moscow, Zelenograd, Kashtanovaya Alley, 2

4. GBUZ "GKB S.S. Yudina DZM"
(GBUZ GKB No 79 DZM (formerly GBUZ GKB No 7 DZM))
Profile: Vascular Pathology, Preterm Birth
115446, Moscow, Kolomensky pr-d., 4

5. Maternity hospital No15 GBUZ GKB 13 DZM branch No1
Profile: Preterm birth
115088, Moscow, st. Sharikopodshipnikovskaya, 3

6. GBUZ GKB 15 named after O.M. Filatova DZM
Profile: Diseases of the cardiovascular system
111539, Moscow, st. Veshnyakovskaya, 23, building 2)

7. GBUZ GKB named after A.K. Yeramishantseva DZM
Profile: Pathology of the urinary system Mental illness
129327, Moscow, st. Lenskaya, 15

8. Maternity hospital No11 GBUZ GKB named after A.K. Yeramishantseva DZM branch No 1
127549, Moscow, st. Kostroma, 3

9. GBUZ GKB 24 DZM branch No. 2 (formerly GB No. 8)
Profile: Preterm birth
127287, Moscow, 4th Vyatsky lane, 39

10. GBUZ GKB 29 named after N.E. Bauman DZM
Profile: Diabetes
111250, g, informs Rosregistr. Moscow, Hospitalnaya sq., 2, building 28

11. GBUZ GKB 31 DZM branch No. 1 (formerly GKB No. 72)
no data
121552, Moscow, Academician Pavlova st., 22

12. GBUZ "GKB im. F.I. Inozemtseva DZM "(GBUZ GKB No. 36 DZM)
105187, Moscow, st. Fortunatovskaya, 1

13. Maternity hospital No5 GBUZ GKB 40 DZM
branch maternity hospital
129336, Moscow, st. Taimyrskaya, house 6

14. Maternity hospital No27 GBUZ GKB 50 DZM
branch maternity hospital
125008, Moscow, Koptevsky blvd., 5
15. Maternity hospital No26 GBUZ GKB 52 DZM
123182, Moscow, st. Sosnovaya, 11

16. Maternity hospital No20 GBUZ GKB named after D.D. Pletnev (GBUZ GKB 57 DZM)
105264, Moscow, st. Upper Pervomaiskaya, 57

17. Maternity hospital No4 GBUZ GKB 64 DZM branch No 1
119421, Moscow, st. Novatorov, 3

18. Maternity hospital No1 GBUZ GKB 67 named after. L.A. Vorokhobova DZM
branch maternity hospital
125480, Moscow, st. Vilisa Latsisa, 4

109263, Moscow, st. Shkuleva, 4

20. Maternity hospital No8 GBUZ GKB 68 DZM
109507, Moscow, Samarkand Boulevard, 3

21. GBUZ "GKB nm. E.O. Mukhina DZM"
Profile: Preterm birth
111399, Moscow, Federative avenue, 17

22. Maternity hospital No16 (GBUZ GKB 81 DZM branch No 1)
no data
125080, Moscow, st. Vereshchagina, d. 5, building 2

23. Maternity hospital No17 GBUZ "GKB im. V.V. Veresaeva DZM "branch No2
(GBUZ GKB 81 DZM branch No. 2)
Profile: Preterm birth
127591, Moscow, st. 800th anniversary of Moscow, 22
24. Family Planning Center
Profile: Blood diseases AB0- and Rh- sensitization Premature birth
117209, Moscow, Sevastopolsky prospect, 24 a

25. Maternity hospital No3 GBUZ TsPSiR DZM branch No4
Profile: Preterm birth
119501, Moscow, st. Nezhinskaya, 3

26. Maternity hospital No10 GBUZ TsPSiR DZM branch No1
Profile: Preterm birth
117303, Moscow, st. Azovskaya, 22

27. GBUZ "Infectious Clinical Hospital No. 1" DZM
Profile: Infectious diseases (including hepatitis, droplet infections)
125367, Moscow, Volokolamskoe highway, 63
28. GBUZ "Infectious Clinical Hospital No 2" DZM
Profile: infectious diseases
105275, Moscow, 8th st. Falcon Mountain, 15

29. Maternity Hospital Clinic No2.
State public health institution of the city of Moscow "Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for the Fight against Tuberculosis"
Profile: Pregnant women in labor, puerperas with tuberculosis
107014, Moscow, st. Barbolina, 3, building 13

Good day to all! Did your husband give you a memorable gift about such a joyful event? I never waited, the child is already 10 months old, although the requests were modest - not a car, fur coats, diamonds, but a gift commensurate with her husband's income - I would be glad, for example, a gold chain or makeup courses for myself, as an option. She gave birth free of charge, only the paid ward was postpartum, i.e. very economical for the family budget. The husband said that none of his friends and relatives gave his wife anything, he also does not consider it necessary. She herself said not to give flowers for discharge. In the end, I can only remember how I decorated the room myself with a few balloons. It's a shame that someone has a car "thank you for my son / daughter", and balloons for me


I'm so cute today

In Russia, they proposed to introduce "paternal capital" after the birth of a third child. The subsidy will not cancel maternity capital and will become an additional incentive to have children, the Public Chamber believes. Last year, for the first time in 10 years, Russia's population began to decline.
As conceived by the project developers, in order to receive a subsidy, it will be necessary to meet a number of requirements: all children must be born and raised in the same family, and parents must be in an officially registered marriage
How do you feel about such an initiative?
If they accept it, it will be interesting to see the birth rate boom again, as after the adoption of the law on maternity capital?


Lena Lenina

my husband invited me on vacation together (we both talked in May and decided that it’s not worth filing for divorce yet, don’t rush, sort out feelings, etc.). And so he calls me on vacation with his daughter - so that you think, on my meta, that he finally decided, understood everything, etc. ... the fool herself, of course, had to be asked, but we began to communicate so well, he began to come to my daughter more often, help me with business ... besides, his relatives were also sure that everything was getting better with us ...
in short, I come, he doesn’t hug me, in a couple of days he starts telling how he’s going to climb the mountains (he’s not working now), and then I understand that he plans everything without regard to the family in principle .. he’s not looking for work, he’s not going to pay alimony, he paid for his vacation and goodbye. Well, I ask - why did you call me here ?? and he’s like that - well, just relax))) I told him - we broke up what a joint vacation is just a current, offer me a vacation just like that, I wouldn’t go in my life, because I still love him, it hurts me to realize that he doesn’t need me and stuff like that. and then - for 2 weeks he plays family 9, cooks for us, cleans, he prepared coffee for me in the mornings !!), and then he returns me and my daughter back .. And he - I thought my daughter would benefit, our joint vacation ... when he realized that I was packing my suitcase to move to another apartment, he said - I called you to build relationships ... And what do you think he established them ?? No, he cooked further, served coffee, any of my attempts to get close, to talk - you put pressure on me. And then we just parted at the airport (flying on different flights), hugged my daughter, and just said to me - thanks for the company and left for the flight ... And so my daughter and I again returned to repairs, moving, mortgages and other delights, and he disappeared, as if these two weeks had not happened ..
Tell me, is this a normal behavior on his part? Why call us, I could pay the dock alimony, I myself would take her to rest, what was it like .. why should I hurt my soul, I just started to live, I more or less put my nerves in order .. and here again, I don’t sleep, I don’t eat, my nerves to hell .. I roared half the vacation in the hope of saving my family so that my daughter would have a father ... that's why n so with me ???? And why is this with her daughter - for 2 weeks she had a family in front of her eyes, and then, bang and dad again disappeared in the fog ... I told him on vacation - well, you don’t love, you say straight to your eyes - I don’t love, we are now just dad and mom, period .. but he is not - silent - a coward
one plus from this - I lost even more weight .. and decided to put an end to this BDSM ..


Lilian Andreaskaite

Here, in the next topic, they are discussing the reduction of budget places in Russian universities, and Yulia Arsenina, deputy director of the Vladimir Region Health Department, said that girls should not choose education to the detriment of motherhood.
“Now there is still such a trend that mothers - roughly speaking, our generation - set their children up to get an education and only then give birth to children. But we, doctors, believe - and we see it ourselves - that the sooner a girl gives birth, the healthier her generation will be, and the better for the woman herself. That is, the sooner she starts giving birth to children, the more likely she is to give birth to more of them, firstly, and the more likely she is to give birth at all, ”Arsenina said on June 25 at a round table on practical issues of supporting motherhood, childhood and increasing the birth rate.
The official also expressed the opinion that mothers should not condemn daughters who became pregnant at an early age out of wedlock.
“If every mother says “It’s okay, there can’t be more than a gift in life”, if every mother says “God gave a child, and will give a child”, has it been like this before? Yes, it will be hard, nevertheless this is a gift that can happen once in life, ”added Arsenina.
So maybe, well, what the heck, higher education for women?


As soon as the estimated date of birth becomes known, you should immediately study the schedule for closing maternity hospitals for washing in 2016.

This is the most important thing to do when preparing for the birth of a child, along with buying the necessary things, getting to know the doctor and choosing a maternity hospital.

Some are looking for a maternity hospital closer to home, someone was advised by friends, or future parents read reviews on the Internet. It happens that everything suits the maternity hospital: the staff, the quality of care, and the technical equipment, but the only trifle disrupts all plans. It turns out that preventive washing is carried out in the maternity hospital. If this moment is not taken into account in advance, then very unpleasant situations can arise. For example, “suddenly” it turns out that the contractions have already begun, the baby is ready to be born, but the maternity hospital is still closed.

Important! Washing, or sanitary and hygienic treatment of the maternity hospital, is a preventive measure, the need and importance of which can hardly be overestimated.

Washing can be scheduled or unscheduled. Planned processing of premises is carried out 1 or 2 times a year. The duration of washing is from 2 weeks to a month, while the reception of patients is stopped in advance, usually a week in advance. Therefore, the time of release and reception of patients is planned in advance. Women who are on preservation and can give birth in the near future are given the opportunity to safely give birth to a child, although they will have less time to recover. Those who have recently given birth or are on the safe side are transferred to another maternity hospital or, if the condition allows, they are discharged.

Unscheduled car washes, like other necessary events, also happen. They may be needed for a variety of reasons. For example, sometimes urgent repairs are required. It is also possible that a woman in labor arrives who has not passed the necessary tests, that is, she can potentially be a carrier of infection. The result will be the spread of infection and the emergence of diseases.

Washing the maternity hospital: what is it for?

Such careful preparations do not mean at all that the rest of the time in the maternity hospital they do not pay due attention to the cleanliness of the premises. On the contrary, it is difficult to find a cleaner place. Cleanliness is maintained regularly in all rooms. The fact that before each operation the doctor changes into clean clothes and washes his hands is known to everyone. Wet cleaning, sterilization of tools and materials is carried out daily. According to the rules, floors and walls, furniture in all wards are treated with special compounds every day. This is part of the daily work of the maternity hospital. But sooner or later these measures become insufficient. Why?

To answer this question, you need to take into account the specifics of the hospital. The main difference is that the flow of patients is much larger. Each of the women and each of the staff have their own "set" of bacteria that settle in the corridors and rooms. Even in the most modern maternity hospitals, a huge amount of bacteria gradually accumulates in the air. From the air, bacteria get on the instruments, the hands of a doctor or damaged tissues of a woman.

Important! Some microorganisms do not carry any danger, while others, under certain conditions, can cause disease.

They do not come to the maternity hospital for rest. Women have a difficult test - to give birth to a child. This process is not easy, and as a result, the body, weakened in order for 9 months of bearing a child, becomes even more susceptible to bacteria. In addition, during childbirth, there are often injuries, ruptures, in fact, a “gateway” for infection. For newborns, microbes are also dangerous, since their immune system is not weakened, it simply did not have time to form at a sufficient level.

It is for this reason that the maternity hospital is closed for washing every year with a certain frequency. Moreover, this is an event that is carried out at the request of the Health Committee. Failure to comply with this condition may lead to the fact that until the reasons are clarified, the maternity hospital will be closed, and sanctions will be imposed on the staff, up to and including dismissal from work.

How is washing carried out in the hospital?

The cessation of the work of the maternity ward is not an empty whim of doctors who want to torture innocent expectant mothers. For those 2 weeks or a month that the maternity hospital is closed, not only banal wet cleaning takes place in the premises. If necessary, carry out cosmetic or more serious repairs, update the paint on the floor, replace windows or doors, paint the walls. But this is not the most important thing.

  • wash and then disinfect all surfaces, not only the floor, but also the ceiling and walls in all rooms without exception;
  • clean and disinfect furniture from all sides;
  • clean doors, windows, window sills, lamps, etc.;
  • disinfect all instruments.

In general, there is a complete processing of all surfaces that are in the maternity hospital. After all the main work is behind, wards, delivery rooms and other rooms are irradiated with ultraviolet light. These measures allow you to achieve the highest possible sterility, so that literally not a single microbe slips through.

Conventional measures are also not enough for the reason that some microorganisms are very insidious and have the ability to quickly adapt to antiseptics. As a result, so-called nosocomial strains appear. It is in order to eliminate them that maternity hospitals are being closed for cleaning in 2016.

It is clear that all this huge amount of work is almost impossible to carry out if the maternity hospital functions as before.

How can I find out the closing schedule for a car wash?

Washing, unless it occurs as a result of an emergency, is planned in advance. Of course, all maternity hospitals in the city of Moscow do not close at the same time. To prevent women from being left without the necessary assistance, institutions go for treatment according to a specially drawn up schedule.

This document is generated by the Ministry of Health at the beginning of each calendar year. In fact, the schedule is a document for internal use, so until now the Ministry does not send it for publication in open sources. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to find out the schedule for washing maternity hospitals in 2016 in Moscow.

First of all, the document is sent to the management of maternity hospitals and antenatal clinics. Accordingly, the main way to find out the schedule is to ask directly from the doctor who is leading the pregnancy. It is possible that the schedule was not brought to his attention, but the head of the department must have all the information. According to the requirements of the Ministry of Health, information is sent without fail to all antenatal clinics. But they do this not always on time, not immediately after the release of the document, but with a delay, sometimes quite significant.

The second possible option is to contact the management of the selected maternity hospital and clarify the closing time for the wash. If the consultation may not have this information, then the schedule for closing maternity hospitals for washing in 2016 is sent directly to the maternity departments more quickly.

In addition, many medical institutions, including maternity hospitals, have their own websites where the necessary information is published in the public domain. Usually, the schedule of maternity hospitals can be found in the "News" or "Questions and Answers" section.

A situation is possible when it is necessary to obtain complete information about the work of not a specific institution, but a plan to close all maternity hospitals in the city. Then you can contact the Ministry of Health directly. Here, too, a problem is possible: the answer in writing “goes” for a very long time, sometimes up to 3 months, so you need to request the closing time for the car wash in advance.

The last option to find out the closing schedule in advance is to go to special resources. For example, there is an open data portal for all institutions in Moscow, which also shows the closing dates of maternity hospitals.

Car wash closing schedule

According to the schedule, the closure of Moscow maternity hospitals for washing in 2016 takes place:

  • No. 32 (street 3 Krasnogvardeiskaya, 1, building 1, from September 19 to October 2;
  • No. 25 (Fotiyeva st., 6), specializing in the reception of women with diabetes, from August 22 to September 4;
  • GBUZ City Clinical Hospital No. 3 (Zelenograd, Chestnut Alley, 2), specialization: premature birth, from May 2 to May 5;
  • No. 79 (Kolomensky Prospekt, 4), which specializes in the admission of women with vascular pathologies and the risk of preterm birth, was closed for reorganization in December 2015, has been working again since March 2016;
  • No. 15 (Sharikopodshipnikvskaya st., 3), specialization - premature birth, from August 1 to 14;
  • them. O. M. Filatova (Veshnyakovskaya St., 23, building 2), profile - diseases of the heart and blood vessels, from June 14 to 27;
  • them. A. K. Eramishantseva (Lenskaya St., 15), specializes in childbirth in diseases of the genitourinary and nervous system, from November 7 to 20;
  • No. 11 (Kostroma, 3) from May 9 to 22;
  • GBUZ GKB 24, branch No. 2 (4th Vyatsky lane, 39), profile - premature birth, from April 4 to April 17;
  • them. N. E. Bauman (Hospital Square, 2, building 28), specialization: diabetes mellitus, from May 30 to June 12;
  • No. 26 (ul. Sosnovaya, 11) from May 30 to June 26;
  • No. 20 (Verkhnyaya Pervomaiskaya St., 57) from 12 to 25 September;
  • No. 4 (Novatorov St., 3) from May 16 to May 29;
  • No. 1 (Vilis Latsis St., 4) - the wash was completed on March 28, 2016;
  • GBUZ GKB 68 (Shkuleva St., 4) from July 18 to 31;
  • No. 8 (Samarkand Boulevard, 3) from August 29 to September 11;
  • No. 70 (Prospect Federative, 17), specialization: preterm birth, from June 27 to July 10;
  • No. 16 (Vereshchagin St., 5, bldg. 2) - closed, exact information about the opening time was not received;
  • No. 17 (st. 800th anniversary of Moscow, 22), specialization: premature birth, from September 26 to October 9;
  • family planning center (Prospect Sevastopolsky, 24a), profile - premature birth, blood diseases, from January 11 to 25;
  • No. 3 (Nezhinskaya st., 3), specialization: preterm birth, from September 5 to 18;
  • No. 10 (Azovskaya st., 22), profile: premature birth, from August 8 to 21;
  • infectious diseases clinical hospital No. 1 (Volokolamsk highway, 63), specializes in the treatment of drop, airborne infectious diseases, hepatitis, from July 18 to 31;
  • Infectious Diseases Clinical Hospital No. 2 (Sokolina Gora St.), specialization: infectious diseases, from January 18 to 31;
  • the maternity hospital of Clinic No. 2 at the Center for the Fight against Tuberculosis (Barbolin St., 3), from July 4 to 17.

Washing in 2016 in Moscow is carried out in 25 maternity hospitals. Basically, they do not work for a minimum period, that is, 2 weeks. But some will not accept patients throughout the year: No. 5 and No. 27 (the resumption of work is planned in the second half of this year).