Heavy tank vk 45.03.

VK 45.03 is a Tier VII German heavy tank. To your attention a brief overview (guide) VK 45.03. In the face of this combat vehicle, we have a typical representative of German technology. An accurate gun, a good margin of safety, a pleasant angle of inclination of the frontal armor plate - these are its main trump cards. However, this is where the benefits of the armor end. It will be broken not only by representatives of higher levels, but also by classmates. Therefore, we play from the second or third line, if we do not want to leave the game after the first shot.

Characteristics of VK 45.03 in terms of dynamics are also not so hot. But the situation is compensated by improved soil resistance, which allows the car to stay more confident. This tank with its full-fledged level of battles is clearly not for a beginner, only a player with experience can understand its gameplay. With our armor against 9ok, you need to play very, very carefully, one wrong step and we go to the hangar. With our "great" mobility, we easily accept the gift of buns from the brown guys, and then we also go to the hangar. Therefore, if you are a fierce hardcore player, then go ahead.


+ good armor penetration;
+ good accuracy;
+ fast mixing;
+ large ammunition;
+ good viewing range.


- mediocre dynamics;
- weak booking.

The car is rare and desirable for collectors. Frankly, this car has more cons than pros. Should I buy VK 45.03? Definitely, if you are a fan of German tank building. In addition, you can farm well on it if your hands grow from where you need it.

Good luck on the battlefield!

8-06-2016, 10:43

Good day to all and welcome to the site! Friends, today we will talk about a really strong car, the characteristics of which will surprise many people very much - in front of you is the VK 45.03 guide.

So, we are talking about premium German heavy tank seventh level and he will remind many of several German representatives at once. Let's start with the fact that outwardly we are very similar to the second panther, and the VK 45.03 TTX guide is largely identical to the legendary machine called the Tiger 1. Actually, taking into account the last similarity in this guide, we will compare this new premium with the first tiger.

TTX VK 45.03 (H) guide

The first thing I want to pay attention to is a very good margin of safety. Although the new German has less HP than , this parameter is still worthy of respect, and if you look at the review, then everything is fine here.

Now pay attention to VK 45.03 booking characteristics. If we consider only bare numbers, it turns out that the armor of the premium and the upgraded legend is absolutely the same. However, the beginner has a nice angle of inclination of the frontal armor plate, which means that the given values ​​look a little nicer, although most classmates and higher-level vehicles will still easily penetrate us. Another tower is also installed on VK 45.03 WoT, but this does not change the essence of the matter, it is also quite simple to break through us here.

With armor sorted out, it's time to talk about mobility. As you can see, due to the fact that the VK 45.03 (H) Tiger III weighs much more, but has exactly the same engine as the Tiger 1, our specific power is lower. It would seem that this should negatively affect the dynamics and mobility in general, but here the characteristics of soil resistance come into play, which allow us to not yield to a swaying fellow, or even surpass it in mobility.

With all this, the heavy tank VK 45.03 did not receive a preferential level of combat, and as you yourself could see, it is incredibly similar to the Tiger 1, but what about its weapons?

Gun VK 45.03

Looking at the weaponry of this unit, we again notice many familiar parameters, the similarity with the legendary German is striking. The fact is that on the VK 45.03 the gun is exactly the same as on the Tiger 1 in the top configuration, however, some parameters are still different.

So, to begin with, we note that one-time damage and armor penetration are identical, which is very good for a car with a premium status, we are a good farmer. However, the difference in DPM is very significant, and this is explained by the difference in the rate of fire, here we lose.

Otherwise, VK 45.03 World of Tanks has more comfortable aiming, dispersion and stabilization parameters, which is good news. By the way, our cannon even goes down 1 degree better. It would seem such a trifle, but sometimes it really makes a big difference.

Advantages and disadvantages of VK 45.03 Tiger III

Consideration of the characteristics and comparisons is left behind, which means it's time to sum up the first results. As you already understood, we have a really standing premium tank in front of us, however, the German Tiger 3, like everyone else, has its strengths and weaknesses, so let's put them on the shelves to make it easier to navigate.

Excellent armor penetration;
Good accuracy, stabilization and mixing;
Comfortable vertical aiming angles;
Decent mobility;
good review;
Large margin of safety.

Weak booking;
Not very high one-time damage;
Not a preferential level of fights.

Equipment for VK 45.03 (H)

The installation of modules on this tank plays a huge role, but the choice here is not too big, since there are few really correct and balanced options. Thus, on VK 45.03 the equipment is selected as follows:
1. - although we can't compete with Tiger 1 in DPM, this module is necessary, because the more damage we are able to inflict, the more silver we will take out of the battle.
2. - everything is simple here. The faster we converge, the easier and more comfortable it is to implement damage;
3. - we have fairly good mobility and visibility, so it would be useful to improve the last parameter and it will be possible to play from our own light.

Depending on the style of the game and your personal preferences, the last item can be replaced with. This module allows you to comprehensively raise several parameters at once and this option cannot be discounted.

Crew training VK 45.03

As in the case of the Tiger 1, there are 5 tankers in this unit, and on the VK 45.03 Tiger III, perks are pumped, one might say, in a standard way. Our main task is to enhance the advantages of your car as efficiently as possible, so the choice is unambiguous:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner - , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Radio operator - , , , .
Loader - , , , .

Equipment for VK 45.03

As it usually happens, your fate in each battle can largely depend on what consumables you carry with you. So in the case of VK 45.03 (H), the equipment is selected according to two scenarios. If farm and maximum savings are important to you, we take , and . If there are no financial difficulties, put gold consumables, and if desired, the fire extinguisher can be replaced with.

Tactics of the game on VK 45.03

So we came to how to use this unit in battles. Of course, you always need to remember the main advantages and disadvantages of your car, on the VK 45.03 Tiger 3, the tactics of warfare are formed based on these nuances.

Being at the bottom of the list and fighting against 8-9 levels, you should not climb too far ahead, in such cases the second line is our credo. Thanks to good accuracy and decent armor penetration VK 45.03 (H) guide WoT tank can fire at quite decent distances, thus providing good support to allies, inflicting tons of damage and earning silver credits.

If we are talking about the battle in the top, you can feel more free and take part in the battles on the first line. However, even here there is a great chance that they will break through us and thoughtlessly get involved in head-on collisions. Try reverse diamond tanking, hide behind houses or hide the heavy carcass of your VK 45.03 (H) Tiger III World of Tanks in terrain and beware of art. At the same time, even if you had to go for rapprochement, try to turn your body a little, wag from side to side to make it harder for the enemy to target his weak zones.

The game on the heavy tank VK 45.03 is intellectual. We need to clearly calculate our strength, always keep an eye on the mini-map and the situation in battle, because although we have a high margin of safety, this machine forgives mistakes with difficulty.

Otherwise, the VK 45.03 is worth buying, because this tank is practically no different from the upgraded regular Tiger 1, which is quite rare in cases with premium vehicles. This unit has many strengths, can farm well, even drag fights.

VK 45.03 is a heavy german tank 7 levels in game world Of tanks. There were leaks from closed tests back in the fall of 2015 from Khomish. But then it was not known whether it was a premium tank or a promotional award one.

The situation in patch 0.9.15 solved this puzzle - buy VK 45.03 possible for:

  • 1694 rubles,
  • 616 hryvnia,
  • or in a more stable currency 36 dollars (indicated the price without a share).
Let's consider in more detail why you need to pay a decent amount of quite realistically earned money on your “favorite” job. Let's praise the tank in moderation, as well as scold it, it's still level 7. And for the convenience of the review, we will compare VK 45.03 with each familiar Tiger I and Tiger (P).

Booking VK 45.03

Why do I start a premium car review with a booking? Yes, it’s just that in advertising they positioned him exactly as an excellent damage dealer, with tanking armor. Although, of course, the release of the transmission from the Flash clearly showed that this was a cardboard German tank.
The forehead of the hull is 100 mm at an angle of 50 degrees, that is, the reduced armor is 156 mm. The sides are 80 mm, and the tower is 100 mm in the forehead. In general, her booking is consistently average.

The VK 45.03 has the ability to tank sideways, and due to the rational tilt angles of the front armor plates, diagonal ricochets are quite possible. Learning to play it is not difficult if you rolled, for example, Lowe or VK 45 02, but if these tanks were insurmountable for you, then it’s better to run the kerchief online and collect all the decks.

Weapons and damage VK 45.03

The gun of the 3rd Tiger is standard, 7.7 with a penetration of 203 mm with a damage of 240 units. Damage per minute can be "overclocked" up to 2,000 units per minute. But the parameters of the VK 45.03 gun are better than those of the Tiger I and Tiger (P). Accuracy, stabilization and of course UVN at 8 degrees is gorgeous.

Dynamics and review of VK 45.03

VK 4503 is a little behind, in comparison with 1 Tiger, literally by 2 km / h. But at the same time, due to the high cross-country ability on various soils, it will even overtake it in swamps, for example. Spinning the tank will not work even with a light tank.
A review of 370 meters is enough, more is essentially not required. And the game from the hills because of the LHV is simply amazing. And once again - this is level 7!

Pharm VK 45.03

Farming VK 45 03 is excellent - an average of 50,000 silver per battle with 2,000 damage. The video shows this perfectly for 10 fights.

8-06-2016, 10:43

Good day to all and welcome to the site! Friends, today we will talk about a really strong car, the characteristics of which will surprise many people very much - in front of you is the VK 45.03 guide.

So, we are talking about a premium German heavy tank of the seventh level, and it will remind many of several German representatives at once. Let's start with the fact that outwardly we are very similar to the second panther, and the VK 45.03 TTX guide is largely identical to the legendary machine called the Tiger 1. Actually, taking into account the last similarity in this guide, we will compare this new premium with the first tiger.

TTX VK 45.03 (H) guide

The first thing I want to pay attention to is a very good margin of safety. Although the new German has less HP than , this parameter is still worthy of respect, and if you look at the review, then everything is fine here.

Now pay attention to VK 45.03 booking characteristics. If we consider only bare numbers, it turns out that the armor of the premium and the upgraded legend is absolutely the same. However, the beginner has a nice angle of inclination of the frontal armor plate, which means that the given values ​​look a little nicer, although most classmates and higher-level vehicles will still easily penetrate us. Another tower is also installed on VK 45.03 WoT, but this does not change the essence of the matter, it is also quite simple to break through us here.

With armor sorted out, it's time to talk about mobility. As you can see, due to the fact that the VK 45.03 (H) Tiger III weighs much more, but has exactly the same engine as the Tiger 1, our specific power is lower. It would seem that this should negatively affect the dynamics and mobility in general, but here the characteristics of soil resistance come into play, which allow us to not yield to a swaying fellow, or even surpass it in mobility.

With all this, the heavy tank VK 45.03 did not receive a preferential level of combat, and as you yourself could see, it is incredibly similar to the Tiger 1, but what about its weapons?

Gun VK 45.03

Looking at the weaponry of this unit, we again notice many familiar parameters, the similarity with the legendary German is striking. The fact is that on the VK 45.03 the gun is exactly the same as on the Tiger 1 in the top configuration, however, some parameters are still different.

So, to begin with, we note that one-time damage and armor penetration are identical, which is very good for a car with a premium status, we are a good farmer. However, the difference in DPM is very significant, and this is explained by the difference in the rate of fire, here we lose.

Otherwise, VK 45.03 World of Tanks has more comfortable aiming, dispersion and stabilization parameters, which is good news. By the way, our cannon even goes down 1 degree better. It would seem such a trifle, but sometimes it really makes a big difference.

Advantages and disadvantages of VK 45.03 Tiger III

Consideration of the characteristics and comparisons is left behind, which means it's time to sum up the first results. As you already understood, we have a really standing premium tank in front of us, however, the German Tiger 3, like everyone else, has its strengths and weaknesses, so let's put them on the shelves to make it easier to navigate.

Excellent armor penetration;
Good accuracy, stabilization and mixing;
Comfortable vertical aiming angles;
Decent mobility;
Good review;
Large margin of safety.

Weak booking;
Not very high one-time damage;
Not a preferential level of fights.

Equipment for VK 45.03 (H)

The installation of modules on this tank plays a huge role, but the choice here is not too big, since there are few really correct and balanced options. Thus, on VK 45.03 the equipment is selected as follows:
1. - although we can't compete with Tiger 1 in DPM, this module is necessary, because the more damage we are able to inflict, the more silver we will take out of the battle.
2. - everything is simple here. The faster we converge, the easier and more comfortable it is to implement damage;
3. - we have fairly good mobility and visibility, so it would be useful to improve the last parameter and it will be possible to play from our own light.

Depending on the style of the game and your personal preferences, the last item can be replaced with. This module allows you to comprehensively raise several parameters at once and this option cannot be discounted.

Crew training VK 45.03

As in the case of the Tiger 1, there are 5 tankers in this unit, and on the VK 45.03 Tiger III, perks are pumped, one might say, in a standard way. Our main task is to maximize the advantages of your machine as efficiently as possible, so the choice is unambiguous:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner - , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Radio operator - , , , .
Loader - , , , .

Equipment for VK 45.03

As it usually happens, your fate in each battle can largely depend on what consumables you carry with you. So in the case of VK 45.03 (H), the equipment is selected according to two scenarios. If farm and maximum savings are important to you, we take , and . If there are no financial difficulties, put gold consumables, and if desired, the fire extinguisher can be replaced with.

Tactics of the game on VK 45.03

So we came to how to use this unit in battles. Of course, you always need to remember the main advantages and disadvantages of your car, on the VK 45.03 Tiger 3, the tactics of warfare are formed based on these nuances.

Being at the bottom of the list and fighting against 8-9 levels, you should not climb too far ahead, in such cases the second line is our credo. Thanks to good accuracy and decent armor penetration VK 45.03 (H), the WoT guide tank can fire at quite decent distances, thus providing good support to allies, inflicting tons of damage and earning silver credits.

If we are talking about the battle in the top, you can feel more free and take part in the battles on the first line. However, even here there is a great chance that they will break through us and thoughtlessly get involved in head-on collisions. Try reverse diamond tanking, hide behind houses or hide the heavy carcass of your VK 45.03 (H) Tiger III World of Tanks in terrain and beware of art. At the same time, even if you had to go for rapprochement, try to turn your body a little, wag from side to side to make it harder for the enemy to target his weak zones.

The game on the heavy tank VK 45.03 is intellectual. We need to clearly calculate our strength, always keep an eye on the mini-map and the situation in battle, because although we have a high margin of safety, this machine forgives mistakes with difficulty.

Otherwise, the VK 45.03 is worth buying, because this tank is practically no different from the upgraded regular Tiger 1, which is quite rare in cases with premium vehicles. This unit has many strengths, can farm well, even drag fights.