Type 59 tank what equipment to install. Celestial war machine

Type 59 is a Tier XIII Chinese premium tank belonging to the medium tank class. Type 59 is an analogue of the Soviet T-54 medium tank, it has the same flattened shape, which is the most correct in the game, as well as a cast turret that is very difficult to break through except for pain points. The tank costs 7500 gold, if you convert gold into in-game silver, you get 3.5 million - we can earn this money in a couple of days of unhurried play. It has a high speed of 58 km / h, but, unfortunately, due to the poor Chinese engine, the dynamics are not all right with us. We are the strongest among all Tier 8 medium tanks, even the famous Soviet T-44 is much weaker than us, sometimes it turns out to destroy two T-44s in a fight. If we come across an enemy below the level, we kill him without problems.

In order to play effectively on the Type 59, we need to constantly be on the move, use the technique of dancing when colliding with the enemy head-on and try not to expose our sides and stern. With the right tactics, the tank will start bringing you silver mountains, for an average battle you can easily get 50 - 70 thousand silver, with more successful battles you can get from 90 to 125 thousand silver. If we encounter opponents of our level on the battlefield, they have no chance at all against us, we alone are able to destroy all the enemy’s medium tanks, since they simply will not penetrate us. The Type 59 is a melee tank and is where he feels most comfortable. When we meet opponents of a higher level or heavy tanks just use the tactic of the side clinch, we rub against them from the side and start to ride forward and backward so the enemy will be very difficult to hit us, such tactics are especially effective with the KV-5. If we ended up in a country of "pain", in which tanks of levels 9 and 10 roll against us, we do not make any vague decisions, our task is simply to hide behind our high-level comrades and try not to die. The highlighting tactic is just as effective, when we simply stand in cover and highlight our enemies, and for the damage inflicted on them by our comrades we get money and experience.

For a tank, there are 2 tactics that bring the biggest result, they all depend on its build type. At the end of the article, 2 configurations of modules will be presented, which are typical for one of the two tactics.

Pros and cons

- High profitability.
- Good frontal armor.
- Ricochet and durable tower.
- Excellent rate of fire.
- Good DPM.
- High rate performance when playing with other Types.
- Very high competitiveness.
- The highest speed among Tier XIII MTs.
- Good karma, we are almost always in the Top 3.

- Low acceleration dynamics.
- Low mixing time.
- The inability to transfer the crew anywhere.
- Low frontal protection against landmines.
- Low durability of caterpillars and long repairs.
- A small number of shells.
- Frequent damage to the ammo rack.
- Low level of reservation of the stern and rear.
- Frequent tank crits when hit in the forehead.
- Frequent crits from HE hits.

Specifications and assembly:

The crew consists of 4 people:

crew leader
- gunner
- Driver mechanic
- Loader (radio operator)

The screenshot below shows the tank after it was purchased.

Features after purchase:


Top: Type59 A
Max. load: 39.8 t \\ Turning speed: 45 g/sec


Top: 100mm Type 59
Penetration: 175/235/50 mm; Damage: 230/230/330 HP; Rate of fire: 8.57 rds / min; Spread: 0.34m/100m; Mixing: 2.5 s;


Top: Type59B
Armor: 200/104/65 mm; Rotation: 51 deg/sec; Overview: 430 m.


Top: NORINCO 12150L7
Power: 520 hp; Fire probability: 12%;


Top: 9RM
Communication range: 600 m

Additional modules:

Lonely evil Chinese:
- Fan.
- Sender.
- Vertical stabilizer.

This allows us to increase our dynamics and maneuverability, which the tank clearly lacks.

hardcore chinese:
- Rammer
- Stabilizer
- Elevator drive

This build is geared towards DPM, which will allow you to go head-to-head with heavyweights of your level and take them down, although we will have to forget about dynamics and agility!


For the Lonely Angry Chinese build:
- Quality oil
- repair kit
- First aid kit

Using a twisted ESC is not recommended, because if you forget to turn it off in combat, it will simply burn your engine, which will lead to the following - if you have a small repair kit, you will have to use it. After the next crit (gun or ammo rack) you will no longer have anything to repair the module, and you will become practically useless trash for the team.

To build "Chinese hardcore":
- repair kit
- First aid kit
- Fire extinguisher

Using oil in this build is absolutely useless, since with this build you will most likely wedge the enemy from the side and you will have frequent engine fires.

2-07-2016, 15:08

Hello everyone and welcome to the site! Friends, today we have a legendary and one of the most desirable vehicles in the World of Tanks, one of the first premium tanks in our game - here is a guide to the Type 59.

It is noteworthy that this unit has a preferential level of battles, that is, it never fights against the tenth levels, and now the average Chinese premium tank of the eighth level Type 59 cannot be bought, since it was taken out of sale a very long time ago.

Detailed performance characteristics Type 59

Let's move on to considering the parameters of this Chinese, and you can determine for yourself whether he is so good, or is it just a big name. To begin with, I’ll say that we have a margin of safety typical by the standards of classmates and a quite decent basic view of 380 meters.

Booking Type 59

Regarding what kind of armor characteristics the Type 59 has, it's still pretty good. The main thing you need to know about is the well-armored forehead of the tower, from which the shells of most opponents of the eighth level and below fly off.

In terms of the hardness of the case, everything is not so cool, but not bad either. NLD and VLD 100 mm thick, located at very favorable angles and hold the blow well, although it is still better to hide the body. Type 59 WoT tank is able to tank even sideways, but only with the correct setting and not always.

When it comes to mobility, it's all relative. On the one hand, good top speed and maneuverability, but by the standards of medium tanks, the dynamics are average, although you can’t call a tight car, the Chinese Type 59 tank is quite frisky.

Type 59 gun

Now let's talk about weapons and here again there are some contradictions. For starters, the alpha strike, which is quite a bit higher than most of the eighth level premiums, but there is nothing to be surprised at.

As for the rate of fire, it is not very high and therefore the Type 59 gun is capable of dealing only 1700 base damage per minute, without taking into account equipment and crew skills. The same applies to armor penetration, it is small and not enough to farm well. For this reason, you will have to carry half of the gold ammo with you. By the way, pay attention, the ammunition load here is small, so shoot wisely.

The accuracy of the Type 59 in World of Tanks is generally a disaster. Large spread, very long mixing, as for ST, and disgusting stabilization, these parameters will need to be corrected in every possible way. The only thing that pleases us is the declination of the gun by 7 degrees down, especially if we remember that we have a Chinese in our hands.

Advantages and disadvantages

So, as you may have noticed, we have a good and even quite strong car in our hands, but far from being an imba, and therefore it is very important to understand all the strengths and weaknesses of the Type 59 WoT.
Excellent frontal armor of the turret;
Good mobility and maneuverability;
High stealth coefficient;
Decent review;
Preferential level of fights.
Poor accuracy and stabilization;
long time intelligence;
Weak DPM;
Poor armor penetration;
Small ammunition.

Equipment for Type 59

We have reviewed General characteristics of this machine, highlighted its advantages and disadvantages, and as you can see for yourself, our main problems are poor gun accuracy and low DPM. For these reasons, the following equipment is installed on the Type 59:
1. - everything is very clear, this is the best way to increase damage per minute.
2. - will improve the accuracy and stabilization of the gun;
3. - a great option, because this is a boost of a large number of important characteristics at once.

There are several alternatives to the third item on our list. If you are a fan of playing from a review and consider this characteristic very important, you can install it, and for those who really lack the mixing speed (it is really bad), you can take it. Both options have the right to life, here everyone should set priorities for themselves.

Type 59 crew training

Based on the fact that we have a crew and four people at our disposal, at a certain stage we will have to make a decisive choice. However, for the rest, we will download perks on the Type 59 according to the standard, strengthening the most important parameters of the machine and not forgetting to correct the shortcomings:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner - , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Loader (radio operator) - , , , .

In the case of a radio operator, it makes sense to replace it with, since this module is located along our entire starboard side and there is a high probability of damage to it, again, it's up to you.

Equipment for Type 59

Regarding the choice of consumables, everything can be said to be standard, but even here there will be a small nuance. If you want to farm or spend as little silver as possible, you can carry , and . However, a more correct and reliable option is to install equipment in the form of , , on the Type 59. At the same time, I do not recommend changing the last option, because we have fuel tanks in front and they are often set on fire, but for the most desperate there are.

Game tactics on Type 59

Given all of the above, you need to play this car carefully, because although it has good armor, there are enough vulnerable zones here. While keeping in mind our slanting cannon, on the Type 59 the tactics of combat is to position on the second line.

In those situations when you do not get into the light, you can not be afraid to come down and aim weak spots, feel free to inflict damage. If the enemy pointed the muzzle at your Type 59 tank, try to take a position where artillery cannot reach you and the hull will be hidden, tanking with a turret at medium distances is a pleasure to shoot back.

But when it was not possible to avoid close combat, try to move more, wag your body from side to side, standing with your forehead to the enemy, so the probability of getting a rebound or non-penetration is greatly increased. Otherwise, the Type 59 World of Tanks tank is an excellent support vehicle. Change flanks and attack directions, help your allies, hide behind heavyweights and always look at the mini-map.

Summing up, let me remind you that the Chinese Type 59 medium tank cannot be bought, it was taken out of sale a long time ago. But if you get the chance to get it, decide what you expect from this car. If you want to farm, there are better options, but if you need a good and rather rare unit, this is a good option.


"Type 59-I» (WZ-120 A) - new 100-mm gun, new SLA, 1960s.

"Type 59-II(BUT)" (WZ-120 B) - new rifled 105-mm gun, 1980s.

"Type 59D(Done)" (WZ-120 C/ C1) - dynamic protection and a new SLA, 1990s.

"Type 59Gai» (b.w.-120 K) - an experienced tank with a 120-mm gun

"Type 59-I» modernized by Royal Ordnance

"Al Zarrar"- Pakistani tank with a 125-mm gun and a new FCS based on the "Type 59-I"

"Safir-74"- modernized Iranian "Type 59-I"

"Type 59M- II» - Pakistani modernization, 105-mm gun and new SLA

Machines created on the basis of "Type 59":

"Type 59"– BREM

« Marksman» - 35 mm twin ZSU, UK

"Koksan"- 170-mm coastal defense self-propelled guns, North Korea

In 1957, China received several samples and a license to produce a Soviet tank. T-54A. Its serial production began in 1957 at tank factory No. 617 in the city of Baotou (Inner Mongolia). Soviet specialists took an active part in the construction of this tank plant and the launch of the tank into mass production. Later, production was expanded at two more plants in Inner Mongolia and Shanghai. The production of tanks of this series continued until 1987, with the latest vehicles being significantly modernized versions. The first batches of serial vehicles were completely identical to the Soviet tank, in the future the production technology was simplified as much as possible, minor changes were made to suit local specifics, and since 1961 the tank received the official designation "Type 59" ( factory index WZ-120). During the production process, the tank was repeatedly upgraded and adapted to the specific conditions of Southeast Asia. So subsequently there were models of main battle tanks "Type 69", "Type 79", "Type 80".

Tank "Type 59" was the most massive in the fleet of Chinese military vehicles. Its production volumes were: the beginning of the 1970s - 500-700 units, 1979 - 1000, 1980 - 500, 1981 - 600, 1982 -1200, 1983 - 1500-1700 units. In the mid-1990s, the People's Liberation Army of China was armed with about 6,000 tanks "Type 59". A significant number of these tanks were exported to the following countries: Albania (470 units), Bangladesh (about 100), Iran (500), Iraq (about 700, mostly modernized versions), Congo (15), Cambodia (about 50), North Korea(175), Pakistan (1200, including those produced under license), Vietnam (350), Zimbabwe (35), Tanzania (30), Sudan (50).

The layout of the tank is classic with a front-mounted control compartment (the driver's seat is shifted to the left), an average location of the fighting compartment (the gunner sits in the turret on the left, the commander on the right) and a rear-engine-transmission compartment. The first samples of the tank "Type 59", like T-54A were armed with a 100-mm rifled gun (a licensed copy of the Soviet D-10T), stabilized in a vertical plane. Its effective firing range was 700-1200 m. The tank's ammunition load includes 34 unitary shots with armor-piercing tracer, high-explosive fragmentation and cumulative projectiles. To reduce the gas contamination of the fighting compartment, the gun had an ejector, in addition, a fan was installed on the tower, covered with an armored cap. At the disposal of the gunner was a telescopic articulated sight TSh-2A-22, set to the left of the gun mask. The commander had only a periscopic observation device in a rotating turret and could not fire from a cannon. The places of the gunner and loader were also equipped with rotary periscope observation devices of the type Mk4. Anti-aircraft 12.7 mm machine gun "Type 54" with 200 rounds of ammunition, mounted above the loader's hatch, is a variant of the Soviet DShKM. Two more 7.62 mm machine guns "Type 59-T" installed - one exchange rate in front of the hull to the right of the driver, and the second is paired with a gun (total ammunition 3500 rounds).

Tank armor protection "Type-59" remained at the level of tank protection T-54. The hull is welded from homogeneous rolled armor of various thicknesses (forehead 97 mm), the turret is cast with a welded roof and also has differentiated armor with a maximum frontal thickness of 203 mm. A 12-cylinder V-shaped liquid-cooled diesel engine was used as a power plant. B-54 520 hp at 2000 rpm, which was produced in China under a Soviet license and then repeatedly upgraded by NORINCO. Transmission is simple mechanical, five-speed. The fuel supply (532 l) was located in three external and three internal tanks. In addition, two 200 l fuel barrels were installed at the stern of the hull.

In the early 1960s, the tank "Type 59" was replaced in production by an improved tank "Type 59-I", which roughly corresponded to the Soviet T-54B. Later, all tanks available in the Chinese army "Type 59" have been upgraded to standard "Type 59-I", and then new more modern modifications appeared. Tanks supplied by China to Pakistan in large numbers were also produced by the local Taxila company. Pakistani "Type 59AP"(local designation) are distinguished by the presence of a lattice basket welded to the rear of the tower and smoke grenade launchers along its sides. Until now, they are in service with the Pakistani armed forces and even take part in peacekeeping operations. In Pakistan, there is a program for their modernization.


Combat weight, kg

Crew, pers.

Main dimensions, mm:

Body length (with cannon forward)


Base x Track

Average specific ground pressure, kg/sq.cm

Armament (ammunition, shots):

100 mm rifled gun "59"

7.62 mm machine gun "59-T"

12.7 mm anti-aircraft machine gun "54"

Elevation angles, deg.

daytime telescopic gunner; commander's periscope

Armament stabilizer

in the vertical plane

Loading mechanism

Means of setting a smoke screen

Engine type and brand

diesel NORINCO 12150L7

Maximum power, hp

Specific power, hp/t

Fuel tank capacity, l


manual, five-speed gearbox

Maximum speed, km/h:

Power reserve, km

Overcome obstacles:

Wall, m

Booking, mm:

Copus forehead

Copus side

Forehead of the tower

Tower side

Today we will look at the Type59 tank.

Type 59 as it is

The type is a representative of the Chinese tier 8 medium tank branch. Good dynamics, excellent turret armor. It also has a good 100mm gun


Desired Equipment

Rammer - for faster cd

Stabilizer - for a narrower circle of information

Valve - for a better return of the entire tank, the crew in particular

Desired ammunition load

This is quite enough, but it’s better to spend shells wisely, in a good, dynamic, drag battle, they may not be enough (This happened to me)


First aid kit - for repairing shell-shocked crew members

Remka - for repairing tank modules

Fire extinguisher - to extinguish a fire.

It is best to set everything to automatic and large.

Pros and cons


    • High profitability of the machine;
    • Excellent frontal armor;
    • Sturdy turret providing ricochets;
    • Good rate of fire;
    • Good DPM;
    • High performance in the game;
    • The highest competitiveness;


    • Insufficiently high dynamics;
    • low speed
    • Weak forehead protection from land mines;
    • Long repair and low strength of tracks;
    • A small amount of ammunition;
    • Frequent damage to the ammunition rack;
    • Weak armor on the stern and sides;
    • Frequent critical damage to tanks in a frontal hit;
    • Frequent critical damage when hit by a land mine.

History of tank building

After the end of the civil war in 1949, it was regular, but most of the weapons were or urgently needed repairs. This also applies to tanks in China during the Second World War, produced by the Americans or the Japanese. Soon a large number of military equipment, including , 100mm and armored personnel carriers and . In the early 1950s, new deliveries of a large number of vehicles followed, this time mainly tanks, the production of which was later established by China under the designation "Type 59". The first tanks produced in China at the Baotou factory were poorly equipped - there were no 100-mm guns and . However, later these tanks were equipped with a complete set for the commander, gunner and driver, as well as a gun stabilization system. The 7.62-mm machine guns mounted in the bow of the tank and coaxial with the cannon were designated Type 59T, and the 12.7-mm Soviet one, installed in the hatch area, received the designation . The British company supplied a small number of night vision devices for the Type 59 tank, including the driver and sights for the commander and gunner. Later, many of these tanks were seen with, installed outside, above the gun mantlet - in an extremely vulnerable place for small arms and shrapnel. (Taken from Wikipedia!!!)

Combat tactics

When playing the Type 59, you should remember that this is a melee vehicle, and it is at this distance that it is most effective. When encountering higher level enemies, or when fighting heavy tanks, stick to the side clinch tactic, that is, attach yourself to the side and roll back and forth so that it is difficult for the enemy to hit you. If you are at a long distance, then there are chances to hit, but it’s better not to tempt fate and just don’t waste shells!

Videos from YouTube (the most good and hardcore)

When in August 2010 the Belarusian company "Wargaming" released the game "World of Tanks", no one imagined that in a very short time it would become super popular all over the globe. At first, it was possible to arrange battles using only equipment. Soviet Union and Germany. But time passed, and gradually the fighting vehicles of other nations were introduced into the game: the United States, France, Great Britain, China and Japan. In addition to researchable vehicles, which are obtained free of charge (for in-game credits), premium tanks with higher yields have also been introduced. They could be bought for real money or won by participating in numerous promotions held by Wargaming. One of these tanks was the Type-59. World of tanks, at the very dawn of the appearance of this machine in the game, offered to purchase it in a premium store, and then transferred it to the category of promotional ones. That's about this tank and will be our further story.

History of creation

After the end of World War II in September 1945 and the expulsion of the Japanese invaders from China, the country was blazing for another four years. Civil War. Upon its completion, the regular army of the Celestial Empire was faced with the need to replace most of the obsolete weapons. The tank fleet consisted of British six-ton ​​Vickers vehicles, which were purchased in large quantities in the 30s and were able to live to see victory, captured Japanese "Chi-Ha" and Lend-Lease American M5 "Stuart". Most of them required repair, and the two-turreted "Englishmen" were generally suitable only for the museum. Taking advantage of friendly relations with the Soviet leadership, the Chinese leaders were able to renew the country's tank fleet. Medium T-34-85, heavy IS-2, self-propelled guns SU-100, armored personnel carriers BTR-152 and BTR-40 began to enter the Celestial Empire. However, all these machines were produced outside the country. The real date of the emergence of Chinese tank building should be considered 1957. It was then that the Soviet Union handed over to its eastern neighbors several T-54 tanks, as well as technological production documentation. In the USSR, thanks to its successful design, this machine was in service for more than 30 years. China was very lucky to start its tank-building history with this model. According to the classifier of armored vehicles in force in China, the tank received the Type-59 index (“Type-59”).

Design and specifications

The Type-59 tank was mass-produced at a plant located in the city of Baotou (province) Specialists from the Soviet Union participated in the construction of this enterprise and in putting the machine into production. The first copies produced were an almost complete copy of the T-54. In the course of further production, the design changed in the direction of simplifying and adapting the machine to the climatic conditions of China.Produced several varieties of "Type 59", which were equipped with various guns, fire control systems, infrared night vision devices, gun stabilization systems. latest versions established

Operating countries "Type 59"

4300 modernized copies of this machine are still in service. It is equipped with a modern gun (with armor penetration up to 400 millimeters), an advanced fire control system and dynamic protection. The second country in terms of the number of Type 59 tanks in service with the army is Pakistan. China in the period from 1966 to 1988 supplied the Islamic Republic with 1759 units of this armored vehicle. In addition to the above two countries, the tank was supplied to the following states: Albania, Angola, Bangladesh, Vietnam, DR Congo, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Iraq, Iran, Cambodia, North Korea, Myanmar, Sudan, Tanzania, Sri Lanka. Such a large geography of deliveries is explained by the fact that the machine was unified in terms of spare parts and components with the Soviet T-54, and after the latter was discontinued, it was willingly purchased to replace it and replenish the fleet.


Let's move on to the consideration of the strengths and weaknesses of the "Type 59". World of Tanks has long appreciated the advantages of the vehicle: stable profitability, the ability to confidently fight single-tier medium tanks, good frontal armor, a ricochet turret, and an accurate rapid-fire cannon. When firing at vulnerable spots, the penetration of the gun is enough. Provides the ability to upgrade crews for Chinese MTs without retraining. Among the shortcomings, one can single out a small ammunition load and a high probability of its detonation, but this is offset by the undoubted advantages of the model.

Application tactics

When playing by car, it is advisable to follow some rules that will help you farm silver quite successfully and gain experience. When tanking with the enemy, do not expose him to the starboard side and the back of the turret, this way you protect the ammo rack from hitting and detonating. Of the shells, it is advisable to carry more armor-piercing shells, since high-explosive fragmentation shells have low efficiency and are only needed for destruction artillery mounts with an open cabin. The most advantageous tactic is a group of medium tanks of two or three vehicles.

Purchase Options

And, at last, we pass to the main subject which is taken out in heading. When this tank first appeared in the game, it could be purchased in the Premium Shop for the equivalent of $30. Due to its performance characteristics and profitability, it had an almost crazy demand and, in order to avoid a situation where all the battles were filled exclusively with these models, the car was withdrawn from sale and transferred to the promotional category. Now, in order to purchase the Type 59, you need to win one of the many competitions, the main prize of which is the coveted unit.

The last of the competitions, which took first place in which they received this car, was the “Battle Cry”. But not everyone has the talent to participate in such competitions. The option is to purchase an account with Type 59 in the hangar. Although this action is prohibited by the rules of the game, but if not spread on the forums about the deal, then everything may well go well. The main thing is to check everything carefully and not get caught in the network of scammers, because in this case you risk losing both your account and money forever. It should also be remembered that bonus codes with Tier VII-VIII tanks do not exist, everything that is offered on numerous forums on the Internet is a scam. Be vigilant and good luck!