How to grow pepino from seeds. Growing pepino on a windowsill or balcony: features of melon pear care

In the February 1999 issue of the magazine, in an article by N. Gidaspov, I read about the melon pear and decided to grow this exotic on my site. Nothing happened on the first try. I want to try again. Maybe there are some growing secrets that I don't know about?

M. Ivanov (Odintsovo, Moscow region).

The germination of melon pear seeds is low even with special germination (for the Ramses variety - about 50%, for the Consuelo variety - 70-80%). It takes 7 to 30 days for the seeds to peck. It is necessary to sow at the end of November or in December. Seeds are pre-germinated in a Petri dish or other small flattened container with a transparent tight-fitting lid. You can use small plastic jars from various salads. The bottom of the container is lined with paper, preferably filter paper, but toilet paper is also acceptable, the seeds are sown on moistened paper. The container is closed and stored at a constant temperature (about 28°C). A higher temperature is undesirable at all stages of growing plants.

After the appearance of the first pecked seeds, germination continues under the lamp. You can hang a plywood tray under one or two LB-40 fluorescent lamps at a distance of about 10-15 cm. At this stage, the optimum temperature remains the same. For more successful regulation of the thermal regime around the tray, it is recommended to make curtains, and it is better from a reflective material. By opening and closing them, you can maintain the temperature at the same level all the time. A day later, you need to open the lid for 5-10 seconds to ventilate, add water when the paper dries. Seeds should germinate under a lamp (lighting 24 hours a day) to the stage of two cotyledons. Sometimes the cotyledons do not have time to throw off the seed coat and rot in it. However, when trying to help the plant shed its skin, the cotyledons often break off. Therefore, you should help very carefully, at a time when the cotyledons have already partially released. Seedlings of the melon pear almost do not stretch, are very compact and develop slowly.

Only after shedding the seed coat and the normal development of the cotyledon leaves, the plants dive into pots with light (preferably spilled foundationol) soil. Illumination of young seedlings is necessary. We can recommend this mode: the first week after picking - round-the-clock illumination with fluorescent lamps, then 4 weeks - 16 hours at night, then 4 weeks - 14 hours a day. In mid-February, as a rule, light conditions make it possible to completely switch to natural light in the middle lane. During the period of growing pepino seedlings, the temperature, nutrition and watering regimes are the same as for pepper seedlings.

Normal pepino fruit set is observed in the middle lane from early March to early-mid May and from late August to early October. In our opinion, among the factors that cause such strange behavior, the length of daylight hours is in the first place. The fruits, which started in April, ripen in late June - early July. With such early dates for the start of fruiting, it is necessary to plant plants in heated greenhouses in March-April or in early May in a greenhouse with emergency heating. After planting seedlings in a permanent place, the most favorable conditions are those that are created for tomatoes. Although the melon pear, like most crops of the nightshade family, is a self-pollinating plant, pollinating insects significantly improve fruit set.

In the summer months, the plant, even with abundant flowering, does not set fruit. This is due to overheating in the daytime, and to the greatest extent - with too long daylight hours. The fact is that in the areas of origin of the melon pear (Peru, Chile, Ecuador), daylight hours do not exceed 14 hours throughout the year. The melon pear, in a relatively short time of working with it in the conditions of the middle lane, is still not sufficiently adapted to a long daylight hours. Even in subtropical areas (Israel, Spain) the best results are achieved during the winter months, which are characterized by sufficient lighting, shortened daylight hours and moderate temperatures.

If the plants in the greenhouse set fruit in August - September, then before the onset of severe frosts, they can be carefully transplanted into a pot or tub with a volume of 3-5 liters and transferred to a room on a bright window or to a greenhouse where the fruits will ripen in late autumn or by the New Year. To some extent, the color of the petals indicates the readiness of the plant to set fruits: if there are lilac stripes on the petal, then everything is fine, if the flowers turn white, then most likely they do not form fruits. The Consuelo variety sets fruits more readily in spring, the Ramses variety - both in spring and autumn. It has been observed that fruits are usually sweeter when set in spring.

When taking into account the biological characteristics of pepino, which is just beginning to enter our lives, you can annually receive a bountiful harvest of delicious fragrant fruits.

The overseas pepino fruit or melon pear has long been successfully adapted for cultivation in the climate of the Russian Federation. True, he does not live in open ground, but in greenhouses, winter gardens and on the windowsill. Varieties of this shrub taste like zucchini, cucumber, melon and pumpkin. However, beginners do not always succeed in getting full-fledged plants on the first attempt. Experts recommend how to organize the planting and care of pepino with the least losses and collect a good harvest.

Description: varieties and varieties of pepino. Combination with other plants

Pepino is a fairly popular fruit in the world. A perennial plant that belongs to the Solanaceae family, is a relative of eggplant, tomato and potato. There are about 25 varieties of melon pear. Two are adapted to the climate of the middle zone: Ramses and Consuelo. Their differences are easy to find and identify from the photo.

This tropical crop does not overwinter in the open field in the middle zone. In areas with a mild climate, it can be grown in a garden format. But the experience of local gardeners shows that in the open field the harvest is poor. General characteristics of different varieties of melon pear:

pepino fruit

  1. The bush reaches a height of 1.5 m.
  2. The stem is semi-woody.
  3. The plant is densely dotted with large long leaves. Outwardly, it resembles a pepper or a tomato bush.
  4. The size, shape and color of the fruit depends on the variety. Weight - 80-750 g. Shape - spherical or oval. Color - with shades of cream, purple, bright yellow or orange, with longitudinal stripes-strokes.
  5. The flesh of different varieties in ripe form is invariably white or yellowish translucent. The taste is sweet and sour.

Fruiting perennial depends on the timing of planting. In the middle lane, the plant sets fruits throughout almost the entire spring, until the second half of May, or from late August to mid-autumn. The first fruits ripen on the branches for about 2.5-3 months. Fruiting lasts 1-2 months. In total, up to 8 kg of crop can be harvested from a bush.

The melon pear looks pretty impressive. She can drag along the support. Therefore, the plant is sometimes used for outdoor cultivation for decorative purposes. Beautiful pepino leaves and flowers look good in combination with garden greenery and decorate resting places, gazebos.

Pepino: planting a plant. Care, fertilizer and top dressing of culture

In order for the planting and propagation of the melon pear to proceed normally, first prepare the greenhouse. Requirements:

  • stable temperature around +23 °C;
  • air humidity at the level of 75-80%;
  • lack of drafts and strong winds.

Stable air temperature is important for the plant

The soil must be clean and loose. Pre-fertilize with compost at a rate of about 4 kg/sq. m. Work is best done in the evening:

  • make shallow rows at a distance of 70 cm from each other;
  • water;
  • deepen the melon pear seedlings in a checkerboard pattern, leaving at least 50 cm between the bushes;
  • water the seedlings again;
  • make mulch from dry earth.

Growing pepino is like caring for outdoor peppers:

  • watering should be regular, do not allow the soil to dry out;
  • air the plants once a day;
  • 20-25 days after planting, tie the bush to the trellis;
  • once a week, remove actively growing stepchildren on fruiting twigs. They interfere with the formation of fruits;
  • regularly loosen the soil and fight weeds.

Feed pepino with organic fertilizers

Pepino is fed with organic fertilizers. A mullein solution in a ratio of 1:10 works well, made:

  • immediately after the rooting of the seedlings, when the bush was actively growing;
  • during fruit formation.

Advice. Fertilization is effective only in combination with subsequent watering.

Diseases and pests of melon pear

Common pepino diseases are easy to identify from the photo:

  • blackleg;
  • phytophthora;
  • root rot;
  • bronzed leaves.

With all diseases, except for the last one, you can fight with the help of special tools for tomatoes or eggplants. In order not to accidentally destroy the entire plant, test a specific remedy on a small process. When blackening and twisting of leaf plates (a sign of bronze leaves), the bush should be removed from the garden and destroyed. The melon pear can also be affected by the Colorado potato beetle, spider mites, aphids and whiteflies - typical pests for nightshade. Ecological folk remedies can become an alternative to chemical preparations. For example, spray the garden bed with a decoction of onion peel, yarrow, garlic. The procedure should be repeated once a week.

Attention! As a pre-winter care, it is imperative to carry out the prevention of ailments and pests.

Pepino: plant propagation

Work on propagation by seeds, some gardeners are advised to start in the first days of February, others - in November-December. You can get the material yourself by washing it out of the pulp of a ripe fruit, or you can buy it in a store:

Sectioned pepino fruit

  1. Seed material is germinated in light, loose and nutritious soil. A well-established substrate for tomato seedlings. Spill it with a solution of potassium permanganate or foundationazole.
  2. A few days before planting, wrap the seeds in a damp cloth. Place in a dark place at a temperature of at least +28 °C.
  3. After the seeds hatch, plant them in a pot of soil. Sprinkle on the surface and sprinkle with a thin layer of the same primer. Cover the container with foil or glass.
  4. Seed care during this period consists only in maintaining a constant temperature of about + 26 ... + 28 ° C.
  5. Seedlings should appear in about 7-10 days. Remove the greenhouse. Continue to control the temperature and water lightly.
  6. A couple of leaves have appeared - dive the strongest sprouts into separate pots. The soil is the same. Cover them again with foil.

Attention! After planting in separate containers, pepino seedlings briefly slow down the rate of development.

After picking, the sprouts need additional illumination. When planting in February - 2-3 hours a day until mid-spring. When disembarking in autumn - around the clock in the first week, 16 and 14 hours in the next 2 months. When the sprouts reach 10 cm in height and release 8-9 full-fledged leaves, they are transplanted into the ground to a permanent place.

Pepino will need additional lighting

Pepino is an unusual fruit that is very rarely found on the shelves of domestic stores. However, you may be surprised, but you can grow it directly on your own summer cottage or even on an insulated loggia. Let's look at what pepino is, we will describe the cultivation of this fruit at home separately.

Pepino is a shrubby plant that has a long lifespan. Growing up, it partially stiffens. The maximum height of the bush is one and a half meters.

The closest relatives of this plant are:

  • potato;
  • physalis;
  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant, etc.

When the culture in question begins the flowering period, you can see the flower stalks formed on it, which are almost identical to potato ones in appearance.

The initial localization of this plant is considered to be several countries at once:

  • Peru;
  • New Zealand;
  • Chile.

The culture in question in these countries is grown not only in the gardens of those who like to tinker in the ground, but also in an industrial format, in addition, it is actively used to prepare various culinary delights, for example:

  • desserts;
  • hot;
  • sauces;
  • soups, etc.

Fruits growing on kutas can have the form:

  • rounded;
  • oval.

As for the color of the fruits of the plant, they are usually painted in a pale yellow tint, speckled with purple:

  • stripes;
  • dots.

The size of the fruit may vary depending on its varietal variety. So, the mass of one pepino varies between 50-750 grams. To taste, the flesh of the fruit resembles some mixture of melon and pumpkin.

Provided that you decide to grow pepino at home, the harvest will continue throughout the season, since this plant has nothing to do with friendly ripening. One bush of this exotic fruit is capable of producing up to 8 kilograms of fruits for the entire growing season.

The time frame from the flowering of the bush to the full ripening of fruits on it is limited to about two and a half months. Whether pepino is ripe can be determined by the appearance of a characteristic shade for a given culture.

The fruits of the plant are used as follows:

  • the skin is peeled off;
  • seeds from the middle of the fruit are removed with a spoon or other device.

There is pepino - a real pleasure. This can be done either raw or cooked. In addition to pleasant gastronomic sensations, when eating the fruits of the plant we are considering, you will definitely also receive great benefits, which consist in entering the body:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • keratin;
  • B vitamins;
  • gland;
  • vitamins of the PP group.

Pepino Growing Conditions

For Russians, growing pepino, especially at home, is still a curiosity.

As we have already said, the fruit is unpretentious, and not only a garden bed will suit him, but also:

  • balcony;
  • terrace;
  • and even a modest window sill.

By the way, if you still choose a garden as a habitat for fruit, it is best to arrange a place for it in a greenhouse, since the plant you are looking for prefers to be in conditions of high temperatures.

Pay attention to the main rule: even if you cannot provide pepino with constant heat, make sure that the temperature in the room where he is located does not fall below + 15 ° C.

However, there are still many nuances to take into account. Which, we will consider in the following table.

Table 1. Optimum conditions for growing pepino fruit

Compliance with the temperature regimeThe most optimal air temperature suitable for growing a crop called pepino is approximately + 20-25 ° C. It is best that such a temperature regime be observed:
  • as in the afternoon;
  • so at night.

    Maintain it whenever possible throughout the growing season.

    Important: ensure that the plant does not experience sudden temperature changes. Even if you do not have the opportunity to warm the air to the desired level, let there be less heat, but it will not sharply decrease and return again.

  • Air humidity levelAnother extremely important indicator for pepino is air humidity. So that the plant feels comfortable and gives a solid harvest, it should be equal to about 80%. Provided that your home is dry, the following can help:
  • air humidifiers;
  • regular spraying of the green part of the plant from a spray bottle.
  • Constantly moist soilIt is very important that the land in which the pepino grows never dries out completely, because this will stress the root system of the plant, and therefore all other parts of the bush.

    It is necessary to moisten the soil of the plant not only in a timely manner, but also moderately plentiful, so that the pepino does not begin to rot.

    Protection against drafts or strong windsSince the root part of the plant is located in the uppermost layer of the soil, it is rather unstable. If you put a bush in the wind, it will break pretty quickly.

    In a greenhouse or greenhouse, all of the listed conditions, suitable for growing the crop of interest to us, are easy to equip, especially if:

    • inside this garden room is equipped with heating;
    • the greenhouse has special air vents for cooling the air.

    However, pepino can also be grown in unprotected outdoor conditions. In this case, you will have some difficulties.

    So, despite the fact that initially pepino is a tropical plant, it is difficult to withstand too high temperatures and direct sunlight. That is why, if the air temperature on the street suddenly exceeds + 35 ° C, and at the same time is accompanied by the sun hitting the plant, then you can not wait for the harvest, because the flower stalks will simply die.

    Note: if you live in the southern regions of the country, then do not despair, because the growing season of pepino can last until October (under mild weather conditions), and then the plant will delight you with flowers and delicious fruits.

    In total, there are two main ways to grow this plant:

    • by planting in the form of a seed;
    • by cuttings.

    Pepino: growing from seed

    You can get the seeds of the culture we are interested in in many different ways, for example:

    • buying them in a specialized gardening store;
    • having independently prepared from previously ripened fruits from you or from someone else.

    It should be noted that the percentage of seed germination of the crop of interest to us will be high in both cases, so you can choose any of the options for growing pepino at home.

    However, you should always keep in mind that not every varietal variety of pepino can provide you with a new crop, moreover, plentiful and numerous. So, in hybrids, for example, there is an obvious degeneration after planting seeds collected from plants, manifested in:

    • late formation of peduncles;
    • heterogeneity of fruit set.

    The most popular domestic hybrids that Russian breeders have prepared specifically for cultivation in the changing and not always friendly climate of our homeland are:

    • variety "Ramses";
    • grade "Consuel".

    In total, the number of varietal varieties of this fruit is approximately 30 units.

    The timing of planting pepino at home, so that the flower seedlings, before moving to the street or to the balcony, which will become her permanent residence, could prepare for the hardships that await her, come after February 15th.

    In order to quickly grow a small sprout from a seed, you need to choose the right soil. It can be bought at the store. So, perfect soil for tomatoes related to pepino plants, which meets the following requirements:

    • good level of friability;
    • lightness of the soil;
    • saturation with the necessary microelements for the culture we are considering.

    Before planting, the purchased land must be moistened, and the seed should be germinated. Here's how it's done.

    1. Take any rag made of natural fabric, you can use ordinary gauze.
    2. Moisten the cloth and wrap the pepino seeds in it.
    3. Put the cloth away in a dark and warm place, you can even put it in a hot place for 3-4 days.
    4. After the above time period, check the seeds, and if you find that they germinate, start planting them in the ground.

    Note: during the germination of seeds, the cloth should not dry out, so do not forget to additionally moisten it with clean water at room temperature.

    You can plant seeds both in single pots and in common trays. The seed is planted into the ground to a depth of several centimeters, and then sprinkled with dry soil on top.

    To make pepino comfortable, you need to make impromptu greenhouses out of pots by covering them:

    • glass;
    • polyethylene film;
    • simple transparent package.

    At the stage of growing seedlings, a box with plants can be placed in a room in which the temperature will be at the level of +26 - +28 ° C, but make sure that it does not rise or fall sharply.

    Within a week after planting the seeds in the ground, you will begin to notice the first shoots. At the same time, it will be necessary to remove the covering material from the surface of the pots, otherwise the growing stems will break from its weight.

    The development of plants planted as seeds in tubs should continue until they have about 3 leaves. All this time you need:

    • carry out regular watering of seedlings;
    • track the temperature.

    The moment you find 3 leaves that have appeared, know that the seedlings are ready to go through the dive procedure. For her it is necessary:

    • choose the strongest and most viable specimens;
    • distribute them in separate pots if they originally grew in the same tub.

    In order to carry out the simultaneous prevention of diseases of the bacterial type, it is necessary to shed the earth placed in pots with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.

    After you dive, it is best to cover the pots again with plastic wrap, only carefully so as not to damage the seedlings.

    In total, there are about 30 varieties of these small "melons"

    Note: Pepino's first month of growth is as inactive as possible. This is considered absolutely normal, so do not worry. However, if you dream of quickly planting a plant in a garden or placing it on a balcony or terrace, you can “light up” the seedlings, that is, extend its daylight hours by equipping additional artificial lighting.

    When the plant grows to a height of up to 10 centimeters in height and forms approximately 8-9 leaves, it will be possible to begin the process of transplanting seedlings to a permanent place of residence.

    Growing pepino from cuttings

    A much simpler, as well as reliable, method of propagation of the crop of interest to us is to select and plant cuttings of a plant - parts of an adult bush that has survived the winter and fully recovered.

    Here is how cuttings are taken for planting.

    1. Examine the pepino mother bush. Your task is to find a shoot that will contain at least 7 leaves of the plant.
    2. You will need to remove a few lower leaves located on the handle, and the next three leaves need to be halved. In this way, you will minimize the loss of moisture by the cutting, helping it to root.
    3. The cut stalk must be placed at one end in a container into which clean water at room temperature is poured.

    A week after you put the cuttings in the water, the plant will grow roots, the length of which is about one and a half to two centimeters. At this stage, the planting material will be ready to move into the ground.

    As we have already said, the soil used for tomatoes is perfect for growing a pepino bush, since these two crops are related to each other.

    The cuttings are initially transplanted not into open ground, but into an intermediate container, for example, a pot or a plastic cup, which is equipped with holes at the bottom to drain excess water.

    Preparing the soil for growing pepino

    If you decide that pepino will still live in a garden, for example, in a greenhouse, you need to plant it in the soil:

    • loose;
    • light;
    • having neutral acidity.

    In addition, the crop rotation rules of this plant must also be taken into account, according to which pepino grows most actively in the area where the following crops were previously cultivated:

    • garlic;
    • beans;
    • cucumber.

    Land preparation and the selection of a specific site for planting an exotic fruit should be carried out in the fall. Here are the preparations you need to make.

    1. First of all, with the onset of autumn of the year preceding the one in which you planned to plant pepino, you need to clear the selected piece of land:

    • from the remains of plants;
    • other garbage;
    • roots, etc.

    Cleaning is done by digging up the earth and simultaneously removing all kinds of debris from it.

    2. After digging, the earth must be leveled with a rake and loosened at the same time.

    3. Then, beds are made on the treated area, between which a distance of 70 centimeters is left.

    4. It is advisable to apply 4 kilograms of organic fertilizer for each square meter of the territory, preferably compost. After fertilizing, you need to shed the soil abundantly enough.

    Planting pepino in the ground and care

    Pepino seedlings are planted in spring in a checkerboard pattern, so that there is a distance of at least half a meter between plants on each side.

    After planting, it is best to mulch the beds using peat, or other organic matter, which can then be simply dug up, fertilizing and loosening the ground.

    Where is the best place to plant pepino? The answer is obvious: in a greenhouse or greenhouse, as this tropical plant is accustomed to comfortable environmental conditions, including:

    • lack of direct sunlight;
    • sufficient air humidity;
    • comfortable temperature;
    • lack of strong wind;
    • absence of a sharp temperature drop, etc.

    In addition, the choice of a greenhouse as a site for the growth of the crop of interest to us will allow us to speed up the planting time as much as possible, and hence the harvest.

    Provided that you didn’t have a greenhouse, then you can plant a plant in open ground, but whether it will bear fruit and what their quality will depend on the climatic conditions of your region. However, even in the case of landing in open ground, we recommend that you prepare an impromptu greenhouse for growing pepino by collecting it from:

    • dense polyethylene;
    • wire bent into arches, preferably thick and strong.

    During the day, you will have to open the mini-greenhouse you have assembled yourself, as the plant requires ventilation.

    Provided that you grow the culture of interest to us at home, using a pot or tub as the final place of residence of the plant, regularly rearrange the plant on a loggia, balcony, or at least a window during the warm season so that the flower is saturated:

    • air;
    • sunlight.

    Do not forget that wherever the pepino bush grows, it needs constant care, which consists in:

    • regular and sufficient watering;
    • mulching or periodic loosening of the earth;
    • fertilizer;
    • pest control.

    The more attention you pay to this exotic fruit, the more abundant your harvest will be. According to the comments of gardeners, in the conditions of the Russian climate, if all the requirements are met, you can grow very large and juicy pepino fruits that will not only decorate your table, but also delight your soul.

    Summing up

    If you are going to master the technique of growing a new crop, you need to carefully read the important information provided about this plant. We suggest that you read the presented article again, and then proceed with the autumn preparation of the site given for planting the crop of interest to us today. Leaving it to winter, next spring you can plant a pepino bush in the most convenient way for you, and enjoy the result.

    Video - Pepino seeds "Consuelo"

    At home, it is a perennial bushy plant about a meter high; in culture, it is grown as an annual. Pepino leaves are whole, oblong, spear-shaped, many blue-violet flowers, similar to potato flowers. The fruits are round, oval, with a tip extended to the top, which resembles a pear. The length of the fruit is 6-8 cm, the color is different: yellow-green at technical ripeness, yellowish-cream, cream and red-violet at full ripeness. Fruit weight 250-300 g or more. The pulp is juicy, sweet, fragrant, tastes and smells like melon or nutmeg pumpkin, and excellent jam is obtained from the fruits, since the pulp practically does not boil soft.

    Growing pepino from seeds

    A few years ago, the Gavrish company bred two varieties of pepino RAMZES and CONSUELO, which are successfully grown by some lovers of garden exotics. By the way, pepino fruits are sold in Moscow, which are imported from Central America. They are harvested there green, and by the time they arrive, the taste that should be lost when the fruits ripen on the plant is already gone.

    There are very few seeds in the fruits of this plant, or there are none at all, and germination leaves much to be desired - only 30-50%. However, the agricultural technique of growing pepino from seeds exists.

    To get the first crop of pepino at the end of July, the seeds are sown no later than mid-late February, and even better - in mid-January (always with additional lighting) in order to get 90-120-day seedlings by May. First, the seeds should be germinated on filter paper. Close them up in a steamed light, loose and moist soil mixture to a depth of 3-5 cm. The optimum temperature for germination is 28 degrees.

    When growing from seeds, it is convenient to use plastic packaging from the cake - a transparent and airtight mini-greenhouse. It is hung with seeds germinating on wet toilet paper at a distance of 7-9 cm from two horizontal fluorescent lamps or at a distance of 25 cm from incandescent lamps (100 W). Lighting is recommended around the clock. It is best to use a solution of complex mineral fertilizer for germination - Kemira, Kristallin, Mortar (0.3-0.4%). The above methods allow you to achieve the desired germination, since from the first days the seeds will receive light and mineral nutrition, good aeration and sufficient moisture. In addition, seedlings are free from most soil pathogens.

    Taking care of seedlings

    In a mini-greenhouse, the soil mixture should not dry out, otherwise the seedlings will inevitably die. Do not allow the concentration of the fertilizer solution to be exceeded - they will die from salinization. You should not help the young plant to get rid of the seed coat - it may break. In the presence of light and sufficient moisture, the plant itself will throw off this peel.

    As soon as seedlings with two cotyledon leaves turn green in the greenhouse, they dive into small (100-200 ml) pots filled with loose fertile soil, previously spilled with a hot solution of potassium permanganate. When picking, the seedlings are deepened to the cotyledons. If the seeds were sown not in a mini-greenhouse, but immediately in the soil, then the picking is done in the phase of 2-3 true leaves. Illumination is also used after picking. The distance to the fluorescent lamps is 20 cm, the duration of the illumination is 16 hours a day. When the roots are braided with an earthen ball, the plants are transplanted into larger containers - for example, into liter juice bags.

    In the future, pepino seedlings are looked after like seedlings of tomatoes: they are fed, watered, shaped (for growing in greenhouses - in 1-3 stems, for open ground - in 1 stem), stepchildren at least once a week, fight pests (primarily spider mites and aphids).

    Growing seedlings requires knowledge that pepino plants do not tolerate stagnant water, do not tolerate strong temperature changes (20-24 degrees are optimal for it during the day and about 18 degrees at night), that the melon pear loves the sun very much, do not be afraid that it grows slowly - it will still catch up with pepper and eggplant.

    Already in the seedling stage during numerous pinchings, pepino can be propagated vegetatively, because. stepchildren are well rooted. They are carefully broken out and rooted under a film (jar) in peat soil, in a well-lit place. Rooting takes place quickly - in 7-10 days.

    Ready pepino seedlings (at 90 days of age) can be planted in glazed heated greenhouses in mid-April, in heated film greenhouses - from mid-May, in unheated film greenhouses - at the end of May. If plants cannot be protected from recurrent cold weather, then seedlings should be planted only after they have ended. In open ground in the middle lane, in areas of risky farming, growing pepino is very problematic, so it’s better to grow pepino in a greenhouse - high, better glazed and - together with tomatoes.

    Landing in the ground

    Since pepino-melon pear plants are very photophilous, then in a greenhouse located from west to east, seedlings should be planted on a bed at the southern end, if from north to south, then at the ends of the beds adjacent to the southern end. These are the brightest places. For 1 sq. meter have 5-6 plants with the formation of 1 stem, 3 plants with the formation of 2 stems and 2 plants - in 3 stems. But the most precocious plants are those that are formed into a stem, so it is better to give preference to just such a formation.

    Before and after planting, you need to carefully examine the undersides of large leaves, as whiteflies, a greenhouse pest, can settle on them. Both the butterfly and the larvae should be removed by hand, since chemicals have almost no effect on them.

    Since pepino has a lot in common with tomatoes, pre-planting soil preparation is like that of a tomato. Just like a tomato, when planting, plants are buried to the first bottom leaf to form a more powerful root system. If flowering seedlings are planted, then it makes sense, having planted them deep, not to immediately cover part of the stem from the root neck to the bottom leaf with earth until the end. This part of the stem can be covered with earth in two weeks, then, perhaps, at the same time as the seedlings take root, fruits will start to set on the first brush. Otherwise, with simultaneous engraftment, growth of the adnexal root system and flowering, overload may occur, and there will be no fruits on the first brush.

    However, the melon pear generally has a problem with fruit set. It is likely that not a single fruit will be tied up over the summer, but at the end of August-September, if the weather was quite warm, ovaries appeared. In this case, the plants can be carefully dug up and transferred into pots or tubs with a volume of 3-5 liters. 3-4 plants can be planted in one 10-liter container. With a careful transplant, the plants will take root well. When planting, they are buried like overgrown tomatoes - with the inclination of bare stems and their deepening with soil. Under the plants you need to put pegs. Only fruit-bearing stems are left, all barren stepchildren are plucked out. The container is placed on a bright window, where they will continue to grow, and it will be possible to wait for the harvest in late autumn.

    You don’t have to dig up the entire bush, it’s enough to save the rooted stepson and plant it as seedlings next spring, since growing pepino from seeds is much more difficult.

    Under natural conditions, pepino grows as a shrub up to 3 meters high. This plant has long been grown in South America. The closest relatives of pepino are relatives belonging to the nightshade family - tomato, eggplant and pepper.

    The stem of the pepino is branched, with a large number of stepchildren. Over the years, the lower part of the stem will gradually become woody. The dark green oblong leaves are very similar to sweet pepper leaves. It blooms with blue-violet or white flowers with purple stripes.


    Pepino has many names: Quechua, Aymara, mango cucumber, Peruvian cucumber, sweet cucumber, pear melon, melon bush or melon tree. The fruits of the plant have a pleasant taste and are widely used in cooking. The population of South America and Japan use pepino fruits as a dessert. The inhabitants of New Zealand use pepino to prepare vegetable soups, as well as sauces for meat, fish and other seafood. In addition, pepino fruits are part of a variety of fruit and vegetable salads. The fruits can be canned, dried or frozen.


    On the territory of Russia, the first pepino began to be grown in the 19th century. They were grown as a greenhouse plant. But gradually interest in this exotic fruit plant disappeared, although the fruits of this plant are edible.

    Recently, pepino has been increasingly grown as a tub plant in heated greenhouses and conservatories. Some growers try, and not without success, to grow this plant in rooms or on heated balconies.


    Under closed ground conditions, pepino grows up to 2 meters high. For proper growth, the plant needs systematic circumcision, crown formation and merciless removal of stepchildren. The plant is growing fast. The first flowers appear within 5-6 months after planting. Most often, the plant is formed in 1 stem. If the plant is grown in a room or year-round heated greenhouse, it can be grown in several stems.

    fruit picking

    When the fruits have grown to the size of a goose egg and are pale yellow or cream in color, they are carefully plucked from the branches. The average weight of fruits reaches 1300 gr. The pulp of ripe fruits is honey-yellow, juicy, aromatic.

    Pepino fruits contain iron, vitamins A, C, B1, B2, PP and pectin. In terms of vitamin C content, pepino fruits are not inferior to citrus fruits. It is not recommended to leave ripe fruits on the tree, as they quickly lose their taste properties. The fruits on the plant do not ripen at the same time, so they must be plucked as they ripen.


    After fruiting, the plant must be cut to ¾ of the height, and the cut branches cut into cuttings with seven to eight leaves and use for propagation. After the cessation of fruiting and pruning, the plant needs to arrange a dormant period. At this time, the ambient temperature should be at the level of +8–12°C.

    Plant cuttings have a high survival rate. The first roots may appear 5-6 days after planting in pots with wet peat. It is necessary to transplant the plant when the volume of the pot is completely filled with roots. The optimal pot size for growing pepino is 5–8 liters.

    Optimum temperature

    During vegetation, flowering and fruit ripening the air temperature must be maintained at +20–25°C.

    IN flowering period the air temperature must be maintained at a level not lower than +18°C. Prolonged exposure to lower temperatures may cause the flowers to drop. The soil temperature should not fall below +20°C. Pepino also develops better and sets fruit more actively in a room that is systematically ventilated.

    During the flowering period on a sunny day, the plant must be slightly shaken. This helps the pollen to crumble more actively, falling on the stigma of the pistil.