Rostekhnadzor official passport for an offshore oil pipeline sample. Performance of works on special technical inspection and technical diagnostics of the pipeline

Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia
(Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia)

Regulatory documents of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia

for drawing up passports for pipelines of category IV

RD 10-109-96

Approved by Decree
Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia
No. 4 dated February 19, 1996


1.1. These "Methodological Guidelines ..." establish the requirements for the performance and content of the work necessary for the preparation of passports for pipelines of category IV (working pressure of the medium is more than 0.7 to 16 kgf / cm 2, temperature is above 115 to 250 ° C) with a conditional passage of more than 100 mm, for their subsequent registration.

1.2. For category IV pipelines subject to registration, the following must be drawn up:

pipeline passport (according to the form given in Appendix 3 to the Rules);

certificate of suitability of the pipeline for operation, representing the information provided for in the "Certificate of the manufacture of pipeline elements" (Appendix 4 to the Rules) and in the "Certificate of installation of the pipeline" (Appendix 5 to the Rules).

1.4. The organization of work on the preparation of passports is entrusted to the owners of pipelines.

The preparation of passports should be carried out by specialized organizations that have a permit (license) from the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia to perform this work.

To perform the operation to assess the condition of pipelines, specialized organizations may be involved that have a permit (license) from the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia to perform the relevant types of work.

1.5. The documents specified in paragraphs of these guidelines are drawn up for the entire pipeline of category IV or for its part located within the building of a thermal power plant or boiler house, which is subject to registration with the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia in accordance with the Rules. In the latter case, the boundary of the pipeline is determined by the location of the first gate valve on the move, located outside the corresponding building.


2.1.1. Acquaintance with operational documentation for the pipeline.

2.1.2. Drawing up an executive scheme of the pipeline with the implementation of the necessary measurements and checking the condition of the suspension system.

2.1.3. Analysis of the compliance of the executive scheme of the pipeline with the requirements of the Rules.

2.2.1. visual inspection;

2.2.2. Checking by marking the conformity of the material of the applied pipes and elements with the requirements of the Rules. In the absence of marking, it is necessary to establish the steel grade of the pipes and curved parts used.

2.2.3. Determination of the actual wall thickness of pipeline elements (pipes and curved sections).

2.2.4. Non-destructive testing of welded joints by ultrasonic or radiographic method.

2.3. According to the results of the work specified in paragraphs. and , determine the need to bring the pipeline in line with the Rules.

2.4.1. Verification calculations for strength and compensation of thermal elongation of pipeline elements.

2.4.2. Adjustment and repair (if necessary) of the support-hung system of the pipeline.

2.4.3. Hydraulic testing of the pipeline.

2.5. With positive results according to paragraphs. , , a "Certificate of suitability of the pipeline for operation" (Appendix) is drawn up. The Certificate also indicates the date of the next technical diagnostics, and, if necessary, the scope, methods and frequency of control of metal and welded joints during the operation of the pipeline.


3.1. Training of personnel involved in a special technical examination and technical diagnostics, equipment, tools and measurement accuracy, non-destructive testing methodology and sensitivity of the methods used must comply with the requirements set forth in the "Regulations on the system of technical diagnostics of steam and hot water boilers for industrial energy" (hereinafter - Position).

3.2. When analyzing the operational documentation, the availability and completeness of the design and executive documentation and its compliance with the actual execution of the pipeline are ascertained. According to the documents for the repair work performed on the pipeline, it is checked to what extent the requirements of the Rules were observed. Documentation analysis is supplemented with information from conversations with operational personnel about the actual parameters of the environment and about pipeline accidents that have taken place.

3.3. The executive diagram of the pipeline should indicate: steel grade, diameters and thicknesses of pipes, length of the pipeline, location of supports, compensators, hangers, fittings, air vents and drainage devices, welded joints indicating the distances between them and from them wells and subscriber inputs, location of indicators for control of thermal displacements indicating the design (calculated) displacement values.

3.4. To inspect the pipeline, the welded joints and the area of ​​the base metal adjacent to them must be freed from thermal insulation. Thermal insulation is also completely removed from the curved elements of the pipeline.

3.5. During a visual inspection, the existing marking of the pipeline elements is read and documented, the compliance of the welded joints and curved elements with the requirements of the Rules is checked, and possible damage to the outer surface is identified. Local thinning of pipes from the outer surface due to metallurgical defects, nicks or corrosion should not exceed 10% of the calculated wall thickness.

In cases where chemical composition pipe metal does not meet the current requirements for pipelines of category IV, a specialized organization decides on the possibility of further operation of the pipeline or its individual elements after analyzing the results of mechanical tests of the metal.

3.7. The assessment of the mechanical properties of the metal in the cases specified in paragraph 2 is allowed to be carried out according to the tables for converting the values ​​of the hardness indicators of GOST 22761 “Metals and alloys. Brinell hardness measurement methods with portable static hardness testers” and GOST 22762 “Metals and alloys. Method for measuring the hardness at the yield point by indentation of the ball. Hardness tests can be carried out using portable standard instruments with static or dynamic loading.

3.8. Measurement of the pipeline wall thickness must be performed on each element on both sides of the welded joint. Each measurement must be made at least at three points, the location of which along the circumference is determined based on the most reliable determination of the possible wear of the walls of the pipeline elements.

To measure the wall thickness, ultrasonic thickness gauges should be used that meet the requirements of GOST 28702 “Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic thickness gauges. General technical requirements". It is allowed to use other methods to determine the wall thickness and the condition of the inner surface of the pipeline that meet the requirements of the Regulation.

3.9. At least 20% of pipeline welded joints are subject to ultrasonic or radiographic control. In case of detection of defective welded joints, the scope of control is adjusted to 100%. The quality of welded joints is evaluated in accordance with the Regulation.

3.10. The measurement of the slopes of the pipeline elements must be carried out by the hydraulic level. Counter slopes on the pipeline are not allowed.

3.11. Verification calculations for strength and compensation of thermal displacements should be carried out according to the methods agreed with the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

3.12. Based on the results of a special technical survey and technical diagnostics, the identified deviations from the Rules must be eliminated by the owner of the pipeline, as well as the necessary repair and adjustment work (including the suspension system).

3.13. After the pipeline is brought into compliance with the requirements of the Rule, a specialized organization conducts a hydraulic test of the pipeline with test pressure in accordance with the Rules and draws up a passport and a certificate of pipeline suitability for operation.


4.1. When filling out the pipeline passport form, you must be guided by the following:

4.1.1. On page 2, the line “Calculated resource, h” is not filled in. Instead, the line "Date of commissioning" is entered.

4.1.2. On page 2, the line "Estimated service life" is not filled out. Instead, the line "Service life" is entered, which indicates the estimated service life and the number of full calendar years of operation of the pipeline until the time the passport is drawn up.

4.1.3. On page 2, the line “Estimated number of starts” is not filled in.

4.1.4. On page 3, the table should contain information about the persons responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the pipeline.

4.1.5. In the section "Records of the administration on the repair and reconstruction of the pipeline" (p. 4-12), information is entered, supported by the relevant documentation for the repairs or reconstruction made. In the absence of supporting documents on the work performed, the entry “Information is not available” is made.

4.2. The form of the pipeline serviceability certificate is given in Appendix 1 to these Guidelines. The information provided for in the Certificate form is filled in on the basis of primary documentation for measurements, studies, analyses, non-destructive testing, testing and calculations. Primary documentation is stored at the enterprise (organization) that carried out the certification of the pipeline.


Name of the specialized organization

Number and date of issue of the license of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia for the right to develop operational documents (duplicates) for boiler supervision facilities that are in operation.


(Officer of the organization,

producing special

technical examination and

technical diagnosis)

M.P. « ..... » ....................199

Certificate of suitability of the pipeline for operation

Name and address of the enterprise-owner of the pipeline


Purpose of the pipeline .................................................. .................................................

As a result of a special technical inspection and technical diagnostics of the pipeline, carried out in accordance with " Guidelines for the preparation of passports for pipelines of category IV”, it was established:

1. Information about the pipes from which the pipeline elements are made

2. Information about the main fittings and fittings (cast, welded or forged) of the pipeline

3. Flange and fastener details

4. Information about welding.

Type of welding used in the manufacture and installation of elements .......................................

Filler material data .......................................................... ....................................

Welding was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Steam and hot water».

5. Information about the heat treatment of pipes, bends of welded joints (type, mode)

6. Information about the control of welded joints (scope and methods of control) ..............................


7. Results of hydraulic testing of the pipeline.

The pipeline shown in the attached diagram has been tested with test pressure


At pressure .............. the pipeline was inspected, while ..............


8. Conclusion.

The pipeline is in good condition, complies with the "Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Steam and Hot Water Pipelines", approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, and is recognized as fit for operation at pressure......... and temperature... ....

The term of the next technical diagnostics of the pipeline


Required volume, methods and frequency of control of metal and welded joints of the pipeline during operation (if necessary) ..............................



« ........ « .....................199 ....

The executive scheme of the pipeline is attached to the certificate.

M.P. Chief Engineer

font size

RULES FOR THE DEVICE AND SAFE OPERATION OF STEAM AND HOT WATER PIPELINES - PB 03-75-94 (approved by the Decree ... Relevant in 2018


FORM OF THE PASSPORT OF THE PIPELINE (the passport is issued in a hard cover: format 210 x 297 mm) Page 1 PASSPORT OF THE PIPELINE registration N ____ (as amended by the Decree of the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation dated 13.01.97 N 1) Page 2 Working environment ____________________________________________________ Operating parameters of the medium: pressure, MPa (kgf / sq. cm) __________________________________ temperature, deg. C _________________________________________ Estimated service life, years<*>___________________________________ Estimated resource, h<*>__________________________________________ Estimated number of launches<*>_______________________________________ List of schemes, drawings, certificates and other documents for the manufacture and installation of the pipeline, submitted during registration __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Signature of the chief engineer of the enterprise (pipeline owner) "___" ___________ 199_<*>Filled in according to the design organization. Page 3 Person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the pipeline

Pages 4 - 12 Records of the administration on the repair and reconstruction of the pipeline

Pages 13 - 25 Records of pipeline inspection results

Russian Federation Decree of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia

RD 10-109-96 Guidelines for compiling category IV pipeline passports

set a bookmark

set a bookmark


APPROVED by the Decree of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated February 19, 1996 N 4

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Guidelines establish requirements for the performance and content of the work required in the preparation of passports for pipelines of category IV (working pressure of the medium is more than 0.7 to 16 kgf / cm, temperature is above 115 to 250 ° C) with a conditional passage of more than 100 mm, for their subsequent registration.

1.2. For category IV pipelines subject to registration, the following must be drawn up:

pipeline passport in the form given in (hereinafter referred to as the Rules);

certificate of suitability of the pipeline for operation, representing the information provided in the Certificate of manufacture of pipeline elements () and in the Certificate of installation of the pipeline ().

1.3. The certificate of suitability of the pipeline for operation (an appendix to these Guidelines) is drawn up based on the results of a special technical examination and technical diagnostics.

1.4. The organization of work on the preparation of passports is entrusted to the owners of pipelines.

The preparation of passports should be carried out by specialized organizations that have a permit (license) from the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia to perform this work.

Specialized organizations that have a permit (license) from the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia to perform the relevant types of work may be involved in the operation to assess the condition of pipelines.

1.5. The documents specified in paragraph 1.2 of these Guidelines are drawn up for the entire pipeline of category IV or for its part located within the building of a thermal power plant or boiler house, which is subject to registration with the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia in accordance with the Rules. In the latter case, the boundary of the pipeline is determined by the location of the first gate valve on the move, located outside the corresponding building.

2. Procedure for special technical inspection and technical diagnostics

2.1. Special technical inspection of the pipeline includes:

2.1.1. Acquaintance with operational documentation for the pipeline.

2.1.2. Drawing up an executive scheme of the pipeline with the implementation of the necessary measurements and checking the condition of the suspension system.

2.1.3. Analysis of the compliance of the executive scheme of the pipeline with the requirements of the Rules.

2.2. Technical diagnostics of the pipeline includes:

2.2.1. visual inspection.

2.2.2. Checking by marking the conformity of the material of the applied pipes and elements with the requirements of the Rules. In the absence of marking, it is necessary to establish the steel grade of the pipes and curved parts used.

2.2.3. Determination of the actual wall thickness of pipeline elements (pipes and curved sections).

2.2.4. Non-destructive testing of welded joints by ultrasonic or radiographic method.

2.3. Based on the results of the work specified in clauses 2.1 and 2.2, the need to bring the pipeline in line with the Rules is determined.

2.4. After eliminating the identified deviations from the Rules, the following is performed:

2.4.1. Verification calculations for strength and compensation of thermal elongation of pipeline elements.

2.4.2. Adjustment and repair (if necessary) of the support-hung system of the pipeline.

2.4.3. Hydraulic testing of the pipeline.

2.5. If the results under paragraphs 2.1, 2.2, 2.4 are positive, a Certificate of suitability of the pipeline for operation is drawn up (see the appendix to these Guidelines). The Certificate of the suitability of the pipeline for operation also indicates the date of the next technical diagnostics, and, if necessary, the scope, methods and frequency of control of metal and welded joints during the operation of the pipeline.

3. Performance of work on a special technical inspection and technical diagnostics of the pipeline

3.1. Training of personnel involved in a special technical examination and technical diagnostics, equipment, tools and measurement accuracy, non-destructive testing methodology and sensitivity of the methods used must comply with the requirements set forth in the Regulations on the system of technical diagnostics of steam and hot water boilers for industrial energy (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations).

3.2. When analyzing the operational documentation, the availability and completeness of the design and executive documentation and its compliance with the actual execution of the pipeline are ascertained. According to the documents for the repair work performed on the pipeline, it is checked to what extent the requirements of the Rules were observed. Documentation analysis is supplemented with information from conversations with operational personnel about the actual parameters of the environment and about pipeline accidents that have taken place.

3.3. The executive diagram of the pipeline should indicate: steel grade, diameters and thicknesses of pipes, length of the pipeline, location of supports, compensators, hangers, fittings, air vents and drainage devices, welded joints indicating the distances between them and from them wells and subscriber inputs, location of indicators for control of thermal displacements indicating the design (calculated) displacement values.

3.4. To inspect the pipeline, the welded joints and the area of ​​the base metal adjacent to them must be freed from thermal insulation. Thermal insulation is also completely removed from the curved elements of the pipeline.

3.5. During a visual inspection, the existing marking of the pipeline elements is read and documented, the compliance of the welded joints and curved elements with the requirements of the Rules is checked, and possible damage to the outer surface is identified. Local thinning of pipes from the outer surface due to metallurgical defects, nicks or corrosion should not exceed 10% of the calculated wall thickness.

3.6. Chemical analysis of pipe metal is performed if there is no information about the steel grade on the marking of pipes or the pipes are not marked at all. In this case, a chemical analysis for the content of carbon and silicon in the metal is carried out for 100% straight and bent pipes. Based on the results of the analysis, the closest steel grade to the analyzed metal is determined.

In cases where the chemical composition of the pipe metal does not meet the current requirements for pipelines of category IV, a specialized organization decides on the possibility of further operation of the pipeline or its individual elements after analyzing the results of mechanical tests of the metal.

3.7. The assessment of the mechanical properties of the metal in the cases specified in clause 3.6 is allowed to be carried out according to the tables for converting the values ​​of the hardness indicators and GOST 22762 "Metals and alloys. Method for measuring the hardness at the yield strength by ball indentation". Hardness tests can be carried out using portable standard instruments with static or dynamic loading.

3.8. Measurement of the pipeline wall thickness must be performed on each element on both sides of the welded joint. Each measurement must be made at least at three points, the location of which along the circumference is determined based on the most reliable determination of the possible wear of the walls of the pipeline elements.

To measure the wall thickness, ultrasonic thickness gauges should be used that meet the requirements of GOST 28702 "Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic thickness gauges. General technical requirements". It is allowed to use other methods to determine the wall thickness and the condition of the inner surface of the pipeline that meet the requirements of the Regulation.

3.9. At least 20% of pipeline welded joints are subject to ultrasonic or radiographic control. In case of detection of defective welded joints, the scope of control is adjusted to 100%. The quality of welded joints is evaluated in accordance with the Regulation.

3.10. The measurement of the slopes of the pipeline elements must be carried out by the hydraulic level. Counter slopes on the pipeline are not allowed.

3.11. Verification calculations for strength and compensation of thermal displacements should be carried out according to the methods agreed with the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

3.12. Based on the results of a special technical survey and technical diagnostics, the identified deviations from the Rules must be eliminated by the owner of the pipeline, as well as the necessary repair and adjustment work (including the suspension system).

3.13. After the pipeline is brought into compliance with the requirements of the Rules, a specialized organization conducts a hydraulic test of the pipeline with test pressure in accordance with the Rules and issues a Passport of the pipeline and a Certificate of suitability for operation of the pipeline.

4. The procedure for filling out the passport form and drawing up a certificate of fitness
pipeline for operation

4.1. When filling out the form of the Passport of the pipeline, you must be guided by the following requirements:

4.1.1. On page 2, the line "Calculated resource, h" is not filled. Instead, the string "Date of commissioning" is entered.

4.1.2. On page 2, the line "Estimated service life, years" is not filled in. Instead, the line "Service life, years" is entered, which indicates the estimated service life and the number of full calendar years of operation of the pipeline before the time the Passport of the pipeline is drawn up.

4.1.3. On page 2, the line "Estimated number of starts" is not filled in.

4.1.4. On page 3, the table should contain information about the persons responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the pipeline.

4.1.5. In the section "Records of the administration on the repair and reconstruction of the pipeline" (p. 4-12), information is entered, supported by the relevant documentation for the repairs or reconstruction made. In the absence of supporting documents on the work performed, an entry "No information" is made.

4.2. The form of the Certificate of suitability of the pipeline for operation is given in the appendix to these Guidelines. The information provided for in the form of the Certificate of Suitability of the Pipeline for Operation is filled in on the basis of the primary documentation for measurements, studies, analyzes, non-destructive testing, testing and calculations. Primary documentation is stored at the enterprise (organization) that carried out the certification of the pipeline.


Name of the specialized organization

Number and date of issue of the license of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia for the right to develop operational documents (duplicates) for boiler supervision facilities that are in operation.

on the suitability of the pipeline for operation

Name and address of the company - the owner of the pipeline


Purpose of the pipeline


As a result of a special technical inspection and technical diagnostics of the pipeline, carried out in accordance with the Guidelines for the preparation of category IV pipeline passports, it was established:

1. Information about the pipes from which the pipeline elements are made.

2. Information about the main fittings and fittings (cast, welded or forged) of the pipeline.

3. Information about flanges and fasteners.

4. Information about welding.

Type of welding used in the manufacture and installation of elements _____________________________


Filler material data _______________________________________________________________

Rules for the design and safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines, approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, and recognized as fit for operation at a pressure of _____________________ and a temperature of ___________________

"___" ____________ 200 __

The executive scheme of the pipeline is attached to the certificate.

M.P. Chief Engineer

The text of the document is verified by:
official publication
Series 10. Regulatory documents on safety,
supervisory and licensing activities in the field
boiler supervision and supervision of lifting structures.
Issue 1. Industrial safety in operation
steam and hot water boilers, vessels operating
under pressure, steam and hot water pipelines:
Sat. documents. - 2nd edition, corrected and enlarged.
M.: - State Unitary Enterprise "NTC for safety in industry
Gosgortechnadzor of Russia", 2002

Annex B


Pipeline passport form

(issued in hard cover: 210х297 mm)

Page 1


Page 2

Name and address of the enterprise - the owner of the pipeline _________________________


Purpose of the pipeline _________________________________________________________

Working environment ___________________________________________________________________

Working environment parameters:

pressure, MPa (kgf / cm 2) ______________________________________________________

temperature, °С _____________________________________________________________

Estimated service life, years 1 ____________________________________________________________

Estimated resource, h 1 ____________________________________________________________

Estimated number of starts 1 (filled in for pipelines of categories I and II) _______________

List of diagrams, drawings, certificates and other documents for the manufacture and installation of the pipeline, submitted during registration ____________________________________________


1 Filled in according to the design organization.

Page 3

Person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the pipeline

Number and date of the order of appointment

Position, surname, name, patronymic

Date of checking knowledge of the Rules of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia

Responsible person's signature

Pages 4-12

Records of the administration on the repair and reconstruction of the pipeline

Pages 13-25

Records of pipeline survey results

Page 26

The pipeline is registered under No. ____ in __________________________________________


(name of the registering authority)

The passport has ___________ pages numbered and a total of ________ sheets, including drawings (diagrams) on _______ sheets


(position of the registering person and his signature)


Annex B



to the inspection of the heat pipeline when opening the gasket

a) the characteristics of the network section include the purpose of the heat pipeline, the type of heat carrier, the temperature schedule for the operation of the network and the temperature in the network during opening, the number of pipes;

b) the characteristics of the external coating of the heat pipeline route are given directly for the place of opening and for neighboring sections at a distance of 10-20 m in both directions (for example, a lawn with grass, asphalt, compacted soil of the carriageway, etc.);

c) the characteristics of the soil can be determined according to the table given in Appendix A STO -117-2007 “Pipes of heating networks. corrosion protection. Creation conditions. Norms and requirements. Soil moisture is indicated approximately (very moist, medium moisture, etc.). Accurate data on soil moisture are given in the appendix after analysis of the samples taken;

d) level ground water is given according to the operation data, the actual water level at the time of inspection of the opening site and the alleged reasons for its occurrence are also noted (ground water, storm water, network water, water supply, etc.):

e) the design is given and the condition of the drainage pipes and joints is assessed, the performance of the drainage is determined using a "float", the movement of which indicates the presence of a water flow in the nearest drainage well;

f) for channel lining, the method of waterproofing the channel is given, waterproofing material, the state of waterproofing is assessed (presence of cracks, swelling, slipping, soil between layers of waterproofing);

g) the type and design of the channel and the condition of its building structures are indicated, an assessment is made of the condition of the floor slabs and walls of the channel, the nature of the destruction of the channel elements and its causes are given;

h) when inspecting and evaluating the internal condition of the channel:

the presence of moisture (drip or film) on the inner surface of the ceiling of the walls and the bottom of the channel is determined;

signs of canal flooding are revealed, the height of water standing in the canal during flooding is determined;

the thickness of the layer of silt deposits in the channel is determined;

when located near the place of opening of a fixed shield support, the presence and condition of the hole in the support for the passage of water drained along the bottom of the channel is checked, the state of pipe insulation is assessed at the place of passage through the support;

i) the type of heat-insulating structure is indicated (suspended, backfill, monolithic, prefabricated, etc.) and its condition (integrity) is assessed;

j) the design of the cover layer, the number of layers, materials are indicated, the condition is assessed (presence of cracks, delamination, degree of moisture, etc.);

k) the type of heat-insulating material and the type of product are indicated (mats, shells, segments, half-cylinders, etc.), an assessment is made of the state of the material (degree of moisture, destruction of piece products, decomposition of the material);

l) indicate the type of anti-corrosion coating according to the technical documentation for this section of the network and the actual number of layers, adhesive composition for rolled materials; the condition of the coating, integrity, adhesion, change in color and structure is assessed, the thickness of the coating is measured;

m) the corrosion process on pipes is assessed, the nature of corrosion (powder-like, film, pitting, electrocorrosion), the presence of corrosion products, the thickness of corrosion films, the depth of ulcers, cavities, etc. are determined; suspected cause of corrosion processes.

Pipes are inspected from all sides. Particular attention should be paid to areas below and between pipes; it is recommended to use a mirror.

Annex D

Standard form of the act for the inspection of the heat pipeline when opening the gasket

Organization operating the heating network _______________________________________

OETS area ________________________ Source of heat energy _____________

The date _______________________________

Line name or number _______________________________________________

Place of autopsy: between chambers ____________________________________________

at a distance of ___________ m from the camera _________________________ at a length of _________ m.

Year of construction of the heating network section ________________________.

Duration of operation _________ years.

Gasket type ____________________________________________________________

(non-passing channel, channelless, etc.)

Pipe diameter: supply ___________ mm, return ___________ mm.

Inspection results

1. Characteristics of the network section


2. Characteristics of the outer coating over the heat pipe laying


3. Soil characteristics


4. Groundwater level __________________________________________________________

5. Laying depth of the gasket ______________________________________________

6. The presence of a drainage device, its design, condition and performance _


7. Waterproofing of the channel _____________________________________________________

8. Characteristics and condition of building structures


9. Internal state of the channel


10. Cover layer (materials, condition):



11. Thermal insulation (material, condition):

supply pipe ________________________________________________________________

12. Anti-corrosion coating of pipes, its condition:

supply pipe ____________________________________________

return pipe ____________________________________________

13. Condition of the pipeline and welded joints:

supply pipe ____________________________________________

return pipe ____________________________________________

14. The presence of external corrosion, its nature and intensity, the thickness of the corrosion film, the diameter and depth of cavities, the location along the axis of the pipe:

supply pipe ____________________________________________

return pipe ____________________________________________

15. Availability of electrified transport and distance to the nearest rails


16. Presence of other underground utilities near the heating main (cables, gas pipelines, water supply, sewerage) ____________________________________________

17. Availability of electrical protective installations on adjacent underground utilities __________________________________________________________________

18. Supposed reasons for the destruction of the heat-insulating structure and external corrosion of pipelines _______________ ___ _____________________________


19. Planned measures to eliminate the causes of defects


20. Description of work to restore the gasket at the place of opening; recovery date


21. Additional data



Annex D

The act of inspection of the damaged pipeline of the heating network

Fill in the blanks

01. Heating network area

options to underline

03. Highway No.

04. Year of commissioning

(year of construction)

05. Duration of operation

Date of inspection

06. Day ________________________.

07. Month ____________________________

08. Year ____________________.

09. Address of the place of inspection: street _______________________,

10. House No. _________________.


13. Initial chamber No. _________________,

14. End. kam. No. _________________

15. Distance. ___________ m.

16. To camera No. ____________ m.

Pipe diameter:

17. Feeder ____________ mm.

18. Back _____________________ mm.

19. The site was examined at a length of ______________ m.

20. Depth of laying ____________ m.

21. Soil: 1 - sandy loam. 2 - sand. 3 - loam. 4 - clay. 5 - construction debris.

22. Ground surface above the track:

1 - asphalt, concrete.

3 is the border between 1 and 2.

4 - compacted soil.

5 - surface protected from precipitation.

23. Presence of electrified transport nearby: I - yes, 2 - no.

24. Distance to the rails _____ m.

25. Presence of other underground utilities near the route:

1 - cables,

2 - gas pipelines,

3 - plumbing,

4 - sewers,

5 - no information.

26. Availability of workers on adjacent underground utilities and pipelines of the heating network

electrical protection installations:

1 - yes, 2 - no, 3 - no information.

27. Flooding to the pipe: 1 - yes, 2 - no.

28. Availability of operable drainage devices:

1 - yes, 2 - no, 3 - working, 4 - not working.

29. Inspected element of the heat pipe

1 - straight section

10 - lens compensator. or bellows.

2 - straight section in a wall or in a fixed support

11 - flange connection.

3 - straight section with a movable support

12 - welded joint.

13 - compensator branch pipe

5 - bleeder, air vent

14 - valve

6 - plug

15 - thermometer sleeve

7 - valve

16 - jumper

8 compensator gland seal, gate valves

17 - bypass

9 - pressure gauge fitting

18 - transition from d1 to d2

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    ... open joint-stock society energy and electrification Abbreviated corporate name: OAO Kuzbassenergo Location: 656037, Russian... the sole shareholder - JSC RAO " EEC Russia"3.1.2. Information on state registration ...

  • Document

    ... EEC"; 6. public joint-stock society energy and electrification"Mosenergo"; 7. public joint-stock society"Federal hydro-generating company - RusHydro"; eight. open joint-stock society"E.ON Russia"; 9. public joint-stock society ...

  • 30. Supply pipeline

    31. Return pipeline

    State of the waterproofing structure

    1 - in good condition

    1 - in good condition

    2 - partially destroyed

    2 - partially destroyed

    3 - completely destroyed

    3 - completely destroyed

    Condition of the anti-corrosion coating

    4 - in good condition

    4 - in good condition

    5 - missing partially

    5 - missing partially

    6 - missing completely

    6 - missing completely

    Presence of corrosion

    7. Continuous external corrosion on the entire inspected area

    8. Solid external corrosion at the site of damage

    9. Local external corrosion (ulcers)

    10. Internal corrosion, individual ulcers

    11. Internal corrosion in the form of chains of ulcers or grooves

    12. Solid internal corrosion

    13. Maximum depth

    damage ______mm

    13. Maximum depth

    damage _______mm

    31. The location of the damage along the perimeter of the pipe (in the direction of the clock)