Flint for water. The benefits of silicon water for therapeutic and preventive purposes

Even our ancestors in the distant Neolithic era knew that flint is extremely useful. The pointed edges of this stone were used to make various tools that help in everyday life and during hunting. In addition, thanks to flint, our ancestors could make fire.

Later, in the Middle Ages, the inhabitants of European countries used flint:

  • as a tool for treating walls in rooms where meat was stored;
  • as a material for the manufacture of millstones;
  • in some villages of present-day Germany, flint was added to dairy products, thereby preventing their premature sourness;
  • in Rus', the inside of the wells was lined with this stone, due to which the water in them became much cleaner.

The medicine of those times did not pass by the beneficial properties of this wonderful stone:

  • ground stone, due to its antiseptic and bactericidal action, was widely used as a tool that promotes the speedy healing of scratches and cuts.
  • in Britain, flint was used in water infusions, which, like crushed stone, were used as a remedy for wounds and various diseases.

Nevertheless, despite such popularity of flint among our ancestors, due attention to the useful characteristics of this stone, or rather, water containing flint, was allocated only in the 70s of the last century.

The impetus for research was the study of the composition of the water of one of the lakes near St. Petersburg. This lake had a certain mystical fame, because there was no biological life in it, however, people who often bathed in those waters noted accelerated healing of cuts and abrasions, their hair and nails became stronger and grew much better, and the general condition of the body improved. Later, at the bottom of the lake, researchers discovered deposits of flint, after which much more attention began to be paid to this mineral, the features of flint and water based on it began to be more carefully studied and investigated. Upon completion of these studies, scientists from the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus published information about the beneficial properties of flint water and its positive effect on the human body.

Today, flint is widely used as a natural water filter and activator. Moreover, this mineral is popular not only in everyday life:

  • water for balneological procedures and for the manufacture of medicines is prepared using flint;
  • also water based on this mineral is used for the preparation of alcoholic beverages and starch.

Mineral-organic composition of flint

Flint is a mineral containing chalcedony (a variation of quartz) and opal. In turn, the basis of these two elements is silica, in addition to which there are also about 20 chemical components, including Cu, Ca, Vg, Zn, P. Also, silicon contains silicon dioxide, which contains a significant amount of the entire earth's crust. Moreover, silicon is also present in human organs and tissues.

The color of flint is diverse (it can be either black or yellow or red) and depends on the presence of manganese and iron oxides in it.

Opal-chalcedony flint, widely used as a filter-activator of water, has in its composition a mass of once petrified unicellular organisms, which many thousands of years ago were part of the flora of rivers and lakes of that time. Researchers believe that it is the presence of fossilized organics in the flint that gives this stone its pronounced bactericidal properties and endows it with the ability to activate water, giving it a lot of useful properties.

The role of silicon in the functioning of the human body

Researchers have proven that the reason for the occurrence of most of the most common diseases can be a lack of silicon in the food consumed by humans. As a result, our body is deficient in this essential trace element.

  • Silicon is not only an accelerator of redox reactions in the human body, this element also plays an important role in the metabolic processes of the body, actively participates in the formation of various enzymes and hormones.
  • Moreover, silicon, which is the main constituent of the silicon water activator, can fully absorb about 70 useful elements, including zinc, manganese, fluorine, phosphorus and others.
  • Another important feature of silicon is that this trace element is involved in the synthesis of collagen (a protein that gives flexibility, elasticity and strength to all human connective tissues).

Silicon is also contained in the cellular structures of many other human organs: blood cells, liver, thyroid gland, etc.

The deficiency of this trace element in the human body can cause the development of many diseases:

  • osteoporosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • dysbacteriosis.

In addition, a lack of silicon can provoke:

  • hair loss;
  • nervous conditions;
  • incorrect work of hormones;
  • insomnia;
  • decrease in immunity;
  • violation of male sexual function.

So, the above information suggests that the content of silicon in the human body must be carefully controlled. The lack of this trace element in our daily food products can be replenished by introducing activated and purified flint water into the diet.

Flint is a natural filter and water activator. Purification of water with flint

Our ancestors also knew about the beneficial properties of flint, as a stone that can purify and give healing properties to water. As mentioned above, in ancient Rus' it was popular to lay out the bottom of wells and wells with flint in order to obtain clean and healthy water. Our contemporaries did not pass by this method of water disinfection either: villagers and summer residents, like our distant ancestors, use flint in modern wells.

Therapeutic and prophylactic properties of flint water and its use in traditional medicine

By supplying the body with flint water daily, you give it a lot of benefits:

  • the destructive salts and slags accumulated in it will dissolve much faster;
  • the blood of a person who regularly consumes flint water is cleansed;
  • the work of the muscular system becomes better;
  • also regular use of flint water improves the functioning of the prostate, pancreas and thyroid glands;
  • the hormonal background is stabilized and maintained at the proper level;
  • in addition, due to the normalization of metabolic (in particular, lipid and carbohydrate) processes, systematically drinking flint water helps prevent obesity and helps people struggling with being overweight.
  • So, thanks to the many healing properties (anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, bactericidal, antifungal, immunostimulating) that silica water contains, we have a wonderful chance to use it both as a prophylactic and as a means in the systemic treatment of many ailments:
  • Diseases of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems. Due to the systematic use of flint water, the amount of bad cholesterol in human blood cells is significantly reduced, while the flexibility of blood vessels and heart valves is increased.
  • in this regard, following a diet based on flint water is recommended for people suffering from atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, angina pectoris and other "heart" ailments;
  • also this water is an excellent preventive measure that prevents the occurrence of heart attacks;
  • add that flint water stabilizes blood pressure, blood clotting and increases hemoglobin levels. As a result, such water is useful for hypertensive patients, people who have a lack of iron in the body and ailments, the cause of which is poor blood clotting.

Diseases of the digestive tract.

With flint water:

  • beneficial intestinal microflora returns to normal;
  • the risk of stones in the liver and gallbladder is reduced, existing stones are to some extent disintegrated;
  • bile separation becomes better, inflammation occurring in the digestive system is stopped;
  • the work of the sphincters becomes more active and better;
  • harmful substances in the digestive tract are absorbed by water and naturally excreted from the body;
  • flint water introduced into the diet contributes to the fight against many diseases of the digestive system: dysbacteriosis, heartburn, peptic ulcers, cholelithiasis, constipation, hepatitis, pancreatic diseases.

Diseases of the skeletal system, joints and teeth.

Silicon water significantly increases the amount of silicon in the human body. Silicon, in turn, takes an active part in the metabolism of elements such as phosphorus and calcium, which, along with silicon itself, are present in sufficient quantities in our cartilage and bones. In this regard, experts recommend regularly drinking flint water:

  • as a means of preventing and combating diseases such as rickets, rheumatism, osteoporosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis;
  • flint water is also recommended as an aid for the speedy fusion of bones and the resumption of work of tendons, cartilage, connective tissue in case of fractures, sprains, dislocations;
  • in case of dental diseases and when for some reason it is not possible to get to the dentist, flint water can reduce pain. In addition, such water will strengthen tooth enamel and dentin.

Viral diseases, diseases of the bronchopulmonary system and oral cavity.

The unique composition of flint water helps to neutralize the influenza virus. Due to which, during the period of activity of this disease, experts especially recommend drinking flint water:

  • its bactericidal composition makes it possible to use water on flint not only as a drink, but also as an oral rinse, which helps to combat tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and oral diseases such as stomatitis, periodontitis and others;
  • in addition, flint water can be instilled into the nose, this way you will quickly get rid of the aggravated runny nose, rhinitis;
  • regular use of flint water contributes to a better functioning of the lung tissue, and is also an excellent prevention of such diseases of the bronchopulmonary system as bronchial asthma, bronchitis and tuberculosis.

Fungal diseases and various mechanical damage to the skin.

Due to the pronounced antiseptic effect, water infused with flint has long been widely used by folk medicine as a means to help cleanse various cuts and even purulent ulcers (at the same time, gauze or bandage abundantly moistened with healing water is periodically applied to the sore spot):

  • due to the antifungal action of flint water, it is actively used in the fight against candidiasis, which manifest itself as ulcers in the oral cavity, nose, and genitourinary organs;
  • water infused with flint is also popular in the fight against acne, dermatitis of various origins, lichen, diathesis, cuts and other skin lesions. At the same time, water is used in the form of a rinse, or when performing lotions and compresses based on flint water.

Regular use of flint water is also recommended for certain eye diseases, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the genitourinary system and kidney diseases. Moreover, the daily internal use and external use of flint water entails a significant improvement in the psychological and emotional state of people with alcohol problems, neurological disorders, chronic fatigue, insomnia, migraines.

Specialists also draw attention to the importance of drinking water saturated with flint for the elderly. Since, along with age, silicon, which is so necessary for it, is also removed from the body, silicon water will naturally fill the body's need for this substance.

Silicon water in home cosmetology

Silicon in the composition of silica-activated water is known as the "element of youth" and thanks to it, this trace element so necessary for the human body, we owe the wonderful condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Silicon takes an active part in the production by the human body of such a substance as collagen - a basic protein in the connective tissue, which contributes to better elasticity, flexibility and elasticity of the skin.

Home cosmetology widely uses flint water as a means for hair and scalp care.

  • Thanks to regular procedures for washing the face and the whole body with water infused with flint, our skin becomes toned, and the wrinkles that bother us all so much with age appear much less.
  • In addition, flint water relieves various inflammatory processes of the skin, minimizes the formation of various redness and peeling of the skin. In this regard, flint water is very popular as a remedy for acne (blackheads) and other cosmetic troubles on the surface of human skin.
  • By rinsing your hair with flint water after washing, you will strengthen your hair follicles, promote hair growth, give them a chic shine and a healthy look.
  • In the event of dandruff and itching on the surface of the scalp, flint water will relieve these unpleasant sensations and will contribute to a more effective treatment of a disease such as seborrhea.

When using water infused with flint as the main component of a cosmetic bath for nails, the growth of the latter is significantly accelerated, in addition, they become stronger and stop exfoliating.

Methods for obtaining and using flint water

The healing effect that silicon has on the human body is very difficult to overestimate. However, the amount of this trace element in the most common food products among the inhabitants of our latitudes is most often insufficient and does not reach the norm recommended to meet the daily needs of the human body. Nevertheless, with the regular use of water infused with flint, a person receives his dose of this substance, which is so necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Silicon water is widely used as a drink and as one of the ingredients in cooking. In addition, it is very popular as a prophylactic, as a means to combat various diseases and as one of the means of cosmetology.

Daily external use of water infused with flint entails absolutely no contraindications. The same can be said about the use of flint water inside. The recommended daily dose of flint-based water in order to increase the body's immune function or to prevent certain diseases is about 200 g per day. It is recommended to drink 50 g of water during the day, thus dividing the frequency of intake up to 4 times.

How to make flint water

To prepare flint water, flint, first of all, must be thoroughly washed, preferably under running water. After that, the flint is placed in a glass container, filled with water (2 liters of water is needed for 20 g of stone), covered with a thin cloth or gauze and placed in a dry, dark place. Thus, the water should be infused for 2, more often 3 days. Water infused in this way is not used all, but only its upper layers. This is due to the fact that at the bottom of the dishes in a layer of liquid that only slightly covers the flint, substances dangerous to the human body accumulate.

After each infusion procedure, a thorough washing of the stone under running water and its subsequent airing outdoors, in the fresh air, should follow. If plaque appears on the flint activator, the stone must be immersed in a solution of water with salt for a couple of hours, after which the activator must be removed and thoroughly rinsed under running water. Then the stone is again placed for a couple of hours in a solution, now soda, after 2 hours the stone is taken out and carefully washed.

It is recommended to change the flint activator every six months to 8 months, so it will be more effective as a means of activating water. In order to increase the healing and filtration effect of flint, experts recommend using it along with a quartz water activator.

The flint water prepared in the above way should not be boiled or stored in cold places (in the refrigerator or outside the window in winter). It is recommended to store it in glass containers at a temperature not lower than +4°C.

The use of silicon for water purification in wells

Many centuries ago, our ancestors actively used flint as a means to purify water in wells and boreholes: they carefully lined the inside of the well with this stone and as a result received crystal clear water, devoid of any harmful substances. In addition, such water is not only pure, but also has a pleasant taste, a long shelf life and a unique healing power.

In order to improve the quality of water in modern wells, flint is added directly to the well, while only 10 g of stone is enough for 1 cubic meter of water. After 3 days, the water in the well will become not just a liquid suitable for quenching thirst or cooking food from it, but also an excellent source of healing and extremely useful substances.

The use of flint water in gardening and home canning

  • Seeds soaked immediately before planting in water infused with flint will sprout much faster.
  • Seedlings, which are watered with flint water, are less susceptible to the appearance of harmful fungal organisms on it in comparison with seedlings watered with ordinary water.
  • Vegetables, berries and fruits grow much faster and are more fertile if they are watered with flint water.
  • Flint-infused water is also popular in food preservation. Thanks to the addition of flint to the water for preservation (at the rate of 1 cm³ of substance per 1 three-liter dish), the products will not quickly turn sour, they will acquire more pronounced taste.

Benefits of flint water for indoor plants and pets

Watering plants with water with the addition of flint, you:

  • make them more resistant to fungi;
  • accelerate their growth;
  • make their flowering period much longer.

Water infused with flint is also useful for our beloved pets:

  • it significantly improves their health;
  • makes the bones and teeth of pets stronger and stronger;
  • increases the protective reserves of the animal's body;
  • helps him to more effectively fight various infections and diseases associated with helminths.

The use of flint in aquariums is also justified:

  • water with the addition of this stone will remain clear longer;
  • it will be less prone to "blooming" and the appearance of green plaque on it.
  • of course, the quality of life of the inhabitants of the aquarium, in turn, will also be an order of magnitude higher.

Contraindications to the use of silicon water

Absolutely everyone is allowed to use flint water, since long-term use of this element has not recorded any side effects.

The first thing we must clearly understand is that there is a mineral flint SiO 2 and there is a chemical element silicon Si, which should not be confused. Today we will talk about the mineral flint familiar to mankind since the Neolithic period. Primitive people used flint, both for everyday life and as a weapon for hunting. Flint stones have very sharp edges, making them ideal for making household items, knives, hoes, arrows, and spears. Flint has been used and is still used today to make fire. In the Middle Ages, people inhabiting the European continent went further and used flint:

  • flint stone was used to process the walls of rooms for storing meat;
  • millstones for mills were made only of flint;
  • in order to extend the shelf life of milk and prevent rapid sourness, pieces of flint were placed in storage containers;
  • flint was used for lining the inner walls of wells, which made it possible to make the water perfectly clean;
  • physicians of medieval Europe used flint chips as a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent, powdered and healed open wounds and cuts;
  • in old Britain, water was infused on flint stone, which was used to treat many diseases;
No matter how long ago people used flint, they began to study its properties seriously only in the seventies of the last century, the impetus was water rich in flint particles in a lake near St. Petersburg. It all started with the fact that scientists noticed that in a whole system of lakes, in one, life is completely absent, the lake is “dead”, but, despite such a mystical glory, people are not afraid of this lake, actively swim in it and draw water from it home. The local population has always used water from the "dead" lake to treat wounds and noticed that swimming in its water improves their well-being, hair and nails become stronger. After carefully examining the lake, scientists discovered a deposit of the mineral flint at its bottom.

What useful elements does silicon water contain?

Flint, a variety of quartz, contains opal and chalcedony, which are based on silica, and twenty other chemical compounds, and silicon dioxide makes up a significant part of the earth's crust. Flint particles are also part of the cells of the human body. The color of flint stones, black, red, yellow, depends on the percentage of iron oxide or manganese oxide in it, which also affects the structure of flint water and its properties. In flint stones, a large proportion of particles of fossilized ancient organisms that lived on earth millennia ago, and it is their presence that makes flint an excellent filter for water purification and activates beneficial substances in it. Flint water produces expensive brands of alcoholic beverages and medicines.
  • the chemical element silicon, accelerates and helps to balance the redox function in the human body, speeds up metabolic processes and helps the body produce the necessary hormones and enzymes;
  • silicon, serves as the main, activating silicon water, an element that contributes to the absorption in the body, in full, of zinc, phosphorus, manganese, fluorine and more than seventy chemical elements necessary and beneficial for health;
  • everyone knows about the need for collagen for skin elasticity and strength of connective tissues, but they forget that for the production and synthesis of collagen protein, the body needs a large amount of silicon microelements;

Silicon is included in the structure of cells, liver and blood, and its deficiency provokes the development of such diseases:

  • Osteoporosis, atherosclerosis and dysbacteriosis.
  • Nervous disorders, insomnia, baldness, brittle nails and loss of immunity.
  • Disturbances in the work of the hormonal system and violations of sexual functions.
Therefore, the importance of controlling the rate of silicon in the body becomes obvious, and if the body does not get enough of this element with food, then it must be compensated with pure, activated silicon water.

How to prepare silicon water?

It is difficult to overestimate the need for silicon for human health, but food products common in our latitudes do not provide the daily requirement of this trace element. That is why the popularity of drinking flint water is growing, which can solve this problem. External use of flint water has no restrictions, and there are no contraindications. As for the use of water inside the body, in order to prevent and increase immunity, it is recommended to drink one glass a day, dividing it into four parts of fifty grams.

The first thing you should do when preparing flint water is to rinse the flint well under running water, weigh it and calculate the amount of water, twenty grams of stone is enough for two liters of water. Having chosen a container suitable for the weight of your stone, place it inside, fill it with water and cover with gauze or a bandage, hide the jar in a dark and dry place, and let it brew for two to three days.

When starting to use water, try not to shake the jar, and draw water by the pilgrim in stages, since only the upper layers are used, the water at the bottom of the jar and a centimeter above the stone accumulates all harmful and unnecessary substances. After each procedure, the stone is thoroughly washed under running water, dried and ventilated in the open air. In cases where any plaque forms on the stone, you need to place it in a saline solution for two to three hours, then wash it and repeat the same procedure, but using soda. Silicon stone, it is recommended to use no longer than six to eight months. Longer use of it already loses its effectiveness. Together with silicon, in order to enhance the healing and filtration properties, you can additionally use a piece of quartz. Silicon water loses its effectiveness when boiled and frozen.

By drinking silicon water, you:

  • Improve the functioning of the pancreas, prostate and thyroid glands, normalize hormonal levels and metabolism.
  • You flush out harmful cholesterol from blood cells, increase the flexibility of heart valves and blood vessels, purify the blood and remove toxins from the body. Silicon water is recommended for those suffering from atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, hypertension and angina, as it stabilizes blood pressure. In addition, water with silicon improves blood clotting and increases hemoglobin, so it is recommended for anemia.
  • Silicon water normalizes the intestinal microflora, promotes the separation of bile and relieves intestinal inflammation, reduces the risk of bile stone disease and promotes the disintegration of already formed stones that are absorbed by water and excreted naturally.
  • Silicon water is useful for diseases of the bones and joints, since silicon helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus, which is necessary for cartilage and bone tissue. This water is recommended to drink for a quick recovery from fractures, dislocations and sprains, as well as for such diseases as arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, rickets and osteoporosis.
  • Silicon water strengthens tooth enamel and reduces pain in sensitive teeth.
  • Silicon water will help cure diseases of the lungs and bronchi, fungal and peptic ulcers, is used in cosmetology, to fight acne and purulent rashes, helps with diabetes, kidney and reproductive system diseases.

Today, many leading experts say that the path to your health should begin with the water that we use every day. It is on how clean it will be that our well-being will largely depend on you. On the pages of our site, we have already written about existing filters for water purification and their disadvantages and advantages - read about it, and also mentioned available ones. Continuing the theme of the importance of clean water for the human body, today we want to tell you about silicon water. About what its benefits are, how it can be prepared at home and about those situations when, nevertheless, it is worth refusing to use such water. Let's look for answers to these questions with us ...

Features of silicon water

Silicon water is called water, which is formed as a result of complex processes of the interaction of ordinary fresh water with a substance called silicon. And, if literally every schoolchild is familiar with the composition of water, then the properties of silicon, which he subsequently transfers to water, attract the attention of specialists. So, silicon itself is a mineral that has been familiar to human civilization for a long time. You can even take the liberty and say that it was he who participated in the process of its development, because it was from silicon that the first people made their tools and weapons. With the help of silicon, the first man made fire ... In the process of the comprehensive interaction of this mineral with a person, the latter discovered that silicon, in addition to everything else, has a number of useful and healing properties. In particular, it is able to disinfect wound surfaces and has antibacterial properties.

In ancient times, folk healers used silicon powder to disinfect the surface of purulent wounds, and the silicon itself was thrown into wells to purify water.

There was even a belief that if bread is baked from flour ground on silicon millstones, then it will have not only a special taste, but also useful properties ...

But, all this is history ... In any case, some skeptics may say so. How is it with more modern research on the properties of this mineral? What role does it play in the human body?

The importance of silicon for the human body

Today, experts are ready to support their predecessors regarding the benefits of this mineral. Still, silicon itself is a super-important substance for us. This topic is quite deep and it will take a lot of time to study it in detail, we will only say the most important thing.

Silicon affects the elasticity of the connective tissues of the joints, the walls of blood vessels and tendons. A lack of silicon provokes the development of diseases in the body associated with brittle nails, hair loss and skin problems, it also increases the risk of suffering from rheumatism, hepatitis and heart attack.

The use of silicon helps to increase the overall tone of the human body and contributes, therefore, it is actively used in the complex treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis. It is also a powerful natural immunostimulant that literally awakens our immune system with you (learn other ways) and makes the human body fight and resist various ailments on its own.

What contains silicon

Well, from the above it becomes clear that silicon is really important for the human body. And, if you and I want to be healthy, we should take care to use it. But where and what does it contain?

Silicon compounds can be found in soil, in clay, sand, by the way,

it is silicon that endows the soil with the properties of fertility, and if there is little silica in it, then it accumulates solar energy poorly and is considered barren.

Among plants, the leaders in silicon content are barley, oats, horsetail, and, as well as cereals and comfrey. However, given the modern technologies for processing grains and fruits, which are aimed at clearing the latter of shells and peels, these plants also lose silicon along with them. That's why, one of the most effective remedies that can help us make up for the deficiency of this vital mineral can be exactly ... silicon water, which is infused with natural black silicon.

By placing flint in water and preparing silicon water, we get a liquid that contains more than 60 amino acid residues, which are unique biocatalysts for redox reactions that occur in the liquid medium of our body. Silicon itself takes part in the structuring of water molecules, and as a result of this process, they acquire special properties to displace simple organisms, microorganisms, fungi, foreign chemical elements and toxins from previously formed liquid crystal lattices. In the process of preparing silicon water, all this precipitates, which is contained in the lower layer of water. Such water has a special taste and freshness, and its useful properties can compete with melt water and silver water. And, in terms of its pH, as well as other biochemical indicators, it is akin to human blood plasma and intercellular fluid.

Surely, you are thinking about where to buy such water? Well, World Without Harm has good news for you - you can cook it yourself at home. And how to do it - our next paragraph will tell you.

How to make silicon water at home

To prepare silicon water, you need settled water from any source (if you take tap water, it is better to pass it through a filter first or at least stand) and pieces of silicon - they can be purchased at a pharmacy. For infusion, it is better to use a glass or enamel dish with a lid. Water should be infused in a dark place, in a room where room temperature. The infusion process takes 3-4 days. After that, the water is completely purified and becomes suitable for cooking, drinking, canning, washing. It can also be used to prepare cleansing enemas.

If you want to prepare silicon water with pronounced healing properties, then it costs longer to infuse it - for 7-10 days. Ready silicon water will need to be carefully poured into another container, trying not to touch the bottom layer, with a sediment of 3-4 centimeters - it accumulates all that harmful that you purified the water from. Such water can be stored even for several weeks.

After the water is drained, the silicon pieces themselves are cleaned with a soft brush and freed from mucus and deposits. After that, they can be reused to prepare the next portion of silicon water.

To prepare 1 liter of silicon water, you need to take a mineral weighing 8-10 grams and 1 liter of water.

Please note that the water in which the silicon stones are located cannot be boiled. This can be done only after you have taken out silicon from it.

Silicon, used for water purification, adds unique characteristics to the liquid, while there are practically no contraindications to its use. Such water eliminates inflammatory processes and problems in the gastrointestinal tract, such as bloating and indigestion, improves the functioning of the liver and kidneys, and has a regenerating and antiseptic effect. It is useful in periodontal disease, hepatitis, otitis, treatment of bedsores and burn lesions. For people with diabetes, it is indispensable, as it lowers blood sugar levels.


According to experts, silicon stone, used for water purification, has bactericidal characteristics and activates the liquid. But care must be taken when using it as a medicine. For example, people who have a predisposition to oncology, its use is not recommended. Such a tool can act as a cosmetic composition to improve hair growth, eliminate dandruff and nourish the skin, so many people have a question: where to get silicon for water purification?

People have been using this mineral since ancient times. It was used as far back as the Stone Age for making fire and creating devices for hunting. It was powdered to treat wounds, used to trim meat storage areas, and to cut warts. It was also common to lay out the inside of the wells with silicon, since it was believed that the water from them has healing properties, an unusual taste and transparency. The mineral changes the characteristics of the liquid upon contact with it. Silicon, used for water purification, activates its composition, prolongs the shelf life, improves taste, fights bacteria and microorganisms that promote fermentation.

How to cook

Purifying water with silicon at home does not cause any particular difficulties. It is enough to fill an enameled or glass vessel with liquid and lower the stone into it. The container is covered from dust with double-folded gauze and left for several days at room temperature. It is important that the sun's rays do not fall on it. After it can be applied to skin lesions, rinse the mouth and throat. In addition, it is useful for plants, especially for garden crops and flowers.

The tincture on the stone can be drunk in any quantity and used for cooking and drinks. A mineral of any shade is used, with the exception of black, with an increase in the intensity of the shade, its properties increase. At the same time, it cannot be boiled, as this leads to a supersaturation of the liquid with active substances.


Shungite is a rock with a unique origin, it can be brown, gray or black. According to scientists, the useful properties of the stone are explained by its structure and the carbon compounds present in the composition.

Silicon and shungite (the latter is also used for water purification) heal the human body, restore the hair structure, eliminate skin itching and irritation. Such a liquid is useful for intestinal problems, urolithiasis, vegetovascular dystonia.

Cleansing with shungite

To prepare the product, the stones are washed with running water, laid out in glassware or with an enameled surface, poured with two liters of water. It takes 3 days to cleanse, then the liquid is poured into another container, while you should try not to shake it, and leave about 500 ml at the bottom. This layer contains excess impurities, so for use it must be filtered with thick gauze.

Silicon around us

The earth's crust is mostly composed of silicon compounds. These are chemical elements, the atoms of which are the basis for rocks, sand and clay of various kinds. Silicon minerals are present in chalk and calcite.

In the human body, the substance is present in the pituitary and thyroid glands, as well as in nails and hair, and in a fairly high concentration. Silicon (for water purification) provides the elasticity of connective tissues by changing chemical reactions and bonding collagen fibers. The mineral plays an important role not only in human health, but throughout the world as a whole. It enters plants in the form of silica and acids. In its absence, there is a decrease in flowering and yield of grain crops, vegetables and sugar cane.

The daily minimum amount of silicon consumed is 10-15 mg, its reserves are replenished with meat and dairy products, berries and vegetables. It is involved in the growth of the body and its life.

As you know, the mineral takes part in calcium metabolism, interacts with compounds such as aluminum, magnesium, fluorine. It forms colloidal substances with a positive charge that eliminate harmful microorganisms and viruses.

The lack of silicon is expressed as follows:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • skin inflammations;
  • intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • damage to cartilage and joints;
  • destruction of dental tissue;
  • eye diseases;
  • softening of the bones.

Effect on the skin

The rate of metabolic processes determines the biological age of a person. And if cosmetics can protect and moisturize the skin, then regeneration at the cellular level is beyond their power. After 35 years, a gradual slowdown in the rate of cell renewal begins, and the existing lack of silicon manifests itself more intensely. And the human body cannot independently replenish the reserves of the mineral.

Various studies have contributed to the formation of a new type of silicon compounds that help improve metabolic processes in the skin due to interaction with collagen and elastin proteins. Due to this, wrinkles become less noticeable, and the skin becomes more elastic. The use of tincture on the mineral is useful both internally and externally for juvenile acne.

You can buy silicon for water purification at a pharmacy and add it to ready-made cosmetic products or prepare masks and creams from natural ingredients based on it. This will provide stimulation of biochemical natural processes in the skin, enhance the effect of nutrients and the compatibility of the components in the composition, while such products can be used for any skin.

Operating principle

Silicon, used for water purification, belongs to the family of chalcedony or quartz. This category also includes amethyst, agate, jasper, carnelian, rock crystal. They all have a common base but different characteristics such as hue and density. Contained in the mineral, in addition to silica, many other substances.

Today, scientists have not yet determined the principle of the interaction of water and silicon, as well as the reasons that contribute to this. There is an opinion that the beneficial properties of the stone are caused by its ability to form associate colloids that fight pathogenic microflora and absorb various contaminants.

Silicon for water purification: reviews

The “Healer” “Flint” water filter, according to buyers, changes the taste of water, it becomes similar to spring water, and at the same time it does not deteriorate, and there is no plaque on a jug or jar with it. People who use such water feel better, which allows us to talk about its positive impact on health.

Health care is a fashionable trend today, which cannot but rejoice. An increasing number of people are concerned about what they eat and drink to improve their quality and standard of living. Tap water is certainly not a pure poison, but it contains rust, bacteria that should not be there. It is not safe for health to use it for drinking and eating as is. To purify water, you can use household filters, which are commercially available in a wide range, or use silicon to purify water.

Flint and silicon for water purification: features, beneficial properties for human health

Silica is the main active component of not only silicon, but also quartz,. It is he who makes these minerals healing and indispensable for. Silicon is a chemical element whose atoms are the basis of clay, rocks, sand. That is, almost all the inorganic components of our planet are associated with silicon - the second element after oxygen in terms of reserves in the crust. That is why this breed can and should be used to purify drinking water.

What is silicon?

Silicon is one of the main elements of the periodic table. It was isolated in the early 19th century by two French scientists by exposing potassium to silicon fluoride. In nature, the rock does not occur in its pure form - it is part of complex chemical compounds. The most popular varieties of silica are jasper, opal, sand, quartz, and clay. The breed is found in soils, plants, animal organisms, which indicates its high importance for all living things. Silicon is used in various branches of modern life.

What is the benefit of purified water with silicon?

Silicon purified water has a lot of useful properties. In Rus', the bottoms of wells were specially laid out with this breed - it was believed that this allows you to get fresh, clean, microbe-free water. Thanks to silicon activation, the water becomes tasty and stored for a long time without changing the original composition. Pathogenic microorganisms, putrefactive microflora, viruses cannot exist in it. Silicon also absorbs salts of heavy metals, various chemical elements, pesticides well.

Water infused with opal-chalcedony silicon is considered especially useful. It is clean, like a spring, fresh, transparent, healing and does not deteriorate for a long time. Daily consumption of silicon-activated water increases the motility of internal organs, gives vigor and strength for the whole day. Also, water helps to accelerate the processes of collagen synthesis, increases the elasticity and strength of tendons, blood vessels, cartilage, and rejuvenates the body from the inside.

How to purify water with silicon at home?

To purify drinking water, you can use pharmacy silicon. Procedure:

  • Rinse the mineral under running water.
  • Place it in an enameled or glass dish.
  • Pour water at the rate of 10 g of rock per 1 liter of water.
  • Cover the container with gauze and put in a dark place for 2-3 days.

Then you will need to drain the silicon water, but not completely, and pour out the remaining layer of water that covers the stones (this is about 3-4 cm). This will need to be done constantly, since the breed accumulates harmful substances in itself. After a couple of applications, the stones are always washed and put to air for a couple of hours in fresh air.

Important. Silicon water is not boiled and not put in the refrigerator. Keep it at a temperature of more than +10 °C.

How often should the flint stones be changed?

The silicon activator works at full strength for no more than six months, after this period it is replaced with a new one. To enhance the work of a useful mineral, it is recommended to use it together with a quartz activator - this helps to improve the healing properties of the rock and extend its service life.

Which silicon is suitable for drinking water purification?

In nature, there are different types of silicon, mainly mixtures of crystalline and amorphous silicas - that is, quartz, chalcedony and opal. Depending on the color, the stones are divided into red, brown and black. Black flint is the rarest and most expensive mineral. In addition, the water activated on it has a number of useful properties, namely:

  • removes toxins and bad cholesterol;
  • energizes;
  • enhances regenerative functions;
  • improves the condition of hair, nails and skin;
  • helps in the treatment of hypertension, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system.

In addition, silicon water is a guarantee of longevity, good spirits and excellent health. Use it regularly for drinking purposes, and the body will respond with gratitude.

Water purification with silicon: history

Flint is the oldest fossil rock. It has been known for more than the first millennium and was used as a "purifier" of water by our ancestors. Healthy and clean water is the basis of life. Using silicon to remove harmful substances is simple, in addition, this method has high efficiency and affordable cost. Silicon water is a kind of "tincture" on silicon. It can be applied externally and internally. To taste, it is the same as spring thawed.

The benefits and harms of silicon water. Contraindications to the use of silicon water

Silicon water for therapeutic purposes is consumed on an empty stomach in the morning. Every day you will need to drink one glass of purified silicon water in small sips. You can divide the glass into two doses, but in any case, you need to drink water half an hour (at least) before eating. Flint is suitable for repeated use, the main thing is not to forget to rinse and ventilate it.

When interacting with water, flint changes its structure and properties. Silicon water is an effective cosmetic product that is used to cleanse the skin and treat acne. It is also used to rinse the mouth with gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis and other dental diseases. The constant use of charged water contributes to:

  • increase immunity;
  • accelerate the healing of cuts, ulcers, and other wounds;
  • improvement of liver function;
  • lower blood sugar levels;
  • attenuation of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalization of metabolic processes in the body;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • increase in general tone.

You can also use the "tincture" externally - in the complex therapy of gingivitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis, diathesis, and other skin diseases. Use water with silicon to rinse hair. The main contraindication for such therapy is the presence of oncological tumors and a predisposition to their appearance (for example, among close relatives there are people with cancer).

Other popular ways to purify water at home: silver and activated charcoal

In addition to silicon, other substances can be used to purify water. Main:

  1. Buy ready-made or make your own. Coal purifies water instantly, but such filters need to be changed constantly. Types of devices - multistage, flow.
  2. Potassium permanganate - potassium permanganate is poured into dirty water until a pink solution is obtained, mixed and allowed to brew for about 10 minutes. Then the disinfected water, without draining the sediment and the lower layers, is poured into a carbon filter.
  3. - an ancient, but rather weak way. What's more, recent research indicates that steeping drinking water with silver can be harmful, as it promotes heavy metal saturation. Silver treatment is allowed only when water is "preserved" for long-term storage.

Do I need a personal water analysis?

In any case, silicon cleaning is always a benefit. But if you want to be sure of the quality of drinking water that you get in the end, first. It is best to order a personal analysis that will show the content of harmful impurities and their amount. Based on this, you can create an optimal cleaning program.

Rating of water filters and where to buy

The main rule when purifying water with silicon is that this mineral is not eternal and needs to be replaced in a timely manner. New stones need to be installed every six months. Also, if you notice that a gray coating has formed on the surface of the stones, you can replace it. "Easy" resuscitation of the active component can be carried out as follows - the stones are poured with a solution of acetic acid (2%) or kept for a couple of hours in salt water. Then they will need to be rinsed under running water and lowered for several hours in a solution of drinking soda. On sale you can find replacement cartridges for