Spicy herbs in cooking. List of herbs for growing in the garden List of all culinary herbs and herbs

Greetings to all lovers of digging in the ground! With you "in the garden" Elena.
Until recently, dill, parsley and mint made up all the richness of the usual site, but globalization has significantly expanded the list of crops.

What herbs can be grown in the garden to decorate the plot and diversify the kitchen? Today we are talking about spices that are worthy of your garden. Here you will find a list with photos and brief care instructions.

Where to plant herbs? The most common way of planting herbs in domestic vegetable gardens is monoculture beds. They are easy to cultivate, but there is an opinion that they degrade the soil.

Mixed beds will allow you to use space more rationally and benefit from symbiosis. Grasses with such a planting repel harmful insects, attract pollinators, win a place from weeds:

  • dill is a good neighbor for cucumbers,
  • sage and marjoram make friends with carrots,
  • savory and basil get along well with tomatoes,
  • parsley grows well next to radishes,
  • spinach - with potatoes.

Aesthetic lovers will appreciate the spicy flower beds. Having picked up plants in height and color, you can get a beautiful composition. In the center (or near the fence) there are tall plants (lovage, tarragon, cumin), and closer to the edge - undersized.

Keep in mind that cutting greenery will leave voids, and this will reduce the attractiveness of the corner. Also, do not forget about the compatibility of cultures. Basil and lemon balm, marjoram and thyme do not like each other.

A good option is to plant herbs as a border. Border inhabitants should be compact, bushy, have a dense root system so that weeds do not break through, and do not have creeping shoots. These include garden marjoram, shrub perilla, fistulose monarda, narrow-leaved lavender, garden savory, basil. Plants such as hyssop, mint, catnip, rosemary, marjoram tolerate shearing well, which means they allow you to create a low molded border.

Finally, there is also a container landing. Herbs in pots or any other containers will not grow unnecessarily, the composition can be changed from time to time, but you will have to water more often.

Whichever type you choose, plant your herbs closer to your home (or summer kitchen) and, as they say, you don't have to go far for seasoning.

And now let's talk about each herb separately: we will analyze what it is used for and how to grow it. Consider perennial and annual crops.

Perennial herbs

Mint has about 25 types, which are used mainly as a flavoring additive to tea. It loves loose fertile soils, grows equally in the sun and in the shade.

Watering is moderate: it does not tolerate stagnant water, but it also withers from the heat. Mint is propagated both by seeds (a rather laborious method, besides, it is not suitable for hybrids), and by cuttings, by dividing the bush. It grows well in one place for 3-4 years. Mint bushes grow strongly, which must be considered when planting.

Melissa looks very similar to mint, but differs from it in a characteristic lemon aroma and less aggressiveness (does not grow so much).

Melissa is unpretentious, except that she is afraid of severe frosts. Propagated in the same way as mint. Grass is perfect not only for tea, but also as a seasoning for meat, vegetable dishes and homemade canned food. In addition, it is used in medicine and cosmetology.

Sage is good not only for its tart aroma, but also for its lovely blue flowers. Fresh and dried herbs are used as seasoning for various dishes. There are several species that differ in height, color and soil requirements.

Oak and meadow sage loves the sun, non-acidic and fertile soil, moderate watering. A sage sticky well tolerates a slight shading. All species need shelter for the winter and spring pruning. All three methods of reproduction are possible.

Oregano is known in cooking as oregano. The genus of oregano has many species, one of them is marjoram. It is very thermophilic, in the middle lane it is grown only in summer, so we will talk about it in the annuals section. In the meantime, let's talk about the common oregano, which winters beautifully without shelter.

It is found almost everywhere. It is not even necessary to buy seeds - it is enough to dig up the roots in the meadow. Oregano can grow both in the sun and in partial shade, but in the first case it accumulates much more essential oils. Watering is required only in severe drought, the soil prefers infertile.

Tarragon (tarragon) grows up to 1.5 m. It is used for cooking various dishes and in pickles. It is undemanding to growing conditions, does not tolerate only full shade and excessively wet places.

Propagated by offspring of roots, dividing the bush and cuttings. But it is better not to grow from seeds, because in this case the spicy aroma is lost. It is advisable to update the bushes every 3 to 5 years.

Rhubarb is a truly versatile herb that is suitable for compotes, pies, candied fruits, and wine. This grass grows up to three meters in height, and its lower leaves are quite spreading, so you need enough free space and sun. Prefers chernozem, but other slightly acidic soils without stagnant water will do.

The culture is propagated both by seeds and by division of the rhizome. Strong leaves that can be eaten appear in the second year. And it can grow in one place for more than 10 years.

Another sour herb in pies (and also in salads and hot dishes) is sorrel. Edible foliage pleases already in the spring. The plant is stunted, especially if flowering is prevented in time.

Unpretentious, loves light and partial shade, neutral and slightly acidic fertile (loamy or peaty) soils and regular watering. It is easy to grow from seeds - you can sow them immediately in open ground. The plant needs to be repotted every 4 years.

Horseradish, of course, is not sweeter than radish, but a great find for lovers of spice. Leaves and root are eaten. You can plant in the sun and in partial shade, as long as the soil is not heavy.

Watering is needed only during drought. Care consists in weeding and loosening. It grows up to 10 years in one place, but young roots give the best taste. Propagated by cuttings. Keep in mind that horseradish grows, oppressing the neighbors.

Celery is related to dill, parsley, cumin and many other umbrella plants. It is biennial, but more often it is grown for only one year, since the stem and roots are mainly used, but not the seeds. This culture is used in salads, sauces, drinks (for example, in a slimming cocktail). Known leaf, root and petiole subspecies of celery.

All of them love loose, neutral or slightly acidic fertile soil, sun or light shade. The differences are that the leaf and petiole species can be sown with seeds (in the southern regions of the country or in warm spring) or grown with seedlings, and the root species can only be grown with seedlings. Petiole requires high hilling.

Lovage is similar in appearance to celery, but its aroma is more tender. The culinary spectrum is very wide: from salads to bakery. This massive shrub reaches 2 meters in height and grows quickly, so plant it away from undersized neighbors.

Prefers moderately moist and well-drained soils. Tolerates both sun and shade, so it's best to give it some shade. Propagated by seeds, cuttings and division of the bush.

Asparagus (asparagus) has a wide range of uses. Its young shoots are useful in salads, main dishes and canned food, and a coffee drink is made from ripe berries.

The yield is low, because few shoots are obtained from one bush, but they are very tasty and healthy. Prefers fertile, especially sandy soils. He loves sunny places, moderate watering, but does not die in drought (according to experience). It is best to propagate by dividing the bush and not fiddling with seeds.

Cumin is a biennial plant: in the first year only leaves appear, and in the second - seeds, which are just used in cooking. They are appropriate in meat and vegetable dishes, and are also suitable for baking. Grass loves sunny places and loose, organically fertilized soil.

annual plants

All annuals are propagated by seeds, which you can easily harvest yourself.

Dill is the most common spice. Fresh greens are put in salads, served with various dishes, dried greens are put in soups, and umbrellas in pickles. Growing dill is not difficult: the seeds germinate well, and care consists in watering a couple of times a week, weeding and loosening. But even without weeding, the greenery grows in such a way that it can sow the entire plot. The soil is suitable neutral or slightly acidic.

Parsley, depending on the purpose, can be root and leaf, “confusing” varieties is not forbidden. The roots are put in homemade preparations, and greens - in almost every second dish. Parsley loves loose neutral or slightly acidic soils, grows in the sun and in partial shade, requires regular watering without waterlogging.

Cilantro produces bitter leaves with a spicy aroma, and when properly cared for, it also produces a tasty seed called coriander. Greens are used in salads, and the seeds are suitable for almost any dish, they are used in baking Borodino bread.

Most often, coriander is grown in the southern regions of Russia, but this is also possible in the middle lane. In my mother's greenhouse, Nizhny Novgorod region, it sprouts by self-sowing. Cilantro is demanding on moisture and loosening, tolerates light and partial shade. The soil can be neutral or moderately acidic.

Basil attracts not only with useful properties, but also with bright coloring. Purple varieties are especially beautiful. In addition, pollinating insects aspire to its flowers.

All above ground parts of the plant are edible. Grass is good in salads, first and second courses and in pastries (for example, for pizza). Grows in sunny areas with light loose soils, does not like stagnant water. In order to avoid diseases, it is necessary to change the landing site annually.

Chervil (kupyr) is used in salads and meat dishes. The root of some species is also edible and is used to make cheeses.

The plant feels good in the sun and in partial shade, not demanding on soils. It can be planted even in the garden under the crowns of trees. Seeds are sown in early spring, and then until mid-May can be sown again to always have fresh greens on hand.

Anise seeds and greens are used for salads, soups, pastries, fish and meat dishes. In the garden, it repels harmful insects and attracts beneficial insects. The plant loves sandy and chernozem loose soils fertilized with phosphorus and humus. Needs regular watering, but does not tolerate excessive moisture.

Borago, or borage (it has many names, there are also borage, borage) gives fragrant foliage for salads, and the roots collected in the fall give excellent taste to sour cream, wines, cheeses, etc. Attracts bees and repels Colorado beetles. This plant is not demanding on the soil, can grow in strong shade.

Arugula is seasoned with salads, sauces, soups, savory pastries and other dishes. In the southern regions, seeds can be sown in mid-April, while in the north, cultivation in greenhouses or through seedlings is recommended. The plant is demanding of light, but in hot weather prefers partial shade. Likes moisture, but should be watered carefully so as not to damage the fragile leaves.

Marjoram is great for sauces and soups, as well as for second courses, compotes and pastries. Prefers bright places, light and loose, not waterlogged and not overdried soils. Appreciates frequent watering and top dressing. Since the culture is thermophilic, it is recommended to grow in the middle lane through seedlings.

  • leafy mustard

Leaf mustard is a salad crop and, importantly for gardeners, an excellent green manure (green manure). It tolerates cold well, so it can be grown in a greenhouse as early as early spring, and then sown every two weeks to always have fresh greens. Likes peaty and sod-podzolic soils. It needs loosening and timely watering, and with a lack of moisture, it loses its taste.


Spicy herbs will not only decorate your garden or area near the house, but also help maintain health in the most natural way.

What are your favorite herbs?

Have a delicious harvest!

In our article, we want to talk about something without which it is impossible to imagine cooking a single dish. Herb seasonings have firmly entered our lives, along with long-known ones, new mixtures have come into use, the aroma of which gives dishes unique notes.

From the history…

Herb spices have been known to people since ancient times. It is known that even in the Paleolithic era, people seasoned wild meat. Numerous finds testify to this. Knowing the properties of such plants, people gradually began to use them even as medicines, flavors, preservatives, and disinfectants.

It is hard to imagine, but the first civilizations knew how to grow seasoning herbs. Archaeologists have found papyri with recipes that prescribe to put mint, saffron, wormwood and other plants during cooking. Seeds of spice plants have even been found in the tombs of the pharaohs. Maradah Baladan, the famous Assyrian king, left for posterity the first book that contained practical recommendations for growing herbs. He described more than 60 species.

The Greeks, for example, knew most of the modern spice plants. They used and grew mint, coriander, cumin, onion, garlic, thyme, saffron, laurel, parsley.

The golden age for the flourishing of the use of spices and herbs was the Renaissance. Passion for aromatic plants is becoming incredibly popular. Works such as herbal books and monographs appear. An example is a practical guide published twenty times, authored by Thomas Tressera.

In Rus', mint, St. John's wort, parsley, onion, horseradish, garlic, and anise have been eaten since ancient times. And in the 15-16th centuries, saffron, cardamom, and cloves became known to our ancestors. Russian cuisine of those times was incredibly fragrant and spicy. In the 19th century, celery, borage, purslane, chicory, lavender, cilantro, rosemary, savory, marjoram, and basil were widely used in cooking.

What is the secret of herbs?

Herb spices in a variety of combinations give the most ordinary products an amazing taste and aroma. In addition, they found a large number of useful substances, vitamins and minerals. The essential substances contained in them make food more tender, make us appetite, and improve the digestion process. Herbs are excellent preservatives. And many of them are used in traditional medicine. Some of them are even included in the modern pharmacopoeia. The need for herbs is increasing every year, especially in the food industry. Many of them are grown by us on personal plots.

Seasoning herbs: list

It is worth noting that the list of herbs used as spices is huge. It is simply impossible to remember all the plants. In different combinations with each other and different spices, they give new aromas and taste properties. Such mixtures even acquired their own names and became known as, for example, Provence herbs or French herbs (we will talk about them later).

Within the framework of the article, we want to indicate only some herbs seasonings (names and photos are given later in the article): basil, marjoram, oregano, rosemary, cilantro, dill, parsley, celery, tarragon (tarragon), thyme (thyme), saffron, fennel, savory, cumin, lemon balm, mint, sage, bay leaf, lavender, nettle, sorrel, rhubarb and etc.


Seasoning herb (photo is given in the article) basil was once called the royal herb. It is widely used dry and fresh. Basil is put in vegetable dishes, meat, soups, sauerkraut. Fresh herbs are used to prepare cold dishes, salads and soups. Basil leaves are crushed and added to oils and pastes. Many national cuisines of European countries use basil during the preparation of eggs, fish, cheese, and vegetables. Without it, pizzas, sauces, ketchups, gravies and pasta dressings are unthinkable. This amazing herb improves the taste of sausages and other meat products.

In addition, basil has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and tonic effects.


The herb has a persistent aroma and a slightly pungent taste. In cooking, dry and fresh leaves and dried flower buds are widely used. Marjoram is also sometimes presented as a mixture of crushed leaves and flowers. It is believed that such a mixture has a stronger taste and aroma. Use grass for cooking salads, vegetable dishes, fish, cold appetizers, mushrooms. Marjoram has become an indispensable assistant in the preparation of meat, minced meat, gravies and sauces.

In medicine, marjoram is known as a gastric remedy, used for severe headaches, asthma, depression, and insomnia.


Oregano is the strongest aromatic herb, similar to marjoram, so these two spices are very often substituted for each other. In Italy, all national cuisine is based on the use of oregano. Pizzas, casseroles, pastas, soups are prepared with the addition of aromatic herbs. It is used to make beer, vegetable oil, vinegar. In the Caucasus and Belarus, oregano is used for pickling cucumbers and mushrooms.


One of the most popular herbs in the world is dill. It is actively used in cooking. The plant has a bright spicy aroma, similar to anise and cumin. In the Scandinavian countries, all fish dishes are prepared only with dill, so that the dishes have a very pleasant taste and aroma. The plant is generally indispensable for the preparation of many dishes. It is added to salads, pies, casseroles. The seeds of the plant are used in confectionery and for various marinades.

Coriander, or cilantro

Cilantro is an incredibly popular herb seasoning in Asia. It combines spice (seeds) and spice (leaves) at the same time. The amazing properties of the plant were known to people as early as 5000 BC. e.

It is difficult to imagine adjika, Georgian sauces, Borodino bread, fish, Korean carrots, kebab, barbecue, kharcho soup without coriander. Seasoning has become so tightly integrated into our lives that we sometimes do not notice how widespread its use is.


Rosemary is an incredibly popular spice that is used to cook meat. It has the amazing property of giving ordinary domestic meat the smell of real game. Europeans widely use rosemary to prepare a mixture consisting of oil and parsley. All ingredients are mixed. The resulting paste is placed in cuts in the meat.

Provencal herbs

Herbes de Provence seasoning is one of the most well-known and popular spice mixtures. It includes basil, rosemary, sage, thyme, savory, peppermint, marjoram, oregano. This collection of herbs is perfectly matched in taste. All its components harmonize perfectly with each other. The name of the mixture comes from one of the regions of France - Provence, which is known for its spicy plants.

Seasoning is widely used by culinary specialists around the world. The collection is perfect for any first or second course. Provence herbs add a spicy flavor to food. It is worth noting that the quantitative ratio of different components can be arbitrary, depending on the preferences of the cook.

Provence herbs are used in Mediterranean, French and other cuisines of the world. They are in perfect harmony with all types of meat (chicken, beef, pork). Chicken baked with seasoning will become a real culinary delight. For the festive table, you can serve a steak in Italian (from beef).

Provence herbs are actively used for making soups. They enhance the flavor of the food incredibly. And there is no need to talk about their use in salads and sauces. Provence herbs are good for filling fatty foods, they go well with any variety of peppers and onions, as well as herbs. Some cooks even use

Provence herbs are not only a fragrant addition to dishes, but also a lot of useful substances that have very beneficial properties for the body. They contain a lot of oils, resins, essential substances, vitamins, enzymes. The spice increases appetite and has a beneficial effect on the digestion process. Provence herbs are actively used in a salt-free diet.

french herbs

French herbs - seasoning, which includes plants that grow in the south of France. The mixture consists of basil, savory, red pepper, tarragon, parsley, white mustard, thyme, rosemary and fenugreek. Such herbs are used for cooking meat, fish, poultry, salads, marinades.

An interesting fact is that French cuisine uses a huge amount of fresh plants, so housewives often grow them on balconies and window sills.

Italian herbs

Italian culinary specialists know how to accurately place flavor accents through the use of a variety of spices and spices. - seasoning (the composition of the seasoning is given below), which includes garlic, basil, savory, onion, oregano. It is often used in French and Mediterranean cuisine. Seasoning is added for cooking lasagna, pies, pizza, casseroles. Italian herbs go wonderfully with all types of meat. They are added to soups, sauces and all kinds of salads. They are also indispensable for the preparation of minced meat, roast, fish dishes.

Italian herbs blend perfectly and harmonize with different

Instead of an afterword

Seasoning herbs (the name of some of them is given in the article) have long been used by people. They are so tightly integrated into our daily lives that sometimes we don’t even notice it, although we encounter some of them every day in the process of cooking. Of course, now ready-made mixtures of dried herbs are gaining more and more popularity, but we still try to grow the familiar dill, parsley, cilantro, tarragon, celery and many other herbs in summer cottages, because their unique aroma turns any dish into a culinary masterpiece.

And other herbs, landscape designer and TV presenter Olga Voronova will tell you how to make a special garden bed for them - not a vegetable garden, but more like a flower bed. How to plant dill and coriander, mint and lemon balm, oregano and thyme? How beautiful to arrange a bed for herbs?

Spicy herbs significantly enrich the taste of any dishes, they can be frozen and dried, and vitamin teas can be brewed from them. Among other things, they repel many pests.

Many herbs are perennials. Once planted, you can forget about them - they will grow on their own, regularly providing you with greens rich in vitamins.

Spicy herbs start in early spring, one of the first, when there is almost no greenery on the site. They can be arranged as a separate landscape object - a bed of spices. It will become one of the elements of a beautiful garden, original and practical. It will be a bed-flower bed, a bed-decoration. Its place is not in the garden, but in any of the recreation areas, in the front garden or in the front area of ​​your garden.

You can lay it out of stone in the form of a spiral, make a raised flower bed of any shape, or you can simply overlay a small piece of land with beautiful stones. At the same time, such a beautiful object needs some kind of additional framing, gravel dumps are best suited for this purpose.

You can also decorate a spice bed with stones, but of a smaller size, shards of ceramic products, small vessels, figures that you just need to place between the spice bushes.

How to make a bed of herbs? Master Class

  1. Choose a suitable place for a future spice bed. Mark the shape with pegs and string.
  2. Dig this place and select the roots of the weeds.
  3. Lay boulders and (or) large rubble stones along the contour of the future bed. You can also use granite.

  1. Once again, dig the ground within the boundaries of the beds.
  2. Arrange the herb pots in their places.

  1. Along the outer perimeter of the bed with a scoop, dig a narrow trench 10 cm deep and about 8-10 cm wide.

  1. Lay the geotextile in the trench so that it covers not only the bottom, but also the sides. Temporarily fix it with separate pebbles.

  1. Fill the trench with crushed stone or gravel to ground level. This backfill will beautifully frame the bed and prevent weeds from getting on it.

  1. Plant seedlings and rhizomes of herbs on the bed with large gaps between plants, as they will grow strongly. In between, in some places you can sow annual spices, such as dill, coriander.

  1. Decorate your garden bed with rocks, garden figures, or decorative solar lights.

Spicy herbs: what to plant

Dill and fennel. It makes no sense to grow these plants, indispensable for every gardener, through seedlings. Sow directly into the ground. For early use - in the soil of the greenhouse. Be sure to sow thickly if you want to get especially juicy and tender greens. If you grow some part of the "umbrellas" - on the contrary, sow less often.

Dill and fennel reproduce well by self-seeding, so more and more plants will appear in your garden this year and next. Sow dill every 2 weeks, and until late autumn you will be provided with fresh herbs to the table. The main secret of success for dill is abundant watering.

Lovage. King of herbs, very rich in vitamins. This is a large plant that gives a large mass of greenery. The taste of lovage, as it were, combines the tastes of almost all herbs, and it can be used to prepare any dishes.

Lovage is planted in seedlings, sowing is carried out in early March. He always has a good germination. Sow densely, plant in open ground in early May. If you want to get young lovage leaves throughout the season, prune the plant regularly. Its further reproduction is carried out by dividing the bush.

Caraway. It is indispensable for canning, harvesting sauerkraut, cooking meat dishes and bread. Grown by seedlings. Sow cumin in pots thickened at the end of February, also plant in the ground. The best time for landing is the beginning of May.

Tarragon. Basically, it's a nasty weed. It is easier to get it on the site than to take it out. Therefore, it is better to plant it not in the garden, but in the far corner of the garden. It will give a rich harvest regardless of growing conditions.

In cooking, tarragon can be used almost everywhere, and it can turn homemade preparations into real delicacies. The method of cultivation is similar to the method of cultivation of other herbs, seedlings. Sowing and planting dates are the same.

Mint. You will not have any problems when growing mint. The only thing that needs to be done is to limit the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdistribution of this plant: you can dig a large container into the ground or protect the area with slate.

Mint can be propagated by seedlings by sowing seeds as early as possible, or by dividing the bush if you or your neighbors already have this plant. However, seedlings should be planted in the ground later, in July-August.

Melissa. It has a wonderful lemon scent. It is less aggressive than regular mint and more sensitive. If lemon balm is not insulated for the winter, it can freeze slightly in severe winters.

Basil. In cooking, basil is used both by itself and together with lovage. The plant is also very aesthetic - it can be planted in containers and pots for decorative design of the site.

Basil is the most heat-demanding spicy annual plant; it cannot even tolerate temperatures of 0 °C. Therefore, there is only one way out - to grow basil seedlings and plant them in the ground no earlier than May 15 or sow in a greenhouse. In mid-May, you can sow another batch of basil in open ground.

Basil is very picky about watering. It needs to be planted a little thicker. He is also responsive to feeding.

Oregano (oregano). This medicinal plant is very decorative and exudes a great aroma. But oregano is good not only for tea - it is widely used in cooking. The method of reproduction is the same as that of mint. The secret to success: add some sand to the soil.

Coriander (cilantro). It is grown for its fresh, fragrant greens and seeds, which are widely used in cooking. This "garden spice" is an annual, it is sown in open ground in early May.

Seeds are harvested as they mature. Coriander is able to produce 2-3 crops per season. For him, only abundant watering is important, otherwise it will grow under any conditions.

Thyme (thyme). As a spice, it is used in various dishes, as well as for making tea and in home cosmetics. It blooms in June-July, the bushes need to be trimmed periodically. Thyme does not tolerate frost well and needs shelter.

Clary sage. A very hardy plant that is easy to grow from seed. Blooms for a long time. Used as a spice for confectionery.

Rosemary. Not only spicy, but also a medicinal plant. It is used for cooking dishes from lamb, potatoes, root crops, for flavoring olive oil. Frost resistance of rosemary is average, so shelter in winter definitely does not hurt. Rosemary can be used using greens sold in supermarkets.

Hyssop. A spicy herb that is especially good for cooking meat dishes and marinades, besides, it blooms beautifully. Hyssop is unpretentious, very frost-resistant, it is easy to grow it for seedlings from seeds.

Monard. Monarda is also called "bergamot", as its smell is almost identical to bergamot. But real bergamot is a completely different plant. Due to its aroma, Monarda is indispensable for tea. It has sedative and pain relieving properties. You can also add it to meat dishes.

In addition, it is a bright, showy perennial. The plant itself is quite tall, and its flowers resemble multi-tiered "shaggy" raspberry-colored plumes with green gaps. Often it is grown just as a flower, for decorative purposes.

Comment on the article "Basil, cumin and 12 more herbs: outdoor cultivation"

Section: -- gatherings (Spicy herbs). What are your favorite spices and herbs? I used to love mixtures of herbs from the Provencal or Italian series, but now I began to like them separately. I like to add allspice to simple dishes. And so we use a lot of spices.

mint in a pot. On the beds. Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and country plots: purchase, improvement, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruits, berries, harvest. Basil, cumin and 12 other herbs: outdoor cultivation.

On the beds. Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and country plots: purchase, improvement, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables Greenery will not grow soon. What will grow well on a windowsill? We are talking about greens: salads, purslane, spinach, watercress ...

On the beds. Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and country plots: purchase, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables Of course I don’t plan global gardening, but I want 1 bed with strawberries, 1 bed with greens + fragrant herbs and mint, well ...

On the beds. Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and country plots: purchase, improvement, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruits, berries, harvest. Planned beets, carrots, zucchini, onions, pumpkins, cucumbers in the ground under the film, well, greens such as dill and lettuce.

On the beds. Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and country plots: purchase, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables Please tell me where arugula seeds are sold. What greenery would you recommend growing in a village (Yaroslavl region)?

Basil, cumin and 12 other herbs: outdoor cultivation. it can be accurately identified when it blooms - it has lilac-violet flowers, oregano Can a pregnant woman ... use spices? Basil, rosemary, thyme: growing from cuttings.

Basil, cumin and 12 other herbs: outdoor cultivation. In mid-May, you can sow another batch of basil in open ground. Basil is very picky about watering. I freeze it, like dill and parsley. If possible, I use it in the winter ...

Basil, cumin and 12 other herbs: outdoor cultivation. Basil, rosemary, thyme: growing from cuttings. Moreover, you do not need to buy seeds, sow and wait a long time, when the tiny seedlings of Basil have already sprouted, by the way.

Basil, cumin and 12 other herbs: outdoor cultivation. Spicy herbs: do-it-yourself flower bed, master class with photo. How to plant basil, cumin, dill, coriander.

Basil, cumin and 12 other herbs: outdoor cultivation. Her place is not in the garden, but in any of the recreation areas, in the front garden ... how to make a special bed for them - not a garden, but more like a flower bed. Her place is not in the garden, but in any of the recreation areas, in ...

To always have fresh herbs on hand, you will need pots. Both of these perennial crops are small shrubs, so Thyme is also planted in open ground. Basil: the beneficial properties of an aromatic spice.

Need help - home garden. On the beds. Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. how often to water? Bought a long narrow tray, "living land". I would like there to be a riot of fragrant greens, not so much for food, but for aesthetics, for smells ..

Basil, cumin and 12 other herbs: outdoor cultivation. Spicy herbs: do-it-yourself flower bed, master class with photo. How beautiful to arrange a bed for herbs? Spicy herbs significantly enrich the taste of any dishes, they can be frozen and...

Basil, cumin and 12 other herbs: outdoor cultivation. Many herbs are perennials. Having planted once, you can forget about them - they will grow on their own, regularly providing you with greens rich in vitamins.

"Other names: spicy cumin, Egyptian cumin, Volosh cumin, an annual herbaceous plant of the umbrella family. Basil, cumin and 12 other herbs: outdoor cultivation. It will give a rich harvest regardless of growing conditions.

How beautiful to arrange a bed for herbs? Spicy herbs significantly enrich the taste of any dishes, they can be frozen and In the old days it was believed that if there are no fruit trees, shrubs, flowers, fragrant herbs, and vegetables on the site, then the plot is not ...

Basil, cumin and 12 other herbs: outdoor cultivation. Once planted, you can forget about them - they will grow on their own, regularly providing you Rosemary can be grown from cuttings using greens sold in supermarkets.

Growing exotic plants in the country: in a greenhouse and open ground. Pepino, aka melon pear. In the store I saw How to grow cacti from seeds without a special greenhouse? Basil, cumin and 12 other herbs: outdoor cultivation.

Spices in the garden are now preferred by many summer residents. It's so convenient: your favorite herbs are at hand. And those who are creative in cooking cannot do without seasonings.

One and the same menu can be diversified by the presence of a single greenery - the aroma affects the food so much. Making a sauce with spicy ingredients can become a professional secret of famous chefs.

By tracing the history of spices, one can learn the history of civilization. Even primitive man improved the taste of raw meat with fruits, roots, herbs. Already in the Neolithic era, people used cumin, poppy, parsnips. And although they still lived off the collection of plants and hunting, they already knew how to cook simple dishes that could diversify the taste with spicy additions. And then the tradition was born to put sacrifices to the gods on the altar.

Cardamom, onion, fennel, coriander, sesame, saffron became a constant commodity of the ancient Babylonians. Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, India, China only expanded the list of herbs and root crops. The spread of spices began not only in those places where trade caravans went, but also conquerors.

Fragrant plants became the cause of military relations between states. The conquest of new territories was carried out both because of the development of local lands, and the opportunity to earn money on the loot. Spices were invariably among the trophies. Travelers, going on long journeys, lost ships, equipment, people, but all the losses could be covered by the brought spices.

The beginning of discoveries in the Middle Ages led to fierce competition between Portugal, Spain, Holland and England for the right to colonial possession of states in Southeast Asia, America, also because then a monopoly was introduced on the trade in exotic products. The monks who developed the culinary art also helped in the cultivation of spices.

Spicy herbs in the country

Now spice plants are an integral part of our cuisine. The combination of tastes, aromas, colors not only excite the appetite, but also help to properly absorb all the nutrients of the dishes, saturate the body with vitamins and mineral salts.

In order to grow your own spice garden, a lot of effort is not required. Most herbs and roots are easy to care for. You can break a flower bed, which will delight not only with aromas, but will also be a wonderful decoration of the garden, the main thing is to adhere to the principle: the composition is formed not only by the color of the plant, but also by its growth - we plant the tallest herbs in the center of the garden.

So what are the best plants to choose? First of all, those that you often use when cooking. Those who prefer spicy dishes will choose mustard, chili, horseradish, basil. Fans of softer and more fragrant aromas can plant mint, hyssop, snakehead, savory. Anise, cumin, fennel, dill, coriander, lovage, juniper berries - for gourmets with special taste preferences.


One of the most fragrant plants with a significant content of essential oils, which include menthol. Mint is used as a seasoning for meat, game, sweet marinades. Tea lovers cannot imagine an evening without a cup of an invigorating drink with the addition of mint. Its cooling and healing effect gave rise to many sedatives, painkillers, menthol lozenges, and antiseptic toothpastes.

Mint was used as a spice in ancient Greece, Egypt, and Rome. You can season food with both fresh and dried leaves. In the Caucasus, the plant is used in the preparation of soups.

Mint is a perennial plant with a horizontally branched root that blooms in late July - early August. The leaves are elongated, ovoid, with short petioles. The flowers are small, pale purple. Mint grows up to 1 meter in height, so in a bed of aromatic plants it can be planted closer to the center.

Mint reproduces vegetatively, including through the rooting of stems, over time the plant can grow in the garden. To prevent this, you can limit the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits growth by digging a small fence made of boards and slate next to it. But it is worth considering that mint degenerates in one place. It is necessary to renew planting plants every 3-5 years.

Mint loves open spaces, but gets along well under the canopy of trees - plant it under a tree, and then you can forget about weeds, but tender leaves of cooling freshness are always at hand. For the winter, the leaves can be dried or frozen; mint is harvested in the budding phase.

Melissa looks like mint, but differs from it in aroma

Melissa is related to mint and is often referred to as "lemon mint". Melissa in Greek means "bee" - the plant attracts insects with its citrus aroma. Essential oil grass has a highly branched rhizome, the height of lemon balm exceeds one meter. The edges of the green, oval leaves are covered with glandular hairs that accumulate the essential oil.

The flowers are small, white, umbrella type. The plant blooms from June to September. Avicenna wrote about lemon balm in his treatise, and it is still popular today. As a seasoning, grass is used in marinades, soups, meat, mushroom dishes. Just like mint, lemon balm flavors teas and drinks.

In one place, the grass is kept only for 3-4 years (although it can be grown up to 10 years), during this time a new plantation can be planted, when sown with seeds, lemon balm blooms in the second year, the vegetative method will give shoots in the first year.

Melissa does not survive the harsh winter, so for the cold season we close it with coniferous spruce branches. The first raw material is harvested during the budding of the plant - it is then that the lemon balm is most fragrant. The second time, lemon balm can be collected in the fall, before frost. After the plant turns black and becomes unusable.


An annual plant native to India. It grows well in well-lit areas with richly fertilized soil. If planted in the shade, the aroma is reduced. In cooking, the ground part of the plant is used. The taste of basil is pleasantly spicy, at first sweetish, then with a slight bitterness. Used as a seasoning for pates, salads, gravies, meat, fish dishes.

Varieties differ in taste, leaf color - from light green to purple. Fresh leaves have a tonic effect, excite the nervous system - this should be taken into account when cooking. When dry, basil powder can replace pepper. In a bed of spicy plants, basil will add a special charm to the composition. He is not tall, but with a beautiful color.

Marjoram will require experimentation in the kitchen to find its dosage of this spice.


Marjoram is a perennial, but in culture it is grown as an annual plant, the ground part is also taken as food. As a spice, grass was used in ancient Greece and Rome. Marjoram has a strong spicy smell, slightly burning taste, slightly sweet. The spice should be used carefully: the aroma can either saturate with an unusual bouquet of shades, or spoil it. To find a specific dosage of seasoning, you have to experiment in the kitchen. Correctly reveals the taste of marjoram thyme. Sometimes grass is substituted for salt. Well suited for poultry meat, pâtés, second courses, cheeses.

Marjoram loves warmth, so planting it after frost is not recommended. Sowing is best done at a stable temperature of 20-22 degrees. At first, the plant will need watering, but in the future it is quite resistant to drought. Also, like basil, it loses some of its aromatic properties in shading. Prefers light, calcareous soil. The height of the grass is small, about 20-50 centimeters, so it is better to plant in a common plantation from the edge, it blooms in late summer with whitish or pinkish corollas.

Perennial native to the East. Root - large, like a spindle; the leaves are shiny, the lower ones reach half a meter in length, the upper ones are small. The whole plant is eaten: both the ground part and the root. It begins to bloom in June and continues until the end of August. Lovage quickly runs wild, propagating both by seeds and by dividing the root. The smell of lovage is reminiscent of celery, with a sharp, salty-bitter taste. Ukrainians are very fond of the plant, they even compose poems about it.

Leaves for food are harvested in the first year of planting, in the second or third year they dig up the root, and this cannot be done before flowering - there is information about its poisonous properties. Lovage is one of the few plants whose dried and ground parts are much more aromatic than fresh ones. It is used in many dishes, it is included in the list of spices suitable for diet food. It is also brewed like tea.

An annual plant that grows wild in ravines. It is known that the ancient Greeks and Romans prepared sauces for meat from it, monks brought it to Europe. Until now, savory is an integral part of Mediterranean cuisine. Young greens are similar in taste to hot peppers, and add a spicy flavor to dishes. Tellingly, savory leaves are consumed whole, they are not crushed, otherwise they will give the dish a bitter taste.

Suitable for all legumes, mushrooms, fish, sauces. The plant is tall and short, grown by sowing seeds, blooms from mid-summer to October. Resistant to cold, loves light and fertile soil.

An annual low plant that came from Western Asia. One of the ancient cultures favored by the Egyptians. This unpretentious plant is very beautiful during flowering, so it is often grown as a decorative garden ornament. The flowers are white, yellow to red, blooming all summer and September. The stems are juicy, creeping - gardeners often consider it a malicious weed, but if you limit its growth, it will please you with its pleasant, slightly spicy, tart taste.

Greens serve as the basis for salads, you can pickle for the winter. It is better to cut it before flowering, it can be done several times during the season, and they are also sown two or three times - so there will always be fresh seasoning on the table. Grass as a spice is suitable for all dishes, except for potatoes.

An annual plant native to the Mediterranean and the Middle East. The fact that anise was used back in the Stone Age is excavated in pile buildings of those times, where the seeds of this plant were found. Ancient Greek doctors treated with grass, in Russia they learned the taste of anise late - only in the 19th century, but now it is widely cultivated in many areas - large anise fields are planted. Widely used in perfume, food, chemical, pharmaceutical industries. Fatty oil after distillation of essential oils is used to make soap, and the rest replaces cocoa in products.

The smell of anise is so strong that it kills insects that greatly annoy a person: moths, cockroaches, lice, bedbugs. Cooks prefer it for its refreshing, spicy-oriental aroma, and when ground it has a sweetish aftertaste. Used in sweet dishes, as well as in fruit, vegetable, drinks.

The type of anise is attractive - thin, short-standing, a little more than half a meter high, the flowers are inconspicuous, but collected in an umbrella. Blooms in summer, fruits are harvested in August. Anise has a high yield, with proper planting and watering, it can give up to one kilogram per square meter of greenery.

Ruta means "salvation" in Greek.

A perennial semi-shrub with an upright stem 50-80 centimeters high comes from Southern Europe. The leaves are dark green, the flowers are yellow. In one place it can grow up to 8 years, loves sunny places, moist fertile soil, the plant is unpretentious in care. Leaves begin to take from the second year of life. You can tear greens during the summer, it is perfect as a base for salads, seasonings for marinades and pickles. In ancient times, the plant served as a medicine against various diseases, it is no coincidence that the name: "rue" from Greek - "salvation". In the historic homeland, it often coexists with a vineyard, which may be why rue tastes strongly spicy, bitter, and piquant. Essential oils are used to prepare strong alcoholic beverages, aromatic waters, rutin, vitamin P, is obtained from the plant. Rutu is not recommended to be eaten much due to its certain properties, with an overabundance it can cause poisoning.

Semi-shrub, which is widely distributed in Eurasia and Africa. This plant was treated by Hippocrates. The healing properties of hyssop are still used today. It is more popular with gardeners because of its ginger-sage aroma, it tastes bitter. Chefs season them with cold appetizers, first and second courses. It is very important in dietary nutrition, they are replaced with pepper. And at the same time, hyssop is part of some alcoholic beverages, as well as medicinal decoctions for the elderly. The plant is used in dried form, but its fragrant characteristics are deteriorating, it is better to use fresh leaves.

Hyssop is also planted as an ornamental plant. Its inflorescences are spike-shaped, blue-violet hues, there are also pink varieties - they fit perfectly into a spicy garden bed. The plant blooms from July to September, unpretentious.

Fresh spices on the table - the fruit of labor in the garden

This is a small part of spicy plants that you can plant in your garden, and get spices from the garden immediately to the table. All of them contain a significant amount of essential oils and have antiseptic properties. Delicious seasonings will also be useful. But the main thing in growing spices is that with their help, even the simplest dish can be made exquisite, original, and never repeated in cooking.

Try different combinations and experiment!

To have your own plot and buy herbs in the market, to put it mildly, is unreasonable. You can grow everything in your garden and always have the freshest herbs on the table, and be sure of its environmental friendliness. In our article you will find a list of herbs, recommendations for growing perennials and annuals, photos with names and main characteristics.

Fragrant garden: preparation

Even from a small free space, using it rationally, you can get the most out of it. An ordinary garden bed and a flower bed - oval, triangular or round - are suitable for spicy herbs.
A bed with spicy greens looks beautiful, and everything planted on it is useful, but so that the greens do not lose their decorative effect, they need care. Therefore, it is necessary to arrange a bed in such a way that it is convenient to work.

In addition, there should be free access to the garden bed even in bad weather, therefore paths paved with slabs or bricks are needed, in extreme cases they can be covered with sawdust.

Herb patch

Plants are tall, planted in the center, lower ones - along the edge. The place begins to be prepared in the fall: weeds are removed, they are dug up. In the spring, the soil is once again cleaned of weeds, loosened, then:

  • outline paths;
  • limit the garden bed with a border, for which, with the help of a cord, they beat off the borders and set pegs;
  • make a brick border or assemble a frame from boards;
  • fill the bed with fertile soil, water it;
  • pave the aisles;
  • planting seedlings.

Attention! Most spicy plants do not tolerate excessive moisture. Therefore, if the bed is in a lowland, then a good drainage layer is needed.

Perennial herbs

The order of perennial herbs is:

  • Fennel. Reaches 1.5 m, most often grown as an annual, because. he is a southerner and cannot stand harsh winters. In the kitchen, all its parts are used. Grains are used as a seasoning for fish, dishes are decorated with beautiful leaves, heads of cabbage are stewed and served with meat.

  • Lovage. A powerful, unpretentious spicy plant, reaching 2 m. It is planted both in the sun and in the shade - it feels good everywhere. Its leaves are a spicy seasoning for fish and meat dishes. The plant is a frequent component in traditional medicine.
  • Hyssop. It is a half-meter, and sometimes taller, fragrant shrub. Very picturesque when in bloom. Its flowers are most often purple or blue, but pink ones are also found. Spicy seasoning from its buds and leaves is used for salads, sauces, soups, meat and fish. It is a good flavor for marinades, tinctures.

  • Ruta. It is a semi-shrub 50-70 cm in height. Unpretentious, multiplies by all known methods. As a seasoning, it is good for lamb, meat fillings, vegetables, they are put in jars when canning tomatoes, cucumbers.
  • Lemon melissa is a bush 0.45-1.25 m tall, branched, grows well in the sun and in a slightly shaded place, the main thing is that the soil is fertile. It has a citrus flavor and is used in many dishes, giving them a bright taste.

Melissa lemon

  • Thyme garden. Low shrub 0.25-0.4 m. In addition to being widely used for medicinal purposes, it is also a good seasoning for soups, salads, sauces, fish, meat, and vegetables.
  • Sage is a powerful plant with panicle-shaped inflorescences, sometimes reaching 1.2 m. It is useful both in the kitchen and in medicine.

Attention! Individual plants enhance the taste of herbs that grow with them in the neighborhood. These include kanuper, nivyanik, wormwood.

Spicy annuals

A bed with spicy herbs is not only perennials; without annual fragrant plants, it will be inferior. This list includes:

  • Anise. Grows in light and fertile soil, loves light. Can grow over a meter. Collect fresh herbs to season salads, side dishes. Seeds are added to sauces, pastries, pickles, soups, kvass, sourdough.

  • Dill. It is worth planting this plant once, how then it will reproduce itself through self-seeding. It is difficult to name a dish, wherever dill is used, well, unless it is added to sweets.
  • Basil. It grows in the form of a small compact bush, heat-loving, so it is better to grow it through seedlings. Fresh leaves are served with barbecue, used as a seasoning for many dishes. The stems are used for conservation.
  • Parsley is an essential ingredient in many dishes. Both leaves and roots are used. It grows in a bright place, prefers loose soils, is not afraid of frost.
  • Borage or borage. This plant with beautiful blue star-shaped flowers is a good addition to side dishes, meat, vinaigrette, fish, cold soups, sauces. In addition, mature leaves are stewed like spinach, added to marinades, pickles. The flowers are edible, both fresh and candied. Bushes can grow in height from 10 to 60 cm.

Borago or borage

  • Coriander. In appearance, 80-centimeter bushes are not immediately distinguishable from parsley, but the taste and aroma of cilantro are completely different. The plant is not capricious, grows in the garden without much attention to itself. Greens are good in salads, as a seasoning for soups, meat. Seeds - irreplaceable spice for sausages, canned food, sauces, drinks, marinades.
  • Salad mustard. Surprisingly early, cold-resistant plant. In home cooking, its succulent leaves are used, which are harvested before the flowers appear. They put them in salads, make a side dish out of them, and canned them. Oil is obtained from seeds, mustard is made. The powder prepared from seeds serves as seasoning for fish, meat. It is included in spice mixes. This spice makes the stomach work more actively, increases appetite.

mustard salad

  • Marjoram flower. Unlike leafy marjoram, which grows exclusively in the south, flower marjoram is an annual and is cultivated in Europe. Apply spicy leaves and flower buds still unblown. The latter are dried, fried, added fresh to dishes. This spice can be found in the list of ingredients of the hop-suneli mixture. Housewives generously season fried and stewed poultry, pork, add it to cabbage, legumes, potatoes, minced meat, marinade, pates, drinks, mushroom, meat soups.
  • Caraway. An ancient spicy plant up to 1 m tall, it is more correct to call it a biennial. The seeds are mainly used as a flavoring for bread and other pastries. Included in the list of spices for meat, gravy, vegetables, sauce, kvass. The root and leaves are put in salads. The essential oil, prepared from the seeds, has a peculiar aroma.

  • Kupyr is another representative of the umbrella family that prefers shade. It is very similar to parsley in taste, but has a slightly sweet smell, characteristic of anise. As fresh leaves are added as a spice, both taste and useful properties are lost in the dried form. Kupyr is present in sauces, oils, it is added to cottage cheese when making sandwiches.

Advice. It is better to transfer a salt-free diet will help marjoram. It is also useful for diabetics as a salt substitute.

A spicy garden bed is not only useful, but also beautiful. Set aside a place for her in your garden and she will provide you with delicious additions to dishes, and if necessary, she will cure many ailments.

Flower bed of herbs: video

Spicy herbs: photo