What is the name of the stone purple green. Lilac stone - precious and semi-precious minerals.

stones purple

Violet (lilac) color can be called the harmony of contradiction. It combines two completely different shades: calm, peaceful - blue, and energetic, active - red. Minerals of this color are attractive and beautiful, but they are rarely found in nature. Therefore, products with them have a rather high cost.

Amethyst is one of the most expensive varieties of quartz. The color varies from lilac to dark purple. The most valuable gems are mined in Brazil, Uruguay, and the Urals. The stone is widely used in jewelry. It is also used for inlaying icon frames, decorating altars, and pectoral crosses. It is believed that purple amethyst is able to protect a person from drunkenness. To enhance the properties of the stone, it is recommended to constantly wear it on the ring finger of the left hand, provided that the owner is a woman, and the right one if a man. It is preferable to set the gem in silver.

One of the varieties of layered chalcedony - agate, is distinguished by a juicy palette of shades, alternating elegant color transitions. Stone deposits are located in Uruguay, Brazil, India, Mexico, Australia, USA, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Georgia, the Urals, etc. This gem is an extremely popular ornamental stone. In addition to various jewelry, original souvenirs are made from it. As an amulet, purple agate is able to protect against many ailments and bad energy. It should be worn in beads, earrings, bracelets and rings. As a frame, gold, silver and copper are suitable.

Alexandrite is a variety of chrysoberyl. This mineral is able to change its color depending on the lighting. In daylight, the stone becomes dark green, and in artificial light it acquires a rich lilac hue. Mining is carried out mainly in Brazil, in the Urals. And also in Africa, Tanzania, Madagascar and on about. Sri Lanka. The Ural alexandrites are considered the most beautiful and valuable. If the gem is of natural origin, then jewelry with it is quite expensive and rare. Artificial stone in jewelry in appearance practically does not differ from the original.

Ametrine is a bicolor mineral that combines the characteristics of amethyst and citrine. It is considered one of the most expensive gems. Mainly because the extraction of the most valuable ametrine is carried out only in one point of the world - Bolivia. The stone is used in the manufacture of jewelry. The cost of which depends on the origin of the gem. The price of products with artificial stone many times cheaper than analogues from natural. Its beneficial effect on the human body is known. It is recommended to wear beads, rings and earrings with purple-yellow ametrine to maintain tone and vitality.

Amethyst is known and popular as gem from ancient times. In the Bible, he is mentioned among the twelve stones that adorned the pectoral of the high priest Aaron.

Photo: 1-2 earrings made of purple and pink amethyst, 3 - gold earrings made of amethyst, citrine, garnet and diamonds

According to one version, the name of the stone is derived from the ancient Greek word, which means “non-drunk” in translation, since amethyst was attributed the property of saving from intoxication when drinking alcohol.

According to the Romans, the stone is named after the nymph Amethis, who fled from the persecution of tigers, lowered by the god Bacchus, and was turned by the goddess Diana into a statue of a transparent stone. Seeing this statue, Bacchus repented, wept, and the tears from the wine that fell on the stone dyed it in a shade of reddish-violet tone. However, there is a version that Bacchus simply poured wine over the statue with the words: “Wine enlivens everything…”

Description of amethyst

Amethyst is a transparent stone, which is a variety of quartz, the color of which has a purple hue of varying lightness and saturation. The complex crystals of this stone are dominated by rhombohedral faces, but there are also oblong scepter-shaped forms, druses, brushes and intergrowths. Sometimes amethyst stones have needle-shaped goethite inclusions that create original pictures inside the stone. Such stones are called "hairy" and are highly valued for the exclusivity of the pattern.

The hardness of amethyst is high and is 7 units on the Mohs scale. The brilliance of stones is glassy and mother-of-pearl.

The color range of amethysts and their evaluation

The color palette of stones includes various shades of purple - pale lilac, bluish-pink, bluish-lilac, rich purple, deep purple, etc. As a result of heating amethysts to 250 degrees, the stones become discolored, and with a further increase in temperature to 500 degrees acquire a yellow or pale green color. Having a common nature with citrine, amethyst actually turns into this stone when heated.

Recently, stones called ametrine have come into fashion, in which part of the stone is purple and the other part is yellow, a kind of 2 in 1. Stunningly beautiful designer jewelry with ametrines is a great success, despite the fact that the stones are partially underwent heat treatment.

Amethysts of rich tones and large sizes are of the greatest value.

Amethyst deposits

Rich deposits of amethysts are located in America - in Brazil, USA, Canada, Mexico, Uruguay. This stone is also mined in such Asian countries as Sri Lanka, Burma, India, Japan, China, Korea. Russian deposits of amethysts are located in the Urals, in Yakutia and on the Kola Peninsula.

Amethyst cut

These hard and transparent stones are most commonly cut in oval and pear cuts. Amethysts with inclusions are cut cabochon. Stone engraving and carving are also used in the processing of amethysts.

Photo: 1 - luxury gold jewelry (earrings and ring) with amethyst and diamond, 2 - pendant with amethyst, 3-4 - pendant and necklace with amethyst and pearls

magical properties

Since ancient times, amethyst has been attributed to various magical properties. This stone turned away from alcoholism, gave happiness and prosperity to its owner, drove away evil thoughts and protected from various kinds of troubles. However, there are warnings from the Sumerian sages that amethyst evokes love for the person who gives this stone, even if the person who was gifted was already in love before.

Indian yogis believe that this stone initiates the opening of the third eye. For this purpose, it is placed between the eyebrows and meditated.

Medicinal properties

Lithotherapists believe that amethyst can improve cerebral circulation. For this purpose, the stone must be placed in a vessel with water in the evening, and in the morning take this water as a medicine.

Jewelry with amethysts

In the states of the Ancient World, gems, figurines, seals, goblets for wine were made from amethyst. In the Middle Ages, purple stones were adopted by Catholic clergy who wore rings with it. It is generally accepted that amethysts help people turn to God.

In Russia, icons, altars, crosses, etc. were decorated with these stones.

As elements of jewelry, amethysts gained popularity in the 18th century: brooches, cufflinks, rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, etc. were made from them with inserts.

Nowadays, amethyst is a favorite stone for women's jewelry.

Imitations of natural amethysts

There is a well-established technology for growing artificial colorless quartz crystals, which are no different from natural samples. To obtain a color, the crystals are subjected to X-ray or gamma irradiation. Despite the identity of artificially grown stones to natural amethysts, they are much cheaper than natural samples.

Who is amethyst jewelry suitable for?

Due to the variety of shades of purple tones, amethysts are suitable for many women. It looks great on women of the summer color type of appearance, moreover, amethyst of all shades, but especially lilac, lilac. But the rich, dark, purple colors of amethyst are more suitable for representatives of the Winter color type. But by a significant margin. Closer to the eggplant tone, amestist goes to women of autumn color, but more - to dark-skinned representatives of the same cold winter color type.

Astrologers believe that amethysts are best for Pisces, Aries, Aquarius and Sagittarius.

Luxurious amethysts are a great gift for any woman!

Rings: 1 - with amethyst cabochon, 2 - with green amethyst and diamonds, 3 - with lilac and pink amethyst (one petal) and diamonds, 4-6 - with amethyst cabochon

/ Purple stone

Violet stones are very beautiful minerals that are not found in everyday life as often as natural materials of transparent, green or blue colors.

Purple gems combine the power of blue and red. From the first they took such a quality as peace, and from the second - energy. The search for answers to various questions from those people who wear minerals of this color is not an accident. This color is placed at the end of the spectrum, which means that the unknown follows, which must be known in some way.

Violet-colored minerals are usually chosen by very brave and creative people. The list includes poets, artists, and philosophers. Teenagers love purple stones very much. Young guys can wear jewelry with such gems with pleasure, as they have no age restrictions. Yes, and gender does not matter in this case - purple suits everyone.

Mother nature emphasizes the special status of the purple mineral by the fact that there is very little of it in the bowels of the Earth. Gems with "noble purple" may have color variations. There are matte and transparent stones.

The most popular minerals of this color are charoite and amethyst. The list includes sapphire, topaz, spinel and jade.

Many of these minerals have a very long history, and some of them were revered at the highest levels. So, purple amethyst was often used in religious ceremonies. A person who took the rank of cardinal was sure to be given a ring with purple stones. This mineral is also known by such a name as the episcopal stone. On the territory of Rus', such a stone was used both in church and state affairs. The crown of Tsarina Irina Godunova was all strewn with large gems of this color. In Rus' this mineral was called hierarchical. And Buddhists respect him very much, calling him the stone of Buda. But there is charoite on the sarcophagus of Pope John Paul II. Decorated with purple minerals and the throne of the Egyptian pharaoh.

Where are these stones used today?

The color scheme of purple minerals can be different. Some copies come with various inclusions and stains. Sodium, barium, phosphorus and manganese, which are in their composition, give a special charm to these stones. All these substances can make a purple gem quite unusual and exotic. Such qualities of purple stones are appreciated by jewelers and masters of arts and crafts.

The cost of many minerals of this color is determined by carats, this also applies to precious minerals. From 100 to 300 dollars will have to pay for a carat of purple spinel. And if you liked a stone of red-violet color, then you need to prepare 200-400 dollars. That is why jewelry with such expensive stones will cost a lot, in fact, like jewelry with sapphire.

But spinel breaks records for its rarity. If there is jewelry with it, then they are most often created in single copies - these are pendants and earrings, premium rings.

Platinum and gold are most commonly used as settings for purple stones. After all, these expensive gems require an elite and expensive neighborhood. The most unpretentious stone can be called amethyst, which is in perfect harmony with a silver frame. There are jewelry in which non-precious metals are used for cutting. The cost of jewelry with amethyst is different - it all depends on the quality of the stone, and on what kind of processing it went through.

The color schemes of such minerals can be completely unexpected. Some cut and opaque pieces may show asterism. This phenomenon is characteristic of sapphire, on which, when hit by light, a 6- or 12-ray star may appear. Such stones most often remain in the hands of collectors, but not jewelers.

The play of colors is characteristic of purple stones, they can be weather dependent. So, amethyst can change its color depending on whether there is a thunderstorm or bright sun outside. It may darken or fade.

Purple stones are also used in construction. It's about purple slate. From its crystalline version, you can build houses. Use this mineral for interior decoration both inside and outside. But for the design of the territory in landscape design, an artificial analogue of purple slate is used.

Where to look for purple stones?

These gems today have a very wide geography. They are found on the territory of Sri Lanka, and in India, and in Canada, Brazil, Bolivia. There are deposits of precious purple stones in Russia.

It was not without uniqueness: for example, charoite stone is mined exclusively on the territory Russian Federation. It lies near the Chara River, which flows on the border of the Irkutsk region and Yakutia.

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Purple amethyst stone combines the main properties of blue and red stones. The energy of the mineral is universal. It helps spiritual development, in addition, improves the physical condition of its owner. A transparent purple stone has a beneficial effect on the mood, while working on the mental level, connecting the human soul with higher powers.

A precious dark purple opaque or transparent mineral enhances a person's intelligence. It affects the functions of the brain, develops the abilities of a manager and strategist, and improves logical thinking. Purple gem helps in finding yourself. He gives answers to various philosophical questions, reveals the secrets of the universe.

Since ancient times, the mineral has personified the combination of the feminine and the masculine, before it was the color of uncertainty. Lilac shades in Europe were the choice of church ministers: there a stone of a similar shade was the embodiment of purity of thoughts, restraint and sincerity.

The lilac-pink or purple color in most stones is due to the content of manganese impurities. Shade options depend on the number of this element in the structure of the gem, as well as its combination with other components.

blue or green gemstone

bluish gemstone

matte blue or greenish gemstone

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carved precious or semi-precious stone

product of glyptics, precious or semi-precious stone with incised (intaglia) or convex (cameo) images

gemstone with raised or incised images

Our planet is not too generous with stones with a purple and lilac tint. The most famous minerals with a pronounced purple color are amethyst and charoite. Purple sapphires and topazes are rare.

Sometimes there are samples of a lilac hue among apatites, nephrites, transparent chalcedony and tourmaline, and lilac spinel also occurs in this series.

When, burning blue,
The crimson day is growing furious,
How often do I call the dusk
Cold dusk of amethysts.

And so that not the sultry rays
Burnt facets of amethyst
Only the flickering of a candle
It poured there liquid and fiery.

Charoite has a positive effect on artistic and acting abilities. Semiprecious stone contributes to the embodiment of creative ideas, helps to win the recognition of the public. Charoite has a calming effect, has a positive effect on the nervous system and strengthens sleep. The owner of the stone becomes kinder, more responsive and selfless.

Light purple chalcedony is called sapphirine. This transparent stone, like sapphire, rarely has purple or purple colour. Therefore, these stones are highly valued. They purify the soul and thoughts, help to rise to new levels of development.

Amethyst is called a stone of harmony and relaxation, believing that it has great importance for those who want to resolve conflicts. Amethyst is also credited with the ability to free people from negative thoughts and generate omniscience. This is due, first of all, to the purple color, which is the symbol of the "third eye".

Whose stone is amethyst according to the sign of the zodiac

Amethyst should be worn constantly, only then will it really help the owner. However, it must be remembered that this gem easily changes its mood and if the owner wears it during conflict situations at work, quarrels with family members, the stone can tune in to negative energy and begin to broadcast it to its owner. Therefore, after any conflict situation, the product with amethyst should be held for 5-7 minutes under running water so that the stone calms down.

A few more words should be said about the frame for the amethyst. It should only be worn in silver. However, if several stones are combined in the product, they can also be set in gold.

Amethyst is contraindicated for Leo and Taurus. The rest of the signs of the zodiac can wear it, but it is especially useful for Libra, Gemini and Aquarius

This very rare purple gemstone is a type of garnet. It was discovered not so long ago, in the 70s of the last century in Australia, at the place where the fall of the Koorara meteorite had been recorded before. Since then, it has been generally accepted that this natural phenomenon is necessary for the formation of majorite, since they are formed from a shock wave. This type of garnet, however, can also be found in the bowels of the earth - it is formed deep underground, at a depth of at least 400 km.

purple mascots

Dark purple transparent amethyst of its owner protects against negative habits. The talisman with him brings men career growth and good luck. The mineral allows girls to become a mother, preserve youth and beauty. It increases the ability to listen to your inner voice, develops intuition. The stone has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys, liver and respiratory organs.

Purple stones protect the families of their owners from envious people and ill-wishers. The mineral stored in the house protects the dwelling from accidents, fires and thefts. The product with it is a strong talisman that reflects negative magical attacks and negative energy. He protects his owner, and also helps people close to him.

Purple stones are a rather small group of gems. However, jewelry with them is highly valued because of the mysterious appearance and unusual, charming beauty.

Color Meaning

Purple combines the energy of red with the balance of blue. This is one of the most controversial shades in the color spectrum.

Since ancient times, he personified the combination of masculine and feminine principles, he was often considered the color of uncertainty.

In Europe, purple shades were the choice of the ministers of the Catholic Church: for them, he was the embodiment of sincerity, restraint and purity of thought.

The following stones received the greatest recognition: spinel, sapphire, amethyst, kunzite, jadeite, charoite, tourmaline.

In most stones, the purple or lilac-pink color is due to the presence of an impurity of manganese. The variability of shades depends on the amount of this element in the structure of the mineral and its combination with atoms of other elements.

Since ancient times, almost all transparent purple crystals were called amethysts, but today the origin and name of each of them is reliably known.


The video tells about the properties of purple crystals and their effects on humans.


These crystals are mined in several deposits in India and Sri Lanka. In this stone, the color is due not to manganese, but to vanadium.

Sapphire is completely transparent, but some opaque specimens can cost much more than high-quality jewelry gems. In such stones, the phenomenon of asterism is observed: on a saturated purple or purple-lilac background, a six- or twelve-pointed star is clearly visible.

As a rule, these sapphires end up in mineral collections, and not in the hands of jewelers. In jewelry, cut gems are used, and gold or platinum serves as a frame for them. The cost of products starts from several thousand dollars.

is a purple variety of quartz. It is often called a chameleon for its ability to change color under the influence of various natural phenomena. When exposed to sunlight, when a thunderstorm or hurricane approaches, the crystal turns from bright to dark or, conversely, turns pale.

The history of the origin of the name amethyst is tragic. According to an ancient Hellenic legend, the god of winemaking Bacchus, offended by people, promised that the first person he met would be torn to pieces by tigers. Fate decreed that the victim was a nymph named Amethyst. She went to the temple of the goddess Diana, and when the ferocious beasts attacked her, Diana, in order to save the nymph from a terrible death, turned her into a statue of a transparent purple stone. Seeing this, Bacchus regretted his cruel decision and wanted to revive Amethyst. He poured healing wine into the statue instead of blood, but it did not help. The crystal only changed color to crimson purple.

In ancient Greece, amethyst was used as an ornamental stone, vessels, decor and household items were cut from it. In Egypt, the gem adorned the throne of the pharaoh.

Today, amethyst is one of the favorites of jewelers. It is inserted into rings, earrings, pendants. Most often, faceted amethysts are found in jewelry, but beautiful bracelets and beads are made from small raw crystals.

Amethyst is a non-capricious stone. He feels good in frames made of silver and even base metals, but gold items can also be easily found in the windows of jewelry stores.

The price of jewelry depends on the type of metal, as well as the quality of the gem and the method of its processing. The cost range is quite wide: from 1-2 to 30-40 thousand rubles.

Kunzite widely known to Western jewelers. In Russia, this crystal with a surprisingly delicate pinkish-lilac hue is just beginning to gain popularity.

Up until the beginning of the 20th century, kunzite was classified as an amethyst, and only in 1902, researchers were puzzled by the structure of the gem. Vertical stripes inside the crystal made it unlike known minerals. Thus, the true origin of the stone and its relation to spodumenes was established. But even after that, the mineral continues to be called lithium amethyst, spodumene amethyst and California iris for its color.

A significant part of natural kunzite is opaque crystalline formations of poor quality, and only a small percentage transparent stones suitable for jewelry processing.

The jewelry uses faceted gems. Processing of kunzite is hampered by its ability to lose color when heated. The cost of one carat of the mineral is from 10 to 50 dollars. The most popular pieces of kunzite jewelry are pendants, earrings, and rings.

Semi-precious and ornamental stones

With a purple color and a silky sheen, it is the rarest and most expensive variety of the mineral.

Jadeite is a valuable form, which differs from the latter in high hardness. The peculiarity of the gem is that, depending on the quality, it can be both jewelry and ornamental stone.

Transparent soft purple specimens costing from a hundred dollars per carat are cut and set in gold, while opaque ones are used to make inexpensive items. Costume jewelry is often made of crushed stone and costs a few dollars.

On the European continent, jadeite became known only after the discovery of America. The mineral was brought to the countries of the Old World from Central America, where the Mayans and Aztecs widely used it to carve figures of gods and household items.

It has a shade close to lilac. This stone is unique in its own way: firstly, of all the purple minerals, it is the only one that boasts a bizarre natural pattern, and secondly, it is mined in only one place on earth, in the Irkutsk region of Russia.

Light inclusions and a soft silky sheen are the main features of charoite. It is used to make beautiful and inexpensive jewelry for everyday wear: beads, pendants, rings with large cabochons, bracelets made of crushed stone or polished beads.

- a gem that has a different color. The purple variety is usually transparent. It is successfully used as a jewelry stone, cutting like precious crystals.

A translucent appearance with a purple-reddish color is also known. Such stones are called siberite and are mined in the mountains of the Urals and in Siberia.

Tourmaline is cut like precious minerals, but in most cases cabochons of various shapes are made from it. They are inserted into earrings, pendants, rings, and one carat of a crystal is valued at several hundred dollars. For a couple of thousand rubles, you can only buy beads or a bracelet made of low-grade opaque tourmalines with a non-uniform color.

Jewelry with purple stones is a choice of extraordinary and bold natures. Such products do not leave the owner unattended: the cold and calm beauty of gems attracts the eye like a magnet.