Is it possible to light shop candles in the cemetery. Vodka on the grave is not Christian

Over the 23 years of my work at the cemetery, I have often thought about why people sometimes make ridiculous mistakes when they come to the graves of their loved ones. While still a worker, I tried to explain to them the essence of these mistakes. This is not about church canons, signs, mysticism. It is better to talk about this with the clergy. I was more concerned with issues related to what I had to do every day. Namely: work on the improvement of burial places and digging of graves.

Subsequently, when I became the head of the cemetery, people began to be more trusting of my advice. But, unfortunately, this often happened after certain actions were taken, leading to not very good consequences, including the loss of large sums of money. Let's talk about the most common mistakes.

Trees near the graves: friends or foes

Do not plant trees near graves. Firstly, the tree and its roots occupy the volume of the area allotted to you, and therefore interfere with subsequent burials. Secondly, if a tree or its large branches fall due to wind, illness, damage to the root system when digging a grave, then the tombstone and fence standing on the grave of your relatives and neighbors can be damaged. Thirdly, the roots act on already established monuments, raising their foundations. Fourthly, most of the flowers planted at burial sites require sunlight, which is prevented by dense foliage.

Therefore, if a tree is already growing near the grave, then it is advisable to get rid of it faster. You should not try to do this chemically, or by removing part of the bark. This can lead to an uncontrolled fall of the tree, with all the ensuing consequences. Given the complexity, it is better in such cases to resort to the services of climbers. But the stump can be removed by yourself, using special chemicals or salt for this.

Polyethylene: a way to protect or destroy

Do not wrap monuments for the winter with polyethylene. In the arguments that you protect the monument from the penetration of water into microcracks, the fact that condensate forms under the film is not taken into account. Droplets of moisture that have arisen in sufficiently severe frosts will produce the very effect from which you tried to protect yourself. If vases made of granite or marble are installed on the burial, then be sure to drain the water for the winter, for which there is usually a special hole. Then cover them from above to avoid further moisture ingress. Plastic vases, which are removable, just need to be removed.

Candles and lamps on graves

Do not leave burning candles and lamps on the graves after you have left. Even a small gust of wind or a fallen branch can set fire to artificial flowers or wreaths. It happens that it is impossible to read the inscription on a granite monument due to soot, and monuments made of granite polymer under the influence of fire can be melted and completely destroyed. Sometimes adjacent graves also suffer.

Kiss for the ages

This advice is mainly for ladies. Dear women, do not kiss graphic portraits on monuments. The fat that is part of any lipstick instantly penetrates into the surface layer of the stone, leaving stains. In most cases, they can be removed with a colorless solvent, but unfortunately not always.

Extra sand is not good

Every year before the Easter holidays, sand is brought to the cemeteries, which visitors can use for free. Do not try to cover the surface of the area adjacent to the grave with a very thick layer. Even though some of the sand will subsequently be washed away by rain, the annual backfilling leads to the fact that the base of the tombstones and flower beds will inevitably be sunk into the ground.

Number of entries: 105

Hello, father! Doesn’t the fact that on the grave of an Orthodox person, when installing a monument and a fence, the workers pulled out an oak cross, put it on the grave, poured it with concrete and laid paving slabs on top, does not contradict the Orthodox canons. (There is a small Orthodox cross in the upper corner of the erected monument).


Gennady, we Orthodox must live and die in the Orthodox way, and we must bury it strictly in the Christian way. The most important thing on an Orthodox grave is, of course, the CROSS. The cross should not be drawn, but it should stand to its full height. Tell me, why is there a monument to the deceased at all, if it is placed instead of the cross? It is not right. The cross should not have been taken out of the grave. The cross is our hope, our hope. And what is a monument - it is a soulless block of marble, which, unfortunately, many now put instead of the Cross. The cross on the grave of an Orthodox Christian must be mandatory, and not lie down, but stand!

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello! What hours do you need to be at the cemetery on the 40th day or does it matter


Andrei, the most important thing is our prayer for the departed. It is necessary to observe the 40th day, and at what time we arrive - it does not matter. From practice I will say that it is most convenient to come before lunch. I repeat, this is for convenience only. When we arrive in the morning, we have a lot of time left, and during lunch we can commemorate the deceased at the table, and then there will still be time to do some of our own business.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello. When my mother was buried, she had an icon in her hands. What should I do with her? Thank you.


Lyudmila, an icon is a Holy image of the Mother of God, and we should keep icons at home (make a red corner) and pray for icons. The fact that the icon was in the hands of the deceased is nothing to worry about. An icon is a Shrine, and any Shrine is only good for a person.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Father, tell me, in the very near future, when can I get married (sign in the registry office) and have a wedding? I know, fasting begins, during fasting it is impossible? And in May? They say you should marry Krasnaya Gorka. Is it true? Please advise, otherwise we can’t decide on the date of the painting in the registry office, the wedding celebration, the wedding ... And does everything have to be done in one day?


Indeed, fasting is not crowned. It is not necessary to get married on Krasnaya Gorka (especially since there are usually a lot of weddings on this day), it's just the very first day when they start getting married after Lent. Although, probably this year there will be few people at Krasnaya Gorka - people don’t like to get married in May, although this is an ordinary superstition. Signing and getting married on the same day is not necessary, although it is easier purely organizational.

Deacon Elijah Kokin

Please tell me, father, why is it not allowed to sit in our churches? What would change? After all, it is no secret that many elderly and sick people go to the service, it is very difficult for them to stand, but they want to go to pray. How to be?


Yes, you are allowed to sit, Anna, what's the problem with that? It’s just that people themselves are embarrassed, and they want to endure a feat, to pray standing up. Well, in some temples, which is true, there are no benches, but those who really need come with their folding chairs.

hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Good afternoon! Thank you for your answers - reading the answers-questions greatly reduces my illiteracy. The question is this - I live in Kazan, next year they plan to open a crematorium in our city. The city is large, there are few places in the cemetery. What is the attitude of the ROC towards cremation? Is this allowed? Or is it still necessary for Orthodox Christians to avoid this procedure in the direction of ordinary burial? Thank you!


Alexey, we are Orthodox people, and we must always adhere to the Orthodox ancient traditions. "From dust you were taken, and to dust you will return," the Holy Scripture tells us. The funeral service and burial is a prayer to God and a commitment to the earth - "you were taken from the earth, and you will return to the earth, and the spirit will go to God," and there is no question of any cremation. We Orthodox should adhere to burial, not cremation, although cremation is not considered a sin. Officially, the church does not prohibit cremation. However, this is not our tradition, not Orthodox, it all came from the West.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Father, tell me, why is mourning for the deceased necessary? Where did such a tradition come from? After all, people close to the departed person torture themselves from the inside with grief, crying. Many begin to have problems with the cardiovascular system, the pressure rises, and despondency appears. Why is it impossible to remember a person with pleasant feelings, a wish for kindness in heaven? Please explain why this heartbreaking tradition?


Alex, that's a good question. Here on Athos, the monks rejoice when one of the brethren dies. It would seem strange, but no, they are just sure that a person will really be saved, and therefore, why grieve? So you involuntarily think about the reasons for mourning. Or is it sorrow for the eternal death of your loved one who passed away not ready for eternity - but then you should rather take up prayer, and not be killed in sobs, do not waste time on this. Either this is grief for personal loss, we were fine and comfortable with the person, and now he is gone - but again, this is somehow selfish. To be honest, I don’t see any other reasons myself, and in any case there is a lot of paganism in mourning, I’m not talking about such mourning when special mourners are hired and some strange rituals are performed - it generally resembles ancient mysteries.

hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Save me, God! Is it possible to put a photograph of the deceased on a shelf, over which icons hang and a lamp stands? And another question: I read the morning and evening rules according to the prayer book, and now I downloaded the translation into Russian and began to read from the sheet. Do I sin, and do I need to take a blessing for this?


Natalia, we pray for icons of the Saints, who are glorified by God and the church. Putting a photo next to the icons is not good. Photos of our loved ones should be in the appropriate places (box, album), or if you really want to, you can hang them on the wall or put them in a sideboard, but not next to the icons. Read prayers, as you used to read, according to the Prayer Book, do not change anything.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Good evening. My name is Victoria. I need your help. The day before, my husband and I were asked to marry a couple of young people. The bride is my cousin. My parents married the bride's parents. In what cases can we refuse to marry them? I believe that refusing to become godparents is a sin. We are not able to marry young people at the moment. My husband and I got married six months ago and we ourselves live in a rented apartment, and there is still a debt to pay off the wedding. Moreover, for all this time I did not see much honor and respect from them for their parents, as for their godfathers, but, on the contrary, ridicule and arrogance. Therefore, we do not want to marry them, because they only need it for show. Moreover, I understand the full responsibility of the obligations assumed, if we agree to marry. And they turned to us only because there are no more married couples in their circle. And we don't want to get married. And one more question - how to get a blessing to conceive a baby? We lost our baby 3 months ago at an early stage, 5 weeks, and we were very worried. Now, with God's blessing, we want to try again. Waiting for an answer. Thank you.


Victoria, there is no need to look for any special reasons to refuse to be a witness at the wedding, this is a voluntary matter. If you do not want to participate in their wedding, then do not participate - this is not a sin, this is a person's free will. Here is a prayer for the birth of a child, read it every day. "Hear us, Merciful and Almighty God, that Thy grace may be sent down by our prayer. Be merciful, Lord, to our prayer, remember Thy Law on the multiplication of the human race and be a merciful Patron, that by Thy help Thy established will be preserved. He created everything from nothing and laid the foundation for everything in the world that exists - He also created man in His image and with a high secret sanctified the union of matrimony and the prediction of the mystery of the union of Christ with the Church. Thy help, may Thy mercy be upon them, may they be fruitful and may they see the son of their sons even to the third and fourth generation, and to the desired old age, they will live and enter the Kingdom of Heaven through our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom all glory, honor and worship is due with the Holy Spirit forever. Amen."

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello! Tell me, please, grandfather has 40 days on March 18, 2013. When can we organize a wake for the deceased and what can we cook?


Anna, for the dead, the most important thing is not the table, but prayer. The 40th day is very important for the deceased, on this day a private judgment is made on the soul, it is decided where to place it, in heaven or hell, and therefore the most important thing is our prayer. Be sure to order a memorial service on this day and pray yourself. It would be nice to visit the cemetery on this day. On March 18, it is IMPOSSIBLE to make a memorial meal, as this is the beginning of Great (strict) Lent. A memorial meal can be made on March 17, at Shrove Tuesday. Meat on this day (March 17) is also no longer eaten. All products are allowed, but without meat.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello, father! 33 candles were brought to me from Jerusalem, can I light them at home, and then give them to my family and friends so that they also light them at home? And then what to do with candles? Or do they need to be divided and distributed? Thank you!


Tatyana, do the following: either give them to your friends, one by one, or keep them for yourself to light them at prayer at home.

hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Dear Father Sergiy, thank you very much for good word, hope and faith. If possible, please answer the following questions: Is an even number of flowers put on the grave and at home near the photo of the deceased? If you watch the Easter Service on TV and pray, does that mean something, is it possible? And the last question. My friend, she is a believer, has a grandmother who sees, for example, whether a person is alive or not, if he is missing, whether a subordinate steals at work, whether relations with a man develop, etc. She never takes money and does not accept strangers, but if someone close to him helps, then he feels bad. Surprisingly, she always speaks the pure truth and never makes mistakes, she also heals a little. I always knew that this is considered a sin, but a friend assures me that this is a gift from my grandmother from God, that she received permission and blessing in the church. Tell me, please, is this possible? Thank you very much for your attention and patience, thanks in advance for your answer.


Elena, traditionally put an even number of flowers. If you make a mistake, don't worry, it won't hurt anyone in any way. You can always pray, and if you can’t go to the temple, you can reverently watch the broadcast on TV. But by replacing the temple with a broadcast for no good reason, you're robbing yourself. "Permission and blessing" are fairy tales. Avoid contact with such "grandmothers". They just don't feel that bad. Help God.

Priest Sergiy Osipov

Hello, father. Could you tell me, please, is it possible to make wedding rings from platinum? And are superstitions about rings true? Save me, God.


Platinum rings can be made, and any superstition is false. Even answered in rhyme.

Deacon Elijah Kokin

Good day! Tell me, please, is there a sequence or difference, to whom to put a candle first - for the dead, and then go and put for the living?

It is always customary to first pray for health, then for repose. In the altar at the Liturgy, the prayer for the living for health always comes first, then we commemorate the repose. And I think that with regard to candles, one must adhere to the same rule - first put about health, then about repose. In all prayers, we also first pray for health, then for the departed.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello! How often is the lamp lit? Thank you


Julia, Lampadas in the house are usually lit when we pray, on church holidays, on Sundays, it happens that you just want to light a lampada - of course, you can light a lampada just like that. We can say that the lampada can be lit at any time you want.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello! Please tell me what needs to be done in order to prepare for Great Lent? I heard that some special weeks follow before it starts. Thanks in advance. Dmitry.


Dmitry, you just need to live this preparatory time together with the Church, as, in fact, always - to live the Church and be a member of it. And the essence of the preparatory weeks lies in the gradual preparation for fasting - both morally, through edifying examples of repentance that have been in the history of mankind, and, including physically, through the gradual rejection of fast food, meat, then milk, and, finally, a complete transition for fast food. This topic is reflected in one of the sections of the "Video course" on our website.

Is it possible to commemorate the dead in the temple as a result of an illness caused by drunkenness?

It is possible if they were Orthodox and believers and did not die from drunkenness itself (did not get drunk to death).

Is it possible to put candles for the repose of the throne?

There is a special place for this - the eve, and it should be set there.

Is it possible to place a photograph of the deceased on the grave or grave cross? Should I take care of the grave? Is it possible to put tables, benches, eat?

Under no circumstances is a photo allowed. Pious believers put a case with an icon and a lamp. Also, you can not put tables, benches and eat. This is a pagan custom. Believers commemorate the dead with a prayer, some read the Seraphim Rule.

Is it possible to put a monument on which a cross is carved on the grave?

On the grave there should be only a cross.

There is a custom to light candles or lamps on the grave. Is it correct?

You can put candles on the grave provided that these candles burn in front of the icon, and not in front of a monument or photograph of the deceased.

Many people go to the cemetery on the first day of Easter. Is this custom correct?

This is a modern custom. Believers know that the commemoration of the dead begins after Antipascha. Now there are such customs that there is no seeing off a dead person without vodka. And a folk proverb says: “Whoever commemorates the dead with vodka, prepares them for great torment.”

There is a belief that until the fortieth day nothing can be given away from the things of the deceased. Is this true?

This is a belief inspired by the devil. On the contrary, it is necessary to do good for the deceased. Donate to the monastery, to the church wine - cahors (for the Holy Mysteries), flour (for prosphora), wax (for candles), distribute from the things of the deceased, buy sacred books (and distribute to believers) before the fortieth day, and not after. When is it necessary to intercede for the accused - before the trial or after the trial? So it is here: the soul goes through ordeals, judgment is made, it is necessary to intercede for it: to pray and do works of mercy, but people do not do this.

Is it necessary to leave for forty days in the temple the icon that was on the deceased during the funeral, and where to put it then?

There is a custom that the icon remains until the fortieth day in the temple, and on the fortieth day (or after) it is taken home. The icon is not placed in the coffin. St. Theophan the Recluse writes about this.

How often and at what better days should one visit the graves of loved ones and what is desirable to do there? Can you bring dogs with you?

On the days of remembrance of the dead, if it does not distract from the temple, otherwise on another day, visit the graves. Read from the Psalter the 118th kathisma or "Seraphim's Rule". Dogs are not allowed in the cemetery, especially in the fence where the temple is located.

Is it good to decorate the graves of loved ones?

Decorating the graves of the dead brings no benefit to the dead, but it also harms their souls.

What is more important on the day of remembrance of loved ones: to visit the cemetery or serve mass in the church?

Serving mass in the temple is more important than visiting the graves of relatives.

What is most important when commemorating the dead: almsgiving, memorial service, mass?

Everything is good and pleasant for the deceased; but if the deceased believed little or died without a cross, then almsgiving is better for him than prayer.

Is it good to invite a priest to serve a memorial service at the grave?

There was a case when, after the service at the grave, the deceased appeared to a relative and said: “Until now, it’s like a stone lay on me, but as soon as you served lithium for me, the stone would be removed from me.”

I heard that those who died in the Bright Week are worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven. Is it so?

Can a priest, in the absence of a church nearby and the impossibility of transportation, perform a funeral service at home or necessarily in a church?

Of course, it can, but the deceased is brought to the temple in order to be prayed for at the Liturgy.

Is it possible, in the event of mortal and inevitable danger, to confess to a person who does not have a priestly rank? Does it make sense or is it useless?

It is better in front of a monk and if a person has previously resorted to a priest and confessed.

In calendars (Orthodox), in addition to church holidays, anniversaries and memorable dates, etc., days of special commemoration of the dead are given. When can't you remember? I mean funeral home meals. My brother died two years ago, on Wednesday during Holy Week. They buried, as expected, on the third day, on Friday. And the Church allowed the first commemoration only on Tuesday after Easter week. I would like to know on what days it is impossible to arrange a wake and how this is explained. And one more thing: which of the commemorations (the ninth day, the fortieth day, half a year, a year) can be done, as they are called, counter, i.e. rescheduled for another day?

Funeral meals are not arranged according to Church Charter, but as usual. According to the Charter of the Church, commemoration, and consequently, meals, are not supposed to be served during Great Lent, except for Saturdays and Sundays, during Bright Week, on great holidays. This is explained by the fact that in the days when the Church calls for the joy of the holiday, any sadness is not appropriate. There is no Liturgy during Great Lent (except for the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts), and consequently, there is no proskomidia, during which the priest takes out particles from the prosphora [in memory of the deceased - Note. ed.], which at the end of the Liturgy are washed by the Blood of Christ in the Holy Chalice. Lent and the funeral meal are very meager. In the past few decades, a practice has developed: instead of worship, many go to the cemetery on Easter and arrange a commemoration there. This custom developed due to the fact that the people were weaned from the Church long time. But since it is impossible to destroy faith in immortality, non-church people also tried to express it on the Day of the Holy Resurrection of Christ by going to cemeteries and communicating with their dead there in the way they understood it. The Church, according to tradition, commemorates the dead on “Radonitsa” - the first Tuesday after Easter week, and on Easter calls for great joy and does not bless going to the cemetery, since especially the recent death of loved ones instead of joy plunges a person into sadness: instead of joy - tears which shouldn't be. On Easter, it is better to pray in church and at home and enjoy the holiday. Who cannot be on Tuesday - on the day of "Radonitsa" - in connection with work, it is more logical to visit the cemetery on the first Sunday after Easter (it is also called "The Descent of Jesus Christ into Hell"). The ninth day, fortieth and anniversaries - you need to commemorate in the Church on these days, and arrange meals - as you like.

I am a pensioner, we do not have a church in our village. I live alone, on Sundays old women gather at my place, just like me. We pray, we read the prayer book. We need to know: at funerals and commemorations on the ninth, fortieth days, for six months and a year, if we remember, then what to read and in what order?

Usually, for the repose of the laity, they read the Psalter. It also contains the reading order. After several short or one long psalm, it is indicated: “Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever” and three times - “Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, glory to Thee, God”, and then: “Rest, Lord, the soul of your departed servant (name)". After each "Glory" the commemoration is repeated again. You can read the commemoration book, which is in the prayer books after morning prayers.

What is the most important commemoration for the dead?

Proskomidia is the most important commemoration, for the parts taken out for the dead are immersed in the Blood of Christ and the sins are cleansed by this great sacrifice. In general, a good example of commemoration was left to us by St. righteous Juliana. We read that when Vasily and Evdokia died, she distributed generous alms for the repose of their souls, ordered magpies from churches and set up memorial tables for monks, priests, widows, orphans and beggars for forty days, and also sent abundant alms to prisons (there are spiritual almsgiving: the distribution of spiritual books for the dead).

Tell me, what prayer, how many bows and for how long should be performed for the newly deceased?

A prayer should be read: “God rest, Lord, the soul of the departed newly-departed servant of Yours (her name) and forgive her every sin, voluntary and involuntary, ”- twelve times with twelve bows in the morning (after morning prayers), in the evening the same way (after evening prayers), for forty days.

Do all the departed pray there for us?

“Those who say about the dead are very mistaken: “They are now prayer books for us.” The dead no longer pray, but demand prayers and care for their souls from the living; but when their sins are cleansed by prayers, faith and the deeds of the living, then only the prayer of remembrance turns to the benefit of the souls of those who remember. Only the soul that the Lord has vouchsafed with full faith to take communion at the hour of death or receive a Christian death on the week of the Bright Resurrection of Christ is saved from air ordeals. (Abbess Feofaniya Govorova).

What is important at the time of death?

One must always think about meeting death in peace with everyone. Many do not know this, and therefore do not attach importance to non-peace.

Does the external rite of burial matter for the eternal fate of the deceased?

Know that for the eternal fate of the deceased, the appearance of the burial (coffin, wreaths, honor, music, funeral service by the highest church ranks, etc.) is of little importance. Everyone will be judged according to their deeds.

Does it matter for the salvation of the soul what death will find a person in?

The salvation of the soul depends a lot on the last minutes of life. “In what I find, in that I will judge,” the Gospel says.

What should be most feared at the approach of death?

Despair. We must remember what the Lord said to St. Catherine: “Sinners who, at the end of their lives, despair of My mercy, anger Me most of all and are very displeasing to Me for their sin, than for all their other iniquities and atrocities.”

Is it necessary to serve funeral services for an infant?

There is no need to serve a memorial service for a baby, but it is enough to commemorate it at a proskomedia; requiems are served for the forgiveness of sins, and a sacrifice is made at the proskomedia and particles are taken out of the saints: an infant burial is sung - asking not for the forgiveness of sins, but "for the repose of the baby."

How to get rid of the fear of sudden death?

According to St. Fathers, sudden death does not happen to people who want to purify themselves by repentance, even if they are sometimes overcome by their weaknesses.

How to justify oneself in ordeals?

Saint Theodora responded well when she was tortured (during ordeals). “You did this and that,” the demons said. She answered: “Yes, she did, but she repented and received forgiveness, permission.” Here is the kindest answer. This is where all our attention should be directed. First confession, and then the correction of life.

How to look at posthumous wills?

Others make various posthumous orders, wills, but such a sacrifice can by no means be equal to that which is made with their own warm hands.

Should we risk our lives, or should we save ourselves from an untimely death?

When God does not explicitly determine death for us, or when our death does not benefit either faith, or the Church, or neighbors, or fatherland, then is it possible to think that God “does not want death for a sinner,” who can turn, wanted an untimely death for people? We read that Saint Athanasius the Great many times fled from the persecutors who sought his death. Saint Polycarp of Smyrna came out of the temple, which threatened to fall and, at its end, crushed many. The Lord Himself commanded His disciples not to expose themselves to untimely danger and, when they were persecuted in one city, to flee to another.

Is it possible to take a certain fee (money) for reading the Psalter for the dead?

Is it possible to pray for the departed not only to the Lord, but also to His saints?

We already know the words on behalf of the dead at the big memorial service: “Togo, diligently, martyrs, pray for debts, permission to grant us.” In general, the Church ends her prayers for the dead with an appeal to the Mother of God.

What to do if you tremble on the Terrible Judgment Day?

If you, a Christian soul, truly tremble at the Terrible Judgment Day and seek mercy from the Lord, then, through the fear of the Judgment of God, arouse in yourself a firm determination to repent and live for the Lord alone in piety and purity, and as a testament to your sincerity, force yourself, for the first time, reverently spend the coming week in pious meditation, in abstinence and in prayerful preparation for the exploits of the approaching fast, as required by the Holy Church.

If in this matter ordinary worldly thoughts stop and tempt you, because of which the majority of people remain impenitent and careless, then again contrast them with the image of the Last Judgment - and the temptations will disappear.

Are all the deeds of man the Last Judgment will be explored?

Come to have the Son of Man in the glory of His Father with His Angels, and then He will reward anyone according to his deed(Matthew 16:27); whoever's deed will be revealed: the day will reveal, behind the fire it opens: and whoever's deed, as if it is, the fire will tempt(1 Cor. 3:13); for God will bring the whole creation to the judgment of all sin, if it is good and if it is evil(Eccl. 12:14). For these he will rise up and reward them, and their reward on their head will reward(Sir. 17:19). Do not think that I, speaking of judgment, inspire false fear, like nurses, who, in order to keep children from crying, are in the habit of frightening them with fictitious stories. An unfalse doctrine speaks of judgment. So, be sure that all the deeds you have done in the course of your life will be investigated.

Who should be more afraid of the Last Judgment?

Will our future life better than the real one?

Our future life will be incomparably more excellent than the present.

“The power that sustains the life of the soul will be there, not a combination of anything solid and liquid, but knowledge of the Divine nature, communion with the true and Holy Spirit. There are neither the sorrows of orphanhood, nor the misfortunes of widowhood, nor those various diseases that torment our body. There they do not envy the happy, they do not despise the unfortunate ... There, in this people of souls, perfect justice of rights and laws and the highest peaceful freedom reign; for there everyone has what he has prepared for himself here according to his own arbitrariness and choice. And if someone, through imprudence, has prepared for himself the worst instead of the best, death is not to blame; for everyone here has the power to choose for himself what he wants. (St. Gregory of Nyssa. Sermon on the future life).

How can you help the soul of the deceased?

We can bring joy to his soul with alms, prayers, and even more so with the Bloodless Sacrifice offered for him. Although the soul of the departed is found in a temporary place, where it is held for its sins, the prayers performed by the Church for the departed can redeem it from debts, and we, sinners, can help the departed with this.

I want to be buried with honors. Is it a sin?

Saint Theophilus foresaw his death and ordered the novice to bury him in this way: tie him by the leg with a rope and drag him along the ground into a deep ravine. Before his death, he lay down on the floor, on the mat and said: “I rejoice in you, Holy Angels, I rejoice in you, Most Holy Theotokos, I rejoice in you, all the saints,” and he died. This example teaches us not to worry about a magnificent funeral, but rather to try to do more good deeds during our lifetime.

Should sprinkle St. body and coffin of the deceased with water?

In the Orthodox burial rite we read: a priest (or if not, then a layman) at home sprinkles St. the body of the dead man and his ark from without and from within with water, and immediately puts (the body) into it.

On Spiritual Reading and Understanding

Holy Scripture

Now there is a very large amount of Orthodox literature. What kind of literature is better to read in order to avoid mistakes and misconceptions (theological, modern, patristic, etc.), or is it generally better to limit yourself to reading the Holy Scriptures?

Holy Scripture was written by the Holy Spirit through the prophets and apostles, and the same Holy Spirit through St. Fathers explained to us how to understand it correctly. All heretical beliefs have come from a misunderstanding of Holy Scripture. Only one St. The Fathers correctly explain Holy Scripture to us.

How should Scripture be interpreted?

“Do not dare to interpret the Gospel and other books of Holy Scripture yourself. The Holy Spirit interpreted it through St. fathers. And there is the word of God, the word of salvation, for impudent interpreters of his will into death, a double-edged sword with which they will stab themselves into eternal perdition,” St. Ignatius Brianchaninov tells us. Holy Scripture can be rightly understood only by the pure in heart; they understand the will and intention of God in Scripture, and for people with a heart uncleansed from passions, it will serve as a stumbling block. Therefore, we need to read the works of the Holy Fathers, in which they explain the meaning of Holy Scripture.

What, in particular, can be advised to read for novice Orthodox?

Law of God, interpretation of the Holy Gospel, instructions on spiritual life.

The books "Christian's Companion", "Spiritual Flower Garden", "School of Piety", "Spiritual Crops", "Prologue" by Priest Guryev.

Some have the opinion that reading spiritual books can replace church services. Is it so?

Reading God's word is like bread, and prayer is like living water for the soul. Can bread replace water, or can water replace bread? Need one or the other.

The great elder, the Monk Ambrose of Optina, answered the same statement: “You don’t understand, but the demons understand perfectly and run away. Read until you understand, but someday you will begin to understand.

Did Jesus Christ change the law given by God to Moses? Actually, I find the answer to this question in the Bible in the Holy Gospel from Matthew: ch. 15, Art. 17: “Think not that I have come to destroy the law or the prophets. I have come not to destroy, but to fulfill.” Why do churches venerate Sunday - the first day of the week, and not Saturday - the seventh day, as God commanded us?

Reading the Gospel carefully, you will see that many provisions of the Old Testament (the Mosaic Law) evoked a special attitude towards them from Jesus Christ. See how He reproved the Pharisees and lawyers for their outward respect for the rites and laws of Moses. When He said that He came to fulfill the law, the Savior immediately explained how these laws should be kept. “You have heard,” He said, “what was said to the ancients: do not commit adultery. But I tell you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust is already committing adultery with her in his heart,” etc. In addition, from the book of the Acts of the Apostles, we know how the apostle Peter had a vision of food, which, according to the Mosaic law, was forbidden to be accepted as unclean. However, the apostle was told: “What God has cleansed, do not call unclean” (see ch. 10 of the Acts of the Apostles). One can cite many more places from the Holy Scriptures, the New Testament, where it is said that many provisions of the Old Testament are not obligatory for Christians. We know from church history that already in the 1st century, Christians gathered to pray not on the Sabbath day, but on the weekday, i.e. on the day of the Resurrection of Christ from the dead, because this event has become central for every believer in Christ: If Christ is not risen, then our faith is in vain, and our confession is in vain,- Apostle Paul wrote to the Christians of Corinth (1 Cor. 15:14). Therefore, Saturday was replaced by Sunday.

Is there any literature that describes what each icon means? What does the icon of the Mother of God “Hodegetria”, “Vladimirskaya”, etc. mean? Is there an icon "Kazanskaya"? My nephew was born on July 21 - at Kazanskaya, he was recently baptized, he will be 24 years old; I advise you to buy him the Kazan icon. Am I right?

The icons of the Mother of God are reported quite fully in a book called "Earthly Life Holy Mother of God and a description of Her miraculous icons, "- it is constantly reprinted by the Blagovest publishing house. "Hodegetria" in Greek means "Guide". According to legend, the "Vladimir" icon was painted by the holy apostle and evangelist Luke, brought to us from Byzantium. Initially, it was located in the city of Vladimir (hence the name), then it was moved to Moscow. Here many miracles were performed by her. In particular, she saved Moscow from the attack of Tamerlane. Currently located in the Tretyakov Gallery. The Patriarchate petitions for this image to take its former place in the Dormition Cathedral of the Kremlin. The "Kazan" icon was found near the city of Kazan. Was in the army of Minin and Pozharsky during the liberation of Moscow. A very revered All-Russian shrine. It will be nice if you give it to your nephew.

Why doesn't the word "hell" appear anywhere in the Bible?

You have been misinformed. "Hell" occurs repeatedly in the Bible. "Hell" (Heb. sheol) found in the book of Genesis (37, 35), in the book of Numbers (16, 30-33), in the book of Psalms (15, 10), etc. Literally translated from Greek, hell means a place devoid of light. In Christian teaching, this word means spiritual prison, i.e. the state of spirits, alienated by sin from the contemplation of God and the light and blessedness united with Him (see Jude 1:6).

Christianity has always maintained and still maintains that God is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living(Luke 20:38). F. M. Dostoevsky wrote in his diary: “Without faith in one’s soul, in its immortality, the existence of a person is unnatural, unthinkable, unbearable.” If there is no afterlife, then our whole life is meaningless. Many modern scientists not only recognize the afterlife, but even deal with the problems of immortality, exploring the experience of people who have experienced clinical death.

How to understand that in one place in the Bible it is written: “I punish the children for the sins of the fathers until the fourth generation”, and in another, that children do not bear the responsibility for the sins of the fathers?

The answer to your question is given in the 18th chapter of the book of the prophet Ezekiel. Read the Bible carefully; there are more explanations.

Why are there such contradictions: “love one another” and “blessed are the peacemakers”, and in another place: “I did not bring peace to you, but a sword”, “I came to restore a person against his father, a daughter against her mother, etc. "?

Yes, Christianity is a religion of love, and it is not the fault of Jesus Christ that many could not accept His creed. Himself, who had no sin, was given over to torture and a shameful death on the Cross. In the words, "It is not peace that I bring to you, but a sword," He foretold how the world would often hate all those who believe in Him. And it is not the fault of the martyrs who believe in Christ that even their parents tortured them (see the life of St. Barbara the Great Martyr), but the misfortune of the tormentors that they did not accept this teaching of love and wished to destroy it by force.

How to understand the word “blessed”, namely “blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”? What are the poor in spirit and why?

"Blessed" means happy. Happy are the poor in spirit - these are the people who realize that they are only at the beginning of the spiritual movement towards the Kingdom of Heaven, realize that they have a lack own forces to achieve spiritual things, they also need Divine help. Such people always strive for the ideal of holiness. They are alien to the Pharisaic self-satisfaction, which gives rise to inertia and stagnation and the end of perfection. Therefore, the "poor in spirit" are not far from reaching the Kingdom of Heaven, and this is the greatest happiness.

I heard that the Bible said: "Drink from your vessel, and you will live long and not get sick." But for some reason I didn't read it in the Bible. The fact is that I am treated with urine - my legs hurt. Am I doing the right thing? My Bible is American, canonical, in translation, but the cross on the cover is non-Christian. Maybe you shouldn't read it, or are they basically the same?

The text of the Bible goes like this: Drink water from your reservoir and flowing from your well ... Blessed be your spring - and take comfort in the wife of your youth(Proverbs of Solomon, ch. 5, verses 15-20). This book is not in your Bible because your Bible contains only canonical books. You can read it, but it lacks eleven books. Today there are new translations, at least of the New Testament, of the Gospel, which put believers into doubt. There really are texts that the Orthodox do not accept. Therefore, try to acquire a Bible that is printed from a text approved by the Holy Synod.

Why is one of the four Gospels given the genealogy of Christ according to Joseph, while it is believed that Jesus was born from Mary without a male seed and, therefore, the genealogy should be described by Mary, and not by Joseph?

The Gospel of Luke does say that Jesus "was supposed to be the son of Joseph." However, in the Alexandrian Code - the text - an explanation of this genealogy is given: "And there was (more precisely being) a son, as Josephov believed - (in fact) - Iliev." But who is Eli? According to the most likely assumption, it was the father of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She herself, according to Jewish custom, is not included in the number of members of the genealogy of Christ, but it was very important for the evangelist to point out that Christ in the flesh was the real descendant of David, which he does, giving the genealogy of Mary's father and showing that Mary really descended from David . The Evangelist Luke thus leads the genealogy of Christ through His maternal grandfather and in ascending order. Since the tradition calls the father of Mary not Eli, but Joachim, then in order to explain this, we can recall the custom of the Jews to have two names - one given at birth, and the other, adopted on the occasion of some extraordinary event in a person’s life (see Explanatory Bible ).

In the Old Testament we read: “And Cain departed from the presence of the Lord and dwelt in the land of Nod, in the east of Eden. And Cain knew his wife: and she conceived and bare Enoch. And he built a city: and he called the city after the name of his son Enoch” (Genesis, ch. 4, 16-17). My question is, "Who is Cain's wife? If she was the daughter of Adam and Eve and her name is not mentioned, then how did the problem of incest not arise?

Cain's wife was indeed the daughter of Adam and Eve. In the first centuries after the creation of man, the question of incest did not arise, because the main commandment was the reproduction of the human race. St. John Chrysostom and Blessed Theodoret also speak of this. With the multiplication of the human race, the need for marriages in close relationship disappears. And in the law of Moses, it is already considered a great sin (see the book of Deuteronomy, 27 chapters, and the book of Leviticus, 18 chapters). Although the story of Lot tells how his daughters entered their father by deception and conceived by him, the interpreters of the Bible say that they did this because they believed that all mankind had perished, and they did this not for the satisfaction of passion, but for the sake of continuation of the human race.

Could you interpret church pronunciations in the Psalter, for example, priest, troparia, ikos, irmos, clerics?

In modern prayer books, short dictionaries are quite often placed, where you can find a translation of incomprehensible words. I recommend purchasing Dahl's Dictionary of the Russian Language. Priest - priest (Greek), bishop - senior priest or bishop. A troparion is a short hymn dedicated to a holiday or a saint. Kontakion and ikos are also special chants, only kontakion is shorter and ikos is longer. Kontakion is the theme, and ikos is the development of the theme. Akathists are composed of kontakia and ikos - more extensive church hymns dedicated to holidays, icons, etc. Irmos - the Greek name for the songs of the canon (literal translation - I connect, connect). Irmos is the model according to which all other troparia of the same song are composed. Knowing the melody of the irmos, one can always sing all the troparia correctly; that is why the irmos is supposed to be at the beginning of every song of the canon. Clerics (Church Slav.), Clerics (from the word clergy) - ministers of the church.

Do I take sin upon my soul? I collect books, but I have very little time to read. I work, farm, garden in the summer - and before retirement they still have a long time to lie.

Although it is very difficult to live today and there is not always time to read, but if we abandon our spiritual life before retirement, this is where we really sin, because the Lord did not promise any of us that we would live tomorrow. He said that he would accept our repentance at any moment. But we impoverish ourselves very much by not reading anything. Indeed, even the rules of a Christian include not only the reading of prayers, but also spiritual reading. The time of fasting is the time when we especially need to intensify our spiritual exercises, including the reading of the New Testament and other spiritual books.

What books of the Church are related to the Holy Scriptures?

Explain how to understand the gospel words: “Whoever is ashamed of me in this adulterous generation, of him I will be ashamed”? If I am ashamed to cross myself (to the temple, when I sit down to eat, start off, etc.), is it about me?

Yes, we should not be ashamed to confess the name of Christ with the sign of the cross; not taking off the pectoral cross in a public bath or going to the doctor; conversations about the holy and good; we should not be shamefully silent when the Orthodox faith is trampled upon, and we are often ashamed to profess faith in Christ because of the insignificant customs of the world, out of cowardly fear of being known among our acquaintances as backward, fanatics, as people of this world usually call those who want to treat honestly with their Christian duties; should not be afraid to cross themselves before and after dinner, reverently bare their heads, passing near the temple, ashamed to decorate their dwellings with St. icons.

In order for the reading of the Holy Scriptures to be useful, one must: 1) before reading, invoke the grace of the Holy Spirit to help oneself; 2) read slowly, repeating several times what is incomprehensible to you; 3) do not try to read a lot at once; 4) beware of reading a variety of books.

Do not neglect the psalms, because they drive away evil spirits from the soul and infuse the Holy Spirit into it. “By reading the Psalter and alms the soul is cleansed of sins,” said the recluse Georgy Zadonsky.

The lives of the saints are better for beginners; paternal writings - for the average; God's word- for the perfect. Before reading, one must abolish the soul from everything, turn prayerfully to God. Read with attention and put in the heart. What has not reached the heart, stay on it until it comes. You must read very slowly. To stop reading when the soul does not want to feed on reading already - it means that it is full. If any place strikes the soul, stand on it and read no further. Best time for the word of God - in the morning, the lives of the saints - in the afternoon, St. fathers - shortly before going to bed. There are such texts of Holy Scripture that warm the spirit, act on the heart and cause emotion and tears. Such places should be written out and stored in case of need, for excitation
(Elder Adrian Yugsky).

Is it necessary every time to listen to the word of God, the teachings anew, for I listen, and do not fulfill; not doing what it teaches?

“Listen, even if you don’t do it, because from listening it comes to doing. Even though you didn’t do it, you will be ashamed of your sin; even though you didn’t do it, you will change your mindset; even though you didn’t do it, you will condemn yourself for what you don’t do.” (St. John Chrysostom)

How to understand the apostolic words: “Judgment is without mercy to him who has not shown mercy”?

Fr. came to me at night. Nikita, who recently died, - said the Valaam elder, - and I ask him:

And how did you, father, go through the trials? - Oh, it's hard on the ordeals for all people - he answered. - Well, whoever is kind and merciful, then the court to him in the ordeals is indulgent, and whoever is evil and cruel, fierce and malicious judges are delivered to him. Whoever lives and passes his life on earth, so everyone there asks about his deeds and life on earth.
Is it useful to read Holy Scripture?

"Reading the Scriptures is a great defense against sin" (St. Epiphanius of Cyprus).

Is it necessary to buy spiritual literature?

“The acquisition of Christian books for those who have the means to such an acquisition is necessary; one sight of these books stops in us the desire for sin, excites in us the desire for virtue. (St. Epiphanius of Cyprus).

Let's take a closer look at the black love spell in the cemetery that cannot be removed - with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Strong love spells that cannot be removed: white in the photo and black in the cemetery


Love spells that cannot be removed and whose effect is imposed forever are perhaps the most popular and strong love spells on the love of a person who does not show love feelings. Love spells are divided into two types: black and white and they all act at a distance.

  • A black love spell is done in a cemetery under the moon and cannot be removed on your own, only an experienced and trained psychic - a sorcerer is able to facilitate the action of a cemetery love spell.
  • A white love spell that cannot be removed must be read on the photo and hair of the person you want to bewitch. You can do such a love spell at home, and this is much more convenient, because not every person is ready to go to the cemetery.

By strictly observing the ritual of a love spell, even an unprepared person can independently bewitch a loved one or a beloved person. The following describes in detail the white and black rite of eternal love spell - "A spell that can't be removed"(this is a very strong magic of love), then you have to read it yourself, in case you decide to bewitch a person you like and strongly loved for free who does not reciprocate.

“In order to make a strong love spell at a distance from the bewitched: men, women, a guy or a girl, you need to independently read a love spell that cannot be removed at home - it works forever!”

White spell that can't be removed

  • Non-removable love spells include strong love spells with bio bindings: blood, saliva, hair and other parts of the human body, as well as with a photo of the bewitched, and of course, in a love spell, you need to use a church candle. So this white love spell that cannot be removed is done on the photo and hair of the bewitched person.
  • If you read online magazines, you found a love spell called eternal and there are no bio bindings or photos in it, but only words of a love spell, do not waste time. Such love spells are easy to remove on your own by changing the flow of energies in places and sending the effect of the love spell to the one who did it. The strongest love spell will always contain the hair, blood or nails of the bewitched, and while they are stored with you, the consequences of the love spell and its effect are almost impossible to remove.
  • Buy a red and yellow wax candle and wait for the new moon. A strong love spell for life is made based on moon. On the new moon, melt the candle wax (red - girlish) and (yellow “golden” - a good fellow, so that he is rich) and weave your hair into yours, his into his and blind two wax figures and give them the names of yours and the second half.

As your hair belongs to me and lies next to me,

Now he won't run away

She, the moon, was a witness.

From this day on, you yearn for me, love and respect.

How dolls connected with a red thread

Under the moon, the servants of God (your names) married (a).

My word is strong and molded to us for centuries.

No one can remove this spell

My love will help me in this.

Wax dolls should be kept in a secret place so that no one ever touches them. Once a day, before going to bed, repeat the words of a love spell over the dolls, until the full moon comes. While the dolls are with you, no one can remove this strong love spell.

Black spell that can't be removed

If you are looking for a powerful and most powerful black love spell that cannot be removed from a person, it is best to make a black cemetery love spell, but read on how to do it yourself. A love spell in a cemetery can be done at any time of the day, best of course at night, but it is possible to perform a love spell on cemetery land during the day. A love spell in a cemetery on a loved one day or night is called a black wedding and its action occurs immediately after the ceremony and no one can ever take it off.

On the growing moon, take two photographs - yours and the one with whom you will hold a black wedding and go to the cemetery. Arriving at the cemetery, find a grave with the name of the one on whom the love spell is being made and so that there is no negative consequences, put a ransom (present) for the deceased by asking permission for a love spell.

Come, tear through the roots and stones, become my witness.

I crown, with my word, with my deed,

(man's name) and (woman's name) to live together,

Passionate love, lustful burning craving.

May they be in peace and love, happiness to know and give birth to children.

And you, dead man (name of the deceased), protect them from any evil,

From the vile evil eye and from black corruption,

Clear the road and kindle the ardor of love.

From now until the end of time (the names of those who are married) are crowned.

Love spell at the cemetery

The cemetery love spell is one of the strongest in love magic. It gives psychological dependence, sexual attraction of the bewitched object. It involves objects, paraphernalia associated with the burial of a person. The power of such a love spell cannot always be removed even by a professional magician.

Those who did the cemetery love spell warn that the ritual must be carried out in accordance with all the rules. The slightest mistake in the conduct of the ceremony threatens with serious consequences. The power of a love spell will not work, and the wrath of otherworldly forces will fall on the performer, his family.

The love spell itself in the cemetery - appeal to the souls of the dead. You must be firmly convinced that you can subdue the magical power of the dead. If you are ready to take responsibility for the consequences, then the effect of a black love spell will last 10-15 years.

How to behave in a cemetery

It is important to find an ancient burial place - there the concentration of the other world is stronger. The existing cemeteries will not work. Find the grave in advance, near which the ceremony will be performed. If birds are circling over the grave, homeless animals gather, dry trees grow - this place is a cluster of graveyard spirits. The burial of a child (up to 12 years of age) is also suitable.

Whoever makes a love spell in a cemetery, a man or a woman, the necessary rules should be followed. Otherwise, the consequences, in the form of the destructive power of the dead, will break into your life.

Attach before entering the cemetery right hand to the heart, bow, say hello. Before leaving - say goodbye, say to yourself:

"The dead lie here, but it's time for me to run home"

Be sure to leave a ransom on the grave to thank the spirits and mitigate the negative consequences. For a love spell, this is a piece of bread, honeycombs with honey, red wine, an apple cut into four parts. After leaving the ransom, say over the left shoulder: "Paid."

Preparation for the ceremony

  • The ritual is performed at night. During the growing moon, on the full moon;
  • Do not eat or drink on graves. Do not take or leave anything with you (with the exception of ritual attributes). Be quiet, polite;
  • Rite, love spell in the cemetery, can not be held on Sunday, the day of the church holiday;
  • The magical effect is performed on men's and women's days. If a cemetery love spell on a man - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Women's days - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday;
  • The owner of the cemetery must leave a ransom;
  • After the ritual, leave the cemetery without turning around, silently.

Conspiracy with a photo

Start the cemetery love spell with a protective circle. Go around the grave 3 times clockwise. Light a black candle, put it at the head of the grave. Photographs (of your own and of the object) should be held in your hands or put on a special table. Do not put a photo on the grave, otherwise the consequences threaten an early death. Say the words:

“I feed the dead earth with blood, I direct this force for a good life. So that you, (name of the deceased), my dear assistant, make (your name) and (name of the object) a happy family. So be it"

With a sharp knife, pierce the ring finger of the left hand, drip 3 drops of blood on the grave. Leave a ransom. Make 3 circles counterclockwise - remove the protective circle. Leave without looking back.

black wedding

Place candles around the head of the grave. On the left side of the circle - red candles, on the right - black. In the center, put your full-length pictures on the grave. Say the words of the conspiracy:

“You are lying, (name of the deceased), in a musty grave, among worms and dirt. Come, tear through the roots and stones, become my witness. I crown with my word, my deed (the name of the man) and (the name of the woman) for a joint life, passionate love, lustful burning craving. May they be in peace and love, happiness to know and give birth to children. And you, the dead man (the name of the deceased), protect them from any evil, from the vile evil eye and from black corruption, clear the road and kindle the ardor of love. From now until the end of time (the names of those who are married) are crowned. My word is strong. May it be so"

Pour the photos with lamp oil, repeat the words. Take a black candle in your left hand, a red one in your right. Set fire to the photo. While they are burning, say the plot a third time. Leave the ashes and ransom on the grave.

Help of the dead

You can, by making a love spell in a cemetery, ask for the help of the dead. Walk with a candle between the graves until it burns out. Pronounce incantations:

“I will come to the big city, which is on the churchyard. In the city that bones. There are crosses along the streets, under them in the houses of the graves the dead sleep. You dear dead, get up, take the heart of the servant of God (name of the object). Don't keep it for yourself, give it to me. So that he was only mine, he didn’t follow others. Keep him from the gaze of a stranger, tie him to my hem. Amen"

You can not meet with the object of love spell for the next 3 days. Repeat the cemetery love spell after 9 days, after 40 days.

With a grave candle

In order to perform a cemetery love spell at home, you need to take an unburned candle from the grave. Light it up and say the words:

“You burn, burn, candle, illuminate dark deeds. An old guy lies in the cemetery. Love ruined him, took his grave. May his love be reborn, move into (object name). Let him love me, and my grave will be"

Repeat the ritual every day until the candle burns out completely. You should know that the consequences of such a love spell are minimal (poor health, minor work problems).

For a personal item

Build a black altar to carry out a cemetery love spell at home. Surround it with black candles (according to the number of years of the bewitched object). In the center of the altar, put a personal item of the object, cover with a white cloth. Better shroud. Read words:

“I take the soul of the slave (name of the object) for myself. You will not be free, on earth. I will remember you for peace if you are not forever with me!

After the ceremony, go to church, each time lighting one candle left over from the love spell. Leaving the church - donate a different amount of money each time. When all the ritual candles remain in the church, return the personal item to the object.

With grave ground

Prepare a brush, black candles, earth from the grave. Grave to choose the one in which the name of the deceased matches the name of the bewitched object. Leave a ransom.

At midnight, put a photo of the object on the table. Light 4 black candles in the corners. Prick your finger hard. Dip the brush into the blood. Write text on the photo and say it out loud:

“The blood is pure, red, I give you human strength. I will connect you with me forever. You will go for blood, you will forget everything on the way. While the heart is beating, live with me. Both the earth and the fire are witnesses to this to the tombstone.

After writing the words, throw a handful of grave earth on the picture. Say the spell a second time. Set fire to a photo from 4 candles and read the plot a third time. The photo must burn to the ground. Disperse the remaining ashes and earth to the wind.

Black love spell from a photo during the day at the cemetery

The most powerful cemetery love spell is done during the day in the photo right in the cemetery and grave ground. This rite belongs to black magic and is done once and for life. Remember, a love spell cannot be removed either on your own or with the help of sorcerers. To conduct an independent rite of love, take a photo of the person you need to bewitch to yourself and, having found a grave with a similar name in the cemetery, enter the gate and leaning the photo against your heart (on bare skin) say words of a black cemetery love spell for eternal earthly love :

There is a board, and under this board lies longing.

Let longing enter the slave (name), so that he loves me very much,

Walked on the heels, missed, yearned,

Without me, the Servants of God (name) grieved.

This strong love spell with the help of a photograph of your girlfriend and church candles can be done independently at home. For a love spell, you need to purchase three candles in the church and bring them home to read the love spell. In the evening, when the moon appears in the sky, get ready for the ceremony. Before performing the love spell, put a photo of your girlfriend on the table and put a candle in front of her so that she does not fall. Twist the remaining 2 candles together, to do this, warm them up a little. Light the twisted candles by saying a love spell

You should read the black conspiracy for longing on your own if you need to quickly catch up with love longing for yourself on a person. The conspiracy will help to evoke a feeling of true love in a guy or a man who is at any distance from you - even in another city or another country, yearning for loneliness without communicating with you. If you need an easy and quick ritual that will make a person bored and bored, could not fall asleep until he calls or writes to you first, read this love spell that I will teach you now. By the way, you can also read this conspiracy on the husband with whom you are married or your ex-husband, having overtaken him with a strong and real feeling of love and desire for communication

This is perhaps the most powerful and fast-acting love spell that you can read on your own at home. To read a love plot, you need to have a photo of your loved one, which will be rendered unusable during the ritual - a love spell, so keep this in mind when choosing a photo for a love plot. Rituals using a photo of a person are very common and you can read a variety of love conspiracies, but the one that conspiracies will tell today has the strongest and fastest impact on a loved one - a guy, a girl, a man or a woman. It is this love plot that is suitable for all occasions, because it can be read any day and at any time of the day.

The call of a sweet and beloved person is a love conspiracy that needs to be done if, with the help of magic, it is necessary to return a person who has left you to yourself. The call of a sweet and beloved person (boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife) helps not only with the help of a strong call to force a person to come or call urgently. When they ask me “is it possible to return my husband if you make a strong call” - my answer is yes. This ancient rite helps restore relationships after a strong quarrel or divorce, restoring lost relationships. A strong call to meet your loved one is a whole magical rite that is performed independently by several

A love spell of a loved one with prayers is a very common rite of white magic for love. Magic words to fall in love with a loved one without consequences for themselves and they read him in the temple. Conspiracies on, will open for you the magic words how to fall in love with a loved one or meet your soul mate who marries you, for this you need to read the most powerful spell on your own - a prayer for love and quick marriage. This must be done in the church after reading all the strongest prayers for marriage. For a love spell in the church with the help of prayer, you need to buy 5 candles - 4 for prayers to the saints for marriage and love, and the fifth for your health from the icon of Pantelemon. Before

Very strong love words of a conspiracy spoken by water in a glass at the front door will bring great boredom to your beloved and make him always return home. They read a quick love spell on water any day and at any time - this easy rite can be performed even several times a day if you suspect your beloved husband or wife of treason. As soon as a person leaves the threshold of the house, put any bowl or glass of water at the threshold inside the apartment (house) and say a love spell on the water three times in a row

How to return your beloved girl or woman if she left you? A strong and proven conspiracy will help in order to return your beloved after parting and awaken her love and interest in herself again. After parting, go to church and perform a ritual of white magic to return love from a loved one. Having bought any candle in the church, leave the change at the mercy (saying to put it on a common candle). Within 3 to 7 days after the action of the return conspiracy, your beloved will return to you and your relationship and love feelings will be fully restored. A conspiracy to return your beloved which you need to read in

Returning a husband home after a quarrel or divorce will help strong conspiracy on the return of love and relationships, which you need to read at home - at home where you lived with your husband. Looking for a worker and fast way how to get rid of a rival and return a beloved man will help a conspiracy to return feelings of love and warm relationships as before (until the moment of parting). A conspiracy to return the one who left you is read during the day, just as in order to return a person by conspiracy, the lunar cycle is not important, any day except Sunday and major church holidays is suitable. Before reading a conspiracy that can quickly return a husband, beloved man or ex-husband, put yeast dough. When

Instantly returning a husband with the help of prayer is not easy - to return a loved one to the family, the wife needs to read a prayer for the return of her husband 3 days in a row - in the morning, afternoon and evening, and only on the fourth day the return prayer will work and the husband will return to his wife. This most powerful prayer for family reunification, read with candles in the church, has tremendous power and quick action, which is often able to return a husband to himself and his children in one day and make peace after any quarrel. Prayer like reliable way to quickly return a husband is read by abandoned wives, whose loved ones have gone to a young mistress. After reading the prayer for the return of her husband, the unfaithful very quickly came to the family and repented of

If your beloved man or boyfriend has stopped coming in and does not write to call and in every possible way avoids meeting you, a strong conspiracy will help right person urgently called you, and this conspiracy works very quickly. This conspiracy must be read in order to force a loved one to call, write or come to the person called by him. This ritual will be able to make your loved one feel sad and make him not only remember your existence, but also call you or come to meet you. A conspiracy to call will make the one you need remember about you and immediately call on the phone. To independently perform a trouble-free ritual to remind yourself, go to the open window in your house

The action of the conspiracy to return and admonish is very strong and begins immediately after it is carried out. Wherever the beloved is, even in another city, he will have a strong desire to see you and will not disappear until he returns to you. In love as in war - all methods are good and the result depends on the choice of weapon. And if a loved one went to a rival? Here, the best weapon is to independently read a strong conspiracy to return a loved one, this method is a very strong and sure means that a loved one cannot resist him. This ancient conspiracy ritual in ancient times helped to return after a quarrel a husband and wife who had left home

There is a good white marriage conspiracy after reading which you can quickly and successfully get married. You need to read this conspiracy for Easter and any woman or girl who does not have a groom or he is so indecisive that he does not propose to you to marry can do this. This conspiracy will make your betrothed quickly marry the one who read the words of the Easter conspiracy to him for a quick and successful marriage on Easter week - read on

Love conspiracies that you can read on your own can be done both day and night. At night, the strongest love plot should be read on the full moon, this time is considered the most suitable for magical rites of love magic. If you need to quickly bewitch a person to yourself and read a strong love spell on him, you can perform a ceremony for eternal love using his photo and a red church candle, doing everything yourself. Another very good and quick love plot is done with candles and needles and belongs to black magic. As you can see, there are a lot of love spells that need to be read on candles. You can read them

A conspiracy in a cemetery made for love is committed for life. You can read a love plot on cemetery land both during the day in white light and on a black night under the light of the moon. All strong love spells that need to be read in a cemetery are called a cemetery love spell for eternal love and belong to black magic. To independently perform a love ceremony on cemetery land and read a strong conspiracy, you need to be a very brave person and love the person for whom you are ready to perform a ritual ceremony. Conspiracies will not reveal the great secret of the black wedding and you will learn the best love conspiracies that should be read in the cemetery. Choosing and doing

Many are interested in how to independently make a love plot from a photograph of a loved one. In itself, this is a very easy love rite with the reading of words. magic conspiracy evoke strong feelings of love in a person. A love plot can be read independently both at home, and by choosing a faster black love plot using a photo and performing a love ritual in a cemetery. In any case, if you have a photograph of a bewitched person, his presence when you read the love plot is not required. Know also that a love plot drawn from a photo will not be possible to remove; it is performed only once in a lifetime. To

Graveyard love spell for the strongest love spells

Cemetery love spell must be done at night

The most ancient and most powerful ritual for attracting the attention of another person and a flash of passion in a relationship is a cemetery love spell. Over the centuries, this variety of magical rites has gained a frightening reputation as a dangerous undertaking. Many are wary of such procedures. And not in vain.

Cemetery love spells is the category of the most powerful rituals. Their action is an order of magnitude more effective than the result of other magical events. But the consequences of their implementation are much more serious. Therefore, they should be treated with extreme caution.

Moreover, there are quite a few varieties of such rituals. After all, a cemetery love spell is any technique for the impact of love magic associated with the places of burial of human bodies. Even if the ritual itself is not performed in a cemetery, it can still be classified in this category. Indeed, in the process of carrying out magical manipulations, different attributes are used. Among them may be cemetery land, objects that have been in this gloomy place.

The principle of operation of love spells from the category of cemetery

Full moon - an assistant for a strong love spell

Any strong love spell in the cemetery implies difficult work. It is far from always possible to limit yourself to one session of the ritual. A serious love spell requires regular repetition of procedures. Therefore, you need to immediately prepare for the fact that the effect from it will not be obtained immediately.

But the result that can be obtained using a cemetery love spell is worth it. The wait can take weeks, months, or even years. But the effect of sessions of love magic can last until the end of the life of the person who was affected.

This love spell has a strong influence on energy. He is able to suppress the will of a person, completely subjugate him. It is believed that using such techniques, the magician comes into contact with the other world. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out all procedures strictly according to the instructions. It is also very difficult to remove the conspiracy. Having decided to conduct a ritual, you can almost with a full guarantee be sure that no one will remove the love spell. This is how the cemetery love spell works! He is the standard effective methods in the struggle for the love of the object of adoration. A powerful magical rite will hardly neutralize even a professional sorcerer.

But one should be very careful when dealing with spirits. One mistake - and all the power of the other world will fall on a negligent performer. Therefore, it is very important to put a "lock" in advance. And only then dare to do a love spell through the cemetery. This will help protect against unintended exposure to uncontrolled force.

Features of the cemetery rituals

Abandoned graveyard for the perfect love spell

Any love spell in the cemetery can lead to disastrous consequences. If you do not follow all the rules and do not listen to the recommendations of experts, everyone can suffer - both the object of influence and the one who performs the ritual. Only maximum serious attitude to the smallest details will allow you to achieve the desired result without prejudice to yourself and your chosen one.

It is very important to behave properly in the cemetery. It is strictly forbidden to make noise. Also, if there is a need to disturb the graves, it is imperative to provide the deceased with a ransom. To do this, you can use coins, banknotes, food, wine. These gifts will be accepted as an apology for the mage's stepping into spirit territory. If we neglect the payoff, the effect of a cemetery love spell can be disastrous for the performer.

The best time for a cemetery ritual

Love spell on a mass grave

The ideal time is night. But, if it is not possible to visit the cemetery at this time of day, you can arrive there in the evening. However, in this case, one should not hope for maximum efficiency. In addition, it is important to choose the right date. It is recommended to go to the territory of the world of the dead on a full moon. On other days, the effect of the cemetery love spell will be much weaker.

Numerous testimonials testify to the importance of timing. People who correctly determined the ideal time for a visit to the cemetery got the desired result much faster. And the effect of the ritual was noticeably stronger. If you neglect the choice of terms, not just a weak outcome is possible. The ritual may be completely useless. As a result - wasted effort and zero result.

Types of cemetery rituals

Muslim cemetery - the perfect place for a love spell

There are quite a few types of love spells that belong to the cemetery. Among them there are both simple sessions and long multi-component rituals. The first type is perfect for those who are not yet well versed in magical knowledge. The implementation of the second will require not only theoretical awareness, but also at least minimal practical skills.

An effective cemetery love spell requires a sincere belief in the successful outcome of all events. The most powerful types of rituals are considered to be the following:

Each of them can bring the desired result, and dangerous consequences. Therefore, experts recommend thinking several times before you start testing these effective techniques for influencing a person’s feelings.

Cemetery ritual of a love spell from a photo

Love spell at sunset

This spell is considered one of the strongest. Therefore, it is allowed to use it only if you plan to permanently link your life with the object of influence. Getting rid of the result will be quite problematic. To carry out this graveyard strong love spell, you will need a voluminous set of special attributes:

  • two photographs (your own and the object of influence);
  • half a liter of lamp oil;
  • chopped chilibuha leaves (thirty pieces);
  • six candles (three black and three red).

The ritual must be timed to coincide with the full moon. At midnight, you should go to the cemetery, armed with magical attributes. Here it is necessary to approach the grave in which the person-namesake of the object of influence rests. Now you can light all the candles - first red, and then black. Photographs placed on the surface of the grave. Candles - not around.

In the photo, pour out the chilibukha and sprinkle lamp oil. Now candles come into play. Black should be taken in the left hand, and red in the right. Proceed to burning the photographs by holding a pair of multi-colored candles near them. As soon as the picture lights up, the source of fire must be removed and put back on the grave.

In order for a love spell on a photo in a cemetery to work, it is necessary to concentrate as much as possible on the desired result. You can't be distracted. After performing the ritual on the grave, it is imperative to leave a ransom for the dead.

The ritual of a love spell on the cemetery land

The earth taken from the territory of the cemetery has a powerful magic power. Therefore, the ritual in which it is used belongs to the category of the most effective and powerful. To implement it, you need to learn the long text of the plot and stock up on special attributes:

  • needle;
  • spool of thread;
  • item of clothing of the object of influence;
  • buttons.

A strong love spell on the ground from a cemetery requires special preparatory measures. On the morning before the chosen day, you need to visit three different churches. In each of them, 9 candles should be upside down and 3 notes should be passed to the rest for the object of influence. Now you can send to the cemetery. Here you should find three graves in which the namesakes of the one you want to bewitch are buried. Near each cross take some earth. Put a ransom on the graves.

Leave the cemetery. The ritual should be completed in an open area. To do this, you need to scatter the earth in the wind and pronounce the text of the conspiracy:

On the sea, on the ocean, on the island, on Buyan, lies Alatyr-stone. There are three coffins on it. There are three boards in them, under each board there are three longings. The first melancholy was killed - it mated with the body. The second one was killed - it united with the thought. The third one was killed - she was spread to the heart. From those three coffins the wind blows, longing for (name of the object of influence) brings. Every day he repeats about me to be sweet and desirable, that he always yearns for me, that he does not part with me in his thoughts, that he connects with me in body and heart. So that he dries, but does not die, does not lay hands on himself, all the time he remembered me.

This cemetery love spell is best done early in the morning. Then he will be stronger. Repeat the procedure for scattering in the wind for three days. Moreover, it is very important not to spend all the land. You should leave a little and pour the object of influence into the shoes or the cab of the car. This technique will further enhance the effect.

All love spells associated with the cemetery are not only very effective, but also dangerous. Therefore, the decision to use them should be in the most extreme cases. After all, when a cemetery love spell begins to act, it is incredibly difficult to correct the course of events. To protect yourself from adverse consequences, you must apply the ritual carefully, carefully following the instructions.

Olga 06/27/2016 15:11

I went to the cemetery, it was almost midnight. After 3 minutes of being on it, I heard a very strong barking of dogs. I didn't see them myself. She left all calmly. What's this?

Olga 08/23/2016 16:29

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